Transcript of Episode 77: Healthy Smoothie Recipes
With Dr. Daniel Pompa
Dr. Pompa:
Hey, this is Dr. Pompa here and Meredith, who many of you have spoken to from Revelation Health, and you can see that that’s where we are. So it’s a really special show today, obviously, and we have some really special information about our gut healing smoothies. And we just put out a book about gut healing smoothies, right?
Dr. Pompa:
And you can tell them how to get that book for sure. But on today’s show, we actually—we’re bringing them in.
We’ve done it.
Dr. Pompa:
You are the best at these. I’m going to be honest with you. When I was sick, I did. I mean, I made shakes and smoothies every day because it was, really, the only thing that I could digest. I mean, most food I would react to, and I wasn’t able to get the nutrition in from regular food. I would just be bloated. And it seems, though, when I did a smoothie, I didn’t get that bloating and that severe digestion, obviously, because a lot of the digesting is done for you here. Which actually really gets the nutrition into your body much faster, and through a hurt gut that needs healing. So today, obviously, we’re going to demonstrate, but we want to bring some information too.
Dr. Pompa:
And Meredith, you are just a knowledge queen when it comes to these smoothies.
Wow. Well, thank you.
Dr. Pompa:
You do better than mine. I can attest to that.
Oh, gosh. Well, I love a good smoothie, and at the end of the show, we’ll tell you how to access the smoothie book. And that’s over 25 recipes that Dr. Pompa and I have worked on to put together for you. And it’s specifically targeting gut healing and gut health. So these smoothies are easy to digest. They do really good with high-quality fat, protein, and just a lot of awesome ingredients to really help your gut heal. So it’s pretty exciting, but just to back up a little bit. Why do we need to heal our gut in the first place? What is going on? Really, it’s just—it’s kind of an epidemic these days. So many people have gut challenges.
Dr. Pompa:
But all the time, problems: colitis, IBS, leaky gut. All of these things that we hear about that people are suffering from. What is causing this epidemic in the first place? Can you just talk a little bit about that?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That’s why they have me here. Because the smoothie queen, she’s here. I’m here for that information. No, I mean, obviously, food today is probably not going to be -inaudible-, and I think most people understand process food is probably a little -inaudible-, the empty calorie type of foods that people eat. But I think the big message is—the hidden message is the hidden toxins that’s in our food, in our environments. Much as the environment outside as much as the environments that we think we’re doing to ourself.
So when we look at food, today our children our exposed to things; therefore, so are we now. But that we really didn’t grow up on—foods and chemicals that we didn’t grow up on. For example, genetically modified foods, there are study after study coming out that show that these foods put holes, leaky gut, in our gut. And we’ll talk more about what that actually means, but also, the chemical that they’re spraying on just about every food that we eat. So if you’re eating conventional grain in your diet, which most people watching—well, our audience is a little more educated, but most of the population is still eating conventional grains, whether it’s brown rice or whatever the grain. You know, all sprayed…
Dr. Pompa:
Oatmeal, right. They’re sprayed with glyphosate. It’s a chemical that they used to use and still do, actually, as an herbicide, pesticide, but now they’re doing it to even before they harvest the grain. Because it causes something called dissecation where the grain shrivels, and actually increases the ease of harvest. And also, the amount of seed that it actually puts out. So the bottom line, that’s aka higher yields, which means money. So that’s why they utilize this chemical that a company named Monsanto makes. And by the way, you are familiar with it in Roundup. So they’re making genetically modified crops called Roundup Ready. That means that you can spray tons of this stuff on your crop without killing the crop because they genetically modify it to withstand their chemical.
And look, and it’s not just GMO crops, although, they have the highest exposure to this chemical. But it’s all grains in many foods. Glyphosate, it’s a big, big center of society right now in our food supply. And we know that it causes—it destroys bacteria in the gut that we also know affects the brain. And according to senior scientists at MIT, Stephanie Seneff, we know that it’s leading to diabetes, dementia, other brain conditions, and many other different conditions. And we know it also puts holes in the gut. So that’s just one chemical.
I mean, we’re talking about we grew up, well, maybe me, in the lead generation. But that lead started at our parents, and it’s handed down into their children. I’ve written many articles about this, and it’s handed down to their children. That’s four generations. We grew up in the mercury generation, all right. We started putting amalgam fillings that contained mercury. The least mercury, the life of the filling, where’s that mercury going first, in the gut?
Let’s talk about lotions, chemicals, cleaners. I mean, all of these things we’re exposed to. To answer your question on it, that is really, I think, this epidemic. What we know today as leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s, colitis, which are all the immune conditions. And we could talk a whole show about that. I wrote an article about it on immune conditions. But this is what’s destroying the gut. Once the gut is comprised, it leads to many other different conditions.
Wow. Wow. And what are some of the symptoms of leaky gut specifically because that is such a common condition. And people may not know that they have it, but they know something’s not right.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I remember I read estimates one time that they said 95% of America has leaky gut.
Wow. Wow.
Dr. Pompa:
Wait a minute. That’s probably everybody watching the show.
Dr. Pompa:
And I guess they would say, “Well, I don’t know if I have that.” Well, look, it could be something as simple as just periodic, every once in a while, digestive issues. When you have leaky gut, certain foods leak across the gut, and your body then creates antibodies to those proteins that didn’t get broken down all the way. So what happens is is when those proteins don’t get broken down, you’re forming an immune reaction to it, okay? What does that mean? So that means you get symptoms hours later that you don’t even associate with that condition.
So many people out there watching are saying, “Well, I don’t have a problem with digestion.” Yes, but you may have headaches periodically that’s related to leaky gut. Related to the food you ate hours and hours ago, even sometimes the day before. That’s how slow the process could be. Allergies to different things, environmental things, sleep issues, anxiety so multiple different conditions could be related to your leaky gut.
Wow. Can you talk about the gut-brain connection and the new science there? That’s really exciting information. Talking about headaches possibly being connected to something you ate.
Dr. Pompa:
So there’s something called the -inaudible- system that literally connects this brain to what is known now as the second brain, which is your gut. So we know that there’s this neuro-audio connection. I mean, I’m sure some of you who are watching, you say, “You know, I just have that gut feeling about something.” Well, that’s part of that connection, right? I mean, that’s a reality. You feel things here. If you ever get a bad phone call—I have five kids, so I get these phone calls, right? It’s like this is happening and something’s going on. You get that, oh, feeling in your stomach. I mean, and then it’s the anxiety here. These two brains are connected.
You said something—recently, we know the science is that the bacteria here are actually related to how this brain works. So I use the chemical glyphosate, and we were—I read an article. I just—it’s probably been a year, maybe nine months ago, but about…
The gluten article?
Dr. Pompa:
It’s Not Just Gluten.
It’s Not Just Gluten, you can find it on
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, It’s Not Just Gluten, but the gluten craze right now, and no doubt, gluten can be very damaging, but glyphosate is worse. And that’s what’s on all the conventional grains. That’s that chemical I was saying that they’re spraying on to harvest it, desiccation, and also, as a pesticide and an herbicide. But anyways, so glyphosate kills—it destroys certain bacteria in the gut that we need to make certain amino acids; that we need to make brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, right? Bacteria get destroyed. You don’t make these amino acids that you need to make these brain chemicals or neurotransmitters. So therefore, a lot of incentive work—incentives work from MIT shows that, therefore, what’s happening is it’s causing depression. It’s causing dementia. It’s causing a lot of things that the brain needs these neurotransmitters for. So we’re not making them so—all because of that chemical.
And of course, it does other things, but the point I want to make is is that the bacteria here related to how this works. Okay? Now, the bacteria here is also related to your immune system. It’s estimated that 75-85% of your immune system starts here. Well, let me just give you one example. So many people today are lacking because of all the antibiotic use, that when my generation grew up, if a kid got a sore throat, an earache, they just threw antibiotics at them. It worked, right?
Dr. Pompa:
It takes it away. Today, I think people are getting more privy to the fact that that’s not always a good idea. But it’s still happening because parents want the quick fix.
Right, short time solution.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, so but we now know that we have reaped the nasty harvest. Because we have destroyed a lot of these bacteria that, unfortunately, we can’t get in a pill, necessarily. And these bacteria, they’re—what they do is they communicate to certain cells. And they make cells called T regulatory cells. Well, those cells tell our immune system that everything’s okay. So if you see a pollen or this invader, and the body realizes, okay, it’s okay, so it releases these T regulatory cells that calm down that immune attack, the body from attacking itself. So when you don’t have enough of those bacteria, you don’t make enough of these T regulatory cells; therefore, you can’t control your immune system, aka autoimmune, and your body’s causing inflammation, causing it to attack itself, allergies, food sensitivities, because you don’t have enough of this specific bacteria. So that’s just one example of how your gut plays into your immune system.
Mm-hmm, it’s really ground zero. Wow. Well, okay, so now we know what’s causing it, what the symptoms are. And so how do you fix? How do you fix a sick gut, Dr. Pompa? What do you do it with your oil?
Dr. Pompa:
Honestly, the gut is just like another tissue, right? We need to heal it. You have to stop—if you hurt your hand, Meredith, okay, and it was very hurt. If I sat there and hit it with a hammer—I just kind of want to do this, but I’m not going to do it. And would it ever heal if I kept hitting it?
No, it wouldn’t.
Dr. Pompa:
No. So we have to stop hitting it. That’s the first thing.
Right, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
So what I mean by that is to stop eating those foods that are causing problems.
R1, remove the source.
Dr. Pompa:
R1, remove the source. And secondly, then there’s some things that we can do to speed up that process of healing, right? Those things that can actually help heal the tissues, and that’s what this is about because these smoothies are not just regular smoothies.
Dr. Pompa:
And I want to bring up one point before we talk about the gut and the importance of smoothies. That’s one reason why they’re not just average smoothies. These are gut smoothies. But also, these smoothies are high in fat. They’re low in carbohydrates, sugars that raise glucose, right, and moderate protein. Now why that’s important, that’s basically my cellular healing diet, is because fats are very important to healing the gut. Fats are very important in healing the cell. Raising glucose, so most people drink these smoothies, even in a health food store, they’re loaded with sugar.
Dr. Pompa:
You’ve seen it.
Dr. Pompa:
You wouldn’t drink one would you?
No. No. I’d make my own, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
And it looks healthy. Even it’s green, well, it’s loaded with sugar.
And it taste good.
Dr. Pompa:
Ah, because—that’s it. I mean, so these do taste good. We have clever ways. But they make those taste very good because they load them up with sugar. Folks, if you want to age faster than anybody, raise your glucose. And those healthy smoothies are raising the glucose causing inflammation. You’re adding to the gut problem. So most healthy smoothies, they’re not healthy at all. So caution out there. So these smoothies are definitely loaded glycemic smoothies, which we need to down regulate inflammation. So that’s point number one.
It’s awesome, awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
Point number two, we have some special ingredients here.
We do. Do you want to jump into this? Do you want to talk a little bit more?
Dr. Pompa:
I want to talk about some other gut healing before we get into that.
Okay, some other tactics.
Dr. Pompa:
So we want to give you some things.
Some tools.
Dr. Pompa:
I mean, we do more than just show you how to make healthy smoothies.
Dr. Pompa:
Which we’re going to do it.
We’re going to talk about fasting, and how you can incorporate that with gut healing.
Dr. Pompa:
Mm-hmm, fasting, I think that if you go back to an episode called Ancient Healing, I talk a lot about that. So you can go back to that show, and see more on this topic. But there’s a surface here to cover fasting. There’s a few fasts that we do and like I train doctors to do around the country. And we talk a lot about intermittent fasting. I also wrote some—many articles about that. But these fasts have things like bone stock, which contain collagen, a Type II collagen, that not only is good for the connective tissue here but, also, the connective tissue here.
So bone stock also has some amazing qualities, and the reason why we need a lot of these types of fasts is it starves down all the bacteria in the gut. That might not sound like a good idea, but I can promise you it is. Because when you have what is called dysbiosis, that simply means you have too many bad guys and not enough good guys. Well, we can try to get enough good guys to over supersede the bad guys. But sometimes when dysbiosis is very bad, it’s hard to get enough good guys, right?
Dr. Pompa:
So what we do is by starving down all bacteria and then after the fast, then we re-inoculate the good. That’s a much easier way to beat the dysbiosis. So you see that. So when we do a bone stock fast, we starve down all of the bacteria and we would re-inoculate. We make these guys so weak, the bad ones, and now we’re able to come in with the good ones. So that’s the idea. I mean, it really does work, but also, bone stock has trace minerals. Minerals, Type II collagen, and many nutrients that come out of those bones that for years, hundreds of years, that’s why it’s in our Ancient Healing category, have been used to fix many different conditions in the immune system, obviously, because the gut’s connected to the immune system.
Right, and fasting really gives your body a break too from constantly digesting food all the time. To be able to just—yeah, you’re removing the source. You’re removing all of those foods and things that irritate the gut to really give it some time to heal and seal and totally repair itself.
Dr. Pompa:
Heal and seal, I like that. Heal and seal.
Heal and seal.
Dr. Pompa:
I’m going to use that, even right here.
Awesome, so all right, so you’ve got fasting, and you do the bone stock fasting, anything else here? I think maybe you want to talk about other product.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, this is a product called Whey Water. Call lovely Meredith if you want to know how to order Whey Water. But Whey Water has been used for thousands of years for fasting. Whey Water is an amazing thing. It’s not whey protein, folks. This is a liquid. I would say clear, but it’s not. It has a yellowy tint to it.
But it’s—when they make cheese, this whey water comes off. Hippocrates nicknamed the stuff healing water, right, years and years ago, the “Father of Medicine.” And I believe—look, it has a profound effect on the liver, the kidneys, and the gut. Those are the three immune detox pathways -inaudible-. So we like to start off with a lot of preparation for detox with Whey Water fast. As a matter of fact, I wrote an article on it, and so76, the one before this one, about true cellular detox.
Yes, watch that episode.
Dr. Pompa:
I talk about that prep phase. Often times, we do these intermittent fasts in the prep phase to heal the gut, but not just the gut. Something like this brings health to the liver. It brings health to the kidneys, and it also offers very, very unique bacteria, often times that you can’t get in a pill, necessarily, so a pretty neat product. And it’s very easy to do fasts on this. There’s videos on the thing, website, of my 12-year-old doing the fast when he was 12. He’s 17 now. So wow, that’s a long time. I remember 12 because I remember him saying it on the video, but anyone can do it. We’ve done several of these fasts as well.
So Whey Water really offers a lot of healing yet to the liver, the kidney, the gut. But also, I believe it’s nicknamed—it’s got its nickname healing water from what it does in the cell. It has the perfect ratio of sodium and potassium. Which when certain people are fasting, that gets out of rhythm very easily. So therefore, this fast is much easier to do than a beef stock fast. Which by the way, they have—we have beef stock already made. Give them a link for that, and there’s other—some other ideas you can get. But that’s the Whey Water fast, so we’ll move from that, and I did want to give you some information on the beef stock as well.
Yeah, and there’s an awesome company that actually delivers grass-fed bone broth to your door, 100% organic.
Dr. Pompa:
From non-GMO animals and so if you go to, under the Services tab, it says bone broth delivery. You can click there, and you can get access to this awesome bone broth if you don’t feel like making your own, although, it’s very easy to make your own. You can check out another article on on—it’s about ancient healing and about—with bone broth. And so you can check it out. There’s a recipe there, or just give me a call. I can tell you how to do it. It’s very, very easy, and the bone broth recipe is also on
Dr. Pompa:
People that have made bone broth say, “Gosh, I get nauseous, or I get sick of the flavor.” Well, I—my patient tried the one that’s already made and it’s delivered to you. He’s a very good chef, right? And he was like, “Now this is amazing.” Something about not making it yourself, smelling the smell, and then just getting the stuff. I’m telling you. It was like soup. I was like, oh, yeah, this was the best soup I ever had. So you can make it yourself, but you can buy it premade. I don’t know what he does, but it is so good.
And herbs and spices and that.
Dr. Pompa:
Here’s some other types of collagen. That that’s really—this is some of the stuff that gets pulled out of the bones. So I have—a lot of the times I have my clients add this even to their stock just to get even more collagen. Because remember, that actually can heal the gut and shut down some of the leaky gut.
You can add the gelatin to the stock as well, which I’ve done. And it really just makes it very gelatinous, very soothing, very healing.
Dr. Pompa:
Their products are sold here, Revelation Health.
Yeah, there sold here. You get them on And there also going to be part of our smoothie today. But okay, so we talked about the fasting. We talked about smoothies. What are some of the supplements you add in to support gut health, yeah?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, this is a great product. It’s called ImmunoG PRP. And that is something of—made from colostrum. But there are a lot of colostrum products sold out there, but it’s the healing process that kills something called PRPs, these proline-rich polypeptides, which this product is just loaded with. These things are important because they’re healing. Proline-rich polypeptides is a big word, right.
Dr. Pompa:
But, no, really, what it means is that there’s certain proteins that we need that we can’t get destroyed in a product and most of the products destroy it. So they put the label, the ImmunoG PRP. Now colostrum is also loaded with other growth factors. It raises up these things that actually cause healing, so when I said—I love this product because when I started using it when I worked out, within a week I noticed results in my workout. Strength went up, things like that.
That’s awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s because—absolutely. It’s because of the growth factors in there and its effect on growth hormones, which also drives gut healing. So this is a very special colostrum. And it has everything maintained because of the process they use. Not the PRPs, very, very fragile proline-rich polypeptides. So you want to keep those good.
And healthy effects on animals to, which is key.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, yeah, good grass-fed, which is really important. A lot of the colostrums that are out there are not—weren’t grass-fed. And by the way, this Whey Water is also from grass-fed cows. And we’ve done many videos about that. We talk a lot about fats, and how important fats are for healing the gut. This is from—these two products are—X-Factor Butter Oil and Weston Price made this popular. He believed that…
The X Factor. Like the X Factor.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, the X Factor. So when cows eat grass, there’s literally one week in the spring that the grass is so rich in this one faculty called X Factor.
They didn’t know what it was.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly, but they knew it was there. They didn’t have a name, called it the X Factor. But they harvest this stuff one week out of the year. That’s it. So they take the—they’re not harvesting the grass. The cows are eating the grass so that that week, then they take the amount that they make these X-Factor Butter Oils from it. But now, some of these, that’s straight X-Factor Oil.
And the X Factor is Vitamin K2 is what that they were…
Dr. Pompa:
It is. Yeah. And he believed there was other components, and that’s why he just didn’t want to just call it Vitamin K2. Yeah, he believed there was something more special that happens during that time.
Dr. Pompa:
But it is loaded with K2. Grass-fed anything is loaded with K2. Most Americans—we did a video a long time ago.
One on vitamin deficiencies.
Dr. Pompa:
Yep. K2 is part of it. But the X-Factor actually is a unique—real unique story if you read Weston Price’s stuff. So this one actually has the X-Factor Butter Oil and it is—also has Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. It also has something called Fermented Skate Oil, which is a fish that has amazing qualities to it and Fermented Cod Liver Oil. So you have the Butter Oil, the Coconut Oil, the Fermented Skate, and the Fermented Cod, amazing healing products. The thing that I often don’t like about people just taking fish oil is you throw the ratio off in the bowels. Well, having the butter in there…
The fatty acids.
Dr. Pompa:
Right, and the coconut oil, it brings much more balance, I think, to the product. So this is one of my favorites. It’s called Blue Ice Infused X-Factor Butter Oil. And to differentiate it from other Blue Ice oils, it’s the one with the extra coconut oil. Remember, there’s four oils. So it’s one of my favorites.
Four different flavors, yeah, that’s a great one.
Dr. Pompa:
It has different flavors too because that can get kind of nasty. Over here, quickly, we have some other products. L Liver, why L Liver? Why this liver product? It’s always in my preparatory phases, whether it’s amalgam or whether it’s before detox. But liver plays into digestion. People don’t understand that. Many of the gut issues that don’t heal, it’s because people have a toxic liver and this, of course, liver health.
LGUT is certain enzymes that breakdown gluten. Now we talked about gluten and other un-digestive proteins. When you have a leaky gut, they get into the gut, into these out patchings where the inflammation is. And even though you may have gotten out of—the cell out of your diet months, years, you can have these proteins embedded in there driving inflammation. This dissolves that stuff. So obviously, we’d like to use it within a fast to dissolve these proteins out of the gut. Also, if you make a mistake in your diet and get exposed to gluten and you’re very sensitive, you can take these. And it will break that gluten down, which your body can’t.
Isn’t that product great for a casein on a child as well?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. You can take it—for people who have not just casein but also lactose intolerance. So they can take this. So you might say I can’t do lactose because they don’t have enzymes. This helps with that.
Awesome. Awesome.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. And this is just a—this is a product called Probiophage. We did an episode a few weeks ago with Dr. Shane, and if you want to know more about why these—phage, actually, is what they’re called, so it’s Probiophage. I said phage years ago, and so it stuck with me.
Phage, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
But these are little packed in guys that we like to put in the gut before we load it up with probiotic to kill off certain things. Watch the show, and you’ll understand why this is important. We could do a whole show on that. We don’t have time, but we did a whole show on it, so watch the show.
Yes, so check that out, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
LGUT was designed by that scientist there that you saw in the interview with the phage.
Dr. Shane.
Dr. Pompa:
That this is meant to support leaky gut. It can close down—there’s things in here that studies show that actually can close down something called tight junction. They’re left wide open, and therefore, these proteins go across, right? So it’s designed…
That product really helped me. I took that for a while, and I really, really felt good on that.
Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. Most people are familiar with Glutamine as doing that, but I think this is—LGUT is Glutamine on steroids. It’s better than Glutamine. MBC is one of the bacterias that we love. And I love they’re rotated with Prescript-Assist so MBC and this one’s called Prescript-Assist.
We’ve got ABC too.
Dr. Pompa:
I always tell you—this has 19 different wheat bacterias in it, which is…
From the soil.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, from the soil which is different than anything that you’re going to buy, a probiotic, in a store. But this also focuses more on probiotics that, the MBC on —that most people aren’t getting because they typically have the standard 7, the standard 10 or 11.
Right, same standards.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. So this focuses more on unique. But one thing I would say is don’t just keep taking the probiotic month after month.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s why I rotate them. I change them to get unique bacteria.
It makes perfect sense. We got to diverse our flora.
Dr. Pompa:
And sometimes enzymes, people need enzymes while they’re healing the gut to break down the food to get more out of it. So there you go. So there’s a run through of the product. But let’s get to these amazing smoothies that you have the ability to create.
Awesome, okay, all right, so to make this smoothie here and we’re going to start off with a base. And the base I love to use for smoothies is Full-Fat Organic Coconut Oil. And I always try to buy a BPA-free can. You can make your own coconut oil if you got the time. I don’t. But this is one that I like, and I always use.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, the reason there’s BPA, which just comes from plastic—this could be dangerous. It’s like, oh, yes, pour it in there and it comes out.
Oh, see, and there we go.
Dr. Pompa:
See that. I knew it would be bothering you.
Got a great start.
Dr. Pompa:
That fat on the top. The cream always rises to the top.
Yes it does.
Dr. Pompa:
They put a lining in the can, and that’s what gives off the BPA. So make sure you don’t do that. Now, in the old days, they would actually use solder in these, and there was lead going into a lot of these foods. So I couldn’t read that. Okay, anyway, so that’s what we want to make sure the can was safe. So no, that brings in the high fat.
Yes, great things. And why do we need this fat? What kind of fat is in it? What is—why do you like coconut oil?
Dr. Pompa:
Well, I mean, coconut oil has things called medium-change triglycerides. And medium-change triglycerides actually help you become a better fat burner.
Fat burning, who doesn’t want more of that, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, oh, no doubt about it.
Dr. Pompa:
But also, by the way, most people lack those medium-change triglycerides. So it’s very important. So coconut oil also helps the thyroid and helps support thyroid function because of the medium-change triglyceride. So it’s a great fact.
It’s good stuff, awesome. Next I’m throwing in some fresh basil. A couple of weeks ago at my house, we have a little herb garden, and I was thinking, gosh, I have all this basil. What can I do with it? So well, maybe, I’ll just stick it in a smoothie. So I grabbed a couple of huge handfuls. And this time the basil supply is getting a little low at our house, so we’re just going to have one good handful here, but I threw that in. We don’t have enough fresh herbs and spices in our diets these days, in a modern diet. So I just like to incorporate them as much as possible.
So I threw in some fresh basil, and we’re going to add some berries as well. Travis is going to get those. They were in the freezer because we didn’t want them to be all melted when we made this. So these are just some wild organic blueberries. You can use fresh. We just have the frozen here for today. I throw just the whole bag in.
Dr. Pompa:
You can use raspberries too.
Yeah, raspberries are awesome, blackberries, really, anything. I usually make smoothies—these are two servings. So the nice thing is once I make it, I’m good for two days-worth of breakfast, lunch. So it’s a whole can of coconut milk, some basil, some wild blueberries, and then I—and then something called bee pollen.
Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Pompa was eating that before the show.
He was. He was snacking up on it, handfuls of that. I like to add about a handful, but you know, depending on…
Dr. Pompa:
Two hands.
All right, throw another one in, your sweetness preference, you can add in some more. But bee pollen is the food of young bees. It’s one of nature’s most perfect foods. It’s about 40% protein. It’s a really great thing. You can use raw honey too but if you can get your hands on some bee pollen.
Dr. Pompa:
But this is less sweet. I was surprised. You had told me that it’s 40% protein, actually, so I was shocked. It also offers many enzymes that people lack with a digestive dysbiosis.
It supports hormone balance, fertility. It’s a great product, so think about that. And actually, it cannot be synthesized in laboratories. So you know when you get it that it’s a real deal. We actually have it at our store. We sell it in one pound bags here.
Dr. Pompa:
Here’s something else that I was eating before the show.
Dr. Pompa:
What is that he was eating? I was eating salt. I’m a firm believer in the product that’s got sea salt, and I love salt. So how much should I put in?
Yeah, there we go. That’s good.
Dr. Pompa:
Looks like a teaspoon to me.
A teaspoon, depending on what you like. It’s great for electrolyte balance as well. Anytime any…
Dr. Pompa:
Anything that most people are lacking and it’s low, I would go a little overboard.
Just throw it in. Well, that’s the fun things about this too. Yes, the recipe is online, but be free with it too. Have fun with it. Tweak it to your personal preference. I always add in salt to really anything that I make sweet, really, any dessert. But I like that balance, and it’s good for your electrolytes too.
Dr. Pompa:
My grandmother used to salt her fruit.
Yes. Watermelon, so good.
Dr. Pompa:
I always thought that was the most bizarre thing. She did it to actually make it sweeter. So that’s interesting.
Mm-hmm, it brings out the flavor. I already salted it. And then lastly, we’re going to add in some collagen and gelatin.
Dr. Pompa:
If my sister’s watching, she’ll be laughing right now.
All right, awesome. So we have this grass-fed collagen. It’s from grass-fed cows in Argentina. So I always add this in to really super charge the gut healing component of these smoothies. So a couple tablespoons in, I just mix it in.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, add a little bit of…
Oh, wait. I forgot. You want to—I want to wait and add these in the second step. Sorry. So I’m going to mix it—well, a little bit got in, but that’s okay. All right, so we’re going to add…
Dr. Pompa:
The scary part.
First blend this and then we’ll add in the collagen and gelatin stuff.
Dr. Pompa:
I have seen disasters, and although, if we had one, we would have a YouTube thing.
Okay, so you know how to use it.
Dr. Pompa:
In my house, though, you have to understand, I have been bitten by this thing.
We have the same in my house, yeah.
Dr. Pompa:
Here’s what happened. Someone keeps the darn thing on high, right?
Do not. Do not.
Dr. Pompa:
And I’m thinking—whoa. See? Okay, that’s what happens.
Yeah. Yeah. See, not a good idea.
Dr. Pompa:
But the lids not on and I’m telling you, it hits the ceiling. You have some—years later you will find blueberry -inaudible-
In the corners, yes, do not leave your blender on high.
Dr. Pompa:
Here’s what I think’s going to happen. So I’m doing this, the lids not on because I’m adding something. So I do—I still was scared, by the way. So I try—but it’s on high. It’s going to explode. So that’s how that happened.
Right, well, I didn’t bring the tamper. All right, so the idea is to slowly mix that in.
Dr. Pompa:
Then you can hit it on high.
You can hit it on high. Looks good.
Dr. Pompa:
Doesn’t it look good?
Yeah, and the next thing, though, which I already added a little collagen in accidentally, but we’ll -inaudible-, but what I do then is I mix the base of the smoothie really well. Then I add in the collagen and the gelatin powders. If you put these in at a really high speed with the blender, it can mechanically damage the fiber proteins in here. So I mix the base, and then I will just add in a little bit of the collagen and the gelatin, and mix it in at a low speed so they don’t get damaged.
Dr. Pompa:
This recipe and many of the ones in the book have this, the Immuno.
Dr. Pompa:
Not many. But you can add this to any of them, but it too would probably be better to keep out until the end, right?
Right, and just always add that in at a low speed at the end.
Dr. Pompa:
Very fragile.
You mix on high or medium to begin with with the base, and then add these in. So I added in some of the collagen product, and then I added in the gelatin powder as well. It’s really good for healing the gut, but it also makes things more gelatinous. So if you want your smoothie to have a little thinner consistency, leave out the gelatin. Otherwise, if you like that thickness, you can add it in. Sometimes I add in a good amount and stick it in the fridge, and then it turns into a pudding after a couple of hours, which is really fun and nice.
Dr. Pompa:
Wow, so creative. You can also add your fats, your good fats.
Dr. Pompa:
Some people like them…
Throw in more.
Dr. Pompa:
I can put things in here.
Beautiful, so mix that on low.
Dr. Pompa:
I almost had it on…
It’s on the low, see? All right, slowly mix that on…
Dr. Pompa:
Oh, that’s it. Oh, that’s right. The point was was not to go crazy.
See, we’re learning. We’re learning here, beautiful.
Dr. Pompa:
I just did the opposite. I made her nervous.
It’s muscle memories right?
Dr. Pompa:
Her and Warren are very into the detail.
We’re detail people.
Dr. Pompa:
So people like me can make them very nervous.
Hey, we all got to work together, right? And then I always just like to stick my smoothies in a little Mason jar because it’s great for travel. So, whoops, see how we do it here. That one’s for you, Dr. Pompa. We’re going to give it a little taste and see.
Dr. Pompa:
That is—I love that.
Dr. Pompa:
I love that.
Awesome, not too sweet either because that’s the point. You don’t want to spike your blood sugar, but you want to eat the good fats, the great protein, and you want to be satisfied. And if you have this for breakfast, believe me, you’ll be good until lunch. You can also, if you’re practicing intermittent fasting, skip breakfast, have organic coffee or tea. A little bit of good fat.
Dr. Pompa:
This would be your first meal.
Add some coconut oil. And this good be lunch too if you just want a light lunch. So that’s pretty much it. This website—or this recipe is on
Dr. Pompa:
How do they get the book, the smoothie book?
Yeah, so you go on There’s a Recipes tab at the top. You hover over that. It’ll say free smoothie eBook. You can click on that, and you can download it as a PDF. Also, there’s a coupon code in the book for 10% off these grass-fed collagen and gelatin products on Revelation So you’ll get the coupon code, and then go to, enter the coupon code, and get the discount on these products. And this recipe is on It’s under the Smoothies tab. And otherwise, that’s pretty much it. So have fun, and enjoy making them, and enjoy really supporting your gut.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, now don’t expect something like this next week. This is going to be every once in a while. We’re spoiling them with all—they’re going to say I want to go into Meredith’s kitchen again at Revelation Health.
All right, we can do that.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, we do have to do this more often. So okay, well, we’ll see you next week with another great show. See you.
Thanks, guys. Take care.