Dr. Daniel Pompa

Butternut Ginger Soup

Butternut Ginger Soup

  • 1 Tbsp. ghee, butter, or coconut oil (plus more for baking the squash)
  • 4 shallots, minced
  • 2 Tbsp. fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • 2 quarts chicken broth (vegetable broth works great too)
  • 1/2 cup full-fat coconut milk
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 lbs. butternut squash, halved and seeded. (This is around 1 large or 2 small butternut squash. You can't really use too much!)
  • Fresh parsley for garnish
  • A drizzle of extra coconut milk for garnish
  • A sprinkling of ground cinnamon for garnish
  1. Preheat oven to 375° F. Grease baking sheet with desired fat. Place squash, cut-side down, on baking sheet. Bake until squash is very soft, about 50 minutes. Using a paring knife, remove peel from squash; discard peel. Cut squash into 2-inch pieces.
  2. Saute shallots in ghee (or preferred fat) with salt and pepper.
  3. Add remaining ingredients (including cooked, cubed squash) and bring to a simmer.
  4. Puree, adding more broth or water if necessary.
  5. Taste and adjust seasonings.
  6. Garnish with parsley, a drizzle of coconut milk, and a small sprinkling of cinnamon.

Spiritual Benefits of Fasting: Beyond The Physical

Spiritual Benefits of Fasting: The physical benefits of fasting have vehemently swept the health industry over the past few years. This ancient ritual has been revived thanks to the modern scientific backing and an ever-increasing awareness of terms like autophagy and cellular healing. Today we explore fasting from another angle: the spirit.

Spiritual Benefits of Fasting: The History of Fasting

Fasting is truly a fascinating act that has been used by humans for an array of purposes for thousands of years. It is used in healthcare, both in ancient times and in modern times, for physical and for mental health. Fasting has been used to enforce a political stance as a tool for protest. Fasting has also been used in religious context across every religion across the globe, for as long as faith has been alive on earth.

Fasting is one of the oldest therapies in medicine, used both preventatively and retroactively in healing the human body. It was used therapeutically in the 5th Century BCE during the ancient Greek era of Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine. He advocated fasting as a way of self-purification and healing. Another founding father of medicine, Paracelsus, referred to fasting as “the greatest remedy–the physician within.” [1]

Fasting is a very natural occurrence when the body is sick due to loss of appetite. Animals naturally fast when they are ill or injured, allowing the body to focus all its energy on repair and rebuilding, and this wisdom has permeated various types of healthcare both ancient and modern. Fasting is used therapeutically in one of the oldest Eastern healing modalities out of India, known as Ayurveda. [2] But even in modern Western medical medicine, fasting is used methodologically like prior to surgeries or blood tests.

Fasting is also used in functional medicine clinics, commonly in Europe, as a tool to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western medicine. Clinics in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and Russia use clinically supervised fasting as a healing modality for detox, health, cancer treatments, and general rejuvenation.

Fasting has taken a front seat in the modern health and wellness scene, with various studies highlighting the benefits it can have on cellular renewal, autophagy, stem cell production, immune system boosting, brain health, and weight loss. [3-5] These studies explore an array of different ways to fast, including intermittent fasting, alternate-day fasting, and prolonged fasting. Fasting encompasses various styles too, including juice fasts, mono-fasts, and water-only fasts.

Although fasting and physical health go hand in hand, the benefits also extend themselves to spiritual health and exploration. In fact, the roots of fasting may actually be in spiritual growth, since the pursuit of fasting and religion go back.

The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting

Nearly all the religions of the world use fasting as a tool for spiritual enlightenment, connection with the divine, as well as a tool for penitence, and self-control. Roman Catholics and Eastern orthodoxy take on a 40 day fast during Lent to mimic the period where Christ fasted for 40 days and nights in the desert. Judaism incorporates several yearly fasts including Yom Kippur and the Day of Atonement. Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan, Buddhist monks and nuns follow Vinya rules whereby they do not eat after noon, and Hindus have fasting deeply imbedded in spiritual practice as they fast for holy days, religious festivals, and in honor of their favorite deities. [6-9]

Understanding the benefits of spiritual growth when it comes to fasting is ultimately a highly individual experience since spirituality is an internal world. Physical benefits are measured, tested, compared in a lab, but spiritual growth is something only you can experience. Having an awareness of some of the commonly shared benefits of spiritual growth and fasting may help you connect dots between your own experience.

1. A Surrender to the Higher Power

Modern society revolves around food, and the mentality that we must eat three meals per day is a commonly held belief. When one breaks free from this construct, it requires a large degree of surrender to the unknown. This type of surrender is the same devotional surrender that occurs in spirituality; an acknowledgment of the unknown, to a higher power.

2. A Sensitivity to the SuperNatural

Anyone who has participated in a prolonged water fast can attest to the incredible sensitivity that increases for all the senses. Sight, touch, smell, sound: all the ways in which we interact with the world become heightened when we stop consuming food. Upon reintroducing food, taste as well takes on a completely new meaning. Foods taste more vibrant, more alive. We reset our tastebuds to truly experience flavor in a totally renewed way.

This sensitivity extends itself to our spiritual awareness too. Our connection to God, to the divine, to spirit, becomes much more sensitive. A clear mind and body, brought on by a fasting period, help us become much more in tune with the messages coming through us from above. We are able to trust our knowledge in a much deeper way. Many people express high degrees of clarity, even regarding issues that have previously brought them much confusion and pain.

3. A Renewed Appreciation for the Subtle Beauty of Life

Heightened senses also enable us to see life for the wonder that it is. Colors become brighter, smells become stronger. Many people report more sensitive touch to their skin and even a heightened awareness of other people’s energy. When we take a minute to slow down and abstain from food, clarity comes through in ways that aren’t comprehensible with a logical mind.

Appreciation for the creation is an appreciation for the creator: for they are one and the same. Simply to praise the creator (God, spirit, the universe, whatever you want to call it), fails to acknowledge that the creation is an extension of the creator. When we have a renewed sense of appreciation for the world, our relationship with God is strengthened too.

4. Creating Space for Miracles

When we live life at high speed, it can be difficult to see the magic in the mundane. In a materialist modern world, many people focus their day’s on generating income, and/ or what they will spend their money on. When we fast, everything slows down. Taking an extended water fasting period to just rest and be can create a powerful space in which you can learn to observe the miracles that are happening every day around you.

We have gotten accustomed to nature, for example, to the point where we don’t stop to smell the roses. Trees, grass, birds, and animals all become just another part of life. This often changes while you fast, because slowing down creates space for awareness, which enables us to see life for the miracle that it is. It enables us to see the extraordinary nature of this human existence, that too often we are rushing past without a second glance.

5. Heightened Intuition

When we surrender to a fasting period, we let go of our mental constructs and let the wisdom of our bodies take over. This is the place where intuition is born: inside of you. Intuition is an intrinsic knowing, that occurs without a rational explanation of the mind. In today’s highly scientific world, it can be scary to make decisions based simply on a “knowing”, but this faith-based way of making choices is indeed what humans relied on for centuries before modern institutions of knowledge were propagated.

When you fast, you trust the body’s wisdom. This is especially true during longer fasts when a deep surrender must occur. Many old habits and patterns must be dropped, like the tendency to over-exercise, in favor of rest. We must let go of our long-held beliefs about what our bodies ‘need’, and just let it be. This process of fasting increases our sensitivity to the messages being communicated from within called intuition.

6. Humility and Kindness

Longer fasts are a highly humbling experience, as we get to witness how soft and vulnerable we can be as humans. For people who rely heavily on a go-go-go mentality of achievement, and usually over-caffeinating, over-exercising, over-thinking: taking a break from it all to rest is incredibly humbling.

Watching the body experience ebbs and flows of energy, weakness, and an array of emotions can be a gateway for compassion towards others. Seeing yourself in such a vulnerable state, with lots of time for self-reflection, can be a powerful reminder about how precious life is, and how important it is to be kind and compassionate with all beings on the earth.

Spiritual Benefits of Fasting: Summary

The benefits of fasting extend themselves far past physical health. Although they may be more difficult to measure in any scientific method, the spiritual benefits of fasting are profound. Fasting has been used in nearly every religion on the planet as a way to purify the mind and get closer to God, and indeed fasting can encourage an array of spiritual benefits including humility, kindness, heightened intuition, creating space for miracles, a sensitivity to the supernatural, and a renewed appreciation for the beauty of life.

Want to Boost Your Fast to the Next Level?

Fastonic (TFC) was formulated with the knowledge that deep hydration is critical to fasting and detox. It includes a powerful form of molecular hydrogen or H2. It’s the smallest and most bioavailable molecule in the Universe — and is formed when two hydrogen atoms combine. Molecular hydrogen doesn’t just boost hydration… it’s also one of nature’s most potent antioxidants!  The more you detoxify, the more potential exposure you have to free radicals as those toxins are eliminated from your body. Powerful antioxidants are required to help neutralize these free radicals—so that no more cellular damage is done. And so that your body has the building blocks needed to repair and rejuvenate.

That’s again where molecular hydrogen shines. The cellular molecular hydrogen in Fastonic (TFC) is the ULTIMATE fasting and detoxification booster.


  1. Hicks, Cherrill. “Why Fasting Is Now Back in Fashion.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 13 Apr. 2015, www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/11524808/The-history-of-fasting.html.
  2. Shripathi Adiga, H and Adiga, Ramya S (2013) Concept and canons of fasting in Ayurveda. Journal of Fasting and Health, 1 (1). pp. 37-40.
  3. Cabo, Rafael De, and Mark P. Mattson. “Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease.” New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 381, no. 26, 2019, pp. 2541–2551., doi:10.1056/nejmra1905136.
  4. Kerndt, P R et al. “Fasting: the history, pathophysiology and complications.” The Western journal of medicine vol. 137,5 (1982): 379-99.
  5. Mattson, Mark P., et al. “Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Health and Disease Processes.” Ageing Research Reviews, vol. 39, 2017, pp. 46–58., doi:10.1016/j.arr.2016.10.005.
  6. “The Buddhist Monk's Discipline: Some Points Explained for Laypeople.” The Buddhist Monk's Discipline: Some Points Explained for Laypeople, www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/khantipalo/wheel130.html#food.
  7. Azizi, Fereidoun. “Islamic Fasting and Health.” Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, vol. 56, no. 4, 2010, pp. 273–282., doi:10.1159/000295848.
  8. Trepanowski, John F, and Richard J Bloomer. “The impact of religious fasting on human health.” Nutrition journal vol. 9 57. 22 Nov. 2010, doi:10.1186/1475-2891-9-57
  9. Dugan, Kathleen M. “Fasting For Life: The Place of Fasting in the Christian Tradition.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, LXIII, no. 3, 1995, pp. 539–548., doi:10.1093/jaarel/lxiii.3.539.

Could Your Exercise Be Making Your Diabetes Worse?


Part 3 – Could Your Exercise Be Making Your Diabetes Worse?

Is exercise making your diabetes worse? Few people would doubt the benefits of exercise for a diabetic, but what is being questioned is the type. In my opinion, with new research, there is little room for doubt as to the best the type of exercise. More and more of the current research shows that high-intensity interval training (often referred to as HIIT or as I refer to it; Burst Training) is far superior to low intensity endurance (aerobic types) of exercise. A recent study, completed in 2011, showed that High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) profoundly increased the capacity for glucose uptake.1 There was a greater than 3.5 increase in something known as GLUT-4, indicating a profound increase for glucose uptake. This is far superior to other types of exercise (especially low intensity endurance training). Past studies by this researcher have shown similar results and also indicate that high-intensity interval training causes something known as mitochondrial biogenesis. Simply put, it increases the number mitochondria (the energy producing factories of your cells), which not only increases glucose uptake, utilization and the ability to burn fat.  Low-intensity exercise has been shown to have the opposite affect and can actually have a negative effect glucose levels and consequently, your diabetes. That being said, if your interest is to lower glucose and burn fat for energy, high-intensity interval training (Burst Training) should be your exercise of choice. The best news is, this type of exercise takes less time with better results.

This is a high intensity workout and will take little time. No more, “I don’t have time to workout” excuses! High-Intensity Burst Training is getting your heart rate up quickly for about a minute’s time. This is performed by doing 3-4 sets, which takes a total of 10-12 minutes/3 times/week, and the best part is studies also show doing more is not necessarily better. This can be done with many different types of exercise; running in your back yard, the street, treadmill, and doing other types of Burst Training that you can do at home (watch video for other exercise ideas). If you think you are too old for High-Intensity Burst Training, think again. The more out of shape and the older you are, the easier it is to get your heart rate up to accomplish a high intensity effort. I don’t know about you, but I would rather be able to say I am getting maximum results with my workout, as well as improving my diabetic condition, without putting in hours at the gym. The benefits do not stop at improving diabetes.

Research indicates other incredible health benefits that include:

  • A great way to decrease stress is through Burst Training and it also is excellent at achieving an encouraging mood state. The popular phrase, known as “runner’s high,” has previously been attributed to endurance training lasting longer than 1 hour. Betaendorphins, levels following “incremental graded and short term anaerobic exercise, the extent correlating with the lactate concentration.” 2,3
  • The result of intermittent exercise increased the high-density lipoprotein levels (good cholesterol) significantly.2,3
  • In 2007, a study was printed on patients who had suffered heart failure, and circulation assessed the helpfulness of high-intensity training them specifically. Exercise intensity had results that showed “an important factor for reversing LV [left ventricular] remodeling, improving aerobic capacity, and quality of life in patients with post infarction heart failure.” The difficulties of this “suggest that training programs based on these principles may yield more favorable results than those with low to moderate exercise intensities.” 4

The How-To!

The idea of Burst Training is to go as hard as you can, or almost as hard as you can, for at least thirty to sixty seconds, followed by a rest of 2-4 minutes until you recover (meaning your breathing has returned to almost normal). This is repeated for 3-4 sets for a total time of 10-12 minutes. In most studies for the average person, 30-60 seconds is where the most results were obtained. Well-trained and very in shape individuals can benefit from more time at high intensity or more sets, but it’s not necessary to get the most benefit for fat burning and hormonal issues such as diabetes.

The question I am asked the most often is how do I know if I am going hard enough because studies say to go at least 80-90% of your maximum heart rate. If you are breathing heavy enough that you cannot talk to the person next to you, then you went hard enough for it to work. Remember, the type of exercise doesn’t matter as long as you get your heart rate up to where the difference is made. In the video, you see many different types of exercise being shown, all with equal results. Choose what works for you and try mixing it up so you do not get bored.

Some other questions I also get asked are, “How often do I need to do it?” or “Can I do it everyday?” Most of the studies show that every other day provides the greatest benefit. For the exercise enthusiast that wants to work out every day, I further explain that in the video as well as give suggestions on how this can be accomplished. However, the vast majority reading this, the good news is you can work out less and not feel the guilt or need to do more. When you understand how Burst Training works, you can understand why less is best.

The Hormone Connection

We have all heard that staying in the fat burning zone, a very low heart rate where your body does not burn sugar, but fat for energy, is where you burn the most fat during exercise. Although this is true, the question I would ask you is would you rather burn fat for the 30-60 minutes during exercise or for 36-48 hours afterward? Burst Training burns only sugar during exercise, but because of the rise in growth hormone, testosterone and other fat burning hormones, you burn fat for an average of 2 days. Studies show that during endurance or aerobic types of exercise where you burn fat only while you are performing the exercise, growth hormones and fat burning hormones move in the opposite direction thereby limiting your results and oftentimes making your metabolism less efficient. The result is oftentimes losing muscle and gaining fat.

When you look at these studies, they indicate that the fuel used during exercise is the opposite of what is used during recovery. For example, if you burn fat during exercise, you will most likely break muscle down into sugar during the recovery, therefore dropping your metabolic rate. Burst Training that only burns sugar during the exercise period will utilize fat during the recovery phase in order to replenish the stored sugar (glycogen). This phenomenon is caused by the rise in anabolic hormones, such as growth hormone and testosterone, which can only be achieved through high intensity training. The Bryner Study showed that high intensity, 80-90% of maximum heart rate, was what allowed the body to lose the most fat. No significant change in body fat was found in the lower intensity group, which exercised at 60-70% of maximum heart rate, and again with no significant difference in workload between the groups. But for the low intensity group, they continued to lose muscle at some point and actually gained body fat.

I am also asked about the role of resistive training (weight lifting) because of the many studies that show the similar effect to Burst Training on hormones and diabetes. The fact is resistive training is a form of High Intensity Burst Training and, therefore, achieves the same results. Weight lifting or sprinting causes the heart rate to rise and only sugar is burned during the exercise.

Performing both resistive training as well as Burst Training, in my opinion, will bring forth the best results because of the added benefits of resistive training. Resistive training strengthens muscles, ligaments and tendons, which is undeniably an added benefit, especially as we age.

In the video, I give multiple examples of how to do both and even demonstrate a way to do them simultaneously and still stay within the 10-12 minute time frame 3 times/week.

When you combine the proper diet such as The Cellular Healing Diet with PompaCore Cellular Detox and Burst Training, incredible results soon will follow. The Cellular Healing National Diabetes Program was established to educate and connect doctors who understand and practice these principles each and every day in order to make a difference in this massively growing epidemic.

Article 3 of a 3-part Diabetes Series:


    1. Little P., Safdar A., Bishop D., Tarnopolsky, M. A., Martin J. 2011. An acute bout of high-intensity interval training increases the nuclear abundance of PGC-1α and activates mitochondrial biogenesis in human skeletal muscle. Gibala American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. June Vol. 300no. R1303-R1310DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00538.2010.
  1. <Smith, M.J. 2002. Sports conditioning—a comparison: Moderate-intensity continuous activity and high-intensity intermittent activity. www.xiser.com; retrieved Jan. 21, 2009.
  2. Williams, P.T. 1998. Relationships of heart disease risk factors to exercise quantity and intensity. Archives of Internal Medicine, 158 (3), 237–45.
  3. Wisløff, U., et al. 2007. Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients: A randomized study. Circulation, 115,3068–94.

New Cause of Diabetes: How Toxins Can Trigger Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

PART 2 – New Cause of Diabetes: How Toxins

Can Trigger Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.

Is there a solution to “Toxin Induced Insulin

Resistance” (TIIR) for Type 1 and Type 2

Diabetics? Epigenetic research reveals

true answers to Diabetes.

Toxins are in fact the 3rd main cause of cellular inflammation and, what I feel, to be the #1 hidden contributor to diabetes and other hormone problems. You may be saying to yourself at this point, “I have changed my diet. I even eat the Cellular Healing Diet or a diet that is similar and exercise regularly, yet I am still not able to control my glucose without medication.” As I would predict, your weight is still not changing, or its getting worse, and your energy is not what you desire. If this sounds familiar, you are most likely in the 1/3 of the population that has “Toxin Induced Insulin Resistance” (TIIRTM).5

I believe that the estimates could be as high as 50%, and yet most health professionals, even alternative practitioners, NEVER even look for TIIRTM . It is no doubt one of the reasons we are doing a Cellular Healing National Diabetes Program to educate more doctors and patients about this unspoken solution. In the teaching on The Cellular Healing Diet, I discussed bad fats and glucose/insulin as main causes of inflammation and in this teaching I will focus on the final main contributor to most degenerative diseases today including diabetes; TOXINS. I do in fact believe it is why more people are not seeing the results they should despite many good efforts. It is toxins dual effect on the hormone receptors and the DNA that are at the root of this modern day problem and yet it appears to go unnoticed. Toxins make their way to the cell and attach to the membrane of the cell, causing inflammation and therefore, blunting the hormone receptors. As I stated previously, it is hormone resistance, meaning the cell cannot hear the hormones message that is driving the epidemic of hormone conditions including diabetes. Despite the new research, TIIRTM is not being talked about nor is it being addressed. The small fringe that are addressing TIIRTM clinically, are showing up at a gunfight with a knife. A colon cleans, foot bath, liver cleanse or some health food store cleanse, is NOT “PompaCore Cellular Detox” and WILL NOT penetrate the real problem.

Earlier I made reference to gene expression when I spoke about an inflamed cell membrane and how toxins can build up in the cell and change the way a gene expresses itself. The toxins that build up in the cell or enter the cell can turn on genes that express certain diseases or conditions. This is known as “epigenetics” and is the new science in genetics as a cause of disease. The old dogma of, “if you have the gene you will get the disease” is over, however, most people still believe that if their mother or father has a condition like diabetes they will most likely end up with diabetes as well. Even though most of the scientific community has moved away from this old model, most of the general population still believes it despite the volumes of new research. Therefore, it is worth repeating a point that I made early; you may in fact have the gene, but unless an environmental stressor, such as a toxin, triggers the gene you will not get the disease. That’s Good news! Your DNA is not your destiny after all. The bad news is we live in a toxic world and most people do toxic things. This is where the danger exists. Many of these genes of susceptibility get turned on and must be turn off. Changing the bad gene expression is a part of the protocol we utilize in our diabetes program and is why it works when most programs do not.


The How To: The 5R's of PompaCore Cellular Detox

As you can see, removing the toxins from the cell is key to changing the gene expressing the diabetes. Not to mention it’s only by removing the toxins that the hormone receptors, and in the case of diabetes, the insulin receptors, will regenerate and ultimately allow you to get well and feel better. I teach cellular detox from something I refer to as. “The 5R’s of PompaCore Cellular Detox” or the 5R’s of Cellular Healing. The 5R’s has become a road map for doctors and patients alike to fix the cell and its many functions, which also up regulates the cells ability to detox. I want to give you a brief description of each R and its role in cellular detox because this is the real solution to this epidemic. I can tell you emphatically that these 5R’s were not derived by intellect, but buy the pain of my own journey that God lead me through. My authority in this subject does not come from my years of schooling or even my years of research, but the victory God has given me in my “unexplainable illness”.


R1 (Removing the Source) : Out of all the R’s, removing the source is the most over looked and yet it is the most important to reverse a condition especially a condition like diabetes. Most practitioners, whether alternative or allopathic, treat the symptoms without considering what is causing them. They dabble downstream instead of getting rid of the toxic producing factory or dump up stream. The allopathic doctors push medications, covering up symptoms and the alternative doctors use supplements to control symptoms. Both medications and supplements can be used at times to remove the cause, but 98% of the time it is just dealing with the downstream symptom. The supplements have less side effects, but still if not directed at the cause will ultimately offer NO LASTING CHANGE. There is a time to control symptoms and natural methods are by far the safer and better way to go, and I would argue there is even a time for medication, however, if the source is not being addressed as you control symptoms you will never get truly well.

There are many upstream toxins that if not removed, will keep someone from healing from their diabetes. Studies show a strong connection with BPA from plastics and cosmetics, pesticides, toxins in cigarette smoke and heavy metals. Personally, I have seen many cases of diabetes and severe weight loss resistance that were not responding to diet and other life style changes resolved after the removal of heavy metals.

I have my own story with heavy metals that make me very passionate about this topic of removing the source and the dangers of bio-accumulated heavy metals. I had many silver fillings in my mouth from the time I was young. Due to some needed dental work, I had two of them drilled out (about 6 still remained) and gold fillings were put in their place. After the fillings were replaced I became very sick. Unfortunately, it took me three or four years of misery to figure out it was the fillings. Silver (amalgam) fillings contain 50% mercury, which vaporizes and crosses into your brain where it bioaccumulates over time. Studies like the FASAB amalgam study show that the number of fillings in your mouth is proportional to how much mercury is in your brain. The studies show that hypothalamus and pituitary gland hold most of that mercury and are most affected. These are the master endocrine glands that control ALL of our hormones and endocrine glands like our thyroid and adrenals. This in turn has a dramatic effect on blood glucose and all hormone function.

The gold fillings that were put in my mouth caused a galvanic reaction (electrical current) that caused the mercury to leech out of my remaining fillings. Studies show that the galvanic reaction can cause the mercury to come out of the fillings 10x faster than normal. Silver amalgams with any other metal in the mouth such as crown, bridge or retainer will lead to galvanism and an increase in mercury bioaccumulation. The electrical current alone cause many unexplainable symptoms like anxiety and brain fog. I had all of that and more. I had symptoms of a thyroid problem but my blood work was always normal. Most of my blood work was normal, which was very frustrating; I recall wanting to find something wrong because then I could fix it. My fatigue was so bad it became very difficult to work or engage in any normal life activities at all. The worst part was as fatigued as I was by day, I could not sleep at night.

It wasn’t until I researched how to get the rest of the filling out correctly and the mercury out of my brain that I was able to get my life back. It is very important to realize that I would have never recovered fully if I didn’t get the source removed correctly. Whatever you do, don’t just start drilling out fillings. There is a safe and proper protocol that we utilize that works so you don’t become worse, but better.

Another hidden source I see frequently keep people from getting well is mold. A moldy home or work place is often times the cause of sudden weight gain or unexplainable symptoms, but will also drive insulin resistance and diabetes. I have personally seen many patients develop diabetes and suddenly gain weight after being exposed to mold from water damaged buildings. They get very sick and unfortunately end up on a list of medications, which ultimately makes them worse. Many conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and sudden weight gain, weight loss resistance as well as diabetes are all common condition linked to biotoxic illness from mold. If you don’t get that individual out of the home, you’re never going to get them well. In Leviticus 14 in the Bible, God says, and I will paraphrase… If you see mold growing in your home do this… If the mold reappears get rid of the house and all its contents. This is exactly what is done today. If you can’t remediate the house properly then get out and don’t bring your stuff with you because it too is contaminated. This may sound like drastic measures, but this is the only way these patients recover. If you don’t remove the source, you are never going to get well. Many of you reading this need the proper testing to determine if toxins are playing a role in your diabetes or other symptoms.

R2 (Regenerating the Cell Membrane) : I don’t need to say a lot about this R because I discussed it in detail when I thought about the Cellular Healing Diet and its effect on the cell membrane. I will reiterate some important points. If the membrane is inflamed, it will not let the good stuff in and the bad stuff (toxins) out. The membrane is the gatekeeper. It’s said that life begins on the membrane and is in fact the brains of the cell. The inborn intelligence of the body is held in the membrane; more specifically the integral membrane proteins (IMP’s), which are the hormone receptors. This is how the cell communicates with its environment and is able to direct all function. It is the membrane through this communication that will change the DNA and the gene expression. If you don’t regenerate the cell membrane, you will never detox the cell or change the gene expression for good. Ultimately you will never get well.

R3 (Restore Cellular Energy) : ATP is considered the gasoline of the cell and is the energy for ALL function including detox. Increasing cellular energy is often times the first step in a protocol for the most challenging cases. Without restoring the energy, other treatments will not work because there is not enough energy to drive the function. The lower cellular energy goes the more inflammation increases. Yes you feel like you just don’t want get out of bed some mornings and not enough energy to get through a day, but you will also experience brain fog and increase in general pain. It is a key step in diabetes, because the defect in cellular metabolism (the production of energy) is at the root problem with diabetics and yet practitioners do not address this fundamental cellular function.

R4 (Reducing Inflammation/Oxidative Stress) : At this point, the importance of reducing inflammation has been thoroughly established especially in the cells ability or inability to detox. If it is not reduced, ALL detox attempts will fail and most often make you worse.

R5 (Reestablishing Methylation) : Methylation is a process in the body with many responsibilities. One of which is something I have discussed at great length at this point; epigenetics (turning good genes on and bad genes off). Another is detox, even detoxing toxic hormones. Think of methylation or the methyl groups it uses as a “key” that can start or stop certain cellular functions, therefore it is involved in most function to sustain life. Because methylation has so many important roles in health and survival, there is a priority of its many functions when there is a depletion of the methyl groups needed for the methylation process. This in fact is a valuable theory established by a researcher and doctor named Dr. Alan Vinitsky. I believe his principle and theory are correct and have led to a better understanding of many unexplainable illnesses and symptoms. The prioritization of the valuable methyl groups is always prioritized to the functions most related to immediate adaptation of stress in order to survive. Survival at all cost is always the body’s first choice but can leave other functions of methylation at risk. For example; not getting rid of toxic hormones, which can lead to estrogen dominant cancers or simply damage to the DNA. It is the methyl groups that protect the DNA and if there is an abundance of stress of any type, the body will use the methyl groups to adapt to the stress as the priority for survival and leave the DNA unprotected.

Stress, in fact, is the number one way methyl groups become depleted. Remember, your body does not know the difference between stress: whether physical, chemical or emotional. Its response is the same, and its use of methyl groups to adapt to the stress is the same. Yes all of your worrying is costing you valuable methyl groups and putting your DNA at risk. What about your chemical exposures from toxic personal care products, silver amalgam fillings, non-organic foods, grain-fed meats, city water, vaccinations, etc.? The list goes on. Add these stressors together (emotional and chemical), and it is no wonder methyl depletion is driving a surge of hormone problems including diabetes, and what we call unexplainable diseases. Even chronic anxiety and depression can be linked to methyl depletion. Methyl groups are needed to turn on the stress response but they are also needed to turn it off. Some people become so depleted due to multiple stressors that they simply do not have enough to turn off the stress response and are left in a heightened stress reaction with ups and downs in cortisol and adrenalin. These patients not only have anxiety, but also sleep problems and eventually depression. This was my reality for many years.

True detox is impossible without understanding methylation’s role and the Methylation Priority Principle. ALL of the 5R’s are part of what I refer to as true detox and are a road map to not just real detox, but to fix the cell. If you don’t fix the cell, you will most definitely NEVER get well. This has become a mantra of not just mine, but all of the doctors involved in the National Diabetes Program. We have all had the blessed experience of seeing so many lives change, and feel blessed to share it with those God brings to this program.


Article 2 of a 3-part Diabetes Series. Last article coming soon!

Click Here to Read Article 1




  1. Dariush Mozaffarian, Haiming Cao, Irena B. King, Rozenn N. Lemaitre, Xiaoling Song, David S. Siscovick, and Gökhan S. Hotamisligil TransPalmitoleic Acid, Metabolic Risk Factors, and New-Onset Diabetes in U.S. Adults Annals of Internal Medicine 2010 December. Harvard School of Public Health.
  2. Mozaffarian D, Rimm EB, Herrington DM. Dietary Fats, Carbohydrate, and Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Postmenopausal.
  3. Nenseter MS, Drevon CA. Dietary Polyunsaturates and Peroxidation of Low Density Lipoprotein. Curr Opin Lipidol. 1996;7(1):8-13.
  4. Salmerón J, Hu FB, Manson JE, et al. Dietary fat intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in women. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:1019–26.
  5. Reuters (January 13, 2011): committee discussion held January 11-13 2011 Raleigh N. Carolina.

Purple Power Smoothie

  • 1 can unsweetened, full-fat coconut milk
  • 1 chopped beet
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 tsp. maca powder
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 Tbsp. grassfed collagen
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt
  1. Add all ingredients, except collagen, to blender and mix until smooth.
  2. Add collagen and incorporate at low speed.
  3. Enjoy!

Spiced Green Smoothie

Spiced Green Smoothie
  • 1 can unsweetened, full-fat coconut milk
  • 1 head romaine lettuce
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 date
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 tsp. maca powder
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. ginger
  • 1/2 tsp. clove
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt
  • 1 Tbsp. grassfed collagen
  1. Add all ingredients, except collagen, to blender and mix until smooth.
  2. Add collagen and incorporate at low speed.
  3. Enjoy!