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84: Elixinol CBD Hemp Oil

Transcript of Episode 84: Elixinol CBD Hemp Oil

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and special guest Philip Blair, MD


Hard to believe it, but we are on episode 84 already, and we have a really awesome topic for you guys today. We have a very special guest. We have Dr. Pompa here, of course, and we are welcoming Dr. Philip Blair to the show. How are you doing, Dr. Blair?

Dr. Blair:
Excellent. Thank you so much for inviting me.

Thank you so much for being here. We have such an amazing topic for you all today. We will be discussing CBD oil. If you don’t know what that is, you’re going to find out a lot about it in this show. Stay tuned because it’s a really, really hot topic. Dr. Blair is here, and he’s going to be explaining the benefits, just a lot of the intricacies of this really exciting compound that we’re learning about, and some of the products that it’s being used in that can benefit your health.

Dr. Blair is here from Elixinol, which is the company that produces CBD oil products. He has a history as a family physician, as an MD, and as a retired army doctor. He was in the army. He joined it in 1968, he said, and graduated from West Point, so pretty conservative background. Now he is in the business of helping people get their hands on CBD oil, which he’s going to tell us about.

Dr. Pompa:
You make it sound illegal. You make it sound illegal, and that’s really one of the questions people have, Meredith.

Maybe I didn’t say that in the right way, but it is legal, this product. We’re really excited to talk to you about it. Maybe I’ll just stop and let you -inaudible- Dr. Blair and explain to us about CBD oil, and kind of your background, and how you got into it, and then -inaudible- what it is.

Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Blair, I have to admit, you have to kind of recover after that. It sounds like you’re smuggling something in from Mexico. I’m just saying – that was a great introduction. I loved it. It couldn’t have been any better. Cannabidiol oil, how the heck did you get into this from being a conservative medical doctor, West Point grad? Come on, doc. How did it happen? I don’t know if you know.

Dr Blair:
Primarily, like you, Dr. Pompa, I’m a scientist, and I’m looking for solutions as to help people with their serious medical problems. We’re facing such an epidemic of devast consequences in all different areas. None of the standard, traditional medicine has really been effective for that. I used to think that the practice of medicine was absolutely stalwart, that there was hundreds of studies to prove the point that these things were effective. As I’ve practiced over the last 30 years, I’ve realized that’s not the case. Many of these problems are under-treated and poorly served by the standard medical therapy.

When I discovered cannabidiol, and I realized, and I saw the impact, and reviewed the literature, along with the fact that it was cannabidiol from hemp is not illegal – in fact, it’s quite legal. It can be shipped anywhere – that the benefits were extraordinary in all of the studies that had been done. Unfortunately, most of them had been done on animals and cell cultures, but there were no toxic effects. They could not find a toxic dose, nor were there any significant side effects from this, and yet the benefits were legion in terms of their scope and what they could do in all different areas.

I think the best concept is that CBD, cannabidiol, activates and normalizes the body function at a organ level and at a cellular level. You get all of these particular benefits and restoration of function that may have been lost as a result of our diet, or environment, and our poor habits that have occurred in the past. As a scientist, discovering that this incredible substance was available and could be distributed at minimal charge was extraordinary, and the benefits. As soon as I started using it for different patients and the clients that I was working with, I was amazed at the overwhelming positive response that I got from so many people.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. We almost might even have to back up for some folks. There’s been so much buzz about legalizing marijuana, and cannabidiol, CBD oil, is part of that, right? Let’s back up and say, “What is cannabidiol? What is cannabis oil, CBD oil, whatever we’re going to call it. How does it differ from what’s out there?” Everyone’s trying to legalize marijuana. How does this differ from that? Go ahead and educate them on that, doc.

Dr. Blair:
Meredith, one of the things that you pointed out was the confusion between legalities and things. What is it with relationship to the law? First thing I want to mention here is that cannabidiol comes from a plant. It’s what they call a phytocannabinoid. We’re talking about a class of medications or class of substances here called cannabinoids. These substances are actually located or found in a number of different plants including flax seed oil, as well as hemp seed oil, as well as marijuana.

You’ve heard a lot of the news articles, and the miraculous stories, and healing that has gone on with medical marijuana. The focus on the medical marijuana is actually on the CBD portion of it. They want to lower the THC. I need to step back, though. I need to take you back to the beginning.

I was talking about the phytocannabinoids. They’re available in plants, and they’ve been that way a long time. They are not unique compounds to the body because the body has its own cannabinoid system already there, that it was actually only recently discovered in 1992. In medical years, that’s a very short time. At that time, they realized that these cannabinoid – this cannabinoid system called the endocannabinoid system is one that normalizes and it seems to be the master controller for so many different parts of the body, not only in terms of neurologic activity and immunologic activity, but also in terms of metabolic function and overall cellular function.

Frankly, we’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg in terms of the benefits and the possibilities with regard to cannabidiol. What cannabidiol does is it activates that endocannabinoid system in a very positive way. It has no psychoactive effects. It has no significant adverse effects, and it doesn’t interact with any of the other medications that are out there, so it’s safe to use in all ages including children with seizure disorders and adults. There has been quite a bit of discussion with regard to pregnancy, about its involvement in pregnancy, although that is really as yet totally undefined.

Dr. Pompa:
I find it interesting because all the hype about legalizing marijuana, it’s really differentiating the CBD from the THC, which gives the high. THC is the psychological effect that occurs. Doc, it’s amazing to me that they haven’t just said, “Look, let’s legalize this CBD with zero THC,” like the product that we use. It’s 18% cannabidiol, 18% CBD oil with zero THC. Why not differentiate this?

Dr. Blair:
It should be differentiated. It should be quickly differentiated, but we’re using some terms here that make it confusing. Number one is the term cannabis. What does cannabis mean? That’s the genus for marijuana and hemp. Now, it’s like looking at a dog. They may be the same genus, but it’s not the same dog. It’s not identical. They do different things, but people can’t seem to get that. Unfortunately, the law, as specific as it tends to be most of the time, doesn’t really address this except when you get into the details, and then it focuses on the psychoactive substances like THC and some of the synthetic THC-like chemicals that cause a psychoactive effect and cause that high.

CBD does not do any of that stuff. It doesn’t have any of those psychoactive effects, and it is totally benign. Yet, it’s bundled with the term cannabis, and therein lies the major confusion. I think the other factor that’s really important is money in the sense that the state governments who are into this game are recognizing a huge amount of revenue as a result of controlling, and managing, and being involved with cannabis in total. That means that when they find a very high quality product that is truly beneficial, they have the opportunity to tax it to the point where they can restore their -inaudible-. I think that is the big factor, plus the confusion about THC, and CBD, and the other cannabinoids, and how they work.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I think that distinction really does need to be made. Is this true? People talk about marijuana. The original marijuana plant had very little THC and more CBD. Of course, today now, it’s been bred to obviously have more THC and less CBD, which then – whereas the health benefits get less and less as they breed the higher THC. Is that true?

Dr. Blair:
You know, you’re exactly right. The breeding of the plants has created some incredibly strong psychoactive marijuana at this point to the point where we’re seeing major complication in terms of activation of psychosis and psychiatric disorders from using this.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Absolutely.

Dr. Blair:
I’ll let you on to the area I’m in in Washington State, however, there seems to be a shift among growers to go back to the CBD area. I think you’re going to be seeing a lot more emphasis on CBD in the grow areas because of the marked improvements and health benefits that go along with CBD with the low THC.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Meredith, I know you have some questions, too. Obviously, we want to talk about these benefits. We’ve been talking about how great this is. Obviously there’s a component here. This fight to legalize marijuana, it should be the fight about CBD, how to get it out to the planet. It’s already legal, and this is the benefiting effect here. That’s what we need to talk more about. Meredith, I know you had some questions, too. You get a lot of the calls, I’m sure, Meredith, right? You get a lot of people asking the questions that – that we carry this oil that everyone’s been raving about.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, I do. I didn’t realize that today’s marijuana plants were being genetically bred to contain more THC than CBD. That’s a really interesting fact that I learned. I think it’s really exiting, too, that they would start to breed these plants back to have more of CBD than the THC. Very cool, so that was a great thing that I learned. Yeah. I get a lot of calls and questions about this oil and the tinctures that you actually offer, as well.

Before we get into the products, can you just talk a little bit more about some of the specific benefits and some of the specific conditions that CBD could potentially positively impact?

Dr. Blair:
Sure. Probably the most common condition that I hear people talking about is anxiety. They are so anxious, and that goes through a full spectrum that goes all the way to PTSD. For many people, with our hubbub world, it creates an environment of constant anxiety and inability to relax. This CBD has direct effects on the neurotransmitters to calm that response, and put people at ease, and relax them.

The other area that is particularly valuable and I see consistently is neuropathic pain. That is a major problem that we are encountering in our society with people with chronic levels of pain that – and on top of that, there’s been the withdrawal of support for use of narcotics. The opioids are less and less available. You have to see a specialist for them, tightly controlled. Even so, we have an epidemic of overdoses that are occurring with it. What I’ve seen in most cases is the ability of CBD to reduce the doses of narcotics by 80% and prevent any withdrawal symptoms that go along with it. I’ve seen the same thing for some of the other medications that are involved with pain therapy, as well. Those are the two big areas that I see.

Dr. Pompa:
I think you’ll get into others here because – I have just been astounded how much it’s helped my clients and the feedback. We treat a lot – we see a lot of unexplainable illnesses where there’s just no explanation. They have anxiety. They can’t sleep, and obviously pain and a lot of bizarre, neurological deficits because we see many people with neurotoxic illness driven by neurotoxins. So much of the research that I’ve been reading, doc, is really how cannabis is affecting nerve regeneration and linked into Alzheimer’s, which is a massive epidemic that I’m going to be talking about during a lecture in Atlanta on. Talk a little bit about that because that sure is a lot of what we see.

Dr. Blair:
You touched on a very important topic, and that is sleep. So many people are having difficult time with sleep. Amazingly, cannabidiol has a profound effect in improving people’s sleep. People who have not had a full night’s sleep suddenly report to me that, “Oh, by the way, I’m sleeping better than I’ve ever slept before,” which is a great bonus and such a huge advantage. I think it’s something that many people, especially with this day and age of so many different types of sleeping medications that are out there, that this would be an outstanding replacement for that sort of thing.

Then with regard to regeneration, I think that is a very, very important topic. Not only is it in the sense of working on nerve cells and preventing their degradation, as well as restoring their ability to regenerate, but it also applies to other tissues. There is evidence in the literature, says that it’ll impact the pancreatic beta cells. There may be some increases in the beta cell mass as a result of using cannabidiol.

Dr. Pompa:
Wow! I know that it affects the cell membrane, which we talk a lot about. Therefore, it would have a positive affect on Type 2 diabetes, which is the insulin receptor and really, just about any hormone receptor. You could talk a little bit about that research. You’re saying the beta cell, as well, which would impact even people pushing to Type 1 diabetes. Again, we’re only able to quote the literature, not making claims. That’s what the literature is showing. That’s amazing.

Dr. Blair:
The animal studies do show that cannabidiol appears to increase the beta cell mass, but even if we don’t have good, solid evidence for that, we do have important evidence to show that the cannabidiol is protective against the pancreatic beta cell destruction. If you still have beta cell function, as in typically in your Type 2s or early in your Type 1s, you can preserve what’s already there.

Dr. Pompa:
Wow! That’s powerful. That really is. It’s showing that it also must have an effect on autoimmune in some respect, obviously just in the sense that it downregulates inflammation. Is there another connection with autoimmune?

Dr. Blair:
The autoimmune program and system is – CBD has specific receptors in autoimmune cells, so it goes right to those two major areas that are neurologic, as well as the nerve cells, and for the immune cells. Cannabidiol is absolutely extraordinary in its ability to downregulate the inflammatory cytokines, those signaling molecules that tell something to get inflamed at the same time as boosting up those molecules that are involved in anti-inflammation. You get this wonderful balance of increase in the anti-inflammatory with a decrease in the inflammatory component. You’re getting the best of both worlds on inflammatory systems.

As you’ve alluded to, my belief, and I think it’s borne out, is we can find inflammatory component in almost all of our major diseases. The final common pathway with so many problems, whether it’s Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, cancer of any type, we’re talking about an inflammatory pathway that is involved.

Dr. Pompa
Yeah. No doubt about it. Let me tell you how I was actually – really got enough positive about CBD that I was like, “Okay. I’ve got to really start researching this.” One of my clients, who’s a young boy from California, and he was down to maybe five foods at best that he could eat. That’s how his gut – how bad his leaky gut was. He had Crohn’s, colitis, major, major gut issues, major autoimmune. We had progressed him to a point, and we just kind of stalled. He got some CBD, and I’m telling you, within days, doc, within days, he was able to eat foods that he was never able to eat and not react.

Within a month, he was literally eating a standard healthy diet, not a standard American diet by any means. He was eating foods without getting inflamed, without reacting. It calmed his nerve system down that much. It took that much inflammation out of his gut. It was just remarkable to where then from that, I was on the CBD research hunt. Thank God I was led – because there’s a lot of bad CBD out there. There’s a lot of products that claim CBD, but do not have the guaranteed 18% that Elixinol does.

You don’t really actually work for Elixinol. You’re their medical expert, but you can talk a little bit about that relationship. Their product is 100% organic. The product is guaranteed 18% CBD, which again, is different than most products that are on the market right now.

Dr. Blair:
Like you, I discovered the cannabidiol and said, “I’ve got to research this. I got to find out more about it.” Then I got into the product, and I wanted to verify that, in fact, it was organically grown, that it was produced in a wholesome and non-modified, and didn’t use any chemicals, solvents that could be toxic in any way, and that it didn’t have any pesticides. Those are premier. If you’re going to be introducing this to the body as a therapeutic agent, you definitely want to make those things.

I reviewed all of that information specifically for Elixinol, and it came up whistle-clear clean in terms of the product. Of course, using it on myself and my family, I’ve seen the restoration without any ill effects using that. Having done the research on it, and sampled the product, and seen this particular product, I absolutely have to verify the quality of what I’ve seen specifically with Elixinol. Yet you see in the literature, there is quite a bit of consternation about some of the other products that are available on the market and reports that have indicated that they may contain some other types of problems, or they don’t contain significant amounts of CBD.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s the active ingredient. People buy hemp oil. The question is, “How much CBD is really in hemp oil?” I would argue that most help oil on the market has very little CBD. There’s no active dose, anyway.

Dr. Blair:
That’s the first thing I do when I talk to a client that says, “Oh, CBD doesn’t work.” “What were you using? And I clarify exactly what that is. For you as a practitioner, it’s really important for you have a high quality substance that you know is going to be guaranteed to provide the benefits. If it’s going to provide the benefits, it’s got to have the substance in it. I understand the importance of the reliability of the Elixinol product.

Dr. Pompa:
Meredith, pretty soon here, we’ll show some of those products, and we’ll kind of let the doctor talk here a little bit about how he uses those. Talk a little bit about, doc, just some things you’ve seen in your practice, some other conditions. We get a lot of people who have unexplainable illnesses watching this show. What are some of the other conditions? What have you seen in your practice?

Dr. Blair:
First off, Dr. Pompa, I want to mirror exactly your experience with inflammatory bowel disease. Just spectacular results and improvements from people who are suffering greatly to the point where I did the research in terms of the biochemistry that’s involved with tumor necrosis factor blockers. These are substances that are like Enbrel that are used as either injections that cost on the order of $4,000 to $5,000 a month. These are injections that people are getting on a weekly basis, and only about 50% really benefit from using these particular products because of the side effects and the toxic effects.

What I’ve seen with the CBD is a complete reversal of all of these inflammatory conditions of the gut. I mentioned the two areas that CBD is focused on that we know about are the nerve cells and the inflammatory cells. Guess what? The gut is loaded with both of those things. It, in fact, it probably the greatest mediator for a lot of our psychology, and our behavior, and our well being come from the gut. Very important topic area, and extraordinary results with all manner of inflammatory bowel disease. I can see CBD could absolutely replace tumor necrosis factor blockers very easily in the whole situation of treating people with severe gut diseases.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Absolutely. I know you’re doing – you see a lot with Alzheimer’s and dementia, which is a very exciting topic. If anything can fix the brain, this is something that’s extremely powerful.

Dr. Blair:
The results that I’ve seen with Alzheimer’s have been nothing short of phenomenal. People who were lost, who had very little communication, who were confused constantly, they started on CBD, and they become aware. They become alert. They restore function that they had lost. Reversals of this are not uncommon.

I used to think that what is lost is lost, and it cannot be restored. What I’ve seen with several of these patients is a significant improvement and restoration to the point where I had one gentleman who was an 82-year-old Korean War veteran tell me that before CBD, he was a vegetable. After using CBD, his life has come alive again, and he’s so grateful for this opportunity.

Dr. Pompa:

That’s with no other changes other than taking the CBD oil? No lifestyle changes, diet changes, that’s exclusively just taking the oil, those changes occurred?

Dr. Blair:
That’s correct. There are no other therapies that are involved. If anything, there may be a decrease in the other medications that they would be taking.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
One of our popular topics is autism. We have a lot of folks that watch the show that have with autism, autism-related disorders. My gosh, you can’t throw a stone and not hit a home being affected by a child on the autism spectrum today. Talk a little bit about your experiences that you’ve seen with autism-related disorders.

Dr. Blair:
That’s great. Autism is another one of those conditions that has a dramatic – can be dramatically affected by CBD. We’ve seen some extraordinary cases as a result. I think that autism is another one of those more or less abandoned conditions that we really don’t have any solutions for. A lot of medications are thrown at these kids that actually make them worse in terms of lethargic, non-communicative, difficult to handle. I guess they’re sedate, but they don’t really function.

What we have done is to use this cannabidiol with patients with autism and autism spectrum with some stunning results. We’ve seen a restoration. Autism is a very complex disorder, but what most people want to have is a recovery from some of the repetitive, obsessive activities that these children tend to do. CBD has been very effective with that, improving communication, and producing a calming effect on the children, as well as improving sleep. Every parent is ever so grateful for improving their sleep quality.

Dr. Pompa:
Look at autism. We know that both brains are affected, this brain and the one down here, the gut. We’re talking about a product that research shows affects both brains. We’re talking about how it affects the brain in Alzheimer’s, and there’s research -inaudible- Parkinson’s, etcetera. Then we also were talking about how it heals inflammatory gut. It is a perfect product when it comes to these brain/gut disorders, which we know autism is one of them.

It really is amazing. You talk about pain. I literally have had clients who – they were on major medications just to deal with the neuropathies or the pain that they were dealing with and were able to get off those just working – they worked with their doctor to get off them because the pain levels went down do much because of the CBD oil. Talk about some of the cellular affects. On this show, we’re all about, “You fix the cell, you get well.” Cannabis oil, for it to have these types of effects so strongly with people’s health and symptoms, obviously it’s doing something at the cellular level, doc.

Dr. Blair:
Absolutely! We still don’t know all of the mechanisms that are involved, but I’ve counted at least 20, and there’re probably another dozen mechanisms of how CBD works. I alluded to the endocannabinoid system and its complex interaction with all of these other systems in the body. At a cellular level, we’re seeing effects on mitochondria, as well as cell production, as well as permeability of the membrane of the cell. You’re getting many of these benefits.

Looking at some of the specific things that we know about – for instance, we know that ketones are very effective, are very healthy to the body. If you look at some of the mechanisms that are involved, the CBD works like ketones in many respects. Another area we talk about is omega-3s. Clearly, omege-3s have significant benefit. How do they work? Turns out that CBD is working on a similar mechanism, and the omega-3 works in the same way. Omega-3s actually produce our precursors for cannabinoids within the system, and CBD activates those cannabinoids, the endocannabinoid system, as well as working in the same pathways. You get a merging of effects for these healthy benefits that we know are there, as well as the intra-cellular effect.

The intra-cellular, I know, is where you want me to focus, Dr. Pompa, and I have to validate that there are changes in the cytoplasm, of course, the cellular structure and the manufacturing mechanism for proteins, as well as enzymes. Then I alluded to the mitochondria, which is your powerhouse and your energy storage as well as balancing the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects that come from the mitochondria, but it also occurs at the nucleus. There are communication, and control, and factors that CBD stimulates on that nucleus that help facilitate the proper production of chemicals, and enzymes, and substances that need to be produces in that cell.

For example, one of the big problems that you run into in Alzheimer’s disease is a creation of some abnormal products, abnormal folding of amyloid beta, which tends to occur and cause scarring and inflammation within the brain. CBD blocks that function within the cell at the nuclear level and also at several other levels so you get a normalizing and a reduction of beta amyloid in the Alzheimer’s clients.

Dr. Pompa:
Wow! I’ll tell you what; that’s amazing! You literally just hit R number 2. We’re talking about the cell membrane. R number 3, when you’re talking about the mitochondria, cellular energy, and R number 4, inflammation. Let me tell you something. If it’s having that effect that you said at the nucleus, that means it’s having an effect on the DNA. I guarantee you, some way, it affect methylation, which is R number 5, so it’s absolutely amazing.

When you look at the results that people get with it, to me, it’s not amazing because I know it has to affect the cell in a dramatic way because you don’t get well until you fix the cell. Pretty amazing stuff, doc.

Dr. Blair:
That’s a really good point, that it is affecting the DNA and the translation to those functional enzymes that work within our body. The nucleus of the cell holds the DNA, which is the pattern for delivering the right enzymes to the body. What we see in Alzheimer’s – and not so much in Alzheimer’s, but in autism and certain types of seizure disorders is that there is a transcription error that is occurring from the DNA to the performance and the creation of different proteins and enzymes.

What CBD does is seems to facilitate, so you actually have a restoration of cellular function as well the organ function. With the use of CBD, it normalizes the folding of the proteins or the enzymes, becomes normalized to the point that they can function. That’s why we believe that there is such a profound effect in autism. The same is true, probably, for epilepsy, especially dealing with a number of these congenital diseases that are going on, although there’s many other mechanisms involved.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s interesting. We’re talking about different conditions, but I had met someone here in Park City, which is like a Mecca for different athletes. They’re starting to use CBD to help recover from exercise. These are healthy, elite athletes using CBD to recover. I always say, “In the training world, it’s not what you do in the gym or on the field; it is what you do after.” It’s all about recovery. In hearing all the cellular effects that it’s linked to, it doesn’t surprise me that these athletes are getting amazing results that they are with the recovery from CBD. Yeah. It’s not just about sick people. It’s amazing.

We used to have an amazing relationship with plants. Humans and plants had this incredible relationship. We talked a little bit about it, Meredith, last week when we talked about infertility.


Dr. Pompa:
There are so many plants that play into different hormone, different receptors, hormone receptors that help our body in this perfect balance. I think so much of it is we’re missing some of these really amazing phytochemicals like this one at the cellular level, and it really is amazing when you restore that human/cell relationship with the plant.

Dr. Blair:
I think the topic of athletes and using CBD is extraordinarily valuable. As I told you, the CBD seems to activate a number of the mechanisms for ketones and the same process involved with the cell. As you, no doubt, have experienced, you see that athletes who use a low carbohydrate approach and have established ketosis have phenomenal recoveries to the point where you’re seeing that people, after ultra-marathon runs of 100 miles, are able to get back and run within a day of their exposure to that. I see CBD as working along the same lines as that natural process that’s already there.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It’s remarkable. I don’t even know if you know this: utilizing keto-adaptation is one of the tools that we use to downregulate cellular inflammation. Every summer, doc, I go into ketosis myself for athletic reasons because I literally can ride miles and miles without even eating food because I have – as thin as I am, I have 80,000 calories stored in fat that my body’s able to dig into when you’re in that ketotoic state.

I utilize ketosis for many different brain conditions as a tool because the brain loves ketones. Ketones downregulate brain inflammation. Ketones do magic at the cell. The fat burns cleaner than glucose, so we utilize that. It even upregulates longevity genes. Ketones turn on those good genes. Hearing you say that cannabis oil does the similar thing that ketones, I’ve never heard that comparison, but man, I tell you what. I’m coming out of my seat right now because I get that – I understand the power of the ketone, right Meredith? We believe strongly in the power of the ketone, and just making that comparison excites me.


Dr. Blair:
You mentioned something important there, I thought, just a parallel. You say, “The relationship that we’ve had with plants,” the cannabinoids are also found in truffles and Echinacea. Truffles are something that people have incredible craving for and passion for that is really hard to define. Then Echinacea, it has clear health benefits in terms of reducing inflammatory condition, viral infections. There’s an example of a plant that uses that in its power to benefit humans in several different ways.

Dr. Pompa:
My wife just wrote an article. She interviewed the top chef at an amazing restaurant in Atlanta who is an expert in truffles. She just wrote an article on her blog about truffles and different things, and it’s neat to hear that as one of the health benefits. That’s pretty neat. Meredith, maybe we should show the products, and then, doc, maybe you could give a little feedback on how you use them, whether it’s pain, whether it’s anxiety, how to dose it, what you use. Do you want to show the products, and then you can comment on them?

Let me grab the products while you guys start talking, and then I will have them to show. One second.

Dr. Pompa:
Yup. Yup. Anyways, I’ll say this while she’s gone, we carry them on, obviously, our website. Obviously, we already discussed the fact that it is legal. However, Meredith will probably remind you that we want to call, and Meredith will tell you how to do that, for the products. Meredith, you can’t order them directly off of our website. You actually have to call. Is that correct?

Right. At this time, yes, if you are interested in these products that we’re going to talk about. We have the oil here in a syringe form, and then we have a tincture, as well. You can call us at 888-600-0642, and we can get the products to you.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, a lot of our doctors’ clients and patients watch the show, so I’m sure that if your doctor’s connected to us, they probably carry it in their clinic, as well. Check there as well.

Dr. Blair:
In terms of dosing, the oil that –

Dr. Pompa:
Hold up -inaudible-.


Dr. Pompa:
Is he there? Did he freeze?

Hello? Did we lose you?

Dr. Blair:
I’m here.


Dr. Pompa:

All right. Great. All right. It seemed to cut out a little bit. Okay.

Dr. Blair:
I stopped, but I thought I had a signal to stop there.

Dr. Pompa:
I was just telling her to hold up each product, which one you talk about, just so they can understand.

Dr. Blair:
I think the first thing we’ll talk about is the paste or what comes in a syringe. This is a highly concentrated form of CBD. It’s got 1800 milligrams that’s in the syringe of 10 milliliters, so you’re talking about 180 milligrams of CBD within each milliliter. What I found is that for more serious conditions, particularly epilepsy, or autism, or some of these major problems, the more concentrated doses have to be given. This is probably the most effective way of using that. For certain types of conditions, we’ll recommend – I typically recommend about 5 milligrams per kilogram, and do that kind of calculation.

For other minor conditions, you don’t need nearly as much, and we talk about using as little as what we call a grain of rice. Just a little dab onto a finger, or a spoon, or to piece of wax paper and slip that into the mouth, and try to hold it in the mouth for as long as you can to absorb it through the mucus membrane.

Dr. Pompa:
We like to use a little bit – pull that out just to show them what that syringe looks like.

This is actually -inaudible-. This is an empty one. I don’t have the syringe.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay. All right. Inside there, it looks like a little syringe if people are saying, “What do you mean?” I have mine downstairs. Maybe if you start talking, I could run down and get mine. Just to understand, we put that in our mouth or like you said, on our finger, put it in. Then we use a little MCT oil. Kind of move it around your mouth to help the absorption. Talk a little bit about that, doc because the delivery is really important. I’ll run and get my syringe, okay?

Dr. Blair:
Yeah. Getting it absorbed into the body is actually quite interesting, and there’ve been a lot of studies about that. GW Pharmaceutical actually has a number of commercial products, and they’ve done quite a bit of research. Sativex is one that’s being used for multiple sclerosis and a few other products. Their research into the absorption shows that it’s probably best absorbed through the mucus membranes. Classically, we call that sublingual, but in fact, the best absorption occurs all around the mouth. As long as you can hold it in your mouth, you’re getting direct absorption right through the mucus membranes into the body.

I ask people to do that for as long as possible because we’re talking about an absorption – a bio-availability of about 30%. You get about 30% of what you put in your mouth, comes directly into the bloodstream. You’re getting direct benefits into the brain and to the other portions of the body.

Is it helpful to take the product with some fat, as well, like some additional coconut oil, maybe an avocado just to really help it absorb better?

Dr. Blair:
I think the MCT oil is probably ideal because even with those people who have an impairment, we know that MCT oil is absorbed through the gut and doesn’t require any digestion. If people have poorly functioning gall bladders, they will be able to absorb it through the gut lining without any particular processing. MCT oil is particularly valuable, but other oils are important and effective in enhancing the absorption.


Dr. Pompa:
Here’s the MCT oil. We carry this. I like the glass bottle. This is from Nutramedica on our website. Then this is the – by the way, I just use even just a little cap. I fill that cap up, put it in my mouth. This is the syringe that we were referring to, so there it is, Elixinol 18%. This cap pops off, doesn’t screw off. I’m just going to show you this. I’m going to push a little bit out. This dials how many milliliters, right, doc? There’s 15 milliliters. You said one milliliter is how much?

Dr. Blair:
It’s 180 milligrams.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so ½ a milliliter then is obviously 90 milligrams. You said five milligrams per kilogram, correct, of body weight?

Dr. Blair:
Right. Mm-hmm. An average woman is about 50 kilos, and so I typically – I’m seeing about 250 milligrams a day in divided dosage. That again is for people with some fairly severe problems. If we’re talking about something as simple as Alzheimer’s disease, really, we only have to deal with ¼ of a milliliter, and we’re seeing profound results with that.


Dr. Pompa:
A quarter of a milliliter, so there’s one milliliter, so you could set it as a quarter. Now I have found, doc, that it’s very difficult to push this out of, so I put mine under some hot water for a minute. What do you do, doc? What’s your suggestion?

Dr. Blair:
Yes. I do the same thing. I use an immersion in hot water, but that particular syringe is being phased out for one that is much easier to use. Comes in a clear syringe that’ll be easy to express, and we don’t have to go through the gyrations to get out this valuable oil.

Dr. Pompa:
Right. Now, for people that need a less dose, like you said – we’ve talked about conditions even up to 250 milligrams in a day in divided doses. There is also a much easier form that is very good sublingual. Show that one, Meredith. I don’t have that.

The tincture here.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That’s the tincture. Talk about that, doc.

Dr. Blair:
The tincture is more dilute. It’s placed in MCT oil, and it does have a little bit of flavoring. It’s reasonably attractive and tasty, and it provides all the same benefits. It just doesn’t have the concentration. The concentration, I believe, is – what’s the concentration on that tincture?

Okay. In ½ of a milliliter, there are five milligrams of CBD.

Dr. Blair:
Okay. That turns out to be an excellent dose for children, as well as adults who have relatively minor problems, and interestingly, also applies to animals.


Dr. Pompa:
I’ve got clients who use the two of them together because that makes a good taste. It smoothes it out. They use a dropper of that and little bit of this.

Dr. Blair:
Yes. I think that sounds like a good combination and should be very effective. I’d focus on the number of milligrams and my medical background, trying to be consistent with the doses, but combining those two and putting it into a favorable format is very, very good. The other thing I’ll add is that there are other benefits of taking in omega-3-types of oils. I mentioned that they really work together with the endocannabinoid system and with CBD. People should be getting sufficient amount of omega-3, and one of the best places to get that is through the hemp oil. It has significant amounts of omega-3s that are well absorbed.

Dr. Pompa:
I love the balance. Hemp oil has a four to one ratio of omega-3 to omega-6, which just happens to be the ratio that targets the cell membrane, by the way. We know that certain ratios of omega-3 and omega-6 actually are specific for different conditions. For example, the brain, the four to one ratio of 6 to 3 is the ratio that targets the brain. Matter of fact, it’s really the ratio, they say, matters even more than just taking too much omega-3, which can actually throw you into omega-3 dominance. Hemp oil has the perfect ratio, ironically enough, that targets the brain and the cell membrane. Really interesting.

Dr. Blair:
Now you know that they are both connected, and they work through similar processes. They’re both activating the endocannabinoid system, so it’s an added benefit that you can capitalize on.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It just makes so much sense. Let’s say that you’re an athlete wanting to recover faster. What dose, doc? What dose would you recommend?

Dr. Blair:
That’s an interesting question. I haven’t had many athletes. Right now, I’m recommending 45 milligrams in a divided dose during the day, seeing how people respond. You bring up a good point. Everybody’s going to respond differently. We’ve set some parameters and said, “Okay, this is about the right one.” For people who are using it and different conditions, they can tailor their application or the use depending on what they’re experiencing, the benefits that they’re receiving, and how far do they want to go.

Since it really normalized cell function, it’s not like any other substance that you’re taking. You’re not going become a super athlete because of this. It’s going to normalize and reduce the inflammation and the other problems that you might encounter, restoring natural and normal cell function.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. Out of this, what is 45 milligrams? How would they –

Dr. Blair:
That’s ¼ milliliter.

Dr. Pompa:
Mm-hmm. That’d be ¼ milliliter, so every one of these things from seven to eight, for example, is a milliliter, correct?

Dr. Blair:

Dr. Pompa:
We would say about ¼ of that, and you’re giving that divided how many times during the day?

Dr. Blair:
Typically, three times during the day.

Dr. Pompa:
Three times during the day, so you would take 45 and divide it by 3, approximately.

Dr. Blair:

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That’s for the average person, you’re saying.

Dr. Blair:

Dr. Pompa:
Am I correct on that?

Dr. Blair:

Dr. Pompa:
Okay, good. Obviously, with different conditions, you’d go all the way up, even up to 250. Those are severe conditions.

Dr. Blair:
That’s a woman who has a significant disease. For a man, we’re really talking with an average weight of about 70 kilos, we’re talking about 350.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay. Yeah. Those are good numbers to know for those types of conditions. In that case, let’s say 250 would be how much of the milliliter here that we roll out?

Dr. Blair:
If we just ballpark it, it’s about 1 ½ milliliters.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay. One and a half milliliters would be about right there. You see, you can adjust this. Each mark is a milliliter. I’m just telling people. They can jot it down. They can re-watch the show just -inaudible-

Dr. Blair:
For your athletes, a tincture may be a good place to start because that’s five milligrams in ½ milliliter. You can easily adjust the milliliters that you’re giving in the syringe – excuse me, in the bottle.

Dr. Pompa:
Meredith, correct me if I’m wrong. One full dropper, then, is 10 milligrams.

Correct. Mm-hmm.

Dr. Pompa:
I am correct? Okay, good. Ten milligrams, if you did two twice a day, you’d get about forty milligrams.

Dr. Blair:

Dr. Pompa:
Right. Okay. I’m just giving people an idea just so they can – I’m trying to bail Meredith off with getting a lot of calls, Meredith. That’s why I’m doing this.


Dr. Pompa:
Now you can tell them, “Just watch the show.” Right, Meredith? “Just watch the show.”

Just set up the recording. Yes. Could you give this to babies, the tincture or the oil?

Dr. Blair:
Yeah, and we do it all the time, especially with epilepsy, children who have not responded to other types of therapy. The average dose that we’re seeing with kids is about 6 ½ milligrams per kilogram. If we’re talking about 30 kilogram child, which is – that’s not a baby, but we’re talking about a fairly significant dosage. Absolutely no adverse effects from that. We haven’t seen any problems as a result of very high doses in children.

There is no toxic dose that has been prescribed or that has been found in any case. An infant, I don’t see any particular problem specifically, but I don’t have the research, and I don’t have the human studies to prove that.

Mm-hmm. Right. It almost seems too good to be true. There’s no drawbacks, all of these incredible benefits. Are there really no contraindications with any dosage you’ve found whatsoever with any health condition?

Dr. Blair:
There are theoretical concerns, but I haven’t found any in practice. Now, some people do respond with, if they’re taking high doses, with an increase in fatigue. That’s typical of your geriatric population, so you get over 80 and taking a pretty strong dose on the order of the 250 milligrams, they may become quite fatigued with it, in which case I always have them look at their other medications, though. Most commonly, it’s a matter of those other medicines being potentiated, so those other medicines are acting like they’re stronger and giving these symptoms, when, in fact, that’s the issue rather than being the CBD as causing the fatigue.

Dr. Pompa:

Mm-hmm. I have a question. What about just the typical healthy person that maybe isn’t struggling with a chronic condition or isn’t engaging in extreme exercise? Would this be a benefit just to add into the arsenal of a supplement you would take to enhance your health, or would it be worth it?

Dr. Blair:
I think it is because we all face sort of foggy brain. We have difficulty getting going. We may have some sleeping or anxiety difficulties. What do we do now for those things? You either take a pill, or you take some Tylenol, take one of these other substances. CBD will have the effect of improving cognition, helping recall, actually improving vision, and reducing inflammation. There’s a number of particular benefits for people who are absolutely normal, but would like to use something to help them occasionally when they’re feeling stress.

Why do people drink coffee? It’s to get a boost, isn’t it? We’re talking about the same thing. For smoking – look at how many smokers are out there who would love to quit, but they’re addicted to the nicotine.

Dr. Pompa:

Dr. Blair:
This is something that will block that nicotine craving and allow them to quit without looking back, with no cravings, and have full function.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s funny you said that because I had a patient that said their sugar cravings went away when they started using it. They were using it to help modulate their pain, and they realized all their cravings went away. Interesting you said that -inaudible-.


Dr. Blair:
Even something more, and I think that there’s good applications for even just the tincture on insect stings and even certain types of skin lesions that have occurred. I have reports from a health provider who used it on his basal cell cancer and resolved that basal cell cancer by using a topical application of a tincture.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It’s amazing. Listen, doc, we are so grateful that you took your time and brought your expertise with this CBD on our show. I know our viewers are extremely grateful, as well. Meredith, just remind them because people obviously want to order the product. This is organic, and it’s guaranteed at 18% CBD. That’s why we’ve chosen it, for sure. We really have teamed up with Elixinol to bring this product to as many people as we can because we believe in it.

Dr. Blair:
Thank you so much for the opportunity to talk with you about this. This is my passion. This is extraordinary in terms of its ability to revolutionize medication, medical care, and medical health for the entire world.

Dr. Pompa:
You know what? We’d love to have you back, too. There’s a lot of things we could focus in on in just even one area. We’ll do that in the future. Go ahead, Meredith. Sign us off, and remind them just what to do to get it.

I will. I do want to thank you again, Dr. Blair. You are such a wealth of information, and your passion shines through on this topic. Thank you so much for sharing with us and our audience. I know I learned so much today. Actually, breaking news here. We just got our website set up for the CBD oil, so now you can order it online. It is TakeCBDOil.com. That’s T-A-K-E-C-B-D-O-I-L.com. You can go online and order the syringe like we talked about right here or the tincture. We’re going to have both of those available. The syringe in non-flavored, and we have a natural flavor and a cinnamon flavor of the tincture.

You could also give us a call, too, at 888-600-0642 if you’re interested in ordering over the phone. Thanks again, Dr. Blair. Thank you so much, Dr. Pompa. Awesome show! Amazing information. We’ll see you next week.

83: Fertility Problems & Healthy Pregnancies

Transcript of Episode 83: Fertility Problems and Healthy Pregnancies

With Dr. Daniel Pompa

All right. Happy Friday. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, Episode 83. How are you, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa:
I’m doing well, thank you.

Great! Awesome! We have a really, really huge topic for you guys today. We were just talking, this might have to be a two-part show because there is just a lot of information here. We will be talking about fertility challenges, hormone dysregulation, how to have a healthy pregnancy, and just a lot of the factors that are involved with reproductive health. Huge topic, and I know, Dr. Pompa, you’re really excited to talk about it because it’s something that affects so many couples today. It’s huge, and it’s really exciting. I guess we’re just going to jump in. Anything you want to start with before we jump in?

Dr. Pompa:
We had a past show. Leigh was on our show, and she was one of my clients. Of course, she was not able to get pregnant. During working with her for other reasons – we weren’t working with her to actually get pregnant – but she got pregnant. That’s what happens when you fix the cell. I’ve had that happen many, many, many times. I know some of my clients watch this show, and they’re probably raising their hand going, “Yes, that was me!” I can think of at least five right now that happened literally within the last year.

In not one I actually targeted for infertility, but all of a sudden, after years of not being able to get pregnant, they get pregnant. Sometimes it’s met with great joy. Sometimes it’s like, “Oh, my gosh. I wanted to finish detoxing.” I know that if they’re watching, they would relate to that. Yeah. It brings, then, to the topic, obviously is, yeah, there’s a solution. There’s some things that we do that are just part of healing the body that obviously have an amazing impact on infertility. We’ll talk about that.

Awesome. Awesome. Let’s backtrack a little bit and just talk about the reason why so many couples are suffering with infertility issues and hormone dysregulation. A lot of issues out there with hormones and couples just not being able to conceive naturally. Can you talk about some of these underlying causes and the reasons behind it?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I think you’ll pull some out for me to talk about. Let me just talk very generally right now in the sense that hormone dysregulation is the epidemic within the epidemic. I always say that, “Weight loss resistance is more about hormones than it is even the food we eat.” We talk so much about hormone problems. Hormones are really how things communicate gland to gland, cell to cell. Hormones do all the communication. It’s remarkable what these hormones do and how they communicate to our cells, and they’ll carry these messages.

Right now, we are just under hormonal attack because of the – again, it’s not just one thing. If you look at last week’s show on anti-aging, we talked about these big things that are aging us prematurely. You could say, “These are the things that are causing hormone dysregulation, elevated glucose and insulin, driving cellular inflammation, of course toxins, bad fats.” When we look at all of our topics, this is what’s driving cellular inflammation. These are where the hormone receptors are, and therefore, we have hormone dysregulation because of the receptor to the hormone.

I think one of the big mistakes right now is that everyone’s just throwing more hormones at it and trying to give more hormones, give more hormones. There seems to be a little balance in the beginning, and of course, then you’re down the stream, and trying to balance things, and things are getting more out of balance. You’re never going to win that game. The analogy we love to give is like shouting at our kids. At first, oh, my gosh. They’re fearful; they’re listening. Then they start not hearing you at all. That’s what happening to our cells with the bombardment of trying to do different hormones.

It really is a cellular issue. I can even be more specific. Your pituitary hypothalamus in the center of the brain is what runs your whole endocrine system. Oftentimes, we see people getting pregnant when we start addressing that system with upstream detox. We’ve talked about how true cellular detox is getting up to the cell, and then there’s three phases, a prep phase, a body phase, then a brain phase.

If we look at the studies on where toxins really accumulate, especially heavy metals, it’s in the pituitary hypothalamus. Remember the hormones that we need for pregnancy like luteinizing hormone, LH, FSH. These are the hormones that really are communicated from this pituitary hypothalamus in really directing the hormones down below. Then that affects progesterone and estrogen. If these systems here, these glands, are not functioning because they’re highly toxic, according to studies, then nothing below is going to work. It’s the control tower. That’s just one of the problems.

Then, of course, we have certain toxins that attach to the cell that drive autoimmune, and much of infertility is autoimmune related where we’re attacking certain things. Matter of fact, women’s immune system can even attack the sperm in many of these cases because of autoimmune and even allergies to mercury. I’ll say this about a fact here beings we’re talking a little bit about toxins and mercury, which this is a big, big topic.

When we look at infertility, it’s known that 1/3 of men with infertility have high mercury levels. If we look at women, it’s 1/4 of all women with infertility have high mercury levels. It’s because there’s so many ways that mercury can affect fertility. The hypothalamus pituitary is where studies show that most of it accumulates. That’s why we have to get to the brain in true cellular detox.

Also, I had said that many women have allergies – make allergies to it, and they’re finding that – where is the mercury? We’re finding that men that have elevated mercury, we find it in the sperm, in the ejaculate and particularly the sperm. That, number one, is a problem for the sperm. Number two, the women’s autoimmune system can attack it, and number three, we know that it affects certain minerals that are needed even for the sperm to swim, which is called motility. It affects selenium; it affects manganese; it affects zinc, which really, are all about healthy sperm. Mercury affects those. Other metals like lead is, too, affects those directly.

Bam! How prevalent is this? There it is. There’s kind of an overview, and there’s so much more.

Yeah, huge. I think so many people, when they’re dealing with infertility issues, don’t think about heavy metals as being an underlying source of – being an issue to impact their fertility. I know that heavy metals, you said in the past, really affect the thyroid gland, as well, which is also intimately connected with fertility. Can you talk a little bit about that specific connection?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. They thyroid, we call it the canary in the coal mine because it’s so sensitive to toxins. Matter of fact, I would say it’s the first gland/organ/system if you will that we see affected, where we see people getting cold all the time. Their hair starts falling out. Their energy drops. They can’t lose weight the same or keep weight off and temperature dysregulation. We know that toxins are really the factor.

I give five toxins that really affect the thyroid and therefore affect infertility. Let’s see if I can get them. Bromine, chlorine – bromine, by the way is – they put it in things like energy drinks and Gatorade. You wouldn’t believe where you’re getting bromine, but the number one way is flame retardants that are in new computers, furniture. They use it in everything. Brominated hot tubs and pools – bromine’s everywhere.

Then we deal with chlorine and fluoride. All of these things that we’re exposed to so much today, they literally compete with the same receptors as iodine. Iodine is – we need it to make thyroid hormones. There’s a major link with those chemicals. We know that that’s been in the literature a long time. Of course, we talked about heavy metals. Heavy metals attach even to the thyroid receptor because there’s a selenium receptor, these thyroid receptors. That means that selenium is needed to make these hormones connect. It’s part of that process.

There’s a charge thing, whereas heavy metals and selenium, one’s negative; one’s positive. They attract one another, so selenium attracts mercury. Guess what? Mercury ends up on the receptor, and then that drives an autoimmune, Hashimoto’s, etcetera. That’s an issue for those chemicals.

Let’s see, I named three or four already. Come on, Meredith, help me out. Let’s see. What other thyroid – I have these top five here, but – oh! Pesticides, thank you. Pesticides are the link. Matter of fact, one of the studies there is that women who work – live with men who work around pesticides have a 70% increase in thyroid conditions. That’s a huge number. We know that pesticides is a very strong link.

Certain toxins obviously play a major role into the thyroid, and it is very sensitive. The blood flow into the thyroid is so great. That’s probably another reason why it’s so bombarded by toxins. The receptors, like I said, have an attraction to it. Toxins in the thyroid, big connection.

Mm-hmm. How about the adrenal glands, as well? Is there a connection there with adrenal dysfunction and fertility issues?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. When you look at how the adrenals produce cortisol – cortisol disruption really affects our anxiety. It affects how we sleep at night. It affects our energy levels during the day. If cortisol’s elevated, you actually start to store fat. If cortisol’s low, we have a loss of energy. Cortisol plays into, really, the whole hormone cascade because it is a stress adaptation hormone. We know that if you over-stress the body any way, even increase in physical activity, it affects cortisol. Therefore, we know that women that exercise too much or get under a lot of stress can actually lose their period.

I don’t have to get into the nuances. If you lose your period, you’re not going to have babies. You can see there’s a very strong connection with women who exercise too much. That’s basically just a lot of stress that you’re not adapting to. Any stress, physical, chemical, we’ve been talking about emotional affects cortisol, the adrenals, the adaptation, and therefore, infertility.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. I think that’s huge, too, just kind of in the natural health world, as well, with the focus on eating very well and exercising a lot. It’s like anything. It can be taken to the extreme. For some women, if you are exercising too much and not eating enough or your body weight gets too low, your body fat gets too low, that’s clearly going to affect your fertility, but there’s also a lot of other issues that are caused as well when you’re not having your period and your hormones aren’t functioning properly. I think that’s an issue in the community that isn’t always talked about a lot, but definitely, it needs to be addressed because it’s really important to have that monthly cycle and to maintain proper hormone balance for the rest of your body to function well.

Some people look really good, and I think that that’s a challenge for some women. They look at other women and women on magazines who are just super, super lean and think that they have that perfect body. Oftentimes, maybe they aren’t getting their period. Their hormones aren’t balanced properly. It’s really not always what it appears to be sometimes.

Dr. Pompa:
Let me just piggyback on that subject as another cause and a factor that people don’t think about. When the low fat craze was in – I think it’s still in. You turn on any channel, they’re still talking about low-fat, low-calorie menus. Guess what? Low-fat and low-calorie both can cause infertility. Fat is at the top of the hormone chain. The most important of all is cholesterol. Gosh, cholesterol, that’s the demon. Cholesterol turns into progesterones. If you understand how that works, progesterones, then, can go down into adrenal hormones. It can go over into anabolic hormones like testosterone, DHEA. All really important for libido and infertility. Then, of course, it can go into estrogens.

At the top of the hormone chain is, in fact, cholesterol. Women on low-fat diets are notorious to end up in infertility just because they’re not making enough hormone. There’s many other links because cholesterol also stabilizes the cell membrane, which is where the hormone receptors are. We need cholesterol. We need them for these hormones that we need to be fertile, and we need to help libido, and feel good, and anabolic, and heal, which helps us recover. The list goes on, but fat plays a big role.

Low-calorie – when women just stop. They keep pushing food away and try to restrict, restrict, restrict, again, they end up not having their periods. They end up really dysregulating a lot of their hormones, so low-calorie diets, another really bad idea if you’re trying to get pregnant or forget it. If you’re just trying to have normal hormonal function, bad idea.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Huge. Kind of piggybacking on the food component, as well, can you talk about digestive issues, and the gut, and how that can kind of be connected with fertility or infertility?

Dr. Pompa:
Obviously, we talk about the gut as driving autoimmune. Autoimmune can affect infertility in so many ways. Like I said, even just attacking the sperm, even just attacking the egg, the follicle. There’s so many things that can happen with autoimmune driving infertility. Again, people say, “I was tested for autoimmune.” Listen, autoimmune, the testing is in the stone ages. So many people are autoimmune, meaning their body’s attacking, driving inflammation, and there’s no test. It takes you years being in that state before you can actually even test for it. You could be autoimmune and not know it. So many people are.

Read my article, The Autoimmune Answer. Put it in the Article Search, Autoimmune Answer, and you’ll come up with it. You should read it. I was going down another road. Oh, the gut. The microbiome, this is more of a new idea of something that affects infertility. We have this whole array of all these bacteria, good and bad, that make up our microbiome. What we’ve learned is that these bacteria, which outnumber our cells 10 to 1, we realize that humans were human because of these bacteria. These bacteria actually share information with our cells.

Matter of fact, we don’t make certain cells without the communication of these bacteria to our cells. I talked in the past about autoimmune, how without certain bacteria, we don’t make certain immune cells that tell our immune system to back off, and that’s the connection to autoimmune. We don’t make certain brain chemicals in certain things without having certain bacteria, or when they get in too low a number, now, we’re not making those neurotransmitters, those certain hormones. We cannot be hormonally normal if we don’t have a normal microbiome. Again, it’s not about, folks, just going out – it’s not so simple as just taking a probiotic.

Matter of fact, I would argue most patients today take fish oil, vitamin D, and a probiotic. I’m telling you, every client that comes to me, I would say at least half of them are on those three. Those three just happen to be the three that can actually make you more unhealthy. Fish oil puts you in omega-3 dominance. Most of it’s rancid anyway, but let’s say you’re lucky enough to get a good one. If you’ve been on it for any length of time, it can actually make you more omega-3 dominant, which actually destabilizes the cell membrane, affects your hormones, etcetera. Not a fan of unbalanced fats.

I love fish oil when it’s in fish. Great. We can utilize it if we’re balancing it with other fats, but most people are staying away from cholesterol and saturated fat, which actually help balance it. That’s why it’s in fish. That’s why it’s in grass-fed animals. It’s meant to be there with those fish oils.

Then we have vitamin D, which most people take vitamin D without other fat-soluble vitamins – we talked about this on past shows – without vitamin K, vitamin E, and vitamin A. What happens is you throw yourself way out of balance with that, and that leads to even cancer, and hip fractures, and all these things. Before, we thought it was the vitamin D, and people were vitamin D overdosing. No, no, no. It has nothing to do with that. It’s that vitamin D blocks the same receptors as the other fat-solubles because you’re taking too much. You have to have a balance, folks.

Then probiotics, same thing. Everyone’s taking the same probiotic. I say, “How long have you been on that?” “Oh, at least a year.” “Ah! You’re throwing yourself out of -inaudible- balance.” I like to rotate these bacterias so you’re not throwing yourself out of balance. Gosh, years ago, I read studies on why rotating bacterias, not staying on one, works better than the type and the amount. Everyone worries about they’re taking this slick, new probiotic. No, no. Rotate is the best. It’s not the answer.

We need our microbiome well. We need to be eating foods that feed our good microbiome, good, fibrous foods. Obviously, vegetables do that and other fibrous foods. Also, fermented foods, cultured foods, which, since refrigeration, we really don’t eat these foods anymore. Folks, we need some of these fermented, cultured foods in our diet that have been there for thousands of years, and now aren’t.

Of course, we talked about SueroGold fast in the past. Four days of SueroGold, whey water, it’s called. Whey water fasting, it brings in all types of unique bacteria. We talked about broth fasts and stock fasts, starving down all bacteria, then reinoculating, using some of our strategies. Yeah. A microbiome equals good hormonal health. That’s the bottom line, and may people are infertile because of dysbiosis or an alteration in their microbiome. New studies on that, lot of new information on that, but one more thing to consider if fertility’s a problem.

I guess you like to incorporate fasting when fertility is an issue.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. It’s one of the things that I do with these clients because we do so much intermittent fasts. Maybe it’s one of the things that’s leading to this – so many people that end up getting pregnant when they become a client. Yeah. I think it’s a combination of everything, but I guarantee you that’s part of it.

Mm-hmm. Awesome. All right. We’ve talked a lot about these different issues that impact fertility. We talked about blood sugar imbalance, and toxicity issues, immune challenges, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, gut issues. Now how about some other conditions that can impact fertility like PCOS? It’s something that is very common and a lot of women are struggling with today. Could you talk about how that’s connected to infertility? -inaudible- is it. Maybe everybody doesn’t know what it is.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That’s right. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, basically what it is is this: You get a hormone dysregulation, if you will, and women start producing too much – I don’t want to just say testosterone, but oftentimes, it’s more toxic types of testosterone. There’s something called the 5-alpha reductase that when it’s elevated, this particular enzyme, men start making toxic testosterone, DHT. We’ve heard of these things.

What happens is they could start losing their hair and even develop prostate cancer. We know this connection with these toxic testosterones causes hair loss, prostate problems in men, but in women, it causes PCOS. Oftentimes, they start getting hair on their face. They get massive disruption in their cycles, and it’s problematic, obviously, even in its link to infertility.

We like to do, Meredith, a 24-hour urine hormone collection where we collect the urine for 24 hours. That gives us a whole visual – I don’t know. I probably have one that I could grab to show you. If I get a second, I’ll grab one just to kind of show. It gives you a whole visual of the hormone cascade. Very accurate, very reproducible, and it really is the best reflection of someone’s whole hormonal status.

Saliva hormones can be good when we want to target what’s going on in that day or the cycle. Saliva hormone can be good. Blood hormone has a role, as well. I think when you kind of look at all of it, sometimes you can get the best picture. All in all, the 24-hour hormone test is the best. We like to use Genova Labs on that. I’m teaching more about this test and how it relates to a new product that we’re launching with Systemic Formulas. We’ll be having that product in a few weeks. It’s really inaudible- into a lot of the problems that we see in so many women, test after test after test. We really targeted this particular formula, so please don’t call for the formula yet because it won’t be there for at least three weeks. Meredith will know when it’s there. We’ll have to make a –

I will. I’ll keep you posted.

Dr. Pompa:
We’ll have to do a quick video. There’s forcing the hormones with a hormone, and sometimes that’s necessary. Sometimes a bioidentical hormone is used as a crutch, but what we call phytotherapy, our relationship with plants, has been a very amazing relationship for thousands of years. It is a really amazing relationship. We’ve lost a lot of the relationship with a lot of different types of plants and herbs that really produce something called phytoestrogens or phytochemicals.

Phytoestrogens, it’s not estrogen, folks. Certain chemicals in plants that are natural that we used to get a lot in our diet, they attach to the receptors, to, for example, estrogen or progesterone. What happens is that the body feels like it’s getting its message so it creates a reaction into the DNA, and we’re not having to get a lot of hormone. We’re able to produce less hormone because we have these phytoestrogens communicating to our DNA, and it makes the body really happy.

I don’t even think we completely understand how this unique connection comes, but I know this: We’ve lost a lot of this, these phytochemicals in our diet. The relationship with plants has really been affected, especially in the last 100 years, and therefore, it’s affecting our hormones. I think one of these best ways to balance hormones is using phytotherapy, but it just takes more time. Women don’t take it and go, “Oh! I feel better.” No. You have to be very patient with it because it’s more of a natural approach. The best part is you don’t get pushed in one direction. You’re relying on the body’s innate intelligence to really set up this balance. It’s a really neat subject, and I’m going to be teaching on it. It really plays into infertility, as well.

You have to understand what happens in a woman’s cycle. Before ovulation, estrogen is rising up, and it’s building. It’s building tissues, and that’s what estrogen does really well. It’s very anabolic, and it builds up your tissues because obviously, before you release your follicles, what’s happening is that you just came off of your period. You’re rebuilding the tissue. Right after ovulation, the progesterone is released because of the follicles exploding and releasing more progesterone. Then estrogen starts to fall, and then progesterone starts to rise. That leads to the tear-down phase, which is the period.

You can see how delicate this is. Of course, LH and FSH are played in here, as well right around that ovulation point. We talked about the pituitary controlling those hormones, FSH, LH, and the hypothalamus, and then we talked about estrogen and progesterone, how the fats play in there, how toxins play onto the cell receptor. My god, there’s so much room to cause this disbalance. Phytotherapy can bring some sense to the estrogen/progesterone balance without having to try to force the hormones in one direction. That’s probably another topic. Like you said, that’s a whole other topic.

I think that with the whole – soy, there’s some bad estrogens in nonfermented soy that can really do some damage, but we don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Phytotherapy is actually very, very useful, and I believe, a missing, natural connection in the food supply today.

Very interesting. We hear a lot about xenoestrogens, which are the artificial estrogens that are just surrounded by – in our environment, they’re everywhere. The phytoestrogens, very different from -inaudible-.

Dr. Pompa:
inaudible- As phytoestrogens go up, xenoestrogens’ effect on the cell go down. Xenoestrogens, where are we getting these things? Pesticides, organo-phosphates. Pesticides are ubiquitous in our food supply. We know that has a dramatic effect. They are xenoestrogens. These guys, they’re very strong. They drive estrogen, these chemicals. Unlike the plant estrogens, if you will, these guys are very, very strong. They drive hormones in the wrong direction, and here’s the problem, too. We’re also getting it from our water supply because people are taking so many hormones. We’re driving up hormones negatively even from our water supply. This is all new, too.

There’s many other things that – PCB, all the plastics, all the pipes. They’re putting in plastic pipes in the homes that carry water. That’s why it’s very important to have water filtration. These things, the PCBs, the PVCs, all these plastic chemicals are also xenoestrogens. Look at what we’re exposed to, and you think, “Oh, my gosh! We don’t have a chance.” Yeah, we have to avoid these, but I think increasing your natural phytochemicals is the – helps you balance and protect yourself against a lot of these xenoestrogens that we’re all exposed to in much larger amounts than ever before. Chemical estrogens and plant estrogens, this is a massive problem and a big, huge cause of infertility.

Some people think it’s the biggest. The exposure of these xenochemicals that are driving things. By the way, it’s the number one reason why we think children are going through – maturing too early, boys and girls. Girls are getting their period at 12.

Younger – eight, nine years old.

Dr. Pompa:
I know, right. Exactly. I’m talking averages, but yeah. Never before in history have we seen that. My boys are going to kill me for saying this right now. One of the things that they absolutely despise their mother and father for is because my boys didn’t mature until 16, literally. Sixteen years old, my boys were still going like, “What’s going on? Where’s my tea?”

I just had that conversation, taking my about-to-be-sixteen-year-old to school. It’s like, “It’s probably going to be another year based on your older brother.” Daniel’s 17, and this summer was the first summer that Daniel matured, put on muscle. It’s like my kids were late bloomers. Why? That’s normal. That’s the way it’s supposed to happen. Kids are not supposed to go through that. My kids were competing against these boys that had muscles, and chest hair, and armpit hair, and they didn’t. Imagine that.

Women, obviously these xenoestrogens are the big link to early maturation. Of course, what about all the diary products, the meat, all the hormones? Xenoestrogens, massive amounts coming through conventional meat and dairy. Grass-fed meat, yes. Grass-fed cows, yes. Conventional xenoestrogens, it is causing infertility and massive problems that go along with hormone dysregulation.

Yeah. We’re just surrounded by all these xenoestrogens, all these hormones on a daily basis. Then we take more, too. We can talk about the model, too, of the replacement model of taking more hormones, too. If your hormones get measured, they’re low, just to take more hormones versus focusing on the underlying cause. It is crazy how not only are we so surrounded by hormones, but then we’re taking more hormones.

Dr. Pompa:
Here’s the thing. PMS or perimenopause, symptoms in menopause, perimenopause, we used to – we know that most women today have this massive fall in estrogen, which is a big problem. Many people say, “No, this is not just of a lack of estrogen, but it is actually estrogen dominance that’s driving this.” We know now that we can actually have estrogen dominance with low estrogen. I know that sounds like I just made a complete opposite statement, but it’s these xenoestrogens that are causing the estrogen dominant symptoms, but our actual estrogen levels are actually really low, good estrogens. We’re in, actually, estrogen dominance with low estrogen.

Once again, phytotherapy is a great answer to this because it blocks the estrogens. The body can function with much lower estrogen when you have the phytochemicals, the phytoestrogens from the plants and the herbs. Blocking the bad guys, making the cell feel happier with less amount means you don’t go through this massive drop in estrogen and then go, “My god! I feel like I don’t even want to live. I have no desire to live.”

This product that we’ve been working on for the last six months really is out of a lot of this research, so what’s going on with women in perimenopause, in menopause? Why is it this horrible thing? In most countries, it’s this amazing time of a woman’s life. They become stronger. They become wiser. It’s such a good thing for them physically. It prevents cancer. Here in the United States, menopause is the dreaded 50s or early 50s, late 40s.

-inaudible- on it. It’s not just the challenges of menopause, so culturally, yeah. That’s how we look at it.

Dr. Pompa:
It doesn’t have to be. Go back and watch all of our previous shows. The five strategies, my gosh. When you say, “Read those articles,” if you’re looking for just kind of generally what to do, the five strategies has true cellular detox, which I’ve been telling everyone to read that article, True Cellular Detox. It has the intermittent fasting. It has the glucose control. There’s five articles there and videos that is a great starting point for you.

Are there cases where you would suggest synthetic hormones, bio-identical hormones? Are there situations where that would be the right thing to do?

Dr. Pompa:
I think bio-identical hormone is the way to go. I think you’re going to run into less trouble than synthetics, I believe. Yeah, there is. Sometimes a hormone level can get so low that you need a crutch, but again, I think that – and it can be dangerous. Estriol, when we look at that 24-hour test, I find estriol too low in many people. It’s the most protective estrogen, where estridiol is the potentially more toxic, but estridiol’s good. We need it because it’s the one that drives the libido. It’s the one that drives even feeling well, but it can be the more toxic of the estrogens.

Yeah. We sometimes see estriol very, very low, which low iodine levels also play into estriol. I like to go at it with iodine and some of the phytotherapy first, and if it’s still not coming up, then there might be a good reason to use estriol. Women can go, “Oh, my gosh! I feel so much better!” Even vaginal dryness can go away. Yeah. Sometimes you have to go in with a crutch, but we want to be upstream dealing with the problem if we’re using crutches, knowing that this is not an answer.

Doctors today, even alternative, make this the answer. No, no, no. You’re never going to win the battle there. You have to be upstream, detoxing the brain, getting the toxins out of the hypothalamus, pituitary, bring balance to the thyroid, the adrenals, downregulating cellular inflammation, detoxing the cell. That is the answer.

I know it’s not easy. I know you may have to hire a coach to do it because – but my gosh, we hire coaches to improve our golf game, for goodness sakes, and yoga instructors, who knows. This is important stuff. It’s the real deal. We’re not talking about the 10-day cleanse here at your health food store. True cellular detox is the real deal, getting the toxins out of these endocrine tissues, off the cell, downregulating the cellular inflammation. Ultimately, detox is a cellular issue and the answer.

Huge, yeah. Then that kind of brings us, too, to the second part. We’ve talked a lot about why so many people are struggling with infertility, the root causes of hormone dysregulation. Now we can kind of talk about some solutions. Do you just want to share your over-arching approach to fixing infertility -inaudible-.

Dr. Pompa:
-inaudible- slide back here. We’ll get to that. Let’s see. I’m going to slide back and see if I can grab a quick test here. Maybe not. Dr. Pompa, disappear. Entertain them, Meredith, while I’m gone here.

Do a little dance? Sing a little song?

Dr. Pompa:
That would be fun and exciting. Let’s see here. I’ve got zillions of these things, but I can’t – ah! Okay, here’s one. Uh-huh. All right. I’ve got some gifts. I went away, but I come back. First of all, a heavy metal test would be very advisable. That’s a heavy metal test, where we –


Dr. Pompa:
There’s no perfect heavy metal test, but when you do a challenge the right way, which we train our doctors to do, this would be a really smart place to start considering – and I didn’t even talk about lead and other metals. Cesium is big infertility metal, and we’re seeing that elevated on so many people. Oh, yeah. There you go. My daughter actually has elevated cesium.

I remember when I did the test, I did, too.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. We’re seeing that – [Fukushima -inaudible-] is the big culprit there, we believe, scientists believe, so it was [0:38:38] that. We see that more on people that live in the west side of the country, for sure. We’re not sure what happened to you, Meredith. It might have been a lot of that – some fish-eating of yours, but –


Dr. Pompa:
I talked about mercury, right, and the strong connection. Infertility in dental offices is – it’s massive. I should have looked up the statistic on that before the show. I don’t want to misquote it, but it’s really a big problem. I believe that dental assistants and women that work in dental offices have the highest out of any occupation of infertility. That shows you the mercury connection. I said that 1/4 of all women with infertility have elevated mercury. I said 1/3 men, so really a smart place to start.

This is the 24-hour hormone test. All those arrows, that’s the whole hormone cascade. Up here, if it were labeled, would be cholesterol, and then it goes into your progesterones, and then this is your adrenal function here, your cortisol levels, and then this comes over here. I can’t show the name. I’m not. Okay, good. This comes over here to the anabolic side of things, all your anabolic hormones, your testosterones, and there’s your DHEA. All play major roles in infertility. Down here’s your estrogens if you can see right here.

If the screen is shaking, it’s because that pesky little dog is back. She always does this when I have this here. She rubs against it, and the thing shakes.

I want to just point out one thing. I know I haven’t completely answered your question yet, but I’m working on it. This test measures phase I and phase II estrogen metabolism. What that means is how your body gets rid of toxic estrogens. It does it in two phases. We look at when this phase – oh, this dog! I’m going to have to give her a boot here in a minute. In phase I, we look at this 2-hydroxyestrone versus the 16-hydroxyestrone, and when that’s out of balance, it puts women at a great risk for breast cancer and men at risk for prostate cancer. Very, very important. It also drives infertility.

Phase II is methylation, which we’ve talked a lot about. When that is down into the red, that’s a big problem, and it leads it to many, many hormonal issues, imbalances, increases in cancer, etcetera. Very important when we look at not just estrogen, but its metabolites, meaning these things that are very toxic that our body has to get rid of. This test shows that.

I think those two tests are very important just right off that bat. Reading those five articles, the five strategies to the best health ever, are really important. Where would they plug in to read those five articles?

DrPompa.com – D-R-P-O-M-P-A.com, and on the homepage there, you can click on the Articles link, and that will lead you to the entire article archive. You can see all of the articles and read those top five strategies because as Dr. Pompa said, they really, really play into this topic as well as so many of the topics that we talk about because they are just such foundational approaches to getting your health back on track.

Dr. Pompa:
We touched on, I think, almost all of those, even exercise, which is one of those articles, The Right Exercise for Weight Loss. I think the importance here is doing the proper exercise, but not overdoing it. A lot of people that do a lot of endurance exercise, Meredith, they’re the ones really at risk. You see the women, the aerobics instructors, they’re the ones at really great risk. The long-distance runner women, they really are at greater risk of losing their period, infertility, and all that.

I think we brushed on all five of those strategies, but for more detail, read them. We brushed on detox. Strategy 5 is True Cellular Detox. That’s the article, which I think you should read anyway. In general, eating all organic, you have to get away from the pesticides. They’re major culprits of xenoestrogens. I think whole-house water filtration is very important, getting rid of a lot of these plasticisers that are xenoestrogens. Obviously, protecting yourself from the water supply, which is not filtered out when they process the water, -inaudible- county you’re in.

You’re getting a lot of bad hormones from the water you drink, the plastics from the water you drink, the chlorine, the bromides, all these things, the chemicals that we said are causative. Please, even if you just got an RO unit, reverse osmosis, at your point of service, that’s huge. I recommend a whole-house filtration unit. Dime Water is the one that I got mine from, and I think that they do a great job. Yeah. I believe filter your water, eat all organic, please, grass-fed meat, free-range chicken.

I just took away these massive exposures to xenoestrogens just by doing those things. Yeah, absolutely. Eating, obviously, more plants, and herbs, and different things in your diet is going to be helpful because we need those phytochemicals.

Lots of good quality fat, as well, which is so important in controlling blood sugar, which is connected to insulin resistance and connected to all these hormone issues, as well. -inaudible- so important to control your blood sugar, which is Strategy number 1.

Dr. Pompa:
We gave them the answer. That’s the answer. None if it’s easy. Fermented products have a lot of these good phytochemicals and the phytoestrogens. Even fermented soy is good. The fermented soy is much better. Be careful with soy because the problem is is most of it’s GMO just like corn. If you get a good, fermented, organic soy, no problem. Again, these types of plants, hops – how much of us are eating these types of herbs and plants on a daily basis? We don’t do it as much, so a little support there, I think, is really useful.

That’s why I love this product because it’s not forcing the hormones in one direction. I think females just wanting to be healthy, taking a little bit of this product is just really bringing back to what we used to have, and that was a better relationship with plants. We’re remiss of that today. I think that’s keeping it simple. There you go. That’s the answer.

Speaking of herbs, too, how about some supplements? Do you have specific supplements you recommend along with changing the diet? True cellular detox is obviously a massive component, fasting like we talked about. Do you have some particular supplements you recommend that would be really supportive of -inaudible-.

Dr. Pompa:
Obviously, waiting for the new one to come out. The core cellulars – when we look at these – like I said, my clients are getting pregnant, we’re not trying. They’re always on some of the core cellulars at different points in the program. The core cellulars – why? This is a cellular issue, folks. This is a cellular issue. Absolutely the core cellulars just to broad blanket it. There you.

Yeah. I was thinking of one of the products, too. I know you use DIM -inaudible-, which helps remove excess estrogen from the body. That kind of came to mind, too. It might be supportive.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Absolutely. When this particular ratio is off, this 2:16 ratio, which so many people, it is, then we actually use DIM as one of the things to help move it in the right direction. Cruciferous vegetables is really where DIM comes from. Again, it’s that relationship with plants that helps the estrogen so much. Absolutely. If we juiced a lot of green juices and things, that would be helpful, too. DIM is definitely one, and we sell DIM. D-I-M, if you’re wondering what we’re talking about.

Iodine – we talked a little bit about iodine. TMI is the one that we use, and it has the balance of iodide and iodine, which they work differently in different receptors. Yeah. No. Iodine plays a big role in hormones. So does selenium, which is in MORS, active selenium. Yeah, absolutely. To add to the core, absolutely, iodine, potentially DIM, so there you go.

If you’re listening and interested in any of these products, we have them online at RevelationHealth.com, or you can give us a call at 888-600-0642. We’re happy to give you some product support and assist you if you’re interested in those products. Awesome. We talked about the problems, and then we’ve talked a lot about he solutions.

Dr. Pompa:
Meredith –


Dr. Pompa:
I have to say this. Meredith’s been on the show a lot. She’s got great reviews. A lot of these shows’ ideas are Meredith’s ideas. She talks to many of you. Honestly, she talks to many of you, and she knows what you all want. If you have a show idea for us or something that you want us to address, research, somehow email Meredith. I don’t know the best way for them to get in touch with you, Meredith. She really brings a lot of the ideas. That’s why I like to bring her on. I’m sure you guys – we’ll bring Warren back on and David. You haven’t seen them in a while, and Phil Kaplan always loves to come on. We haven’t ditched those guys completely.

So many of these topics, Meredith, though, you really love, and I couldn’t imagine doing so many of these topics without you. When she has a great idea, I love bringing her on. I just got an email yesterday, maybe the day before – this week, I’ll say. “Meredith’s great, by the way. I love Meredith.” You got major thumbs up, so good stuff.

Oh, thank you all. I’m so grateful to be here with you and with all of you. I always learn so much during these shows, as well, and all of our listeners do, as well. If you have show ideas, you can definitely give me a call at 888-600-0642, or you can email me Meredith, M-E-R-E-D-I-T-H@DrPompa.com, D-R-Pompa.com. We’re happy to bring the topics on that you guys care about, so let us know. Those can be future shows. Awesome.

Dr. Pompa:
Thank you, Meredith. All right.

Thanks, everyone. Have a wonderful weekend, and we’ll see you next week.

82: Anti-Aging Strategies

Transcript of Episode 82: Anti-Aging Strategies

With Dr. Daniel Pompa

Episode 82, I hope you all are doing well. We have a great topic for you today. We’ve got Dr. Pompa here with us. So how are you doing, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, great. Hello, everybody. We’ve never wished them a happy Friday before. I like that, yeah, happy Friday. Yeah, it’s always Friday when we do this show, but we’ve never wished them a happy Friday. So you might’ve started something.

It was time. It was time. So happy Friday to all, and today, we’re going to be discussing anti-aging solutions and strategies. A topic that I know is important to so many of us as we age, and want to look better, and feel better, and really, live longer. To optimize our health and really enjoy all the time we have here. So it’s a really important topic. I’m really excited to bring you guys some really cutting-edge solutions and strategies that you can start implementing immediately today.

Dr. Pompa:

So we thought we would start off with discussing some of the top five things we feel are really aging you. And some of these things may surprise you, maybe not, but we had some really interesting information to back up why these things are aging you. So these top five things, I’ll guess we’ll just—we’ll jump right in. So the first issue that is causing rapid aging in a lot of Americans is, of course, the Standard American Diet. And Dr. Pompa, can you tell everyone why eating this typical diet is causing them to age faster than they actually should be?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Look, I mean, I could pick the Standard American Diet apart in a thousand ways, but the funny thing is is we just lost most of our viewers because nobody thinks they eat the Standard American Diet. I’ve come to that conclusion. However, let’s focus on what I believe is the obvious. I mean, there is something, even healthy people eating healthy diets, even the people if I followed them around Whole Foods and followed them in their life that I would see common in all of them, and that is they’re spiking their glucose and insulin levels. And look, I don’t know, half of the shows I say this. If you want to age faster than anybody, simply elevate or spike your insulin and glucose levels.

No, folks, what I’m saying is is that I don’t think that—I’m not talking to diabetics here. We know diabetics age very rapidly. They die of age related diseases. They die early. We get that. They don’t die of diabetes. It’s the oxidative process that literally ages them, and cause an increase in cancer, heart disease, and strokes, and go down the list. So we get that, but I’m not talking about that.

I’m talking about people that you go to your doctors. You run blood tests. You have normal glucose. What I’m talking about is spikes in glucose and insulin. Meaning it’s up. Then it’s back down. It’s up. Then it’s back down.

So this is the problem. Every time you spike your glucose and, therefore, insulin, both of these are very oxidative. Drive inflammation. And there’s something called AGEs, advanced glycation end-products. And you know what that is? That is basically the rust on the bumper. That’s, basically, when glucose meets certain proteins, it causes oxidation, and therefore, I’ll give you the protein.

Your skin, your skin has collagen, which is a protein, and every time you spike glucose, you’re creating this oxidative process throughout every tissue in your body. The one that we notice is our skin. So again, we see this, these people that are—their skin looks ten years older than they are, they are oxidizes. And I know there is a lot of talk about how sun oxidizes you, and believe me, I mean, too much sun can create oxidation. But let me back up, especially those who already have this AGEs process going on. So they’re the ones who then the extra sun creates even more oxidation. So it’s not just the sun.

Matter of fact, there was a great study showing that also when these people have fatty acids that are not right, they’re in the skin, right? So these fatty acid ratios are reflected in the skin, and then when sun hits that, it creates an oxidative process, same with glucose. So I think the sun has got a really bad wrap. But again, I think we can be in the sun way too many times, way too much, and I think that’s not going to be good. But sun is good for you. And we’re learning now, there was just another study out showing that the cancer rates are higher in areas that have less sun. So I mean, how do we give—there’s no correlation. So that’s a whole other topic for a different day. You better write that one down. Let’s do a whole topic on the sun, the misconceptions about sun and melanoma.

But it’s more to it than just the sun, and that’s the point I’m making. It is this oxidative process that certain other stressors can accelerate. The sun in itself doesn’t cause herpes viruses, right? However, the sun can cause a herpes virus to come out because there is a stress there. There’s some DNA, in our DNA, of a virus, and then that increase in stress brings it out, very similar thing here. So glucose spikes create oxidation of certain proteins. One of which is collagen, and it ages you prematurely.

And real fast, before I leave this topic completely, there’s also the aging of the brain. Glucose and insulin age the brain. Now, there is something called insulin-degrading enzyme, IDE, that we know has to get rid of—insulin is so dangerous to the brain that it has to get rid of it very quickly. It uses this insulin-degrading enzyme to get rid of insulin so it doesn’t age the brain. It doesn’t oxidize the brain. Well, the problem is this. Because people have insulin and glucose spikes so often and what’s happening is is we’re diminishing this IDE, this insulin-degrading enzyme, and here’s the problem. It’s the same enzyme responsible for getting rid of these tau plaques. These protein plaques that build up in the brain that we know are linked to dementia, Alzheimer’s.

So these tau proteins, these type of plaques that are building up in the brain are happening partly because of the insulin degrading this insulin-degrading enzyme or diminishing this enzyme and the same enzyme that gets rid of these plaques. And therefore, they’re building up, and therefore, the brain starts aging. So now we start memory loss. Our brain starts degenerating. These plaques start forming, and our skin is going because of the glucose and insulin. There you go. I’ve talked about aging your skin, and I’ve talked about aging your brain, developing amyloid tau proteins, these types of plaques in the brain. So amyloid plaque tau proteins are linked to Alzheimer’s, and we know it’s also linked to this enzyme in elevation of glucose and insulin.

Hmm, wow, and they even called Alzheimer’s Type 3 diabetes so diabetes of the brain. So just, another reason to prevent Alzheimer’s is to control your blood sugar.

Dr. Pompa:

And what are some of the worst offenders? I know most people know, okay, sugar. I’m going to avoid sugar, but grains cause a huge problem as well. And we’ve talked about this a lot, but just another reminder too.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely.

And those whole grains cause massive spikes in blood sugar.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, Bill Davis did it right in his book. He did us all a good thing. Not a disservice, a good service. Because he said, look, two pieces of whole grain bread are equal, as far as how much it raises blood glucose—and that’s what we’re talking about here, these glucose spikes, right? Two pieces of whole grain is the same as you drinking your soda, the Pepsi, the Coke, whatever it is, the soda. So it’s virtually the same as what it does to blood glucose. I’ll say it the same way. How about your bowl of oatmeal in the morning that you think is lowering your cholesterol about four points? How laughable is that. So we just, as a society, as a country, as a planet, we have evolved into a high-carbohydrate diet.

You know what’s so funny is when I do research on low-carbohydrate diets, that’s a high-carbohydrate diet when I look at it. I mean, they’re literally looking at 200 to above, often times, carbohydrates a day. I mean, come on. That’s a low-carbohydrate diet? So the studies that they’re doing on low-carbohydrate diets to me are a high-carbohydrate diet. So there’s one problem. I mean, it’s funny what we think is high-carb, low-carb in this country.

Look, we are a grain society. Everybody eats grains with every meal, and if this true, what Bill Davis says, that if two pieces of whole grain bread are equal to drinking a Coke, we’re all in deep trouble. And I have news for you. It’s true. I’ve tested it myself. You could pull up glycemic charts yourself and look in that bowl of oatmeal, in that—forget it. I’m not talking about white bread here or white pasta. I’m talking about whole grains raising glucose, causing glucose spikes. Do I believe that healthy humans can eat some whole grains in their diets and think—and get away—absolutely. But it’s what people are doing in day in, day out, every meal, glucose spike after glucose spike, and then let’s load them up with more toxins and other stressors that we’re going to talk about.

But look, we’re not as humans meant to eat the amount of carbohydrates that we’re eating. It’s just—it’s not just about processed food. It’s not just about fast food. This isn’t just about eating pasta. This is about the carbohydrate intake. All the drinks, come on. People coming out of Starbucks, I mean, we could ticket every one of them for massive amount—I guarantee you one of those things have more glucose, more carbohydrate in it, those coffee drinks that people are drinking in the morning, than I eat all dang day, right? It’s like—and they’re coming out of there. These are healthy people.

I would love to police Whole Foods, or Starbucks, or these places where healthy people go. I don’t know. And just watch how much glucose, how much carbohydrates these people are consuming in a day, how many glucose spikes. It’s remarkable, and I’m talking to healthy people. People who think they’re health right now that really are still violating what humans can do, how many glucose spikes they can tolerate before they start aging prematurely at the cellular level, so there.


Dr. Pompa:
This is a topic. Remember the seminar that I did? And this was with my doctor seminar. I said that the sugar glucose, increased carbohydrates in the human diet, is the 800-pound gorilla in the room. And remember Travis dressed up like a gorilla?

I do.

Dr. Pompa:
And he was in the back of the room. Yeah, so Travis, I don’t know if he’s anywhere in earshot right now, but that was probably one of his favorite moments and mine.

It’s true. It’s true. Something we do not think about, but it is aging us on a daily basis, all right, awesome, first one, Standard American Diet. Next we have overtraining. Now can you explain that, how that ages us?

Dr. Pompa:
But now that I’m picking on healthy people, I’m going for it, right? Let’s go for it.

Yeah, okay.

Dr. Pompa:
You chose that one next. I didn’t tell you to do that, but that’s perfect timing. Because I live in a place, a very unique place in Park City, Utah, that people are either three exercise people a day, two, or one. Okay? So, I mean, I look like nothing to them. I’m the average Joe here, right? I mean, this is the exercise capitol, the healthy capitol. I mean, really, there is a very healthy population here. You don’t see many people overweight.

It’s so funny because when I leave my little island up here in the mountain and I—in a different airport or somewhere, I am stunned. I keep thinking what’s happened in the last three years? People have gotten so much fatter. What is going on? And it’s because I moved to Park City. I just don’t see that here as much, so it is a healthier community. So I want to hold my community up and applaud them.

However, I see people constantly overaged-looking, thin, fit-looking, kind of, maybe, and yet, over—I can tell they’re overtraining. I can look at their hair, their face, their eyes, their nails. I can see overtraining a mile away. I’m telling you, it’s more common than you think. People do not rest. I am raising my children to understand that rest is best. That it’s you don’t get stronger in the workout. No, you get stronger how you recover. And people are constantly, constantly overtraining themselves.

The new thing, CrossFit, now, look, I think CrossFit can be done right if you’re not doing this high-intensity constantly. I just read a great article from one of the greatest cyclist trainers. And he said the average person, at best—now this is—I’m talking about someone who’s trained, right? The average trained person can do one high-intensity day a week and recover without having a diminishing return. Okay, now he wasn’t talking about anti-aging. He was talking about a diminishing return on performance, right?

When we first start exercising, you can do high-intensity every day, and you just get better, and then you hit this plateau, and then you get a return. And that’s what he was talking about. So we’re talking about—and that’s why people think high-intensity keeps working. Because in the beginning, they just keep getting stronger, and then it doesn’t work, and then they start going down. And he said one day a week for the average Joe. He says on somebody who’s very physically fit and, I would say, someone who does a lot more training, probably speaking to someone like myself, two, two train—high-intensity days a week. And that’s someone who’s really trained, really fit, eating well, sleeping at least eight or nine hours, two. And he says these high, high intense trained athletes, and probably most of them taking a lot of things that we don’t take that possibly are illegal, can do three at best, but they can’t do three for long. They have to do three in small blocks of training when they’re at their core—tip of their fitness.

So that just shows you how over trained people are with all the CrossFit, high-intensity, three days a week, four days a week even. It’s not happening. In the beginning it works, so you think it’s still working. But meanwhile, you’re aging yourself prematurely.

And how are we doing that? How does overtraining express that rapidly accelerating aging at the cellular level? How does that work?

Dr. Pompa:
Well, look, when we talked about even high-intensity training, right, we like burst training for anti-aging and here’s why. Because when you do high-intensity training, okay, then—and again, let’s talk about that. Because what’s happened now is, when you do high-intensity training, all the research shows that it raises up growth hormone, okay, which is really good. These are anabolic hormones that age us slowly. When we do endurance training, keeping our fat burning zone and burning fat like we’ve been taught for so many years, actually, growth hormones and anabolic hormones go down, and cortisol and other stress type of hormones rise. So we know that marathon runners age faster than sprinters.

Here’s the difference. We’ve talked about doing burst training, high-intensity three days a week, right? But we talk about doing it for ten minutes. You see the difference? So you get the growth hormone out, ten minutes, fifteen minutes at the most. Yes, you can do that three days a week, but we’re talking about people who are doing high-intensity training for an hour or more at a very, very high intensity, the body doesn’t recover from that. So the length of high-intensity training matters. You can get that growth hormone spike with a very short high-intensity spurt and recover. It’s a lot easier to recover from 15 minutes than an hour, an hour and a half, so it’s just you have to know when to go slow.

So that doesn’t mean you can’t do CrossFit four days a week, five days a week. You just have to go different intensities. You can’t go all out with that type of intensity every workout. So go, but just go at different intensities. Don’t go to where you’re completely exhausted every time. So at the cellular level, hormones with high-intensity rise, and with low-intensity in the heartrate, you get a drop in those. So we do want high-intensity, shorter times, less times. Make sure you recover in between. That’s key.

Yeah, and I love the example you give of visualizing a marathon runner versus a sprinter, totally different bodies. And often times, the sprinter does look a lot younger because, as you said, just the shift in hormones so really, really interesting and a good visual there too.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, and again, sprinters, a short sprint and those types of bursts you can recover from much easier than when your heartrate’s just up for that whole time in an hour class like it is in CrossFit. And again, there’s a difference of 90% of your maximum heartrate in70%. Seventy percent is still high-intensity, but it’s easier to recover from. And the gentleman wrote that in his article, how with these athletes, they have to vary the intensity. One thing when I cycled I always said is the mistake that most people made is they went out and rode the same intensity every time. Varying intensities is really important. Even when you’re up in the high intensity range, to get that growth hormone spike, vary your intensities, so that’s really, really important. But most often, rest. I always—I taught my son riding slower. Exercising slower actually makes you faster in the cycling world, so it just helps recovery.

Awesome, awesome, all right, so we’ve got the Standard American Diet, overtraining, and the next thing that is aging most people rapidly is toxins, a huge topic. Something we talk about a lot here, but how are toxins aging us rapidly? Talk about that.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, look, I mean, toxins make their way to the cell. We’ve talked about this in multiple shows. And then what happens at the cell is an oxidative process, and this oxidation creates a toxic cell. A toxic cell lowers cellular energy. A toxic cell starts to affect something in the cell that is our only biological clock that we know of. Matter of fact, I should probably draw this, but it’s called a telomere. So telomeres are in our cells, and they protect our chromosomes. Now, it’s the only biological clock that we know of, meaning that we can measure these telomeres. The shorter they get, they basically—the closer we are to death.

So here’s the point. Now let me—I should draw this because if I don’t draw it and I explain this, it’s very—kind of confusing. So let’s see if I can get over here with my board, which I threw in here at the last minute. Tell me if I need to move something because you have a better visual than I do. Am I in the shot? I guess…

You’re in the shot.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, now I’m not great at drawing telomeres. I’m just going to say that, all right. I’m not. I’m pretty darn good at drawing cells, but I go in the cell and start drawing these little nuances of the cell, look out. But I’m going to make this attempt anyway. Let’s see here. Already I’m pretty wonky on this. Uh-huh, wow, okay, that’s a telomere or that’s a chromosome. So it’s kind of butterfly-ish, but we’re going to run with this because we have it.

All right, so at the end of every chromosome, we have these things called telomeres. Okay? So this is where your DNA lives. Let’s talk about that. When they measure this, these chromosomes, they measure in something called bases. So that means that we draw these little lines across here, and these things would be called bases. So let’s just say that this is 100,000 bases across. I mean, we can make up different numbers. I’ve read different things, 100,000 to 300,000 bases in measurement across a chromosome, okay?

So these telomeres, when you are born—or no, back up. Upon conception, okay, these telomeres measure about 15,000 bases, okay, 15,000 bases. Okay? So that’s how—that’s their measurement from here to here. Now, when you’re born, these telomeres come out. When you come out of the womb, you’re down to 10,000. So what happens is is these telomeres get shorter every time cells divide. It’s a biological clock. It’s meant to happen that way. Does that make sense so far?


Dr. Pompa:
Every time the cells divide, they get shorter. Well, that’s a pretty big jump, especially considering we die at around 5,000 telomeres. So when your telomeres get around 5,000 in length, you’re close to death, and we die right around that. So wait a minute. We lost 5,000 before we entered the gate or left the gate. Why is that? Because so much cell division happens, right, in utero. So this is the magic zone that we live our lives in, between 10,000 and 5,000. So we can literally measure these telomeres and see how close you are.

So we call this your biological age. So you have your actual age, right? My actual age is 50, but my biological age is younger than that. So that’s a pretty neat thing to say, oh, I’m 20 years old, the biological cellular age versus my actual age. And we’ve done these tests on people. And the opposite, unfortunately, is true is they’re age 50, and yet, they have a 70-year-old telomere length, or cellular age is 70 years old.

So one of the things that we know of according to study is that when toxins enter the cell—so I’m going to draw the actual cell up here now. Of course, this telomere is very large. But when we go in the cell, in the nucleus, we have our nucleus. This is where our DNA is, our telomeres, the mitochondria, where we make energy, right? Well, when this cell, toxins enter into the cell, they start attaching to this inner mitochondrial membrane. Your ATP goes down, which is your cell energy. It causes brain fog. It causes us to not have enough energy. When the toxins come in and attach to this DNA, they start altering these telomeres, and you start getting a premature shortening of the telomere life because of the toxins entering this part of the cell. Well, also, glucose and insulin, which we’ve talked about is—also affects these telomere lines because of the oxidative process. So we know that toxins and glucose have a major effect on how short these telomeres get.

So this, we want to reverse this. So detoxing the cell is critical. I’m not talking about a colon cleanse here. I’m not talking about a liver cleanse. I’m not talking about the ten-day cleanse in your health food store. I’m talking about true cellular detox. Read the stinking article. Go to my articles. Go to my resources, and put in true cellular detox, and find that article and read it. Because the point is you have to get to the cell. That’s where true detox takes place. Everything else is downstream or doesn’t work.

So we have three components to true cellular detox. Number one is we’ve got to fix the cell. This is where my 5R’s comes into place. We start upregulating cell function via the 5R’s. Now we get a cell that can start clearing its own toxins. That’s key. The second component, though, is when that starts to happen, we want to make sure the downstream detox pathways are prepared for that, and that’s where things like colon cleanses and different things can—coffee enemas, that can help do that. But also, we have a strategy there as well as far as preparing those pathways like the gut, the liver, the kidneys, the lymph, etc.

The third component of true cellular detox is utilizing true binders. We’ve talked about cellular detox. There’s a product that—and I’ll put the whole word there. There’s a product that really truly grabs on as a binder and pulls things from the cell all the way out of the body. And it’s strong enough to do even a heavy metal. True binders are not Chlorella. True binders are not cilantro. True binders are not that package of little herbal pills that clear your colon, and give you what I call poopers.

True binders go into cell. Cyto actually crosses into the cell as well as clearing outside the cell to help assist these toxins getting out of the body. And then we even use true binders in the gut. So those three components make up true cellular detox. And there’s three phases. There’s a prep phase, body phase, brain phase. It’s all in the article.

But the point is this. We want to age slower. You’ve got to detox that cell. Toxins play a role, and toxins play a major role in aging us in many ways just because they slow down that cellular function. When you draw up ATP, you’re now aging and driving inflammation of your cell very rapidly, and your brain and how your brain works. So when we talked about aging brains, glucose and toxins, top of the list, right, top of the list, so that’s key. And when we talk about things that drive inflammation, Meredith, what do we talk about, toxins, right, elevated glucose, and bad fats. We could add bad fats to that list too. So there you have it. Toxins age you, bottom line. It affects your telomeres, the biological clock.

Mm-hmm, huge. And I think so many people don’t think about detoxing when they’re thinking about anti-aging. A lot of people just want to put on a cream. It’s not that simple, and you have to start at the cellular level to—and really clean out from the inside out so really, really important topic. I was just thinking too. If someone is interested in telomere testing, how would you go about that, or what type of test would you recommend?

Dr. Pompa:
There’s a few of them out there now. There’s one from SpectraCell that they do, and it’s become more popular and more accurate. So, yeah, I mean, it’s not a cheap test. I think it’s about $300 for the one that I mentioned there, but really neat because you can watch your telomeres also get better. And it’s not that you can—you can’t really—there’s a drug out there now called TA-65, and TA-65 has been shown to actually help telomere life. Because there’s something called telomerase. Telomerase is that little angel that flies in and replaces some of the telomere. But it supposedly increases telomerase.

Yeah, I think it’s a little early on the TA-65. Whether it’s good, whether it’s bad, I mean, I’ve read things, concerns, bad, good. So I’m going to stay neutral on this TA-65 conversation right now. But the things that we’re talking about on this show, look, it works. It slows down this rapid, basically, erosion of our telomeres. And that’s all we have to do. If we slow that down, the body can heal itself, so slows down aging.

Yeah, it’s so cool to have control over that. It’s really empowering. Awesome, all right, so we had diet overtraining, toxins, and next thing that is rapidly aging people is lack of sleep. Now probably not too surprising, but can you talk a little bit more about just how it’s not missing a night of sleep here and there, but just something that is more chronic which effects so many people, insomnia, and how that really, really ages and just the dangers of that, if you can talk about that.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, sleep is underrated. I mean, I should say this. Eight or nine hours of sleep is underrated. People think that they’re doing okay with their six, seven hours. Look, I mean, it’s not my opinion. I mean, there’s strong, strong evidence showing that those people who sleep even seven hours a night are aging prematurely compared to those that sleep eight or nine.


Dr. Pompa:
Yep, absolutely.

I am surprised to hear that.

Dr. Pompa:
Yep, so we talk about even that one hour. What does that mean? How about people sleeping six hours a night? What’s happening to those people? They’re missing recovery. It’s just like the overtraining concept. Everything is about recovery, and everything’s about sleep because sleep is where you go into your greatest recovery. That’s why people wake up inflamed in the morning because healing is occurring, right? So they wake up going, oh, I’m so stiff. Well, that was the healing that was occurring at night with the inflammation, so that’s where the magic happens. And of course, some people might be in bed for eight or nine hours, but the problem is are they getting into the deep sleep.

I wrote an article, Anxiety & Sleep. Read it. I give some advice in there on what to do to help your sleep, sleep deeper, some different combinations. It’s in the article, Anxiety & Sleep, so you don’t have to go over it here. But sleeping deeper is key, controlling cortisol, and in the article I talked about something that people can take before bed to try to load their cortisol and adrenaline so they do go into those deeper levels of sleep without having cortisol rises. A lot of people who can’t get to sleep, it’s because of elevated cortisol. They’re basically inverted, and that’s a hormonal thing, an adrenal thing. So you have to read the article there.

But some people wake up in the middle of the night because of an adrenal spike. And remember, that happened to me because of toxic issues. A lot of that is driven from the pituitary hypothalamus in the center of the brain, which it holds toxins. So most people that have chronic sleep problems, that’s a toxic brain issue. And that’s why they’re not sleeping deep enough, or they wake up and can’t get back to sleep or can’t get to sleep. So detox once again, but more specifically, brain detox.

So if you read the article, Anxiety & Sleep, you’ll see I lead it back to fixing the brain. How many clients do I deal with who had sleep problems, but it’s a few years after detoxing the brain, they’re sleeping solid. That’s the key. So you have to get upstream to the cell. But you have to get into the cell, the brain cells, and particularly the pituitary hypothalamus which controls your adrenal glands and your thyroid. That access controls cortisol levels.

Also, the pineal gland that sits outside of the blood brain barrier, that is affected by toxins. On autopsies, we find it loaded up with heavy metals. People that have heavy metals, their pineal gland is very affected by that. And therefore, that too, obviously, controls your sleep pattern so toxins with sleep, big deal, but we’ve got to get into deeper levels of sleep. We want to—we can give tips as far as making the room very dark. That helps with that pineal gland, getting that solid rhythm, reading before bed.


Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, not watching TV that can get you going, and some people can get away that. Other people can’t. But if you have a sleep problem, doing things that bring your body down, relaxing things, is obviously very important.

Mm-hmm, what about some of those bio hackers out there who claim to be able sleep for four or five hours a night, and stating that they’re going to have quality sleep versus someone that would need longer amounts of sleep? Do you think it’s possible to get quality sleep in four or five hours a night and for the body to have adequate recovery and rest in that amount of time?

Dr. Pompa:
No. I don’t. I don’t. I think that, no matter what, it’s going to catch up with you at the cellular level. I mean, again, when we look at the research on telomeres, we know sleep plays a big role there. Do I think that someone could sleep six hours and get better recovery than someone doing nine or ten because they’re not going into—absolutely. I mean, so there’s people who sleep nine or ten hours that literally wake up exhausted because they’re never hitting the deeper level of sleep, and that’s a toxic issue. It is. That’s a toxic issue.

So take that off the plate, and just talk about hours of sleep. No. I mean, we know that athletes need more. When we look at great athletes, Lance Armstrong used to take naps in the middle of the day, and they try to sleep at least nine or ten hours. Why? Why do they do that? Because of recovery, it’s all about recovery. Exercise is all about recovery. I’ll say it again. If you’re not recovering, you’re not getting better, or if you’re not recovering, you’re not getting stronger.

Mm-hmm, a really important concept, awesome. All right, so we’ve had diet, overtraining, toxins, and lack of sleep, or lack of good quality sleep. And the last one here is stress. Now you are referring to emotional stress in this case, right, for one of the factors that’s aging us?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, but we talk about—remember the body doesn’t know the difference of stress, physical, chemical, or emotional. And ironically, we talked about all of them. Didn’t we? We talked about exercising too much. The body doesn’t know the difference of stress. That can be a stressor. Exercise is a good stress if you adapt, if you recover, right? It’s a bad stress when you don’t, so it might as well be toxic, and then we talked about chemical stress, shortening telomeres, driving inflammation, right, so same as exercise.

And then, thirdly, is emotional stress. But let me back up and say it a different way. We all have stress. You can’t do anything about it, right? The key is is how you adapt to stress. As we just exited a conversation about the pituitary gland, how it controls your thyroid and your adrenals, that whole loop has to do with how you adapt.

When I was sick, I couldn’t adapt to even loud noise. That’s how I couldn’t adapt to even the smallest amounts of stress. A crying child would just send me into a flurry. I could not adapt to any stress. So what was it? Yeah, I know my adrenals were shot, but again, it was more upstream into my brain. I had a toxic brain. That’s really why I couldn’t adapt. So it’s not just the stress. It’s how we adapt to the stress.

So yes, people’s adrenals are exhausted from throwing down one stimulant after another all day long. All the physical and chemical stressors that they have in their life add up and become a perfect storm, right? That’s what I always say. How does disease start? It’s the perfect storm. It’s never just the emotional stress. No, it’s the emotional stress with the chronic chemical stressors that filled our buckets. And then we add physical stress to it? Forget about it. It’s this perfect storm of disaster where your body doesn’t adapt to any of it, and then the bottom falls off, or the bucket overflows.

Think about every one of us have a genetically different size bucket that holds stressors: chemical, emotional, physical. And once that bucket overflows, the symptoms start: the lack of sleep, the anxiety, the brain fog, I mean, the inability to lose weight. So that’s your bucket overflowing, your stress bucket. What do we have to do? We have to empty that stress bucket at the cellular level. So think about it. If there’s 50 trillion cells in the body, you have 50 trillion stress buckets. We’ve got to empty those stress buckets.

And now you can adapt to stress better, you see. I can adapt to a whole lot of stress. Warren will always tell you that, right? Pompa can deal with stress, man. He can deal with stress. Why? Because I have very healthy cells, bottom line. My stress bucket is very—it was one time very overflowing. Now my stress bucket is empty.

So it’s like taking two glasses, one half full and the other full, and stress them. The one full starts spilling over. That’s most people watching this, right? My stress bucket’s so full. Your glass is right there. I can shake mine much harder because it’s like this, right, so that it doesn’t spill over. It used to be where if I just breathed on it, it would spill over. We’ve got to empty our stress buckets, physical, chemical or emotional. Some of the emotional stuff you can’t change right now, so you’ve got to empty your toxic load out of those buckets. So that’s a good analogy, I hope, for people.

Mm-hmm, yeah, I love it. All right, so we’ve gone through these top five factors that are aging us rapidly, and since—okay, so we’ve got the issues. Now, of course, we’re going to bring you the solutions. So first one, going back to diet and just constantly spiking our blood sugar and our insulin with the Standard American Diet, what do you suggest as far as an anti-aging diet?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well, look, this is going to be real easy. The “Cellular Healing Diet,” right, I mean, get the book. Download the eBook, whatever you got to do. Hey, what about your gut healing smoothies, right? I mean, those help. I mean, those are low glycemic, control glucose and insulin, but yeah, I mean, that one’s an easy one.

Here, make it real simple. Just get grains out of your diet and sugar. Use stevia as a sweetener. There, simple. Let’s move on. Read the article. Read the book.

And I just want to interject too. What about the ketogenic diet and anti-aging? What are your thoughts on that?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No, no doubt. I mean, I use keto-adaptation as a tool. Diet variation, there’s an article everybody should read, right, how to move in and out of different diets. Not being locked in one. And how that actually causes growth hormone spikes, right, which is the anti-aging hormone. So moving from a cellular healing diet to a keto-adaptation diet where you’re forcing your cells to just burn fat. It’s a great point.

Because glucose, your cells can use two things for energy: glucose and fat, right? Well, glucose burns like wood in your fireplace. You need a chimney. It’s very smoky, and we have to chimney it out, right? Vent, ventilate it out. And if it doesn’t happen, everyone in the house dies, bad idea. That’s a toxic cell, right? Think of your house as the cell.

Or the natural gas on your stove. That burns like fat, very clean. You don’t need a chimney, all right? There’s no waste. So when you put someone in a keto-adaptive state, you’re forcing the cell to use fat. It burns cleaner energy; therefore, it drives less oxidative stress. So we use that as a tool to downregulate cellular inflammation.

And there’s actually proof that, when you burn the fat, you make something called ketones, which actually is anti-aging for the brain. It’s been used since the 1920s to fix brain conditions. But also, these ketones are known to turn on genes of longevity, like the Sirtuin-1 gene. So it actually can turn on good genes that make you live longer. So there’s more and more research showing that ketones turn off bad genes and turn on good genes, so there’s some good stuff there, so good call.

Yeah, really cool. Do you have any favorite anti-aging foods? I know you’ve talked a lot about just the importance of antioxidants in the diet, and just to know if you have any kind of foods you like to focus on to really bring a lot of antioxidants into your diet.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, I love the—all the foods that have all the healthy fats, right? I mean, I believe fats are the key to fixing the cell membrane, inner cell membrane, outer cell membrane, the nucleus membrane. I mean, those are key, so I love the fats. So again, you look at all the fats that we talk about, even cholesterol and saturated fat is key for anti-aging because those are key for the cell membrane. So grass-fed meats, grass-fed cheese, I mean, these things are amazing anti-aging foods that really aren’t held up as these anti-aging foods that they really are.

We hear a lot about fish oil, but just taking fish oil alone can actually throw you out of balance in your omega fats. So I’m not a big fish oil component. Eating fish, I’m all for clean fish. Eating grass-fed meat that has all these perfect balance of omega-3, omega-6s, all for it. So yes, we want these good healthy fats. We want them in balance, and that’s probably, I would say, the leading foods that most Americans need. I think there’s a lot about the antioxidant foods. I think about the fruits, berries.

Berries, right.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, blueberries, raspberries, we know there’s things in there, the proanthocyanidins, and these things we know also turn on good genes. And of course, your green vegetables have a lot of qualities to them. That’s why with people…


Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely, they raise things like glutathione, which is really important.

Awesome, colorful, high-fat diet, beautiful. All right, just one more question too. Talking about blood sugar, what are some good glucose numbers that someone should be aiming for if they’re measuring their blood sugar and really just want to have it under control for anti-aging purposes?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, 70’s and 80’s are where you want to be. After you eat a meal, no matter what, it should go up for a few hours after you eat the meal and come back down so some spike. But it’s these big spikes that are killing people. But yeah, I mean, when you look at a fasting glucose, we love to see people in the 70’s, low 80’s. HgbA1c, we want people that absolutely are below 5.4, so that’s really good quality numbers. HgbA1c looks at glucose over three months. So again, those are good anti-aging numbers to look at. CRP, C-reactive protein, I like people below .5, so I would say that’s optimal. At least under 1 but .5 on a CRP, that just shows inflammation. So those are just some numbers that you can look at.

Is that just in a typical blood test, or would you need to specifically requests those tests to get those numbers?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, typically you have to request those.

Mm-hmm, okay.

Dr. Pompa:
The glucose is always in a blood test.

Mm-hmm, something else I like to do to control blood sugar too is sometimes just throughout the day, if I’m feeling a little bit of a lull, I like to have some coconut oil with a little bit of cinnamon and some -inaudible-. It’s a snack. I think it’s such a great way to control blood sugar throughout the day without having to reach for a carbohydrate, and it just really keeps my energy steady throughout the day. So it’s another little trick too. I know you like to do it.

Dr. Pompa:
If there’s one person that eats more fat than me, it’s you.

I love fat.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you do, and I applaud you for that. Yeah, I mean, coconut, there’s another great anti-ager, right? Because it’s the medium-chain triglyceride that helps make us a fat burner. Those burn up very quickly. Help us be very efficient. They’re actually great for weight loss. But also, it’s good for your brain so very good, anti-aging fats. Good one. I missed that one. Perfect.

Awesome, great, so we had some—all right, diet suggestions. Next, we went over this exercise too versus the endurance training versus the high intermittent intensity training. Definitely, you promote the burst training for the anti-aging benefits. Anything else you wanted to add to that?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, short bursts are easier to recover from, and it raises growth hormone. So doing burst training three days a week for 10, 15 minutes with short burst, you’re going to recover. When you get into these long intensities drawn out, it takes a lot more to recover. So again, if you’re going to do that, great, once a week for most of you watching this. If you’re highly trained, go for it two times a week. But again, I do two times a week on a high-intensity like that for that length of time, but I often try to just do short bursts or mix up a lower intensity for longer, so mix up your intensities for sure. And we talked about that already.

It’s been up, and we have an article on that. It’s called Strategy #4: For Your Best Health Ever. And that’s on the website too to learn more about the benefits of burst training, so awesome. And we did. We went over some lifestyle factors too, increasing quality sleep and stress management, huge factors. And do you want to say any more about that?

Dr. Pompa:
I mean, I think we covered it. I mean, I think we covered even some solutions there, but read that sleep article, and ultimately, look to the brain. If you’re not a deep sleeper, you’ve got a toxic brain issue. Read True Cellular Detox, for sure.

Yeah, awesome, and finally, we’ll just close out too with some ideas for some products, some supplements. Other things you can add in along with diet and proper exercise, sleep management—or sleep and stress management that you can add in to really slow the aging down and the shortening of your telomeres. So any favorite products and some other kind of things that you would like to add in?

Dr. Pompa:
I pulled some, and you pulled some. So we’ll talk a little bit about it. When we talk about anti-aging, every woman out there wants to know what to put on their skin, so I did pull one. This is the only one that’s ever worked for me, okay, and it did. When I was sick, because of the oxidative stress, I got these age spots. I had one here that was very, very deep. I had a big one here that Warren and I always called Florida. It was like a little shape of Florida. He remembers that one, and I had another one over here.

Well, this product took it away. It’s called RENU, and it is based from this product here called ASEA. And this is redox. Yeah, so you picked that product. We both picked it out. ASEA, I drink orally. I drink this. I drink this to help me recover from exercise, and it’s proven to actually raise VO2 max, which helps you recover from exercise very rapidly and perform at a higher level. I love this stuff for multiple different conditions, and I use it on so many people.

And it’s a network. They put it out in a network, which is kind of a bummer just because it’s a little harder to get. But look, it’s a—the product works, so I use it. Like I said, this is one that I use daily myself. And this product really did. It’s that in the—where you put it on the outside, and it took those blemishes away. They developed it for wrinkling, and if you go to it—as a matter fact, to get the product, call Meredith. It’s the easiest way to do it because you can’t just buy it off our website, so call Meredith. She can tell you how to get both of these products, but I love them.

And redox, when you read the ingredients, you go, oh, sodium chloride. No, no, no. The redox molecules are in the base of sodium chloride, and that’s why it works. Redox molecules you need for cell-to-cell communication. You need for oxidation to control this oxidative process. This is an anti-aging drink. It really is. And this is the best darn—probably the only anti-aging thing—the product for skin that has ever worked for me. So there you go. That’s my two cents on that.

We talked about telomeres. MoRS, methylation is shown in studies to protect the telomeres. That’s the biological clock. MoRS is a methylation product. The most balanced methylation product on the planet that I know of. And how can you talk about anti-aging without talking about MoRS?

Well, and what is methylation for someone watching that doesn’t know what it is. Maybe you’ve never heard that word.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, read my R5 articles because R5 is reestablishing methylation. And you need methyl groups to turn on your stress adaptation mechanisms. You need these carbon and three I-beams to turn on that adaptation. Here’s the key. You also need them to turn them off. So a lot of people who have anxiety and they feel like they can’t come down, it’s because they’re lacking so much methylation because you need it to adapt to stress. Physical, chemical, or emotional stress depletes methylation, and once you become depleted, now you don’t detox the cell normally. You don’t adapt to stress normally, and you age prematurely, and you don’t get rid of toxic hormones. So it creates hormonal problems.

Read the article, very, very important. Toxic people deplete methylation and age prematurely. So that brings that why, again, do toxins cause aging, premature aging? It depletes methylation. So if you read R5 article, you’ll understand that more. But MoRS plays a big, big role in how to reestablish methylation.

Mm, huge, awesome. All right and speaking of the skin too, I pulled another little few other products here. I like these collagen products here because we hear a lot about collagen and its importance in our skin to maintain elasticity and to look young, and so we actually have it in a powdered form here. So can you talk a little bit about this and how it -inaudible-?

Dr. Pompa:
I take those. I take those to help me recover. So I add those to my smoothies and my drinks. And I alternate between those two products, and there’s even another one that I have. But, yeah, so it’s collagen. Collagen, we’re emulating what we get in bone stock. We’ve talked a lot about bone stock, right? There’s Type II collagen in there.

Well, there’s a simple way to just get some good collagen in your diet every day, and that collagen is what is that make up or the matrix of our skin, that protein that makes our skin look good and stay taunt, without wrinkles. So it’s very important, and when it oxidizes, that’s a really bad thing. But those are the building blocks that we need to make new collagen so very important. Good call.

Yeah, and I love to put them in my smoothies too. And if you get time, check out the eBook, “The Guide to Healing” eBook on drpompa.com. But all of these recipes include collagen and gelatin powder in the smoothies as well, which is not only a benefit to your gut but to your skin too. And one other product I pulled, which I know you really like for anti-aging is called ROX here. And can you talk about how this is helpful for anti-aging?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, ROX has resveratrol, right? I mean, resveratrol is known to turn on that certain one longevity gene that we talked about and others.

In fact, there’s resveratrol in the red wine, so that’s why I’m familiar.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, but that has a very active dose of it, which is key. But we know this about antioxidants. They work better in synergy with others. And that product has an amazing balance of perfect antioxidants that really target the cell, and that’s why I love that particular anti-aging product. I said anti-aging product. That particular cellular inflammation product, if you will. It’s an antioxidant. It’s groups of antioxidants that really have an effect on the cell. So yeah, I love that product.

Awesome, awesome, so some tools there. You can give me a call if you’re interested in learning more about those.

Dr. Pompa:
We have the anti-aging kit that has a lot of these things in it.

Oh, yes. And I did pull that here.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, and you’ll see there’s MoRS in there. Flip the body. There’s the kit, and then flip—yeah, there’s ROX. There’s MoRS, Vista. Vista is the cell membrane. That’s the fats that we were talking about. eNRG, I talked about how important ATP is with anti-aging and how toxins affect it. That’s why that’s in there.

And Spectra, over there on the right, that’s just the nutrients. That’s the cellular nutrients. That’s basically—it’s a multi-vitamin, if you will, of the cell. Those vitamins and minerals that are in Spectra are extracted from eight organic fruits and vegetables, so it’s really a whole food product. So really, yeah, it’s a great kit, awesome.

All right, awesome. Yeah, so if you’re interested in any of those, you can give us a call at 888-600-0642 or logon to revelationhealth.com, and you can check them out. And just looking at my notes, I did forget to bring up one thing, Dr. Pompa, for anti-aging, which I know you find to be so important, is fasting. And I do just want to mention that—if you can just talk a little about that. I know we’ve shared a lot about it, but it just too huge to not include in this show.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, how could you not talk about daily intermittent fasting? I mean, talk about growth hormone. Studies show men, a 2,000% increase. I mean, women, 1,300% increase in growth hormone, the anti-aging hormone. So I practice it, I mean, intermittent fast daily. I have for some years, and I’ll tell you, you’re going to have to read the article. We have an article on intermittent fasting. It’s in the five strategies, right?

Strategy #3.

Dr. Pompa:
Strategy #3, so if you put in it the Search bar, if you put intermittent fasting, strategy 3, maybe. I don’t know. I don’t know how to find it.

Go to Articles. It’ll pop up as a recent article, so yes.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, so read the article. I’m telling you, it’s like a miracle for anti-aging. I mean, it really works. I mean, again, you can look at the studies. You can read all about it, but when you experience it yourself, it’s pretty remarkable. So there you go. There’s the shell. It’s been an hour, so we better wrap it up. We could talk about it all day.

We could. All right, thanks, everyone. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I hope you got a lot value out of this show. I know I sure did. So thanks, Dr. Pompa, and we’ll see you guys next week. Take care.

Dr. Pompa:

81: Weight Loss Resistance

Transcript of Episode 81: Weight Loss Resistance

With Dr. Daniel Pompa

Episode 81. How you doing, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa:
Excellent, excellent. I’m standing today next to my board which I will pull over when I need it. You know you’re going to get a good teaching today when the board is here.

We do. I’m excited! Our topic today is Weight Loss Resistance. It’s a huge topic. I know a lot of you watching, and so many of us out there, struggle with our weight. I just put up some quick data from the CDC this morning and 35% of adults are obese—not even as overweight, obese.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s incredible.

Sixty-nine percent of adults are overweight. So many people struggling with being overweight, being obese, and even actively trying to lose weight and just not being able to get the scale to budge. It’s a really, really important topic and I know you have some answers and some solutions and explanation as to why this is happening for so many people, too. Why don’t we back up a little bit, if you can just explain what weight loss resistance is—the state of weight loss resistance—and why so many people are struggling with the inability to lose weight.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I mean simple definition it’s the inability to lose weight despite what you eat and how much you exercise. Do I have some people’s attention yet because I think that when we talk about weight loss, a lot of people think it’s just you’re a glutton, I just can’t stop eating. I remember years ago we marketed the fact that it’s not your fault. It was just a huge pull for people because that was it. People understood that, gosh, I just keep failing, and they beat themselves up—I just give in, I’m eating this way and then all of a sudden I just give in. That’s a hormonal issue. Really, it’s not your fault. It’s part of weight loss resistance. When we look at the hormones involved in why people can’t lose weight despite what they ate and how much they exercised, we realize that the inability to lose weight is more about hormones than what you eat and so there’s a reason for that that you’re going to get on this show. Meaning that you could eat the perfect diet—I know these people, it’s like I eat better than any one of my friends, I eat better than anyone in my house, and yet I still have this, right, or that area that they just can’t lose that extra 10, 20, 30, or even budge from where they are. There is an epidemic answer and it’s happening huge. It’s happening to more and more people.

Meredith, this wasn’t a problem until literally the last ten years that we’ve seen an explosion of weight loss resistance. An explosion—and there is a reason. The better part is there’s an answer. There is. I never, ever, thought I was going to be the weight loss expert out there and I still don’t want to be labeled as that. My goal in love is to get very sick people well with unexplainable illnesses. I love that. That’s what really cranks my clock because I was one. I’ve been called to that. However, how did this weight loss thing come about?

Most people that have neurotoxic illness or neurotoxins cannot lose weight regardless of what they do because it is, in fact, a hormone issue. That’s what people have to understand. There are hormones that make you fail on your diet, meaning it’s not your fault. You’re going along and you do great for a month. It really is, and I’ll explain why this is a cellular issue, but you fail. You cannot not eat the bread or whatever it is and you give in to it and there’s the people, Meredith, who are steady with their perfect diet all the time and don’t fail because they give in—because that’s one subset, that the other group is perfect all the time and still can’t lose weight. We’re going to have answers for both of those people on the show.

It’s so frustrating for so many people, too, I know, that say that they’re doing everything right, eating well, exercising, and still can’t lose those last 10-15 pounds, sometimes even more than that. You just see the frustration and it’s the lack of understanding. I think this answer’s going to be really important to hear for a lot of people.

Dr. Pompa:
I think when we talk about weight loss I always like to start here. It’s 180 degree concept, or a 180 degree solution, when we talk about weight loss. First of all, there are a lot of myths. I think one of the biggest myths is fat makes you fat. Something I always say is no, no, no, look, fat doesn’t make you fat; it’s the inability to burn your fat that’s the problem. That’s a hormone issue, so we’ve got to talk about that.

I think another myth is that we just cut our calories—you’re eating too much, you’re just a glutton, right? That has to be dealt with.

Finally, the third myth is you’re just lazy. You exercise more—just get your butt out there and exercise and run—no, no, no. These people who are weight loss resistance, they’re doing everything. I mean, do you ever see the aerobics’ instructor that still has about 20 to loose and she’s in there 6 classes a day? I mean, look, our government—

Eating a low-fat, low-calorie diet, too, on top of that.

Dr. Pompa:
What’s that?

Eating a low-fat, low-calorie diet on top of that.

Dr. Pompa:
There you go! Low-fat, low-calorie, exercise your butt off. If that worked, we’d be a skinny nation because we eat more low-fat, more low-calories—look at the calories on this verses the calories on that—and we exercise like mad people. It’s not working, folks! It’s not going to work because it’s not the problem. We don’t need—listen, I love exercise, but it’s the cherry on the top. You should be thin and lean and lose weight without even any exercise. Again, I love exercise, I think it’s very healthy, but let’s take it out of this equation. Please! Our government wants to think it’s about our kids are fat and obese because of the lack of exercise. Oh, hogwash! It’s bologna! Then we think it’s just all of these calories we’re eating. Hogwash! In my -inaudible- really the low-fat movement is still going despite volumes of literature showing that we actually need fat to lose fat. It’s remarkable to me! I get so frustrated, but it gives me a job. It gives me something to talk about that I still have to battle low-fat diets, low-calorie diets. Let’s pound the pavement outside, let’s bust those myths before we get in to the answer.

-inaudible- Yeah, love it. Low-calories—what the heck is going on with low-calorie diets? Does it work, that’s the question I’m always asked. Look, I can tell you right now, it works for about ten pounds. Guys out there maybe 20—it’s the 20, but you still have 40 more—so it doesn’t work long term. Anybody can cut calories and lose that initial five or ten pounds, but here’s the problem—eventually you need more and more and more caloric restriction. You have to bring it down because you lose that five or ten pounds and then you stop. Then what you have to do is you have to cut them again, and again, and again. All of a sudden, you’re down to 500-800 calories and the weight loss just stops because the lower you go in calories, the lower your metabolism goes, so you’re headed for failure, there’s a reason for that so that’s the point.

We can’t just keep cutting, cutting—the metabolism goes up and then we get skinny-fat. Your body starts to burn its muscle and it keeps its fat. Now you look like your scale weight goes down but you’re getting skinny-fat and, really, it looks worse. Caloric restriction does not work long-term. Every one of us have cut calories, probably, back in the day and go, yeah, but it works. Yeah, but not long-term and when you have only five or ten pounds, you kind of lose that, but then you lose muscle and you slow down, so it never, ever, ever really works. There is that—

Isn’t it—?

Dr. Pompa:
Go ahead.

Isn’t it true for a lot of people that have that skinny-fat they have fatty liver issues as well?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, a lot of people that have skinny-fat they say well, gosh, they think that they’re healthier because they’re not obese, but you’re right, typically they hold was what called a fatty liver. If you have a husband or wife out there that they can eat everything and they’re fine—not. Typically they’re the ones that have the heart attack, end up with the disease; the bottom falls out—because their liver gets fatty. You’re going to store that darn fat supply somewhere; it’s either in the liver or on your body. Genetics will determine that. Yeah, the fatty liver’s more dangerous than storing it around your waist, believe it or not. Yeah, nobody gets away with it. -inaudible- there goes the caloric thing. You know, you’re headed for trouble—eventually you’re going to break and give in, and then you end up more fatter—more fat, I should say. More fatter? I actually made two incorrect statements all in one phrase. You end up more fatter. You end up more fat because it’s the yo-yo thing. You end up going down, down, down, down, down, down. You end up skinny-fat with less muscle and then you can’t withstand it anymore and so you start eating the bad diet after a month of doing this and then brooom! You end up fatter with a lower metabolism. Ahh, it’s a disaster, it’s a disaster.

-inaudible- from you started often. I bet some people are thinking, too, what about the five to six many meals a day that seems to work for some people. What are your thoughts on that?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well, okay that brings me in to a very, very, important conversation because I’m always asked that. You know if you eat—I mean most trainers, most dieticians tell people to eat five to six meals a day. Just like a caloric restriction, Meredith, it actually works. There’s a reason why, but it works here and not here, so it doesn’t work long term because when you’re eating five to six meals a day, you don’t ever give your time to burn this, you see—because you’re always eating. It never goes and says okay I have to burn this. You and I, we take a lot of time in between meals, so therefore our body needs energy, it’s burning our fat and there’s a benefit to that.

Next week we’re going to talk about anti-aging. How to look amazing at 50 or 60 and beyond because there are some really amazing tricks to that that actually work and it’s not a serum, I can promise you. Anyway, the key is controlling glucose and insulin. That is very, very important. The only real way to do that, Meredith, is not eat and be an efficient fat-burner. The problem is—here’s the problem—I’ve got to bring the board in to this part of the conversation as we talk about meals. I’m going to tip this down, I’m going to bring you all over here, I think we can see—yeah, it’s perfect, okay. My head’s a little cut-off. I guess I could give myself a little bit of breathing room. Okay, I have said this again and again and again. It’s about the cell. This is the key. You know you don’t feel well; you don’t get well until you what, Meredith?

Fix the cell.

Dr. Pompa:
Fix the cell. You won’t lose weight until you fix the cell, either, so let’s talk about that. Here’s the thing—let’s start right here. Your cells can only use two things for energy, sugar or fat. If you’re at home, write it down. I’m not going to teach you bio-chemistry but I want you to know that simple fact, that the cell can only use two things for energy, sugar or fat. Very healthy people that can stay lean their whole life and feel good with lasting energy and sleep well; they have the ability to burn fat or sugar. Fat or sugar. Most American’s, Meredith, are stuck as sugar-burners, meaning that they have the hormonal ability to only burn sugar. They don’t have the hormonal ability to utilize fat as energy. This explains why all diets fail. This explains why you get the cravings and you can’t control them. It also explains why people just stop losing weight and can’t lose anymore because here’s the deal—when our cells can burn sugar or fat, when you don’t have sugar then what are your cells going to use for energy? Fat, right?


Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. When you don’t have glucose—so if I’m not eating, my body goes in to the ability to burn my fat that’s all around my body and the cell uses this energy. It’s a cleaner burning energy. It ages you slow. We’ll talk about that next week. When you don’t have the hormonal ability to burn fat, then your body needs to only, it can only use sugar. Why is that a problem? Here’s why. You’re going to either get a craving you can’t resist or your body’s going to eat your muscle and lower your metabolism.

For example, you’re going along your day and your body needs energy, but it can only burn sugar. Hormonally, it can’t burn fat. It doesn’t want to waste and cannibalize its muscle because it needs it—fight or flight—it always wants to survive. What it does is it says, “Meredith, eat carbohydrates. We need sugar.” Therefore, you get this irresistible craving for bread, sugar, cake, whatever it is, or simply just to eat—which it knows you eat carbohydrates because it wants to get sugar. It can’t burn its fat around its body. Eating five meals a day keeps you from burning your muscle, so therefore your metabolism stays up and it works, but the problem is you never tap into your fat. It’s a bad idea, so long-term, no good.

The key then is if we can get our cells hormonally to burn fat now when you’re not eating, your body goes, “Oh, we have all this fat. Let’s start to burn it, metabolize it.” Now you have lasting energy and you’re what? You’re getting naturally thinner. When you're not eating, you don't get cravings, by the way. You go, “Oh, geez, I haven't eaten in eight hours.” You're not hungry because your body's been eating for eight hours, keeping its glucose levels perfect. That's not what happens to most Americans.

What happens to most Americans is they get the craving they can't resist. I told you it wasn't your fault; that's a hormone problem. Let me explain what happens there. Do you have any questions? Did I explain that well? Does that make sense?

Oh, I think it makes great sense, and I've got some other things to add, but I think this is going to be important to draw out why people -inaudible-.

Dr. Pompa:
Let me just give one example. If you look at a diabetic, a type-2 diabetic that has a lot of insulin but they can't use it. They're not getting the glucose in the cell, because that's what insulin does. It shuttles sugar into the cell. They have their highest glucose levels typically in the morning, and people say, “Why is that? I haven't eaten for 10 hours, 13 hours. Why is my glucose highest in the morning?” I always say, you ate all night long. Because of your inability to burn fat and utilize fat at the cell for energy, your body will take muscle through the night, and it'll burn the muscle into sugar, or it will dump your stored sugar. Either way, it's bad. Therefore, you wake up with this high glucose level.

Now, if your body had a hormonal ability to burn fat at night, you would wake up with a normal glucose. At night, you do need a lot of energy and your body burns fat. Americans, we always wake up in the morning and we look leaner, literally. We burn that little bit of fat because we haven't eaten for many hours. With that, you have to get the cell to burn fat, so let's talk about that and then we'll add it.

Okay, so I've always said that the key to all hormone problems is these receptors to the hormone. We've talked a lot about thyroid hormone, which has a lot to do with your ability to—your cell to use fat for energy. We talked a little bit about a hormone called leptin that controls your appetite and indirectly, your body's ability to burn fat, and insulin, which is also—when insulin is up, your body stores fat or burns fat. These guys have a lot to do with your body's ability – these are the fat-burning hormones, if you will. These hormones somehow, directly, indirectly, signal your brain to burn fat or store fat, to eat, not to eat.

This is all controlled by hormones. There's probably others, as well; of course there are, but let's focus on these. These hormones have to attach to these receptors, like insulin, and once it does, then the hormone does its job. Then insulin can bring the glucose into the cell, and then it can be burned for energy. When that doesn't work, when these receptors to insulin don't work right or get blunted—and we always say that blunting happens from inflammation. Remind me—ask me the major cause of that, because that's important, but inflammation of the cell, which we hear all these things about inflammation causes cancer, causes diabetes, causes this, causes that. We're talking about cellular inflammation that blunts these antennas, these receptors to the hormones.

Now insulin can't get the message in. Now glucose builds up outside the cell. So does insulin. That ages you prematurely and drives more inflammation. When insulin and glucose go up out here, you get fat. That's not good. Leptin is another hormone that when it binds to the receptor, it shuts off the hunger. It makes you satisfied, and it indirectly kicks in your body to burn fat, which ultimately also shuts down the hunger and the desire for food. It kicks in this metabolism. You feel good because you're burning your fat. This is another really important hormone but again, when inflammation blunts those receptors, now you can't hear the hormone. Now you start to not burn fat for energy. You simply can't control your hunger often times, right?

This is the key. If we can get the cell to listen to these hormones—and of course, we get—talk the same about thyroid hormone. If we could get ourselves hearing these hormones better—and that means we have to reduce inflammation, get these receptors working again. Now they get their message into the cell, and now you can become and efficient fat-burner again. Therefore, now Meredith, when you're not eating, you're burning fat.

Now when your body wants to efficiently get energy, it can utilize your fat supply. It won't touch your muscle; your metabolism stays up; no more skinny fat. Consistent energy through the day; no more brain fog. The key, though, is you have to get yourself hearing these fat hormones, if you will; these hormones that regulate metabolism, eating food, your desire to eat, not to eat, and fat-burning itself. The key is we have to reduce the cellular inflammation and get these receptors working again.

Now, I want to make one comment, and then I want you to ask me some questions that those people watching would ask. The key is – the key to weight loss and hormone problems is to get these receptors working here in the hormones because I said that weight loss has more to do with hormones than it does even with the food that you eat. We want to reduce inflammation, and we can talk about that, but we want to get these receptors working.

I said that you need fat to burn fat. Well, these hormone receptors ride on something that's called a lipid raft. That is a raft made of fat. The two fats that are most responsible for stabilizing this hormone receptor to make it work are cholesterol and saturated fat, the two fats.

Oh, no, cholesterol and saturated fat!

Dr. Pompa:
Those're the two fats that're just vilified They are the bad guys. Again, our government says, “Stay away from these fats.” Well, meanwhile, they're the very fats that people who struggle to lose weight need, but here's the problem You have to be able to break these fats down, utilize these fats and when you do, we can start to get this receptor to the hormone healthy. We need these fats.

Now, low-fat diets do not work. It's not my opinion; it's fact. Low-fat diets do not work. The key is we need these fats to get the hormone receptors working, so we need fat to burn fat. We need fat to fix these hormone receptors, and we need fat to get ourselves to become efficient fat-burners. It's a hormone problem. It's at the cell. The fats that they're telling us to stay away from are the very fats that we need; has nothing to do with calories, and has everything to do with hormones.

Meredith, I don't eat a lot of food. I eat very nutritious, dense foods. My body tells me when to stop eating. When I'm not eating, I'm burning fat. That's because my cells hear the hormones. This is the key to feeling good, your brain to work better. This is the key to staying lean and healthy without a fatty liver. Right there.

Okay, hopefully, you can ask me some questions.

Yeah, 180 concept; eat fat to lose fat. Write that down. Just to back up a little bit, too, you said that inflammation is blunting these hormone receptors on our cell so that these hormones aren't communicating to—for our cells to burn fat. What's causing this inflammation in the first place?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I give three major causes. First of all, right now, people are eating a lot of a particular fat that, ironically enough, our government says is a good one; it's not. It's vegetable oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are very vulnerable to heat and any type of denaturing. They denature; they become a rancid, toxic fat. I think we all remember—we at least understand the damages of these man-made fats like hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated oils. Trans fats is probably a better word that most people—because things say, “Trans fats-free,” and this and that.

Great. We've got those fats out of most foods today because they don't market well. People don't want them. They don't even know why they're bad, necessarily. They're bad because they come in and they stick to your cell membrane. Fat attracts fat. This membrane is made of fat, by the way. That's why it's so important to eat good fats. Those fats come in. They attach to the membrane. We'll make them as circles. What happens is they drive inflammation. They blunt those hormone receptors. They cause hormone resistance. Ultimately, whether it's diabetes where you can't hear the hormone insulation; whether it's hypothyroid, we can't cure the hormone thyroid, a thyroid hormone, T3, or whether it's leptin resistance, which has a direct effect on your body's ability to get rid of fat and use fat and even your appetite That is key that we understand that these fats, these bad fats come in, and they drive the inflammation, blunt those receptors.

The big one, though, that people are eating today and they don't realize how bad it is is vegetable oils. As a matter of fact, I always say this. I have no problem with vegetable oils in vegetables, very healthy, very -inaudible-. Doesn't drive cellular inflammation. Pulling vegetable oil out of the vegetable and now put it in potato chips, bread, cookies, everything that kids are doing today. Of course, now we're eating rancid oil, just like the hydrogenated trans fats that come in, that come into the cell, and they drive inflammation.

That's the link to diabetes. Again, once something in government gets going, it's almost impossible to pull it back. They're saying low fat is good, and eat vegetable oils. Exact opposite of what studies show. There's many studies out there, studies in multiple different universities, Harvard and on, that show that fats like saturated fat actually fix and improve hormone resistance; go figure. Fats like vegetable oils are the culprits driving hormone resistance, whether it's your thyroid problem or your diabetes insulin problem, or just the inability to lose weight. Stay away from vegetable oils. Start eating more of these healthy saturated fats from grass-fed animals, not regular meat in stores. Those create bad fats when cows eat grain. We've talked enough about that in the past; we don't have to get into it. We want good, solid fats.

Again, Meredith, we've done more articles and more shows on what those fats are. In the “Cellular Healing Guide” book, we list all the good fats in the “Cellular Healing Guide” book. They're there; even the fats to cook with. Often times, people take a good fat, like olive oil, overheat it, and now it becomes a rancid fat that can also drive inflammation. Butter, such a great fat that fixes the cell membrane, real grass-fed butter, like Kerry Gold you can buy in most stores now. That's a great fat that helps these receptors. You brown it and it starts to smoke, you made a bad fat or a good fat bad. Now that, too, can drive oxidation of this membrane.

It's in the book. I don't remember the page. It used to be Page 19, but maybe it's something else now. Those fats are in the book, Meredith, and you can probably talk about—you can probably point them to some articles to know which fats are safe and which ones aren't. It's not the ones that you think, folks. It's not the fats you think

Yeah. Eat Fat, Lose Fat article that we posted a couple months ago on DrPompa.com lists some of the good fats to cook with. My favorite high heat fat to cook with is avocado oil. It actually has a smoke point, I think, of—it's over 500 degrees. From my research, that is—seems like it's the best high heat cooking oil, and I like coconut oil a lot for higher heat, moderate heat, about 350 degrees or so cooking, too. Those are two really good ones for high heat cooking. Any saturated fat, like a grass-fed beef, any fat that's solid at room temperature is going to be better for high heat cooking because it's stable.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, saturated fats are stable, right? Exactly. Polyunsaturated fats like vegetable oils, canola oils, they are not stable. They're rancid oils that drive inflammation. That's one, just to keep with the show here. You need fat, the right fats, to fix these receptors, to help fix the cell membrane. Those are the building blocks that we need to—for hormone problems, and those are the fats that people are staying—are being told to stay away from. There's good cholesterol unsaturated fats. Butter is not bad. There's another 180 degree myth. Butter is very good; just don't overheat it. Olive oil is great, too. Again, we're not here to talk about every fat; you can look at our materials to get that.

Let's talk about—we talked about raising glucose and insulin Every time you spike glucose and insulin, you drive this inflammation big time. It ages you prematurely. That's why diabetics, they don't die from diabetes. They die from heart disease, strokes, elevation of cancer. Why? Because spikes in glucose and insulin, despite taking your medication, despite—every time it spikes, it drives inflammation of the cell. Ages you prematurely

-inaudible- too many diabetics.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so the diabetics, they have—they literally eat—they have neuropathies. Their nerves—because the elevation of glucose and insulin, their nerves start to decay. Their nerves inflame, the cells in the nerves. Of course, they end up with major problems from that.

If you want to age faster than anybody that you know, simply elevate glucose and insulin You will oxidize these membranes. You will drive hormone problems. That's why diabetics end up with thyroid conditions and vice-versa. That's why they end up with weight problems or fatty livers. That rising glucose and insulin drives inflammation and it blunts these receptors to the hormones. Remember, I have to always say this. The answer to these hormone epidemic, whether it's thyroid, diabetes, testosterone, estrogen, it's not getting more hormones.

Now the answer is getting the cell to hear the hormones. Therefore, that is fixing this inflammation problem. We start with getting rid of the main things that we know drive it; the bad fats we just mentioned. We have to control glucose and insulin. Meredith, the five strategies articles—we could call that the five strategies for weight loss resistance Number one, control glucose and insulin. We give you ideas in that article to do that. The Cellular Healing Diet does that. Sometimes, we have to put people in keto-adaptation, which is an advanced cellular healing diet. We've written articles about keto-adaptation. When you get these guys in control, then now you're aging slower. We're going to build on that next week.

I have to say that the key to that, though, is we have to get your cells utilizing fat because that normalizes your glucose. That's very, very important point to make. We don't want to spike these guys to drive inflammation, and third, just to finish this off of the three major things that drive inflammation—this is the big one. This is the big one that's driving, I believe, the epidemic that we've seen in the last ten years. I'll mark these guys with big Xs. These Xs are toxins. Toxins make their way to the fat membrane, and toxins are driving inflammation like nobody's business.

If you're somebody out there that struggles to lose weight, there is no doubt in my mind that despite what you do, it does not matter. If you're the classic weight loss-resistant person, toxins is the issue. This is the hidden epidemic. This is what's blunting the hormone receptors. This is what's driving brain fog, lack of energy. If you have a lack of energy, it's because your cells aren't making the energy called ATP. That's the gasoline.

See, we have lasting energy because our bodies burn fat when it burns energy when we make ATP for our fat. We have consistent energy day in, day out, all day long. We sleep well. We have good brain function because it needs ATP for your brain to work. Most people are surviving on glucose only, the hormonal inability, because of this: to utilize their fat and therefore, they're up and down with their brain working, can't burn their fat. They don't have steady energy. This is the epidemic We have to get the cell hearing these hormones, become an efficient fat-burner.

Now you forget to eat because your body's utilizing fat. Now your glucose and insulin levels are controlled all day long. You're living longer without inflammation, feeling better. That's it.

Yeah, wow.

Dr. Pompa:
I probably got you going with more questions.

You do, yes. So the three things that are really driving this hormone dis-regulation, which is—which leads to the weight loss resistance, just to review, are bad fats. Controlling blood sugar is key to -inaudible- the inflammation, but toxicity, this toxicity issue is driving all of this hormone dis-regulation. We ideally, then, once you decrease all this inflammation, fix our cell membranes, and then shift over into fat-burning mode. People are probably wondering what is this fat-burning mode we're speaking of? Ketosis -inaudible- to this podcast who are watching us. Can you just explain that, give a little bit of an overview in how to shift over into the fat-burning mode so your cells can start to burn fat instead of just relying on glucose for energy?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, I think we do have some strategies. Matter of fact, the Five Strategies article. I think that people are going to get a lot of great information from those articles. I guess if they just go to articles and put in Five Strategies, it'll—would it come up if they did that in the search bar in there in my articles?

Yep, at DrPompa.com, if you are on the home page, you can just click on Articles, and there's some of the most recent articles. They're, The Top Five Strategies for Your Best Health, and these are Dr. Pompa's five strategies to get to where you want to get with your health, and also they're amazing strategies for breaking out of weight loss resistance. You'll find those under the Articles tab. That'll take you to the page where you can read all the articles.

Dr. Pompa:
One of the things we talk about in there is diet variation and how varying your diet really gets your body hormonally to become more sensitive. Your body drives hormones like growth hormone, and testosterone, and these anabolic hormones that keep us in a better fat-burning mode. Also, it down-regulates inflammation.

Read the article Diet Variation. We also talked about intermittent fasting and how we utilize intermittent fasts to become more efficient fat-burner. Again, when you look at the studies on intermittent fasting, yes, it raises growth hormones, which helps the sensitivity of the cell membrane to become more sensitive to hormones, but that's what it shows. It shows that the cells becomes more sensitive to hormones. Therefore, we can start to become more efficient fat burners.

I think that some people, before they do some daily intermittent fasting, which we talk about in that article, I think they need to do some detox first often times. That's a really important thing that I'd like to talk about next. The last strategy in that five series is true cellular detox. Notice I said cellular detox. That's the key. I think that I can explain that system, and why that works for weight loss, and how that applies to fixing the cell.

Let's talk a little bit about that strategy. I do want to encourage you. We've done so many shows on these other topics, like intermittent fasting, which I think is an amazing strategy to become more of an efficient fat burner and also the Diet Variation. Please read those articles. I'll talk a little bit about this detox thing because I do believe—I'm going to have trouble getting this out there; I can just tell.

Okay, there we go. That's tight. Wow, ignore this little thing. Okay, so let's talk about we said that the cell is the key, right? Up here, we want to get the cell functioning to fix the cell. There's my five Rs, which really is the road map to how to fix a cell. Again, if we're going to get efficient fat burners, we have to fix the cell, and we're talking about detox here.

The problem is so many toxins shut down the cell function, and now the cell can't get rid of toxins. That's a big issue, too, because in every cell is a nucleus. It has our DNA in it. We all have certain DNA that's good and bad that we got from Mom and Dad. When the cell starts to build up toxins, we can actually trigger and turn on those obesity genes or those inability to lose weight genes, if you will.

The good news is some science shows we can also turn them off. That's part of my five Rs, if you haven't read those articles. Read them because that really is the understanding of how we can get the cell functioning and actually turn off these bad genes that we don't like, whether it's a thyroid condition we're expressing, diabetes. We get these susceptibilities from our parents, but just because you have—

I have three, Meredith, of the four obesity genes, me; three of the four obesity genes. Obviously, it's not triggered, but I could easily trigger that gene. At one point in my life, I was very skinny fat. I get it. When I was sick, I get even more skinny fat. I was losing muscle and just could not burn my fat around my waist. For someone who's thin, it looks even worse than those roly-polys. To me, the skinny fat's even worse; maybe because I am one. I have the ability to be one.

When that gene gets turned on, we get dim. We have to turn it off. The five Rs is really about fixing the cell. Then we have the ability to turn off those genes that have been triggered. We want to fix the cell Obviously, we want to fix the membrane. R number two is regenerating the cell membrane. R number three is restoring cellular energy, and R four is reducing inflammation. Really, R five is reestablishing methylation, which plays into turning off bad genes.

R number one is removing the source. We have to do it at the cell. Once we get the cell functioning, now we can start to dump toxins from the cell. Most of those toxins make their way to our downstream detox pathways like our liver. Once it goes into the liver, it has to be processed. Then it typically—then makes its way to the intestines. If that's the liver, then we can also—we bring some to our kidneys. I always call these my bananas because I don't know how to draw kidneys. I don't know who does. We can draw our skin, our lymphatic. There's other detox pathways, but this is the main way the body removes toxins.

True cellular detox, there's three components. Number one, we have to get the cell working because that's it. We have to go all the way upstream to here whereas most detoxes, whether it's a colon cleanse, a liver cleanse, they're down here. They're not up here. Those things are great because the second component to true cellular detox is opening up detox pathways. We want the gut to be healed. A lot of our intermittent fasting and ancient healing helps heal the gut. We want these pathways to open up so there's nothing wrong with a colon cleanse or the ten-day liver cleanse, if you will, but it's down here. It's not here.

Part of the second component is opening up these detox pathways, getting the cellular detox pathways open. Then the third component is using true binder—I'll say true because most herbal things, and binders, and detox products that people buy out there, including corella, cilantro, they don't work. Sometimes, they can even make you worse because they're very weak binders.

True binders have—they grab onto these toxins and help this whole system. It escorts it out of the body very well. We've talked about the new cellular detox product that we use. We've talked about things like DMSA that is very—people can't get anymore because the FDA—true binders. We've talked about -inaudible-acid and these true binders. They're all in my articles. I wrote the article True Cellular Detox. You can learn more about this.

The point that I want you to get here for the sake of time is this: the ten-day cleanse that you buy in your health food store, the colon cleanse that you get who knows where, it's way down here; the products, the milk thistle—you go through the list, it's down here. We have to get it coming from the cell, the five Rs, getting the cell function going, removing the toxins out, and then keeping it moving out.

A lot of people would dump the toxins in their gut, Meredith, and they'd reabsorb it back into the liver. Then they reabsorb it back into the blood stream. This is why I call this true cellular detox because you have to get to the cell to get well. Now once we start getting the cells detoxing themselves, that's the magic. Then the exposures that you brought into—because we can't stop it. It's impossible. Now your cells' getting rid of it naturally. You're not turning on bad genes. More importantly, you're not driving inflammation of the membrane and blunting the hormone receptors.

Once we can remove—start to remove these toxins from the cell and out of the body, now what happens is the cell can start hearing the hormones again, and that's the key The analogy I always love to give—everybody's taking more hormones, and it works a little bit in the beginning. You feel a little bit better, whether it's estrogen, testosterone, any hormone, thyroid hormone, but eventually it's like shouting at our kids. In the beginning when you yell loud, that's giving more hormones. It works. The kids listen. Eventually, they stop hearing you. You either have to yell louder, which makes them even more deaf to your words, you eventually you start whispering and they start listening more.

That's what we want to do with our cell. Once we fix the cell, get the cell detoxing itself, this is where the health comes from. This is how you fix hormone conditions. This is how you get to be an efficient fat-burner. If you don't deal with this toxic epidemic at the cellular level, you're never, ever, ever going to get to be that efficient fat-burner, I don't care how many hormones you take.

Thyroid hormone? People say, “Yeah, I take my medication my doctor gives me, a thyroid hormone. My blood work gets better, but I still don't feel well.” You can take more of a hormone, but these receptors are getting more and more blunted. You're not getting to the cause. Ask your doctor, “Why are my hormone receptors not hearing the hormone? Why is my blood work still look better when I take the hormone, but I still don't feel well?” That's because they're not doing anything for your cell.

Detoxing the cell is the number one way to really become that efficient fat-burner. This is the toxins that we're introduced to in our beauty supplies, personal care products, the food that we're eating, the vaccinations, the yearly flu shots. These are neurotoxins. They're driving this epidemic of cellular inflammation. We've got to deal with the cause. There's no downstream solutions of special herbs, all these things that people want to take. We have to get upstream to this. This is real detox. This is the real answer to why people don't feel well and why people can't lose weight.

I know it's a lot, but Meredith, you probably have some questions, I hope, because that means they have questions.

Yeah, well, I just think it's so profound, too, to make a statement because so many people that want to lose weight don't think that toxicity is an issue. They just think they can change their diet and start exercising a lot and lose weight, but when you bring in a concept of true cellular detox and telling—and sharing information that if you don't get to the cell to fix your cells, you're never going to be able to lose weight, people then start to get it. I think for so many people, there's such a disconnect between their weight and the toxicity. I think that's just really profound.

I also wanted to talk about exercise, too, since that's something we've skirted around, haven't really delved into that, and that is one of the five strategies that we discuss in these articles, along with controlling blood glucose, diet variation, intermittent fasting, and the true cellular detox, which you just talked about. I think it's also a key component to this. Can you speak a little bit about exercise and the right way to do it and the wrong way to do it?

Dr. Pompa:
We look at—look, I think endurance exercise is great. I think that high-intensity exercise is great. I think there're benefits to both. However, for weight loss, there's one that works much better, and that's the high-intensity. We know from studies that people that go out and do the running and they just run, or the aerobics class, or—and they keep their heart in that fat-burning zone—do you burn more fat when you're in that mild, moderate heart rate? Yes. When you're exercising in that fat-burning zone, you burn more fat during exercise, but only when you're exercising for that 30 minutes to an hour.

After that, studies show the opposite happen. Studies show you actually start to—hormones for weight loss actually go down, the important anabolic hormones that we need to actually go lower, and cortisol, and some of these other hormones start to rise and put us into more of a fat-storing mode instead of a fat-burning mode after the exercise is done. Yes, you burn more fat during, but the problem is you have—people have a tendency to burn more muscle after endurance exercise because of the hormones that either get stimulated or not. Endurance exercise is not great for people who are struggling to lose weight.

Now, the opposite—studies show that high-intensity exercise raises growth hormone, raises anabolic hormones, and makes your membrane more sensitive to other hormones. That's a great thing for people who are struggling to lose weight. I said that you should be able to lose weight without exercise, so exercise is the cherry on the top. If you're going to do it, do the right one if you're struggling to lose weight. That is the high-intensity.

By the way, when you're doing high-intensity exercise, which we like to call burst training—and I've done articles on that. It's one of the strategy articles. What happens is you don't burn any fat at all. You actually burn stored sugar. Here's the magic: everything with weight loss is about adaptation and survival. What happens is your body says, “Uh oh, we have no stored energy.” What it does is for the next 24 to 36 hours, next day or two, it becomes this hormonally efficient fat-burner, and it starts to burn your fat to replace the glycogen.

Hormonally, a shift takes place with high-intensity training that works for the advantage of those struggling to lose weight. We want to do high-intensity, and a day in between high-intensity actually works better for people struggling to lose weight.

Read the articles; they're there. Just note this, for this show's sake: that there is an exercise that will assist you. You should be able to lose weight without it, but that is the cherry on the top, but do the right exercise if you struggle to lose weight. Get into high-intensity exercise. That makes the hormones go in the right direction and more sensitive to those hormones, and that's key.

Yeah, people still just on a treadmill for an hour running. A lot of them on the treadmills running these long distances, and even marathons, and there are still a lot of people who exercise for long periods of time that are very overweight, so just a huge disconnect and just I think it's so important to say you don't have to do that. You don't have to put yourself and your body through all of that stress to really get results.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt about it. This is true cellular detox. We have about 60 doctors trained around the country. We have a few that do virtual appointments. If people want help with that process, my passion has been to train doctors in true cellular detox and cellular healing. That's been the passion for people who don't feel well, don't know why. They've been down every road. We've seen absolute miracles happen, just understanding this process. You need coached. You need a coach. People hire a coach to be a better golfer. What more important than to really get your health back.

True cellular detox is a process that starts—it's -inaudible-. It is a pet peeve of mine when it comes to detox. Most people do it wrong. They don't get upstream high enough. There's so much sold out there that's just simply not real. This is the real deal.

It's dangerous.

Dr. Pompa:
It's dangerous, right. When I did cilantro—look, there's certain toxins that you just need a coach because there's multiple pitfalls in the process. You can't utilize certain true binders when you still have silver thorns in your mouth. Eventually it sets up a concentration ingredient, and people start losing more mercury from the filling because it starts moving out. There's a lot of pitfalls in the process. I took cilantro—I was juicing cilantro because I heard it moved heavy metals out of the brain. My wife almost had to check me into an insane asylum Literally, I did; I lost my mind. I hear those stories all the time because people read the article I wrote, When Detox Is Dangerous. You haven't read it, read it because it's true. There's a lot of things that can be wrong. It's like stirring a bee's nest. It causes a redistribution of heavy metals and some of these toxins that are worse than regular toxins. They cross into the brain, and that's a problem.

One of the things I always like to do is draw the brain here. That's a pretty good head. Here's the brain. I'll put a little eye there. Ultimately, we have to get to the toxins here today. Brain detox within this system is key. I said there's three components to true cellular detox. No, fix the cell. Go up here, open up these downstream pathways, and the third was use true binders. There's three phases to true cellular detox. Phase one is a preparatory phase where we prepare the cell and the pathways. That could last a few months or a month.

Then the other phase is the body phase where we clear out the body to set up concentration before we go into the brain and that deep nerve tissue. This is where people get their lives back. This is where I got my life back. That's the third phase of true cellular detox is the brain phase. There's three components that make up true cellular detox. There's three phases.

It's very important. Again, if we don't have a doctor trained in your area, we have—I do virtual. I have clients that're all over the world, from Singapore to New Zealand, Australia, Dubai. You name it, I have clients there. This is the magic. Most people that're dealing with heavy metals, biotoxins from mold, lime, certain kidney infections, these are big boy toxins. You really need a coach to walk you through this process.

That's the real deal. I want to move that over to give myself a little bit more room. Meredith, that is the real deal on what most people aren't doing and most doctors, “Oh, do a colon cleanse Do a liver cleanse, this cleanse, that cleanse” Way too downstream. The key to weight loss, the answer to weight loss resistance, you have to get the cell hearing the hormones. Why people can't lose weight today, it's a hormone problem. More specifically, it's a cellular problem. More specifically, it's a receptor problem.

Number two is really regenerating that cell membrane and the receptors to the hormones. Once we get the cells hearing our hormones, we feel good, weight loss, not giving in on diets. It's all very easy. Fix the cell, you get well.

Yeah. Amazing information. This is an amazing show. I hope you guys got a lot out of it. If you want to learn more, you can read the Five Strategies articles Definitely strongly encourage you to read through those five strategies because they are the answer to fixing cells and fixing your hormones so you can lose weight. Amazing information. Thank you so much, Dr. Pompa, for sharing your breadth of knowledge. It's just really amazing

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well, we'll see you next week. We're going to talk about how to look better with longer, anti-aging. More importantly to me is feel better longer. I look younger, and I feel better at 50 than I did when I was at my 30s, no doubt, and every one of you can do that. Stay tuned next week. I think, Meredith, you said you could join us on that show, as well. You know a lot about the topic. You helped edit a lot of these articles, so you know where they're at. Read those articles and we'll see you next week.

Awesome; thanks, everyone. Have a great weekend.