74: Creating a Healthy Home

Transcript of Episode 74: Creating a Healthy Home

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and special guest Aimee Ellison.,/p>

Hey, we’re live – Cellular Healing TV, Episode 74. One of special guests we have with us today – but I’m going to have to move because I have some remediation work going on in my home right now. More on that later. Not happy about it, but we’re going to learn from it today on Cellular Healing TV.  Our special guest today is Aimee. What’s your last name, Aimee?

It’s Ellison.

I couldn’t hear it because of all the construction going on, so I’m going to go outside, and we’ll be able to talk about your story. Dr. Pompa, this is one of your –


-Technical Issues-

 I’ll roll downstairs, and you guys start interviewing Aimee.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Aimee, I actually had an appointment with you this week, right? You’ve been my client for a while now, but I said, “Gosh, you’ve got to come on this show,” because like Warren’s going through his remediation, you also found mold. It was tested high for Aspergillus, which is a type of toxic mold. It’s one of the five bad ones that you don’t want to get.

I said, “Your story’s really unique,” and I kind of want you to start from the beginning. Just fill them in. You have some autoimmune issues going on and, obviously, some health challenges from fatigue, brain fog, dizziness. I remember liver enzymes being high when I originally looked at your blood work. Go ahead and share about that with us.

Okay. I guess it starts way back when I was young. I always remember being tired as a kid, always exhausted, and I started getting headaches when I was probably in junior high. I started getting really bad migraines so bad that I went to a headache clinic for a couple weeks at a time. They tried to figure out what it was. They put me on all kinds of different medications. We looked for answers everywhere, but did not get much relief.

The only thing that ended up giving me any relief was going to the chiropractor. That was kind of a last resort thing because we were so involved in the medical part of it, we didn’t even think about a chiropractor until somebody suggested it. When I went, it actually gave me relief, and so I ended up going pretty much every day. My mom would call him on the weekends, and he would come in for a special trip because that was about the only thing that gave me relief.

Anyways, fast forward, I’m dealing with these migraines. I’ve always had digestion problems, terrible. It’d be from one extreme to the next. Everybody would always joke, “Where’s Aimee? She’s in the bathroom.” It was just kind of the story of my life. Between that, and the headaches, and the chronic fatigue – I would get sinus infections all the time, strep throat, you name it.

Dr. Pompa:
I remember your brain fog being really bad.

That got worse as it progressed later, but it got really bad. Actually, it’s really bad right now because we’re in the middle of treatment. I hope I’ll be okay during this show. No, I’m just joking.

Anyways, I guess probably the thing that really started me on this path was my legs. Gosh, it’s probably about six years ago now. Had some dental work done. I’ve always had a problem with my mouth as far as cavities, pain, all kinds of stuff going on, and as a result, ended up getting root canals. It was always something happening with that. I ended up having to have a bridge put on the left side.

I didn’t realize this at the time until after I started working with you, but I believe it was at that time that everything really started to snowball. I was working one day, and my coworker looked down, and she said, “Oh, my gosh! What is wrong with your feet?” I looked down, and my feet were dark purple. They were very purple. They were cold, but they would go from hot to cold, hot to cold, back and forth. That started to progress, and I started to get pain and swelling, and it was just really – it looked horrible.

It’s kind of funny because here you feel horrible your whole life, but when you see something like that and you know everybody else sees it, it’s like all of a sudden, that becomes a priority, like, “Oh, something’s wrong.” My mom even said, “You need to go get that checked out because that could be heart problems or something like that.”

Anyways, I went to the doctor, and he said – I showed him my legs, and they were purple, and swollen, and at the worst. He said, “Oh, how old are you?” I was 42 at the time, and he said, “Well, you are getting older.” He said, “Let’s give you some water pills for the retention and how about some TED stockings? Go ahead and put those on, and work in those. We’ll see if that helps.” I’m like, “Okay.” I said, “You know, I think there’s something more than that going on.” I said, “I would really feel better going to a vein specialist or somewhere where they can at least check out my legs a little more thoroughly.” He agreed to that.

I went there, and once again, my legs were horrible at the time. She did the whole ultrasound, the whole in-depth thing, and said, “You’re fine.” She said, “Obviously I can see you have something going on because you’re sitting here and your legs look like you just died,” is what she said. They were that blue, and swollen, and everything. She said, “Let me do a little investigating, and then I’ll get back to you.” Then she called me back and said, “I think you have an autoimmune disease.” The name is so long, I can’t even pronounce it to this day.

Dr. Pompa:
The erythromelalgia–

Thank you. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It was through that that I actually stumbled upon your website because I’m like, “Okay, I have this. She’s telling me I’m going to have it for my whole life. I’m going to be in pain, my legs are going to look like this,” and I just didn’t want to settle for that. Excuse me. My mouth is quite dry.

Dr. Pompa:
I think you read, “Autoimmune Answer.” It was the article that I wrote about the cause of autoimmune and also the solution, how it’s compared to a three-legged stool. One of the things is stressors. That’s one leg – turns on a gene and obviously certain symptoms start. Then the gut plays a very important role in autoimmune. Those three legs are a component of a cause of autoimmune. Modern medicine doesn’t address it, and of course, it was very clear.

Matter of fact, it was when you got the bridge. You had an amalgam filling right underneath the bridge, so you have metal near metal, which is galvanism.


Dr. Pompa:
I think one dentist eventually told you, “This is – ” At least I told you, “That’s galvanism.” Shortly after that, that’s when all of these problems kind of went overflow, right? That’s when things got worse.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was when I – actually, I was Googling heavy metal. It was along those lines, and I stumbled upon the video that you and Warren had done together. It was actually Warren telling his story about how he got sick. When you guys were telling your story back and forth, I was in tears. I thought, “Oh, my gosh. This is what I have. I know it is.” You look, and you look, and you go to all these different doctors, and nobody gives you a clue. They just have you going in this vicious cycle, all these different prescriptions, and then you have all these side effects.

I remember you talking about, “God made our bodies to be able to heal.” I’m like, “Exactly!” It just hit me like a ton of bricks, and I remember Warren saying, “I’m a Christian, and I don’t even feel like I can pray.” I was right there. I was so exhausted. I was so overwhelmed, and I didn’t know – I just was like, “Finally, somebody who can understand what I’m feeling and gives me validation.”

I started looking and really digging into everything, and I’m like, “Oh, my gosh. This has got to be the answer.” Then the three-legged stool analogy, when I read that, I was like, “I have to work with this doctor.” I just hadn’t come across anything like that before.

Dr. Pompa:
I think the most important component there is that we knew that you had some stressors upstream, right? At that time, it was evident with your mouth. We got a heavy metal test back. You had high lead, high mercury, which is a synergy, very, very nasty. However, we thought that there was still something else going on. I always say that once sensitive to one neurotoxin, so you accumulated metals over the year, you become sensitive to many.

We’re not sure exactly how long the mold has been in your home, but we suspected it. I don’t even remember – you can remind me of why we suspected that there might be mold in your home. I know your kids were also having some challenges, which is always a red flag to me. I asked you some pointed questions. I remember in my day one that I said, “You’ve got to get your home tested.” I think you had someone come in, and they said, “Okay, we found some Aspergillus, but it’s not that bad.”


Dr. Pompa:
Then something said to me, “I don’t know about that.” Tell that part because it brings us to what’s going on now in your life.

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, man.

Hopefully, not in mine.

Dr. Pompa:

Yeah, the timing is ironic, exactly. It was my daughter, actually. She’s 19 years old in her senior year. She’s always had digestion problems, as well. I just thought, “Like mother, like daughter. Runs in the family.” Little did I know about everything, as far as the epigenetics and everything. It just amazed me. Anyways, it was her, and I just thought, “Okay, something’s going on here,” because you had asked me that question, and then she started getting worse.

She’s like, “Mom, something wrong. I feel depressed.” She said, “I’m not fearful of doing anything, but I don’t feel right.” She was exhausted. She ended up getting mono and all kinds of things. It’s like, “Okay, something’s going on.” When I back up the boat, I think about when we first spoke, you had me take that visual contrast test, too. That was when that kind of made a light bulb go off in my head because I pretty much bombed that.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I spoke about it last week, the visual – it’s called a VCS test. I think you just took it online, right?

I did. Mm-hmm.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s a $10 test, and you take it online, and you failed it. Yeah. That was a big red flag, obviously. When you fail that test, typically it is, in fact, a biotoxin, and it’s typically either from mold or Lyme, in this case mold. That got you to test your eyes. Another red flag, too, Aimee, is I remember you telling me that your basement always got wet, or not always, but it did. I always say, “Where there’s water, there’s mold.” That was one red flag. You also suspected the bathroom for some reason.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Actually our basement – there is a crack in the foundation. It’s not very often, but when we get a heavy rain, there’s a little puddle of water. It’s happened periodically throughout the years. When we were kids – actually, my husband and I purchased this home from my mom, and moved back in this home, and they had built it. They had a sink, like a laundry sink.

Every once in a while, one of the kids would pull out the cord or something. Then all the water would go all over the basement. We cleaned it up and everything for what we thought was very well, but how many times that happened throughout our lives, I don’t know. Definitely, there was dampness in the basement. To be honest, we didn’t even have a dehumidifier down there. We were clueless, so we didn’t even have one of those prior to talking to you.

Dr. Pompa:
We’re going to talk about – here in a moment – how to make your home safe. That’s one of the things that you two are both working on right now. Okay, so fast forward. You have it tested, then something crazy happened, as well, with your husband’s glasses in the sink.

I’m sorry, Honey. I’m sorry. I have to say this really respectfully. He’s a great guy, and he can laugh, so we all just laughed at our stress. It was of all nights, my daughter’s graduation night, and of course, we’re running around trying to be on time and everything. He gets home from work late, and he’s a painter. He owns his own painting business. He had paint on his glasses, and so I’m always saying, “Clean up your glasses.”

He put them in the sink, and he was going to jump in the shower. We were running behind, as usual. He forgot to turn the water off, and so the whole time that he was in the shower, the water was coming down off the counter top on the bathroom floor. All of a sudden, he turns of the shower, and I hear him say, “Oh, my gosh!” I ran in there. I said, “What’s wrong?’ He’s like, “I left the water on.” He’s like, “I don’t know what I was thinking.” I ran downstairs, and the water’s coming down underneath the floor all in the bathroom.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, my gosh.

Yeah. We had to be at a graduation, and I’m like, “Oh, my gosh.” I mean, talk about fear. I knew we already had mold, and then this just was like – ignited everything in my mind. Oh, my gosh. My mom called, saying, “When are you going to be at the graduation?” I said, “You know what? You’re going to have to get there, save the seats, and we’ll slide in at 6:59.”

Dr. Pompa:
That got you to do some mold testing. Then you had another test. I have the tests here to my right. I looked at it and immediately saw very high levels of Aspergillus.


Dr. Pompa:
It is a toxic mold. Just to bring it together, so we find two sources. We find galvanism. By the way, galvanism is when you have opposing metals. They cause a battery effect in the mouth, and it causes the mercury just to pour out of those fillings. People that have galvanism – it’s inevitable that problems start. You can’t have two opposing metals in the same mouth. It doesn’t work, especially when you have a silver filling, a recipe for disaster. Problem number one, and that was evident because certain symptoms started.

Typically, I always say it’s more than one stressor. It’s the perfect storm, emotional, chemical, physical, or two chemical, emotional. Your other one was the mold. Here you are. We narrowed in to these stressors. The problem is now – and this is part of the story I do want you to share. This is going to cost a lot of money to get the mouth done. You’re willing to do whatever it takes, and then the house. We shared some emails back and forth. “Should we move? What should we do?” Through prayer – I think in both of our hearts, we thought, “Let’s fix the problem,” which we’ll talk more about today. However, where was the money going to come from? Tell that part of the story because I think that’s amazing.

Yeah. A couple different pieces to that – initially we were so focused on the mercury. Yeah. Obviously, dental insurance is not the norm, and you have to go to a biological dentist to get this done properly. There’s no insurance for that. After he worked up the plan, I just thought, “There’s no way.” I was pretty defeated, and actually, my mom – oh, I’m very grateful – said to me, “You know what? I’m going to give you that money, and we’ll worry about it later. If you can’t pay for it, we’re going to worry about that later.” She said, “If you had cancer, and you were dying, I would do anything for you, so why would I not do this now?”

Dr. Pompa:
Right. That’s a good way to think about it. Why not get to the cause, right?

Yes. Yes. It was just amazing. I said, “Mom, I can’t do that. My gosh.” They’re getting older, thinking about retiring and everything. She’s like, “Aimee, this is also a walk of faith for me, and the Lord just laid it on my heart that I need to trust Him while I’m doing this for you. You’re my family.” In the Bible, you are to care for your family. That was the first part of it.

The second part of it – we were able to do that, and I’m so grateful. Then we come to this mold thing, and it’s like, “Oh, my gosh. I obviously can’t go to my mom for this amount of money again, and it’s so much money to be able to stay here.” Yet at the same time, to have to go to another place, an apartment, wherever it may be, then you don’t know what you’re walking into. It could be worse, and you have no control.

After talking to – my mom is my go-to person – back, and forth, and everything, she said to me, “Aimee, I think you need to get all the estimate done.” She said, “Just take all the estimates, and the amount, and the hugeness of this situation and bring it to the Lord in prayer. Let’s go to the elders in prayer.” The first of the month at my church, they get together, and they pray. People come and pray with the elders, so that’s what I did.

It was an awesome time of prayer, and I had my family and friends come and support me. I left just with a peace in my heart, and I had had another just a moment with the Lord prior to that where I was completely convinced we were going to leave – 100%. I was scared of this home, honestly. I felt like the Lord was saying, “No, you’re going to stay. You’re going to stay. You’re going to trust me.” I was like, “Okay, Lord. I do trust you. I’m scared to death, but help me with my unbelief,” is what my prayer was. He just gave me a peace in my heart.

We prayed with the elders, and then it was a couple days later, I got a call from the lady at church. She said, “Once a month, when they had that prayer time, that one of the deacons from the church comes, and he sits in on some of the prayer time. It’s just kind of randomly.” He so happened to be in mine that time. She said, “He went back to the other deacons in the church and said, ‘This is her story,’ and that whole big story,” and wanted to be able to help us. She said, “They’re going to be contacting you to let you know how they can help you.” It was amazing, just amazing. I just was completely overwhelmed of the faithfulness of the Lord.

Dr. Pompa:
I just so wanted you to share that because I work with so many people, and I have so many people right now. I always say, “Just trust. It’ll come.” God knows these are the things that are interfering with your body healing. If you remove the interference, the body does heal. That was the very thing that you hung onto. He’ll provide, and just seeing that He provided here, and now He’s proving for your remediation. I want people to have that hope.

You found the remediation company, and I want to end with this, and then move onto what Warren has going on. Oftentimes it’s hard to find the right one, but these people said they’re going to come in and described the process that they said that they’re going to need to do to remediate your home and make it safe. When I heard that, then I knew that we’re heading in the right direction. Kind of describe what they told you that they’re going to do.

Yeah. That’s another thing I was very frightened of. I thought, “Okay, this is – the church is willing to help with this. What if they don’t follow the right protocol?”

Dr. Pompa:
That was my biggest concern, frankly.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Trust me. I have turned into a geek as far as studying about all this stuff and everything. I had in my mind, “Oh, my gosh,” and once again, the Lord said, “You know what? If this doesn’t work out, I’ve gone before you, and there’s something else ahead.”

They came in. It was a builder and another gentleman from mold remediation, and oh, my goodness. Everything they said was spot on. First of all, we have to take everything out of the home. We have to throw away all the porous material because there’s no way to be able to clean that safely. We’re going to get rid of the couches, the mattresses, all that kind of stuff. We’re going to take – the hard surfaces we can keep, but we have to clean them very thoroughly a specific way.

Then we’re going to – basically, a lot of things have to be – the drywall has to be taken down, completely gut the bathroom at this point, go in and safely just clean everything, the attic. That’s another thing. The first mold remediation company that came out here just said, “You don’t need to worry about the attic because you don’t breathe that air. That’s not air that you breathe. It’s the main area that you’re concerned with.” We had a leak in the attic as well as the bathroom, so our attic has mold in it and everything, too. They have to go in there and redo that – clean that thoroughly, as well.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. They explained how they’re going to set up negative air pressure.

Yes. Yes.

Dr. Pompa:
It will suck the air out, and we’ll see that because that’s going on in Warren’s house. The take away is that for you to stay in that house, it has to be done right. It’s not somebody come spraying chemicals on some mold and putting some new floor in.


Dr. Pompa:
It’s not so simple, right?


Dr. Pompa:
You found a good company. I can tell by the way they’re saying, “Get rid of porous things,” and obviously, they’re going to clean every hard surface, everything hard. That’s what it takes, once you get to the level of sickness where you’re at, to stay in a home. Leviticus 14 in the Bible talks about going through this cleaning process. Then if that doesn’t work, then basically get out of the home, and get rid of everything. Don’t bring it with you. That’s the level of toxicity we’re talking about with a biotoxin.

This stuff ruins lives. Last week we talked about that from a health perspective. This week, we’re talking about how to make a home safe. We’re making this safe in you, and we’re making your home safe. Already, you’ve had some breakthroughs in your health just by getting your cells working and opening up some of the detox pathways. Aimee, I’d say until we get rid of these sources, we’re never going to shut down that autoimmune.

I just so wanted you to share that story because you didn’t have the resources. You trusted God, and He provided in getting rid of the big sources of stress, and that’s the key. Anyways, I want to thank you for being with us. Is there anything else you wanted to share before I let you go here?

I just have to tell you that you are the biggest blessing of all. I remember praying when I was so sick and didn’t think there was any hope, and lo and behold, there was your Youtube video. As funny as it is, technology is such a blessing. To be able to work with you has been amazing, and to hear your story, and the fact that you – from pain came purpose. I just want to thank you and your family for enduring all the hardship. I know your families go through a lot of pain and stress, too. I just want to say thank you, and to God be the glory.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. I remember sharing with you in a really hard time in your walk. Rak Chazak Amats! Do you remember that?

Yes. I certainly do.

Dr. Pompa:
I always said the English translation in that doesn’t do it justice. I means be strong and courageous, but really, in the Hebrew, it means God has already went before you, and He’s figured out a way. He’s fought the battle. Every time somebody was moving into a promise in their life, God sent somebody to speak those words. Rak Chazak Amats. Moses spoke those words on his deathbed to Israel as they were moving into their promise against 31 enemies. They were only focused on what was right before them in their circumstances, ready to turn around in fear. How many of us face that, right?


Dr. Pompa:
You have to watch this video from Eric. It was actually a commencement speech. He spoke Rak Chazak Amats and what that really means. I remember speaking that to you, so I say it again. Rak Chazak Amats, and we’re seeing that. He already went before you. He had a plan.


Dr. Pompa:
He’s making your home safe, and He’s making your body safe. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for sharing that story.

Thank you.

Dr. Pompa:
That sets us up perfectly for what we’re going to talk about, and that’s how to make a home safe like what’s going on in your home. Warren, I’m going to turn it back over to you, and say good-bye to Aimee. Let’s start talking about making home safe. Thanks, Aim.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

Aimee, do you want to stay on and listen?

Sure, I would love to.

Dr. Pompa:


Why doesn’t she listen? She’s inspired me today because I’ve been living in crazy fear myself over a little bit of water. I’m not sure if – there may be a little mold. We’re going to find out here. Maybe I can ask the guys when I go up. There were crunching down the drywall.

Dr. Pompa:
We’re talking about a wee little bit of water, and we said that last week – in your home.


Dr. Pompa:
Aimee obviously had years of water, so we’re talking about a massive remediation.

I was still fearful of that. He has Rak Chazak Amats for her problem. I barely have Rak Chazak Amats for my little water leak because I’m nervous, man. I rent this home. I’m going to buy it. I have a brand new infant. I know too much, and the neat thing that you said, Aimee, is you found a remediation company that understands biotoxins.

I want you to know, everyone listening, it took two plumbers, a drywaller, one mold remediation guy, and another mold remediation guy, and no one could find the source of the leak. We still can’t find it. Didn’t say it was much water. I’m the one that stuck my head up in the ceiling because of Dan and Phil being there making me think, “Well, maybe there is,” to find, Dr. Pompa, more water damage. We had to be more persistent.

Otherwise, everyone wanted to seal it up. They pressure you. They say that you’re nuts, and they don’t understand biotoxins. “Ah, a little bit of mold, a little bit of water damage, no big deal.” They don’t understand biotoxins. That company that understands biotoxins, that’s like one in probably 100 remediation companies that would even understand that, if that.

These are all franchises, right, a lot of them – Servpro, FireDex. They’re all franchises, and in that franchising, they’re just about turnover, and volume, and money. That’s it, period. In, they’re out, it’s over. These people and insurance companies for fire and water damage, they don’t care about the biotoxins. Some of them will deny their existence. That you found a company like that is a blessing, a massive blessing. The guys upstairs don’t even understand that, but I do.

I’m up there sealing the thing when they’re blowing the air out. I sealed up the window. I’m doing all this extra stuff because I do have fear. You’ve given me faith to know God’s going to work this out. He did it for you. He did it for me, and He’s going to do it for the people listening. That’s one of the biggest parts.

Yeah, we’re outspoken – not outspoken, but we’re honest with our faith. Without our faith, man, I would have shot myself, I was so sick. For those who criticize people of faith, and, “You shouldn’t talk about that as part of healing,” shame on you. Shame on you. I would listen to what you believe that inspires you to move on and helps you get over the hump, so, man, we’re going to preach that every day, all day because it has inspired me. It’s inspired you. It’s transformed my life, and that’s the biggest take away of the day. Let’s get on to some making your home safe.

Dr. Pompa, I have a lot of great examples for you guys. My Internet’s working better. As you can see, I do functional workouts. See that? There’s my rope. There’s my heavy bag, and there’s my messy garage. Don’t look at that. I’m in massive transition right now. There’s a couple things here that I want to show you.

Right here, what we have in this box is an air exchanger. What this does in homes is brings fresh air in and sucks stale air out. It’s called The Perfect Open Window. Let me open this up for you. You can install these in your home. It won’t fit in mine because it’s too big. Let me see here if I can open this up.

Dr. Pompa:
The other nice thing about that, Warren, if you can hear me, is we can also – and I spoke a little bit about this last week. For people who are chemically sensitive, these units can pressurize the home. We can bring more air –

get there.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay. He’ll show it. We can bring in more air than we’re giving, and then we can create positive pressure so that attic air and that wall air doesn’t come in and bring formaldehyde and biotoxins into our home. Go ahead and show that, Warren.

This is huge. It looks like what’s happening – are they leaving, the people in my home upstairs. I’m going to have to run up there in a minute and see what’s going on. Let’s get an inspection.

Anyway, this has a membrane. I don’t know if you can see that a little bit, that white right next to the galvanized steel. It’s kind of hard to see. This is the membrane where it moves the air through. That takes humidity out, exchanges it, blows fresh air in, pressurizing your home. You can adjust these. There’s two big fans over here.

You can adjust those to pressurize your home and bring in that fresh air so that air pushes out against your walls at a slight pressure, and that keeps the – instead of the air from the walls moving into your home, it pushes everything out kid of like blowing up a balloon. You put a pin in it. It goes pshht kind of like the negative air that we’re going to look at upstairs. This is a RenewAire. This is a good one.

If you’re in a humid place, you got to make sure you have right type of membrane. This a RenewAire, R-E-N-E-W Aire, so that’s a good thing. You can get small – this is a little dehumidifier. Let me run upstairs to see what’s going on with my mold remediation.

Dr. Pompa:
I want you to show the – Warren, I want you to show how they create the negative air pressure where they’re remediating so that that air is not shared with the home air and making things worse. When you open up one of these walls, when Aimee opens up her floor, or Warren opens up his ceiling – people do it all the time. The problem is then the biotoxins from the mold get the massive dose right –

They have a question for me here. All right, fellows, what’s the question? You don’t have to be on TV if you don’t want to. You’re not on TV. What’s going on?

Worker 1:
I’m going to leave this up for you tonight, for the weekend, at least for tomorrow.


Worker 1:
Leave this air scrubber in here.

Okay. What’d you find? Is there mold?

Worker 1:
Yeah, a little bit, very little.

Very little – they found some mold.

Dr. Pompa:
A little.

A little bit of mold.

Dr. Pompa:
Get a tape sample of it. Warren, get a tape sample.

Worker 1:
There’s an air gap, so took the insulation off and sprayed up in there.

Where do you think the water’s coming from, from up above somewhere?

Worker 1:
It has to be where – along the top.

Was this insulation full of black mold?

Worker 1:
No. No.

There’s only a little bit of mold growing on – let me show the picture. Put it here. We found a little bit of black mold. See that?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, barely.

Everyone thought we were nuts, the homeowner, the mold guys, except for this guy over here. I don’t want to say his name. We can say their name. Can I say the name of your company?

Worker 1:

Restore-It. Good company if you’re from Pennsylvania. Great guy. Great team. A little bit of mold in the corner there, as well.

Dr. Pompa:
I want to test it. I want to get a tape sample.

Okay. Can we get a tape sample of that? Get Dan Howard to come in and get a tape sample?

Worker 1:
We already sprayed it. I’ve already sprayed it.

You’ll still be able to figure out what it is.

Worker 1:
I guess.

Yeah. No, we can still figure it out. It’s black, so it’s probably Stacky.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and white is usually Aspergillus, I think, and Clostridium, I think, is white. I don’t know.


Worker 1:
It’s unknown of what it is.

Yeah, it’s unknown, so it doesn’t matter.

Worker 1:
I have it open. If you want to put your respirator on – I sprayed. The staining is still there, but I shot it, and it’s control. If you want to put your respirator on, go in there, take a look.

What are the next steps?

Worker 1:
The next step is to –

Worker 2:
You have to correct the problem.

Find out where that water’s coming from before we shut this down. Was it actively wet?

Worker 1:

Worker 2:
It wasn’t wet.

Worker 1:
No. It’s not actively wet.

Worker 2:
You definitely have a moisture problem somewhere, you’re going to get mold. You’ve got to find the problem.

Dr. Pompa:
The plastic that you see to the left there, folks, that’s his containment. That’s creating the pressure, the negative pressure so that air doesn’t mix with –

I’ll explain that in a second, but what they’re saying to me now is like with you. There’s a source of water, and that source needs to be removed. Before they shut this thing down and call it good, we need to find the source of the leak. Without removing the source of the water, this problem’s going to come back. They killed the mold, a very small amount. Right, Dr. Pompa? That’s a tiny amount unless – do you think there’s any more than that? Maybe above it, there could be some.

Worker 1:
We saw the above section.

Oh, you did.

Worker 1:
Yeah, where you saw.

Okay, yeah.

Worker 1:
I opened that up. .

Okay. Can you see the bathtub up above it? No, so maybe there’s water that’s going down through the bathtub. We’ll get into that here in a minute, but until they remove the water source, they’re not going to do it.

Dr. Pompa:
This was a leak, Aimee. He had someone come in because the paint on his ceiling was kind of separating, and he said – he just wants that fixed before he closes on the house, right? The guy went up to fix that little crack. They didn’t even know there was water. He said, “Oh, that’s moist.” He was going to seal it over. Warren’s like, “No, no, no, no, no. What do you mean, it’s moist?”

Of course, cut it all out, realizing, “Oh, yeah. This was getting wet.” Of course, “Oh, it’s not too bad.” They were going to seal it up, and Warren’s like, “No, no. We have to find the water.” Three times they wanted to seal this thing up, and Warren insisted. They couldn’t find the leak. Finally, days – they find the leak.

I happened to be at his house when this was all going on on last week’s show. Of course then, they were like, “Okay, it’s fine. We don’t see any mold.” With Warren, I’m like, “There still may be mold back there.” Warrant felt it. We felt it. We sensed that it could have been something. “What if it’s back there?” We start what-if-ing. Warren finally, out of paranoia because that’s what we do, he stuck his head way up in there. No, he didn’t even get his head back.

He took a picture, and we both looked at it. I said, “I see black.” Sure enough, then he got his head up there. Of course, he put a mask on and all, but he got his head up there, and he saw that there was, in fact, mold.

What folks don’t know about me is I cleaned up hazardous waste for a living, so I can put on PPE, Personal Protective Equipment. I trained people on how to not get toxified from a toxic environment, so that’s what I did before this. That’s what got me sick.

What we have here is a negative air chamber. You can see from here, this is being sucked in. What’s going on is there’s a air exchanger in here that’s sucking air. That’s pulling this plastic in like you’re sucking on a balloon, except there’s this to keep the balloon – these pulls – from keeping that balloon still from compressing and sucking all the way in. It’s negative air. It’s sucking in, not pushing out like we want on our home when we use that air exchanger. That pushes out like the balloon. This sucks in.

Then they run this tube, the blower. That blower’s sucking air, kind of like the guys that you see when they’re trying to sell carpet sales and stuff, the guy that goes flippy-floppy in the air. That’s a tube that’s blowing that air outside so all the toxins or biotoxins that are there – blowing it outside as you can see. There goes Restore-It. That creates a negative pressure, so that air scrubber – thank God we did it this way, right?

That’s the negative air unit. They did work up inside of my ceiling, cut some holes, cut some holes in my wall back there, found the mold, and now I got to call the owner before I close on the building. That’s another major stressor that I got to Rak Chazak Amats for, so that’s this. Pray for me. Everyone watching, pray for me today because this is probably a week of lost time. and stress, and everyone thinking that we’re nuts, right? We’re not nuts.

Those that are watching and have health problems, you’re not nuts. What did Aimee say? “I wanted someone who understood.” We understand, and you’re not nuts. You’re smart. Listen to your gut, guys. God puts something in your heart that God – then you know.

Dr. Pompa:
People don’t understand that that small amount of mold that was just found in Warren’s home – once somebody is sensitized even from another stressor, Aimee, like this. You had the galvanism, the mercury – high lead mercury levels – once sensitive to one neurotoxin, you become sensitive to all.

That amount that’s in his home, although it may seem small, and if you’re very, very healthy and not challenged, you can deal with it. If you’re not, that amount of mold will keep you sick. I say this all the time. Warren hears me tell the doctors that I train. If somebody’s not progressing in their health, getting well, that means there’s still a stressor that’s upstream. So many times, it’s somebody’s home whether it’s a home that’s under positive pressure where it’s bringing in formaldehyde from insulation and all that attic wall air.

I talked about walking in Phil’s house last week. He was not getting well, and I sniffed, and I said, “Attic. Get out.” As soon as he left the home, he starts getting better. Obviously, my concern for you, Aimee, is you have to have a safe environment. R1 folks, we have to remove the sources from our life – bridges with fillings, and metal, galvanism, root canals. Root canals are toxic. You’re getting that out.

Toxic mold – we have to make our homes safe. Again, if there’s water, there’s mold. That leak right there, most people would have just covered it up. They’d have ended up in a massive, amplified mold. If you’re already challenged, that amount of mold is going to make you sick. I hope that’s the message. Warren, you seem like you want to show something else.

I do. I got to wrap it up and go figure it out with these guys, but there’s a couple other things that are really important when making your home safe. The coil, which is sitting right in here in your air conditioner, gets wet. It collects dust even if you have a really good filter. I have a good HEPA – not a HEPA, but a MERV 11 filter, or a MERV 7. You kind of want to play with that because of airflow.

Two things you got to learn to make your home safe. You can buy one of these Sanuvoxes or different types of UV. This one puts out a little bit of a hydroxyl like a oxinating hydrogen molecule. Sanuvox is a really good one. It’s called the Saber Genius. San, S-A-N-U-V-OX, san for UV. It’s a UV light, OX, oxygen. That’s a great name. It puts that reactive oxygen particles that kill the mold on the coil.

I noticed my air conditioning wasn’t great, and I had them look. “I think there might be a leak.” There was a leak in here, so another being anal Warren thing worked out, just as a side note.

I also put in, through the plenum of the air return – this is the air return coming back in. You can see the air flows back through here, through my filter and then into here, gets cooled off, and gets blasted into the house. The UV keeps the coil from getting moldy, and this actually is an air scrubber and air purifier that puts that hydroxyl groups – UV lights so it kills mold spores. It’s a good thing I had this in here because it’s nullifying a lot of this toxic air I may have had besides the biotoxins. This isn’t going to handle the biotoxin. This filter won’t handle a biotoxin. It’ll kill the mold spores, but it won’t handle the biotoxin where we discussed earlier.

Dr. Pompa:
That little bit of mold, it gives off spores. That’s what it does, and it gets in the air space. That’s picked up by our HVAC, and what is in those units? Dust, right? They lay in the dust in those units, and then they plant, and they come in there. Then what happens is they grow, and now you have mold growing in your HVAC system, and all of the ductwork now is growing mold. It’s growing mold on the coil, and now your air that you breathe 24/7 – even though your house doesn’t have a lot of mold, now your system has mold. You and your family are breathing biotoxins produced by a little mold somewhere else that got in that HVAC.

Those things that Warren has there, they kill the spores so they’re not able to grow in the system. It doesn’t get rid of the biotoxin, but it kills the spore that will produce the biotoxin so you don’t grow mold in the system.

All right. One last thing I want to share with you guys is if you can see up here, see that gutter run? If you look up, you’ll see there’s gutters up there. If your gutters get clogged, or if that run gets clogged, or if down below is draining away from your house. That water either is not going down into the drain -inaudible-.

Dr. Pompa:
We’re losing you a little bit.

Yeah. Just be careful if you have the gutter runs that they’re not – the water’s not overflowing and putting water into your attic. Gutters get clogged. I’m not a big fan of gutter shields. Just clean your gutters once a year.

Dr. Pompa:
You’re breaking up.

Let me go over here. If the drain is dumping water – sorry – next to your home, and water isn’t draining away from your home, that’s another way to get water into your basement. Major problem in making your home safe. Clean your gutters so they don’t overflow and put water damage in your attic. Two – make sure when the water is flowing down, the downspouts coming from your gutter are clean and actually going into the ground – not just into the ground, but into a pipe that runs into a sewer if you’re in a condo or away from your home and shooting off into a stream, or however your home is.

Make sure that water’s not staying next to your house. You always want moisture away from your home. If you live on a slope, and your house intersects that slope, good luck because that water’s always going to flow into your basement.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s positive water pressure. We talked about positive air pressure, but when I see slopes going into homes, it’s just a matter of time before that basements gives away. Trust me. You can’t stop it. You always want things sloping away from your home when homes are built right. Make sure hills are further away.

Otherwise, you’re going to have to dig some type of major canal. It’s very difficult to stop that water. The gutters are very important. Just making sure that water is flowing away from the home and not down the home, down that foundation and putting pressure because eventually the water will find a crack or create a crack. It will come in. The water goes through block.

I remember one of the contractors, I think it was our friend, Frank, said, “Man, you could spit on the side of a cinder block, and it’ll go through the other side.” They just literally act as a sponge. That’s where a lot of mold comes in is just people – they’re not taking care of that water that’s coming into their foundation, and it absorbs into the cinder block. Most of the time, you don’t see that water. It’s just behind the wall, and behind the cinder block, and there’s mold. Bad news. All right.

All right.

Dr. Pompa:
You have to go. I’m going to say a few things to sign us off here. Aimee, I want to thank you for joining us, and I hope you got some ideas, Aimee, on things you need to do even once your home’s remediated, right?

Yes. Yes.

Dr. Pompa:
Making sure that it’s positively pressurized, making sure that those things are in your unit just to keep any mold down and your air clean. Listen, the air we breathe is so important. The way we’re building homes today is very dangerous and risky because drywall is the perfect food for mold. All we have to do is add water. That’s it. That’s paper, and paper is cellulose, and cellulose is the exact food, what mold eats.

It’s like if you have grizzly bears, and you live in the mountains, and you’re putting raw meat outside. Obviously grizzly bears are going to eventually show up. If you wet drywall, mold shows up. It’s in the air. We have to understand that.

The way that homes used to be built, and buildings, was completely different. They didn’t put paper or drywall. I don’t know when that’s going to change, and there is a movement to change some of that. Of course, we’re sealing homes. You see that stuff when they’re building a new home, the plastic they put around it. It seems like a really good idea because that seals it, keeps the water out. That’s the solution, but there’s a problem there. It keeps the chemicals in.

We’re living in these chemical little bombs airtight. It keeps moisture in when we don’t have the proper dehumidification, so moisture’s not going out, and it keeps chemicals in. Therefore, we have to bring these units like Warren showed. They’re called ERV units – air ventilator exchangers – and it brings the good air, and the bad air out. Because we’re building homes so tight, those types of units are very important.

If you live in certain places of the country – I’m a firm believer, and I had them when I lived out east. I had the dehumidifiers in all of my homes just dehumidifying that house. If your humidity is over 50, you have the potential of forming mold. If it’s over 60, you’re forming mold. It’s moisture in the air. The spores find their way, and they just implant in a little bit of dust. We add moisture from the air, and we have mold growing. That’s why when you walk in basements, things like that, you smell that musty smell. That’s mold growing, most likely from humidity.

Making the home is R1. We have to make our home safe, and if you’re out there, and you’re still challenged with some health issues, I always say, “Look to the mouth, and look to your home.” That’s the first places that we go. Infection is another one. I just released an article, folks. I think it’s out today, maybe Monday. I’m not sure. It’s “True Cellular Detox™.”

In the article, I talk about the Three Amigos that make most people sick. Heavy metals, biotoxins from mold that we discussed the last two weeks, and infections – roots canals, cavitations, and Lyme disease. Those are the Three Amigos that typically shut down most people’s detox pathways, and now they start reacting to the world. They become sensitive to every chemical. Their detox pathways shut down, and now every cell in their body, including their brain, is toxic.

Then we start with the brain fog, the fatigue, the anxiety, the sleeplessness, all the hormone challenges, weight gain that doesn’t stop regardless of what you eat. Folks, I hope that’s a lesson. Read that article because most people do detox wrong. Most people do not go upstream. Remove the causes from their life and the sources from their body correctly. In that article, I talk about all that in-depth. “True Cellular Detox™” article, read it, watch last week’s show, and the week before on Lyme disease if you haven’t. Between that article and these shows, you’re going to be equipped to truly detox your life and your cells.

Aimee, thanks again for joining us, and signing off, and we’ll see you next week.