Transcript of Episode 73: Lyme Disease
With Dr. Daniel Pompa and David Asarnow.
Welcome to Cellular Healing TV Episode 72. This is David Asarnow, and I am here with Dr. Pompa. Dr. Pompa, welcome.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Thank you.
Can you believe 72 episodes?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That’s amazing. We’ll be saying, “Can you believe 150?” one day.
I know. It is crazy. Today’s topic is going to be about Lyme and Lyme co-infections, and we have an internal discussion group where a lot of – what their experiencing and –
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There you are. I don’t know if it’s me or you, but one of us froze up. I was saying, we – and I don’t know if anyone heard this or not. We’ve been getting a lot of postings from practitioners about the patients experiencing Lyme or getting bit by a tick. We’re in the summer months right now. Is that something that people should be concerned about?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. This is the season, right, when your pets start bringing ticks home. If you look at your pets, they’re loaded up with ticks. Obviously, removing them properly from you and your children is very important. Hey, David. Turn off your video. See if that helps.
-Technical Issues-
Dr. Pompa:
Anyways, this time of year, ticks are a big deal – how to remove them properly. Obviously, ticks carry disease. We’re talking about Lyme, but there’s co-infections that they carry, as well, like Babesia, Bartonella. Of course, even out here in the Rocky Mountains, we have Rocky Mountain spotted fever. You want to get these things out of you quickly. What some believe is if you get it out within 36 hours, we know for sure, you definitely limit the chance of infection. Some people say it’s impossible to transmit Lyme in under that 36, 24 hour at least, period.
I think there are some that disagree with that, but the bottom is this, we know. The sooner you get it out and get it out right, the better. They even have tick removers now, David. It looks like this little double-pronged thing that kind of scoops underneath. It’s a piece of plastic like this, and it scoops underneath the tick in a V, and it holds it, and then you just twist it, and they come right out.
If you do not have one of those – but if you put tick remover online, you can get one, and you should have one. Tweezers is the best way. Don’t use alcohol. Don’t use matches, burning them, and all those things that you’ve heard. You want to remove it with tweezers and make sure –
I know you performed surgery on me when I had a tick a little over a year ago. When I was a kid, I remember my mom heating up a needle and then putting it on the back of the tick for it to start backing out. That’s not what we do?
Dr. Pompa:
No, because it actually can cause it to vomit, so to speak. It actually can cause it to spew out its innards, and you don’t want to do that because obviously that’s a faster way to transmit the disease. David, we learn a lot about you, about mold growing up, ticks growing up. It’s amazing you’ve survived.
You know what? You talk a lot about the bucket, and the bucket overflowing. It was interesting. I was with one of our practitioners this week, and the rash on my leg that you’ve seen and we’ve talked about is totally gone. I’ve used some of the new CytoDetox drops. It caused some other things that we talked about, but then all of a sudden, a month later, the rash is totally gone. All of a sudden – have I been exposed to Lyme? I don’t know. You and I have talked about it. Probably not, although I’ve been bit by a lot of ticks in my life, but the bucket comes down.
Also, when the bucket rises, someone could have been bit by a tick. We talk about the three-legged stool. Someone could have been bit by a tick 15 years ago. Lyme sort of masks itself if it’s not caught right away. You want to talk a little bit about that?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It can. First of all, this Lyme epidemic is a massive, growing epidemic. It wasn’t accepted into the medical world. Now, they can’t ignore it, but if you said you had Lyme, they basically thought you were making things up. Then they said, “Okay, Lyme, but if you’re treated with a course of antibiotics for six weeks, then you’re cured.” When people would go on and still be sick, they would say, “It’s not Lyme. It’s something else.”
Lyme – it can morph. It can change into different types of beings, so to speak. There’s a cyst phase. There’s the spirochete phase because it’s a type of bacteria that literally is a spirochete, meaning that it looks like this. It looks like a corkscrew if you see it under a microscope. It can burrow deep into your blood vessel, your organs, your tissues, your cells. Matter of fact, there’s a cell wall deficient state that it can literally slide into your blood cells.
This sucker can change. You start throwing things that kill it at it long enough, it will go into a cyst phase, and protect itself, and then come out later. If you hit it too hard with certain antibiotics, it can go into a cell wall deficient stage. We know this, that if you do treat it with antibiotics in the very beginning, it’s more vulnerable. It doesn’t have the ability to morph yet. It doesn’t learn different things. It hasn’t taken root into its environment yet.
We know that if you go at it with regular antibiotics, like doxycycline is the standard Lyme antibiotic – early on, you can actually kill it, but however, many do not, and it goes deeper than that. That’s when you end up in a whole lot of trouble.
There’s also a theory, David, that it’s the co-infections that go along with it – Bartonella bacteria, Babesia that keep people remaining sick after they go in and they kill the Lyme bacteria, the bordorfi bacteria. Guess what? They remain sick, so two theories: it changes; it morphs, and it can be co-infection. It’s probably a combination of the two.
By the way, does someone have to have that bullseye pattern rash or red rashes after being bit by a tick in order to be infected with Lyme or one of these other co-infection bacterias?
Dr. Pompa:
No. No. That’s another thing, too. “Oh, I didn’t get the bullseye rash. I’m okay.” Many people don’t, so the bullseye rash happens at a smaller percentage than the larger. Bad sign if you do get it, but most do not. David, there’s even theories that it’s transmitted different ways even outside of Lyme disease. Many believe that you can transmit it via your spouse through other bodily fluids. There’s a lot to learn yet about Lyme disease.
One thing we know is it makes people very sick. It typically gives them the unexplainable symptoms, of course, the chronic fatigue, typically joint pain, typically smaller joint pain, knees. The knees seem to be a big deal. The ankles, the feet – that typically runs with it. Of course, then you end up with the sleep problems, the hormone problems, the weight gain. All the things that we see in neurotoxic illness, we see with this. I think that Lyme, you see typically a greater pain associated with this. They look more like they have fibromyalgia, not just in the muscle and the joints, but it’s sometimes hard to distinguish between Lyme and mold illness.
Both, by the way, David, produce a biotoxin, so mold produces a biotoxin, very, very toxic to a human. We’re going to talk next week more about mold, so hang in there. Tune in next week. We’re going to talk about – your home safe, how to look for things that aren’t safe because so many people, again, with unexplainable illnesses are living in moldy homes. Folks, if your home gets wet, if your basement gets wet, you have a mold issue. About one in four people really genetically don’t do well with it at all. It’s dangerous for everyone, and eventually will overwhelm your immune system. It’s very, very dangerous. We’re going to tell you things to look out for. Even high humidity, above 50, definitely above 60 will drive mold. Anyways, that’s next week.
Lyme produces a biotoxin that’s very, very dangerous, so a lot of the symptoms are very similar. Light sensitivity – you see that in mold. You can see it with this. Dry mouth, frequent urination – I’m kind of throwing down some things. Sometimes people get skin issues that go on. A lot of times, it disrupts sleep, but again, to reiterate, Lyme – typically, you’re going to have some joint pain of the smaller joints.
The challenge out there is the testing that most people use is the western blot.
Dr. Pompa:
How effective is that?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. The western blot is effective if you just get bit. Actually, there’s a bit of lull there. If you just get bit, it’s not effective, then it’s effective, but then with chronic Lyme, it’s no good for, either. There’s a window that it can be effective, but that’s it. Obviously, take that into consideration when you’re taking a western blot. For the most part, people that are using a test to see if they have Lyme have chronic Lyme. They’ve had it for years. The western blot is going to look negative, so not a good test.
We use a test called the iSpot Lyme, and it is a much more accurate test, the best one out there at this point, I believe, no doubt. NeuroScience is a laboratory that puts it out through Pharma labs.
Is this something that people could order on their own if they’re curious, or do they need to work with a practitioner in order to get it?
Dr. Pompa:
They have to work with one or more practitioners. You could call my website number,, and you’d be able to be hooked up that way.
One of the other things with – one, you mentioned it – fibromyalgia symptoms. One of the things is a lot of times, most doctors, they say, “Oh, you’ve got this kind of autoimmune condition.” They don’t go to the cause and start looking, what could it be? Could it be Lyme? You could go down the path treating one thing or thinking you have one thing when it really is something else.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, David. You hit it. If you go back and watch one of our episodes on autoimmune, I compare it to a three-legged stool – the cause and a solution, meaning that you have a certain gene that gets turned on whether it’s Lupus, rheumatoid, Crohn’s – you can go down the list of these autoimmune conditions – scleroderma. The gene gets turned on. Great. We all have genes, though. We all have bad genes. It’s a matter of them being triggered or turned on.
The next leg of the stool is what’s turned them on? It’s a stressor, typically a combination of stressors – chemical, emotional, physical. These big boy toxins like mold, next week, and Lyme, these biotoxins, they can turn on these autoimmune genes. Now you’re dealing with another problem that you still didn’t realize where the cause was.
By the way, in autoimmune, the third leg of the stool is certain bacteria die off. They get in too low of numbers, and now you don’t make enough of a cell called a T regulatory cell. Certain bacteria in your gut actually cause and make these T regulatory cells. These are immune cells that tell your body that everything’s okay. Don’t hyper-produce all this inflammation. That’s what autoimmune is, right? You’re body’s producing too much of an attack. Without enough of these cells in your gut, you don’t produce enough of these cells that tell the immune system to back down. That’s the other leg of the stool. That needs to be fixed. You have to get to the stressor, and you also – my 5R's really is about fixing the cell.
If you look at the 5R's, most of them are about changing the epigenome, turning off the bad gene. That’s the cause; that’s the solution. Again, you have to look at that these types of exposures can turn on these genes, too. Not only are you up against the Lyme infection, you’re up against, oftentimes, autoimmune that gets turned on.
You just mentioned another thing. The first thing that, if you’re bit by a tick, they’ll give you doxycycline, and it’s for several weeks. It’s a heavy dose for an extended period of time, and then all of a sudden, if you don’t take care of your gut – by the way, that’s what happened to me. All of a sudden, you can backtrack, and you get – all of a sudden, I started seeing inflammation, and I started seeing things reappear, like that rash.
Dr. Pompa:
Yes. It’s very prudent if you get bit by a tick early on. We don’t know if it’s carrying the Lyme. If you keep the tick, you could take it to the health department, and they could actually test it. That could be your indicator that, “Yeah, okay. I’m going to take an antibiotic.” Again, an antibiotic works in the beginning, not that it – with chronic Lyme. Antibiotics with other things can be effective. We can talk a little more about that, but you have to be careful.
The antibiotic, David, like you, it wiped out your microbiome. It wiped out your good bacteria in your gut, then you started manifesting other symptoms, right? You started gaining some weight again. Your skin rash came on again. Then we had to treat the microbiome again. If you’re going to take an antibiotic – again, I would say this: In the beginning, it’s most effective if you’re going to do it. Secondly, you better address the microbiome after this antibiotic because you’re going to end up getting set up for other problems, David, just like that happened to you.
Most people are saying, “Well, I’ll just go out to the grocery store, and I’ll buy a probiotic.” Is that enough?
Dr. Pompa:
No. Most probiotics have seven to ten strains of bacteria in them. By the way, they’re all the same. You can go through your probiotic, and it’s mostly the same bacteria that they’re all putting in. It typically survives in too low of numbers to make a difference, and you’re talking about seven bacteria out of 2000, 3000 in the gut. Oftentimes, it doesn’t make the difference we need.
Eating fermented foods definitely makes a difference. We talk about the products Amasai and SueroGold. Those are fermented foods that come from grass-fed cows that are loaded with unique bacteria. There’s a product called Prescript-Assist that I like. It’s 21 soil organisms that are different from your typical probiotics in the store. I’m not saying that those bacteria aren’t good. Many people lack those bacteria, so it’s not like I’m against probiotic, but what I’m saying is it’s very limited on the types of bacteria we’d need to re-inoculate with.
Eating fermented food, which people stopped doing years ago with refrigeration. Those carry a lot of different bacteria with it. We don’t eat soil anymore. We used to take vegetables out of our garden and eat them. If you just rinse them with water, there’s still all these rich bacteria that we don’t even know about, right? You can test different soils and see all these amazing bacteria.
No, today we’re spraying soil. You want to rinse it off, wash it off. We wax the fruit. There’s nothing left. It’s the bacteria that was in our environment, in our soil, that makes up a lot of our microbiome that we don’t have in pills, David. Eating real organic food grown in a garden, grown in actual, real dirt and not sudsing it up with a bunch of cleansers to take all the good stuff away – again, that’s really how you can build a microbiome.
I think we’re past the day of trying to kill off every bacteria. It was anti-bacterial everything since the 1940's. We’ve learned our lesson that we’ve created problems. We’ve created more autoimmune. We’ve created more problems with weaker immune systems trying to kill all the things. However, if you go into most schools, in most churches, you’ll still see all the darn hand sanitizers, which destroy all of the good bacteria, which, by the way, is the line of defense against the bad guys. Again, you can’t run from the bad guys. You have to have defenses against them, and that’s what’s on our skin. This is your first line of warriors in microbiome, and then, obviously, through your GI tract is the second.
We talked last week with Dr. Shane Morris, the biochemist from Systemic Formulas. We talked about phage. Phage are these really cute, little space ship looking viruses that are all around us. Matter of fact, they’re in the water. They’re out in the seawater, and ponds, and lakes, and we’re exposed to them. They make up our microbiome and protect us against bad guys.
We’re not getting exposed to these things. Kids aren’t playing in the dirt anymore. They’re getting hit with all the hand sanitizers. Then every time they get an earache or a sore throat, it’s antibiotic after antibiotic. My gosh, David. The more you learn about how important this inner bacteria world is that we call microbiome, we realize how do we function?
We’re disrupting this very thing that really creates our immune system, this very thing that creates certain hormones and neurotransmitters in our brain. We realize our brain works because of these bacteria, and we’re trying to kill them.
Anyways, I could do off on a whole subject there because it’s sad. Then we’re spraying herbicide and pesticide Glyphosate on everything. It’s ubiquitous in our society. It’s every grain or conventional grain people are putting in our mouths, which is everything our kids are eating. They’re getting loaded up with Glyphosate, this chemical that disrupts and destroys these bacteria. We wonder why their brain doesn’t work.
Studies show that when this gets disrupted, this doesn’t work. We’ve talked many shows about that, how that chemical disrupts the [0:20:27] pathway, which you need to make neurotransmitters. That means brain chemicals. When you disrupt this, you don’t make enough brain chemicals. Okay, so we’ll just give kids medication. They need Adderall. They must.
There was a show two weeks ago that we interviewed Cameron about one of my clients, and watch that. You think those medications are the answer? Watch the show.
He’s got a really interesting story.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Adderall poisoned, and you name it. But, David, look. You have to get to the cause, you know? Lyme disease is a bigger issue than people understand. When people have a lot of symptoms, they’ve tried every medication or every supplement, they’ve been sick for many years, you have to consider Lyme disease and its co-infections, the Babesia and the Bartonella. These are things that they get into the red blood cells and very difficult to detect. You have to do the right tests – very, very difficult to detect. I’m telling you, it makes people very, very sick, and nothing seems to work for them.
You know what’s interesting? You’re talking about all these co-infections, and when I was with you when I got bit by the tick, and you helped remove it. Then you’re like, “Get with your doctor. Tell him you got bit by a tick, and get on doxycycline because you can never be too careful.” It’s funny. It’s not funny; it’s serious.
On my phone, I just Googled Lyme disease, and Centers for Disease Control is talking about the 14 co-infections that you can get. It says doxycycline saves lives – how important it is because you don’t know what that tick has.
Dr. Pompa:
No, it’s true. Again, and antibiotic taken soon works, but once someone has chronic Lyme, they’re sick for years, it rarely every works. It just drives it into a cyst stage or drives it into a cell wall deficient stage, and it doesn’t work anymore. Listen, I can tell you from the people that I speak with, they’ve been down the antibiotic route. Again, timing is everything on that. No doubt about it. If you have chronic Lyme, I’ll reiterate, the iSpot Lyme test is the way to go. Matter of fact, there’s a newer test that they have for – some of these co-infections are very, very difficult.
PCR testing is a way that we test for many different bacterial infections, but regular PCR testing does not work, typically, for these co-infections. It’s called an ePCR testing. There’s a laboratory; it’s called Galaxy Diagnostics. They’re out of North Carolina. They do a test for these co-infections that works much better. It’s a newer testing, but absolutely works. It’s called an ePCR type of test. The problem with the test is they’re negative oftentimes because when the bacteria are too low in number, they’re not detected, so this test actually shows them in the lower amounts.
Lyme is serious. It’s serious. We have a friend of ours, mutual friend of ours, whose daughter was about 30 years old, and she’s been fighting Lyme for years and recently passed away. This is a serious thing. What does someone do if they have all these symptoms? Where do they begin?
Dr. Pompa:
You have to work with the practitioner that understands this. First and foremost, get some of the right tests done, but again, that’s going to a practitioner who understands this. David, my passion is training more doctors around the country to understand what to do with these neurotoxic illnesses. These things are bad news.
Again, I think that my biggest criticism oftentimes with the alternative doctors is that they are still not getting upstream to the actual causes. “Oh, great. We’re going to put someone on a bunch of supplements,” which is oftentimes needed for certain things. “We’ll do this cleanse, this colon cleanse, liver cleanse.” Listen – not so simple. You have to go upstream to the cell first of all.
My 5R's are a roadmap on how to detox a cell and how to fix a cell. You don’t get well until you fix the cell. R1 of my 5R's is remove the source. You have to remove the source, and this is my criticism: Most doctors aren’t. You can give people the best, perfect diet in the world, and all the greatest supplements in the world, and run all the greatest tests, but if someone has a biotoxic illness from Lyme, or mold, or a heavy metal thing going on, these are big boys. They shut down the detox pathways. You’re never going to get them well. You’re never going to get them well.
Then finally they go into a doctor, and they get some tests – who knows? They say, “Oh, you have heavy metals.” Three months later, you’re heavy metal free? Are you kidding me? It took 20, 30 years to bio-accumulate those heavy metals deep in your nerve tissue and in your brain, and to think that you’re going to get rid of them in months, it’s ludicrous. Mold illness, biotoxic illness – very specific how we pull those biotoxins away from the biocomplex. It’s not even just about killing these bacteria. You have to pull this biotoxin out of the body.
Again, True Cellular Detox™ is something I teach. This is the key. You have to change the cell. Detox, real detox – you have to get the cell working so it starts to unload these toxins. Then when it does unload these toxins, you better be down here dealing with it and assisting it to get it out of the body. That’s True Cellular Detox™.
Colon cleanses, liver cleanse, this cleanse, that cleanse, this juice cleanse – that’s not real detox. That can assist the body downstream, but real detox has to occur at the cell, David, and that’s something you’ve heard me teach for years now, that message I’m passionate about. I just feel that it’s not real. A lot of what’s an alternative, it’s just not the real deal. It’s not upstream high enough, and it’s not at the cellular level.
One of the things that I’ve heard you speak a lot about, it’s not just about supplements. It’s what you just said. It’s really taking the time to understand the source and what caused because otherwise it’s like putting Band-Aids on all over the place or it’s the street sweeper, which I’ve heard you mention many times, where it’s sort of just moving toxins around your body. They redeposit somewhere else, and then all of a sudden, it can cause more challenges.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, right. Most of the cleanses are like those street sweepers. You ever get behind those?
Dust all over the place!
Dr. Pompa:
There’s dust all over the place! You’re thinking to myself, “Is this what my tax dollars are paying for? Really? This thing is cleaning what?” It’s amazing that those things still exist, right? Every once in a while, I see them. All it does is throw dust in the air, and it comes back down and makes everything look bad again. That’s what most cleanses are. It’s really not doing anything upstream. Yeah, David, that is the key.
Look, I could’ve eaten the perfect diet. I did. I exercised. I did everything right. It was until I got rid of, upstream, the mercury that was deep in my brain in my pituitary – listen, I did everything for my thyroid, which my blood work was normal, but I knew my hair was falling out. I was cold all the time. All the thyroid symptoms – wasn’t working. My adrenals were shot. I couldn’t adapt to any stress. My hormones were a mess, literally. No matter how much I tried to balance my hormones, my adrenals, my thyroid, didn’t work. Certain things would get better, and then it would just tail off again. It was always this massive dance that I was trying to do.
It was when I got the mercury out of my pituitary, which runs my thyroid, runs my adrenals, then I got my life back. It’s not rocket science. You have to figure out what’s going on upstream. Lyme infection, these co-infections of Lyme, these are the big guns. It’ll shut down all your detox pathways. Now you start bio-accumulating heavy metals. By the way, David, this is another big problem. Many people who have treated years trying to get rid of Lyme, the problem’s heavy metals. News flash – the heavy metals allow the Lyme to protect itself from your immune system around the metal.
We have these things we talked a little bit about last week called biofilm that protect our bacteria from our immune system. In these biofilms, these bad guys take root – the Lyme infections and other infections, Candida and all this, parasites oftentimes. They hide from our immune system in the biofilm, so our biofilms become, instead of a safe haven, it becomes a toxic playground for bad guys. We talked last week about how we utilizing these phage to go in and kill some of these guys, but the bottom line is is that in that biofilm, you have heavy metals that exist. These Lyme and bad guys protect themselves from the immune system in and around the heavy metals. Crazy, symbiotic relationship, but we know it exists.
Even throughout the body, we know that these guys can hide from the infection. Even ingesting mercury – that’s how crazy that symbiotic relationship is, so our immune system doesn’t go after it. The point is is this: Many times people don’t get well completely because they’re not addressing the heavy metal component of the Lyme disease. I have seen most often – not always – most often, if you have Lyme, you have heavy metals.
Listen, here’s the thing, David, you have to understand about these infections. They are opportunistic, meaning that they – many people in areas – that there’s estimates that there’s certain areas on these east coast that 90% of certain communities have Lyme in them. Why aren’t they all sick? It’s because their immune system is dealing with it just like a herpes virus, just like Candida, just like anything else. They’re in us, but our immune system keeps it in check. Everything’s fine. What happens?
Things like heavy metals can come in and lower that immunity, and now these things take a hold, and take a foot, and now you’re in deep trouble. They’re very opportunistic. Typically, they don’t happen by themselves. They happen with other stressors, perfect storm. That’s something I’m always saying. It’s never just one stressor. You get physical, chemical, and emotional things going on at the same time, boom. The bottom falls out. It lowers that immune system, and now these guys take over.
David, I could never ever get rid of my parasites or my Candida until I got my heavy metals down to a certain point, and then magically, these things start taking care of themselves. It’s very similar with Lyme. Oftentimes, we have to be dealing with these downstream other stressors before we can get the immune system to beat back the Lyme itself. Listen, no product on the market is better than your own immune system. That’s what can kill off the Lyme. That’s what can figure it out. That’s what can chase it back is your immune system.
Really, we need to be asking ourselves, “How do we better that? How do we better that?” That’s everything that we do, of course, but oftentimes, we have to get rid of these other big boy stressors. Oftentimes, it can be mold, too, David. You end up with mold exposures in Lyme, so it’s this triple combination perfect storm.
You mentioned that. We were down in Florida, and we went to my grandmother’s, remember? All of a sudden, we walk in, and we start – our noses are itching. Our eyes are itching. We start sneezing, and it was in that lobby. Could it be as simple as that, or does that stick with you, or is like the chronic where you’re in your house, or you grew up with the ceiling that was full of water, and it was probably up there?
Dr. Pompa:
I don’t want to tip our hand next week too much, but I’ll say this: If you’re healthy, you go into an exposure like that, you leave, your body deals with that. You may not feel well for a day, a couple hours, who knows? If you are already stressed – heavy metals, Lyme disease, or living in a mold exposure – and you walk into that exposure, you can be sick for days, weeks at a time. That is the bigger issue. When you get these – my dogs are going to bark here.
I hear them jingling.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. There was an explosion outside or something. Anyway, so that’s the bigger issue. By the way, if people have these serious mold exposures, now they become sensitive to mold for years, so they’re feeling good. They got out of their mold exposure. They did the right detox and got the mold or the biotoxins out of their body, but now they walk into a restaurant that has mold, and they’re triggered.
Matter of fact, there’s a saying that Dr. Shoemaker uses called sicker quicker. Their immune system flares up this major attack, and all of a sudden, they’re as sick as they were two years ago or a year ago. They’re going, “Oh, my god. What happened?” They walked into a mold exposure, and it just triggered everything all over again. It takes some years to turn off those genes, those pathways that set up that massive immune reaction.
That was me, David. I was well, and then I would get exposed to certain chemicals. It would still make me sick. Then I would get into a mold exposure, and I would get sick. Now that doesn’t happen. We went into your grandmother’s, and it was a nasty mold exposure, and I was fine. In the past, that would have made me sick for days. Yes, we have to get someone out of the exposure. We have to get the stuff out of the body, but then the healing has to occur. Again, a lot of my cellular healing work, that’s what that does.
You know, the body has the ability to heal itself, and what can you do to support these different functions? What does someone do? We have listeners here, both on our podcasts as well as watching the video of Cell TV here. Let’s say they’ve got these chronic conditions. They’ve been to doctor after doctor. It’s like one of the unknowns. “Oh, you’ve got this. You’ve got that. You’ve got fibromyalgia.” What’s the first step in discovering is it Lyme? Is it something else? Where should they go? What should they do?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, David, again, I think that they have to have access to these tests. We’re training more doctors around the country that have access to these better labs, and better tests, and doing the right heavy metal tests, and things like that. Absolutely, they need to – again,, my website, is one avenue that we can find someone for you.
There’s three of us that do virtual appointments, so I have clients all over the world. I do it via Skype or phone. I don’t take that many on, myself, anymore. I do still take on some. I still love it, but we have doctors. We have two others that do virtual appointments, too, so just because we don’t have a doctor in your area, that doesn’t mean that we can’t help you. That’s really the avenue that I would go. When you call in the 1-800 number, you wind up actually speaking to Marilee. I speak to most of the people that call in. I try to, just to interview them. David, you know that. You’ve seen me do it just to see if it’s something I think we can help or at least point someone in the right direction, which is oftentimes very helpful.
Our goal is to train more people, trained in cellular detox and cellular healing, trained in these proper detox methods that really work. Again, my pet peeve is most of what’s out there on the market with detox, David, at best, it does nothing. Oftentimes, it is stirring the bees’ nest or the street sweeper just throwing things in the air.
Ultimately, I have more – I have conversation after conversation with people who think that they just live their lifestyle the way they want to live it, and then they do the juice cleanse. Then they do the 10-day cleanse they picked up at Whole Foods. Really? It’s not so simple. The biochemistry doesn’t work that way. The real deal is what I’m passionate about teaching. It’s what I’m passionate about bringing to the world. It’s why we do this show.
We combine my cellular healing work – it’s the most science-based work that I believe is out there – connected to epigenetics and all the pathways that are really being affected by the onslaught of toxins that we’re faced with today, but it’s combined with ancient healing. I’ve done a show on ancient healing. Watch it. Listen to it – about bringing intermittent fasting, and different types. Way water, bone stock, these types of ancient things, even just water fasting together with the cellular healing – the new and the old. Magic happens. Go figure.
We’re training doctors in this method. It works, David. It does. You’ve seen it. That’s what we’re about. That’s what we’re about. We have something very, very unique that most, even alternative doctors, I believe, need to tap into. Bringing the ancient with the modern is the magic.
There’s a massive gap right now happening in the science world. There’s all this amazing science, and yet what are we doing with it? We know that we can change genes with chemicals, but we also know that we can change genes for the better. Frendo, relax, okay? He’s all upset because things are going outside, so you hear him in the back.
Poor Frendle.
Dr. Pompa:
All you hear is grrrr, grrrr. Anyways, it’s a passionate topic of mine, David, because the answers are out there. I lived it. Most people around us, even the practitioners that we’re training and surround us, they lived it, either them or their wives. They have an amazing story. There’s a group of us that are really trying to get this message out. That’s what this show’s about, too.
Any final thoughts for today on Lyme?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I think that if you have symptoms that aren’t going away, some of the symptoms that I mentioned at the top of the show – if you have just unexplainable things going on, and you’ve been looking for years – listen. You have to rule this out. This is a big, growing epidemic. It’s massive. So many people have it who don’t know what’s wrong. Lyme and its co-infections, this is big deal.
I’ll tell you what. Stay tuned next week because again, if you have an unexplainable illness, if you’ve been sick, and you don’t know why, if you have some weird things going on, stay tuned next week because mold could be your answer.
Thank you, Dr. Pompa. Everyone, thank you for tuning in to Cellular Healing TV, episode 72. This is David Asarnow with Dr. Pompa. Wish you an amazing rest of your day and a fantastic weekend, and we’ll see you next week.
Dr. Pompa:
Thanks, David.
Thank you.