Transcript of Episode 62: Eating Fat to Lose Fat
With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Meredith Dykstra.
Welcome. We're live. Cellular Healing TV, episode 62. Happy Friday, David. Dr. Pompa, thanks for joining us today. I hope everyone can hear us. We're locked on David right now, so we're showing David's new beard. He wanted to be more like me. He wanted to have a beard like—just kidding. That's not true, but you do look good in a beard. I bet you'd look good in a mustache as well.
I don't know. I've never had one. I figured after all the work that we put into our event in helping and training doctors last week, I just wanted to take a week off of shaving.
That's awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
I don't think you've showered yet.
My daughter bought me as a present, she bought me where they come in and they do the—
The trimmer?
The single-blade shave. She bought me a present, actually, so part of the reason I'm growing it out is to make it easier for doing one of those—it was a gift. I can't remember—The Art of Shaving or something. She bought me a gift.
Dr. Pompa:
Based on the last conversation, David, I don't think you've showered yet since the seminar. I think you were taking that type of break.
I still… – inaudible-.
That's all that matters.
Dr. Pompa:
David said to me, “You need to grow one, too.” Okay, well folks this is about it, man.
It's true. It's true.
Dr. Pompa:
I did grow one. This is it.
He has hair on his head. We have a gift for you. David got a new shaver. Our gift to you today is going to be healthy fats. Recipes, ideas, how to get healthy fats into your life. We released an article last Wednesday, “Eat Fat, Lose Fat.” All the science behind eating fat and weight loss. A little bit about ketosis. A great article. It's inspired a bunch of questions. How do I eat healthy fats? Do I just do olive oil? Sunflower oil? What is it? What are good, healthy fats?
The neat thing is, the follow-up to that article is coming out today, I believe. Let me get the title. It's going to be, “Eat Fat, Lose Fat: Meal Ideas and Recipes.” We're going to hit that today, and go on some other 180° topics. Go ahead, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa:
Look, Meredith really put together an amazing group of recipes. Actually, the week before that, I had put together—remember my lunch/snack ideas, right? I think I inspired her. She outdid me, big time. Now the battle's on. She's going to win this battle. She already did, because I'm not going to be able to put this together.
In this article coming out, make sure you get it. It's amazing. I went through it. I was looking at it last night. She sent me to proof it. I was like, “Proof it? Oh my gosh.” I was like, “I can't wait to give this to someone to make these for me.”
Yeah, I thought the same thing. I didn't even realize these existed. These are all on our website now, and the link in this article. I want to go through some of them, because there's no excuse not to eat healthy fats. I'm going to be eating more fats now. There's no other way to integrate it.
Dr. Pompa:
That article stimulated people going, “I don't know how to eat healthy fats.” I always go, “Really?” This is beyond just getting healthy fats in. My gosh, this is going to change my diet here for a few months. Really, fats are easy to get.
Here's the nice thing about fat. It makes you satisfied. That's why food companies play clever games with fat. Look, the low fat days, when they were taking fat out of everything, nobody wanted the food. It was non-addictive, if you will. Phil always talks about bliss point. It had no bliss point. Nobody wanted it.
Then they said, “We have to advertise low fat, of course. We started making man-made fats that would register as no or low fat and yet still give that satisfying feeling of, “I just ate a good meal.” That's what fat does. Of course, fat fixes the brain. Read my brain article. Fat fixes the cell membrane, which changes DNA. We can go on and on. I'll bore people with the science of why we need fat in today's diet.
Genetically, everyone's a little different. We make that argument all the time. However, fats today are missing in everybody's diet in the standard American diet, because we are still running on the heels of low fat. Fat makes you fat. You want to get sick and have heart disease and diabetes, it's fat. We're still running on that. I think, because in our circle, nobody believes that. In the public circle, many people still believe that jargon. It's a dogma that just—I don't know if it'll ever go away.
They say that once something gets going in government, they never, ever let go. They never change directions. You can't change that train, man, heading in that direction.
They call that, in life, the culture code. Once the culture is built around it, whether it's an unrealistic fear—you can go back. I'm just trying to grab straws, but Dracula or whatever. An area, it becomes like that it's real. A lot of people in our culture believe that eating a low fat diet is the way to health. Oh, and by the way, another 180° concept—let me show you the picture, which is me. We'll do a whole show on this, but the food pyramid. At the very top, eat little. Right on a food pyramid, it'll say, “eat little.” Can everyone see that? Guess what's in that little, tiny triangle?
Dr. Pompa:
Fat. At the bottom?
Dr. Pompa:
They say eat 8-10 servings or something a day, grains, at the bottom.
Dr. Pompa:
It says whole grains, right?
Guess what happens when you—how it should be? 180° opposite, where you flip it. You should have the bulk of your calories coming from fats. It's crazy. It's a 180°. No wonder the low fat diet is stuck. This is like Dr. Pompa says. Once it's stuck in the government and stuck in a system, they're never going to go back. The diabetic diet plan—if you follow this, you will die of the disease of your genetic weakness, because of the inflammation that would drive in your life. It's wrong.
Dr. Pompa:
Let me say this. Let me categorize things for people. Then Warren, I do want you to read some of these off here. We'll give the people watching a good heads up to inspire them to go after more of these. Look, if I asked most—not most of our viewers, but let's say new viewers. Let's say you're new viewers, “What are the bad fats?” Everyone always starts with hydrogenated oils, which those are bad fats. Those are man-made fats, became popular in the 50's and 60's, the margarine and everything. Now we've learned, right? We learned that those aren't good.
What do we replace these bad fats with? One of the big bad fats that's in everything that we're eating is vegetable oils. Nobody says vegetable oils when I ask them, “What are the bad fats?” Nobody. These fats might as well be trans fats, because that's what they turn into. Rancid fats. They're called polyunsaturated fats. Very unsaturated. Vegetable oil is great in vegetables, where they're protected. When you pull these polyunsaturated fats out of vegetables, now they are sensitive to light, to heat. They oxidize, even in the processing. Then they go in you and they just cause inflammation of the cell.
Vegetable oils are in everything. Cookies, breads, chips. You name it, they're there. They come in many different names, like canola oil, which is all over Whole Foods, and many other different oils. Watch out for them.
In the “Cellular Healing Diet” book, I think it's page 19—there's been some edits, Warren, so I apologize if I'm wrong. There is a page that talks about, here's the oils that you can heat and the ones you can't heat, so you don't make a good fat bad. Be careful with some of this.
Dr. Pompa:
Real fast, David, let me finish this point. I'm going to turn it right back to you. The bad fats that everybody says, when asked. They don't say vegetable oil. They'll say trans fats and they say cholesterol and saturated fats. Those are the fats of evil in most people's eyes. I'm here to say, the 180° on this is that those two fats are really the most important fats, the most missing fats, in the American diet today. We need cholesterol and saturated fat. We'll talk about some of those sources.
I love olive oil. That's a monosaturated fat. It's not polyunsaturated, it's a monounsaturated fat. There's others. Avocado oils, almond oil. There's great fats here in these categories of saturated, mono, and poly. The polys are very, very fragile. The monos are stable, and the saturates are stable. David?
You actually stole one of the things I was going to say. I'm with you a lot, and I now eat olive oil. I put just olive oil on my salad. I don't even need balsamic vinegar. If you have really good olive oil, it has that strong, peppery taste to it, that bite to it. I'll eat olive oil every day.
Another one that's derived from coconut is that you've got me—that MCT oil that comes in a glass bottle that I'm using every day too.
Dr. Pompa:
Stop right there. I hear you have two good fats. The coconut oil, or MCT oil, that's medium chain triglycerides. That's a different strain of fat. Those medium chain triglycerides are absorbed very quickly and almost give you instant energy.
Funny story, because back in the day when everyone came after coconut oil, which is loaded with saturated fats and medium chain triglycerides, everyone went after it saying—matter of fact, they used to pop popcorn in it, which is a great idea, by the way, because it takes the heat very good. They used to do that in movie theaters, and they were like, “Oh no, this causes heart disease. These saturated fats.”
Can you believe that?
Dr. Pompa:
A bad thing, so they took it out. In that time period, farmers thought, “We are going to make our cows very fat.” They started lacing things with coconut oil and these things in coconut oil, like the medium chain triglycerides. What happened was humorous. Their cows became gaunt. They lost weight. They became ripped, shredded, nonfat cows. Yeah, so lesson number one. If you want to get fat, don't eat coconut oil or these saturated fats and medium chain triglycerides like that, because you will get skinny.
I just last night was reading another article talking about how saturated fats are being used to reverse diabetes. How is this fats in these studies? These people are getting better. The authors said, “We did this study saying, we're going to look at—” they were looking at other parameters on diabetics and things. They thought, “Surely, we're going to cause heart disease and make the heart disease risk go up.” The opposite happened.
It is comic.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. They were shocked by the outcome. Of course they were shocked! I wouldn't have been shocked.
The world's shocked. It's a 180° concept. We really have in our culture that fat's going to make you fat, but it's a 180° opposite. Eat more fat, you lose fat. You get leaner. I wonder if we could do that with racehorses, or lean them up. It obviously helps with metabolism. I don't know. I'm trying to think of another way to help the industry by eating fats. Go ahead, let's go.
One of the things that we've talked about in the past—but since we're talking about fats, especially MCT oil, some of it comes in a glass bottle. The one that I get on your website comes in a glass bottle. Some of them that we can buy come in a plastic HDPE, high-density polyethylene bottle. Does the packaging matter?
Dr. Pompa:
Anytime you put fat in plastic, I don't like it. Bad idea. Fat leaches things, pulls things in. Especially plastic. Yeah, that's why when I buy olive oil, you always want it in glass. You don't want olive oil in plastic. Any fat, like I said, any fat should never be stored in plastic. Keep that in mind.
Warren, I was doing this because I see Warren's brain spinning on things. Really, what Warren's brain was doing was spinning on a business idea. We should come up with a product that we can give to—believe me, you played that off…
Yeah, I just quit because no one really knew where I was headed with that. You got me. You know me, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa:
I'm the idea guy, honestly. We've got so much going on. I don't come up with ideas as much anymore. Warren now comes up with more ideas than me on a weekly basis. I'm proud to say, I'm becoming more into details, and Warren's becoming more appearance.
It's a 180°!
Another 180°. These recipes, guys. I'd love to bring Meredith in on this even, because she just took on these recipes for us in the article.
If she's listening, send her down. If anyone's listening from the team, and I'm sure there's a few listening. These recipes aren't even live yet. For this article, she created—we have tons of great ones there already, on I think it's called the recipes and exercise tab. There's tons of recipes there. She's released another one, two—let me get the email Mark just sent over. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, high-fat recipes. The links aren't live yet, so I just have him sent me over the non-published links from our website.
Let's go through one of these, Dan. This is your favorite, so you'll be able to speak about this one passionately, but bone marrow butter. Talk about an amazing fat. Why is bone marrow butter so stinking healthy for you? You can come in here if you want and talk about your recipes.
Dr. Pompa:
All the saturated fats and cholesterol, right? Those are the two fats that fix hormone problems. There's Meredith! David, hit the applause button. Come on.
I don't have it on.
She did come up with all these amazing recipes. She lives by them. That's the cool thing. You're getting things that are actually used and tested, not only by Meredith, but by all of our clients across the nation. There's this big release. I don't know how many new ones she put up there again. She probably knows it all off by heart, but one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, whatever recipes. One of our favorites is the bone marrow butter. Let's talk about that. Dr. Pompa and Meredith, you guys should have a conversation here.
Dr. Pompa:
I just said why it's so good, and I didn't even mention the type 2 collagen, which is in there as well. It's good for your skin, your muscles, your joints. I just said to my wife, “I've got to purposely eat more of this stuff.” Here in my 50th year, I've got to keep my joints better. Warren, as you know, jumping around up onstage like a teenager, I twisted my knee because the stage was uneven and hurt my medial meniscus. This stuff will help me fix that. Can you hear me there, Meredith? Tell us what's in it!
The bone marrow butter?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it's grass-fed butter, and it's salt, pepper. You just make it with the marrowbone. The grass-fed aspect is the most important, of course, as you know. As we talk about the grass-fed meats, it's not the same if you don't have the grass-fed. Getting that in with the good fats, as you guys have been talking about, it's key.
Bone marrow butter, that sounds really complicated though, to make something like that. Is that complicated?
Not at all. Very easy. Roasting the bones is the key part, and just making it really taste good.
What is roasting the bones?
Putting them in the oven. A little salt, pepper, some herbs, if you want to throw them in. I like rosemary a lot with it. Just giving them that roasted flavor really enhances the depth of flavor in the butter.
Grass-fed bones. Can you guys hear me? Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa:
Turn towards her. If you turn towards her, we can hear you.
So how do you roast the bones? Do you have to do anything?
I get them from a local butcher that, he has 100% grass-fed cow bones. I get them from him. They just come in small pieces, so you just put them on a pan and maybe a little parchment paper underneath, to make the clean up a little bit easier. I don't know. I think I roasted it—so it said in the recipe, just roast it at 425° F for about 15 minutes, until they get a little bubbly. You can tell when they're done.
Sometimes I like to just eat them out of the oven, just scooping that bone marrow out and just eating it as a snack or an appetizer for a meal.
Do they come cut in half?
Yeah. They come in pieces, usually.
I know that marrow bones that I would get, say from Whole Foods, grass-fed, if you request them sometimes, they'll allow that. If it's in a whole bone, we don't have a bone saw, so just tell the butcher to cut those bones in half for you?
You usually can just buy them frozen, which we have them in our store frozen as well, here, in our retail store here in Pittsburgh. You can walk right in, and we have them in our freezer. We can give you just the little pieces of the bone that you can make the bone stock with, as well, which you guys know you've talked about, is a really amazing thing, too.
Dr. Pompa:
I want to do something fun for our viewers, if they hang in here until the end of this show. I want you to pick up your computer, and I want you to take a tour of our store for our people.
That's a great idea.
Dr. Pompa:
That's a great idea. Most people watching this order online, and actually never get to see actually where it comes from. I think that would be really fun. Matter of fact, we could probably do a whole show on it, and show people different things for different conditions. I could narrate it. That would be great, right? Wouldn't that be? We did that in Dr. Pompa's refrigerator and cabinet one time. That was a blast.
You have a much bigger cabinet there that Meredith oversees.
Let's go to breakfast. Every woman knows what to eat—
Dr. Pompa:
Oh great. Can I say one more thing before breakfast?
For my daughter this morning, I made her dippy eggs. I don't like to cook the eggs a lot. I cook them as little as possible, just because I don't want to de-nature some of the enzymes and fats. Cooking eggs is fine, but I like to cook them gently as possible for her. That wasn't enough. I wanted to get some more good fats in her. She didn't want to eat them, but it's not her choice. We're still the parents. She had to eat some avocado. There's this great, fun recipe, especially for your kids, that I've eaten multiple times, but hers looked the most beautiful. That's actually one of your pictures, isn't it?
That is. Not a stock image. That's mine.
Oh man, that looks so good. A baked egg in an avocado. Tell us about that for a breakfast idea.
Very simple. The key with the baked egg in the avocado is scooping enough avocado out of the egg so that the egg doesn't spill over. You do want to scoop that up. You can just eat it straight up. Yeah, cut it in half. Make sure you scoop enough avocado out before you put the egg in. Then season it and bake it. It's incredibly simple, and it has a beautiful presentation. It looks way more impressive than it is, because it's so easy to make.
Meredith, I am getting so hungry. My mouth is watering as you're describing these foods. Oh my gosh.
Come on up to Pittsburgh, and we'll make some breakfast sometime. I guess it'd have to be later in the day. Wouldn't fit into the fasting.
Yeah, my intermittent fasting. Also, I'm getting really, really hungry.
Makes a great lunch.
Dr. Pompa:
Move on to lunch. The one that stood out to me was the rich soup made with the cauliflower and the coconut and the sautéed vegetables. Oh my gosh, that sounds amazing. It seemed easy to make.
Very easy and full of good fat. Coconut milk is just one of my favorite things to make recipes creamy. It's just so easy. You dump it right in. I get the organic, canned coconut milk. You want it to be full fat. None of the light. Just totally full fat. Actually, when you're buying the light coconut milk, they're just adding water to it. It's not even a good deal at all. You're better off buying the full fat. If you want to add water to it to thin it out, you can. Basically, the light is just not good. You want to get the full fat coconut milk and a BPA-free can, as well, is key.
-Technical Issues-
Yeah, BPA-free can is key as well. I think Forest is a brand I use, and Natural Value. Those are some brands that have a BPA-free lining in the cans. Yeah, so you're just going to add a can of coconut milk into a lot of different soups if you want to make them creamy. You can also use raw, grass-fed, heavy cream for that creaminess as well, if you tolerate dairy. Either option. Having that fat in the soup makes it so satisfying for lunch and keeps you going throughout the day.
Dr. Pompa:
Why don't you run a screen share really fast? Look at this screen.
Dr. Pompa:
Let's go to dinner. Before we leave lunch—
Warren's showing us something on his screen, but it's not locked on his screen, so we can't see it.
Cauliflower soup. This isn't even live, that we saw. Then, here is the bone marrow. You can see our list right here. Did you do this picture?
No. That is not my picture.
I was going to say, that is really good.
That'd be a really pretty picture. I'll take it next time I make it.
This one's real.
That's real. A lot of them are real on the site.
I'm getting hungry!
Alright, Dr. Pompa. I'll switch it back to you.
Dr. Pompa:
The other thing in lunch that stood out to me was the collard green burritos. Oh my gosh. That's so you don't have to put the thing on it, right? It's just wrapped in a collard green?
You just wrap it up, just like a burrito. It's just a great grain-free way to eat a sandwich. You just steam that leaf. With the collard greens, you want to remove the stem, which is really important. The stem is just not so tasty and just not something you really want to eat. You get those big, beautiful leaves. They look like elephant ears. You just want to make sure to de-stem it properly and steam it, because with any green cruciferous vegetable, like kale or broccoli, cauliflower, you want to steam those vegetables to reduce their goitrogenic, which disrupt thyroid function, as you know, Dr. Pompa.
What was that? I don't know what—
Yeah, cruciferous vegetables like collard greens, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, they have goitrogens in them, goitrogenic properties, which in high amounts, if you eat a lot of these raw vegetables, they can actually disrupt thyroid function. That's another challenge, as a little side note, when people are drinking a lot of green juices with a lot of raw kale in them. You're getting a really high level of goitrogens in it. You want to be careful if you have any thyroid compromise going on.
Dr. Pompa:
Someone who's not struggling can do it. Their body processes it. If you're already in a thyroid situation, it can become very problematic. Small amounts, you said that, your body can deal with it. When people are drinking these drinks and eating it daily, it's a problem. Very good. Very good.
I'll tell you, the dinner that stands out for me, again, just looking right down, is the Portobello pizzas.
Yeah, very fun, huh? Just another twist. Yes, you can have pizza. Yes, you can have a burrito. You just substitute other, alternative ingredients. You don't have to have the grains and all those things that produce inflammation. Yeah, so super fun. Super easy. You just get a Portobello mushroom, which you can get very easily. Just make sure to clean them out. Dry them properly. Then just top them with your favorite toppings. It's very versatile. You can add meat. You can add cheese. You can just add vegetables, if you want. A very attractive appetizer, or can be an entire meal as well. Great for all ages.
Dr. Pompa:
I want to point something out. Not only are these meals high in fat, but there's no grain in any of them. Most Americans—cultures today, but especially ours, we eat grain with everything. Grain with every meal. Humans, of course, can ingest some grain, when you're a healthy human, right? We take all grains away from people who are challenged. We eat way too many carbohydrates. I've looked at studies where they call it a low-carbohydrate diet, Meredith, and it's 200 grams of carbohydrate a day. Do you ever get that many in your diet? I sure don't.
No. In the past I did, but not anymore.
Dr. Pompa:
You know when I would move people to what I call a high or healthy carbohydrate diet, doing some diet variation, I moved them to 150. Most of them are going, “I don't think I can eat 100 grams of carbs in a day,” because they've been trained so well. Yeah, but the American diet is loaded with grain. Even whole grains, which we say in Warren's pyramid should be flipped, because whole grains still raise glucose, still drive inflammation—especially the amounts that we're eating. Grain today is hybridized GMOs. Most grain is inflammatory-causing. That's why we get rid of it, and we bring in these really good fats. It's not hard. Meredith, I have to say this. You eat extremely high fat. Look at this girl, right? We're going to make a little action figure from her.
I love fat, yeah. When you eat enough fat, you're so satisfied that you're not looking for those grains or those carbohydrates. Your blood sugar's balanced. When you feel good—especially good fat in the morning is so key for me. I wake up. I put coconut oil, or I have some fat in my morning beverage. Throughout the day, then I have a high-fat protein lunch. In the evening, I have some more healthy carbohydrates and starches, just to satisfy that and spike the blood sugar a little bit. I feel that I sleep better through the evening when I have a little bit more starchy carbohydrate in the evening, so your blood sugar doesn't dip in the middle of the night.
I found that to really work for me. The high fat, it makes me feel so good. It makes me think more clearly. I have that even blood sugar, so I'm not dipping with my energy throughout the day. I have that energy. It's great. I love the fat. Really, it's an important thing to eat in our diets.
Meredith, you just brought something up that's important. It's something that we didn't talk about. You said, “think more clearly,” and there's a whole other side benefit of why people are having all the challenges of thinking clearly. People are cutting fats out of the diet. Dr. Pompa, do you want to talk about this a little bit more?
Dr. Pompa:
David, I actually wanted you to share your breakfast there with us.
My breakfast?
Dr. Pompa:
Tell us about it.
Organic coffee, French press. I go through my morning routine ritual. I have French press organic coffee.
Dr. Pompa:
Shade grown.
Shade grown. In fact, on your website, everyone can get a free pound if they'd like, of the exact coffee that we all use on You have a link for it. Then I use the NuMedica MCT Oil. One of the things that Meredith mentioned is getting our brains going. What is our brain made out of? It's made out of fat. The first thing in our body in the morning is fat. There's no sugar in here. I use heavy cream. You've got the grass-fed heavy cream. You put everything together, you've got a great good fat beverage to get yourself going.
One of the things that, if I have my coffee like this in the morning—and sometimes I use—what's that butter oil? Warren or Meredith, what's that butter oil?
The X-Factor Butter Oil.
Thank you. The X-Factor Butter Oil. I think I have the almond flavor or something like that, I got, actually, when I was up in Pittsburgh last time or two times ago. One of the things that I know is—unless I'm seeing Meredith put all these amazing recipes up that she developed. However, normally if I have this, I can go until 2:00 and not be hungry. Not even think about food. Then I can have some fat and some protein. Probably not as great as you, because I'm not good at putting together lunches and beverages, but it's the same concept.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way David, that's exactly what I do. Look, we do drink the same coffee. In here, when you put these good fats like a medium chain triglyceride in there or even a good grass-fed cream, right, it doesn't break your intermittent fast, because it's used so quickly. Matter of fact, medium chain triglycerides make you burn fat. They're absorbed, they're literally absorbed that quickly. It really becomes something that just satisfies you. Again, we really don't eat until 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon, where we eat again. We all do the same thing. Meredith said the same thing. A little protein and fat meal, smaller meal typically, and then the bigger dinner. It's not hard. We all do the exact same thing. David, I just watched you rip off more weight. You stared away, and then you got back to it, and boom!
You know, it's interesting. I actually weigh more.
Dr. Pompa:
You're working out again, too.
Yeah. I weight about eight to ten pounds more, but the same small clothes fit me. I just look a lot better.
Yeah, you got your six-pack back.
Yeah. MCT Oil is amazing for fat burning. It's amazing, for sure, in our store. It's my favorite thing for fat burning, for sure.
Dr. Pompa:
I use X-Factor Butter Oil all the time. I love it. I use the MCT. Coconut oil, I had yesterday. Yeah, these are good fats. Real, grass-fed butter. These are great cholesterol and saturated fats. They're great.
Do you want to walk around the store, because we've got to wrap up the show? Do you want to maybe do that?
Dr. Pompa:
Do it. Do it.
Okay, let me grab the computer. There might be a little delay here, but hold on.
Hey, Meredith? She can't hear us. Dr. Pompa, we need to get Meredith back again. She's awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah, no doubt.
You're back on. You heard us.
I don't know.
Oh, they froze.
Dr. Pompa:
They're coming back.
She's like a wealth of knowledge. Oh my gosh.
Dr. Pompa:
She's like us. She doesn't just preach it. She lives it. She's amazing. People call the store. She has read, she has edited, she has helped write all those articles, like the one coming out. She's amazing. I love it. I know that if I write an article, I can send it to her. She knows how I want something. She knows my voice. She's read everything that I've done, watched every video. She is a wealth of knowledge. She's an extension of me, and I love having that.
Oh yeah. Just listening to her explain the recipes and the psychology behind everything that was put together—and you're right. For everyone who doesn't know, obviously, you have your-
-Technical Issues-
Dr. Pompa:
We love field trips. We're being patient. Everyone's patiently waiting. Trust me, they love field trips. Remember in school, the day you had a field trip? You got to get on the bus the half day and go somewhere? Were those the greatest days?
I just had a flashback to fourth or fifth grade.
We did it!
Dr. Pompa:
Me too! My brain went to one of my field trips.
Alright, here we go. We're walking out my office door.
Why don't we lock on your camera, Warren? That way, you can show.
Like this?
Okay, so it's going to be hard to hear Meredith. I'm going to close this.
I can do Vanna White.
Alright, so I'm going to walk you around. This is the store.
Dr. Pompa:
Go down. That's it. Oh yeah.
Let's look at some high fat products that we carry.
Dr. Pompa:
Warren, start like you're walking in the front door.
Okay, I'll do that. Alright. We have nine more minutes, because I have a conference call. Alright. Here we are at Revelation Health. There's our sign. Everybody seeing that okay?
Dr. Pompa:
It's sunny.
It is sunny. There's Meredith. 2772 Harts Run Road. Alright, into the front door. It's a beautiful, beautiful store. Revelation Health. Logo designed by Tara. Those are the stairs to our team upstairs. There's all the shelving. You can see that back there. There's more shelving over here.
There's a chair there. What is that?
There's a chair. There's product over there. This is the front desk, when you walk in. That's where Meredith sits. She helps all the walk-in clients. Let's go some fats. We also have some shelving here, too, for some healthy bars. Some new—they're grass-fed and organic meats, turned into a bar. Really good. Let's do some fats, because that was the theme for today.
Here's the MCT Oil.
That's the MCT Oil that David was talking about. Really, really great product. The only one that I could find that was all coconut oil derived. I know the palm oil can upset your stomach, and they can't handle a lot of it. I know so many individuals that can't handle the palm oil, so this is straight coconut oil. It's in a glass container.
I am one of those individuals. I cannot handle palm oil.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, there's our coconut oil. Love that stuff.
Yeah, we had just what you said, Dr. Pompa, with the cows. They got skinny. This has actually been on Oprah, I believe, Skinny Coconut Oil, or one of those big shoes. The prices did go up a bit after they became huge, but this is 100% raw. You don't want to cook with this. You just want to eat it. Just straight up eat that stuff, and it'll make you skinny. Lots if other products here, obviously.
The Colostrum.
The Colostrum is derived.
The collagen.
Yeah, the collagen. We actually have a new one coming as well, another collagen protein. Great for your skin. Great for your joints Yep, so that's derived from bones, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Yep. Great protein source for after working out.
Grass-fed meats and bones.
CVO Oil.
Ah, the CVO Oil. Yeah. Just to get extra fats. Actually, I need one of those.
Dr. Pompa:
That's good for increased particle number. We don't look at total cholesterol. We don't care about that. Some of the healthiest people that live the longest have high cholesterol. If you have high particles, that's the product for you. That runs in my family, so I love that product.
Oh, that's the cell membrane and the brain product. Those are the fats for the brain and the cell membrane. Good stuff. I rotate all the time. Those are great. I have patients rotate between vistas and CVO oil.
There's the krill oil.
We have the Amasai and SueroGold.
Yeah, the Amasai and SueroGold. Yeah, grass-fed.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, krill oil is in CVO oil.
Here's the butter oil.
Dr. Pompa:
Good fat. The Amasai. All good fats. Grass-fed. High levels of Vitamin D, Vitamin K—wasn't it Vitamin A, as well?
K2. Vitamin K2.
Dr. Pompa:
Is that a goat behind her? Nope? Okay?
Nope, not a goat.
Dr. Pompa:
Show the X-Factor.
That's what David got two times ago, when he was at the office. He brought that home and was eating that. If you don't want to cook, and you just want to get up and pop some fats, this makes it easy for you.
Dr. Pompa:
That's always part of my 2:00, 3:00 meal, is that stuff right there. I love that stuff.
That's awesome. We do have eggs here. Sometimes we're sold out, but we have a grass-fed butter. We get organic eggs, too, from Alderfer. Great, great local grass-fed, free-range chickens.
Krill oil.
Yep. XanthOmega. It's just straight krill. Really great for fats.
How about the Whey Cool?
The Whey Cool, yeah.
Look at that.
Dr. Pompa:
I'll use that with some fat. I'll use just that as a protein source. You can put that in Amasai. You can put it in the SueroGold. You can put it in water. Some raw milk. Then you eat some of the X-Factor Butter Oil or coconut oil. There's your fat and perfect protein meal. Two, three in the afternoon. That's typically as big of a meal as I go, if I'm at home.
Hemp oil. Oh, four-to-one ratio. Amazing fat right there, folks. Amazing stuff. Great for the brain and the cell membrane.
The chia seeds we sold out of, but Meredith—
There's some in the fridge, because I left them there.
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, the pudding. It's on the recipe, how to make the pudding overnight. Have Meredith speak to that, but we probably have to go. Oh, there you go. That stuff makes pudding. I use it in cereal. I pour my raw milk or Amasai with it and eat it like cereal.
I put it in the whey water every day, in the afternoon.
The other amazing thing which you were just talking about is the beef bone. See how they're cut? The marrow is in the middle. Then, this is what you roast. You roast them like this on a pan. You would roast them like this on the pan, right?
She didn't hear what I said. There they are. Awesome. Super healthy fat. We even carry the Himalayan sea salts from Frontier in our whole herbal line for our local—and you can get it all online, actually. I think that's about it, as far as the—
Dr. Pompa:
Do me one favor to end on. Go over to that piece of art that a patient made me. I just want to show that to people.
It's right out of the ancient text, baby.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. If you could, just summon that in there. That's a spine. That's showing that look, the brain, the hands of God are coming down, giving that innate intelligence in all of our nerve system that heals us. Maybe read a couple of the scriptures that stand out.
It's powerful. Right away, it's the 180°concept, Dr. Pompa. “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world.” That's what the world's telling you, what TV's telling you, what life is telling you. You can't make it. You have to eat this way. Eat the sugar. Don't be conformed to that stuff. Do a 180°. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, watching this show, reading good information, attending high-level seminars where you learn truth, watching this show every week, sharing the message. Renewed by the renewing of your mind. That's putting the right information in. Then, you'll be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good and pleasing and perfect will.
When you educate yourself, when you think 180° and live 180°, you're going to do what God created your body to do, which is to thrive, be healthy, be happy, to have great relationships. Man, it's a 180° concept. That is right one. That is Hosea 4. That's not Hosea 4. That's Romans 12. Let's read Proverbs 16, an amazing proverb. Another 180° concept. Can you see it?
Dr. Pompa:
Proverbs 16. I want you to read this one, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa:
“My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge. ‘Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests: Because you have ignored the law—'” can't read below it.
“—the law of your God—”
Dr. Pompa:
“—of your God, I also will ignore your children.” Hosea 4. “My people are dying from the lack of knowledge.” God's saying, look [44:30] because people, I'm bringing you a knowledge, and you're ignoring it. Now these consequences will happen. It's amazing, but that's exactly what is happening today. Gosh, our 180° concept, Warren, is in that. I haven't seen that in years. A patient made that for me years ago. Gosh, that's so unbelievable. We need to utilize that more. It's always been God's word. Always.
You just said that. It was just really off-the-cuff. Again, this is ancient text, man. This is the truth. This is how you live your live by, no matter what you believe. These proverbs, these principles, are true and right, and they land you, 100% of the time, on the right path, man. Your spine is like a path. Even in that image, just absolutely incredible.
Dr. Pompa:
About the children, Warren. That's what God's been laying on my heart. A way to the children. He said, “Look what's going to happen to your children.” I forgot that was in that prophecy. God has been laying that on my heart, to wait until the children hit their 30s. My children's generation, when they hit their 20s and 30s, there's going to be an explosion. An epidemic like we can't even imagine, the sickness and the unexplainable sickness. I believe God is raising up a group, and we're leading it, of doctors across this planet that are answering the cry of those people. I believe it in my heart, man, and that's what drives me. I'm not going to not listen. It's like yes, these things are going to happen because of a lack of knowledge, but I'm going to answer the cry. That's what makes us click, man, day in, day out. Doesn't it?
That's what drives us. We have an unquenchable why, so we never get tired of what we do. We love what we do. We love sharing this information to you. We get feedback from across the world, all over the world, how these little concepts and what we're doing here in our local, little store, how Cellular Healing TV, the great team. David, Phil, we can go on and on. We're just growing this mission with all of you, because you're part of this with us.
We're doing this together. We can't do it alone. We need a team. You are our team, you listening now today. Thanks for being on this show. Thanks for touring this office with us, the official tour. Revelation Health, here locally. There's Meredith's degrees, by the way. Good job. She's a Certified Nutritional Consultant. We love you, and we'll see you next time. Have a great weekend.
Great show.
Dr. Pompa: