Dr. Daniel Pompa

Could Your Thyroid Be Why You Are Not Feeling Well?

Perhaps you are one of the 13 million people in this country that go to your doctor with sudden weight gain, fatigue, hot flashes, infertility, depression, or some other unexplained symptom and ask about your thyroid.  They send you out for blood work that comes back normal.  According to the American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), there are 27 million people in this country with thyroid conditions and only half (13 million) are diagnosed.  That makes thyroid conditions the #1 under-diagnosed condition types in the United States.  Some experts estimate that more than 80% of Americans have a thyroid condition and are not diagnosed properly.  The truth is you can go 20-30 years with symptoms before your blood work is abnormal.  Finally, when it becomes abnormal, your doctor will put you on thyroid replacement hormones for the rest of your life.  Is there another answer? Read on!


I will make this as simple as I can:  most doctors think the problem is just in the thyroid when most of the time it is not.  The reason for this is because thyroid conditions most often occur because of a problem somewhere other than the thyroid gland itself.

Thyroid hormone levels of TSH, T3, and T4 can appear normal.  I give my patients 3 reasons for this phenomenon.

1.    T4 doesn’t convert to the active hormone T3.
2.    Active T3 can’t be used in the cell because its receptors on the cell are blunted.
3.    You could potentially have an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Disease.

Let’s start with the first reason.  T4 hormone must be converted to T3 active hormone.  If this conversion does not take place or is shunted into another direction (as in times of stress), then the message to the cell will never get through.  ONLY active T3 can be used in the cell.  T4 is the stored hormone and not active in the cell and therefore, must be converted to T3.  The hormone most doctors give as a replacement hormone once they realize you do in fact have a thyroid problem is T4. Therefore, if you are not making the conversion…well, you get the picture.  Your blood work will look normal and you still don't feel well.

The conversion takes place in the liver.  If your liver is stressed, for instance by toxic overload, then the conversion may not take place.  Has your doctor ever considered your liver in your thyroid program?  The point I am trying to make is that your blood work will look normal because the pituitary gland in your brain is signaled of all the T4 in your system and tells the thyroid that all is well.  Your blood work is normal, but you are not.  Your weight keeps increasing and your energy keeps decreasing, but your doctor keeps insisting you are fine.  Once again…


…such as Thyroxin or Synthroid (which are both T4) must make the conversion to T3, and if this is not successful your blood work will look fine but you will still have symptoms.

What I believe to be the greatest reason for T4 not converting to T3 active hormone is stress.  The body doesn’t know the difference between physical, chemical, or emotional stress.  The physiology is all the same in how your body adapts to any of these stressors.  Under times of stress, the body conserves energy to survive.  Survival is ALWAYS the body’s first and most basic priority.  It will stop you flat and lay you on your back, leaving you completely energy depleted in order to survive if that is what is required.  Think of the last time you had the flu.  The flu is a short-term stress that requires a significant amount of your body’s energy to heal from.  You were laid up by your body’s own innate intelligence in order to adapt to the temporary stress.  During this time your body takes T4 hormone and converts it into something called reverse T3 (rT3).  Instead of converting it into T3, it makes the mirror image of it called rT3.   rT3’s role in times of stress is to bind to the T3 receptor on the cell and block the T3 from getting its message to the cell for energy.  This, in turn, conserves the energy so that it can be used to fight the infection.  The problem occurs when the stress becomes chronic rather than acute, for example a long-term emotional stress like the death of a loved one or a stressful relationship.  A toxic chemical stress can cause the same reaction.  Regardless of the stress, the body will continue in this energy-robbing/life-saving mode.   Instead of producing active T3, it will continue to shunt the T4 to produce rT3 blocking your own T3 hormone.  This is what we call rT3 dominance.  Even after the stress is removed, the body can remain in rT3 dominance where once again, the blood work appears normal but you feel anything but.  Has your doctor looked at the ratio of Free T3 to rT3?  Similar to cholesterol, this is more important than the normal ranges themselves.  Has he or she considered your ADRENAL GLANDS and your ability or inability to adapt to stress?

The second reason and perhaps the most common reason for your blood work being normal but still not feeling well:

Active T3 cannot be used in the cell because the receptors to the T3 on the cell are blunted.  An important point that I teach is that hormone problems are not necessarily problems with hormones themselves, but rather the receptor to the hormone.  Similar to Type II Diabetes, where the diabetic has plenty of insulin but the receptors to the insulin are blunted and unable to “hear” the message in order to allow the glucose in the cell, and therefore the glucose cannot get into the cell to produce energy.  That condition is referred to as insulin resistance (meaning the cell is “resistant” to the hormone insulin).  T3 resistance works the same way.  It is like having plenty of gasoline but not being able to get it into your car.  Your cells are literally starving for T3, however, due to the feedback mechanism, the pituitary gland in the brain gets a message that there is adequate T3 and signals the thyroid that everything is ok and therefore your blood work will be normal.  As previously stated, it typically takes years before the innate intelligence will start to produce more TSH to produce more T4 and T3 in an effort to increase cellular energy.

Most doctors simply address the thyroid without an understanding of the distant cell’s ability to receive the message.  Hormone resistance is a massive epidemic driven by cellular inflammation.  The fact that hypothyroidism, as well as diabetes and other hormonal conditions, is approaching unprecedented numbers in this country is evidence that we are not understanding what the true cause is.

If your doctor is not addressing the 3 main causes of cellular inflammation, and therefore hormone resistance, you will spend the rest of your life on medication and chasing symptoms.

Finally, the 3rd reason is that the problem could potentially be you are suffering with Hashimoto’s, which is an autoimmune condition where the body is attacking itself.  It is estimated that 80% of thyroid conditions are autoimmune related.  Most of these conditions also go undiagnosed, because most doctors do not run the correct blood work to check for autoimmune hypothyroid.  You may be asking yourself why that is. The answer is very simple:  their treatment is the same, whether you are hypothyroid or autoimmune hypothyroid.  Therefore, since the treatment is the same in either case, there is no need to run the blood work.  The fact is most doctors give T4 replacement hormone, which does very little if anything, for the autoimmune type of hypothyroid.  The success of treatment will be deceiving because the T4 hormone will make your blood work appear normal.  The replacement hormone T4 will push your TSH levels to normal.  As a matter a fact, TSH levels are the gauge that doctors use to tell you that you should be feeling better. TSH is considered the “gold standard” for thyroid testing.  The truth is there is not one study that shows that normal TSH levels have ANYTHING to do with normal thyroid function.  Before 1971, we treated the patient; today, sadly, we treat the lab results.

How many people are being treated for thyroid conditions with replacement hormones and yet still suffering with a multitude of unexplainable symptoms?  Unfortunately, this is true for so many because the doctor points to their “normal” blood work, and therefore the “success” of the medication.  Of course there is a time and a place for medication, especially if you are one of those who does not have a thyroid.  If you are a person who cannot convert T4 to T3 (the majority of replacement hormone is T4), and would therefore not be converting it to T3 and receiving its benefit, OR if your cells can’t “hear” the hormone (hormone resistance), taking the medication and still having symptoms will be the obvious outcome.  By no means am I suggesting anyone come off of their medication.  That is between you and your doctor.  I am, however, pleading with you to do your homework.  The truth is out there and when you see it, you will be angry that more don't understand.

FOOD INTOLERANCES can drive inflammation and therefore, your own immune system to attack itself (autoimmune).  A massive number of people in this country, enough to constitute an epidemic, have gastrointestinal issues from IBS, Crohn’s, Celiac, and leaky gut, which allow foreign proteins to cross through the gut and cause the immune system to start the attack.  Hashimoto’s can be the downstream result of this preventable condition.  Has your doctor considered your gastrointestinal system as the cause of your thyroid problem?

If you remove the cause, the body can heal.  No doctor can ever provide a treatment that heals; they can only remove the interference.  The proper tests must be done for success.

It is always my goal to enlighten as many people who will listen to this truth.

Copyright 2023 HealthCenters                                                               www.drpompa.com

Cocoa Banana Smoothie

Cocoa Banana Smoothie
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 1 banana, frozen in chunks
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 Tbsp. grass-fed collagen
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  1. Put all ingredients, excluding collagen, in a high-speed blender and mix on high speed.
  2. Once thoroughly mixed, add collagen and incorporate at low speed.
  3. Enjoy!
  4. Serves 2

Burst Training – A Top 5 Strategy To Create Your Best Health Ever

180° Solution™ Strategy #4: Burst Training

If you’re anything like me, you don’t have hours to spend at the gym every week to achieve a lean, toned physique. Fortunately, I don’t have to and neither do you. I’d like to let you in on my secret for rapid weight-loss, fat burning and aging slower. It’s an exercise strategy called burst training (aka High Interval Intensity Training or HIIT), and remains my all-time favorite work-out to help me stay in peak physical condition and anti-age. It’s incredibly effective and efficient, and generates fat loss for hours after the actual workout. Studies show a contrast between endurance type of exercise (low intensity) and burst training (high intensity) for weight loss and aging. The burst wins out in both cases and yet takes far less time, and you don’t even need a gym to do it. Amazing results in a minimal time frame, no gym required. Sound too good to be true? Read on to learn more about burst training, the science behind why it works, and ideas for a workout routine that will help get you into the best shape of your life.

Burst Training – A Top 5 Strategies To Create Your Best Health Ever!

What is Burst Training?

woman burst training

Burst training involves exercising at your maximum capacity for 30-60 seconds (or “bursts,” where it’s tough to breathe), immediately followed by one to three minutes of very low intensity exercise or complete rest. You can do it anytime and anywhere, with no special equipment needed. Whether in a gym, hotel, or the great outdoors, you can fit in a quick burst training session. There are endless ways to burst (read on for ideas) and it only takes about 10-15 minutes per workout, two to four times a week to reap the benefits. This figures to less than an hour of exercise each week, and more time to spend doing the things you love.

Why it Works

Burst Training helps to boost human growth hormone (HGH)

HGH, the “fountain of youth” hormone, is produced in the pituitary gland and stimulates growth, cellular reproduction, and regeneration. It plays a role in maintaining all human tissue, and it’s impossible to increase muscle mass and bone density without it. HGH has the ability to turn back your body’s biological clock, help you decrease body fat and inflammation, build muscle, boost immunity, maintain a sharp mind, and also increase energy levels and libido. Hence the reason for the buzz. A 2003 study showed that burst training for just 10 minutes spikes HGH because the high intensity movement increases lactic acid levels above their threshold (which occurs when you feel the “burn” of intense exercise).

The body will also raise HGH as an adaptation to replace the stored glucose (glycogen). During high intensity training, the source of energy is stored glucose in the form of glycogen not fat. But if no fat is burned during the exercise, why is it so effective for weight loss? Great question, and the answer is always in adaption and survival. The body knows it needs the stored glucose for fight or flight: basic survival. Therefore, it will raise its anabolic type of hormones, like HGH and testosterone, to burn the fat after exercise for 36 hours (on average) to replace the stored energy. What would you rather do, burn fat for 30-60 minutes during exercise or 1 or 2 days after 10-15 min of exercise? When it comes to weight loss and anti-aging it’s always about hormone manipulation. I hope you are starting to see this theme in the series of strategies.

HGH is currently used as a prescription drug to treat growth disorders and to increase vitality. But why not support the body to naturally produce more HGH using burst training? Along with bursting, HGH is secreted during deep and restful slumber (REM sleep). Therefore, to optimize HGH perform regular burst training sessions and get enough quality sleep.

Burst Training supports fat burning post-workout

During exercise, the body also creates an “oxygen debt” which it then must work to pay back. The pay back, or recovery process, requires energy, and similar to what I described above, the body oxidizes its own fat stores to meet this increased energy need. Low intensity workouts don’t require as much post-exercise metabolic repair, thus the metabolic benefits and results are not nearly as impressive. On the other hand, the harder you work out, the greater the metabolic debt that is created and needs to be restored, and that repair process continues for hours and days after an intense workout. Burst training = massive fat burning. Enough said.

Blood sugar levels are massively affected by grain consumption.

Studies show that burst training is far more effective for fat loss than standard cardio, and regular bursting has been shown to significantly increase both aerobic and anaerobic fitness, which offers many long-term health benefits. One study compared a 20 week endurance training program with a 15 week bursting program, and results showed the bursting regime produced a nine-fold greater subcutaneous fat loss than the endurance plan. While many current exercise programs focus on moderate intensity cardio exercise regimes, like jogging for an hour, these programs typically result in limited weight loss and fat burning. If you want rapid weight-loss to occur, the intensity MUST be taken up a notch.

Bursting vs. Endurance Training

Endurance training involves training the aerobic system more than the anaerobic, and increases cortisol (the “stress hormone” produced by the adrenal glands) when done in excess. Chronically raised cortisol leads to oxidative stress, inflammation, a decrease in HGH, and a lowered production of anabolic hormones which “build up” organs and tissues and increase muscle mass. While all exercise produces cortisol, it can be good or bad for the body depending upon the activity. Burst training increases cortisol for a short period of time, whereas endurance training increases cortisol chronically, never pushing the body intensely enough to trigger HGH to attain its fat burning and anti-aging benefits. Moreover, prolonged, strenuous endurance exercise, such as marathon running, increases inflammatory markers and even the risk of sudden cardiac death.

Conversely, burst training allows you to reap the benefits of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, massively boosting HGH and anabolic hormones and burning stored glucose, thereby helping you lose weight, look younger, and get lean more quickly. Compare a marathoner to a sprinter: isn’t it typically the long distance runner who appears to be aging prematurely? This is because endurance athletes are always battling oxidative stress. The training notion of “staying in the fat burning zone” is a myth, and burst training is a 180° Solution™ approach to get to your best body through exercising smarter, not harder.

I must note that as an avid cyclist, I’m by no means against endurance training, as it does have its benefits and I enjoy it greatly. However, when it comes to anti-aging, fat burning, and weight-loss, burst training wins the race. It’s simply a faster and more effective way of getting into shape considering how God designed the body to function. We were meant to chase down prey, not run for 26.2 miles, while slurping down a sugary energy gel to boot.

Stress and Rest

Burst training is a great example of the stress and rest principle in action (watch my demo video here). Stress and rest involves periods when the body is pushed to the physical limit (stress), followed by time for the system to recover (rest). The stress is a good stress, or eustress, and is key to our mental and physical growth and well-being. But the resting period is just as crucial as the intense period of exertion; therefore, adequate resting time needs to be taken between sessions for best results. I suggest bursting two to four times a week, but as always, listen to your body and experiment to see what works for you. Starting “slow and low” is a good bet, especially if you haven’t been exercising regularly.

Faster Results with a Multi-Therapeutic Approach

Want to see more results even faster? Combine burst training with intermittent fasting. The duo works like magic to supercharge fat loss and also improves brain function and hormone sensitivity (read more here), and if you’ve read my past posts, and are picking up on this theme, you know that the key to weight-loss is fixing your hormones. Adaptation to the stress created from burst training is the reason a hormone shift occurs. Combining the two techniques further raises HGH, and also makes you more hormone sensitive, a key to staying young and lean. While bursting and fasting are recognized as stand-alone strategies to improving health and optimizing hormones, incorporating both into your routine take the effects to a whole new level.

Combining the strategies may help your brain too. Both intermittent fasting and burst training are cited as ways to improve memory, and when therapies that positively affect the brain are combined, a synergy occurs which slows dementia and cognitive decline. I’ve found this model of combining multiple proven strategies to make an impact with many clients who have improved brain function, balanced hormones, and dropped stubborn weight by combining fasting, bursting, and following the Cellular Healing Diet. I call it a Multi-Therapeutic Approach (or MTA, read my article about it here) and have it been using it clinically for years. The combination works, and I believe the synergy is why the results are so incredible.

This MTA is easy to follow: simply do a burst training workout on a fasted stomach in the morning. I typically wake up, drink a cup of organic coffee with a splash of grass-fed heavy cream or MCT oil, and get a burst training session in first thing. Remember, I haven’t eaten since my sizeable high fat/moderate protein/low-ish carb dinner the evening before, and won’t eat again until lunchtime rolls around in the late afternoon. It takes a little time to get to the state of not becoming famished while fasting for 16-18 hours, especially when you do a hard workout. However, the more you train your body to burn fat to replace energy stores (glycogen), the longer you can last and not become hungry, since you’re becoming an efficient fat burner. If you can’t fast for such a long period, even waiting 2-3 hours after a workout before eating promotes a rise in HGH, which helps to make you a fat burner. Fasting pre-workout: another 180° Solution™ strategy for weight loss and better health.

Getting Started

There are endless ways to do a burst training workout. The goal is to get your heart rate to the point of not being able to talk well because you are breathing so hard. Check out these videos to get ideas and watch me in action: 10 Minute Workout, CHTV Episode 39 – How to Intermittent Fast and Burst Train, & Integrating Burst Training. Simply running up and down stairs or in place, doing pushups, sit-ups, or squats for 30-60 seconds with 1 minute breaks for about 10 minutes are all that is needed for results. Don’t worry about the funny looks from passers-by as you sprint up a hill: you’re becoming a lean, mean fighting machine.

Try this basic bursting workout outside or on a treadmill:

  • Sprint hard for 30 seconds
  • Rest for 1 minute
  • Repeat 4-5 times, increasing sprinting speed if possible

As far as my personal bursting regime, during wintertime I like to get outdoors and go skinning in the beautiful Utah mountains, which involves literally skiing UP the slope before you ski down: no easy feat (for more about skinning read about working out while fasting). In warmer months, or when indoors, I do interval sprints, burpees, weight lifting, high jumps, and good old fashioned calisthenics. Biking and swimming can be burst training sessions too. Just remember to burst on a fasted stomach for enhanced results.

Note: I’m often asked “Can I do more sets or longer intervals?” The answer is yes. However, wait till you are in better shape. Studies show that for the average person, more exercise did not reap better results for weight loss. I do believe trained athletes, or those in great shape, benefit from some longer intervals of high intensity and/or more intervals.

Late-Day Workouts

Not a morning person? You can do an afternoon workout and wait two hours afterwards before eating and get similar results. For an evening workout it gets a little trickier to experience the benefits; therefore, I would suggest fasting and bursting one day over the weekend and perhaps one other day during the week. You can also fast and burst one day a week, but it will take some time to work up to it, so be patient with yourself. You can also try this strategy: don’t eat at all during the day (except maybe some good fat like coconut oil or MCT oil), workout after work in the evening, and then come home and eat two hours later. Now, you might want to chew a family member’s arm off by the time you get home, but simply remind them that “it’s just another survival response.”

Burst Your Way to Better Health

Contrary to popular belief, as with all 180° Solution™ strategies, more is not actually better when it comes to exercise. Working out for less than an hour a week is all that is needed to start shedding excess weight, burning fat, and looking younger. Burst training leverages the body’s innate method of survival and energy conservation, and we are simply taking advantage of its natural response. I’ve observed remarkable personal and clinical results using bursting, especially in combination with intermittent fasting, and know that it supports rapid weight-loss and provides many other benefits, as noted. However, the proof is in the pudding: try burst training for yourself. Have fun with this powerful tool, and remember for the best results GO 180°!

Other Articles in this Series:

Strategy 1: Controlling Blood Glucose

Strategy 3: Intermittent Fasting

Strategy 2: Diet Variation

Strategy 5: PompaCore Cellular Detox™

Key Takeaways for implementing burst training: 

  1. Incorporate burst training workouts into your routine two to four times per week.
  2. Start “slow and low,” especially if you haven't been exercising regularly.
  3. To accelerate results, implement the Multi-Therapeutic Approach and burst on a fasted stomach, ideally first thing in the morning.
  4. Remember the Stress and Rest principle, and allow adequate time between bursting sessions for proper recovery.

Burst Training – Top 5 Strategies for Your Best Health Ever

Edited by Meredith Dykstra 

Dieting and Detox: How to Lose Toxic Fat for Good

I believe toxins are the number one reason why people can't lose weight today: our toxic world is literally making us fat. The water we drink, air we breathe, products we use and food we consume all affect the amount of toxic weight we carry. We can only control our environment to a certain extent. As a result, we must take charge of the things in our lives we can change if we want to look and feel good, and little is more important than our daily diet.

A steady intake of toxic foods year upon year will catch up with you sooner or later and take a toll on your waistline and health. Toxic foods include bad fats such as hydrogenated vegetable oils, refined sugars, grains, genetically modified foods, low-fat and fat-free processed diet foods, and conventionally produced meat and dairy products. Eating these toxic foods on a regular basis deprives the body of essential nutrients needed to detoxify naturally. When in a state of nutrient deprivation, the body becomes stressed and stores fat for protection. To stop the cycle of toxic fat storage in its tracks, proper dietary and lifestyle changes must be made to generate PompaCore cellular detox and lasting weight-loss.

Why Weight Loss Stops or Even Rebounds

When most people follow a diet they initially lose weight. Toxins are released into the body when this fat is burned. The fat loss causes the redistribution of toxins throughout the body. The released toxins then drive the inability to lose weight or the state of weight-loss resistance.  The “rebound” effect of weight gain can also occur here, despite eating the same diet that allowed for the initial weight loss. Conversely, when the proper diet is combined with PompaCore Cellular Detox the outcome is quite different.  Following the proper diet with cellular detox avoids the rebound effect and is a must if you desire permanent weight loss.

Poor Diet: Toxins stress the body at the cellular level and stimulate the vicious rebound cycle of weight-loss resistance.

Proper Diet plus Cellular DetoxFollowing the proper diet ignites healing and detoxification at the cellular level. When provided the right nourishment, the body has the nutrients it needs to burn fat for energy and avoids the rebound effect.

How Toxins Cause Weight Gain and Hormone Problems

Toxicity affects our hormones and triggers weight-loss resistance. So, in order to lose weight you have to fix your hormones. Leptin is the hormone that tells the brain to burn fat for energy. If the brain is not receiving the correct message from leptin due to toxic overload, the body will not burn fat for energy. Lasting weight loss is therefore not possible when the body is in a state of toxicity.

What is the Proper Diet to Lose Toxic Fat?

The fastest and most effective way to jumpstart the release of toxic pounds is to follow my whole foods based Cellular Healing Diet. When treating a patient who needs to lose toxic fat, I always begin by addressing the reduction of inflammation in the body, which is at the root of modern disease. A body carrying toxic fat is an inflamed body. Lasting weight-loss will not occur until inflammation is under control, and the approach must begin at the cellular level. Following the Cellular Healing Diet allows the body to heal and recharge its 70 trillion cells, and assists in the removal of toxins and the regulation of hormone function. To immediately begin decreasing inflammation and promoting detoxification and hormone regulation, start with these three fundamental changes right now:

Remove Bad Fats and Replace with Good Fats

Bad fats found in the form of hydrogenated vegetable oils, trans fats and rancid vegetable oils create toxic cells leading to chronic inflammation and many health conditions including cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, and the inability to lose weight. On the other hand, good fats such as organic coconut oil, grass-fed butter, pastured eggs, heavy cream, MCT oil, raw cheese and nuts, and cultured yogurt work to decrease inflammation at the cellular level. Good fats (or “God fats”) are the most important, yet absent, nutrient in the modern American diet.

Change the Meats You Eat

Conventional and organic, grass-fed meats are not created equal. When conventionally raised cows are fed an unnatural diet of genetically modified grain instead of grass, changes take place in the cow’s fatty acid ratio and denature the good fats into toxic fats. Conventionally raised meat has fatty acid ratios very disproportionate to those of organic, grass-fed meat. When toxic meat is eaten it creates inflammation and toxicity in your body leading to weight gain. Ditch feedlot meat, pumped full of antibiotics and hormones to boot, and choose organic, grass-fed meats raised as God intended, to aid in losing toxic fat.

Remove ALL Processed Grains and Refined Sugars

To restore and heal a toxic cell, you must remove sugar and everything that your body turns into sugar from your diet. Removing grains from your diet controls inflammation by eliminating a sugar called amylose. Amylose is present in all grains except corn, and triggers inflammation by spiking blood sugar, especially in those suffering from inflammatory conditions like heart disease, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and IBS. By removing dietary sugars, your blood sugar and insulin levels will regulate, inflammation will decrease, and true detoxification and weight-loss will occur.

Detox Support

To enhance cellular detox and weight-loss include the Intracellular Detox System (GCELL and BIND), along with proper diet. The unique system has two components which work synergistically to help the body detox as smoothly and quickly as possible. The first component of the IDS is called Gcell and it raises and supports the production of glutathione, nature’s most powerful antioxidant found in every cell in your body.  The second component of the system, called BIND, literally binds to toxins in your gut and prevents the reabsorption or redistribution of toxins, common issues in other forms of detox that can cause dangerous symptoms. The IDS is a proven system and is included in every one of my detox and weight-loss protocols.

Supercharging Toxic Fat Loss

In addition to following the core principles of my Cellular Healing Diet, I suggest adding intermittent fasting to your routine to accelerate the loss of toxic fat. Intermittent fasting is an extremely powerful and ancient tool for healing and decreasing inflammation in the body and consists of only ingesting liquid for a certain amount of time. Fasting gives your gut a break from digesting food, thereby allowing it to heal from issues such as leaky gut, which may be present and impeding the loss of toxic fat. Leaky gut is a condition in which the tight junctions that make-up the gut wall become inflamed and cause undigested food proteins to leak across, resulting in persistent systemic inflammation. Leaky gut is an epidemic condition in America and most people are unaware that it is contributing to their health challenges and weight-loss efforts. Fasting is also helpful in bringing nutrition to a body that is depleted of nutrients due to a toxic modern diet and lifestyle. I recommend fasting on high-quality whey water or bone broth made from the bones of 100% grass-fed cows for the most healing and detoxifying effects.

Far Infrared (FIR) sauna therapy is another effective tool to boost weight-loss. FIR saunas heat the body from within and stimulate its basic functions including increasing blood circulation and metabolic rate. Infrared therapy can even emulsify cellulite. FIR saunas encourage the body to detoxify from the deepest cellular level and can aid in burning 300 to 400 calories during a 30 minute session. Besides supporting weight-loss and detox, FIR sauna therapy also enhances immunity, relieves pain and stress, heals skin conditions, and promotes cellular regeneration and overall improved health.

Take Home Message to Drop Toxic Weight

  • To lose weight you need to fix your hormones and decrease systemic inflammation by lessening your toxic load
  • Cut out refined sugars, grains, bad fats and conventionally raised animal protein
  • Add in plenty of good fats and organic, grass-fed meat to your diet
  • Experiment with intermittent fasting to heal your gut
  • Include Far Infrared sauna therapy and detox support supplements  to accelerate weight-loss


Without a doubt, toxic dieting drives your body to hang on to fat. Carrying around toxic fat not only takes a toll on your self-esteem, but increases the likelihood of developing many obesity-related diseases, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  But you can start to heal and detox your body from the cellular level by implementing my three dietary changes, and further enhance your efforts by including intermittent fasting, cellular detox support supplements and FIR sauna therapy in your routine.  Making these changes will require you to modify your lifestyle. However, I know that they work because these changes have impacted my life for the better and allowed me to heal from my own debilitating health challenges. Once you’ve made these changes, continue to incorporate more healing foods (see my top healing foods list here) and less toxic foods (see my toxic foods to avoid here) in your diet and you will be well on your way to looking and feeling your best.

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Ultimate Smoothie Recipe Guide

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: There is no doubt that easy-to-digest smoothies can be one of the best ways to break your daily fast. This guide will provide you with some of the keys to making your smoothies super nutritionally dense, and includes ten nourishing smoothie recipes!


A Few Tips to Up the Nutritional Density of Your Smoothies

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Sneak in the Good Stuff

Some of the most nutritionally dense foods are things we don’t love to taste. Be it bitter greens or liver– some of the healthiest foods don’t taste appetizing (especially first thing in the morning). The great thing about smoothies is that you can easily sneak in 1-2 small doses of super healthy ingredients without even tasting them. Whether you’re trying to fool kiddos or your taste buds, pick one or two ingredients to put into your smoothie to up the nutritional game.

Some examples to super-boost your smoothies:

  • One serving of bitter greens (like arugula, dandelion greens, or kale)
  • One tablespoon or liver (raw or cooked, you can simply keep single servings of liver in your freezer and just add a cube into your smoothie)
  • One teaspoon of your favorite adaptogenic powders like tonic herbs or medicinal mushrooms (maca, reishi, ashwagandha, chaga, cordyceps, lion’s name, or he shou wu)
  • One serving of unsweetened superfood powder

Choose a Better Liquid

Smoothies require a liquid base to blend with other ingredients, and one great way to increase nutritional density is to choose a better liquid than water or fruit juice. Fruit juice contains a massive hit of sugar without the blood-sugar balancing fiber. Although water is a better option than fruit juice, there are even better options out there to increase your nutritional benefits.

Some examples of nutritionally dense liquids to base your smoothie on:

  • Cold bone broth: full of minerals and gut-healing collagen/ gelatin. The flavor goes unnoticed. You can also up the protein by adding a bone broth powder.
  • Cold tea: simply store a jug of your favorite tea in the fridge, ready to add a mineral (and flavor!) hit to any smoothie
  • Coconut milk: will add a nice thickness and creamy flavor to your smoothie plus the benefit of the MCT fats and vitamins from coconut
  • Coconut water: a great clear, light, and relatively unflavored liquid that is full of minerals and natural sugars. Coconut water is an excellent option for a refreshing post-workout smoothie base!

Probiotic Hit

We all know that probiotics help support a healthy gut, and sneaking in some probiotics to your smoothie is so easy! You can simply dump a capsule of probiotics into your smoothie before you blend it, or add a few tablespoons of your favorite yogurt or kefir (coconut, goat, or cows milk)!

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Don’t Forget Your Protein & Fat

Including a source of protein and fat in your smoothies will ensure a more balanced glycemic index and a more nutritionally balanced drink that will keep you satiated for hours. Smoothies used to be typically fruit, juice, and ice blended up, which are high sugar and low satiety.

Some ingredients that can help boost the protein and fat content:

  • A tablespoon of nut butter (like cashew, peanut, almond butter) or coconut cream
  • A small handful of whole nuts
  • ½ an avocado
  • 1-2 scoops of collagen powder
  • 1-2 scoops of bone broth protein powder

10 Nourishing Smoothie Recipes

Nutty Cacao Smoothie



  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • ½ an avocado (frozen is ideal)
  • 1 Medjool date (pitted)
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • 2 tablespoons cacao powder
  • 2 scoops of collagen powder
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 4 ice cubes

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Super Enzyme Sunshine Smoothie



  • 2 cups of coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon coconut cream
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 1 tablespoon bee pollen
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • Juice of one lemon

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Berry Bliss Bone Broth Smoothie



  • 2 cups of bone broth
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • ½ cup frozen raspberries
  • ½ cup of frozen strawberries
  • ½ cup of tart yogurt (like greek or coconut)
  • A handful of fresh spinach
  • 1 scoop of protein powder

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Post Workout Refuel Smoothie

Two glass glasses of blueberry smoothie with banana on the table


  • 2 cups of coconut water
  • 1 scoop of protein powder
  • 1 scoop of collagen powder
  • ½ tablespoon of spirulina (or a handful of fresh bitter greens)
  • ½ a large frozen banana
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons cacao powder
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of peanut butter
  • 4 ice cubes

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Creamy Mocha Smoothie



  • 2 cups almond milk
  • 1 double shot espresso or 60ml cold brew coffee
  • ⅓ cup thick cream or coconut cream
  • ½ an avocado
  • 3 tablespoons cacao powder
  • 2 tablespoons monk fruit sweetener
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla bean powder
  • 3 ice cubes

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Super Greens Smoothie



  • 2 cups of coconut water
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ cup frozen pineapple
  • 1 large celery stalk (chopped)
  • 1 handful of fresh spinach
  • ½ cup of cucumber
  • 1 teaspoon spirulina
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut cream

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Vanilla Smoothie

Protein Milkshake With Oats, Banana in jar with paper drinking straw on concrete background. Closeup view, selective focus. Concept of vegan sporty healthy lifestyle


  • 1.5 cups of almond milk
  • ½ cup of yogurt (cows, goats, or coconut)
  • 1 heaping tablespoon cashew butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla bean (powder or extract)
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder
  • 1 teaspoon of flax seeds
  • Pinch of sea salt

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie



  • 1.5 cup of nut milk
  • ⅓ cup frozen blueberries
  • ⅓ cup frozen raspberries
  • 2 scoops collagen powder
  • ½ tablespoon chia seeds
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

yummy vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie Mug


  • 2 cups of coconut milk
  • ½ frozen banana
  • 5-10 fresh mint leaves
  • 3 drops of mint essential oil
  • ½ an avocado
  • 1 handful spinach
  • 1 scoop plain or vanilla protein powder
  • ⅓ cup yogurt (cow, goat, or coconut)
  • ¼ cup cacao nibs (to top)

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender except the cacao nibs, and blend until smooth. Add cacao nibs and stir in using a spoon.


Nutrient-Dense Smoothies: Cookie Dough Smoothie



  • 1.5 cups almond milk
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of cashew butter or almond butter
  • ¼ cup cashews
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla bean (extract or powder)
  •  2 Medjool dates (pitted)
  • ¼ cup yogurt (cows, goat, or coconut)
  • 2 scoops collagen or vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 4 ice cubes
  • ¼ cup cacao nibs (to top)

Optional nutritional boost add-ins: (pick one or two!) 1 teaspoon of: reishi, cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga, ashwagandha, maca, camu camu, turmeric, acai powder, hemp seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, green supplement powder, or a probiotic capsule.


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender except the cacao nibs, and blend until smooth. Add cacao nibs and stir in using a spoon.

Add the best antioxidant to your smoothies: Cacao Bliss!

I was so excited when I found out about the power of a unique type of Peruvian chocolate. You see, most chocolate is grown over on the west coast of Africa. But small batches of chocolate also come from the jungles of Peru. And the difference is incredible. Peruvian cacao is not only sweet like regular milk chocolate— It’s also one of the healthiest and highest antioxidant foods on the planet. This unique chocolate isn’t processed like mass-produced chocolate and contains no unhealthy fats or sugars, so that all of its health benefits aren’t just preserved, but maximized.

Being 12x healthier than blueberries…

16x healthier than kale…

 And 37x healthier than even broccoli.

This delicious chocolatey gift has been the food of emperors for nearly 2,000 years. And the growing process was finally perfected during the late Incan empire. Which is what gives us this unique Peruvian chocolate that not only tastes delicious but can also…

  • Promote healthy blood sugar
  • Reduce free-radicals & fight inflammation, thereby slowing down aging in the body
  • Make you fall asleep faster and STAY asleep through the night
  • Even help to prevent brain aging

<<<<get some of this amazing Peruvian cacao here!>>>

Eat Fat to Lose Fat

Eat fat lose fat? The idea seems ludicrous, contradictory at best, dangerous at worst. You have to eat fat to lose fat? To many, that seems like a fast track to weight gain, cholesterol problems, and all of the health issues that a diet high in fat can bring. But there’s a myth at play here, and I can assure you that it’s not what you think and it is the ideal way to lose weight fast.

The truth is that eating good quality fats really can jump-start weight loss, and that’s not all. Studies show that a diet high in good fats1 can:

  • Help to lose weight fast and sustain fast weight loss
  • Fight cancer
  • Assist with degenerative brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease
  • Help to balance hormones
  • Insulate vital organs
  • Optimize brain health
  • Increase nutrient absorption from food
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Work against oxidation and aging in the body’s cells

In my experience working with countless clients, many struggling with weight loss resistance discover that a high fat diet is the only diet that works for them. Good fats help to nourish our bodies, boost energy levels, and heal on a cellular level. It’s the miracle diet that isn’t a miracle. At the root of a high fat diet, also known as a ketogenic diet, is a process called ketosis.

What is Ketosis?

According to WebMD, “Ketosis is a normal metabolic process, something your body does to keep working. When it doesn't have enough carbohydrates from food for your cells to burn for energy, it burns fat instead. As part of this process, it makes ketones.”2

Ketones are a byproduct from your body burning fat, both from fat stores and fat that you eat. They are measurable in blood and urine with blood levels giving you a more accurate reading in my opinion. Low levels indicate that your body is in a state of ketosis, which is helpful in monitoring your metabolic state while on a ketogenic diet. Pregnancy and extended exercise can also cause your body to begin burning fat. High levels of ketones in the body, especially if you are not on a ketogenic or low carb diet, can indicate diabetes or a serious, but very rare, condition called ketoacidosis, so always be sure of your current state of health before beginning a new diet of any kind.3

Starting a Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diets are hallmarked by high intake of good quality fats, moderate protein intake, and low carbohydrate intake. Starting out, I recommend a ratio of up 70-80% fat, 15-30% protein, and 5-10% carbs are typical with a ratcheting up of healthy carb intake as the weeks progress. Carbohydrate intake generally needs to be below 20 grams a day to trigger ketosis, and a short fasting period before starting isn’t a bad idea. You’ll notice that this isn’t a low carb/high protein diet at all. I recommend that you keep your protein intake moderate. Too much protein in the diet can drive inflammation in the body, and that’s just what you’re trying to avoid. For more details on this, and a high fat for weight loss diet, watch our CHTV Episode 62: Eat Fat to Lose Fat. We have a great conversation about how to start a healthy diet high in fats, how to maintain it, and how great you feel when you’re eating to heal your cells and optimize health.

Note: This diet is not for everyone, and can simply be used as a tool for healing weight-loss resistance and other conditions. Once good health is achieved, you may return to following a diet that suits you genetically, or the Cellular Healing Diet. However, some people should stay on the ketogenic diet for life to have lasting energy and remain lean.

You can see from the video that maintaining a high fat diet doesn’t have to be complicated, and is full of delicious, satisfying foods. This is key. Fats in the diet help you to feel more satisfied and full. This helps to combat overeating and prevents you from feeling like you’ve deprived yourself (you haven’t!), the exact opposite of what happens when you eat too much glucose. Eating a lot of carbs tends to produce cravings for sweet foods, and actually stimulates you to eat more. It’s no great leap to see how an overabundance of carbs in the diet can lead to overeating and weight gain.

There is a catch, though, to eating a diet rich in fats: You must choose the right fats for your body, and avoid the unhealthy ones. Unlike good quality fats, bad fats:

  • Build up in the system
  • Can take weeks for your body to process out
  • Are toxic to your body’s cells, and lead to increased fat stores (weight gain)
  • Lead to congestion disorders like clogged arteries and heart disease
  • Drives inflammation in the body, which causes so many problems with health and healthy weight

Exchanging unhealthy fats for good, healthy fats is one the kindest things that you can do for your body’s cells, and the resulting energy levels that you feel. So which fats are bad, and which are good? Read on.

Bad Fats – Do Not Eat!

Your rule of thumb with bad fats is this: If it’s man-made, or requires high heat, high pressure or solvents to produce, don’t eat it. Many man-made oils, including anything that says “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated,” are created specifically to prolong the shelf life of a fat, and the processed foods that they are added to. Trans fat content is assured in such products. Likewise, oils that require great heat and pressure or solvents to extract tend to go rancid right there in the factory before they’re even bottled. Most vegetable oils, like canola, processed in this way have to be put through a deodorization process before packaging up, or you wouldn’t go near it. The heat used to do this converts some of the unsaturated fatty acids into trans fatty acids in amounts higher than normal.

Some examples of bad fats to steer clear of:

  • Margarine
  • Canola oil
  • Vegetable oils like corn and soybean
  • Shortening
  • Partially hydrogenated lard

Good Fats – Eat these!

Opposite to harmful fats, good quality fats, or “God fats” as I like to call them, are nourishing, reduce inflammation, and are healing to the body’s cells. These oils are often cold pressed, non-GMO, and easy to find as certified organic. Good fats are what you want in your daily diet to heal your body and promote weight loss. Don’t worry about saturated fats and cholesterol too much. These are both unfairly vilified by many of today’s “health experts.” As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, saturated fat and cholesterol are actually required to make vitamin D, hormones, support brain function, and produce and restore cell membranes, since they help to compose the membranes themselves. When consumed from the right sources, these two unique fats downregulate inflammation, balance hormones to encourage weight-loss, and serve as ideal brain food to keep your body in top performance mode.4

Be sure to differentiate between which good fats can be cooked and which should not be. Generally speaking, the more saturated the oil, the better it is for cooking with. The less saturated the oil, the more likely it is to burn during cooking, and produce unhealthy amounts of trans fats. These are best consumed raw. You don’t want your oil to smoke while cooking. Burned oil is bad oil.

Examples of healthy, good fats (God fats):

  • Coconut oil
  • Butter from grass fed cows
  • Avocado oil
  • Eggs (with yolk) from pasture raised chickens
  • Nut & seed oils like almond and pumpkin (look for organic, cold pressed)
  • Olive oil
  • Hemp seed oil
  • MCT oil

You can find a lot more information on good fats, how to use them, and cellular healing in my Cellular Healing Diet Book.

Recipes with Good Fats

Need some ideas on how to incorporate healthy fats into your diet? Check out the “Recipes & Exercise” section of the website for a ton of healthy recipe ideas like:

This insanely good Baked Egg in Avocado for breakfast. I get hungry just looking at the photo.

Who says you can’t have pizza? Try this Flatbread Pizza recipe!

Kick up your butter into the stratosphere by making Grass-fed Bone Marrow Butter.

Ditch the store bought smoothies, and make your own. Most smoothies, and even freshly squeezed juices that you can find in juice bars, are glucose based. They can drive inflammation, interfere with cellular detoxification, and healing. These will combine to disrupt your weight loss journey. If you want to have delicious smoothies that are high in nutrients and healthy fats, my eBook, “Smoothies to Heal Your Gut,” is loaded with recipes, and you can get your copy for free here.

Eating for weight loss doesn’t have to taste bad or leave you feeling starved. I can tell you this, because I live it. Healthy fats are there to heal, nourish, and promote healthy bodies. Want to lose weight fast? Eat fat to lose fat… healthy fats that is!