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78: Bone Broth Fast

Transcript of Episode 78: Bone Broth Fast

With Dr. Daniel Pompa

Dr. Pompa:
Well, here we are on an amazing episode of Cellular Healing TV. Well, look, we had such rave reviews about Meredith, our amazing in-house cook, that we brought her back today with a topic that she actually requested and a great one, actually. Some of our YouTube videos, I think some of our number one hits are on when Warren and Tula made bone broth.


Dr. Pompa:
So I think it’s going to be a great subject here today because so many people are understanding the benefits of bone broth today for multiple reasons, and we’re going to talk more about that. I think some of the benefits, probably, you didn’t know, but also, we’re going to tell you some other ways to use bone broth and intermittent fasting. Meredith, something we talk to them a lot about is intermittent fasting, but bone stock fasting is one of our favorites because there are so many benefits with it. So we are going to demonstrate on how to make a bone stock fast or make a bone stock, I should say, but we want to talk a little bit about it. Of course, we want to give you a little education because this is something that we do with our clients and our doctors do with their patients. So this is a very, very important episode, for sure. So Meredith, thank you for joining us.

Oh, thanks for having me. This is—it’s so much fun to be on here, and to be interacting with you and everyone and just getting this information out because it is. It’s so important, and it’s just a lot of fun to talk about.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, this time—last time we did the smoothies. If you haven’t seen the smoothie—Meredith actually inspired me to start doing more smoothies again. I had said, I was—right, when I was sick, I did them every day. It was like I was addicted to it because it really helped me with my assimilation and healing my gut. And we were—I was standing next to you. I was on your left over there. I was in Pittsburgh. We were doing some other filming. But this time I’m all the way here in Utah.

Yeah, doing my part.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, so, well, anyways, I think this is a great subject that people are hearing a lot about. They actually—in New York City, they have a drive-through where—I think it’s on First Street somewhere where you can actually pull up in the morning. Instead of getting your hot cup of java, people are getting their hot cup of bone stock. My gosh, I mean, that has come a long way. And I have to take it back further, and I want you to give us a little history that you said you found. But look, for thousands of years we’ve talked about bone stock. And your history may not go back thousands of years, but let’s see how far you go back.

But really, though, I mean, bone stock has been used all the way back. I mean, come on. Think about it. Our grandmothers, right? It’s like, you have a cold. Have some chicken soup, or this stock, or that stock. For every ailment, our grandmothers were telling us to drink stock. And I think we all laughed, really. At least I did. I would be like, “Oh, no, that’s ridiculous. What’s that going to do?”

I was a little naïve. I didn’t know the benefits that I know now. And I’ll tell you this right now. Grandma was right. So this is nothing new under the sun. I just think it—it’s gotten popular now. People are realizing the health benefits. Probably, Meredith, because all the gut issues that are today, right?


Dr. Pompa:
Different when we were kids. We didn’t have gut issues. I mean, but today, glyphosate, and all the toxins, and new toxins, and neuro toxins, and all the GMO foods, etc., we have all these people with gut problems, so no wonder it’s come back into vogue. So what’s that little bit of history, and what are your thoughts on that?

Well, I just think it’s amazing too to look back, just with our ancestors, and what they consumed. And how there’s such a need for it today because our bodies have become so depleted due to the modern lifestyle and the toxicity in our world too. So these benefits we’re re-realizing. And it’s just really exciting to be able to look back on time, and see what they were doing then, what we still need to do now, and how it still works to heal our bodies. So it’s really, really cool, and just grateful that we found this again, and—because the benefits that it has really are remarkable, and it does work.

Because you’ve done it; I’ve done it. We’ve seen so many clients, and just so many people have really, really incredible results from incorporating bone broth into their life and into their diet and also using it for fasting purposes. So there’s a lot of different things that you can do with it to really get the benefits, and it’s something that we have our ancestors to thank because they knew what they were doing back then. And finally, we’re bringing it back into the modern world and being able to use it now too. So it’s just pretty awesome.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, it’s estimated that 70-80% of the immune system, somewhere in there, is—starts in the gut. So our grandmothers were right. But let me just talk a little bit about why it works so well. I mean, leaky gut is estimated to be 95% of the population right now, and most people don’t even know they have leaky gut, right? Hours later, days later they’re responding to things they ate the day before or hours before.

Well, there’s something in the stock that is pulled out of the bones. Well, actually, many things, but something called Type II collagen. We’ve talked about collagen, and it is amazing. It not only heals the gut, but it’s good for your skin. So it’s another reason why bone stock fasting has gotten very popular because people do it, and even just in a four-day fast, which we’ll talk about, utilizing only bone stock, everybody says—my clients all say the same thing, “Oh, my gosh, I really noticed a difference in my skin, Dr. Pompa.” So that’s the Type II collagen, the collagen in there as we know.

I mean, people try to put on collagen, Meredith. I mean, they’re doing this collagen product, that collagen product, but really, it’s what happens from within. That Type II collagen really is repairing to the skin and collagen makes up that cement, that matrix in the skin that really helps us not wrinkle and helps our skin look really healthy and good. So it’s a…

-inaudible- at that, right?

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. So it’s food for not just the gut. Of course, that helps heal the leaky gut, but it’s also food for the skin. Well, in these—in bone stock is also a lot of minerals and trace minerals that get pulled from the bone, and it makes it this perfect thing to fast with. Years ago, I’ve said—by the way, watch, if you want more information on some of these fasts, Ancient Healing. We did an episode on it. I think we’ve done some on intermittent fasting as well, but in Ancient Healing, I talked a little bit about that.

But during a four-day stock fast, we’re only—we only drink stock all day long. And we can talk a little bit. I’ll give you some hints and clues about that because some people go, “Oh, my god. By day three, I didn’t even want to drink it, smell it.” You can switch it up. There’s lamb stock bones, right? There’s, obviously, chicken, which most people know, so you can switch it up. But Meredith’s going to give you some tips to make it taste and smell better too.

But anyways, during that time when we’re doing just bone stock, bone stock not only gives you this collagen, and all these great minerals, and nutrition, and the marrow with all that great fat, right, Meredith, and all those qualities in here. We talk a little bit about that. But it starves down all bacteria. Good and bad. Now I have to show this. So people—we talked about dysbiosis. That means you have too many bad, and not enough good, right?

So we can try to re-inoculate with a bunch of good, but often times, when this dysbiosis gets too bad, we just can’t get the good guys to take root and overcome the bad guys. So what we do with a stock fast, we starve all bacteria down, and then, day five, after the stock fast, we re-inoculate utilizing very unique bacteria, obviously, things like fermented vegetables, Amasai product, the SueroGold, which is another -inaudible- Whey Water.

We have Whey Water here.

Dr. Pompa:
But also, we talked about Prescript-Assist, I think, last week. We talked about MBC, some of those unique bacterias. We re-inoculate these bacterias back in after we starve down all bacteria. And now look, the goods are able to come up so some pretty neat stuff. And sometimes we use that—the bacteriophage that we talked about on one of the shows, they go—those guys go in there and kill off bad guys, and then we can re-inoculate again. But bone stock fasting drops all bacteria, which is a really good thing. It gives us a chance to what we call reset the microbiome.


Dr. Pompa:
So there’s a little—just some hints on why this works so well. And again, once we’re able to bring down and fix that dysbiosis, that affects our immune system greatly. And also, it gives the gut a chance to heal because we’re not dumping a bunch of inflammatory foods in and, also, Type II collagen. So it heals the gut. We can re-inoculate the gut, fix the dysbiosis so a lot of wins.

Mm-hmm. What are some other conditions that could be impacted by the bone broth fasting in particular? I know—I think you’ve used it before to impact SIBO, which is a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. So can you talk a little bit about that because I think a lot of people out there have been hearing that? There are a lot of people out there that are suffering from it too so you can talk about how that’s different from leaky gut.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, this is SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which simply means you have too many bacteria in the upper small intestine. Look, we’re—our large intestine is supposed to have all these bacteria, the good guys, which when we bring our fiber—so we pull the nutrients out of the food in our small intestine. And once it gets to the colon, the large intestine, these bacteria start eating that fiber, and when they do that, it’s a fermentation process that takes place. It actually creates things called short chain fatty acids that we use. It’s estimated about 30% of our energy. Because the bacteria eat this fiber and, literally, they’re waste. So they poop out these short chain fatty acids that we reabsorb, and we get all this amazing energy from. So you can see another reason why the bacteria is so important in the large intestine, and it breaks down the fiber, and so it helps with constipation, moving it out of the body. So this is a very, very important process.

Well, when these bacteria leak up into the small intestine, for various reasons—obviously, dysbiosis can be one of the reasons, and it affects the barrier, so to speak, between the two intestines. And that’s one reason. And they get up in there, and now we have two—these bacteria that are in the small intestine. So now they’re fermenting things before they should be fermented. So what are the symptoms of that? Because many people, Meredith, have this problem and don’t know it.


Dr. Pompa:
They’re not diagnosed. Bloating after meals, so you eat and then you just get that fullness way up here like, gosh, you feel like you have—two hours, three hours later, you feel like you just ate. That’s the number one symptom.

People look pregnant too. I’ve seen that. Where you’re stomach bulges out so much that it looks like a pregnancy bump.

Dr. Pompa:
Yes, absolutely, and it feels just up high too and, obviously, belching after—a lot of belching hours after meals. That can be small intestinal bacteria overgrowth. And also, people become very intolerant to even things like a lot of fiber. So when they eat a lot of fiber, it ferments. Remember, the bacteria start eating the fiber too soon, and what happens is they cause the bloating. They even become intolerant to things like probiotics because you’re adding more bacteria, and it’s making things worse. People that have taken a lot of antibiotics in their day also are very common that they have this SIBO issue so just some things to look out for.

Is there a test somebody can do? More labs are doing SIBO tests. There’s a breath test that’s—that fermentation starts to come up this way, and some of your burps may smell like a methane gas or a sulfur gas, if you will, and that’s an indication. But there’s a breath test you can do where they actually test that gas. And basically, it’s because you’re fermenting too—up high instead of down low.

Mm-hmm, yeah. So how would you incorporate the bone broth fasting to treat SIBO?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, great question. So I said that we utilize it to starve down all bacteria. So when we put people on fasts, we can do at least four days. I like four-day fasts as opposed to three because magic happens at day three. And I like to ride that out for one more day. So a lot of really important things like protein, sparing mode, etc., happen in that day three. So I like to ride it one more day. That’s why I’m a believer in a four-day fast. Now, what happens is we starve down that bacteria in the small intestine, so it gives the immune system a chance to beat it. So that’s the benefit of it.

Now, Meredith, we also often times go into what we call a SIBO diet after the fast. So let’s say you do four days of stock. Day five and on, we put people on no fiber, no vegetables, no fruit, basically, meat and fat. Why? We don’t want to feed the bacteria by giving it fiber. So vegetables have fiber, so we have to go to that degree, often times, even for a month on that diet. And then, how do I know when to eat a regular diet again? Well, you start trying to eat some fibers, and if you get bloated, you need to continue. So some people have to continue for a couple months, believe it or not, and those are severe cases. And I think to your left you have a pathogen purge there.


Dr. Pompa:
You can get some things that help kill that bacteria during that time that you’re on the SIBO diet, so to speak, and that’s a pathogen purge. Those are just things that kill bad guys. And it’s—you could, obviously, call Revelation Health, and talk to one of the gals there. If you said pathogen purge, they would know. But if you do it along with the SIBO—the stock fast and then a SIBO diet, you can help kill off that bacteria. And then, eventually, re-inoculate again, but the first test is to make sure you can eat fibrous foods or even small amounts of sugar. Like eating some berries, and go, “Oh, I’m not expanding.”

So people that are, by the way, are very carbohydrate or sugar intolerant, they often times have SIBO too because it feeds those bacteria. So we want to starve them down and kill them. Make sure they’re dead, and then we can re-inoculate some of the bacteria in the lower colon. And then the broth—go ahead.

Oh, when would you take this pathogen purge in the whole process?

Dr. Pompa:
I like to take it—I like to just do the SIBO—I’m sorry, the stock fast by itself. And then day five, you could start doing the SIBO diet plus the pathogen purge.

And would it impact other issues like fungal issues, candida, things like that?

Dr. Pompa:
You see that #3 there. That’s called Bactrex. That targets bacteria, but it crosses into fungus as well, candida, for example. Number 4 is called FungDX, right next to it. That’s focused on funguses and candida. And then ENZEE there, that’s enzymes. Yep, that one. That kills candida by breaking up its—and bacterias. So it kills the—breaks down the cell wall. That’s something else that I can’t see what that is.


Dr. Pompa:
Okay, of course, BIND. Because what BIND does is BIND—when you’re killing off these things, you need BIND to just grab some of the waste, and keep it moving out so you don’t reabsorb the die off and the toxic effect, same reason why we use BIND when we’re doing true cellular detox. We don’t want to retox those toxins. People feel bad when they kill off a lot of bugs. They get a herx reaction, a Herxheimer Reaction where they get a headache. They feel completely fatigued because they’re reabsorbing some of those toxins back into the system, and that’s not good. BIND prevents that.

And by the way, Episode 76, I talk about true cellular detox where that BIND’s used. Everybody who hasn’t watched Episode 76 should watch true cellular detox. We did a great article I wrote on true cellular detox, very, very important part for anybody who wants better health because detoxification is very, very important all the time. We utilize these ancient healing strategies like stock fasting in other things. Diet variation, ketosis, keto-adaptation, we talk about those things in ancient healing, but true cellular detox, going upstream to why the gut got wrecked in the first place, very, very important subject. Watch that episode. Read the article that’s on our website. Put into the Search bar true cellular detox. It will come up.

Yeah, and fasting and true cellular detox, just core components of what you teach, and they are just such powerful strategies because they really do work. And how does the fasting fit in with the true cellular detox as far as timing goes, and how you can bring them both together?

Dr. Pompa:
Well, typically, we like to do at least one fast before we start detox. It’s really part of the preparatory phase. In true cellular detox, I talk about it’s three component that make up real detox, right? I mean, there’s all these different detoxers out there, right, colon cleanse, this cleanse, that cleanse. Typically, they’re downstream from getting to the cell, which by the way, is the first component. We have to fix the cell. Get the cell moving and functioning and move out toxins. That’s key. My 5Rs of cellular healing, that’s where that applies.

And then we want to get these downstream detox pathways open, which is really a preparatory phase, one of the phases, right? And we want to get those open. Fasting really helps us open up these downstream detox pathways. And the last component is using true binders. We talked about CytoDetox as a true binder. And you can learn more about that when you watch that episode. Yeah, so it makes up—really, component number two is opening up downstream detox pathways. So we like to do it before we detox because it gets not only the gut ready, but it has an effect on all of the detox pathways. So that’s really important. My dog just busted in my room here, so I always like to show Rennie.

There you go.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, she’s so cute.

Hi, puppy.

Dr. Pompa:
You’re so cute. Anyways, yeah, so that’s where—that is where that fits in, Meredith. And also, along the way—she’s going to knock my computer over in about ten seconds. Along the way, often times, people need more fasting to keep those pathways open. And we’re not talking about this on this show, and maybe we’ll do a future show. She’s rocking this whole computer. Maybe we’ll do a future show on Whey Water again, right? There’s so many benefits to Whey Water, and that’s the SueroGold product. We showed it on the smoothie recipe show.

But anyways, that’s another subject for another day. Because Whey Water fast, like bone stock fast, very beneficial to the liver, the kidneys, the gut, downstream detox pathways, and we’ll share that show one day. Mark that in your brain. We’ll share that fast.

Yeah, awesome. Then how long—do you ever go a lot longer than four days with the bone broth fasting with people that are really sensitive? Do you sometimes maybe only go a couple days? What’s the time frame you like to use with that?

Dr. Pompa:
One of our doctors that we coach, he started off on a four-day fast. Felt so good he did a seven. From seven he went to ten. From ten he ended up doing about 31.

Wow. -inaudible-.

Dr. Pompa:
Mm-hmm. One of my clients just recently did about ten days just on stock because the benefits for her skin. She had a very bizarre skin—autoimmune types of conditions, yeah, they benefit by going longer for sure. Some people can utilize just multiple, even two of these four-day fasts a month so shorter blocks or longer blocks. Some people benefit differently from both.

And there’s no danger in the longer fasts?

Dr. Pompa:
In the old days, I talked a lot about water fasting. Obviously, had some training in water fasting in my past, and there’s massive benefits to water fasting. But you have to be a little careful with water fasting and over a certain amount of days because you can get electrolyte depleted. And it’s a lot harder to get electrolyte depleted when you’re doing a bone stock fast because there’s some natural electrolytes in there. But with that said, let me give some tips there. If you’re feeling super down in energy, and you even get a rapid heart rate, take in more sea salt. Because you do often times need more electrolytes with any fast, and the classic thing is just really feeling weak, and your heart rate starts to speed up. That’s electrolyte. Absolutely, add more sea salt to your stock. However you want to take it in.

By the way, I think one of the most often—questions I get most often is can I still drink water during this fast? Of course you can. Of course you can. Believe me. You’re drinking stock all day. Sometimes drinking extra water becomes more difficult, but sure. Absolutely drink some clean filtered water, reverse RO, distilled, some type of good spring water for sure.

Yeah, and sometimes some herbal tea is nice too, especially if you’re doing it during the colder season.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely.

Some -inaudible- tea or just some herbal tea. You don’t want to, maybe, have the caffeine too much, but just like a soothing herbal tea can be really nice in the evenings too I found when I’m fasting. Just to have something a little bit different other than the broth. Yeah, awesome, and while we’re on the sea salt subject too, do you want to talk about your 2-2-2 rule, and how that can be incorporated to have more success with the bone broth fast?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Sometimes people that even just—they need a little bit more energy during the fast. Often times, and I don’t always do this, but you can add my 2-2-2 rule where I talk about that in keto-adaptation. You could read those articles. So if you put in ketosis, keto-adaptation into the Search, into Articles, you’ll find those articles. Diet variation, I talk about the 2-2-2 rule. But what it is is it’s having two tablespoons of coconut oil. Those medium-chain triglycerides in there really offer more instant energy to the system. And it’s fat, so it’s not going to feed any of the bacterias. So it’s a good addition for some that just need a little bit more energy. And then the other two is butter where we’re getting grass-fed butter, which offers conjugated linoleic acid and some other fats. And again, it’s not going to feed the bacteria.

And then the other two is the two teaspoons of sea salt. Where, again, I said how important that is to keep up those electrolytes. So the 2-2-2 rule is a nice addition to give yourself a little more energy through the fast and does make it a little easier for people. And I could add one more 2, and that would be two tablespoons of MCT oil, which is pure medium-chain triglyceride, which can offer even more energy, which we sell that on the site as well.

Yeah. We do. We have the coconut oil, and the grass-fed butter, and butter oil as well so, yeah, if you need those. And they are a great addition. And I found when I’ve been fasting and just needed that energy too, even just a spoonful of the butter and a spoonful of the coconut oil really, really helps get you through any of those slumps when you’re fasting because, honestly, you do get tired. You experience typical detox symptoms. And especially if you’re working, trying to do a fast while you’re still living your life, those fats could really help to stabilize your blood sugar and keep you going through it. Can you talk about some of the lifestyle, maybe, impacts too you might have while you’re fasting? What you can expect and when you maybe shouldn’t do a fast?

Dr. Pompa:
Well, I don’t ever want someone to exercise during a four-day fast, right? We want to conserve energy for healing. I think you raise a good point. I mean, the best time to do it is when you can lay low, right? I mean, if you have to go to work, I think adding the 2-2-2 rule is good. I’m a very efficient fat burner. Obviously, my cells can hear those hormones that help fat burning very well. We talk a lot about that, right?


Dr. Pompa:
I think we need to do a new show on weight loss resistance. We haven’t done a show on that. Because some people…

I’ll write that down.

Dr. Pompa:
Very good, thank you, Meredith. If you’re not efficient fat burner, you’re going to have low energy. When I do the fast, for four days I’m burning my own fat, my stored fat, and I have no problem getting through the day. I could technically even exercise and do just fine. Most people, that’s not the case. So we don’t want to do that. We want to hang low.

But taking in those medium-chain triglycerides that are in coconut oil or MCT oil, if you don’t like coconut oil, the MCT oil doesn’t have a taste. So there’s the clue. But they help you burn fat, and that’s why you get an instant energy. They actually help you burn up the fat. So that’s one that can be an assistance to make you more of a fat burner during the stock fast.

And laying low and anybody that shouldn’t, maybe, do a bone broth fast?

Dr. Pompa:
Well, I mean, look, I think that someone who has a lot of health challenges, I think having someone supervise, your doctor supervising the fast. Obviously, you have to have a doctor who understands this. We’re training doctors all around the country in true cellular detox and these ancient healing strategies is part of what we do. Obviously, there’s much more than that, but yeah, no, it’s a—I think that someone who has a lot of health challenges, having that type of coaching would be helpful. But most people can do it. Fasting is a—it’s an ancient healing tool when we go without food. Animals do it instinctively.

This is an intermittent fast where we’re talking in between 500 and 800 calories a day, which we’re naturally getting from the broth, or Whey Water, or something to that degree. These fasts are better than juice fasting because juice fasting raises glucose every time. It’s a glucose spike, glucose spike, glucose spike. That’s no good. There’s no glucose spike here. We’re controlling our glucose. And I always say if you want to live longer than anybody, just control glucose and insulin better. You will age slow, and look better, and be healthier. Bottom line, number one thing, control glucose, right?

Yeah, a huge win, yeah. And I remember when I first started with the company and working with you guys fasting, I did a SueroGold fast, but soon after, I did the bone broth. And it was my first true experience, but actually, fasting in the right way. I think for a lot of people too, they think oh, my gosh, I’m not going to eat food for a time. How’s my body going to heal? How am I going to live day-to-day without eating food?

I think it really just—it’s a mindset shift that you have to experience to just flipping the switch, and just be committed to doing the fast, and to knowing what you’ll receive from doing it. Because once you do do it, I— like many people, I was thinking, oh, my gosh. I was a little hesitant to do the fast. But once I did it, now—when you see the benefits, and you do it, and you see that it’s not that hard, it’s so worth it. But I think a lot of people these days have a mindset challenge with fasting. So can you talk a little bit about that, and maybe how to break through that mindset so that people aren’t maybe as fearful of fasting?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I mean, look, I think when I talk about diet variation as a way to regain our health, keep our health, all of our ancestors were forced into times of plenty in times of not so plenty, right? They were forced into fasts because the food wasn’t there. Things happen, right? And our bodies are really set up for that so going periodic times with less food, and in this case, in an intermittent fast, it’s less food. It’s not without food and sometimes without food. But the body releases certain hormones, drives certain hormones that, really, for survival. And we know now that those times really make us healthier. Our bodies instinctively are set up to go through these survival times, and people live longer when they go through these times eating less.

Look, we can think about all these anti-aging products, supplements, and spend a lot of money on them, but really, these strategies are really what science shows actually really make you age slower so that you should motivate you. Often times, people that when you’re going to do a diet shift, go into the cellular healing diet or make a diet shift, we start people on fasting because it’s a way to get your appetite curbed very quickly. So when you come off the fast, all of a sudden, a piece of broccoli looks really good doesn’t it?

Delicious, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
And people always say that. They’re like, “Oh, my gosh,” it’s like, “these foods I thought before, I just—I was salivating over vegetables,” right?


Dr. Pompa:
It’s another—a mode of resetting your appetite or resetting your taste buds. There are multiple good things happen in a fast, and when you focus on—read the articles, watch the videos while you’re fasting, then you’ll be much more inspired during the fast. But after about—the first two days are the hardest. Everybody says it. Most people by day three break free, and they’re like, “Wow. I feel so much better.” And day four, I said, many people just want to keep going. Because now your body’s starting to feed from its waste, it’s feeding from its fat supplies, and you just feel so much better. Your brain clears.

You realize how many foods you were eating that made you feel bad, even healthy foods. Because you have a leaky gut, you were responding, creating inflammation. And realizing you were in a brain fog because of certain healthy foods that were leaking across the gut, driving antibodies, driving inflammation, and affecting the way your brain works. And you take those things away and you’re like, wow. Give your gut a chance to heal. And by the way, isn’t that part of it? We’re just simply not putting food in digestion. Food assimilation takes more energy than anything we do as humans. We’re arresting that process.

Now we’re able to utilize the healing or other healing. Utilize the energy. I knew that came out wrong. Utilize the energy for other healing in the body that needs to take place. That’s why, another reason why intermittent fasts periodically work. We only have so much energy, and when you’re sick challenged, you’re eating food all the time. You’re wasting the very energy you need to heal the cell. You want to get well, fix the cell. We need the energy to do it. Taking that energy away from all this assimilating digesting as a way to grab energy from here and put it over here.

Yeah, it makes so much sense. And I do this—a little point too. I remember when I first was fasting, how much time I had during the day too. I couldn’t believe it. When you’re not either thinking about food, preparing food, eating the food, you have so much more time to do a lot of other things in life that get put off because you just “never have enough time.” But when you’re fasting or even just doing the daily intermittent fasting, you have a lot more time to do a lot of other things in life. So that’s my little side note I did notice as well.

Dr. Pompa:
I believe that one of the Biblical principles of fasting—I mean, fasting is throughout the Bible. And God really encouraged us to fast and pray. Well, why? Why? Well, there’s more than just physical healing. It’s physical, emotional, and spiritual healing occur during a fast. So when we go without food, part of it is is that we literally start to focus on things that we never had time, even emotional time, to actually focus on. So more than just physical healing takes place in fasting. It’s spiritual and emotional healing take time and occur in fasting. So, Meredith, we better start showing how to do this.


Dr. Pompa:
Let’s turn it over to the expert here. So what do you got going on over there?

All right, well, I don’t know if I’m the expert because this is very, very easy, and anybody can do this at home. My basic recipe only has four ingredients so really, really simple here. I’m just going to make it as simple for guys as possible. You can always make it fancy, and I’ll give you some tips on how to modify it a little bit. But this is my most basic go-to bone broth recipe. So I’m going to start here with a large crockpot. And I’m just going to make a smaller batch today. He’s told me to make a big batch, but basically, just start with your crockpot, with your slow cooker. And we’re always going to use grass-fed organic pastured bones.

Dr. Pompa:
Very important, grass-fed.

So, so, so important, organic, they can come from a grass-fed cow, pastured chicken, from a wild caught fish carcass. You can use a lot of different bones. And often, variety is awesome too because you’re getting then the benefits of just the different animals. So what’s your favorite bones to use, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa:
I mean, I love the standard beef bone. I do. I mean, I like it better than chicken. No doubt about it. But I think mixing it up is good. Lamb is a great one. I love lamb. But for some people, it tastes too wild. Buffalo bone stock is amazing. It’s a little fattier. Actually, you’d think opposite because the meat is not that—I guess they hold more marrow in the bone.

So arguably, you’re going to get some different qualities of health from that over stock. I like to mix it up, but beef is my favorite. I have to ask you this. Where do you get the bones? I mean, sometimes these grass-fed bones are hard to find.

Right, and I’m glad you asked. So we have them in our store here in Pittsburgh, Revelation Health, in the freezer. We just keep a couple pound bags in the freezer. And they’re from just a little dairy farm. It’s called Swiss Villa, in Eastern Pennsylvania. They’re 100% grass-fed bones from healthy, happy cows, and it’s really delicious. I’ve used these bones for quite a few fasts, and you can get them here in our store in Pittsburgh. You can order them online, but if you’re in the area, you can stop by and you can get them, or with your -inaudible- at the office. So we’ve got the bones in the crockpot, and you can see…

Dr. Pompa:
Wasn’t there the website, grassfedbones.com?

Yes. Yes. You can get bones from there, as well. Yeah, it’s grassfedbones.com.

Dr. Pompa:
Local farmers, you can go and try to find bones at local farmers, but here’s the thing. Every farmer says, “Oh, my cows are grass-fed,” yeah, because they ate grass at one point. A hundred percent grass-fed, how are they finished? Because many, they raise them on grass, but then they load them up with grain in the end. We don’t want that affecting that good bone marrow, throwing off those fats. And we definitely don’t want them eating grain that was sprayed with glyphosate, which causes leaky gut. So we absolutely have to be diligent about making sure it’s 100% grass-fed bones.

And sometimes Whole Foods has them. Other health food stores can have them. So I just want to give people a lot of different tips because sometimes finding them can be a challenge. Grassfedbones.com, start there. Start at your local farmers. Go ahead.

Otherwise, local butcher, yes, and just to tell you this. I’m going to start putting this together too. Is there—so what if someone can’t get access to 100% grass-fed bones, or can only get the grass-fed prefinished? Is it worth doing the fast? Will they still get some benefits?

Dr. Pompa:
No, listen, I would make sure you have 100% grass-fed. I mean, that’s me. I wouldn’t do it otherwise. Well, tell them about if you don’t—if you’re not a cook. If you’re someone like Dr. Pompa who’s like, “Man, I don’t want and I don’t have time to do this.” Meredith, is there a—we have a link on our website. And I’ll tell you. This guy, he’s a chef. He makes the best darn stock.

Now, Meredith, I’m not knocking what you’re making there, but he’s a really good cook that was definitely better than mine. Tell them what that link is. They can order it, and it comes to your door. And it’s amazing stuff. Tell them.

Yeah. And although, this is so easy, and I’ll finish up here with this recipe, but if you go to D-R-pompa.com, drpompa.com, there’s a Services tab at the top. And if you hover over the Services tab, a drop down, and then you go up here. And it will say Bone Broth Delivery, and you can click on that link. You can get a 5% off coupon, and you can then access this 100% grass-fed, 100% organic bone broth from this company. It’s called Au Bon Broth.

And their broth, I have not tasted it myself. Right, Dr. Pompa, you said it’s absolutely delicious. They deliver it straight to your door. You can get really large quantities of it too. If you’re interested in doing a fast and really consuming a lot of broth for a longer period of time, you can order it. So you can do it online, and yeah, and that link is on drpompa.com.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, go ahead. Finish.

Awesome, so we got the—a couple pounds of bone broth or the grass-fed bones in here. Sometimes, if I’m making a big pot of it, I like to use maybe 3 or 4 pounds. But I’m just starting off at with about 2 pounds here just to make a small batch. Next, I’m going to put in some raw apple cider vinegar, and I like the Braggs’s brand. You can get this so many places now. Whole Foods has it. And we add in the cider vinegar to demineralize the bones. It helps to breakdown the bones so the minerals can be released into the broth. So when you consume that product, you’re getting the valuable minerals in the broth, which is really important component of it. So I’m going to add a nice splash of this cider vinegar into the broth, all righty.

Then next, add in the all-important sea salt. So I like to use Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. A lot of different trace minerals in it. Once again, I add the minerals into the broth to consume. We’re very, very deficient in minerals these days, most of us, because our soils are so depleted and so on. So getting as many mineral rich foods and broth like this in your diet as you can, it’s going to be beneficial for your bones as well so adding in a nice amount of sea salt here. Once again, this recipe is on D-R-pompa.com too, this basic slow cooker broth recipe. So that is ingredient number three.

Then lastly, ingredient number four. I told you four ingredients, super simple. Add a little reverse osmosis water here that I’m going to pour it into the crockpot, and basically, you just want to cover up the bones. That’s about how much water you could add into it. So if you’re making a larger crockpot amount like this, then you would just want to go up about an inch and a half, 2 inches from the lid of the crockpot. You just want to have all the bones fully covered in there with the apple cider vinegar and the sea salt. And then, basically, it is so easy. You put the lid on. Turn the slow cooker onto the low setting, and let it cook for about 24 hours. And then you will open up the lid, and have a steaming hot bone broth that you can put in a mug and consume for four days, like you talked about.

So when you’re fasting, ideally you want to consume as much broth as you can during these days because you’re just going to get in more nutrition the more broth you consume. So and as the fast goes on too, if you’re just going to fast for four days at a time, you’ll probably consume a good amount of the broth each day. So after the first day and you’ve consumed a good amount of broth, then just simply refill it with more water, and just keep adding water. As well as more vinegar and sea salt to the broth to maintain the flavor. And after a couple of days too, especially if you’re doing a longer fast, you want to add in some more bones to keep the broth really rich in gelatin, and vitamins, and minerals, and collagen, and just to really maintain its strength and richness for you to be getting the benefits. But that’s pretty much it. It is so basic.

Dr. Pompa:
So you don’t have to start over. That will sit there, and you can do it on your stove too. Just keeping it on simmer, right, if you don’t have a cooker like that. And it’s there for four or five days. You’re adding more bones and adding more water. You don’t have to add bones every day, but what, every third day maybe?

It’s every third day or so. Even second day, depending on how strong you want the broth to be but just adding them in. Adding a little more salt for flavor and apple cider vinegar is great too. And I like to add in some seaweeds too so another way to get iodine and some other trace minerals in our diet. I like to add some gulf seaweed, nori is great, kombu, wakame, those are some of my favorite seaweeds to add in as well to really just upgrade your broth. And I also have the collagen and the gelatin products we talked about last week too. But from the grass-fed cows here, we have the Collagen Hydrolysate and then the Gelatin. And I add these into my broth as well. Just throw them right in.

The collagen is cold water soluble, so that mixes in, and you can’t even tell. The gelatin becomes gelatinous. It’s hot water soluble. So I don’t mind a little gelatinousness in my broth when I consume it because the gelatin has so many gut healing benefits, and then the collagen is great for joint and skin support too. So adding these two products into your broth can really upgrade it as well. And if you wanted to make a more flavorful broth too, maybe not so much for fasting purposes, you can add in vegetables: onions, carrots, celery. All of those different delicious vegetables to really add—improve the flavor too. And sometimes people…

Dr. Pompa:
Let me make a point there.


Dr. Pompa:
If you’re doing the -inaudible-, do not add the onions and the garlic because that would add fiber that would feed the bacteria.


Dr. Pompa:
Just the salt, you can put some powders in. Maybe some—a little bit of the garlic powder typically doesn’t send people over, but we don’t want to put fiber in the mixture there.

Right, and it would have sugar in it too. The onions, the garlic here, we don’t always think about them having sugar, but they have natural sugars that would feed the bad bacteria if you’re trying to starve it all down.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. But for the average person doing a stock fast, absolutely, it’s not a problem.

Yeah, awesome, and just another side note too, sometimes people have challenges with the fattiness of the broth.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, we say that before.

We’re into fat here. We love fat and good fat, though. Not the bad fat. But if you’re making a broth, and you’re just finding that it’s a little bit too fatty to consume, you can scrape the fat off of the top of the surface of the broth. But don’t throw it away. Reserve it. Put it in a little jar. Stick it in your fridge. You can use it for sautéing vegetables, for practically anything after the fast.

So don’t throw that fat away, especially since it’s going to be from healthy grass-fed animals. You want to keep that fat. But just, if you can’t quite handle it during the fast, just save it for afterwards. And removing the meaty bits too so you’re just consuming that broth can mean working into the gut, so it doesn’t have to digest that meat while you’re actually doing the fast.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, all right, well, that’s awesome. And I know they learned a lot, and this is going to help educate a lot of people in this area for sure. And combining—you can consume this stuff any time without a fast, right? I mean, just every whatever, weekly, monthly, daily. I mean, I have many, many clients who just have a nice cup or so of stock daily to help heal their gut and move it along. But periodically, utilizing it within an intermittent fast, it’s magic. It’s ancient healing, and it works. It absolutely works.

So grandma was stinking right. No wonder for thousands of years we have utilized this type of healing. Getting back to it is no doubt magic. So Meredith, thank you so much as always.

Thank you.

Dr. Pompa:
You are such a help in these areas. And hey, in the future, we came up with a few other shows, right? We’re going to do one on the Whey Water fasting.


Dr. Pompa:
Completely different benefits and often times, people utilize both of these types of fasts. So you know what? Maybe we go back to back, right? I don’t know if we can get you back on next week’s show, but I think that would be a great show for next week. That way, I know—what episode is this, 70?

Oh, gosh. I think maybe 77, 78? I have to check on that.

Dr. Pompa:
Wait, 77 was the smoothie.

Okay, so it’s 78 then.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, 77, this is s78. So let’s do Episode 79. Stay tuned next week for Whey Water fasting. So Meredith will hold me to that, and we’ll do that. So we’ll bring the queen of the fast there back, and we’ll do it. Okay, we’ll see you on next week’s show, Episode 79, and we’re going to do Whey Water fasting. But I know this made a difference. Thank you, Meredith.

Thanks, everyone. Thanks, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
Uh-huh. Bye-bye.


77: Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Transcript of Episode 77: Healthy Smoothie Recipes

With Dr. Daniel Pompa

Dr. Pompa:
Hey, this is Dr. Pompa here and Meredith, who many of you have spoken to from Revelation Health, and you can see that that’s where we are. So it’s a really special show today, obviously, and we have some really special information about our gut healing smoothies. And we just put out a book about gut healing smoothies, right?


Dr. Pompa:
And you can tell them how to get that book for sure. But on today’s show, we actually—we’re bringing them in.

We’ve done it.

Dr. Pompa:
You are the best at these. I’m going to be honest with you. When I was sick, I did. I mean, I made shakes and smoothies every day because it was, really, the only thing that I could digest. I mean, most food I would react to, and I wasn’t able to get the nutrition in from regular food. I would just be bloated. And it seems, though, when I did a smoothie, I didn’t get that bloating and that severe digestion, obviously, because a lot of the digesting is done for you here. Which actually really gets the nutrition into your body much faster, and through a hurt gut that needs healing. So today, obviously, we’re going to demonstrate, but we want to bring some information too.


Dr. Pompa:
And Meredith, you are just a knowledge queen when it comes to these smoothies.

Wow. Well, thank you.

Dr. Pompa:
You do better than mine. I can attest to that.

Oh, gosh. Well, I love a good smoothie, and at the end of the show, we’ll tell you how to access the smoothie book. And that’s over 25 recipes that Dr. Pompa and I have worked on to put together for you. And it’s specifically targeting gut healing and gut health. So these smoothies are easy to digest. They do really good with high-quality fat, protein, and just a lot of awesome ingredients to really help your gut heal. So it’s pretty exciting, but just to back up a little bit. Why do we need to heal our gut in the first place? What is going on? Really, it’s just—it’s kind of an epidemic these days. So many people have gut challenges.

Dr. Pompa:

But all the time, problems: colitis, IBS, leaky gut. All of these things that we hear about that people are suffering from. What is causing this epidemic in the first place? Can you just talk a little bit about that?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That’s why they have me here. Because the smoothie queen, she’s here. I’m here for that information. No, I mean, obviously, food today is probably not going to be -inaudible-, and I think most people understand process food is probably a little -inaudible-, the empty calorie type of foods that people eat. But I think the big message is—the hidden message is the hidden toxins that’s in our food, in our environments. Much as the environment outside as much as the environments that we think we’re doing to ourself.

So when we look at food, today our children our exposed to things; therefore, so are we now. But that we really didn’t grow up on—foods and chemicals that we didn’t grow up on. For example, genetically modified foods, there are study after study coming out that show that these foods put holes, leaky gut, in our gut. And we’ll talk more about what that actually means, but also, the chemical that they’re spraying on just about every food that we eat. So if you’re eating conventional grain in your diet, which most people watching—well, our audience is a little more educated, but most of the population is still eating conventional grains, whether it’s brown rice or whatever the grain. You know, all sprayed…


Dr. Pompa:
Oatmeal, right. They’re sprayed with glyphosate. It’s a chemical that they used to use and still do, actually, as an herbicide, pesticide, but now they’re doing it to even before they harvest the grain. Because it causes something called dissecation where the grain shrivels, and actually increases the ease of harvest. And also, the amount of seed that it actually puts out. So the bottom line, that’s aka higher yields, which means money. So that’s why they utilize this chemical that a company named Monsanto makes. And by the way, you are familiar with it in Roundup. So they’re making genetically modified crops called Roundup Ready. That means that you can spray tons of this stuff on your crop without killing the crop because they genetically modify it to withstand their chemical.

And look, and it’s not just GMO crops, although, they have the highest exposure to this chemical. But it’s all grains in many foods. Glyphosate, it’s a big, big center of society right now in our food supply. And we know that it causes—it destroys bacteria in the gut that we also know affects the brain. And according to senior scientists at MIT, Stephanie Seneff, we know that it’s leading to diabetes, dementia, other brain conditions, and many other different conditions. And we know it also puts holes in the gut. So that’s just one chemical.

I mean, we’re talking about we grew up, well, maybe me, in the lead generation. But that lead started at our parents, and it’s handed down into their children. I’ve written many articles about this, and it’s handed down to their children. That’s four generations. We grew up in the mercury generation, all right. We started putting amalgam fillings that contained mercury. The least mercury, the life of the filling, where’s that mercury going first, in the gut?

Let’s talk about lotions, chemicals, cleaners. I mean, all of these things we’re exposed to. To answer your question on it, that is really, I think, this epidemic. What we know today as leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s, colitis, which are all the immune conditions. And we could talk a whole show about that. I wrote an article about it on immune conditions. But this is what’s destroying the gut. Once the gut is comprised, it leads to many other different conditions.

Wow. Wow. And what are some of the symptoms of leaky gut specifically because that is such a common condition. And people may not know that they have it, but they know something’s not right.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I remember I read estimates one time that they said 95% of America has leaky gut.

Wow. Wow.

Dr. Pompa:
Wait a minute. That’s probably everybody watching the show.


Dr. Pompa:
And I guess they would say, “Well, I don’t know if I have that.” Well, look, it could be something as simple as just periodic, every once in a while, digestive issues. When you have leaky gut, certain foods leak across the gut, and your body then creates antibodies to those proteins that didn’t get broken down all the way. So what happens is is when those proteins don’t get broken down, you’re forming an immune reaction to it, okay? What does that mean? So that means you get symptoms hours later that you don’t even associate with that condition.

So many people out there watching are saying, “Well, I don’t have a problem with digestion.” Yes, but you may have headaches periodically that’s related to leaky gut. Related to the food you ate hours and hours ago, even sometimes the day before. That’s how slow the process could be. Allergies to different things, environmental things, sleep issues, anxiety so multiple different conditions could be related to your leaky gut.

Wow. Can you talk about the gut-brain connection and the new science there? That’s really exciting information. Talking about headaches possibly being connected to something you ate.

Dr. Pompa:
So there’s something called the -inaudible- system that literally connects this brain to what is known now as the second brain, which is your gut. So we know that there’s this neuro-audio connection. I mean, I’m sure some of you who are watching, you say, “You know, I just have that gut feeling about something.” Well, that’s part of that connection, right? I mean, that’s a reality. You feel things here. If you ever get a bad phone call—I have five kids, so I get these phone calls, right? It’s like this is happening and something’s going on. You get that, oh, feeling in your stomach. I mean, and then it’s the anxiety here. These two brains are connected.

You said something—recently, we know the science is that the bacteria here are actually related to how this brain works. So I use the chemical glyphosate, and we were—I read an article. I just—it’s probably been a year, maybe nine months ago, but about…

The gluten article?

Dr. Pompa:
It’s Not Just Gluten.

It’s Not Just Gluten, you can find it on drpompa.com.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, It’s Not Just Gluten, but the gluten craze right now, and no doubt, gluten can be very damaging, but glyphosate is worse. And that’s what’s on all the conventional grains. That’s that chemical I was saying that they’re spraying on to harvest it, desiccation, and also, as a pesticide and an herbicide. But anyways, so glyphosate kills—it destroys certain bacteria in the gut that we need to make certain amino acids; that we need to make brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, right? Bacteria get destroyed. You don’t make these amino acids that you need to make these brain chemicals or neurotransmitters. So therefore, a lot of incentive work—incentives work from MIT shows that, therefore, what’s happening is it’s causing depression. It’s causing dementia. It’s causing a lot of things that the brain needs these neurotransmitters for. So we’re not making them so—all because of that chemical.

And of course, it does other things, but the point I want to make is is that the bacteria here related to how this works. Okay? Now, the bacteria here is also related to your immune system. It’s estimated that 75-85% of your immune system starts here. Well, let me just give you one example. So many people today are lacking because of all the antibiotic use, that when my generation grew up, if a kid got a sore throat, an earache, they just threw antibiotics at them. It worked, right?


Dr. Pompa:
It takes it away. Today, I think people are getting more privy to the fact that that’s not always a good idea. But it’s still happening because parents want the quick fix.

Right, short time solution.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, so but we now know that we have reaped the nasty harvest. Because we have destroyed a lot of these bacteria that, unfortunately, we can’t get in a pill, necessarily. And these bacteria, they’re—what they do is they communicate to certain cells. And they make cells called T regulatory cells. Well, those cells tell our immune system that everything’s okay. So if you see a pollen or this invader, and the body realizes, okay, it’s okay, so it releases these T regulatory cells that calm down that immune attack, the body from attacking itself. So when you don’t have enough of those bacteria, you don’t make enough of these T regulatory cells; therefore, you can’t control your immune system, aka autoimmune, and your body’s causing inflammation, causing it to attack itself, allergies, food sensitivities, because you don’t have enough of this specific bacteria. So that’s just one example of how your gut plays into your immune system.

Mm-hmm, it’s really ground zero. Wow. Well, okay, so now we know what’s causing it, what the symptoms are. And so how do you fix? How do you fix a sick gut, Dr. Pompa? What do you do it with your oil?

Dr. Pompa:
Honestly, the gut is just like another tissue, right? We need to heal it. You have to stop—if you hurt your hand, Meredith, okay, and it was very hurt. If I sat there and hit it with a hammer—I just kind of want to do this, but I’m not going to do it. And would it ever heal if I kept hitting it?

No, it wouldn’t.

Dr. Pompa:
No. So we have to stop hitting it. That’s the first thing.

Right, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
So what I mean by that is to stop eating those foods that are causing problems.

R1, remove the source.

Dr. Pompa:
R1, remove the source. And secondly, then there’s some things that we can do to speed up that process of healing, right? Those things that can actually help heal the tissues, and that’s what this is about because these smoothies are not just regular smoothies.


Dr. Pompa:
And I want to bring up one point before we talk about the gut and the importance of smoothies. That’s one reason why they’re not just average smoothies. These are gut smoothies. But also, these smoothies are high in fat. They’re low in carbohydrates, sugars that raise glucose, right, and moderate protein. Now why that’s important, that’s basically my cellular healing diet, is because fats are very important to healing the gut. Fats are very important in healing the cell. Raising glucose, so most people drink these smoothies, even in a health food store, they’re loaded with sugar.


Dr. Pompa:
You’ve seen it.


Dr. Pompa:
You wouldn’t drink one would you?

No. No. I’d make my own, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
And it looks healthy. Even it’s green, well, it’s loaded with sugar.

And it taste good.

Dr. Pompa:
Ah, because—that’s it. I mean, so these do taste good. We have clever ways. But they make those taste very good because they load them up with sugar. Folks, if you want to age faster than anybody, raise your glucose. And those healthy smoothies are raising the glucose causing inflammation. You’re adding to the gut problem. So most healthy smoothies, they’re not healthy at all. So caution out there. So these smoothies are definitely loaded glycemic smoothies, which we need to down regulate inflammation. So that’s point number one.

It’s awesome, awesome.

Dr. Pompa:
Point number two, we have some special ingredients here.

We do. Do you want to jump into this? Do you want to talk a little bit more?

Dr. Pompa:
I want to talk about some other gut healing before we get into that.

Okay, some other tactics.

Dr. Pompa:
So we want to give you some things.

Some tools.

Dr. Pompa:
I mean, we do more than just show you how to make healthy smoothies.


Dr. Pompa:
Which we’re going to do it.

We’re going to talk about fasting, and how you can incorporate that with gut healing.

Dr. Pompa:
Mm-hmm, fasting, I think that if you go back to an episode called Ancient Healing, I talk a lot about that. So you can go back to that show, and see more on this topic. But there’s a surface here to cover fasting. There’s a few fasts that we do and like I train doctors to do around the country. And we talk a lot about intermittent fasting. I also wrote some—many articles about that. But these fasts have things like bone stock, which contain collagen, a Type II collagen, that not only is good for the connective tissue here but, also, the connective tissue here.

So bone stock also has some amazing qualities, and the reason why we need a lot of these types of fasts is it starves down all the bacteria in the gut. That might not sound like a good idea, but I can promise you it is. Because when you have what is called dysbiosis, that simply means you have too many bad guys and not enough good guys. Well, we can try to get enough good guys to over supersede the bad guys. But sometimes when dysbiosis is very bad, it’s hard to get enough good guys, right?


Dr. Pompa:
So what we do is by starving down all bacteria and then after the fast, then we re-inoculate the good. That’s a much easier way to beat the dysbiosis. So you see that. So when we do a bone stock fast, we starve down all of the bacteria and we would re-inoculate. We make these guys so weak, the bad ones, and now we’re able to come in with the good ones. So that’s the idea. I mean, it really does work, but also, bone stock has trace minerals. Minerals, Type II collagen, and many nutrients that come out of those bones that for years, hundreds of years, that’s why it’s in our Ancient Healing category, have been used to fix many different conditions in the immune system, obviously, because the gut’s connected to the immune system.

Right, and fasting really gives your body a break too from constantly digesting food all the time. To be able to just—yeah, you’re removing the source. You’re removing all of those foods and things that irritate the gut to really give it some time to heal and seal and totally repair itself.

Dr. Pompa:
Heal and seal, I like that. Heal and seal.

Heal and seal.

Dr. Pompa:
I’m going to use that, even right here.

Awesome, so all right, so you’ve got fasting, and you do the bone stock fasting, anything else here? I think maybe you want to talk about other product.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, this is a product called Whey Water. Call lovely Meredith if you want to know how to order Whey Water. But Whey Water has been used for thousands of years for fasting. Whey Water is an amazing thing. It’s not whey protein, folks. This is a liquid. I would say clear, but it’s not. It has a yellowy tint to it.

But it’s—when they make cheese, this whey water comes off. Hippocrates nicknamed the stuff healing water, right, years and years ago, the “Father of Medicine.” And I believe—look, it has a profound effect on the liver, the kidneys, and the gut. Those are the three immune detox pathways -inaudible-. So we like to start off with a lot of preparation for detox with Whey Water fast. As a matter of fact, I wrote an article on it, and so76, the one before this one, about true cellular detox.

Yes, watch that episode.

Dr. Pompa:
I talk about that prep phase. Often times, we do these intermittent fasts in the prep phase to heal the gut, but not just the gut. Something like this brings health to the liver. It brings health to the kidneys, and it also offers very, very unique bacteria, often times that you can’t get in a pill, necessarily, so a pretty neat product. And it’s very easy to do fasts on this. There’s videos on the thing, website, of my 12-year-old doing the fast when he was 12. He’s 17 now. So wow, that’s a long time. I remember 12 because I remember him saying it on the video, but anyone can do it. We’ve done several of these fasts as well.

So Whey Water really offers a lot of healing yet to the liver, the kidney, the gut. But also, I believe it’s nicknamed—it’s got its nickname healing water from what it does in the cell. It has the perfect ratio of sodium and potassium. Which when certain people are fasting, that gets out of rhythm very easily. So therefore, this fast is much easier to do than a beef stock fast. Which by the way, they have—we have beef stock already made. Give them a link for that, and there’s other—some other ideas you can get. But that’s the Whey Water fast, so we’ll move from that, and I did want to give you some information on the beef stock as well.

Yeah, and there’s an awesome company that actually delivers grass-fed bone broth to your door, 100% organic.

Dr. Pompa:

From non-GMO animals and so if you go to drpompa.com, under the Services tab, it says bone broth delivery. You can click there, and you can get access to this awesome bone broth if you don’t feel like making your own, although, it’s very easy to make your own. You can check out another article on drpompa.com on—it’s about ancient healing and about—with bone broth. And so you can check it out. There’s a recipe there, or just give me a call. I can tell you how to do it. It’s very, very easy, and the bone broth recipe is also on drpompa.com.

Dr. Pompa:
People that have made bone broth say, “Gosh, I get nauseous, or I get sick of the flavor.” Well, I—my patient tried the one that’s already made and it’s delivered to you. He’s a very good chef, right? And he was like, “Now this is amazing.” Something about not making it yourself, smelling the smell, and then just getting the stuff. I’m telling you. It was like soup. I was like, oh, yeah, this was the best soup I ever had. So you can make it yourself, but you can buy it premade. I don’t know what he does, but it is so good.

And herbs and spices and that.

Dr. Pompa:
Here’s some other types of collagen. That that’s really—this is some of the stuff that gets pulled out of the bones. So I have—a lot of the times I have my clients add this even to their stock just to get even more collagen. Because remember, that actually can heal the gut and shut down some of the leaky gut.

You can add the gelatin to the stock as well, which I’ve done. And it really just makes it very gelatinous, very soothing, very healing.

Dr. Pompa:
Their products are sold here, Revelation Health.

Yeah, there sold here. You get them on revelationhealth.com. And there also going to be part of our smoothie today. But okay, so we talked about the fasting. We talked about smoothies. What are some of the supplements you add in to support gut health, yeah?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, this is a great product. It’s called ImmunoG PRP. And that is something of—made from colostrum. But there are a lot of colostrum products sold out there, but it’s the healing process that kills something called PRPs, these proline-rich polypeptides, which this product is just loaded with. These things are important because they’re healing. Proline-rich polypeptides is a big word, right.


Dr. Pompa:
But, no, really, what it means is that there’s certain proteins that we need that we can’t get destroyed in a product and most of the products destroy it. So they put the label, the ImmunoG PRP. Now colostrum is also loaded with other growth factors. It raises up these things that actually cause healing, so when I said—I love this product because when I started using it when I worked out, within a week I noticed results in my workout. Strength went up, things like that.

That’s awesome.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s because—absolutely. It’s because of the growth factors in there and its effect on growth hormones, which also drives gut healing. So this is a very special colostrum. And it has everything maintained because of the process they use. Not the PRPs, very, very fragile proline-rich polypeptides. So you want to keep those good.

And healthy effects on animals to, which is key.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, yeah, good grass-fed, which is really important. A lot of the colostrums that are out there are not—weren’t grass-fed. And by the way, this Whey Water is also from grass-fed cows. And we’ve done many videos about that. We talk a lot about fats, and how important fats are for healing the gut. This is from—these two products are—X-Factor Butter Oil and Weston Price made this popular. He believed that…

The X Factor. Like the X Factor.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, the X Factor. So when cows eat grass, there’s literally one week in the spring that the grass is so rich in this one faculty called X Factor.

They didn’t know what it was.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly, but they knew it was there. They didn’t have a name, called it the X Factor. But they harvest this stuff one week out of the year. That’s it. So they take the—they’re not harvesting the grass. The cows are eating the grass so that that week, then they take the amount that they make these X-Factor Butter Oils from it. But now, some of these, that’s straight X-Factor Oil.

And the X Factor is Vitamin K2 is what that they were…

Dr. Pompa:
It is. Yeah. And he believed there was other components, and that’s why he just didn’t want to just call it Vitamin K2. Yeah, he believed there was something more special that happens during that time.


Dr. Pompa:
But it is loaded with K2. Grass-fed anything is loaded with K2. Most Americans—we did a video a long time ago.

One on vitamin deficiencies.

Dr. Pompa:
Yep. K2 is part of it. But the X-Factor actually is a unique—real unique story if you read Weston Price’s stuff. So this one actually has the X-Factor Butter Oil and it is—also has Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. It also has something called Fermented Skate Oil, which is a fish that has amazing qualities to it and Fermented Cod Liver Oil. So you have the Butter Oil, the Coconut Oil, the Fermented Skate, and the Fermented Cod, amazing healing products. The thing that I often don’t like about people just taking fish oil is you throw the ratio off in the bowels. Well, having the butter in there…

The fatty acids.

Dr. Pompa:
Right, and the coconut oil, it brings much more balance, I think, to the product. So this is one of my favorites. It’s called Blue Ice Infused X-Factor Butter Oil. And to differentiate it from other Blue Ice oils, it’s the one with the extra coconut oil. Remember, there’s four oils. So it’s one of my favorites.

Four different flavors, yeah, that’s a great one.

Dr. Pompa:
It has different flavors too because that can get kind of nasty. Over here, quickly, we have some other products. L Liver, why L Liver? Why this liver product? It’s always in my preparatory phases, whether it’s amalgam or whether it’s before detox. But liver plays into digestion. People don’t understand that. Many of the gut issues that don’t heal, it’s because people have a toxic liver and this, of course, liver health.

LGUT is certain enzymes that breakdown gluten. Now we talked about gluten and other un-digestive proteins. When you have a leaky gut, they get into the gut, into these out patchings where the inflammation is. And even though you may have gotten out of—the cell out of your diet months, years, you can have these proteins embedded in there driving inflammation. This dissolves that stuff. So obviously, we’d like to use it within a fast to dissolve these proteins out of the gut. Also, if you make a mistake in your diet and get exposed to gluten and you’re very sensitive, you can take these. And it will break that gluten down, which your body can’t.

Isn’t that product great for a casein on a child as well?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. You can take it—for people who have not just casein but also lactose intolerance. So they can take this. So you might say I can’t do lactose because they don’t have enzymes. This helps with that.

Awesome. Awesome.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. And this is just a—this is a product called Probiophage. We did an episode a few weeks ago with Dr. Shane, and if you want to know more about why these—phage, actually, is what they’re called, so it’s Probiophage. I said phage years ago, and so it stuck with me.

Phage, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
But these are little packed in guys that we like to put in the gut before we load it up with probiotic to kill off certain things. Watch the show, and you’ll understand why this is important. We could do a whole show on that. We don’t have time, but we did a whole show on it, so watch the show.

Yes, so check that out, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
LGUT was designed by that scientist there that you saw in the interview with the phage.

Dr. Shane.

Dr. Pompa:
That this is meant to support leaky gut. It can close down—there’s things in here that studies show that actually can close down something called tight junction. They’re left wide open, and therefore, these proteins go across, right? So it’s designed…

That product really helped me. I took that for a while, and I really, really felt good on that.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. Most people are familiar with Glutamine as doing that, but I think this is—LGUT is Glutamine on steroids. It’s better than Glutamine. MBC is one of the bacterias that we love. And I love they’re rotated with Prescript-Assist so MBC and this one’s called Prescript-Assist.

We’ve got ABC too.

Dr. Pompa:
I always tell you—this has 19 different wheat bacterias in it, which is…

From the soil.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, from the soil which is different than anything that you’re going to buy, a probiotic, in a store. But this also focuses more on probiotics that, the MBC on —that most people aren’t getting because they typically have the standard 7, the standard 10 or 11.

Right, same standards.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. So this focuses more on unique. But one thing I would say is don’t just keep taking the probiotic month after month.


Dr. Pompa:
That’s why I rotate them. I change them to get unique bacteria.

It makes perfect sense. We got to diverse our flora.

Dr. Pompa:
And sometimes enzymes, people need enzymes while they’re healing the gut to break down the food to get more out of it. So there you go. So there’s a run through of the product. But let’s get to these amazing smoothies that you have the ability to create.

Awesome, okay, all right, so to make this smoothie here and we’re going to start off with a base. And the base I love to use for smoothies is Full-Fat Organic Coconut Oil. And I always try to buy a BPA-free can. You can make your own coconut oil if you got the time. I don’t. But this is one that I like, and I always use.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, the reason there’s BPA, which just comes from plastic—this could be dangerous. It’s like, oh, yes, pour it in there and it comes out.

Oh, see, and there we go.

Dr. Pompa:
See that. I knew it would be bothering you.

Got a great start.

Dr. Pompa:
That fat on the top. The cream always rises to the top.

Yes it does.

Dr. Pompa:
They put a lining in the can, and that’s what gives off the BPA. So make sure you don’t do that. Now, in the old days, they would actually use solder in these, and there was lead going into a lot of these foods. So I couldn’t read that. Okay, anyway, so that’s what we want to make sure the can was safe. So no, that brings in the high fat.

Yes, great things. And why do we need this fat? What kind of fat is in it? What is—why do you like coconut oil?

Dr. Pompa:
Well, I mean, coconut oil has things called medium-change triglycerides. And medium-change triglycerides actually help you become a better fat burner.

Fat burning, who doesn’t want more of that, right?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, oh, no doubt about it.


Dr. Pompa:
But also, by the way, most people lack those medium-change triglycerides. So it’s very important. So coconut oil also helps the thyroid and helps support thyroid function because of the medium-change triglyceride. So it’s a great fact.

It’s good stuff, awesome. Next I’m throwing in some fresh basil. A couple of weeks ago at my house, we have a little herb garden, and I was thinking, gosh, I have all this basil. What can I do with it? So well, maybe, I’ll just stick it in a smoothie. So I grabbed a couple of huge handfuls. And this time the basil supply is getting a little low at our house, so we’re just going to have one good handful here, but I threw that in. We don’t have enough fresh herbs and spices in our diets these days, in a modern diet. So I just like to incorporate them as much as possible.

So I threw in some fresh basil, and we’re going to add some berries as well. Travis is going to get those. They were in the freezer because we didn’t want them to be all melted when we made this. So these are just some wild organic blueberries. You can use fresh. We just have the frozen here for today. I throw just the whole bag in.

Dr. Pompa:
You can use raspberries too.

Yeah, raspberries are awesome, blackberries, really, anything. I usually make smoothies—these are two servings. So the nice thing is once I make it, I’m good for two days-worth of breakfast, lunch. So it’s a whole can of coconut milk, some basil, some wild blueberries, and then I—and then something called bee pollen.

Dr. Pompa:
Dr. Pompa was eating that before the show.

He was. He was snacking up on it, handfuls of that. I like to add about a handful, but you know, depending on…

Dr. Pompa:
Two hands.

All right, throw another one in, your sweetness preference, you can add in some more. But bee pollen is the food of young bees. It’s one of nature’s most perfect foods. It’s about 40% protein. It’s a really great thing. You can use raw honey too but if you can get your hands on some bee pollen.

Dr. Pompa:
But this is less sweet. I was surprised. You had told me that it’s 40% protein, actually, so I was shocked. It also offers many enzymes that people lack with a digestive dysbiosis.

It supports hormone balance, fertility. It’s a great product, so think about that. And actually, it cannot be synthesized in laboratories. So you know when you get it that it’s a real deal. We actually have it at our store. We sell it in one pound bags here.

Dr. Pompa:
Here’s something else that I was eating before the show.


Dr. Pompa:
What is that he was eating? I was eating salt. I’m a firm believer in the product that’s got sea salt, and I love salt. So how much should I put in?

Yeah, there we go. That’s good.

Dr. Pompa:
Looks like a teaspoon to me.

A teaspoon, depending on what you like. It’s great for electrolyte balance as well. Anytime any…

Dr. Pompa:
Anything that most people are lacking and it’s low, I would go a little overboard.

Just throw it in. Well, that’s the fun things about this too. Yes, the recipe is online, but be free with it too. Have fun with it. Tweak it to your personal preference. I always add in salt to really anything that I make sweet, really, any dessert. But I like that balance, and it’s good for your electrolytes too.

Dr. Pompa:
My grandmother used to salt her fruit.

Yes. Watermelon, so good.

Dr. Pompa:
I always thought that was the most bizarre thing. She did it to actually make it sweeter. So that’s interesting.

Mm-hmm, it brings out the flavor. I already salted it. And then lastly, we’re going to add in some collagen and gelatin.

Dr. Pompa:
If my sister’s watching, she’ll be laughing right now.

All right, awesome. So we have this grass-fed collagen. It’s from grass-fed cows in Argentina. So I always add this in to really super charge the gut healing component of these smoothies. So a couple tablespoons in, I just mix it in.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, add a little bit of…

Oh, wait. I forgot. You want to—I want to wait and add these in the second step. Sorry. So I’m going to mix it—well, a little bit got in, but that’s okay. All right, so we’re going to add…

Dr. Pompa:
The scary part.

First blend this and then we’ll add in the collagen and gelatin stuff.

Dr. Pompa:
I have seen disasters, and although, if we had one, we would have a YouTube thing.

Okay, so you know how to use it.

Dr. Pompa:
In my house, though, you have to understand, I have been bitten by this thing.

We have the same in my house, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Here’s what happened. Someone keeps the darn thing on high, right?

Do not. Do not.

Dr. Pompa:
And I’m thinking—whoa. See? Okay, that’s what happens.

Yeah. Yeah. See, not a good idea.

Dr. Pompa:
But the lids not on and I’m telling you, it hits the ceiling. You have some—years later you will find blueberry -inaudible-

In the corners, yes, do not leave your blender on high.

Dr. Pompa:
Here’s what I think’s going to happen. So I’m doing this, the lids not on because I’m adding something. So I do—I still was scared, by the way. So I try—but it’s on high. It’s going to explode. So that’s how that happened.

Right, well, I didn’t bring the tamper. All right, so the idea is to slowly mix that in.

Dr. Pompa:
Then you can hit it on high.

You can hit it on high. Looks good.

Dr. Pompa:
Doesn’t it look good?

Yeah, and the next thing, though, which I already added a little collagen in accidentally, but we’ll -inaudible-, but what I do then is I mix the base of the smoothie really well. Then I add in the collagen and the gelatin powders. If you put these in at a really high speed with the blender, it can mechanically damage the fiber proteins in here. So I mix the base, and then I will just add in a little bit of the collagen and the gelatin, and mix it in at a low speed so they don’t get damaged.

Dr. Pompa:
This recipe and many of the ones in the book have this, the Immuno.


Dr. Pompa:
Not many. But you can add this to any of them, but it too would probably be better to keep out until the end, right?

Right, and just always add that in at a low speed at the end.

Dr. Pompa:
Very fragile.

You mix on high or medium to begin with with the base, and then add these in. So I added in some of the collagen product, and then I added in the gelatin powder as well. It’s really good for healing the gut, but it also makes things more gelatinous. So if you want your smoothie to have a little thinner consistency, leave out the gelatin. Otherwise, if you like that thickness, you can add it in. Sometimes I add in a good amount and stick it in the fridge, and then it turns into a pudding after a couple of hours, which is really fun and nice.

Dr. Pompa:
Wow, so creative. You can also add your fats, your good fats.


Dr. Pompa:
Some people like them…

Throw in more.

Dr. Pompa:
I can put things in here.

Beautiful, so mix that on low.

Dr. Pompa:
I almost had it on…

It’s on the low, see? All right, slowly mix that on…

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, that’s it. Oh, that’s right. The point was was not to go crazy.

See, we’re learning. We’re learning here, beautiful.

Dr. Pompa:
I just did the opposite. I made her nervous.

It’s muscle memories right?

Dr. Pompa:
Her and Warren are very into the detail.

We’re detail people.

Dr. Pompa:
So people like me can make them very nervous.

Hey, we all got to work together, right? And then I always just like to stick my smoothies in a little Mason jar because it’s great for travel. So, whoops, see how we do it here. That one’s for you, Dr. Pompa. We’re going to give it a little taste and see.

Dr. Pompa:
That is—I love that.


Dr. Pompa:
I love that.

Awesome, not too sweet either because that’s the point. You don’t want to spike your blood sugar, but you want to eat the good fats, the great protein, and you want to be satisfied. And if you have this for breakfast, believe me, you’ll be good until lunch. You can also, if you’re practicing intermittent fasting, skip breakfast, have organic coffee or tea. A little bit of good fat.

Dr. Pompa:
This would be your first meal.

Add some coconut oil. And this good be lunch too if you just want a light lunch. So that’s pretty much it. This website—or this recipe is on drpompa.com.

Dr. Pompa:
How do they get the book, the smoothie book?

Yeah, so you go on drpompa.com. There’s a Recipes tab at the top. You hover over that. It’ll say free smoothie eBook. You can click on that, and you can download it as a PDF. Also, there’s a coupon code in the book for 10% off these grass-fed collagen and gelatin products on Revelation Health.com. So you’ll get the coupon code, and then go to revelationhealth.com, enter the coupon code, and get the discount on these products. And this recipe is on drpompa.com. It’s under the Smoothies tab. And otherwise, that’s pretty much it. So have fun, and enjoy making them, and enjoy really supporting your gut.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, now don’t expect something like this next week. This is going to be every once in a while. We’re spoiling them with all—they’re going to say I want to go into Meredith’s kitchen again at Revelation Health.

All right, we can do that.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, we do have to do this more often. So okay, well, we’ll see you next week with another great show. See you.

Thanks, guys. Take care.

75: Overcoming Mold Illness

Transcript of Episode 75: Overcoming Mold Illness

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and special guest Tammy Stewart, C.N.C.

Dr. Pompa: All right. We’re live.

David: You’re live.

Dr. Pompa: No. No. Now it says live. See? David’s helping me out because Dr. Pompa—when I do these things by myself, bad things happen. We know that. Not today, though. Listen, we are here live in Park City, Utah in one of our seminars.

Tammy: Gorgeous here!

Dr. Pompa: We are here before the doctors have arrived, but one practitioner doctor is here. I took the opportunity because I got an email, Tammy—Tammy Stewart, by the way. This is our audience.

Tammy: Hi.

Dr. Pompa: I got an email, and it was a very inspiring email. I said to myself, “Oh! That has to be on Cellular Healing TV.” You have a really unique story, and I really wanted, always, for you to tell your story. Through adversity, which is a message of mine—I always say, “Our purpose that God has for us always comes from adversity.” That is sure true in your case because you and your family—and I’ll let you tell the story. You and your family all were very sick, except maybe your husband, right?

Tammy: No, but he was on the way.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It’s right. That’s true.

Tammy: That’s part of our mission, is to prevent.

Dr. Pompa: That’s right. Yeah. Anyways, we’re dressed like this today because we’re actually going—

Tammy: He is. I got dressed for the TV.

Dr. Pompa: She looks nicer than me. Yeah. Exactly, so I am dressed like this because we’re actually going on a hike, way up to about 10-above feet. I’m going to teach you a little message when we’re up there.

Tammy: I’m excited. It’s going to be great.

Dr. Pompa: Adversity—we got to put these doctors in adversity.

Tammy: Things of value cost something.

Dr. Pompa: That’s right.

Tammy: If it doesn’t cost something, it doesn’t have value.

Dr. Pompa: No. That’s exactly right. You’re probably wondering—okay. We said Tammy’s a practitioner that now does cellular healing and cellular detox. That all came out of the suffering that her and her family went through. Tammy, start with that. Start with that. There’s so many details, and I know you have to be—really hit the—but I do want—

Tammy: He’s telling me to be brief.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It’s true. I am. I do want you to hit on some of these things because I talk about—and I just wrote an article last week that every one of you need to read. It’s “True Cellular Detox™.” That’s at the core of what we do.

Tammy: Absolutely.

Dr. Pompa: It’s really what we do that’s very unique that most, even alternative functional medicine doctors, don’t do. They don’t get upstream to get to the cause. I talk about in the article the Three Amigos, or what I call the three big boys that get people sick, block up their detox pathways, and therefore, nothing works after that, no supplements, no medications. You encountered many of those big boys.

Tammy: I think we’ve hit all of them. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Did you? Yeah. Let’s talk about it. Take us back, and let’s enlighten them.

Tammy: Do you want me to tell you just a little bit about how I started doing this work, or just about our sickness?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Absolutely.

Tammy: That’s where it all started.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly.

Tammy: One year, I just felt God telling me, “Pray Isaiah’s Prayer—Here I am. Send me.” I said, “No. No way.”

Dr. Pompa: I’m there, too.

Tammy: “You don’t understand. I’m comfortable, and you have given me everything I need, and everything is just wonderful.” I was in my comfort zone. Of course, I argued with Him, and I prayed. He won, of course. I prayed all year long, “Here I am. Send me,” not knowing why.

Dr. Pompa: That’s a dangerous prayer sometimes.

Tammy: It was scary. It was so scary. That fall, our son—I’ll leave that part of the story until later. Our son got sick. I had always loved nutrition. One night, my husband said to me, “You need to take this nutrition thing that you love and make a business with it.” I’m like, “Oh, I know, but I’d have to go back to school, and I’d have to learn to market. No. It’s too much work. It’s too big. I don’t know.” The next day, our chiropractor called us, and he said, “I need somebody to help me with detox in my office.” By then, we knew that we were sick because of toxins. Who was going to help us get well? I had to do it because there was nobody else.

Dr. Pompa: Such a mom, right?

Tammy: When there’s nothing else, you have to stand up and say, “Okay, God. I guess this is what you wanted me to do. Hit me in the head with it.” Of course, I said, “Yes. I will do this.” I worked with him a few years, and then we split.  

Dr. Pompa: When you’re not feeling well, it’s hard to go in that direction. It’s hard. Yeah, God’s called you to something bigger. You have a sense in your heart that it’s this, but when you’re just not feeling right, it’s very hard to make those decisions. Especially for a mom—it’s not just you.

 Tammy: Absolutely. We didn’t have a choice. He brought us to that point, and then all along my journey, there have been times when He didn’t give me a choice because he knew if I had had a choice, I would have chosen the easy way. So there were lots of times that I didn’t have a choice. It started when our high school-aged son—our oldest son—got sick. He came to us and said that he was feeling depressed. God has blessed our home with peace and health. The first thing I thought was that it was an emotional problem, and I didn’t understand. Our other kids were having other issues, and our chiropractor was watching all this. He said, “Tammy, there is something going on,” because he had been going to your seminars for a couple of years.

Dr. Pompa: Okay. I forgot about that, but I do recall now, as you say the story—

Tammy: He knew. He knew what the problem was. He was just such a gift from God to us. You could share the truth with him, and he was sending—

Dr. Pompa: How many years ago was that?

Tammy: That was—when he was with you—probably 10.

Dr. Pompa: Ten years ago. Wow.

Tammy: I started this journey probably eight or nine. He said, “I’m looking at your family. There’s a toxicity problem somewhere.” Stephen took the VCS test.

Dr. Pompa: The Visual Contrast Test that I talked about in Episode 73 on the mold. Anyways, go on.

Tammy: He took the test and failed. That told us there was mold in our house. God provided. There was a man at our church who I knew had done mold remediation, and I knew somebody who knew him. Somebody I knew was a mold expert witness, testified in court about mold. I called him. He put me in touch with the other guy. He watched our house. God just blessed us. That was an absolute gift from God. He watched our house and told us where the mold was. My husband was unemployed.

Dr. Pompa: Wow. Do more testing, can’t find it. Retest that test.

Tammy: I know. My clients come to me and say, “How do I find mold?” I can’t say, “This is how I did it,” because he doesn’t do it. It made him sick. He can’t do it anymore.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. You get sick. Matter of fact, I found that most of these guys that come in and test for mold, they’re all sick.

Tammy: They’re sick.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. They’re all sick. You’re looking at them, and they always say the same thing. They always go, “It doesn’t affect me,” and you’re looking at them, going—after an hour, they start going, “Well, I have rheumatoid arthritis, and I have this.” It’s like, “Well, you just said that it’s not affecting you.” It’s like, “Yes, it is affecting you!”

Tammy: In our country, we don’t know that they’re sick because they’re looking at their friends. That’s the way we were. We didn’t know that we had dysfunction in our body because we were the healthiest ones of our friends.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah.

Tammy: We failed the VCS test. We found the mold, and my husband was unemployed at the time.

Dr. Pompa: I actually remember that, too. This is all coming back to me. Yeah.

Tammy: Yeah. It’s all coming back to you. Do you think that we said to our son, “I’m sorry, Sweetie, we can’t afford this?”

Dr. Pompa: No. Absolutely not.

Tammy: We would never have said that.

Dr. Pompa: Right.

Tammy: We remediated the bathroom. For five years, we had no floor in our bathroom, and we had no shower. You know what I ask all my clients? I say, “Do you have two bathrooms? Do you have more than one bathroom?” Everybody does. God gave us another bathroom down the hall. It was fine. It didn’t bother me at all because his life was priceless.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah.

Tammy: We started doing mold detox, which is so easy. He got better so quickly.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Removing the biotoxin

Tammy: That’s easy.

Dr. Pompa: It is. The hard part’s—

Tammy: Oh, the hard part was coming. In the meantime, I started working with Dr. Rob, and learning from you, and coming to your seminars, and learning. I had eight metal fillings; my husband had seven. Again, remember he was unemployed, and I cashed in 401(k), got the metal out of my mouth. He did something else and got the metal out of his mouth.

Dr. Pompa: I have to stop you there because, you know, people who come to me that want coaching, most often they have financial challenges because they’ve been sick.

Tammy: Oh, sure. They’ve been sick.

Dr. Pompa: They can’t work.

Tammy: We were fortunate. We had not wasted any money there.

Dr. Pompa: I think it is like when your back’s up against the wall—I call these 3%er's, right?

Tammy: Right.

Dr. Pompa: My wife and I, we didn’t have money either at this point when I was sick. We went into debt $180,000, and I’m not recommending anyone do that, but the point was is I knew that I would rather be broke than live my life like this.

Tammy: Yes. You’re worth it. Absolutely.

Dr. Pompa: You had no money. Your husband was unemployed. You found money to get rid of the mold, remediate the home, and do the fillings.

Tammy: Right. Exactly. We had to.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. You had to. That’s what 3% of them say. “I don’t care. I have to do it. God’ll provide,” and you just move forward.

Tammy: You have to do it. You have to. God provided. Oh, my goodness, so many times.

Dr. Pompa: We just had a testimony last week. I don’t know if you saw the show.

Tammy: Yes, I did—so good.

Dr. Pompa: The woman on the show last week’s show said the exact same thing. Didn’t know; God provided. Yeah.

Tammy: There were so many months when I would spend our last dollar, literally, on supplements to detoxify the five of us. All three of our kids were really sick, and my husband and I. My husband’s father had died of Parkinson’s. That didn’t happen overnight in your body. It was already happening in his body. I couldn’t wait. My grandmother died of Alzheimer’s. By then, we knew what real health looked like, but we knew we did not have it. Even though people thought we did, we did not. Every month, God provided, every single month. We did the mold remediation. We realized metals were toxic. Then our second son got sick. He’s the one where, in the mornings—you probably haven’t heard this story. One morning, I thought I heard crows. I’m like, “Why do I hear crows?” It happened again and again. I was having my quiet time. I walked down the hall. It was Jason. He was up in the bed, cawing at the crows that were outside. That’s Jason. Wakes up like a bird in the morning, and he got sick. He was tired. Winnie the Pooh—you know what Eeyore sounds like.

Dr. Pompa: Hold on. Hold on, I’m just—he did this every morning?

Tammy: No, that was before. That was just an example of his personality.

Dr. Pompa: Okay. That’s what I didn’t understand. My bad. Okay.

Tammy: That was his personality. He woke up happy.

Dr. Pompa: All right. Happy—got it.

Tammy: He was awake. The second day of my marriage, my husband said, “You have to leave me alone ‘til I’ve had my shower and my coffee.” I wake up a like a bird. Jason wakes up like a bird. He was a bird that morning. He started sounding like Eeyore.

Dr. Pompa: Mm-hmm. Yeah, so you knew he changed.

Tammy: He was Eeyore, and he was tired. To him, he was just tired.

Dr. Pompa: Bouncing Tigger to Eeyore.

Tammy: Yes. I knew that he wasn’t just tired. He was always great at school, enjoyed going to school. He called me, “Mom, you have to come get me. I can’t get through the rest of the day.” I called your office, and Merily—by the grace of God, Merily answered the phone. I said, “I’ve been working with Dr. Pompa, and my son—” She said, “Hold on a second…”

Dr. Pompa: Yes. She does that, if I’m anywhere in there, she’ll be like, “You have to talk to this person.”

Tammy: You told me a couple of things to do, and so he was home a couple of days. He had chronic fatigue. His healing journey was longer and harder.

Dr. Pompa: Yes, it was.

Tammy: I clearly remember the summer that he got better because I got my kid back. He would wake up happy in the mornings, and that’s when I knew he had turned a corner. It was really hard to send him off to college, to let go, but we had tools. We had air purifiers, and we had—and his body was healthier by then. The third part of the story, you know we’re not finished with yet. That’s when it’s really hard because we’re still living in it. When I was nursing Tara—she was born five pounds, but my grandmother's were small. My husband’s parents—mother is really small, and that’s okay to be five pounds. It’s okay for God to make you small.

Dr. Pompa: Was she born in the moldy house?

Tammy: I don’t think it was moldy at that point. I don’t think so. I think it was that—she was older when the mold started, but who knows when the mold started?

Dr. Pompa: Okay. Right, right, right. By the way, when you had, what’d you say, eight fillings—with all your kids. Just a reminder: Mom has eight fillings, right?

Tammy: Mm-hmm.

Dr. Pompa: That means all of the children are exposed to mercury in utero. That’s not our opinion; that’s scientific fact.

Tammy: That’s science.

Dr. Pompa: Right. If mom has lead in her bones—

Tammy: Oh, I had high levels.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly. I looked. Pregnancy, they lose bone; in goes the lead. Now you have two metals working synergistically together. Very high lethal dose value, very sick. Oh, and then we just add the perfect storm of a moldy home in there. Bam! Three weather fronts, perfect storm.

Tammy: Exactly.

Dr. Pompa: There’s actually even another thing coming, but—yeah. You can just see how this whole family—I just bumped the thing—how this whole family ends up all sick because all have the three big boys, the Three Amigos that we talked about—hidden infections, heavy metals, biotoxins from mold. Okay.

Tammy: When I was nursing Tara, I had a metal filling removed.

Dr. Pompa: You know, we made the same mistake with our son, Isaac. She said, “I’ll just dump the milk.” It was a bad move. It was a really bad move.

Tammy: Yeah. It was horrible. We didn’t know. Even before that, she was incredibly sensitive to sound, so I know she was toxic at birth.

Dr. Pompa: Sensitive to sound is such a heavy metal thing. That was me.

Tammy: Somebody would ring the doorbell, and she would cry, and she would just—as a tiny, little baby. Then I had the filling removed, so we know that she had all those exposures. She started getting so much better. It took even longer for than it did for our middle son. She used to get the excessive absence letters from school all the time. Thankfully, the teachers knew us. They knew we weren’t just keeping her home playing hooky. She was really sick. One year, from November to March, she missed three to seven days every month, and that started getting better. She, one year, did not miss any days of school, so that was getting a lot better. Other things were getting better. Her sensitivity to sound is getting better, but then other things started happening. She started getting worse, and I knew, I knew, I knew when you remove the cause, the body heals. We removed the mold. We were removing the metals. Her diet couldn’t get any more perfect. I sent lunch with her to school every day. The kid ate what I gave her. Amazing, she is amazing.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, she is. She does everything her mom tells her to do, which is rare, right? Most of us, we tell our kids things—

Tammy: Yeah, and they’re like, “Aw!”

Dr. Pompa: She knew that she wasn’t feeling well.

Tammy: She did. She worked so hard, and then she started getting worse just a couple years ago. I knew there was a cause.

Dr. Pompa: It’s another upstream source. I thing I always say to you practitioners—I always say, “If someone’s not progressing like they should, there’s something else, one of these hidden big boys, typically upstream, and you have to look somewhere else because you’re missing something upstream.”

Tammy: In the mean time, you had been teaching us about the iSpot Lyme test, which was a very new test that you’ve talked about on Cellular Healing TV a few times—very accurate. I thought, “Well, if she has it,” because we were from the city. There’s no ticks, and I lived in the country, but I remember playing outside. I thought, “If she has it, she probably got it from me.” I tested myself, and I tested negative, but then I tested her, and she was very high. Then we tested our other kids, and they were positive, one very high, one very low. My husband was very high. I tested myself again at the end of a metals cycle, pulled me off that biofilm, and I did test positive, so all five of us.

Dr. Pompa: Right. Okay. Stop right there. That’s the same as opening Pandora’s box. Something I always teach, whether it’s to the practitioners or you all, is that these thing, these big boys that we talk about that shut down the detox pathways, these are average toxins, but they run together oftentimes. Many people have been treated for Lyme, and they go, “Oh, I’m still sick.” What we have found, and you, now, as a practitioner, that they have heavy metal issues.

Tammy: Right.

Dr. Pompa: Matter of fact, the heavy metal issues are what oftentimes allow these hidden infections to exist because they are opportunistic. I read a thing once that there’s estimates that certain places on the east coast, 90% of some of these communities are tested Lyme positive. Why aren’t they all sick? They’re opportunistic. The body’s keeping it in check until maybe heavy metals—people that have a lot of heavy metals, a lot of amalgam fillings—this sets up the terrain where these guys go rampant. They get into the cell. They get into the organs. They get into the brain, nerve tissue, and now, the immune system can’t deal with it. They typically run in these perfect storms together. People can have several fillings in their mouth, their body’s dealing with it, getting rid of the mercury. It’s not good for anybody. Then you move into a moldy home. After a few years there, the bottom falls out, or we add one emotional stressor.

Tammy: That’s what I was thinking.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Silver fillings leaching or maybe root canals because they’re very, very toxic—

Tammy: Oh, absolutely. Mm-hmm.

Dr. Pompa: Then you’re in the moldy home, and then your child, something bad happens, whatever that is.

Tammy: That’s completely out of your control, and so I’m still so crazy committed to getting us off all cleaned up, detoxified.

Dr. Pompa: She was. Trust me. Yeah.

Tammy: Right now, a couple of us don’t have symptoms, my husband and my son, practically no symptoms, yet very high on the Lyme test. I still want to get rid of it right now because I can control it right now. I know what to do. We’re not controlling the Lyme; we’re getting rid of it, so it’s not there in the body anymore, so that five or ten years, or twenty years—because emotional stressors hit almost—there will be emotional stress. You can’t get rid of it.

Dr. Pompa: No doubt. No doubt.

Tammy: It’s going to happen to you, and if the Lyme is sitting there, that’s going to be the trigger.

Dr. Pompa: Yes. Oh, yeah, exactly. I call them hidden infections because a root canal can cause hidden infections. Most people have to have them. They don’t realize they’re getting sick. Every root canal is toxic.

Tammy: Every single one.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. They cause cancer, multiple other problems. Hidden cavitations—

Tammy: Biotoxins.

Dr. Pompa: Biotoxins, moldLyme is a hidden infection. Then there’s co-infections that run with Lyme that is another problem. Again, it’s the immune system, if it’s healthy, can deal with it, but when you have other stressors, emotionally, mold, heavy metals, who knows, then obviously—

Tammy: Chemical stress.

Dr. Pompa: Chemical stress.

Tammy: If you go to an office where they spray pesticides all the time, anything like that’ll do it.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It’s typically not one thing. They come in packs. I had taught her True Cellular Detox™ early on. This is how you truly get rid of heavy metals. You saw your kids, yourself, progressing. These things went away, and then it’s like—it starts with mold. The metals are the next thing. We went through the metals, and then you get hit with the Lyme.

Tammy: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: Okay. Why are we still yet not progressing? It ends up to be the Lyme. Your health has transformed tremendously.

Tammy: Right. Absolutely. We’re not finished yet.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I know it.

Tammy: We are completely—

Dr. Pompa: Maybe it was a year ago now, but you had some skin things going on, and at one of the seminars, we were testing staph.

Tammy: Oh, right.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Remember?

Tammy: Right. Oh, yeah.

Dr. Pompa: We were actually testing her microbiome because your microbiome, we can test it on your skin. You can test it in your gut. You can test it anywhere. We just did some random—

Tammy: You tested my nose.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, okay. We had choices where we wanted to test our bacteria because, remember, on your skin is a microbiome, meaning good and bad bacteria that makes up our immune system. We can literally analyze our microbiome here as a reflection of what’s going on in the body. I remember when our plates came back. Yours was growing something very odd. I remember, Dr. Shane and myself—

Tammy: I saw the look on your face. I was like, “Oh, gee! Something happened!”

Dr. Pompa: Dr. Shane and myself—I looked at it. I think I had said to him, I’m like, “This isn’t normal. What is it?” He looks at it. He says, “It’s staph. That’s staph.” Your microbiome here had a plethora of staph.

Tammy: I had that huge rash, and you can still here right there—when you know where it is, you can see the scar. That’s from the burn. I had burned my arm, and then, within a couple of days, I had this—some nights, I wanted to cut my arm off. I cried, it hurt so bad. When I had clients who say, “I’m itching,” I say, “I know how you feel. Believe me.” Nothing I did helped, nothing. I did all the essential oils, all the homeopathics. All that stuff didn’t make it feel better because I wasn’t getting to the cause.

Dr. Pompa: You weren’t upstream. They were all upstream.

Tammy: I started spraying on it. That’s the only thing that ever made it feel better. Then it would go away, and it would come back, and it would go away. Then I had it tested. It went to my hands. Tested it, and he said, “No. You don’t have staph.” I said, “I know that I did in my nose because I was tested.” He said, “But you haven’t been in the hospital.” He said, “In all my 35 years of practice, I have never seen a case of staph outside of a hospital.” I wasn’t saying MRSA. I was saying staph. I said, “You told me you would do the test. Please just do the test. No, I don’t want the antibiotic. I just want you to test.” He did a test, and it came back positive on my hand. It was on my ears. I looked like the Joker. It was on my lips. Horrible.

Dr. Pompa: What I want people to understand is most people would have this, they would end up on the antibiotic.

Tammy: Oh, yeah, and I wouldn’t take it.

Dr. Pompa: Of course, and then what happens? That makes the microbiome inherently worse.

Tammy: Makes it worse. It doesn’t solve the problem.

Dr. Pompa: Temporarily, it might clear up. Isn’t this the way of modern medicine? It’s like, “Oh, staph, kill it.” It’s not so simple.

Tammy: We want an easy fix. No.

Dr. Pompa: You had staph. Every one of us have staph.

Tammy: Oh, sure.

Dr. Pompa: We all have staph, strep.

Tammy: Pylori—

Dr. Pompa: If we analyze my thing, we have strep. Why does, all of a sudden, strep keep coming back in people? It’s because their immune system is not right. You had staph because something was keeping your immunity down, affecting your microbiome, your good and bad bacteria. Of course, you, with your knowledge, were, “Let’s go upstream.”

Tammy: There’s got to be a cause.

Dr. Pompa: When I see staph and I see these infections, I always know they run with heavy metals. You knew, “Okay, I have to continue my heavy metals.” Obviously, it could have been the Lyme.

Tammy: A combination—it’s the perfect storm.

Dr. Pompa: A combination—right. Yeah. That was keeping her immune system down, which now allows more co-infections.

Tammy: Then I got the burn, and it came out.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. I have to say—you know this. There’s a few things, and this part of it, you hate when I say this, but she was just a housemother.

Tammy: I do. I hate it when he says that because only a man could say that.

Dr. Pompa: I don’t say it out of disrespect.

Tammy: That’s the only reason I let you get by with it because I know that you know that’s the hardest job there is.

Dr. Pompa: It is the hardest job, though.

Tammy: It’s the most important one.

Dr. Pompa: I only say it because in front of me are all these doctors with all these degrees, right?

Tammy: Yes. That’s right.

Dr. Pompa: “I have this degree, that degree.” Then I see Tammy, and—

Tammy: I’m the one who’s saying, “Remove the source! Remove the source! Remove the source!

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Somehow she gets it. Granted, you were my clients. You were my patient. I helped you and your family.

Tammy: I had to do it because I had no other option. I didn’t know what else to do except that I knew that God didn’t forget to put a drug tree in the garden.

Dr. Pompa: That’s right.

Tammy: Drugs are not the solution. God put healing in the body.

Dr. Pompa: No doubt. You are the ones—she reminds these doctors. Trust me. She does. You got to go upstream. It’s not about even giving another supplement. You’ve got to go upstream because that’s what gave you and your family your life back, right?

Tammy: Right.

Dr. Pompa: It’s like you had that enrooted in you. I have to say this. Now here you are, a practitioner through adversity.

Tammy: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: Even though I have the degree, I’ve had the schooling—I always say, “My authority does not come from any of that.” All of it really doesn’t apply to anything I do today. It all came out of my adversity, so equally qualified here. Matter of fact, honestly, because of this, she may be more qualified because—

Tammy: I’m so crazy committed and passionate, and I do have the education, working on my master’s, and the education from you—

Dr. Pompa: None of that—

Tammy: I didn’t want, and don’t want to go back to school and get a certification where they’re teaching things that aren’t true. They’re going to teach you that fat is bad, and that’s not true. They’re going to teach you that when you’ve got high cholesterol, you need a drug to bring it down, and that’s not true. When my client has high cholesterol, I want to know—God put cholesterol in your body. The cholesterol is doing the right thing. We have to find out why the cholesterol is high. Solve the source. Remove the source.

Dr. Pompa: When she says, “High cholesterol,” she’s talking about particles. She understands that it’s not just—

Tammy: It’s not just that number that you’re telling me. That doesn’t do any good.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. The number means nothing. Right. We’re talking about high particles. There’s a reason for that, right?

Tammy: Right. Yes.

Dr. Pompa: There’s a reason for that, and we see in people who have other challenges that distract their liver and how they’re utilizing fats.

Tammy: The body’s trying to heal, and that’s why the cholesterol’s there.

Dr. Pompa: When I was sick, all of a sudden—I had low cholesterol, which is not good. It’s an open window for neurotoxins to get here. I thought it was a good thing. Then all of a sudden—I remember when I was trying to find my way out of my own sickness, I went to a friend of mine. He ran a bunch of blood tests, and he says, “Your cholesterol’s real high. That’s really all your blood work showed.” I’m like, “My cholesterol’s high?” “Your platelets were a little low.” I’m like, “What was my cholesterol?” It was 280, maybe 278 or something. I was like, “That’s really weird. That’s like 100 to where I’ve been.”

Tammy: Yeah, not normal for you.

Dr. Pompa: What I had found out later is that the body will raise up the cholesterol to protect the brain because it’s dealing with neurotoxins. Oftentimes, people will end up in neurodegenerative conditions. They see that same pattern. They go to their doctor, and they get thrown on a statin. What happens is it forces the cholesterol down, and then they end up—the neurotoxins cross into the brain. There is a reason why cholesterol can go up all of a sudden.

Tammy: Part of my purpose, also, the passion inside of me was from watching my grandmother. As I said, my grandmother got Alzheimer’s. When we did our very first heavy metals test, my aluminum was off the chart. Now we know mercury, of course—

Dr. Pompa: I didn’t remember that.

Tammy: We know now mercury’s the real cause, but back then, we were thinking—and everybody. I can ask a whole—my whole audience at one of my talks, what metal causes Alzheimer’s, and they all know aluminum.

Dr. Pompa: Aluminum, aluminum. Yeah.

Tammy: My aluminum was off the chart, and I watched her get sick, and my daddy was by himself. He had to take care of her. I said, “That is not going to be me. My kids are not going to be taking care of me.” Then we watched my father-in-law with Parkinson’s was a five-year nightmare. Then my stepfather got esophageal cancer, and that was six months that he should have just—if he could have just gone to Heaven before that, all that pain. I’m not going to be there. That is not God’s plan.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.

Tammy: Dysfunction is not God’s plan. He put healing inside of us. How many of your clients and my clients have prayed, “Dear God, please just help me get well. Just send me the answer.” He already put it—it’s already inside the body. He already answered their question. He already gave it to you.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, no doubt. Remove the interference.

Tammy: Absolutely.

Dr. Pompa: You see, she keeps coming back to that. She is an amazing practitioner. It’s really amazing to me how many doctors, even alternative doctors, have really missed that major part.

Tammy: They don’t know. They don’t know the source of the—

Dr. Pompa: Those articles that I talked about in the beginning of this show, “True Cellular Detox™,” that’s why—read it. That’s what gave you your life back, right?

Tammy: Yes. Right. Exactly.

Dr. Pompa: That’s what gave me my life back. The 5R's is a roadmap to fixing the cell. You know, you actually hit on something. I don’t know if I’ve talked a lot about this in a lot of the shows, but we understand sin in inherited, they say four generations, the Bible talks about, right?

Tammy: Right. Mm-hmm.

Dr. Pompa: The sins of the father, the sins of the grandfather—it’s like we often look at our patterns that we don’t like. We can look at our parents, and oftentimes it’s not even with our parents. It’s even our grandparents. Sometimes these things skip a generation. We know that the epigenetics is how the genomes choose. That can be inherited to the next generation, and oftentimes skips a generation. Toxins are the same thing. Lead affects, they say, four generations. It even changes the genome in four generations, right? You’re stopping something.

Tammy: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: You’re stopping something that’s been inherited, the lead, the aluminum, everything.

Tammy: Yeah, for my grandkids.

Dr. Pompa: It’s not just the sin pattern, but the physical stuff—my wife gave her lead to my children. We stopped that, but oftentimes we think of our sickness just to what we did in our life. Your sickness if often—no—most often are what started in your parents’ grandparents’ parents’ parents. The gene is turned on, and it goes down. There’s a gap. There’s a gap in the science, in the research world—science and the research in what’s happening in medicine right now. We know that we can turn on these genes. We know that we can turn them off, but why isn’t anyone doing that? The 5R's

Tammy: It’s hard.

Dr. Pompa: That’s right.

Tammy: It’s hard.

Dr. Pompa: You have to change things.

Tammy: It’s so hard.

Dr. Pompa: Right. You have to change things.

Tammy: It’s worth it.

Dr. Pompa: True Cellular Detox™, the 5R's, it changes the genome.

Tammy: Absolutely.

Dr. Pompa: It detoxes the cell.

Tammy: It’s real healing.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It is, and it’s upstream healing. You and I could talk all day because you know a lot about True Cellular Detox™. You know a lot about the 5R's, the cellular healing. You do it every day with these challenged clients that come to you.

Tammy: Right.

Dr. Pompa: I just want to end this because—I said there’s two things that I love about her, her persistency.

Tammy: I’m definitely persistent.

Dr. Pompa: I said, “I love the fact that she came just as a housemom, who now is helping all these amazing sick people.”

Tammy: I was obedient to God’s call.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, no doubt. It was your call.

Tammy: He didn’t give me a choice, but—

Dr. Pompa: You never met a more persistent woman. I will tell you, when the mom is sick, and then the kids—all her kids, and the challenges, and how she did it, I’ve always just laid in awe of you, honestly.

Tammy: Let me tell you a short story.

Dr. Pompa: Uh-huh. Go ahead.

Tammy: I grew up on a ranch. We would go out. I hope this doesn’t—I just realized this may offend somebody in the audience. I hope guys don’t get offended by this, but we would go out, and we would cut the calves so they wouldn’t be bulls. We missed one, and we were out in the pickup, and we found one. My dad loved his cows. He almost named every one of them. In the beginning, when he first started with his cows, he would count them every day to be sure that they were all there. We found one that hadn’t been cut. We picked up the calf, put it in the back of the pickup. I will never forget this. Mama cow, back there. He cut the calf. The calf said, “Aaagh!” I thought that huge mama cow was going to get in the pickup and eat all of us. That was so scary, and that’s who I am. You touch my kids—

Dr. Pompa: I knew that was coming. Yep. Absolutely.

Tammy: I’m all over it because they are my life, and they are my pleasure. They are worth everything. They are worth everything.

Dr. Pompa: She has gone into her kids’ dorm rooms, made them safe.

Tammy: We were so blessed with people at the college who tolerated me.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, right. I mean, that’s a lot.

Tammy: Those poor guys in the facilities department, when I first called them, they didn’t know what they were getting into. They were awesome!

Dr. Pompa: It’s that intensity, though, because she knew that if her kids, after all the work, all the heavy metal work, all the True Cellular Detox™ that we did with them—if they went into that environment and it was a sick environment of chemicals, which most dorm rooms are, and mold, which you got—she knew that it would bring them backwards.

Tammy: The cafeteria—

Dr. Pompa: The food, right, so you dealt with their food.

Tammy: Yes. Oh, we did so much. I talked to the facilities guys all summer long. They were amazing at Oklahoma City University. Got to give them credit. Amazing. We put special air purifiers. We put him in a suite where he had a little kitchenette. That kid committed. I would cook food. I would send it to him frozen. He had a little toaster oven. Yes, he ate in the cafeteria sometimes, but he ate in his dorm room sometimes. A lot of times, he ate the food I sent.

Dr. Pompa: They may have got their lead and mercury from their mom, possibly the Lyme. Who knows? The fact is is they got that, right?

Tammy: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: They got that persistence. People can make a lot of excuses not to do what it really takes. Your family would have ended up on medications, psychotropic drugs, right, because the depression—

Tammy: I can’t think. That would have been the good story.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. They fought depression. They fought major, major battles from psychological to physical, everything, but you did it. No psychotropic drugs, no medications—it’s like how?

Tammy: We’re worth it. Exactly.

Dr. Pompa: People watching are like, “How?” I’m telling you, they were sick, folks. They were challenged. This women and her strength, and that’s where women have it over men because I don’t know any man that could do what she did. No man would do it. Now I’m insulting a man out there, but I have that in retrospect, honestly, for a mom who will fight for their—

Tammy: Mad mama cow. That’s right.

Dr. Pompa: Mad mama cow right here.

Tammy: That’s right.

Dr. Pompa: I always say it was your persistence, digging those sources up, continuing to go upstream, continuing to go upstream. I’ll tell you what, your kids, they’re going to honor—they honor you now, but one day, they’re going to say how their mother brought them back to health. Now she’s changing the world. She’s bringing back people’s health through cellular detox and cellular healing, one person after the next. Every other week, you give a lecture to about 10 people, right?

Tammy: Yeah. Right.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, 10 people, and she’s telling this story that we’re telling you. Go back and watch Episode 73. Watch Episode 74. Episode 72, we had Lyme, right? 72, 73, and 74—you lived all of those. In the past, we did shows on heavy metals, and please read the article, “True Cellular Detox™,” because that’s your life. Now you’re changing lives through the very concept that we teach.

Tammy: It is so exciting to watch someone who was bedridden, and within just a few months, serving God’s purpose in her extended family. That’s so rewarding.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Thanks for sharing with them.

Tammy: Thank you for teaching this.

Dr. Pompa: Here’s someone who had all the big boys, and all the excuses that you could’ve used—

Tammy: If I can do it, you can do it.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. We’ll end right there, and that’s the truth too. I know that some of you are sick out there. You have a purpose.

Tammy: That’s right. God made you for a purpose, and that sentence is not it.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. Hang onto that. Hang onto that purpose because adversity is how we are sitting here, so God has something for you, too. We’ll end right there. We’ll see you next week.

74: Creating a Healthy Home

Transcript of Episode 74: Creating a Healthy Home

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and special guest Aimee Ellison.,/p>

Hey, we’re live – Cellular Healing TV, Episode 74. One of special guests we have with us today – but I’m going to have to move because I have some remediation work going on in my home right now. More on that later. Not happy about it, but we’re going to learn from it today on Cellular Healing TV.  Our special guest today is Aimee. What’s your last name, Aimee?

It’s Ellison.

I couldn’t hear it because of all the construction going on, so I’m going to go outside, and we’ll be able to talk about your story. Dr. Pompa, this is one of your –


-Technical Issues-

 I’ll roll downstairs, and you guys start interviewing Aimee.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Aimee, I actually had an appointment with you this week, right? You’ve been my client for a while now, but I said, “Gosh, you’ve got to come on this show,” because like Warren’s going through his remediation, you also found mold. It was tested high for Aspergillus, which is a type of toxic mold. It’s one of the five bad ones that you don’t want to get.

I said, “Your story’s really unique,” and I kind of want you to start from the beginning. Just fill them in. You have some autoimmune issues going on and, obviously, some health challenges from fatigue, brain fog, dizziness. I remember liver enzymes being high when I originally looked at your blood work. Go ahead and share about that with us.

Okay. I guess it starts way back when I was young. I always remember being tired as a kid, always exhausted, and I started getting headaches when I was probably in junior high. I started getting really bad migraines so bad that I went to a headache clinic for a couple weeks at a time. They tried to figure out what it was. They put me on all kinds of different medications. We looked for answers everywhere, but did not get much relief.

The only thing that ended up giving me any relief was going to the chiropractor. That was kind of a last resort thing because we were so involved in the medical part of it, we didn’t even think about a chiropractor until somebody suggested it. When I went, it actually gave me relief, and so I ended up going pretty much every day. My mom would call him on the weekends, and he would come in for a special trip because that was about the only thing that gave me relief.

Anyways, fast forward, I’m dealing with these migraines. I’ve always had digestion problems, terrible. It’d be from one extreme to the next. Everybody would always joke, “Where’s Aimee? She’s in the bathroom.” It was just kind of the story of my life. Between that, and the headaches, and the chronic fatigue – I would get sinus infections all the time, strep throat, you name it.

Dr. Pompa:
I remember your brain fog being really bad.

That got worse as it progressed later, but it got really bad. Actually, it’s really bad right now because we’re in the middle of treatment. I hope I’ll be okay during this show. No, I’m just joking.

Anyways, I guess probably the thing that really started me on this path was my legs. Gosh, it’s probably about six years ago now. Had some dental work done. I’ve always had a problem with my mouth as far as cavities, pain, all kinds of stuff going on, and as a result, ended up getting root canals. It was always something happening with that. I ended up having to have a bridge put on the left side.

I didn’t realize this at the time until after I started working with you, but I believe it was at that time that everything really started to snowball. I was working one day, and my coworker looked down, and she said, “Oh, my gosh! What is wrong with your feet?” I looked down, and my feet were dark purple. They were very purple. They were cold, but they would go from hot to cold, hot to cold, back and forth. That started to progress, and I started to get pain and swelling, and it was just really – it looked horrible.

It’s kind of funny because here you feel horrible your whole life, but when you see something like that and you know everybody else sees it, it’s like all of a sudden, that becomes a priority, like, “Oh, something’s wrong.” My mom even said, “You need to go get that checked out because that could be heart problems or something like that.”

Anyways, I went to the doctor, and he said – I showed him my legs, and they were purple, and swollen, and at the worst. He said, “Oh, how old are you?” I was 42 at the time, and he said, “Well, you are getting older.” He said, “Let’s give you some water pills for the retention and how about some TED stockings? Go ahead and put those on, and work in those. We’ll see if that helps.” I’m like, “Okay.” I said, “You know, I think there’s something more than that going on.” I said, “I would really feel better going to a vein specialist or somewhere where they can at least check out my legs a little more thoroughly.” He agreed to that.

I went there, and once again, my legs were horrible at the time. She did the whole ultrasound, the whole in-depth thing, and said, “You’re fine.” She said, “Obviously I can see you have something going on because you’re sitting here and your legs look like you just died,” is what she said. They were that blue, and swollen, and everything. She said, “Let me do a little investigating, and then I’ll get back to you.” Then she called me back and said, “I think you have an autoimmune disease.” The name is so long, I can’t even pronounce it to this day.

Dr. Pompa:
The erythromelalgia–

Thank you. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It was through that that I actually stumbled upon your website because I’m like, “Okay, I have this. She’s telling me I’m going to have it for my whole life. I’m going to be in pain, my legs are going to look like this,” and I just didn’t want to settle for that. Excuse me. My mouth is quite dry.

Dr. Pompa:
I think you read, “Autoimmune Answer.” It was the article that I wrote about the cause of autoimmune and also the solution, how it’s compared to a three-legged stool. One of the things is stressors. That’s one leg – turns on a gene and obviously certain symptoms start. Then the gut plays a very important role in autoimmune. Those three legs are a component of a cause of autoimmune. Modern medicine doesn’t address it, and of course, it was very clear.

Matter of fact, it was when you got the bridge. You had an amalgam filling right underneath the bridge, so you have metal near metal, which is galvanism.


Dr. Pompa:
I think one dentist eventually told you, “This is – ” At least I told you, “That’s galvanism.” Shortly after that, that’s when all of these problems kind of went overflow, right? That’s when things got worse.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was when I – actually, I was Googling heavy metal. It was along those lines, and I stumbled upon the video that you and Warren had done together. It was actually Warren telling his story about how he got sick. When you guys were telling your story back and forth, I was in tears. I thought, “Oh, my gosh. This is what I have. I know it is.” You look, and you look, and you go to all these different doctors, and nobody gives you a clue. They just have you going in this vicious cycle, all these different prescriptions, and then you have all these side effects.

I remember you talking about, “God made our bodies to be able to heal.” I’m like, “Exactly!” It just hit me like a ton of bricks, and I remember Warren saying, “I’m a Christian, and I don’t even feel like I can pray.” I was right there. I was so exhausted. I was so overwhelmed, and I didn’t know – I just was like, “Finally, somebody who can understand what I’m feeling and gives me validation.”

I started looking and really digging into everything, and I’m like, “Oh, my gosh. This has got to be the answer.” Then the three-legged stool analogy, when I read that, I was like, “I have to work with this doctor.” I just hadn’t come across anything like that before.

Dr. Pompa:
I think the most important component there is that we knew that you had some stressors upstream, right? At that time, it was evident with your mouth. We got a heavy metal test back. You had high lead, high mercury, which is a synergy, very, very nasty. However, we thought that there was still something else going on. I always say that once sensitive to one neurotoxin, so you accumulated metals over the year, you become sensitive to many.

We’re not sure exactly how long the mold has been in your home, but we suspected it. I don’t even remember – you can remind me of why we suspected that there might be mold in your home. I know your kids were also having some challenges, which is always a red flag to me. I asked you some pointed questions. I remember in my day one that I said, “You’ve got to get your home tested.” I think you had someone come in, and they said, “Okay, we found some Aspergillus, but it’s not that bad.”


Dr. Pompa:
Then something said to me, “I don’t know about that.” Tell that part because it brings us to what’s going on now in your life.

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, man.

Hopefully, not in mine.

Dr. Pompa:

Yeah, the timing is ironic, exactly. It was my daughter, actually. She’s 19 years old in her senior year. She’s always had digestion problems, as well. I just thought, “Like mother, like daughter. Runs in the family.” Little did I know about everything, as far as the epigenetics and everything. It just amazed me. Anyways, it was her, and I just thought, “Okay, something’s going on here,” because you had asked me that question, and then she started getting worse.

She’s like, “Mom, something wrong. I feel depressed.” She said, “I’m not fearful of doing anything, but I don’t feel right.” She was exhausted. She ended up getting mono and all kinds of things. It’s like, “Okay, something’s going on.” When I back up the boat, I think about when we first spoke, you had me take that visual contrast test, too. That was when that kind of made a light bulb go off in my head because I pretty much bombed that.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I spoke about it last week, the visual – it’s called a VCS test. I think you just took it online, right?

I did. Mm-hmm.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s a $10 test, and you take it online, and you failed it. Yeah. That was a big red flag, obviously. When you fail that test, typically it is, in fact, a biotoxin, and it’s typically either from mold or Lyme, in this case mold. That got you to test your eyes. Another red flag, too, Aimee, is I remember you telling me that your basement always got wet, or not always, but it did. I always say, “Where there’s water, there’s mold.” That was one red flag. You also suspected the bathroom for some reason.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Actually our basement – there is a crack in the foundation. It’s not very often, but when we get a heavy rain, there’s a little puddle of water. It’s happened periodically throughout the years. When we were kids – actually, my husband and I purchased this home from my mom, and moved back in this home, and they had built it. They had a sink, like a laundry sink.

Every once in a while, one of the kids would pull out the cord or something. Then all the water would go all over the basement. We cleaned it up and everything for what we thought was very well, but how many times that happened throughout our lives, I don’t know. Definitely, there was dampness in the basement. To be honest, we didn’t even have a dehumidifier down there. We were clueless, so we didn’t even have one of those prior to talking to you.

Dr. Pompa:
We’re going to talk about – here in a moment – how to make your home safe. That’s one of the things that you two are both working on right now. Okay, so fast forward. You have it tested, then something crazy happened, as well, with your husband’s glasses in the sink.

I’m sorry, Honey. I’m sorry. I have to say this really respectfully. He’s a great guy, and he can laugh, so we all just laughed at our stress. It was of all nights, my daughter’s graduation night, and of course, we’re running around trying to be on time and everything. He gets home from work late, and he’s a painter. He owns his own painting business. He had paint on his glasses, and so I’m always saying, “Clean up your glasses.”

He put them in the sink, and he was going to jump in the shower. We were running behind, as usual. He forgot to turn the water off, and so the whole time that he was in the shower, the water was coming down off the counter top on the bathroom floor. All of a sudden, he turns of the shower, and I hear him say, “Oh, my gosh!” I ran in there. I said, “What’s wrong?’ He’s like, “I left the water on.” He’s like, “I don’t know what I was thinking.” I ran downstairs, and the water’s coming down underneath the floor all in the bathroom.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, my gosh.

Yeah. We had to be at a graduation, and I’m like, “Oh, my gosh.” I mean, talk about fear. I knew we already had mold, and then this just was like – ignited everything in my mind. Oh, my gosh. My mom called, saying, “When are you going to be at the graduation?” I said, “You know what? You’re going to have to get there, save the seats, and we’ll slide in at 6:59.”

Dr. Pompa:
That got you to do some mold testing. Then you had another test. I have the tests here to my right. I looked at it and immediately saw very high levels of Aspergillus.


Dr. Pompa:
It is a toxic mold. Just to bring it together, so we find two sources. We find galvanism. By the way, galvanism is when you have opposing metals. They cause a battery effect in the mouth, and it causes the mercury just to pour out of those fillings. People that have galvanism – it’s inevitable that problems start. You can’t have two opposing metals in the same mouth. It doesn’t work, especially when you have a silver filling, a recipe for disaster. Problem number one, and that was evident because certain symptoms started.

Typically, I always say it’s more than one stressor. It’s the perfect storm, emotional, chemical, physical, or two chemical, emotional. Your other one was the mold. Here you are. We narrowed in to these stressors. The problem is now – and this is part of the story I do want you to share. This is going to cost a lot of money to get the mouth done. You’re willing to do whatever it takes, and then the house. We shared some emails back and forth. “Should we move? What should we do?” Through prayer – I think in both of our hearts, we thought, “Let’s fix the problem,” which we’ll talk more about today. However, where was the money going to come from? Tell that part of the story because I think that’s amazing.

Yeah. A couple different pieces to that – initially we were so focused on the mercury. Yeah. Obviously, dental insurance is not the norm, and you have to go to a biological dentist to get this done properly. There’s no insurance for that. After he worked up the plan, I just thought, “There’s no way.” I was pretty defeated, and actually, my mom – oh, I’m very grateful – said to me, “You know what? I’m going to give you that money, and we’ll worry about it later. If you can’t pay for it, we’re going to worry about that later.” She said, “If you had cancer, and you were dying, I would do anything for you, so why would I not do this now?”

Dr. Pompa:
Right. That’s a good way to think about it. Why not get to the cause, right?

Yes. Yes. It was just amazing. I said, “Mom, I can’t do that. My gosh.” They’re getting older, thinking about retiring and everything. She’s like, “Aimee, this is also a walk of faith for me, and the Lord just laid it on my heart that I need to trust Him while I’m doing this for you. You’re my family.” In the Bible, you are to care for your family. That was the first part of it.

The second part of it – we were able to do that, and I’m so grateful. Then we come to this mold thing, and it’s like, “Oh, my gosh. I obviously can’t go to my mom for this amount of money again, and it’s so much money to be able to stay here.” Yet at the same time, to have to go to another place, an apartment, wherever it may be, then you don’t know what you’re walking into. It could be worse, and you have no control.

After talking to – my mom is my go-to person – back, and forth, and everything, she said to me, “Aimee, I think you need to get all the estimate done.” She said, “Just take all the estimates, and the amount, and the hugeness of this situation and bring it to the Lord in prayer. Let’s go to the elders in prayer.” The first of the month at my church, they get together, and they pray. People come and pray with the elders, so that’s what I did.

It was an awesome time of prayer, and I had my family and friends come and support me. I left just with a peace in my heart, and I had had another just a moment with the Lord prior to that where I was completely convinced we were going to leave – 100%. I was scared of this home, honestly. I felt like the Lord was saying, “No, you’re going to stay. You’re going to stay. You’re going to trust me.” I was like, “Okay, Lord. I do trust you. I’m scared to death, but help me with my unbelief,” is what my prayer was. He just gave me a peace in my heart.

We prayed with the elders, and then it was a couple days later, I got a call from the lady at church. She said, “Once a month, when they had that prayer time, that one of the deacons from the church comes, and he sits in on some of the prayer time. It’s just kind of randomly.” He so happened to be in mine that time. She said, “He went back to the other deacons in the church and said, ‘This is her story,’ and that whole big story,” and wanted to be able to help us. She said, “They’re going to be contacting you to let you know how they can help you.” It was amazing, just amazing. I just was completely overwhelmed of the faithfulness of the Lord.

Dr. Pompa:
I just so wanted you to share that because I work with so many people, and I have so many people right now. I always say, “Just trust. It’ll come.” God knows these are the things that are interfering with your body healing. If you remove the interference, the body does heal. That was the very thing that you hung onto. He’ll provide, and just seeing that He provided here, and now He’s proving for your remediation. I want people to have that hope.

You found the remediation company, and I want to end with this, and then move onto what Warren has going on. Oftentimes it’s hard to find the right one, but these people said they’re going to come in and described the process that they said that they’re going to need to do to remediate your home and make it safe. When I heard that, then I knew that we’re heading in the right direction. Kind of describe what they told you that they’re going to do.

Yeah. That’s another thing I was very frightened of. I thought, “Okay, this is – the church is willing to help with this. What if they don’t follow the right protocol?”

Dr. Pompa:
That was my biggest concern, frankly.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Trust me. I have turned into a geek as far as studying about all this stuff and everything. I had in my mind, “Oh, my gosh,” and once again, the Lord said, “You know what? If this doesn’t work out, I’ve gone before you, and there’s something else ahead.”

They came in. It was a builder and another gentleman from mold remediation, and oh, my goodness. Everything they said was spot on. First of all, we have to take everything out of the home. We have to throw away all the porous material because there’s no way to be able to clean that safely. We’re going to get rid of the couches, the mattresses, all that kind of stuff. We’re going to take – the hard surfaces we can keep, but we have to clean them very thoroughly a specific way.

Then we’re going to – basically, a lot of things have to be – the drywall has to be taken down, completely gut the bathroom at this point, go in and safely just clean everything, the attic. That’s another thing. The first mold remediation company that came out here just said, “You don’t need to worry about the attic because you don’t breathe that air. That’s not air that you breathe. It’s the main area that you’re concerned with.” We had a leak in the attic as well as the bathroom, so our attic has mold in it and everything, too. They have to go in there and redo that – clean that thoroughly, as well.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. They explained how they’re going to set up negative air pressure.

Yes. Yes.

Dr. Pompa:
It will suck the air out, and we’ll see that because that’s going on in Warren’s house. The take away is that for you to stay in that house, it has to be done right. It’s not somebody come spraying chemicals on some mold and putting some new floor in.


Dr. Pompa:
It’s not so simple, right?


Dr. Pompa:
You found a good company. I can tell by the way they’re saying, “Get rid of porous things,” and obviously, they’re going to clean every hard surface, everything hard. That’s what it takes, once you get to the level of sickness where you’re at, to stay in a home. Leviticus 14 in the Bible talks about going through this cleaning process. Then if that doesn’t work, then basically get out of the home, and get rid of everything. Don’t bring it with you. That’s the level of toxicity we’re talking about with a biotoxin.

This stuff ruins lives. Last week we talked about that from a health perspective. This week, we’re talking about how to make a home safe. We’re making this safe in you, and we’re making your home safe. Already, you’ve had some breakthroughs in your health just by getting your cells working and opening up some of the detox pathways. Aimee, I’d say until we get rid of these sources, we’re never going to shut down that autoimmune.

I just so wanted you to share that story because you didn’t have the resources. You trusted God, and He provided in getting rid of the big sources of stress, and that’s the key. Anyways, I want to thank you for being with us. Is there anything else you wanted to share before I let you go here?

I just have to tell you that you are the biggest blessing of all. I remember praying when I was so sick and didn’t think there was any hope, and lo and behold, there was your Youtube video. As funny as it is, technology is such a blessing. To be able to work with you has been amazing, and to hear your story, and the fact that you – from pain came purpose. I just want to thank you and your family for enduring all the hardship. I know your families go through a lot of pain and stress, too. I just want to say thank you, and to God be the glory.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. I remember sharing with you in a really hard time in your walk. Rak Chazak Amats! Do you remember that?

Yes. I certainly do.

Dr. Pompa:
I always said the English translation in that doesn’t do it justice. I means be strong and courageous, but really, in the Hebrew, it means God has already went before you, and He’s figured out a way. He’s fought the battle. Every time somebody was moving into a promise in their life, God sent somebody to speak those words. Rak Chazak Amats. Moses spoke those words on his deathbed to Israel as they were moving into their promise against 31 enemies. They were only focused on what was right before them in their circumstances, ready to turn around in fear. How many of us face that, right?


Dr. Pompa:
You have to watch this video from Eric. It was actually a commencement speech. He spoke Rak Chazak Amats and what that really means. I remember speaking that to you, so I say it again. Rak Chazak Amats, and we’re seeing that. He already went before you. He had a plan.


Dr. Pompa:
He’s making your home safe, and He’s making your body safe. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for sharing that story.

Thank you.

Dr. Pompa:
That sets us up perfectly for what we’re going to talk about, and that’s how to make a home safe like what’s going on in your home. Warren, I’m going to turn it back over to you, and say good-bye to Aimee. Let’s start talking about making home safe. Thanks, Aim.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

Aimee, do you want to stay on and listen?

Sure, I would love to.

Dr. Pompa:


Why doesn’t she listen? She’s inspired me today because I’ve been living in crazy fear myself over a little bit of water. I’m not sure if – there may be a little mold. We’re going to find out here. Maybe I can ask the guys when I go up. There were crunching down the drywall.

Dr. Pompa:
We’re talking about a wee little bit of water, and we said that last week – in your home.


Dr. Pompa:
Aimee obviously had years of water, so we’re talking about a massive remediation.

I was still fearful of that. He has Rak Chazak Amats for her problem. I barely have Rak Chazak Amats for my little water leak because I’m nervous, man. I rent this home. I’m going to buy it. I have a brand new infant. I know too much, and the neat thing that you said, Aimee, is you found a remediation company that understands biotoxins.

I want you to know, everyone listening, it took two plumbers, a drywaller, one mold remediation guy, and another mold remediation guy, and no one could find the source of the leak. We still can’t find it. Didn’t say it was much water. I’m the one that stuck my head up in the ceiling because of Dan and Phil being there making me think, “Well, maybe there is,” to find, Dr. Pompa, more water damage. We had to be more persistent.

Otherwise, everyone wanted to seal it up. They pressure you. They say that you’re nuts, and they don’t understand biotoxins. “Ah, a little bit of mold, a little bit of water damage, no big deal.” They don’t understand biotoxins. That company that understands biotoxins, that’s like one in probably 100 remediation companies that would even understand that, if that.

These are all franchises, right, a lot of them – Servpro, FireDex. They’re all franchises, and in that franchising, they’re just about turnover, and volume, and money. That’s it, period. In, they’re out, it’s over. These people and insurance companies for fire and water damage, they don’t care about the biotoxins. Some of them will deny their existence. That you found a company like that is a blessing, a massive blessing. The guys upstairs don’t even understand that, but I do.

I’m up there sealing the thing when they’re blowing the air out. I sealed up the window. I’m doing all this extra stuff because I do have fear. You’ve given me faith to know God’s going to work this out. He did it for you. He did it for me, and He’s going to do it for the people listening. That’s one of the biggest parts.

Yeah, we’re outspoken – not outspoken, but we’re honest with our faith. Without our faith, man, I would have shot myself, I was so sick. For those who criticize people of faith, and, “You shouldn’t talk about that as part of healing,” shame on you. Shame on you. I would listen to what you believe that inspires you to move on and helps you get over the hump, so, man, we’re going to preach that every day, all day because it has inspired me. It’s inspired you. It’s transformed my life, and that’s the biggest take away of the day. Let’s get on to some making your home safe.

Dr. Pompa, I have a lot of great examples for you guys. My Internet’s working better. As you can see, I do functional workouts. See that? There’s my rope. There’s my heavy bag, and there’s my messy garage. Don’t look at that. I’m in massive transition right now. There’s a couple things here that I want to show you.

Right here, what we have in this box is an air exchanger. What this does in homes is brings fresh air in and sucks stale air out. It’s called The Perfect Open Window. Let me open this up for you. You can install these in your home. It won’t fit in mine because it’s too big. Let me see here if I can open this up.

Dr. Pompa:
The other nice thing about that, Warren, if you can hear me, is we can also – and I spoke a little bit about this last week. For people who are chemically sensitive, these units can pressurize the home. We can bring more air –

get there.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay. He’ll show it. We can bring in more air than we’re giving, and then we can create positive pressure so that attic air and that wall air doesn’t come in and bring formaldehyde and biotoxins into our home. Go ahead and show that, Warren.

This is huge. It looks like what’s happening – are they leaving, the people in my home upstairs. I’m going to have to run up there in a minute and see what’s going on. Let’s get an inspection.

Anyway, this has a membrane. I don’t know if you can see that a little bit, that white right next to the galvanized steel. It’s kind of hard to see. This is the membrane where it moves the air through. That takes humidity out, exchanges it, blows fresh air in, pressurizing your home. You can adjust these. There’s two big fans over here.

You can adjust those to pressurize your home and bring in that fresh air so that air pushes out against your walls at a slight pressure, and that keeps the – instead of the air from the walls moving into your home, it pushes everything out kid of like blowing up a balloon. You put a pin in it. It goes pshht kind of like the negative air that we’re going to look at upstairs. This is a RenewAire. This is a good one.

If you’re in a humid place, you got to make sure you have right type of membrane. This a RenewAire, R-E-N-E-W Aire, so that’s a good thing. You can get small – this is a little dehumidifier. Let me run upstairs to see what’s going on with my mold remediation.

Dr. Pompa:
I want you to show the – Warren, I want you to show how they create the negative air pressure where they’re remediating so that that air is not shared with the home air and making things worse. When you open up one of these walls, when Aimee opens up her floor, or Warren opens up his ceiling – people do it all the time. The problem is then the biotoxins from the mold get the massive dose right –

They have a question for me here. All right, fellows, what’s the question? You don’t have to be on TV if you don’t want to. You’re not on TV. What’s going on?

Worker 1:
I’m going to leave this up for you tonight, for the weekend, at least for tomorrow.


Worker 1:
Leave this air scrubber in here.

Okay. What’d you find? Is there mold?

Worker 1:
Yeah, a little bit, very little.

Very little – they found some mold.

Dr. Pompa:
A little.

A little bit of mold.

Dr. Pompa:
Get a tape sample of it. Warren, get a tape sample.

Worker 1:
There’s an air gap, so took the insulation off and sprayed up in there.

Where do you think the water’s coming from, from up above somewhere?

Worker 1:
It has to be where – along the top.

Was this insulation full of black mold?

Worker 1:
No. No.

There’s only a little bit of mold growing on – let me show the picture. Put it here. We found a little bit of black mold. See that?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, barely.

Everyone thought we were nuts, the homeowner, the mold guys, except for this guy over here. I don’t want to say his name. We can say their name. Can I say the name of your company?

Worker 1:

Restore-It. Good company if you’re from Pennsylvania. Great guy. Great team. A little bit of mold in the corner there, as well.

Dr. Pompa:
I want to test it. I want to get a tape sample.

Okay. Can we get a tape sample of that? Get Dan Howard to come in and get a tape sample?

Worker 1:
We already sprayed it. I’ve already sprayed it.

You’ll still be able to figure out what it is.

Worker 1:
I guess.

Yeah. No, we can still figure it out. It’s black, so it’s probably Stacky.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and white is usually Aspergillus, I think, and Clostridium, I think, is white. I don’t know.


Worker 1:
It’s unknown of what it is.

Yeah, it’s unknown, so it doesn’t matter.

Worker 1:
I have it open. If you want to put your respirator on – I sprayed. The staining is still there, but I shot it, and it’s control. If you want to put your respirator on, go in there, take a look.

What are the next steps?

Worker 1:
The next step is to –

Worker 2:
You have to correct the problem.

Find out where that water’s coming from before we shut this down. Was it actively wet?

Worker 1:

Worker 2:
It wasn’t wet.

Worker 1:
No. It’s not actively wet.

Worker 2:
You definitely have a moisture problem somewhere, you’re going to get mold. You’ve got to find the problem.

Dr. Pompa:
The plastic that you see to the left there, folks, that’s his containment. That’s creating the pressure, the negative pressure so that air doesn’t mix with –

I’ll explain that in a second, but what they’re saying to me now is like with you. There’s a source of water, and that source needs to be removed. Before they shut this thing down and call it good, we need to find the source of the leak. Without removing the source of the water, this problem’s going to come back. They killed the mold, a very small amount. Right, Dr. Pompa? That’s a tiny amount unless – do you think there’s any more than that? Maybe above it, there could be some.

Worker 1:
We saw the above section.

Oh, you did.

Worker 1:
Yeah, where you saw.

Okay, yeah.

Worker 1:
I opened that up. .

Okay. Can you see the bathtub up above it? No, so maybe there’s water that’s going down through the bathtub. We’ll get into that here in a minute, but until they remove the water source, they’re not going to do it.

Dr. Pompa:
This was a leak, Aimee. He had someone come in because the paint on his ceiling was kind of separating, and he said – he just wants that fixed before he closes on the house, right? The guy went up to fix that little crack. They didn’t even know there was water. He said, “Oh, that’s moist.” He was going to seal it over. Warren’s like, “No, no, no, no, no. What do you mean, it’s moist?”

Of course, cut it all out, realizing, “Oh, yeah. This was getting wet.” Of course, “Oh, it’s not too bad.” They were going to seal it up, and Warren’s like, “No, no. We have to find the water.” Three times they wanted to seal this thing up, and Warren insisted. They couldn’t find the leak. Finally, days – they find the leak.

I happened to be at his house when this was all going on on last week’s show. Of course then, they were like, “Okay, it’s fine. We don’t see any mold.” With Warren, I’m like, “There still may be mold back there.” Warrant felt it. We felt it. We sensed that it could have been something. “What if it’s back there?” We start what-if-ing. Warren finally, out of paranoia because that’s what we do, he stuck his head way up in there. No, he didn’t even get his head back.

He took a picture, and we both looked at it. I said, “I see black.” Sure enough, then he got his head up there. Of course, he put a mask on and all, but he got his head up there, and he saw that there was, in fact, mold.

What folks don’t know about me is I cleaned up hazardous waste for a living, so I can put on PPE, Personal Protective Equipment. I trained people on how to not get toxified from a toxic environment, so that’s what I did before this. That’s what got me sick.

What we have here is a negative air chamber. You can see from here, this is being sucked in. What’s going on is there’s a air exchanger in here that’s sucking air. That’s pulling this plastic in like you’re sucking on a balloon, except there’s this to keep the balloon – these pulls – from keeping that balloon still from compressing and sucking all the way in. It’s negative air. It’s sucking in, not pushing out like we want on our home when we use that air exchanger. That pushes out like the balloon. This sucks in.

Then they run this tube, the blower. That blower’s sucking air, kind of like the guys that you see when they’re trying to sell carpet sales and stuff, the guy that goes flippy-floppy in the air. That’s a tube that’s blowing that air outside so all the toxins or biotoxins that are there – blowing it outside as you can see. There goes Restore-It. That creates a negative pressure, so that air scrubber – thank God we did it this way, right?

That’s the negative air unit. They did work up inside of my ceiling, cut some holes, cut some holes in my wall back there, found the mold, and now I got to call the owner before I close on the building. That’s another major stressor that I got to Rak Chazak Amats for, so that’s this. Pray for me. Everyone watching, pray for me today because this is probably a week of lost time. and stress, and everyone thinking that we’re nuts, right? We’re not nuts.

Those that are watching and have health problems, you’re not nuts. What did Aimee say? “I wanted someone who understood.” We understand, and you’re not nuts. You’re smart. Listen to your gut, guys. God puts something in your heart that God – then you know.

Dr. Pompa:
People don’t understand that that small amount of mold that was just found in Warren’s home – once somebody is sensitized even from another stressor, Aimee, like this. You had the galvanism, the mercury – high lead mercury levels – once sensitive to one neurotoxin, you become sensitive to all.

That amount that’s in his home, although it may seem small, and if you’re very, very healthy and not challenged, you can deal with it. If you’re not, that amount of mold will keep you sick. I say this all the time. Warren hears me tell the doctors that I train. If somebody’s not progressing in their health, getting well, that means there’s still a stressor that’s upstream. So many times, it’s somebody’s home whether it’s a home that’s under positive pressure where it’s bringing in formaldehyde from insulation and all that attic wall air.

I talked about walking in Phil’s house last week. He was not getting well, and I sniffed, and I said, “Attic. Get out.” As soon as he left the home, he starts getting better. Obviously, my concern for you, Aimee, is you have to have a safe environment. R1 folks, we have to remove the sources from our life – bridges with fillings, and metal, galvanism, root canals. Root canals are toxic. You’re getting that out.

Toxic mold – we have to make our homes safe. Again, if there’s water, there’s mold. That leak right there, most people would have just covered it up. They’d have ended up in a massive, amplified mold. If you’re already challenged, that amount of mold is going to make you sick. I hope that’s the message. Warren, you seem like you want to show something else.

I do. I got to wrap it up and go figure it out with these guys, but there’s a couple other things that are really important when making your home safe. The coil, which is sitting right in here in your air conditioner, gets wet. It collects dust even if you have a really good filter. I have a good HEPA – not a HEPA, but a MERV 11 filter, or a MERV 7. You kind of want to play with that because of airflow.

Two things you got to learn to make your home safe. You can buy one of these Sanuvoxes or different types of UV. This one puts out a little bit of a hydroxyl like a oxinating hydrogen molecule. Sanuvox is a really good one. It’s called the Saber Genius. San, S-A-N-U-V-OX, san for UV. It’s a UV light, OX, oxygen. That’s a great name. It puts that reactive oxygen particles that kill the mold on the coil.

I noticed my air conditioning wasn’t great, and I had them look. “I think there might be a leak.” There was a leak in here, so another being anal Warren thing worked out, just as a side note.

I also put in, through the plenum of the air return – this is the air return coming back in. You can see the air flows back through here, through my filter and then into here, gets cooled off, and gets blasted into the house. The UV keeps the coil from getting moldy, and this actually is an air scrubber and air purifier that puts that hydroxyl groups – UV lights so it kills mold spores. It’s a good thing I had this in here because it’s nullifying a lot of this toxic air I may have had besides the biotoxins. This isn’t going to handle the biotoxin. This filter won’t handle a biotoxin. It’ll kill the mold spores, but it won’t handle the biotoxin where we discussed earlier.

Dr. Pompa:
That little bit of mold, it gives off spores. That’s what it does, and it gets in the air space. That’s picked up by our HVAC, and what is in those units? Dust, right? They lay in the dust in those units, and then they plant, and they come in there. Then what happens is they grow, and now you have mold growing in your HVAC system, and all of the ductwork now is growing mold. It’s growing mold on the coil, and now your air that you breathe 24/7 – even though your house doesn’t have a lot of mold, now your system has mold. You and your family are breathing biotoxins produced by a little mold somewhere else that got in that HVAC.

Those things that Warren has there, they kill the spores so they’re not able to grow in the system. It doesn’t get rid of the biotoxin, but it kills the spore that will produce the biotoxin so you don’t grow mold in the system.

All right. One last thing I want to share with you guys is if you can see up here, see that gutter run? If you look up, you’ll see there’s gutters up there. If your gutters get clogged, or if that run gets clogged, or if down below is draining away from your house. That water either is not going down into the drain -inaudible-.

Dr. Pompa:
We’re losing you a little bit.

Yeah. Just be careful if you have the gutter runs that they’re not – the water’s not overflowing and putting water into your attic. Gutters get clogged. I’m not a big fan of gutter shields. Just clean your gutters once a year.

Dr. Pompa:
You’re breaking up.

Let me go over here. If the drain is dumping water – sorry – next to your home, and water isn’t draining away from your home, that’s another way to get water into your basement. Major problem in making your home safe. Clean your gutters so they don’t overflow and put water damage in your attic. Two – make sure when the water is flowing down, the downspouts coming from your gutter are clean and actually going into the ground – not just into the ground, but into a pipe that runs into a sewer if you’re in a condo or away from your home and shooting off into a stream, or however your home is.

Make sure that water’s not staying next to your house. You always want moisture away from your home. If you live on a slope, and your house intersects that slope, good luck because that water’s always going to flow into your basement.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s positive water pressure. We talked about positive air pressure, but when I see slopes going into homes, it’s just a matter of time before that basements gives away. Trust me. You can’t stop it. You always want things sloping away from your home when homes are built right. Make sure hills are further away.

Otherwise, you’re going to have to dig some type of major canal. It’s very difficult to stop that water. The gutters are very important. Just making sure that water is flowing away from the home and not down the home, down that foundation and putting pressure because eventually the water will find a crack or create a crack. It will come in. The water goes through block.

I remember one of the contractors, I think it was our friend, Frank, said, “Man, you could spit on the side of a cinder block, and it’ll go through the other side.” They just literally act as a sponge. That’s where a lot of mold comes in is just people – they’re not taking care of that water that’s coming into their foundation, and it absorbs into the cinder block. Most of the time, you don’t see that water. It’s just behind the wall, and behind the cinder block, and there’s mold. Bad news. All right.

All right.

Dr. Pompa:
You have to go. I’m going to say a few things to sign us off here. Aimee, I want to thank you for joining us, and I hope you got some ideas, Aimee, on things you need to do even once your home’s remediated, right?

Yes. Yes.

Dr. Pompa:
Making sure that it’s positively pressurized, making sure that those things are in your unit just to keep any mold down and your air clean. Listen, the air we breathe is so important. The way we’re building homes today is very dangerous and risky because drywall is the perfect food for mold. All we have to do is add water. That’s it. That’s paper, and paper is cellulose, and cellulose is the exact food, what mold eats.

It’s like if you have grizzly bears, and you live in the mountains, and you’re putting raw meat outside. Obviously grizzly bears are going to eventually show up. If you wet drywall, mold shows up. It’s in the air. We have to understand that.

The way that homes used to be built, and buildings, was completely different. They didn’t put paper or drywall. I don’t know when that’s going to change, and there is a movement to change some of that. Of course, we’re sealing homes. You see that stuff when they’re building a new home, the plastic they put around it. It seems like a really good idea because that seals it, keeps the water out. That’s the solution, but there’s a problem there. It keeps the chemicals in.

We’re living in these chemical little bombs airtight. It keeps moisture in when we don’t have the proper dehumidification, so moisture’s not going out, and it keeps chemicals in. Therefore, we have to bring these units like Warren showed. They’re called ERV units – air ventilator exchangers – and it brings the good air, and the bad air out. Because we’re building homes so tight, those types of units are very important.

If you live in certain places of the country – I’m a firm believer, and I had them when I lived out east. I had the dehumidifiers in all of my homes just dehumidifying that house. If your humidity is over 50, you have the potential of forming mold. If it’s over 60, you’re forming mold. It’s moisture in the air. The spores find their way, and they just implant in a little bit of dust. We add moisture from the air, and we have mold growing. That’s why when you walk in basements, things like that, you smell that musty smell. That’s mold growing, most likely from humidity.

Making the home is R1. We have to make our home safe, and if you’re out there, and you’re still challenged with some health issues, I always say, “Look to the mouth, and look to your home.” That’s the first places that we go. Infection is another one. I just released an article, folks. I think it’s out today, maybe Monday. I’m not sure. It’s “True Cellular Detox™.”

In the article, I talk about the Three Amigos that make most people sick. Heavy metals, biotoxins from mold that we discussed the last two weeks, and infections – roots canals, cavitations, and Lyme disease. Those are the Three Amigos that typically shut down most people’s detox pathways, and now they start reacting to the world. They become sensitive to every chemical. Their detox pathways shut down, and now every cell in their body, including their brain, is toxic.

Then we start with the brain fog, the fatigue, the anxiety, the sleeplessness, all the hormone challenges, weight gain that doesn’t stop regardless of what you eat. Folks, I hope that’s a lesson. Read that article because most people do detox wrong. Most people do not go upstream. Remove the causes from their life and the sources from their body correctly. In that article, I talk about all that in-depth. “True Cellular Detox™” article, read it, watch last week’s show, and the week before on Lyme disease if you haven’t. Between that article and these shows, you’re going to be equipped to truly detox your life and your cells.

Aimee, thanks again for joining us, and signing off, and we’ll see you next week.

73: Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Transcript of Episode 73: Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Phil Kaplan.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, hey, it’s Dr. Pompa here, and not live. We’re actually recording this call because we are shooting, actually, Phil and I, some amazing shows that you’re going to see in the future. But we are recording this show. But I have Phil here, which some of you who watched many of the past shows actually know who this gentleman is.

And it’s nice to see you again.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, well, I have to always joke about this. Because I always say my interest in nutrition actually started back when I was a wrestler trying to make sure I just didn’t lose weight the bad way where you see people cutting calories, right, and they’re trying to get skinny to make a weight. And I said I’m just not going to do that because I saw those guys lose strength, right, and it’s, like, I’m not just going to cut a weight class.

So I really had no nutrition source except Muscle & Fitness. It’s like, gosh, these guys are fit, right? So I got Muscle & Fitness. I even got a subscription, and I started reading all the articles in Muscle & Fitness. What I didn’t know at that time is most likely I was reading this guy’s articles. He was good friends with Joe Weider at that time. And you not only wrote most of the articles for Muscle & Fitness, you wrote Flex Magazine. I mean, all the magazines that I read as a kid. Am I right on that?

Yes, and in fact, Joe Weider said, “Let’s write some good articles because Dr. Pompa is going to be reading it, and he’s going to become very famous one day.”

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s it. Anyways, but Phil actually had the largest fitness radio show. And as a matter of fact, guys, I have to say this, but we’re doing a radio show together, and he had the largest fitness radio show in the country. And Phil was, I would say, the most famous guy in fitness.

So enough about that.

Dr. Pompa:
I’m a proud—let’s just keep talking about you.

No, no. Let’s talk about…

Dr. Pompa:
Let’s keep talking about you.

We have something important to talk about.

Dr. Pompa:
Mold, mold is the topic today.


Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, mold is the topic today. I actually announced it last week, and I said this is one of these big ones that we need to discuss. Last week we discussed Lyme. And I say it. I’ll repeat. There’s the big three amigos, right? We can’t get rid of all the chemicals in our life; however, when we get hit with heavy metals, when we get hit with infections, like Lyme, even infections from root canals, cavitations, and we get hit with biotoxins from mold, these things shut down detox pathways. They have such a dramatic effect on the nerve system that, literally, now we become very sensitive to every toxin. You know, I just recently…

Heavy metals, Lyme, and mold.

Dr. Pompa:
Heavy metals, we’ll say heavy metals infection because infection puts out a biotoxin. That’s a toxin produced by a living thing, so root canals, cavitations. I always say, and you probably have heard me say it to the doctors, if someone’s not getting well, there’s still something upstream. I just had that happen to a client, probably, two weeks ago. They weren’t getting well, and they weren’t getting well. She had a root canal that was under a crown. She didn’t know it was there. She got it out, and since then, I’ve been getting emails…

Better and better.

Dr. Pompa:
And better, and better, and better, exactly, she’s like—her sensitivities went down. Even her food sensitivities have changed. She’s actually eating different foods now. We haven’t even really started even detoxing the biotoxins out from that root canal. But, I mean, so these guys shut things down. But today’s topic is mold, and something—we’re actually in Warren Phillips’ house, who you all know, and something happened here the last couple days.

There’s a big hole in the ceiling.

Dr. Pompa:
There is a big hole in the ceiling. And actually, I would take you out there but they’re doing a little school activity out there. I’d take you out and actually show you the hole in the ceiling, but a minor amount of water, Phil, leaked. And actually, it was just a crack in the ceiling, paint crack they thought, that they were going to fix. And the gentleman that fixed it said, “Oh, this is moist. Very little, but it’s moist.” He put a moisture reader on it, and it was about 50%. But Warren immediately said what I would’ve said and you. “Open it up,” but he just didn’t have them open it up.

And we would appear to be just extreme, right?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah.

Why would you do that? It’s just a little bit of water?

Dr. Pompa:
No one would’ve, right? Matter of fact, he thought—Warren was like, what? You know, it’s just a small amount of water.


Dr. Pompa:
And then open it up. But no, this is when he thought Warren was very extreme. He said, “No, no, no. Do not open it up now. We’ll bring someone, an expert in.” Because they build around it a containment if you will, right?

Right, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Where they create something called negative air pressure. So when they open it up, let’s say there was mold, right? We didn’t—we don’t know at this point, but where there’s water, there’s mold, typically. So when they open it up…

It doesn’t contaminate the entire home.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. The spore, the biotoxins don’t contaminate the environment, and believe me, many people even watching this, my clients make this mistake all the time. Number one, typically you get the aggressive person like myself, folks. I’ve done this myself. You’ve done it too, right? I got to know. I have to know if there’s mold there, and I go in. And of course, back then I would be sick for days. But, you know, so mold, look, it just takes water and some food in a house. Phil, typically, what is the food in a house?


Dr. Pompa:
Drywall, what’s on the back of drywall, paper? Yeah, so that’s—typically, the cellulose is the food in the paper, and it just feeds. You just add a little water. The mold spores are here, but then we add water. And then here’s the thing, folks. We’re not talking about mold allergies in this show. Please, understand. This is biotoxic illness. The mold produces a biotoxin.

Yeah, I’m glad you said that because…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, because many people don’t get that.

Yeah, and when I do talk to people, they go, “Oh, well, I know someone else who’s allergic to mold.” I go, “No, no. I’m not allergic to mold.”

Dr. Pompa:

You have to go through the whole explanation.

Dr. Pompa:
Mold, biotoxin illness, I probably should refer to it from this point on, is very serious. I mean, people with biotoxin illness get, I don’t want to say more sick, but almost worse sick than someone with heavy metal poisoning, Lyme, very nasty. Mold has a certain fingerprint, has a certain look. And I’ll tell you, when people get sick from this, their lives change. Matter of fact, I think the only thing that could do that justice—and one of the reasons I have you here is you became a mold expert, from the fitness expert to a mold expert.

Unintentionally, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
I remember the day…

I didn’t know that was my path. I didn’t know this would lead to…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. I’m sure you didn’t.

But you know what? I mean, before we get into it, I just want to say it led me here.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. That’s a good thing.

So I think the fact that you went through an illness, and I went through an illness, and we came together, it’s going to serve all the people we can help.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. There’s no doubt. Our stories put us here. Our stories give a greater purpose, so like you always say, we look forward. Not back, right?


Dr. Pompa:
We’re able to change a world, make a difference, affect so many people watching us. I promise you, there’s many people watching this show that have symptoms, whether it’s can’t sleep at night, sensitive to things they were never sensitive, whether it’s food, chemicals, perfumes.

And I think one more frustration of becoming sick from mold or something like it is it’s an invisible ailment. So people just tend to look at you and go, you’re stressed. We need a little Lexapro. Let’s just get you a little Xanax, and you’ll be okay.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, my illness, I—someone close to me said to me once, and I still remember. As you know, that was years ago. Just push through it. If I were you, I would just push through it.

And you try that. You do.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, of course, I’m tough.

You wake up in the morning, and you go I’m not going to be sick this morning, right?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so what he was telling me was I’m not tough enough. He’s so tough. He would’ve pushed through it.


Dr. Pompa:
I’m telling you, I wanted to go across the room and do something dramatic. Let’s just say that, but, yeah, I mean, this is a—it’s what I classify as an unexplainable illness. But most people watching this have symptoms, and they just don’t know what’s wrong, right? I mean, I promise you, they’ve been addressing their thyroid like I did. They’ve been addressing their adrenals like I did, which just kinda makes you a little better sometimes, sometimes worse. It’s this nasty back and forth. What’s going on? My hair’s getting thinner. I’m gaining weight. Because that’s one of the symptoms from mold is you lose muscle and gain fat. I mean, go figure. I became skinny fat. You lost muscle in your process.

Tremendous amount.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. It’s a horrific hormonal experience that is not good. But I can tell you this; the answer isn’t chasing hormones, taking more hormones. The answer is, I always say, is find the cause. The problem with this is people don’t know, right? I mean, there’s four people living in a house often times, and one person gets sick.

Not only people don’t know, people don’t want to hear, right?

Dr. Pompa:
No, absolutely not.

So somebody goes, “Oh, yeah, I found some mold behind my cabinets. They’re coming in to clean it up.” You go, “No. Get out of the house. Just get out of the house. Don’t sleep there, all right? Let’s get to work. Let’s get it tested.” “No, no, it’s just a little bit of mold.”

Dr. Pompa:
It’s just a little bit of mold, yeah.


Dr. Pompa:

It’s only after they have the experience that suddenly their interest changes and they go, “Tell me about this. How can I get well?”

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Actually, what you said there is a great thing. Because, see, we think about that little mildew on the bathroom wall is the mold, and I’ve seen that my whole life. It’s a—look, there’s different types of mold. There’s many, obviously, types of mold. There’s at least six that are nasty, nasty guys. Maybe one you’re familiar with is black mold, Stachybotrys, Aspergillus, right? I mean, there’s these nasty…

Yeah, this is a part of our education.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. How do we know these names? Because we fear these guys, right, or these guys beat us up a little bit. Look, I want to say this too, and I want you tell your story, but we both became sensitive to our world, multi-chemically sensitive, MCS. I mean, where I was afraid to go outside of my space, my safe space. I was afraid to be around…

Well, let’s talk a little bit about the experience I went through, and then we’ll come back and talk about that.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay, but let me just say this before we get there. I got there via heavy metals. You got there via mold. But we both landed in the same place. We were—couldn’t function in our world. Tell your story because it’s a unique one.

There is one more piece of that. You were very functional. So people expect a lot of you.

Dr. Pompa:
Perfectly functional.

So when you go through this, everybody’s looking at you going come on. Just be yourself. Just do what you normally do. And that’s a huge part of the frustration is people don’t quite get it. And you don’t know how to explain it, and the harder you try to explain it, the crazier they start to think you are.

Dr. Pompa:
I actually hid it from my family for years, hid it. I just wasn’t showing up at family functions. Number one, God forbid I take a cologne hit or I would get sick. Even the actual emotional stress of thinking about getting sick would make me sick. I mean it was like—so I just wasn’t showing up. And my family was, really, what’s wrong?

I remember the day I went where I was sitting, where my father was sitting. And I told my dad. And I just started crying. And, I mean, I can’t go—I still can’t go down this road. But I started crying, and he said, “What’s wrong?” I said, “Dad, I’ve been sick.” “What do you mean?” He couldn’t understand it. I mean, number one, I hid it, right? So I’d come over, and put the face on.

They can’t understand.

Dr. Pompa:
He just never got it. My sister, my one sister never got it, you know?

Because it’s a little bit like—did you ever see those old movies where aliens land, and they start to take over people’s bodies? Like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, right? And there’s always one person in the town who knows, and he tries to warn everybody. He goes, “No, don’t go home. Your wife is an alien.”

Dr. Pompa:

And they go, “Shut up.” And you become that. The more that you try to allow other people into that world, the more they think that you’re in a different world.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. No doubt about it. And because I was a health guy in my family, there was a whole other thing of embarrassment. There was whole other thing of it’s just him being overboard once again, right?

Right, you start to feel like a hypocrite.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, no doubt.

Because here you are advising people on health, and…

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. You went through that too. I didn’t put that together, differently, right? It’s like, hypocrite, just being overboard again about his health, right? I mean, so there was multiple reasons why I didn’t want anyone to know. And I lived a life, literally, of seclusion and just embarrassment. But anyways, your story, I remember the day I got the phone call of—someone referred you to me as a client. And I remember hearing your story, and thinking that’s yet another amazing story, but yet, that I hear all the time, just differently.


Dr. Pompa:
But tell the story because I think it is the stories that really capture people, and get people to think.

Let me start out by saying I think before Hurricane Wilma—and I’ll explain what she has to do with it. Before Hurricane Wilma, my life was as close to perfect as it gets. It really was.

Dr. Pompa:
I would say the same about mine.

And I don’t know that I appreciated it then.

Dr. Pompa:
I would say the same about me.

You know, sometimes you have to lose something to realize how valuable it is. So, I mean, I really had an idealistic life. I mean, I had a beautiful home, and a beautiful wife, and a beautiful little girl, and a tremendous business, and everything was working. I was travelling around the world doing seminars and appearances.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you were a famous guy.

Life was really, really exciting and fun, and just wonderful, you know. And then there was the year, 2005, in South Florida, where three major hurricanes hit. And my wife and, I guess, 1-year-old daughter at that time stayed there with me through the first two. And we didn’t have major damage, but it’s an inconvenience. Your power goes out for three or four days. You can’t get food, and you’re going to have to…

Dr. Pompa:
I guess you get used to it living down there.

Well, you don’t, especially when you have a baby because she’s…

Dr. Pompa:
It’s scary.

Because, poor thing, she’s crying, and she’s uncomfortable, and the humidity, and you don’t have air conditioning. So anyway, when the third one was coming…

Dr. Pompa:

When the third one was coming, they went out of town. So I stayed to take care of the house. And the third one was the big one. It was Hurricane Wilma, and it was like a freight train just going bam, outside the house for hours. Then you get into the eye of the storm, and it quiets, you know, and you take a peek outside.

Dr. Pompa:
I’ve never been in one.

You never want to.

Dr. Pompa:

You never want to. And this was a real one. When I moved to Florida, they’d have these hurricane warnings, and everybody would run to the grocery store, and fight over the last container of water. And the hurricane would never come. So you, kinda go, “Oh, that’s stupid.” And people would have hurricane parties, but this one really woke people up as what the damage is, and why the warnings are there.

Anyway, the next day, the house was fine. I think we lost a tree and a rooftop, nothing major. So I’m happy, you know? I call my wife, and I’m going, “Hey, things are great. We held up okay.” I’m looking around the neighborhood, and I see stop signs are in the lake. I mean, everything’s blown everywhere, but our house is okay. So now I do what I would do, of course, is I go check on my office. And I go to my office, which in total was about 4,500 square feet. Half of it was warehouse space. So we were selling books, and nutritional supplements, and programs, and DVDs, and that’s…

Dr. Pompa:
The whole thing.

The whole thing. And I would walk in, and there’s no roof.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, I guess that was quite shocking.

No roof. But here’s the shocking part. That wasn’t even the shocking part. I’m stunned because I’m standing in my building and I’m seeing the sky, but every single paper was right where I left it.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s amazing.

Nothing had moved.

Dr. Pompa:
How is that even possible?

I had radio show equipment and computer equipment.

Dr. Pompa:
I mean, how is that even possible?

I didn’t know. Somebody explained it to me afterwards, and I guess what happened is, after the rains, a tornado came down the street. So the rains came first, and then my roof left, right?

Dr. Pompa:

Again, I feel like, oh, I am so lucky because imagine what could’ve happened, right? So we get one of those big blue tarps, and we throw it up over the building. And the following day there’s a major tropical storm. The tarp washes in, and the waterline was four feet from the floor, four feet of water in my warehouse, in my building. So when I walked in the following day, I mean, I was in tears. You know, I was—it was just—it was horrible because everything I had worked to build is suddenly ruined.

Dr. Pompa:
I can’t imagine.

And I thought that was the bad part. I didn’t realize. That wasn’t the bad part. So I called my attorney because I didn’t own the space. I was renting the space. And he said to me, “Phil, get out of that building, and never go back.” I said, “What? Are you crazy? I mean, this is my business. This is my livelihood.”

Dr. Pompa:
Trust me. For him to say that—he must’ve seen something before for him to say that because who would say that?

He no longer takes mold cases because they’re too emotionally defeating to him.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I believe that. I know that. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. So get out of that building, and I didn’t listen. I didn’t. And this is why…

Dr. Pompa:
And most wouldn’t.

Most wouldn’t, and this is why I hope that those people who you pointed to before and you said somebody’s watching…

Dr. Pompa:
Watching, yeah.

I hope they’re listening enough to get the “aha” and go maybe this is not excessive. Maybe this is not paranoia. Maybe there’s something real to this. Because I could’ve prevented the entire next phase of my life had I left the building.

Dr. Pompa:

But I was stubborn, and I was determined. I said, “No, no, I’m going to fix it. We’ve got the landlord’s insurance is going to cover it.” So for the next few months—and keep in mind, South Florida is in disarray. So a lot of contractors are showing up from different parts of the country with their ladders and their trucks.

Dr. Pompa:
Cash only.

You’re paying them cash, and—yeah. So they’d come in, and they would tear out my rotting drywall, and they ripped out my carpet. And they started to just dismember my entire office, just leaving the framing. And I was in that building every day supervising this. Then they start to rebuild, so now different contractors are coming. These guys are professionals. Matter of fact, they’re professional enough that they had masks on.

Dr. Pompa:
Masks on, yeah, smart.

Yeah. Yeah. The first group, they didn’t. They would just, you know, let me tear out your drywall. Give me money. But this group, they knew what they were doing, and they came with their masks. Now, a part of my 4,500 square feet was the personal training studio, 1,200 square foot personal training studio. That’s what I wanted fixed first because I had trainers who worked for me, and I wanted them to generate revenue.

Dr. Pompa:

And so let’s fix this first. Then we’ll worry about the rest. So I’m in that building now as they’re doing the work, bringing in new carpet, new drywall, new mirrors, everything with glue and paint. I’m in there working out. Not just in the building, but now I’m, like, sucking in. So the office looked incredible. Better than ever.

Dr. Pompa:
But you thought you were being healthy. There’s another side to that story.

Yeah, right. The office looked fantastic. In fact, I was thankful. I was like, this is great. Everything is brand new. And then I started developing a cough. And it wasn’t a little cough, and it wasn’t like a cough I ever knew before. It would come at—it would suddenly affect me. It wasn’t like I was coughing all day, but in a moment, I would start to cough, and it would knock me off my feet, literally. I mean, I was on the ground. I couldn’t stop coughing, and it felt like my lungs were going to just come out of my mouth, and then, after a while it would subside.

And I started to feel like it happens when I’m in the office. So I thought maybe there’s something in the office that’s affecting me. But none of my other employees were sick. So this is where you start to become the detective.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, right.

What could this be? So I started by going to a doctor who said, “Go see an allergist. Clearly you’re allergic to something.” So I went to an allergist, and they told me I’m allergic to cats and dust. I said, “I don’t think that’s my problem. I really don’t.”

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, been around cats and dust my whole life.

Yeah, I mean, if a thousand cats showed up in my office, I’d go maybe this is it. If dusty cats were there, I’d—but no. This clearly wasn’t the answer. So he goes, “You better go to a pulmonologist.” So that’s where the odyssey began is from doctor to doctor a bunch. So I go to a pulmonologist.

Dr. Pompa:
I hear this story all the time, all the time.

Oh, yeah. The pulmonologist, a very nice guy, easily diagnoses me, emphysema, and I laughed.

Dr. Pompa:
There must be a drug for that. That’s good. That’s good.

There is a drug.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, great.

So I said, “Listen, I don’t have emphysema.” “Well, you’re testing as if you have emphysema.” I said, “But I was riding my bike 20 miles just a few weeks ago. People with emphysema don’t do that. I don’t have emphysema.”

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, there’s a cause. Were you dealing with asbestos? Were you smoking cigarettes most of your life? Were you doing any of those things?


Dr. Pompa:
No. Did he ever ask?

No. Actually, you do fill out a questionnaire that I don’t know if they ever even look at.

Dr. Pompa:


Dr. Pompa:
Of course not, no.

So he gives me two inhalers. And one was a steroid, a corticosteroid, and the other was Albuterol. So I left his office, and as soon as I had one of those coughing attacks, I did the Albuterol, and I said I’m never doing this again. And I threw them both away. I mean, I just hated the way it made me feel.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, of course.

But most of all, I knew he was wrong. I knew it wasn’t emphysema. I knew there was something else, but nobody could tell me what it was. So from doctor, to doctor, to doctor, to doctor, on and on and on, and finally, I end up in a major medical institution everyone’s heard of.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, you’re relating to most people watching this show right now, the doctor, to doctor, to doctor. Wondering what’s going on, trying different medications. Matter of fact, most of these people have tried just about every supplement out there on the market too.

Well, you know what’ really—what was kind of frustrating for me is, at the time, I was very present on South Florida television, and I had a radio show. So the doctors knew me, and they would befriend me. And they would start to ask me fitness questions. And suddenly, it’s my buddy. And I would go in there in. I’m coming to you as an expert. Can’t you—they didn’t have the answer.

Dr. Pompa:
No, of course not.

They really didn’t have the answer. They only had what was in their box, right? So the pulmonologist looks at the lung.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, that’s why one of our goals is train doctors around the country with the answer of how we got our lives back, you know.


Dr. Pompa:
We went through it for a reason, you know.  It’s like, there is—most doctors don’t know on both sides of the aisle, alternative and allopathic. They don’t know. There is an answer. There is a way out. Go ahead.

So I wind up in a major medical institution, and I’m in there for three days. Because at this point, oh, probably eight months post that first cough, I have severe tremors. I’m sitting on my hands all the time because they’re shaking all over the place. I could not pick up a glass off of a table. I would slowly take two hands because my hands would tremble.

Dr. Pompa:
It sounds like a neurodegenerative disease.

Yes. I couldn’t speak. I stuttered. Now, my livelihood, in part, was speaking, you know? And I had to cancel appearances. I cancelled an appearance. I was supposed to be in Italy doing a presentation, couldn’t talk.

Dr. Pompa:

I was also having trouble keeping my balance.

Dr. Pompa:

What’s amazing to me when I think back is I didn’t get depressed. I think most people do, and most people would. But just knowing about the body’s ability to heal, I just felt like I haven’t found the right doctor yet, right?

Dr. Pompa:

So now I’m excited. I’m at this institution. They’re going to give me the answer. And I remember, after the three days of evaluation, and brain scans, and MRIs…

Dr. Pompa:
At this point, did you think about this building at all?


Dr. Pompa:
Okay, go ahead.

No. I’m sitting across from the neurologist, the Head of Neurology, and he’s looking at his computer. Not even looking at me. And he’s typing. And he goes, “Well, Phil, you have Parkinson’s.” Just like that. “Well, Phil, you have Parkinson’s.” And I have to tell you, nothing ever stung me like that in my life. And then he looked at me, almost surprised, because he must’ve seen the look on my face.

Dr. Pompa:
Ah, yeah.

And he goes, “Oh, don’t worry. You could have a good quality of life for many years. There are medications for that.” That was his…

Dr. Pompa:
That’s unbelievable. Yeah. That is unbelievable.

Yeah. Yeah. So that was a bad moment, and that was a bad day. And I’ll tell you this. Emotionally, the only image that kept coming up in my mind is my daughter coming to feed her trembling dad sitting in a wheelchair drooling. Because that’s—when you think of Parkinson’s, that’s where it’s going, right?

Dr. Pompa:

And it broke my heart for a day. The following day I woke up, and I just—I don’t know where the thought came from, but I said, okay, one of two things. Either I’m going to find Michael J. Fox, I’m going to do everything I can to learn, and to study, and to raise money, and to create awareness, or maybe the doctor was wrong. The pulmonologist was wrong. The allergist was wrong. Maybe the doctor was wrong.

Dr. Pompa:
I have to say that, though. I mean, for you to make that transition in a day to I’m either going to make a difference or maybe they’re wrong. I mean, who does that? I mean, you’re in what I call a 3% right off the bat. I mean, most people would’ve just been devastated. I mean, if not the rest of their life, satisfied with the diagnosis, either way. Devastated or satisfied.

And by the way, if I accepted the diagnosis, I’d be living my life on medication believing that, and I’d have every symptom.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. Yeah, absolutely and believe me. This happens. People come to me years on medications, and I’m looking at it going I don’t even think this is what you have, right? Because they’re lumped into this category based on symptoms and it happens all the time. Neurotoxic illness is always lumped into something else, whether it’s MS, depression. I mean, I can go down the list, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia. We like to label things. And then if we label it, now we can give a medication for it, and live happily ever after. You didn’t satisfy with that.

That doctor gave me an anti-tremor medication.

Dr. Pompa:
Of course, yeah.

And he gave me a beta blocker.

Dr. Pompa:

And, of course, I never even filled the prescriptions.

Dr. Pompa:
Once we label it, now we can give you something. So welcome to the medical model in this country.

Oh, and by the way, anybody who’s been through this will know this. I didn’t know it beforehand, but every time you’re given a prescription, there’s a code attached. Your insurance report records that code. So if you looked at my insurance report, I have Parkinson’s. I mean, I have everything that they ever diagnosed me with, but I don’t.

Dr. Pompa:
Now what do we do with the insurance though today.

I lost my insurance. I managed to get another policy, but I did lose my insurance that I had.

Dr. Pompa:
Did you—you probably had to prove like crazy that this was a false diagnosis?

I was never able to prove it.

Dr. Pompa:
Wow, another subject for another day. Wow. I mean…

Yeah, I mean, that became a fulltime job, and then, finally, I just said, you know, I’ll figure out another way.

Dr. Pompa:
Anyways, go ahead because there’s so much more.

So it continued to go on, frustration, question. I started to read voraciously. I would call every expert I knew and asked them who the experts are. And I really just set out to understand what’s going on. But in the meantime, life was really hard. Even, I would miss my exit all the time. I mean, we call it brain fog.

Dr. Pompa:
Brain fog, yeah.

But people expect to you to perform the way you always did it, and your brain just doesn’t respond.

Dr. Pompa:
No, no, no, exactly. Yeah.

And then they think—another weird thing is I guess my face started to reflect frustration because I’m trying to think, and I can’t think. I remember Curly from The Three Stooges said it, “I’m trying to think, but nothing’s happening.”

Dr. Pompa:
Well, did you try this?

I didn’t try that. No, I needed somebody else. I needed Moe, knucklehead.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s when people start going, “Are you okay?” And you want to say, “No. I’m not.”

Here’s really—and I’ll say this to anybody who knows somebody who suffering with this, is people go, “Oh, I don’t want to bother him.” Because I guess the look of frustration may be anger, so they would distance, you know? So you feel very isolated at that point. So you’re trying to perform at a level that you’re not capable, and you feel like nobody’s throwing you a rope, you know? So that’s a difficult part.

And then I was invited to record a TV show, and I really didn’t want to do it. But the truth is, I needed the money, and I thought, okay, let me get back to some kind of normalcy. So we went to Chicago for the shoot, and the shoot went okay considering everything. And then after the shoot, they took me to a restaurant, and I whacked myself in the tooth and chipped my tooth with the wine glass, we were toasting, because I didn’t have control, you know?

Dr. Pompa:
Right, yeah.

And then I left there, and I went to the airport.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, he had a neurological illness, right? It wasn’t Parkinson’s in the end. It wasn’t MS. It wasn’t a neurodegenerative

It was a curable one.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. It was neurotoxic mediated illness is really what it was. Same one I had. Different start but our stories end very similar. Go ahead.

Our stories haven’t ended yet.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that’s great. Exactly, yeah.

I wind up walking into a beam in the airport and knocking myself unconscious. So I open my eyes. There’s a circle of people around me. I didn’t even know what happened, but this is kind of the odd way that things fall into place. So after that, they’re offering to take me to a hospital, and I go, “No, no, I’m okay. I’m okay.” Because I know the hospital won’t help me. I’d been there. You know? They don’t understand what’s wrong. They think you’re crazy.

So I said, “No, no, just let me be,” and I missed my flight. So I’m sitting there waiting for another flight, and I start talking to a woman who tells me that her father is a doctor of Eastern and also Western medicine. And she saw what happened. So we’re talking a little bit about it, and I start to tell her what’s going on. And she calls her father, who suggests that I get a book called “Mold Warriors.”

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, man. I read that book. It scares the hell out of you that book.

So I order the book, FedEx overnight, and it’s written by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker and a Dr. Schaller. Now Ritchie Shoemaker was in Maryland in a small town.

Dr. Pompa:
Schaller’s in Florida.

Schaller was in Florida directly across Alligator Alley from me. So I was like, okay, I’m going to go see Schaller. And I’ll just say it wasn’t a good experience. You become the victim, and doctors who are not ethical have the ability to make money at your expense. So I called Ritchie Shoemaker. I called his office, and I called like at 5:02. Not intentionally, but his staff had just left, and he answered the phone. And I said, “Dr. Shoemaker, I just have to ask you a question. If I come to you, will I get the same treatment I got from Dr. Schaller?”

And then we started talking, and he asked me what the treatment was, and he said, “No. If you come to me, we’ll figure out what’s going on. I will get you well.” That was all I needed to hear. So I headed up to Pocomoke City, MD, and he put me through tests, and every single test. Every measure of a biomarker, the visual contrast test, all of the things they do to get clues to stack them up to go, “Yes, you have mold toxicity,” [claps] I had it, so—and you know Ritchie Shoemaker…

Dr. Pompa:
Can I just—for the benefit of them because there’s people out there going how do I know, right? One of the fastest, easiest ways that we deal—all the doctors that I train, 60 in total around the country, they all have a visual contrast sensitivity test. It’s called a VCS test. It’s, literally, a five minute test that we look at contrast of vision. Look, these toxins, these biotoxins from mold, from Lyme, they affect nerves. Well, the one nerve we can test is the optic nerve.

The optic nerve.

Dr. Pompa:
Right, it’s very sensitive, and you lose—we don’t look at acuity. So we’re not looking at how well you see. We’re looking at contrast. So that’s one of the screening tools. And then there’s some other blood work that we do that can also be an indicator. One is C4a, etc., etc. But anyway, so you had the test done.

I had the test done, and he said to me…

Dr. Pompa:
And you don’t have Parkinson’s.

“You don’t have Parkinson’s.” And I jumped off the table, and I hugged him.

Dr. Pompa:
Did you kiss him?

I didn’t kiss him. I hugged him, and you know Dr. Shoemaker.

Dr. Pompa:
I do know him.

He’s not a touchy, feely kind of guy.

Dr. Pompa:
Nah, no, no.

So he’s standing there like, “What are you doing? Nobody’s ever hugged me because I told them they had mold sickness.” I’m like, “Yeah, but you just told me I don’t have Parkinson’s.”

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah.

You just put my life back on a good track. So I love Ritchie Shoemaker. I mean, I know many people find him difficult.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

I remember that moment.

Dr. Pompa:
I would love the guy who told me I didn’t have Parkinson’s.

Yeah, it was the opposite of what I experienced with that neurologist, right? Suddenly, somebody gave me a real answer. Now here’s the beautiful thing. He gave me a medication called Cholestyramine, which you’re familiar with.

Dr. Pompa:
Mm-hmm. Yep. It’s an old cholesterol medication.

Ten days later, I’m working out. I’m playing basketball. I’m riding my bike. I’m ready to book seminars again, ten days, because somebody accurately diagnosed it and had a treatment for it.

Dr. Pompa:
Wow. Yeah, I mean, and what the Cholestyramine does, folks, is it—literally, it doesn’t even leave the gut. It’s an old cholesterol medication that pulls the bile out of the body, which pulls cholesterol out of the body, which they don’t even use it for that anymore. But what it does is the—in the bile, are these biotoxins, right? So they’re released from the cell to the liver where they’re bound up into bile. And by the way, this is the way most toxins, you know, what happens, right? In the bile, the bile is released, dropped into the gut to digest fat, but it brings with it the toxin.


Dr. Pompa:
But the problem is, in the lower intestine, it’s designed to reabsorb the bile so it doesn’t have to recreate it, and it brings the toxin back to the liver. It’s called autointoxication. So the Cholestyramine sits in there as a catcher’s mitt, and just pulls the biotoxin out of the body. So you don’t reabsorb.

You know, the biotoxin is a living organism.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right.

So when a living organism moves into your body, it says, wow. This is a great place to live. Let’s make babies, right? So it colonizes.

Dr. Pompa:
In the mycotoxin, right, I mean, the—some of the spore actually can do that, right? But these biotoxins are, literally, toxins produced by a living thing.


Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, nasty stuff. Go ahead. You wanted to finish the story.

So well, there’s a whole other part of the story.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, let’s just fast forward. You became—okay, so feels better.

I got well.

Dr. Pompa:


Dr. Pompa:
There you go.

I went through a separation with my then wife.

Dr. Pompa:

And moved into a new apartment. It was probably the fourth or fifth day. I was in the apartment because I just got all new furniture, and I was actually very excited. And my now ex-wife and I had a great relationship. We just knew we shouldn’t be together.

Dr. Pompa:
Right, mm-hmm.

My daughter lived nine miles away, so I’d pick her up all the time. And probably fourth day, I come home in a very good mood. I open the door, and I was attacked by the shower curtain. Now I know this is where I say people quit and think I’m crazy.

Dr. Pompa:
I just had a vision of Chris Farley, but anyways.

I walked through the door.

Dr. Pompa:
Did you fall on your face?

I could have. I did that at the airport. And suddenly, the smell of the shower curtain became so overwhelming I thought I was going to pass out.

Dr. Pompa:
I know this feeling. I know this. Yeah.

And I’m thinking, what’s going on? Is my shower curtain on fire? Like, why would it—so I run upstairs, and I can—I don’t know how I knew what the smell was, but you know, when you open a new shower curtain, you’ll have that smell?

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah.

It was so overwhelming. I held my breath. I got a plastic bag, and I stuffed the shower curtain into the bag, and I threw it in the trash, and put it in the garage. I just couldn’t stand it.

Dr. Pompa:
Do you remember the Steve Martin movie where he thought it was the cans? Remember they were shooting at Steve Martin, The Jerk?

The Jerk. Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. The can, he says, “It’s these cans,” and he was getting rid of all the cans. So you thought it’s these shower curtains.


Dr. Pompa:
These things are evil.


Dr. Pompa:
That’s funny.

The following morning I get up, and I go have some breakfast. And I open up the dishwasher, and the smell of the dishwasher detergent almost knocked me off my feet.

Dr. Pompa:
So now you’re getting rid of all dishwashers. For goodness sakes, it’s these dishwashers and these shower curtains.

Right. Shower curtains and dishwashers are my enemy.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s it.

But then it became farther reaching. And then it would be perfumes and paints, and everywhere I went, I’d kind of sniff first. Is it safe to go in here? And I would say to other people, “Don’t you smell that?” And they’d go, “No.” And some perfumes that smell good to most people smelled so horrible. I don’t even have a way to describe it.

Dr. Pompa:
To this day, I do not like—even though I’m not sensitive to it anymore, if I smell it I’m like aww. I don’t like.

Yeah, right. So it became…

Dr. Pompa:
So you became sensitive to the world now all of a sudden.


Dr. Pompa:
Certain aspects you felt better, right?

I didn’t have Parkinson’s. And I want to tell you. That allowed me to always feel better, right?

Dr. Pompa:

Whatever I was dealing with, I would put it next to that, you know? And I’d go, okay, well, I have a problem with shower curtains, but I don’t have Parkinson’s, right?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. So, great, moved out of the moldy situation, got the biotoxin out of the body, so R1, you got rid of your source. You weren’t getting exposed anymore. We always say you have to get rid of your source, and get the stuff out of your body. So you did that. But now you’re walking around going what is going on? I’m sensitive to the world.

And I’m also, where do I go?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, where do I go?

Because it reached the point that I couldn’t live in that apartment. So now it’s the apartment. Now I realize it’s the apartment that’s bad. I’ll move to a different one. And, well, you know this.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah.

And this is going to sound…

Dr. Pompa:
Crazy, but…

Bizarre. I had moved since then 13 times.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, just trying to find a safe environment. When we spoke on the phone the very first time, I said, Phil, number one…

And I had just built a new house at that time.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. And I said nothing will work until you find a safe environment, meaning air quality. No massive exposure to toxins.

Well, I did. You know what? Before I met you, I did find a safe environment because I moved, and I moved again.

Dr. Pompa:
You felt much better.

And I found a great place, and my life came back in every way. I might’ve even been at my best ever at that time because I was happy in—to bring my daughter to my place and feel safe, and lay on the couch and watch TV. It just felt normal again. And then when things came back to normal, the money started coming in, and my business was thriving, and I said I’m going to build a house  then, and I’m going to be smart about it. I’m going to use non-VOC stuff, but I was naïve. I didn’t realize. So I built a beautiful home, and I moved in there with my daughter. And I lived in there for four years, but they were four difficult years because I was challenged. Every single smell bothered me.

So I went through a process, and said, look, I built the house. I’m not going to move. I’m going to beat this thing. So I started paying people to help me figure out how to make the house safe. So I put in ultraviolet lights in the air conditioning unit. I baked the walls, which I was told to do. Turn the temperature up to 180 degrees. I tried everything that was told to me as a solution for the house.

No longer am I working on me. Now I’m working on the house. I’ve got an air exchange unit. And the truth is, after four years, not one of them really made a difference. I had 17 air purifiers in the house, nothing. Because you buy one and then it didn’t do the job. And people go, “Oh, well, that’s because you need the one with 25 pounds of carbon,” so then you buy that one.

Dr. Pompa:
Get that one. Yeah.

You become a collector of air purifiers.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, the house was just putting out too much.

And then I met you, and we had a few conversations. And then I remember. You came down to Florida to speak at one of my events.

Dr. Pompa:

And I said, “Dr. Pompa, when you come to Florida, I want you to come to my house because I want you to help me fix it,” right? So you walked in the house, and I’m expecting you to go, “Oh, you just have to do this, and you have to do that.” And do you remember what you said?

Dr. Pompa:

You said there’s attic air coming in.

Dr. Pompa:
Attic air, yeah, it’s that smell. It’s formaldehyde. It’s just from the wall.

And it’s also the new house smell. Most people would go, “Oh, it smells like a new house,” right?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I said attic. This is—I said you can’t live in here. Because it’s that smell that when you go up in your attic, you smell. Well, what does that mean? The house was being—under positive pressure, so the walls, attic air in between air walls were coming into the space.


Dr. Pompa:
So we have to positively pressurize the house, which you tried, couldn’t get it done because it was just too much.

The load was too great.

Dr. Pompa:
The load was too great, yeah. But so you left the house.

So I left the house, and then…

Dr. Pompa:
And 13 others.

I found a doctor, who you know, in Dallas who is renowned as the multiple chemical sensitivity expert.

Dr. Pompa:

So, here I go. This is the expert. And naïvely, I would go in believing the expert will fix me, you know? Through this whole process I keep going, well, the next one will know. So now I go to this expert, and they have designated housing for the people who come there. And it’s an old residence inn. But they gutted the whole place, and they made it what they call safe. And I remember. I went to check in.

It looks like a residence inn, and I said, “Hey, Phil Kaplan, I’m checking in.” And the girl looks, and she goes, “Oh, no.” And I go, “What’s the matter?” She goes, “They made a mistake.” I said, “What do you mean?” She goes, “They put you in Building 7.” I said, “What’s Building 7?” And she goes, “You don’t want to go to Building 7.”

I’m like, “Well, what is it?” She goes, “That’s where the sick people go.” I go, “The patients of this doctor?” “Yeah.” I go, “I’m one of them.” She goes, “No, you’re not.” I go, “Yeah, I’m telling you.”

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. You tell her…

So I go to this building, and you see eyes peeking out through the windows. They’re checking out who is this person? There was a woman who was giving me a bit of a tour, and she shows me there’s a laundry room, and giving me the rules. We can’t use scented detergent. We can’t use fabric softeners. And there’s a man in there, and he’s staring at me, backed up all the way into the corner, and I’m thinking what it—why am I sending it out?

Dr. Pompa:
It wasn’t just your big physique that scared him?

It was my cellphone. I was holding my cellphone. That’s the first time I stepped into that subculture.

Dr. Pompa:
That world, yeah.


Dr. Pompa:
It’s a subculture, yeah. And we’re actually—we want to do a show on it.

Yeah. And these are people who have just retreated. They found a word that they live by, and that’s avoidance, right? They’re affected by chemicals. They’re really toxic.

Dr. Pompa:
Well, it makes sense, right? This makes me feel bad. Let me get away from all of that.


Dr. Pompa:
It doesn’t work, however.

Yeah, as a matter of fact, I think it perpetuates the continued degeneration because emotions play a huge part of this.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right. Yeah, and it’s kind of confusing. And I wish we had more time. If we can get you—next week we’re talking about how to make a home safe. And we’re going to have Warren Phillips on, but maybe we should bring you back on. It’s just a lack of time. But, you know, I want you to say a little bit about that. The show that we want to do is, really, are these just crazy people who get sick, or are they sick people who become crazy?

That’s the question.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that is the question, right? But you and I really believe—because we were these people, right?

We know they are sick people.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. They were sick people who became crazy because we dealt with it too. At one point, I kept asking my wife, “Am I just crazy?” Because I knew I had became crazy. I did. I knew it wasn’t normal.

And by the way, going through the process of getting well, there are many tears. It’s multi-factorial. There’s not one thing to do. There is not a one thing to do.

Dr. Pompa:
No, no, and I really want to emphasize that.

Must you change the way you eat? Absolutely.

Dr. Pompa:

Must you change your environment? Without a question.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, yeah.

But you also have to change your neuro wiring.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s right.

Which is an entire show in itself.

Dr. Pompa:

And that was a huge lesson for me. And I also think that my optimism, and I don’t know if that is developed or inherit, it really kept me in the normal world. Because when I see these other people who have retreated…

Dr. Pompa:
That’s not working.

And at first, as you would, I wanted to help them. I wanted to go, no, but look at me. I’m functioning. I can go into the mall. I know how you feel, but I can go into the mall.

Dr. Pompa:
Mm-hmm, yeah.

They’re afraid of lightbulbs.

Dr. Pompa:

Do you know what I’m saying? I met one woman. She had all her teeth pulled out, a young woman, 36 years old.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, because one root canal’s bad, let’s get rid of all of them. Yeah.

Thirty-six years old, she has no teeth. She’s got a shaved head because she can’t use any hair products. Your heart breaks for these people, but I also realized I can’t be around them because they suck you into their world.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. No, they’ll pull you into that world. So let me give them some things because there’s people out there going, gosh, what you said, what do you do? And I have to just give the analogy. Because part of this—this is not a psychological illness, but part of it is rewiring the nervous system, right? So here’s the analogy I can give you to help make sense of this. If a lion walked into the room right now, what would happen to us? Our adrenaline would go up. Our…

Fight or flight.

Dr. Pompa:
Fight of flight. We would literally drive inflammation process in the body, although, temporary, as long as the lion goes away. But when this happens again and again, the body’s just driving this chemical response that makes you feel sick, ultimately. Makes you not feel right. I mean, so the chemical, we get this massive exposure, and the body drums up this reaction that neurologically release this, release that, release this. It’s protecting itself. Just like the lion walking in. The problem is the threat goes away. We get a sniff of a chemical, and it releases the same response.

And it becomes habitual.

Dr. Pompa:
And it becomes this habitual neurological thing that the body doesn’t even rationally go through to say, okay, it’s not dangerous. It’s just fabric softener. Although, fabric softener is very deadly, I believe, and no one should use it. But the body should go, okay, we can deal with this appropriately. We’re not going to die. But it literally knows how it felt before. It knows that its bucket was full, can’t deal with one more toxin, Phil or Dan, so I’m going to setup every defense mechanism.

I want to tell you how important overcoming that was for me. Because you don’t realize that, right?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah.

You smell the smell, and you feel the fear, and you don’t realize that wiring in your brain is linking those up and it really…

Dr. Pompa:
So you really do feel bad, you know?

You do, but what you don’t realize is you have the power to break that link.

Dr. Pompa:

And when you break the link, the fear goes away, and the fear response goes away, and suddenly, the chemical doesn’t affect you acutely.

Dr. Pompa:
Release, yeah. I always say, well, if you’ve got pet lions, eventually, you go, oh, they’re not eating me.

Right. They’re nice lions.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah. When those lions come in, you’re like, it’s a lion, but yet, I’m not releasing the same chemicals. Well, you kind of have to do that with chemicals. They’re nice lions. We’ve got to put it—and again, here’s the difference. I started the show by saying the three amigos, right?


Dr. Pompa:
The big boys, the three big boys, the heavy metals, the mold, and the infections, whether it’s Lyme disease, these root canals, that these toxins are nasty. These guys are bad. I mean, the Bible talks about pestilence, and how nasty they are. It talks about mold in Leviticus 14, and how to get rid of it. And heavy metals, my gosh, mercury is considered the god of deception. I mean, these guys are nasty. We can’t avoid every chemical, all right? We can’t avoid everything. All the fabric softener all the…

Not in the world we live in today.

Dr. Pompa:
Right, but these big guys are very overwhelming to your nervous system. They almost set off these nasty neurological patterns, right? It happened to you. It happened to me differently. Let us respond to every single drop of minute particle of chemical to where our nervous system reacted the same as if it were mold, as if it’s a mercury poisoning. So yes, we have to get of it. We have to put ourselves in a safe environment because we can’t have chronic exposure, right? No chemical chronically is good. No stressor chronically is good. But we should be able to take the little stressors.


Dr. Pompa:
Whether it’s a chemical or whether it’s upset, get away from it. But chronic exposures, they setup these neurological pathways, right? We want our environment—R1, let’s make our environment safe. But part of R1 too is getting the stuff out of the body. You had said that the Cholestyramine when you took it for ten days actually did something, right?


Dr. Pompa:
Okay, let me—I just want to bring them to something that I do all the time. I talk about True Cellular Detox™, and I hope you can see that. Let me get the right angle on that. Okay, that’s the cell, right? So what we do is the 5R's, we start to get these pathways in the cell right, and that’s what the 5R's does. Now what happens? It’ll start to release these toxins, most of which end up in our downstream detox pathways, whether it’s the kidney or whether it’s the liver. So I just drew a really bad liver, but we’re going to call that liver. I better—that one’s so bad I better label it.

Chopped liver.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay, or it could dump into the kidneys, which if I drew these little guys over here. Okay, so these are the pathways from the cell to the downstream detox pathways. But let’s just focus on the liver for a second. Because we talked about the bile, right? So in the liver, you make something called bile. What happens is the toxins bind up to this bile complex. And eventually, bile is used to digest fat. So I’m going to draw the intestines, or I’ll say the gut down here. From the gut, we know that ultimately, hopefully, it leaves our body.

So these toxins are bound up in the liver to bile. Then they’re eventually dumped with the bile to digest, obviously, and they end up in here. But here’s the problem. They work their way through the intestines, and in the lower intestine, bile is meant to be reabsorbed back to, whoops, I almost went too far, back to the liver because it doesn’t want to recreate it. So it brings it back to the liver. But what does it bring with the bile, the toxins? So these biotoxins like the mold that he got exposed to end up going from the gut back to the liver back to the bowel complex back to the gut. This is called autointoxication.

What did the Cholestyramine do? It’s a cholesterol medication. Actually, it’s resin. It’s actually a binding agent. That’s it. It doesn’t even leave the gut. When we put that down here as a catcher’s mitt—now we use a natural product. We use something called BIND, B-I-N-D. BIND does the same thing as Cholestyramine. It sits in here as a catcher’s mitt. So when the toxins attached to the bile are dumped in the gut, they’re caught by the catcher’s mitt so you don’t autointoxicate.

This is part of what I call True Cellular Detox™, Phil. We have to get the cell working. 5R's helps us that. And then we use true binders. And in the case of heavy metals, we use different binders, right, because most people—and you know I love to say this. Corella, it’s the metal magnet, and Cilantro, and all these ten-day cleanses, colon cleanses, all of those things are too far downstream. We use coffee enemas to help dump that often times, but it’s too far downstream. It’s not up at the cell.

You can use different things to assist the kidneys, and even a colon cleanse that helps move things out of the colon, but ultimately, it starts at the cell. You’ve got to get the cell well. Get these toxins down and out. Bind them so you don’t reabsorb them. That’s True Cellular Detox™.

And by the way, this is the lesson that most doctors have never sat through.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s true.

And that’s why when you go to a doctor—they’re not bad people, right?

Dr. Pompa:

And they have good intentions. But they’ve worked in the model of let’s diagnose and medicate. So whatever symptoms are screaming the loudest are the ones we want to suppress, and that’s the way they approach things within their own system. So this is what people need. And not only the people watching, but the medical field as well.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, sure. It works. That’s what saved my life. But you know you said it right, though. It is a part of a true—it’s a step-by-step system. Make your environment safe. We have to True Cellular Detox™ starting at the cellular level. Get the stuff out of the body. It’s different for heavy metals, the biotoxin, so we have to know.

I’m assuming—

Dr. Pompa:
A little history will show what the cause is.

If somebody were to ask me—why don’t you ask me what’s the most important thing I learned?

Dr. Pompa:
What’s the most important thing, Phil?

I don’t know. No, that’s a good question. The most important thing is that you have to take ownership of your power to get well. Because as long as you’re expecting someone else to do it for you, people will take from you.

They will make money at your expense, and you will not get well. But it’s that willingness to say, once I learn, I’m going to do.

Dr. Pompa:

Because it’s all up to me. So first you need the education, but once you have the education, you’ve got to say it’s in your court.

Dr. Pompa:
I can say this to you, folks, especially as a last thing. You don’t need another treatment. And obviously, you don’t need another doctor. You actually—you need someone who’s been through this, and understands True Cellular Detox™ for what you’re going through, and coaches you through the process because you have to learn the process. You learned the process, Phil. You learned the process on how to make a home safe. You learned the process how to test for mold. You learned the process of how to get it out of your body from the cell. You learned the process.

I tell my doctors this all the time. You have to teach and coach the patient the process that they need to do and continue to do to get their life back. One more treatment is not the answer. One more supplement is not the answer, one more medication, definitely not the answer. There’s a process. You get coached. You learn it. That’s how we got our lives back. That’s how you’ll get your life back.

So stay tuned next week because we’re going to talk about how to make homes safe. And if we can get Phil back on next week, I think it would be good.

Morning, guys.

Dr. Pompa:
And Warren will be here too. Warren just stepped in. But yeah, so we’re actually in Warren’s home, but yeah, we’re going to do that show. And I think it’s going to be a great show because we all learn how to make our environment safe, which is part of R1. We learned this process of True Cellular Detox™. You know what? So we’re going to teach you what we learned to make your environment safe.

And by the way, this show is for everybody. Not even just the very sick because a safe environment is the key to having health, and we have to get rid of those toxins in our lives. So make sure you stay tuned. We’ll see you then.