
Homemade Coconut Milk Yogurt


  • 1 can organic, full-fat, BPA free coconut milk
  • 1-3 capsules Systemic Formulas ABC probiotic
  • 1 tsp. vanilla or almond extract (optional)
  • 1 tsp. grass-fed collagen (optional)
  • Dash of honey, maple syrup or stevia to sweeten (optional)
  1. In a clean glass jar, spoon entire can of coconut milk and powder contents of probiotic capsule (discard capsule itself), and other optional ingredients if desired.
  2. Stir until thoroughly mixed, and place cheesecloth over the jar opening and secure with a rubber band.
  3. Allow to sit on the counter in a dark, room temperature area overnight.
  4. Stir mixture again and refrigerate.
  5. Add toppings of choice and enjoy!

Cellular Healing TV Episodes 17-24

CELLULAR HEALING TV • Podcast & Transcripts

Transcripts for Cellular Healing TV Episodes 17-24 Now Available!

Experiencing hormonal challenges and don’t know why? Curious about the health benefits of infrared saunas? Wondering if you’re deficient in key vitamins?

Answers to these questions, and MUCH more, are offered in Cellular Healing TV episodes 17-24. These shows are jam-packed with radical research and 180° Solution™ truths to help you live your best and healthiest life.

Don’t miss an episode: subscribe via iTunes!

Episode 17

Hormone Disruptors,
Toxic Beauty Products &
ASEA Redox Signaling

Dr. Pompa’s wife Merily Pompa is interviewed, discussing her path to correcting past hormone conditions via PompaCore Cellular Detox™ and heavy metal chelation therapy. The importance of using non-toxic body care products, the need for sunlight on the skin, and the unique cellular benefits of ASEA anti-aging skin gel RENU 28 are explained.

Episode 19

Ketosis and Hormone Normalization

Dr. Pompa explains the history and benefits of ketosis and the ketogenic diet to improve health, regulate blood sugar, increase energy, build muscle, and lose weight. The basic how-to of the diet is explained, and the test to use to measure whether you’re in ketosis. Also: the difference between being a “sugar burner” and “fat burner,” how to shift your body into fat-burning mode, how to properly include carb and protein loading days in ketosis, which dietary fats push you into ketosis, and Dr. Pompa’s personal 2-2-2 rule for getting and staying in ketosis.

Episode 21

Proposed FDA Nutrition Label Changes and RDI CODEX

Special guest Scott Tips, JD, a legal columnist and president and general counselor for the National Health Federation, explains the global initiative to move towards an international food label standard, and the attempt to drive international food trade throughout the world. Codex Alimentarius, a collection of internationally recognized food standards, is explained. Tips tells why the Codex proposed food label changes are focusing on the wrong things. Also: how to read a food label, what you need to know to protect yourself from guideline changes, the battle over Nutrient Reference Values (NRV), GMO standards, and the future of supplement regulations.

Episode 23

Five Most Important Vitamins

The five most common vitamin deficiencies are revealed, the reasons why we’re deficient, and how to avoid these deficiencies via diet, supplementation, and lifestyle modifications. Top deficiencies include Vitamin D, Magnesium, Iodine, Vitamin K2 and Vitamin B12. Dr. Pompa shares his personal supplement recommendations, and best food sources and habits to avoid and restore deficiencies. Also: why high quality supplements make all the difference, the multivitamin debate, and why these deficiencies are a key reason behind chronic illness.

Episode 18

Hormone Problems and Corrections

The hormone dysregulation topic continues, including an explanation of the methylation process, options for hormone testing, and the why behind Removing the Source (R1) of dysregulation. The need for good fats for hormone balance, which fats to eat to balance hormones, and the hormonal connection to autoimmunity and weight-loss resistance is explained. Dr. Pompa also shares the exact hormone test that saved his wife’s life.

Episode 20

Far Infrared Saunas

We discuss the many benefits of far infrared sauna use, the construction and rational behind the portable sauna, the benefits of negative ion therapy, and the impact of sauna therapy for Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, detox, and more. Also: how some saunas make you sick, how to incorporate burst training with sauna use, how infrared saunas can help you burn fat and lose weight, and Dr. Pompa’s sauna detox protocol.

Episode 22

Could your Vitamin D be making you sick?

The 180° Solution™ truth about sunscreen, Vitamin D, and why you need sunlight to be healthy. The widespread Vitamin D deficiency is discussed. Dr. Pompa explains the connection between sunlight and cholesterol sulfate, the cholesterol produced in your skin in response to sun exposure, and Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s work on cholesterol sulfate deficiency as a link to many major diseases. Also: why most of the sunscreen on the market actually causes cancer, options for natural sunscreen, skin color and differing sun exposure needs, the problems with vitamin D supplementation, and how to properly include vitamin D and fish oil in your supplement regime.


Episode 24

The Truth About Gluten and Casein

Why “gluten-free” isn’t a fad diet and the real reason behind the rampant food allergies today. The dangers of gluten free foods, glyphosate, and GMOs. Dr. Pompa shares the history of hybridizing grains, how wheat has become a super-sugar, and the role of grains in blood sugar regulation and inflammation. Also: why some people react to gluten and others don’t, the role of leaky gut, why whole grains are NOT good for you, why most dairy products are toxic, the A1 beta casein genetic mutation issue, which type of cheese is good for you, where to get “safe” dairy products, and the need for probiotics.

Cellular Healing TV has a global mission to educate and change lives by providing uncommon health solutions to common problems. Our message is simple and we call it the 180° Solution™ lifestyle. We teach you to “go 180,” and do the opposite of the mainstream solutions marketed today. Weekly on Cellular Healing TV broadcasts we expose and demystify conventional myths on health and nutrition and provide you the 180° Solution™ truths. If you care about your health, we invite you to tune in to hear free nutrition, weight-loss, exercise, and wellness advice, including interviews with health experts from around the world. Each week we review cutting-edge research and information on today’s hottest health issues such as dieting, diabetes, weight loss resistance, heavy metal detoxification, thyroid conditions, Lyme disease, biotoxic illness, and much more. As self-experimenters, we also share personal secrets and tools to improve your life by increasing your health.

ENERGYbits and The Amazing Algae: Nature’s Most Potent Superfood

Let’s talk about algae. I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Catharine Arnston, founder of ENERGYbits algae company, on CHTV. What makes Catherine’s story exciting to me is that it sounds similar to mine:

Catharine started ENERGYbits seven years ago, after her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was advised by her oncologist that an alkaline, plant-based diet would help her heal. In the process of helping her sister, Catharine learned about the amazing health benefits of a plant-based diet. She found a new passion in life and felt others could benefit from this priceless information. Even though she has an MBA, she gave up her 25-year corporate career with no hesitation to return to school. Catherine went on to study nutrition and is now a certified health counselor and Reiki master.

I discovered my passion for health after I became sick myself, so I totally understand why she does what she does. We often take our health for granted until we become sick. At that point, nothing else matters and we are determined to get better. Once you find something that works, you want to share it with the world.

After graduating, Catharine taught nutrition for a year, gave free workshops, and started what she called Green Revolutions, where she encouraged her students and workshop attendees to eat more greens.

Catherine soon discovered a few things about greens: many people didn’t want to clean them, didn’t want to cook them, and simply didn’t like them. The MBA inside her understood she couldn’t force this product onto people. Instead, she had to “find something that gives them all the green nutrition they need that doesn’t taste green and doesn’t take any work.” This is when she discovered algae in tablet form.

To her pleasant surprise, she soon learned that algae is the most nutrient-dense food in the world and the most alkaline. Coming in at 64% protein and only one calorie (per tablet), algae is endorsed by NASA and the United Nations as the most nutritionally dense food on the planet. There’s only one problem: algae is virtually unknown outside of Asia. Nobody knew about it. Even though it’s been sold here for 50 years, the packaging has never explained what it does, its health benefits, or who should consume it.

Once again, Catherine’s business background came in handy: “I spent the first two years going through the science and basically rewriting everything into sound bites that people could understand. Then I had to try to find a customer group that would want to get these benefits. It took many, many years. Eventually, it turns out that the running community loved the product because it gave them energy and focus.” This revelation prompted Catharine to evolve into a sports nutrition company.

The Health Benefits of Algae

Algae is a bonafide superfood. It has 40 vitamins and minerals, is 64% protein, and a good source of omega-3’s and iron. Here are a few benefits of algae:

High iron content. Iron is one of the most common forms of nutritional deficiencies. According to the World Health Organization, over 30% of the world’s population is anemic, affecting more people than any other condition.1

A person can be iron deficient and not realize it. Commons signs of iron deficiency include the following:

  • Weakness
  • Pale skin
  • Dizziness
  • Urges to eat non-food items like dirt, ice or clay
  • Tingling in the legs
  • Swollen or sore tongue
  • Fatigue

Algae offers the highest concentration of iron. This is important for athletes because iron is what carries oxygen in the blood, and if a person doesn’t have sufficient iron, they can become fatigued. Young women who are easily fatigued may have low iron levels, and running on cement can dissipate iron in the blood, which can increase the risk of fatigue as well. Having enough iron is essential for good health, and algae is an excellent source for athletes and sedentary individuals alike.

Fatty acids. Algae is rich in the fatty acids omega-3 and GLA. This is important because our brains are composed primarily of fat, so we need healthy fats to be able to think and function properly.

Symptoms of omega 3 deficiency include the following:

Heart disease and cerebrovascular disease were ranked the first and fourth leading causes of death respectively in the United States. An increase in the consumption of fatty acids is believed to help decrease these numbers.2

B vitamins. B vitamins convert glucose into energy, allowing us to stay energized. Algae is composed of all the B vitamins, making it an ideal energy source.

Vitamin A. Algae contains vitamin A, which helps fight free radicals and anti-aging.

Nitric oxide. Nitric oxide opens the blood vessels, allowing blood, oxygen and other nutrients to travel freely throughout the body, thus minimizing fatigue.

Protein. The protein in algae is among the highest in the world. Protein is a great source for energy because it’s slow to digest. It enters the blood stream at a very even pace, eliminating the rush and crashes many experience when consuming carbs or sugar.

With algae, there is nothing for the body to break down in order for the protein, GLA, B vitamins and other nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream.

The Creation of ENERGYbits

Catherine started her sports nutrition company ENERGYbits after realizing her products were extremely popular with athletes, providing them energy and focus. They also noticed many athletes were starting to prefer protein over carbs: it doesn’t upset their stomach like the sugary gels and bars do. When exercising, all the enzymes that would normally be in your stomach to digest food are busy doing other things like delivering oxygen to exercising limbs.

This product did not upset their stomachs like other sports products that contain caffeine, artificial chemicals or sugar. Many elite athletes are realizing that the carb-based (or carb loading) diets are not the most efficient way to achieve top performance. Instead, there’s a new emphasis on ketogenic training, which is fat and protein-based.

Many elite athletes are discovering this, but Catherine knew the average person may not know about algae or understand what it does. She knew the success of the product relied on making algae as simple and understandable as possible.

For example, the name ENERGYbits is referring to the algae spirulina because it gives you energy. RECOVERYbits received its name because the algae chlorella is an immune builder that helps athletes (or anyone) recover from anything, including physical stress.

Over the years, people have assumed I do not like products like algae but that’s not true. I think algae is an amazing superfood. However, much of the algae on the market today is contaminated with environmental pollutants. In the world of detoxification, I also had some concerns, but Catherine’s product ENERGYbits passed because it pulls a lot of the different toxins that harm the body.

NOTE: To be clear, I do not believe algae is a TRUE binder, like CytoDetox™ which has been shown to attach to cellular toxins and clear them from the body. I do believe pure and uncontaminated algae products like ENERGYbits are an excellent detox support, and can also be very helpful to take while fasting, if one is struggling to get through a fast.

Learn more about Cyto here.

What makes ENERGYbits and RECOVERYbits products so exciting is they are the only ketogenic sports nutrition product on the current market. Everything else is primarily carb-based.

Catherine is especially fond of spirulina: “I was stunned to discover that both the overall nutrient profile of spirulina and the amino acid profile, in particular, is virtually identical to mother’s milk. Everyone in the world knows that mother’s milk is the perfect food. Guess what? Spirulina is almost identical. That explains why it’s so good for people.

Mother’s milk and spirulina algae are the only two foods that you could live on forever. It’s such a complex mix of not just vitamins, but also the minerals. Spirulina was the first plant life on earth almost three billion years ago, and they have fossils to prove that. It releases oxygen when it’s growing. After millions and billions of years, there was enough oxygen on earth that other life forms could occur. It then led to chlorella, which is the next on the food chain.

Catherine is fond of chlorella as well:

Chlorella came later, probably billions of years after spirulina, and it is truly a plant. It does have a cellulose wall on the outside of it. While it also has 40 vitamins and minerals, they’re in different proportions, and they do a different thing in your body. Chlorella will not give you energy, satisfy your hunger, or give you focus. Instead it builds your immune system.

The spirulina has the highest concentration of protein in the world, but chlorella has the highest concentration of chlorophyll. Now chlorophyll is well known to be a blood builder. The chemical composition of chlorophyll is absolutely identical to the chemical composition of hemoglobin, with the exception of one atom.

When we eat foods high in chlorophyll, we are nurturing our blood. As we all know, blood is critical to life, and RECOVERYbits help build and strengthen the immune system. It was originally thought that sardines had the highest concentration of RNA DNA in the world, but chlorella actually holds that distinct title.

RNA and DNA are important because our cells are constantly dying off either through being attacked by antioxidants or just from aging. If you don’t have healthy RNA and DNA, they will grow back damaged, and that leads to illness. If we’re constantly getting fresh RNA and DNA that help your cells grow back healthier, it actually helps us stay healthy. In Asia, it’s known as the Fountain of Youth because it helps reduce aging properties.

Even with all the amazing benefits described, a person may still wonder what makes algae the perfect food? Out of all the foods on the planet, how was this chosen as such? When we think about life, it’s important that we start with water, and how that feeds fish. Then we consider how fish feed and how this is the start of the food chain.

When looking at it from an ecological perspective, it doesn’t surprise me that everything starts with algae. This may prompt some to grow their own algae like vegetables from a garden, but it’s important to note that not all algae is safe for human consumption. There are 15,000 strains of algae, and spirulina and chlorella are two of only a handful that are not poisonous. A person may be tempted to get algae from their swimming pool or local swamp but that algae is not edible. Algae must be grown in a clean environment so no contaminants can be absorbed.

Algae and Supplements

Many today are taking nutritional supplements. The National Institute of Health reports that sales of all dietary supplements totaled $36.7 billion in 2014. The vitamin and mineral segment saw sales of $14.3 billion.3 As more people are encouraged to consume supplements for good health, the question that should be asked is “are they effective?

It’s important to note that many companies add artificial ingredients and colors to their supplements. For example, vitamins and pills come in an assortment of colors, but those artificial dyes can be hazardous to a person’s health. Studies indicate the consumption of synthetic food colors and their ability to bind with body proteins can have significant immunological consequences.4

Another concern consumers must deal with is deceptive labeling practices. In the past ten years, the Federal Trade Commission has filed over 120 claims against companies of falsely using natural ingredients in their supplements.5

A person may think the supplements are helping when they are doing more harm than good. Catharine suggests we skip the supplements and eat the algae instead:

There are so many vitamins and minerals in algae that when you take the algae every day, you do not need any other supplements. Again, it saves you money because you’re not having to buy all those fish oils, multi-vitamins, calcium, or magnesium. It’s all in the algae.

See the best magnesium supplements here. Another reason vitamins and supplements should be avoided is because algae is a food. It comes from nature, your body can recognize everything that’s in it and you’ll absorb 99.9% of the nutrients.

This is not the case when taking supplements. Using vitamin C as an example, there’s 282 pieces to vitamin C, of which ascorbic acid is one of them. When you just have ascorbic acid in your vitamin, your body’s going, “Hey, where are the co-factors and the factors? I don’t know what to do with this stuff. It’s all by itself?

An example is our clothing: we don’t just wear shoes to work, we wear an ensemble. The same philosophy applies to vitamins and nutrition. When you isolate things from vitamins like ascorbic acid and don’t include the other complementary nutrients, it’s like going to work without shoes. You’re missing something.

I believe this approach to eating and health is the best way unless we’re pushing something in a specific direction. I’m critical of the green foods, but this algae is one of the most perfect foods. We’ve tested many of the green foods and the red foods, and I find oftentimes they are not what they’re cracked up to be. With that said, this is just the opposite. ENERGYbits are is the real thing. Powdered, dehydrated and pricey vegetable drinks simply don’t compare.

For those who want to try algae but are leery of eating actual algae, it can be swallowed in a tiny tablet form. Unlike traditional supplements, this is pure algae – a food – with no additives or added ingredients.

An Effective Detox Support

Algae is an ideal food for many reasons. Not only does chlorella strengthen the immune system, it pulls toxins including lactic acid, making it great for athletes. Many times, a person will be sore the day after a workout due to a buildup of lactic acid. Or, a person can inadvertently eat fish that has mercury contamination. Chlorella can detect each and help to remove both, along with using a true binder like CytoDetox™. While spirulina gets into your blood stream almost instantly, Chlorella takes approximately ninety minutes to fully be absorbed.

Again, it’s important to note that chlorella is a detoxifier, not a true binder. This is a good thing because if it were a true binder, it would not provide the nutrition benefits and wouldn’t work the way it does.

In a few instances, a person will experience a “healing crisis” when they take chlorella and the body starts to detoxify and toxins circulate. This doesn’t happen to everyone, but a small percentage of people may experience temporary bouts of nausea. Catharine reminds: “It’s much better to get those toxins out where they’re damaging your cells and you don’t know about it until it’s too late.”

It’s also important to look at the big picture. There are many drugs in our society, and while they do tests on their effects, few tests are conducted on what may happen if those drugs interact with other drugs or harmful toxins in the environment. Much of the illness we see in our society could be due to the dangerous, synergistic mix of toxins in our environment that accumulate in our cells. If the chlorella can help pull some of these toxins out on a gradual basis, it can help people live longer, healthier lives.

Use and Dosages

To reap the benefits of these amazing products, Catherine suggests the following dosages per day for the average person:

  • 30 ENERGYbits
  • 30 RECOVERYbits

The bits can be compared to eating nuts, seeds, or berries: a person wouldn’t eat one, they’d eat a handful or two. They can be eaten with nuts or berries as well, making them a nice snack or light meal for adults and children alike.

Another great benefit: if a person takes algae daily, they may not need many other supplements like minerals or fish oil. Taking 30 ENERGYbits before a workout or to start your day can provide a steady stream of energy, without the crash some feel after eating too many carbs. They can also be taken anytime a person needs an energy boost or while intermittent or block fasting to maintain energy.

Catharine suggests taking RECOVERYbits in the evening because the body’s cleansing, detox cycle is at night. RECOVERYbits are a great detox support, and can help the body detoxify more efficiently.

Unlike some products that offer specific instructions on when to consume them, these can be taken either on an empty stomach or with food. ENERGYbits are the perfect food for intermittent fasting, or those in ketosis or on a Cellular Healing diet. They won’t interrupt your fast or cause a glucose spike. If anything, The algae could lower glucose!

The only suggestion is to consume with a full glass of water to prevent feelings of queasiness. Depending on preference, the bits can be either chewed or swallowed.

As noted, algae is at the beginning if the food chain, meaning fish have been eating it since the beginning of time. Our pets can eat it as well. Since giving them to my pups, their coats shine, eyes are clearer, and they have fresher breath.

Algae is a best kept secret. It is the ultimate superfood that has many amazing benefits for everyone, whether a person is a high-performance athlete or more sedentary. Personally, I love chewing them (just watch out for the green teeth effect!), and I like taking a handful of ENERGYbits before I work out.

We firmly believe the body can heal itself, provided it has what it needs to do the work. No product does the healing, but when cells get the right support tools, magic starts to happen.

Try algae today. Your body will thank you!

How to get ENERGYbits:

ENERGYbits can be purchased as a single serving or a month-long supply. The individual servings come with a small tin, making them easy to carry in a briefcase, purse, or lunchbox.

Catherine’s website is If you enter in our promo code ‘CHTV’ (short for Cellular Healing TV) checkout, and you’ll get 20% off your purchase. Thanks, Catharine!

  1. “Micronutrient deficiencies.” WHO – World Health Organization.
  2. Papanikolaou, Yanni, James Brooks, Carroll Reider, and Victor L. Fulgoni. “U.S. adults are not meeting recommended levels for fish and omega-3 fatty acid intake: results of an analysis using observational data from NHANES 2003–2008.” Nutrition Journal. April 2, 2014.
  3. “Office of Dietary Supplements – Multivitamin/mineral Supplements.” National Institutes of Health. July 8, 2015.
  4. Vojdani, A., and C. Vojdani. “Immune reactivity to food coloring.” Alternative therapies in health and medicine. 2015.
  5. “Health Claims.” Health Claims | Federal Trade Commission.

Cellular Healing Diet: 1-Week Menu Plan

Eat your way to your best ever health with this Cellular Healing Diet seven-day menu plan, loaded with delicious foods to heal your cells from the inside out. This basic diet plan contains fun and easy breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner ideas and Pompa-family approved recipes, including optional desserts and a variation for those who would like to practice intermittent fasting (learn more about intermittent fasting here).

Download the 7-Day Diet Plan Now

What is the Cellular Healing Diet?

In essence, the Cellular Healing Diet is a lifestyle diet that eliminates inflammatory foods and embraces whole foods that heal cells from the inside out. The diet focuses on consuming good fats (like quality sources of saturated fat and cholesterol), moderate amounts of healthy proteins (i.e. grass-fed and pastured animals), and lots of organic leafy greens and a variety of non-starchy vegetables. Starchy vegetables, grass-fed dairy, legumes, fermented foods, nuts, seeds, and low-glycemic fruits are consumed in moderation. Healthy sweets, like dark chocolate or stevia-sweetened desserts, can be enjoyed sparingly.

Here’s an overview:

Download the Cellular Healing Diet Food Pyramid

Why the Cellular Healing Diet Works

The Cellular Healing Diet has given tens of thousands of people around the world increased health and vitality and produced major weight-loss for three reasons:

  • It down-regulates cellular inflammation (R4), the root cause of most every modern disease (see more on inflammation here). Toxic foods inflame us at the cellular level causing body-wide health disturbance and a myriad of symptoms. Decreasing cellular inflammation is one of the major keys to support the healing of most disease today.
  • It produces cellular detoxification, because it supports the regeneration of the cell membrane. PompaCore Cellular Detox™ can only occur at the cellular level, by means of a healthy cell membrane. If nutrients can’t move in and out of the cell due to an inflamed membrane, the cell becomes toxic and you will struggle with weight-loss resistance (wherein diet and exercise do not impact stubborn pounds).
  • It supports hormone regulation. Weight-loss is all about hormones, as I’ve said many times. Our hormone receptors reside on cell membranes and provide cell-to-cell communication, but are often blunted by toxins or damaged by toxic fats. The Cellular Healing Diet includes foods that support the body’s natural detox process, and is loaded with good fats to heal and regenerate inflamed membranes to naturally balance hormones which leads to ideal weight.

  My Basic Rules for Cellular Healing Diet Success

Keep it simple with these three essential diet tenants to get fast results.

#1. If you can’t read it, don’t eat it.

  • Foods listed in Leviticus 11 as unclean
  • Man-made fats (such as hydrogenated oils)
  • Processed foods laden with preservatives and chemicals

  #2. If man changed it, exchange it.

  #3. If you can’t do without it, throw it out.

  Next: Make the Three Changes

Now you may be wondering, “What can I eat?” No need to worry, the foods you’ll be enjoying are delicious and have the benefit of dramatically improving your cellular health. I have no doubt that making the following foundational shifts will radically increase your health, vitality, and support optimal weight.

#1. Remove bad fats and replace them with good fats.

Scary fact: the half-life of trans fats (a partially hydrogenated vegetable oil), found in foods like french fries, is 51 days. This means that after 51 days, only half of the negative effects of this man-made fat have been processed by the body. An additional 51 days (totaling 102 days) are needed to remove the majority of this toxic fat. Makes you think twice before downing that plate of fries, eh?

Man-made fats like hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine, and trans fats are used as cheap alternatives to extend the shelf life of foods replacing natural, good fats. These oils denature very easily, since they are sensitive to heat and light, and are likely rancid before they make their way into your kitchen or restaurant meal.

Vegetable oils also cause cellular congestion, and are a huge health concern due to their wide-spread and excessive consumption. These oils are linked to chronic inflammation, and may even lead to cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, neurotoxic syndrome, chronic fatigue, and other serious diseases. But the solution is simple: make an oil change. Remove the bad fats and replace them with good fats. Good fats are the most lacking nutrient in the modern American diet, and are essential to hormone production and balance, low inflammation, and weight-loss.

Toxic fats: Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, trans fats, GMO canola, corn, cottonseed and soybean oils.

Good fats: Organic, cold-pressed coconut oil and other coconut products, cold-pressed olive oil, grass-fed butter, MCT oil, avocado oil, grass-fed tallow, grape seed oil, and palm oil (plus healthy fats naturally found in whole foods).

  • See more on healthy fats and whole foods fats here.
  • Get tasty recipe ideas for adding more good fat to your diet here.

  #2. Change the meats you eat.

You aren’t what you eat: you’re what you eat ate. There is an important distinction between conventional meat and organic, grass-fed meat: the difference lies in the fatty acid ratio. Scientists now believe that a meat’s ratio of fatty acids, like omega 3 and omega 6, is more important than the measure of the singular fatty acids themselves.

For example, cows were designed to eat grass. When fed an unnatural diet of grain, changes occur in the cow’s fatty acid ratio and denature the good fats into bad fats. Conventionally raised animals have fatty acid ratios greatly disproportionate to those of organic, grass-fed animals. When conventional meat is consumed by humans, the unbalanced fatty acid ratio contributes to a myriad of health problems, such as hormonal issues, skin conditions, Type 2 diabetes, and slower brain development and ADHD in children.

Moreover, hundreds of current studies link conventionally produced meats to cancer and heart disease. The bio-accumulation of commercial pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and hormones in meats is disturbing, and far higher than those found in commercial vegetables. Grass-fed and pastured animal protein tastes much better than conventional meat anyway, and when purchasing you’re voting against the inhumane animal feeding operations that are destroying our physical and planetary health.

Avoid: Factory farmed animal products

Consume: Local, organic, grass-fed and pastured meats and eggs, and wild caught, low-mercury fish. Low mercury fish include salmon, sardines, mussels, rainbow trout, and Atlantic mackerel.

#3. Remove ALL processed grains and sugars.

Eliminating sugar and everything that the body turns into sugar (aka grains) may be challenging, but often makes the most dramatic impact on health and weight-loss efforts. But is sugar really that bad? And what’s the problem with whole grains? Let me explain briefly.

Did you know that eating two slices of whole grain bread raises blood sugar just as much as drinking a 12-ounce can of soda? Grain products such as bread, pasta, and crackers quickly turn into sugar in the body and promote cellular inflammation. Grains also contain anti-nutrients, the plant’s innate self-defense mechanisms, which can make them difficult to digest and assimilate. And what’s worse, most grains today are genetically modified (GMOs), a process that causes the denaturing of proteins and carbohydrates to the point that the body no longer recognizes them as food. The immune system creates an inflammatory reaction in response to consuming GMOs, creating an ideal environment for illness to arise.

Now let’s mention sugar. If you want to age faster than anyone in your neighborhood, simply raise your blood glucose by eating plenty of refined sugar (and grains). Sugar is an anti-nutrient, comparable to grains, and interferes with the absorption of other important nutrients. Refined sugar also unnaturally spikes and elevates levels of glucose and the hormones insulin and leptin, often leading to insulin and leptin resistance. When this state of resistance occurs, your cells cannot “hear” what the hormones are telling them to do in order to function properly. Hormone resistance not only leads to premature aging, but to diabetes, heart disease, the inability to lose weight, and more. Sugars and grains also lower immune system function, and promotes systemic yeast overgrowth (Candida), which has terrible side effects like thrush, vaginitis, and skin outbreaks. Toxic stuff, folks.

Eliminate: bread, pasta, crackers, chips, cookies, cereal, pastries, muffins, pretzels, candy bars, sugary desserts, ect.

To sweeten foods: Natural stevia, and small amounts raw honey, grade b maple syrup, erythritol, and non GMO xylitol.

See more on ridding your pantry of toxic foods like refined sugars and processed grains here: link pantry article

That’s it! This menu plan and diet overview provides a basic diet plan framework for beginning to follow the Cellular Healing Diet. For more in-depth information and recipes, get my book here: link. Enjoy and cheers to your best cellular health!

For an in-depth look at the diet and over 90 recipes, get my Cellular Healing Diet book here.

Notes on the Basic Diet Plan:

Simple Avocado Dressing

Simple Avocado Dressing
  • 1 avocado, pitted and skin removed
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 cloves fresh garlic
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt
  • 3/4 cup filtered water
  1. Put all ingredients in blender and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Thin with water if desired.
  3. Enjoy over salad, veggies, or protein.
  4. Keep refrigerated in a jar for about 3 days.

Banana Coconut Macaroons

eat fat lose fat

  • 2 large, ripe bananas, well mashed
  • 2 cups finely shredded, unsweetened, coconut flakes
  • ¼ cup coconut flour
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 2-3 Tbsp. raw honey
  • 1-2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 Tbsp. grass-fed gelatin (optional)
  • Pinch of sea salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. Place all ingredients in bowl and mix thoroughly until paste forms.
  3. Form into cookies, garnish with coconut flakes, and place on baking sheet greased with coconut oil (or lined with parchment paper).
  4. Bake 17-20 minutes, or until golden brown.
  5. Allow to cool and enjoy!