Dr. Daniel Pompa

Breaking a Fast: Post Fast Eating Strategies

Breaking a Fast: Post Fast Eating Strategies

As you all know, I’m a huge fan of fasting, and all the amazing health benefits. Fasting is one of the best ways to heal the body from the inside out, and part of my Multi-Therapeutic Approach (MTA) to good health. I intermittent fast daily, but I also believe block fasting is something most of us should do at least once per year. However, how does one go about safely breaking a fast?

The majority of healthy people reading this are able to fast. However, I don’t recommend fasting for pregnant women or women that are nursing because there needs to be a certain caloric intake during this critical time in their lives.

We were designed to fast!

From a historical perspective, both intermittent and block fasting were a way of life for our ancestors.

I believe ancient cultures were forced into times of famine because they literally had to hunt for their food. During these fasts, their bodies went through many positive changes:

  • They reset their DNA and microbiome
  • Developed new stem cells, immune cells, and muscle cells
  • The body rid itself of damaged cells via cellular autophagy

The problem for us today is we’re not being forced to fast, like our ancestors were. As a result, we don’t get that precious time to reset our bodies. Breaking a fast has not been a concern, because we just don't typically fast.

During a fast, our cells down-regulate inflammation, and the receptors on the cells become very sensitive to hormones. That’s a really good thing, because it helps to treat conditions like thyroid activity, diabetes, and others naturally. Fasting helps every hormone in the body function better and more efficiently, which I call hormone optimization.

As a person gets deeper into the block fast, that’s when the magic happens. For example, on day five, you get the highest rise in growth hormone, which is used to protect muscle and good tissue in the body. The only protein or muscle that you would lose during this time is the bad stuff, which enables you to build a better, stronger foundation on a cellular level.

That’s how intelligent the body is.

How long do I fast before breaking a fast?

watch and journal

Five days is a perfect amount of time for people to fast. Some people arguably would do better with longer fasts, but five days should suffice for most people. I always found that clinically, on day four, you make the transition and become an incredibly efficient fat burner. Your brain’s using ketones and you feel better.

It takes three days of fasting to reach this point, so I’d say if you can ride it out one more day to five days, that’s the perfect amount of time. You get the most dramatic rise the fifth day into a fast, and by eating healthy foods on day six, it feeds these stem cells, and you get the most out of them.

These are just a few benefits of fasting. They say knowing is half the battle, so I like to explain why a person should fast, especially block fast. I believe when a person understands the benefits, they will be more inclined to give it a try and stick with it. Now let’s get to the “meat and potatoes” of how to break a fast, what foods to eat, and when!

One of the most common questions we receive is “how do we break the block fast?”

Best Foods to Eat When Breaking a Fast

When breaking a fast, go slowly by eating very soft, easily digestible foods such as berries, soft avocados, and veggies that are steamed or blended. A little coconut oil or olive oil can be good as well, but consume just a little bit at a time.

Remember: it will take the body time to adjust to eating again. Patience is key.

Ease back into eating by consuming very basic foods instead of big, heavy meals. Your digestive enzymes will be sluggish after the fast. It’s also beneficial to wait a few days before adding meat back into your diet. Your digestive system has just rested for a very long time and needs time to adapt back into processing food again.

Here are a few of the top foods to eat when breaking a fast:

Breaking a Fast
How many calories do I consume when breaking a fast?

This is one of the few times you want to pay attention to calories, as you don’t want to consume too much too fast. (Intermittent fasting is a great way to break the fast as well.)

Breaking a Fast

Bonus post-fast eating strategy: Intermittent Fasting

One of the best times to intermittent fast is when you are breaking a fast. With intermittent fasting, you still get some autophagy, which is critical to good health. You don’t get as much as you do with longer fasts, but you still reap many of the benefits.

Contrary to popular belief, fasting does not lower your metabolism. This is due to the growth hormone rise that you get, which in actuality protects your metabolism. On the other hand, cutting calories can cause your body to go into starvation mode, which makes the metabolism slow down and force your body to hang on to every calorie consumed.

In ancient cultures, they ate less by eating less often. Intermittent fasting lengthens the telomeres (remember, telomeres wrap the ends of our chromosomes and protect our DNA making us live longer). Through intermittent fasting, we can really see a dramatic difference in these telomeres.

Intermittent Fasting Tips:

  • Eat within a specific window of time
  • Skip all the snacks. Remember, the more meals you eat, the more you are stressing your mitochondria and cells. This is what ages us, and could cause an earlier death.
  • Advance to skipping breakfast
  • Advance to eating (2) meals in an 8 hour window (AKA 16 hour fast)
  • Advance to eating (2) meals in a 6 hour window (AKA 18 hour fast)
  • Advance to eating (1-2) meals in a 4 hour window (AKA 20 hour fast)

Key Takeaways of Breaking a Fast/Intermittent Fasting:

  • Go low and slow when reintroducing foods
  • Do not limit calories, but rather restrict eating to a certain window of time
  • Don’t eat less, eat less often (INTERMITTENT FASTING)
  • Each subsequent fast will get easier as the body becomes more efficient

How do you know which eating window to choose?

A person may be confused as to which method of intermittent fasting is best for them (16, 18, or 20 hour fast). Here is one way to make that decision:

In the morning, measure your glucose and ketones. Before you consume your first meal, measure them again. You should see a slight drop in glucose and rise in ketones. This indicates that you are using fat in that specific window of time.

If that doesn’t happen, push your eating window back. Most autophagy starts in 16 hours, so as you decrease your eating window and do more block fasts, your efficiency will begin to improve. Doing this while following a ketogenic diet is key.

In addition to ketosis, these post fast strategies help to optimize our hormones, and allow the cells to become more hormone sensitive. Fasting gives ketosis the extra leverage it needs, driving up ketones and utilizing autophagy. When breaking a fast, remaining in ketosis will help extend these amazing benefits.

Both intermittent and block fasting are the premier ways to harness our bodies’ innate ability to heal itself naturally. However, breaking a fast and refueling your body is just as important, if not more so. You don’t want to throw all the hard work you’ve done out the window. Remember to go low and slow when breaking a fast, and your body will thank you. Want to learn more about fasting and join an amazing community of people who are on a similar journey? Join my Fasting for a Purpose facebook page!


Want some simple recipes for breaking a fast?

Try these out!

Homemade Coconut Milk Yogurt

Simple Spiced Pumpkin Soup

Simple Avocado Dressing

Why You Should Care About Amalgam Fillings and Your Dental Health


Many chronic diseases begin in the mouth, making proper oral care of utmost importance. I learned this lesson the hard way. Mercury poisoning nearly ruined my life. Years ago, I had silver amalgam fillings, two of which were drilled out by my friend Dr. Grieco. Just two days after the fillings had been removed and replaced with gold crowns I became very ill. Initially, we blamed the anesthetic. Later that week, I attempted a bike ride but was too fatigued. I thought I was over-training. The fatigue soon turned to irritability, insomnia, mood swings, anxiety, anger, sound sensitivity, and even suicidal thoughts. It took nearly four years of suffering to understand the cause of the illness. After extensive research, consulting with an endocrinologist, and finally taking a test to prove it, I learned that I had been poisoned by my mercury fillings. I verified the dates with Dr. Grieco and cross-referenced my cycling journal which confirmed when the symptoms began, the week my fillings were removed. I learned that silver fillings contain 50% mercury, which vaporizes and crosses into the brain where it bio-accumulates over time. The addition of gold from the crown caused a galvanic (or electrical) reaction, which leached mercury out of the fillings 10 times faster than normal.

Only once I learned how to properly remove the remaining fillings and the mercury from my brain did I get my life back. I would have never fully recovered without removing the source of toxicity (R1), in this case the fillings in my mouth. Since learning of my experience with mercury poisoning, Dr. Grieco transformed his dentistry practice. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to discuss with Dr. Grieco the dangers of dental work and mercury poisoning, as well as the numerous unwanted symptoms that can originate from amalgam in the mouth.

It’s scary to change your practice and approach. Many dentists are afraid of this, but you did your homework.

In dental school, we were taught that mercury is bound in the silver/tin filling material. It’s a travesty that this information is still being taught in schools. The ADA [American Dental Association] is sticking their head in the sand.

Dr. Pompa: Once my gold crowns went in to replace the silver amalgam fillings, galvanism occurred. When there are two different metals in your mouth, as in the case of silver fillings, an electrical current is created. This is called galvanism, and the electric current causes mercury to leach out of the fillings 10 times faster than normal. It acts like a battery, with the two opposing metals and an acid [your saliva] and the current can actually be measured.  The electrical current is not normal in the body and has a negative impact on brain function. Galvanism can occur from any two metal sources in the mouth and becomes even more dangerous when silver fillings are one of the opposing metals because of the increase in mercury from the fillings and the brain altering current.


The ADA can no longer say that mercury is bound safely in fillings. They have changed their talking points to claim that the amount of mercury released from fillings is too small to matter, despite the fact that many other countries have banned its use. Mercury is considered hazardous waste from the EPA and OSHA, and handled with OSHA regulations before it goes into your mouth, and when it comes out and hits the dental tray. However, when it’s in your mouth it is considered safe.  That contradiction insults our intelligence and comes before Congress almost every year to change the level of danger of an amalgam filling to what it is when it’s not in your mouth: “hazardous waste”.  Yes, it’s true, if it were labeled correctly, and if you have silver fillings in your mouth, you have “hazardous waste” in your mouth every day.  The reality is whether it’s labeled that way or not, YOU DO!  And that goes beyond just insulting our intelligence; it’s DEAD WRONG and almost ruined my life and is ruining millions of lives unknowingly.  At least give us informed consent to make an educated choice of whether to put this poison in our mouths or not.

Amalgam illness is a 30+ year illness. You can have fillings for years, and over time the mercury vapor is slowly bio-accumulating in the brain.  So most people never correlate their unwanted symptoms with their fillings.  It took me years to make the connection and some people will spend thousands on medications and supplements and never get to the true cause of why they are not well.

So all that said, and you can tell it angers me, what’s the ADA’s current rationale regarding mercury poisoning?

Dr. Grieco: It’s a widespread litigation issue, bigger than tobacco, and much panic could result. Dr. Boyd Haley testified in Congress before the FDA regarding mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings. The ADA, on the other hand, had no credible evidence ensuring the safety of the fillings. Amalgam fillings are banned in Europe. The FDA's own scientific panel told the agency that amalgam use is not safe for children or pregnant women. Why then is it ok for everyone else?

Dr. Pompa: It’s crazy. Our environment is better protected than we are. One gram of mercury can pollute a 20 acre lake and disrupt the ecosystem. Imagine the impact of multiple fillings in your mouth. The skull and crossbones are on the amalgam bottle, but we’re still putting it in our mouths.


Dr. Grieco: There is no evidence to NOT be concerned (see more HERE). Consider the physical properties of mercury. The melting point is between 60-70 degrees, and our mouth temperature is 98.6; therefore, dangerous off-gassing is constantly occurring.

Dr. Pompa: Why is it so important to remove silver fillings correctly, including proper pre and post-removal treatment?

Dr. Grieco: Pre-operative treatment is crucial. The body’s detox pathways, like the kidneyliver, and digestion, need to be working properly. The procedure is still an insult to the system. At our office, we give activated charcoal supplements to patients prior to the procedure. They are then fully draped in sterile cloth, with only their mouth exposed to a rubber dam. We use high-speed air suction, a lot of water, and an IQ air filter [negative ion exchange] during the procedure to capture any airborne mercury that is released from the fillings.  If the patient is sedated, you can cross the midline; if not, only one side of the mouth can be done at a time, considering the charges of the fillings. The most negatively charged fillings must be removed first.  Then, a pre-tested bio-compatible material is input in place of the amalgam fillings.  It’s not rocket science, and this method protects both the patient and the dentist. During the procedure, me and my staff wear respiratory masks and are fully covered. Afterwards, everything is thoroughly cleaned and disposed of as biohazard waste.

I also want to mention that dental offices are one of the biggest polluters of our environment. If the mercury released during amalgam removal is not properly captured and filtered during the procedure it’s very hazardous.  A dental supplier can easily set up a unit with an amalgam mercury trap, which captures the mercury. This is an easy way to prevent pollution of our water systems.

Dr. Pompa: Important point. I hope people can appreciate how dangerous the procedure can be. I see so many clients suffer from incorrect amalgam removal. Some get sick immediately post removal by breathing in the mercury vapor released during the procedure.  Others have a “honeymoon” period, where they feel better for 6 to 9 months then get very ill. I believe this is related to the galvanism; once the electrical current is removed, people initially feel better, but it doesn’t last. When the fillings are removed, mercury starts moving out of the body. This stage is what I call “the crazies.” To learn more about it, read my three part article series “When detox is dangerous”.  Once the fillings come out, metals will begin to mobilize throughout the body, unless proper chelation is initiated.

Now let’s move on to discussing root canals. What are your thoughts?

Dr. Grieco: It’s a slippery slope. Many of my patients have root canals, and there are pros and cons of which patients need to be educated. Famed dentist Dr. Weston Price’s did a root canal on his son’s front tooth, and he later died of a heart attack. Dr. Price implanted his son’s extracted root canal tooth into numerous rabbits, all of which then died of heart attacks. So evidence of the toxicity of root canals has been around for years. Dr. George Meinig, the founder of the American Association of Endodontics, wrote a book on the dangers of root canals and how they can damage our health. Toxic bacteria surround root canal teeth and contribute to inflammation and thereby other disease.  There is a lot of controversy around the topic, since this procedure is so commonly performed; however, there’s evidence that it’s a contributor to the modern disease process.

Dr. Boyd Haley has been instrumental in teaching about the toxic bacteria surrounding root canal teeth. Often, we recommend that a patient has root canal teeth removed along with any amalgams present. However, this situation brings up the issue of cavitations in the jaw bone which have similar toxic bacteria that root canal teeth carry. It’s a huge issue.

Dr. Pompa: Dr. Haley was researching “safe” root canals, i.e. pain-free. Haley’s research found anaerobic bacteria at high levels around root canal teeth and concluded there really is no safe root canal. There are biological dentists who feel they can perform the procedure safely, and others feel it’s impossible to make the procedure safe due to the thousands of microtubules that contain these bacteria.

What's your take on this debate?

Dr. Grieco: Dentists are now using lasers and oxygen ozone therapy for root canals. Dr. Phil Mollica, a pioneer in ozone therapy, says that it can be sterile, but it’s only a matter of time before the bacteria work their way back into the microtubules and find a place to live. Long-term, there’s no safe root canal; it can be sterilized for 24-36 hours post-procedure, maybe, but after that who knows what happens.

Dr. Pompa: So what can people do? There are only three options: root canal teeth can be removed and a gap left in their place; you can get a non-metallic [ceramic] Maryland bridge; or you can get an implant, made of either titanium or ceramic. Correct?

Dr. Grieco: It’s crucial that all material put into the mouth is proven to be biologically compatible, via blood testing, with the patient. Muscle testing can also be used. However, I believe the most accurate way is a Clifford’s blood test, which most biologically safe dentists would recommend.

Dr. Pompa: I’d like to also note the health risks for the dentists performing these dangerous procedures.

Dr. Grieco: Yes, even at low levels of exposure, higher levels of mercury are observed in urine, and the more fillings dentists remove appear to be correlated to a prevalence of neuropsychological and muscular disorders. Dentists also have the highest suicide and divorce rates of doctors, and tend to suffer more memory loss, insomnia, depression, and chronic fatigue and hand tremors.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you again for all that you do, Dr. Grieco, working on the front lines risking your health for the greater good.A word from Dr. Pompa

It was such a pleasure to bring you this interview with Dr. Grieco because I tell my story often, but no one, until now, has heard this part of the story.  Few people risk their reputation and career and say “I was wrong” and change the way they do everything. I pray that more dentists will make that bold decision.  I pray that more will simply step out and look at the real science and get beyond what the ADA says or their biased funded research.

I’d like to reiterate the importance of proper heavy metal detox after the procedure of amalgam removal. As I mentioned, chelation must begin four days post-amalgam removal or new problems can arise.  I see so many people who, years after getting their amalgams out, are still sick and often times more sick because they never detoxed correctly or at all.  Heavy metal detox is often performed incorrectly by regular MDs and by alternative health practitioners. Some alternative practitioners use chlorella and cilantro to chelate metals, but taking these can stir up and redistribute metals, making symptoms worse because they are not true chelating agents. Other practitioners use IV chelation, which has been shown to be dangerous and ineffective. IV chelation therapies pull a lot of heavy metals all at once but do not stay in the body long enough and so can also cause redistribution of heavy metals.  I tried my fair share of chelating agents while attempting to detox, and the method I created through my own trial and error saved my life. I encourage anyone who believes they may have heavy metal toxicity to seek the proper method of true heavy metal detox.  This is the reason that it is crucial to work with a practitioner trained in proper heavy metal detox. Please read the article series, “When Detox is Dangerous,” as it explains the many pitfalls in the area of heavy metal detox and will begin the journey to greater understanding.

This is such an important topic, and knowledge is power. Life can get better when you remove the cause of your sickness (R1). The process takes time, but you can get your life back. I believe God allowed me to go through this trial to bring the message to the many suffering without answers.

If you would like more information on working with me or a practitioner trained in proper heavy metal detox, please contact my office.

Dr. Derek Grieco’s office (Pittsburgh, PA area): CLICK HERE

To find a biological dentist in your area: CLICK HERE

More information: CLICK HERE

Korean Style Kimchi

  • 1 medium Napa cabbage
  • 2 Tbsp. sea salt
  • 15 garlic cloves, minced
  • 15-20 slices peeled, fresh ginger, minced
  • 3 Tbsp. diced lemongrass
  • 1/4 cup coconut aminos
  • 1/2 cup chopped scallions
  • 1/2 cup julienne cut carrots
  • 1 Tbsp. fish sauce or salted, jarred shrimp
  • 1 Tbsp. Sriracha sauce or fermented Korean chili paste
  1. Combine all ingredients and place in a glass jar on counter.
  2. Allow to ferment for at least 5 days.
  3. Enjoy!

Chronic Pain: A Multi-Therapeutic Approach to Pain Management

Chronic Pain: Dealing with and healing from pain is a subject I hold near and dear to my heart. It is something I have dealt with personally, and overcoming chronic pain is has completely transformed my life. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and my journey to overcome pain has taken me through methods of all kinds; I am here today to share with you what worked for me in hopes that it may help you or a loved one well.

A Multi-Therapeutic Approach

When it comes to pain, we want to keep you off the ibuprofen, the oxycodone, and any of the other pharmaceutical drugs that come with a host of side effects. We don't want to blunt the pain, nor do we opt for invasive surgery unless absolutely necessary. Here at Health Hunters, we want to promote healing by supporting the body as naturally as possible. Pain is an interesting tool for transformation because, as humans, we are motivated by pain and pleasure. So although it can be a difficult journey towards recovery, pain is also a great teacher and catalyst for growth and transformation in the health realm. My biggest personal challenge came from debilitating back pain as well as chronic neck pain following a fracture. Despite the difficulties I experienced, I have overcome them and am on my hero's journey to report back to you and share my experience. Being able to help and inspire people across the world brings me so much fulfillment, and so despite the hardship—every pain has its purpose.

Two Types of Pain

Something important to understand right off the bat is that there are two types of pain: mainly a structural problem (that results in chronic pain) or pain resulting from trauma (break, pull, twist, etc.). If the injury failed to heal correctly, that could also cause your trauma to become chronic structural pain, but either way, there are ways to heal and restore wellbeing.

Structural Pain

I used to do structural correction chiropractic work with my patients and would see it every single week: the impact that structural problems have on functional patterns. In other words, seeing someone's bone structure via an X-ray would demonstrate why they currently have pain or how they will develop pain at some point in their life. Seeing one shoulder higher than the other, or one arch flatter than the other- these structural imbalances put pressure on the mechanics of the body, that has to work day in and day out to keep you stable. Imbalances get more severe with time and with every type of impact (sitting at a desk, standing all day, training at the gym, running a half marathon), and so over time, the body weakens to the point of developing chronic pain.


Trauma is a whole different story. Not only does the injury site retain trauma (scar tissue), but more often than not, we also resume activity before the area has had time to heal completely. Even the simple notion that you have been injured in one place can cause the body to compensate and develop a structural imbalance that will lead to more pain in the future. Managing and healing from pain requires a multifaceted approach to deal not only with the acute pain of the moment but also ensure that the foundation of the body is aligned correctly, to prevent pain in the future.

Structural Correction

If your pain is long term and chronic, I suggest starting your journey towards healing at a qualified chiropractic clinic. Understanding the way your structural alignment may influence your day-to-day movement can quickly be done via an X-ray. You can, at the very least, rule out the need for unnecessary surgery. Two techniques I love to address structural realignment are called Pettibon and Chiropractic BioPhysics.

Muscle Activation Techniques

There are many different muscle activation techniques, and generally, you will find them at a chiropractor or orthopedic clinic. One of these techniques is the Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (or AMIT), popularized by Dr. Craig Buhler. Dr. Buhler works with Olympic and NBA athletes and pro skiers, not only to recover from injury but also to improve their performance. The concept is pretty simple: since our nerve supply the muscles and the muscle make the joint move- this technique addresses the nerves predominantly, especially when they have been turned off due to trauma. When we undergo trauma and our nerves and turned off, this causes significant imbalances in the body. We activate the nerve, the muscle, and this helps our body reestablish balance. To do this, an AMIT practitioner will activate the muscle using multiple different techniques, including acupuncture points, trigger points, and other holistic modalities, by focusing on the connection between muscle function, range of motion, and the restriction that is at the root cause of the pain. Often a single session will reestablish mobility, and the pain will vanish.

Prolozone Therapy

Prolozone is another incredible therapy that I have used personally with immense success. It is a non-surgical ligament reconstruction and is a well recognized and permanent treatment for chronic pain. The procedure is an all-natural injection of collagen-producing substances and ozone gas to reconstruct damaged or weakened connective tissue around the joints. I experienced the power of Prolozone during an episode of pain related to the lumbosacral ligament in my low back, which was compensating for a disc problem that had been lingering for years. Although the treatment protocol generally takes three to six shots, it relieved my pain in a single shot. This therapy really works with the body's natural healing mechanisms, and so not only does it provide instant relief, it promotes continued healing moving forward. You can learn more about Prolozone therapy by listening to my interview with Jason West, on Cellular Healing TV.


Another breakthrough technology would be FDA-approved BEMER therapy. This natural therapy is groundbreaking and works by improving circulation, thereby supporting the body's biological self-regulating processes. Blood is the body's universal means to transport oxygen, nutrients, chemical messengers (i.e., hormones), and immune cells. By boosting the circulation, BERMER encourages that the tissues and organs are adequately nourished, and metabolic waste products are removed. As a result, our bodies become healthy and function properly. The devices work with a patented signal, and you can check out their website for all the different ways to administer the current and start healing your body.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)

PEMF machines operate by directing powerful, pulsed energy waves toward damaged or injured areas of the patient's body. Similar to BERMER technology, the PEMF energy pulses penetrate and stimulate the cells surrounding an injured area. Essentially the body uses that energy to activate its natural healing mechanisms.
These healing tools might sound too good to be true, but I have experienced them myself and can tell you: they work. If you are facing an invasive surgery to help relieve your pain, why not try a non-invasive, natural option first?


You have surely heard of cryotherapy by now—these cold chambers are sweeping the nation, and you can most likely find a cryo wellness center in most towns nowadays. Cryotherapy uses nitrogen gas to cool the chamber to 150 to 250 below zero, to drop the body's temperature by 35 to 45 degrees. You enter the chamber for short amounts of time, under the supervision of the clinic staff. What happens as a result is incredible. Physically, the body down-regulated inflammation (which means pain relief), but benefits also include hormonal optimization and a positive change in the microbiome. Benefits mirror my diet variation principles, in that forced adaptation generates health and hormone optimization. I discovered cryotherapy to help heal an injury. Still, the benefits were so profound that I continue to go about 3x per week as a tool for preventative health and to speed up the recovery time from my workouts.


There are so many supplements out there that can help your body thrive, but my top 4 for pain relief are:

  1. Magnesium: works great for muscle spasms.
  2. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil: works incredibly well for all types of pain; it reduces inflammation dramatically, helps heal the gut, and supports the hormonal system.
  3. Tryptophan: is a wonderful natural sleeping aid.
  4. White willow bark: is a natural replacement for aspirin.
There are so many ways to help relieve pain naturally. I am on a continuous quest to discover the breaking edge methods and report them back to you. I want to encourage you to find health and vitality without having to compromise your values or your immune system.

Find Pain Relief with KYRO

There are hundreds of supplements claiming to strengthen your joints and ligaments… And if you suffer from chronic pain, then you’ve probably tried most of them! Globally, the cost of supplements like these reach into the billions, so you would assume they all work. But the evidence is unclear. I choose Systemic Formulas KYRO because it contains an array of nutrients and botanicals designed to strengthen ligaments, muscles, and other tissues.  With a proprietary blend of collagen, gelatin, liver tissue, and heart tissue factors, KYRO doesn’t just help relieve pain, it also strengthens weakened areas. And because it helps rebuild muscle, in addition to strengthening joints and ligaments, it’s perfect for recovery from tough workouts and sports injuries. >>> KYRO is a whole-body pain-relief supplement that works.<<< Learn more here>>>https://healthhuntersradio.com/episodes/hunters/episode-10-chronic-pain<<<‘

When Detox is Dangerous: What Methods Cause More Harm Than Good

Detox is a buzz word thrown around by many people these days. You see it mentioned in ads, on the news—detox even has its own section in most health stores. For decades, people have been trying to detoxify their bodies, and no wonder: we live in a toxic world. But to what degree is your method helping you, or perhaps harming you? Many of the modern ways detox marketed to consumers are rooted in methods that are ineffective at best and very dangerous at worst. Common ingredients like chlorella and cilantro are, in fact, not at all helping your body achieving the completed cycle required to detoxify itself properly and are often just making things worse. Today we are going to explore how detox can become dangerous, and how we can safely and adequately support our body's natural detoxification pathways.

Living In A Toxic World

Intuitively, many people understand that their body's natural means of detoxification are not adequate in modern times. Indeed, the cell is equipped to self-detoxify, because even without the advent of harmful chemical exposure, our cells create waste every time they convert nutrients into energy. Similar to how fire creates smoke to generate heat from burning wood, our cells form waste matter. They can quickly and efficiently get rid of this waste (processed out through the liver), but problems arise when we increase the toxic load so much so that the cell can no longer keep up with the waste elimination.

Top Sources That Require Detoxification

  • Metals
  • Mould
  • Hidden Infections
Your toxic load builds up over time and starts while you're developing in the womb. Led toxicity is prevalent with the firstborn child because stored led (among other things) are released from the mother's bones during pregnancy. Mold is another tricky one because people often don't know they are being exposed to it until autoimmune symptoms start creeping up. And then there are hidden infections (from bacteria or parasites).  This can be picked up even in the most pristine of environments. Unless you're growing your own food and living far from the city (and have your entire life), the odds are that you're overburdening your system with environmental toxins too. They're sprayed and injected into our foods, pollutants from cities (cars, etc.) are in the air and the water. They also come in most body care products, and from synthetic clothing, chemicals like glyphosate are even being found in the rain and permeated soils of organically grown produce. If you're living on the grid, there's little doubt that your body is overburdened with chemicals and needs assistance in the detox department.

Random Detox: More Harm Than Good

For the past three decades, we've heard that certain natural products help our body detox. Chlorella and cilantro are two major ones, and you can find them in most prepackaged detox supplements on the shelves on health stores. As Health Hunters, we've been through it all. I remember juicing bunches of cilantro daily, which triggered some of the sickest days I've ever experienced. But why? An analogy for toxins would be garbage out in the street. To properly clean up the street (your body), the trash needs to get picked up and properly disposed of. Unfortunately, many of these detox products act like big street sweeping machines that simply pass through with large bristles. They and move the garbage around—without actually removing it. Cilantro and chlorella, in particular (like many “detox” supplements) are not powerful enough to bind to the toxins until they are safely eliminated from the body. Instead of picking them up and throwing them out, they just redistribute them. This can cause them to penetrate deeper into our nerves, tissues, and brain.

Random detoxes are worthless at best and dangerous at worse.

Simply Googling “detox” generally won't yield results worth applying to your life. Many people don't understand the mechanisms in which the cell detoxifies, and so the supplements on the market rarely do their job. Let's explore the proper way to get the job done.

PompaCore Cellular Detox

Three main components set apart a real detox from a harmful one:
  • Applying the 5 R's principles as a roadmap to fix the cell
  • Opening and supporting critical detox pathways
  • Utilizing true binding agents to remove toxins from the cell
The first component is that all detox must address toxins at the cellular level.

If you're going to get well, you have to fix the cell.

Scientists understand detoxification on the cellular level. But,  most doctors (holistic or medical) actually have no idea how detoxification truly works—nor do they generally care. The method to understand is the same method by which the cell self-detoxifies itself from the waste generated when it produces energy.

This mechanism is what I call 5 R's, or:

The second component is opening up the downstream detox pathways.

After the cell can detoxify the matter, there is an entire team of organs and channels required to help these toxins safely exit your body. Your gut, liver, and kidneys are the leading players here If they are not opened up (functioning correctly), real danger can occur. One of these dangers is autointoxication, whereby you start to recycle and reabsorb the toxins.

The third component is using real binders.

Unlike cilantro and chlorella (which are very weak binders), a real binder will hold on tight to the toxins to make sure they make their way out of your body with a minimal amount of upset (Herxheimer Effect) along the way. Weak binders mostly pull chemicals out of the body and then drop them somewhere else, which wreaks havoc on the system.

The Three Phases

Now that you understand the three components, we can explore the three phases of detox. Simply diving in without a plan won't yield the best results, and might even be dangerous. These three phases ensure a smooth, safe transition to help support the body through the detox.

These phases include (1) a preparatory step, (2) a body phase, and (3) a brain phase.

The prep phase targets the detox as mentioned above, pathways to support and upregulate the cell function. The body phase is when we introduce a sturdy binder and set up a concentration gradient to move toxins from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration before removing toxins from deeper tissues, such as the brain. And finally, the brain phase is when we add a fat-soluble agent to support neurotoxin elimination. This final phase is the key to why so many “have tried everything” and still don't feel well. It's also a key to resolving the current hormone imbalance epidemic.

Four Products

These four products to help you navigate your way safely and effectively through the detox. (1) Cell CLR increases the cell's natural ability to undergo this natural mechanism, (2) Gut CLR and (3) CytoDetox enters the cell membrane and acts as a vehicle to getting rid of the toxins as we upregulate cell function, and prevent reabsorption, and (4) Brain CLR to support neurotoxin elimination.

Three components, three phases, with four excellent products: that's PompaCore cellular detox. It's what saved my life, and what I am blessed to share with the world.

If you are reading this and have many symptoms relating to neurotoxic illness, hormone imbalance, autoimmune, or other unexplainable illnesses, you will need a practitioner to coach you through the process. <<<Learn more here>>>

Diabetes: The Unspoken Solution, Prevention for Diabetes Diagnosis

Part 1 – Diabetes: The Unspoken Solution


True Answers about Diabetes and Dieting

and Prevention for Diabetes Diagnosis


It plays out like this several times every day. You go to your doctor with a concern for a particular symptom that appears to have come out of nowhere, but this time it is not going away on its own. You try over-the-counter recommended, and still the symptoms persist; or perhaps it was a simple routine check-up through which you found yourself in this position.

In any event, the doctor runs some tests and tells you that you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. He hands you a prescription with a smile on his face as if he just saved your life. At this point, there is a sense of relief because at least there is a reason for why you have been feeling so bad. The only appropriate reaction is to thank him. So why do you still have a concern for your new reality and the meds you are about to take? Next, you ask the obvious question, “How long do I have to stay on the medication?” His answer is one that stays in your head unrelentingly for weeks; “For the rest of your life, of course!!!”

So much for the feeling of relief you just had a moment ago that he found your problem. You think to yourself, “Surely there must be something I can do so I don’t have to be on the medication forever?” So you ask the doctor and his response once again is not one you were expecting. “You can try changing your diet and exercise, but you will need to stay on your meds!” Wanting some type of hope for a better solution, you ask him what you should eat and he hands you a pamphlet from the Diabetes Association outlining what appears to be a very solid program. It even comes with a website that gives you food choices. You walk out of his office with a mix of emotions and wondering if there is a better solution.

The Unspoken Truth

In the above scenario, there are unfortunately some who, when given the lifetime diagnosis and the reality of a life on medications, are encouraged and thankful there is an answer. What most don’t realize until later is that even though the medications keep blood glucose in the normal range, or at least somewhat lower, and some of the symptoms at bay, they remain in a state of accelerated decay. The truth is this: Diabetics age rapidly and die an early death despite taking their medication. Here are a few current statistics: 68% develop heart disease, 50% of all new cases of blindness are in diabetics and 70% develop neuropathies of which many end in amputations. As a matter of fact, 60% of all amputations occur in diabetics. Additionally, despite taking the medication, people with diabetes have a two-fold increase in dementia. Believe it or not, these statistics are right off of the American Diabetes Association’s website.


How is that for hope? No wonder it’s the unspoken truth; if that reality was given to any sane person, they would most likely tell the doctor where they can stuff their pills. Is there REAL hope? Yes, of course there is. I can tell you now it is not in some man-made concoction with a list of side effects so painfully long that you stop reading the label, or some other drug that has been given to millions of people in the hope of a cure and has now been taken off the market for causing cancer! I have recently heard of one of the most popular diabetes medications now being linked to bladder cancer. Other popular diabetes drugs are linked to heart disease, obesity and even death. What about the others? How safe are they?


There Is Hope

I did not give you this scenario to scare you or to destroy your hope. I told you this to move you toward a new hope as well as a solution. If you are reading this, most likely you are seeking another answer. I can tell you without a shadow of doubt there is one. I cannot tell you to come off of the medication and I WILL NOT, but I will say this: when you remove the interference from that “something” God has put in all of us that heals our bodies that in born (innate) intelligence can heal more than just diabetes. NOW THAT IS REAL HOPE! It is not going to found in me or any other doctor. It is in what He has already done. HE ALONE is the Author and Creator of LIFE, and I believe this principle in my heart. The power and ability already exists within each of us. I have lived it out in my own body (and life) and have seen it at work in hundreds of the people I coach back to health.


The Unspoken Solution

I have read estimates that 75-85% of Type II Diabetes is reversible with permanent life style changes. There are new studies showing that toxins are the cause of up to one third of all Type II Diabetes. What if we bring these two thoughts together: the correct diet and exercise (life style change), as well as the most effective of detox methods? I am not referring to a fad detox product that you pick up in a health food store, but truly removing the toxins that have bio-accumulated in the cells for decades. New studies, by the way, are showing that cellular toxicity can trigger certain disease states within the body, (which means to turn on our gene expression) of which diabetes is one of these diseases. Changing gene expression is new science and I believe it is absolutely part of a new solution. I will never use the word “cure,” but with the correct diet, the correct exercise and the correct detox, you can see there can be hope and, most certainly, a better solution.


There is a better yet “unspoken solution” that is rooted in science, but why isn’t it being talked about? You may think it is easier to take a pill and go about your lifestyle with the false hope that all will be well. Did you ever stop and consider the possibility of the drug companies that run health care not wanting you to know of a “solution?” Either way, there is a better option that really does work. There are incredible results coming from the doctors around the county who are doing what I call, “cellular healing” and “PompaCore Cellular Detox”, and they will attest to this process working. I am going to break this solution down in three teachings; the correct diet, which I call the “Cellular Healing Diet”, the correct detox, which I refer to as “PompaCore Cellular Detox”, and the correct exercise, which studies show is the only type of exercise that works for diabetes.


The Cellular Healing Diet

I believe that for a diet to be part of the solution to this epidemic, it must address the true cause of it in the first place. The Cellular Healing Diet does just that. This diet was developed around the science that shows inflammation of the cell is the true cause of diabetes and a growing number of other conditions. The Cellular Healing Diet down-regulates cellular inflammation by removing two of the three main causes of it and I will address those in a moment.


When we hear or read that inflammation is the secret killer; which by the way, was a 2004 TIME magazine cover (Inflammation the Secret Killer), it’s hard to grasp what that really means. We think of inflammation as that which occurs in a specific sore or painful joint. Although that is inflammation, it is not what is being referred to as the “secret killer”. What is being referred to would be cellular inflammation throughout the body that affects different cells of multiple organs or systems, which leads to many different types of conditions and diseases. More specifically, it is inflammation of the cell membrane that is the main problem.


The cell membrane is composed of two very delicate layers of fat and becomes inflamed and causes many of the basic functions of the cell to malfunction. I don’t plan on boring you with the science of biology, but I do want you to understand two really important points that are critical for you to understand why this diet and entire protocol (Diabetes Health Package) work while others do not.


First of all, once the cell membrane becomes inflamed, the good things needed for normal cellular functions such as producing energy, can’t get into the cell. This alone can affect your diabetes and lead to many different symptoms and conditions such as chronic fatigue, brain fog and hormone dysregulation. Once the cell membranes are inflamed, the toxins can’t get out.  This also includes the toxins which are made by your cells from cellular energy production. Anytime energy is made, toxins are produced. An example of this is a car exhaust or a fireplace. Imagine if either of those exhaust methods become clogged. You would most likely end up in a very toxic situation or possibly even death. It is no different when the cell membranes become inflamed and, therefore, clogged so to speak; toxins build up in the cell and lead to dysfunction and even cell death.


Studies show that the toxins that bio-accumulate within the cell can trigger or turn on a gene that predisposes you to diabetes; this is when you begin expressing the disease. The old dogma that your mother or father had diabetes and therefore you will end up with it as well, is now an outdated model of thinking. Today we know it is not so simple. The genes of susceptibility you may have inherited from your mom or dad alone do not cause diabetes or any other disease. It takes an environmental stressor such as a toxin to trigger them. Your DNA is not your destiny. The most exciting aspect of this new research is that we are learning new ways to change the gene expression back to its original purpose and for the good, which literally turns the “bad” expression of the gene off. I believe changing gene expression, which goes beyond diet, must be a part of a successful program.


The second point I want to make is that the receptors to hormones, including insulin, reside on the cell membrane. What this means is that when the membrane is inflamed, the hormone cannot communicate with the receptor and get its message into the cell where it needs to go for normal function. This is called hormone resistance, and in the case of diabetes, it’s called insulin resistance. Simply put, the cell cannot hear the hormone insulin in order to bring the glucose needed for energy into the cell. The glucose then builds up in the blood leading to elevated blood glucose. Elevated blood glucose causes many unwanted symptoms including rapid degeneration, more inflammation and premature aging. If you want to age faster than anyone you know on the inside and out, raise you blood glucose. Elevated glucose, and therefore insulin, also inhibits the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 to an active version of the hormone T3. It’s the active version that gives you energy and helps you burn fat for energy. If this conversion is being slowed due to insulin, you will gain weight and not be able to sustain normal energy. Taking a hormone replacement does very little because it is in the form of T4, and will not convert to the T3 that works in your cells to allow you feel good. Additionally, the fact that hormone resistance effects most hormone receptors on the cell (insulin, thyroid, estrogen etc.) and can cause diabetes and hypothyroid, the interference it has in the conversion from T4 (non-active hormone) to T3 (active hormone), adds to the fact that most diabetics end up with thyroid conditions.


Hormone resistance is the cause of the pandemic of hormone problems on the planet. The problem is occurring because most doctors are treating these hormone problems by giving more hormones. Whether it is thyroid hormone, estrogen, testosterone or others, it is not the need for more hormones that is missing. The problem is that the receptors to the hormones are not communicating properly causing the real problem. It’s like dumping gas all over the outside of your car because you were not able to get it into the tank. More gas will not help your car run if you cannot get it into the car. There is a time to use hormones, but when considering hormone resistance, which causes 95% of hormone issues today, and whereby the cell cannot hear the hormone due to a receptor that has been blunted by inflammation; giving more hormones actually makes the problem worse.


Enough biology, but now at least you see why a diet and protocol that addresses inflammation of the cell is the key. I stated earlier that the Cellular Healing Diet removes two of the three causes of cellular inflammation (the true cause of diabetes). Bad fats, elevated glucose and toxins are the three main causes and the first two are directly affected by this diet (toxins will be addressed when I discuss “PompaCore Cellular Detox”).


Dietary FAT, Friend or Foe?

Certain fats that will no doubt be a surprise to you, do in fact drive inflammation of the cell. However, I believe Fat is the key and the missing nutrient in the American diet which is needed to fix the epidemic of hormone problems…one of which is Type II diabetes. This is ironic because the diet recommended by the Diabetes Association is a low fat diet, which, by the way, has been shown to lead to diabetes and other hormone problems.for weight loss and the prevention of heart disease. The science does not support these claims and has been disproven many times over. Despite the research that proves the low fat diet promoted by the diabetes association is invalid, how is it working out for us as a country? What I am asking is this: since we started the low fat craze in the 60’s are we losing weight as a nation? Is there less heart disease and diabetes? The resounding answer is NO!


I already made the argument that to correct hormone problems you must fix the receptors to the hormones, which reside on the cell membrane. I also said the membrane is made of fat. Therefore, it would make sense that we would need fat if we were to repair the membrane and its receptors to the hormones. This is in fact the case. Studies link specific fats to dramatic improvements in diabetes and other hormone conditions. I had said that the type of fat in these studies would surprise you. Think of the first two fats that you would consider bad fats that cause disease. Most likely you thought of saturated fat and cholesterol. You’re not alone, but what is the truth?


New studies are showing that saturated fat and cholesterol are the two main fats needed in the hormone epidemic. Yes you heard me correctly; these two fats are a key component in the “unspoken solution”. I know that you have heard for over four decades that these two fats are the bad guys and you need to stay far away from them to prevent conditions like diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Don’t take my word for it; studies show that these fats not only prevent these conditions, but also can reverse them.


  • A December 2001 Harvard study showed a high fat diet consisting of saturated fats found in meat and dairy products actually had a threefold decrease and, therefore, improvement in diabetes.1
  • Another study indicated the more saturated fats the participants ate, the less their atherosclerosis progressed. As a matter of fact, those who consumed the highest levels of saturated fat in the study reversed their condition over time. The irony of this study was the fat that the American Diabetes Association promotes: “vegetable oil” actually caused atherosclerosis2. Vegetable oils are a fat known as polyunsaturated fatty acids, which oxidize very easily and causes inflammation3.
  • The Diabetes Association promotes the use of margarine instead of real butter to avoid saturated fats. Margarine and other trans fats are a known cause of diabetes. A study of over 84,000 nurses showed a substantial reduction in Type II Diabetes when other fats were increased and trans fats were removed from the diet.4 The study also showed the total fat and saturated fat intakes were not associated with an increased risk of diabetes, only the trans fats.
  • The Diabetes association promotes the substitution of real butter for margarine. Ironically a study from 1993 at the University of Pittsburgh indicated that frequent users of partially hydrogenated vegetable fats in the form of margarine had higher insulin levels in response to glucose load.5

If we simply do the opposite of the Diabetes Association’s diet, it seems we will find our way to the correct diet. In fact, I always say that doing a 180 degree (or opposing direction) of whatever the government is promoting will always land us closer to the truth.


Sugar: It’s Not What You Think

Elevated glucose (blood sugar) is the 2nd main reason for cellular inflammation that you now understand as the true cause of diabetes and other hormone problems. I am sure elevated glucose as a main culprit for inflammation is not a surprise to most of you. However, the real culprit of the epidemic of elevated blood sugar will most likely be another shocker.


It is true in many situations, and no different here, that doing the opposite of what the government is promoting will lead you to the truth. We are being told to eat more whole grains for almost every condition and from practically every establishment. Well it might surprise you that two pieces of whole grain bread raise blood sugar the same as a 12oz soda. The bowl of oatmeal you were told to eat in the morning to lower your cholesterol actually raises your blood sugar the same as a 12oz soda! It is not that I am against all whole grains; I would even argue that because they have more fiber than a processed grain such as white bread, it has some benefits. However, we eat far too many grains in our diet, which is the hidden, as well as, unspoken of sugar in the American diet.


Some whole grains are better than others, but the hybridization of whole grains has changed them from where they originally began. In the 1960’s and 1970’s a man named Norman Borlaug won a noble prize for the development of Dwarf Wheat. Dwarf Wheat was hybridized and crossbred to tolerate environmental stressors such as drought, wind, etc. and not surprisingly, as an answer to world hunger. Norman was successful and won a noble prize, but he fed another massive pandemic – “world obesity”. Prominent cardiologist and author Dr. William Davis M.D. tells the story well in his popular book “Wheat Belly”. Dwarf Wheat is now a staple food in most diets on the planet and causes obesity for two reasons. First, during the hybridization process, the wheat became a super sugar. It now contains more of a sugar called Amylopectin A. Amylopectin A raises blood sugar more than table sugar, making whole grains such as wheat the unspoken super sugar driving cellular inflammation and the diabetes surge.


The second reason these hybridized grains drive the obesity epidemic is from the creation of a denatured protein called “gluten”. Gluten is now a household word because of its widespread cause of symptoms and diseases like celiac, irritable bowel, weight gain, headaches and a long list of others. So what happened to gluten? Why wasn’t it a problem when we grew up? Good old Norman Borlaug, through successful hybridization, denatured the gluten and created a protein that our immune systems do not recognize as a normal food. These 14 new glutens have caused a surge of new diseases. The grains that contain these glutens are one of the most addictive foods you can eat. Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to stop eating bread? Gluten stimulates the same receptors in the brain that addictive drugs stimulate and is associated with psychological withdrawal symptoms, just like any addictive drugs. Whole grains, as opposed to processed grains, can actually contain more gluten and other toxins called lectins. Lectins are actually natural chemical pesticides that can be problematic for those who are in a state of inflammation.


When I hear people say, “But I do not eat much sugar,” my next question is how many whole grains do you eat? According to studies, diets consisting of more than 20% of the calories from grains begin to cause diabetes and obesity. If it is over 50%, then you are at risk of developing severe nutritional deficiencies and other degenerative diseases. As a nation, we are consuming around 60% of our calories from grain. Get rid of the grains and watch what happens! I know what you are thinking: how long do I need to do this for and when can I add them back in? The answer is simple: when your problem is solved. In other words, when the cellular inflammation is gone and cell function is restored. When you do add them back in, add in only ancient grains and they must be sprouted to decrease many of the anti-nutrients such as phytates and lectins. Be careful! You must find your genetic line of tolerance. Mine is very short and when I eat too much of any grain I get fat in my waist and have low energy. My father was the same way. To this day, even though I am healthy now, I eat very little grain and if I do, I try to always eat a sprouted, ancient grain. You can find a list of these in the Cellular Healing Diet book.


A last word on blood glucose as a cause of cellular inflammation – STOP ALL ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS!!! Once again, if we do the opposite of the AMA’s diet we will get it right. They recommend artificial sweeteners, which cause more insulin and leptin (a hormone that tells your brain to burn fat for energy) resistance than regular sugar. You heard it right, you are better off drinking regular soda. Diet soda drives obesity and diabetes more than regular soda. I am not telling you soda, if it is not diet it is ok, it absolutely is not, but you get the point. The artificial sweeteners are actually toxins known as “excitotoxins”, which drives more inflammation than regular sugar and is the reason it causes more weight gain. My next teaching on toxins will make this fact much more clear, but more importantly, it will expose the greatest hidden causes of inflammation and diabetes, and give a new and exciting solution.


Article 1 of a 3-part Diabetes Series – Read Part 2 Now



  1. Dariush Mozaffarian, Haiming Cao, Irena B. King, Rozenn N. Lemaitre, Xiaoling Song, David S. Siscovick, and Gökhan S. Hotamisligil TransPalmitoleic Acid, Metabolic Risk Factors, and New-Onset Diabetes in U.S. Adults Annals of Internal Medicine 2010 December. Harvard School of Public Health.
  2. Mozaffarian D, Rimm EB, Herrington DM. Dietary Fats, Carbohydrate, and Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Postmenopausal.
  3. Nenseter MS, Drevon CA. Dietary Polyunsaturates and Peroxidation of Low Density Lipoprotein. Curr Opin Lipidol. 1996;7(1):8-13.
  4. Salmerón J, Hu FB, Manson JE, et al. Dietary fat intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in women. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:1019–26.
  5. Reuters (January 13, 2011): committee discussion held January 11-13 2011 Raleigh N. Carolina.

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