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66: Three Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Transcript of Episode 66: Three Healthy Lifestyle Habits

With Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Hey, guys. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, episode 66. Man, we are cranking. I don't believe in bad numbers, so 66, this is going to be an awesome episode, because I get to lead it. I've been really praying about something that I could share with you. David and I have a great conversation. It's something we're very both strong in. We talk about cellular health a lot on this show. Weight loss, fat burning, how to overcome debilitating conditions. Remove the interference, the body will heal every time.

There's a type of interference that we don't talk about a lot. We do talk about stress and cortisol as being interference and ultimately leading to disease and destruction. On the topic of cellular energy, I want to take it to the next level, David, today, with our viewers. I guarantee you they haven't heard this before, so I'm excited about it. I don't even think I've heard this topic put together like this before. This is something, actually, David, I shared at the Mastermind, which our Platinum Mastermind group about three months ago. I literally have hours, if not tens to twenty, thirty, forty hours of research plus putting the topic together, so this is a really intimate topic. It has transformed my life. It does relate to cellular energy and energy wasting.

Anytime you think about somethingwhen you think you burn what, David?

What's that?

When you think, what do you burn to think in your thoughts?

I don't know where you're going with this, Warren.

When you think, what do you need when you think? What do you need?


Energy, yes. You burn calories.

Calories, yes.

Yeah, you burn calories. No more texting. No more texting. My daughter likes swipe or no swiping from what's that show? Dora the Explorer. David, no texting. Swipe or no swiping.

Am I texting?

I know you're not. Cellular energy. I see both your hands. Cellular energy, when you haveyour thoughts require energy. I want to talk about, today, the topic of energy conservation. How it relates to cellular energy, and how that does tie back into your health. We'll come back to that. Let's look at it from a topic of something I've very passionate about is becoming successful in life. It really relates to your thoughts, your actions, your habits, and how that can conserve energy or destroy energy. I've mentioned this on other topics, other shows, because I am very passionate about it, David. So are you. Some of this stuff you've talked to me about and coached me on in the past.

This is a great topic. I'm actually going to do a little slideshow thing today. I'm glad there's a lot of viewers on today. I'm really excited about sharing this with you. Obviously, Dr. Dan Pompa, our main host of this show, isn't on today. He's on vacation. A much needed one, as a matter of fact. The guy works his tail off transforming lives, both to physicians and clients across the country. He's having a blessed time with his wife, with some other world changers in NAPA right now, so I'm very excited about that for him. We're going to bring an amazing show. You go tell Dr. Pompa. Send him an email, send him a text, if you have thatmost of you probably don't, or send us a comment on our Facebook page, that Warren and David did a great job in my absence, because I really want to show you something super special today. Let's see if I can bring up this slide real fast. Whoa, that really sure did, but that's not what I wanted. Let's see if I can do it another way. Hold on one minute, David. Go to my settings.

I think all you need to do is share your screen, and then when you share your screen, it's the green on your left side. When you hit share screen, you'll pick which window you want it to show.

Perfection. I can do that.

I know you can.

I'm going to bring this big. There it is. Let's rock this out. Are you seeing that?

I'm seeing a blank screen. Oh, there it is. Get your breakthrough. Habits create your future and destiny.

I wish I could make this bigger. I'm going to try to do that. Your screen,  present to everyone. I do want to do that, but I want to see if I can make this bigger.

Hit control, plus, plus, or command, plus, plus.

Let's make this bigger. Try this real fast. It's not allowing me to do it the way that I would want it. Oh, that really did it, didn't it?

Yes, it did.

Let's try 200%.

There you go.

Let's try 100%. The reason, when I shared up onif I do the slide share, which I tried earlier, what it winds up doing is that. Are you seeing the whole screen now?

Yeah, we are.

Okay, so I can't see you, David, but I think you can see

You just changed your screen. Now I'm seeingthere you go.

Perfect. What I'm going to do is click off of this real fast. I'll go back and forth the best I can with this. I just want to do a really good job. I've got to present to everyone right now, and make sure, David, it's good on your end.

Looks good.

Alright, perfect. If you're one of our doctors watching this show today, many of you haven't seen this. Only a handful of you, probably 15, 20. Also, I'm going to keep it short. It's going to be short, and I want you to interact with me, David. If someone's watching this show and they do know us and they do happen to have David's cell phone number, just text and make sure that everything's okay on this show today, because I'm really excited about it.

On this topic of cellular energy, it takes energy to create thoughts, right? I'm really talking about this concept of energy conservation. It's called entropy. We're going to look at that quote or that description next. In order to have an amazing life, health is a big part of it. I'm going to tie this back into health for everybody. In order to have that breakthrough, to get to that next level in life that I know you all want to get to, you have to understand habits. Habits can either destroy energy, right? Cellular energy, right? Even with eating, if you eat the wrong things, you're creating bad cellular energy. Dr. Pompa talks about the cell getting toxic. When you eat bad things, it doesn't create mitochondrial energy that you need.

Also, from this aspect, your habits being how you eat, what you do on a daily basis, these things really affect you at the cellular level. This truly is a Cellular Healing TV topic. Your thoughts definitely affect you at the cellular level. We've talked about a little bit of that in the past. I think it's Bruce Lipton's work or whatever, about how your thoughts affect your hormones. Lipton, Bruce Lipton. Your thoughts, they become words. When you're thinking about something stressful, think about it. David, is that creating energy or destroying energy?

When you think about stressful, you're creating toxins, actually. You're destroying energy. You're putting energy in a negative way.

Yep, and your body has to methylate that out. To methylate, it makes four ATP to create one molecule of glutathione. Anytime you think a negative thought, don't take a pill, which you can support. Just know that it's destroying your body. It's destroying energy.

When Dr. Pompa draws the three-legged stool, there's the physical or the structural of the spine, there's the chemical, which we talk a lot of that when we talk about detox. What so many people forget about is that third leg of the stool, which you're talking about today, which is the emotional. The emotional could be that leg of the stool that makes everything else crash around you.

True. Dr. Pompa might even show up here. He just texted me. That would be great if he was on the show today, because he'll add to this very well. Your thoughts, they become words. Your words, they become your actions, your habits. They become your character. Let me read this again. Your thoughts, they become words. Your words, they become actions. Your actions, they become your habits. Your habits dictate your character, and your character becomes your destiny.

When you're thinking about things, everything that you dothere's so many different habits out there, but we're going to hit three of them today. One of them's going to be your health. That'll actually be what we finish up with today. We're also going to talk about two others that I want to get to that really, really help you on your journey of health, and really connecting it to your cellular energy and to your life.

Let's look at the next slide. The reason I put this in here, becauseit's your ex, this is either a male or a female, but this makes my pointhad one annoying habit. Breathing. This is an important point. Even though it's funny, there's an important point here. Your body has the habit. It's called your innate intelligence. Your autonomic nervous system, it breathes automatically. You don't have to worry about getting a cut. Dr. Pompa talks about this, that your body will heal at the cellular level. It requires energy to do that. If you had a major trauma in your life, there's energy to do that. There's this thing called the autonomic nervous system. Things you don't even have to think about. You can create those types of habits in your life that create positive energy in your life. Can you see me David, or is it just the screen?

I just see your screen.

Okay. You can create positive energy in your life. I wish you could see me at the same time. I wonder if I can do this.

You can't. It only allows you to show your screen or you.

Okay, got it. It creates positive energy in your life with these positive habits, just like your autonomic nervous system does for you. Let's look at this, but first, let's look at this topic of entropy. This is the important thing that I really want to hit today. Energy for a closed system, entropy. For a closed system, the quantitative measure of the amount of thermal energy not available to do work. It's a negative kind of quantity, the opposite of available energy.

Let me explain this in terms that we can all understand. If you have a coffee cup, the way to conserve that energy is to put it in a thermal cup with the lid. You can see that there's very little heat coming out the little sippy top of the cup on the right. The coffee most of us drink, at least I do, gets cold very quickly, because there's this big opening. There's a lot of surface area, and you're losing a lot of energy from that cup. Life is like that as well. If you have a big, open coffee cup in your life without having good habits in it, not making good choices with your eating habits, your emotional life, your marriage, your work life, your work/life balance, doing things that are fun that give you energy, exercise.

If you don't have good habits in your life, your life's like an open cup of coffee. You'll lose and waste energy that could be used for something more useful than just heating the room. If you create a life with good habits around it like a thermal cup, and you create these good habits, you can conserve a lot of energy. You're going to have a lot of energy left at the end of the day to do the things that are important, like spending time with your family, like helping and serving others. This concept really comes down to your why, and we're going to talk about that today. When you make bad decisions or have bad habits, it wastes a ton of energy. We started with this, David, when we talked about having negative thoughts or over thinking something or obsessing over something, you're wasting calories. You're burning heat right out the top of your head. Your body gets hot. When you're overthinking and you're overworking your brain, you waste so much energy.

I know Dr. Pompa talked about that with his son. His brain is so ADD, it requires so much thought. I'm not labeling him like that. I'm using Dan's words. The kid's brilliant, right, but he thinks so much. He has to learn a better habit and pattern so he doesn't waste all the energy. He's wiped out at the end of the day after school. He can get help. He can create different habits or get support in that area so that he doesn't waste energy. Is that making sense to you, David?

Yes, and I think it makes sense to the people who are listening.

Great. I wish you could see how animated I am. Why consciously think about habits? Good habits, like we discussed, conserve energy. A ton of it. Cellular energy. Cellular Healing TV. Cellular energy. Your brain energy, in your energy, your energy in your home, your energy and your choices on a daily basis, how you manage your finances in your home, affect your wife, and that may affect your in-laws, that might affect your children. Do you see how these negative thoughts and these bad habits you may have in so many different areas of your life can create energy wasting, not just in yourself, but it's just like law of diminishing returns. It really creates the negative butterfly effect. I don't know if you know what the butterfly effect is, but creating positive vibrations can affect thousands for the positive, but creating negative vibrations and negative energyand looking at it not just negative energy, but when people say negative energy, more on the endogenic style or the more new-age movement, they're talking aboutI'm making it more quantitative. I'm turning it into calories. These negative calories that you're wasting on yourself are creating negative energy and negative thoughts and patterns in others, and it's wasting their energy and their ability to serve. You're not paying it forward. You're reversing it. It's actually quite destructive.

Something that I've learned, David, and you've helped me with this, and Dr. Pompa as wellas well as with Phil, and many others in my lifeis really dialing into my thoughts and my actions and my words, and how it's either creating life or taking life away. When you consciously think about your habits, you really have to understand that you can be creating life or you can be destroying life with your habits on a daily basis. Let's thinking about it as something that everybody can understand.

If you have the bad habit of smoking, okay, that negative habit, it's causing disease and dysfunction in your body. It's lowering your cellular energy. It's lowering your health.

Your body has to use extra energy to remove those toxins from your body. It has to try to protect itself as best it can. Sometimes, in its protection state, it causes cancer in your lungs. Then also, what about the negative effects that smoke has on others? What is your lower energy that you have because of smoking and a bad habit, what about all the time you're wasting going out and smoking outside? How much time are you wasting on that? How many hours could you reclaim in a day if you weren't smoking? You can see how that one bad habit can literally affect not only your life, but the lives of others. You're burning thousands of calories upon thousands. This gets crazy, exponentially. One bad habit in a lifetime and a legacy of your life, even after you're gone, that bad habit could waste thousands and thousands of productive hours, not only adding your life, but the lives it was affected by. It's crazy when you really think about this. The reason I'm making us think about this today is I'm trying to motivate us all to create some positive habits. I'm going to give you some solutions today.

Without positive habits in your life, your life is an energy drain or dump. The more you have positive habits, the more you're able to give, the more life you're giving to others. Say if you had the positive habit of smiling and calling one personI'm talking to the screen and pointing at it, but you're not seeing meone person each day, and you just told them, “Hey, I just called to see how I could serve you today, and see if there's just anything I could do for you today.” That one habit, if you called a different person every day, what would that do, David?

It'd change the world. If you just called someone and said, “Hey, just called to say I was thinking about you,” what kind of positive energy does that put out for someone?

It's massive. It energizes them. It makes them happy. They could be in a bad state and not accomplish anything every day. I got on the phone yesterday, and I prayed with somebody. It transformed them. It transformed their state. I'm not taking credit for that. That was God doing it through, actually, one of my friends. That prayer transformed a life. Whether you believe in prayer or not, it was powerful. The positive energy, even if you want to label it that, I believe it was god-give words through one of my friends. That positive energy that we put out there into that individual, it reaped rewards. They went out and went and they served others that day, David. That positive energy, that time we took to pray, affected probably about 20 other lives that day.

I'll give you another example. Let's imagine that you're giving a talk, and you want to give a talk because you have a why. You want to change the world. You want to change people's life. You want to change how they think. You want to change their health. Then, all of a sudden, you had 20 people register for the event and 5 people show up. There's a couple different things that people do. They get, “Oh my gosh, I was expecting 15 more people.” All of a sudden, they're in their own head there, and they don't show up and serve those 5 people, when they had 5 people that showed up in the room that they could've transformed those lives. They could've poured out their hearts. They could've poured out everything into those people. Instead, they focus on something else.

Our thoughts and how we translate those thoughts into words and the actions that we take mean everything.

Absolutely. This is why it's such an important topic, and it does affect your health. It does affect you at the cellular level, and it steals life away from those around you. These habits, thinking about entropy, thinking, “What kind of coffee cup am I today?” Asking yourself those questions when you get up in the morning or what's keeping you in bed

A good-tasting organic one.

Of course, with MCT Oil. GetFreePound.com. Anyway, with more and more positive habits, life energy, when you create these, even if it's one a day, it's conserved and harnessed to do good work for yourself and others. That's very important. I'll give you how this works in life and in business.

Professional football teams like the Patriots apply this. They call it energy conservation. They don't call it the second law of thermodynamics in their business model, but it really is. They're very particular about the characterremember, we talked about this. Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, and habits become your character. They really looked at that, because they see their character as so important to them. They focus on character in their business. If even one of their players in the Patriots have bad character or say something negative about another team member or negative about another football team, they're not just suspended many times, they are completely removed from the team. They could be the best athlete. They could have the most potential energy to create an amazing life, to create an amazing life for themselves and for the organization that they're playing for. Yet that negativity, that negative speech, those negative bad habitsif they're doing drugs, anything like that, they are completely executed and removed from the team.

This is one of the most winning franchises in the history of football. The Patriots will not do that. I forget the story about someone that they just cut for that very reason, because they do believe in energy management.

They do it a lot.

They do. It's part of their culture. Anyone who comes to their team, know if they mess around or if they create anything negative in that organization, that they're going to get fired. They've created boundaries, just like I do with my child. They know the negative butterfly effect, the negative effect of the poor choices of one individual on their team, can create a negative effect in all the other players. They're losing their head space. They're worried about the organization. Am I going to get fined? Am I part of this? All that negative energy destroys a team. Now, the team has one sole focus. That's winning football games and taking care of each other and the team. They remove a lot of the negative things so they can focus on really what they want in life. It's just a great example of how energy conservation, energy management when it comes to your character, can really play out as a real positive in your life.

It also goes down to focus with an individual and their health. Let's say that they have those feelings and those thoughts. If those wings of the butterfly are not flopping in the right direction, moving them forward, and they're popping in all over the place, they're an emotional train wreck. That causes stress. It causes everything negative that you were talking about earlier.

Okay, let me give you another quote. This is from Socrates. I like to say, “These aren't Warren's words. This is stuff” ancient wisdom. Dr. Pompa talks about ancient healing. There's ancient wisdom when it comes to energy management and entropy, because the great people of this world understood and really focused on great habit formation and positive change in their lives. The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, right, all of your energy. That's your thoughts, your words, your actions, your belief system, not on fighting the old, but building the new. If the Patriots make a bad decision, someone on that team, that team, the organization is fighting that negative, old, bad thing that that person did. It's costing them money. It's costing them bad publicity. They have to try to cover their tracks. All this stuff. It's all this negative energy, and they're trying to fight something, and trying to fix something that's broken, versus fighting on building the new, building what's important. How are we going to win this next game? How can we make this team better? How can we be bigger, stronger, faster? They can focus on creating the new.

This is an awesome quote, guys. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building the new.” This comes down to excuses we have in our lives. We have reasons why we won't eat. You have to face those reasons. You have to face the hard facts in your life, and so that you're not fighting the old bad habit, you've got to create the new one, and build the habit and the life that you want. That takes 21 days, so if it's just one habit of breaking grains out of your diet, we've been on these shows. We've begged you guys how poisonous these things are. We've talked about GMOs. If you make those habits, it's going to wreak massive benefits in your life. When you have a habit, your habits become your character. When people view you and you're not eating grains and you're looking better and you're feeling better, you're creating a good character that you're going to pass on to your life.

Man, I believe it's our duty in life not to eat these things and support those things. That is my character. My character is, “I don't eat GMOs.” That's my character. I won't make a compromise there. I have a habit of not eating GMOs. I have a habit of eating grains sparingly and only on the carb days for diet variation, and good, healthy carbs. These positive habits reflect my character in life. If I have an opportunity to give, I give. That's a positive habit in my life. It's so cool and it reaps rewards. I really wanted to go there with you. David, any questions so far that you can think of? Any texts?

No, I haven't gotten any texts. Let me look here. No, I have not gotten any texts. What people need to realize, also, is making that conscious decision, people aren't perfect. They can start moving in that positive direction, and it can be up, down, up, down, as long as they're moving in that right direction and maintaining upwards, they're moving forward. It's not going to be, all of a sudden, “Okay” a lot of people have a lot of addictions. Those grains and the sugars and everything, it is addicting. Start making better decisions, and you'll start feeling better. You'll start looking better. You'll start thinking better and more clearly because of these healthy habits.

This is awesome, David. I'm going to share my screen again with you all. I've been forgetting to click on your face, David, when you're talking. For some reason, it's not pulling you up automatically.

You maybe clicked on it, that's why.

Yeah. Are you seeing my screen?

I do see your screen.

Let me just make sure that it's showing to everybody. Just making sure. I just want to make sure. Okay. Just to keep reviewing this, why consciously think about habits? This is going to challenge you guys today. This is a challenging topic, when it comes to habits and breaking bad ones. Breaking Bad, that was a good show, but really jacked up. Here's the thing. Church, I don't go to church a ton, but I do have a local church that I go to. They feed candy to the congregation. They feed candy to them. Not once will they bring up diet and exercise. They won't. All they talk about is just fly under the radar. We'll talk about giving. We'll put up how our giving is affecting the church. Meanwhile, the whole congregation is very, very sick. Many of them are extremely obese, obese. There's kids walking around with amputated limbs because of cancer.

There's a reason and a cause for that. “My people perished for lack of knowledge.” I'm not throwing stones here. This topic is so challenging that most people are afraid to tackle it. It really comes down to these bad habits that we have, when it comes to our diet. The cherry on top? Exercise, like Dr. Pompa teaches.

Why consciously think about habits? Let's hammer it. Again, the opposite habits. When you have good habits, good things happen in your life. When you have bad habits, you're creating a life and a destiny, because your character becomes your destiny. If you have bad habits, your destiny will slowly spiral downwards. We can think about that. Someone made one bad decision, right, and created one bad habit. You could see when they did this in their lifeand I'm speaking to someone right now. “When I did this in my life, everything fell apart.” It could've been the bad decision toI don't want to get into it, but you know what it is. From that point forward, you spiraled down. Then you're living in the past. Right now, you're still living in the past. If I wouldn't have made that decision, this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't be where I'm at. I wouldn't be overweight. The emotional trauma that caused me to eat. All these things.

Today, what I'm saying to youI sound like an infomercial. I sound like a preacher right now, but I believe it. Right now, someone's watching this. What I'm telling you today is that you can create a new habit and a new life. That spiral can turn around. You can climb that mountain today, and all you have to do is create positive change. Don't look in the past. Don't put energy into the past anymore. The past doesn't have a hold on you. You have a great future. You start making good decisions today. Who cares about the past? Who cares about anything else but today? Make some positive decisions. Create some positive energy. I'm telling you man, if you start with that one thing in your life, and you know what that one thing is, and you make that decision, it'll transform your life. The reason I know it is because I've done it myself, and I see the physicians that just went to Lifebook, how much their lives are already transforming from John Butcher's program called Lifebook, which has really inspired me to start teaching on stuff like this.

Why consciously think about habits? The opposite happens. Bad habits cost you massive energy and loss in your life. They do. Fighting with your spouse over small mattershow much energy is that? When you look at, “Why did I fight over that?” More importantly, start thinking, “Why did I waste all that energy when I could've been speaking positive things into my life, hanging out with my daughter, or going to exercise? You look at each other and go, “Why did we fight over that?” True. There's no reason. You never should have. Repeatedly making excuses about your finances and spending. “I just don't have enough,” or “I just need to make more money.” No, you need to spend less. Think about your decisions. Cut out some of those things you really don't need.

You don't need cable. If you're not making your bills, cut out cable until you can afford it. It's not that big of a deal. How much value is it really adding? As a matter of fact, one of my habits is to watch less TV, because that's energy and time I could be putting into things that are creating energy in life. Correct, David?

Yeah, absolutely. A quick analogy to all this is, I'll ask you a question, Warren. When it's cloudy outside or it's raining outside, is the sun still shining?


Yeah, the sun's still shining. It's just covered by the clouds above or the rain that's coming down. When you talk about this negative energy, the negative thoughts, I'll give you an example. “I don't have time for this,” or “I can't believe that I have to pay this bill,”you know what? Why don't you be grateful that you have the opportunity to be able to have this special thing and that you actuallythis bill's coming. I'm grateful that I've got this gift in my life and these people in my life. Now all of a sudden, what you do is you'll start focusing in on the sunshine, the things that you're grateful for, and then all of a sudden, the clouds open up. The rain opens up. God provides for us when we start thinking that way.

Yeah, and it's being thankful. Thankful that I have the finances. Thank you God that I can pay this bill. Thankfulness is a great habit. That's a habit, honestly, from the bottom of my heart, David, I do every morning. When I wake up, I just thank God. Before I go to bed, I thank God. I thank God for the day. I thank God I'm up this morning. Thank you for my wife, my life, a roof over my head, that I can go out to dinner tonight, that I have the finances to do that. I have date night tonight. Whatever I have on in my life, I'm thankful. Everyday before bed, those are two things. I don't pray for stuff. I don't pray for anything on a daily basis, but for sure, those two things.

I do pray for others. The one habit that I hateI don't have the habit of praying for others, but I do have the habit of praying to God and being thankful on a daily basis, both as soon as I wake up, before I go to bed. You have Jewish heritage, and there's special prayers that you pray for that as well I believe, David.

Yep. One of the things that you just said is praying and being thankful to God. It's almost like you can take a burden off of yourself when you realize that you're not in this alone.

True. Yesterday, I was praying on the phone. I said these words. I go, “You know what, everything that I was focused on negative, worrying about others, worrying about other people's actions, worrying about my business, all of these things,” I just didn't care anymore. I go, “You know what, as long as I focus on what God's called me to do in serving others, all of that negative energy doesn't matter. The one thing that's important to me is serving the mission and serving what God's called me to do.” It's his mission. It's not mine. It's not Dr. Pompa's. It's not David's. It's his, so he's going to see it to fruition.

It's just an amazing switch. When you take that switch, you don't stress when people say certain things. You don't stress when life hits you. Now again, we're all human, so life's going to hit you hard, just like Rocky Balboa said. You've got to hit it back. You've got to hit it back. You do got to fight back with your life. Sometimes, it is tough. In those tough times, it's building a confidence in you, because you're pushing through, you're persevering through those hard times, like many of you are.

Let's keep moving here. I'm going to keep going back and forth, because I don't want to show the slides all the time. Let's just think of other bad habits. One we hit repeatedly, eating poorly and making bad diet decisions, bad food choices, on a daily basis. Repeatedly being defensive and unkind to others. Always being defensive. That's stress. It's negative energy on yourself, and it makes other people feel bad. That's one thing that I've done. Being unkind to others. Just the words that you say to the person in the restaurant, and being demanding of what you want. Who knows what their day is like? Getting all mad at that waitress or waiterwhat I've doneI don't do it always, but I used to have a good habit, and I'm getting better at it. The more negative or hardcore or poor a waiter or waitress is, the more I actually used to, and I need to do this more, create a good habitthe more I would love them. The more I would ask them questions about what's going on.

Sometimes, in the past, they would be crying, “I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me.” Things like that. You don't know the reasons why they are feelingand you're going to feed into the negative of what's going on in their life, and how unworthy they feel, and how insecure they are, versus building them up, and having an opportunity to serve and make a difference. Man, that is key. Being unkind is just horrible, when you're treating others unkindly. You don't know what negative's going on in their life, and what energy sucks that are already draining their life. You don't want to be another energy suck. It's not worth it. You can make a choice not to do that. I know, again, it is a choice. All these things I do wrong, David, just saying. I'm just saying this to get us to consciously think.

We're all not perfect. We're humans. What you're talking about is, this is a conscious decision that I'm going to make, going forward, to show up. How you're going to show up more when someone else is having a bad day. The experience that we feel from someone else, the great thing about it is, you can change their attitude. You can change how they're showing up, and it makes you feel great. That's all positive energy in the right way.

It's absolutely amazing. Before I get into some solutions here, because we only have about ten minutes leftother bad habits that we do. If you're someone who's repeated lying, it comes back, because you've got to cover your tracks, guys. When you cover your tracks, it's just better to tell the truth up front, because you're spending all your time trying to spin a plan. You're going to get found out anyways. Repeatedly lying is a big energy waste, because you've got to cover your tracks all the time. It's just a big one. Repeatedly just being grumpy, just grumpy all the time. Again, that could be hormonal. That could be connected to how you're eating. Just don't listen to the lies, guys. Don't listen to lies. Being disorganized. Ineffective communication. Long-winded, sitting on the phone and just complaining to your friend about your husband or wife. Just a massive, massive energy suck, guys. We don't want to do that.

Okay, let's get into some more solutions here. Let me share my screen. Oh, am I sharing my screen already?

I can see you.

Oh, you do?


Here we go. Let's keep cranking this out. Are you seeing it now?

I see your screen now.

Perfection. I'm always double-checking. Details are my thing. Great quote from Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellent, then, is not an act, but a habit.” “We are what we repeatedly do,” so you become the sum total of your habits.

It's your actions.

Yep. It's just really powerful.

It's not what you say. It's what you do.

It's your actions. Again, ancient wisdom, just like ancient healing strategies. This is ancient cellular healing wisdom. It's the second law of thermodynamics, guys. This is like the law of gravity. If you drop a rock, it will hit the ground. If you have bad habits, your life will spiral down. If you have good habits, your life will spiral up. It's so true. Then, when life comes at you, you have the energybecause you can think about it, in life. One bad thing happens. Another bad thing happens. If you have good habits, you have so much more in your tank to give and offer. When something bad happens to you, you're able to respond to it, probably because you have the habit of responding properly. Pretty cool stuff. This is a process. This takes years, and we'll never get there. Feeling sorry for yourself guys, oh my gosh, in your present condition, is not only a waste of energy, but the worst habit you could possibly have. Dale Carnegie, very successful businessman, applying the second law of thermodynamics to his life and the Carnegie Museum here in Pittsburgh, the guy made a world a changer. He lived his life like this, not feeling sorry for himself, but taking action and creating a new habit that would create a positive change in his life. It's the secret to success, guys. It really is.

Okay, the habit of planning and goal setting. Here's some take-aways over the last few minutes we have together. Life happens on purpose, not on accident. You become the sum total of your daily habits. I'm really repeating things here, but it's really important that we get this. You must control by having a ritualized planning. One thing that I do is I createand Phil gave me this, and I'll give it to you in a second. Let me finish this up, before I switch out of this slide. Without a plan, you will make more mistakes and complete tasks randomly and inefficiently. True? If you don't make your list, moms, in the morning, what happens? Your day falls apart. You live that life. Lots of moms are very organized, because they know they have to be. They're forced into it, because if they don't, their life will literally fall apart, because they're so busy. They have so much on them, much more than men working, many times.

These mistakes and inefficiencies cost you energy, in the present and in the future. When you forget something, you have to run back and look for it. When you're disorganized and you can't find your keys. I'm raising my hand right now. It wastes a lot of energy. Got to go back. Move this. What's going on here? Okay. If you do not have goals, you do not have thoughts, which are the building blocks of choices. Let me repeat that again, before I show you what I do on a daily basis. This is a really important point. If you don't make the goal of getting healthier and losing weightmore importantly, getting healthier. If you don't make the goal of getting up early, if you don't make the goal of treating others in your life that are surrounding you in a better way, and being more kind and more giving, if you don't create that goal, guess what happens if you don't create that goal, David? Look at the slide.

If you don't create the goal, you don't have a roadmap to follow. You don't know where you're going to go.

It's true. When you write a goal, you consciously thought about what you wanted to create in your life, didn't you? Automatically, you're thinking. What happens with your thoughts? Your thoughts become what, David?

Your thoughts become your words, which become your actions, which become your reality.

Yep. That's the thing about goal setting. I wasn't a big goal setter, but when you put that out there consciously, and you think about, “Man, I want to read my Bible every day,” or whatever it may be that you want to achieve, you're putting thought into that thought. Then you'll start speaking it. You know what, Rebeccamy wifeI really need to keep reading my Bible every day. Then she's going to hold me accountable. I'm putting it out there into the world. All of a sudden, she sees me reading my Bible. Then she's going to reinforce it, because she knows that's good for me. That's a positive habit in my life.

When you think about it, you write it down, you start talking about it, “You know what I'm going to do this week?” You accomplish that goal. It's really important to actually plan and have goals. Let me switch over.

Your thoughts are your words.

Yep, they are. What I do, and this is proprietary information that Phil gave me, so I'm going to stop screen sharing. Can you see me? Okay, let me switch back to me. This is what I do on a daily basis. This is a blank one. I have the top ten things I need to do that day.

I still see the habitoh, there you are.

I have the top ten things. I have a sheet of all my to dos. Take a tablet like this. This isn't it, thought. Good notes on here. I'll start with this, with all the things in my life. All this craziness that I have to remember, right? Waste of energy. Get it down on paper. Write down a massive list. I have three pages of to dos, guys. Three pages. It keeps growing. However, I have to prioritize, so I look at this, and then I create my daily task list. I usually like to do it at the end of the day, so that I can rest and relax and not have to try to think of everything I have to do tomorrow. Then I write down the top ten things I need to get done. Then, if I have some brain clutter of other things I'm going to need to transfer onto my to do list, some things I can delegate, I put that on there. Actually, this form is the combination of Phil Kaplan's life work, of all of his personal development programs. He allowed me to use this, and we give it to our doctors. This works really good for me. Really, the simplest thing to do is write everything down, brain dump it, and then every day, figure out the top ten things you need to do that day. That's really simple, because you're consciously putting effort and creating good habits in your life.

The habit of planning and goal setting, that's number one. I'm going to start reading this, just to move through it more quickly, because we only have a few minutes. I don't know why it's going. People with clear, written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them can ever imagine. If you're not a goal setter, man, ancient wisdom there. If you write clear, written goals of what you're going to accomplish each day, you will get them done. You won't attack life randomly anymore. You will attack it on purpose. Let's bring it back to energy, man. You're going to conserve energy. You're going to get so much more done. You're going to feel so much more accomplished at the end of the day. Especially if you start working out, and you're healthy enough to work out. You get that positive habit, it'll energize your cellular energy. You'll create more muscle mass, which will create more energy in your life. You'll have better oxygen flow to your brain. You'll think more clearly. It'll push your hormones and growth hormone in a positive direction, if you see what I'm talking about, guys. This is so important, to have these good habits.

Okay, habit number two, the habit of finding and refining your why and purpose in life. I can talk about all these things, but if you don't have a good reason why, you're not going to be motivated to do them. Think about that in your life. I have a big why. I want to serve the kingdom of God. That's a higher goal why. Then a lot of you have that. I just want to make a difference. I want to serve God. That's a great overarching, unattainable why. You really can't out serve your creator. However, on a daily basis, in a smaller scalelet's chunk it down one step. I look at my family. Man, if I'm healthy, if I'm strong, man I can pick up and throw my daughter around. I have more energy to stay up late and talk to my wife, and not just stick my head on a pillow and go to sleep. The reason I made it a goal, over the last two years, to become more healthyand I'm a health expert, if you willbut I have a long road to go yet. I still have a lot of things I can do to become healthier. I've made it a focus, because I know that if I do that, I'll be a better boss. I'll be a better father. I'll be a better husband. That's my why, guys. That's a major why for me to do these things.

It makes me mad, like many of us, we feel guilty, because we can't be the parent we want to be. Create and choose to be the parent you want to be by your daily habits. It's an easy choice, man, and it makes a massive difference. I want some testimonies of people who got inspired by this and actually took some small actions and have seen some major butterfly effect in their life and the life of others.

The last one to end on is the habit of creating healthy lifestyle, because without your health, David, what don't you have?


You have nothing. You don't have anything. You can say nothing with me on there. Successful individuals create the habit of exercise, eating properly, and eliminating stressful and negative people from their lives. This healthy lifestyle point, man, I've met some people that have just gotten rid of one negative person in their life that they thought that they needed to help, that they talked to every stinking day, and they never change. Man, you're not doing them a service at all. All you're doing is enabling them, and you're sucking a ton of energy away from someone that is receiving it. When they're ready, they'll come to you. They may not need you. They may need to hit rock bottom, and not use you as a crutch. Guys, I'm not saying to drop certain friendships, but if there's one on your heart that you knew if you would let go, man, it would make a massive difference in your health. You're stressing, you're thinking about it, you're wasting a ton of time and energy on something that really doesn't deserve it. Think about that.

We've talked about eating and exercise on these shows. You know how important those things, especially how you live your lifestylebut removing those negative people, man, can free up a ton of hours in a day. If you're suffering financially, just imagine if you could free up three, four hours a day, what else you could do with your time to enrich your life and to financially be blessed. It's really cool, when you start creating these little habits.

I'm going to end with this quote from an ancient Greek. I don't know how to say his name, but Herophilos or something like that. Herophilos. “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself. Art cannot manifest. Strength cannot fight. Wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.” Man, did I live that. I remember laying on my back. I couldn't think. I couldn't treat people. I could not fight back. There was no medication. There was nothing that could help me. I wasn't creative anymore. I couldn't make any money. I couldn't hold a job. I was that sick, man, so I know that this is so true.

Fighting for your health, guys, and continuing on and having a good positive why, and keep doing what you learn on this show, for your health, is going to have massive benefits. When health is absent, man, wisdom cannot reveal itself. You can't think. You can't receive the wisdom from heaven. It's blocked because you're so sick and you're so focused on yourself. Art cannot manifest. You can't be creative like you used to. You can't paint a beautiful picture. All you have is pain in your life, and you're focused on that pain. You don't have nothing left to fight. You don't have any cellular energy. You're hopeless. You're without hope. Wealth becomes useless. I've known individuals that have diabetes, and they're losing their life, and they're worth millions of dollars. They would pay anything to know the information, if they could find this show and if they would listen to some of the information. Intelligence cannot be applied. Man, that's what Cellular Healing TV's all about. That's why we do this show. We know that that quote from Herophilos is true, and we're here to make a difference. David, that is our show for today.

That's a wrap. Everyone have an amazing weekend. Great job, Warren. I'll talk to you later.

Alright. God bless. Have an amazing Memorial Day, guys. Part of this health habit is to have a lot of fun. It's a positive habit in your life, man, so have fun, and have it huge this weekend. Enjoy your family. Have positive health choices. Eat well, and live awesome. Appreciate you guys. God bless.

65: Get Fit for Summer

Transcript of Episode 65: Get Fit for Summer!

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Meredith Dykstra.

Good morning. We’re live.


We’re live, so welcome to Cellular Healing TV, Episode 65. How to be healthy and look great during the summer, this is a hot topic. It’s May, and we brought on one of our key team members, Meredith. You’ve seen her in the past, and you know that she’s got great wisdom and great recipes, and she lives it. So she knows how to look great, and feel great, and have more energy during the summer months to do those fun activities. Get into that swimsuit that you might not be able to get into right now, but you will in just a few short minutes after we share some great strategies with you this morning. Thanks for joining us. Dr. Pompa, David Asarnow, and Meredith Dykstra, let’s rock out these top strategies for the summer.

All right.

Dr. Pompa:
Right, I think Meredith brought up a good point. She said, “Dr. Pompa, everybody this time of year starts to worry that they aren’t going to look good in their bathing suit.” It’s that time of year. So David’s outside, so he’s going to get into his bathing suit. We’re going to judge him.

I’m already wearing it.

Dr. Pompa:
No, but it is. It is. Everywhere I’ve looked it was about getting ready for summer, right. I mean, it was all the diet things come out and every…

I can’t hear anything right now, so I don’t know if what—what’s happening. Sorry, technical issues. We’re having sound issues.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s all right. I’ll just lead it off. I really want—ah, there. She’s going to be able hear now. You can hear me now can’t you?

Yes. Well—yeah, I can.

Dr. Pompa:
I spoke to one of my patients this week, and she said, “I’ve been going back and watching all the Cellular Healing TVs,” and she says, “I think about 90% of the time you guys have technical difficulties.” I said, “I think you’re right. I think you’re right.”

Google updates their Hangouts all the time, the technology.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it is. Thank you, David. Right, it’s not always our fault. They’re always changing things, and we’re trying to always scramble to keep up. And that actually happened today, didn’t it? Google’s changing some things.

-Technical Issues-

All right, so I don’t know, really, what I missed, but let’s rock it out.

Dr. Pompa:
You missed everything. No, I was saying that how you encouraged me to do this show because you were saying, “Hey, everyone wants to get ready for summer,” and I was like, “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Then after you told me that, literally, I saw things everywhere about getting ready for summer, and different diets, and food, I mean, everything about looking good in your bathing suit, so here we are. But we can pull in a lot of great topics that we’ve talked about in the past. So I don’t know if we have—someone could look at some of these episodes. Get the numbers for people so they don’t have to search through because we’re going to talk about some topics that we’ve talked about before. And we won’t, today, have time to go into great detail, but we have whole shows on these things and many articles. Meredith, I’ll let you talk about it because you thought these were some great topics and some really important topics to get our viewers ready for summer.

Yeah, and it is. It’s around the corner, and we have—we’ve got four different past articles that are really relevant for just getting your body ready. To just get lean, debloat, lose that weight, and there’s still time, so it’s okay. So this is a good time right now to jump in and to recommit to getting to your best state of health. So we thought—obviously, this is kind of a no-brainer, this first article, but we had a while ago talked about the top ten toxic foods that you should avoid at all times and, ideally, year round., all of the time that you would be avoiding these foods. But right now, it’s particularly pertinent for you to just avoid these foods if you want to really start to get lean, and get your body ready. So the Top 10 Toxic Foods, we’ll link to this article, and it’s on Dr. Pompa’s website, drpompa.com, D-R-pompa.com. But these kind of toxic foods—and I don’t need if I need to mention all ten of them, but some of these keys ones, I think, are just really key to debloat and lose weight. So first toxic food would be grains so you want to tell us why that leads to weight gain and the issues with grains?

Dr. Pompa:
I think that in that subject we’ve talked a lot about grain, right? I think that grain is become more of popular today. Hold on. Let me back up. It’s probably more gluten, right? Some people think it’s just gluten. We wrote an article, I don’ t know, this, probably, past year, and it was It’s Not Just Gluten, right. And we talked about all of the pitfalls of grains.

Look, the first argument is this. I don’t care what society you’re in. I don’t care if you believe in low-carb, high-carb, whatever it is. Today humans as a population—I don’t care what type of genetics you are. Humans today eat too many grains, bottom line. We ingest too many carbs. Even what they would consider a low-carb diet in many of the studies is still a high-carb diet according to human standards, right? I always say that, look, you can’t pick one diet for everybody. Some people can do better with higher carbs, higher fat, higher protein, but today everybody really is consuming higher carbs.

But here’s the thing, Meredith. Everybody looks at the sugar, the sugar, the sugar, and I’m not making an argument for sugar. Sugar is really bad, but the hidden sugar is grains. Grains raise glucose more than sugar. I mean, Bill Davis made it popular. That two slices of whole, whole grain bread is equivalent to drinking a 12 ounce soda as far as what it does to your glucose. Look, you want to get fat fast, eat grains. In the summertime, people eat far more grains, and Meredith, probably—and the big surprise is in the form of chips. So people eat a lot of the chips, and the salsa, and stuff.

The cookouts, the barbecues. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, yeah, so quickly, GMOs, we have this surge when they’re eating chips of all the—GMO is the genetically modified organisms in the corn. If it’s not 100% organic, you’re ingesting GMO corn, massive problems with that. It causes leaky gut, causes massive weight gain because of it, autoimmune. The list goes on. So there is multiple problems with grain. Yes, it’s a glucose riser and a super sugar because of the hybridization. In the 70's, 80's, they hybridized grain. They changed grain. It is now what we call a super sugar. That’s why it raises glucose more than…

Uh-oh, we lost Dr. Pompa. He’ll come back on.

All right, he will.

There was an experiment, speaking of grains—and the other big important thing about grains—and I know a lot about this topic, obviously. It’s a big one. It’s the one that saved my life, just eliminating those grains. I talked to a couple gentlemen yesterday, and it’s amazing to me, Meredith and David, how people just don’t understand how addictive grains are, bread. Even whole healthy grains, how addictive it is. The dopamine spike, the insulin and glucose spike, obviously, that leads to so many weight gain.

If I go away—and sometimes if I go away, I’ll do a diet variation, and I’ll eat healthy bread for a course of four days, possibly. In that four days, I probably gain four pounds of fat just from eating, maybe, two pieces of bread with dinner. And then maybe some non-GMO risotto at a nice restaurant, and do some more carbs. And it’s amazing how much fat it puts on me immediately. If I ate bread, one slice of bread every day, I would gain—in the next month, I would gain at least 10-15 pounds.

But I think it puts your whole body in the whack too.

Yeah, inflammation.

Yeah. I mean, you and I have talked about with—if I do the same thing, I experience the same thing. Here’s a question I have.

Yeah, you did. You went on a little thing there, and you gained 20 pounds again.

Well, 15, but close to it.

And then you went back to your fasting, and it melted away.

Just like that. Now here’s a question for you. They advertise GMO-free organic bread. Now, organic bread, it’d still be the hybridized wheat, which still causes the problems. Correct?

Yeah, I mean, typically you use more whole healthy grains, but that’s what Dr. Pompa’s point was. It doesn’t matter what kind of grain. An organic grain, some of the more ancient grains have more fibers and stuff in it. Kamuts, is that what’s it called, Meredith?


Yeah, mm-hmm, kamut.

Kamut grain, and then the other one is….


It’s come out of Italy.


Farro, is it farro? So some of those are better, also, obviously, spelt, and the reason those are better they just have more fiber. More things to knock down that glucose spike, but—ah, there he is. Good. So the organic healthy grains, if you go and get your organic gluten-free bread, that’s potato starch, tapioca sugar, tapioca starch, you’re spiking your glucose like crazy, and you’re pounding on the fat. Your body is storing fat in the response to this massive insulin and glucose spike. So that’s very, very key. So your body adapts by storing fat. But if you want to get lean through the summer, cut out the grains. Dr. Pompa, you were saying—GMOs.

Dr. Pompa:
Hi, buddy. Well, hello. Good morning. Good morning, sleepy.

Dr. Pompa’s got his puppy. He’s happy.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I know. He came up to me. We’re having technical difficulties today. Is everyone else on?


You might want to turn your picture off Dan, maybe, and just do the—I don’t know how to do that, but just do your…

Dr. Pompa:
My signal’s strong. I think there’s something malfunctioning in my computer.

We’ve got the computer malfunction. We understand. I had that this morning.

When in doubt, reboot.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, a cat laid on my computer, and he got it wet, so.

Those animals and you want more in your house, I know, more problems.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay, are we good?

Yeah, you’re good, go for it.

Dr. Pompa:
If you want more problems, have more kids.

That’s anti-scriptural, Dr. Pompa. The Bible says…

Dr. Pompa:
Animals are easy. They’re easy.

Comparatively, yes. So you were talking about GMOs, and leaky gut, and weight gain.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, there’s multiple problems with grains. That’s the issue is that there’s so many hidden things in the grains. I mean, they were hybridized. Sixties, 70's, 80's, all the way to the 90's these grains have been hybridized. They’ve been changed. And now they’ve become super sugars. So they’re glucose risers. That’s why they raise glucose more than regular sugar. Not to mention the fact that we have GMOs that started after the hybridization phase so big thing to avoid. So we have a lot to go over, so move on.

Yeah, and just case you’re wondering what to do, okay, if you’re equated in grains, we just put out an article about two weeks ago or so, and it’s on Dr. Pompa’s website. And there’s just a lot of ideas for great meals that don’t incorporate grains. So, for example, instead of that hamburger with the hamburger bun at a picnic you could do a lettuce wrap. Instead of a little pizza for dinner you can do a portabella mushroom as the crust. And I made a great pizza last night too without any grain in it, so I’ll be putting that recipe out on the website. We’ll try to get that out today too for you.

What were you using? The cauliflower, or is it like coconut, or…

No I used coconut flour and arrowroot starch for the crust.

Oh, good.

And it was awesome. More of a flatbread but—yeah, so we’ll get that out for you. Another topic…

What’s the name of that article, Meredith? Because that’s a—it is a powerful article.

It’s Eat Fat, Lose Fat: Meal Ideas and Recipes. And yeah, that’s on the website. So some other toxic things you need to avoid to lose weight. Vegetable oil is a big one, so you want to talk about that Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, as we mentioned, that everyone’s ingesting all the chips, and crackers, and these things that we eat at barbeques. They’re just, generally, in the summer. They’re loaded with vegetable oil. Vegetable oil will drive cellular inflammation. Look, cellular inflammation is the cause of hormone resistance. Insulin, leptin, ghrelin, every hormone involved in weight loss, thyroid hormone.

So the problem today isn’t about lacking hormones as much as it is the cell not hearing the hormones because it’s inflamed. Well, vegetable oil is one of the big drivers of this problem. So avoid it like the plague, and it’s hidden in the forms of canola oil and many other things. So know what you’re eating. Read the ingredients.

Yeah, soy bean oil. And it’s true, and so many restaurant meals in restaurants do use those toxic vegetable oils. So really important to avoid those and…

I’m going to make a point on oils and fats because this always goes through my head. Folks think fried foods are bad so fat is bad, right? So they think it’s the fat in the fried foods that they’re avoiding because people avoid—I just got rid of fried foods, and I lost weight. Well, it’s not because it was the fat in the oil. It was because of the denatured canola vegetable oil blend that they’re cooking it in that’s so stinking denatured and so toxic to your cells that your body can’t hear—it takes, whatever, 300 and almost a year to get rid of it all on the cell membrane, causing cellular inflammation, causing hormone receptor—hormone issues so that you can’t burn fat for energy so that you can’t metabolize fat. Your hormones can’t hear correctly. That you insulin can’t get into the cell to let sugar in, that opening block, like a key, to let sugar. I mean, that’s the issue. So we think it’s the fat, but really, it’s not the fat. If you eat fat, you’ll lose weight, but if you eat bad fats, fried foods that have denatured fats, that’s the culprit. Just like Dr. Pompa said.

Yeah, it’s so true. But good fats are so key to weight loss, another 180° Solution. So coconut oil is a great thing to use. I fry a lot of my foods in coconut oilGrass-fed butter is awesome as well. MCT oil, which we have here in our store, is one of my favorite things for fat burning. MCT, it stands for medium chain triglycerides, and they’re the type of fatty acids that compose about 60% of coconut oil. But when you ingest this MCT oil, which is clear and has no flavor, it’s just really easy. You can mix it right into your coffee or tea in the morning, and it goes right into the liver. It gets really quickly metabolized, so it’s not stored as fat. And it also helps your liver to produce ketone bodies, which are the preferred source of fuel for your brain. It’s just awesome stuff, and it’s really, really amazing for fat burning so just a really good fat to keep in mind to help with accelerating weight loss.

Meredith, you sound like Dr. Pompa. Holy cow, look at you. You’re throwing stuff out there that I forgot.

Oh, I’m just trying to learn.

It’s amazing. You’re not trying. You are. You’re learning it sister.

Dr. Pompa:
One of the things though—we have other topics we have to move into, but one of the hidden dangers in the summer, and this is probably the most toxic of all the things that we talked about, grilling. When you grill on outside grills, it’s the HCAs that—these things. What is it? Heterocyclic amines, it’s the charring that happens on the meat. So when you put your burger and your chicken on the grill—look, there’s more studies, actually, showing that the cancer causing properties of that. I mean, it’s ridiculously high. I mean, you might as well just eat heavy metals. You might as well just eat other things because those things are actually more toxic.

So people don’t realize that when you’re eating that burnt stuff from a grill—even the smoke that comes from the grill because of the charring on the grill goes into the food, and that’s the flavor that people like. But it’s cancer causing. It’s extremely toxic. It cost your body days of upregulating glutathione and detox pathways just to get rid of that stuff. So you all know I don’t eat food from a grill. It’s something I just don’t do because of the multiple things that I’ve read about the dangers of that. Stay away from it. Cook it on the inside. Have fun outside.

Another thing before we wrap that up. There’s a really important—two important points I want to make that move into the summer months, and just show you the importance of eating healthy fats. There’s a company called Skinny Coconut Oil. The reason they named it Skinny—we carry it on revelationhealth.com. The reason they call it Skinny—and it got on Oprah or something, so they even raised their prices a little bit. But is that people were eating it, and they’re actually getting skinny because of it upregulating your metabolism, because you’re getting the healthy fats.

And the other benefit for you, for all of us—I’m in my—I’m early 40's. I’m 40 years old. Of course, brain function is so important, and there’s studies on coconut oil and MCT oil for brain function. We had Ruth here last night, Dr. Pompa, and she’s like,” Oh, my gosh. I’ve been just doing that coconut oil.” She’s lost like—I don’t know how—like 75 pounds and she couldn’t walk. She had joint pains before she started eating the Cellular Healing Diet. She was just telling her story that she was so sick before she met you Dr. Pompa, and—but that coconut oil, she talks about brain function and not having brain fog is really key.

Dr. Pompa:
Do you know why that is? Because medium chain triglyceride and it burns, it causes a fat burning, okay, because the body, literally, wants to burn fat when you take in these medium chain triglycerides. The byproduct of fat metabolism is something called ketones. Ketones, the brain loves. It heals the brain, which when we talk about diet variation, we put people often times in keto-adaptation. Where we get their cells to be a fat burner and not use sugar. Therefore, they make more of these ketones, which has a healing effect on the brain. It’s an instant effect. People notice the difference right away when they eat those types of fat burning fats.

And the last fat point that I think is really key—and Dr. Pompa, you taught me this, and man, the difference it makes. I’m really fair-skinned. I burn really easily, or at least, I used to. And it’s amazing. I was out five hours on a boat and got cooked because I was being dumb, and most people would’ve been in the hospital for—I mean, you can see how white I am. I’m as white as white can get. I’m almost a redhead white. But I’m a very light-skinned, Northern Italian gene, or something going on here. But I don’t have the ability—I burn really easily. So these high fats, when you’re out sunbathing, Dr. Pompa, tell them how important that is to the cells. Not getting age spots, obviously, and then, also, not burning as easily.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, it’s a really easy thing to use coconut oil or shea butter, both really amazing fats that have a natural blocking of the sun. But the big misconception—and I don’t want to get to far off track here, but sunblock that you buy in the store, does it keep you from burning? Yes. But the problem is is it allows the—it blocks the UVB rays. That’s the ones that burn you, but the ones that actually cause cancer are the UVA rays. And it doesn’t block those so people stay out longer with sunscreen on. And they’re actually increasing the damage and, obviously, the dangers of cancer because they’re getting more of the UVA rays.

And again, I believe, just like in nature, there’s a balance. The UVB rays are there to let us look at ourselves, and realize, okay, we need to move out of the sun. I mean, so together, the UVA and the UVB make up a perfect balance. And you get that balance when you utilize the natural oils whereas when you use synthetics, you don’t get the balance. You’re getting more of the UVAs. So I believe there’s greater danger for sun cancer—skin cancer and other damage when you actually utilize those. And again, that’s not my opinion. There’s many studies on the dangers of sunscreen from a chemical standpoint and because it only blocks one of the rays so good thing for summer. Go ahead, Meredith. Take us to the subject.

Yeah, a couple more, just toxic foods to avoid and then we’ll move on to something else. But avoiding conventional meats and dairy, really, really important over the summer too to help you lose weight. What’s the problem with those conventional meat and dairy products?

Dr. Pompa:
Well, they’re loaded with grain. So now we bring up our grain topic, right. Conventional meat is grain-fed, all the wrong fats, all the wrong ratios. Again, the list goes on. Toxic meat, toxins are the number one cause of cellular inflammation, and therefore, weight gain. So when we say cellular inflammation, we’re talking hormone resistance. We’re talking not just weight gain, but a drop in energy. Don’t feel well.

And really, the true cause of most diseases is in fact inflammation. So that’s a big reason to avoid those toxic meats. And they are loaded with chemicals from steroids, hormones, but the hidden danger is the fact that they’re grain-fed. They’re not meant to eat grain, and that’s a big problem.

And you hear about it all the time, Dan. I was talking to someone the other day, and he’s like, “Oh, you know, I”—oh, I know who it was. But it was from—I think you know who it was now, but it was at where we were just at a little bit ago, and one of the leaders there said, “Oh, yeah. I’ve got my mom to stop eating dairy, and she lost 15 pounds, 20 pounds just like I did. We stopped eating dairy, and then we lost all this weight.” Now, the reason they lost weight, why we’re telling you to avoid toxic dairy, non-grass-fed dairy, is because, yeah, the conventional dairy that Dr. Pompa’s talking to you about, it’s not like a vegan diet or whatever. Get off of all animal products. If you eat raw grass-fed cheeses, and dairy, and grass-fed meat, you actually lose weight the research would show. But if you’re eating the toxic conventional dairy, you actually gain weight. So when they removed that from their diet, got her mom to remove that, she lost weight because, again, the cause of weight loss resistance is inflammation and hormone dysregulation. So I want to make that important point. We can’t drive that home enough. Removing dairy from your diet is a bad idea. Removing toxic conventional dairy from your diet is a great idea.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s one of the most toxic foods because of what they do to the animals in multiple ways, and it comes through in the meat. But real dairy, I mean, every healthy culture on the planet ingests it, but again, you have to find the real deal. So it’s important.

It’s key. All right, so review. So toxic foods, so to really—to lose weight, we’re going to drop the grains. Get rid of the conventional and toxic vegetable oils. Drop the refined sugar, which goes along with the grains as well. And switch from conventional meats and dairy to grass-fed, pastured, cultured, really healthy sources of animal products so awesome. All right, so some toxic foods to avoid, but what’s next? All right, so you…

A little incentive real fast because we just said that and most people are like, “Yeah, I can’t do that because I’m addicted to sugar.” But you can expect—and some people, if you’re overweight, you may—if you start eating this way and getting rid of those things—not that losing weight means health. Not that losing weight is calorie restriction. You’ll never lose weight. I’m not saying that, but you could lose up to a pound a day when you do that. Especially if you’re toxic and eating a lot of these toxic things. Your body will respond and be very happy. So try and incentivize, you guys. If you do this stuff, you can lose a lot of weight in that first month, and be ready for the July summer months coming up.

Yeah, it can be very dramatic. And you feel so much better, and your brain starts to work better. And it’s such a win-win. So but you got to jump in, and make the commitment. You can do it. All right, so next, to another just really relevant topic and trick, I think, that really makes sense, so you’re—so you implement some of these diet strategies, and maybe you’re not seeing quite the results you’d like to see. Dr. Pompa has a little trick, and it’s called diet variation. So you want to tell us about that Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean diet variation, I believe, this is what something that humans are just meant to do. In the—our ancestors, they had to diet varied because they had to. Meaning, things changed. They didn’t have certain foods at certain times. Whether it was from the weather, or whether it was just from scarcity. But diet variation we know works for people who can’t lose weight and weight loss resistance.

So what do we mean by that? Meaning that, look, there’s a lot of talk about lowering carbs to the point of keto-adaptation. We love that, right? There’s major benefits. I put people in and out of keto-adaptation, which I call an Advanced Cellular Healing Diet because it heals the brain. It heals other things. I mean, major benefits occur during times of ketosis.

But here’s what happens. The body goes through an adaptation survival when you switch from diet to diet, meaning that you start to now raise your carbohydrate intake to healthy carbohydrates but a higher level of them. Just like what happened in the old days. So winter would come. It would force people to eat mostly meats and fats because they could store those. They had the animals. They didn’t have the fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Spring comes, and now they’re so sick of the meats and the fats, now they switch to a higher carbohydrate diet.

Again, higher in their terms is not higher today, but that variation would actually do some amazing things in the body. The body’s hormones would shift in this adaptation. And we would see this amazing shift occur where people would become lean again. Even on a higher carbohydrate diet. I discovered this, really, by accident. Putting people into keto-adaptation, some people wouldn’t go in. They wouldn’t become these efficient fat burners, and again, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, we have two articles on keto-adaptation. Read them.

But people wouldn’t go into this fat burning stage, and I would—after four months of them being very strict, lowering their carbs under 50, even under 20 or 30, or 30 or 20, they still would not go in. Then we would—I said, okay, let’s bring them back to a regular Cellular Healing Diet, which is little higher in healthy carbs. Now, all of a sudden, they would lose five, ten pounds where they weren’t able to when they first started the diet months ago. All of a sudden, it would stop, that five or ten pounds. So another three, four months, I said, “Now let’s go back into ketosis. And low and behold, they would go into ketosis, and they would break right in like it was no problem. And they would lose weight in that diet.

So I learned to vary the diet utilizing this adaptation that our bodies are set up to do. To change diets. Hormones go up in these states, evidently, and that is a key, a trick to losing weight. Vary your diet. I believe it’s adaptation. I believe it’s all about hormone manipulation. But all I know is this. There’s very little in the scientific literature about this, but my belief is is it is hormone manipulation. It is about survival, and what the body does in times of plenty, in times of starvation. And it moves the hormones.

And I said it a zillion times. The key to weight loss is more about hormones than even what you eat. Diet variations proved my point. Really, I think that it’s deserving that one day I will write a book just about diet variation. That’s how well it works. So right now, I’m back into ketosis. Through most of the winter, I went higher healthy carbs. I raised my carbs up to about 150 healthy carbs a day, which by the way, was actually a little harder for me, and then even when I’m in ketosis. Now I’m under 50 carbs a day, back into ketosis. So that benefit is really neat to see. So that’s diet variation, and we did write an article on that, Meredith.

Yeah, check it out, and it works. It’s just such an awesome trick, so try it for yourself.

I have one other thing I want to add to that because—and I’ve seen this in your clients over and over again. I remember in the clinic. The diet variation also goes with the food allergy thing. Because if you have a food allergy—say you’re eating corn chips all the time, and we’ve had clients like this. They’re eating corn chips every day, every day. They tried every diet on the planet, and they still can’t lose weight. They cut out the corn chips, and all of a sudden, the weight starts blowing off of them. Even in the Cellular Healing Diet Program.

So what happens is if—with leaky gut, glyphosate, a lot of us have leaky gut. I still have a little bit of a leaky gut, and I’ve been at this along time. It takes a long time to heal, man. It takes seven years for your cells to turn over in your body, so it is a process of doing the right things over and over again, day-by-day, step-by-step, and you get there. But the food allergies from a leaky gut causes what, Dr. Pompa? Inflammation and then inflammation can cause hormone dysregulation, so you can’t lose weight. So diet variation and switching the foods that you’re eating and the types of foods that you’re eating goes along with a little bit of different concept, but don’t eat the same dang foods every day. If you can’t lose weight—go ahead Dan.

Dr. Pompa:
When you look at most of those allergies tests, people are allergic to the foods they eat all the time. There’s a danger in people who just eat the same food day in, day out, the same diet year after year. I believe it’s unhealthy. You need to vary your diet. It really makes a difference. It really does. I mean, there are seasons. It’s seasonal. Things grow.

Now there’s  today because we can get fruit in the winter. In the old days you couldn’t do that. I mean, there was just certain times that certain things grew. So diet variation is how our human bodies are set up. And Meredith, we see—and we talked about this in the article. Even when we have someone in ketosis, keto-adaption, one day a week doing a high carb day, that diet variation kicks weight loss in like crazy. I mean, two days after I do a high-carb day when I’m in ketosis, two days later, I mean, I am leaner visibly. Vascular, the difference is crazy.

Why? Because I told my body it’s not starving. I told my body it has plenty. And what happens? Hormones adjust. The body burns fat. When you stay in ketosis without any higher carb days, the body starts to get nervous. The body wants to hold onto fat because it knows it’s only energy source is fat when you’re in ketosis, so it wants to hold onto it.

And it does very clever things to survive. It will make—it will blunt some insulin receptors. It will plug fat cells with water, so here someone is in this only burning fat mode of ketosis, and yet, they start gaining a little weight around their waist. Why is that? Survival, it’s about hormones. How do you beat it? Vary the diet. You want high-carb days once a week. Even a whole day of fasting once a week. That’s variation.

It works. It works every time. Read the article. It’s a really, really good article.

Yeah. And the variation principle is the same with exercise as well. If you’re exercising in the same way all the time, are you going to get results? No. They’re going to stop. So you want to talk about why that happens?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. I mean, again, it’s the stress, rest philosophy. In other words, when you’re doing the same exercise day in, day out, or every time you exercise, it really doesn’t bring much stress, a healthy stress, to the body. Remember, how you get stronger is adapt to stress, right? I mean, athletes know that they really make good progress when they’re resting. Not when they’re exercising. But if you don’t stress the body enough, then there’s nothing to adapt to. It doesn’t get stronger.

When you vary the exercise, the body has to adapt, change, adapt, change. The same is happening with the diet. The body has to change and adapt, and it does it with hormones, same with exercise. After you do a new workout, and it’s a stress, the body raises up growth hormones, testosterone. The key is variation.

Mm-hmm. And this perfectly leads into our next trick for weight loss is fasting and burst training. So you want to tell our viewers how that works to really accelerate weight loss?

Dr. Pompa:

I already opened it up by saying the trick to really being lean and breaking weight loss resistance is hormones, right? Well, a trick is when you exercise on an empty stomach. Again, it’s all about survival and hormone adaptation. The body goes, uh-oh, we are lacking energy. You’re burning up your stored sugar, your glycogen, right? What happens is it raises up its growth hormone to hold onto the muscle, and therefore, it goes into this major fat burning mode. So exercising on an empty stomach is actually magic to raise growth hormone, anabolic hormones, to kick your body into fat burning. Not just for that moment, but for 36 hours. And that’s really the magic of burst training.

High-intensity training burns the sugar. Not the fat. And then your body has to replace that stored sugar. Why? It’s about survival. It knows it needs it, and fight or flight. So to do that it raises up growth hormone and anabolic hormones just so it could become an efficient fat burner to replace it. It burns the fat. It doesn’t want to burn the muscle to replace the stored sugar that it needs to survive.

So it’s hormone manipulation, exercising your stomach. So I intermittent fast daily. I don’t eat breakfast. So I eat dinner. I fast all through the night. I fast through the morning, and I love to exercise. I’ve been too busy lately to do this, so I’m off my game. But I love exercising sometime in the morning on an empty stomach. You get the growth hormone spike, and it really makes a difference for people who struggle to lose weight.

Yeah, it really does. Doing it on a fasted stomach, it makes…

I’m doing better already through the summer just listening to you guys.

Dr. Pompa:
There’s an article that I wrote, and I talked about—it wasn’t—it talked about skinning, right, and there’s me with the top of the mountain with my…

We’re going to link to that, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, we’ll link to that article, and I talked about that principle. So try it. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Yeah. And it goes against all of the conventional wisdom too of eating before you exercise, eating after you exercise. It’s totally a different concept, but…

It’s a 180°.

Dr. Pompa:
180° concept.

It’s a 180° concept, and it really works. So yeah, so we’re going to link to the article, and you can read a little bit more about that. It’s your first time watching, you’re like, “What are you talking about, intermittent fasting and burst training?” Well, we’re going to break it down a little bit more, and you can link to those—all right, we’ll link to those articles.

Is that going out in an email, Meredith?

It will be going out in an email. I think we’re shooting to get it out either today or tomorrow. And we’re going to have these four articles we’re referring to. So the top ten toxic foods to avoid, diet variation, fasting and burst training, and how that really affects your brain and your body for weight loss, for increased brain function. And then this last little article we’re going to link to is top ten travel tips to staying healthy while you’re on the road.

Some of our viewers aren’t on our email list. How do they get on our email list, Meredith?

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, good point.

Go to our website, all right.

I was testing you, Meredith. You’re so sweet.

Yeah, I failed. I failed the test.


That is so sweet of you. You’re a good customer service. That’s why you’re such a team player. But I mean, you could write Meredith if you want to. That’s fine. But go to our website, D-R-P-O-M-P-A-dot-com. And there’s multiple ways to opt in. The ones that I love is just that you get a free eBook.

And so find that little link on our website, and it’s right there on the sidebar, and then you—on the right side of the website. You click on that. Put in your email. And then if you put your email right now, you’ll be getting our emails immediately right after that, so we’ll attach this next article.

Yeah, be on the lookout.

Dr. Pompa:
We call Meredith our little action hero. Give it one of these for us now. Let’s just see what you’ve got there. Look at that girl. She is ripped.

Well, I haven’t even been exercising too. I know, like you said, I haven’t burst trained for a good while, but when you change your diet and you just—you really make the commitment, you don’t need to exercise as much as you think you need to maintain a lean body. Because the diet, it seems, what, 70-80% of your physique is just really determined by what you eat. And yes, the exercise is so important. Fasting, and burst training, and even some endurance work is really important as well, but so much of how you look is just predicted by what you eat. I know we say the same thing all the time, but people need to hear it.

It’s a process, day-by-day, man.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, Meredith’s right. I mean, people think that the lack of exercise is why they’re fat. Uh-uh, zero. Exercise is the cherry on the top. Exercise, we love it. It’s good for many things. However, the key to weight loss is the hormones and more diet than it is exercise.

I told—this is good story. I think it’ll add some value to those watching just to break out of their mindsets. I talked to two very overweight fellas the other day, and I’m like, why do you think—I asked them, why is running—if you thought you were going to lose weight, what would you think of doing? Exercising more, going out for a run. That’s how you lose weight. That’s how you’re healthy. And again—and the reason why folks my age, a little bit younger, all the way into your 60's, they were taught through TV, through aerobics, through burning exercise with –what’s his name?

-Cross talk-

Richard Simmons, all this stuff. They really believe that it’s—and then the weight lifting movement. Eating just high protein, and rice, and then just burning tons of calories. And that’s how we were raised. We were raised to believe that. So you have a culture code, they call it.

And America still markets to you that way. Nike does. All these people, they market to you. You go out and buy a pair of running shoes, and you’re going to lose weight. You’re going to look better. You’re going to be great. That’s in your mindset. You’ve been brainwashed to believe that.

So I’m telling you this right now. We are telling you this right now on Cellular Healing TV, and you’re going, nah, it’s not true. And how I know that is I’ve talked to my brother, my family members, people who believe this brainwashing that you’ve gotten over the last 20 years. That exercise and running equals weight loss. It’s a culture code. Rocky, Rocky I, through Rocky V, through Rocky VII has taught you that. It’s wrong. It’s bad science. It’s not even science at all.

And it’s still being taught, and we’re drinking that Kool-Aid. So stop drinking that Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid does make you gain weight because it’s sugar. So you want to stop drinking that, and you want to stop believing what you were taught over those 20 years.

Dr. Pompa:
Rocky actually also started people drinking raw eggs so good point. You’d be better off drinking the raw eggs. So we’ll give Rocky some kudos, but I would tell you if you drink too many raw eggs,  you could actually have a biotin deficiency, just saying. But anyway, so those are 180° concepts, man. We always say it. But okay, sake of time here, we have a few minutes left to hit some of these travel tips, Meredith, and there’s nobody that travels more than me. And I don’t go off my plan, right? I mean, how is it possible? And I hear it all the time when people go on vacation in the summer. Their diet falls apart. They come back thinking they’re going to get back on it. But now their cravings are back, and they fall off, and it happens all the time, so what do you do, Meredith?

Yeah. Well, what do you do? Because, I think, yeah, we do kind of the same thing. You stayed prepared. You’re prepared. I never go on a trip if I, especially on a flight, if I don’t’ have healthy snacks and healthy fat as well. Sometimes—last time, when we were just in Atlanta for the last seminar, I took a little jar of coconut butter, and I just had that straight up. Sometimes I like to mix a little sea salt with it, but I keep it in my purse. So if I am hungry, or I feel like my blood sugar’s dipping a little bit, I just have a couple spoonfuls of coconut butter, and it really helps me feel good. Helps me turn my brain back on and give me energy until we get to the next meal or until the next time when I can actually have a real meal. So that’s a little trick that I use.

So what are some things that you take with you as you travel? But when you’re fasting, as well, you don’t—and you’re in that ketogenic fat burning zone, you can go for much longer periods without eating, and you’re blood sugar remains stable. And you don’t need to eat as much, or feel victim to airport food.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. I can travel, and I usually use that as a fasting day. I don’t eat. I can go hours and hours without eating, and my body just burns the fat, so it keeps my blood sugar very level. That’s the key to anti-aging. Keep your glucose and insulin level. That’s key. And you’re right. You being an efficient fat burner, that’s a hormonal thing. That’s the key to that.

But what do I do? I mean, first of all, today it’s so easy. Every city I go in you can find healthy restaurants. Look, when in doubt, meat and vegetables. Nix the bread. In almost every restaurant today, I mean, they’re having grass-fed things. Carl’s Jr. has grass-fed burgers for goodness sakes. A hundred percent grass-fed, that’s what they’re saying. I haven’t looked into it enough to know is that true or not? But they advertise 100% grass-fed. I mean, Carl’s Jr., I mean, this is a fast-food restaurant. So I mean, this is—it’s easy to do. Most lamb on the menu—let’s say they don’t have grass-fed. Lamb is grass-fed. So there’s so many things. You could do a chicken salad. I mean, look, there’s a thousand things to do when you’re traveling to not break the diet. I think in the article you gave some other tips. So give them—I mean, traveling with stuff is key. I mean, you can always bring your foods in case you get trapped. I bring my powders, my weight proteins, things like that, but it’s so easy to eat healthy today.

Yeah. There’s really no excuses anymore. So if you keep your healthy snacks with you, you can make good choices at restaurants, sticking to protein, vegetables, and good fat. And there’s really no excuse.

I have a little daughter, and we always have to bring snacks. We’re always bringing blocks of raw organic grass-fed cheese. We bring that block with us, and leave it in there. We bring Mary’s Gone Crackers, which is a grain-less cracker made of seeds, and then we take nuts and seeds. And between those things, we could feed ourselves for half the day. I feed all three of us on a block of cheese, various nuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, and there’s others, pecans. Obviously, all organic sprouted is better because it’s not hard—it’s harder to digest on your stomach. It doesn’t bloat you. So if you’re bloated by nuts, get the sprouted versions, and you’ll notice a massive difference there. But that’s what we do when we travel with the family.

The EPIC bars too. The meat bars from bison, grass-fed beef, and lamb. Those are a nice snack option as well.

Dr. Pompa:
The mistake most people make in restaurants, it’s the oils, right? If you hear us, we ask these questions. We ask, what’s the dressing? Can we have olive oil on the side, right, because dressings are a disaster. I mean, that’s where you’re going to get all your hidden sugars, artificial sugars, sweeteners. Colorings, bad fats, vegetable oils, it’s all in there. So do you have olive oil? Oh, yes. They bring out the olive oil. That’s what we do, right?

So leave that stuff off, and then you’re going to at least—look, you may not be able to get organic lettuce, but you eat 100% organic at home. When you’re on the road, do the best you can. But listen, again, today it’s easier and easier to get organic. It’s easier and easier to get grass-fed meat so not hard at all.

I’m going to show you guys a tip, a look what we do. And everyone likes to know what Warren and Dr. Pompa do, but if you want to see how we store all of our nuts and seeds, you can see that we have almonds, walnuts, raisins, dates. I mean, those are sugar, but you can eat those sparingly. Those are more for my daughter or for baking. Organic cashews, organic raw pumpkin seeds, raw sunflower seeds, more pumpkin seeds, organic popcorn, pecans, Brazil nuts, chia seeds, cherries, there’s some other things, pinto beans, lentils, and we don’t eat a lot of that stuff, but right there you have diet variation, a whole bunch of different seeds, different B vitamins, all kinds of goodness. And that’s just one drawer in my house. So I thought that that would inspire some of you to run out there, and buy some mason jars, and kill it.

Right. I have a little question for you, Dr. Pompa, too. Sometimes while traveling, this is kind of relevant, if I have a meal that I don’t feel was healthy, and I knew that there was some not so good ingredients in it, sometimes I take the Bind product we have, which contains the super activated carbon charcoal to attach those toxins that I’ve ingested. To help them move out of my body a little more quickly. What do you think of that trick?

Dr. Pompa:
We do it too. All of us right here, we don’t travel without Bind, and I take more GCEL too just to keep my glutathione levels up. When I travel on airplanes, of course, GCEL is very important. Also, I take TMI iodine because you want to mitigate some of the radiation that you get from flying and traveling. That’s often times what makes people really feel bad and wiped out. It’s just the radiation amounts. The body’s not used to it.

Some people say what about flight attendants? Well, they actually raise up. They adapt to the radiation. People that live in elevation get more radiation but we adapt. So there is a protective mechanism, but when you’re not doing it all the time, you’re not adapted, so your body has to take the radiation hit. And that’s one way to mitigate some of that.

What I do just as a—before I get on the plane I take two TMI. I’ll put two MoRS, two ROX antioxidants, again, sometimes GCEL as well, and I’ll stick those in my pocket. And before I get on—go through security—and sometimes I take them through security, but a lot of the times, before I get in security I pop all those, and then I’m good for the flight. And then I have some of those with me for the flight home just to protect myself when I’m flying. Because there are some more challenged folks that are out there that are traveling and they travel on it. And Dan, you know with me, I get so sick when I would travel. And I do that now, and I know I’m doing everything that I can for myself. I’m raising up my methylation. I’m raising up my glutathione levels taking those specific antioxidants. Just to melt down the oxidative stress of travel and the stress of getting ready to travel. As you know, packing your bags can be one of the most stressful things you can go do to your health.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s one of the most stressful things Warren does because he’s—I throw it in the bag. It takes me 20 minutes. I don’t even….

I stress, and my wife packs most of it.

Dr. Pompa:
The ASEA is really good because…

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Redox molecules and it comes in travel packs, so you’ll see those in my bag all the time. The Redox molecules you need to make glutathione work. You need Redox molecules for cell-to-cell communication. So Redox really is the reduction and oxidation. You need the oxidation part to keep your immune system up. You need the reduction to reduce the inflammation. ASEA brings that perfect balance. And many people have normal glutathione levels, but they really don’t get the benefit of it because they’re lacking in Redox molecules. So it’s a product that I travel with everywhere I go.

Yeah. That’s a very good product.

Dr. Pompa:
It really is. It’s an incredible product. We love it. I always say it’s the only product that really covers all of the 5R's, cellular healing and detox so an amazing product. If you went down in my kitchen, you’d see it down there. My kids take it. We take it. Most athletes love it, and that’s why I take it. Even for athletic performance. So another great tip. So I think we’re out of time.

It’s an amazing product, and you can learn more about that product on drpompa.com too, if you’re wondering what ASEA is. So yeah, so we’re going to send out this email. It’s going to talk about the toxic foods to avoid and diet variation, how to incorporate fasting and bursting to lose weight, and then some healthy travel tips. So be on the lookout for that.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, thank you, Meredith, that’s…

All right, thanks. It’s time leave.

Good job, Meredith.

Thanks, everyone.

All right, have a great weekend.


Get healthy, all right, blessings. Bye.


64: A Cellular Healing Journey

Transcript of Episode 64: A Cellular Healing Journey with Dr. Brad Gorski

With David Asarnow and special guest Dr. Brad Gorski.

Hello, everyone. I want to welcome you to Cellular Healing TV. This is episode 65. This is David Asarnow. Dr. Pompa and Warren are not with us today. They're actually enjoying the weekend at Lifebook up in Chicago with a group of natural healthcare practitioners.

Today, we have a very special guest with us. We have Dr. Brad Gorski. Now, I had the opportunity to meet and get to know Dr. Brad Gorski about a year and a half ago, when he became part of our program of practitioners. He's got a very unique story on how he started his journey towards cellular healing. First of all, Dr. Gorski, welcome to Cellular Healing TV.

Dr. Gorski:
Thanks, David. Appreciate you having me. I'm glad to be here.

It's our pleasure and our honor to have you here. Why don't you share a little bit about your journey and your story and how it all started along the cellular healing journey?

Dr. Gorski:
Yeah, for sure. It's funny, I always grew up being very healthy. I played college baseball. I was very into health. About a year into our chiropractic practice, I started getting some really unusual symptoms. My wife and I had moved into a house we were renting downtown in Charleston. Immediately upon moving in, I started getting really unusual symptoms, all the way from fatigue—just like I always was tired, which was very unusual, because I eat well. I take care of myself. I do all the right stuff. My hands began to swell up after working in the office all day long.

Kind of the course of a month or two, I started getting all of these unusual symptoms. Of course, we kept getting better about nutrition. We kept taking better supplements. We were doing everything that we knew right. Long story short, some of these symptoms kept coming on. Over the course of it, my wife and I sat down. We're like, we maybe think there's something in this home making me sick. I've had a lot of my clients tell me, all of a sudden I start noticing all of these symptoms after moving in a home.

I started getting these symptoms, and we started thinking that maybe mold was a factor. We started checking for mold. Our house didn't have much mold in it at all. Long story short, I just kept getting sicker and sicker, despite no matter what we did. We moved out of the home. For two weeks, we moved in with my parents, which is always fun at 27. We're like, hey, let's try this. See if I feel better.

I moved out for two weeks. Man, my energy started coming back up. I started feeling a lot better. We made the decision that we were going to have to move out of this home. That weekend, I flew out to my best friend's wedding in Michigan. I woke up the morning after giving my best man speech, I had a massive stroke. Four different blood clots went to areas of my brain at 27. That's really what put me on my path of really—although I was doing so many things right, there were obviously things that I was missing. Obviously, toxicity is what really triggered my issue.

Let's step back. Obviously, everyone just heard wow, you were 27 years old and you had a stroke. I know your story, and it was like, oh my gosh. First of all, how did your life change that moment, when that happened? What was the diagnosis? What did the medical doctors tell you what was wrong and why it happened?

Dr. Gorski:
Yeah. You know, when it first happened too, I know one of my focuses was, I can remember when it happened, I had no function on the right side of my body. I could speak, but in my mind, I always knew, “Hey, I can beat this.” I didn't know what it was when it first happened. I figured I had brain cancer. What's interesting was I was in the hospital, and after they evaluated me, one of the things they said was, “You had a stroke.” Being in the course of the hospital over two weeks, they ran pretty much every test on me. They said, “What we're going to call it is—” they call it “cryptogenic,” which means there's no known cause. Actually, if you know anything about strokes, 40% of people who have a stroke, they call them “cryptogenic,” which means we don't know why it happened, but as long as you take these blood thinners, most likely, it won't happen again. That was actually my diagnosis.

As long as you take this, it may not happen again. That's really comforting.

Dr. Gorski:
Exactly. Yeah, they had no idea. They had no idea. They're like, “We maybe think you had a hole in your heart.” Then they ran these tests on me. I didn't have it. It was all these things. I knew that once we'd got out of the hospital, I knew it on my watch to get my health and my life back. Immediately, we started doing things like hyperbaric chamber to help my brain heal, which was amazing. I also know, too, I had to go back and figure out why.

Again, I had this feeling of, there had to have been a cause of why I got sick. If I could find that cause and remove it, I knew my body would get well. Truly, that's what started me on my own health journey of saying that hey, it's on myself to figure out what's going on and why it happened. Then from there, really the next two years was a learning process of doing anything, going to doctors, traveling, finding out, how could I get myself well? That's again, I think—I always tell you, my story and what I think I learned through going through my sickness is where I've learned a lot of what I've done. Just getting myself well.

How did things change? How did your diet change? What did you discover about yourself, what was going on, your surroundings?

Dr. Gorski:
Yeah. One of the big things was, it was interesting. After I got out of the hospital, here I am—probably the first five to six months of me getting out of the hospital, I come back. I have a full chiropractic practice that I'm taking care of. I can remember, that was very tough on me. I can remember anytime I would eat, no matter how healthy it was, if I tried to eat before noon, I was always getting sick. I was always throwing up. It was interesting. My body was telling me about intermittent fasting, which we've talked about on the show. That's how I started getting healthy, is that if I ever tried to eat before noon, I would get sick. My body's way of saying, “Hey, I'm trying to heal. Don't feed me.” We forget about those symptoms. I always joke about that with clients.

It signals that you were very aware. You started listening to the signals your body was sending.

Dr. Gorski:
There we go. There we go. Yeah, I started doing the—I know we've talked about the SueroGold, right? The SueroGold was the only thing that I could consume in the morning before noon. I wouldn't eat much through the day. Then it would come to dinner, and man, I would eat a lot at dinner. That's actually really how I started getting better, as far as nutritionally. I had so many issues with my gut. I had so many issues with energy. Not only just the process of healing from what happened with my brain.

One of the big things was, I'll tell you how we found out that really, what happened to me was autoimmune related. We had got back here to Charleston, and we started running every test that really we could. We tried to rule out genetic factors. They're like, “It's not genes.” I had an autoimmune number in my blood work. There were 16 numbers that showed I had this. It's interesting, but there's no known proof that it causes heart attack or stroke. It's the only thing in my blood work that was abnormal.

Yeah. Once you understood, and once you learned about, okay, well, it points to “autoimmune,” what changed in how you approached what you were doing to help yourself.

Dr. Gorski:
It was huge. I think part of what I started looking at is, again, learning about, “Okay, how do we calm this immune system?” There's this whole Th1 and Th2 response. I started learning about that. I think one thing was really unique. Then, when I heard Dr. Pompa speak for the first time, what was unique is, as I heard him speak, I'm like—I couldn't conceptualize what I did to get well. Then I realized, hey, what he's teaching is what I did to get well. It was a really great parallel for me. Here's someone who had protocols and procedures in place, after I took about two years to stumble through doing it. Here's somebody who's actually teaching that to physicians, which actually was great.

Learning through the process of your story, is how you started to get well—what would you tell people that are sitting here listening to this? There's people watching this live. There's people who are going to watch the replay. There's people who are going to listen to this on iTunes. There's a lot of people who are out there saying, “Hey, I've got a lot of symptoms. I don't know what to do.” What would you tell them?

Dr. Gorski:
First of all, I would say, “Listen to your body.” Sometimes, it's frustrating, being a practitioner. I always say, “You never want to treat symptoms, but symptoms show a sign, sometimes of dysfunction.” Symptoms are either signs of healing or signs of dysfunction. They're either one or the other. I think one of the first things I always will say is, “Are your symptoms signs of healing, or are your symptoms signs of sickness and disease?”

I think once you look at that, one thing I would also say, too, is that one thing that's not looked at in natural health at all today—and I went through two and a half, three years of actually traveling to doctors, before I really started understanding how to address the gut. Probiotics are great. They do not address the gut. I think that's a huge thing today, I would say, really, that—also, too, don't forget this whole connection of the gut-brain connection. I feel it's a huge thing that most physicians may miss. They understand detox. They understand some nutrition in a way, but they totally miss this relationship with the gut. Obviously, that's a huge thing of what we teach people.

Yeah. Obviously, one of the things you just mentioned, fasting, was essential for your healing. Were there different fasts that you did at different points in time? You mentioned intermittent fasting. What other things did you utilize to target that gut-brain connection that we hear Dr. Pompa talk about a lot, too?

Dr. Gorski:
I did multiple fasts. You name a fast, I've probably done it. I've done straight bone broth fasts, which we've talked about on the show, Dr. Pompa's stock. I've done the pure whey water fasts. I've done that. I've mixed those two things together.

Two Christmases ago, my wife wasn't very happy with me, I went through a fast right around Christmas. I didn't plan it out well, but I did about 18 days. About four to five days of almost pure fasting, and then I kicked on almost a consistent intermittent fast for about the next—it was a total of 18 days. Again, using a mixture of the whey water, the bone broth. Also, the Beyond Organic products. Talk about adding a very, very unique bacteria to the gut. Starving down the existing bacteria that's in the gut. Obviously now, too, we know about all the viruses that exist in our digestive system and our gut. Also, that plays a huge role. Pure fasts, four-day fasts, intermittent fasts. You name it. Those are the type of things that I did from four days to two days.

When you start fasting, some of it doesn't always go well. My fasts started at two days when I wanted to go four. As you start doing those fasts, I can remember—I'm, today, about 180 lbs, but going through the course of my fasting, I probably got down to about 155. What was unique about it was every time I broke those fasts, once I was done, I never felt better. That was a huge thing. All of a sudden, after these fasts, it was like now, all of a sudden, I was less sensitive to food. All of a sudden, my energy was changing. All of a sudden, my brain fog was disappearing.

I know we've talked about the Terrain right, from Beyond Organic? Have you taken the Terrain products?


Dr. Gorski:
That was one of the first things I noticed, is how simple, is I would take those before meals. Most people take apple cider vinegar, and before a meal, they'll take a little bit and put it in water, right, because it helps with digestion. The Terrain from the Beyond Organic, which has four unique acids, I would do a little bit with that before I would eat. The first thing that I would notice doing that, I would notice my mental clarity started changing. That's actually a huge product that I use all the time before foods. Man, that completely changed the way I would actually digest, absorb, and assimilate what I was eating.

We see you today, and no one would imagine that just a few years ago, you had that stroke. Tell us about the journey. It didn't just happen like this overnight, getting well. It's a process, isn't it?

Dr. Gorski:
No, absolutely. I think, too, I relay it this way. When I started trying to get well, I think I did a lot of things, because I really wanted to get my health back. I always say this: every path I went down wasn't a right path. I think sometimes what you do is you take action and you learn. You take and you learn, and you take action and you learn. Yeah, it was a process. I would say this. I would say I was probably 50% better within weeks of actually getting out of the hospital and having my stroke. I think what was tough is that for me to get from 50% to 100%, where I wanted to be, that journey took me two and a half, three years.

Some of it, too, was learning. A big part of that was once I started learning, the huge thing, which we talk about on the show, is once I started getting my gut well, I was doing the right nutrition. The second thing that I never was addressing was the cell. That's a huge, again, another misconception. People forget about, how do we influence the cell on a cellular level? That's all we are. We're cells. That's another component that it took me two and a half, three years to figure out. Once I figured it out, man. From there it was like a whole new level of where my health went.

How has this experience changed your life and how you practice and what you do on a day-to-day basis, in working with both chiropractic patients and health coaching clients?

Dr. Gorski:
Yeah. I think what it was, I think—when you go through something like that, for me, I thank God. It was a great opportunity. I thank God for what I went through. I think when you live through something like that, it gives me a whole new appreciation for a patient. When a patient comes in or a client comes in and says, “Dr. Brad, I'm not sure you know where I've been,” I do know where they've been. I've been in their position.

I think that's a great thing. I think, also, too, it's given me the opportunity to take time away from my chiropractic patients and really focus on these tough cases of autoimmune similar to myself. One thing that was actually in my blood work that—again, doctors wanted to treat me with levothyroxine and testosterone. My body wasn't making testosterone. My hormones were screwed up. I was hypothyroid. Autoimmune hypothyroid.

Again, even natural doctors I went to wanted to give me hormones to help support me. At the end of the day, I knew that those things were effects, they weren't cause. I think once we got to the cell—remove the interference, heal the gut—that's really, again, too, I think, where my life really started to—where I went from the 50%, 60% better to where I wanted to be.

Let's talk about that. How did your story coincide, then, with Dr. Pompa? Here's why I ask this. I actually spent a day with you at your practice. You had a talk one night, and it was about cellular healing in skincare, and the effects and whatnot. One of the unique things that I saw was, you live this, you breathe this. In your practice, you have videos going all day long. In fact, I got to see some older videos of Dr. Pompa up on the wall. The interesting thing was, how engaged—because I really got to sit back and just observe, as an outsider, how engaged all of your patients who came in for the chiropractic adjustments were, into understanding cellular health and eating right and living differently. How did this all come together?

Dr. Gorski:
I think I lost you there, David. I heard you say “engaged,” and then I may have lost you.

Okay, how did your story—did you hear what I was talking about, you guys are showing these videos in your practice? Your patients are really engaged. You talk about how this whole story with Dr. Pompa came about, and why you chose to become part of our group.

Dr. Gorski:
Yeah, I think one thing, too, as you know—which I've been fortunate, as far as chiropractic, to be around a great group of doctors who understand chiropractic. We have an amazing system to educate people. Then you know one thing is, once I went through my sickness, I also realized, too, that there was a different level of severity. The autoimmune, the thyroid—like myself. It was my story. I realized that there was a part of those people that I wanted to spend time away from my practice to help. I knew they needed it, and I know what I have to offer from what I went through could really help those people.

I heard Dr. Pompa talk for the first time. Again, what I was saying to myself is I'm like man, just what that guy just talked about the last hour took me two years of stumbling through to figure that out, parts of it. That's really when I said—for me, it was, I wanted to take some time away from my practice to really help, again, get down to those other patients. Again, the 20% of people who maybe wouldn't get well from what I would normally do, and focuses time to really build, for clients—these plans really can transform someone's health who's in a very, very bad position like that.

Let's talk a little bit about health coaching. What type of things are you seeing these days? What questions are people coming to you with? What are they facing?

Dr. Gorski:
It's interesting. I think one thing that's unique about my story is a lot of the clients that I have who come to me—and I hear this all the time. When we talk about autoimmune, which we're seeing today that so many people have autoimmune, but we understand this. The testing for autoimmune is in the stone ages. There's not great tests. One thing that really—I say this with—because you know, I hate—I never look at a patient and say, “Let me treat your symptoms.” Symptoms sometimes are dead giveaways. Again, I was talking about, “Are these signs of healing, or are these signs of disease?”

I think today, a lot of the symptoms—the brain fogs, the inability to lose weight, the hormone problems, from thyroid to testosterone to adrenal fatigue, these are all, again, what I call—these are the conditions that a lot of our patients have. I'm finding, today, that I think a lot of them, most of their issues are related to their gut. They're related to, again, bad cells, inflammation of the cell membrane.

Those are the conditions I'm seeing. A lot of cases that I'm seeing today are even, again, forms of colitis that have actually moved into other areas of the body. I actually have a client I'm working with now who, they didn't think it was possible. He's the only documented case in the country, where his autoimmune has actually moved from his colon out to other areas of his body. Those are the type of clients that I'm getting. These people have really been everywhere, and they're saying, “Hey, why can't I get results? I've done all the treatment that's out there.” I think that's what we provide, essentially, a unique approach to really addressing that.

You just brought something up really unique. There's a lot of people who've been down a road. They've gone to doctor after doctor. They've gotten test after test, and they're just told, “This is what it is. You're going to be on this medication. In fact, when I was 22 years old, I was told I was going to be on an autoimmune medication for the rest of my life, and, “Oh, by the way, these are all the list of symptoms that it can cause. You should expect to see this.” It freaked me out, and I just flushed it down the toilet and decided, actually almost like you—intermittent fasting by accident.

Here's the thing. Dr. Pompa talks about the three-legged stool. We've got a lot of factors that are going on. We've got the physical, the emotional, the chemical sensitivities. We've got vaccinations that are going on. What's the best way to make people aware that it could be the food that you're eating? It could be the environmental situation. How do you explain that to people?

Dr. Gorski:

I think today, it's a great question. How do you explain to people? I think today, people realize, the fact that we live in this world where nutrition is changing. The presence of GMO. We're looking at the toxins in our environment. I think the thing that people connect with, at least from what I see, is—how I think we influence people and how we move, people are realizing that it's there. I think what they're not realizing is that the symptoms they have—they don't realize that that's an effect and not a cause. I think when we talk about going upstream, things like—in my story, one thing that was a giveaway—talk about immune sensitivity—at three months of age when I was vaccinated, I actually quit breathing. I lived on breathing machines for three years of my life. Go back in my history—

I never knew that about you.

Dr. Gorski:
Yeah, yeah. If you will go back in my history, you'd think I was maybe a little sensitive to mercury. Obviously, we know, today, it's very well documented that vaccines, again, they can push—you look at Th2 response and Th1 response. Vaccines can completely shift the response of your body.

There you go. My autoimmune could've been started to be triggered at a very early age. Now, the presence of 18 years of age, putting—again, one amalgam filling is not much. These things, they build up over time. Then you get to a point where you hit that tipping point of where the disease starts. I think that's at where most people always—clients, when I sit down with them, they always have that one thing that pushed them over the edge. Again, there were layers before that, sometimes, that people got to go through and get well. That's why it took me three years.

You just brought something up, really, that's important—immunizations. It's a whole huge debate these days, on a couple things you just spoke about. Immunizations. We have genetically modified foods that are frankly, banned throughout the EU, that they won't allow to be sold in all these other countries. Yet, they're prevalent here. That's a whole other story.

We've got all this going on. Then, people here—oh, maybe there's people who read, and they start getting into natural health and say, “I'm going to remove my mercury filling, and I'm going to get it replaced,” or “I'm going to remove my root canals.” Then, all of a sudden, they may feel better for a little bit. Then, all of a sudden, they get sicker and sicker and sicker. It's because they haven't prepped their body well. They haven't figured a way to catch and grab and bind the toxins and remove them. All of a sudden, your body releases it. Then it moves around. Then it resettles in other areas, and people get sicker. It's crazy out there today.

Dr. Gorski:
One thing which you bring up, and one of the things I went through—glutathione, which we all know is the body's number one antioxidant—your body uses glutathione to remove any toxin from your body. I can remember the process of going through and doing IVs of glutathione. I always use the analogy, that's not a bad thing. It can definitely help you. Again, when you talk about the way the cell works, unless you influence intracellular glutathione, that's also, too, the difference of, again, where detox can be good. Again, it can be targeted. Again, I think that's another thing that people are starting to learn. Where glutathione can be great, unless the glutathione of the cell changes through redox processes, that's where I think really the difference is made in people. I always use the analogy, you can pull toxins out of the body in a bucket, but unless you get them out of the tissues and out of the cell, the cell still doesn't work. You build the toxins right back up again. It's a two-part process. You've got remove the toxins from the body, but you also have to re-strengthen the cells so those cells can actually push the toxins out of the cell. They don't absorb more. Detox and retox.

You actually bring up a really good point. Here's the challenge. I work with businesses. If a business is sick and they want to get well, they need a little bit more oxygen. They need a little bit more life in their business. What do they do? You get someone from the outside sometimes can see a whole lot better than you can on the path of where you want to go and how to connect the dots. Just like a business owner, sometimes in their own little encapsulation, they can't really figure it out themselves.

The same thing is when you're looking about going down a natural route and what to do, having that health coach in your corner on your side that is there to say, “Okay, ask you the right questions.” Sometimes, just having someone lay out exactly, “Okay, if you do this, if you change your diet this way—” “Oh, you're still eating grains? You're still eating that—” “Well, it's whole grain bread.” You ask the questions about the whole grain bread. Let's talk a little bit about that health coaching aspect and how valuable that could be for people.

Dr. Gorski:
Yeah, it's huge. I hear this all the time when I have patients, especially who've been through autoimmune and maybe even two. I have a client who comes in. Maybe their son is experiencing symptoms of autism. A big thing is they're like, “What about the gluten free, casein free diet?” It goes back to, I think, what we're learning about food today. Is dairy good or bad? It goes back to, what kind of dairy are we talking about?

Again, milk has amazing benefits. Beta 1 versus Beta 2 casein. There's two different forms. I think that's a level of, I think, customization with patients. Your clients come and say, “Where do I start with?” Sometimes, you've got to start with the gut. Sometimes, you've got to fix that before you can feed the body. Sometimes, too, you just need to increase the fats. That's a huge thing today, is we're realizing things that even—gosh, I remember six years ago, the bread. I would still eat that occasionally, but we unfortunately know, today, the way that stuff has been hybridized—unfortunately, I'd never consume that. We know what it does. It affects the gut. Causes leaky gut.

Also, too, I think that customization is huge. Not every person starts in the same spot. I was referred to [00:26:26] as a toolbox. My job is always to give clients every tool I need to get their health and their life back. When we use them, how we use them, and at what time do we use them is what I help them with.

Any final thoughts that you would like to leave with our viewers and listeners?

Dr. Gorski:
Yeah. I would say number one, and just a huge thing, I think, for me, and I guess what I learned through my journey, I would just say that if you're listening to the show today and you have issues of autoimmune and you've had issues of hormone problem and dysfunction and brain fog, I would really suggest, again, also do something before it's too late. I think that's a huge thing. We always know that an ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure. Action speaks louder than words. I hear a lot of people say that, but they don't take the action necessary to it.

The second thing I would say too, no matter which practitioner you go to, do not forget this connection of the gut brain. I think, again, from what I went through when I learned not a lot of people understand nutritionally how to affect the gut. Then also, too, how to affect the cell, and again, how to control inflammation of the cell through, again, the way the body uses fuel. Those are two unique things I would say. Don't forget about the cell. Don't forget about fixing the gut. Those are two things that if you do not fix you will not get well, and you won't get your health or your life back.

Awesome. Thank you, Dr. Gorski, for being our special guest on Cellular Healing TV. Next week, we'll be back with Dr. Pompa and Warren as my co-host. I wish everyone an amazing rest of your week. Have an amazing weekend, and we'll see you next week. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Gorski.

Dr. Gorski:
Thanks for having me, David. Yeah. Appreciate for having me.

63: How Amalgams Can Affect Your Health

Transcript of Episode 63: How Amalgams Can Affect Your Health

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and David Asarnow.

David: Hello, everyone. I want to welcome you to another episode of Cellular Healing TV. This is David Asarnow, and I am here with Dr. Pompa. Good morning, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Good morning.

David: Today’s an exciting show because we’re going to talk about a topic that we’ve discussed certain components of it, but we’ve never had a show that was 100% focused in on diseases that actually stem from our mouth. I mean, in fact, I’ve worked with a lot of dentists, and we’ve had a lot of discussions in regard to this, and they say that over 70% of disease actually starts from poor mouth hygiene, amalgams, cavitations, galvanism, root canals. So this is going to be a pretty exciting show.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It is. It’s a big show because I’m always teaching this, David. If you don’t go upstream and find the cause of an illness, then you’ll never get well. I don’t care what medications you take. I don’t care how many supplements, vitamins. I don’t care how good you eat. You’re never going to get rid of those symptoms that you don’t like if you don’t get rid of the source. By the way, David, that’s R1 in the 5R’s of how you fix the cell and how you detox the cell, right, but it is. It’s estimated—I believe it’s higher than 70% that all disease starts in the mouth, right, but when we say that, people are thinking, “Oh, yeah, right.” They may have heard the heart disease component, right? May or may not, but those bacteria that are nasty and getting to a what we call an abnormal oral microbiome could actually end up in the heart and actually cause heart problems. End up in the arteries, and drive inflammation of the arteries, and drive heart problems, and David, you had said that. But I think the diseases we don’t think about are all the unexplainables, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia. Just all the unexplainable hormone related conditions from thyroid, to weight loss resistance, to—I mean, the list piles up when you look at what this right here can cause. And I know people watching this, new people, are thinking what does he mean? I mean, how can—where is it starting from?  Yeah, we’ve heard him talk about amalgam fillings, right? It was part of how I got sick, but I’m talking about stuff beyond amalgam fillings. Yes, that is part of the problem, but it goes beyond that. This mouth and its relationship to the bacteria that affect the bacteria in your gut, I’m pointing down here, it will affect this brain here and your whole immune system. It all starts right here.

David: It’s interesting. We talk about mouth, and we talk about—well, most people, if they’re new here, say, “Well, I go to the dentist twice a year. I get my teeth cleaned. I brush my teeth every day. I’ve got good oral hygiene. Is that enough?”

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, well, it’s showing that it’s not enough because I would have to say this. Every client that—and I treat unexplainable illnesses from all over the world, right? I shouldn’t say treat. I coach unexplainable illnesses, people, from all over the world, and I can promise you, David, all of them have excellent oral hygiene habits. Meaning they all brush their teeth at least twice a day. They all—well, I would say at least 50% of them floss every day. I mean, they all have the same really good habits that, hopefully, you and I have. But again, they’re sick, and yet, most of the time we look here with a problem. So it’s not enough.

David: Let’s talk about one by one. Where would you like to talk—where would you like to go first? Should we talk about how galvanism and some of things that you experienced?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I mean, we can start there. Look, I mean, everybody knows that amalgam fillings have 50% mercury in them. I mean, not everybody watching this show knows that, but I mean in the scientific world. Fifty percent mercury these fillings contain. The old days, the ADA would say, “Well, it’s sealed up in the amalgam. It doesn’t leach out.” That was proven completely wrong. Every scientific body understands that the mercury does leach. So then they moved to a different statement. They moved to a statement that said, “Well, it leaches, okay, but it doesn’t leach in amounts that are causing damage to humans.” Well, look, I mean, volumes of literature say otherwise. Rather it’s the World Health Organization, any government body around the planet really understands that the stuff comes out in amounts that is higher than what our EPA allows any human to be exposed to on a daily basis. I mean, four or five, ten times the amounts. Just by having a couple fillings in your mouth, amalgam fillings, those are the silver fillings, by the way, that they leach more than anybody says is safe, and they’re doing it day in, day out. Every time you drink hot coffee. Every time you brush your teeth. Every time saliva goes across the amalgams, it’s an acid, it releases mercury. Of course, when you’re drinking hot coffee or chewing gum, it’s coming out in volumes. Again, David, it’s not my opinion. It’s not anybody’s opinion. It’s simple fact that the mercury from those fillings ends up in our brains. As a matter of fact, according to many studies, one published in the most prestigious scientific journal on the planet, FASEB, showed the number of silver fillings in your mouth is proportionate on how much mercury is in your brain. Not just in your brain, but in your pituitary hypothalamus. That’s what runs your whole endocrine system: thyroid, adrenals, your hormones, so this—of course amalgams are a major problem.

David: Now there’s two questions that I have in regards to amalgams then. A), people may be listening, especially if they’re a new viewer or listener, and saying, “Well, the dentists say that they’re safe, and they’re still using them,” and B), “Well, then don’t I just take them out?” I know that that can cause even more problems for people who just take them out.

Dr. Pompa: First of all, the dentists are listening to their protected—or the governing body. The ADA, of course, makes these statements because they have to. However, if that dentist looked into it, he would be shocked that he’d been lied to. So far, 100% of the dentists who have looked into the topic beyond what the ADA’s talking points are have come to me, and said, “Whoops. Yeah. I didn’t know that.” Again, it just takes a little bit of investigation, not too hard, to realize, wow, there’s a whole other side to the story. Look, most of the countries of the world, David, are banning these things. There’s bans on them everywhere, except here in the United States. Look, almost every year before Congress there is—because due to public outcry, they look, and they want to bring amalgam to what—label it to what it should be labeled as far as from OSHA goes or from safety standards. Right now, when it’s in your mouth—well, let me back up. Before it goes into your mouth, it’s a hazard, a Type 2 hazard, according to OSHA. I’m sorry, Type 3, meaning that it is considered hazardous waste. The moment it goes in your mouth, same material now, now it’s downgraded to a Type 2 hazard. It’s not hazardous waste anymore. Well, how does this happen? Arguably, because it’s in an acid state, it’s actually more dangerous. For any reason, it should be upgraded. At least, let’s call it the same. Hazardous waste in your mouth not fit to be put in a human. The moment it comes out and hits the dental tray again, oh, now it’s magically downgraded again to—or I’m sorry, upgraded again to hazardous waste the moment it hits the dental tray. Look, I mean, this stuff is polluting the environment, more from a dental office than any outside environmental source. That’s, again, not my opinion. So if you’re someone who is concerned about the environment, well, what about this amalgam filling? It’s getting brushed under the rug. To me, more importantly it’s this. It’s poisoning humans. I was one of them. All you need is some genetically bad detox pathways to get rid of heavy metals, and in 20, 30 years, these things that have been in your mouth, it bioaccumulates in your brain, and now, hormonally, you’re not right. It doesn’t matter how many hormones you take, how much supplements you take, or what diet you eat, and again, those doctors out there that think you’re going to—they’re going to get you well. If you’re seeing a doctor and you still have your fillings in, shame on him because how in the world is he going to get you well with the mercury leaching into your brain, into your body, into your gut, disrupting this microbiome, which we’re going to talk about in a minute. You’re not going to get well. But David, the answer to the second part of your question is do not, I repeat, do not just run out and get these fillings just drilled out. Now, we have a pre-amalgam protocol that we put people on. David, we’re training doctors around the country on all these protocols. We have a protocol that we do during the removal, and go to a dentist, which we call a biological dentist. I’ll give you a website right now. It’s iaomt.org, iaomt.org to find a safer dentist, but just because they’re in that organization does not mean they’re removing amalgams correctly. I would say most are, but a lot of them joined the organization—obviously, it does bring them some business, so ask questions. How are they…

David: And ask…

Dr. Pompa: Go ahead.

David: And ask the right question. I was going to say, ask the right questions because if they remove them improperly—and in previous shows, I’ve heard you talk about how it can cause even greater problems because of that street sweeper effect. Just for the sake of time, go back and watch the show where I interviewed Dr. Grieco, Dr. Derek Grieco. It’s one of these shows that you can go back and it’s backlogged, and we talk more about the safe protocol for removal. Look, I’ll say this at least. You better make sure they’re covering your air space. You better have outside air or oxygen so you’re not breathing the vapor when they’re drilling into that filling. Because when they start hitting that filling with a drill and it’s hot, that mercury vapor explodes. We have—they use a back suction to create negative air pressure to pull the vapor that way and cover your pathways so multiple strategies to make it safe. There’s a pre-program. There’s a program we do. We put a binding agent in called BIND before and after. Then there’s—we also do some vitamin C flushes the day after each removal, and then, the most important mistake of all—or the most important thing of all and the mistake most often made is, four days after the last one comes out, you have to start the proper detox. If you don’t, there’s a honeymoon period of six to nine months, and then, all of a sudden, the “crazies” start. And they never relate it back to the beginning when the fillings out. Once those fillings come out, the body starts to release the mercury. Some people feel better. Many people, in a short period of time, feel worse. You have to detox once the last filling comes out, and another caution, you cannot do true heavy metal detox with those amalgams in your mouth. You cannot. And I urge everyone watching this to read an article that I wrote called When Detox is Dangerous. It’s on my website under articles, When Detox is Dangerous. There’s three parts. Please read that, and you’ll get way more details than I’m covering here. David, that’s the amalgam thing. Now there is something else that I said is a hidden, hidden danger. I would say that the people with all these unexplainable illnesses that come to me and I interview them, many of them have this as a problem, and it’s hidden, and they don’t understand it, and it happened to me. I would say it is the thing that sent me over the edge. It’s something called galvanism, and galvanism simply means you have a battery effect going on in your mouth. You have these silver fillings, and then you have a crown that has a different type of metal, or you have a gold filling, or maybe you have a titanium plate, but bottom line is you have opposing metals, two different metals, in an acid. That’s your saliva. It creates a battery. That’s what a battery is, two opposing metals in an acid. It creates a charge that now causes that mercury to pour out of those fillings. I had a gold—two gold fillings put in in the back. They took out an amalgam, so that vaporized from the amalgam. And by the way, Dr. Derek Grieco, who did the show that I told you to watch, he actually did this to me. He repented. No, he has changed his ways. Trust me. Yeah, nicest guy, but it took years, David. I brought him stuff, and I said, “Derek, I love you.” He was one of my best friends. I said, “But you need to read this. This is how I ended up sick,” and he didn’t want to hear that, and he’s so nice, and of course. But it was two years later that he came back. He said, “Dan, I want to take you to dinner,” and took Merily and I to dinner, and he said, “First, I want to apologize.” I’m like, “Why?” He’s like, “That stuff you gave me, I never read it until recently. You were right,” and he’s like, “and I was wrong, and obviously, dinner’s on me tonight.” And he’s like, “And I was—I’m bringing you here to tell me what to do. How do I change my practice?” So that’s an amazing story.

David: And he did change his practice because of that, and he’s—I mean, this is what he focuses in on.

Dr. Pompa: That’s it. I mean, safe dentistry is huge. Seventy percent of the disease starts here. We’re going to talk more, but here’s the bottom line. He put these gold fillings in. I still had probably four to six amalgams in my mouth, created this galvanism, and it was just downhill from there. It took me years to figure out what was actually going on. So these people that have these different metals in their mouth from bridges, crowns, and then they still have fillings in, danger, danger. It is a disaster. Even the electrical component causes anxiety, and sleep problems, and—as a matter of fact, when I got that out, and I took that galvanism out of my mouth, it was like an absolute amazing difference. I just felt different. I told Merily driving home, “God, I feel different.” I remember, Jay, one of our friends, he had some titanium taken out of his mouth, the same thing. It was like, wow. Driving home it was like he felt everything, his head clearing, his sinuses clearing. That galvanism, just the electrical current causes a problem, and David, many dentists today believe there shouldn’t be any metal in the mouth because it creates a current that the brain obviously cannot handle. So, again, removing the source, we have to look at galvanism and amalgam fillings, but David, it goes further.

David: Go ahead.

Dr. Pompa: No, no. Go ahead. You had a question, but there’s two other…

David: I was going to ask—so here’s a question. There’s all these different type of white composite fillings. Do any of those have metals in them, and is there any concern with them using different composites in your mouth?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, I think one of the safest filling today is the ceramic fillings, which are really inert, really strong. The technology’s come a long way, and then I would say the composite. There’s not metal in it, but the composite fillings, which I have many—I mean, there are BPA and some other chemicals in there that leach out over a few years. Now, look, unlike a filling, the silver fillings, I don’t care if it’s 25 years old—you’ve watched the video on YouTube. That 25 year old amalgam is still off-gassing mercury like it was the—as a matter of fact, arguably, it gets worse as it -inaudible-, right, but with these fillings, they do—a lot of the chemicals are off-gassed in the beginning, and it does dissipate. I’ve looked at the studies over time. However, even these fillings have gotten safer because they even have BPA-free fillings now, so—because composite has some of these plastic components to it. But again, they’ve gotten even safer, but far safer, David, than mercury. That’s for sure.

David: Where should we go next, root canals or cavitations?

Dr. Pompa: Well, I think that they’re both another massively hidden source that happens in people and they don’t know it, but let’s start with a root canal because everybody knows what a root canal is. Cavitation is a different story, but a root canal—look, it’s not, again, my opinion. Most people that have been around safe dentistry for a long time will tell you that there is not one safe root canal. A gentleman, a scientist out of the University of Kentucky named Boyd Haley, did a study having these biological dentists send them removed root canals, which they were calling safe root canals or root canals that were asymptomatic. They didn’t have symptoms associated with them. In 100% of them, had anaerobic bacteria in and around the materials, anaerobic bacteria or bacteria that can survive without oxygen, and they’d get in these root canals, and I’ll explain how. I’ll probably have to draw this, but they get in the root canals, David, because they’re sealed in there. So let’s say you have a cavity, and they say, “Oh, the root is now—the bacteria has affected the root.” So they go in. They take out the root. That’s what a root canal is. Now what’s left is the dead tooth, but the structure is still there, right, the bone that’s in there, but the root is gone. So they take it all out, and then they seal it in, and then they put the fake tooth on the top or the crown on top of it. Okay, that’s basically what a root canal is. So if I could give you a visual. I don’t know if this will work.

David: I’ll freeze it on your screen.

Dr. Pompa: Okay, hold on. Let me draw this up. I’m going to try to draw this as best I can.

David: It’s interesting. When it—I mean, luckily, I’ve never had any of that, so knock on wood. Well, I wouldn’t now anyway, but it just seems so routine and common, and it’s like when you hear about all of this and all the possibilities for bacteria and decay, and that these mercury, and that—it’s very scary.

Dr. Pompa: It should be scary because this is how people get sick, David. All right, ah, my artwork. Okay, so here’s the tooth, right? Okay, so under your gum line—imagine this as being your gum line. Under here is where they extracted the root. So the root came down into here, all right? So they removed this root, and then they seal this off, okay? So this gets sealed. The problem is is there’s literally miles and miles of something called microtubules. These are these little tubes that connect into your bloodstream. I’m drawing arteries and sinus cavities, but these microtubules connect into here. When this is sealed, the problem is, David, these microorganisms, these anaerobic bacteria are sealed into these microtubules, and now, they cause infection that chronically, continually leach these anaerobic bacteria into your bloodstream. Many of them make their way into your gut. Many of them make their way systemically throughout your body. So the problem is is that we seal in these anaerobic bacteria, and so we create a chronic low-grade infection that poisons you slowly. I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve had that get out their root canals, and now, all of a sudden, all their gut allergies go away, all their food allergies, all this problem because they removed a nasty toxic source. I got my root canal out. It was never bothering me. I had no pain. Because the dentist, typically, who said, “Oh, if there’s no pain, you have no infection.” Baloney, it’s not true. These things, all root canals, according to many studies, are dangerous. As a matter of fact, if you google, folks, root canals and breast cancer, watch what comes up. Root canals and cancer period, root canals and throat cancer, thyroid cancer, watch what comes up. These bacteria arguably are more toxic than mercury, so these are major disease causers. If someone has a root canal and they are sick and don’t know what’s wrong, then, look, I mean, you need to get these things removed. So it is a massive problem, and David, yet, there’s one more problem. There’s something called cavitation that releases the same type of these bacteria, anaerobic bacteria. Many people watching this have gotten wisdom teeth removed. When they pull the wisdom teeth out, it can heal over, and if there’s a little bit of the ligament left that holds the tooth in place or any other type of material, infection will create underneath where it healed, and it creates what is called a cavitation, basically, a low-grade infection that typically causes no pain. These bacteria, just like the root canal, end up systemic throughout our body; so many people have these cavitations and don’t know it. There’s a thing called a Cavitat machine that it uses ultra sound to identify them because many people watching us, “Well, how do I know?” Well, it’s very difficult because they don’t always show up on X–ray until they’re very big. Someone very trained into looking at X-ray can look at these lucencies, and they can maybe determine that that might be one. Then they can take a drill and drill in, and it—kinda like, David, if you’re looking for stud in your drywall, right? If you drill in, brmm, and miss the stud, it kind of just falls right in. If you hit the stud, it’s solid all the way through. Well, that’s kind of what they can do. They can go in, and drill in, and if it falls in, then that could, in fact, be a cavitation. So how they fix is they go in and decavitate it. They clear out the infection once they find it and remove it, and remarkably, people get better when they remove these massive toxins.

David: It’s scary, and so many times when I talk with you it’s like new things come up that I never even thought of. I mean, even like when we had that one-on-one conversation when we were down in Florida, and I’m remembering now. My grandfather was in his early 70's, and he had some teeth pulled. And he got what was called the dry socket, and literally, for the next two years, it never healed. And he was in constant pain, and then, all of a sudden, he got brain cancer. He got lung cancer. He literally had cancer all over his body within a year from that happening.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah. These anaerobic bacteria are cancer causers. They disrupt the microbiome in the gut, and so many people today have that disruption, which leads to autoimmune, which leads to all types of allergies and inflammation, not feeling well, joint pain. I mean, we can go on and on, and again, a lot of these people with these bacteria, via root canals or cavitations, they seem to have a lot of pain disorders too. I don’t know why, but it settles in the joints. It drives different types of arthritis, autoimmune. So I mean, these are places that most people don’t look. So when they say that 70% of all disease starts in the mouth, well, of course because we have the most toxic things. Anaerobic bacteria, it drives inflammation to every cell in the body. Mercury, well, third most toxic thing on planet earth, I mean, so it’s no surprise. And we know now more than ever that this microbiome that starts in the mouth and goes all the way through all of our intestines and large intestine, stomach, this bacteria is really what controls how our brain works. I mean, we make neurotransmitters for our brain to work, and feel normal, and not be depressed, and have normal brain function because of the bacteria in our gut and if people would understand that. We’ve done multiple shows on that where these bacteria actually create these chemicals that your brain needs. If you don’t have enough of these bacteria, you don’t create enough of these chemicals and your brain doesn’t work. There’s this amazing connection between the two brains that you’ve heard because if you’ve watched the yogurt commercials on television, that they say that 70 to 80% of your immune system is in your gut. Well, what do they mean by that? Well, there’s certain bacteria that if you don’t have high enough numbers of, you don’t produce a certain amount of immune cells. There’s even things in that—you’ve heard me talk about autoimmune. There’s cells called T regulatory cells that tell our immune system that everything’s okay. When you don’t have enough of a bacteria called bacteroides fragilis, for example, you don’t make enough of these T regulatory cells. The DNA from these bacteria share their information, and they literally help us create these T regulatory cells that tell our immune system everything’s okay. When you don’t have enough of these bacteria, your immune system doesn’t get that message because there’s not enough of these T regulatory cells to regulate it, and therefore, you go autoimmune. You have allergies to pollens. You have food allergies. So again, microbiome, it’s a big part of what we do. David, I call it part of the three-legged stool, right? I mean, we have the gut component, bacteria related. We have the cause, right? We have the other leg of the stool that’s the cause, right? We’re talking about today some of these things right here, and David, you were living in a moldy home, right? You had a mold exposure when you were younger caused problems. Well, that could be that part that creates the problems in the gut, but there’s another component. These causes, whether it’s these bacteria, whether it’s mercury, whether it’s mold, they turn on certain genes, and once we trigger these genes, we have to turn them off. So that three-legged stool is really how we get sick, but it’s also how we can get well. We have to turn off those genes, but the only way to do it is to get rid of these stressors that we’re talking about today and others that we haven’t talked about today, and that also, we have to fix this microbiome. David, this is so dangerous because those toxins alone can just turn on these genes of susceptibility, but they also wipe out our microbiome. So it’s a lose-lose or a win-win for the bad guys. That’s why the mouth is so, so, so critical to, really, people being healthy.

David: Yeah, absolutely, this has been a fantastic show. Any final thoughts to leave to our listeners and viewers?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I mean, I would read those articles that I wrote, When Detox is Dangerous, because I do talk about these things. Go back and watch the show with Dr. Grieco, and we’re going to have some other dentists on in the future because they’ve said, “Dr. Pompa, I really want to come on your show,” and I just had one text me two weeks ago, probably, saying, “I really want to come on your show and talk about the pitfalls in dentistry.” So I really want to do that show again, but listen, don’t just run to your dentist and drill these fillings out. You have to go to someone who understands, and again, caution. Once they do come out, you have to do the right detox. And then there is a different detox for getting rid of these anaerobic bacteria, so there’s a process here. David, that’s why we’re training doctors around the country on these protocols. We take pride in knowing that we are doctors who’ve gone upstream to look for the cause. It’s not about more vitamins and minerals. It’s not about more medications. Although those things can all be helpful at times, but they are crutches. You have to remove the source, R1. That’s the big takeaway. Remove the source. 70%, at least, is coming from here, so hopefully, that helps.

David: Awesome. Thank you, Dr. Pompa. Thank you, everyone, for tuning into another episode of Cellular Healing TV, and we look forward to seeing you next week. Have a great weekend.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.

62: Eating Fat to Lose Fat

Transcript of Episode 62: Eating Fat to Lose Fat

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Meredith Dykstra.

Welcome. We're live. Cellular Healing TV, episode 62. Happy Friday, David. Dr. Pompa, thanks for joining us today. I hope everyone can hear us. We're locked on David right now, so we're showing David's new beard. He wanted to be more like me. He wanted to have a beard like—just kidding. That's not true, but you do look good in a beard. I bet you'd look good in a mustache as well.

I don't know. I've never had one. I figured after all the work that we put into our event in helping and training doctors last week, I just wanted to take a week off of shaving.

That's awesome.

Dr. Pompa:
I don't think you've showered yet.

My daughter bought me as a present, she bought me where they come in and they do the—

The trimmer?

The single-blade shave. She bought me a present, actually, so part of the reason I'm growing it out is to make it easier for doing one of those—it was a gift. I can't remember—The Art of Shaving or something. She bought me a gift.


Dr. Pompa:
Based on the last conversation, David, I don't think you've showered yet since the seminar. I think you were taking that type of break.

I still… – inaudible-.

That's all that matters.

Dr. Pompa:
David said to me, “You need to grow one, too.” Okay, well folks this is about it, man.

It's true. It's true.

Dr. Pompa:
I did grow one. This is it.

He has hair on his head. We have a gift for you. David got a new shaver. Our gift to you today is going to be healthy fats. Recipes, ideas, how to get healthy fats into your life. We released an article last Wednesday, “Eat Fat, Lose Fat.” All the science behind eating fat and weight loss. A little bit about ketosis. A great article. It's inspired a bunch of questions. How do I eat healthy fats? Do I just do olive oil? Sunflower oil? What is it? What are good, healthy fats?

The neat thing is, the follow-up to that article is coming out today, I believe. Let me get the title. It's going to be, “Eat Fat, Lose Fat: Meal Ideas and Recipes.” We're going to hit that today, and go on some other 180° topics. Go ahead, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
Look, Meredith really put together an amazing group of recipes. Actually, the week before that, I had put together—remember my lunch/snack ideas, right? I think I inspired her. She outdid me, big time. Now the battle's on. She's going to win this battle. She already did, because I'm not going to be able to put this together.

In this article coming out, make sure you get it. It's amazing. I went through it. I was looking at it last night. She sent me to proof it. I   was like, “Proof it? Oh my gosh.” I was like, “I can't wait to give this to someone to make these for me.”

Yeah, I thought the same thing. I didn't even realize these existed. These are all on our website now, and the link in this article. I want to go through some of them, because there's no excuse not to eat healthy fats. I'm going to be eating more fats now. There's no other way to integrate it.

Dr. Pompa:
That article stimulated people going, “I don't know how to eat healthy fats.” I always go, “Really?” This is beyond just getting healthy fats in. My gosh, this is going to change my diet here for a few months. Really, fats are easy to get.

Here's the nice thing about fat. It makes you satisfied. That's why food companies play clever games with fat. Look, the low fat days, when they were taking fat out of everything, nobody wanted the food. It was non-addictive, if you will. Phil always talks about bliss point. It had no bliss point. Nobody wanted it.

Then they said, “We have to advertise low fat, of course. We started making man-made fats that would register as no or low fat and yet still give that satisfying feeling of, “I just ate a good meal.” That's what fat does. Of course, fat fixes the brain. Read my brain article. Fat fixes the cell membrane, which changes DNA. We can go on and on. I'll bore people with the science of why we need fat in today's diet.

Genetically, everyone's a little different. We make that argument all the time. However, fats today are missing in everybody's diet in the standard American diet, because we are still running on the heels of low fat. Fat makes you fat. You want to get sick and have heart disease and diabetes, it's fat. We're still running on that. I think, because in our circle, nobody believes that. In the public circle, many people still believe that jargon. It's a dogma that just—I don't know if it'll ever go away.

They say that once something gets going in government, they never, ever let go. They never change directions. You can't change that train, man, heading in that direction.

They call that, in life, the culture code. Once the culture is built around it, whether it's an unrealistic fear—you can go back. I'm just trying to grab straws, but Dracula or whatever. An area, it becomes like that it's real. A lot of people in our culture believe that eating a low fat diet is the way to health. Oh, and by the way, another 180° concept—let me show you the picture, which is me. We'll do a whole show on this, but the food pyramid. At the very top, eat little. Right on a food pyramid, it'll say, “eat little.” Can everyone see that? Guess what's in that little, tiny triangle?

Dr. Pompa:

Fat. At the bottom?

Dr. Pompa:

They say eat 8-10 servings or something a day, grains, at the bottom.

Dr. Pompa:
It says whole grains, right?

Guess what happens when you—how it should be? 180° opposite, where you flip it. You should have the bulk of your calories coming from fats. It's crazy. It's a 180°. No wonder the low fat diet is stuck. This is like Dr. Pompa says. Once it's stuck in the government and stuck in a system, they're never going to go back. The diabetic diet plan—if you follow this, you will die of the disease of your genetic weakness, because of the inflammation that would drive in your life. It's wrong.

Dr. Pompa:
Let me say this. Let me categorize things for people. Then Warren, I do want you to read some of these off here. We'll give the people watching a good heads up to inspire them to go after more of these. Look, if I asked most—not most of our viewers, but let's say new viewers. Let's say you're new viewers, “What are the bad fats?” Everyone always starts with hydrogenated oils, which those are bad fats. Those are man-made fats, became popular in the 50's and 60's, the margarine and everything. Now we've learned, right? We learned that those aren't good.

What do we replace these bad fats with? One of the big bad fats that's in everything that we're eating is vegetable oils. Nobody says vegetable oils when I ask them, “What are the bad fats?” Nobody. These fats might as well be trans fats, because that's what they turn into. Rancid fats. They're called polyunsaturated fats. Very unsaturated. Vegetable oil is great in vegetables, where they're protected. When you pull these polyunsaturated fats out of vegetables, now they are sensitive to light, to heat. They oxidize, even in the processing. Then they go in you and they just cause inflammation of the cell.

Vegetable oils are in everything. Cookies, breads, chips. You name it, they're there. They come in many different names, like canola oil, which is all over Whole Foods, and many other different oils. Watch out for them.

In the “Cellular Healing Diet” book, I think it's page 19—there's been some edits, Warren, so I apologize if I'm wrong. There is a page that talks about, here's the oils that you can heat and the ones you can't heat, so you don't make a good fat bad. Be careful with some of this.


Dr. Pompa:
Real fast, David, let me finish this point. I'm going to turn it right back to you. The bad fats that everybody says, when asked. They don't say vegetable oil. They'll say trans fats and they say cholesterol and saturated fats. Those are the fats of evil in most people's eyes. I'm here to say, the 180° on this is that those two fats are really the most important fats, the most missing fats, in the American diet today. We need cholesterol and saturated fat. We'll talk about some of those sources.

I love olive oil. That's a monosaturated fat. It's not polyunsaturated, it's a monounsaturated fat. There's others. Avocado oils, almond oil. There's great fats here in these categories of saturated, mono, and poly. The polys are very, very fragile. The monos are stable, and the saturates are stable. David?

You actually stole one of the things I was going to say. I'm with you a lot, and I now eat olive oil. I put just olive oil on my salad. I don't even need balsamic vinegar. If you have really good olive oil, it has that strong, peppery taste to it, that bite to it. I'll eat olive oil every day.

Another one that's derived from coconut is that you've got me—that MCT oil that comes in a glass bottle that I'm using every day too.

Dr. Pompa:
Stop right there. I hear you have two good fats. The coconut oil, or MCT oil, that's medium chain triglycerides. That's a different strain of fat. Those medium chain triglycerides are absorbed very quickly and almost give you instant energy.

Funny story, because back in the day when everyone came after coconut oil, which is loaded with saturated fats and medium chain triglycerides, everyone went after it saying—matter of fact, they used to pop popcorn in it, which is a great idea, by the way, because it takes the heat very good. They used to do that in movie theaters, and they were like, “Oh no, this causes heart disease. These saturated fats.”

Can you believe that?

Dr. Pompa:
A bad thing, so they took it out. In that time period, farmers thought, “We are going to make our cows very fat.” They started lacing things with coconut oil and these things in coconut oil, like the medium chain triglycerides. What happened was humorous. Their cows became gaunt. They lost weight. They became ripped, shredded, nonfat cows. Yeah, so lesson number one. If you want to get fat, don't eat coconut oil or these saturated fats and medium chain triglycerides like that, because you will get skinny.

I just last night was reading another article talking about how saturated fats are being used to reverse diabetes. How is this fats in these studies? These people are getting better. The authors said, “We did this study saying, we're going to look at—” they were looking at other parameters on diabetics and things. They thought, “Surely, we're going to cause heart disease and make the heart disease risk go up.” The opposite happened.

It is comic.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. They were shocked by the outcome. Of course they were shocked! I wouldn't have been shocked.

The world's shocked. It's a 180° concept. We really have in our culture that fat's going to make you fat, but it's a 180° opposite. Eat more fat, you lose fat. You get leaner. I wonder if we could do that with racehorses, or lean them up. It obviously helps with metabolism. I don't know. I'm trying to think of another way to help the industry by eating fats. Go ahead, let's go.

One of the things that we've talked about in the past—but since we're talking about fats, especially MCT oil, some of it comes in a glass bottle. The one that I get on your website comes in a glass bottle. Some of them that we can buy come in a plastic HDPE, high-density polyethylene bottle. Does the packaging matter?

Dr. Pompa:
Anytime you put fat in plastic, I don't like it. Bad idea. Fat leaches things, pulls things in. Especially plastic. Yeah, that's why when I buy olive oil, you always want it in glass. You don't want olive oil in plastic. Any fat, like I said, any fat should never be stored in plastic. Keep that in mind.

Warren, I was doing this because I see Warren's brain spinning on things. Really, what Warren's brain was doing was spinning on a business idea. We should come up with a product that we can give to—believe me, you played that off…

Yeah, I just quit because no one really knew where I was headed with that. You got me. You know me, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
I'm the idea guy, honestly. We've got so much going on. I don't come up with ideas as much anymore. Warren now comes up with more ideas than me on a weekly basis. I'm proud to say, I'm becoming more into details, and Warren's becoming more appearance.

It's a 180°!

Another 180°. These recipes, guys. I'd love to bring Meredith in on this even, because she just took on these recipes for us in the article.

If she's listening, send her down. If anyone's listening from the team, and I'm sure there's a few listening. These recipes aren't even live yet. For this article, she created—we have tons of great ones there already, on DrPompa.com. I think it's called the recipes and exercise tab. There's tons of recipes there. She's released another one, two—let me get the email Mark just sent over. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, high-fat recipes. The links aren't live yet, so I just have him sent me over the non-published links from our website.

Let's go through one of these, Dan. This is your favorite, so you'll be able to speak about this one passionately, but bone marrow butter. Talk about an amazing fat. Why is bone marrow butter so stinking healthy for you? You can come in here if you want and talk about your recipes.

Dr. Pompa:
All the saturated fats and cholesterol, right? Those are the two fats that fix hormone problems. There's Meredith! David, hit the applause button. Come on.

I don't have it on.

She did come up with all these amazing recipes. She lives by them. That's the cool thing. You're getting things that are actually used and tested, not only by Meredith, but by all of our clients across the nation. There's this big release. I don't know how many new ones she put up there again. She probably knows it all off by heart, but one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, whatever recipes. One of our favorites is the bone marrow butter. Let's talk about that. Dr. Pompa and Meredith, you guys should have a conversation here.

Dr. Pompa:
I just said why it's so good, and I didn't even mention the type 2 collagen, which is in there as well. It's good for your skin, your muscles, your joints. I just said to my wife, “I've got to purposely eat more of this stuff.” Here in my 50th year, I've got to keep my joints better. Warren, as you know, jumping around up onstage like a teenager, I twisted my knee because the stage was uneven and hurt my medial meniscus. This stuff will help me fix that. Can you hear me there, Meredith? Tell us what's in it!

The bone marrow butter?

Dr. Pompa:

Yeah, it's grass-fed butter, and it's salt, pepper. You just make it with the marrowbone. The grass-fed aspect is the most important, of course, as you know. As we talk about the grass-fed meats, it's not the same if you don't have the grass-fed. Getting that in with the good fats, as you guys have been talking about, it's key.

Bone marrow butter, that sounds really complicated though, to make something like that. Is that complicated?

Not at all. Very easy. Roasting the bones is the key part, and just making it really taste good.

What is roasting the bones?

Putting them in the oven. A little salt, pepper, some herbs, if you want to throw them in. I like rosemary a lot with it. Just giving them that roasted flavor really enhances the depth of flavor in the butter.

Grass-fed bones. Can you guys hear me? Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa:
Turn towards her. If you turn towards her, we can hear you.

So how do you roast the bones? Do you have to do anything?

I get them from a local butcher that, he has 100% grass-fed cow bones. I get them from him. They just come in small pieces, so you just put them on a pan and maybe a little parchment paper underneath, to make the clean up a little bit easier. I don't know. I think I roasted it—so it said in the recipe, just roast it at 425° F for about 15 minutes, until they get a little bubbly. You can tell when they're done.

Sometimes I like to just eat them out of the oven, just scooping that bone marrow out and just eating it as a snack or an appetizer for a meal.

Do they come cut in half?

Yeah. They come in pieces, usually.

I know that marrow bones that I would get, say from Whole Foods, grass-fed, if you request them sometimes, they'll allow that. If it's in a whole bone, we don't have a bone saw, so just tell the butcher to cut those bones in half for you?

You usually can just buy them frozen, which we have them in our store frozen as well, here, in our retail store here in Pittsburgh. You can walk right in, and we have them in our freezer. We can give you just the little pieces of the bone that you can make the bone stock with, as well, which you guys know you've talked about, is a really amazing thing, too.

Dr. Pompa:
I want to do something fun for our viewers, if they hang in here until the end of this show. I want you to pick up your computer, and I want you to take a tour of our store for our people.

That's a great idea.

Dr. Pompa:
That's a great idea. Most people watching this order online, and actually never get to see actually where it comes from. I think that would be really fun. Matter of fact, we could probably do a whole show on it, and show people different things for different conditions. I could narrate it. That would be great, right? Wouldn't that be? We did that in Dr. Pompa's refrigerator and cabinet one time. That was a blast.

You have a much bigger cabinet there that Meredith oversees.

Let's go to breakfast. Every woman knows what to eat—

Dr. Pompa:
Oh great. Can I say one more thing before breakfast?

For my daughter this morning, I made her dippy eggs. I don't like to cook the eggs a lot. I cook them as little as possible, just because I don't want to de-nature some of the enzymes and fats. Cooking eggs is fine, but I like to cook them gently as possible for her. That wasn't enough. I wanted to get some more good fats in her. She didn't want to eat them, but it's not her choice. We're still the parents. She had to eat some avocado. There's this great, fun recipe, especially for your kids, that I've eaten multiple times, but hers looked the most beautiful. That's actually one of your pictures, isn't it?

That is. Not a stock image. That's mine.

Oh man, that looks so good. A baked egg in an avocado. Tell us about that for a breakfast idea.

Very simple. The key with the baked egg in the avocado is scooping enough avocado out of the egg so that the egg doesn't spill over. You do want to scoop that up. You can just eat it straight up. Yeah, cut it in half. Make sure you scoop enough avocado out before you put the egg in. Then season it and bake it. It's incredibly simple, and it has a beautiful presentation. It looks way more impressive than it is, because it's so easy to make.

Meredith, I am getting so hungry. My mouth is watering as you're describing these foods. Oh my gosh.

Come on up to Pittsburgh, and we'll make some breakfast sometime. I guess it'd have to be later in the day. Wouldn't fit into the fasting.

Yeah, my intermittent fasting. Also, I'm getting really, really hungry.

Makes a great lunch.

Dr. Pompa:
Move on to lunch. The one that stood out to me was the rich soup made with the cauliflower and the coconut and the sautéed vegetables. Oh my gosh, that sounds amazing. It seemed easy to make.

Very easy and full of good fat. Coconut milk is just one of my favorite things to make recipes creamy. It's just so easy. You dump it right in. I get the organic, canned coconut milk. You want it to be full fat. None of the light. Just totally full fat. Actually, when you're buying the light coconut milk, they're just adding water to it. It's not even a good deal at all. You're better off buying the full fat. If you want to add water to it to thin it out, you can. Basically, the light is just not good. You want to get the full fat coconut milk and a BPA-free can, as well, is key.

-Technical Issues-

Yeah, BPA-free can is key as well. I think Forest is a brand I use, and Natural Value. Those are some brands that have a BPA-free lining in the cans. Yeah, so you're just going to add a can of coconut milk into a lot of different soups if you want to make them creamy. You can also use raw, grass-fed, heavy cream for that creaminess as well, if you tolerate dairy. Either option. Having that fat in the soup makes it so satisfying for lunch and keeps you going throughout the day.

Dr. Pompa:

Why don't you run a screen share really fast? Look at this screen.

Dr. Pompa:
Let's go to dinner. Before we leave lunch—

Warren's showing us something on his screen, but it's not locked on his screen, so we can't see it.

Cauliflower soup. This isn't even live, that we saw. Then, here is the bone marrow. You can see our list right here. Did you do this picture?

No. That is not my picture.

I was going to say, that is really good.

That'd be a really pretty picture. I'll take it next time I make it.

This one's real.

That's real. A lot of them are real on the site.

I'm getting hungry!

Alright, Dr. Pompa. I'll switch it back to you.

Dr. Pompa:
The other thing in lunch that stood out to me was the collard green burritos. Oh my gosh. That's so you don't have to put the thing on it, right? It's just wrapped in a collard green?

You just wrap it up, just like a burrito. It's just a great grain-free way to eat a sandwich. You just steam that leaf. With the collard greens, you want to remove the stem, which is really important. The stem is just not so tasty and just not something you really want to eat. You get those big, beautiful leaves. They look like elephant ears. You just want to make sure to de-stem it properly and steam it, because with any green cruciferous vegetable, like kale or broccoli, cauliflower, you want to steam those vegetables to reduce their goitrogenic, which disrupt thyroid function, as you know, Dr. Pompa.

What was that? I don't know what—

Yeah, cruciferous vegetables like collard greens, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, they have goitrogens in them, goitrogenic properties, which in high amounts, if you eat a lot of these raw vegetables, they can actually disrupt thyroid function. That's another challenge, as a little side note, when people are drinking a lot of green juices with a lot of raw kale in them. You're getting a really high level of goitrogens in it. You want to be careful if you have any thyroid compromise going on.

Dr. Pompa:
Someone who's not struggling can do it. Their body processes it. If you're already in a thyroid situation, it can become very problematic. Small amounts, you said that, your body can deal with it. When people are drinking these drinks and eating it daily, it's a problem. Very good. Very good.

I'll tell you, the dinner that stands out for me, again, just looking right down, is the Portobello pizzas.


Yeah, very fun, huh? Just another twist. Yes, you can have pizza. Yes, you can have a burrito. You just substitute other, alternative ingredients. You don't have to have the grains and all those things that produce inflammation. Yeah, so super fun. Super easy. You just get a Portobello mushroom, which you can get very easily. Just make sure to clean them out. Dry them properly. Then just top them with your favorite toppings. It's very versatile. You can add meat. You can add cheese. You can just add vegetables, if you want. A very attractive appetizer, or can be an entire meal as well. Great for all ages.

Dr. Pompa:
I want to point something out. Not only are these meals high in fat, but there's no grain in any of them. Most Americans—cultures today, but especially ours, we eat grain with everything. Grain with every meal. Humans, of course, can ingest some grain, when you're a healthy human, right? We take all grains away from people who are challenged. We eat way too many carbohydrates. I've looked at studies where they call it a low-carbohydrate diet, Meredith, and it's 200 grams of carbohydrate a day. Do you ever get that many in your diet? I sure don't.

No. In the past I did, but not anymore.

Dr. Pompa:
You know when I would move people to what I call a high or healthy carbohydrate diet, doing some diet variation, I moved them to 150. Most of them are going, “I don't think I can eat 100 grams of carbs in a day,” because they've been trained so well. Yeah, but the American diet is loaded with grain. Even whole grains, which we say in Warren's pyramid should be flipped, because whole grains still raise glucose, still drive inflammation—especially the amounts that we're eating. Grain today is hybridized GMOs. Most grain is inflammatory-causing. That's why we get rid of it, and we bring in these really good fats. It's not hard. Meredith, I have to say this. You eat extremely high fat. Look at this girl, right? We're going to make a little action figure from her.

I love fat, yeah. When you eat enough fat, you're so satisfied that you're not looking for those grains or those carbohydrates. Your blood sugar's balanced. When you feel good—especially good fat in the morning is so key for me. I wake up. I put coconut oil, or I have some fat in my morning beverage. Throughout the day, then I have a high-fat protein lunch. In the evening, I have some more healthy carbohydrates and starches, just to satisfy that and spike the blood sugar a little bit. I feel that I sleep better through the evening when I have a little bit more starchy carbohydrate in the evening, so your blood sugar doesn't dip in the middle of the night.

I found that to really work for me. The high fat, it makes me feel so good. It makes me think more clearly. I have that even blood sugar, so I'm not dipping with my energy throughout the day. I have that energy. It's great. I love the fat. Really, it's an important thing to eat in our diets.

Meredith, you just brought something up that's important. It's something that we didn't talk about. You said, “think more clearly,” and there's a whole other side benefit of why people are having all the challenges of thinking clearly. People are cutting fats out of the diet. Dr. Pompa, do you want to talk about this a little bit more?

Dr. Pompa:
David, I actually wanted you to share your breakfast there with us.

My breakfast?

Dr. Pompa:
Tell us about it.

Organic coffee, French press. I go through my morning routine ritual. I have French press organic coffee.

Dr. Pompa:
Shade grown.

Shade grown. In fact, on your website, everyone can get a free pound if they'd like, of the exact coffee that we all use on DrPompa.com. You have a link for it. Then I use the NuMedica MCT Oil. One of the things that Meredith mentioned is getting our brains going. What is our brain made out of? It's made out of fat. The first thing in our body in the morning is fat. There's no sugar in here. I use heavy cream. You've got the grass-fed heavy cream. You put everything together, you've got a great good fat beverage to get yourself going.

One of the things that, if I have my coffee like this in the morning—and sometimes I use—what's that butter oil? Warren or Meredith, what's that butter oil?

The X-Factor Butter Oil.

Thank you. The X-Factor Butter Oil. I think I have the almond flavor or something like that, I got, actually, when I was up in Pittsburgh last time or two times ago. One of the things that I know is—unless I'm seeing Meredith put all these amazing recipes up that she developed. However, normally if I have this, I can go until 2:00 and not be hungry. Not even think about food. Then I can have some fat and some protein. Probably not as great as you, because I'm not good at putting together lunches and beverages, but it's the same concept.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way David, that's exactly what I do. Look, we do drink the same coffee. In here, when you put these good fats like a medium chain triglyceride in there or even a good grass-fed cream, right, it doesn't break your intermittent fast, because it's used so quickly. Matter of fact, medium chain triglycerides make you burn fat. They're absorbed, they're literally absorbed that quickly. It really becomes something that just satisfies you. Again, we really don't eat until 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon, where we eat again. We all do the same thing. Meredith said the same thing. A little protein and fat meal, smaller meal typically, and then the bigger dinner. It's not hard. We all do the exact same thing. David, I just watched you rip off more weight. You stared away, and then you got back to it, and boom!

You know, it's interesting. I actually weigh more.

Dr. Pompa:
You're working out again, too.

Yeah. I weight about eight to ten pounds more, but the same small clothes fit me. I just look a lot better.

Yeah, you got your six-pack back.

Yeah. MCT Oil is amazing for fat burning. It's amazing, for sure, in our store. It's my favorite thing for fat burning, for sure.

Dr. Pompa:
I use X-Factor Butter Oil all the time. I love it. I use the MCT. Coconut oil, I had yesterday. Yeah, these are good fats. Real, grass-fed butter. These are great cholesterol and saturated fats. They're great.

Do you want to walk around the store, because we've got to wrap up the show? Do you want to maybe do that?

Dr. Pompa:
Do it. Do it.

Okay, let me grab the computer. There might be a little delay here, but hold on.

Hey, Meredith? She can't hear us. Dr. Pompa, we need to get Meredith back again. She's awesome.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah, no doubt.

You're back on. You heard us.

I don't know.

Oh, they froze.

Dr. Pompa:
They're coming back.

She's like a wealth of knowledge. Oh my gosh.

Dr. Pompa:
She's like us. She doesn't just preach it. She lives it. She's amazing. People call the store. She has read, she has edited, she has helped write all those articles, like the one coming out. She's amazing. I love it. I know that if I write an article, I can send it to her. She knows how I want something. She knows my voice. She's read everything that I've done, watched every video. She is a wealth of knowledge. She's an extension of me, and I love having that.

Oh yeah. Just listening to her explain the recipes and the psychology behind everything that was put together—and you're right. For everyone who doesn't know, obviously, you have your-


-Technical Issues-

Dr. Pompa:
We love field trips. We're being patient. Everyone's patiently waiting. Trust me, they love field trips. Remember in school, the day you had a field trip? You got to get on the bus the half day and go somewhere? Were those the greatest days?

I just had a flashback to fourth or fifth grade.

We did it!

Dr. Pompa:
Me too! My brain went to one of my field trips.

Alright, here we go. We're walking out my office door.

Why don't we lock on your camera, Warren? That way, you can show.

Like this?


Okay, so it's going to be hard to hear Meredith. I'm going to close this.

I can do Vanna White.

Alright, so I'm going to walk you around. This is the store.

Dr. Pompa:
Go down. That's it. Oh yeah.

Let's look at some high fat products that we carry.

Dr. Pompa:
Warren, start like you're walking in the front door.

Okay, I'll do that. Alright. We have nine more minutes, because I have a conference call. Alright. Here we are at Revelation Health. There's our sign. Everybody seeing that okay?

Dr. Pompa:
It's sunny.

It is sunny. There's Meredith. 2772 Harts Run Road. Alright, into the front door. It's a beautiful, beautiful store. Revelation Health. Logo designed by Tara. Those are the stairs to our team upstairs. There's all the shelving. You can see that back there. There's more shelving over here.

There's a chair there. What is that?

There's a chair. There's product over there. This is the front desk, when you walk in. That's where Meredith sits. She helps all the walk-in clients. Let's go some fats. We also have some shelving here, too, for some healthy bars. Some new—they're grass-fed and organic meats, turned into a bar. Really good. Let's do some fats, because that was the theme for today.

Here's the MCT Oil.

That's the MCT Oil that David was talking about. Really, really great product. The only one that I could find that was all coconut oil derived. I know the palm oil can upset your stomach, and they can't handle a lot of it. I know so many individuals that can't handle the palm oil, so this is straight coconut oil. It's in a glass container.

I am one of those individuals. I cannot handle palm oil.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, there's our coconut oil. Love that stuff.

Yeah, we had just what you said, Dr. Pompa, with the cows. They got skinny. This has actually been on Oprah, I believe, Skinny Coconut Oil, or one of those big shoes. The prices did go up a bit after they became huge, but this is 100% raw. You don't want to cook with this. You just want to eat it. Just straight up eat that stuff, and it'll make you skinny. Lots if other products here, obviously.

The Colostrum.

The Colostrum is derived.

The collagen.

Yeah, the collagen. We actually have a new one coming as well, another collagen protein. Great for your skin. Great for your joints Yep, so that's derived from bones, right?

Dr. Pompa:
Yep. Great protein source for after working out.

Grass-fed meats and bones.

CVO Oil.

Ah, the CVO Oil. Yeah. Just to get extra fats. Actually, I need one of those.

Dr. Pompa:
That's good for increased particle number. We don't look at total cholesterol. We don't care about that. Some of the healthiest people that live the longest have high cholesterol. If you have high particles, that's the product for you. That runs in my family, so I love that product.

Oh, that's the cell membrane and the brain product. Those are the fats for the brain and the cell membrane. Good stuff. I rotate all the time. Those are great. I have patients rotate between vistas and CVO oil.

There's the krill oil.

We have the Amasai and SueroGold.

Yeah, the Amasai and SueroGold. Yeah, grass-fed.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, krill oil is in CVO oil.

Here's the butter oil.

Dr. Pompa:
Good fat. The Amasai. All good fats. Grass-fed. High levels of Vitamin D, Vitamin K—wasn't it Vitamin A, as well?


K2. Vitamin K2.

Dr. Pompa:
Is that a goat behind her? Nope? Okay?

Nope, not a goat.

Dr. Pompa:
Show the X-Factor.

That's what David got two times ago, when he was at the office. He brought that home and was eating that. If you don't want to cook, and you just want to get up and pop some fats, this makes it easy for you.

Dr. Pompa:
That's always part of my 2:00, 3:00 meal, is that stuff right there. I love that stuff.

That's awesome. We do have eggs here. Sometimes we're sold out, but we have a grass-fed butter. We get organic eggs, too, from Alderfer. Great, great local grass-fed, free-range chickens.

Krill oil.

Yep. XanthOmega. It's just straight krill. Really great for fats.

How about the Whey Cool?

The Whey Cool, yeah.

Look at that.

Dr. Pompa:
I'll use that with some fat. I'll use just that as a protein source. You can put that in Amasai. You can put it in the SueroGold. You can put it in water. Some raw milk. Then you eat some of the X-Factor Butter Oil or coconut oil. There's your fat and perfect protein meal. Two, three in the afternoon. That's typically as big of a meal as I go, if I'm at home.

Hemp oil. Oh, four-to-one ratio. Amazing fat right there, folks. Amazing stuff. Great for the brain and the cell membrane.

The chia seeds we sold out of, but Meredith—

There's some in the fridge, because I left them there.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, the pudding. It's on the recipe, how to make the pudding overnight. Have Meredith speak to that, but we probably have to go. Oh, there you go. That stuff makes pudding. I use it in cereal. I pour my raw milk or Amasai with it and eat it like cereal.

I put it in the whey water every day, in the afternoon.

The other amazing thing which you were just talking about is the beef bone. See how they're cut? The marrow is in the middle. Then, this is what you roast. You roast them like this on a pan. You would roast them like this on the pan, right?


She didn't hear what I said. There they are. Awesome. Super healthy fat. We even carry the Himalayan sea salts from Frontier in our whole herbal line for our local—and you can get it all online, actually. I think that's about it, as far as the—

Dr. Pompa:
Do me one favor to end on. Go over to that piece of art that a patient made me. I just want to show that to people.

It's right out of the ancient text, baby.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. If you could, just summon that in there. That's a spine. That's showing that look, the brain, the hands of God are coming down, giving that innate intelligence in all of our nerve system that heals us. Maybe read a couple of the scriptures that stand out.

It's powerful. Right away, it's the 180°concept, Dr. Pompa. “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world.” That's what the world's telling you, what TV's telling you, what life is telling you. You can't make it. You have to eat this way. Eat the sugar. Don't be conformed to that stuff. Do a 180°. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, watching this show, reading good information, attending high-level seminars where you learn truth, watching this show every week, sharing the message. Renewed by the renewing of your mind. That's putting the right information in. Then, you'll be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good and pleasing and perfect will.

When you educate yourself, when you think 180° and live 180°, you're going to do what God created your body to do, which is to thrive, be healthy, be happy, to have great relationships. Man, it's a 180° concept. That is right one. That is Hosea 4. That's not Hosea 4. That's Romans 12. Let's read Proverbs 16, an amazing proverb. Another 180° concept. Can you see it?

Dr. Pompa:

Proverbs 16. I want you to read this one, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa:
“My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge. ‘Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests: Because you have ignored the law—'” can't read below it.

“—the law of your God—”

Dr. Pompa:
“—of your God, I also will ignore your children.” Hosea 4. “My people are dying from the lack of knowledge.” God's saying, look [44:30] because people, I'm bringing you a knowledge, and you're ignoring it. Now these consequences will happen. It's amazing, but that's exactly what is happening today. Gosh, our 180° concept, Warren, is in that. I haven't seen that in years. A patient made that for me years ago. Gosh, that's so unbelievable. We need to utilize that more. It's always been God's word. Always.

You just said that. It was just really off-the-cuff. Again, this is ancient text, man. This is the truth. This is how you live your live by, no matter what you believe. These proverbs, these principles, are true and right, and they land you, 100% of the time, on the right path, man. Your spine is like a path. Even in that image, just absolutely incredible.

Dr. Pompa:
About the children, Warren. That's what God's been laying on my heart. A way to the children. He said, “Look what's going to happen to your children.” I forgot that was in that prophecy. God has been laying that on my heart, to wait until the children hit their 30s. My children's generation, when they hit their 20s and 30s, there's going to be an explosion. An epidemic like we can't even imagine, the sickness and the unexplainable sickness. I believe God is raising up a group, and we're leading it, of doctors across this planet that are answering the cry of those people. I believe it in my heart, man, and that's what drives me. I'm not going to not listen. It's like yes, these things are going to happen because of a lack of knowledge, but I'm going to answer the cry. That's what makes us click, man, day in, day out. Doesn't it?

That's what drives us. We have an unquenchable why, so we never get tired of what we do. We love what we do. We love sharing this information to you. We get feedback from across the world, all over the world, how these little concepts and what we're doing here in our local, little store, how Cellular Healing TV, the great team. David, Phil, we can go on and on. We're just growing this mission with all of you, because you're part of this with us.

We're doing this together. We can't do it alone. We need a team. You are our team, you listening now today. Thanks for being on this show. Thanks for touring this office with us, the official tour. Revelation Health, here locally. There's Meredith's degrees, by the way. Good job. She's a Certified Nutritional Consultant. We love you, and we'll see you next time. Have a great weekend.

Great show.

Dr. Pompa:


61: Ancient Healing Strategies

Transcript of Episode 61: Ancient Healing Strategies

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Warren Phillips.

Alright, we're live. Once again, on Cellular Healing TV, episode 61. I'm Warren Phillips, here as co-host.

Dr. Pompa:
I'm in his space. I'm in his space.

We haven't done a show in a while. I've been busy.

Dr. Pompa:
It's true! Yeah, Warren hasn't been there.

I'm really excited to be back. We're getting great feedback on Phil Kaplan being on the show, co-hosting with Dr. Pompa. Thank you. Phil's going to be on with us more. We're definitely integrating some of his strategies and solutions in with Cellular Healing TV. We want to bring it to the world. Speaking of which, we're on top of the world right now. We're on the 66th floor at the Westin.

Dr. Pompa:
Show them.

We have a training with our doctors, so there's the downtown—well, it's a side of downtown Atlanta. It's over there. We like to show you where we're at when we're training.

Dr. Pompa:
You can see the stadium there or somewhere. Oh, it's blocking it. You could see the stadium.

Anyway, we take you with us wherever we go. We do have an event here where we're training our platinum physicians, so we do have a network of doctors, if you need to be coached, just so you know. You can write us through DrPompa.com. Go to our website. Now we can hook you up with one of our trained practitioners.

Dr. Pompa:
This topic is actually something I'm always reminding our doctors what we do and why it's so different.

It is different.

Dr. Pompa:
Functional medicine has gotten very popular. Functional medicine. Functional medicine. People always say to me, “What do you do?” There's always this great pause, because I never know quite how to explain it. I end up coming out with, when I'm speaking to other practitioners, “I guess it's functional medicine.” Immediately I say, “Yeah, but it's—” it's just I hate saying that word. You can tell that I'm pausing, because I—

One, it's not medicine, because we're not practicing—and two, it has a bad name. It's the this for that. It's like, here's functional medicine. It's not that well known right now, but it is getting some legs, and it does help people. It's running some blood work—

Dr. Pompa:
Some people use the word “functional nutrition,” which I would say that's a little more appropriate, right? That's not what's more known. Functional medicine is what's caught on.  I hate the word, because I feel like we do some things that are so much greater, better. To me, functional medicine is giving people more vitamins and minerals. Homeopathy, whatever it is. Whatever you're doing.

It all has value, but it's not really—

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it all has value. I'm not saying it doesn't.

—our core concept.

Dr. Pompa:
Right, but our core concept obviously does pull back to the cell. This show talks about ancient healing strategies. Now, ancient healing strategies is a part of how we got our lives back.

Yeah, God put this on your heart.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. We had to fix the cell to get well. Ancient healing strategies, things that really work with the body's innate intelligence, the intelligence that God put there, that have been around for thousands of years, that I find very few practitioners actually do. Very few.

My history, actually, in this, obviously starts with our own interest. Even before I got sick, I had a great interest in this type of healing. With the philosophy that hey, if we just remove the interference, the body can do the healing. Our detox, that surrounds what we do at the cellular level. It surrounds, really, everything that God has shown us with that philosophy in healing. A lot of it came back when I had an interest in fasting.

Actually, it started when you were a kid and your mom told you God made dirt and dirt won't hurt. We'll explain why that's important later in the show.

Dr. Pompa:
That's true. I played in dirt. When you just said that, I immediately went back and I started visualizing places where I played in the dirt. Yeah, I could see it there in my backyard. I could see—

There's truth inside of that statement.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt. Actually, ironically enough, this is a little funny story—

I'm getting you off on a trail.

Dr. Pompa:
I like this, though. I don't mind it. I decided to sell dirt. This is a true story. My idea was, let's go around and we'll get all the cans we can. The old coke cans that were in the neighborhood. We had this, what I convinced everybody was really good dirt. Actually, I think it was. It was this really soft, amazing dirt. I thought that this dirt would grow people's vegetables better. I thought we could sell the dirt. Literally I had all of the kids in the neighborhood, we were filling up cans of dirt. We had hundreds. We put them in our little red wagons and hooked them up to our bikes, and we went door-to-door selling dirt.

Of course people bought it, right? They didn't buy it because they thought that they wanted dirt. They bought it because they felt bad for us.

Right, right. Quarter a can.

Dr. Pompa:
I literally thought I was going to go into the dirt business. I'm thinking, if these people bought it, then of course, we can go beyond that. If I'd have known Warren back then, we would've been in the dirt business.

We would've been. It's a good business. It is. We could have sod farms. It'd be all-organic, though

Dr. Pompa:
Fast forward, though. The dirt is healing. We're partly in the dirt business, giving people microorganisms, which is a 180°. The bacteria that was in that dirt, which I didn't know, I should've told them to eat it. If I could've convinced them to eat it, I would've changed lives even then.

Back in the day, Jordan, one of his number one products was soil organisms.

Dr. Pompa:
Dirt, yeah.

It transformed people's guts. Let's get back to your ancient healing strategies. Fasting. Way back, the days of water fasting.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, water fasting. I took an interest in water fasting. I don't recall how I got there, but it is an ancient healing. Animals do it instinctively. I was very into, the body knows what to do. Still am. It's still what I preach and teach. The body does know what to do. I'm always reminding my clients that oftentimes, we just have to step out of the way.

Warren, I have some really difficult clients and cases. You learn in it. Through the years, I've learned that when somebody's body is starting to shut down—and it just so happens I have three cases right now that I'm dealing with this on. They come in droves, where you get the really, really hard ones. I watched something happen in these cases every time. We get to the point that they literally, and this is always hard to believe, but they can't eat one bite food. They definitely can't take a supplement, they can't take medication, and their body reacts. Imagine this.

It'd be scary.

Dr. Pompa:
One of my recent clients who may be watching, he literally went 12 days, because every time he even tried water—he went 3 days without water. He would drink water and he would react. One thing I've learned in this time is to tell the person, “Listen to the body. Don't eat.” The scary part for them is, and it's always the same, is they think they're dying. They think that they're starving to death. Men get down to, typically, 90 to 100 pounds, depending on their bone size, and women get down to 80 pounds. That's typically where I see them level off. People watching this are going, “Oh my gosh, how possible could that be good?”

This is in really, really challenged—

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, but you learn in it. I'll bring the point around to everyone watching. The point is, is the body instinctively knew what to do. That was to fast, to go without food and just drink water. They always say the same thing. “How do I know when to stop?” By the way, when they're in this mode, they actually feel good. It's when they start to add stuff that they really start to react. I say, “You'll know.”

You know what is crazy, is that fasting, water fasting, has been around—it's obviously a spiritual thing, but it's been around thousands and thousands of years. Ancient Chinese. Before Christ, all that fasting. Biblical times. Fasting's so important spiritually and for health reasons, and we just—”God doesn't know. We'll fix it better with a pill.” They throw it out and throw out all the ancient wisdom, and the body knows.

Dr. Pompa:
Listen, animals do it instinctively. When an animal gets hurt or they get sick, they don't eat. They can go days and days and days. I always tell the story about—years ago, I had a client that fasted for over 26—it was almost 27 days. I would say 26 1/2.

She was medically supervising this, by the way, for this particular client.

Dr. Pompa:
You have to watch your electrolytes. Electrolytes are the only thing that have to be monitored. If your sodium potassium levels drop to a certain point, then you have to give electrolytes during the fast. A little bit of salt water, typically, can keep someone going.

People can fast, obviously Biblical, 40 days or more. I've seen 60 some days people fast, for multiple—tumors and things. The body goes through a healing process that's remarkable. This one woman that I spoke of, her tongue, of course, turned white, which we see happen with people on four-day fasts.

Oh, it happens to me on a four-day fast. The fungus coming out.

Dr. Pompa:
Hers went from white to green to black. Black was coming out of her ears. Hairy black. I'm not kidding. Her armpits. Things were just purging. She stunk so bad her family had to quarantine her in her separate room and blow fans, creating negative air pressure in the room. That's how bad. She came out of it healed. That's an amazing thing.

My wife, a lot of you watching this don't know this, but she fasted 13 days on just water. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer. We chose to do that. Of course, she came out of that with no cervical cancer. They said, “You can do what you want, but you're going to need to do this.” Of course, we didn't need to do this.

What a miracle.

Dr. Pompa:
That was before we knew my wife had lead issues. That was before my wife had methylation issues. Read our R5 article. That's that story.

Coincidence, miracle, or did the fasting work?

Dr. Pompa:
That was when I was just learning about fasting. I said, “You've got to fast.” I was reading her all these things about fasting. Anyways, remarkable things happen when people go without food. These clients, they always ask me this question, just like the gal who fasted for 26 days. “How do I know when I should eat again?” I said, “Your body will tell you.” “How?” “You'll get hungry.” “I'm hungry now.” It's like, “No, no, no. There's a difference of appetite, and there's a difference of hunger.” If you smell food and you salivate, that's appetite. Hunger is a deep, deep, deep feeling, and it's very, very different. Your body goes into a protein-sparing mode around three or four days; typically, right around three days.

Then what happens is, that's when the magic starts. Your body will literally, and this is always about survival, will burn out the toxic tissue in your body before it will go after its protein, because it knows it wants to hold onto that little bit of muscle that it needs to stay erect to stay living, its heart, etcetera. It goes into this protein. That's why I like four-day fasts, right? I don't like three days, because you don't enter that healing moment until after that three days. The body does these amazing things during that time, and it will burn out all of this. That's why you see all the black tongues and all this stuff happening.

It's really an amazing thing to watch someone heal during this time. These people, after 12 days, hunger came in, and he started to eat. Magically, he could start to ingest foods and even take supplements. We see this occur, and it's really neat to watch. I've watched it enough that I'm confident when I have to tell somebody to, “Okay, just don't eat.” Of course, you don't go that route at first. It evolves into that.

Plus you said to me, Dan—Dr. Pompa, sorry.

Dr. Pompa:

Dan. Most people, you wouldn't recommend doing this on their own. No, I mean, look, that's why we do, typically, four-day fasts and things like that. Everybody can fast those periods of time. Long periods, you do have to watch the electrolytes, and you should do it with a doctor. We've trained doctors in these types of things around the country for various reasons. This is one of the things we call ancient healing, and it's part of what we do. It's part of how we fix the cell. Utilizing that innate intelligence. Getting out of the way. The body has an amazing, amazing ability to heal. I think water fasting is the extreme example, and we'll talk about some other things that I think most of our viewers will be interested in. It is that extreme.

There's some people who do better, oftentimes, with what we call intermittent fasting, where we bring the calories down between 500 and 800. I think for most people, that's a way to get some benefits out of fasting, where you have this growth hormone rise, protein-sparing mode, without water fasting. I think that water fasts are very appropriate. Like I said, in these cases, the body was telling them don't eat, don't eat. We utilize intermittent fasting, which we get, just to summarize.

There's articles written on intermittent fasting. I talk about block intermittent fasting, when we take someone for four days to fourteen days, bringing their caloric intake down to somewhere between 500 and 800, maximum 1000, in a day. We're doing it with ancient healing again. Beef stock fasts, right? Whey water. Those are two things that have been around for thousands and thousands of years, just like water fasting, where we put people on just beef stock. That actually controls the electrolytes. That's why it's easier. It has minerals. It has things. Beef stock has type 2 collagen. It offers different types of healing. When you do that, you starved out all the bacteria in the gut, good and bad. Then when you come out of that fast, you reinoculate. Now you can fix the dysbiosis.

You start eating dirt then?

Dr. Pompa:
That's when you start eating dirt or bacteria.

Or dirt like products. I think one of them is Prescript-Assist.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. I was going to reach behind me and grab it, but that was in my room. Our rooms look alike.

I think—

Dr. Pompa:
Did you get it? No. Anyways. There is a dirt product that we have called Prescript-Assist. Yeah, then we bring in different bacteria, but also, fermented foods, after this fast. After you starve down all the bacteria after a beef stock fast, then it's important to reinoculate. We come in with these dirt pills, cans of dirt. We come in with different, even regular probiotics, but also, fermented foods, where you get trillions of very unique bacteria.

Right, so whatever's in the soil with the organic cabbage that's out there, you don't wash it. You keep that on there and you ferment that. You grind it up, put in some SueroGold or follow a fermentation strategy. You can buy fermentation kits online, and all those little good bugs that happen to be in the ground are now on your cabbage. Now they grow in your little fermentation

Dr. Pompa:
It's funny, because when I buy organic vegetables, I don't wash them.

Except if, this new company's—it's organic, and they're using some—I don't know what company that was, but there's always the Facebook media. Driscoll organic. Find out yourself. I'm not throwing Driscoll under the bus, because I don't know, but now they're saying—they say.

Dr. Pompa:
They say. Does washing even help it? The things are inside the plant, and what you're washing off, typically, is the good bacteria, which you need.

Fermented strawberries. Oh, that's wine, so we can't do that.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, don't do that. Fermentation brings in these neat bacteria. Again, it's ancient healing.

It preserves the fermentation.

Dr. Pompa:
That's what I was going to say. Refrigeration ended fermentation.

Yeah, that's the issue. We forget where we came from. What we're designed to do. Ancient healing is really eating normal 150 years ago.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I believe that with that, refrigeration's been really nice, but out went fermentation, which we needed to keep products fresh. That's why they fermented it, is because the bacteria that would build up there would keep it from the bad guys. The good guys would explode.

Just like on your hands.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. Good analogy, yeah. All these good guys would build up during fermentation, and then the bad guys wouldn't cause the food to become bad. Warren, that's a great analogy. All the schools and churches that use the antibacterial soaps, you're doing the same thing. You're wiping out your goods and now you're the one that's susceptible. When you're around it and you have all these good microbes you're not killing with antibacterial soaps and antibacterial things, that microbiome protects you. This is your first line of protection. The bacteria here, and of course, the bacteria in here. This is our line of protection.

Actually bacteria—not just bacteria, but fungus and something called bacteriophage which is almost like a bacteria. By the way, sometimes we put in those bacteriophage, which, this is new research. We're developing more and more of these phage. These guys act like a virus. They go into the bad guys, whether it's salmonella, E. coli, or any of these bad guys, and they inject their DNA. They tow off the bad guys. What this does is allows your good guys to take over. These phage can get into biofilm, so people who have nasty, toxic biofilm that seem—they can never get rid of Candida, can never fix their gut—these phage can go in and enter into these bad guys, kill them off enough that the good guys can explode. Phage do not kill the good microorganisms. They kill the bad guys. They're very specific. Their target is bad guys. You should see them. They're like little spiders.

Yeah, little spaceship-looking things, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, little spaceship-looking things under an electronic microscope. These things are amazing. They come in and they attach. They have a probe that goes down in and injects into the pathogen, and it kills it. Now our good guys go—so we've learned so much about the microbiome.

Systemic—Shane created one.

Dr. Pompa:
Ec is the product. Capital Ec. Very specific for E. coli.

TerraFirma has a phage in it, too.

Dr. Pompa:
Yes, it does.

So does AdaptGen.

Dr. Pompa:
Yep, so these guys, we utilize them to go in and wipe out. Now our reinoculation can take over. The point is, it is ancient healing.

It seems complicated, but—

Dr. Pompa:
It's not. It's not.

It's nature.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. We fix the gut. Today, the gut is getting destroyed. We don't ferment things anymore, so we're not getting the good guys.

The good guys that fight the bad guys.

Dr. Pompa:
We're killing the good guys.

With antibiotics.

Dr. Pompa:
Antibiotics. Over antibiotics, over-medication, and over antibacterial everything. The biggest one of all is glyphosate. It's sprayed on everything that our families are eating, unless you're eating 100% organic. Every grain that's conventional and non-organic is sprayed with this stuff. Massive amounts. It's putting holes in the gut, causing dysbiosis. Here's the big thing. It's killing off bacteria that we need to make neurotransmitters for our brain. It affects this and it affects this brain.

Oh, what's our solution? More and more antidepressants. More and more psychotropic drugs trying to deal with anxiety. We have kids on these things. Kids are taking Adderall. It's exploding. This is a nightmare. Ancient healing is the key. How do we fix it? Once your gut's destroyed, this is not right. We bring them through these fasts. Sometimes, series of fasts, Warren, where we do this twice a month. Four days, maybe twice a month. Maybe ten days once a month. Whatever it is. It's typically applied specifically for the condition that we're looking at. Again, we're here training doctors on this stuff, and how to do these ancient healings.

You're probably getting excited, because sometimes you're on the business side of things and you forget how amazing it is what we teach these doctors to do.

Yeah, it is amazing. Everything that Dr. Pompa's sharing with you is stuff that you've told me to do. I've had massive results in my health and my life. Some of the new protocols—I have goals every year in my health. Guys, one of the biggest—

Dr. Pompa:
You've kicked butt this year.

Yeah, I kicked butt. Still, I have my weaknesses with managing stress, because I love to do—

Dr. Pompa:
That's the last frontier.

Yeah, that's the last frontier for me. The health thing—last year I had some goals. Every year, I'm setting this health goals, and the reason why is Jon Butcher's program, which we'll send an email out promoting Jon Butcher's program here in May. Stay tuned in May and I'm going to share this with you. What I found in there is your health is the key category that, it affects every area of your happiness and your life. That's why I've been focusing there on some of these strategies. Mainly, the big one that got me last year, in 2014, was the block fast and intermittent fasting. The four-day fasting, the bone broth fasting—which is, I went viral on YouTube with that video with my daughter.

Dr. Pompa:
How to make the bone broth.

How to make the bone broth fast. I shared that with our audience, and it's been really powerful for me. It's going to be powerful for you. You have to apply these ancient healing strategies. It's simple, and it doesn't cost you much. It's amazing. We actually did it before. Joe McCullough does a great job. He has a great following, and he's doing a lot for wellness and the mission. He released it probably five years ago, but we recently, in 2014—so all these article are out there under intermittent fast. The reason I said that is we released it right before he did. We beat McCullough to the punch when it got hot in topics. First time, probably the only time, we'll beat Dr. Joe to the punch.

Go to our website. Type in “intermittent fasting.” At the top right hand corner, there's a search tool that says “search.” The little magnifying glass. Type in, “intermittent fasting,” “bone broth fasting.” You'll see some of these articles and some of the systems that we've used and, again, Dr. Pompa even uses with his most challenged patients.

Dr. Pompa:
The other thing we've utilized is whey water. Whey water has been used for thousands of years.

We've got to thank Jordan for that.

Dr. Pompa:
Its nickname is healing water. Hippocrates nicknamed, father of medicine nicknamed whey water. It's not whey protein, for those watching. It's this gold liquid that comes off when they make cheese. Beyond Organic's whey water is the one we use. You can tell them how to utilize that.

It's actually in most of the articles on how to find that product. Whey water is a perfect ratio of sodium potassium that matches the ratio at the cell. Again, you've got to get well, you've got to fix the cell. What it does is it keeps—again, people can do long whey water fast because again, it balances the electrolytes. Stock fasting, whey water fasting, typically four, ten days. These types of fasts are easy to do. The first couple days are rough, and then your hunger goes away. Just like water fast, people, after three days, aren't hungry, typically after two days on these types of fasts people aren't hungry.

Water fasting, stock fasting, whey water fasting, for most people, without supervision—

Stock's bone broth.

Dr. Pompa:
Bone broth and stock fasting—

Same, same.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and the whey water. Then, there is something called intermittent fasting daily. Intermittent fasting daily. Intermittent fasting is a block type of fast, which we just talked about. Days. What about if we did it every day? We do. It's one of the things that I do all the time, is that I go 16, 18 hours without eating. There's nothing new under the sun. This has been around—let's say in Europe, they're still doing this. Very few people eat breakfast. I know in this country, it's the 180°, is that breakfast should be the biggest meal and most important meal of the day. We're not with the way the rest of the world goes, by the way. We don't eat breakfast. We'll have just some regular coffee in the morning. Maybe hot tea.

With MCT oil and butter. Sometimes I do.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, just a little bit of that stuff. It doesn't break the fast. It's not enough.

I use that X-Factor butter stuff too, that you have.

Dr. Pompa:
Which one? Right, the X-Factor butter. I eat X-Factor butter every day, by the way. I love it. It's part of my first meal. Then I eat around maybe, 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon as my first meal. Like you said, 16 to 18 hours.

Coffee with maybe some fats. Then eat around 2:00 to 3:00.

Dr. Pompa:
Yes. Then what I eat at 2:00 to 3:00 is, I typically just have a very light meal. Protein, X-Factor butter, maybe I'll do some whey protein. Again, if you have whey water, you can do that as part of that meal. The Amasai would be part of that meal. Very, very light meal. Sometimes, I'll put some seeds in a little thing and eat it, but a very small meal of fat and protein is basically what I'm eating.

Matter of fact, on last week's show, we talked about the ten things, ideas. Any of those ten would be appropriate for this meal. We did ten ideas, so watch last week's show. Then I eat a big dinner. That's key. You have to eat a massive dinner. Again, you can't cut calories by pushing food away. You have to cut calories by not being hungry, and that's a hormonal strategy. Once you become a very efficient fat burner, which we always teach our clients how to become, then you can go longer periods without food. You don't eat your muscle. Matter of fact, growth hormone goes up. You maintain your muscle. Your body feeds from its own fat.

One thing I always say, Warren. If you want to age slow, control what?

Insulin and glucose.

Dr. Pompa:
You got it.


Dr. Pompa:
Insulin and glucose. You control that the best, not by eating. You control it best by not eating. When your body's burning fat, your glucose levels are perfect. Growth hormone, through the roof. It's the best way to anti-age. Look at all of the research on anti-aging. There's really only one thing that really holds true under pressure. Under scientific scrutiny, I should say. That is diminished caloric intake.

Wait a minute. That doesn't work, because if you just push food away, you keep getting less and less and less and less, and you ruin your metabolism. Doesn't work to just say, “I'm not going to eat anymore.” Doesn't work.  You have to be able to eat to full. The key is being very hormone sensitive at the cell, being a very efficient fat burner, hormonally. Now, when you don't eat, you're burning fat. Then you have to gorge at night. That's my point, because if you don't, your body will think it's starving. It'll start lowering its metabolism to stay alive. Right, then you have to eat less and less and less and less, and you literally get skinny-fat.

You can't cut calories unless you become this efficient fat burner. Doing it through these strategies that we're talking about is one of the ways to become an efficient fat burner. Fixing the cell, the 5R's, all of that's part of it. The key is, you become an efficient fat burner. I forget to eat sometimes, because my body's eating. It's eating at night. It's eating when I'm not eating. It's eating the fat and controlling glucose.

Then, eat a massive dinner, because if the body ever thinks it's starving—here's what happens. People think, “This is working, so I'm going to eat even less.”

Right, I'm going to lose more weight.

Dr. Pompa:
Nope, doesn't work. You have to eat the massive, gorging dinner, just like the Romans did.

It's so sad that calorie restriction is the way to lose weight. I hear that from educated people. I sent them the science, and they still calorie restrict. I don't believe it. They believe that that's in.

Dr. Pompa:
There's a reason.

All the shows that do it—”The Biggest Loser”—looter.

Dr. Pompa:

Looter. They're looters. They are stealing our lives, because these people get sick. They get hurt. They have to sign waivers. What they do to these people's bodies is just ridiculous.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, people would watch that show and say, “Yeah, but it works. Caloric restriction works.”

Look at their story later, most of the time. It's sad.

Dr. Pompa:
Here's the thing. It only works for a shot period of time, right? Then you just can't keep the madness going. You're going to break.

We should change the show.

Dr. Pompa:
You're exercising. You're burning calories, and you're eating less. Burning calories, eating less. Of course your body will start to feed from itself, but what does it do? It wants to survive, so it's lowering its metabolism, lowering its metabolism. You see they get stuck at a certain weight. They don't ever look like us in the end. They get stuck, and then they give in, because their body's instinct of survival says, “Eat! Eat, eat, eat!” It's not fixed. That's the point. What happens? Then they blow back up, and they ruin their metabolisms.

And their hormones, and their health. They may have lost weight, but they have a bigger chance of a heart attack now than before.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. Look, the key to living longer is eating less. How do you eat less without caloric restriction? You have to fix the hormones. You have to fix the cell. You have to become—

You've got to do step one before step two.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. The old adage of eating six meals a day. Look, does it work? Yeah. It's just like caloric restriction. It works because people will maintain their muscle and not eat their muscle, so it keeps their metabolism up just enough that they can lose some weight. You want to age fast? Eat six meals a day. You're going to age faster. Every time you eat, you're firing up the cells' mitochondria. You're making energy. Your body has to deal with it.

Has to go through digestion.

Dr. Pompa:
Your telomeres are going—that's the biological clock that ages you. You're aging fast. That's the bottom line. That's the problem. The less you eat, the longer you live. You can't eat less pushing food away. You have to eat less because literally, your body knows how to burn fat so efficiently that it burns your fat, maintains your glucose levels. You don't get hungry, because my body's eating. It's not telling me to eat. When people—and this is key. When people, and this is most Americans, at the cellular level, they do not have the hormonal ability to become an efficient fat burner. What happens? They have to rely on sugar for energy.

Therefore, your body has two choices. Eat its muscle, which it doesn't want to do, because it knows it needs it for fight or flight survival, or give you a craving you can't resist. Which one does it do? Eventually, it gives you the craving you can't resist. All the diet failures you've had? It's not your fault. It's a hormonal, instinctive, surviving capability, and your body will eventually break down and make you eat the bread or pasta. It's typically not the candy bar. It's the bread or pasta. That is why people fail.

It's so funny. People say to me, “Warren, I could never stop eating bread. I love bread.” Your hormones tell you that you love bread, and your dopamine receptors tell you that you love bread, but really, it's not the best choice, obviously.

Dr. Pompa:
If you've failed on diets in the past, if you still have carb cravings, bread cravings, all those cravings, your cell is not right.

That's a good way. You don't need to do the test.

Dr. Pompa:
It's showing that you, hormonally, are not efficient at burning fat at the cellular level. That's a hormone issue. We are very efficient at hearing our hormones. Our cells hear our hormones. Hormones like Leptin, that tell your brain to burn its fat for energy. Hormones like insulin, that tell your cells to burn fat for energy and not store fat. We're very efficient, and our cells are very sensitive to the hormones. The reputation—the epidemic, I should say—look at this cute little piece of paper—

While you're drawing this, I think we should create a new show.

Dr. Pompa:
What's the show?

The show should be, not “The Biggest Loser.” When we do have a TV show, we'll call it—what do you call it? “The Biggest Healthy.” I don't know. Let's get people healthy and not just think about weight loss.

Dr. Pompa:
Here's your cell. Then, this is inflammation. This is what most Americans have. They're taking all sorts of vitamins, minerals—

Ignore the Westin logo, because that's not part of the cell.

Dr. Pompa:
We're allowed to help them. Okay, so anyways, this inflammation blunts these receptors. I'll put the receptors on both sides. These receptors here, these are the hormone receptors that need to speak to insulin, Leptin, and let me throw another fat hormone out there. I just mentioned three. There's insulin, which we know that if insulin's out here, elevated, you're going to store fat. Thyroid hormone. If that's not connected to these receptors, because, see, they're blunted, over here, they're going to have trouble getting their message in, you gain weight, and it doesn't matter what you eat. Leptin's the hormone that tells your brain to burn fat for energy. If that can't connect to these receptors, you gain weight. It does not matter how much you eat or how less you eat, how much you exercise, you're still going to keep that fat roll in all the wrong places.

How do we do it? We have to get your cell hearing these hormones. When we get your cell sensitive, now you become an efficient fat burner. Now you go, “Oh, I didn't eat?” Your body is eating. It's eating the fat.

I hear you now.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. See that? He can hear me. Here's the modern medicine, Warren. What do we do today? We give more hormones. Let's give more thyroid. Let's give more insulin. Let's give more estrogen, testosterone, all these hormones. That works for a little bit.

Now you're screaming at me.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, now you're shouting at it.

You're hurting my ears.

Dr. Pompa:
You're throwing more hormones at it, but what happens? You become more deaf.

My daughter wasn't listening to me.

Dr. Pompa:
Your cells—exactly. Your cells become more deaf to the hormones. Doesn't hear it. Blocked off. It's not the answer. Short term. Eating more often, like six times a day? Short term. Reducing calories? “Not going to eat any more. I'm going to make it. I'm going to do it. I'm disciplined now, boy.” That'll work for a month, maybe.

80's Protestant work ethic.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, if you're really disciplined and work for a month. No, it's here. The cell. The cell's the answer.

Anyways, ancient healing strategies, fasting, intermittent fasting, and fasting daily, pushes your hormones up, by the way. Growth hormone. Testosterone. Makes you more hormone sensitive. It's some of the strategies that we use. Diet variation is one of our ancient healing strategies, and please—

Got an article on that, too.

Dr. Pompa:
We're running out of time here, but read the article on diet variation. It's as simple as this. I believe our ancestors, we can learn a lot. They went times where—diet changed with the seasons. In the wintertime, they were forced to survive on meats and fats. They could store it. It was something they were able to store and hunt.

Fermented foods.

Dr. Pompa:
Fermented foods. They didn't have all the vegetables and the fruits and the nuts and the seeds that came up in the spring. By springtime, they were so sick of the meats and the fats and all those other low-carb—

I'm sure they stole some nuts from squirrels. They'd sit in the woods, and they'd watch where the squirrel would put the nuts, and then they'd steal the—

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, maybe. Small amounts, though, small amounts. Even the amount of fermented vegetables that they had stored up. Sickening.

Did you ever watch “Ice Age,” where they're chasing the squirrel with the one nut?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely.

That's what I would do. I'd go after that—

Dr. Pompa:
That one nut, yeah. That one carbohydrate! What happens, then, in the spring? There come the fruits and vegetables.

Here comes the mushrooms.

Dr. Pompa:
Diet varying. Now, all of a sudden, they went from an extremely low carbohydrate diet to a higher carbohydrate diet.


Dr. Pompa:
I was going to say. In today's standards, that will still be a low carb diet. They call low carb diets 200 grams of carbohydrates a day a low carb diet. To us, that's a higher carb diet. Standards of when you look at studies on low carb diets—200 grams of carbohydrates. I don't get that on my high carb days.

Anyways, they moved to a higher carbohydrate diet. There's massive benefit in this. Then they shift back. The shifting diet variation, I believe, works. We do that when we put people into ketosis. Another ancient healing strategy. Ketosis has been around, again, for thousands of years. Ancient cultures. Even in the 1920's, they used it medically, to fix brains.

What is ketosis? Dropping your carbs down to at least below 50 grams a day. Articles on ketosis, two articles that I wrote. What happens is magic. The cell can only use two things for energy, sugar or fat. When it uses fat, fat burns so clean. It's like natural gas burning on your stove. Do you see smoke? No. Burn wood, you need a chimney and a fireplace, because there's so much smoke. That's sugar. Sugar's the wood. The fat is the natural gas. Clean burning.

When we put people into ketosis, the cell membrane heals. Back to making your hormones sensitive. Ketosis can do that. It can help fix this membrane, because you're burning a cleaner energy in the cell. When you do that, what happens is you're not driving inflammation.

Warren, if you and I did eat sugar, our cells, they can handle it, and they don't create the inflammation. Our body's designed to burn the smoke, and we have good chimneys. We have a way to get rid of it.

Yeah, if we didn't have good chimneys, we would be staining our walls with black soot. We wouldn't be able to breathe, and we would have a bad day.

Dr. Pompa:
Many people, they don't have good chimneys in the United States. What happens is, they burn glucose and they make a lot of mess. Then they get a lot more inflammation. If we can get them to burn natural gas, right, fat for energy, shift them over—because when you go into a ketosis state, your body now is burning mostly fat for energy, and burning a cleaner fuel. Now we're able to decrease the inflammation in the cell long enough to help all our other nutrients and supplements and things we're giving to actually work. I call it an advanced cellular healing diet for that reason.

We know also, ketones is the byproduct of breaking fat down. The brain heals with ketones. That's why, in the 1920's, they did it for seizures and, really, all types of brain conditions. Ketones fix this. You know it takes about two or three weeks to get into that, your cells to where it is this fat burning machine. It takes about two or three weeks to adapt. We call it keto-adaptation. You know when you adapt, because the first thing that changes is people's memory.

Yeah, I can memorize—and I'm about ready to go into ketosis again, I think, when I get back from this seminar. I did the opposite of most people, because I like to use it for cycling.

Most people go into ketosis over the winter.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. I flipped it. I went into a—still low carb diet. I would call it my regular cellular healing diet, is what I'm eating currently. Then, in about a month, I'm going to go into ketosis again for three months. That variation is amazing. I really came to this discovery, if you will, and started talking about diet variation, because I had people who aren't able to go into that ketosis. Four months, and they're still not in.

I said, “Okay, let's go back to the Cellular Healing Diet. Lower carb diet, but much higher than ketosis. Maybe 100 grams to 200 grams of carbohydrates a day. That diet is where they started. Now, all of a sudden, they go onto that diet, and they lose some weight. It doesn't continue, but they lose weight, and they go, “Oh my gosh, I feel better.” I say, “Great, because we're not going to stay here. The same thing's going to happen. You're going to get stuck. Then we bring them back into ketosis and magic happens. All of a sudden, they get right in, at three weeks, into ketosis. What happened? I don't know. Diet variation. Adaptation occurred. Something hormonally happened.

A different type of stress.

Dr. Pompa:
Something hormonally happened. Right. We stressed the body differently. Adaptation occurred. Stressed the body differently. Adaptation occurred. Something magical happened, to where diet variation, I believe, is another ancient healing tool that we love to talk about.

This is an awesome show. It's created some good questions that you have. You can always write us on our Facebook fan page. We have one—Revelation Health. We have Dr. Pompa's fan page. We have people that monitor that weekly. Also, you can reach out to us by writing on these articles that we have. The ketogentic diet articles, search that. Then, write comments. We monitor that daily. It gives us a message right away and lets us know that you're reaching out to us. We can definitely have a conversation with you online.

Dr. Pompa:
This would be a great article.

Cellular Healing TV, episode 61.

Dr. Pompa:
This would be a good article, here. Ancient healing strategies. Yeah, very good.

Alright, appreciate you guys. Have a great rest of your weekend or your start of your weekend, on a Friday.

Dr. Pompa:
Remember this. This is the key. Listen. Be a three percenter. Remember, those are the people that change the world. To do it, you've got to go 180°.

Go 180°, guys.

Dr. Pompa:
Go 180°. Be a 3%er.

Live opposite. Get it done. Blessings. Take care. Have a great weekend. Bye-bye.