
Sweet Potato Purée

  • 6 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 can full-fat, unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. ground cloves
  • 1 tsp. sea salt
  1. Bake sweet potatoes in oven at 375° for 1 hour or until soft and cooked through.
  2. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Remove and discard peels.
  3. Place peeled potatoes, coconut milk, cinnamon, cloves and salt into a high-speed blender and mix until combined and smooth.
  4. Pour into serving vessel and garnish with clove or cinnamon powder.
  5. Enjoy!

What is Cellular Detox & Cellular Cleansing?

Cellular Detoxes and cellular cleanses are extremely popular today and there are many options to choose from. While many people may be unsure which detox diet, cleanse or product is best for them, it’s important to understand how they work, and that a cellular detox and cellular cleanse is much more than just changing the diet, or doing a 10-day herbal cleanse or juice fast.

See below for quick links to each of the sections in this post:

What is Cellular Detox?

What is Cellular Cleansing?

What is PompaCore Cellular Detox?

Cellular Cleansing Methods

What is Cellular Detox?

Cellular detox, also known as cellular cleansing, is a natural strategy that helps to remove waste products and harmful toxins from inside the cells of the body. This includes cellular remnants from toxic food, household cleaners, synthetic medications, air and water pollutants, and other molecular threats that build up in the cells and impair their functions.

When most think of a detox, they may envision a diet where they eat certain foods and eliminate others for a specified period of time. By the end of the detox, a person expects to feel refreshed and energized, perhaps enjoying improved clarity of mind and weight-loss. While these are noble goals, changing your diet is only one part of cellular detox. This is where cellular cleansing and my system of PompaCore Cellular Detox™ come into play.

What is Cellular Cleansing?

The only truly effective and comprehensive type of detox is a cellular detox also known as cellular cleansing. Cellular cleansing is designed to remove harmful toxins from the body where they are causing the problem: at the cellular level. While many people focus on eliminating toxic food, which is important, but there are many other toxins that people encounter that are not food related. A cellular detox doesn’t just focus on removing toxic food; it looks at all the potential toxins a person encounters on a daily basis and aims to remove them as much as possible from the body and environment. Before a person begins a cellular detox, it’s important to know what the potential toxins are and where they originate.

Here are few common toxins many people encounter daily:1

For more on common toxins in our environment see my Cellular Healing TV episode and article here:

Prolonged exposure to these toxins may cause the following ailments:2

Many people feel the effects of these various toxins and do not realize what is the actual cause. As I always say, one must discover the root source of the problem, and once this is understood, a person can work to effectively remove many of these toxins from the body with a cellular detox. However, I do not suggest attempting detox on your own, especially if you’re struggling with a health condition that is affecting the quality of your life. To safely and effectively go through the detox process you need a trained practitioner trained who can coach you each step of the way. Many hire coaches to improve their golf or dating game, why not a coach to take your health to the next level? Good health is truly a precious gift, I know all too well.


What is PompaCore Cellular Detox?

PompaCore Cellular Detox is an approach to cellular detox developed by Dr. Daniel Pompa. The whole strategy is based on the ”5 Rs of PompaCore Cellular Detox and Healing,” five principles that help to significantly improve cellular function and support the body in healing itself. Thanks to this multi-component approach, the achieved cellular detox is deep, stable, and long-lasting, compared to other ”superficial” strategies like simple supplements or detox teas.

The 5 Rs of PompaCore Cellular Cleansing

Dr. Pompa’s PompaCore Cellular Detox is based on five principles that fit together like puzzle pieces. Each of them addresses just one important component of cellular cleansing, but together they reinforce one another and improve the healing effects manifold. As a result, this approach gives the body enough inner resources to heal itself and prevent future damage.

1. Remove the Interference

R1 is based on removing the primary source of toxins that enter the body. For some people, this could be eliminating a toxic mold from their home, while for others this would mean to detox the body from heavy metals like mercury and lead. Without removing the source of toxins, even the most sophisticated cellular detox strategy will feel like swimming against the current: exhausting and utterly ineffective.

2. Regenerate the Cell Membrane

A healthy cell membrane allows nutrients to enter the cell freely—but doesn’t prevent toxins and waste from leaving it. On the other hand, a damaged cell membrane triggers a state of ”lockdown” in the cell: nutrients can’t enter, and waste can’t be eliminated properly. As a result, the cell turns into a microscopic wasteland with impaired functions. Regenerating the cell membrane is essential for cellular cleansing that lasts.

3. Restore Cellular Energy

Nutrients that enter the cell reach its ”powerhouses,” the mitochondria. The mitochondria transform nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is basically cellular gasoline—the fuel on which every cell in every organ in the human body runs 24/7. Lacking ATP worsens inflammation, disrupts hormonal balance, leads to fatigue, causes brain fog, lack of focus, and impaired concentration. Restoring cellular energy is crucial to kickstart the body’s self-healing journey, since true healing is impossible without enough energy.

4. Reduce Cellular Inflammation

Systemic inflammation of the body’s cell membranes leads to impaired communication between the cells, decreased waste elimination, lacking energy production, and in the end—even more inflammation. Studies revealed that common sources of systemic cellular inflammation include dietary sugars and grains, unhealthy fats, heavy metals, and bio-toxins like the ones produced by molds. Soothing cellular inflammation is absolutely required to improve any health condition, regardless of the affected organ.

5. Re-establish Methylation

Methylation is a process through which the body ads tiny methyl groups (CH3) to its DNA. These methyl groups typically work like STOP signs that reduce the activity of the respective portion of your DNA. Healthy methylation is the body’s way of blocking bad genes from going into action. Toxins and waste products can impair the body’s natural methylation process—meaning it won’t be able to block bad genes effectively. As a result, impaired methylation leads to constant stress, hormonal imbalance, and a wide range of health conditions that get worse with each passing year. Restoring methylation allows the body to suppress unhealthy genes and support the best ones, leading to strong general health and improved overall wellbeing.

Cellular Cleansing Methods

Knowing what the various toxins are is half the battle. Once they have been identified, steps can be taken to treat them. Here are a few ways to begin cellular cleansing:

  1. Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins and EMFs. For more on this topic, please see the list of my Toxic Top 10 and my CHTV interview on EMF dangers.
  2. Eat foods that help your body remove toxins naturally and decrease the amount of processed, junk foods in the diet. Including “healthy” whole grains and excessive fruits. For more on my Cellular Healing Diet and a FREE 7-day menu plan, go here.
  3. Decrease the reliance on man-made, synthetic medicines and focus on natural remedies for ailments and illnesses. For more on helpful natural remedies read my article, “Natural Fever Remedies for Fever and Flu,” and shop online here.
  4. Incorporate my method of PompaCore Cellular Detox™ into your already healthy lifestyle. For more on this process, see my article and video here.

The average detox diet and cleanse lasts for a few days or weeks, but regular cellular cleansing, and using PompaCore Cellular Detox™ periodically, is a lifestyle change. Dramatic shifts in health may not occur overnight (though it’s possible), but cleansing at the cellular level is the only way to get real and lasting results in your health. If you are a certified natural health practitioner and are interested in integrating a PompaCore cellular detox system into your practice, please call 724.292.7673.

Another area of nutrition that has been attracting a lot of unscrupulous characters recently is immunity. Because marketers know that immunity products are hot, they’ve rushed out solutions that don’t really address one of the most important ROOT CAUSES of weak immunity. I’m talking about toxicity, of course… and there are many reasons why toxins can cripple immunity. FIRST, they can congest the liver—and the liver is a key organ, helping produce essential compounds that power your immune system. SECOND, toxins can drain your cells of energy… and your immune system MUST have cellular energy to function properly. These are just a few of the reasons why people have been rushing to join our upcoming PompaCore Cellular Detox (TCD) Challenge Program

Because it’s the most effective, in-depth cellular detox program available in the world today… and one of the most powerful pathways for restoring and strengthening immunity.

Lemon Vanilla Shortbread

Lemon Vanilla Shortbread

Dry Ingredients:

  • 1 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup arrowroot starch
  • 1.5 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. sea salt

  Wet Ingredients:

  • 1 cup melted coconut oil
  • 2-3 tsp. Stevita stevia
  • 2/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 8 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 4 pastured eggs
  • Zest from 1 organic lemon
  • Coconut oil for greasing pan


  • Whipped grass-fed heavy cream or coconut cream (add a touch of stevia, lemon juice and vanilla extract to taste if desired)
  • Fresh berries
  1. Preheat oven to 325° F.
  2. Grease 9-inch glass baking dish with plenty of coconut oil.
  3. Place dry ingredients and wet ingredients into separate bowels. Mix until combined.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry and combine.
  5. Pour batter into greased baking dish and smooth with spatula.
  6. Place in oven and bake 35-40 minutes or until golden brown and an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
  7. Once done, remove from oven and allow to cool. Serve topped with whipped cream, berries and even in a dish with a splash of raw milk or coconut milk.

Creamy Citrus Salad

Creamy Citrus Salad

creamy-citrus-salad Salad:
  • 1 bag mixed greens
  • 1 bag spinach
  • 2 avocados, cubed
  • 1 grapefruit, cut into segments
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced
  • 3 carrots, sliced with a veggie peeler
  • 1 cucumber, quartered
  • Equals parts extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • Sea salt to taste
  1. Combine all salad ingredients and dressing.
  2. Chill if desired prior to serving.
  3. Enjoy!

Unexplainable Illness Solved: Lyme, Amalgams, and Breast Implants

When it comes to achieving and maintaining good health, the key is going upstream. Today, most people (including our medical professionals) focus solely on the symptoms. Instead of getting to the root cause of our issues, we suppress our feelings of pain or discomfort. If we feel better, then everything will be okay. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I’d like to share the story of Christine Clarenbach. Christine had multiple extreme and “unexplainable” health issues, and nothing she did seemed to help until she went upstream. Christine has quite a story to tell, and is willing to share her journey which reveals how things that happened to us years ago can have a direct impact on our current health. Could Lyme disease, amalgam fillings, or breast implants be triggering your current symptoms? Read on to learn more…At a young age, Christine endured both physical and emotional trauma. This led her to a lifetime of searching for a solution with multiple illnesses, ranging from the after-effects of being poisoned as a child, toxicity from breast implant surgery, Lyme disease, and much more.

She spent years seeing several medical doctors and naturopaths along with many other practitioners, to no avail. Her health was still declining. Throughout her search, Christine pursued certification in both massage therapy and bio-magnetic care therapy.

Years went by, and Christine still couldn’t find answers. As luck would have it, one day Christine stumbled across one of my videos and became a client. Her passion to find answers to her health issues eventually led her to become a platinum practitioner with HealthCenters. In addition, she is now an owner of Altum Radices, where she is dedicated to helping others reclaim their lives.

It’s important to note that Christine did everything right: she ate perfectly, but still wasn’t well. Together, we started uncovering hidden physical, chemical, and emotional stressors that she was unknowingly experiencing.

As we uncovered these things, we addressed them immediately. Shortly thereafter, her life started to get a little better. We're not there yet, but we’re close. Ironically, I noticed when people give their testimony, they never want to give their story or testimony until they're completely on the other side. When people do that, they tend to forget a lot of the journey. As a result, I encourage people to talk about their experiences while going through them. Christine has indeed come a long way: she had wisdom teeth pulled, which we found cavitations. She also had amalgams (and mercury toxicity), and deep emotional issues from her past that she didn’t realize were affecting her present health.

Christine’s Story:

“From a very young age I was challenged, because at age three, I actually was hospitalized for unknown reasons. It's been kept a secret from me all these years, and I still don't know what happened. I spent a week in the hospital, and I don't know what happened.

“I was actually poisoned at age seven. Three was another mystery. I could have been poisoned then too. I'm not really sure. At age seven I was, and I actually did die three times.

“It's kind of mind-boggling to me because I always wondered why I was still here. There's kind of a weird story around that.

“I had started seeing a natural doctor, and he was going through all the questions with me. One of the things he said to me was, ‘What do you like to eat?’ I was like, ‘I guess anything.’ He goes, ‘What's your favorite food?’ I had no answer for him.

“I could give or take food. It's not really that important to me. I eat because I have to. He looked at me and said, ‘Dead people don't eat.’ It really kind of made me stop and think about it because I was like that's really crazy.

“For the longest time I tried to figure out what I really like to eat. It was really hard for me. That was a real emotion break for me because it made me think about I don't really care for food. It was really just eat to survive kind of thing. He went on and on about explaining to me about that, and he was a shaman as well. He could read me very clearly…”

It’s possible that maybe a loved one was the culprit who poisoned Christine. We may never know the truth, but that's possibly why she ended up in the hospital. Imagine those emotional scars. They don’t just “disappear,” they can resurface in many ways, even years later.

Christine goes on to say:

“Since then I can tell you that I love to eat, since I found PompaCore cellular detox and the ketogenic diet and breaking through that piece of emotion for me. It was awhile after that when I finally broke through that and realized — what he said for me to do was talk to my little Christine, my seven-year-old Christine that died because you need to connect with her, and you need to tell her that she's safe, and nobody can ever hurt her again. That's kind of what I did every day for a long time, and I still do it. He told me she was angry with me because I made her live. She didn't want to live because of the trauma.

“The emotional piece was probably the biggest challenge for me in all of this, and I really want people to understand that. I meet people all the time who don't think the emotional piece is important. They don't think that emotions have anything to do with being ill. It was a huge piece for me, and I'd been through a lot of different therapies for that. The T3 Emotion Code really was probably the best for me because it gets really deep into your childhood.

“I was really emotionally a wreck going through that, ups and downs, and your resentment, hate, all of it was coming out. I was exhausted, and I didn't know what was happening to me. When I got to the other side, I realized I just released a lot of stuff. The emotional piece is huge.

“At that point I continued on, and into my early teens I was diagnosed with a borderline muscle weakness disease. I was an athlete, and they knew something wasn't right. They did testing, and they told me I was borderline for a muscle disease, which was traumatizing in itself because I love sports. I did very well at sports, but I always was exhausted.

“Soon after that, I think I was 19, I had a car accident. I got whiplash, broke my front tooth, screwed up my jaw. I had to go through jaw surgery after nose surgery because they told me it was my sinuses. They actually put me on antibiotics for a year. They kept telling me my headaches were from sinus infections, which wasn't the case at all. It was from my jaw causing the headaches.

“They put me through the nose surgery, and then a year later I ended up having to go through the jaw surgery. The scar tissue was built up so bad between my disc and my joint that I could hardly open my mouth. They went in and scraped it all out. It's gotten better…

“Soon after that, I think I was in my early 30's when I was told I had Lyme's disease. I don't ever remember getting bit by a tick, but I probably did and didn't even realize it. Then I had my fillings removed. I had several fillings. I think I might have had seven or eight fillings.

“At that time I had three root canals because I had a root canal in the front from my car accident and two on the side from just teeth that broke. I had all of those removed. Then I also had breast implants in my 30's, which soon became toxic. That was huge because I could never figure out why I couldn't get well no matter what I did.

“After I had all the amalgams removed, my dentist sent me to this doctor that was part of their group. She told me I had to go to the spa. It was five hours a day of herbal treatments and hot oil treatments that I had to do. I was on board with anything, so I signed up and went. She said, ‘If you do this, all of these heavy metals and toxins will be out of you, and you'll be like new.’

“I'm going. I went, and at the end of the week I thought I felt a little bit better. Within less than a week after that, I was sicker than I'd ever been. I was so sick. At that point I wanted to give up. It was just too much.

“I felt like I had tried everything. Obviously, I hadn't. I continued on my journey and ended up finding different things that I kept trying. I'd get a little relief. The thing is all these people were detoxing me, as you know, and they weren't doing it right. I'd get a little bit of relief, and then I'd get sicker. Then I'd get a little relief, and then I'd get sicker.

“Six years after that I found you. I started watching your podcasts. …I resonate with you, and I knew you had the answer. It all made sense that you had to go upstream and get to the cell and have the right binders. That was key, the binders and going upstream to the brain and to the cells.

“…Then I ended up hiring you to be my coach, and I knew I needed you to get me through those breast implants coming out. I didn't want to be on all those antifungals and antibiotics, pain medications. These women were on so many medications that they weren't getting better. They were only getting worse after their implants came out.”

This is a very important point that can’t be overlooked:

Number one, implants become moldy. Number two, they leach and often contain heavy metals.

There are several articles even in some papers that came out about implant toxicity. I find that we have autoimmune that never clears up. They are an upstream source of cellular dysfunction. For example, a recent study found 200 cases of ASIA syndrome following silicone implants1. Even the FDA has talked about this issue extensively.

Christine talks about her harrowing experiences with implants:

“I did have mold growing in one of the implants in the valve where they fill the breast implant after they put it into you. I had that, and then I had mold floating inside the breast implant as well. I used to have rashes across my chest constantly, down on my stomach. I never knew what it was….

“Then after they were removed, it got worse. There's 37 different chemicals just in the breast implant, not including the saline or the actual silicone that's inside breast implants. I had the saline, but there was still 37 neurotoxins inside of me.”

Not many people are aware of this, but they should be. People are told it’s “just saline,” but we believe it’s saline and many other chemicals.

When Christine had them taken out, she encountered something she never expected:

“For probably a month, two months after having them removed, I stunk so bad. I could get in the shower and clean and clean and scrub, and I'd still stink. It smelled like medical, chemical. It was really disgusting.

“I knew that I was pulling this stuff out. I was taking a lot of binders to bind it and a lot of CytoDetox™. It was crazy. I feel so blessed that I found Dr. Pompa and got these things out because I had no idea that these things were festering inside of me and making me sicker and sicker.”

Christine says she functions better on the Cytodetox™, taking 10 drops in both the morning and afternoon.

Important point:

If you're doing everything and your health hasn’t improved, there's still something upstream you're missing. That may seem like the obvious, but not everyone thinks along these lines. Many focus on suppressing the symptoms. Or, they will simply say, “they don't bother me. I don't have rashes like she had.”

What people must understand is implants all leach these chemicals, and it's a strain on the immune system. They are a ticking time bomb inside your body.

Dental Issues

Christine has the unfortunate title as the poster girl for every hidden stressor. In addition to the breast implants, she had to deal with dental issues as well:

“I did find a biological dentist when I wanted to have all my amalgams removed. I went to him and not only did I have my amalgams removed, I had all of my root canals removed. I don't know how many years after that, at least the last six years I've been going back to this dentist saying my teeth hurt. My gums are shrinking. I don't know what's wrong.

“Where he pulled out these root canals on both sides of my jaw, the bone kept shrinking more and more. Every time I went to him, he would tell me my teeth were fine. He doesn't understand what my problem is, and this went on and on. He basically treated me like I was crazy. I think he convinced my husband I was crazy.

“My husband stopped going to the dentist with me. He's like I'm not going anymore because I know he's going to tell you you're fine. Eventually, I found a new dentist in New York. I went and saw him, and he was mortified. He said that I had plastic fillings.

When they removed the mercury, they put plastic fillings in my mouth, told me it was a safe material. Every single one of those fillings were cracked, and food was leaching in underneath all of those fillings. I had cavities underneath every single tooth that they had put fillings in. The new dentist had to replace every single one of those fillings with new material. He literally had to drill so much of my teeth because the cavities were so bad.

“In fact, I ended up losing one of those teeth because it was so bad. It was infected. On the bottom where all the bone was missing, he told me the way they removed those teeth, they took way too much of the bone out. That's why I had these really deep pockets now where there's no bone. That was just devastating for me. I'm still working on having this done.

“The bummer part is that this guy is listed as a biological dentist, and I trusted him. He basically took advantage of the fact and gave me plastic fillings and ripped out all my bone on both sides. Now I'm having to have it all repaired, and this dentist in New York is working with me. I've got a few more visits. I've been there four times this summer, and I don't know how many more times I'm going to have to go back.”

Of course, she had amalgams and got those removed once she knew how dangerous they were.

I'll just point this out: When people remove amalgams, they think they’ve done all they need to do. Mission accomplished. Nothing can be further from the truth. Meanwhile, that mercury vaporized into the brain, and that trapped, inorganic mercury will be there for your lifetime. This is important because problems can arise when you’re in your 60's and 70's, later on in life wherever it lodges. What parts of the brain it affects determines what symptoms it causes and what diseases.

What makes this even more unsettling is Christine had infections, but she had no pain. She would have had no way of knowing the danger of her situation. It’s possible there are many others in similar situations, who are unaware their dental issues are making them sick.

The saga continues…after taking the amalgams out Christine was becoming hyperthyroid:

“After I had my amalgams out, which was kind of important because this happened to me, and I'm sure it happens to a lot of people. I became hyperthyroid. I lost so much weight. In fact, I thought I was dying because I couldn't gain weight. I just kept losing. It was like my skin was just hanging off my bones.

“All of a sudden it just became hypo. I did a lot of research on that, and I did find that a lot of times after having amalgams removed you can become hyperthyroid. Of course, I wasn't being detoxed properly. Had I been detoxed properly, I probably wouldn't have gone through all that. It was brutal. Sometimes I think hyperthyroid is worse than hypo. I don't know.”

What happens when they come out, even if this is done perfectly, the body starts mobilizing metals. As a result, the mercury starts collecting around thyroid receptors, and it drives autoimmune. Your body looks at that mercury attached to one of the receptors because there's selenium on it that pulls the mercury (driving the autoimmune). It starts attacking the thyroid receptors, and that's when you end up hyper, then hypo. Sadly, it’s common.

I can relate to what Christine was going through: When I got my cavitation infections cleaned out, the bacteria literally moved from one place to the next. That's how clever these things are! To my surprise, the infection didn’t leave my body, it ran up to a place where I had another cavitation, and it went in and caused me severe pain. My head felt like it was coming off.

Our dental health can affect us in ways many may have not considered: These infections are another reason why people can't fix their gut. You'll never fix your gut if you have silver fillings leaching mercury into it. If you have these infections, they affect your immune system, which hinders the fixing of the gut. Not to mention, these infections are systemic, making them catalysts for inflammation and autoimmune disorders. In other words, folks can be dealing with a variety of health issues, and focus on the obvious symptoms. What they don’t realize is the source of their issues could be in their mouths. This is why going upstream is so important. Many could save time, money, and heartache if they simply look deeper and get to the root of the problems.

A Myriad of Health Problems

Unfortunately, these weren’t all the health issues Christine dealt with. She also had to treat her candida.

“Candida has been a big issue. I hadn't been able to completely get rid of it. I was doing really good up until I had to take an antibiotic for my infected tooth. When I did, It got a lot worse. I ended up getting that Progurt Dr. Pompa suggested, and that is really working. In actuality, it’s the fastest I've ever seen anything work.”

As we can see, Christine had a lot going on, but I believe this is happening more than we realize. So many people are being misdiagnosed, we may never know the full extent of the problem.

One of the things that we did with Christina was to switch around different bacteria. We had her on Restore, closing the tight junctions, changing up different bacteria. Prescript-Assist offers these soil bacteria. Progurt is actually human strain bacteria.

Another seemingly unrelated issue that some experience is insomnia. Various toxins can affect a person’s sleep patterns, as seen in Christine, but she’s making progress.

“The sleeping is much better, but that's probably been one of my biggest things is insomnia. It's brutal. When you don't sleep, you feel like you're going crazy.

“The anxiety that goes with it is just awful. That's gotten much better. I still have nights where I don't sleep so great, but I've been monitoring it. Some days I feel like I didn't really sleep, but according to my (Oura) ring here, it's telling me I did. It's a lot of light sleep and a lot of REM sleep. I'm still not getting a lot of deep sleep.

“…I think the more toxins I get out, the easier it's going to be. It's just continuing to get these toxins out.”

When it comes to sleep, melatonin works for some. However, the only thing that really fixes it permanently is when toxins come out of the brain. When these toxins are removed, the sleep eventually comes back. There’s no quick fix here: it could take years, not months for a person to regain their health. Patience is key.

Christine also enjoys intermittent fasting, diet variation and ketosis:

“I love ketosis. Your brain just feels amazing…Right now, I do a smoothie for breakfast, which is usually around 11 o'clock. Then sometimes I'll have a fat bomb or a salad or something for a late lunch. Then I have a normal dinner.

“I've been doing a lot of 16-hour, 24- hour fasts because I just felt good, and I didn't want to eat. I loved when you (Dr. Pompa) had me do on Monday the 24-hour fast, Wednesday it was a 42-hour fast, and on Friday it was another 24-hour fast. I like that one a lot. It's easy once you get going.” The variation we use is what I like to call metabolic fitness or mitochondrial fitness. It stresses the cell and our mitochondria, which is where we make energy. Bad cells don't adapt, so your mitochondria get more efficient as a fat burner, producing less inflammation, and you end up just with stronger cells.

That's why I suggest fasting 24 or 36 hours at a time, and throwing a feast day in there. We're confusing the body. The body will adapt with hormone optimization. It will adapt with growth hormone. It will adapt with more sensitive cells to hormones. You get this hormone optimization when you put those variations in there even weekly. Of course, like myself, seasonally you move in and out of ketosis. Every time you switch your diet, we know that your microbiome changes.

For more info on ketosis, GO HERE.

The adaptation makes a more diverse microbiome; therefore, we get stronger. Thus, hormone optimization and diet variation create microbiome diversity.

The Importance of Coaching

Another thing Christine realized is she needed a coach to help her remove the toxins. I liken it to golf or other sports: Many athletes will work with a coach to improve their game, and that same logic applies to coaching one back to health. It requires a customized approach.

Christine learned the hard way:

“I got the BIND, I got the CytoDetox™, and I was playing around with it. I think I had gone through six brain phases before I even met Dr. Pompa or should I say before I hired him as my coach. Let me tell you, it was brutal. I wish I had just hired him right from the get go because I really was a mess detoxing. I think I was detoxing too fast. I didn't really know.

I definitely know that I needed to take more drainers and have more and more GCEL. I didn't know any better, so I really was feeling the detox brutally. I knew that I was going to get somewhere because I knew it was getting to the brain. I really had some brutal days, but once I came on with Dr. Pompa, it got so much easier as far as not going overboard with my stuff and taking a step back and realizing that I had been overdoing it.”

This philosophy is key to regaining your health, and the foundation of PompaCore Cellular Detox and the 5R’s. Read more about them HERE.

My passion is teaching practitioners around the country, to implement this approach in their practices. What we have works. What we have is real. It's upstream. We understand that the healing process is years, not months.

Also, our goal is to teach people the process, and it is different for everybody. By the time they get through, they learn it. We did the same with Christine, and not only is she a practitioner now, she’s gone from pain to purpose.

Positive Changes

Even though Christine is still on the road to recovery, she has made great strides thus far. Here’s a brief rundown of a progress thus far:

“One of the things I had badly was brain fog. When I was in school, grade school was the worst. I had a hard time reading. I had a hard time with comprehending anything. That just continued through adulthood.

“I would say up until about two months ago, I finally started seeing that clearing. I feel like every day is better and better. When I read something, I can retain it.

“I feel like I can just remember things now, and I can be more creative. That's huge for me. Now that the sleep is getting better, I think my brain is getting better. It's finally waking up…”

Do you know how many people have brain fog? How many people are improperly diagnosed? How many people are taking useless medicine that does nothing to treat the actual cause of the brain fog? It's literally the brain degenerating. The only way to fix it is removing the neurotoxins that have bio-accumulated in the brain.

That's why Christine says each month it gets better and better. I remember after four or five years of thinking my memory is better now than it was in my 20's. I didn't even know it wasn't working until it started working. Usually people have it backwards. They’ll say things like, “I need to do this to fix my hormones,” or, “I need to work on this to fix my gut, or to fix my sleep.” This is incorrect. When you get rid of the toxins upstream, the body starts to heal itself from within.

Christine’s testimony is the perfect story for people to understand the importance of going upstream. I know her story is going to inspire. We can’t thank her enough for sharing her incredible journey. It’s not over yet, but her persistence is a part of the testimony.

Without going up the stream, you're not going to get well. Without going to the cell, you're not going to get well. That's our mantra, and now Christine speaks it too.

Cellular Healing TV Episodes 25-32

CELLULAR HEALING TV • Podcast & Transcripts[
  • What is the best exercise for fat burning?
  • Why are you waking up in the middle of the night?
  • Why should you care about redox signaling molecules?
  • How is Multiple Chemical Sensivitivity (MCS) so common?
  • Does the “New Car Smell” kill your brain?
  • Is too much protein bad for you?
  • Are root canals dangerous?
  • Does structural chiropractic differ from traditional chiropractic?
  • What is the best diet for weight loss resistance?
  • How are the mouth and gut microbiomes connected?
Answers to these questions these questions, and MUCH more, are offered in Cellular Healing TV episodes 25-32. These shows are jam-packed with radical research and 180° Solution™ truths to help you live your best and healthiest life. Episode podcasts and transcripts are now available to further the experience by going HERE.

Episode 25

Exercise, Weight Loss and the Cross Fit Myth
Why Crossfit fitness programs are so addicting and the reason they often do your body more harm than good. Also: How to avoid exercise injuries; The best exercise for fat burning; Why the “Biggest Loser” show does it all wrong; What to eat for sustained energy and weight loss; How to safely begin a new exercise regime; Why we need exercise to detox; How to incorporate infrared sauna use into your exercise routine.

Episode 27

Redox Signaling Molecules and ASEA
Dive into the inner workings of the cell with atomic medical physicist Dr. Gary Samuelson who explains the emerging science of healing behind redox signaling molecules and their massive potential benefits to our health. Also: What redox signaling molecules are and why they matter; How ASEA works to repair cellular damage and speed recovery; Why ASEA matters to athletes who want to increase VO2 max; The revolutionary results of using ASEA's topical skin gel, Renu 28.

Episode 29

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Dr. Pompa and Warren discuss their personal challenges in dealing with the effects of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). Also: How to know if you have MCS (most people do); Best strategies to overcome the daily struggles of MCS; How your fabric softener is killing your brain; How to detox your home from neurotoxins; Why the beloved “new car” smell is toxic to your body and brain, and how it will hamper your performance.

Episode 31

Structural Chiropractic and Cellular Healing
Top coach in structural correction chiropractic care Dr. Fred DiDomenico, D.C. shares how structural chiropractic is different from traditional chiropractic treatment. Also: Why a healthy spine is the “backbone” of good health; Understanding subluxation: Why feeling sick and tired could be related to your spinal health; The exercises that you can do at home to support a healthy spine and neck.

Episode 26

Adrenal Fatigue and the Endocrine System
Functional Medicine practitioner Dr. Jay Davidson joins the show to discuss why your adrenal glands are burned out and how to naturally restore their function and increase energy. Also: Why most adrenal support products don't work; understanding the H-P-A axis; How to self-test for adrenal fatigue at home; Why adrenal dysfunction creates anxiety; How heavy metal toxicity acts as an adrenal stressor; What it means if you're waking up at 2AM; Why you need vitamin C for adrenal support; The impact of blood sugar levels on adrenal function; My favorite adrenal support products; Why stress isn't the problem; Why you're doing everything right and still not seeing results.

Episode 28

Fluoride and the Microbiome of the Mouth
What you need to know about the oral microbiome and how it affects the health of your entire body. Also: Why your toothpaste may be toxic; The massive problems with fluoride; What many holistic and biological dentists don't understand about the mouth; Why sterilizing your mouth to kill the bacteria is a bad idea; How the mouth and gut microbiomes are connected; Signs that your oral microbiome is out of whack; Why dental plaque can be a good thing; Why Triclosan is the “glyphosate” of the product world; Where to get probiotic toothpaste; How bad breath is related to leaky gut.

Episode 30

Amalgam Fillings and Mercury Poisoning
Dr. Pompa's favorite biological dentist, Dr. Derek Grieco, DDS, joins the show to discuss the dangers of amalgam fillings. Also: Dr. Pompa shares his personal story of mercury poisoning and how his story changed Dr. Grieco's practice forever; Why you need to understand galvanism and how it causes disease; The step-by-step procedure for safely removing amalgam fillings; How to safely detox post amalgam removal; The dangers of root canals.

Episode 32

The Ketogenic Diet
Certified health coach and consultant Meredith Dykstra discusses her experimentation with the Ketogenic Diet (aka the Advanced Cellular Healing Diet). Also: Why getting rid of grains may be more important than getting rid of dietary sugar; How to know whether you're in ketosis; How ketosis removes brain fog; Why exercise isn't the key to weight loss; Why too much protein derails weight loss efforts; How long to stay on the ketogenic diet; Dr. Pompa's 5-1-1 and 2-2-2 rules for ketogenic success. Cellular Healing TV has a global mission to educate and change lives by providing uncommon health solutions to common problems. Our message is simple and we call it the 180° Solution™ lifestyle. We teach you to “go 180,” and do the opposite of the mainstream solutions marketed today. Weekly on Cellular Healing TV broadcasts we expose and demystify conventional myths on health and nutrition and provide you the 180° Solution™ truths. If you care about your health, we invite you to tune in to hear free nutrition, weight-loss, exercise, and wellness advice, including interviews with health experts from around the world. Each week we review cutting-edge research and information on today’s hottest health issues such as dieting, diabetes, weight loss resistance, heavy metal detoxification, thyroid conditions, Lyme disease, biotoxic illness, and much more. As self-experimenters, we also share personal secrets and tools to improve your life by increasing your health.