2019 Podcasts

287: Sexual Vitality

Episode 287: Sexual Vitality

with Susan Bratton

Additional Information:

Register for Susan's Sexual Vitality summit here. Watch for FREE September 23 – September 30, 2019!
Sexual Soulmate Pact – 6 essentials for connection, by Susan Bratton
Orgasmic Fantastic Sex Date (for men!)- by Susan Bratton
CytoDetox: total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level.
HCF's Live it to Lead it event – Newport Beach – November 14-17, 2019
Pre-order Dr. Pompa's Beyond Fasting book!
Join HCF's 50 Ways to Women's Wellness Summit – online and free Sept 9th – 15th! Register here.

Relationship expert, Susan Bratton is a champion and advocate for every person to receive the intimacy and connection that is our God-given right as a human being. But too often we lack the touch and connection we crave. On today's episode of CHTV, Susan will share healing touch techniques that support the detoxification systems and are soothing while fasting. This is an episode you won't want to miss!

More about Susan Bratton:
Susan Bratton is a beloved intimacy expert. Her wheelhouse is pleasure and connection. Author of more than 20 books, a TV celebrity, stage speaker, YouTube star and frequent podcast guest — she distills profoundly simple techniques that deepen intimacy and lower stress.


Dr. Pompa:
Have I talked about sex on Cell TV? No. Better put, love making. Look, this show, is it about all that. I have the world expert in this on this show. Look, this goes beyond it. We talk about hormone optimization via oxytocin, and how touch is something that is so [00:00:23] but you have no idea how this could be part of your recovery, but how this will change, obviously, your relationship.

I'll tell you one of the things I loved about this show is it's step-by-step on what we need to do to create this type of intimacy, this type of healing in our bodies. Wait till you see where it goes in the end. Yeah, we go into orgasms, I know, Cell TV, but you'll see. There's a science here, and there's a lot around it. It even set up a Part II. This one, I'm telling you, you're going to want to share this, but you have to watch it first. Wait till you see this show. Cell TV, see you then.

Ashley Smith:
Hello, everyone, welcome to Cellular TV. I'm Ashley Smith, and today our guest is relationship expert Susan Bratton who is a champion and advocate for every person to receive the intimacy and connection that is our God given right as a human being. Too often, we lack the touch and connection we crave.

On today's episode of CHTV, Susan will share healing touch techniques that support detox systems and are even very healing while fasting. These are very useful tips for this audience, indeed. Please check out our show notes to learn more about Susan and her books, programs, and her new online and free Sexual Vitality Summit, which premieres September 23rd. Let's get started, and welcome Susan Bratton and Dr. Pompa to the show. Welcome, both of you.

Dr. Pompa:
Awesome. Hey, I'm in the Sexual Vitality Summit, and gosh it's going to be great, honestly. Folks, this woman's a dynamo. You have no idea. She is a wealth of knowledge in an area that—I can say this, we have done, I don't know, how many—actually 280 some episodes on Cell TV.

Ashley Smith:
Yeah, almost a—

Dr. Pompa:
We have yet to discuss this important topic. I'm telling you, this goes into every aspect of health. I think we've all heard we need touch, we need—then we go, yeah, right. We really don't understand that impact, what that actually means. In our relationships, yes, our health, yes, our detox, yes. We're going to bring the science to it. We're going to bring, I think most importantly, an application to it because it's like okay, what do you mean by that?

We all would agree that humans need touch. I mean, it's been proven. There's been things that happen in people's lives where they didn't get human touch interaction. Literally, their life falls apart physically, emotionally, and spiritually obviously. We know. No one would argue with this, but number one, what does it mean? Number two, what impact does it really impact us and how? Number three, okay great, I want to do this, but how? All that's going to get answered. Susan, welcome to Cell TV.

Susan Bratton:
Thanks Dan, so happy to be here. When you and I have been talking about detoxification, I've really been thinking about how important touch is as a part of that process. I remember when I first started my detoxification journey, I wanted to get lymphatic drainage massages. I actually had a really hard time finding anyone who studied that deeply and could do that. I also have a very good relationship with my partner where he's willing to massage any part of me, any time, for as long as I need it. Most of the people in here—

Dr. Pompa:
Hold on, where's my wife? I don't want her to hear that. She's not around. She's not going to watch this episode now.

Susan Bratton:
I'm going to tell her.

Dr. Pompa:
Men are going, aaaah. Women are going aaaah. How long? As long as she wants? Okay, go ahead, sorry.

Susan Bratton:
I think foot rubs are one of the areas of foreplay for women that really help us too. It's funny when you think about touch. So often for us women, we can't even get in the mood until our feet don't hurt. We wear those crazy high heels. I just think it's one of those pieces.

Dr. Pompa:
Check number one, done right there. Don't let that one slide by, right? Okay, got it.

Susan Bratton:
It's definitely one of the ways to a woman's heart. Women, generally, like to be touched from the outside in. I have something I call my Bullseye Touch Technique. When you think about the difference between the masculine and feminine. You can be anywhere on the gender spectrum for this conversation.

Dr. Pompa:
Hold on. Did we mention that she is actually a sex expert? How many books have you written on that? Seriously.

Susan Bratton:
I just finished my 29th book.

Dr. Pompa:
The point is yes, we're talking healing, detox, and all these amazing things for health, which is super powerful. Sex is something we all need as humans. This woman literally is an expert. We hold her up as that. Anyways, I had to put that out there.

Susan Bratton:
Yeah, I like to think about myself, rather than being a sex expert, I like to think about myself as being an expert in love making and intimate connection.

Dr. Pompa:
That's why I didn't say it like that in the intro. We didn't want to say it that way. You used the words, so I put it on you.

Susan Bratton:
Yeah because I think there's a big difference between sex and making love. I think the holding and being held, one of the techniques I want to give you in this conversation is called the Soulmate Embrace. I want to tell you a little bit more about touch in some ways that I think about it because we have a masculine and a feminine. The masculine is testosterone forward. The feminine is estrogen forward.

Our brains are wired differently. The woman has a larger corpus callosum. She has more visual acuity than the man does, peripheral vision than the masculine does. Then you think about neurotransmitters, acetylcholine, GABA, etcetera, serotonin, dopamine. We have that as individual differences where I might be—I'm an acetylcholine forward neurotransmitter person. That colors my personality. You have those pieces of things about the differences between humans, people, individuals.

Then you layer on a thought process that is some people are more visual, some people are more auditory, and some people are very kinesthetic. You could be a serotonin testosterone kinesthetic or an estrogen dopamine visual. Then there are many other things, too, that factor into how you like to be touched, when you like to be touched, the way you like to be touched.

There are some generalities. I think the more that you understand the way that you like to be touched—for example, approach is another piece of it. Do you like it when your partner just leans right in to give you a kiss, or do you like it when they come from the right side, or the left side, or around behind you and grab you? You'd be surprised that if you ask any woman what she prefers, she could tell you the answer to that.

There are so many differences in the way some people like tickly, light, so light, and other people are like, “Oh, that would make me crazy. I like a deep long stroke.” Getting a good understanding of the kind of touch you like, so that you can ask for what you want, really helps your partner win in giving you that touch.

Another thing that is important to know is that there are four kinds of touch. Where a woman likes to be approached from the outside in, think about the bullseye touch, the outer ring, and then the middle ring, and then the inner ring, and then the bullseye. If the bullseye, in an intimate setting, is your most erogenous zones, the outer ring is your hair, your feet, your hands, then your arms, and your legs, and then maybe your back, and your belly, and then your neck, and then your mouth.

Dr. Pompa:
Is it the same with men? You said women like the outside in.

Susan Bratton:

Dr. Pompa:

Susan Bratton:
Men want you to go right for the erogenous zones. They want the instant—

Dr. Pompa:
Surprise surprise.

Susan Bratton:
The instant, what do I want to say, calming effect that knowing that you're going to get the touch you crave as a man, which is direct stimulation to the most erogenous zones. That calms him down and slows him down. It's funny that we're very different. Once people—and then you have to think about, was I attachment bonded, or not attachment bonded? Did I get the holding and love that I needed as a child, or am I shy touch because I haven't been touched enough?

There are many people who come to me and say, “I love to touch my partner, but they don't like me to touch them.” I say, “Okay, well, here's what you do.” Think about when—have you ever had a puppy that at first they would run away from you. They weren't a Golden Retriever. They were maybe a Shetland Sheepdog. They had that personality, which doesn't really like to be fussed with. A Golden Lab comes up and sits on your lap, and licks your face, and wants to be held, and would literally let you hold them like a baby. People are the same. People who haven't been securely attachment parented, and haven't been held well, they literally need you to slowly warm them up, and get them to realize how wonderful touch is. When someone doesn't like to be touched, that's simply that they haven't been touched in the ways that they need to be touched.

When you go back and you think about everything I just told you with regard to different personality types and how that fits into the way they like to be touched, then you go okay, so I need to find out that my partner likes to be approached from the right, and likes very soft touch, and wants to be touched from the outside in, and wants to be touched in specific ways, and specific places, and other places they don't like to be touched. That starts to get them more willing to open to the pleasure of touch. It's tough when you have a super kinesthetic touchy-feely partnered with a no touch. A touch-a-lotta and a touch-a-notta, so you have to bring them together.

Dr. Pompa:
One thing's for certain, according to the sciences, we all need touch. With that said, we can—you're giving us already a lot of tips. Hopefully you're writing them down, folks. Everybody needs it. Even if you're like, “I don't like to be touched,” let's be clear. You need to be touched, so you need a strategy. Let's back up a second, and let's talk about why. Why? We'll give more of these tips because you have so much here. This is so much. It could be a two-hour show. I'm going to have to have you on again. People don't even know that this is a missing component in their life, in their health. Yes, it affects relationships, but why do we crave this? How does it affect our biology?

Susan Bratton:
Yeah, I think that the number one thing that it does is it calms you. It makes you feel connected. You get a sensation of pleasure. You feel grounded. It generates oxytocin, which of course is the bonding molecule, the calming molecule.

Dr. Pompa:
Again, studies show oxytocin goes beyond that. Oxytocin plays an important role in brain health, healing. Oxytocin plays a role in anti-inflammation. This is all new that we realized, oh, it's not just the love hormone. It goes far beyond into physiology.

Susan Bratton:
Yeah, so I'd say that those are some of the biggest reasons that we need touch, our calming, security, secure attachment, pleasurable sensation. Ultimately, I think, when we're born, we're born in this package, this body of ours. In a way, we're alone. We are sovereign beings on this planet for the time that we're here, and because of that we crave connection to spirit, to sources, to God, to Gaia.

We crave that feeling that we're—there's something bigger than us that's holding us safely. The touch of another person is the first step in feeling that connection to others. We're not actually as alone as we might feel. I think that's part of it that is both grounding us to the earth and to other, as well as connecting us to the higher power of source and God. I think that's also an overlooked part of touch.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, interesting, okay so we need it physiologically. We need it spiritually. We need it emotionally. There's no denying that. There's these four types of touch that we need. There's different ways to break through. Where do we start? There's some people without a partner? What do those people do? I just have so many questions, I can't keep up with myself.

Susan Bratton:
That's okay. I can answer them all. The first thing is that—let me tell you what the four kinds of touch are. Think about the bullseye when you think about it this way. The outer ring is nurturing touch. What I'm really talking about here is the attention you have as you touch someone. In your mind, you're thinking about how you're going to touch them, and the ways you use your hands and your other parts to touch, your lips, or whatever it might be, the rest of your body, skin to skin contact.

You want to think about how you would do that if you were doing nurturing touch. Then the next is healing touch. Think about nurturing touch like you'd hold a baby, or you'd hold your partner in grief or sadness. Then think about the healing touch as being the kind of touch that makes your feet feel better after you've been wearing sexy shoes all day.

Dr. Pompa:
[00:15:41] lymphatic drainage.

Susan Bratton:
Yes, exactly, all the lymphatic drainage, working out the knots, whatever those things might be. You're actually in a fixing mode, in a solving mode. You're feeling your partner's body, and you're finding the things that need healing attention. Then the next kind—so we're getting closer in the ring, the next kind is sensual touch. Often, the masculine skips the sensual touch and goes right to the center of the bullseye, which is sexual touch.

For women, women require, the female, estrogen, estrogen-dominant human beings require the full range of that touch. They need you to hold them, and then work out the kinks, and then sensually awaken—awaken what I call her sensual grid. I'm going to come back to that in a minute because I'm going to tell you about the seventh sense. Awakening her sensual grid actually gets all of her body firing and feeling, which helps her both get out of her head because estrogen has its attention on everything where testosterone is very forward focused. It helps her get into her body.

Then as you're sensually touching her, it's relaxing her. Relaxation—most people think that arousal is I'm going to turn you on. I'm going to do things that get you going, that get you up, that get you grrrrr. The thing is you can't get arousal before you go through relaxation. Relaxation is the first stage of arousal. The sensual—the nurturing, and the healing, and then the sensual touch allows you to start to move up the arousal ladder. You've calmed, and now you're moving up. You're giving pleasure and sensation that is sensual, and makes you feel good, and gets you just connected with your partner again. Then you go to sexual touch, which is the stimulation required for heightened pleasure. I really like that—

Dr. Pompa:
You are—Susan is taking us through how to make love. I didn't tell you that that was going to happen, but you see what she's doing here. You'd better watch this with your partner. That's my advice. Anyways, okay, continue on.

Susan Bratton:
That's okay. Just share it with your partner. “Hey, I learned something. I realized I think I might need a lot more touch than you do. As a woman, I think I might need a lot more full-body touch than you do. I was wondering, the next time that we were together, if you could really spend a lot more time just touching my whole body because I learned this thing called the Seventh Sense.” I'll tell you what that is because it's interesting too.

You know how we have the five sense, and then we have the sixth sense, which is our intuition. The seventh sense has—by my friend, Sir Ken Robinson, been called proprioceptive touch. Proprioception are the cells that are all over your body that let your body know where you are in space. They know where—what's touching you where the pressure is. Is my shoe tight? Am I going to whack someone in the face if I do this or not? You know it tells you how far your arm goes out. It's what's figure skaters are really good at because they know exactly where they are in space as they twist, and they twirl. Gymnasts, they have high seventh sense.

A part of what you're doing when you're awakening that sensual grid is that by touching all those proprioceptive cells, you actually awaken and enliven them to feel more pleasure and connection with your partner. Proprioception is one of those funky little nerdy things that once you become aware of how important full-body touch is and also touching each other body to body, not just hand to body. Sliding, connecting, moving, writhing, really involving your entire body. When you're holding each other, rubbing your hands up and down each other as you're giving each other a kiss, things like that. They enliven that connection and make you feel so much more intimate with your partner. I think that's a nice distinction.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, all right, how does it apply? You brought this up. I mean, it applies to detox. The healing part I can see. Opening up lymphatic drainage, releasing toxins from a little deep tissue. Do these other types of touch help with detoxification and healing as well? I mean I can see that, but I want our viewers to understand that more.

Susan Bratton:
Yes, the more that you're able to move, to put pressure and sensation on the outer layers of your skin, the more you're actually moving the fluids under your skin. This brings me to my next technique, which is spongy and draggy. Now, a lot of times a person will—it takes time for partners to get good at touching each other in the way we each individual really like to be touched.

I've given you so many more words that you can use to describe to your partner the ways that you want to be touched, and the order in which you want things to be touched, and how full body really moves the energy through your system, and creates a level of vibrancy and flow that you don't have if you're not being touched in that way. Spongy draggy is funny. They're made-up words, but they're made up specifically for a reason. That is that when you're with a person, and this could be, by the way, if you're single and you do go to a massage therapist.

What I want you to do no matter whether you have a partner to touch you, or you're getting good regular massages from someone good, is to learn how to communicate your touch needs. A lot of times harder and softer isn't quite enough. I don't really want it harder, and I don't really want it softer. What I'm getting isn't what I exactly want. Maybe it's something like more spongy, more light, more on the surface of my skin, maybe something draggy where I want you to really push on my skin and push the subcutaneous tissue, so that I'm feeling this kind of spreading almost like a—a Swedish massage is a draggy massage. It's a massage that touches the skin and then pulls down and goes across like that.

Have more words to describe the sensations that you want. A lot of times partners will just rub on your skin. A man will rub a woman like this. That's not what she wants at all. She wants a slow, deep massage where he's actually touching her skin. He's not touching the outer layer of her skin. He has the intention of pressing below the skin and touching the tissue with some nice oil, touching the tissue below the skin, and really working that subcutaneous tissue. Working the meat, not the flesh, that's a good way to explain it to someone. Work the meat, not the flesh.

When you talk to your partner, teach them something that I call two option leading. As you're giving the touch techniques, you're saying, “Do you like it like this,” which I'm going to call harder, or “do you like it like this,” which I'm going to call softer. Then she doesn't have to think, do I want it harder, do I want a softer? She can just go, “Softer.” If you give her choices and options, she doesn't have to think about what she wants. She just has to notice what she likes or like and respond to you.

When you're touching a partner, what you want to do is you want them to stay in their body. Keep them out of their head, and enjoying, and focusing on the sensations that you were delivering. That's how she feels more pleasure, or he feels more pleasure is by not having to be in his rational brain or this alpha state or this beta state. Your beta is when you're awake and aware. Your alpha is your subconscious. Your theta state is your unconscious brainwave state. It's the same state as meditation.

When you're able to touch someone, and put them into a trance state, a deep meditative very relaxed state, when you're touching them, and you think about how you're touching them and you're connecting your energies together. You're taking over your partner's nervous system, and they're completely surrendering to you. You're touching them and you're taking them on this sensation ride of pure relaxation, nurturing, sensuality.

When you allow that to happen, you don't want to ask them what they want. You want to give them options. You want to give them two options and leave them because they're surrendered and you're the leader. When you get good at touching and being touched together, and you go back and forth, you give her, she gives you, whatever it might be. When you're doing that, you're actually entering and entering into a conjoined trance state where you two, together, are locked in feeling the two sides of the same coin of sensation. You're feeling the pleasure you're giving that person, and they're feeling the pleasure that they're receiving.

Then you're really locked into that connection; that relaxed, intimate connection; that deep, soulful connection together that's almost otherworldly. That’s spiritual sensuality, if you will. [00:26:37] like those ideas of it’s not hard and soft, it’s spongy and draggy.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that would be like the ultimate oxytocin and hormone optimization right there. I mean, seriously, people don't understand that this is a big deal as far as you know, optimizing your hormone health. Oxytocin can be a big assist here. People are missing it big time. All right, what about touching for rapture, as you call it? How does that play in?

Susan Bratton:
Well that's a good lead-in when we talk about sensual spirituality, connecting in pleasure, relaxing and letting the world fall away, and calming down your nervous systems together. When you do that, there's a way that you could be up in your head. Let's say you're the giver. You're giving the touch, pleasure. You’re strategizing. You're thinking, “I’m going to do this? Then I'm going to do this. Then I'm going to do this.”

When you're doing that, when you're strategizing, you're not in a conjoined trance state taking your partner for a ride. You're in your beta state. You're thinking. You're looking ahead. You're up in your head again. You're not in your body. What's nice is—and that's a natural thing that men actually struggle with because you are the masculine sensual leader creating a safe frame for your partner to surrender to the pleasure that you're giving them in that moment, when you're the one in the giving.

In a way, you have to lead, but you have to begin to lead in a way that there's an immediate shift when you begin to do something called touching for rapture. You can touch your partner for effect, or you can touch your partner for rapture. The shift is very simple, and very profound, and really helps you get into that sensual spiritual connection. When you touch for effect you're touching—let's just say it's he's touching her. When he's touching her he's saying, “Okay, I'm going to rub her shoulders. I'm going to rub that knot out, and I'm just feeling that knot, and I'm pushing on that knot.”

Now, what if you did it where you touch? That's touching for effect. You're directing your mind to do the thing. What if you let all that go and you tune into her body at an entirely different level, at an at an emotional, vibrational, sensual, conjoined, meditative? Now, I'm not touching her body to get pleasure, to have pleasure. I’m touching her because the way that I'm touching her feels great to me. That's when you stop touching her to make her feel good, and you touch her because she feels so good under your hands.

Her body and her skin is so soft. She's a little bit fatter than you are and that gynoid fat layer feels nice to you. You're biologically wired to love those the little muffin tops on her hips, and her breast tissue, and her belly tissue. Men love the feeling of that. It's funny how much women worry about the fat padding on their body. If they understood how much men love it they would worry a lot less. They worry about cellulite, and testosterone has rose colored goggles. It doesn't even register for them. When you can just let yourself relax into taking your pleasure touching her, and you can let your body express that pleasure in ways through biofeedback where she can feel you feeling her.

Dr. Pompa:
Changes it, yeah.

Susan Bratton:
It changes it from “I'm in my head. I've got a plan. I'm strategizing,” to “She feels me feeling her,” and feeling the pleasure of you feeling her. She can feel you. Then when you start this cycle where she's feeling you feeling her, and you're feeling you feeling her feeling you, that's high
stakes sensual spirituality.

Dr. Pompa:
That makes sense. All right, you haven't talked about the Soulmate Embrace. How does that play into all of this? This is something you talk about.

Susan Bratton:
Everything that I told you are realizations that I've made over the last 15 years of helping. I've helped a lot of men rekindle the passion with their wives I wrote a program almost a decade ago called Revive Her Drive because I realized that because men are testosterone forward, they don't understand what women need.

A lot of what I've been talking to you about is what the feminine requires to really surrender to her pleasure, and to really feel deeply connected. A lot of times, couples don't hold each other enough or in ways that get them into a full oxytocin bloom. You don't touch someone and immediately start getting oxytocin, generating oxytocin. It takes a few minutes of constant connection to actually generate and increase your oxytocin levels together.

The Soulmate Embrace—and I'm giving you this as a gift. It's at soulmateembrace.com. I make it simple. The Soulmate Embrace is part of a book I wrote. I think it's probably one of my top selling books of all time, which is Sexual Soulmates: The Six Essentials to Connected Sex. It's a technique that was born from thinking over 15 years about what were the needle movers for couples? What were the things that people didn't know, that were super simple, that when they learned them they were like, “That just—it ignited our connection. It was so easy, and I never thought of it.” I love those little a-ha, sudden awareness, things I can do, that I can do immediately, that really changed my life.

The Soulmate Embrace is one of those things. The way that it works is it works on polarity. Often now, as a couple, and it doesn't matter what gender you are, but someone holds the masculine, and someone holds the feminine in the frame. We end up—women become masculine because we're CEOs and we're out the work world. When we come back to the connection with our partner we want to reignite the masculine feminine balance together.

We want to surrender to our feminine. One of the best ways to help a woman who's been out in the warrior world come back to her feminine, is for her masculine to hold her in the following way. You put on cotton pajamas. You lie down on your bed. You, as the masculine, Dan, you're going to hold your arm open and she's going—can I say Merilee? I can say your wife's name?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, sure.

Susan Bratton:
Okay, great. Merilee is going to lie full body next to you and she's going to put her head either on your shoulder or you're going to put a pillow right there, and she's going to rest in your arms. She's going to be turned toward you, and you're going to be turned toward her. You're going to put your hand on her sacrum on her lower back. You're going to hold her there just to start. You're going to start by breathing deeply together. You have to remember that your lungs are bigger than hers, so you're going to breathe a little more shallowly for her. You're going to ask her to follow your breathing. You're going to lead her in deep breathing that's just the right tempo for her lungs. You're going to get her breathing. You're just going to hold her. You're going to look in her eyes, but then you're just going to let each other rest.

What's going to happen is as you hold her then, there will be a moment where you'll want to adjust. Maybe it'll feel better to her to hold her up higher, or hold her a little lower, so you can move as you're doing this. It's really that you are holding her securely. As you feel her relax, she's going to start to let down and relax. That's your signal to pull her just a little bit tighter because what most people do is when she's – oh, she’s relaxed I'm going to let go now. You're not going to let go. What you'll find is that some things are going to come up for her emotionally. She's going to need to say a few things and express some emotions she's been holding. You're just going to, “Thank you, baby. What else?”

Dr. Pompa:
You see, men, we don't even understand that would be like. Where's that coming from right now? If you didn't expect that I could start a fight. It could end the whole thing.

Susan Bratton:
What's nice is because you're ready for it, and you're encouraging her, you literally need to hold her until that comes up for her. Then she expresses, and that lets it out. Then she relaxes again. Then you hold her a little more closely. You can move and be comfortable, but now you're going to want to squeeze her a little. She's going to want to press her body against yours. What the pressing and the squeezing, the squeeze and then release, the press and then release does is that it relaxes all the musculature in her body. It's one more level of deep relaxation.

At that point, she's going—I always joke that when she starts drooling you know you've done a good job because when your mouth waters it's a sign of arousal. It's actually—your body starts to get fluidy when you've crested from relaxation into arousal. She might even cry a little in some of the letting go. That's a release for her. What you've been doing is you've been releasing her, releasing her, releasing her in different ways, and squeeze.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, that's detox right there. From the very start of cellular detox. I would argue, I mean, that just sets it off.

Susan Bratton:
Thank you, it does.

Dr. Pompa:
Trapped emotions are at the cellular level.

Susan Bratton:
Of course they are, yes. Then what you want to do is you want to start after you can feel that she's kind of really got relaxed. You want to start stroking her hair if she likes that, most women do. Stroking her hair, you look at her you want to look her in the eye. You really want to make a little eye contact with her now because what that's doing is that's alpha-male right there. Eye contact, holding her eye contact is “I've got you baby, I got you.” Right, you’ve got her.

Dr. Pompa:
They feel secure.

Susan Bratton:
Oh, every woman who's watching us right now is like “I want that so badly.” Then you can start moving your hands on her body and giving her that what she likes. Does she like surface touch, or does she like it a little deeper. Does she like it tickly, or does she like it [00:38:24]?

Now you're starting to move her energy and move her body. When you move her body, you move her emotions. When you move her emotions, you create intimate connection. Now you're just stroking her body. Then at one point she's going to pop up. She's going to be like a whole new woman. She's going to be so connected to you and so excited by you. All of a sudden you're her man.

You just made her feel so relaxed that I want you to start kissing her. Kiss her forehead. Kiss her eyelids. Close your eyes, baby, I want to kiss your eyelids. Kiss her cheeks. Just peck, peck, peck her lips. Kiss her neck, and then her collarbones. Then go into wherever you go from there, whatever is right for you as a couple.

That relaxation to arousal is exactly what a woman needs to do to get out of her estrogen crazy monkey mind into her body. It sets the polarity. It resets her nervous system and allows you to have the most deep and loving connection you've ever had. That's the Soulmate Embrace. I'll just say one last thing about it.

The way I wrote this little bitty e-book is I wrote it so that you can read it and give it to a guy. It's actually step by step by step because the way the male mind works, because it's forward momentum, it likes all the steps. It wants to know what I do, and then what I do, and then what I do. There you go.

Dr. Pompa:
Is that the gift you're giving us then? We’re going to put that in here?
Okay good, yeah, so—because the men are out there like their notes are all scratched up, and I hope I got this right. You're right. Yeah, it's like I want the steps, yeah. My next question was [00:40:18] how do we start? Seriously though, here's the question. We're all lost in our day and doing this thing. This happens more and more and more. You're moving in this direction. You don't even realize it. Where do you start? It's like you come home and all of a sudden you're touching me. What are you doing? It's like, oh, you want sex. I know this game. Give us some tips on where to start. Right guys, am I right here? I hope so. Women that are watching, tell your guys, “Start here, honey.” Anyways, where do we start?

Susan Bratton:
I think if you do the Soulmate Embrace every day or so, and it didn't have to lead to anything more, it's a standalone experience. It allows her to take it to the next level if she wants. Then instead of it being a foreplay technique where you're doing it to get, it becomes a giving with no reciprocity required, which allows her to have as much of it. You literally need to fill her up with this before she's going to want to take it to the next level. Also, I've talked to many women who've said to me, “It took me four or five times to do the Soulmate Embrace.

Dr. Pompa:
My advice to men who are listening, and this is the man speaking now, is the first one or two times do not do it with the expectation of making love, having sex. Don't do it with that. Do it with the expectation of—if you want forward in selfish do it the expectation of getting some great oxytocin for your health. Okay, there's a good first step. With the expectation of a sexual outcome, they're going to sense it. Women, they’re intuitive. They're going to know. It could be like he's doing this to get that for him. Do it for her. If you want to make it selfish, do it for the health of both of you. Anyways that's my advice.

Susan Bratton:
There's also—I wrote a book called The Passion Patch: The One Place to Touch Her to Arouse Her in 30 Seconds Flat. I wrote that as copy for men because that's what men want. They’re zero to sixty, straight ahead, boom, boom, boom. They want to get to the endgame, the goal, and so that appeals to them. What the book actually teaches is stealth touch techniques because so often your partner is—the minute you touch her she's like, “uh, I know what he wants,” and so you end up never touching each other. She is never touching you because she doesn’t want to send you a signal. When you touch her, she shies away from it.

I have about a dozen different—because women like to be touched in different places. I'll give you a couple of examples. One of them is something I call the catch and release touch. That's where you go up to your woman and you start to understand does she like you from the right, the left, or the front or the back? You can even ask her, “When I approach you to give you a hug, which direction do you want me to come from? Do you want to test it and see what you like best?”

Some women are very specific about the only one they like, or they don't want that straight on thing. It’s too much for them. They don't want you coming up behind them because it'll freak them out. Everybody's totally different. You have to know what you like. Then go up to her in her direction. You hold her, and you squeeze her, and you give her a peck, and you let her go. This is kind of the opposite of Soulmate Embrace where you take your time. This is the catch and release so that she doesn't shy away from you coming up to touch her all the time. It calms her down to know that that's the end of the touch. That’s one.

Another one that I think is really nice is every time you two are walking through a door, you get the door. You go ahead of her and say to her—if she doesn't let you she's always opening the door. Say, “Give me a chance to get in front of you. Just walk more slowly. I want to get every door for you. From now on, let me get the door. I like to get the door for you. It makes me feel like a man. Give this to me.” Then you pop in front of her you're ready for doors coming. You're walking a little faster. She's slowing down. You get to the door. You open it, and push your hand on her sacrum, and guide her through the door. That touch on her lower back grounds her and connects her to you.

Here's a third one. There's plenty more, but the third one is you're in the car. You put your hand—you're driving, most likely. You put your hand on her leg on her thigh. You just press, and give her a little squeeze, or just lie there lightly. You just tell her, “I love you,” and that's a touch. All of these things are grounding touches that she needs to feel closer to you.

Dr. Pompa:
I can do all those. I love that. That's great. That answered the question, though. I said, “Where do you start?” I think that you start there. Like you said, there's more. Look folks, if you don't sign up for the Sexual Vitality Summit, you're nuts, man. I'm serious because you see this information. This is big stuff. I want to do a part two because I feel like we've opened up the door now with part one to go somewhere where—I don't know. I don't even know if I would go on this show, but now I feel safe to go there.

The second part is the importance of orgasms and all that. It's like, oh my God, on cell TV, eye touch science. It’s like we’re talking about—I feel like after this show, so many people have a little dysfunction here. It's such an important part of life. I think we got—Ashley Smith, you might want to come on right now. I think we just should have that show because I think it's a really important part of health. I'm pulling Ashley Smith into this conversation because she's another female. Ashley, what do you think?

Our viewers, I think they need the second part of this. It wasn't planned. We didn't talk about it, but I've had these conversations. I’ve had these conversations with Susan. I always say gosh, my boys need to hear this. I'm telling all our viewers need to hear this. I know it's not a sexual show. It goes far beyond that. It's one of these components of health that nobody really wants to talk about. What's your feeling on that Ashley?

Ashley Smith:
Absolutely, I mean sexual health is a part of health and holistic health, particularly. I think being able to talk about it as well is important. I think a lot of people fear even talking about it or telling their partners what they want. I think it's—getting over the shame of it, I think, is really important.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah I know, and how many people are going yeah, no one ever taught me that. I just say you gave those three quick tips. You're an expert here. How many more tips can we get people to take what's so important in their relationship to another level? Yet no one talks about it. Again, I think, Susan, it'll lead to a lot of your other information. I think people need [00:47:57]. I think another show will do that. All right, so can we have you on for a second interview?

Susan Bratton:
Of course you can. For the master class that is part of the Sexual Vitality Summit, I did two videos. I did one conversation with [00:48:17] about anorgasmia, when people have difficulty or a complete inability to achieve climax and what you can do about it. Then I recorded two video shows, The 14 Types of Male Orgasm and The 16 Types of Female Orgasm. All the guys are going to—all the guys say, “Ha, she got two more than me. How do I get 14? I thought I got one.” It's quite an interesting conversation just to talk about orgasmic potential and understand all the different types of orgasmic experiences one's body can have. Once you know what you're going for, it's a lot easier to get there.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt you have to have a target. That's the next show, and we’ll promote the master class. I mean, let's promote, people, but we have to get people there. I think another show can absolutely do that. I'm just sitting here thinking we have—so many of our viewers are health seekers. They're sick, they’re looking for – I was just thinking, when I was sick and going through my battle, how much healing I would have gotten from sex. You're thinking, “I just don't have the energy.”

Starting where you have started people, I think could give you the energy to take the next step and take the next step. I was just thinking gosh, this is something that's like I’m sick, I can't do that, or I don't have time for that, or the energy for that, or I don’t have the mindset for that. I think you need to make this a part of your healing journey. I do. If I would go back into my human journey, it'd be something that I would have taken a lot more serious, but I just didn't know. I'm not going to make that mistake for our health seekers.

This is something you need for your health, something you need for your relationships. I think that's obvious. I think what's not obvious is that this is something needed for your recovery. It's something that I don't think anybody is talking about it, what an orgasm, what touch can do. We talked about touch on this show, but taking it to the next level, what that can do for your recovery, is just this hidden gem.

Susan Bratton:
I'd like to give your viewers and listeners one more gift. It's called the Magic Pill Method. I'll make sure you get a link to it. It's a free gift. It's part of the Sexual Vitality Summit. What I realized, in talking to thousands of people, and researching what it was that held people back physically and emotionally from the intimacy and connection that they craved and deserved. What was it when you had illness or what have you?

Many people—what I found in my study, is that when a person becomes ill they get—if they have an issue, it could be vaginal pain, it could be erectile dysfunction, it could be a chronic inflammation, it could be diabetes, or any number of things, lupus, inflammatory disease, anything including very common betrayal emotional traumas that stop people dead in their tracks. They don't know how to solve it. They just stop having intimacy.

I realized that I had hundreds and hundreds of people send me their “what it was” that prevented them from having the intimacy that they used to have, or that they wanted to have, and I thought to myself, well, I could fix that, well, I could fix that, I could fix that. I laid in bed for a couple of nights because I do my best thinking [00:52:05] sleep. I said to myself, “How do I solve this problem? How do I take care of everyone? There's not enough time in the day for me to give every single person individual advice. What can I do?”

I realized—I woke up one morning and I said, “A-ha, I know what it is.” I need to give people a structure for having a conversation with their partner that looks like, “We're safe. I'm afraid of these things. It used to be like this, and now it's like this, but maybe we could get it like this again.” There's a lot of things you can do to fix and compromise and work around almost any health or emotional and physical health issue, especially if you have someone willing to support you in finding the solutions.

I wrote this little technique, and exactly how to do it, that helps you and your partner finally talk about the thing that nobody has been—the elephant in the room that you've not been talking about when you know you're both sad and missing each other, and what you can do to actually get to a solution and back to the connection? If it looks different than it used to, what's it going to look like? It might look different, but it's going to look a heck of a lot better than nothing. That's the Magic Pill Method. It’s actually a safe way. Partners just don't talk about it. I'll give you the link to that too.

Dr. Pompa:
I'd say that's a great gift for our viewers. Honestly, I think that's going to help a lot of people, thank you. Thank you, Susan. I just appreciate your work. I really learned everything you've done for humanity. Thanks for being on Cell TV. Thank you for coming back. We're taking it to another level. Everyone's going to be like, “When's part two?”

Susan Bratton:
I look forward.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, I appreciate it. We will talk soon I'm sure I'll see at the next seminar.

Ashley Smith:
That's it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today's episode. This episode was brought to you by CytoDetox. Please check it out at buycytonow.com. We'll be back next week and every Friday at 10 am. Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv. Please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, and sharing the show with anyone you think may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening

286: Neurohacking with Nootropics

Episode 286: Neurohacking with Nootropics

with Dr. Gregory Kelly

Additional Information:

Neurohacker Eternus – Supports mitochondrial fitness and cell energy.
Qualia Mind – 6 nootropic compounds for to promote mental clarity and brain nutrition.
Qualia Focus – 5 nootropic compounds to support concentration, drive and memory.
CytoDetox: total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level.
HCF's Live it to Lead it event – Newport Beach – November 14-17, 2019
Pre-order Dr. Pompa's Beyond Fasting book!
Join HCF's 50 Ways to Women's Wellness Summit – online and free Sept 9th – 15th! Register here.

Can nootropics really optimize our brains? Our expert this week is Dr. Greg Kelly from Neurohacker Collective. He is bringing the scientific research on nootropics and how they support cognitive development. We discussed cellular and mitochondrial aspects of aging and what proven strategies exist to improve them.

We discuss why aging happens in the first place and how we can, in fact, age in reverse. We'll also reveal how brain fog can be a symptom of premature aging of the brain. You will become equipped with tips on how to take control of aging (and even reverse it!) in this episode dedicated to longevity optimization.

More About Dr. Gregory Kelly:

Dr. Gregory Kelly is a naturopathic physician (N.D.). He is lead product formulator at Neurohacker Collective and author of the book Shape Shift. He was the editor of the journal Alternative Medicine Review and has been an instructor at the University of Bridgeport in the College of Naturopathic Medicine, where he taught classes in Advanced Clinical Nutrition, Counseling Skills, and Doctor-Patient Relationships.

Dr. Kelly has published numerous articles on various aspects of natural medicine and nutrition, contributed three chapters to the Textbook of Natural Medicine, and has more than 30 journal articles indexed on Pubmed.

His areas of special interest and expertise include nootropics, anti-aging and regenerative medicine, weight management, and the chronobiology of performance and health.


Dr. Pompa:
Have you heard of the word nootropic? Probably not but it’s a hot word right now because it’s the brain. How can we get our brain to function better when so many people are just having brain fog? Forget about brain fog. I just want my brain to function at its best. It’s one of the first signs of premature aging is when you have brain fog, when your brain doesn’t work, and obviously, dementia is a massive epidemic. On this show, we’re going to talk about what you can do about that, how you can prevent it.

We go beyond that. I have an expert in aging, and we’re going to talk about mitochondrial health. We’re going to talk about the things that we have both done to reverse our cellular age. At one point, I was more than ten years. My cellular age was ten years ahead of my actual age. That’s not good. My sickness played into that, but we’ll talk about what I did to reverse that. Now it’s the opposite. Every one of these things you can do, and we talk about it on this show, some amazing tips. You’re going to love it. I’ll see you on the show.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith, and today we welcome Dr. Greg Kelly, who is a naturopathic physician and the lead product formulator at Neurohacker Collective, which produce some of our favorite nootropics that we utilize to support mental performance in brain health. This will be a great conversation about how your cells and your mitochondria can drive the aging process, and you’ll learn some strategies to improve them. Let’s get started, and welcome Dr. Kelly and Dr. Pompa to the show. Welcome, both of you.

Dr. Kelly:
Thank you.

Dr. Pompa:
Awesome, yeah. No, I love this topic. Look, I would think that most people watching this, they complain of brain fog and lack of energy. Boom! All right, this show covers it. The other thing, I mean, my interest for regaining my health is how do I prevent aging prematurely, which I was, by the way? Greg, I’ve done telomere testing and every age testing. At one point, I was 11 years older in my cellular age, and that was due to my illness, of course. That was even after I was doing better things and even after I got my life back, but my cellular age was still basically saying, hey, I’m going to get an age-related disease. The last many, many years I’ve been diving deep into how do I stop this premature aging that I’ve set up because of poor living and neurotoxins in my cellular level?

You have developed some incredible products that Dave Asprey absolutely loves, I love, and many of us in this world. When we look at aging, we look at our joints fail. We end up in pain too early and our brain goes. It starts with brain fog, so we have to talk about that. Everyone thinks, oh, aging, I don’t care if I die. No, I would rather live 80 healthy years than 100 where the last 10 are the typical aging degenerative diseases, and that’s the problem today.

Obviously, that’s a concern of you, and obviously, that’s where your whole company is focused around. Let’s start, Greg. Aging, what are some of these things? Whether you’ve lost your health, or you want to regain your health, or you’re just wanting to live a great healthy life, or you have brain fog, I mean, you’re aging. You’re aging at the cellular level. What does that mean?

Dr. Kelly:
For sure, the cells are where it’s going on, right? I think of there being two huge camps in the aging world. There’s one camp that would essentially say that aging is largely a problem of damage accumulation so essentially junk proteins and these other things accumulating in our cells and cause our cells to essentially underperform. Then we get the symptoms you mentioned: pain, inflammation, saggy skin, weight gain. Another camp would say that it’s more like our cells are programmed to get older. Essentially, the epigenetics, the way our genes express themselves as we get older changes.

The truth is there’s an element of both camps that’s right, and they’re both going on. It’s almost like a vicious cycle. If you get damage accumulation, that can change how the genes express themselves. If the genes express themselves differently, that can cause damage accumulation. In either case, you have to start at the cellular level to start to make a big impact on what we would think of as and as you termed quality years, so health span is usually how we would language it.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt, this is Cell TV, right? You have to fix the cell to get well. If you don’t want to age or die of an age-related disease or suffer from one, you better fix the cell to get well. That’s the focus of a lot of the ingredients that you spent at least the latter years of your life studying and what we’re going to talk about. Yeah, I mean, so let’s—people are going, well, how do I know if I’m aging prematurely? I wouldn’t have thought—after I got my life back, I wouldn’t have thought I was aging prematurely, but yet, my cellular age was more than ten years over my actual age according to telomere testing.

Dr. Kelly:
When I think of age, I think of us as having at a minimum four different ages. We have our chronological age, our birthday, essentially, how many years we’ve been alive. Then we have our biological age, and so telomeres is one way to do that. DNA methylation test is another. I’m guessing you know about it, but your audience probably doesn’t called phenotypic age where you take ten things that are parts of normal lab testing, a chem panel, CBC, and then CRP, like a marker of inflammation, and put those into an algorithm. It crunches out how old you are based on that.

There’s a couple different ways to do biological age, and then I think of two other things. We would have our felt age. If I said how old do you feel, or how old do I feel, most of us are going to say younger than our birthdays, right? That’s our felt age. Then a fourth one that tracks pretty well with health is how old other people think that we are when they look at us. If you get enough pool of people doing that, it actually tests out to be really as accurate as our biological age. One of the things that I’ve seen in science is that our birthday or chronological age is probably the least predictive of health and longevity, but how old our cells are and how old other people view us to be, those are super predictive.

Dr. Pompa:
I’ve taken the telomere test, different companies, different methods, all pretty accurate, I would say. I just finished the DNA methylation type of age. I haven’t gotten the result back. I just did it. That’s newer science. Yeah, it’s gotten a little bit better to the point where I’m like, okay, this is worthy of doing. There’s actually two different companies that I’m actually experimenting with, one from London and one from here in the US.

I think you’re right. I think when we look at somebody—I mean, I can look at somebody and go, oh, they’re—I feel great. I’m looking; I’m going you’re aging. Again, I think you can look at people’s eyes. I think you can look at their skin. There’s just a look. It goes beyond if you try to make it specific. There’s just a look about it that you can pretty much guess somebody’s biological age.

Dr. Kelly:
Yeah, I mean, I go—for your audience, I was an officer in the Navy back in my pre-naturopathic doctor life in the 80s and pretty harsh lifestyle, right? You’re living cramped in ships, sleep deprived, rotating shift work, and I just remember at the time being in my mid-20s and seeing some of the chiefs. That would be the Navy equivalent of the sergeants, enlisted people that had been in 18, 20 years, and a lot of them looked like they had aged in dog years, right? I think there’s a truism to that statement. When we look at someone and they look a lot older than they should be—or frankly, I want to look younger than I am, so even someone that’s just aging and looks like they are their age, to me, that’s not a win. We can do better than that.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, there’s no doubt. Obviously, we can have a dramatic effect on it. I did. Oh, gosh, I have to look at my test, but I’m more than ten years younger now. I’ve spun that hard. Granted, I do a lot of things. I mean, I really was intentional about changing that, but the bottom line is we can in fact change it. I think that’s the message, and therefore, I’ve changed my outcome. For me, it’s not about living 10 or even 20 years longer. It really is about I’ve been sick. I don’t ever want to go back.

When we look at the cellular functions, I mean, I teach these people my 5Rs of how to fix the cell and how to detox the cell. The answer that you’re going to give will lie in those 5Rs. What cellular functions, really, have you found that really are playing a role in us aging faster than normal or, more importantly, how we reverse it?

Dr. Kelly:
I would say the mitochondria we think and some of the people I…

Dr. Pompa:
R3, by the way, restoring cell energy.

Dr. Kelly:
…is somewhere in the mix of the heavy hitters for it. Your audience would know that’s what makes ATP, our cellular energy, and our mitochondria I tend to think of as a network, right? They’re often drawn as if there’s one or two of them in the cell, but there’s hundreds to thousands in our individual cells. They’re constantly reshaping that network, so habits like exercise can build a fitter mitochondrial network, periodic fasting. We just did a three-day fasting mimicking diet, water fast here at Neurohacker. To do that once a quarter or maybe slightly less frequently, those can—that can really make a big difference.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, there’s no doubt. The studies on fasting are dramatic. Whether it’s water, partial, intermittent, I mean, all of it definitely gets rid of bad cells and makes new cells and has a dramatic effect on even getting rid of bad mitochondria, which is mitophagy, as it’s called. We’re learning about that. If we get rid of the bad ones, my gosh, we make new ones so to your point.

Dr. Kelly:
Then we had Dr. Kruse on our show not too—or our podcast not too long ago. He was just adamant, nature, getting out, seeing sunrise, sunset. Getting out in nature was super important for the mitochondria, but then the other thing that comes up all the time in research is polyphenols. I’m not sure if it’s something you’ve talked to your audience about, but polyphenols are really a category of plant compounds that encompass everything from citrus bioflavonoids to resveratrol from grapes to compounds that give coffee and chocolate a lot of their health benefits, like a polyphenol-rich diet. The way I think of that is almost like the fruits and vegetables recommendation that you want a variety. It tends to be the same with polyphenols. That having an abundance of them in our diet and especially a variety is really great for our cells but specifically for the mitochondria.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, there’s no doubt about that. The phenols, the polyphenols, and the plant compounds and everything that goes with it are very, very important. Okay, so let’s dig a little deeper. We talked about fasting, right? Okay, I fast. Fasting is my book, so I’m a big proponent. It’s part of what I did to reverse my aging. I started teaching fasting in the 90s when no one cared. It’s just recently now in vogue. One of the things, again, seeing a number helped me because then I started making it—I became way more intentional about something I already knew about.

All right, let’s go beyond fasting, the name of my book. People don’t want to fast necessarily or they don’t—whatever, they’re not fasting. They may want to, but they’re just not fasting enough. Let’s give some tips that you have found that actually work in some nutrients that someone can actually take. There’s so much out there. Right now, there’s a word that is circulating. It’s called nootropics. These are things that we know work for the brain, but it happens to be the same things that actually work for, basically, aging.

Dr. Kelly:
The brain is one of the most metabolically active tissues, right? I think, generally, it’s thought it burns about 25% of our fuel, and so the brain is usually going to be among the first things affected from both toxins and from things that are health promoting because it is such an active tissue. The idea of nootropics—and just, I guess, stepping back for a second, nootropic came from the finding this one compound. Racetam is the name of the drug, and the person that discovered that drug, what he found is, when he had people take it, he got lots of people telling him that, oh, my focus was way better, or my mental energy improved. My memory was fantastic. He coined the word nootropic. Nootropic, the simple way to think of it is these are just compounds that make your brain work at a much higher performing level, and so there’s a huge range of things that could be thought of as in the nootropic category. The other thing that we’ve seen a huge blossoming of in the last few years is—would the term ergogenic be something your audience is familiar with?

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, we talk about herbalomics as a name that we actually utilize. Yeah, I would say no. You can define it.

Dr. Kelly:
Ergogenics is just the category of compounds that improve exercise performance. Our muscles, as it turns out, are also super active tissue. What I’ve seen over the last I’d say five or six years in research is it’s been a blurring together of things that help the brain and things that help exercise. Where it used to be somewhat partitioned, what we’re seeing now is, things like creatine that used to be thought of as just for muscle heads, now lots of great research on that as a nootropic, something that really can support better brain performance. Conversely, there’s things like alpha-GPC, which is a really great choline source. [16:04] has been thought of and the research goes back 20 years for cognitive brain performance. Now there’s a couple studies that have shown that it improves, essentially, force and velocity in lifting types of exercises. I would say the nootropic and the ergogenic worlds are starting to more and more fuse, and what we’re finding is things that make us perform better mentally make us perform better athletically and vice versa.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, there’s no doubt. Folks, by the way—I want you to talk about the products you put together. A lot of people are going, okay, where do I find these ingredients? By the way, you haven’t even hit a fraction of them. PQQ, I mean, we can keep going down a long list of nootropics. By the way, to your point, though, nootropics is a big, wide category. There’s drugs that are nootropics. You can micro-dose different things like mushrooms and things, and they call them nootropics. They are nootropics. I don’t necessarily think those are all good for you necessarily or good doing. The ones that you’re focusing on are the herbals or some of these other phenols and things that in fact are good for you and are nootropics.

By the way, brain fog is not normal, and brain fog is no doubt a sign of your age struggling and your mitochondria struggling. All of these are in solid research, these ingredients, to help with the brain, the brain fog and symptoms of low energy, which again, are symptoms of premature aging. What are the products? I mean, I take them, actually, and by the way, folks, you can get them here from Revelation Health. We’ll have Ashley put the link.

Dr. Kelly:
Our two nootropics are Qualia Mind. It’s basically like a slimmed down version of Qualia Focus that is essentially the same core formula, but it’s removed a few things like the PQQ, phosphatidylserine. We think of that as the entry level, but the Qualia Mind would be our advanced formula. It’s personally what I take and what we have most of our research on.

Dr. Pompa:
Let’s spell Qualia. It’s Q-U-A-L-I-A, correct?

Dr. Kelly:
Yes, correct.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I’m dyslexic, so I have to even look down to make sure I spell it right. There’s other dyslexics out there like me that have no idea what Qualia—K what? No, it’s Q. Anyways, we’ll put the link in.

Dr. Kelly:
Our company is Neurohacker Collective, but Qualia has almost in the outside world become what we’re known for. Quite often, when I’m at Paleo or other things where I’ve run into you, people think of us as the Qualia people as opposed to…

Dr. Pompa:
I didn’t even know your other name until I think we did a show together, but yeah, I think you of you, Qualia. Oh, Qualia, yeah, that’s over there. I love it. I’m going to grab their samples. I take their stuff. Qualia Mind and Qualia focus, so you’re saying that the Qualia Mind—review that again.

Dr. Kelly:
Yeah, so I think of the Qualia Mind would be our more advanced formula. The Qualia Focus is our entry level.

Dr. Pompa:
Why would you start—why not go right to the advanced? Why would I start with Focus as opposed to the Mind?

Dr. Kelly:
We created Focus largely for a price point and part because our director of wholesale wanted something that could get into more retail outlets. Qualia Mind is such a premier product. It’s not a great a fit in that world.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, yeah. No, listen, I mean, that’s the thing I love. When I create a product, I just—they always have to get me to make something that’s going to sell on store shelves. It’s like I’m so not interested in that. I create a product for me, man. I know you created Qualia Mind for that reason for you too. I looked at it and read the ingredients. I’m like, oh, I don’t know the price to this. It’s going to be expensive because I know how expensive these things are. That’s what it takes for something to really work, man, and charge you.

Dr. Kelly:
Oh, yeah, things like PQQ, crazy expensive.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, but it’s worth it. It’s worth it. Pay more and get something that actually works. Every ingredient in there is really scientifically studied to affect the mind, and it goes beyond the mind. It goes into the mitochondria and into the cell. I think the mind is the selling point, but when you affect the cell, you affect the mind.

Dr. Kelly:
Correct, yeah. What we see with—I take Qualia Mind usually first thing in the morning on my way as I go to the gym. By the time I get to the gym 15, 20 minutes later, I feel like, one, it helps me stay mentally strong and tough for my entire workout, and it also makes me more invigorated for the workout. The truth is I track my workouts using an app. Pretty much, month in, month out, I progress in my exercise, which pre-doing nootropics, that just wasn’t the case. I would plateau for huge amounts of time.

Dr. Pompa:
People are watching this. Hey, Pompa takes it. How come he never told me about it? We just started carrying it on Rev Health. I’ve been taking it for a year. That’s typically what I do, though. Before I recommend it, I’m using it. I look at the product carefully, as I did yours, and then I eventually carry it on my website. It was hard to get otherwise. Now we got to carry it. It makes it easier to get.

Dr. Kelly:
The other thing, in addition to great ingredients, one of the things we’ve seen—before we ever put a product into the wild, we do a lot of what we would think of as in-house testing where we give it out to friends and family. Then assuming we dial in a recipe we’re happy with, then we do usually a 50 to 70 or so person test to make sure that it works in the wild. What we found, it takes us a long time to release a product because we’re often changing amounts and ratios of things. Especially with nootropic ingredients, there are certain things that tend to work really well when they’re at ratios to each other so caffeine and theanine as an example. One of the things you’d look for typically in a well thought out nootropic is it would have both, but it would have usually at least as much theanine as caffeine. Typically, the ideal is more of a twice as much ratio. I know when I look at nootropics it’s often easy to see whose thought things out well and who hasn’t.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I love that. I just go right for the best, man. I don’t ever want to make a product or create a product that’s already been created and I love. I won’t be creating a nootropic like this. We’ve got one. We’ve got yours. What else is in your line?

Dr. Kelly:
The Qualia was our original product. In April, we launched what we think of as a healthy aging product so something in that space for the first time called Eternus. Eternus, 100% focused on cell health, mitochondria. What we’ve seen is because—as we’ve been talking about, when you improve mitochondria, when you improve cells, brain performance tends to perform or upgrade as well, so we’ve had much more, I guess, feedback that it’s been a nootropic for some people than we actually anticipated. We’re thinking of it much more as something to take for healthy aging, productivity, better workouts, improve sleep, things in that area. What we’ve see is there’s been a subset of people that have felt like it’s worked as well as Qualia for doing the focus, the mental benefits that they’re used to.

Dr. Pompa:
One of the things I love about the products is you take them; you feel a difference, I mean, immediately. I like products like that. You know when you have it. You know when you don’t. Again, it’s the quality that you’ve put into it. I hope people no doubt hear that.

All right, let’s go beyond the product. I mean, we’re talking about aging. We’re talking about biohacking our cell, our mitochondria, our brain. What other big tips? This is an area of study for you? What other big biohacks do you love?

Dr. Kelly:
I’ve always been a huge fan of things that travel well. Having big expensive machines wouldn’t—I wouldn’t be the go-to guy for that. I’ve used blue light blocking glasses, huge fan of those. I’ve been using those personally for more than a decade. I just think with the number of people that have issues with sleep or with their body clock, if you’re on screens after dark, getting some good blue blockers and using those routinely at night is super important.

Dr. Pompa:
Does it take a while for that? I hear all the time, oh, I tried that. I mean, does it take a period of time before you actually feel the benefits of that?

Dr. Kelly:
I would say I’ve seen some people, especially people with problems with sleep, sometimes it’d be a huge difference very quickly, but for most people, I would think it’s more subtle. What I notice personally, if I don’t use them and I’m on a TV or watching TV a lot at night, on my computer, within a couple days, I feel it in terms of eye strain. My eyes will be maybe a little more watery in the morning. My nervous system will feel just a little bit more fragile, like I’ve de-juiced myself a little bit. If I put those on for a night or two, it rebalances that, so for me, I can feel the difference very quickly.

Dr. Pompa:
What else?

Dr. Kelly:
I’m a huge fan of how you start your day, so getting some exposure to natural light at least five to ten minutes as early in your day as possible.

Dr. Pompa:
I do it too.

Dr. Kelly:
I’m lucky. I live in San Diego. I typically have my coffee sitting outside somewhere, somewhere around 7:30, sometimes as early at 6.

Dr. Pompa:
That morning light is what I try to get as well. It’s filled with all the red lights. These lights around our daily lives deplete—we’re not getting that, those red spectrums and near infrared. I mean, beyond that, I mean, it’s morning light is just filled with what you need.

Dr. Kelly:
Yeah, absolutely. One of the things we forget is that light is a rainbow of colors and that the percentage of those colors varies tremendously across the day. Early in the day, if you look, you’ll see a lot more blue. End of the day with sunsets, color is much more oranges and red. I think naturalistic lighting in all its forms is—that’s our main brain body clock. That’s what centers it.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you want that blue light in the morning. That’s exactly right. Nature does it right. You’re right. When you look out at the sunset, you don’t see blue.

Dr. Kelly:
That’s right.

Dr. Pompa:
You see reds and oranges. In the morning, yeah, it’s blue, absolutely.

Dr. Kelly:
Then another thing, I’m just a huge fan with anything to do with circadian rhythm, circadian and function. One of the consistent themes that comes out of that research is regularity and only in certain things. It’s important that we’re fairly regular in terms of when we eat and when we get up and go to bed. If we can stay essentially consistent day in, day out in those three areas, good things tend to happen. I think the reason is, in a simple sense, digesting food is super hard. We have to get everything lined up both to digest it and to protect ourselves from the things we’re using to digest it, and when we eat irregularly, it’s much harder for the body to predict and get all those things scheduled on time. What I’ve seen, I don’t know if it would match your experience, is quite often people with digestive things, if you can get them to eat under more naturalistic lighting and at more regular times, much better things tend to happen.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt, the thing that affects my deep sleep, which I measure with my aura ring, I’m sure you do as well, is eating late. It’s predictive for me. My heart rate’s even up higher. It does; it affects my deep sleep. I try to eat at least four hours before bed.

Dr. Kelly:
That’s awesome, yeah. I mean, I generally think, with the seasons, I’m probably a little bit later with my last meal this time of year, much earlier when it gets to the darker period.

Dr. Pompa:
On the weekends, admittedly, I’m later because I’m outside more, whatever, whatever the reason why we’re out doing something. I can predict it, but it’s what you do. Two days a week, you miss it. Five days, you’re hitting it. Your body adapts, but it’s what you do most of. I think you’re right, though. That rhythm, we carry the rhythms in our life, and that shows up in our sleep. That shows up in our sympathetic, parasympathetic balance, heart rate variability, I mean, all just predictors of good cellular health.

Dr. Kelly:
One of the things, I remember reading this in—it’s probably a book that goes back 20 years ago. I think it was called The Body Clock Diet, but I’m not 100% sure of the title. Anyways, they had different functions in the body drawn at different clock times. One of the things that I recall reading in it was that the time that our stomach made the most stomach acid was actually between about 10 and midnight. When I looked into it, the idea was that it made it then to actually decontaminate itself from everything that had built up during the day, and if we were trying to digest food during that same window, it couldn’t do the cleanup. As you and I both know, cleanup, super important at a cellular. Debris is just ubiquitous in our body if we don’t allow the cleanup functions to work.

Dr. Pompa:
On a rhythm, there’s something called the migrating motor complex. It’s a group of nerves that is connected to your small intestine. Its job is to move particles of debris through the small intestine, even food particles, which are that. If they stay there too long, they actually feed the bacteria in the small intestine, and they start to overpopulate. One of the number one things that we’re seeing in people that they think is food allergies is actually small intestinal bacteria overgrowth.

Dr. Kelly:
I believe it.

Dr. Pompa:
It’s caused from the rhythm of the migrating motor complex being disrupted. Again, toxins can disrupt it, but a lot of this out of circadian rhythm can also affect it. It happens mostly at night when ghrelin—there’s certain hormones that actually are affecting it, and when that’s out of rhythm, you screw everything up so a little tip.

Dr. Kelly:
I think the last thing and at least it’s always been super important to me and something that—I used to do a lot of mind, body medicine work and teaching back in my—I would say 15, 20 years ago. I think, for lack of a better word, the stories we tell ourselves I think can make a profound difference in our health. Even if we go to aging, that metaphor we started with dog years, mine goes to the movie—I think it’s Finding Nemo. There’s a scene. Nemo meets these sea turtles and asks how old are you? The sea turtle says, oh, 120, dude, but still young in a surfer voice. My motto or my story since then is I do things so that I can age in sea turtle years. One of the things I will routinely do when I listen to people is to see if I can ferret out the stories that they’re telling themselves. I’ve had some good friends that their story at some point was, essentially, I’m happy to trade healthy aging for having fun now. By the time they hit 40, that story wasn’t serving them so well.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, one of the things I always say about my illness is where it served me well was I fear ever going back, and therefore, I do a lot of things out of—there’s two things, fear and pleasure that drive humans, right? It’s like, well, I tell you, both of them drive me with my health. I love mountain biking. I love being able to keep up with my kids. I can only do that if I’m pain free and have energy, so okay, that’s pleasure driving me. The pain side is, man, I fear going back, and it drives me to do these things.

It makes me really focused on it, and it’s paid off. I’m 54 years old, and I feel better. I have more energy than most people that I know day in, day out, pain free. You get what you focus on. Intentionally, I created that. Intentionally, I said, man, I’m not going back there. I’m going to change the second part of my life.

Dr. Kelly:
I don’t know how many of your audience have had the experience of meeting you live like I have, but you have this vibrancy too in person that you can tell that whatever you’re doing is really working.

Dr. Pompa:
Look, everything that we’re talking about that you and I do, I do what I’m committed to do. I’m committed to bringing it to the people. I know, if people would just do these things that we’re talking about on this show, their life’s going to change. I just get a thrill from that. I get a thrill from getting the email that, oh, my God, I watched that show, and I started doing this. Gosh, you were right. It really affected my life.

That’s why I do this, honestly. I do this because I do it myself. I can’t help but to sniff out the best product, the best thing, and I do it for myself. I never hold it there. Anything I do for myself I bring to the people, and your company is one of them, honestly. It’s why you’re here on Cell TV, so thanks for your input. Thanks for your years of experience as well. I think this is just some great information that people need to put into their life, including your products, so thank you

Dr. Kelly:
Oh, you’re welcome. It’s been definitely a pleasure to be on your show and to get to talk with you again.

Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely, Greg, appreciate it. I’ll see you at the next seminar, I’m sure.

Dr. Kelly:
Sounds great.

Dr. Pompa:
All right, man, thanks.

Dr. Kelly:
All right, bye.

That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. This episode was brought to you by CytoDetox. Please check it out at buycytonow.com. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv, and please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, and sharing the show with anyone you think may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.

285: Ozone Therapy For Pain, Autoimmunity, and Cancer

Episode 285: Ozone Therapy For Pain, Autoimmunity, and Cancer

with Tom Lowe

Additional Information:

Practitioners! Check out Dr. Pompa's Ozone Kit! Follow the simple steps and you will be on your way to becoming an ozone superstar.

SOPMED Conference

Pre-order Dr. Pompa's Beyond Fasting book!

Join HCF's 50 Ways to Women's Wellness Summit – online and free Sept 9th – 15th! Register here.

Fastonic Cellular Molecular Hydrogen – support all forms of fasting with molecular H2!

HCF's Live it to Lead it event – Newport Beach – November 14-17, 2019

Ozone. What is it and what are the benefits? One of the top experts on the topic, Tom Lowe, is here to discuss it all — from using ozone for pain, autoimmune, and cancer – to how you can use it in an IV for blood treatments, with UV light, and even how you can use it at home for simple things like sinuses, wounds, and even cleaning! O3 is one incredible molecule that we hope more people can implement in their health and healing.

More About Tom Lowe:

Tom Lowe is an Entrepreneur, Researcher, Teacher, Designer, Inventor and Conference President.
Tom is the President of SopMed International – Society of Progressive Medical Education – a training entity and yearly conference hosting around 200 physicians. He is currently working with over 350 Physicians of Alternative and Integrative doctors and clinics around the US and world, as they develop their UBI and ozone programs. He also designed the new HD O3 UV therapy that is Better than 10 pass ozone.

Tom has a wonderful wife who he has been married to for 48 years, and they have 11 children.


Dr. Pompa:
Many of you have requested this topic, ozone. Here's what I realized, however. Most people don't even realize what it is. They definitely don't realize all the benefits of ozone. I interview one of the experts in this, Tom Lowe. I'll tell you what, we covered everything from blood treatments with IV, and UV light with ozone that you can get done in doctor's offices. Doctors, you should have this in your office.

We also talked about what you can do at home, like I do, twice a week. They've made it really inexpensive to do that. We talk about that. How you can do it in your ears, and how that affects your sinuses. How you can do it in your nose. We hit it all, how you need to do it on wounds, things on your skin. Anyways, we hit it all, and joints as well because ozone transforms joint health. From pain, to autoimmune, to cancer, we talked about it all.

You need to watch this show. This is great stuff. Even how to clean your washing machine with an ozone $90 unit, and vegetables. Anyways, I'm telling you, we hit it from food, to joints, to blood, you name it, and every condition there. I'm telling you, ozone is an under-looked subject, and really a therapy that really transforms lives. You're going to hear that and some amazing testimonies on this show. Stay tuned for this episode. You're going to love it.

Ashley Smith:
Hello everyone, welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I'm Ashley Smith. Today, we welcome researcher, teacher, designer, inventor, and the President of the SOPMed Conference, Tom Lowe. He's here to discuss ozone and its usage in healing modalities. He'll share data on ozone medicine from how it works to what it can help. This is going to be an informative episode that can transform your healing and the healing of your clients and patients. You can actually visit myo3unit.com to inquire about utilizing ozone in your home or practice. Let's get started, and welcome Tom Lowe and, of course, Dr. Pompa. Welcome.

Dr. Pompa:
All right.

Tom Lowe:
Thank you, very much.

Dr. Pompa:
I tell you, some people requested this topic. Tom, I find that most people, they don't know the healing benefits of ozone. Matter of fact, I would say this, that most of the public, maybe not our audience, we have a pretty educated audience, but most people would say, “Oh, ozone's bad for you,” which, of course, breathing in a lot of ozone in the lungs is not good. Yet, there's all of these healing qualities that we're going to discuss today.

Tom, you and I go back. I speak at your conferences and have for some years now. I appreciate that. Your whole SOPMed Conference is based on teaching doctors how to implement this into their practice because it has that much of an impact on people. It's been an amazing seminar every time. I always learn at your seminars. I appreciate that.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, great, well, it's an opportunity here to help a lot of people. I guess that's what we're about. If we can give something to people that's really going to help them, that is inexpensive, that is available, I mean, it's just one of those unknown secrets out there—ozone therapy. Everybody thinks ozone, and they think ozone hole, or ozone pollution. They don't realize there's 40,000 doctors around the world that use ozone every day as a reality.

Dr. Pompa:
I want to start with this. Some people will be like, “What is ozone? Does that happen when it rains outside?” You're actually right. Let's start with what is ozone, then we'll get into some of these applications. I want to say this from the beginning for the public watching. I have my unit right here. I can't tell you how many of my clients have bought this because you all have made it very inexpensive for a quality unit that our doctors have in their offices. Hang in there because we'll tell you how to get this.

I believe it's something we should all have in our home. You'll understand why because there's a zillion applications for this. By the way, one of the things you gave me as a gift, because I spoke at the seminar, was the ozonator that you can use, of course, in a stinky trash can.

You know where I used it, Tom? Our washer, I ordered a new one. Washers develop mold. The clothes have a stench to them, right. I put it in there, and it worked like—I was using peroxide, vinegar, you name it, to kill mold. The ozone—after each wash, I put it in there. I tell you, it was an immediate solution to that stinky washer problem. How much does that little unit cost that produces that ozone?

Tom Lowe:
That's $90. We've got that on a different website. That's Sweetwater Distributing. It's called a fresh thing. To clean your vegetables, to clean your fruit, to get all the bacteria and virus—I mean, like I mentioned when I'm training. I mean, Whirlpool was going to put these into these into their [00:05:33] crispers because it extends the life of the vegetable. That's the kind of thing people don't understand. There's so many uses for ozone. We're going to give you some medical ones. This is one that's a little different, but—and it works.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I think that's a good one to start with just because people like—okay, we're going to get into some medical amazing stuff with ozone. Right before the call, I was telling you, what's the proportion. I want to inject things. When you have aches and pains, put some ozone there. I'm not recommending that for you all, but I mean, I'm telling you.

What I'm telling you is that we're going to show you how something as simple as rectal ozone, and you can have your own unit in your house, will transform your life. [00:06:12] even how to put it in your ears. I'm telling you. Just hang on. We've got some amazing stuff here for you, the vegetables. All right, Tom, let's back up. Ozone, what the heck is it? Is it dangerous? What are all the things that we hear?

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, and we do this, usually, in an eight-hour class, but that's okay. The short of it is ozone is a gas. It is oxygen that when exposed to a spark splits that oxygen. You get an oxygen singlet, and it combines to have them three of oxygen molecules together. It's very reactive, but you have those three oxygen molecules together. It's called ozone.

You can get that if you're outside, or you're somewhere where you've got a thunderstorm. You smell that fresh smell afterwards. That's the lightening going through the air and causing, creating actually, ozone. Ozone is naturally occurring. We have an ozone layer above our planet. That is also activated by light hitting oxygen that's up there. It creates, again, that O3. That blocks our UVC light coming in, which is a good thing. We'd all probably be dead if it didn't.

The ozone layer is up there. It's very thin. It's created with sunlight. We also have ozone and pollution. The nitric oxide, the different exhausts that come from different vehicles or industrial, that too will cause a combination of the oxygen to create an ozone. People always think about the ozone level, pollution, and the issue is it's very easy to test. It doesn't mean—and it can be irritating to the lungs, but there's a lot of other stuff going on.

The neat part is ozone actually breaks down some of the pollutants too. It's got a positive effect. Since it's so easy to measure, they say, “What's the ozone level today?” That's what's the pollution level in some of these cities with inversion layers and so on. We hear about zone, but we never really think about it as a medical entity. It's really been a long time in world—well, actually, go back to the turn of the century. Tesla was the first one to patent an ozone machine.

Dr. Pompa:
That guy did it all, man. That guy did it all, I have to say. So much of his technology is in health care, and people don't know that.

Tom Lowe:
That was around, but they couldn't control it real well. World War I they used it because on gangrene and different exterior wounds and so on, they knew that it killed the bacteria, and so they used it that way. They couldn't control it real well as far as volume and concentration. That didn't happen until the 60s, a guy named Hänsler from Germany. They still make the units, Hänsler Units.

They were able to then control, know, and understand what part should be used with it. Today's ozone generators are compatible with ozone and oxygen. They are pretty easy—a small spark working that creates the ozone, like the unit you just showed there. It's a simple unit. The miracle is what that ozone does when it's put in the body.

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt. I mean, I already alluded to the fact that it can be used for aches and pains when injected into joints. It stimulates the body into actually healing, which is pretty amazing. Ozone has an oxidative effect, which I think that therein lies some of the confusion because I think most people have been trained to think that oxidation is bad, antioxidants are good. We know that oxidation is actually how the immune system works. The body uses oxidation to start the healing process. Talk a little bit about that so we can set the stage on why this may work in these different modalities.

Tom Lowe:
It's called immune modulator. Ozone goes into the system, and it's immediately gone or absorbed into the albumin of the blood. It goes into the albumin. When it does that, it creates ozonides and peroxides. These are the products—they're not reactive anymore, but they're traveling around the body causing an immune cascade, if you can say it that way. It's a wake-up slap. Exercise is oxidative, in a sense. You're causing a stress to the system.

We know preconditioning we can do that before surgeries and help the body actually stress a little bit is a good thing. You can call ozone, actually, a [proxident]. It's actually causing the system to say, “Okay, I need healing to this area. Wake up. Let's get going here,” so the oxidative stress. If you're oxidatively stressed because of some chronic disorder, and you try ozone, and you feel miserable afterwards, we just added to your oxidative stress. You didn't need that. Yeah, 70, 80% of the time it's not going to do that. There are a few cases where we can add too much stress to the system. It's pretty easy to tell. It's not going to hurt you. I mean, [00:11:47] is a great—it's one of those great issues that oxygen in the form of ozone really is. It's a safe modality.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so I mean we talked about it. Obviously they use it. Some people watching this may have heard of Prolozone, which they use for pain. I always say it's where you start when you have a bad joint. Prolozone, PRP, stem cells, so Prolozone is actually the magic is in fact the ozone. We use a little procain and then follow it with ozone, which does exactly what you said. It brings the immune system to the area for healing. Did it start there? Is that one of the first, original things, or no?

Tom Lowe:
No, like I said, they're working with the bacterial infections on the skin a lot. That was the start of it. I'm not sure who started the injection into joints. We just call it—it's like this chromotherapy out there. Are you familiar with that? [00:12:47] joint doctors and number of shots, some of the same materials that they use, but they don't use ozone.

When you add ozone, it's just the next level up. Plus, you don't have to have ten shots around a joint. You do a single shot into the capsule, and that ozone then releases again with nitroxides and calls for healing into that area. It's a lot easier.

When we do our mission trips, we were in Guatemala last year, Mexico the year before. I've been in the Philippines. We'll be in San Salvador this year. The majority of our work, although we will put some in blood, most of it will be putting it into joints and causing that healing reaction.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it's amazing. It truly is. Let's talk about putting it into the blood. That's a big part of what you teach doctors to add to their clinic. We're basically bringing the blood out of the body—I've had this done many times—mixing it into an ozone mixture, and then putting it back in the body. Explain what that is and why somebody would do this. Why would we put ozone in our blood?

Tom Lowe:
It's called Major Autohemotherapy. We aren't the inventors of it. The Germans were. They found that if they could take a certain amount of blood out of the system, and add ozone to that, and put it back into the system, that they had all this healing response from it. Through the years, it's evolved a little bit. I tell people, there's about three ways we use ozone. We put it in joints, we put it in blood, or you do it rectally. Those are the major ones.

Dr. Pompa:
We're getting there.

Tom Lowe:
There's a whole bunch of other ones out there, but the major autohemotherapy is chronic disorders, some of the autoimmune disorders, and like I mentioned before, it's often combined with UBI or Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation. The two are synergistic. I've got a whole 20 minutes on the YouTube of ozone and UBI together. People can look that up and watch. It's been tested. We've got studies.

I talked to Gary Gordon years ago. He said, “That's like me finding chelation. I spent 100 hours just studying all the studies that were done to say, okay, how can we do this better? How can we make this the best therapy?” I think the United States has some of the cutting-edge stuff that other countries haven't found yet. That's exciting because we're seeing lots of—

Dr. Pompa:
You have a system that I think is—some doctors may have heard of the ten pass where they do it ten times. You have a system much simpler. It takes about 30 minutes as opposed to an hour and a half, oftentimes. I have it done every time I come to the seminar. I always feel absolutely amazing afterwards. We have a lot of doctors that watch this, as well. Where can they get one of those units that do the ozone with the UBI? That combination works really well.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, and the best thing, if they went to the SOPMed.org, that's our website. They can go into trainings. They can see. I talk about it more on there. They can see this new high-dose ozone. It's interesting, Dan, just when you're studying this you've got the German's saying, well, we ought to use somewhere around 3,000. Then some of the ozone organizations in the state, no, we can use 4,000. When I say that, that's a dose, so that's concentration times volume.

Then I can look at the Russian manual for that, and it says 9,000. These ten pass guys, two years ago, three years ago, said, “Oh, we can do this ten times. We're putting in 140,000 micrograms.” We went from 3, 4, 9 to 140. I thought, are they going to kill anybody? Is this going to help? After a couple of years, I thought, this is really helping people. Isn't it unbelievable we can have small amounts of ozone that help, and we have this huge 140,000 micrograms of ozone? Doesn't hurt the patient and helps in some of these cases that just can't be helped with anything else.

We designed another system. We called it five pass, but now we call it high-dose ozone UV therapy. It's caught on quite a bit. It's being used around the country. We're training doctors every couple of months around the country in it. Yeah, ozone, what a gamut of uses. Here we are with now this high dose, which I think will catch on in the future and [00:17:41].

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I think you're right. You're doing a good job of educating more doctors. I think every clinic that is doing—seeing these types of conditions need this as one of their treatments, for sure. Even Lyme cases just respond very well. I mean, obviously, when you're putting this ozone, it's activating the immune system against infections, viruses, Lyme, bacterias, funguses. I mean, that's the nice thing. It crosses into many different types of pathogens as well. Parasites.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, it's non-specific. That's the hard thing for us to wrap around because we have one pill for one [00:18:19] type situation. I was either trying to cover symptoms or—you can't have five different modalities. As you know, we need more sometimes. We need to address the diet, and the exercise, and the supplements, and the faulty methylation, or whatever's occurring.

Ozone is one tool that should be in every doctor's toolbox, that's doing alternatives, and just say, “I need this tool. This is going to help my patients.” It's good for the clinic. I mean, it brings in money, it helps patients, and it doesn't hurt anybody. That's the neat triumvirate there of what this stuff does.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I agree. Let's shift gears, what people can do, actually, at home. You said the three main things. Joints, which I've experienced, and I've watched—it just helps so many people. It's inexpensive. That's why I say start with that. It's way less expensive than, say, stem cells. Then we can do the high dose into the blood for these more serious conditions, which we hope more doctors get on board with.

The average person at home—I have utilized it with my clients. They buy their own machine at home. They can do this weekly, by themselves. Rectal ozone, explain what that is because right now we've freaked, maybe, people out, and how it works, and how it gets into the blood. Tom, I've heard that for a lot of—maybe not the unit that you're doing with the IV or the way you're doing it, but the way most doctors do ozone in their clinic, rectal is just as effective.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, I've listened to some debates. Hänsler will say it's 95%. Some of the other Germans are no, no, it's 50%. It really doesn't matter.

Dr. Pompa:
Even at 50.

Tom Lowe:
Fifty's great, I mean, and doctors are earning a living. They're doing what they're doing, but there are patients that just can't afford it, or they have such a chronic disorder that they can't go to the doctor every week, every two weeks. For a long period of time, it would break them. The rectal ozone is really an easy-to-do—I know, it sounds a little gross at first, like coffee enemas, right? It's very easy to do. It's very effective. You've got the device there, but they need, very simply, they need an oxygen tank.

Dr. Pompa:
Yep, that's this. Explain that. This is the oxygen tank.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, that's the medical tank. The medical tank is fine if you can get a prescription from the doctor. You can buy the green and silver tanks, or you rent them from a hospital supply. They're inexpensive, 25, $30. That's the one thing. You need a regulator. You can point to the regulator, there. That hooks on. That's got a pressure gauge on it. You can see it. I can see the needle is up there, so he's got oxygen in there. That regulates that down. It's what's called a pediatric regulator because we need to control these different levels. Now, that one's a specific one to the unit you have in our hand, the Stratus 3.0.

Dr. Pompa:
Here’s the thing, Tom, I think this is the perfect unit for a home unit because people don't have to calculate anything. They go, “Okay, a quarter oxygen.” People go, oh, you're confused. This is, okay, set the oxygen at eight, and that's it. You hit the right number in the concentration of ozone. That really makes it simple.

Tom Lowe:
It is a very simple one. My son, Micah, who's involved with designing this. I was involved with the design of the internal, so I know it's completely compatible. It's a good unit, sturdy unit, but yeah, for a homeowner, it's the way to go.

Dr. Pompa:
I love this thing. I use it a couple times a week. It takes me, literally, five minutes to do a rectal ozone. It's a way to get ozone right into the blood. As we're explaining, you can explain how that mechanism would have to work. Just so you know, the oxygen comes into this. It basically does what Tom said, right? I mean, it's basically turning the O2. It creates a free oxygen, a singlet. Then it makes—it comes back together as O3, very simple. Then it comes out this tube as ozone, or the other tube that I connect here. I don't have the bag.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, on the front, right, with your bag.

Dr. Pompa:
It comes out of here, and then so I can take this little insufflation bag—am I saying that right?

Tom Lowe:

Dr. Pompa:
Insufflation, thank you.

Tom Lowe:
There you go.

Dr. Pompa:
Insufflation. I screw this on here, simple as that. I fill the bag up. When that bag's full, that's exactly the perfect amount to do for a rectal ozone. Then I take it off. I screwed on a little catheter thing, less than—smaller than this.

Tom Lowe:
By far.

Dr. Pompa:
Put it maybe this far in the rectal. They can watch your YouTube video.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, they can.

Dr. Pompa:
[00:23:44] give you an idea of how easy it is. I push the bag in. That's it. I'm done. I mean, that's how easy it is. Again, I've watched Tom's video. Tom, did we say how to get to the video to watch.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, if they just type in YouTube Rectal Ozone Therapy. I’ve got a couple of them now. I hate to say it's my most famous video, but it is. Claim to fame, there it is.

Dr. Pompa:
It's probably because when you actually showed your butt, Tom, it's probably, really, just people wanted more of that. That was—

Tom Lowe:
We can’t go there, Dan. We don’t—

Dr. Pompa:
For a minute there, you got my fuse going off.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, when people do it, and they realize how easy it is to get a therapy, that—you go to the doctor, it's going to be 200, 250, $300 to have a therapy. You can do this in a home in five minutes, like you say. The longest part, if you want to, is cleaning out the catheter, which you can use over, and over, and over.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and I just—I take some peroxide and spray it in. Just push it out.

Tom Lowe:
Take a syringe—it comes with a couple syringes, and it's so easy.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, it is easy. I have to say, you all are—you sell this unit because, like I said, many of my clients have bought it. It's under $1000 for—

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, it's under 1000. I'm the UBI guy. I'm the trainer. Mike and my son, we've worked together for years and years. Do you know how many companies I've started, Dan? It's like 16, 18, 20. I didn't need another one. He took that on, and he's done a great job with it.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you're not even selling this unit. I'm just telling them your son does that. I wanted to make it available for the people watching, obviously, because we talked about ozone, in the past we have. It's [00:25:33] you have to go to the doctor and spend $200, like you said. This is a way you can do it all the time at home. Then, okay, before we get to that. People are probably thinking, okay, you're putting ozone rectally. How does that get into the bloodstream? Why is that beneficial? Is it bad for my microbiome? Answer all those question.

Tom Lowe:
Sure, rectal ozone has been around a long time. I got to speak in Cuba a few years back. It was interesting, Ozone Conference. They are the ones who have really done tens of thousands. They don't have the money for drugs. They don't have all the things, but they can use rectal ozone. They had an ozone hospital down there. They did tens of thousands, did quite a few studies on rectal ozone. Basically 200ccs at about 40 or 50 gamma. That's the quantity that they put in, which is about 10,000. Now, yeah, it's nice to evacuate first, have a bowel movement, get rid of it, or even better yet, if you're a coffee enema people, this is the double kick, really.

Dr. Pompa:
Oftentimes, that's what I do. I don't always do that. I do the coffee enema, clear, and then I do the ozone.

Tom Lowe:
Another one of those things that people are going really… but really. It's easy. Then you're cleaned out. Then you can throw this ozone in. What it does, it absorbs into the mucosal lining there. The portal veins are right down there. It's carried up to the liver and then transferred throughout the body as a systemic, in other words, a whole-body immune system stimulant.

We put it in the blood, it does the same thing, goes through the body, and we've got the stimulant or the—sometimes it will even quiet down, so there's the idea of modulation more than stimulant. Yeah, rectal ozone is—you're going to lose half of it anyway with fecal material and just that kind of thing. It's not going to all go into the mucosa. Coffee enemas help that, but if you don't, don't worry about it. If you don't have a bowel movement still do it. It takes five minutes, literally. It is so quick, so easy, and it's just done.

Now, the biome is farther up into the intestine. There's some in the colon area, but again, the studies that they've done, the little bit that I've read and Bocci is the main guy, Velio Bocci from Italy. If you've read his book on ozone, a new miracle drug, he's the guy that I read and have read quite a bit of. He would say, no, there's no problem.

I've talked to a few other people, Chris Shade and so on. No, there's not really any problem with damaging the microbiome, which is, again, farther up. We really don't go very far with this gas. Really, two inches is probably good to go up into the rectum. Your portal vein's right there. It's going to carry it right up, so very easy, very quick.

I usually lube up with shea butter. They can use olive oils. I'll actually lubricate the anal area instead of trying to get it on that little tube. Just lube up that way with some toilet paper, and you're good to go. It slides in. You get used to it. I just stand up and do it. I don't know if you lay down, but you can lay down and do it. I just stand up.

Dr. Pompa:
I do both.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, and it's done. Roll the bag down. All the gas goes in. You hold it in for a couple of minutes anyway, somewhere in there. The idea that you have to hold it in for 30 minutes is a misnomer. The ozone reacts so quickly with either materials in the colon or the mucosal lining. It's gone. Realize, most of the gas that you put in as oxygen, it's like 95% oxygen, 5% ozone. Even when you release that gas later on, which you are going to, probably, it's oxygen. That's what's coming out.

Dr. Pompa:
I just try to hold it for five minutes. I know the whole thing [00:29:45] 30 minutes. That's nonsense because you're right, [00:29:47]. The reason we're even making that an issue is because trust me, when it's in, you're going to go, uh-oh, I want to go. You just have that urge. It creates the urge. Like I said, a few minutes, even, is fine. It goes in pretty immediately.

Tom Lowe:
That's a real great dinner conversation. I remember years ago we were at Thanksgiving. All the kids were making fun of all this stuff I was getting into, this being one of them. Now, I've got three of my boys that work with me in it. It's not funny so much now as business.

Dr. Pompa:
I remember the first time my son did it. He did it in the evening. He wanted to try it before bed. I said, “I don't know if that's good because I get so much energy when I do it.” I get energized. Sure enough, he wasn't able to go to sleep that night because he did it, literally, 11:00 at night. It took him two extra hours of sleep because he just felt bounding energy. It has an immediate effect. I mean, it really does.

Tom Lowe:
Let's [00:30:51] some of the chronic disorders a little. Oh, you want to talk about that one? Go ahead.

Dr. Pompa:
No, we can talk about that next. What were you going to say?

Tom Lowe:
Just so people understand. I've got a list here that I usually do in the training. Any of the viral infections, the hepatitis, the influenza, the herpes, the mono, all of these things are covered when you're doing an ozone treatment. It takes three or four. You're going to know if it's helping you in three or four treatments. You go to the bacterial infections, the pneumonias, and the different e-coli, and the different things that occur there.

Again, it's positive. Joint pain, we've talked about a little bit. Inflammatory conditions, the bursitises, anything that's got an inflammation going on, an infection going on, internally, you want to get ozone in systemically. The joints, yeah, you can inject there, but you want this whole-body treatment that's going to occur.

Let me grab the next slide here. Circulation conditions, peripheral vascular disease, one of the main study areas on ozone has been in peripheral vascular disease because you get micro-circulation improvement. You get vasodilation, so the vessels are larger. Then you get more oxygen uptake because of the ozone oxygen mix going through. The same with UBI, but the two together, these neuropathies and the vascular disorders, these are really major players in that. It's unfortunate conventional medicine doesn't use this kind of thing.

Everything from headaches, [00:32:34], diabetic ulcers, they're all covered with the ozone. Autoimmune conditions, I like UBI a little bit better than ozone, but the two together again, synergistic, so fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud’s, scleroderma, MS, allergies. All of these things have been covered with ozone through the years. Another number have really good studies. Everything, even through retinitis pigmentosa, tunnel vision. You wouldn't imagine that.

Again, it's been one of the positive things that the Cubans did and showed, hey, this really helps. I have a guy in our church that had that. It finally got to the point where he couldn't drive. I said, hey, I've got something you want to try, rectal ozone. It has stopped the progression of that. It's been two years, now. It usually just keeps closing up, and closing up, and closing up until they're looking through a pencil.

This has put that to bay for this fellow. You're just glad to be there to help them a little bit. A lot of people you talk to and they go, “What? Is it covered by insurance?” I say, “No.” You get desperate, and you finally go, okay, I've got COPD. I've got eye issues that I want to try it on. I've got psoriasis, or severe acne in so many areas that ozone has proven to be a positive therapy. I mean, how many—

Dr. Pompa:
I had a client. We were giving it to her for another reason. She said, “Okay. In one week, my acne went away.”

Tom Lowe:
That's one of the things I'll mention. Micah has a great cream. It's called Honest O3. I don't know if you've tried it yet.

Dr. Pompa:
I have it. I have it right over there.

Tom Lowe:
We looked at the different ozone oils. You can get safflower, you can get olive oil, you can get hemp oil. You can get some really strong ones, some weaker ones like [00:34:40] oil. He found a company that's mixing this with another blend. It has a better shelf life. It has better effectiveness. I'm not sure why. He's tested it out, now, for a couple of years. Honesto3.com has a really good ozonated product for skin.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no, I really like that product. I use it on everything. Let's talk about some off-uses now. This, we can put them in, and then connect this to where the ozone comes out, right? We connect that. Now we're able to project the ozone directly into our ear canal, which obviously it dissipates beyond that. It's a good way to get it in and around the brain. Talk a little bit about that procedure.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, and this is some of the other areas that people don't realize. Like I say, the major ones we have hit on. Putting it in the ears, any ear inflammation, infection, and I've heard lots of different people have used it. A little more anecdotal, the issue is you do have to moisturize the inside of the ear. Either send it through a bubbler, so it picks up some moisture.

Dr. Pompa:
I just take a little water and—

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, you can take water, and get it in there, and get it nice and wet. Then let it run for 10, 15 minutes. You're going to put that ozone into an area that's critical if you've got issues there. The other one that's really interesting is nasal or sinus. A lot of people have sinus infections. Again, I talked to someone just the other day. They had tried I don't know how many courses of antibiotic. Nothing's working. I said, “You really need to do this.” Again, they're coming from the white coat world, and they're looking at it. It's so easy to take a full breath, have a syringe with ozone, about 20, 30 gamma. Take a full breath. Inject that into each nostril. Hold it—

Dr. Pompa:
I think I have mine.

Tom Lowe:
—for about 30 seconds. You can just feel that ozone going up into the sinus cavities. There it is. There's the syringe. Now, you've got a catheter on it. You can either leave it on—

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so what we do is we connect. We fill the syringe here. It fills up. Unscrew it. Connect this catheter. By the way, the same one—I just said the wrong thing. It's not the same one that I use in my rectum; however, it is the same syringe. Meaning, same one, but I have two different ones. You get the point. Anyways, with this you take a deep breath. That way you get air in your lungs, so it does go down. Then you put this up. Then you shoot it up into the sinus and hold.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, you don't have to take it all the way up to your forehead. You just have to go a little ways. That's it. You're right. You take a deep breath, and you can never breathe it. One of the issues with ozone is it is an irritant to the lung. The lung can't combine with the ozone, so it irritates it, and you'll cough. If you have coughing, and it's with the ozone around, you've got too ozone in there. It's not going to hurt you, but it does cause a little irritation in the lungs.

If you take a deep breath, then inject that with a catheter, or just in with the nozzle, hold it 30 seconds. It goes up into the sinuses, and it's really a great treatment. You'd want to do a couple times a day for maybe three, four days of—it depends on how your sinuses are and how that works. Your nose might drip for half an hour or an hour, but that's part of what it's doing is going up into those—that cavity. A little bit of irritation, so but it is a great therapy.

Dr. Pompa:
We get a lot of people with cavitations. We do this after cavitation surgery. We do the ear, and then we do the nasal, which you're going to be experiencing. Now you know. You can probably put that together yourself. That ozone just really—when you get these cavitation surgeries, when I had mine done, I didn't have this. Otherwise, my bacteria wouldn't have mobilized like it did. It actually moved into my neck, and I didn't do things correctly back then. Anyways, but this will protect against that happening. It helps heal. I mean, it helps all these areas heal as well.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, and there are dentists that use ozone in their therapy. They inject it into these cavitation areas. They're killing the bacteria, that microbiome that builds up. All of this problem that we have of a toxic center being down in the tooth, it has no blood supply, but yet drops this toxin down into the body—ozone is just a natural for that. A biological dentist should be using ozone.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, no doubt. Ours do. That's no doubt part of the process. It's amazing. I mean, it's such a simple thing. It really is. I know that people that have wounds, like diabetics that have wounds that aren't healing due to the diabetes. They have bags that you can put on that come—you can buy with your unit. You put it on, and it helps the healing [00:39:57].

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, and there's a whole—you can go on—there's a website, drs, like doctors, and then ozone.com. This is where you'll find all the information. You aren't going to find it when you're buying a machine or all this, but there's a lot of information on that website. I designed that quite a few years ago, and then Mike has rebuilt it into a whole full-blown videos and everything on just on ozone.

They can see limb bagging. One of the areas is if you have an open ulcer or wound, if you have a MRSA on there, and it's not being handled by something, it could be very dangerous, extremely dangerous. This kills. There's a sequence to doing it, but the first one is high levels of ozone, 70, 80 gamma for 10-15 minutes killing that bacteria that might be happening on that wound area.

Then, as you start to reconstruct, you lower the ozone, so day two, three, four, five you can have lower. That shoves oxygen into that area along with some of the healing effects of ozone. These ulcers start to go down. You go, wow, that's great. If you can do a UBI ozone, that's systemic. That's also going to help. That is one of the ways they use it for skin conditions, diabetic ulcers, anything that's occurring where what am I going to do, antibiotics or ozone? [00:41:29] take the easy one first. It doesn't hurt anyone.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely. I know most of the alternative cancer clinics are using ozone as part of their process as well.

Tom Lowe:
I've talked about this. I personally don't believe it is a kill the cancer type thing. I know I've been to places where they inject into tumors and so on. It is an injunctive therapy. It's going to give you antiinflammation, antiinfection, oxygen uptake, better oxygen utilization, better vasodilation microcirculation. Those are all really positive things. Immune system get going. As an injunctive, and I have a number of cancer clinics that use both the ozone and UBI is it's just part of their therapy. They're going to try everything they can to help people. A lot of times, they have some other ways that they're working against killing or working directly against cancer itself.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, it's amazing. God provides for us everything we need and O3. We know O2, we can't live without it. O3, I [00:42:40] you can't live without it either. I mean, like you said, it protects our planet.

Tom Lowe:
Let me comment on direct intravenous DIV because these are some different things that are out there. These have been debated because there is a way to put ozone directly into the vein. It's ozone oxygen mix, low concentrations. Howard Robbins, out in New York, does a lot of it. Robert Rowan has done a lot of it.

There's a way to do it, but there are some precautions with it. It's not for the homeowner. There are a few doctors. A number of organizations have really dismissed it, saying it's too dangerous. I'd rather put it in the blood, too, than put it into the system because you know it's totally safe. DIV is out there. Some people use it. Some doctors use it. They're doctors. Hey, they can do it. There's a safe way to do it.

Dr. Pompa:
What are they claiming the advantage is?

Tom Lowe:
I talked to Chris Shade on that a little bit, from Quicksilver. He said, “I think it gives a little different response in the blood than putting it into the blood and then reinfusing it; more of a kick to it. It's quick. It's easy. I mean, the syringe, and a butterfly needle, and slowly infusing that gas into the vein. It is an ozone treatment.

Again, the foreign entities realize we're—there's probably 40,000 doctors that do ozone. We probably have 1,000 in the United States. We're only 140th of what's going on out there. A lot of times, we're the little bit of a cowboy. We're the ones that will try things that other people won't try.

DIV has been one of those things. It's one of the things we consider on the mission field where training someone really carefully because it's so inexpensive. It's pennies, basically, of oxygen. You can get a full ozone treatment in about ten minutes. It's got its cautions too. I wanted to mention DIV. That's out there. I want to mention ozone saunas. Do you have a sauna?

Dr. Pompa:
I do, but I don't have an ozone sauna.

Tom Lowe:
Let me [00:44:56]. You probably have a [00:44:58]. I wrote a paper about a year and a half ago because somebody asked me to analyze an ozone sauna. I'll say this, if somebody wants to prove me wrong, please prove me wrong. We tested one of the high-end ozone saunas. They wanted me to come in. I brought my analyzer in. Tested it against another analyzer first. They were just a few miles away.

We could not find ozone at skin level. Even though it was pumping 50 gamma as fast as it could for an ozone. Just think of putting in a small amount of air into a huge cavity. It's hot. That breaks down ozone. It's moist. That breaks down ozone.

Saunas are great, but don't worry about an ozone sauna. Get your ozone rectally. I know that's a treatment. I put it in rectally. I've got a treatment, tried and true, tested, studies, the whole thing. Ozone in a sauna, and particularly don't put it into one of these grey nylon saunas because nylon breaks down with ozone. You don't want to put it in there either.

Do you want a therapy? Do rectal and take your sauna. I mean, great, easy. I've got the paper on it. If somebody wants to, they could write me, info@sopmed.org. I'd be glad to send it off to them. If they can prove me wrong, fine. We tried every which way, hot, and cold, and took the heat out, and did everything. Bocci wrote on it in his too. He said, “I think there might be something.” It was like, one gamma at skin level. Skin's pretty impermeable for ozone. It's pretty good with oxygen. Maybe there's something, but I go, “Do a rectal ozone.”

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, when you get so much more. Why would you not? I mean, rectal ozone's studied. We know that works.

Tom Lowe:

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, absolutely.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, so it's a big world of ozone out there. People need to do their own study, take a look at it. Drsozone, UBI, look at Simple O3. There's other companies.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly. It's free, free information, go there, absolutely. We'll provide the link here. I'll have Ashley put the link here on how to get this for the price. We appreciate that, by the way, for the price our doctors get it for. It's a great, great unit to have at home. We appreciate that. As I said, we have doctors who view this. We have so many public that do it. You offered that. I appreciate that. Yeah, no, Tom, thank you. What a wealth of knowledge on ozone. I just can't wait for you to be at our seminar next.

Tom Lowe:
For our doctors out there, we do trainings four or five times a year around the country, and just try to put it in an airport, someplace close where they can just go in, spend two days. We have some that are bring your nurse, the high dose, especially, so they can learn it. We do a BOGO, buy one get one. We try to make it as accessible to the doctors out there too, so they understand it.

I always have another doctor, or a doctor that trains with me since I'm not a physician. That's that other dynamic. What do you do in your clinic with this? How does it work with this? It's just a great opportunity for them. Really pretty inexpensive to add something.

I was looking at one of my small machines, the UBI machine. It had 1700 hours on it. I just calculating real quickly, I said, they brought in $400,000 worth of business in four years with this little device. I think, so what. They spend on the top end ozone machine, four or five grand. I think, boy, they've got these tools out here. Use them, guys. If we can help you, let us know. That's what I do.

Dr. Pompa:
Every doctor listening should have this as part of their practice. I mean, come on. I mean, it's just such an amazing treatment for people. I've seen it. I've watched people transform. We discussed the conditions. Yeah, I mean, look we have—the doctors should be doing that for the—doing it. Your method is, I think, the best with the UV like that. To get that high dose in 30 minutes like that, no better.

Tom Lowe:
Yeah, we had a lady whose husband had EBB chronic, which a lot of them don't have. It was two years. He was almost disabled, in bed most of the time, brain fog, horrible. He did the combination of the ozone UBI. It took probably about eight to ten treatments, but he's fully regained. Do you know how sick people get? They feel like, “I don't know how to come back from this. I have no idea.”

Again, it's one tool. There's no silver bullet out there. Ozone UBI might not be it, but it certainly helps. I ran a clinic for a year. Seventy, eighty percent that chronically had disorders would say, “I've been significantly helped with four to five treatments. I mean that's pretty amazing.

Dr. Pompa:
It really is. They can get the $90 unit for their washing machine, garbage cans, and wash their vegetables.

Tom Lowe:
They can, yeah. It's a great little tool too. I've got mine going day in, day out, that run two years just to clean the smell out of the garbage.

Dr. Pompa:
Mine's running right now, actually, yeah. Where do they get that? Remind them where they get it.

Tom Lowe:
That one would come from sweetwaterdistributing.com. That's a catch-all. There's a few ozone things in there. There's UBI things. We were getting too many companies, too many places, so we made Sweetwater Distributing. You can watch a video, “A Fresh Thing,” afreshthing.com. You can see how to use it. I do a couple videos on there on it. It shows the garbage pan, or the cat pan, or the vegetables, so afreshthing.com.

Dr. Pompa:
Listen, we met everybody at every place we could possibly meet them, from food, to washers, to garbage cans. Intravenous, we've met them in their joints, rectum, I mean, come on. We hit it all, ears, nose, skin, bags, we hit it all. Great episode, Tom. I appreciate you coming on, your wealth and knowledge of this topic. I knew my viewers would absolutely love it, so thank you.

Tom Lowe:
I appreciate you Dan and what you're doing. I know we've got a few years left in us. Maybe we can keep doing this, and helping people, and that's our goal.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, God willing, you're right. Thanks, Tom.

Tom Lowe:
All right, take care.

Ashley Smith:
That's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed today's episode, which was brought to you by Fastonic molecular hydrogen. Please check it out at getfastonic.com. We'll be back next week and every Friday at 10 am Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv. Please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, or sharing the show with anyone who may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.

284: My Multi-Therapeutic Approach to Gain Back Health

Episode 284: My Multi-Therapeutic Approach to Gain Back Health

with Tamara Jarrett

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CytoDetox: total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level.

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Today I welcome my client and success story, Tamara Jarrett. She is here to share her healing journey and inspire you to stay hopeful when you feel hopeless. Tamara got her life back utilizing my Multi-Therapeutic Approach (MTA) and you will learn exactly what that means and how it can heal.

If you're someone seeking to get your health back from autoimmunity, irregular hormones, brain fog, food intolerances, gut issues, and neurological conditions, you will learn how to look upstream and discover sources that will change everything for you.

Tamara is now living a joyful like inspiring others to find true health, and she’s here to share her story with you all today – and please listen for a special surprise at the end!

More about Tamara Jarrett:

Tamara has a loving husband of 10 years and is the mother of two amazing boys, ages 5 and 3. She works as a dental hygienist in Washington state and has made discovering and living out the truth behind real health a priority in her life.

After birthing her second child, the struggles began with digestive problems, unexplained weight loss, hormonal imbalances, hair loss, vertigo, vision changes, energy loss, cognitive issues, extreme food intolerances, and consistent abdominal pain. After meeting with specialist after specialist, test after test, even traveling and testing for weeks at some of the best clinics in the country- she was left with diagnosis that seemed to be a life sentence of medications with no hopes of healing and fulfilling a life free of symptoms. After exploring both western and naturopathic modalities she was still confused in finding a clear plan to health.

Then God opened a door when she connected with a health podcast featuring Dr Pompa. This was the turning point in Tamara’s journey. By seeing the big picture and how to heal the entire body, by finding root causes and utilizing multi therapeutic approaches Dr Pompa was able to coach Tamara to look upstream and find breakthroughs along the way. Through various techniques, removal of health obstacles, and the latest natural treatment methods, she has gained her physicality back, all but rid herself of digestive devastation, and gained a whole new perspective on living a healthy lifestyle. 2 years later, Tamara is living a disciplined but overjoying life and inspiring others to find true health.

Tamara hopes to help and encourage others searching for solutions when they are feeling hopeless like she did just 2 years ago.


Dr. Pompa:
This is an exciting show because you’re going to hear a true story of one of my clients who got her life back. If you’re someone seeking your health like I was at one point, like so many watching this, hormone imbalance—I can go down a long list of symptoms, gut issues, food intolerances, brain fog; unbelievable recovery. You have to hear this story, autoimmune of all types. I don’t remember how many autoimmune.

She had done everything from the Mayo Clinic. She saw everybody. Wait until you hear the hidden causes that we found upstream. The reason I’m excited for you to watch the show is because there are some amazing surprises, and there’s a big one at the end. It’s a good one. This show is going to give you a lot of hope, and this is going to be a show that you’re going to want to share. Wait until you hear this life journey.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today we have a very special guest. Her name is Tamara Jarrett. She’s a client and success story of Dr. Pompa’s who utilized his own multi-therapeutic approach to gain back her health.

Tamara made upstream discoveries of toxicity that changed everything for her. It made real health a priority for her and her family. Tamara is now living a joyful life inspiring others to find true health, and she’s here to share her journey with all of you today. Let’s get started. Welcome, Tamara Jarrett, and, of course, Dr. Pompa. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV.

Dr. Pompa:
Tamara, I have been looking forward to this show because there are so many lessons in this show. You were the same person that watches Cell TV, listens to other podcasts, looking and seeking your health back. That was you, right? That was, in fact, how we found you. Is that correct? You ended up a client of mine.


Dr. Pompa:
Let’s go back. You said something right before the interview. I forget half of the things I have going on. I was like okay, good. I went back and had to remind myself to the first day of when we had a consult. By the way, I’m virtual. All of my clients are from all over the place. I coach virtually.

We did the first consult over the phone. I went back and read my notes. Even I was like oh, my gosh. I forgot all this. I’m just going to remind you that you can fill in the gaps.

You came to me with a major complaint of major hormone imbalance was one of the topics that you put in. You had no period at that time for over two years, almost three years. As a matter of fact, you were on bioidentical hormones at this point for three months, you had said. You were playing the hormone game trying to find some balance. I don’t recall how that was working at the time, but you realized it wasn’t a long-term win.

You had on your blood work an increase in thyroid antibodies. Your hair was thinning and falling out. Your hands were cold, all the typical thyroid symptoms. You had migraines and dizziness that was one of the big concerns for you at that point. Your gut issues, I believe, you had been battling for a long time, doing a lot of things. You had a positive autoimmune diagnosis of your gut.

You had infections on many different tests. You were diagnosed with lesions in your bile, food intolerance test, reflux. Gastroparesis was another diagnosis, meaning your food just lays there and doesn’t move. You had body aches. You had muscle weakness, numbness, tremors in your hands, brain fog, poor memory. Did I miss anything?

You said vision, right? I had some vision changes.

Dr. Pompa:
I missed that. You had vision changes.

I had some vision changes. I had eczema. That’s one thing. I think you nailed it.

Dr. Pompa:
Before you got to me, you were the type of person that the reason I decided to work with you—I choose specific cases. I don’t have to work with everybody, but I also choose specific people. I can tell someone who is willing to do whatever it takes. I take someone through an interview process. I could tell you were that person. You had already done just about everything. You had made every dietary change. Share with where you were coming to me. How did you get there?

I think like everybody else in this world, we get sick. You don’t feel good. You go to the doctor. I went to the doctor. To back up, at the time where the floor fell out for me, I had taken an antibiotic to treat something called SIBO, so small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. I was three months postpartum with my second baby.

I took the antibiotic just to treat something that was more localized to my stomach, or so I thought, and all of a sudden all these symptoms just started coming out. Daily a new symptom would start. Of that lengthy list you just listed, I started spiraling out of control. Then I would start to go to the doctor. This doctor would refer me to another doctor, and that doctor would refer me to another doctor. All these diagnoses started coming out, but nobody was going to uncover what happened and why all these things started coming out.

You get frustrated because they just want to give you this medication, this medication, and this medication. You try them and you don’t really feel a whole lot better. Then I kind of started thinking how do I get to the bottom of this? Then I thought let’s try naturopathic medicine. By this point I had been literally to the Mayo Clinic. I had been all over my state to different doctors. They had wanted to put a PICC line in me. I forgot there was one more thing, extreme weight loss.

Dr. Pompa:
When you came in you were about 110 pounds at 5’8”.

That was three or four months after a baby. I just started losing a lot of weight. The doctors wanted to put a PICC line in so I could get some nutrition. I just thought there’s got to be more to this. I was “okay” a month ago, and I took this antibiotic and all of this started happening. I started going into natural medicine.

Even with the natural side of things, I felt like a lot of them understood a lot more on how to not symptom treat, but how to try to get a little bit more upstream. Nobody really got the big picture. It was just kind of a consistent research and trying to figure out how to make myself feel better. I was pretty miserable.

I stumbled upon your podcast and reading some articles and stuff. At this point it probably had been close to a year into that journey. For the first time I felt like somebody understands every aspect of what I am going through and how I feel and how to get upstream and address the cause. If you address the cause, you remove the source. Then the innate intelligence of your body will take care of the rest.

Dr. Pompa:
We’ve had a lot of success stories on Cell TV about this. It’s always that. They had been to the best. They had been here and there, alternative, allopathic, and no one really asked the same questions you asked me, going upstream to the cause. What we mean by that because I’ve had other people ask me that is if you think of a river, there’s some toxin or some stressor upstream poisoning, and all the fish are dying downstream. We’re downstream trying to put new fish in and get the algae blooms to be successful again and the microorganisms.

The problem is 20 miles upstream we have a factory dumping mercury in. Obviously, I started asking a lot of those questions. Talk a little bit about your childhood because it never starts when we think. It didn’t start when you thought it started, so tell a little bit about that. That was some of the first stuff that we really uncovered.

No doubt. Really I would say it sped up after I took the antibiotic for the SIBO, but I had SIBO first. There’s a sign that things were not right. I think a lot of people have little red flags, but they don’t associate that until it’s really unbearable.

Dr. Pompa:
That was me. My bottom fell out, but looking back I had little red flags along the way. Then the bottom fell out. Go ahead.

I think we all have a bucket, and my bucket started filling when I was a child. No offense to my family, but we grew up in a really rainy, moldy area. I remember constantly there being leaks in my house and my dad going and patching them up and fixing them and doing the best he could. You would see mold in different areas of the house and stuff. No doubt looking back that was an issue.

My diet was definitely pretty extreme as far as in the negative. It was lots of candy, lots of sugar, lots of pop, lots of fast convenient food. I was always thin to begin with, so I would eat it and think I’m staying thin. I’m fine. There’s not big deal. That’s kind of that mentality and mindset.

You’ve told me multiple times sometimes the skinniest people are the most ill. I wholeheartedly believe that. I would say I took multiple rounds of antibiotics. I got really sick when I was young, pneumonia several times, but lots of antibiotics. That was definitely something that was kind of my—

Dr. Pompa:
That set up your microbiome for the small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, meaning bacteria that shouldn’t be in your small intestine. It causes bloating, chronic reflux, a lot of the symptoms you had.

Like every 16-year-old, you get your wisdom teeth taken out. After that I remember looking back, I developed my first two autoimmune diseases, a bladder disease and an eye disease as well. Those were red flags once again, but I didn’t associate that at the time. You just kind of symptom treat and get your way around them.

Then I go into dental hygiene and was in the dental hygiene program. You’re sitting in lab with a ton of other students. Everybody is sitting there drilling out amalgam fillings because we have to practice all day long.

Dr. Pompa:
Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury. You were in the lab working with it too, right?

Yeah. You’re a poor college student, so you don’t wear gloves and you don’t wear a mask. You sit there and drill it out. You’re inhaling all of those aerosols. For years we would sit in lab and do one after another to practice.

Then you go in private practice and the doctors, even though I might not be directly placing it or my office might not be placing it, they are still drilling them out. That aerosol is still going. I’m ten years in my career now, so I’ve been in that environment for quite awhile as well. I never had any amalgam fillings myself, but my mom did.

Dr. Pompa:
You got mercury there. The dental field statistically health-wise is the sickest profession. It leaves women who work in the dental offices number one infertility, hormone imbalance, which you had all that. After those babies then you lost your period. You weren’t able to have kids anymore. We’re going to see that dramatically all changes.

The bottom line is you were being exposed. We knew your heavy metals were high. I think you had some other tests before you even got to me that signified you had high heavy metals when I read through my notes. That was a big deal. The mold exposures were a big deal.

When I looked at my notes before today, I reminded myself I had question marks. It looks like biotoxins from mold. That’s something we’re going to have to deal with. Obviously, the mercury we’re going to have to deal with. You had some potential lead exposures. You were in some houses that were remodeled, which give off a lot of lead.
Right there you had some major metal exposures. We start into the detox. Talk about that process as we go. We had some other surprises, which we’ll get to. Talk about that where we start.

One of the things I love that you say is the perfect diet will not get you well, but you will not get well without the perfect diet. I felt like pulling my hair out. I would try everything under the sun. One thing would set well one day. The next day it would make me feel awful. You can go through all sorts of things that way.

Dr. Pompa:
You had major food intolerances. When you came to me, you were eating very well because you had to. It helped this, but I’m sick. To your point, the perfect diet won’t get you well, but you won’t get well without the perfect diet.

I had bile reflux that was one of my biggest things because my stomach was so slow to empty. The bile would reflux back up and cause this burning sensation. Early in the detox we went through opening up those pathways so finally stuff would start to move and clear out of my system. I started noticing little differences with that. Then we slowly ramped up into that prep phase to get your body ready to be able to detox, which mine was very clearly unable to at the beginning. Then the body phase where you start to pull from a little bit deeper tissue and the brain phase is where you get that mercury and start going after it in your brain.

Dr. Pompa:
There were some breakthroughs and then not. We were kind of back and forth. Describe that a little bit.

I would get some relief, and then I would email you this symptom and this symptom. From where I still was gaining some ground. I would feel a lot better for a little while, but then I would just keep going backwards or my SIBO would keep flaring up. Some of those nagging symptoms, I would get a little bit of relief, and then it would keep coming back. That’s where we both started putting our heads together and were like usually in that case you have not truly removed the source or one of the sources that’s compromising your immune system.

Dr. Pompa:
You can tell she watches a lot of my stuff. That’s exactly right. If someone is not breaking through like we expect, there’s something else upstream. There’s a causative factor we’ve forgotten about. I looked back and even asked you this question before this show, what made us take so long before we did something called a cone beam, which shows hidden infections in the jaw?

Day one I asked you about these hidden infections. I said did you have wisdom teeth out, which is an indicator that you could have hidden infections that create a lot of the gut problems that don’t heal and autoimmune. Because you’re in the dental field, you assured me I don’t have any of those.

I said I floss every day. I floss twice a day. I have no issues in my mouth. I ended up watching an interview between you and Dr. Curatola, a dentist out of New York. The light bulb went off.

Dr. Pompa:
Episode 210, just so people can watch it.

I’m like oh, cavitations. I get it. It’s where you take a tooth out and they don’t plug that with bone afterwards. If your body doesn’t regenerate and fill in that socket with bone, then you have anaerobic bacteria that is going to start hanging out down there. Those are the gnarlies that cause all sorts of problems.

Then the tissue heals over that and it’s out of sight, out of mind. Your body is fighting that, and that bacteria is able to go throughout the rest of your body. It’s that hidden infection. Over the course of time that is in direct correlation with your bloodstream. Then you can start to have all sorts of issues from that.

Dr. Pompa:
There’s links with hormone imbalance, cancer, autoimmune. There was the movie Root Cause that got pulled off Netflix. It was a documentary based on all this, root canals and cavitations from wisdom teeth and other teeth that were extracted and how they leave behind infections with no symptoms. There is no pain. You don’t have pain or anything.

That’s why you were insistent that this is good. My x-rays are good. This is good. You can’t see these on a plain film, and they most often don’t have symptoms. I said okay. I start asking you more questions, and you saw the show. Then we ended up saying we have to get a cone beam, which showed that your two lower ones both had cavitations. You had two major cavitations.

I could see them right away. Once I knew what I was looking for, I knew those are going to be an issue. I just sent them to Dr. Curatola. He took a look at them and we made a plan. It was pretty cool because I’m into that. I’m interested.

We went to New York, and he took care of them for me. I had them take pictures all along the way so I could see what it looked like when he got in there. He flaps that tissue back and there’s big, gaping holes in your jaw. It’s pretty amazing.

He said as he was cleaning those out, some black goop was just coming out of there. I left his office afterwards, and I hadn’t taken anything at that point, but broke out in hives on my side. It just shows what kind of a bees’ nest you’re stirring up when you go in there.

Dr. Pompa:
That’s why we have a post protocol. The same thing happened to my wife after she got hers out. She had hives that broke out showing those infections were just going. We could have treated your gut for the next whatever years and you would have still been up and down. We weren’t going to fix it until we got upstream to the cause what was being dumped in the river, so to speak.

There were other major symptom changes that happened after the cavitation surgery. There’s one more thing that I blame myself on this one. It’s a good thing because to this day because of you, I ask this question all the time. The doctors that I train always ask this question. Don’t just expect them to write it in. It’s breast implants.

Since your time I’ve had other women who have had breast implants and issues and autoimmune, etc., and other problems come on and we’ve done a show on it. I think we have another one coming up. Talk about that. There were some amazing breakthroughs that happened after you had breast implant extraction.

I think me and a large percentage of women out there get them and you don’t have symptoms. You’re asymptomatic and you just move on. They’re out of sight, out of mind. You don’t really think anything of it, especially when you start going through a health crisis ten years later after getting them. You just don’t even correlate at all.

I had gotten those when I was in dental hygiene school, so just showing you how I was filling up my bucket quickly. When we discussed it, I finally got those removed. No symptoms whatsoever, but I knew at that point we for sure have to take these out. I searched high and low for the right doctor to be able to take care of not only removing them, but removing them correctly so you get the entire capsule. There’s a scar tissue capsule that forms around those. That’s where a lot of the toxic material will hide in.

Dr. Pompa:
We had an expert say just that. You have to get to that whole capsule. I believe, and correct me if I’m wrong, they found a lot of things in there. They found bad bacteria. I think they found mold in at least one of them. Am I remembering correctly?

You could visually see when I was home afterwards the mold inside the implant and the valve of the implant. They test it for two weeks after the explants, the bacteria that they scoped in the capsule. Day five the bacteria started growing. A lot of doctors will test it right away and say it was negative, no big deal. Mine started growing five days after, and that’s when she was able to say this is associated a lot of times with those autoimmune shenanigans.

Dr. Pompa:
Just like any upstream cause. With each cause that we discovered and removed, you had different symptoms that went away. With this one, you tell me when. It was shortly after you got this done that you got your period back. Was it the next month?

No, I literally was waking up from anesthesia. It was quite the long procedure, and was waking up from anesthesia, and all I could say to my husband was, “Period cramps, period cramps,” over, and over, and over, and had my period that night. I've been [on a] cycle ever since.

Dr. Pompa:
That's incredible. I've had that happen with—same with women walking out of the chair after cavitization. I had a woman find amalgam underneath a crown. She got it out. The next day, she was bleeding. She had her period, which she hadn't had in six years. That was actually someone who worked with me.

That just shows you, folks. I hope you're hearing this. When you go upstream—she had been, Tamara had been to the best. She was taking a lot of things. She had changed her diet. She did everything that people would do to get their life back. These hidden things were upstream.

I can tell you, it was just peeling back these causative factors lead to where you actually are now. Matter of fact, let's tell them the next thing. You end up getting the cavitations done. A lot of your pain and weird things disappeared after that, correct?

Actually, the implants I got removed before the cavitations.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly, yep.

I had seen a significant improvement, once again, in some symptoms, after the implants were removed. I still kept saying, why is my stomach? Why can't I get my gut right? I was much better. I was much more—I was able to—I think we traveled more that summer than we had in a really long time.

Dr. Pompa:
Which you were never be able to do, oh my God, yeah.

I gained a significant amount of weight. In fact, to do the reconstruction for the implants, they had to do fat grafting, which at a 110 pounds would not have been possible. I was 135 at that point. I had made some huge strides in my journey, but there were still just some lingering stomach symptoms. That's when we went and discovered the cavitations and stuff. We did that. My SIBO made a night and day turn-around after the cavitations were removed.

Dr. Pompa:
Hormonally, we watched this change. After the cavitations, hormonally, what happened?

Hormonally, I was, I would say, definitely my cycles were super-consistent. My thyroid numbers came back testing really well.

Dr. Pompa:
All your autoimmune—I mean, even through the detox, getting rid of heavy metals, we saw the hormones changing. Your autoimmune tests were coming back. I mean, now all of those are normal. Something even more miraculous happened. I remember the email. you can just show the audience. Go ahead.

Yeah, I think somewhere in the past, what was it, four months or so, I sent you an email and I said—it was right after we had a conversation. Still, it's years not months. I'm still on this journey. I'm still working to detox. I love it. I work for my kids. I'm working on my kids.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah because you learned enough from me to do it with your kids. That's my goal is to teach you the process because it's years not months.

Exactly. I enjoy feeling better. We just had set a new protocol. We were going to do this new thing. I started having some symptoms. I told my husband. I said, “I think you need to go to the store and get a pregnancy test.” He's looking at me wide-eyed. Took a pregnancy test, and it was positive. We were definitely not trying.

I should have mentioned, too, my first pregnancy they told me I would never get to—be able to be pregnant without their fertility medicine and stuff like that. I was struggling to get pregnant with my first two. I had a miscarriage in there. Had very difficult pregnancies with my—

Dr. Pompa:
Again, common for people who work in dental offices.

Lots of issues in my pregnancies. Lots of complications getting pregnant, miscarriages. Yeah, it's been—

Dr. Pompa:
Stand up. That's where you're at. I want to make you do it. Look, there she is, right there. That's the first I saw that in the beginning, so it's awesome.

This pregnancy, really, honestly, I don't want to jinx anything, but it's gone the best, so far, out of my three.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, it's an expression of health. I mean, of course, I mean all those things that we talked about in the beginning. You have your brain back. I mean, there's so many. I didn't even remember, like I said, as I wrote them down. I was like, oh my gosh, I forgot how sick you were.

Remember when I saw you in New York. I actually saw you at Jerry's office, and I—I spoke to you over the phone. It was a virtual relationship. Then Merily and I saw you and your husband. I was like, “Oh my God!” She was like—you're like, oh, she's so cute. You were just different than what I thought. You were bubbling with excitement because you just came out of the thing.

Like I said—I finally was able to—I mean, we've traveled a lot. We've done things that I would never, ever been—

Dr. Pompa:
You were like, “We just walked.” You walked for days around New York. You're like, “Dr. Pompa, I would never be able to do this.”

I probably cheated a little bit on my diet, as well. I was able to tolerate it better than I would have ever in the past. Yeah, it's a horrible place to have jaw surgery, though.

Dr. Pompa:
It's true. Come on, man, I've done that so many times in my life. I'm in New York, all the good food. Are you kidding?

Next time I got back, I will be—

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, that's what I keep saying. I just want to go without having to see Jerry except on a social level. Jerry's the dentist, episode 210. The reason I wanted to have you on is because your story just tells how important it is to go upstream. There's so many people watching this show. They're like you and I. I mean, I was you too, right? I mean, I was searching and seeking to get my health back. I was a health seeker. We look here. We look there.

How did I get my life back? How did you get your life back? Hundreds and thousands of not just myself but the doctors I train, how do they get their lives back. We get to the cause. There's no other way. I fear that functional medicine is becoming more popular because of the failures of—our standard allopathic medicine just pushing more drugs. There's a time and a place, so the criticism’s not too deep there.

The chronic conditions, that you have, that I have, and so many people watching this have. It's not the answer, but the problem is is that they're going to functional medicine that doctors are running a lot of expensive tests and putting people on a lot of supplements. The problem, there's nothing wrong with the supplements except that you have to get upstream to the cause. That was the difference in your case. You'd still be sick with all the same issues if we didn't dig for these causative factors.

Yeah, we had to go deep and just keep peeling that onion back. With every year that we peeled back, I kept getting more and more results. I am forever grateful because I would have—I would not be sitting here. I would not be having another baby.

Dr. Pompa:
That's awesome. I was a part of it to. I was like, gosh, your story just gives people so much hope. Again, you went through so much, and now you just express health.

When I started this spiral downward, I had a three-month old little boy. It's been a very difficult journey. Two little rambunctious kids and feeling like that. Now he's three, going on three and a half. I'm able to apply. I'm thankful. I'm so thankful for it. I am a totally different person now than I was. I look at life differently. I'm able to look at my kids and go, okay, let's—we all know that they get their mother's [gut]. I knew it was only a matter of time before they started expressing that. They have.

I've been able to work them through little protocols and stuff that are manageable for their body size. My three-and-a-half-year-old, he didn't talk. He didn't talk, I mean, not even hardly momma or dada until over two. He was over two before—and everybody was concerned, everybody.

At that point I started—because at that point it was far enough into my journey where I started feeling confident enough to detox him. I started detoxing him. After every single detox I did, more and more started coming out of him as far as—like I said, he's three and three months. He can recite the United States in alphabetical order. It's night and day.

Dr. Pompa:
That makes me feel so good right there because I say this to everybody that I coach. I'm not going to treat you. I'm going to teach you the process. It is years, not months. If you learn the process, therein lies the power. Doctors are treating people. With these chronic conditions, you don't need treated. It's a failure. You have to [00:35:16] the process. To hear how that—and this is the way it works.

To hear how that went down into your kids and the family, it's just—man, it's a different paradigm of what medicine is doing right now, even alternative, honestly. I want to do something different. I'm going to bring Ashley on, who starts the show, and then sits silently. I feel like I want Ashley to—maybe she has some questions she wants to ask you. I feel like if I were the person sitting out there, gosh, what would I want to ask while I have you? Ashley, what are some questions that you would ask? You're the average lay person out there. What would you ask Kim?

It is so fascinating because I speak to so many women who are dealing with so many hormonal issues. They really just don't know where to begin. I guess my first question would be, what would be the first thing you would tell somebody to do if it's a female who just loses her period. I guess that would be a start. That would be a symptom. Their periods just are irregular, or they can't get pregnant, where do you think the first thing they—place they should look would be?

I definitely think looking—you've got to look upstream, like we've said. Those major things would be hidden infections. Doctor, would you say—hidden infections, mercury, so medals, heavy medals, any kind of heavy medal. Mold would be the other one. A lot of times, too, parasites.

Dr. Pompa:
Tell some of your parasite stories very quickly. We had some drama there. By the way, and again, this is what alternative medicine—they treat just the parasites, what I taught you. Parasites are just a downstream, just like candida effect. There's something upstream allowing the parasites. We want to kill the parasites, but if that's the end of our treatment, we're dead in the water. You did a lot of parasite treatments.

Yeah, no, I definitely—I did a lot of parasite treatments. I had gotten sick in Mexico between my SIBO time where I took that antibiotic and when I was in dental school or freshly graduating from dental. I know you fill your bucket up so full, and then all of a sudden it allows for those opportunistic infections to take hold. That's where you'll hear a lot of people, especially in the natural side saying, “Oh, I have X, Y, and Z as far as these little opportunistic infections, H pylori or parasites.

Until you deal with that upstream, you're not going to take care of the downstream, the parasites. Things that are just able to live and survive because your immune system is so compromised. Definitely looking at those big guys. Implants with women is so common. Looking upstream and finding those things, I think it's got to be the first place to start. I'm a perfect example because we were only able to get so far in my treatment. We scratched our heads and said, “What else are we missing?” We had to keep going back to the drawing board and finding those things that we were missing.

Yeah, definitely, also working with somebody who understands that there might be things that are missing as well. I'm sure it can be really frustrating when people work with practitioners who do a lot of testing and they say, “You're fine. There's nothing there.”

No doubt. It's very hard when you have friends and colleagues going through struggles. You see it. You don't know all the answers, but you know there's so much more to it. It is such a—it's an exhausting, long, drawn-out process to truly get your health back. Like he said, I had to do just about everything, pull out every stop that I possibly could to make it happen. When you're really sick and miserable, you will do just about anything.

Dr. Pompa:
Terry, we tell the story, and we make it sound like, oh, it was so easy. I mean, there was so much emotion along the way. I mean, I could even feel it from your husband when I met him, actually, in person, in Jerry's office. He was just so elated. “We're [00:39:52] to walk around New York, Dr. Pompa.” It was that type of emotion because you realize what you've been through.

I remember, I think, you were telling me an emotional story. You were underweight. Of course you eat this perfect diet. Your friends were thinking you were just this anorexic eating too overboard, right? People just don't understand. When I was sick, I hid it from people. People just don't get it. It's a sad thing.

It's definitely a lot easier being on the other side of it and having those conversations now. When you're in it, especially in the very beginning when you're so confused, and you have no direction, it's the most depressing. It's the most depressing thing. Then you have people tell you you're depressed, and that's your problem.

Dr. Pompa:
Oh, I had that, yep.

Of course I'm depressed because I feel like this, and nobody seems to understand. Nobody can relate, especially your friends. God really blessed me. I guess I should definitely mention God in this. I'm 100% confident he's who lead me to you. He's who has sustained me throughout this entire process. I've had some amazing, amazing support, my friends through this.

One gal, who is a friend of my moms, when I was down at the Mayo Clinic early in my journey, she reached out to me. She's just a prayer warrior. She has messaged me to this day, multiple times a day, for three and a half years just inspirational text messages. It's people like that that I don't think they realize how big of an impact they really, truly make in somebody's life when they're going through something this big. I'm forever grateful for that.

Dr. Pompa:
My wife and I pray all the time for God to send us the ones we can help, and the ones He wants us to help. I thank God for those opportunities, honestly. If I didn't get sick, I wouldn't have been able to help you. How many people are you impacting, even just with this show, so people watching into purpose?

I mean, honestly, I do these shows just because there's help. God will use it. God will use the battles, the hard stuff in our life to make us better in so many ways. You just testified to that today. It takes a lot of guts to come onto this show. I always make light of it. That's just a conversation. It still takes a lot of guts. Thank you for being on the show, honestly, and sharing your story. It's hard.

It's easy to talk about because I am so passionate about it now. I know so many people in this journey. After seeing me get to the other side of it, so many people have reached out to me and want that help. No doubt, I know that in my future I will try to [00:42:52] platform where I can help more people.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I mean, honestly, if you had a platform right now, give people your website or your whatever. I mean, you're welcome to do that or not. I mean, I don't want to inundate you, but I think you need to have some type of blog or something. People want to reach out to you. I'm sure they want to talk to you.

Yeah, no, I definitely—it was on the plan. Then God obviously had a different plan. He's like, “You're going to have another baby first.”

Dr. Pompa:
It's true. Yeah, you've got to have your baby first.

[00:43:22] to detox I guess. I don't know.

Dr. Pompa:
You're called to it. You're a warrior. I can't wait to see what God does in your life with it. I'm sure you'll end up at my seminars, one day like so many people that I've helped have been. Right, Ash, aren't they?

Oh yeah, you have to make it to one.

Dr. Pompa:
They're coming. Now we're even having—we're certifying the public in some things. There are so many warriors like you, and people that just want to share their story from not just myself, but the doctors I train, who have been helped, that they want to do this from pain to purpose. They want to help people now. Thanks again, Tamara, and I know that we're going to see you in the future. Thanks.

Awesome. Thank you so much

Thank you. That's it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today's episode. This episode was brought to you by Cytodetox. People check it out at buycytonow.com. We'll be back next week and every Friday at 10am eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv. Please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, and sharing the show with anyone you think may benefit from the information heard hear. As always, thanks for listening.

283: How to Detect Cancer Years Before a Conventional Diagnosis

Episode 283: How to Detect Cancer Years Before a Conventional Diagnosis

with Dr. Dan Beilin

Additional Information:

Practitioners! Use this link to implement this amazing thermography device in your practice.

Read more about the AlfaSight 9000 here
Fastonic Cellular Molecular Hydrogen – support all forms of fasting with molecular H2!

HCF's Live It to Lead It – Newport Beach – November 14-17, 2019

Episode 265 of CHTV Revolutionizing Cancer Treatments with Dr. Tony Jimenez

This episode welcomes Dr. Dan Beilin, who has been recognized for determining how to inexpensively and accurately screen for cancer with unique thermography technology from Germany. I will be talking about how this test can offer a cancer diagnosis years before the conventional medicine model would ever detect it. You will also hear about Merily's results from this amazing device. I'm grateful for this advanced, fine-tuned ability to screen for early cancer, and this form of thermography will indeed save many lives.

More about Dr. Dan Beilin

Dr. Daniel Beilin was born in Los Angeles and has practiced complementary medicine for 35 years. He has a neurophysiology, gastroenterology and herbal pharmacology background. His first scientific endeavor included his own designed laboratory research at the UCLA Brain Research Institute, studying evoked potentials in the brain at the age of 16.

Dr. Beilin has been recognized for his teaching and education on early detection of women’s cancers by dynamic thermometry analysis methods and testified before the US Congress, bringing this possibility to the forefront, as well as importing 3 complementary methods from Europe to North America (Electrodermal Devices, Darkfield Hematology and Regulation Thermography).

From his website, www.fortifyhealth.com, Dr. Beilin provides consultation services to help those who feel the causes of their symptoms are not being fully addressed by conventional methods or services. Dr. Beilin outlines strategies for patients to help overcome diseases and dysfunctions using non-toxic dietary modifications, life style changes and herbal supplementation, at the same time raising awareness for emotionally co-created disorders.

Dr. Beilin focuses on causal factors in disease, often neglected and responsible for recurrence of many disorders including cancer. Dr. Beilin plays violin, practices yoga, meditation and the martial arts.


Dr. Pompa:
Oh boy, this next episode of Cell TV, I know you’re going to enjoy it. You know how I know? I just recorded it. It’s great. Do you remember the past shows with Cameron George? You heard his story, how sick he was. He went 12 days without food or water. We re-tell the story, but out of it came a purpose and a product that Cam and I really put together for ourselves. It’s really how to bio-hack your daily fasting, your partial fasting, or your water fasting to produce more autophagy—that means getting rid of the bad stuff, to recycle and produce more stem cells, which we call cellular renewal.

You’re going to see the magic because out of it came something that we both take every day, and I believe is key to getting people’s lives back, but also just aging slower. All of that you’re going to hear on this Cell TV, and some funny stories as well. All right, I’ll see you on the episode.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today we have an amazing guest. His name is Cameron George, and he’s someone who started as a very sick patient of Dr. Pompa’s. He has an amazing pain to purpose of his story of his own, which hopefully he can touch on because he has come so far. You will not believe it. Cameron now actually works for Dr. Pompa’s company as a researcher and product developer. He even runs another company of his own. He has such an inspiring story.

While Cameron is here, he and Dr. Pompa are also going to reveal two special supplements that they recently developed together that help facilitate stronger autophagy and stem cell production. I know these are two things that our audience absolutely loves. There’s a lot to touch on, so let’s get started. Welcome, Cameron, and of course, welcome, Dr. Pompa.

It’s so great to be back. It’s been a couple years since I’ve been on this show.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, actually, I don’t know the shows, but you can throw them in here where Cameron told his whole story. We’ll touch on it because it’s always worth touching on it. Cameron and I actually do Health Hunters Radio together now. He’s my new co-host. Lauren’s too busy. Health Hunters Radio—you might want to put link down, Ash. You might get some crossover there. We do some shows that I think our audience here is some serious health seekers, people really looking for their health, more educated audience. We use the radio show to reach a broader, general our general audience, I think. You may enjoy the shows. We talk about some different types of information on Health Hunters Radio.

Cam, it’s been a pleasure having you on that. We talk a lot on this show, obviously, about cells and cell health. This project, cell Clear and Cell Renew—I think it really stemmed out of my own selfish desire to continue my cellular autophagy and cellular building, and cellular renew with stem cells. As I started purging through the literature in this topic of stem cells, I started realizing there was a lot of studies on things that really drove our bodies to produce stem cells, also basically, got our own stem cells more viable. Things called resident stem cells, meaning stem cells in an area you’re trying to fix—it activates those and even helps stem cells migrate to the damaged areas. There was ingredients that did all of those things.

I kept talking to you about it, and we kept broadening the conversation to the point where we started developing the product for ourselves. Now here it is for everybody. There’s one product that we’ll get into here in a moment. Cell Clear is a product that I take actually every day during my fasting time, my daily fasting to stimulate more autophagy. That means getting my body to get rid of the bad cells. Then as you start eating, you stimulate stem cells. I take Renew, the Cell Renew, during my eating window to stimulate more stem cells, as I just explained, and even activate my existing stem cells. Of course, when I just do five-day fasts, which I just finished one, I take Cell Clear during the fast to get the autophagy going.

Day five, I help with the Renew to stimulate more stem cells. I think this a product that everybody needs. I think it’s a product that will benefit everybody, and it’s very well-researched, as you’re going to find out. Cam, let’s start with you because some people haven’t watched that show. I always say, my story is pain to purpose. Look, I have to say, there’s not many people who are mysteriously as sick as I was. You were more sick, mysteriously. Gosh, I helped you through that. You were a client of mine for how many years, Cam?

Gosh, several now – I’m trying to even remember how long it’s been. It’s been five years, at least.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. People have to understand, and I always go right to the pinnacle of how horrific it was for you based on the fact that you went 12 days without food or water. That was not a choice.


Dr. Pompa:
You became allergic to everything you ate. They couldn’t even think about giving you an IV. You were allergic to water, severe reactions. Therefore, you went without food or water for 12 days. I believe it was the thing that reset your immune system, your microbiome, and led to us breaking through, being able to really increase the doses of the Cellular Detox. If you could just add a few words because it brought you here where you and I do research together now.

Yeah, we talk about unexplainable or really bad chronic illnesses a lot, obviously, on this show and on the other one. We use the term perfect storm a lot. Sometimes, it’s used in a little bit lighter of a context than others. My situation truly was a perfect storm. Of all of these horrible factors that came together, whether it be, as we know now, genetic susceptibility, neurotoxicity even going back far into childhood, bad compensatory strategy-like behaviors to try to remediate the symptoms from a lot of the dysfunction that was going on at the cell level, like drugs, alcohol, all of those things came to a head.

I ended up with a gut that was wrecked, a nervous system that was wrecked, an immune system that was wrecked to a point that my body couldn’t recover and just continued to deteriorate over a number of years prior to you and I meeting, and exhausted the allopathic model. Then went to the standard alternative model where I wasn’t getting help besides a few supplements thrown at me here and there just targeted at symptoms, just like the allopathic approach. The bottom fell out to a level. I reached a level of inflammation, neurotoxicity, and autoimmunity that I was literally reacting to everything in my environment. It truly was, by a standard allopathic perspective, it was truly unexplainable.

I was having severe reactions, like convulsatory reactions, to every food that I was eating. It started out at sensitivities to environmental chemicals. I’d go into anaphylaxis or a convulsion-like seizure. Then it became foods, and then supplements. Then eventually, I was reacting to even the water that I was drinking, which eventually led me—the reactions were so bad, and I was getting perpetually weaker. I lost the ability to consume all food and then all water for 12 days at my very worst. Obviously, I ended up in a very life-threatening situation really, really quickly.

The good thing about it is that my body wired this as a defense response and it forced me to go into a fast, which gave me enough of a reset to give me leverage to where you and I could start actually doing some of the deep cellular work, the detox, the diet variation, that stuff where I slowly was able to rebuild things. Cut to several years later—now, I essentially have no bad—I have none of these sensitivities or reactions anymore. I’m still at the tail end of trying to get back to very, very strong. For all intents and purposes, I’m not in that chronic disease situation anymore, just a few residual things.

Dr. Pompa:
Look, you’re able to travel now, come to the seminars. There was a time when traveling would crush you for days. I remember Warren. He couldn’t travel without being crushed now, too. Both of you were my patients, so to speak, and coaching clients, and now both of you are on the mission, pain to purpose. Folks, you should really go back. Ashley will put it in the episode. You should hear the whole story. I’ll just tantalize you a little bit and say, it has a lot to do with monkeys and exotic pets. We’ll just leave it at that. We’ll see if you can figure out the details around that. Yeah, you were bio toxically sick from mold, metals, like you said. Adderall played a role in this, just functioning, all of it. Gosh, I remember, man. I remember just giving you drops of Cellular Detox and you just falling apart.

It really is truly miraculous. The fact that the human biological system, a human body can come back from where I was, and even be where I’m at here, right now, being able to use this computer, being able to eat foods, being able to drink water—it’s given me a level of appreciation for just life in general, for all of the simple things, being able to just consume water and just have the freedom to be able to go out and do things, just to be able to live even normally, as a normally—

Dr. Pompa:
Bring just a little bit of sense to it—you couldn’t even take a short walk. I remember you saying, I took a walk today. I did okay, but I’m wiped out now from it—a walk, folks. You have to understand. Here’s another little story that just popped into my brain because my heart always went out to your father and mother, who I love and adore, by the way. Your dad o-zoned the house. Remember when he o-zoned the house? I don’t remember exactly why he o-zoned the house. I’m sure it was mold. However, you couldn’t’ go in the house. You moved to grandma’s for like a year.

Yeah, my dad suffers from some of the same overzealousness that I do, I think. He tries to help and fix things. While I was sick, when we were trying to clean up all of our environment, and we were trying to rip up carpets, and I was reacting to everything, he just went in, and he’s like, I’m just going to fry this house with o-zone, kill anything that’s in it. It’s like, if there’s mold or anything—because when you’re chemically sensitive, you try to get rid of every possible thing that’s adding any level of pressure to your system, I guess, that could drive these reactions. It made things so much worse. It brought out the paint smell from the wall.

Dr. Pompa:
You know what, it does that. I ruined a car, actually, my wife’s car. It was new, I o-zoned it, and it—we had to get rid of it. The [12:28], it comes out.

It did, it was a—yeah, he was so—it was so well-meaning. He was so trying to fix it. If I wouldn’t have been sensitive, then I would have been fine. It was when I was at my worst, and then it ruined my ability to stay in the house, which again, was all meant well. That was just a testament to how small decisions and small mess-ups could cost me dearly. I had no margin for error. That drives the whole psychological fear aspect of it because you know that you have no margin for error. The nightmare is they can cost you days, months, weeks, years sometimes.

Dr. Pompa:
I have to say—you and I just resonate because you were very much like me. I wasn’t going to give up. I researched or read to the point where I start saying, hey Cam, look into this. I was leading you down things. Go look into this. From that, [13:34] was created. That’s a whole other show. Honestly, it really was that whole process that brought you here today. It is from pain to purpose. I’m telling you, man, even some of your sensitivity, your hypersensitivity allowed you and I to just realize certain discoveries because of how sensitive the person can be. I was that person, too. We realized what works, what doesn’t, down to the micro-dose. Look, this is a passion. Let’s move right into the topic of today.

We could talk—we could go back and talk about all that for hours, building seven, and all the whole thing. Anyways, it’s an inside joke there. This topic—part of what got you well—of course, the Cellular Detox. Remember, you weren’t even able to detox with drops until some of these fasting strategies. What we know is the magic around fasting and why you’re able to function now is the autophagy, meaning it’s the body, during a fasting state, gets rid of bad cells. We know that then it creates a stem cell for every bad cell it gets rid of. It creates a new, less reactive cell. Eventually, your body yore down the bad, rebuilt new. Over time, we built a new Cameron.

We built a new me. That’s why you and I are really passionate about this topic. Other things happen during a fasting state, too, through the autophagy. Your body resets its microbiome. All of these immune system happenings occur, without getting too complicated. It led us to the passion around these products, which my team said, you have to share them because honestly, they were developed for us sick people who want to go to the next level. Again, I have no symptoms today, and I take both of these every day. There’s very few supplements that I take every day, but these I do. All right, which one do you want to start with, Cam?

I want you to—I want people to understand it took us almost a year to source these products, the ingredients in these products as we sifted through the literature. We ran into some difficulties. We realized that most of the ingredients—because so many of them come to China because they’re unique ingredients—they were contaminated. Sourcing them became a real problem. Let’s talk about why some of these ingredients, what they do, and again, why I think it’s a game changer for people’s health. Anyway, I think Renew—is that what we started?

Yeah, the Cell Clear—

Dr. Pompa:
The Cell Clear, start there because I actually want you to show a PowerPoint you showed at the seminar. You and I did an interview similar to this onstage. I think pictures are worth 1,000 words.

They do, they told a story. This is a little bit of an abstract concept for some people until it becomes truly en vogue and popularized, which I believe this is where it’s headed. Just in quick review, too, on what is a stem cell—we all hear this term stem cells, especially those who watch the show. This is Cellular Healing TV. Most people probably generally know what they are, but just so people have an understanding of the scope and level of importance when it comes to stem cells, and why they’re considered the future of medicine. We’re harnessing our own stem cells or giving them [17:08] and learning how to program them because stem cells are like the seeds of biological life.

All human life begins with a single stem cell, totally potent stem cell, in the embryonic stage. It eventually grows to become you. They’re like little baby cells that don’t know what they want to be when they grow up yet. They learn, and then one decides to become a brain cell, a heart cell, a liver cell, a lung cell. The importance is, stem cells generate a human being early in life, and then they regenerate a human being as we get injured, sick, and are aging. All chronic disease and all premature aging is really due to a lack of viable stem cells because stem cells get crushed by inflammation, toxicity, and all of these stressors of life that prematurely age us.

We all know that if we’re 40 or 50 years old, we can look at two different people from our graduating class, one that looks pretty young and one that looks terrible. A lot of that has to do with this person lives very stressful life, and they’ve crushed their ability to be able to repair and keep their tissues young. Stem cells are responsible for doing that. This is why we designed the system. All these things that we talk about, fasting, diet variation, ketonic states, nutrition and stuff, are how we do it. It’s a multitherapeutic approach. These products are the icing on the cake on how we can take our body’s ability to maintain its stem cell populations so that we can stay younger biologically and that we can bounce back and recover from any stressful event, if you’re an athlete or you’re in some sort of a disease process. We’ll get into the—

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt, it’s a bio-hack. How do we tear down our bad cells faster, better? How do we make new ones faster, better? Viable stem cells—it really is the key to anti-aging. You said it very well. Okay, go back to the one area. You went over the first one.

Yeah, we call the two products together, just like the cellular detox system, which you cell that you’ve been talking about for years, this is the stem cell enhancement system is what we’ve been calling it thus far. Very simply, what is it? It’s a two-step system. Each product is a step to number one, support the body’s removal of unhealthy cells and cell components, and then number two, enhance the production utilization of new healthy stem cells to repair and replace. It’s a very simple out-with-the bad, in with the good type principal.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, there’s not a person I’ve been blessed to help—and I would speak for my doctors that I train as well—that this process wasn’t a very key part of how we got somebody’s life back. The cellular detox, of course, remove the interference, but this recycle and renewal process—you just won’t get well without it.

Right, and as we said before, stem cells mediate all healing, no matter how you’re doing it, no matter how you’re activating it, with whatever protocol that enhances healing. You are either directly or indirectly enhancing your body’s stem cell function if you’re doing something that’s causing you to successfully heal. We can take that to the next level, dial that in, and fine-tune it to maximize process that comes from these two stages of the body. In the book that is currently coming out, Beyond Fasting, we talk about this principle that we define in the book. It’s called recycle renewal.

Basically, what recycle renewal principle is—like I said, an out with the bad, in with the new type thing. It’s maximizing the ability of the body to replace bad cells with good cells. Each one of these things, both recycle and renewal, refer to a different mode that the body goes into.

Dr. Pompa:
Just to put each word into context, recycle—we talk about this word autophagy in our conversations where it’s the average person. What is autophagy? What does that mean? It means recycle. You recycle the bad. Okay, stem cell, what does that mean? It means renew. You renew a new cell— so recycle autophagy, renewal stem cell. There’s many people that just listen to this. I wish you could all see the picture that’s right before me right now. There is a big crane ripping down an old house. That’s the recycle. Then on the other side of the page is a brand-new house being built. That’s the renew.

That’s exactly what we have to do in our body to regain our health, keep our health, or anti-age, for that matter. The people who do this better, faster, bigger, badder, are the people who look better older. Let’s face it. That’s why I wanted to develop these products, for that very purpose. I’m a biohacker at heart.

There’s one big problem with why people stay sick is because you accumulate all this cellular damage in your body, or why people stay or they prematurely age. These damaged cells that just aren’t that—it’s like you have two cells, one that’s damaged, one that’s not. The damaged one is performing terribly. The damage is like a person who’s crippled. Then the good cell is an Olympic athlete.

Dr. Pompa:
Let me bring some sense to that because it’s estimated that 95 percent of the population is in some stage of autoimmune, meaning your own immune system’s attacking it. You’re probably not diagnosed. You might be. That could be rheumatoid arthritis. It could be Hashimoto’s, Celiac, Chron’s, who knows. The fact is, most people aren’t given a name until 10, 20 years down the road. It means that your body is creating inflammation. You don’t feel well. It gets harder to lose weight, have energy, the things we all want. The fact is that you have too many old white blood cells living too long. It’s called a [23:45] cell. The more of these you get, the more hyperactive immunity you get.

That may just mean hyperactive to food. That may mean hyperactive to allergens. That may be just feeling poorly. The fact is that you’re getting more and more of these immune cells that are overreacting, if you will. This process of recycle or autophagy—it gets rid of those overreactive cells, and then we create a stem cell, and makes a more naïve cell that’s not overreacting. Therefore, you start to feel better. Your autoimmune starts down-regulating. That’s what happens during a fast. What we did with the research in our hand is create two products that enhance that. I have to say this. My wife and I, and I talk about this in the book Beyond Fasting, we experienced this.

My cellular age, Cam, was far older than my actual age, and that was because I was sick, which is very common, by the way. It takes years off your life, going through what I went through and what you went through. As I have really applied these processes in my life, as well as the Cellular Detox, of course, my cellular age is now much younger than my actual age, and so is my wife. We measure our—it’s called a telomere test, but we measure it every year. We do one of these tests every year. Literally, we’re getting younger. It’s not by chance. It’s by what we’re talking about. As a matter of fact, this would be exciting. I just re-measured my [25:19] cells, the number of old cells I have.

I did a before and an after. Anyways, the point is, I track this stuff. We’re not just making things up. That’s the reality of this. Okay, look at the next slide, Cam. Remember, we have listeners, not just viewers.

Right, exactly. One quick key, important point, too is, whenever we have too many of these old, damaged, faulty [25:45] cells hanging around, a few things can happen. They take up space, so they’re just cluttering up the space in our body, the tissues that should be functional with dysfunctional tissue, whether it be in the brain, the heart, liver, the kidneys, the lungs, or any other tissue in the body. They also, like you said, can be in the immune system, where these overactive cells hang around for too long. They need to be cleared out and reset so that they’re not driving inflammation, autoimmunity.

The third thing is that they can go rogue and become cancerous. It’s natural for human beings to go and to shift into a recycling mode where our body cleans up these bad cells. If we’re constantly in this other mode, this stimulating growth, then we’ll stimulate growth with all cells, including cells that can go rogue, which can lead to cancer. This is something that’s important.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, the more of those older cells you have, the worse your immune system. The older you get, the worse your immune system, the more at risk for every disease of aging, from Alzheimer’s, dementia, to cancer, everyone, diabetes, you name it. People don’t understand that. The more bad cells you have living too long, the more risk for all disease you are. Therefore, for me at my age—I’m in my mid-50s here. I’m more interested in this now than ever in my life, getting rid of these old cells and creating new ones. It is the key.

I think you understand why I was so passionate about this project. Thank God I had Cam because you should see the studies we had to go through. You should see sourcing these products was laborious. I didn’t have time to do it. Cam just really filled in the gap for us there, so you’re going to thank him for that.

Again, the process of aging, in part, is really about gaining and losing cells. Replacing bad cells with good cells is extremely important, bad cell components, bad mitochondria with new mitochondria that run the whole show. It’s like, you are cells. You look in the mirror. You see an individual, but it’s really a misperception. You’re a community of 70 trillion cells that work together. You are what your cells are. It’s extremely important. Cell Clear is the first product. That is the autophagy-enhancing or the recycle-enhancing product.

It’s simply a product that enhances this process called cellular autophagy, which is another term for basically the recycle, what we just talked about. Like we said, it’s the process which the body is able to break down healthy cells and store body fat in order to convert them and use energy as fuel.

Dr. Pompa:
Just to bring some things here because people can’t see this PowerPoint that’s in front of us, it does, in fact—it is a natural detoxification that we’re talking about. It does increase fat-burning, and because it burns fat, you increase your energy level and your cognitive function. When we talk about autophagy and stimulating this process, oftentimes, you don’t think about that. For the sake of time, Cam, go to the next one here. Let’s just start into some of the ingredients, just some of the key ones. We don’t have to go through all of these, but all of these mean something and why they’re in the product.

Just very simply here because all of these things are icing on the cake—autophagy is essentially what happens whenever there’s no food coming in from the outside. Our body’s survival mechanism kicks in, and we start eating from our own tissues. The body is so intelligent that it’ll eat the bad tissues and clear them out first. Our ancestors were forced into times of fasting. We talk about that all the time. That is set up by nature cyclically for us to experience these times when our body goes into autophagy. All these are ingredients that I’ll list off here, that take that autophagy to the next level, that allow us to stimulate our body straight into that recycle mode a lot quicker and to a much higher level.

We’ve got several adaptogenic herbs that are in here that have been very, very well studied to activate a certain pathway called AMPK, which is both a fat-burning pathway and an autophagy-enhancing pathway. This actually helps you burn fat. It helps suppress appetite. It helps get you into that mode where you’re burning up these bad tissues. The adaptogenic herbs that we have on here and Chinese herbs like gynostemma, other herbs like green tea extract, American ginseng, reishi mushroom, [30:22] berry and turmeric, gynostemma being really one of the all-stars. It’s one of the premier herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. We sourced out some very, very high-quality herbs here that took a very, very long time to source out.

We put them in a concentrated form, a ten to one powder concentrate. We were able to fit essentially the equivalent of ten pounds of dried good full-spectrum extract into one pound of concentrate, and then so we were able to get much higher amounts in the capsules. We have a few other supportive nutrients that are isolated, constituents to spike it and bring things to the next level, a couple of flavonoids and polyphenols and such. [31:03] and [31:06] are both really hot in the scientific literature right now for stimulating this AMPK process, this autophagy. Resveratrol—it regulates sirtuins, which play into autophagy. Acetyl carnitine—it’s a mitochondrial enhancer, also stimulates appetite suppress—

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, I want to say something about that, like the gynostemma. In the studies, there’s a certain amount of an active ingredient. One of the things that we had to test these ingredients for was the active ingredient, and making sure there was enough active ingredient for it to actually work, which is another thing. A lot of products start to come out. They have these things in them because people oftentimes, oh, I recognize that as stimulating fat-burning and autophagy, etcetera, but there’s not enough active ingredient in it. That was one of the tasks. The other task was finding the clean ingredient because so many of these things come from China, at least the active products, the good ones do. Unfortunately, a lot of them are contaminated.

A huge amount of them are. If you can—just a little side note here. When it comes to Chinese herbs, the best source in the world of Chinese herbs is in China. The worst source in the world is probably from China, too, if you get really bad herbs as far as contamination. Because they’re grown in their indigenous soils, the Chinese have thousands year of history of how to select the correct strains. Every single batch is tested to make sure that it’s 100 percent the right strain of what we say it is and what we want it to be. We tested for active constituents. We tested for heavy metals, mold. We tested for everything. It’s thoroughly tested multiple times back in our place in China that we work with, our supplier, and then also whenever it gets here, too.

Dr. Pompa:
We have to fast forward. Just go through this very quickly here as we already went through the ingredients.

Yeah, exactly. The pathways that we’re talking about with this product, like I mentioned before, AMPK activation—that’s really the autophagy-enhancing, recycle-inducing. It puts you into that recycle mode. It also suppresses the other mode, which is mediated through this mTOR pathway. It stands for [33:20]. It stimulates growth in the body. It suppresses this growth pathway. These two pathways are like a teeter totter. This recycle, renewal, AMPK, mTOR thing—it’s like they’re diametrically opposed. If you activate one, it suppresses the other, generally because the body is either—

Dr. Pompa:
When you’re fasting, in a fasting mode, you’re stimulating AMPK, and therefore autophagy. Then when you start to eat, you’re re-stimulating stem cells and you’re activating the mTOR pathway. You can see. You’re going to watch that each product does the opposite. This one activates AMPK. The next one activates mTOR, the next product that is, the Cell Renew, the product that stimulates stem cells. It’s exact opposite. Then the NRF2 activation—that’s a majorly important a pathway for inflammation.

Oh, absolutely, yeah. It’s your natural antioxidant response. It’s your [34:18] pathway that stimulates a lot of antioxidant activity. Yes, we’ve talked about a lot these ingredients here. Let me just sift through.

Dr. Pompa:
Those are the studies. Those of you who can’t see, he went very quickly through some of the studies that we had found.

Yes, there’s multiple studies showing substantial AMPK activation, mTOR suppression, all the pathways that were talked about. All of these herbs are very, very well-studied for their ability to do all the things we’re talking about and enhance autophagy.

Dr. Pompa:
For the sake of time, how do you use this? It’s very clear on the bottle. The Cell Clear, we like to take either your last meal entering into a fasting state, which could just be after dinner because everyone fasts at night unless you’re getting up in the middle of the night and eating. Even if you don’t intermittent fast, you can still benefit from Cell Clear. Just take it on your last meal. It can be taken anytime during your fasting state daily or during a longer fast. The directions are there, how to take it intermittent fasting, how to just take it period.

Yeah, exactly. It’s great for keto adaptation, for those of you who are having a hard time to get in. That’s what your body’s trying to shift into, to try to get deeper into this recycle mode. It’s hard to do at first if it’s not used to it. It’s really, really good at suppressing appetite. It’s also good at just pushing you into ketosis a little bit faster. That’s really the goal in ketosis, to get into that recycle mode to where you’re burning fat efficiently. AMPK does that.

Dr. Pompa:
Step two is the Cell Renew. This is the stem cell stimulator, if you will. Obviously, we hit this already. The benefit of stem cells, I think are pretty obvious, everything that we want, age slower, have better hormones, balance.

Brain function, everything—yeah, and it’s great even for athletes out there, as a recovery product, too, taken during your eating window because it’s very anabolic. When you think about Cell Clear, it’s like a catabolic type of product. Cell Renew is an anabolic. It’s very, very good for enhancing performance as well as enhancing longevity. The main ingredients here—we actually have a couple really unique humanely-sourced animal ingredients, or actually one main one here, which is deer antler velvet. Deer antler is one of those things that we hear a lot about in the bodybuilding industry.

It’s containing proliferative factors like IGVF1, precursor to growth hormone, stimulating testosterone and those things, which are all anabolic-type pathways, but also play deeply into longevity. Deer antler has to be sourced right, though. Literally, I can confidently say that 89 percent of the deer antler out there is total crap. The important thing about deer antler, though is that it’s—when we think about the antlers of deer—deer shed their antlers every season, and they regrow them every season. Deer antler velvet, which is the soft stuff that grows from the outside of the antlers, is the fasting growing mammalian tissue in all of nature. It grows so fast; you can almost sit there and watch it grow.

It grows as much as a centimeter a day during certain parts of the year. It contains the full spectrum of active constituents that it needs to stimulate regeneration, that means vitamins, minerals, amino acids, all that amazing stuff. It’s a superfood, but it contains growth factors like IGF1 nerve growth factor that stimulates stem cell growth and proliferation. It’s really, really good, but most of the growth factors are actually in the tips of the antler, the top five percent of the antler. We sourced out very, very clean products. There’s a lot of contaminated products. People in certain part of the world inject the deer with drugs before extracting them. They extract them inhumanely. This is all a very, very humane process, super clean, very, very good concentrated extract.

Astragalus is another one. Astragalus is one of those that’s been well documented for its enhancement of an enzyme called telomerase, which enhances telomeres, which you talked about earlier. Anti-aging pathways been shown to enhance the proliferation, so the growth and the multiplication of stem cells in the bone marrow, which is where your stem cell factory is in your body. It’s very, very—it’s been shown multiple times to enhance both that and mobilization of stem cells. Panax ginseng is Korean ginseng. There’s tons of counterfeit ginseng out there. This is very, very well-sourced, true ginseng.

It’s been shown to stimulate the proliferation of blood stem cells into making lots of red blood cells, oxygenate the tissues. It’s enhancing neural stem cells and all of those things. [39:25], [39:26], salvia root—all three of those have also been shown for their stem cell proliferative and migratory effects, and [39:34] as well. Several of these have been shown to not only stimulate the proliferation, which is growing numbers of stem cells, so you’re re-growing your factory in the bone marrow, but then also stimulating the mobilization, so stimulating them into the bloodstream into action. They don’t just do good sitting in the bone marrow. Then also stimulating into differentiate into the actual tissue of their target or to go to the places where they need to go and do their work.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, that’s even a problem for people who get stem cells. They say, well, it didn’t work for me because they can’t migrate the stem cell to the problem area. Many of these ingredients actually help that process, getting the actual stem cell to the problem. Many of us—as a matter of fact, you’re aging. You still have stem cells, but really, they’re not viable. They’re not migrating to problem areas. When I start looking at the literature on that as far as activating, getting your own stem cells to the problem, obviously, that’s a de-aging concept right there, and a healing concept.

Yeah, and these are all ingredients—all of these Chinese herb ingredients have actually been known anecdotally over thousands of case studies over thousands of years to enhance regeneration in the body. Then they’ve also held up under the scrutiny of the scientific lens in the last few decades as we can now actually look at what’s eliciting the activity and prove whether or not these claims are true. It turns out, the Chinese, through long-term field testing, figured out by observing how to elicit some regeneration in the body. Then we also added in some nutraceutical ingredients, one really unique one is called NMN, nicotinamide mononucleotide.

That’s a mouthful, but it’s a precursor to NAD. NAD is this huge anti-aging molecule that’s in big hype right now. It’s the master-regulator of metabolism, and it’s one of the best mitochondrial enhancers. It helps power the whole process. It activates sirtuins, which are in anti-aging pathways. It’s been shown to enhance the—it reversed some of the aging process in mice and rats pretty substantially.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I wrote about it in the book. There’s a ratio of NAD plus to NADH. The lower that ratio goes, the older you’re getting, fast, so you want to have that ratio better. That helps us with that ratio for antiaging. It’s really an important ratio, as we have just recently found out. Yeah, that’s a major ingredient.

Yeah, keeping your NAD levels high is one of the main things that’s being looked at in the anti-aging literature to slow the aging process and to keep the cells young, keep telomeres linked in, and keep stem cells in a constant state.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way—I have to say this—this is the first product to hit the market. There’s products that drive stem cells now. They’re starting to show up. There’s even some autophagy products. For whatever reason, nobody is putting it together. I’m like, wait a minute, why would we just drive stem cell production without doing the autophagy process first? That’s the way it happens in the body. What we do is mimicked what happens in a fasting state, autophagy and then basically up-regulating stem cells, whether it’s daily fasting or longer fast. That’s why we call it the stem cell enhancing system because we’re the first to mimic what the body does.

The NAD that we’re talking about is another example of that. When you go through autophagy, you’re basically fixing this ratio. Then when you start feeding the stem cells, you really fix that ratio. We thought this thing through from beginning to the end, mimicking—

Yeah, there’s so many people out there going and injecting stem cells, which is actually a great bio-hack when used correctly in the right context, doing their own stem cells and such. You can get good results, but you can get far better results if you understand these two modes in the body and if you’re able to go into deep autophagy for certain parts of the year to clear out the old. Then once you go in and put in more stem cells or whenever you enhance your own cells—

Dr. Pompa:
When I got my stem cells, that’s what I did. I did a five-day fast. Then I got stem cells. By the way, I was taking Cell Clear through the fast and then as soon as I got my stem cells, then I started taking tons of Renew. I doubled the dose.

This is an important quick point because so many people—when they think about healing, they’re thinking about taking stuff, doing things that just stimulate regeneration. You have to understand, the recycle renewal process—the goal is renewal, but in order to get to renewal, you can’t build—if you remember the picture a few slides back, you can’t build a new house on top an old, crappy house. You have to get rid of the old first. It’s the same with detox.

If the terrain is totally devastated of your body, the body terrain, the cells, cell bodies and everything, then you’re not going to be able to regenerate new tissues on top of that. Detoxification is clearing out all of the debris and toxicity that’s accumulated. Autophagy is clearing out all the actual bad cells that have been damaged. Then we come in and enhance our body’s ability—

Dr. Pompa:
One of my proudest moments with this product is putting it together with that, mimicking the body. To my surprise, no one does it. We are the first. Now it’ll happen. Trust me. People will watch the show and get ideas. The fact is that you’re right. You don’t build new on old. Just taking a stem cell-enhancing product without tearing down the old—to me, it just doesn’t make sense. Being able to utilize this pathway every day in our life and then in longer blocks—yeah, it’s why I’m excited, man, no doubt.

Yeah, our body is set up for cycles of going and shifting back and forth. That’s what the diet variation principle is based on, like we all know. Mastering these cycles is part of mastering healing. You can’t just take one pathway and just use it. Eventually, you’re going to end up trailing back.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, Cam, I think this is why this pathway—it’s such an important part of our multi-therapeutic approach to get very sick and challenged people well. Obviously, this keeps people aging correctly. The fact is that this is a big deal because in the old, if you will, ancient cultures were forced to go through times of feast and famine. That’s basically what we’re emulating here. The feast drives this mTOR activation, and there’s a PowerPoint in front of me that talks about it. This product drives that pathway.

The famine drives—in other words, the fast—drives the other pathway, the NKP pathway. This is so important that we’re driving these pathways. We’re not today because we’re always in a feast state. Mimicking this feast, famine—it’s magic for people getting their lives back, no doubt.

This is the future of medicine. The future of medicine is not trying to contradict or undermine the intelligence of the body by isolating and creating synthetic compounds to push the body into directions that we want it to go, necessarily. We’re trying to harness the intelligence of the body and enhance the intelligence of the body without contradicting in anyway, which is what stem cell medicine is. We’re still relying on the intelligence, but we’re using technology to enhance and boost it, dial it in.

Dr. Pompa:
You think about ancient cultures. Every year, the [47:57] people, it was called fasting spring. They would go without food or very little food for periods of time. They would rip down the old, reset their microbiome, turn on good genes, turn off bad genes. The autophagy process takes place, then boom, they would start feeding, mTOR pathway. All of a sudden, they’re creating all these new stem cells. Every year, they had a chance to recycle. That’s not happening today. That’s why it’s so important to do this process. There’s the deer antler velvet, obviously, as we’re looking at some of the ingredients.

This is something—I use this term. I’ve heard it described as this before. I’ve heard it called—most of the diseases, the chrono-degenerative diseases today can really be put under one category, and it could be called nature divorcement syndrome. Most of us agree that the farther, the more barriers that we put between us and our natural ecology, or what the planet, the intelligence of the planet, and the cycles of the planet have set up for us, the more we become misaligned with that and deviate into artificial environments, artificial forms of food, hacking yourself, contradicting that intelligence, the farther that we move into imbalance and disease.

The more that we can mimic that in a natural context—because we can’t all go out and do what hunter gatherers did—we live in a post-industrial society where we benefit from a lot of technology, but we have to take the old-world ancestral wisdom and bring it into the context of today. That’s really what we’re trying to do here.

Dr. Pompa:
Again, just like last time, here are some studies. Those of you can’t see the PowerPoint—that one was ginseng, and it showed a study basically that it creates production of stem cells, bone marrow, and also in the brain, the proliferation of stem cells in the brain with that particular ginseng.

The one previous to that—we had a couple studies here on the slide with deer antler velvet, showing its enhancement of neurogenesis stem cell function in the brain with astragalus well, too.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, you think stem cells are important in your brain? When these statistics on dementia, Alzheimer’s, and how many people are in brain fog, the astragalus, deer antler velvet, and I think you have a couple other ones, maybe the algae, are producing the stem cells in the brain—hugely important.

Absolutely, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay, we just ripped through those, but we cited these studies.

Yeah, these are just a few of the ingredients here—absolutely, yeah. We also have AFA blue-green algae, a specific type of algae that’s been shown to be straight up food for the proliferation of stem cells and the bone marrow again. A lot of these ingredients are targeting similar pathways, but doing it just slightly different.

Dr. Pompa:
Anyway, I think it’s a gamechanger combination. Again, we call it the stem cell enhancing system because that’s what it is. Could you take them individually? Yeah, but again, we want to mimic what the body naturally does, and what we’re missing today, honestly. We’re missing this process of cell recycling and cell renewal, autophagy and stem cell creation, and basically migrating our stem cells to the areas that need healing. This is something that I think everybody needs, honestly. It’s obviously why I created it. You wanted to say something about this?

Yeah, and I already touched on this a little bit earlier, but the quality of especially herbs, but even some nutraceuticals, is such a key, important point today that I have to hit on. We have an industry, a supplement industry where these things have become commodities. You have large-scale business and manufacturers who are trying to cut as many corners as they can just to be able to say that they have an ingredient. Some that we’ve tested don’t even have any of the ingredient in them, and a lot of them are loaded with heavy metals, lead, mercury, and all those things.

Even if they’re not super dirty, a lot of them just don’t have the true therapeutic potency that they’ve gotten a reputation for. We’ve talked about that on certain shows. We talk about cava. That’s one of my big things right now, too. It’s really true of most of these herbs. The sourcing took a long time. I scoured the globe for some of the best sources that I could possibly find.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you put so much time into it, man, and I wouldn’t have had the time, so I so appreciate it.

Yeah, exactly, and so every batch is tested to make sure that it meet our minimum requirements for active constituents. There are certain type of extraction methods that are full-spectrum so that you’re getting all the life of the plant in there, and all of the ingredients that have been heavily studied. The drying processes—everything has been very carefully vetted out in this product so that we have something that we can really stand behind that we use ourselves. We can actually say that all the ingredients are actually there and in therapeutically relevant concentrations. It’s clean.

Dr. Pompa:
Cam, it took, like you said, almost a year of putting this project together. Like I said, it wouldn’t have happened without your help, even though it was a passion of both of our hearts to make this product for ourselves, so I hope you all enjoy it. Hey, folks, listening, come join Cam and I on Health Hunters Radio. I’ll have Ashley put up the link. Some great topics—we just finished a great topic on water. It just expanded. It ended up to be a part one, part two. Nobody knows more about water than this guy right here. I’ll tell you that right here. We get into some cool things on the radio that we probably don’t even do here, so join us on Health Hunters.

Cam, you’re definitely going to come back and talk about kava with us because you want to talk about another huge project, and a lot of myths around kava. It’s something I take every day, Kavaplex. Again, sourcing was everything. I love this product, so we’re going to do another show on that. Thanks for coming on. What is this, your third Cell TV now?

Something like that.

Dr. Pompa:
Co-host of Health Hunters Radio. By the way, you can go back and listen to all the episodes when she puts the link because it’s Saturday morning. It’s 6 AM or something like that. It’s a little early. We pre-record the show. All the recordings are there, so you’ll have fun going back, and you can listen to them anytime.

Yeah, you can get them on iTunes and stuff, too.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, it’s a lot of fun doing the show. We did that show on dry fasting, fasting with me, you, and Daniel. That was fun. All right, Cam, I love and appreciate you, man. Thanks on being on Cellular Healing TV. Remember, folks, got to fix the cell to get well.

That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 AM Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv. Please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, or sharing the show with anyone who may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.

282: How to Biohack your Fasts

Episode 282: How to Biohack your Fasts

with Cameron George:

This episode brings back my former patient, Cameron George. You may have heard his story in previous episodes; he was so sick he went 12 days without food or water. Well, Cameron is now my incredibly healthy colleague and Health Hunters Radio co-host, and out of his pain came his huge purpose. Together, Cameron and I put together 2 incredible supplements that will biohack your daily fasting, partial fasting, and water fasting. One helps to encourage more cellular autophagy (eating up the bad cells) and the other creates more cellular renewal (recycling and producing more stem cells). I believe this process is the key to getting people's lives back and even aging in reverse! Cameron is here to share the research we poured into this fasting support system, and we can't wait to share this information (and the magical products!) with you.

More about Cameron George:
As a native of Northwest Arkansas, Cameron spent the early years of his life being very active as both a student and a competitive athlete, despite having dealt with many chronic health challenges since his childhood. At the age of 20, he developed a severe autoimmune/nervous system condition that rendered him temporarily disabled, leaving him unable to work or even function without assistance. The condition had also lead him to develop a vast array of debilitating symptoms that included constant severe anxiety, insomnia and convulsions that were significantly inhibiting his ability to recover to any degree.

Cameron spent the next several years seeing countless doctors, accumulating research and investigating strategies as part of a desperate attempt to find a solution to his condition and rebuild his health. After seeing little to no improvements from any of the standard or alternative medical approaches that he came across, He continued to steadily deteriorate until he met and started working directly with Dr. Pompa. After a period of time he was finally able to start recovering through the many comprehensive diet, lifestyle, and treatment protocols that they were navigating together. After 2 years of continuing this path, Cameron was finally fully recovered and inspired to use all of the information that he had acquired over 10 of research to help provide real solutions to others with complicated health challenges. He was hired by HCF (Health Centers of the Future) to work directly with Dr. Pompa, doing research and development for physician grade nutraceutical product lines and books. Cameron is also the Chief Development Officer of Sovereign Shield, LLC.

Additional Information:

Cell CLR: Enhances Cellular Autophagy While Fasting!
Cell ReNu: Supports The Rejuvenation and Production of Natural Stem Cells!
Check out Dr. Pompa's weekly Health Hunters radio show with co-host Cameron George
Cameron George on CHTV Episode 70: Overcoming Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Cameron George on CHTV Episode 173: Using Plant Medicine For Anxiety
HCF's Live It to Lead It – Newport Beach – November 14-17, 2019


Dr. Pompa:
Oh boy, this next episode of Cell TV, I know you’re going to enjoy it. You know how I know? I just recorded it. It’s great. Do you remember the past shows with Cameron George? You heard his story, how sick he was. He went 12 days without food or water. We re-tell the story, but out of it came a purpose and a product that Cam and I really put together for ourselves. It’s really how to bio-hack your daily fasting, your partial fasting, or your water fasting to produce more autophagy—that means getting rid of the bad stuff, to recycle and produce more stem cells, which we call cellular renewal.

You’re going to see the magic because out of it came something that we both take every day, and I believe is key to getting people’s lives back, but also just aging slower. All of that you’re going to hear on this Cell TV, and some funny stories as well. All right, I’ll see you on the episode.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I’m Ashley Smith. Today we have an amazing guest. His name is Cameron George, and he’s someone who started as a very sick patient of Dr. Pompa’s. He has an amazing pain to purpose of his story of his own, which hopefully he can touch on because he has come so far. You will not believe it. Cameron now actually works for Dr. Pompa’s company as a researcher and product developer. He even runs another company of his own. He has such an inspiring story.

While Cameron is here, he and Dr. Pompa are also going to reveal two special supplements that they recently developed together that help facilitate stronger autophagy and stem cell production. I know these are two things that our audience absolutely loves. There’s a lot to touch on, so let’s get started. Welcome, Cameron, and of course, welcome, Dr. Pompa.

It’s so great to be back. It’s been a couple years since I’ve been on this show.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, actually, I don’t know the shows, but you can throw them in here where Cameron told his whole story. We’ll touch on it because it’s always worth touching on it. Cameron and I actually do Health Hunters Radio together now. He’s my new co-host. Lauren’s too busy. Health Hunters Radio—you might want to put link down, Ash. You might get some crossover there. We do some shows that I think our audience here is some serious health seekers, people really looking for their health, more educated audience. We use the radio show to reach a broader, general our general audience, I think. You may enjoy the shows. We talk about some different types of information on Health Hunters Radio.

Cam, it’s been a pleasure having you on that. We talk a lot on this show, obviously, about cells and cell health. This project, cell Clear and Cell Renew—I think it really stemmed out of my own selfish desire to continue my cellular autophagy and cellular building, and cellular renew with stem cells. As I started purging through the literature in this topic of stem cells, I started realizing there was a lot of studies on things that really drove our bodies to produce stem cells, also basically, got our own stem cells more viable. Things called resident stem cells, meaning stem cells in an area you’re trying to fix—it activates those and even helps stem cells migrate to the damaged areas. There was ingredients that did all of those things.

I kept talking to you about it, and we kept broadening the conversation to the point where we started developing the product for ourselves. Now here it is for everybody. There’s one product that we’ll get into here in a moment. Cell Clear is a product that I take actually every day during my fasting time, my daily fasting to stimulate more autophagy. That means getting my body to get rid of the bad cells. Then as you start eating, you stimulate stem cells. I take Renew, the Cell Renew, during my eating window to stimulate more stem cells, as I just explained, and even activate my existing stem cells. Of course, when I just do five-day fasts, which I just finished one, I take Cell Clear during the fast to get the autophagy going.

Day five, I help with the Renew to stimulate more stem cells. I think this a product that everybody needs. I think it’s a product that will benefit everybody, and it’s very well-researched, as you’re going to find out. Cam, let’s start with you because some people haven’t watched that show. I always say, my story is pain to purpose. Look, I have to say, there’s not many people who are mysteriously as sick as I was. You were more sick, mysteriously. Gosh, I helped you through that. You were a client of mine for how many years, Cam?

Gosh, several now – I’m trying to even remember how long it’s been. It’s been five years, at least.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. People have to understand, and I always go right to the pinnacle of how horrific it was for you based on the fact that you went 12 days without food or water. That was not a choice.


Dr. Pompa:
You became allergic to everything you ate. They couldn’t even think about giving you an IV. You were allergic to water, severe reactions. Therefore, you went without food or water for 12 days. I believe it was the thing that reset your immune system, your microbiome, and led to us breaking through, being able to really increase the doses of the Cellular Detox. If you could just add a few words because it brought you here where you and I do research together now.

Yeah, we talk about unexplainable or really bad chronic illnesses a lot, obviously, on this show and on the other one. We use the term perfect storm a lot. Sometimes, it’s used in a little bit lighter of a context than others. My situation truly was a perfect storm. Of all of these horrible factors that came together, whether it be, as we know now, genetic susceptibility, neurotoxicity even going back far into childhood, bad compensatory strategy-like behaviors to try to remediate the symptoms from a lot of the dysfunction that was going on at the cell level, like drugs, alcohol, all of those things came to a head.

I ended up with a gut that was wrecked, a nervous system that was wrecked, an immune system that was wrecked to a point that my body couldn’t recover and just continued to deteriorate over a number of years prior to you and I meeting, and exhausted the allopathic model. Then went to the standard alternative model where I wasn’t getting help besides a few supplements thrown at me here and there just targeted at symptoms, just like the allopathic approach. The bottom fell out to a level. I reached a level of inflammation, neurotoxicity, and autoimmunity that I was literally reacting to everything in my environment. It truly was, by a standard allopathic perspective, it was truly unexplainable.

I was having severe reactions, like convulsatory reactions, to every food that I was eating. It started out at sensitivities to environmental chemicals. I’d go into anaphylaxis or a convulsion-like seizure. Then it became foods, and then supplements. Then eventually, I was reacting to even the water that I was drinking, which eventually led me—the reactions were so bad, and I was getting perpetually weaker. I lost the ability to consume all food and then all water for 12 days at my very worst. Obviously, I ended up in a very life-threatening situation really, really quickly.

The good thing about it is that my body wired this as a defense response and it forced me to go into a fast, which gave me enough of a reset to give me leverage to where you and I could start actually doing some of the deep cellular work, the detox, the diet variation, that stuff where I slowly was able to rebuild things. Cut to several years later—now, I essentially have no bad—I have none of these sensitivities or reactions anymore. I’m still at the tail end of trying to get back to very, very strong. For all intents and purposes, I’m not in that chronic disease situation anymore, just a few residual things.

Dr. Pompa:
Look, you’re able to travel now, come to the seminars. There was a time when traveling would crush you for days. I remember Warren. He couldn’t travel without being crushed now, too. Both of you were my patients, so to speak, and coaching clients, and now both of you are on the mission, pain to purpose. Folks, you should really go back. Ashley will put it in the episode. You should hear the whole story. I’ll just tantalize you a little bit and say, it has a lot to do with monkeys and exotic pets. We’ll just leave it at that. We’ll see if you can figure out the details around that. Yeah, you were bio toxically sick from mold, metals, like you said. Adderall played a role in this, just functioning, all of it. Gosh, I remember, man. I remember just giving you drops of Cellular Detox and you just falling apart.

It really is truly miraculous. The fact that the human biological system, a human body can come back from where I was, and even be where I’m at here, right now, being able to use this computer, being able to eat foods, being able to drink water—it’s given me a level of appreciation for just life in general, for all of the simple things, being able to just consume water and just have the freedom to be able to go out and do things, just to be able to live even normally, as a normally—

Dr. Pompa:
Bring just a little bit of sense to it—you couldn’t even take a short walk. I remember you saying, I took a walk today. I did okay, but I’m wiped out now from it—a walk, folks. You have to understand. Here’s another little story that just popped into my brain because my heart always went out to your father and mother, who I love and adore, by the way. Your dad o-zoned the house. Remember when he o-zoned the house? I don’t remember exactly why he o-zoned the house. I’m sure it was mold. However, you couldn’t’ go in the house. You moved to grandma’s for like a year.

Yeah, my dad suffers from some of the same overzealousness that I do, I think. He tries to help and fix things. While I was sick, when we were trying to clean up all of our environment, and we were trying to rip up carpets, and I was reacting to everything, he just went in, and he’s like, I’m just going to fry this house with o-zone, kill anything that’s in it. It’s like, if there’s mold or anything—because when you’re chemically sensitive, you try to get rid of every possible thing that’s adding any level of pressure to your system, I guess, that could drive these reactions. It made things so much worse. It brought out the paint smell from the wall.

Dr. Pompa:
You know what, it does that. I ruined a car, actually, my wife’s car. It was new, I o-zoned it, and it—we had to get rid of it. The [12:28], it comes out.

It did, it was a—yeah, he was so—it was so well-meaning. He was so trying to fix it. If I wouldn’t have been sensitive, then I would have been fine. It was when I was at my worst, and then it ruined my ability to stay in the house, which again, was all meant well. That was just a testament to how small decisions and small mess-ups could cost me dearly. I had no margin for error. That drives the whole psychological fear aspect of it because you know that you have no margin for error. The nightmare is they can cost you days, months, weeks, years sometimes.

Dr. Pompa:
I have to say—you and I just resonate because you were very much like me. I wasn’t going to give up. I researched or read to the point where I start saying, hey Cam, look into this. I was leading you down things. Go look into this. From that, [13:34] was created. That’s a whole other show. Honestly, it really was that whole process that brought you here today. It is from pain to purpose. I’m telling you, man, even some of your sensitivity, your hypersensitivity allowed you and I to just realize certain discoveries because of how sensitive the person can be. I was that person, too. We realized what works, what doesn’t, down to the micro-dose. Look, this is a passion. Let’s move right into the topic of today.

We could talk—we could go back and talk about all that for hours, building seven, and all the whole thing. Anyways, it’s an inside joke there. This topic—part of what got you well—of course, the Cellular Detox. Remember, you weren’t even able to detox with drops until some of these fasting strategies. What we know is the magic around fasting and why you’re able to function now is the autophagy, meaning it’s the body, during a fasting state, gets rid of bad cells. We know that then it creates a stem cell for every bad cell it gets rid of. It creates a new, less reactive cell. Eventually, your body yore down the bad, rebuilt new. Over time, we built a new Cameron.

We built a new me. That’s why you and I are really passionate about this topic. Other things happen during a fasting state, too, through the autophagy. Your body resets its microbiome. All of these immune system happenings occur, without getting too complicated. It led us to the passion around these products, which my team said, you have to share them because honestly, they were developed for us sick people who want to go to the next level. Again, I have no symptoms today, and I take both of these every day. There’s very few supplements that I take every day, but these I do. All right, which one do you want to start with, Cam?

I want you to—I want people to understand it took us almost a year to source these products, the ingredients in these products as we sifted through the literature. We ran into some difficulties. We realized that most of the ingredients—because so many of them come to China because they’re unique ingredients—they were contaminated. Sourcing them became a real problem. Let’s talk about why some of these ingredients, what they do, and again, why I think it’s a game changer for people’s health. Anyway, I think Renew—is that what we started?

Yeah, the Cell Clear—

Dr. Pompa:
The Cell Clear, start there because I actually want you to show a PowerPoint you showed at the seminar. You and I did an interview similar to this onstage. I think pictures are worth 1,000 words.

They do, they told a story. This is a little bit of an abstract concept for some people until it becomes truly en vogue and popularized, which I believe this is where it’s headed. Just in quick review, too, on what is a stem cell—we all hear this term stem cells, especially those who watch the show. This is Cellular Healing TV. Most people probably generally know what they are, but just so people have an understanding of the scope and level of importance when it comes to stem cells, and why they’re considered the future of medicine. We’re harnessing our own stem cells or giving them [17:08] and learning how to program them because stem cells are like the seeds of biological life.

All human life begins with a single stem cell, totally potent stem cell, in the embryonic stage. It eventually grows to become you. They’re like little baby cells that don’t know what they want to be when they grow up yet. They learn, and then one decides to become a brain cell, a heart cell, a liver cell, a lung cell. The importance is, stem cells generate a human being early in life, and then they regenerate a human being as we get injured, sick, and are aging. All chronic disease and all premature aging is really due to a lack of viable stem cells because stem cells get crushed by inflammation, toxicity, and all of these stressors of life that prematurely age us.

We all know that if we’re 40 or 50 years old, we can look at two different people from our graduating class, one that looks pretty young and one that looks terrible. A lot of that has to do with this person lives very stressful life, and they’ve crushed their ability to be able to repair and keep their tissues young. Stem cells are responsible for doing that. This is why we designed the system. All these things that we talk about, fasting, diet variation, ketonic states, nutrition and stuff, are how we do it. It’s a multitherapeutic approach. These products are the icing on the cake on how we can take our body’s ability to maintain its stem cell populations so that we can stay younger biologically and that we can bounce back and recover from any stressful event, if you’re an athlete or you’re in some sort of a disease process. We’ll get into the—

Dr. Pompa:
No doubt, it’s a bio-hack. How do we tear down our bad cells faster, better? How do we make new ones faster, better? Viable stem cells—it really is the key to anti-aging. You said it very well. Okay, go back to the one area. You went over the first one.

Yeah, we call the two products together, just like the cellular detox system, which you cell that you’ve been talking about for years, this is the stem cell enhancement system is what we’ve been calling it thus far. Very simply, what is it? It’s a two-step system. Each product is a step to number one, support the body’s removal of unhealthy cells and cell components, and then number two, enhance the production utilization of new healthy stem cells to repair and replace. It’s a very simple out-with-the bad, in with the good type principal.
Dr. Pompa:
By the way, there’s not a person I’ve been blessed to help—and I would speak for my doctors that I train as well—that this process wasn’t a very key part of how we got somebody’s life back. The cellular detox, of course, remove the interference, but this recycle and renewal process—you just won’t get well without it.

Right, and as we said before, stem cells mediate all healing, no matter how you’re doing it, no matter how you’re activating it, with whatever protocol that enhances healing. You are either directly or indirectly enhancing your body’s stem cell function if you’re doing something that’s causing you to successfully heal. We can take that to the next level, dial that in, and fine-tune it to maximize process that comes from these two stages of the body. In the book that is currently coming out, Beyond Fasting, we talk about this principle that we define in the book. It’s called recycle renewal.

Basically, what recycle renewal principle is—like I said, an out with the bad, in with the new type thing. It’s maximizing the ability of the body to replace bad cells with good cells. Each one of these things, both recycle and renewal, refer to a different mode that the body goes into.

Dr. Pompa:
Just to put each word into context, recycle—we talk about this word autophagy in our conversations where it’s the average person. What is autophagy? What does that mean? It means recycle. You recycle the bad. Okay, stem cell, what does that mean? It means renew. You renew a new cell— so recycle autophagy, renewal stem cell. There’s many people that just listen to this. I wish you could all see the picture that’s right before me right now. There is a big crane ripping down an old house. That’s the recycle. Then on the other side of the page is a brand-new house being built. That’s the renew.

That’s exactly what we have to do in our body to regain our health, keep our health, or anti-age, for that matter. The people who do this better, faster, bigger, badder, are the people who look better older. Let’s face it. That’s why I wanted to develop these products, for that very purpose. I’m a biohacker at heart.
There’s one big problem with why people stay sick is because you accumulate all this cellular damage in your body, or why people stay or they prematurely age. These damaged cells that just aren’t that—it’s like you have two cells, one that’s damaged, one that’s not. The damaged one is performing terribly. The damage is like a person who’s crippled. Then the good cell is an Olympic athlete.

Dr. Pompa:
Let me bring some sense to that because it’s estimated that 95 percent of the population is in some stage of autoimmune, meaning your own immune system’s attacking it. You’re probably not diagnosed. You might be. That could be rheumatoid arthritis. It could be Hashimoto’s, Celiac, Chron’s, who knows. The fact is, most people aren’t given a name until 10, 20 years down the road. It means that your body is creating inflammation. You don’t feel well. It gets harder to lose weight, have energy, the things we all want. The fact is that you have too many old white blood cells living too long. It’s called a [23:45] cell. The more of these you get, the more hyperactive immunity you get.

That may just mean hyperactive to food. That may mean hyperactive to allergens. That may be just feeling poorly. The fact is that you’re getting more and more of these immune cells that are overreacting, if you will. This process of recycle or autophagy—it gets rid of those overreactive cells, and then we create a stem cell, and makes a more naïve cell that’s not overreacting. Therefore, you start to feel better. Your autoimmune starts down-regulating. That’s what happens during a fast. What we did with the research in our hand is create two products that enhance that. I have to say this. My wife and I, and I talk about this in the book Beyond Fasting, we experienced this.

My cellular age, Cam, was far older than my actual age, and that was because I was sick, which is very common, by the way. It takes years off your life, going through what I went through and what you went through. As I have really applied these processes in my life, as well as the Cellular Detox, of course, my cellular age is now much younger than my actual age, and so is my wife. We measure our—it’s called a telomere test, but we measure it every year. We do one of these tests every year. Literally, we’re getting younger. It’s not by chance. It’s by what we’re talking about. As a matter of fact, this would be exciting. I just re-measured my [25:19] cells, the number of old cells I have.

I did a before and an after. Anyways, the point is, I track this stuff. We’re not just making things up. That’s the reality of this. Okay, look at the next slide, Cam. Remember, we have listeners, not just viewers.

Right, exactly. One quick key, important point, too is, whenever we have too many of these old, damaged, faulty [25:45] cells hanging around, a few things can happen. They take up space, so they’re just cluttering up the space in our body, the tissues that should be functional with dysfunctional tissue, whether it be in the brain, the heart, liver, the kidneys, the lungs, or any other tissue in the body. They also, like you said, can be in the immune system, where these overactive cells hang around for too long. They need to be cleared out and reset so that they’re not driving inflammation, autoimmunity.

The third thing is that they can go rogue and become cancerous. It’s natural for human beings to go and to shift into a recycling mode where our body cleans up these bad cells. If we’re constantly in this other mode, this stimulating growth, then we’ll stimulate growth with all cells, including cells that can go rogue, which can lead to cancer. This is something that’s important.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, the more of those older cells you have, the worse your immune system. The older you get, the worse your immune system, the more at risk for every disease of aging, from Alzheimer’s, dementia, to cancer, everyone, diabetes, you name it. People don’t understand that. The more bad cells you have living too long, the more risk for all disease you are. Therefore, for me at my age—I’m in my mid-50s here. I’m more interested in this now than ever in my life, getting rid of these old cells and creating new ones. It is the key.

I think you understand why I was so passionate about this project. Thank God I had Cam because you should see the studies we had to go through. You should see sourcing these products was laborious. I didn’t have time to do it. Cam just really filled in the gap for us there, so you’re going to thank him for that.

Again, the process of aging, in part, is really about gaining and losing cells. Replacing bad cells with good cells is extremely important, bad cell components, bad mitochondria with new mitochondria that run the whole show. It’s like, you are cells. You look in the mirror. You see an individual, but it’s really a misperception. You’re a community of 70 trillion cells that work together. You are what your cells are. It’s extremely important. Cell Clear is the first product. That is the autophagy-enhancing or the recycle-enhancing product.

It’s simply a product that enhances this process called cellular autophagy, which is another term for basically the recycle, what we just talked about. Like we said, it’s the process which the body is able to break down healthy cells and store body fat in order to convert them and use energy as fuel.

Dr. Pompa:
Just to bring some things here because people can’t see this PowerPoint that’s in front of us, it does, in fact—it is a natural detoxification that we’re talking about. It does increase fat-burning, and because it burns fat, you increase your energy level and your cognitive function. When we talk about autophagy and stimulating this process, oftentimes, you don’t think about that. For the sake of time, Cam, go to the next one here. Let’s just start into some of the ingredients, just some of the key ones. We don’t have to go through all of these, but all of these mean something and why they’re in the product.

Just very simply here because all of these things are icing on the cake—autophagy is essentially what happens whenever there’s no food coming in from the outside. Our body’s survival mechanism kicks in, and we start eating from our own tissues. The body is so intelligent that it’ll eat the bad tissues and clear them out first. Our ancestors were forced into times of fasting. We talk about that all the time. That is set up by nature cyclically for us to experience these times when our body goes into autophagy. All these are ingredients that I’ll list off here, that take that autophagy to the next level, that allow us to stimulate our body straight into that recycle mode a lot quicker and to a much higher level.

We’ve got several adaptogenic herbs that are in here that have been very, very well studied to activate a certain pathway called AMPK, which is both a fat-burning pathway and an autophagy-enhancing pathway. This actually helps you burn fat. It helps suppress appetite. It helps get you into that mode where you’re burning up these bad tissues. The adaptogenic herbs that we have on here and Chinese herbs like gynostemma, other herbs like green tea extract, American ginseng, reishi mushroom, [30:22] berry and turmeric, gynostemma being really one of the all-stars. It’s one of the premier herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. We sourced out some very, very high-quality herbs here that took a very, very long time to source out.

We put them in a concentrated form, a ten to one powder concentrate. We were able to fit essentially the equivalent of ten pounds of dried good full-spectrum extract into one pound of concentrate, and then so we were able to get much higher amounts in the capsules. We have a few other supportive nutrients that are isolated, constituents to spike it and bring things to the next level, a couple of flavonoids and polyphenols and such. [31:03] and [31:06] are both really hot in the scientific literature right now for stimulating this AMPK process, this autophagy. Resveratrol—it regulates sirtuins, which play into autophagy. Acetyl carnitine—it’s a mitochondrial enhancer, also stimulates appetite suppress—

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, I want to say something about that, like the gynostemma. In the studies, there’s a certain amount of an active ingredient. One of the things that we had to test these ingredients for was the active ingredient, and making sure there was enough active ingredient for it to actually work, which is another thing. A lot of products start to come out. They have these things in them because people oftentimes, oh, I recognize that as stimulating fat-burning and autophagy, etcetera, but there’s not enough active ingredient in it. That was one of the tasks. The other task was finding the clean ingredient because so many of these things come from China, at least the active products, the good ones do. Unfortunately, a lot of them are contaminated.
A huge amount of them are. If you can—just a little side note here. When it comes to Chinese herbs, the best source in the world of Chinese herbs is in China. The worst source in the world is probably from China, too, if you get really bad herbs as far as contamination. Because they’re grown in their indigenous soils, the Chinese have thousands year of history of how to select the correct strains. Every single batch is tested to make sure that it’s 100 percent the right strain of what we say it is and what we want it to be. We tested for active constituents. We tested for heavy metals, mold. We tested for everything. It’s thoroughly tested multiple times back in our place in China that we work with, our supplier, and then also whenever it gets here, too.

Dr. Pompa:
We have to fast forward. Just go through this very quickly here as we already went through the ingredients.

Yeah, exactly. The pathways that we’re talking about with this product, like I mentioned before, AMPK activation—that’s really the autophagy-enhancing, recycle-inducing. It puts you into that recycle mode. It also suppresses the other mode, which is mediated through this mTOR pathway. It stands for [33:20]. It stimulates growth in the body. It suppresses this growth pathway. These two pathways are like a teeter totter. This recycle, renewal, AMPK, mTOR thing—it’s like they’re diametrically opposed. If you activate one, it suppresses the other, generally because the body is either—

Dr. Pompa:
When you’re fasting, in a fasting mode, you’re stimulating AMPK, and therefore autophagy. Then when you start to eat, you’re re-stimulating stem cells and you’re activating the mTOR pathway. You can see. You’re going to watch that each product does the opposite. This one activates AMPK. The next one activates mTOR, the next product that is, the Cell Renew, the product that stimulates stem cells. It’s exact opposite. Then the NRF2 activation—that’s a majorly important a pathway for inflammation.

Oh, absolutely, yeah. It’s your natural antioxidant response. It’s your [34:18] pathway that stimulates a lot of antioxidant activity. Yes, we’ve talked about a lot these ingredients here. Let me just sift through.

Dr. Pompa:
Those are the studies. Those of you who can’t see, he went very quickly through some of the studies that we had found.

Yes, there’s multiple studies showing substantial AMPK activation, mTOR suppression, all the pathways that were talked about. All of these herbs are very, very well-studied for their ability to do all the things we’re talking about and enhance autophagy.

Dr. Pompa:
For the sake of time, how do you use this? It’s very clear on the bottle. The Cell Clear, we like to take either your last meal entering into a fasting state, which could just be after dinner because everyone fasts at night unless you’re getting up in the middle of the night and eating. Even if you don’t intermittent fast, you can still benefit from Cell Clear. Just take it on your last meal. It can be taken anytime during your fasting state daily or during a longer fast. The directions are there, how to take it intermittent fasting, how to just take it period.

Yeah, exactly. It’s great for keto adaptation, for those of you who are having a hard time to get in. That’s what your body’s trying to shift into, to try to get deeper into this recycle mode. It’s hard to do at first if it’s not used to it. It’s really, really good at suppressing appetite. It’s also good at just pushing you into ketosis a little bit faster. That’s really the goal in ketosis, to get into that recycle mode to where you’re burning fat efficiently. AMPK does that.

Dr. Pompa:
Step two is the Cell Renew. This is the stem cell stimulator, if you will. Obviously, we hit this already. The benefit of stem cells, I think are pretty obvious, everything that we want, age slower, have better hormones, balance.

Brain function, everything—yeah, and it’s great even for athletes out there, as a recovery product, too, taken during your eating window because it’s very anabolic. When you think about Cell Clear, it’s like a catabolic type of product. Cell Renew is an anabolic. It’s very, very good for enhancing performance as well as enhancing longevity. The main ingredients here—we actually have a couple really unique humanely-sourced animal ingredients, or actually one main one here, which is deer antler velvet. Deer antler is one of those things that we hear a lot about in the bodybuilding industry.

It’s containing proliferative factors like IGVF1, precursor to growth hormone, stimulating testosterone and those things, which are all anabolic-type pathways, but also play deeply into longevity. Deer antler has to be sourced right, though. Literally, I can confidently say that 89 percent of the deer antler out there is total crap. The important thing about deer antler, though is that it’s—when we think about the antlers of deer—deer shed their antlers every season, and they regrow them every season. Deer antler velvet, which is the soft stuff that grows from the outside of the antlers, is the fasting growing mammalian tissue in all of nature. It grows so fast; you can almost sit there and watch it grow.

It grows as much as a centimeter a day during certain parts of the year. It contains the full spectrum of active constituents that it needs to stimulate regeneration, that means vitamins, minerals, amino acids, all that amazing stuff. It’s a superfood, but it contains growth factors like IGF1 nerve growth factor that stimulates stem cell growth and proliferation. It’s really, really good, but most of the growth factors are actually in the tips of the antler, the top five percent of the antler. We sourced out very, very clean products. There’s a lot of contaminated products. People in certain part of the world inject the deer with drugs before extracting them. They extract them inhumanely. This is all a very, very humane process, super clean, very, very good concentrated extract.

Astragalus is another one. Astragalus is one of those that’s been well documented for its enhancement of an enzyme called telomerase, which enhances telomeres, which you talked about earlier. Anti-aging pathways been shown to enhance the proliferation, so the growth and the multiplication of stem cells in the bone marrow, which is where your stem cell factory is in your body. It’s very, very—it’s been shown multiple times to enhance both that and mobilization of stem cells. Panax ginseng is Korean ginseng. There’s tons of counterfeit ginseng out there. This is very, very well-sourced, true ginseng.

It’s been shown to stimulate the proliferation of blood stem cells into making lots of red blood cells, oxygenate the tissues. It’s enhancing neural stem cells and all of those things. [39:25], [39:26], salvia root—all three of those have also been shown for their stem cell proliferative and migratory effects, and [39:34] as well. Several of these have been shown to not only stimulate the proliferation, which is growing numbers of stem cells, so you’re re-growing your factory in the bone marrow, but then also stimulating the mobilization, so stimulating them into the bloodstream into action. They don’t just do good sitting in the bone marrow. Then also stimulating into differentiate into the actual tissue of their target or to go to the places where they need to go and do their work.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, that’s even a problem for people who get stem cells. They say, well, it didn’t work for me because they can’t migrate the stem cell to the problem area. Many of these ingredients actually help that process, getting the actual stem cell to the problem. Many of us—as a matter of fact, you’re aging. You still have stem cells, but really, they’re not viable. They’re not migrating to problem areas. When I start looking at the literature on that as far as activating, getting your own stem cells to the problem, obviously, that’s a de-aging concept right there, and a healing concept.

Yeah, and these are all ingredients—all of these Chinese herb ingredients have actually been known anecdotally over thousands of case studies over thousands of years to enhance regeneration in the body. Then they’ve also held up under the scrutiny of the scientific lens in the last few decades as we can now actually look at what’s eliciting the activity and prove whether or not these claims are true. It turns out, the Chinese, through long-term field testing, figured out by observing how to elicit some regeneration in the body. Then we also added in some nutraceutical ingredients, one really unique one is called NMN, nicotinamide mononucleotide.

That’s a mouthful, but it’s a precursor to NAD. NAD is this huge anti-aging molecule that’s in big hype right now. It’s the master-regulator of metabolism, and it’s one of the best mitochondrial enhancers. It helps power the whole process. It activates sirtuins, which are in anti-aging pathways. It’s been shown to enhance the—it reversed some of the aging process in mice and rats pretty substantially.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I wrote about it in the book. There’s a ratio of NAD plus to NADH. The lower that ratio goes, the older you’re getting, fast, so you want to have that ratio better. That helps us with that ratio for antiaging. It’s really an important ratio, as we have just recently found out. Yeah, that’s a major ingredient.

Yeah, keeping your NAD levels high is one of the main things that’s being looked at in the anti-aging literature to slow the aging process and to keep the cells young, keep telomeres linked in, and keep stem cells in a constant state.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way—I have to say this—this is the first product to hit the market. There’s products that drive stem cells now. They’re starting to show up. There’s even some autophagy products. For whatever reason, nobody is putting it together. I’m like, wait a minute, why would we just drive stem cell production without doing the autophagy process first? That’s the way it happens in the body. What we do is mimicked what happens in a fasting state, autophagy and then basically up-regulating stem cells, whether it’s daily fasting or longer fast. That’s why we call it the stem cell enhancing system because we’re the first to mimic what the body does.

The NAD that we’re talking about is another example of that. When you go through autophagy, you’re basically fixing this ratio. Then when you start feeding the stem cells, you really fix that ratio. We thought this thing through from beginning to the end, mimicking—

Yeah, there’s so many people out there going and injecting stem cells, which is actually a great bio-hack when used correctly in the right context, doing their own stem cells and such. You can get good results, but you can get far better results if you understand these two modes in the body and if you’re able to go into deep autophagy for certain parts of the year to clear out the old. Then once you go in and put in more stem cells or whenever you enhance your own cells—

Dr. Pompa:
When I got my stem cells, that’s what I did. I did a five-day fast. Then I got stem cells. By the way, I was taking Cell Clear through the fast and then as soon as I got my stem cells, then I started taking tons of Renew. I doubled the dose.

This is an important quick point because so many people—when they think about healing, they’re thinking about taking stuff, doing things that just stimulate regeneration. You have to understand, the recycle renewal process—the goal is renewal, but in order to get to renewal, you can’t build—if you remember the picture a few slides back, you can’t build a new house on top an old, crappy house. You have to get rid of the old first. It’s the same with detox.

If the terrain is totally devastated of your body, the body terrain, the cells, cell bodies and everything, then you’re not going to be able to regenerate new tissues on top of that. Detoxification is clearing out all of the debris and toxicity that’s accumulated. Autophagy is clearing out all the actual bad cells that have been damaged. Then we come in and enhance our body’s ability—

Dr. Pompa:
One of my proudest moments with this product is putting it together with that, mimicking the body. To my surprise, no one does it. We are the first. Now it’ll happen. Trust me. People will watch the show and get ideas. The fact is that you’re right. You don’t build new on old. Just taking a stem cell-enhancing product without tearing down the old—to me, it just doesn’t make sense. Being able to utilize this pathway every day in our life and then in longer blocks—yeah, it’s why I’m excited, man, no doubt.

Yeah, our body is set up for cycles of going and shifting back and forth. That’s what the diet variation principle is based on, like we all know. Mastering these cycles is part of mastering healing. You can’t just take one pathway and just use it. Eventually, you’re going to end up trailing back.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, Cam, I think this is why this pathway—it’s such an important part of our multi-therapeutic approach to get very sick and challenged people well. Obviously, this keeps people aging correctly. The fact is that this is a big deal because in the old, if you will, ancient cultures were forced to go through times of feast and famine. That’s basically what we’re emulating here. The feast drives this mTOR activation, and there’s a PowerPoint in front of me that talks about it. This product drives that pathway.

The famine drives—in other words, the fast—drives the other pathway, the NKP pathway. This is so important that we’re driving these pathways. We’re not today because we’re always in a feast state. Mimicking this feast, famine—it’s magic for people getting their lives back, no doubt.

This is the future of medicine. The future of medicine is not trying to contradict or undermine the intelligence of the body by isolating and creating synthetic compounds to push the body into directions that we want it to go, necessarily. We’re trying to harness the intelligence of the body and enhance the intelligence of the body without contradicting in anyway, which is what stem cell medicine is. We’re still relying on the intelligence, but we’re using technology to enhance and boost it, dial it in.

Dr. Pompa:
You think about ancient cultures. Every year, the [47:57] people, it was called fasting spring. They would go without food or very little food for periods of time. They would rip down the old, reset their microbiome, turn on good genes, turn off bad genes. The autophagy process takes place, then boom, they would start feeding, mTOR pathway. All of a sudden, they’re creating all these new stem cells. Every year, they had a chance to recycle. That’s not happening today. That’s why it’s so important to do this process. There’s the deer antler velvet, obviously, as we’re looking at some of the ingredients.

This is something—I use this term. I’ve heard it described as this before. I’ve heard it called—most of the diseases, the chrono-degenerative diseases today can really be put under one category, and it could be called nature divorcement syndrome. Most of us agree that the farther, the more barriers that we put between us and our natural ecology, or what the planet, the intelligence of the planet, and the cycles of the planet have set up for us, the more we become misaligned with that and deviate into artificial environments, artificial forms of food, hacking yourself, contradicting that intelligence, the farther that we move into imbalance and disease.

The more that we can mimic that in a natural context—because we can’t all go out and do what hunter gatherers did—we live in a post-industrial society where we benefit from a lot of technology, but we have to take the old-world ancestral wisdom and bring it into the context of today. That’s really what we’re trying to do here.

Dr. Pompa:
Again, just like last time, here are some studies. Those of you can’t see the PowerPoint—that one was ginseng, and it showed a study basically that it creates production of stem cells, bone marrow, and also in the brain, the proliferation of stem cells in the brain with that particular ginseng.

The one previous to that—we had a couple studies here on the slide with deer antler velvet, showing its enhancement of neurogenesis stem cell function in the brain with astragalus well, too.

Dr. Pompa:
By the way, you think stem cells are important in your brain? When these statistics on dementia, Alzheimer’s, and how many people are in brain fog, the astragalus, deer antler velvet, and I think you have a couple other ones, maybe the algae, are producing the stem cells in the brain—hugely important.

Absolutely, yeah.

Dr. Pompa:
Okay, we just ripped through those, but we cited these studies.

Yeah, these are just a few of the ingredients here—absolutely, yeah. We also have AFA blue-green algae, a specific type of algae that’s been shown to be straight up food for the proliferation of stem cells and the bone marrow again. A lot of these ingredients are targeting similar pathways, but doing it just slightly different.

Dr. Pompa:
Anyway, I think it’s a gamechanger combination. Again, we call it the stem cell enhancing system because that’s what it is. Could you take them individually? Yeah, but again, we want to mimic what the body naturally does, and what we’re missing today, honestly. We’re missing this process of cell recycling and cell renewal, autophagy and stem cell creation, and basically migrating our stem cells to the areas that need healing. This is something that I think everybody needs, honestly. It’s obviously why I created it. You wanted to say something about this?

Yeah, and I already touched on this a little bit earlier, but the quality of especially herbs, but even some nutraceuticals, is such a key, important point today that I have to hit on. We have an industry, a supplement industry where these things have become commodities. You have large-scale business and manufacturers who are trying to cut as many corners as they can just to be able to say that they have an ingredient. Some that we’ve tested don’t even have any of the ingredient in them, and a lot of them are loaded with heavy metals, lead, mercury, and all those things.

Even if they’re not super dirty, a lot of them just don’t have the true therapeutic potency that they’ve gotten a reputation for. We’ve talked about that on certain shows. We talk about cava. That’s one of my big things right now, too. It’s really true of most of these herbs. The sourcing took a long time. I scoured the globe for some of the best sources that I could possibly find.

Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you put so much time into it, man, and I wouldn’t have had the time, so I so appreciate it.

Yeah, exactly, and so every batch is tested to make sure that it meet our minimum requirements for active constituents. There are certain type of extraction methods that are full-spectrum so that you’re getting all the life of the plant in there, and all of the ingredients that have been heavily studied. The drying processes—everything has been very carefully vetted out in this product so that we have something that we can really stand behind that we use ourselves. We can actually say that all the ingredients are actually there and in therapeutically relevant concentrations. It’s clean.

Dr. Pompa:
Cam, it took, like you said, almost a year of putting this project together. Like I said, it wouldn’t have happened without your help, even though it was a passion of both of our hearts to make this product for ourselves, so I hope you all enjoy it. Hey, folks, listening, come join Cam and I on Health Hunters Radio. I’ll have Ashley put up the link. Some great topics—we just finished a great topic on water. It just expanded. It ended up to be a part one, part two. Nobody knows more about water than this guy right here. I’ll tell you that right here. We get into some cool things on the radio that we probably don’t even do here, so join us on Health Hunters.

Cam, you’re definitely going to come back and talk about kava with us because you want to talk about another huge project, and a lot of myths around kava. It’s something I take every day, Kavaplex. Again, sourcing was everything. I love this product, so we’re going to do another show on that. Thanks for coming on. What is this, your third Cell TV now?

Something like that.

Dr. Pompa:
Co-host of Health Hunters Radio. By the way, you can go back and listen to all the episodes when she puts the link because it’s Saturday morning. It’s 6 AM or something like that. It’s a little early. We pre-record the show. All the recordings are there, so you’ll have fun going back, and you can listen to them anytime.

Yeah, you can get them on iTunes and stuff, too.

Dr. Pompa:
Exactly, it’s a lot of fun doing the show. We did that show on dry fasting, fasting with me, you, and Daniel. That was fun. All right, Cam, I love and appreciate you, man. Thanks on being on Cellular Healing TV. Remember, folks, got to fix the cell to get well.

That’s it for this week. We hope you enjoyed today’s episode. We’ll be back next week and every Friday at 10 AM Eastern. We truly appreciate your support. You can always find us at cellularhealing.tv. Please remember to spread the love by liking, subscribing, giving an iTunes review, or sharing the show with anyone who may benefit from the information heard here. As always, thanks for listening.