Dr. Daniel Pompa

Green Ginger Zinger

  • 1 can full-fat coconut milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 bunch of steamed kale
  • 1 Tbsp. maca powder
  • 2 one-inch pieces fresh gingers root
  • Sea salt to taste
  1. Place all ingredients in high speed blender. Mix and enjoy!

Amalgam Illness

True Cellular Detox™:

Please read my article on PompaCore Cellular Detox™ HERE.

Please see my Cellular Healing TV Episode 76 on PompaCore Cellular Detox™ HERE.


Breaking NEWS:

1) Dental Industry Gets an Earful on Mercury “Lawmakers unleash diatribe on dentists over mercury fillings”

Safe Amalgam Filling Removal Protocols:1) Protocol – Preparing the Body for Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal at least 30 days before each removal.

2) Protocol – Flushing the Body for Mercury Amalgam Filling Removal for three (3) days each removal.


Find a Safe (Amalgam Removal) Dentist in You'r Area:

> visit – www.iaomt.org


Safe Dentists Trained in Safe Dentistry in the Pittsburgh Area:

Dr. Derek Grieco DMD
3894 Old William Penn Highway
Murrysville, PA. 15668


Dr. Alexandra George DDS
171 Wexford Bayne Rd
Wexford, PA



Dr. Anthony Charneco DMD
1600 Perry Highway
Wexford, PA


A Hero’s Journey: Healing from Ulcerative Colitis

A Hero's Journey: Healing from Ulcerative Colitis: Chris Zaino is one of my long term friends, and he’s had a pretty incredible life. Chris won the Mr. America bodybuilding competition at 21 and from there went on to run the most successful chiropractic clinic in Texas. Today he is the man behind I am Hero, an online program that helps individuals unlock their true potential.

Chris and I have shared a similar path, in that we were both sick and took our illnesses as motivation to pursue not only vibrant health but a career in the field. Chris’ story goes beyond that of healing from his health challenges; his hero’s journey is about constant evolution and growth… about grieving your potential and becoming the ultimate version of yourself. Chris is the ultimate example that hardship can breed strength, and I’m sure you’ll find his story as inspirational as I have.

A Hero's Journey: Healing from Ulcerative Colitis

healing from ulcerative colitis

Healing from Ulcerative Colitis: A Competitive Bodybuilder

After winning the Mr. America bodybuilding competition at 21, Chris was not only a successful personal trainer but also writing for and on the cover of health magazines. “My character was based on being the healthy person,” Chris explains, “I looked good. I felt good…” but things quickly took a turn. At 26, he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, and things got dark very quickly.

Chris received chemotherapy, Remicade infusions, and multiple other medications. He got medically-induced hepatitis from all the drugs, and despite being treated by the world's leading doctors for digestive disease, Chris was a week and a half away from getting his entire colon removed, and being on $5,000 worth of pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of his life. The process essentially destroyed his immune system, and according to the doctors, even rendered him sterile.

Healing from Ulcerative Colitis: A Divine Intervention

It’s this point that Chris received divine intervention after his mum sent out a prayer e-mail, and his 10th-grade anatomy teacher reached out. He suggested Chris visit his chiropractor, which made no sense to Chris, “I thought that was the craziest thing ever because chiropractic to me was someone just tapes up my ankle or stretch my hamstrings out when I played sports, but I know when it had to do with health or anything like that”.

He was then introduced to Roger in Sarasota, Florida, and Roger was the first person who explained to him what chiropractic really was, “that it was removing interference so the brain could send all life healing and energy to the body. That our body was created in well being, that's the natural state of the body, well being. There has to be a blind spot”. And that's exactly what happened: it took seven months, but Chris’ body healed itself from this seemingly incurable, terminal illness.

Healing from Ulcerative Colitis: From Pain to Purpose

After his miraculous recovery, Chris knew he had to pursue his chiropractor degree to help other people. He shifted his pain into purpose, and that's what the hero journey is about: taking our hardships, growing from them, and looking back to extend a hand to help others.

“I never [would] have chosen it, but looking back, [it was the] greatest blessing to be [able to] impact millions of peoples lives,” explains Chris.

His journey to reclaim his health wasn't easy, but it gave him a newfound perspective on pain. “When you're constantly focused on the micro (the what is): it’s always insufficient,” he says. “When you’re in the darkness, you know what you don’t want- which clarifies where you do want to be. You can shift the perspective onto what you want: health. People lose hope and often say I’ve tried it all… but if you tried it all, you would have your health”. Chris’ passion for helping people get healthy kept him going for a long time, and he became a beacon of inspiration for the patients at his thriving Texas clinic.

“You have to make a conscious decision to find the answer, and give it your all.”

Healing from Ulcerative Colitis: Beyond Health

Despite having overcome his health challenges and checking all the boxes of what is supposed to bring “happiness,” Chris was feeling deeply unfulfilled. Unfulfillment isn’t always about being in a bad place… it can be, but not necessarily. That’s what makes it hard for many people who are living a blessed life but haven’t found happiness. Chris had his health, a beautiful and healthy wife, two beautiful kids, a successful clinic, financial stability… and yet was living with low levels of depression and numbness. “Life isn't about checking the boxes,” he realized, “life is about evolving”. Chris was grieving his potential.

Chris had has his established identity as a doctor, but his desires required him to step out of his lane, and to fulfill his potential made him scared. “I was feeling heavy, lethargic, tired and numb.  I was feeling depressed and I wasn't allowing myself to fully embrace what I was created to do. During this time,  I wasn't allowing myself to leave the comfort and the torment of this secret identity. Unknowing that by leaving this comfort, I could move onto something that would bring me joy, satisfaction, enlightenment, bliss.”

Stop Living with Fear-Based Thinking

Most of us live in fear, and so knowing your potential and actually stepping into it are two completely different things. Walking into your potential means walking into health, which leads you to the next thing…which may be your career. As you continuously upgrade your life, you’re having to shed what was, and for many people that is a very scary thing.

“I call it your heroic guidance system is telling you that you're not on the right road anymore,” Chris explains. “There's a new road for you, and this feeling you're having is because it's time to expand. There's something new, something brighter, something bigger for you… but there's all these unknowns that we get scared about… people don’t want to take a risk because it’s comfortable, but no one realizes [that] the unknown is exactly where your future and your destiny lies. The most guaranteed thing is life is the unknown. In the unknown, I realized that's where God is. That's where the next step is. That's where the genius is, where the relationship is, where the opportunity is. The unknown has all the nutrients and the variables and the rest that you needed to have that life that you always wanted.At the moment, it might be rough… but in retrospect, what a blessing.”

Healing from Ulcerative Colitis: I Am Hero

Pursuing his calling led Chris to develop his own site, which addresses this concept of identity, and trying to break through the limitations we set for ourselves. “We were literally given identity that we had to live up to for our entire life,” he explains, “we never allowed ourselves to really say who am I. We’re told who to be by institutions or to be teachers, by dogmas, you name it. We lived out other people's values.”

Despite healing from ulcerative colitis and creating quite the life for himself, he still felt unfulfilled. “I was living out other people's values for my life… Then you're in your 30s or 40s and you look in the mirror and you're like, “Who am I? I don't even know who I am.”

“I am is a declaration of truth, your spiritual truth.”

Our Thoughts Change Our Perspective

“We're told you can't be prideful, but when you look at a definition of pride, there's no sin in that. It's conceit, but not pride. Then ego is one sense of self-esteem and self-importance,” Chris explains. “A hero knows their message is important and they take pride and satisfaction on who they were and what they were called to do in the world. A hero must have that pride and that ego in what they do, who they were called to be, and really embrace their truth, but also the hero at the same time has humility.

In their weakness, they realize their courage, but the hero has all those three. They are willing to accept I am and they're willing to say this is what I stand for and I take a stand for that. They're willing to say that no one else has come to save people, so I have to step up and take responsibility. A hero has all those traits.”

And this power of affirmations like “I am a hero” is profound. Our words and our thoughts literally change our epigenetics. It changes our genome and therefore changes who we are and literally who we become. The only way to become a hero and make a difference in the world is to acknowledge it, to acknowledge you are. Think the thought. The thoughts become literally who you become. It sounds surreal, but it's not at all. We have receptors on our cells that literally vibrate to a wavelength. The thought is a wavelength, it's a frequency and that takes in the message and it changes your DNA. That changed DNA makes certain proteins…. And those proteins become who you are.

Chris’ entire message is about this:

Remember, you're the hero. We were born that way. It's not about thinking. It's about remembering. God breathed into you. You had this divinely inspired inspiration then immediately start to get self-doubt. But you have to declare your purpose, declare your direction and move forward in your inspiration”

Healing From Ulcerative Colitis: Embrace The Hero Mindset

The first step, according to Chris, is embracing the hero mindset. “It is okay for me to take a stand and really being very sensitive to the inspiration or the feeling. How do you feel when you embrace the hero mindset? Do you get excited? You can't sleep. You don't need food. Lots of energy. Your heart is open. For some of you, you get a tear of inspiration. Then you start to focus on the “what is.” You just focused on where you are now. This secret identity stuff starts to come in and you start to self-doubt, but if you just say this feels good.”

Healing From Ulcerative Colitis: We Are All Perfect!

“When I look at people, I don't see them for the story that they believe or the lie they believe. I look at people and I just see them for who they were created to be. They are beautiful in their wholeness. When I look at them, I don't see their scars, abuse, or shortcomings. All I see is just the perfect creation of who they were made to be, and I speak to that. When someone says they're this or that, I don't even recognize that. I go that's a secret identity. That is not your truth. That's why we developed the I am hero project.

There are people that are sleepwalking in life living this secret identity. I exist to wake them up and reconnect them with their genius, their greatness, and their very hero. For those of you that are awake, we provide powerful inspiration or experiences so you could further develop those unique gifts and talents you were given so you could help wake up others maximizing their influence to make a difference in the world.”

More on his interview:

Health Hunters Jun 02 2018






Eat Fat, Lose Fat

Thank goodness the days of low-fat and high-carb diets are over and fat is once again en vogue. Dietary fat is crucial to good cellular health and a trim waist line. It helps us have more energy, absorb nutrients from food, balance hormones, improve skin, optimize brain health, and insulates our vital organs. It also makes food taste delicious and keeps us satisfied after meals. Fat is all that and a bag of chips. So what’s not to like? The issue lies in knowing which fats to consume to keep cells healthy and happy. We must eat the right kind of fat to enjoy the benefits, and not just any fat will do. Choosing the right fat makes all the difference in improving health, since certain fats make you fat and inflamed while others, conversely, decrease inflammation and help the body burn fat. Eat good fat to lose bad fat?  Another 180° Solution™ truth to increase health and vitality by going against the grain.

Eat good fat to lose bad fat: another 180° Solution™ truth to increase health and vitality by going against the grain.

Bad Fat

The real bad fats are likely not the ones the media or doctors have told you to avoid. The fats doing the most damage are actually the innocent sounding vegetable oils, found in processed and fried foods and most restaurant meals. These fats are toxic to cells and promote disease inducing inflammation and congestion at the cellular level, which also tells your body to hang on to toxic fat stores. Bad fats include man-made hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils like canola, corn and soybean, margarine spread, and trans fats. These fats extend the shelf life of processed “foods” (i.e. substances that the body does not recognize as fuel), and due to their low-cost have largely replaced other good fats. Most bad fats are sensitive to heat and light and denature easily, so are likely rancid prior to consumption. To top it off, you’re consuming GMOs when ingesting these fats, the greatest modern threat to human and planetary health (please read more about the massive problems with GMOs here and here). Bad fats are seriously dangerous since they are found in the very foods most Americans are eating on a daily basis.

Scary truth: the half-life of trans fats, found in foods like french fries, is 51 days. Therefore, after 51 days only HALF of the negative effects have been processed by the body. An additional 51 days (totaling 102 days) are needed to remove the majority of this toxic fat from your system. Yikes.

Good Fat

But the solution is very simple: make like a car and get your oil changed. Remove bad fats from your diet and replace them with good fats (or “God” fats as I like to call them). Essentially, good fats heal the cell membrane (R2), which holds the cell’s intelligence, and good health all starts with the cell. While bad fats inflame the cell membrane, good fats work to repair it. Hormone receptors reside on the membrane, and a diet high in healthy fat helps these receptors function properly and send the signals to your brain to burn fat for energy. Eating plenty of good fat is, therefore, very effective in treating hormone-related conditions like weight-loss resistance. As I always say, if you don’t heal the cell, you won’t get well. In this case, if you don’t heal the cell membrane, you’ll never lose weight and keep it off. Regenerating the membrane with good fat is a core solution to today’s growing epidemic of hormone imbalances, obesity, and the countless “unexplainable” diseases.

Ironically, the two most vilified fats in our culture are actually the most vital to healing the membrane. As you might guess, I’m referring to saturated fat and cholesterol. Saturated fat and cholesterol are required to make vitamin D, hormones, support brain function, and produce and restore cell membranes, since they help to compose the membranes themselves. When consumed from the right sources, these two unique fats downregulate inflammation, balance hormones to encourage weight-loss, and serve as ideal brain food to keep your body in top performance mode.

Eat more high-quality saturated fat and cholesterol: a 180° Solution™ weight-loss strategy.

But don’t run out and wolf down a pan of bacon just yet. The source of saturated fat and cholesterol will affect whether it impacts your health in a good or bad way (i.e. increases or decreases cellular inflammation). Since animals store toxins in their fat cells, eating products from healthy animals is imperative, and eating those from sick, factory-farmed animals is to be avoided. Good fats from healthy animals include 100% grass-fed and pastured meats, eggs (including yolks), full-fat, raw, cultured dairy (if tolerated), and plant sources like raw nuts and seeds, coconut oil, olive oil, and MCT oil, all included in my Cellular Healing diet. Consider the source of your food and fats, knowing that quality is fundamental to looking and feeling your best. Eat more high-quality saturated fat and cholesterol: another 180° solution™ weight-loss and health boosting strategy.

Why Good Fat Helps Us Lose Weight

How does good fat help us lose bad fat? Here’s a simple explanation. Our cells can only use two things for energy: sugar or fat. Sugar burns as a “dirty” fuel, whereas good quality fat burns clean. Imagine lighting a fire: when you put wood on the fire it creates smoke and waste, as does sugar when converted to fuel in the body. When you light a natural gas stove, the gas burns clean, just like good fat. Because fat burns cleaner than sugar, less cellular oxidation occurs, and consequently less inflammation is promoted and the fat consumed is used for energy. Basically, good fat reduces cellular inflammation which ultimately begets weight-loss. The opposite is also true: sugar and bat fats increase inflammation and so produce weight gain.

How to Become a Fat Burner

By increasing the amount of good fat in your diet, you naturally eat less sugar and carbohydrates because you’re more satiated from meals. This dietary shift helps the body move towards a state where it burns its own fat for fuel instead of sugar, remaining in the sought-after fat burning zone, i.e. you become a “fat-burner” instead of a “sugar burner.” A higher fat (up to 60-80%), moderate protein (15-30%), lower carbohydrate (10-20%) diet, is exceptional for reducing inflammation, a reason it’s so effective for weight-loss, and I’ve found it to be a matchless tool for clients who suffer from weight-loss resistance, brain dysfunction, thyroid disorders , and many other conditions. As an aside, I largely follow this diet ratio, but shift in and out of ketosis throughout the year and also include periods where I consume larger amounts of healthy carbohydrates. This approach keeps the body guessing, an adaptive technique I call diet variation (read more about it here), and has led me to be in the best shape of my life.

Choosing Fats Wisely

Select organic, raw, grass-fed, full-fat, cultured dairy and pastured or 100% grass-fed and finished animal products when possible.

  • Whole-foods fats:
    • Beef; wild-caught seafood and shellfish (especially oily fish like sardines, mackerel and salmon); avocados; eggs (including yolks); poultry; wild game; lamb; olives; full-fat dairy (if tolerated) like butter, ghee, butter oil, cheese, yogurt, heavy whipping cream; soaked and sprouted nuts and seeds; unsweetened, full-fat coconut products like oil, butter, and cream.
  • Fats for high heat cooking (high in saturated fat and cholesterol for stability):
    • Coconut oil; grass-fed tallow; red palm and palm kernel oil
  • Fats for medium heat cooking:
    • Butter; ghee; avocado oil; macadamia nut oil; olive oil
  • Fats for serving raw:
    • Olive oil; Hemp oil; Flax Oil; MCT oil
  • Fats as dietary supplements:
    • X Factor Butter Oil; Fermented Cod Liver Oil; MCT oil; Coconut oil; Hemp oil; Flax Oil
  • Support to aid in fat digestion:
    • Ox Bile, take 250-500 mg with high-fat meals (or as directed).
  • Essential Fatty Acid supplements:
  • Fats to avoid like the plague:
    • Trans fats, GMO vegetable oils like corn oil, canola oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil

Wondering how to eat more fat? A few ideas…

11 Easy Ways to Sneak More Fat into Your Diet

  1. Start your day with a fat-packed smoothie. I love to use full-fat, unsweetened coconut milk as a base, and throw in some pastured eggs for added fat and protein.
  2. Keep your kitchen, travel bag and vehicle stocked with healthy fat snacks like nuts, hard-boiled eggs and grass-fed beef jerky.
  3. Purchase only full-fat dairy products (if tolerated), avoiding low-fat and non-fat options.
  4. Sauté foods in solid saturated fats (stable for high heat cooking) and make sure to use healthy cookware such as stainless steel, ceramic, and glass. Avoid toxin leaching non-stick pots and pans.
  5. Consume darker and fattier cuts of meat and organ meat (offal) from healthy animals, including the skin and fat. BONUS: Make gelatin rich, gut-healing bone broth from beef bones or whole poultry or fish carcasses and use for soup stock or enjoy sipping straight.
  6. Say good-bye to egg white omelets and eat pastured eggs with the bright orange yolks for healthy cholesterol.
  7. Prior to serving food, drizzle with olive oil, melted butter or MCT oil. Top desserts or soups with a dollop of coconut cream, sour cream, or heavy whipping cream.
  8. When choosing seafood, select the low-mercury, small fatty fish, like sardines, mackerel and anchovies, full of essential omega 3 fatty acids.
  9. Ditch store-bought dressings packed with bad fats, and make your own with MCT oil or olive oil, apple cider vinegar, herbs and spices. Add some mustard, tahini or almond butter for creaminess. Keep in the fridge ready to drizzle over salad, veggies and proteins.
  10. When in doubt, throw in an avocado. Guacamole goes with everything.
  11. Eat fat “straight-up” to balance blood sugar and provide quick energy. When short on time, I take a few spoonfuls of grass-fed butter oil or coconut oil and mix it with chocolate whey protein powder for a pick-me up.

Click Here for good fat meal ideas and recipes!

Key Points

  • Get an oil change: simply replace all bad fats with good fats.
  • Cut out all sugar, including grains, until you become a fat burner, i.e. inflammation is reduced and weight is managed.
  • If experiencing sugar or carb cravings, increase good fat and sea salt intake and stay hydrated.
  • Actively look for ways to add good fat to meals…your cells with thank you.

How Healthy is Your Wine?

Let’s talk about one of my favorite topics: wine. Wine consumption in the United States has increased steadily over the years, from 2.01 gallons per person annually in 2010, to 2.83 gallons in 2015.1 For many, a nice glass of wine is the perfect way to unwind after a long day at the office or complement dinner with family and friends.

>> Interested in Dry Farm Wines? Get a bottle for only one penny! <<

Wine is believed by many to be healthy, which helps fuel its popularity. For example, studies indicate red wine can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.2 While healthy wine is good for us, it’s important to note that all wine is not the same, and some varieties are not as beneficial as we are led to believe.

I recently had an excellent conversation with Todd White. Todd is a wine expert who has fifteen years of experience in the wine business. He is the founder of Dry Farm Wines, and a leading authority on healthy organic natural wines.

Todd understands the love many people have for wine, so he has spent a great deal of time and energy focused on unlocking the best way to enjoy alcohol and avoid the negative outcomes (like hangovers) some may experience.

Todd and I have a lot in common. He follows a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasts on a regular basis, and is a fitness enthusiast. He's also a frequent speaker on ketogenic lifestyle, and is currently completing a keto cookbook.

Personally, I have clients who discovered to their dismay that they couldn’t drink wine anymore, and Todd had the same experience as well; after being on a ketogenic diet for three years he could no longer drink conventional wines. He thought it was due to the higher alcohol content, but quickly discovered it was something else.

After doing research, he made two important discoveries:

  1. Europe is currently undergoing an extremely popular healthy wine movement.
  2. There is very little natural wine available in the United States.

As you read this, you may wonder what a “healthy” wine is, and think “aren’t all wines natural?” Unfortunately, they are not.

I asked Todd about this and his response was surprising: “When I discovered natural wine and got rid of all the additives and toxins that are in commercial wines today, in addition to dosing down the alcohol, I discovered that I could drink wines again. This is what many of our customers also discovered.

Additives and toxins in wine? Yes, it is true. This is very important information because many people drink wine because of the perceived health benefits. As I said before, I've had many clients who are not able to drink wine. They're neurotoxic and sensitive, but they're able to drink Todd’s wines which are different.

There is one important aspect of farming that make wine “natural,” and that is biodynamic farming.
Natural wines are organically or biodynamically farmed. Biodynamic farming is a standard method of organic farming. Thus, it is an advanced form of chemical free farming. All natural wines are chemical free and dry farmed. In other words, they do not use irrigation.

Irrigation has been used for thousands of years with a variety of crops. However, what many don’t know is it does more harm than good with grapevines, since irrigation changes the physiology of the plant and how the fruit ripens. The character of the fruit does not develop properly and phenyl flavors are altered. Irrigated grapes must be picked later in the ripening process causing them to be higher in sugar, and increases wine’s alcohol content and sugar byproducts like glycerol.

Todd further explains how irrigation is detrimental to vines:

When you irrigate a vine, it gets all of its nutrients and water from the surface from a little drip hose just above the trunk. The root ball of an irrigated vine is about 3 feet in diameter and about 3 feet deep. Where an unirrigated grape vine at maturity will have a root structure that can range 30, 40, 50 feet deep as that vine struggles in search of water and nutrients.

“It's struggling against its neighbor, it's struggling against nature, to feed. This creates a fruit with much higher character, right? This is a reason in most of Europe, almost all of Europe, it's against the law to irrigate a grapevine. In fact, irrigation did not come to the United States until 1973, for grapevines.

It is obvious that irrigation isn’t good for grapevines. But if the fruit is filled with water it weighs more and when grapes weigh more, they are more profitable. Like other agricultural businesses, the industry has consolidated and the goal is not to make better, healthier wines but to produce them cheaper and faster.

What’s in Your Wine?

Corporate America has shifted the focus from improved food quality to increasing profits. To drive this point home, Todd goes on to say “in the American wine industry, 52% of all the wines made in the United States are made by just three giant companies. Now, you don’t know that, and they don’t want you to know that. It’s a multi-billion dollar operations, so they hide behind thousands of brands and labels to have you believe that you’re drinking from a small farmhouse or somebody’s chateau when in fact you’re drinking from massive factories. Just to take that one step further, 70% of all the wines made in the United States are made by just the top 30 companies, mass consolidation of the industry.

“What happens with mass consolidation is we’re working on spreadsheets. We’re not working on your health, right?”

The bottom line is top priority and it is a global phenomenon.

Moreover, the industry has succumbed to the use of artificial chemicals. The Food & Drug Administration has approved the use of a whopping 76 additives in the wine we drink. Most people think they are drinking is simply fermented grape juice but it’s not. For example, in 2011 the Australian government approved the use of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose in wine. This chemical prevents crystallization and cloudiness in white and sparkling varieties. Also known as cellulose gum, it is also used in laxatives.3 The Australian government notes “Sodium CMC is added to the wine towards the end of the production process . . . (so that) chilling or filtration steps are not required.4

Of the 76 chemical additives that are approved by the FDA for use in winemaking, 38 of them include the acronym GRAS, which stands for “generally regarded as safe.” This should be surprising, but it should also make you think: If half of these chemicals are regarded as safe, what about the other half? How are they classified?

Here are a few of the additives in wine that are approved by the F.D.A:5

  • Aspartame. Aspartame is a sweetening agent and sugar substitute.
  • Dimethyl dicarbonate. A microbial control agent used for bottling, canning, or other forms of final packaging
  • Mica-based pearlescent pigment. Color additive in liqueurs, flavored alcoholic malt beverages, wine coolers, cocktails, and nonalcoholic cocktail mixers and mixes.
  • Mineral oil, white. Used as a float-sealant on fermentation fluids in manufacture of vinegar & wine.
  • Petroleum hydrocarbons, odorless, light. Used as a float on fermentation fluids in manufacturing vinegar & wine
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone. Used as a clarifying agent.
  • Urease enzyme from Lactobacillius fermentum. Used to inhibit urethane formation.

Ask yourself: if it were just fermented grape juice, why would companies care if there was a contents label? It’s much more than fermented grape juice and that’s what they don’t want you to know.

With so many additives in wine these days, I asked Todd “what exactly is natural wine?” He replied:

“Natural wines contain zero additives. They are also fermented with native yeast indigenous to the vineyard where the grapes are grown. Commercial wines are inoculated with genetically modified commercial yeast.

“The very first thing a winemaker does when a standard wine is made is they use sulfur dioxide to kill the native yeast, so that they don’t ferment. Then they inoculate the juice with a commercial yeast, and we don’t know what the health ramifications of these genetically modified yeasts are.

“We just know that when wines are fermented with native yeasts and are additive free, they don’t contain these problems commonly associated with drinking wines. We’re talking about native yeast, no additives, no adjustments, organic farming, and biodynamic practices. This is what makes up a natural wine.”

Less than 1% of wine made worldwide is naturally made. Producing wine this way began in America, but it has become common around the world. There are a few hundred thousand winemakers worldwide, but less than 500 of them make “healthy” wines. Of those natural wines, the vast majority are made in Europe.

The Quest for Healthy Wine

This information can be quite upsetting for wine drinkers and those trying to live healthier lives in general. We’re told about the amazing health benefits of wine, only to discover that many of the wines we drink are loaded with very ingredients (hidden from the label) we are trying to avoid.

Many of us are concerned about what we eat and drink. We try to eat clean and organic foods, but no one tells us about what we’re drinking. I enjoy having a glass of wine with my meal like many others. It’s time to take the same approach toward wine and alcohol consumption that we take towards food.

Health Benefits of Wine

Wine does offer health benefits, and one that stands out is how it good for our microbiome. Fermented foods were some of the first processed foods consumed by humans. Wine and other foods such as yogurt, cultured milk and beer were popular because when they were fermented they had a higher shelf life.

Eventually, it was discovered that these foods had enhanced nutritional qualities because of the fermentation. These foods contained living microorganisms that were like the strains used in probiotics.

  • A study of urine samples was conducted on two groups of volunteers. Over a period of four weeks they drank red wine, grape juice, and a placebo. Researchers claimed the red wine caused a 35% increase in hippuric acid excretion over the grape juice drinkers.7
  • In another study, red wine pomace seasonings were used as cancerous cell treatments. The study concluded that colon cancerous cell viability was inhibited by 50%. The results suggest red wine pomace seasonings could be preventive agents in colorectal cancer.8

There are many similar studies indicating how one or two glasses of wine are good for us, but health benefits are mostly lost when 70 additives are thrown in and alcohol content is increased. We think we are helping our bodies when we may be doing the opposite.

The health benefits are mostly from the European wines. Todd estimates that 95% of the healthy wines are made in Europe. Not all the European wines are healthy, but they produce better fruit in Europe because irrigation is illegal in the regions where he gets his wines.

After much research, Todd discovered how difficult it is for consumers to know what is in their wine. Being a person who intermittent fasts and follows a ketogenic diet, he is committed to walking the talk. For this reason, he created Dry Farm Wines.

The Dry Farm Wines Difference

Dry Farm Wines is the largest seller of natural wines in the world. The wines are lab tested to check sugars and alcohol. Todd follows a sugar free diet, and wants to drink a wine that is sugar free as well. I’ve talked about the dangers of sugar and glucose spikes many times, so having a wine that is sugar free is extremely important. Dry Farm Wines are virtually carb free as well because the carbs in wine come from sugar.

Todd goes the extra mile because his wines are screened for mycotoxins like ochratoxin A. Mycotoxins are toxic chemical products produced by fungi that readily colonize crops. Ochratoxin A is one of the most abundant food contaminating mycotoxins. It can be found in contaminated coffee, wine grapes, dried grapes and other food products.

Ochratoxin A is also dangerous. The FDA issued the following statement about Ochratoxin A:

Studies indicate that this toxin is carcinogenic in mice and rats. It is not completely destroyed during the processing and cooking of food, therefore the implication of risk to human health and safety must be considered. FDA needs up-to- date information on the incidence and levels of occurrence of this toxin in the U.S. for use in considering any necessary regulatory control measures for this substance.9

While the FDA knows about the dangers of Ochratoxin A, it’s important to remember that wine is regulated by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and they do not require screening for this toxin for wine in the United States.

Todd goes on to say: “All of our wines are tested for ochratoxin A, which is the primary mold found in grape farming. The problem in the United States, there is no screening for ochratoxin A. It is not required by the government. If you’re an American wine producer and you export to Europe and other parts of the world, they actually require that you submit an ochratoxin A report as a part of your export lab reports. Our government doesn’t require that we look at it here, so we’re also screening for molds.

Healthy Alcohol Levels

Another important aspect of wine is alcohol levels. Alcohol levels have gradually increased in wine over the last several decades. A study conducted by the Center for Wine Economics found that sugar content increased close to 7% over the most recent years and 9% over 28 years.10

Two reasons for the rise are irrigation and how wines have been made. On average, Americans like a bolder tasting wine, but that’s not how real wine tastes. The alcohol gives it the bolder taster, but healthy wine doesn’t have that higher amount of alcohol.

There’s a direct correlation between sugar, irrigation and alcohol: the higher the sugar content caused by irrigation, the higher corresponding alcohol content. American wines (both domestic and commercial) are typically seeing 14½ percent to 16½ percent alcohol stated on the bottle. What people don’t know is what’s stated on the bottle by law is not required to be accurate. If a wine says 14 percent on the label, legally it can be as high as 15½ percent. The wine industry gets up to a point and a half to mislead you about how much alcohol is in it. The reason for the margin is that law was written in the post prohibition era, and the testing methods for alcohol were not as accurate as today.

Remember, alcohol is a toxin. It’s poisonous at the wrong dose. Even water and oxygen can be hazardous to our health at the wrong dose. This is where deceptive labeling comes into play. If a person is out socializing with family or friends, they may not drink just one glass of wine. Instead, they might drink several glasses over the course of an evening. Ideally, we should drink lower alcohol wine because well crafted, healthy wines taste great with food. Drinking wine with 12 percent alcohol or less allows you to drink a bit more while reducing negative effects such as hangovers.

If you’re dehydrated after drinking wine, more than likely it’s because of the higher alcohol content. When I drink Todd’s wines, I don’t feel the effects of dehydration that I do with regular (even organic) wine. There could be other factors, but alcohol content is probably the main cause of the dehydration many people experience. Todd’s wine has lower alcohol content, which reduces the risk of dehydration.

Wine and Sulfites

Sulfites are a hot topic when it comes to wine. Sulfites (or sulfur dioxide) are preservatives used to prevent oxidation and keep wine fresh. Sulfites occur naturally in the fermentation process, and many believe they are the culprit if they feel bad after drinking wine. However, that’s not always the case.

According to Todd, feeling unwell post wine consumption is not always due to sulfites: “White wines are higher in sulfite than red wines. Most people experience wine problems with red wines, although with me it was historically the opposite. I couldn’t drink white wines. The primary problem was the sugar level. If I drink sugar, it gives me a headache. I’m not accustomed to it.

When wine is sterilized with these doses of sulfur, it removes the soul and the character from that living, beautiful, soulful juice. It just sterilizes it. It makes it shelf consistent. Every bottle tastes the same. That’s not how real wine tastes. Real wine has soul and character, and it’s alive. That’s what real wine tastes like.

For this reason, Todd limits his wine’s sulfur to 75 parts per million. Many of the wines they offer have 40 or less parts per million (significantly lower than the U.S. limit of 350 parts per million) because they do not add sulfur dioxide.

The average person doesn’t have a sulfite allergy. If he did, he would always carry an EpiPen because sulfites naturally occur in many foods we eat. For example, natural sulfites are found in bottled lemon juice, grape juice, molasses, some dried fruits, sauerkraut, pickled onions and more.

Todd believes the real problem is tyramine and histamine: “Those are exaggerated in commercial winemaking practices because of the way wines are made now, and so you inherently have a higher histamine and tyramine level. This leads to tightness and tension just in the forehead. It leads to, for some people, splotchyness, or redness, or a feeling of warmth that’s unnatural.

“These are these biogenetic amines that are really at work. I don’t have a sensitivity to histamines, but if I drink commercial wines, I can feel it right here in the front (points to middle of forehead)—that’s tyramine and histamine, right, and it gives you that tightness in the head….That’s unnatural. You don’t get that from natural wines.

Wine, Sugar and Yeast

Yeast has a major role in the wine making process. When grape juice is inoculated with yeast, the yeast eats the sugar. As it eats the sugar, the byproduct is carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. Wine becomes sugar free when the winemaker allows the fermentation process to complete and the yeast eats all the sugar. What’s happening in commercial wines is that the winemaker is using sulfur dioxide to kill the yeast prior to its full fermentation. This leaves behind residual sugar, known as RS. Todd tests his wines for RS.

As we know, sugar can cause a spike in glucose and insulin, so it’s important to limit sugar intake. This is especially important for wine drinkers because of the high sugar content in wine.

Another potential concern is the genetically modified yeast that is being used today. Unfortunately, there have been no studies on how these modified versions of yeast affect the body, but Todd does not use them as a precaution.

I can’t tell you what commercial yeasts are doing…. Here’s what we do know, when we remove the additives and we use a native yeast that’s indigenous—it’s on the skin of every grape. When we allow wine to make itself naturally, we don’t have any of these issues. I’d love to be able to give you some science studies on the effects of commercial yeast. They just don’t exist.

Ketosis, Fasting, and the Magic of Variation

Todd has been following the ketogenic diet for several years. As a result, he understands the frustrations of trying to avoid many of the toxins we are bombarded with today. This has helped him provide healthy wines for those who wish to partake and not worry if it is detrimental to their health.

I had been experimenting with low-carb diets over the years, but I had decided to experiment about three years ago with ketosis to breakthrough a weight loss plateau. I thought I had just five more pounds I just personally wanted to lose that I couldn’t seem to shake. In fact, after I became ketogenic, I lost almost an additional 20 pounds over the ensuing years that I really had no idea that I needed to lose.

What makes Todd and his company even more amazing is his entire staff is on the same page. They believe in the power of the ketogenic diet and it shows in their passion for providing such an excellent product:

The reason that I’m a proponent and an evangelist for the ketogenic diet today is really its effect on the reduction of inflammation, so you can even look in the face of someone who’s ketogenic, or I have—everybody on my staff is ketogenic. It’s not a requirement of working here. It just happens to be who we are, and most of the folks who work for me are younger and happen to be quite thin. Even when they became ketogenic, they didn’t experience much weight loss, but what you could really see is a restructuring in their face. This tremendous melting away of puffiness that’s even apparent—you don’t even realize it’s there, particularly people who are thin by nature. You don’t really see them as inflamed. In fact, when they become ketogenic, you see this melting away, and you’ll see a more defined facial structure, right? That’s inflammation. That was an amazing result.

Todd is also a big proponent of fasting as well. For two years he fasted for 16-18 hours per day, while eating twice in a 6 hour window. For the last 6 months, he has adapted a single “feeding” per day doing a 22 to 24 hours fast daily.

Once I went to a one meal a day program, I got new power, best at the gym. I got boom. It’s like I had my personal best on both high-intensity training as well as resistance training for weightlifting. My personal best after I went to one meal a day. I thought I might experience just the opposite. I thought I might experience some lean body loss or a loss of power in not having that fuel. In fact, just the opposite happened, and I work out in the mornings in a fasted state.

As many of you know, what also works for me is to practice “Diet Variation.” I will eat 1 meal a day, fasting for twenty four hours, 1-2 days a week. I eat dinner and won’t again until dinner the next evening. Then one day a week I will purposely eat more, may “feast” carb-load day. It reminds my body it is not starving—very important! The other days of the week I mostly follow a keto diet with intermittent fasting. I call this my 5-1-1 Rule, read on it more here.

Why is diet variation important? We know that the body will hang onto fat because it becomes a precious commodity in times of famine (mimicked by fasting). The feast and famine day(s) act to imitate our ancestors’ lifestyle and can help a person become more anabolic and lean. The key is to NOT eat less, but eat less often. The magic is in the variation.

For those interested in fasting, Todd and I both agree they should ease into it. Fasting can be an adjustment both mentally and physically. When starting to fast, it’s important to be mindful of what you’re doing. Many think they are fasting, but they don’t count the handful of nuts or the scoop of coconut oil they have every couple hours. Give your body a real break from eating. Fast and truly enjoy your food when you do eat. Todd drink his wine with dinner every night, but avoids drinking without eating because food aids alcohol absorption.

Todd fully stands behind his natural wines. He believes they are the healthiest wines on the market and are the great addition to meals. Give Todd’s healthy wine a try today and let us know what you think!

Special offer for our readers:

Go to Dry Farm Wines, get a bottle of Dry Farm Wines for one penny!

Questions for Todd? He can be reached at Todd@dryfarmwines.com.

  1.  “The Wine Institute.” Wine Consumption in the U.S. – The Wine Institute. July 7, 2016. http://www.wineinstitute.org/resources/statistics/article86.
  2. Saleem, T.S. Mohamed, and S. Darbar Basha. “Red wine: A drink to your heart.” Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. October-December 2010. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3023893/.
  4. Burke, Jessica . “Laxative chemical permitted for use in Australian wines.” Food Beverage. November 28, 2011. https://foodmag.com.au/laxative-chemical-permitted-for-use-in-australian-wines/.
  5. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. “Food Additives & Ingredients – Food Additive Status List.” U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page. December 16, 2014. http://www.fda.gov/Food/IngredientsPackagingLabeling/FoodAdditivesIngredients/ucm091048.htm.
  6. What the Wine Label Tells You. PDF . TTB – Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
  7. Van, F. A., C. H. Grün, E. J. Van, D. M. Jacobs, R. Draijer, and J. P. Van. “The metabolic fate of red wine and grape juice polyphenols in humans assessed by metabolomics.” Molecular nutrition & food research. July 2010. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20013882.
  8. Del, R., M. D. Rivero-Pérez, M. L. González-SanJosé, M. Ortega-Heras, J. García, and P. Muñiz. “Chemopreventive Potential of Powdered Red Wine Pomace Seasonings against Colorectal Cancer in HT-29 Cells.” Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. January 11, 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27957845.
  10. Too Much of a Good Thing? Causes and Consequences of Increases in Sugar Content of California Wine Grapes. PDF. Robert Mondavi Institute Center for Wine Economics.

The Truth About GMOs and the Diseases They Cause – Exclusive Interview with Jeffrey Smith on Genetically Modified Organisms

Do you care about your health? The health of your family and friends? The welfare of the planet? The following must-see interview with Jeffrey Smith and Dr. Dan Pompa has the potential to change life on earth as we know it. Read on and watch this fascinating discussion of a topic that affects every being on earth and will have consequences for many years to come.  Monsanto is resposible for Frankencorn.  The research indicates that Monsanto does not care about the health and wellbeing of our population.

In a groundbreaking and revealing interview, Dr. Pompa discusses the dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) with Jeffrey Smith, the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. Dr. Pompa interviewed Mr. Smith at California Jam, a large health and wellness conference whose renowned speakers included Dr. Joseph Mercola, Andrew Wakefield, and other leaders in the industry. Smith’s exhaustive research documents how biotech companies are putting the health of society and the planet in danger by continuing to promote and produce GMO crops. This leading-edge interview shares why genetically engineered foods are destroying the health of the nation by causing numerous diseases, and the pressing need for consumers to reject GMO ingredients from their diet.

I'm here with Jeffrey Smith, thank you for being here. At the seminar, I heard you teach some amazing information. You’re one of the crusaders for anti-GMO and I really would have to say you're a crusader for saving humanity. If you don't know this man, he's the author of Genetic Roulette, Seeds of Deception, and this is also a part of your passion, The World According to Monsanto. So, not to do a whole interview about GMO, but there's a specific topic that I really want to hit on because I feel that everybody needs to hear this and it's really new information. You know, I've been following some of Dr. Seneff's work, and you just did a long interview with her that I saw. I think its ground-breaking information that I really want people to hear even ahead of time or at least draw them into the information. For years, I've been talking about the deception of cholesterol. About how people really are deceived about cholesterol and think they're dying from high cholesterol.

Dr. Seneff points out that cholesterol deficiency, or cholesterol sulfate deficiency, is the cause of many diseases. In the interview, I think that you focused on something really important; the overuse of glyphosate on GMOs which is causing this deficiency. Talk about some of the information that you've learned from her.

Jeffrey SmithFirst of all, genetically engineered crops, where they transfer genes between species, the most common variety is the herbicide-tolerant crops. Herbicide tolerance means you can spray herbicides on the crops and not kill them, and Roundup Ready is the most popular, and Roundup’s active ingredient is glyphosate.

Now glyphosate is a very interesting molecule. It binds with all these different trace minerals, making them unassimilable. What it does in the system is a number of things because of this. It is very unique and it's efficient. It helps destroy the nutrient availability of these minerals. It kills the beneficial gut bacteria.

Dr. Pompa: Right, which is key.

Jeffrey Smith: Which is key. It’s an endocrine disrupter. It blocks the ability of the gut bacteria to produce the aromatic amino acids, including tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin…

Dr. Pompa:Depression, psychological problems…

Jeffrey Smith: Insomnia…

Dr. Pompa: Even obesity…

Jeffrey Smith: Exactly! It also messes up certain enzymes of the P450 cytochrome pathway, which is a detox pathway. So when you don't have all those enzymes in place, every other toxin that you're exposed to can be amplified as it can't be released from the body.

Dr. Pompa: Right.

Jeffrey Smith: So you have this incredible, dangerous herbicide. The herbicide is now found in 75 percent of the air and rain samples.

Dr. Pompa: Hasn’t this herbicide been used for years? Why all of a sudden are we now seeing more of these problems?

Jeffrey Smith: Two reasons. One – the Roundup Ready crops have dramatically increased the use of the herbicides many fold. Someone said up to a billion pounds. I don’t have the exact number, but it's huge. Huge!

Dr. Pompa: I know in the last five years that it's escalated dramatically. Why is that?

Jeffrey Smith: It's because of the expansion of GMOs. You have the weeds out-fox Monsanto, becoming resistant to Roundup. Then the farmers spray more Roundup, so the percentage proof to the amount of tonnage per acre is much higher. You also have the fact that Roundup is now being used as a ripening agent. That’s not just on the Roundup Ready crops, but on wheat, barley, etc.

Dr. Pompa: I heard you say that on the interview, so that means all conventional graining is non-organic.

Jeffrey Smith: Most, yes.

Dr. Pompa: Most. They're spraying it before harvest?

Jeffrey Smith: Right before harvest, so it kills everything else. The glyphosate, which gets absorbed in the plant, all gets stored in the food. Thus the amount of glyphosate residue in the food is astounding. Way higher, in some cases a thousand times higher, than levels that are associated with certain diseases – breast cancer, cell reproduction, etc. When it comes into the body it does all these things biochemically and Antony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff wrote an article in a Journal of Entropy in, I think, May 2013 and linked it to heart disease, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Parkinson's, autism, anorexia, Multiple Sclerosis…

Dr. Pompa: So people watching will say, “Wait a minute, how can one thing be linked to so many diseases?” It is cholesterol sulfate deficiency. Explain the common connection between glyphosate and this deficiency, and then these diseases.

Jeffrey Smith: Why don't you share with the people, because you're the functional medicine guy? You share what you know and I'll throw in some things.

Dr. Pompa: Yes, absolutely. Look, glyphosate, as you just explained, obviously we’re getting exposed to it much more than ever before. Glyphosate, you talked about how it kills some of the bacteria, is what's actually causing the cholesterol deficiency, because it kills some of these enzymes. As a matter of fact, it actually kills one of the enzymes that is responsible for making cholesterol sulfate. Therefore, we're cholesterol sulfate deficient.

For years I've talked about cholesterol as being an integral part of the cell membrane. Every cell in your body can't function without cholesterol sulfate. That’s why it's linked to so many different diseases. Whether it's being deficient in the brain, the heart, we can name different diseases. So, please add to that as you sat down with (Dr. Stephanie Seneff). I think you were as fascinated as I was, because we were both reading this literature and were excited about it. That's why I want to bring this information forward because the world thinks cholesterol is so bad, and here (Dr. Seneff’s) saying, “Wait a minute, a cholesterol deficiency is the cause of heart disease, Parkinson's and memory loss.”

Jeffrey Smith: You can Google the interview Jeffrey Smith and Dr. Stephanie Seneff, and you will find it. I think 85,000 have seen the video.

There's a number of things. First of all, I want to say there's a new paper out, just released, relating glyphosate to gluten intolerance, Celiac disease and also the kidney diseases which are deadly that we’ve seen in Central America where they are harvesting sugar cane, and there's a strong link there.

Now I had already come out with an article on gluten and GMOs. How the consumption of genetically-engineered ingredients in our foods could either lead to or exacerbate symptoms of gluten sensitivity. That article can be read at GlutenandGMOs.com. Stephanie Seneff was a research contributor to that, but she said she couldn't give me all of the research because she was writing it so it'd be published. I'm glad that she didn't, because hers came out and was published.

Dr. Pompa: I think you going to have another interview with her on that.

Jeffrey Smith: Yes, I am.

Dr. Pompa: Stay tuned for that because this is ground-breaking information!

Jeffrey Smith: One thing she described, and you'll be better about biochemistry than I am…

Dr. Pompa: Sure.

Jeffrey Smith: She said that on the cell, on the outside of the cell membrane, you can store the sugar, the glucose. When the sugar comes into the bloodstream, it can be pulled out by the cells and stored on the outer membrane. But without the cholesterol sulfate, it can't do it. Now, if you can't pull the sugar out of the blood, then you have higher blood sugar, and that could link to the diabetes.

Dr. Pompa: It could lead to anything, like brain dementia. Sugar and high glucose is poison. When that cholesterol sulfate goes down, your ability to store glucose outside the cell is diminished. She believes, and many other people now, that's it leading to the surge in diabetes. When we look at heart disease, there's an interesting connection.

There's something called an eNOS, Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase. It’s something that we know makes nitric oxide, which is something our heart needs to work and it’s in a lot of the new research about heart disease. But (eNOS) is the enzyme that (glyphosate) kills. So it affects heart disease that way, but it also causes the heart to literally crave cholesterol sulfate, which it needs. That's why we see a lot of the blocking to the arteries in the heart. I think she did a great job explaining that in the video.<

Jeffrey Smith: I'm not a biochemist, I'm not an “ist” of anything really. I found when I looked at the paper, it was written as if it were in another language. So I was happy to dive in and ask her the hard questions, and then on-the-spot translate it.

Dr. Pompa: I thought you did a great job, because she would talk, and then you would make it simpler.

Jeffrey Smith: It was like, “Let me figure out what you just said!”

Dr. Pompa: I thought it was a great interview. That's why I want to bring this information forward because the world is thinking that cholesterol is the enemy and here, all of these newspapers are coming out saying, “Wait a minute, all these major diseases that are epidemic are actually cholesterol deficiencies, they're sulfate deficiencies.” This is groundbreaking information.

Also, leaky gut. Stephanie Seneff talks about leaky gut, how the cells literally shrink when you have a cholesterol sulfate deficiency. Furthermore, that’s opening up the gut and causing holes in the gut. Let’s talk a little bit about this, one more topic because it’s really important – BT corn toxicity.

Jeffrey Smith: There’s actually two things. Roundup can cause an overgrowth of negative gut bacteria.

Dr. Pompa: Roundup meaning glyphosate.

Jeffrey Smith: It kills the beneficial bacteria, like bifidobacteria and lactobacillus, and it leaves the E. coli, salmonella and botulism intact. Now with that overgrowth of negative gut bacteria, it can produce zonulin, and zonulin can then result in the opening of the gaps in the cell walls of the intestines. So that's one way that it can create gaps or leaky gut. Then you have BT toxin, which is found in the genetically engineered corn, and that produces holes in the cells directly because that's how it kills insects, it's an insecticide. They said “Oh, it's not going to hurt humans,” but as it turns out, it pokes holes in the human cells in very much the same way, or it appears to.

Dr. Pompa: And then we have glyphosate leaking directly into the bloodstream, possibly the brain.

Jeffrey Smith: Yes, you have glyphosate in the bloodstream, you have BT toxin in the bloodstream and in the cord blood of the fetus. You have BT toxin and glyphosate in the blood of the unborn fetus. Now, with BT toxin, if it's in the blood, it can possibly hurt the red blood cells because in mouse studies, it damaged their red blood cells. If it gets into the fetus, it might get into the brain of the fetus because the blood-brain barrier is not developed so you have a hole-poking toxin, that's also an allergen, in the brain of the offspring of this continent, in this generation.

Dr. Pompa: Leaky gut is responsible for so many different conditions, we know that. It’s driving autoimmune, I teach about that, and I have an article about that. But leaky gut is driving auto immune, and driving so many other conditions. Yet, only now we're learning that glyphosate, GMOs, are one of the major causes ruining America, ruining the nation. That's why I call you a crusader of humanity because you are saving humanity. You really are, and I know you get embarrassed when I say that. But, this is something of which you agree, that GMOs are one of the greatest threats to humankind ever.

Jeffrey Smith: Oh, of course. The thing is, it’s like the footprint of the technology is bigger than other technologies because it affects everyone who eats. Then when you release it outdoors, which they're doing, it cross pollinates and it gets in the environment, and it can persist for as long as the species exists.

So you have a genetic pollution that self-propagates and it could outlast the effects of global warming, outlast the effects of nuclear waste. The only thing that lasts longer than genetic pollution is extinction. We don't have other technologies that have this huge footprint, and if you look at Stephanie Seneff's recent paper, or you look at the work of Nancy Swanson, the genetic engineer, you see two dozen graphs linking the growth of GMOs, or the use of glyphosate, with diabetes, high blood pressure, autism, senile dementia, kidney disease, certain cancers, etc. When I talk to hundreds and hundreds of people who stop eating GMOS, or the doctors who prescribe non-GMO diets, they say the results are dramatic. I mean dramatic, gastro-intestinal, immune, reproductive, organ damage, mood, behavior, etc.

Dr. Pompa: You told a story about someone, when you interviewed Dr. Seneff about (not eating GMOs). Someone who came off GMOs, and I hear these stories, obviously I hear my patients' stories because part of my diet is never eat GMO, eat 100% organic, so you know you're not getting GMOs. Eat grass-fed. Because with grass-fed, obviously, if cows are eating grain, they're eating GMOs – most likely BT corn.

Jeffrey Smith: BT corn or Roundup Ready corn, yes.

Dr. Pompa: You know you talk about some stories, like when you wrote your book, you got a lot of e-mails.

Jeffrey Smith: The same day that I interviewed Stephanie Seneff, that morning we had spoken at MIT, where she is a senior research scientist, and someone from the audience said, “My six and a half year old was violent and out of control. They wanted to kick him out of school.” She told me they even wanted to label him “retarded.” * She saw the movie Genetic Roulette the Gamble of our Lives, which is the quickest conversion tool I've ever seen for non-GMO diets.

Dr. Pompa: Great film by the way.

Jeffrey Smith: Thank you. She saw the film, changed the kid's diet the next day and said the problems went away. Then I asked her, “How quickly did you see the change?” and she said, “Within a week. Actually, within a month, I had a new child. None of the problems persisted.” I've heard so many stories like that and it’s just incredible.

Dr. Pompa: Yes, me as well. Absolutely. Where can everyone get your book? What about the movie?

Jeffrey Smith: Genetic Roulett is the movie, and you can navigate from there. Seeds of Deception and monsantofilm.com as well. I would say the key thing is go to Institute for Responsible Technology, sign up for the newsletter, look for the patient education material, the brochures, etc. And to avoid GMOs, go to Non GMO Shopping Guide or download the free iPhone app ShopNoGMO, and that will help you.

Dr. Pompa: Perfect, thank you so much.

* Disclaimer – A slang term revealing how badly the school treated this parent and child.