67: Hashimoto’s Disease and Autoimmune Tips

Transcript of Episode 67: Hashimoto's Disease and Autoimmune Tips

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and David Asarnow.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, Episode 67. This is David Asarnow, and I am here with the host with the most, Dr. Dan Pompa. Hey, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Is it really 67? I was thinking 57. I don’t know.

Can you believe we’ve been doing this for a year and a quarter?

Dr. Pompa:
I know. Yeah, that’s crazy. When you said something-seven earlier, I thought I heard 57. It’s really 67. That’s amazing. It just shows you we love it. I do. I love bringing this message, David. I do. It’s always opposite of what people think, where the truth lies, and that’s our 180° concept. This is one of my favorite parts of my weeks right here, and I love finishing with it.

Mine, too because I’m a student that just sits here and learns. From the time I first saw you over three years ago, and I was like that kid in the candy store. Every single episode is like that. In fact, before we started today, we started talking about autoimmune, and Hashimoto’s, and the three-legged school. Every time we speak about that, it’s like peeling back the layer of an onion. Every time we talk about it, I’m learning more and more.

Dr. Pompa:

I think that would be a great topic for us to speak about today.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No, listen. Hashimoto’s is a thyroid condition that’s autoimmune. Autoimmune, in general, David—it’s one of my very passionate topics. Here’s why. I am on the phone all the time with people from all around the world, and I hear these stories of unexplainable illnesses. They either read my story, or they watch someone else’s story, who was a client of mine who got their life back. They resonate. They call in, and it’s the same stories all the time. There’s always, always, always an autoimmune component to it.

Now, they’ve never been diagnosed, most often, meaning that they don’t go to the doctor, and get a blood test, and say, “Oh, you’re autoimmune.” It doesn’t happen that way because the testing for autoimmune—it’s in the stone ages, David. It really is. We have some tests that once you’re full-blown autoimmune—so deep—and then rheumatoid factor will show up, and hey, you get diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis or scleroderma. It’s only after the fact that your skin is tightening up like the tin man—your joints—and you can’t move. Then you get the diagnosis. Lupus—or I could keep going down the list.

Hashimoto’s—people have Hashimoto’s for years before it actually shows up on a blood test. That’s the problem. Autoimmune—David, it is so common today. No time in the history of man have we seen an epidemic like this that’s really undiagnosed.

What is autoimmune? I should back up one second. There’s people, maybe, listening, saying, “What is he even talking about?” Look, it is when your own body’s immune system is attacking specific cells or tissues in the body. We name these diseases based on what your immune system is attacking. For example, it’s attacking a certain part of the joint, we call it rheumatoid arthritis. If it’s attacking a certain part of the gut, we can call that Crohn’s disease. Lupus is the skin. Scleroderma’s the skin and also some of the deeper organ tissues like the lungs, the kidneys. We name these things depending on what the body’s attacking.

However, the testing is—David, it really is years—10, 20 years before you actually get a positive test. By then, these autoimmune diseases stack up on one another, meaning that you have one, you probably have five more in the bank waiting to come out.

One of the things we’ve talked about is one, we’ve talked a little bit about epigenetics—the genes turning on or the ability for them to turn off. When that happens, it usually begins in the gut and that microbiome, and that’s not good, so everything starts piling up.

In fact, my daughter just told me about a friend of hers. A girl just graduating high school couldn’t go to her graduation because she was in the hospital. She was diagnosed with Crohn’s. Things like this are happening at a younger and younger age all the time.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right, and matter of fact, so many kids today have autoimmune, and it just will never go noticed. You brought something up, David. I want to put it in context so we can have an intelligent conversation here with everyone out there listening. Okay. Believe it or not, that is a stool. I know that my artwork is—I’m sure most of you could not draw such a great three-legged stool, but I’ve had years of experience drawing these stools. I’m obviously kidding, but that is, in fact, a stool.

Here’s the thing. I guess if we put the word autoimmune, which I won’t—I’ll make it big, so I’ll just put auto to stand for autoimmune. I give this, David, this analogy, and you brought it up twice. It really is an analogy of the cause of autoimmune, but also the solution to autoimmune. Listen up. You said that there’s a certain gene—genes that get turned on. You’re right, David. We know that you get the autoimmune of your genetic weakness, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll get that. I guarantee you, you have autoimmune genes. Matter of fact, David, you actually suffered from an autoimmune condition. We’ll talk—

Yeah. I was diagnosed when I was 21, 22, or I was told I had one.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. When you came to my seminar, you showed me this thing on your leg. “My, god. That’s autoimmune.” “Really? Why didn’t someone tell me?” “Because there’s no test.” Right. It’s like your body was already presenting autoimmune.

Anyways, this is the DNA, so I’m going to put over here—I’m just going to put DNA on one of these legs, or I could put gene. Your DNA or gene gets turned on of your genetic weakness, okay? That means that yeah. You were, at one point, feeling normal. At one point, a gene got triggered. What turns genes on? What turns genes off? In the last 10 years, exciting science has shown that we can turn this genetic expression off, but before that, we realized that it was turned on. We could give animals certain chemicals and trigger certain genes of susceptibility. We could make them fat. We could make them sick. Yeah.

You know, it’s funny you bring this up. I got a flashback. We’ve all seen the movie, or many people have seen Supersize Me. When I was in my 20's and I first starting having—where I had alopecia, and I lost all the hair on my face, I was in sales. I was driving 50,000 miles a year in my car. I ate fast food, probably, two or three times a day. I was a lot heavier than I am now, and the food hasn’t gotten any better that people are eating. Diet plays a big portion of this.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, no doubt. I mean, look. Anything that drives inflammation in a stressor into the cell—David, what are the three things that I always say drive inflammation the most? Toxins, bad fats—the type of bad fats like vegetable oils and all these things that are in everything everyone eats. Those things attach to the cell—drive inflammation. Toxins do the same thing, and also the glucose—raising glucose spikes. This is the American diet. That drives inflammation of the cell membrane. In a minute, I’ll tell you why that turns on genes so rapidly. You’re going to get that because that’s—the cell membrane plays a really, really critical role.

Just in finishing that up—so the DNA gets turned on—okay, these genetic weaknesses. They get triggered. Here’s the deal. We can give a toxin to a mouse, and we can trigger an autoimmune. We can give the same toxin to another group of mice, and we could trigger a different autoimmune. We can trigger a different obesity gene. Again, things trigger our genetic weaknesses. Stressors—I have that written over here as one of the legs. Don’t be confused. It could be physical, chemical, or emotional that trigger. Those are all stressors. The body doesn’t know the difference between stressors.

David, what happens in pregnancy a lot? Women end up with autoimmune conditions. What’s going on in pregnancy? Two things—the perfect storm, actually. During pregnancy, a lot of toxins come out of Mom because she’s pulling from deep tissues, and they release a lot of toxins, which, by the way, is why babies end up with susceptibilities and things like that. From bone comes lead, and we’ve talked about that—from amalgam fillings. All these toxins come out, so there’s a toxic exposure in pregnancy that’s more than normal.

Are you frozen? You look frozen here. Can you hear me? Nah! Hello. David? Hello. I don’t know if David—I think you all can hear me. Let me text David. Someone once laughed—one of my clients—and said, “You guys have so many problems on that show.”

-Technical Issues-

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It probably is. Yeah. Anyways, I kept chatting. I was telling the story. One of my clients said, “You guys have so many technical problems on that show.” I’m like, “If you only knew!” We’re dealing with Internet things, and we do them. David, you and I travel so much. We’re doing it from all around the country half the time, and our Internet’s not consistent—not that it’s great here by any means.

Anyways—the physical, chemical, and emotional—these stressors. The body doesn’t know the difference between them. During pregnancy, there’s also an emotional stressor, too. It’s a physical stressor, as well. Think about it. There’s so much. That’s why women are tired. There’s a hormone component to this. Autoimmune can be triggered at that time.

Any chemical exposure—we have people that get exposed to a chemical—I just had someone that said their autoimmune started after they got a root canal. Surprise, surprise. There’s an anaerobic bacteria that’s involved with root canals, and drilling out teeth with anaerobes. These anaerobes are strong enough neurotoxins to trigger autoimmune. People get their amalgam filling out incorrectly. That can trigger it.

Any toxic exposure, any physical exposure, emotional times—people have these emotional times in life. They tell me their stories. I go back to these times in their life where the perfect storm happened—where they had emotional traumas, where they had extra chemical exposures, and maybe even physical things—stressors happening. I look for the perfect storm. Typically, that’s when the gene is turned on.

One more thing, and then we’ll finish with that. Okay. The last one is—I’m just going to say the gut to make it easy. The gut is the third thing, meaning that there’s certain bacteria that can get disrupted in the gut. What happens is when you lose enough of these bacteria, you literally do not make certain immune cells that tell your immune system to shut off. It’s okay, meaning, “Back down. We’ve looked at this, and it’s okay. Stop attacking.” When you don’t have enough of certain gut bacteria, you don’t make enough of these cells called T-regulatory cells, meaning regulating your immune system. Therefore, your immune system is in hyper mode.

Leaky gut—when your gut opens up and allows these things to cross over, your body starts making antibodies in extra form. That can drive your immune system. The gut plays a major, major role in this, too. All of these things—I can draw arrows saying, look. The gut affects the DNA. We know that certain bacteria affect your DNA for good and for worse. We know that certain stressors turn on that gene. You see how this all works? Certain stressors can cause leaky gut. If you get it, the gut opened up, can actually drive stressors and toxins into the chemicals.

You see, all three of these legs play into a cause, but here’s the key, David. To have a true solution to autoimmune, all three legs have to be part of the plan—part of the solution. If one of these legs are missing, what happens to a three-legged stool?

It falls right over.

Dr. Pompa:
It falls over.

You and I were speaking earlier of a friend of mine. We were having a conversation about some of their challenges, and there happened to be a practitioner that’s not in our program, and they were just saying that, “You need to take this. You need to take this.” One of the things that you speak so much about is A—identifying that root cause. What was that perfect storm that caused the stool to fall over? – and then getting into your 5R's.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. Look, the 5R's, again, if I bring this back. The 5R's is a road map for—it started for practitioners—a road map to how to fix and detox a cell. Caught on with the public because it’s simple. It’s like, “Okay. Wow. That makes sense.” I always say, “You don’t get well until you fix the cell.” Where’s the DNA? It’s in the cell, right? How do we turn off these genes?

Obviously, we have to fix the gut. Obviously, we have to get rid of the stressors, right because these arrows are leading to that. However, many practitioners today are not understanding epigenetics. This is huge. Studies show that there are certain factors that we can change in the cell to turn off these genes. Many people are doing these things, but their practitioner is not focused on what we need to do to turn off your gene so now you don’t express Hashimoto’s anymore, which is, again, autoimmune thyroid—a very, very common condition that, again, most people have—they’re diagnosed with either hypo- or hyper-thyroid, and they’re not even given the diagnosis, David, of autoimmune.

By the way, most of the medications, when you’re autoimmune thyroid, they don’t work. In other words, you’re taking the medication. Your blood work looks normal. It makes your blood work actually change, but you still are losing your hair. Your skin’s still dry. You have no energy, and now, all of a sudden, that 20 pounds—you’re doing everything, eating perfect. It’s not budging. It’s your thyroid still not working.

Here’s the problem. The message isn’t getting in the cell, and autoimmune is turned on. You have to focus on turning off that gene. That’s where the 5R's come. If I put 5R's over here, all of those—and folks, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’ve written many articles on each one of these R's. This is how you turn off these genes. It’s not my opinion; it’s science. It’s amazing how few doctors understand, or know, or practice this. You have to turn the gene off.

We’ve talked about identifying the source, and there’s plenty of—on your website, DrPompa.com and on Cellular Healing TV, we talk a lot about that. Could we speak today a little bit about R2—regenerating cell membrane and R5—reestablishing methylation?

Dr. Pompa:
You actually pointed out the two that actually affect that DNA the most—changing gene expression. It’s called epigenetics, folks. We actually did a show on epigenetics awhile back, so look back at the archives of these shows if you want to learn more about epigenetics. You and I did a show on it.

It simply means changing gene expression for better or for worse. We’ve explained how the epigenome—we inherit from our parents a hard drive. That is the DNA that we got half from mom, half from dad, and that’s kind of the unchangeable thing. That’s your nose. That’s your eyes. It’s your hair color. The epigenome is your software. That’s changeable, and that actually is what drives all the function into the hardware. All right? We can change this software. It’s changeable. That’s the epigenome, meaning on the outside.

Now, these things—and I’m looking for a different pen. Okay. You said about the cell membrane. Studies show, David—and this is R2. Studies show that this membrane of the cell is what communicates into the nucleus, and this is where the DNA is. In all these new studies—Bruce Lipton’s work and other cellular biologists and very, very intelligent people in this area have realized that the cell membrane is actually how this DNA changes. Here’s why:

Very simply, this cell membrane is the communication between your cell and this outer world, meaning that—here’s thyroid hormone. I’m just going to put it over here—T3. T3 has to connect to a receptor. It then has to send its signal into the DNA, and then it produces a function from the DNA. The DNA then produces a protein. It helps you make cellular energy. It helps you make other things that you need to function—feel normal. All that happens from this communication.

When this cell membrane’s inflamed, whether it’s a toxic exposure—everything that Americans do in their diet, too much glucose, everything. When this becomes inflamed, which is, again, most people, the T3 hormone can’t get its message into the DNA. What we’re noticing is this: When we can fix this membrane—R2, regenerate the membrane—then we can change that gene expression. Pretty cool.

We know that if you can’t fix that membrane—if your target, as a practitioner isn’t to fix that membrane with specific fats that we’ve developed products here, controlling the diet, getting rid of toxins—all these things, you’re not going to turn the gene off for your Hashimoto’s. You’re not going to turn the gene off for your Celiac disease, your Crohn’s disease, your scleroderma, whatever it is. This membrane is new science as far as how to change the DNA.

R5, David, and I’ll just really quickly say this: R5 is something called reestablishing methylation. A methyl group is a—and here’s where I’m going to lose people—carbon and three hydrogens. Everyone just checked out. That’s called a methyl group—a carbon and three hydrogens. Something so simple—carbon is the most abundant thing in the planet. A carbon and three hydrogens—hydrogen’s one of the top three. These little guys act as a switch like on your wall. It will turn genes on and turn genes off.

These little methyl donors—these little things, if they get depleted, now we know that it doesn’t protect the gene, and now you can easily start to trigger these genes. Here’s the great thing. When we give mice and humans these [inaudible], we can turn off genes that were turned on for the bad. Ah! What depletes these methyl groups? Stress of any type—physical, chemical, or emotional. Hello. We know that if we give mice toxins, we can turn on bad genes, but we know that if we give mice these methyl donors in abundance, we can turn those genes back off. This is new science, David. R5—reestablishing methylation—is really important. Emotional stress can deplete you of these. Chemical toxins in abundance in the body will deplete you of these, and now your genes get turned on.

Someone could be going along, and have a car accident, and all of a sudden, they have Hashimoto’s thyroid autoimmune.

Dr. Pompa:
Right. What is it? We know that a couple things happen. We know that these toxins, these stressors—physical, chemical, emotional—can turn the gene on, but does it do it via because it has such a depleting effect on the methylation? Therefore, now the genome is not protected, and then these things get triggered? I don’t know. I think it’s too early to tell, but we know this: We know that if we can deliver these methyl groups in such a way, now we can actually turn off the genome.

Here’s the problem: When people have bio-accumulated a lot of toxins, David, it’s hard to get that methylation up. I wrote an article. Read it. I wrote two articles on R5, I believe. One of them is regarding my wife, who had high lead levels. It depleted her methylation, and it affected her hormones. Even though we were doing all these amazing things for hormones, like so many people—the whole bio-identical hormone craze—her methylation was so depleted because of the lead in her body, that she got mostly from her mother, who had hormone problems and ended up with cancer—hormone-related cancer. We had to get rid of the lead and build her methylation up, and then we could turn off the genes, and then her hormones were normal. Read the article. It’s great.

You’re seeing how this is. This is how we approach this condition. We have to approach the three-legged stool—methylation. Those two Rs—R2 and R5—play a significant role in changing the gene.

This is just amazing science. As you mentioned, most doctors don’t even focus in on epigenetics. I was speaking with a medical doctor just a few weeks ago, and they were saying, “Once you’re on hormones, you’re always going to be on them.” I started asking that question, and I, all of a sudden, was getting attacked that, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said, “You’re right. I’m not a practitioner. I play one on TV. However, from what I understand, there’s a lot of other factors there. Why don’t we just leave it at that?” Why is it, do you feel, that it’s—is it a lack of knowledge, a lack of knowing where to go? Is it the mainstream is just not talking about it? Why do you think so many people just are ignorant to the fact of epigenetics?

Dr. Pompa:
In the allopathic medical world, there’s no place for really getting to the cause, and I say that in a nice way. It’s a system that really—it’s trapped in a paradigm of, “Take a drug. Relieve a symptom.” They don’t even have time. Insurance doesn’t pay for someone to sit knee-to-knee with someone and really get to their causes than turned genes on, or made them sick, or bio—I mean, come on. Think about that. It’s never going to happen.

I think the more disturbing part is that in the alternative world, the same things happen. We’re going to alternative doctors, and they’re looking at your symptoms, and they’re giving you vitamins and minerals for symptoms. “Oh, your adrenals are burned out.” More adrenal products, right? “Oh, it’s this. It’s thyroid.” It’s still a symptom and then giving things instead of really understanding that three-legged stool and really understanding that these are the causes.

When we’re talking about fixing the gut, we have to put in certain bacteria back in. That’s not going to happen just from giving someone a pill. It’s not a probiotic that’s going to fix that. We really have to go at it with a very unique bacteria. Again, on my website, I’ve written many articles about that. You need to understand that there’s a new science there, as well. We utilize, David, a lot of ancient healing techniques to really fix that gut, as well. You have to shut that off. It’s not about just giving more vitamins and probiotics—not so simple. Like I said, specifically, we’re targeting to change that DNA.

That leg of the stool that I talked about—going upstream, and getting rid of those stressors, and using specific detox agents that really grab things like heavy metals, biotoxins, and certain infections. That’s key while you’re using those 5R's to turn off those genes. You have to go upstream, and so few practitioners today—even alternative—are not doing that.

David, I have to agree with the doctor and his world that said, “Once somebody’s on these hormones, they’ll never come off.” He’s right because he’s not going to do anything to change that inflammation of the membrane. Therefore, of course the person would have to be taking hormones, and more and more hormones. When we shout at our kids, that’s like giving hormones, right? We’re getting a higher message. We’re going to give you more and more hormones. Eventually the kids become more deaf. They’re not hearing your message. More and more hormones—that’s what he sees in his world, so that is fact to him, and he’s right.

Here’s the deal: When this inflammation in this membrane can be fixed—now you can fix the receptor to the hormone. Now the hormone can get its message in. That’s really where the answer lies. If you don’t fix the cell, you will never get well. In his world—and he’s right. When you really understand how to target that cell membrane and you really understand how the membrane affects that genome, it really opens up a whole new world of getting people well who have been on medications and supplement after supplement. There’s a solution beyond what people think, and it really boils down to what’s happening in the cell. It really boils down to that three-legged stool.

You know, it’s interesting—the analogy of the three-legged stool. Let’s think someone has a foundation problem in their house. Someone comes in, and they just prop it up, and they put some bracing under one corner. If you actually have a ground problem underneath, guess what’s going to happen. It’s just going to continue to happen—to sink.

One of the things that—it just hit me how you look at things and getting to the root cause and the source, it’s really building that strong foundation because we can never build anything. You can’t build a big company. You can’t build a great relationship without open and honest communication, mutual love and respect. It’s a strong foundation. What you’re talking about here is really getting down to the foundation and rebuilding the strong foundation of your body, of yourselves, of your gut.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt. Again, fixing the gut, David, something that I always am very proud of in the work that I teach to practitioners and my clients is we’ve really taken ancient healing with the most modern, scientific research and combined them. The 5R's would be over here with, really, the most cutting edge scientific stuff that’s going on. It’s at the cell. Epigenetics is part of that, as I explained.

Over here, ancient healing—things that have been around for thousands of years—we’re utilizing things like fasting and things like fermentation. All of these things have been there for years. We’re using things like bone broths, and [inaudible 0:28:52] waters, and things like that, and putting people on fasts, and intermittent fasts, and water fasts. That’s how you fix a gut. This is ancient healing. This is stuff that’s been around for how long, but how few practitioners are utilizing this. Why—because it’s hard. It’s hard to teach someone how to fast and do it twice a month.

This is really the key to fixing these epidemic of gut conditions, while—all the while, we’re bringing these two things together—the ancient and the modern. I did a whole show on that—ancient healing. Go back. Watch that show, folks. Watch it. Bringing these two things together, all the while, we’re up here, David. We’re moving the source and how you got there, looking for that perfect storm in somebody’s history, figuring out what those stressors are, removing them while we’re bringing these two things—ancient and modern healing—together in removing the source.

Gosh, as I say it, it’s like no wonder we’re on a mission. No wonder we’ve been given a purpose to teach doctors that concept. It works! It does. It works, but how few are doing it. We have trained about 60 doctors around the country—know this. There’s three of us that do virtual, where we’re able to reach places of the planet. David, I was on Malaysia yesterday, New Zealand. It’s like we’re trying to reach the planet, but my passion—you’re helping us do this with your brilliance and marketing. We’re trying to reach more people. We’re trying to train more doctors in what I just said. It seems so easy—bringing these things together. This is what really works in that while we’re doing the source.

We’ve done shows on how—what we do for true cellular detox. That’s key. It’s not a footbath, and all these things that you go in the store, and all these 10-day cleanses. God, if it were so simple. True cellular detox sits at the top of bringing these two things together—removing these sources—true cellular detox. Go back and read my work. Watch the shows. That’s what we do, David.

You can tell. See, I just struck my core of what I’ve been called to in life—my sole purpose is to bring that message individually for the people that God brings for me as clients. I still take on some clients. I do. I love it. I coach them. I call it coaching. I coach them on how to do what I’m talking about. [Inaudible] is bringing a teaching doctor to do the same. That’s my passion. That’s what I’ve been called to do.

You are, and you’re amazing at it, and that’s why I was sitting as a guest, watching you speak at one of your events and sort of became the puppy dog that followed you around, you could say. One of the things that’s really important to know is it is—you talk about this a lot. It’s 180° difference. People have to be willing to change 180° and have the commitment to see this through. When they do that, they really, truly can get their life back.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. David, look at you. You’ve done everything we’ve just talked about on this show, right? You have. That autoimmune condition that you had is gone. You went through a little hiatus where you started doing certain things, you got—life kind of sucked you back in, and oh, what showed up again? Oh, geez. That gene started to—

That’s the price, right? That’s what I said. It is a lifelong commitment to change.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Those genes will get turned back on if you go back to some of those stressors. The longer you stay away from it, the harder it is to retrigger that pattern in the body, but you have to change it. Folks, it’s a three-legged stool. If your practitioner out there is not doing one of those legs, then you’re not going to get well.

One of the things that I tell people about—I was just reading an article here. Let me see if I can find it. Yeah, right here. I was just reading an article, and it says here—I’ll give you the title. It says The Medicine of the Microbiome. In this article, and I’ll just talk about the article. It talks about utilizing fecal microbial transplants, which there’s been so much research here, and how they’re using fecal microbial transplants to turn off some of these genes—to stop some of these conditions for autoimmune. There’s a great website called ThePowerofPoop.com. Yeah, I’m not kidding. That’s a real website.

It’s a group of people, really, who have—by putting these unique bacteria in their gut, their world changes. There’s a whole thing of research going on there. It’s pretty amazing stuff. Of course, the FDA is making it much harder for people to get that type of care in hospitals. Many hospitals were starting to utilize this as a amazing therapy, even for really hard conditions—

It’s becoming more and more popular in the mainstream.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, but they made it much harder. Many doctors are just sending people out there to educate themselves on the topic. Anyways, that’s it. I think people need to just be educated about some of these things, but there’s so much new stuff that we know about the gut—how to fix the gut. David, any time I talk about holes in gut—because the gut is so important in fixing these autoimmune and unexplainable illnesses.

I’ve done an article on glyphosate, which is a chemical that I believe is at the head of why we’re seeing leaky gut in children—driving autoimmune. I did an article on gluten. I said it’s not just about gluten. I think that might be the topic. I talk about glyphosate, genetically modified food, and how it’s playing a role in the epidemic of holes in the gut. It doesn’t matter how many supplements you take, or vitamins, minerals, probiotics. If you are eating foot that is sprayed with this chemical glyphosate—the number one herbicide in the world—you are not going to fix your gut. Read the article. It’s not just about gluten, and it’s not. Read that article, please. It’s a huge, huge, important topic.

Chipotle went GMO-free. You know how much effort we’ve put into trying to communicate? My kids love that place. If they’re going to eat a simple meal out, that’s a really healthy place. I realized at one point, it wasn’t. They were using GMO-everything. That sparked some emails and some things, but not just on, of course, my bow, but I mean thousands of people said, “You preach this, but everything’s GMO. This is one of the number one causes of why people are sick today.” Sure enough, they changed, so I take my hat off to them. I hope other—

I think that they’re going to be a leader. I think more people are going to follow that. You hear companies like Upthere are even getting healthier. They’re moving in that direction because it’s not—it’s interesting. It’s not that the granola—you know, the granola?—that is just interested in this. It is everyone. It’s liberals. It’s conservatives. People are realizing that they’re not as healthy as they were, and they’re looking at the root cause and source. A lot of it is this food that we’re eating. I think that Chipotle is going to be the leader, and more restaurants are going to follow.

Dr. Pompa:
I hope so. This is such a strong political topic, and Monsanto, the company that created the GMO crop, which, by the way, for those watching, just to give you a simple example, they create a crop—a seed that grows a plant that can withstand the chemical glyphosate, which—oh, by the way, yeah, they manufacture. They manufacture the seed. They put patents on these things both, and now they control the farmers.

Once the farmers have their seed, now they can’t buy seed from anywhere else. Oh, and by the way, they can’t even harvest their own seed. At the end of the season, the old days, they would take the seed from their plans and then replant those next seeds for next year. Oh, no. You have to re-buy seed from Monsanto. They control the seed. That alone is a recipe for disaster because now they control the farmer—bad, bad, bad. You have patents. Now you can sue farmers. This is a major, major, major problem.

They are. We’ve heard that seed has blown into someone else’s farm. Monsanto tested their crop and sued them because they didn’t buy the seed from them.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. That’s right, exactly. Meanwhile, the farmer that had their genetically modified seeds blow into their corn, they’re the ones that should be suing Monsanto—opposite, right—180°. This chemical now, in volumes, can be used on these plants that are genetically changed. Now we have plants that are just loaded up with these. Oh, you know what happened, David? Because now all these crazy, rogue weeds start coming up, and now they can’t kill them, so they’re using more and more glyphosate because the plant doesn’t die. The weeds do. Now we’re making super weeds. Oh, and so Monsanto just invented another chemical. They actually brought back an old one—2,4-D, which was basically—


Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I mean, this stuff is nasty, and now they’re genetically modifying plants to resist it. Now we’re getting exposed to another cancer-causing agent that they took off the market years ago. Here’s the bottom line. Here’s the point I want to make. Monsanto is smart enough to affect both sides of the aisle—the conservatives, the liberal agenda—they’ve affected both so they are protected. Every state that says, “Listen. Let’s just label things GMO. Let’s just label it. Has GMO. Let the public decide.” They have knocked that down in some of the most liberal states that you would think for sure they would go for that.

California—nope. Labeling? All we want to do is label it. If it was so great, why wouldn’t Monsanto be for labeling? “Hey, we’re GMO,” and be proud of it. They know that the public would get educated on these studies. They’re showing that this stuff is poison.

Anyways, we’re off topic. We’ve done many shows on it, but how do you talk about autoimmune and not talk about GMOs and glyphosate? You got to get rid of the sources. The three-legged stool—that’s where the answer lies. It’s where the cause lies. That’s where the answer lies.

Dr. Pompa, great show. Any final thoughts you’d like to leave everyone with?

Dr. Pompa:
Nope. I think that was it. That’s where the answer lies. There’s a lot of topics here, David, that we’ve talked about that I think, people, you need to go back and watch some of our post shows on. We are passionate about this answer, and it’s not our answer. I believe that we’ve suffered for it, and we have a responsibility to bring this to the planet. Help us do that. Spread the word about Cell TV.

Awesome. Thank you, Dr. Pompa. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in to episode 67 of Cellular Healing TV. We will see you next week.