Dr. Daniel Pompa

Bone Broth for Fasting and Better Health

Bone broth has been getting a lot of attention in the media and health industry. Touted for its rich flavor and numerous health benefits, “Grandma’s cure” has become so popular that you can even find restaurants selling it by the cup. Many claim that bone broth is not only nourishing, but is healing to the body, a notion that we’ve seen bear out time and again in our practice.

We spoke in CHTV Episode 78 about one method of using bone broth to help heal, and that’s using it for fasting purposes. If you’re familiar with our methods, you’ll know that we often use short fasts and intermittent fasting as a way to jump-start cellular healing, promote weight loss, and drive down inflammation. Bone broth steps in an amazing support tool during a fast, one in which we have become huge proponents.

What is Bone Broth?

Bone broth is a type of stock, where marrow rich bones and a few other ingredients are slow cooked for long periods of time (12-24 hours, or longer) to release all of the collagen, marrow, minerals and other nutrients from the bones. The result is a gelatin-rich, soothing, nourishing liquid that can be used as a base for soups, in cooking other foods like fresh vegetables, and as a healing drink.

Bone broth has been demonstrated to be immune strengthening, balancing to the nervous system, anti-inflammatory1, soothing to inflamed gut tissue, and great for the hair and skin.

Humans have been making bone broth for thousands of years as a way to promote good health, aid in digestion of fibrous foods like vegetables, and as part of the philosophy to use as much of the animal as possible. This is NOT a new remedy. Bone broth has been around for a very long time. Losing touch with our ancient cooking and food preparation methods has proven to be very detrimental to the cells in our body, and, consequently how well we feel, think, and look. When you make bone broth, beneficial components get released from bones are made more bioavailable (useable to cells), including:

  • Collagen, include type II collagen
  • Minerals, including magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus
  • Amino acids
  • Marrow, with all of the healthy fat that comes with it
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin, both known for helping with joint health
  • Gelatin, a protein that supports the connective tissue

It’s actually the collagen breaking down that produces the gelatin in bone broth. Gelatin has a reputation for aiding in the building and maintenance of connective tissue, is soothing and healing to the gut, and is great for hair, nails, and skin.

You can see how bone broth has the potential to calm everything down, and still nourish, giving your body a chance to reset and begin to heal itself. You may be thinking, “Great, but why should I combine bone broth with fasting?”

Why should I fast?

The first thing you should know is that fasting is different from starving yourself. Fasting is focused, tends to be short term, and has established health benefits. Starving yourself robs your body of needed nourishment and drives down metabolism. Fasting on the other hand is properly planned and a way to help your body calm down and reset, so it can have a chance to begin the healing process.

We use fasting in our practice for many reasons, handling each client as a unique individual; however, some main areas where fasting can be beneficial are:

  • Jump-starting weight loss
  • Helping to drive down cellular inflammation (R4)
  • Giving the body a chance to start the healing process, especially in autoimmune conditions and digestive disorders, where food, even healthy foods, often trigger a response that leads to discomfort.
  • Is beneficial in resetting leaky gut syndrome (watch more on leaky gut HERE)
  • Helping to transition the body into burning fat efficiently (learn about ketosis here: Part 1 and Part 2 — watch my interview with keto expert Dr. D’Agostino HERE)
  • Assisting in starving out pathogenic or bad bacteria, so helpful with digestive disorders like leaky gut, Crohn’s (watch Cellular Healing TV Episode 119 “Overcoming Crohn's Diesase” HERE), SIBO, etc.

Fasting is a focused period where you eat very little or ingest only liquid, but still give your body what it needs to stay energized. Here’s where the bone broth comes in.

How a Bone Broth Fast Helps Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is basically an inappropriate permeability in the cells of the small intestine, which allow particles of improperly broken down food to enter the bloodstream. Your immune system then has no choice but to respond, treating these particles as pathogens. You enter into a cycle of eating, toxifying your own blood and body cells, and triggering a constant, generic, inflammatory response from your immune system. This can only go on for so long before the body cells become too toxic to perform properly. Digestive disorders, chronic autoimmune conditions, and overtaxed cleansing organs (like the liver) are the result, just to name a few problems that can arise from having a leaky gut.

It has been estimated that up to 95% of the current population is suffering from leaky gut syndrome, and many people may not even know that they have it. Hours later, days later, people can be reacting to foods that they ate.

Watch more on leaky gut HERE.

Bone broth with its collagen content soothes and helps to restore damaged cells, reducing gut permeability. The mineral and fat content help to nourish and maintain cellular energy. What’s more, bone broth can aid in eliminating bad bacteria.

Dybiosis2 is when pathogenic or bad bacteria become more prevalent in the gut than the beneficial or good bacteria. This can lead to all sorts of health problems including SIBO (small intestine bacterial growth), improper food breakdown and assimilation, digestive disorders, and more. What’s worse, when in a state of dysbiosis, it can be hard to get the beneficial bacteria to take hold and begin crowding out the bad. A bone broth fast is very beneficial for starving down bad bacteria in the gut, so that you can re-inoculate with good bacteria post-fast.

Bone Broth Fast – The Logistics

A basic bone broth fast typically lasts 4 days. You’ll consume nothing but bone broth during that 4 day period, though water or herbal tea is also fine if desired. You’ll want to get as much of the broth into your body as you can. As such, you’ll need to either buy a lot of bone broth (about 16 gallons) from a reputable source, or make your own, which is much more cost effective and very easy. All you need is a slow cooker, and 4 simple ingredients.


Go here for comprehensive instructions on making your own bone broth, and how to approach a 4 day bone broth fast. All you need are 100% grass-fed beef bones, Himalayan pink or Celtic sea salt, raw apple cider vinegar, and filtered water. If you want to watch a demonstration, then see the CHTV episode, where Meredith shows you how easy it is to make.

Beef or chicken based broths are the most popular, but lamb, fish, buffalo, and venison are also options, and hold similar benefits. Some also like to combine different animal bones to create unique tasting broths. The one rule of thumb is to use bones from only the best quality, properly raised animal. For example, look for grass-fed AND finished beef, or pasture raised poultry, supplemented only with organic feed. Animals that are raised on pesticide laden feed, or given foods that are contrary to their nature (i.e. corn-finished, feedlot beef) not only offer depleted mineral stores to your broth, but could be passing on toxins that were absorbed in life. If you can’t source good quality bones, then consider an online source, or purchase healthy broth ready-made.

Bone Broth Fast FAQ’s

➤ I’m bone broth fasting, but I have to work while on it and I’m feeling tired. What can I do?
Try the 2-2-2- principle. This is 2 Tbsp. of coconut oil (organic, cold pressed), 2 tsp. of sea salt, 2 Tbsp. of grass-fed butter (linoleic acid), usually taken in the morning at the start of your day. You can also take 2 Tbsp. of MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil. This helps to stabilize blood sugar, provide energy, and keep electrolyte levels up during a fast. It also won’t feed the bad bacteria that you’re trying to eliminate.

➤ Where does a bone broth fast fit in with a cellular detox program?
Typically, we like to do at least one fast before we start detox. It’s really part of the preparatory phase. We like to have one fast before we detox because it prepares the gut for detox and also supports all cellular detox pathways.

➤ Can I drink other beverages during a bone broth fast?
Filtered water or herbal tea is fine, but avoid coffee and caffeine during the fast to allow your system to rest.

➤ Can I exercise during my fast?
We don’t recommend exercising during a four-day fast other than walking or some gentle yoga. We want to conserve energy for healing.

➤ How should I break the fast?
Ease out of the fast with soft and nourishing foods as you transition back to the Cellular Healing Diet. Some ideas include avocados, baked sweet potatoes, poached eggs, smoothies (get our free gut healing smoothie eBook, HERE), blended soups and stews, and fermented veggies (probiotics for re-inoculation).

With increasing clarity we are seeing just how right Grandma was when she put bowls of fermented garden vegetables on the table and cooked with flavorful bone broths. These foods helped to keep us nourished and healthy and why we consider bone broth fasting an ancient healing strategy to improve modern health Thankfully, the knowledge on how to truly feed the human body for optimal health isn’t lost, and we can use superfoods like bone broth to help restore and maintain our cellular health.

  1. “Chicken soup inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro.”
  2. Dysbiosis

Is Weight Loss Resistance Your Story?

From Weight Loss Resistance, High Blood Pressure, Hormone Imbalance, Anxiety, and Other Bizarre Symptoms to Total Health Restoration and Helping Others Achieve the Same…

Weight Loss Resistance
Heather’s Story

I can’t believe I was 300 pounds in 2004, and today I have lost over 100 pounds naturally!  It’s so surreal to say those words, and so unbelievable to me when I look back and realize where I was and where I am today. It literally brings tears to my eyes knowing how sick I was, but what makes me tear up even more is knowing that I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for God saving my life by putting me in the hands of people who could help me get my health back. Hello, my name is Heather, and I have been working as a Nutritional Counselor for 3 years now. I didn’t start cooking healthy meals and coming up with recipes just because I liked the natural health movement – but don’t take that the wrong way if you are one of those who love the natural health movement and you do not have a story! It’s okay to not have a story and still be passionate about natural health (more power to you!), but I do have a story.

I used to suffer from high blood pressure, hormone imbalance, anxiety, insomnia, chronic infections, autoimmune issues, neck pain, back pain, and other bizarre symptoms, and no doctor could pinpoint the reason as to why I was having these issues. Keep in mind, before I gained weight, I had always had high blood pressure and hormone problems that were unexplainable. I love my family doctor, and she helped as much as she could with testing, but we never found any answers as to why I couldn’t lose weight or why I had high blood pressure, or any of the other symptoms that I battled with daily – until I walked into Dr. Pompa’s office. It all began when I had 7-9 amalgam fillings when I was 9 years old. I started gaining weight, along with having high blood pressure, and then the hormone issues started in my teens. From then on, I felt like I was sick all the time. Migraines started, and then my immune system consistently failed me. It seemed like I was always taking antibiotics. Someone would sneeze across the room and, no kidding, I would be sick a few days later; that is how poor my immune system was. My friends will tell you that I became a homebody for fear that I would get sick with what anyone had if we went out. I had a poor diet and lifestyle, as well. I wasn’t taking supplements, seeing a chiropractor, or even following a healthy diet. Well, I thought I was following a healthy diet from what I was taught over the years. My body was slowly getting worse as time went on. I went to college and had an amazing opportunity working as a UNIX administrator, but I wasn’t ultimately satisfied with that career. In 2008, I resigned from my job to go back to school and eventually start a career as a teacher, because I wanted to make a difference and help others. That’s what I thought I was supposed to do at that point in my life, anyway, but God had other plans. Keep in mind, I was probably at my heaviest at this point, still with high blood pressure, and I just didn’t feel good….ever. My friends and family will tell you I was just one of those people who always had something wrong with them. I was taking medications for my hormones, pain pills for neck and back pain, migraine medicine and over the counter medicines for whatever symptom I was having that day, along with 14 amalgam fillings (I had some more fillings drilled in at this point), and an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Then I bottomed out completely. I woke up one day with this feeling that is just unexplainable. I refer to that feeling as “bad butterflies,” and I just felt incomplete in so many ways, along with my blood pressure now skyrocketing to 190/210.

Healing Through God’s Plan

I started working for Dr. Pompa shortly after I bottomed out, and I know that God put me in that office for more than just my health. I met so many amazing people other than the Pompas, like Dr. Jackie and Patrick Newhouse, Warren and Rebecca Phillips, Tracy Mastandrea, Faith Hill, Amie and Eric Olson, and other patients. These people not only had a major role in my natural health and healing, but they also led me to be saved and accept Jesus Christ into my life. Then I found out I had mercury & lead poisoning and my neck was reversed. How did I get here? It started at birth, when I inherited bad genes (which can be reversed!) and had my mom’s toxins passed on to me. It continued at age 9 with amalgam fillings. I was vaccinated. I didn’t take care of myself like I should have with diet and lifestyle. All these things add up and can cause a major overflow, and that is what happened to me. Today, I weigh 100 pounds less, I am still detoxing the heavy metals but my immune system is working great, and my neck is not reversed anymore thanks to chiropractic care.

See how we have our own plans in life but God has other plans? The journey I have been on is amazing, and I am so excited to share my love, recipes, and knowledge with so many of you out there who want to get to the bottom of your health issues.

Living My Passion

Today, I love sitting down with people and helping them get to the bottom of their health challenges, but my main passion resides in the kitchen. Eating healthy can be so complicated for so many out there, and I love to cook. My friend Amie had studied at IIN because she also had a passion for health and wellness. She blessed me with a scholarship to IIN, and there I was trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Not only have I applied what Dr. Pompa and my friends have taught me, but life experience and experimenting have now made me want to reach out to thousands of people with my healthy cooking movement!

Making a lifestyle change does not have to be hard. I want to be able to eat a cookie and not feel guilty, and I know and I want to be able to enjoy the holidays and make foods that everyone loves, and more importantly, help each person get to the cause of their health issues by keeping a smile on their face with good tasting healthy foods. Healthy food, healthy moods!

It’s amazing when you eat foods that are good for you how amazing you truly feel. Not to mention the healing that is occurring in your body when you cut out all grains and all sugar. Wouldn’t it be great to eat a chocolate chip cookie, a piece of chocolate cake, or a bowl of ice cream? Well you can have all those things when you bake with almond flour and sweeten with stevia and xylitol. Grain-free desserts like my famous chocolate chip cookie pie are not only packed full of protein but are low glycemic, so eating this treat not only fuels you and has amazing good fats for your brain, but it doesn’t give you the rise and fall like eating a regular, even whole-wheat, chocolate chip cookie for breakfast.

Wouldn’t you like an easy cellular healing, grain-free, gluten-free recipe that doesn’t include 3 different flours and also offers more nutritional value? If you are looking for new dessert ideas, or a breakfast idea that is gluten-free or grain-free, you need to try out this recipe. It is easy, delicious, and nutritious!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

  • 2 ½ cups blanched almond flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ cup xylitol
  • 1 teaspoon stevia
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ stick butter melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup dark chocolate chips
  1. Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl
  2. Mix wet ingredients together, minus the butter
  3. Add the butter to dry ingredients and mix well
  4. Combine wet and dry ingredients together
  5. Add in chocolate chips
  6. Pour cookie batter into a pie plate and bake at 325 -350 degrees (ovens vary) for 15-20 minutes*

*Gooey cookie (light brown and bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes) – my favorite served with a glass of milk!

*Well done cookie (a little darker on top and bake at 325 degrees for 20-25 minutes)

Diet Programs to avoid

HCG diet, Weight Watchers, Atkins diet, calorie restriction diets, watermelon diet, Twinkie diet, Nutrisystem, Slim-Fast, and/or any other diet program that promotoes calorie restriction, processed and prepackaged foods, diets that are low-fat and high-protein, or diets that recommend grains and sugars.

For more amazing recipes and Dr. Pompa’s Cellular Healing Diet program, visit www.cellularhealingdiet.com

You can email Heather at: heatherhosilyk@yahoo.com

Coconut Fat Bombs

Coconut Fat Bombs

  • 16 oz. package unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tsp. vanilla bean powder, or 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Optional – Stevia, to taste (start with a very small amount, around 1/2 tsp. or less)
  • Optional – Ground cinnamon for dusting
  1. Blend shredded coconut in a food processor or high powered blender.
  2. Drizzle in coconut oil while blending until mixture is smooth like warm butter.
  3. If using vanilla and stevia, add them in now.
  4. Pour mixture into a glass measuring cup.
  5. Prep mini-muffin tin with paper liners.
  6. Fill each cup with coconut mixture, careful not to over fill.
  7. If using ground cinnamon, sprinkle on top.
  8. Place in refrigerator or freezer until hardened.
  9. Store in refrigerator between eating.

The Dangerous Truth About Breast Implants

The Dangerous Truth About Breast Implants: The illnesses and implications that can stem from breast implants are vast. This operation can drive autoimmunity and affect your mitochondria, effectively harming every aspect of your health, both short and long term. Today we will explore breast implant illness, as well as an in-depth look into reversing it through removal options and a multi-therapeutic approach to detoxing.

breast implant illness

Sarah Anne’s Story: Mystery Symptoms

Sarah Anne Stewart grew up in a holistically-minded home. She witnessed her father beat a terminal cancer diagnosis in seven months. He did so by refusing the standard of care and opting to heal himself by doing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual work. He’s been cancer-free for over 20 years.

Despite her holistic roots, Sarah was scouted for modeling at the age of 15, which resulted in a childhood of eating disorders that lasted a decade. Ten years into her journey with modeling, Sarah was faced by her doctor who said that if she didn’t quit, she was going to lose her life. Sarah became addicted to Adderal and laxatives. She also became anorexic and bulimic. It was during this time that Sarah also got breast implants, to allegedly help further her career. She felt this enormous discrepancy between the knowledge she had about food as medicine and the way she was treating her body. Sarah decided to quit modeling and go backpacking.

During her travels, she eventually made her way to meditation, mindfulness, and worked on reprogramming her subconscious beliefs.

Despite healing mentally, Sarah also started to become very, very ill.

She had heard about breast implant illness on social media but continued to ignore it, going from doctor to doctor without any answers. Eventually, Sarah started asking doctors about her implants, and time and time again, they would say it had nothing to do with them. Finally, she met a doctor that stressed the importance of removing her implants if she wanted to heal. Within a year, Sarah’s symptoms wholly vanished, and she got her life back.

Sarah has made it her life’s mission to spread awareness about the genuine impact of breast implants on ill health and is helping women all around the world find self-love, safely remove the implants, and heal from the related illnesses. She preaches the importance of doing the inner-work to self-love now because the consequences are lifelong. “Your body's always going to be changing; through pregnancy, through aging, through hormones, through all of these things that we see as we naturally grow older.”

“No matter how well you take care of yourself and pursue anti-aging and longevity tactics: your body is going to change,” she explains. “Why not fall in love with your body right now as it is so that as your body changes, you can continue to love it.”

Breast Implants Can Impact Women Differently

Breast implants can impact different women in different ways, as it influences mitochondria health, hormonal health, and can cause the immune system to attack itself. Although a healthy woman might feel nothing for years, breast implants can prime the canvas for a wide range of problems in time, and compounded with other toxic exposures over time. Breast implants paired with different emotional, chemical, and physical stressors, can create the perfect storm for diseases ranging from autoimmunity, thyroid disorders, and even cancer.

The problem is rooted in mitochondrial health. Mitochondria create ATP, which is essentially energy that enables your body to live. The process of ATP creation also generates waste, which is removed naturally by the body thanks to an enzymatic process. Without those enzymes, the waste begins to bio-accumulate. You can picture the analogy of burning a wood fire for heat: the cell burns fire to create heat (ATP), and the smoke that comes off the fire is the waste. Without the proper evacuation (a chimney), the smoke will build up inside the room until everyone inside dies.

Super oxygen dismutase 2 (SOD2) is one of those agents that enables the body to get rid of waste, and this entire chain is destroyed when we introduce toxic chemicals into the body. Heavy metals inhibit SOD2 production, which interim prevents the body from evacuating the ‘smoke,’ and eventually, we bioaccumulate toxins to the point of cell death.

The type of implant is irrelevant.

Although silicone implants can be more prone to leaking and damage, all types of implants are full of harmful chemicals that have no place in the body. Between 1992 and 2006 silicone was banned by the FDA and removed from the market. Silicone was then re-introduced with more heavy metals and chemicals.

There are over 40 kinds of harmful toxins in silicone breast implants. Some of these toxins include carcinogens like methyl ethyl ketone, cyclohexane, acetone, toluene, xylene, and ethoxide. Silicone also contains heavy metals like aluminum and platinum. These toxins do not need to be ruptured to leak/ leech these toxins into the body– it happens gradually over time. Many of the studies on safety regarding the implants and leakage determined the materials to be safe. However, these studies were conducted at room temperature. The body runs much warmer than room temperature, which tells a different story.

Symptoms of breast implant illness include:

  • Brain fog
  • Migraines
  • Low immune system function
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Unexplained Weight gain or weight loss
  • HPA axis dysfunction (adrenal fatigue)
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Little or no libido
  • Hair loss
  • Body aches
  • Fibromyalgia-like symptoms
  • Poor muscle recovery
  • Joint pain
  • GI distress and poor digestion
  • Puffy ankles or face
  • Autoimmune issues

Reversing Breast Implant Illness

Changing breast implant illness requires an exact approach. If not done correctly, removal of implants can cause more harm than good. Leaching toxins must be safely removed. Many women don’t feel the effects of breast implant illness until they go to have their implants replaced. Most plastic surgeons cut into the scar tissue capsule, pull the implant right out of the capsule, and leave the scar tissue inside of the body. Surgeons often think that that scar tissue capsule is beneficial because it adds volume, and they also believe that it's completely benign.

This capsule that often forms around the implant is permanently closing in neurotoxic chemicals like heavy metals, mercury, lead, aluminum, and platinum. When a doctor goes to replace an implant without properly removing this sac of toxins, it can leach into the body and trigger serious illness.

Removing implants alone doesn’t fix breast implant illness. The capsule tissue full of toxins remains in the body, releasing a slow drip of toxins into the body.

Healing Takes Time

Healing isn’t black and white, and real long-term healing requires a multitude of therapies that address the mind, body, and soul. There is no linear way to heal that works for every person. However, this suggested progression can help prepare for the transition into removal surgery. You should always consult with your healthcare professional, and ensure you have the proper guidance. You will need mental and physical support during the process of healing.

Before Implant Removal Surgery

Breast implants are deeply connected to self-worth and body image, so addressing your relationship with yourself is an integral part of pre-surgery healing. The physical symptoms are real, but there is also work to do regarding self-worth.

“Getting breast implants warps your true identity,” explains ex-implant advocate Sarah Anne Stewart. She elaborated that you can't be entirely happy until you're functioning from your real identity. “There's just a non-authenticity that comes about when you're not functioning fully in your identity.” Sarah stresses the importance of reconnecting to your true, unadulterated self before physical healing can commence.

Healing may require going back and taking stock of the people and experiences that have negatively influenced your self-worth, all the way back to childhood. “Looking back on these experiences as an adult, you can re-write your understanding of the lessons you took on as a child,” Sarah explains. Forgiving those involved who may have harmed your sense of self as a younger person, and retrain your brain. Acknowledge the harmful events and begin to tell yourself a new story.

Meditation Practice

Meditation can help by taking you out of the physical body and into the inner self. Starting a meditation practice can help you reconnect with your true nature and divine inner beauty. Meditating can help sever the need to look a certain way. Meditation comes in many forms, from traditional methods of sitting in non-judgmental silence, to mantras, to walking meditations.

Some experts like Dr. Kayte Susse suggest being mindful of detoxing too actively before breast implant removal surgery. Specific techniques, such as infrared sauna therapy can cause implants to release toxins into the body. After addressing the mental health aspect of breast removal surgery, opt to remove them before embarking on a massive detox protocol.

Breast Implant Removal Surgery

The removal process plays the most significant role in ensuring you reclaim your health. Breast implant removal surgery can cause more problems if done improperly. The proper technique is en bloc which means that you’re removing the implant and the capsule together at the same time. You are not cutting open the capsule, pulling the implant out, and leaving that capsule in there. The capsule contains a lot of toxins, a lot of microbes, potentially even cancerous cells that could then go floating around through your lymph nodes.

An en bloc procedure will prevent future exposure and ensures that you have a complete capsulectomy. A capsulectomy means that every last bit of that toxic capsule is removed. Some surgeons will deter patients from the procedure because it requires a specific skill, and not every surgeon is trained to perform it. The method is very safe when performed by a skilled surgeon.

Unfortunately, it happens that women go in for an en bloc with a capsulectomy procedure and don’t receive a full removal. It’s important women get informed about the nature of the process and that they trust their surgeon. There are various groups online, including Sarah Phillipe’s Reversing Breast Implant Illness facebook group that provide resources to find a qualified doctor.

After Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Although working on mental health before breast implant removal surgery, it remains equally essential afterward. You may have distorted self-image due to years of artificial breasts, so the work ought to continue post-surgery. Surrounding yourself with supportive loved ones is one key to this transition. Joining a community of others who have undergone an explant surgery can help too.

Sarah Anne explains that “we also need to empower other women to make choices based on their health. When I got my implants out, 90% of the questions were, “How do they look? Are they saggy? Do you have scars? Do you like your doctor? Did she do a good job?” While maybe 5% of the questions were, “How are you feeling? Are you feeling better? Are your symptoms gone?” The focus needs to be continuously re-directed toward health.

Post-removal surgery also opens up the door to start a safe and effective multi-therapeutic approach to detoxification.


Toxins bioaccumulate in the body when the toxic burden is more significant than the rate at which the body can rid itself from these substances. Before detoxing, address the common sources of toxins.

Some of these toxins include:

  • Mold
  • Heavy metals in amalgam fillings
  • Cavitations from root canals or wisdom tooth extraction
  • Pesticides and herbicides in food
  • Toxic body care products
  • Poisonous household cleaning product

Once you have removed these sources from your life, it’s time to start detoxing the body at the cellular level. Like removing implant improperly, detox can be harmful if it isn’t done in a smart and safe progression.

PompaCore Cellular Detox

There are three main components that set apart a real detox from a harmful one:

  • Applying the 5 R's principles as a roadmap to fix the cell
  • Opening and supporting critical detox pathways
  • Utilizing real binding agents to remove toxins from the cell

The first component is that all detox must address toxins at the cellular level.

The second component is opening up the downstream detox pathways.

After the cell detoxifies the matter, there is an entire team of organs and channels required to help these toxins safely exit your body. Your gut, liver, and kidneys are the leading players here, and if they are not opened up (functioning correctly), real danger can occur. One of these dangers is autointoxication, whereby you start to recycle and reabsorb the toxins.

The third component is using real binders.

Unlike cilantro and chlorella (which are very weak binders), a real binder will hold on tight to the toxins. Weak binders mostly pull chemicals out of the body and then drop them somewhere else, which wreaks havoc on the system.

The Three Phases

Now that you understand the three components, we can explore the three phases of detox. Simply diving in without a plan won’t yield the best results, and might even be dangerous. These three phases ensure a smooth, safe, transition to help support the body through the detox.

These phases include (1) a preparatory step, (2) a body phase, and (3) a brain phase. The prep phase targets the detox pathways above to support and upregulate the cell function. The body phase is when we introduce a powerful binder to move toxins from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration. The body phase is introduced before removing toxins from deeper tissues, such as the brain. And finally, the brain phase is when we add a fat-soluble agent to support neurotoxin elimination. This final phase is the key to why so many “have tried everything” and still don’t feel well. The final phase is also a key to resolving the current hormone imbalance epidemic.

Cellular detoxification is needed by just about everyone—but it’s especially necessary in conjunction with breast implant illness. 

Our world contains more chemicals and stresses than ever before, and whether it’s internal sources (like breast implants) or external sources like metals in our water, air and so on— our bodies are struggling to keep up. 

That’s why the best route is the 90 Day PompaCore Cellular Detox™ system — which includes the world’s leading detox formula, CytoDetoxThis entire process is specifically designed to support the detoxification organs, detox the cells, and remove toxins from your body and brain. 

The 3 phases of PompaCore Cellular Detox (prep, body, and brain) were formulated to heal the trillions of cells in your body and decrease chronic inflammation.

Your body has its own innate ability to detoxify. 

To get well, you simply need to support your detox — which is what the PompaCore Cellular Detox process (with CytoDetox) helps you do. 


Adams, Simon T, Julie Cox, and G Sam Rao. “Axillary Silicone Lymphadenopathy Presenting with a Lump and Altered Sensation in the Breast: a Case Report.” Journal of Medical Case Reports3, no. 1 (October 2009). https://doi.org/10.1186/1752-1947-3-6442.

Balk, Ethan M., Amy Earley, Esther A. Avendano, and Gowri Raman. “Long-Term Health Outcomes in Women With Silicone Gel Breast Implants.” Annals of Internal Medicine164, no. 3 (October 2015): 164. https://doi.org/10.7326/m15-1169.

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Zucchini Nut Fritters

Zucchini Nut Fritters

  • 2 medium zucchini
  • 2 pastured eggs
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 cup almond flour (or 3 Tbsp. coconut flour)
  • 2 cups raw macadamia nuts
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon (about 1 Tbsp.)
  • 1/2 cup filtered water
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 tsp. pepper
  • 1 tsp. dried basil leaf
  1. Preheat oven to 400° F.
  2. Grate the zucchini with a cheese grater  or food processor.
  3. Add the salt and squeeze very tightly with paper towels to get the excess liquid out. Then place in a medium size bowl.
  4. Grate the onion and add to the bowl.
  5. Place macadamia nuts, sea salt, lemon juice, and water in food processor and puree until smooth. Should resemble ricotta cheese.
  6. Add the eggs, macadamia nut puree, almond (or coconut) flour, and spices to the bowl with the zucchini and mix until evenly incorporated.
  7. To bake: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spoon tablespoon-sized amounts of the mixture onto the baking sheet.
  8. Bake for approximately 18-20 minutes, or until tops and sides are starting to brown.
  9. Enjoy!
  10. Makes 10-12 servings.

Kale Caesar Salad

Kale Caesar Salad

For the Caesar Dressing:

  • 1/2 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight, or placed in very hot water for about an hour
  • 1/4 cup filtered water
  • 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • Juice of 1 whole lemon (about 2-3 Tbsp.)
  • 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 small garlic clove (you can add another if you like it super garlic-y)
  • 2 tsp. capers
  • 1 tsp. dulse or kelp powder
  • 1/2 tsp. fine grain sea salt and pepper, or to taste

For the Nut and Seed ‘Parmesan Cheese':

  • 1/3 cup raw cashews
  • 3 Tbsp. pumpkin seeds
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
  • Fine grain sea salt, to taste

For the Salad Base:

  • 1 medium bunch lacinato/dinosaur kale, de-stemmed
  • 2 small heads, or 1 large head of romaine lettuce
  1. Soak cashews in a bowl of water overnight, or in hot (near boiling) water for about an hour. Drain and rinse.
  2. Prepare the dressing: Add the cashews and all other dressing ingredients (except for the salt) into a high-speed blender, and blend on high until the dressing is super smooth. You can add a splash of water if necessary to get it blending. Add a generous amount of sea salt to taste and adjust other seasonings, if desired. Set aside.
  3. Prepare the ‘Parmesan cheese': Add cashews, pumpkin seeds, and garlic into a mini food processor and process until finely chopped. Now add in the rest of the ingredients and pulse until the mixture is combined. Sea salt to taste.
  4. Prepare the lettuce: De-stem the kale and then finely chop the leaves. Wash and dry in a salad spinner. Place into an extra large bowl. Chop up the romaine lettuce into bite-sized pieces. Rinse and then spin dry. Place into bowl along with the kale.
  5. Assemble: Add dressing onto lettuce and toss until fully coated. You may have extra dressing, depending on the volume of greens you are using, and how well-dressed you like them. You can store the extra dressing in a sealed container for 3-4 days in the refrigerator.
  6. Season with a pinch of sea salt and mix again. Now sprinkle on the ‘Parmesan cheese.' Serve immediately.
  7. Makes 6-8 servings.