2014 Podcasts

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40: Go Gluten Free, Why or Why Not?

Transcript of Episode 40: Go Gluten Free, Why or Why Not?

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Welcome everyone, Cellular Healing TV, Episode 40. I don’t know if there’s some sort of celebration we should have.

David: Woo!

Warren: Well, David, you’ll celebrate regardless because that’s just your attitude on life.

David: Woo!

Warren: You celebrate everything, so 40 episodes. I remember we promised that we’re going to do this consistently over time until we had a huge following, and it’s growing, and we’re excited about it. We have a really great topic today. Gluten free, why or why not? Do we do it or don’t we do it? It’s a huge topic. The public wants to know. Dr. Pompa, I know that this is something that you’ve been doing for a long time. You’d even call it gluten free before gluten free—[feedback ]Hey look. I’m broadcasting—hey look. David’s all excited.

David: I can hear myself. Yes.

Warren: Yeah. You do.

Dr. Pompa: How does that happen?

Warren: Well, what happens is is when you plug in this plugin, what’ll happen is it’ll—once it starts live it goes. So you’d think I’d figure it out by now, but they make mistakes on Fox News, so I have a couple “Get Out of Jail Free” cards, at least every show. But Dan and I—well, Dr. Pompa, he did a topic—we did a grain free thing. So even before the gluten free craze even hit the market, the autism, gluten free, all of that, we were doing the grain free more so for health reasons, but it became very in vogue to go gluten free. And it’s one of those tough topics. People don’t know what to do. It’s like, well, sometimes I don’t really react to gluten, and should I get off of it anyway? There’s so many questions involved. I even know, David, as he came onboard with what we were doing, he was even eating gluten free. Yet, he still had a lot of symptoms. So Dr. Pompa, let’s tackle this topic today, Gluten free, why or why not? Should I do it or should I not?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Boy, I think there almost needs to be a little history in the sense that why all of a sudden, right? I mean, the three of us—well, Warren, you’re a little puppy, but I think even in your generation, did anyone eat gluten free? Was it talked about?

Warren: No, never. Nope. And I’m 40, so I guess I am a puppy.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah.

Warren: No. It didn’t even exist. I mean, even the peanut thing didn’t exist even ten years ago for me.

Dr. Pompa: I mean, David, you’re new into this arena.

David: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: I mean, would you ask the question, why? I mean, why? Why peanut allergies? Why gluten allergies? Why?

David: I’ve actually—you know what’s kind of interesting? My kids even brought this to me the other day. Dad, why all of a sudden—why did we talk about this? Why do you talk about this? Why can’t I just eat whatever I want?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, I think the answer to the question is two-fold. I think our kids have changed. Well, let me be more specific. Our kids’ guts have changed. Okay. So that’s one problem. Okay. The second problem is is that the grains have changed. I think that in this conversation, we always have to talk about that, right? Because I’m going to say this right at the top of the show that there’s bigger problems—or let’s just say it this way. There’s other problems with grains besides gluten. I think that’s where people go wrong. Gluten just happens to be a really toxic product, protein denatured, that creates a lot of immune problems, inflammation throughout the body. And I said that the other part of that question was that kids’ guts have changed. What do I mean by that? Well, they’re leaking. They have holes in them. When we grew up, our guts weren’t leaking. So I think we have to step back, and at some point in the show, one of you have to ask me, why is that? Why did that change? Well, let’s start with why grains changed. Well, yeah, you know there’s always a dog in the background. There’s always one there, and hopefully, someone has to deal with this dog. We’re going to do this. We’re going to do that. See, I’m near the door, and the darn dog has to go out. Oh, gosh.

Warren: One dog, one kid. Always one dog, one kid.

Dr. Pompa: I was doing a radio show yesterday, and all of a sudden, you hear like [growling], and in the back—Sorry. You know how my dogs fight, right, the two young ones? They just—they fight at night. They’re best friends, and they just ball up into a fur ball, and of course, that was going on in the middle of the show. And I’m trying to make a point. Gosh, I love these animals, but they cause me a lot of grief sometimes. Anyways, so if we go back, I think that Bill Davis did a really good job when he wrote the book “Wheat Belly.”

Warren: Yeah. He did.

Dr. Pompa: So I really want to give him credit for a lot of the history. I think there’s been some other people that have brought out even more of this history since then. But, needless to say, back in the 70's, there was a project. There was a big project to feed more of the population, and of course, back then grains we thought was the answer. And Norman—there’s a gentleman, Norman Borlaug, that actually won a Nobel Prize, and he changed wheat as we know it. And they hybridized it, and hybridization…

Warren: When did they hybridize the wheat?

Dr. Pompa: In the 70's.

Warren: In the 70's, I missed that. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: What they did was is they basically hit certain DNA with gamma rays, and they change it, and they’re able to get it to do different things, right? So it’s different today than GMO, so I don’t want you to confuse the two. It’s totally different. We’re not taking one gene and putting it in and inserting it from another plant species or something like that. It’s simply changing what is there.

Warren: Kinda like the Incredible Hulk. He had gamma radiation.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, Warren, and changing what is there, and now we got this muscular—well, it did the opposite. Well, kinda not. I mean, I guess we could look at today’s wheat as the Incredible Hulk, but it did get shorter. So it went from about 4-6 feet, which was typically called emmer or einkorn wheat. Those were the two wheats that we like…

Warren: Like the big bundles that you see in old-time movies, that sort of thing.

David: Then, by the way, in Europe, don’t they still use the emmer or einkorn wheat?

Dr. Pompa: Yes. They do. And by the way, I mean, that’s a good point, David. That’s why people when they have major gluten allergies or other allergies they go to Europe, and they go, “Why can I eat pasta here and bread? I don’t get reaction.” Because they’re still using a lot of the older style wheat which hasn’t been hybridized. It hasn’t been changed. More importantly, the protein gluten is still in those plants, but it hasn’t been changed. Well, why did Norman do this? Was he evil? Because I know that conspiracy theorist jumped on that bandwagon at one point, like the Bill Gates of tried to kill people. No. I think his motives were just as, honestly, earnest, and he really wanted to make a difference. And he did. I mean, frankly, he deserves his Nobel Prize. I mean, he really did feed more of the world, but the problem is is Norman unknowingly—I’ve got a dog and cat fight going on here now.

David: We can hear it.

Dr. Pompa: It’s unbelievable, so I’m just going to let it go. If you hear these noises, you’ll laugh because at least you’ll know what’s going on. So they created this new wheat, which was shorter. It’s called dwarf wheat. It’s like 2 feet tall. Bottom line is it harvests easier. It withstands drought easier because, obviously, some of the changes that were made. So it did feed more of the population. However, Norman unknowingly denatured some of these proteins, gluten being one of them, and now, all of a sudden, we are eating this protein. I think there’s at least 14 different strands that got denatured, these proteins. Now we eat this product, and our body doesn’t recognize these proteins, and it creates an immune reaction. Now, why can some people eat gluten? Listen. When I was sick, I could not eat gluten. Today I can eat gluten. I have no reaction whatsoever. What is the difference? Because, see, it’s not just bad gluten. It’s the fact that if you have a leaky gut—which by the way, most Americans do today. I mean, estimates of 90-some percent. That’s a big number. People that have leaky gut, most of them don’t know it. They’re reacting to foods. Feel bad after they eat. They still have leaky gut. Well, these proteins leaked across, leaky gut. And again, I may have used a word that some of you don’t understand, but I think our listening audience does. But imagine holes in a gut, to make it very simple. It’s a little more complicated than that because there’s these things called tight junctions that can stay open, and we’re meant to have the tight junctions, but they’re met to open and close. These proteins cross, our body looks at these proteins and says, foreigners, and it starts to create antibodies. And when it creates antibodies, then we end up having a major problem. So that’s when the inflammation starts. I’m going to need a plugin. So Simon, run up and get my plug under my desk. I’ve been running on this battery. I didn’t realize.

Warren: So let’s put that into context to people because you always do a really good job of that. Of your immune system attacking something that thinks that it’s foreign, and it winds up causing a lot of damage and inflammation in the body, which is the reason why a lot of folks get sick when it comes to the leaky gut and the gluten allergy. You’ll have a great analogy. Like a friendly fire in war that’s happening in your body. So like a—it’s like a good soldier crossing into its own territory, and it being recognized as a foreigner or foreign invader, and it winds up the second guys are…

Dr. Pompa: -inaudible- Warren: Yeah. See, you do a better job at that, Dr. Pompa. I don’t—you know what I mean?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, your body sees it as a foreign invader, and it creates an attack. It creates something against it, but here’s the thing. I mean, it gets more complicated, and I don’t want to go down that road.

Warren: Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Dr. Pompa: If your body’s equipped with another type of cell called a T regulatory cell. It makes the antibodies, and then these cells go, okay, this isn’t so bad, right? It’s not some bad nasty foreign invader. And it tells these guys to back off, and everything get balanced out. But the other problem with these dysbiosis or bad guts is some people lack these good—they lack certain bacteria that you need to make these cells called T regulatory cells. Now they don’t have enough of these, so they’re in this hyperimmunity. So it’s—really, it starts with this bad but, which is one of my legs of the stool of how people are getting sick today, right? I mean, if you haven’t read my Autoimmune Answers article, it really is more than autoimmune. By the way, most people watching this that don’t feel well have autoimmune. Read the article, Autoimmune Answers. I talk about this 3-legged stool. I talk about the gut, some of the techniques that we’re doing to fix the gut, but if you don’t fix the gut, you’re really never going to really feel well because things really can cross the gut, driving this inflammation in every cell in the body. You don’t function well. You don’t have cellular energy. You get brain fog, inflammation, joint pain. I mean, I could go down the list. You don’t sleep well.

David: Allergies, stuffed up all the time.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, right? You hear—this has become an epidemic hasn’t it?

David: Yeah. I mean, yes.

Warren: So what I’m gathering, Dr. Pompa—and I don’t know. I haven’t read little on the—I haven’t read “Wheat Belly.” I mean, what I learn typically is on shows like this and from being in seminars across the nations is where I get my information, but I haven’t read this stuff. So what I’m piecing together is that this gluten allergy is coming from this foreign wheat that’s now in our—and causing that leaky gut and the lack of bacteria, which is leading to this whole gluten intolerance. Is it because of this emmer wheat? Is that what your kinda saying? Not the emmer wheat. Because of this genetic altercation that it’s destroyed our guts, therefore, we’re leading to this major gluten allergy? These foreign…

Dr. Pompa: That’s the first part, right?

Warren: Okay.

Dr. Pompa: So we changed something—just like we did to dairy, by the way, right? We genetically bred cows to produce more milk, and in the process, created A1 casein. So now everyone thinks dairy’s the enemy. Well, I mean, 90% of the dairy in this country is the enemy. It’s not good. I mean, again, who’s it bad for? People that have leaky gut. The other percentages that don’t have a leaky gut, they can do dairy. And that protein is called BCM7. It’s a little bigger than gluten. So more people can do, actually, dairy often times than gluten and get away with it because it’s a little bigger molecule. However, it’s more toxic. It’s actually a little—it’s more poisonous than gluten.

Warren: So when did that happen in the dairy industry because the 70's kinda set up some of these things…

Dr. Pompa: I think it happened in the 90's more. It may have started before that, but that’s when it really became ambiguous and really spread through the culture. Everyone’s trying to keep up with the next dairy person, so they want these new cows, man, that put out ten-fold the milk, right? So who wouldn’t? But, again, there’s a consequence to that, right? And who’s getting hit the worst? People with leaky gut. So man has altered these proteins, or these plants, or these foods, just like meat. We say it’s not the meat that causes the disease. It’s what man has done to it, right? We feed cows grain, there’s a consequence. We change the cow’s genetics, there’s a consequence. We change the wheat, there’s a consequence. Now, look. I don’t know. In the 2000's, just to make this distinction, we started doing the GMO thing. Now that’s when we were taking one gene and putting it in and inserting it into a plant. Now this creates a whole new problem. Even more—even worse than these other things that we just spoke about, so let’s put that on the shelf a minute. Okay. The second problem that has occurred is why do so many people today have leaky gut, especially our children? Well, there’s a few things. Number one, the types of toxins that our kids are exposed to today, between the over vaccination—we didn’t get nearly the amount of vaccinations that our kids got today. Look. When you look at—and this is a topic that I talk a little bit about. When we look at the number of vaccinations and some of the things they’re putting in vaccinations today, it’s amazing that we haven’t wiped out the human race. I mean, really.

David: We modified it.

Dr. Pompa: Right, there was a gentleman—his name is slipping me right now, but he was a doctor that literally got just taken. I mean, he lost his career, his family. He was held up as the worst doctor on the planet. And this gentleman was just simply researching something…

Warren: Was it Wakefield?

Dr. Pompa: Yes. Thank you, Andrew Wakefield. My wife’s sitting here. She didn’t bail me out one bit on that. So anyways, the Andrew Wakefield literally showed that the viruses from the MMR, these retroviruses, were embedding in the guts of our children and creating massive inflammation, Crohn’s, colitis, and leading to autism. He was hung, and now, just recently, other studies have come out to say he was right. Okay. And worse yet, not one time did they say, “Well, look. Our studies showed exactly what Wakefield’s”—and these were independent studies. They weren’t driven by Wakefield or anyone else. Not one time did they say, “Oh, we are sorry.” Well, what happened just recently this summer is a leading—one of those leading scientist from the CDC stepped out, William Campbell, and he stepped out and said, “I falsified information to make Wakefield wrong.” He texted Wakefield apologizing, broken, saying that, “I don’t know why I did it. I am so sorry,” and then of course, everything came out. But what media station covered this? Zero. No. That’s not true. One African-American media station, I believe in Atlanta, David, covered the story, and you know why? Because it showed an almost 400% increase in black Americans that were vaccinated with autism and autism spectrum disorders. That’s what this other study showed, staggering numbers. Listen. Wakefield had done 19 other studies, published studies, showing that the vaccination leads to these inflammatory bowels, which is leading to autism and other unwanted symptoms, etc., and this man was hung only to realize that they fudged the numbers to make the man wrong. All the studies that your pediatricians are holding up saying, “That’s wrong. That’s wrong. That’s wrong,” were fudged numbers. Who knows about it? The pediatricians don’t know about it. The media doesn’t know about it, and unfortunately, this is true, this is no conspiracy. Warren, you know I don’t buy into the conspiracy crap that’s out there in the world.

Warren: No you don’t.

Dr. Pompa: I don’t buy it. This is real. This is real stuff. And it’s sad because we’re creating holes in our guts. So that’s one aspect. There’s another aspect to why we’re seeing so many kids and adults with leaky gut. This is a chemical developed by Monsanto. Monsanto is the company—you’ve heard me say it’s the most evil company, corporation in America. They developed the GMO seed, and they developed the chemical to spray on it called Roundup. Well, we’ve genetically altered crops to be Roundup readied. That means we can spray them with ten times the amount of this chemical. Why is that important? Because all of these weeds, hundreds of strains of weeds have developed that resist the spraying of the chemical glyphosate. Well, glyphosate is the chemical that’s in Roundup, just so you know. Well, Stephanie Seneff, she’s the leading senior scientist at MIT, and the last three years have released ground shaking, breaking evidence, research papers, showing that this glyphosate is causing holes, causing gaps, causing inflammation in the guts of children and adults. And yet, we haven’t heard one interview with this woman about it. Why? Because Monsanto is smart enough to be feeding the media, feeding these people, and they stay away from them, but this chemical is killing off our good bacteria in our gut. There’s two significant things that are happening. Number one, it’s driving holes in our gut. Number two, it’s destroying three amino acids that us and our children need to make brain chemicals so our brains work normal. When you destroy these, you don’t make serotonin, dopamine, happy chemicals, normal brain chemicals, thinking chemicals. You don’t make the chemicals because your destroying the bacteria that you need to make them. Now we have a world on psychotropic drugs, depressed, need over-the-counter drugs, street drugs, you name it. Our brains need to be stimulated now to even work because we’re disrupting these things. Listen. Every grain out there, if it’s not 100% organic, is sprayed with this glyphosate. So if you’re saying, “Well, I’m eating gluten free; I’m eating my brown rice; I’m doing all these other grains;” if they’re not organic, they're covered in glyphosate, which is disrupting and putting holes in your gut. So it’s a massive—and if you’re eating GMO, corn, soy, anything, if it’s not 100% organic, then it is GMO, and it’s sprayed with about ten times the amount of this chemical, and it drives leaky gut. If you’re eating BT corn, which is a genetically modified corn that is most of the corn that’s on the market, it in itself is shown to put holes in the gut, multiple problems here. So, I mean, I just opened up a can of worms. It’s not safe enough to eat gluten. Listen. One more point and then I’ll let you guys talk about it even more. Here’s the bigger problem. Everyone’s running to gluten free this, gluten free that. These products are filled with GMO things. These products are filled with not just GMO. They’re filled with things that are sprayed with glyphosate. They’re filled with super sugars, things that raise your glucose even more than regular sugar. I would be safe to say that 90% of the gluten free products on the market are bad for you for multiple reasons. So is gluten free good? Yes. Stay away from gluten, but grains in general right now are some evil things that drive inflammation. You have to be careful.

David: Well, there’s—Dr. Pompa, you bring up some very good points, and all you're bringing is—what you’re doing here is your raising awareness to what’s going on. I mean, think about this, we talked about that company Monsanto. I mean, aren’t they banned throughout the EU or for most of the EU?

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely and Monsanto’s trying to pay their way back in, and it’s worked for some degree. However, there’s other countries that say—look. They’re looking at the research. I mean, it’s no question this stuff is causing massive leaky gut, autoimmune, all kinds of different problems, and cancer, mammary tumors. Monsanto was doing studies that were three months and under for a dang reason. They had DuPont and their other friends running these studies showing that it’s fine. When, meanwhile, the study said, “Well, let’s take it to a year and see what happens.” Well, they all got cancer. They all developed—every one of the rats—you know what they criticized? The rats that they used, the same rats that they used, by the way. They say that these rats are more prone to tumors. 90% of the same rats are used in every study that is done on rats. So the point is is that how many studies do we need before we realize this? But yet, I see people interested in their health that say they eat healthy. They go to a restaurant and there’s corn in the ingredients, and they never ask the question. That corn right there, it doesn’t take much, folks, to start your leaky gut. It doesn’t take much to start knocking down your bacteria, and you wonder why now you don’t digest food well. You’re heading down the road. Don’t buy into it. It’s not—listen. I rarely eat grain, nor does Warren, nor do you, David, but if we do, we are very, very, very selective, obviously, about the grains we eat. You’ve got to ask the question. Corn, I make no exceptions. If it’s not 100% organic, I’m not touching it, and again, when we’re looking at what they’re doing with rice and all these other grains, they’re spraying it with glyphosate because it makes it easier to harvest. Monsanto came up with that one. So if your grains that you’re eating are not 100% organic, you’re getting nasty levels of glyphosate. If you are not feeling well and you’re watching this show, you need to take all grains out of your diet until you get healthy enough, and then you can start adding 100% organic, more ancient type grains that haven’t went through this hybridization in all of these changes. Things like millet, amaranth, quinoa, these are better types of grains, even buckwheats, and these are more ancient grains that have been changed less. So definitely evolve to there. But if you are not healthy, stay away from those to control glucose and, therefore, inflammation.

David: What I had also, if you’re going to use those, get organic as well because you don’t those kind of pesticides that are sprayed on there as well.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, be cautious of the gluten free.

Warren: My mind’s kinda spinning here. There’s so many questions I have, and I know that, just to make your point, when—one of the points I want to make to everyone watching today is if you feel bad asking those hard questions at restaurants—I was at a really nice restaurant the other day, and they had a really amazing corn dish. Like roasted corn with whatever sauce on it or whatever, and my daughter even said, we’ve trained her, “Is that GMO free corn?” The chef came out and said, “Yes. This is sourced locally. It’s GMO free. We don’t serve that here,” and my daughter’s saying, “Hey, look. That’s GMO free corn, daddy. We can eat that. That’s healthy for our bodies.” So you’re setting an example for your children or whoever’s around you, and someone has to stand for this stuff. The research is clear. The things Dr. Pompa is sharing are not conspiracy. This isn’t some off the radar, black hole, black movement—whatever you want to call it. This is truth and reality. This is MIT, Harvard-based studies showing that this stuff kills you, causes tumors, big old holes in your gut, autoimmune conditions. So we have to start standing for truth. That’s what Cellular Healing TV is all about is speaking truth, and making sure you’re sharing that truth with others. And people are going to come at you for that, but you have to be confident. You have to understand that they may not think like you, but at the same time, if we don’t stand for truth and these things, who will? So it’s just a really important point I wanted to make there.

David: And…

Dr. Pompa: Go ahead, David. I just wanted to say one thing. Let me tell you what the average American does. So they don’t do this, right? They’re still eating grains. They’re still getting exposed to these things that we’re talking about every day, day in, day out. They’re still doing their little bagel in the morning and whatever routine they have, and then they’re taking the next probiotic and fish oil. Oh, and they’re taking Vitamin D, and they feel really good about themselves because they’re taking their fish oil.

Warren: Had a customer walk in yesterday, Dan, same thing, Dr. Pompa, he came in and said, “Hey, do you have any fish oil?” That’s all he wanted to know about. I mean, that’s kind of—or a probiotic. Those are the two main questions we get in when they walk into our store. We have a live store, and the reason we do that is to hear those things to confirm America, most standard Americans, that’s what they think, and he starts going to all his symptoms, all these problems. Meredith was kind enough to say, “You don’t need a fish oil. You need detoxification. You need to change your diet and change your life.”

David: I just got it, Warren. You opening that store was because you get to change people’s lives on a local level right where you guys are located because the people come in with preconceived ideas of what they think that they need, and just what, boom, Meredith just did is opening up the awareness now of everything that we’re talking about here.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It helps you stay connected to how America’s thinking, and that’s really important for us because we have to be attached, connected to, how America’s thinking because we have to break that thinking. You remember, it’s always 180° opposite. We know that all these people are taking fish oil, and the fish oil is great when it’s in the fish, but when you remove it from the fish, now you’re missing all these amazing other fats, other protective things that keep these fragile fats, like fish oil, protected. And we’re taking something that’s typically bad for us. So we’re throwing our body further out of balance because it’s straight Omega-3, and if you do it long enough, you end up messing up your cells. It’s like, gosh. And then, oh, the probiotic thing? We’re talking about 7 to 10 strains, right, of thousands that are in our gut, thousands. And we’re destroying them with glyphosate and GMO things, and we’re thinking that this pill is replacing it. I mean, it’s absolutely absurd when you think about it on the surface. That’s why what we’re telling you is real. We’ve got to get back to fermented foods. These are bacteria that we can’t even borrow, put in pills. Fermented foods heal. That’s why Amasai, SueroGold, the cheese from Beyond Organic, I mean, this is throwback, man. I mean, this is the way it should be and used to be. There’s not many farms left on the planet that do it like this. There’s not many farms that don’t have dairy that doesn’t have A1 casein. Even organic still has the beta A1 casein in it. This is why it’s called Beyond Organic, obviously. Then there’s the fermented vegetables. And stay away. I don’t care if you’re doing all of those things. If you’re still eating all those things that we just—all those grains, you’re wiping out your bacteria. There’s no way to catch up. No way.

David: One thing that’s become really popular, and I’ve noticed this just in the area that I live in East Cobb is several restaurants here have—literally, they’re promoting themselves as farm-to-table. They only source from local organic farms. They even sort—they even tell you exactly the farm that they’re getting their meats from. The organic farms they’re getting their meats from locally, again. And one of the things that we’ve talked about, I remember the conversation, about a year ago. The only thing that is going to change this is, A, demanding labeling so that way we know it’s putting the awareness out there of Monsanto and if it’s GMO. And then secondly, consumers making the buying decisions and eating in restaurants only—and asking the questions sort of like Tula’s trained to ask, “Is this?” And it’s through asking these questions and people getting up and leaving and not eating someplace that is all of a sudden creating this trend; where I can think within a mile and a half of where I live three restaurants that are privately organic, locally sourced food, farm-to-table.

Dr. Pompa: I just got a great idea. We’ll call it the Tula Campaign or something better than that, right? And we put a video of Tula asking about corn or asking about what’s in it and this little girl who’s adorable, in video that we put out, asking. Because if we make in vogue to ask, and to ask, and to badger your waiters about where this came from, where they—if we made that in vogue, David, you’re right. That’s how you move the nation, right? That’s how you change it. Because then they respond, right? Just like that happened to gluten free, right? I mean, it became in vogue and everyone’s talking about gluten, and now it’s this in vogue cool thing to ask, and, right, everyone wants to be gluten free because it’s cool. Well, we need to make asking cool. And to have Tula do it, let’s let her lead the response. Warren, film that for us so we can…

Warren: Yeah. She’s 3 years old, and she has incredible vocabulary skills. Someone just told me that the other day. He’s like, “Man, your daughter can communicate at 3 years old.” That’s because she eats high fat. She doesn’t eat GMO. She doesn’t—I mean, I just feed her fat, so her brain—she eats tablespoons of butter. She’ll eat a whole thing of it.

David: She’s smart.

Warren: Yeah. So, I mean, but that’s on purpose. I have to make my daughter healthy.

David: Dr. Pompa, you have something huge. Warren, let’s talk after this.

Warren: Well, we’ll talk after, but I want to bring up a couple of really important points here, and I want to hit this. So there’s a culture out there that may not believe the whole gluten free, the organic thing, and they go into whole foods, and they think they’re healthy because they’re buying gluten free. They’re overweight. They’re low energy, and now they made a decision, well, I’m going to start shopping at wholefoods instead of Giant Eagle or wherever they’re shopping, or they’ll shop in the small little department within their grocery store. I’m going to start eating all organic. Well, to drive this point home and to put it in context of what most people watching this would understand is we don’t really trust—most Americans, right now, they’re not for the government necessarily. We believe the government is there, and it’s important, and we need it to pay our taxes, and do all those things, but there’s this public awareness that big business and industry doesn’t necessarily have our backs. Who do you think owns 99% of all of the organic foods that you’re consuming? Do you think it’s these small farm-to-table companies, or do you think it’s possibly Kellogg, or Pepsi, or Nestlé, or Coca-Cola. Well, that’s who owns that stuff. So do you think Coca-Cola has your back? Do you think that they’re worried about your health, or do you think they’re into driving sales?

Dr. Pompa: Sales.

David: Sales.

Warren: They’re into driving sales. So look up online—I just typed into Google right now, top organic food owners, and it took to me to cornucopia.org. Cornucopia, corn, ironically enough, and then U, the letter U, and then copia, C-O-P-I-A.org. Corn, the word corn, the letter U, and then copia, C-O-P-I-A, and on there, there’s an organizational structure that you’ll see the top 100 food processors in North America, and then you’ll see a lot of your organic brands that you’re buying. So to bring it back to David’s point, you are funding the very people that are marketing to your children sugar, corn syrup, that are killing our families, and you’re giving them their money. So it’s good to know where your—some of your top organic brands—and you want to buy these local artisanal organic food companies. That’s what we carry at our store. We support people like Honest Chips, who their child had autism, and they make these, for a snack for their kids, this coconut oil—not that you should eat a ton of starch because it raises glucose. However, they’re a healthy snack for most kids, and they’re cooked with coconut oil. So they’re full of healthy fats, and this is a healthy snack born out of suffering. A little small company out of Colorado who’s now made it into many wholefoods. But these are the people that you want to purchase from. You want to change the market with your dollars. And another important point, Dr. Pompa, I just want to drop this in your head, is why people are so addicted to grains, and they can’t break some of those grain habits, and what’s possibly in these grains, and why can’t they…

Dr. Pompa: Sugar.

Warren: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, grains are more addictive than sugar. They are because there’s multiple things. The gluten is more addictive than sugar, right, and other proteins. But like I said, it’s not just about the gluten. There’s lectins, and there’s phytates, and things that are just naturally in grains that we haven’t even altered. And when your gut’s leaking, those things leak across and cause issues, right? So there’s more to it than that. And of course, we keep discovering more. So, right, but they become addictive. Because of the hybridization that occurred in the 70's, they’re super sugars. So when you eat your whole wheat toast in the morning, it raises glucose the same as drinking a 12 ounce Pepsi. So I know when you—I know you’re eating your whole wheat bagel or your bowl of oatmeal, for that matter. Your glucose rise an hour or two hours later, it’s the same. Grains will drive up glucose, especially in those with inflamed cell membranes. So again, we take grains away to control glucose and insulin, to drive down inflammation. That’s the key to fixing hormones. That’s the key to fixing not feeling well. We need to control glucose and insulin. I say it again, and again, and again. Most healthy people, Warren, we’re surrounded by them, right? David, we’re all around all these healthy people. Not our doctors who we’re treating, but other folks. And we look at what they’re eating, and they’re driving up glucose all day long. And they think they’re doing it healthy. As a matter of fact, they’re buying organic foods, spending extra money, and driving up their glucose. They are because they’re still addicted to the glucose rise, and that’s what’s killing them, honestly.

Warren: So I’m going to share with you some of this organic industrial structure, but I want to kinda wrap up and make a clear point before I show you this figure. I think I’ll be able to share my screen, and really show you where your dollars are funding. But we opened this up with go gluten free. Why or why not? I think we’ve opened up a real topic here that goes beyond gluten. And the gluten is almost like you don’t under—you’re buying into the fake, the gluten free thing, that’s the fake, and missing out on the important things that are real that really crush your health. So the gluten free is pretty much just a—it’s a false pretense of being healthy. You think gluten free means I’m eating healthy, and you spend the extra money, you look at the labels. And you’re being lied to, and you’re being marketed to, so gluten free, why or why not? The answer is, what Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I mean, again, it is a false pretense just like the fish oil, right? If we take our fish oil, now we’re good. And they’re missing the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

Warren: Exactly.

Dr. Pompa: Aren’t they? They’re missing the 800 pound gorilla in the room, and that’s the fact that they’re not controlling glucose. They’re eating grains. Grains represents at least 50% of the caloric intake, their daily intake, which is glucose, glucose, glucose, equals inflammation, inflammation, inflammation, which equals disease, disease, disease, and symptom, symptom, symptom. So, I mean, that’s what’s happening in society. Get away from the grains. Drop the amount that you’re eating first and foremost, and then switch the grains to 100% organic. Please. Steer to the organic or the ancient type of grains. And those who are challenged, take the grains out of your diet the simplest way possible. Eat more meats, grass-fed meats, vegetables, organic, but again, if you’re going to eat organic, the grains are more important than even the vegetables. But please, steer towards organic as much as possible.

Warren: Okay. Let me see if I can pull up this screen share, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: And by the way, at least these companies—the reason why they have organic products now is because of there is a greater demand for organic. But now, listen. Don’t be fooled. They use organic just like the word natural. It can have the word organic on it, but that doesn’t mean—it has to have the word 100% organic.

David: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: Otherwise it has the word organic because there’s one ingredient that’s organic.

Warren: Oh, yeah, and here’s the other one Dr. Pompa. The same thing with GMO now, now that’s it’s becoming in vogue a bit, Tula’s talking about it, is they say it contains GMO free ingredients, contains. It’s not a 100% GMO free. So you think that it—oh, it has the GMO Project label on the front, but they’re allowed to make that label claim because they have one GMO free ingredient. The other ones are not certified. So you test them, they’re still tons of GMOs in them, like 25-35%.

David: They’re using a marketing sleight of hand, basically, to say that “contains GMO free.” It doesn’t mean it’s a 100% GMO free. It can be a couple different ingredients of GMO free but the rest are full of it, which means they’re full of it. Their marketing is full of it.

Warren: Yep. It is. So let me share you this organizational chart. I don’t if it’s going to work. I’ve never done this. It’s one reason I went—oh, look. We can see it. Do you see that?

David: No.

Dr. Pompa: Yes.

David: Here we go.

Warren: Do you see it?

David:| You’ve got to click on your icon so it stays up there.

Warren: Okay. I need to talk, so when I’m talking it’ll show up. So let me zoom in on here a little bit. Zoom in a little bit more, views, zoom, and some more. So I want you to see some of the ingredients that you’re buying. I was on an airplane the other day. LaraBar, General Mills, you thought it was small company. Cascadian Farms, all those chips and things that you’re buying. Muir Glen, another organic ones—products that you choose. And some of them, honestly, because there’s not many options, there’s an—I don’t buy these products, but at one time I bought a lot of Cascadian Farms. I found more local companies that I now buy my corn chips. I eat a little bit of corn chips, organic corn chips. So let’s look. MaraNatha, those are some of the ones that I bought in the past . Earthbound Farms, that’s another one that a lot of us use from White-Wave. These aren’t organic companies. These are spinoffs of big companies. So you go Naked Juice, the ones that you see in Starbucks. Naked Juices, they’re Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Green Mountain…

Dr. Pompa: Pure sugar with tons of grams per container, ridiculous amounts of sugar. Oh, but there’s no sugar added. Yeah. It’s the fruit juice.

Warren: And then like the Kettle Chips, Diamond Foods, big conglomerate food company. Let’s look around here. What else do we—Santa Cruz Organics from Smucker. The one’s that brought us Smucker jellies. Stonyfield Organics, Brown Cow, Happy Family. All these companies are major food producers, but they bought out a lot of these organic companies. Green Mountain Coffee is really old coffee by the time it gets to you, but ….

David: Oh, wow. I didn’t know that Dannon—I didn’t realize that Dannon owned Brown Cow and Stonyfield.

Warren: Is there a Pompa? Oh, Dannon. I thought you meant Dan Pompa. Is that a play on words?

David: Danone.

Warren: But Earthbound Organics, Back to Nature, Draper Valley Farms, all these things are owned by big conglomerates, and we’re just one of—Plum Organics, that’s my daughter’s—I bought some of their baby food in the past. So kinda know where your dollars are at and try to invest—when you’re at these stores, if you’re truly in the movement—M&M owns Seeds of Change. So these companies don’t have your best interest in mind. They have, not quality, but they’re actually looking for profits and no fault of their own. That’s just how businesses work. They’re not looking at that. So I just wanted to show you…

David: But you know what? It is showing a trend. I’m going to look at the positive side here. It is showing a trend, and when we vote with our dollars, these companies will make better decisions based upon how we’re spending. They are the big guys. They are going to beat the mom and pop of today. They’re going to throw a lot of money at them when they get big enough, and they’re going to buy them. The thing is, as long as we’re voting with how we choose to spend, they will give us what the consumers are demanding because it does come down to money, and they want more money, and they’re going to do more organic, 100% organic, if that’s what the consumers are demanding.

Dr. Pompa: I agree, David. It’s just seeing all those companies. They did that for a reason because they’re looking at where dollars are being spent, and they want to capture the market, right? So I mean, it’s a good trend. I mean, five years ago we wouldn’t have seen that. It would’ve been a fraction of what you saw there. So the fact is is the demand is going up because health is dropping, but be cautious because those companies will—they’re very good at marketing. They will put those words on the labels, and it will look healthy because GMO now will become in vogue just like gluten. Gluten free, I mean, come on. I mean, everyone’s buying gluten free. Low-fat products still sell next to something that doesn’t say low-fat. So be aware. David, you’re looking like the Supreme Court’s Justice today. It’s the black robe look, and…

David: I’m wearing my—I’m wearing a—it’s a black suit. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It looks like you’re sitting there in a black robe, and the black background, and you’re going to like—the gavel’s going…

David: I’m in my office chair. I actually happen to be in my video studio this morning. I never switched, but I’m in my video studio right now.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I can tell. Well, this has been a great topic. And it’s just—it’s a topic that when I speak to the Natural Health Community, when I have a lecture in front of those folks, I get more passionate about because I end up yelling at them. I end up getting angry because I know that they’re all taking their supplements and doing all the other things, but they’re running out and they’re not even asking the question of whether that corn is GMO or not. They’re not even asking the question. They’re raising up their darn glucose, and they’re doing their little rituals that they think are healthy, and they’re driving up glucose. Again, I think that people are missing the 800 pound gorilla in the room. And we talked about a lot of 800 pound gorillas in the room. We talked about a lot of 180° concepts here today. And it’s hard to go against the grain. It’s hard to not—go against the grain.

Warren: Yeah. There we go.

David: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: I like that. Yeah. Go against the grain. I like that. The sheep, oh, man. I’m constantly telling my kids, you want to be successful today. Don’t be afraid to go the other direction. Don’t be afraid—when the herd is running this way, they’re going for a cliff, man, they’re going for a cliff. The herd invariably goes for the cliffs. Take the other way. Take the left. Take the right. So if they’re making a right, make a left. Go 180°.

Warren: Alright, appreciate it. Episode 40, celebrate it today. Share this with your friends, CellularHealing.tv. I almost messed it up but CellularHealing.tv. We’ll see you next week. Thanks, guys. You make us successful by viewing and sharing with others.

Dr. Pompa: Bye.

David: Bye, everyone.

39: Intermittent Fasting and Burst Training

Transcript of Episode 39: Intermittent Fasting and Burst Training

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Good morning, everyone, Cellular Healing TV, Warren Phillips and Dr. Dan Pompa here. Sorry about the lighting issue with both of us. Slow internet connection here. No special high-speed internet options. We are at the Weston Lake, Las Vegas Hotel training. There will be over 100 individuals here, 60-something offices, learning our Cellular Healing strategies and protocols to transform lives. We have some really great guest speakers, New York Times bestselling author, Garrett Gunderson, will be here this weekend to kick off the show, Phil Kaplan, a health and wellness expert and world changer himself. A really, really great, great opportunity, feeling good, looking good, we’re ready to take the health and healing world by storm. I drop that little note about looking good because today we are continuing our anti-aging topics and the how-to’s of doing that with Dr. Dan Pompa. Dr. Pompa and David may show up. I sent him the link, but I’m not sure. He’s also here with us here in Las Vegas. Dr. Dan.

-Technical Issues- Warren: Okay. Sorry about that guys. Dr. Pompa’s going to have to reload here. I’ll eject him, and then he’ll come back online. I'll talk to you guys a bit while Dr. Pompa’s coming back on. Just to let him know. I ejected you. Doesn’t sound nice, does it? So hopefully, when he comes back on—alright, so the how-to’s of anti-aging, so we discussed last week what was burst training. And burst training is one of things that you might think, well, I want to do that for weight loss. So what is burst training? Burst training is short of high-intensity training. It’s also known burst, sometimes called high-intensity training. That’s my daughter in the background. She’s getting picked up by my sister-in-law who’s watching her during this event. But anyway, it’s short intervals of high-intensity training, and the high-intensity, if you do that on a regular basis—he’s saying he’s not allowed to join. Oh, gosh. I’m going to have to re-invite him. This is one of those mornings, guys. I’m going to tell him to come down to my room. To room, 200—there we go. So this is going to be an ad hoc kind of morning. Technology isn’t always the best here on cell TV, but—unless we’re not traveling, but we like to be live. We’re going to bring this health and wellness mission to the world. So thanks for holding on. Dr. Pompa will be down here in a minute. But I can share some of my experience with the one topic for anti-aging, which is burst training or high-intensity interval training. And really, what that does is during that high-intensity training—and there’s a ton of research on that, online on it. My personal trainer actually does that as well with me. He’s actually more than a trainer. He’s a coach. I have an agreement with him that he’s going to tell me and teach me everything he knows about functional training, high-intensity training. Like I could train—someone could train them on what I know about marketing, and health and wellness industry, and strategies to get your life back. So I hire him, and he teaches me some of the strategies he’s learned over the last 25 years, and some of these strategies aren’t as complex as you think, and they’re a lot of fun. A lot more fun than—even the resistance training. Some of this high-intensity training is as well. And I’m trying to think of the—they call it Tabata, is the term. I don’t know how to spell it necessarily, but it’s Tabata. I think it’s spelled likely how it sounds, and that’s these high-intensity burst interval trainings that you can do. So for instance, a typical workout for me, when I go in—and it’s an anti-aging workout. I have people, one of my staff, tells me every time they see me… each time I see you. I don’t think that’s happening lately it's been very consistent for a couple years, guys. I start with my warm up where I would just do some light jogging, some skipping, some side to side, ever a track at what I do. I skip backwards, okay? And then you would jog. So jog, skip, jog, skip backwards. Hopefully, you’re seeing live. And then I would jog again, and then I would do — I don’t know what these are exactly, but I would jump and come back. Spread my legs, and jump, and come back. Just do that, turn around, and do it the other way. Now, after I’ve warmed up, I would do some other functional movements too. We’ll be back live here in a second.

-Technical Issues- Warren: We’re live. So it’s not showing video right now. There we go. We’re back. Sorry about this. So in terms of something, it could be anything from a bike, a treadmill, and then a break, 30 seconds off, 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 4 minutes. And that will crush you, if you will, as far as a high-intensity workout. I use that at the end if there’s some resistance training or some other things to combat it with that high-intensity burst. And at the end of your growth hormone.

Dr. Pompa: I’ve never heard of the word.

Warren: Tabata, that’s more of a—Tabata is more of a personal trainer term. A CrossFit kinda term as well. I didn’t know it until I started—hired a coach to train me.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I just go high-intensity training. Yeah. We’re kind of making do here today so sorry about all the confusion. But yeah, the biggest thing—and I think we talked about it last week a little bit, is raising growth hormone, and how important raising growth hormone is. Of course, I guess you could just spend $1,500-$2,000 a month on growth hormone shots. And would you feel better? Your joints would feel better. You’d age slower. Your skin and hair would look better. All these things, actually—oh, there you are. All these things would, in fact, look better. Well, the problem is, I always say, is when you take hormones, there’s always a consequence because your body stops producing its own. So those who’ve been on growth hormone for long, bad things start to happen eventually. So it doesn’t work on the long-term, but it sure does work on the short-term. But obviously, we’re not recommending that. Last week, we talked about intermittent fasting, and how that just rockets growth hormones. Well, this type of high-intensity exercise also increases growth hormone. So that’s really one of the big reasons why it does work, in fact, for anti-aging. And of course, it works for weight loss as well because when you do this type of exercise, it sends your testosterone, your growth hormone, your anabolic type of hormones, in a rise. And the type of hormones that actually make you fatter and age you faster, like cortisol, etc., it drops those. So that’s why it works. And also, it actually makes you more hormone sensitive. And as you’ve heard me say, the key is becoming more hormone sensitive. Not just to growth hormone, testosterone, and other hormones, but, really, every hormone. So that’s thyroid hormone, your adrenal hormones. Those are the hormones that make you feel good so, really, every hormone. This type of training, you combine it with intermittent fasting, man, magic happens. Now look. I always say the bodybuilders have known these things for years. They would do high-intensity on an empty stomach, and what happens when you do high-intensity exercise on an empty stomach, your growth hormone really goes up even higher. So I don’t know if—remember Frank Zaino, he was actually Mr. America. We spent some time with him a couple weeks ago. And it was probably, I don’t know, 5, 6, 7, 8 at night, and he was going off to do high-intensity training on an empty stomach, and then go to bed. And his strategy is is he raises growth hormone before he sleeps. Now, I if I did too much high-intensity…

Warren: Chris Zaino, actually.

Dr. Pompa: Chris, I’m sorry. So when you do that before bed, it raises your growth hormone massively. But me, I couldn’t sleep right away. I would be up for another 2 hours, so I can’t do that one myself.

Warren: Neither can I.

Dr. Pompa: But it also happens in the morning, so I love to do this type of training on an empty stomach in the morning, and you do get that massive growth.

Warren: And that’s a 180° of what you’ve been told. In the market, it’s like, “Oh, man. You’re going to go work out. You better eat something before you go workout, or you better something before you go exercise. You better eat something before you go do labor during the day.” But when our parents were growing up—I used to yell at my dad. I’m like, “Dad, you don’t eat anything in the morning. I’m so mad at you. You’re going to be unhealthy.” Because I was listening to everything on TV—I don’t know. There was little pieces of cheese walking around on TV when I was kid. I forget. Those commercials about eating all the time, and that’s what they taught you. And I’m like, “Dad, you’re unhealthy. You drank a cup of coffee. You’re addicted to coffee,” because coffee was a bad thing when we were growing up too. Coffee and beer were bad. I’m not promoting beer, but I’m just saying, in that time—we’ve got to spice it up here. So, but my—I used to yell at him. And now, it’s funny. I’m eating like my dad did. He would get a cup of coffee. He ran his own company, and he’d work his tail off all day. He would come home and have a beer. Not that that’s a good idea. It’s not the first thing you want to put in your stomach, but then he would have dinner.

Dr. Pompa: Or the last thing.

Warren: Yeah, or the last thing.

Dr. Pompa: Anyway, yeah, so, yeah, but no, I mean, absolutely. I mean, these two things combined. I mean, the intermittent fasting and—so you exercise in the morning. You don’t eat. Now, again, if I do a very high-intensity exercise in the morning, you’re going to get hungrier sooner. So in other words, sometimes I can hold off to easily 2 or 3 o’clock. And I don’t even—when I don’t work out, I don’t even remember to eat. I mean, honestly, I’m not hungry at all. Again, I’ll probably go most of the day until dinner. But when you do exercise, if I’m really high-intensity, then around 12 or 1, I’m hungry. But then it’s good. Your body’s now—you emptied your glycogen tank and that’s where the magic is. When you do the high-intensity, you’re not burning fat when you’re doing this type of exercise. You’re simply burning stored sugar in the form of something called glycogen, which is stored in your muscles and in your liver. And what happens is, when you burn that glycogen out, now for the next 36 hours or so, your body’s replacing it with burned fat. So it raises up its growth hormone and anabolic hormones, and it burns fat. And through that fat burning, you’re obviously replacing the glycogen. So when you don’t eat right afterwards, actually, your body is in that massive fat burning zone and you replace your glycogen. Why? Because your body needs it, it’s always trying to survive. Fight or flight. So it wants to fill its tank again just in case you need it. So it starts that process of fat burning by raising up the hormones, really, just to replace the tank. So that’s really how it works, and I think the combination of intermittent fasting, the burst training, that’s where the magic is. You want to add one more thing in? Add cytosis in. If you haven’t read some of the articles that I wrote on my “Advanced Cellular Healing Diet”, which is cytosis adaptation of the ability to burn fat now, anti-aging ad. Listen. You’ve heard…

Warren: It’s brain anti-aging.

Dr. Pompa: We could talk anti-aging. There’s two things that matter most when it comes to aging slow. Control glucose and insulin. I’ve said it for years and years. See, every time glucose—I know. Let’s just my glucose is normal because I went to my doctor. Okay. Look. All day long, most Americans, non-diabetics, let’s talk, they have insulin and glucose spikes, then their down. Insulin and glucose spike, then they’re down. Their body has the ability to bring it back done. But every time you hit these spikes, you’re causing something called glycation. Did you ever hear the word “age spots?” When you start aging and you get the spots on you? Well, that’s happening throughout your body. That is glucose, raised glucose, oxidizing protein. Okay? And this form of collagen in your face, you see it, but it’s happening on the inside of you as well. So your organs start aging. They’re glycating. You ever have toast and then when you brown your toast in the toaster, that’s actually glycation. The sugar and the carbohydrate is getting oxidized, it starts that browning process.

Warren: That’s a good way to explain it.

Dr. Pompa: It really is sugar oxidizing proteins, and the most case that we see is protein collagen. So that is a breakdown of the protein. It’s an aging prematurely, and glycation ages you in your joints, your skin, everything that you care about. So we don’t want glycation. Well, how do we avoid it? We control glucose and insulin. The number one thing you can do to age slower. To not have aches and pains, to have constant energy. So whether I’m eating or not, when I’m not eating, my glucose is consistent all the way throughout the days. Typically in the 70’s, low 80’s, and it just doesn’t budge. Because, see, the best way to control glucose is to just let your body do its thing and feed from itself. So when it’s feeding from its fat stores, then you have a perfect glucose rise. The trouble is is when you’re eating carbohydrates, you’re up, you’re down, you’re up, you’re down. So when you force your body to be a fat burner, you’re controlling your glucose the most. So that’s another massive, massive key to anti-aging. So those three things combined are really the key. Now, there’s one more thing, and this is in the form of anti—when we talk about anti-aging, you’re never going to get away from caloric restriction as being a massive, massive known way to anti-age slower. If you take animals or humans, and you feed them less, they live longer. Now, here’s the problem, and we talked about this on last week’s show a little bit, so I don’t want to get into too much because we did hit it. But it’s worth repeating. You can’t just stop eating. You can’t just start pushing food away. Okay. It doesn’t work. Your body thinks its starving. It lowers its metabolic rate. You start gaining fat. It doesn’t work. So how do you eat less? How do the Okinawan people that have more centenarians than anywhere in the world eat less, because they do? They’re caloric intake in a day is much lower than most people. How do they do it? Hormone sensitivity, when you’re doing this intermittent fasting and you are, in fact, an efficient fat burner using the strategies we’ve been talking about. Why? Because your body’s feeding from its fat stores and its stored energy so that’s the key. If you’re not a fat burner, then guess what? You’re going to eat muscle. You’re going to raise glucose. You’re going to have cravings. You’re going to be trying to not eat, and you’re starving. It doesn’t work.

Warren: That’s a battle you’re not going to win.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, you have to fix the hormones. This is a cellular problem—back all the way up. So how do you fix the hormones? You have to fix the receptor to the hormones, which is on the cell. You see, it all comes down to the cell. You want to be a fat burner? You want to age slower? It all comes down to the cell. Efficient fat burners, hormone receptors that are very sensitive to the hormones, that’s the key. Now I promised you this on the show—we lost them. There you go. I promised to give you some supplement tricks as well. Look. I mean, this isn’t hard. The cellular core of supplements is where the magic is, methylation, right? You go through the 5R’s. Remove your sources folks, whether it’s glucose sources, whether it’s toxic sources. That’s R1. I just said that they key to aging slower is fix the receptors, fix the membrane. That’s it. It’s R2, this stuff, fantastic product. All your fats, all your fats, key to anti-aging, 180° opposite. Stay away from fats. We’re telling you to eat more fat. Yes, saturated fats, in particular, from grass-fed sources. That’s where there’s good saturated fats and cholesterol. Why are those important? They stabilize the cell membrane. They stabilize the hormone receptor. That’s how you age slower. R3, increasing cellular energy, key; you want to age slower, your brain to work better, every cell, energy’s the key. You need the gasoline in the cell for every function. R4, reduce inflammation. We know it’s the cause of all disease. So, again, we have some products. eNRG is for R3, fantastic product, E-N-R-G. All of these products comprise the core. You could find it on the website. You can read an article about every one of these on our website. R1, 2, 3, 4, they’re all there. Just put in the search bar, R1, R2, R3. You’ll find them. R4, we have two great products, EPIC and ROX, anti-aging formula. Of course, ROX has the resveratrol and other anti-oxidants that are known to turn on a gene called a sirtuin 1 gene. That is the life longevity gene. That’s what it’s known for. People that have that gene turned off they don’t live as long. They have problems. People that have it turned on, they live much longer. And R5, methylation—I want to draw a picture, Warren, so if you could run and get me a tablet with a pen, I ‘m going to show you something. Really, I’m just going to be honest with you. I just wanted this seat. So now I’ve got him out of here. That’s perfect. Now we’re back. Let’s see. Warren, I also need a nice cup of coffee. We’re going to send him away. No. I’m kidding. I really do want to draw you something. So what I’m going to draw you is actually something called—and we are on R5, methylation. But the only biological clock that we actually know of today is something called a telomere. Now I’m going to pick up one of Warren’s shoes. Pretty nasty here, but we’re going to show this.

Warren: Easy.

Dr. Pompa: On the end of that shoelace, you can actually see that really well. What is that little plastic thing and why is it there? Well, that little plastic coating that you see right there, that is in our bodies, a telomere. Why is it there? It’s there to protect us. If it wasn’t there, his shoelace would fray, right? It would go everywhere. Well, on every chromosome in our body…

Warren: So if I had one of these, I’d be set because there’s no end to it.

Dr. Pompa: Oh, that’s a good one.

Warren: So I could live forever with that one.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. That’s a good one.

Warren: It’s capped.

Dr. Pompa: Now you all have to understand my amazing abilities to draw.

Warren: That’s a telomere.

Dr. Pompa: That’s pretty good, actually, to be honest with you. It’s one of my better ones. Okay. There’s your chromosomes. Okay? All those cool chromosomes that hold our DNA. Well, at the end—I’m going to do it this way so you can see. At the end of each one of these chromosomes, we have this protective coating. Like on the shoelace. That’s your telomeres. Here’s the cool thing. When your upon conception, before you’re even out of the gate, you have—the way they measure this is you have 15,000 basis. So they measure the lines, which they call basis. Okay? Now, the bad news is is when these—when this gets down to about 5,000 basis—we’ll draw a line right here, okay, in measurement, you die. So this is the only biological clock known to man. So you start at 15,000 when you’re conceived, and at 5,000 you die. Here’s the bad news. Well, before you’re even out of the gate, okay, before you’re even born, you’re down to 10,000 because here’s why. Every time the cells divide, these get a little bit shorter. It’s a biological clock, literally. So that’s what’s meant to have a low –well, why before you’re born? Because so much cell division is going on in that per—in the development in utero. Because we’re born at about 10,000, we die at 5,000. The point I’m making is you better take care of your darn telomeres in between 10,000 and 5,000, right? Makes sense because that is really the biological clock. So what can we do to actually keep our telomeres? Well, obviously, we can’t regenerate them, and there’s a lot of drugs on the market, TA-65 and now others, that they’re said to actually re-lengthen these telomeres. But they’re finding that there’s massive consequences to that, messing with the biological clock. But look, there’s things we can do to protect them. Oh, guess what? We’re talking about fats. We know that good fats and all the fats that we believe are good, actually protect the telomeres, but also, methylation is known to protect those telomeres. And it’s probably this gene that I talked about. The sirtuin 1 gene probably has a lot to do with keeping those telomeres around. But methylation protects them. So as methyl groups drop in our body because of stress, whether it’s physical, chemical, or emotional, it typically has the greatest depleting effect of these methyl groups. Those telomeres get shorter, and shorter, and shorter, and then the closer to death we become. So keeping your methylation up, the product that we were involved in helping development is called MoRS, M-O-R-S. It’s part of the cellular core. So look. Obviously, the cell is the key to anti-aging. That helps. The cell is the key to aging slower, and protecting those telomeres is a cellular issue. Obviously, that’s the key. It’s our biological clock, but the 5R’s are the supplements that I’m on and off of all the time, different ones. And that’s really where the magic is.

Warren: Take this out of the way.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I guess I popped it up. I was sitting on it. Anyways, so you combine those things, honestly, with the right exercise, the intermittent fasting, and even the key to adaptation, I’ll tell ya, it’s a recipe to live longer, but more importantly, to live healthy longer. I mean, honestly, I mean, we should write more articles about it. That’s what we do. I mean, honestly, we’re telling you exactly what we do. I mean, look. There’s a lot of gimmicks out there, but the stuff that we talked about here in the last two shows, that’s no gimmick. That’s the stuff that really, really, really does work.

Warren: And it’s opposite of what that—everyone knows that guy that was in—on the airplanes, the growth hormone guy? We actually—I didn’t know him directly, but I knew that company and what they did. And they thought that that was the way to anti-age.

Dr. Pompa: They were giving people hormones.

Warren: Yeah. They were giving people hormones…

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Growth hormone, testosterone, etc.

Warren: And so they—the neat thing that you talked about is it’s a cellular issue. Anti-aging is a cellular issue versus we can give you strategies. Take glutamine post workout. Like 400 mg, 500 mg, up to a 1,000 mg will spike your growth hormone. That’s another strategy, but ultimately, the only way you’re truly going to anti-age is what Dr. Pompa shared with you. It’s not a magic pill, powder, lotion, or potion. It’s actually controlling your diet, doing the intermittent fasting, the burst training, are some of the major things you can do. And sometimes, you need an outside force through the R’s, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, to help heal the cell. Heal you at the core of who you are, which is your cell, and cell membrane, and receptors, in order to reverse your age. And that’s really opposite of what you hear. I want to anti-age. Let me shoot up growth hormones. Really, that’s going to lead you to a shorter death. You’re going to die earlier if you do that, which is sad. It really is. That’s the truth that’s being told out there, and it’s neat in this health and wellness movement that’s there’s so many people starting to grab onto this concept. But again, that’s why we do these shows. Not nearly enough people understand this true concept of anti-aging. And it takes work. It takes living your life the way God designed it to be, and it’s much different than what’s being taught out there, which is more of a gimmick to make money.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. No doubt. You know I have a lot of clients that are very, very sick from around the world, and the thing that makes those clients well, ironically enough, is the very things that keep us well. The things that give them their life back are the part that we’re talking about—or the very practices that keep healthy people healthy and young people young. So again, it’s a strategy that really does work. And if I had to add one more thing—you’ve heard us talk about Asea. Asea is an—it really fits into all of the 5R’s. I mean, it really raises cellular energy massively, and I would absolutely add that. They even have a product RENU 28 that takes those age spots away when you have those spots on your face.

Warren: I looked at you. I’m like, I have more age spots than you, and I haven’t been using.

Dr. Pompa: Right, it worked. I use it every day, honestly. It comes in a tube. It’s called RENU 28. It really does work. I mean, those glycation spots, if you have them, are just simply discoloration of the face. It works, I mean, and it works on wrinkles, so—but it works because it’s redox. It’s oxidation. It takes away oxidation. So they have an internal product and an external product. I would have to say that would be in this category to talk…

Warren: Aging.

Dr. Pompa: No doubt about it. We’ve done past shows just on that. Remember, we had the brilliant physicist who stabilized these redox molecules, brilliant man, on the show. So I don’t know what episode that is, but his name is Dr. Samuelson. So if you search some of our past shows, you’ll see him. And the product is ASEA, A-S-E-A. I’m sure you can find it on our website. So that’s all my secrets now. I’ve given them all away, including the Asea, including the RENU that I use every day, but so that’s the show. And I hope you got a lot out of it. We’re doing this pre-seminar, but we still have a desire to make a difference in your lives and those who show up every Friday for the show. And we do it on the fly sometimes. It’s like here in Vegas, but our information, nonetheless, I believe is life changing and it’s real. That’s the most important thing, so thanks for tuning in.

Warren: It’s 180°. It’s 180°.

Dr. Pompa: It’s opposite of what you hear.

Warren: Even in Vegas, it’s like “what stays in Vegas”—what is the saying? “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

Dr. Pompa: Stays in Vegas. Yeah.

Warren: Not true. Cellular Healing to you, what happens in Vegas is being told through the world through Cellular Healing TV because this is what we’re doing. We’re living our life the same as we would no matter where we go. There’s never an excuse to not do the right thing, and we enjoy it. We enjoy living life on purpose, and doing things that are real, and make some difference in people’s lives. Thanks so much for joining us today.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, yep, thanks guys.

38: Intermittent Fasting, Growth Hormone and Anti-Aging

Transcript of Episode 38: Intermittent Fasting, Growth Hormone, and Anti-Aging

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: All right, we are live everybody. Sorry about the little, technical delay there. I am actually at Dr. Pompa's house. We are working on some exciting new things, a new product, really, really neat stuff. Welcome to cellularhealing.tv, sorry I'm a little fuzzy here. I have David Asarnow. I didn't say, Dr. David today, but Cellular Healing TV episode—

David: I'm not really, I just play one on Cellular Healing TV.

Warren: That's true, and Dr. Pompa are you there? I thought I heard you there.

David: He's not live. He's not on the Hangout yet.

Warren: Oh, okay, well, he'll be here in a minute. We'll just start a little bit without him. If he has any technical difficulties, I can quickly run out there and help him, which is one of my strong suits is technology. David, the topic for today, Dr. Pompa and I were discussing it over coffee this morning. We have a lot of requests for the how-to's of intermittent fasting. We've released new articles on ketosis. We've be going down that way. The how-to's of ketosis, been hitting that hard. From our viewers, they've been wanting some of the more of the how-to's of the intermittent fasting, and that's what we're going to talk about today. It's something that I get to do every day. I can just explain my story and how I intermittent fast on a daily basis. I just went to a program called Life Book, and even in my health—which is a—essentially a personal development course. One of the things in my health section, my health and wellness section of my life, one of the things I put in there is to do more intermittent fasting. Actually, it's an added day of a complete fast once a week, and to be more consistent with it. That's part of my health and wellness, and what does it do, and why do I do it? It makes me feel great, it gives me brain clarity. If I do it consistently enough, and doing it correctly, eating some of the fats, I do go into a strong state of ketosis. Ah, wrong link. Dr. Pompa's actually going to join me here. This will actually work out really good. I'm just explaining my how-to with ketosis.

David: Here's the interesting thing since we're talking about this topic. A lot of people who are just joining us for the first time may say, “Well, why intermittent fast?”

Warren: Come here, Dr. Pompa, snuggle in.

David: Hey, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, we had a technical difficulty as usual.

David: It's technology, but at least we're here, right? We're talking a little bit about intermittent fasting. Obviously Warren kicked off today talk—saying we're going to talk about anti-aging. One of the things that we notice specifically when new practitioners come into our program and they start adopting—

-Technical Difficulties- David: Let's just role with it. One of the things that a lot of our practitioners notice is from the first time we see them, till when we see them again, everyone's like, “Oh my gosh, you look younger.” One of the things that they all start doing right away is intermittent fasting. One of the things that Dr. Pompa, you talk about, is down regulating cellular inflammation. Why don't you connect the dots in why intermittent fasting first and foremost helps them down regulate cellular inflammation, and then we'll give them some steps of things that they can do.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, I definitely want to make it how-to because that was some of the requests that came through. There's different types of intermittent fasting, and we'll discuss that. One of the major things is is that—one of the major things is that fact that it raises growth hormones so dramatically. In men, it's about 2000% increase, and women, 1300% increase. That's a massive difference. Growth hormone, of course, is how you regenerate, how your skin regenerates, how your bone, muscles, joints regenerate, feel good. That's why people today, a lot of the movie stars, they take—for about $1,500 to $2,000 a month they inject growth hormone. They look better, they do. They look younger, they feel better. However, just like any hormone, there's always a consequence to taking a hormone because then your body slows down its own production. Then it creates other problems. We know now that long-term growth hormone use can actually create insulin resistance and other things. Always a consequence, but when we do things naturally to keep our growth hormone maximized, we do in fact get those benefits without the consequences. I said this to somebody recently, I said, “I think that in the last,” you all know I practice what I preach. I eat the way I eat, I do a lot of things. Of course, you read about certain things. I'm never afraid to try certain things. Intermittent fasting, I'd have to say, is the most powerful thing that I have done in years, maybe five years or more, as far as natural health goes, that I noticed such a massive difference in so many areas of my health, even my physical activity. I'm a strong believer in it. Again, I jokingly say, maybe it's just because of my age that I notice such a dramatic difference. That doesn't mean that younger people wouldn't notice a difference too. I'm able to stay much leaner, and I am absolutely changed as far as how my skin looks and how I age. I notice a lot of different things.

Warren: I opened this up with me looking at the area of health and fitness in my life, health and fitness actually through a personal development course. One of the things because of that, Dr. Pompa, because one of my goals is to see my grandchildren's children, so my great grandchildren, and be part of their life, I want to be extremely healthy and fit. One of the things that I added to achieve that goal, knowing everything that we have done—I mean, all the places that we've traveled, all the doctors that we've worked with along the way, all the books that he's interpreted for me and told me the truth about, that's a joke. I don't have to read everything, he reads it. Send that to Dr. Pompa, it really does the same thing. We rely on each other's strengths, right? One of the things I'm going to integrate, after all that great knowledge, all of Dr. Pompa's interpretation for me, is integrating more intermittent fasting.

Dr. Pompa: I can solve this problem.

Warren: He can solve this problem. Out of all those different strategies and solutions, I need to integrate more intermittent fasting into my program. One of the things I wanted to add, Dr. Pompa, and this is a great question for you. This is just what laid on my heart, again, I'm not an expert in this. I want to do a full day of no eating, and then integrate possibly a carb day like you do with ketosis. Intermittent fast every day the way I'm doing it with MCT oil, and butter, and heavy cream in my coffee.

David: All right here in my coffee.

Warren: There you go, well you've always been a strong proponent of that. You use the same coffee we do, that you can get a free bag through Camano Island, you can grab that right off the website, a free pound. We do that every day, and I wanted to integrate that. What do you think about that, putting a full fast day and a carb day in there?

Dr. Pompa: I just did it last week. You can go—and we'll show that in the how-to. Yeah, one day a week I don't eat for 24 hours, sometimes more. Sometimes I'll go the whole day, and then I won't eat until the following day around one or two o'clock. Some days I'll eat dinner, and then I don't eat until dinner the next night. Actually, I just did that yesterday. I went a 24-hour loop without eating. Then, we do a carb-load day where we actually do the opposite.

Warren: Healthy carbs.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, healthy carbs, we're not throwing pizzas down our throat, but where we remind our body that it's not in fact starving. We'll get into that.  It also reminds your body it's not starving. It's a way to tap into fat at a much deeper level. I have to point you in a couple of directions. Number one, I've written a couple articles about intermittent fasting. Most of you have probably read them and just said, “Hey, I want more information on that.” The last article I did on ketosis, it was answering questions about ketosis. I talked about how intermittent fasting really plays into ketosis. You get the most bang for your buck in ketosis when you intermittent fast daily. Read that article because I gave a little brief how-to on a daily intermittent fast. With that said, there's some resources for you on the website under articles. Let's talk about it because there's block intermittent fasting where we intermittent fast people for at least four days. You can do three days, but I think you'd get more of a benefit from four days because that's when a lot of the hormonal stuff starts to happen, to even longer—in some people even a few weeks. The point is, let's talk just this four-day block of intermittent fasting. You've heard us talking about whey water fasting. Why whey water? It's called healing water. It has such a profound effect on the cell and your downstream detox pathways. It's loaded with electrolytes which makes fasting easier for sick people. Also, beef stock fasting, or stock fasting. Why that, because it starves down all bacteria, and then we reinoculate afterwards, so we reset our microbiome, which you've heard us talk a lot about. Load it with type two Collagen, very healing for the gut, the skin, the joints, and it down regulates inflammation. All these intermittent fasts do. Many of the people that we help, we do these types of block intermittent fasting periodically. We don't just do one, we sometimes do one every month, sometimes two a month. Each time they do it they get a different level of healing. Remember, these fasts make you more hormone sensitive. One of the big epidemics is that people are hormone resistant. We're not talking Type II Diabetes here, although we could be. We're talking about thyroid problems, the inability to lose weight, testosterone, estrogen, all of these hormones. The cell cannot hear today, and everybody's taking more hormones instead of getting the cell to hear the hormones. That's called hormone sensitivity. We want to be very hormone sensitive. Very lean people that are very healthy and age slow, they're very hormone sensitive. Intermittent fasting, whether it's in this block style, which most challenged people need to do. I trained our doctors on—I have six different intermittent block fasts that we utilize. Now, let's shift gears. I think a lot of those types of fasts, most people that have challenges, supervision probably is best. Daily intermittent fasting, this is what we just spoke about, where we're doing this every day. What I mean by that is we're carrying our fast on through the night because that's a fasting state. Then, we're not eating breakfast, and then we're not typically eating until one or two o'clock. We're literally going 16 to 18 hours or more without food. That's not going to work for everybody, and I talk about that in the ketosis article. The reason why is because some people are just so resistant to fat burning because they're resistant to hormones, that in that fasting state they're burning muscle through the night, they're dumping glycogen at—during those times, extremely elevated glucose in the morning. They're really just burning sugar. They're never really tapping into their fat stores. One suggestion I have to really get the benefits of daily intermittent fasting is to get into the fat burning zone first, whether it's being on the cellular healing diet, or the advanced cellular healing diet where you're in ketosis, and then take advantage of daily, intermittent fasting. Now, I've had people that do intermittent fasting daily, like we're talking about, going that 14, 16 hours without food, and it makes them more hormone sensitive, and then they become fat burners. Could you do it to become a fat burner, yes. Will it work for everybody? Maybe not. I just want to put that caution out there. Let's now fast-forward. Let's say it is working for you, and this is where the magic comes. You're burning fat through the night, just like really good fat burners do, and then you're continuing that all the way through. You're doing that every day. Literally, you're fasting every day. You're getting growth hormone spikes every day. You're getting the benefits of not eating, resting yourself, every day. Listen, every study on anti-aging shows that people who eat less age much slower. There's more research on that than anything. As a matter of fact, eventually a gene turns on called the Cert 1 gene. The Cert 1 gene is called the longevity gene. Once that gets triggered, you extend your life dramatically. Caloric restriction triggers the gene. Here's the problem, caloric restriction doesn't work, meaning your body eventually thinks its starving and everything works against you. You look at these countries that eat less and live longer, how are they doing it? First of all, they're not hungry. They're eating less because they're following their innate intelligence when saying no, they're just not simply hungry. They don't eat—often, most of them don't eat in the morning, continue that fast. The key to eating less is making yourself very hormone sensitive. If you just try to eat less, your body will eventually think it's starving. They key is—

Warren: It's counterintuitive.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, the key is becoming a very efficient fat burner, it normalizes your insulin glucose, raises your growth hormone, you become very hormone sensitive, and therefore you just are not hungry as much, and your body never thinks it's starving, key to intermittent fasting right here. If you do not eat a big meal at the end of your day, your body will eventually think it's starving and it will—everything will backfire on you. All of a sudden, you're going to be putting belly fat on again. All of a sudden your body's going to want to store it. It doesn’t matter what you eat. You can eat salad, you can eat chicken salad, whatever you think is the perfect meal, meat and vegetables, and you will gain weight. Your body wants to store everything it can when it thinks it's starving. The key to intermittent fasting daily is not eating for this period of time, whether it's 16, 18 hours, and then I eat a higher fat meal around one or two o'clock, and I eat a little bit of protein with that meal, and then I eat a big meal at dinner. If it's not big enough, your body will think it's starving. Eat like the Romans, eat like the Greeks, engorge at night, fast through the day.

David: Let me ask you a question. Sometimes I don't even eat during the day. I'll have whey water, I'll do chia seeds with whey water, or chia seeds in water, take a spoon of coconut oil and just eat it. Would that suffice, or do I need more.

Dr. Pompa: No, through the day, that's perfect. That's very similar to what I do. I'll have some coconut oil, maybe some X-Factor butter oil, both of the products that I use we sell on our website. Then, maybe a little scoop of whey protein, just a small amount of protein to go with that fatty meal. Then, I don't eat again until whenever, six to eight o'clock I start eating. If I worked out that day, maybe I start eating something at five o'clock. That's where I eat a lot. That's the gorge phase I call it. We don't ever want the body to thinks it's fasting, so that big meal at the end of the day is key. Now, listen, you can't just eat a bunch of carbohydrates at the end of the day. That's just not going to work because you're going to get a glucose rise, an insulin rise, and then your body wants to store it. You can't do that. You have to keep those carbs lower and really stick to the meat and vegetables. Listen, this is what Warren said in the beginning, after a while, what we notice that people—the body becomes very efficient at burning fat, so efficient that it wants to hold onto fat. Listen, the body's instinct is always to survive. No matter what, at all costs, it will survive. It's always thinking that maybe starvation's coming, maybe a bad winter and we're not going to have enough food. I mean this is what the body thinks. It always wants to prepare for the downtime. Therefore, it wants to store fat. Once it starts getting to a certain leanness, then what the body does is it starts to become even more efficient at utilizing fat. It starts to plug fat cells with water. It slows down fat burning. That's why it pushes water into the fat cell. That's not good. The second strategy is it starts to become more insulin resistant. Not like a diabetic where it's from inflammation, but the DNA in the cell shuts down some of the receptors to insulin, and now you start to store fat easier. That was what you said, taking one fasting day a week, and just not eating until dinner or even the next morning, or lunch, etc., and then taking another day. I like to separate them, so maybe you did that on Wednesday. Then on Saturday you eat like there's no tomorrow. Eat breakfast, eat lunch, still healthy, still in the cellular healing, and purposely get healthier carbs. Maybe that day, David you drink more Amasai, 00:18:51 you drink more of the SueroGold, you drink other healthier carbs. If you're someone who's okay with a certain amount of grains in your diet, that would be the day. If you're somebody—other healthy things. Maybe that's the day you eat a little bit of sweet potato. If you're okay with oatmeal, maybe that's the day you eat a little bowl of oatmeal. The point is is that this is—we want to get our carbohydrates up. How much? I'm always asked that question. Everyone's going to be a little different, but I would say between 50 and 200, it will fill your tank so to speak. You can even do high protein days every once in a while to mix it up. Again, somewhere in the range again, depending on your size and how much exercise you do, between 100 and 200 grams of protein that day. This one day a week where we gorge so to speak, we fill our body up with all this extra. It's just reminding our body that it's not starving. There's plenty. It works, I mean it really does. Bodybuilders have known it for years that these carb-load days. They did it before their competition.

Warren: They don't do calorie restriction, they do hormone manipulation. It's really different. It is a science. That's what people unfortunately have been told is that calorie restriction—they lose a few pounds, that's not what we're saying. That's a really tough concept to get, Dr. Pompa. I don't even know a better way to explain it.

Dr. Pompa: I think the only thing I can say is if you're just restricting calories day in and day out, number one, you're pushing food away. You can't do that. You have to—honestly, when you get hormonally sensitive, you don't have to push food away, you're simply not hungry. That's one of the big distinctions. Number two, if you're just restricting calories all the time, eventually your body thinks it doesn't have enough and it holds onto everything via storing fat. You have to do these times a day where you just eat. It has to be healthy, low-carb things because carbohydrates in any form are going to be stored, it's extra energy. That's the key. People, we were just in a seminar and the guy said, “It's simple, it's math, it's simple math where you burn more calories than you take in.” It's not so simple. We have people that are down to 500 calories a day, 600 calories a day, believe me, I hear these people. They can't lose. Not only can they not lose weight, they're gaining weight because everything they put in their mouth their body is taking and storing as fat. It's in survival mode. It's not just about reducing calories.

Warren: They have massive low energy, and they're sick.

Dr. Pompa: Your body doesn't want to use its energy. It's trying to put you to bed. Think about this, what your body does in a time of starvation, it takes all of your energy away so you don't have energy to do anything. It wants to survive. The last thing it's going to do is give you energy. It will kill you. It takes your energy away, so you have no energy and you just store fat. This is the populous of America here, low energy and storing fat even if they eat salad. That's a hormone problem, that's a cellular problem. Intermittent fasting is just one strategy to realize—to really become more hormone sensitive to fix the cell ultimately to get well. This is the key, and again, knowing when to use the strategy is key, knowing how to use the strategy is key. We've written a lot of articles about it, we do shows like this to answer questions. Maybe you're thinking of some other questions because that was a good one. I think people are confused about that.

David: I think that one thing right now, I'd like you to be able to point people if they want to get some of these products you're talking about, the probiotic whey water, etc., where can they go, where can they get this?

Warren: Beyond Organic Milk, right?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, beyondorganicmilk.com, they can get the Amasai that we drink, that you drink, David, the SueroGold, and that's been a strategy of using—the SueroGold is the whey water that we spoke about where we do block fasting with. It's called SueroGold, beyondorganicmilk.com. That's the one, David, you said you put chia seeds in and drink it. That's really—it's amazing, right? Again, there's some carbs in that.

Warren: How many of those a day, if you were intermittent fasting would you—just the one in mid-afternoon?

David: I usually would do it—excuse me, that's my lunch. Probably about one, two o'clock when I remember that oh, it's one, two o'clock, I haven't thought about food all morning. I'll run upstairs, make it, shake it up, put some Stevia in there. Then, I'll go work out at 5:30, and eat dinner at 6:30 with the family.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, and to answer Warren's question I think it's just—the max would be one a day. On a carb-load day—

Warren: Unless you're doing the block fast with it, five a day—

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, yeah.

Warren: That's one of your articles on the internet on fasting.

Dr. Pompa: You're not eating anything else on a block. You're just taking four to six of those SueroGold a day.

Warren: For four days.

Dr. Pompa: Right, it's for four days. That's a different concept obviously. Daily, I would say a half to one a day is maximum. The other point I wanted to make, and we discussed this a little bit in a past show, is—oh gosh, my dog just knocked at the door and I lost my train of thought. Oh, I know. Ah, I just lost it again. Let me let him in or he'll keep interrupting me.

Warren: The puppies are in rare form today. It's fun. I'm sitting next to Dr. Pompa in his house, so intermittent can—and teaching, and training can happen anywhere, with all kinds of animals around you, too.

David: You were talking about—in a past show we talked about something.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, it was a past show. We had Faith on. I'll think of it in a minute. It's a good point to make, and—it'll come to me.

David: If anything, this shows that these shows that we do are raw, are real, and we know the topics that we're going to talk about. We just talk about them. It's not like we have Teleprompters in front of us, or any scripts, or anything like that.

Warren: This is how we live on a daily basis. This is our life, this is our life mission. We're just sharing the science and the research that we utilize through hundreds of doctors across the nation. We get a lot of feedback. Dr. Pompa works with very, very challenged patients and clients. He coaches them on how to do what we do. Really, on a daily basis, to get their lives back because the body—if you remove the interference, if you remove the cause, it will heal itself. It works every time. God didn't screw up. Just like what we're sharing today guys, think about it. The world's telling you one way, calorie restriction, yet it's 180° opposite. It's about hormone manipulation, regulation, that's innate in your body to curb your hunger, to do what it's supposed to do. It's designed in a certain way, and the outside world, which is marketing, which is 180° opposite of how we live our lives is telling you something completely different and ultimately leads to unhealthiness, low energy, to starvation mode, to getting sick. You've got to do a 100° opposite, Dr. Pompa, to live that life. That's our mission.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely no doubt. Here's 180° opposite and this is what I wanted to talk about. We talked about people who eat, it's in vogue right now, eat five or six meals a day. That's what you do. We hear that, and I think it's very popular because it does work for people who are not efficient fat burners. Listen, here's the point, eating five or six meals a day will keep your body from eating its muscle. Therefore, it will keep your metabolism up a little bit. Therefore, it does, it works. You say, “Oh, okay I've lost a little bit more weight.” Think about this, what it's doing is it's really keeping your body from burning its fat stores. You're eating every five to six hours. What it’s doing is it's burning what you're eating, five or six small meals. It's burning that, and it's never burning your fat. Yeah, it works in a sense that okay, great, it will burn those little small meals, and therefore it won't store as much fat, it won't eat your muscle, but the problem is that you're not utilizing what's around your waste, your visceral fat, the fat that's even around your organs, that holds a lot of toxins, you've got to burn that stuff out. You're really stopping your body from utilizing fat. It's really—it's a manipulation tactic that really works in the short term, but long term I believe it causes health problems. Obviously it leads to belly fat and other areas of fat that you don't like. It's not a solution. Could it be a temporary solution while you're making changes? Yeah, maybe, but I like other things to do, other things. That's been around for a long time. Eat five, six small meals. I mean, you still hear it, right? Again, it just goes against human nature. It goes against our innate intelligence that our bodies are really set up to when we're not eating to burn fat. Now, people you're heard me say this. Our cells can only use two things for energy, right? You can only use fat or sugar. Healthy people have the ability to go back and forth. Sugar, burn fat, burn sugar, burn fat—most Americans are stuck as sugar burners only at the cellular level with the hormonal inability to utilize your fat for energy. Therefore, when you're going long periods without food, your body gives you a craving you can't resist. Bad idea, you end up breaking the diet, or it breaks your muscle down and  your metabolism. That's why people eat more meals to try to counteract that. Ultimately, you want to be hormone sensitive. You want to be an efficient fat burner at the cellular level, that's a hormone issue. Then, when you're not eating, you're burning fat. That's why intermittent fasting daily works so well once you cross over into a cellular efficient fat burner. Then, when you're not eating, you're burning fat for energy. Your blood glucose levels and insulin levels are like this. You've heard me say this—you want to age slower than anybody, control your glucose and insulin. Most people are insulin spike, insulin spike, I'm not talking diabetics here. They go glucose and insulin spike, glucose and insulin spike. You're aging, you're causing something called glycation. When you go to your doctor, your blood glucose levels are normal, but all through the day it's glucose spike, glucose spike. That's who you age prematurely. You see those spots that start getting on your skin, that's called glycation. That means that the glucose spikes are basically causing an inflammation, an attack on the protein. Glycation, it's like burning toast. That's what ages you. That happens on your skin, it also happens in your inner organs. That is the key to aging. You control glucose and insulin, you become hormone sensitive, you're going to age slower than anybody that you know.

Warren: One other thing I wanted to bring up is how do you get into that fat burning zone? I know in the past we just gave them Cellular Healing Diet, just do the Cellular Healing Diet for a month. However, what we found now is during that block fasting, before you jump into the Cellular Healing Diet, can make you more hormone sensitive, so the four days of just whey water can make you more hormone sensitive as to when you can quickly even—it used to be 21 days about I guess before your body would get into fat burning from just doing the Cellular Healing Diet. We've sold hundreds of thousands of copies of that book at this point. Then, in the past we did that. It took people 21 days. With intermittent fasting, some people are getting there in two weeks. They're starting to become efficient fat burners. Here's the question, and this is what I don't know. How do you know when you're ready to start jumping into intermittent fasting? You did a block fast, you did the Cellular Healing Diet. Now, okay guys, I want to look younger, not like we do today because my face is all squished up and my eyes are all looking weird because I'm sitting high. We don't look young today, but just say that I did. How do we look young like you guys? I am 40 years old in December, and most people say I look 28. Dan's—you're 50, aren't you?

Dr. Pompa: No, not yet. Next year I will be 50.

David: I'm 85. I just—

Warren: David actually looks good. Actually, you did anti-age significantly on your journey.

David: I'm 46.

Warren: You look great as well. There is—it's on purpose. It's not on accident that we look younger. It's the growth hormone, it's eating right. It's all those things. Dr. Pompa, they want to do that, so how can they get to that place where they're ready?

Dr. Pompa: To answer that question is that when you start losing your hunger. Here's a better one, and you don't have cravings, and you start burning fat. There's people that are really cellular broken who say, “I'm not hungry.” They're not because they're eating their muscles. Their body dumps glycogen, and yet they're still putting fat on. When you're losing fat, I mean your body's burning fat, you're in that fat loss stage. You're not hungry, you don't have cravings, absolutely, you're a fat burner.

David: Woohoo!

Dr. Pompa: Exactly, then you can absolute get the most out of daily intermittent fasting. Warren brought up a great point of clarification. We start with these block fasts. That helps you lose the cravings. That helps you become more hormone sensitive faster. That helps heal the gut, by the way, which is a lot of reason why people have problems, you can't lose weight, etc. There's a lot of things that get achieved. It even helps fix what we call the microbiome, which we know now, people who can't lose weight, have a certain bacteria fingerprint if you would, in their gut. People who are very lean have a certain fingerprint. We know that if we put two mice groups together, fat mice and skinny mice in the same cage. The fat mice, they eat each other's poo. The fat mice end up becoming skinny just because their bacteria in their gut becomes like the skinny person's bacteria—or person, mouses. What happens is is that that plays a role. When we block intermittent fast, we effect our microbiome, we become skinny mice, which is going to help our hormones. We get ourselves hormone sensitive. We're controlling cravings there. Then we go into the Cellular Healing Diet for a period of time. Then, that may be enough for many of you to start daily intermittent fasting at that point. Many of you might have to do several block fasts before you can daily intermittent fast. Some of you may have to do the advanced Cellular Healing Diet where you drop your carbohydrates below 50, and get into keto-adaptation. Read those articles, there's two of them. That's another strategy to become a fat burner. Sometimes we force the cell only to use fat for energy. There's the program, block intermittent fast, move into the Cellular Healing Diet, some of your might have to do the Advanced Cellular Healing Diet, and then eventually get to intermittent fasting daily. That is the strategy, it works.

Warren: It's 180° opposite of what you're being told.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.

Warren: The nice thing is, guys, and we have to wrap up, David has to go, is that most of what you're hearing in this world—well, let me put it this way. There is a movement now. There is a 180° Solution™ movement that's happening in our world. They're coming on harder with the opposite marketing. You need to share this, you need to tell your friends even what you learned today. Just start speaking these things, intermittent fasting, raising your growth hormone. Just start sharing it with your friends. I want to hear about it in coffee shops. Send people to Cellular Healing TV. Other great health and wellness experts out there that are speaking the same truth. They're coming out of the woodwork. We're so happy to be a part of it, and we're so glad that other people are speaking the same language we've been speaking for years, since I don't even know, since 2000. Thanks so much for joining us. Share this message with your friends. Get out there. This is truth, guys. It's 180° opposite. Your friends are sick. They're on their treadmills. They think they're doing it right, and it's 90% of them. I live in a city that believes it. The difference is I come to this city, they're more health and fitness aware. They know more about intermittent fasting. I come to Park City, and I go into a gym, and I'm like, “Oh my gosh, I want to go to the next level. These people are fit.” They're doing these strategies. In Pittsburgh, they're not. They're working out five days a week, and running their treadmill, “I've got to get my cardio in so I can burn fat.” It's a lie, and it's wrong, and it's wasting their time. More importantly, I believe, Dr. Pompa, a lot of wasted energy that people could be using to serve the world is being wasted on a treadmill. I really am passionate about it because we could do a lot for the world. We would live in a lot less—in a better place. We'd have more time for our families. See, this is how you know that your health and fitness can actually effect other areas of your life, and ultimately affect the world when truth is being spoken.

Dr. Pompa: Next week, I want to continue the discussion on anti-aging because some of the questions that people asked in email are what we take. What supplements can I take to age slower? My brain, my body, my skin, I'm going to talk about that next week. We're going to talk a little bit about fitness, about exercise, and how certain things can actually age you slower, and how certain things can actually speed up the aging process. We're going to talk about all that next week.

Warren: All right, welcome, take care guys.

David: See you next week.

Warren: Have a great week. Cellular Healing TV's signing off, bye-bye.

37: Hormone Testing and Solutions

Transcript of Episode 37: Hormone Testing and Solutions

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and Merily Pompa.

Warren: We're live! Cellular Healing TV, episode—what is it, Dr. Pompa? Episode—

Dr. Pompa: Thirty-seven?

Warren: Thirty-seven. Welcome to the call today. We're on a really hot topic. We have Dr. Pompa's wife, Merily Pompa, who is the queen of the hormone havoc talks and information when it comes to makeups.

Dr. Pompa: Hormone havoc.

Warren: Just havoc. She's going to bring some wisdom and enlightenment. Part of her journey with the reason she is the hormone queen is because she's walked through it with Dr. Pompa over the years. Her mummy—her mummy—her mother, my aunt, actually—mummy! Oh jeez, you can tell I'm from Pittsburgh already, right? That's a Pittsburgh word. That goes back to the episode earlier, Cellular Healing TV Episode 36, where we went over accents and the different southern dialects in South Carolina, so make sure you watch that. That was actually on the immune system and Ebola, so go back and watch that Healing episode. Let's get into this topic, Dr. Pompa and Merily. Thanks for joining us today. Hormones and testing and how to do the right tests, how to balance your hormones, and how long does it take. Some of these questions, and what do you do. Let's get into it today.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I wanted Merily to be here. Gosh, many of you have read R5. If you haven't, go to “Article Archive,” DrPompa, and read it. We talk about methylation, and how methylation affects many outcomes, good and bad, in our body. Really, we need methylation to protect our DNA. Without enough, you start to trigger and turn on bad stuff, whether it's a thyroid condition or any hormone condition. Without methylation, you end up building up toxic hormones. We had Merily on, I think, one of the previous shows, and she talked a little bit about it. Just recently, we just got one of her posttests on her hormones. This is a test that we've talked a lot about. It's the test that you've heard me say saved Suzanne Somers's life and it saved my wife's life. It would've saved her mother's life. Your aunt, mommy, however we want to—

Merily: Mommy.

Dr. Pompa: Mommy. We'll go with mommy.

Warren: Back into that one.

Dr. Pompa: Mommy's life, too. It saved this mommy's life for sure, no doubt about it. I used to call my mother mommy. I'm just going to take some of your embarrassment away.

Merily: He said mummy.

Dr. Pompa: That was a Pittsburgh thing.

Merily: Yeah, but he said mummy.

Dr. Pompa: I said mummy, too. We're all from Pittsburgh, so we say funny things like slippy. It's very slippy outside today. Actually, not today, but it will be as soon as it snows. Anyways, this test is a 24-hour hormone test. This is the most accurate one test. Look, saliva brings some benefit, even blood can bring some benefit to hormones and certain hormones. As a general, all-around test, this test, I believe, gives you the most bang for your buck, most information, to say. I believe some of the most life saving information, because it looks at these toxic estrogen metabolites, which are really the cancer causers. Merily, when we first did this test on you, you had the two biggest problems. I'm going to go through that and show them what you had going on. You body has phase one and phase two estrogen metabolism, meaning how it gets rid of these toxic estrogen metabolites. We know that if you don't get rid of them, it puts you at great risk for breast cancer, uterine cancer—really, any hormone dysregulation problem, most of which end up in cancer. This is why I believe this test is so darn important. It also gives you a real view of—see all those arrows. It gives you a massive view of the whole hormone pathway. Just in a nutshell, if you start up here, this would really start with cholesterol. From cholesterol, you make these hormones, which turn into progesterone. You can see cholesterol, the bad cholesterol, LDL, is really the big precursor to all of these hormones. Then down here, we can assess your adrenal output, which, your adrenal output was terrible on some of these past tests. She's not improved greatly. Then of course, over here, your male hormones, which—well, that can determine sex drive and just how you recover, etc. Down here are all these estrogen metabolites that can turn toxic on you and go into cancer. That just shows you how this really flows out and how it can impact so many different parts of your health. Then, this is a graph that shows two parts of estrogen metabolism. This is phase one, where we look at a ratio, good and bad estrogen. You don't get this from blood. If you're over here way in the red, like you were in the very beginning—and she's crept across to where she's now in the safe zone—then the methylation pathway, which when people are way over here, which she started with basically a zero. Now she's moving right on the edge of being okay.

Merily: I had more red than green. Now I have more green than red.

Dr. Pompa: Anyways, the bottom line is that when we see that—she was a great risk for cancer on both of those accounts. Then one more thing I want to show you, and then I'm going to have open conversation. This is another big problem, is we see oftentimes, especially my wife being in perimenopause, that we just have estrogen over here in the red, and just you don't feel well. Now her estrogen has moved into the green, which is really good. That means she feels better. Down here, I want to show you this. When, see these reds—my wife was red in here, and this is a very toxic estrogen. She was all the way under the red. Now she's in the green. Over here with the 4-Hydroxy she was all the way in the red, and now she's in the green. That is the transition. Now, the questions that you would ask is, “Great. How did she feel before, and how does she feel now?” I think that's a good question.

Merily: That's a significant question.

Dr. Pompa: I think a better question is, how long did it take? Her test is so much better. Before, when we first—how long ago was it that we did your first test?

Merily: It was right after my mom died.

Dr. Pompa: Right after her mom died.

Merily: I always do tests after somebody falls apart. I did your toxic metals test when you fell apart. I never would've suspected that I had the issues going on that I did. I didn't have mercury but having lead, I learned, because I wanted to take the test you took. Then, of course, when my mom wasn't cooperating with your recommendations because you were worried about this stuff, I ended up taking this test, because I wanted to know if I was headed that way. I was shocked at how—

Dr. Pompa: Which test did you do first? The metal test?

Merily: That was ten years ago.

Dr. Pompa: I'm going to show you a metal test, and there's significance to this. I'm covering the name. This is not my wife's test. As a matter of fact, this person has a massive lead issue. My wife's was worse. My wife was all the way across the page. As a matter of fact, it would be somewhere out here.

Merily: I was the third highest. I'm still, today, the third—you wonder why ten years later, I still do rounds of chelation.

Dr. Pompa: I don't want to focus too much on this, but she had major hormone issues back then, despite eating perfect, despite exercising and doing a lot of good things. We knew that something was going on. We'd seen her lead that was off the chart, and then running this hormone test, really was her lead that really caused the hormone disruption. As the lead has come out, the hormones have gotten better. I think that's one of the major takeaways. Most practitioners, number one, don't run the right hormone tests. The ones that do, they'll simply just give bioidentical hormones based on this test. That can be useful, as crutches, but ultimately, it doesn't work long term. Matter of fact, I always say, it's like shouting at our kids. In the beginning, it works. Then it starts losing its effectiveness. You've been through that. You've been on many bioidentical hormones that we've used.

Merily: Shouting at the kids.

Dr. Pompa: Yes, shouting at the kids. Matter of fact, that's what caused some shouting at the kids. On point. However, the bioidentical hormones would help, and then they wouldn't, and then they'd make you more irritable. We won't go there. Ultimately, really, and we said this, Warren, at the beginning of the show, ultimately we saw this progression of each test getting better, each hormone test getting better, really, as the lead came out. We built up her methylation. The test definitely gave us ideas. We supported her adrenals. When we saw your adrenals completely tank, we put more into supporting the adrenals. Ultimately, until the lead started dropping down, the test wasn't getting better.

Merily: I haven't taken an adrenal product in months, so there was no reflection, on this test, of any support. That was encouraging.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. No doubt about it. Remember, her emotional stress in the first test was fine. You didn't have a lot of emotional stress then. It was just completely all chemical stress. Remember, the body doesn't know the difference of physical, chemical, or emotional stress. I think the emotional stress came. You still had a chemical component, aka lead in her case. That's when the adrenals really tanked. It's typically the perfect storm of stressors, and we saw that. Her one test, her adrenals got worse as the emotional stress came.

Merily: When it came, oh yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, right, as the emotional stress came. Then, of course, it fell through the hormones. The bottom line is R1, you have to remove the source, or R5, methylation.

Warren: Your computer's shaking, just so you know.

Dr. Pompa: Oh, really? Okay, yeah.

Merily: He's pounding on the desk.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I was pounding on the desk, getting all excited.

Warren: I thought it was an earthquake happening in Park City, Utah, but I guess—

Dr. Pompa: Sometimes it could be, in fact, a dog underneath the desk.

Merily: It's Remy. She's belly up.

Dr. Pompa: This time it wasn't. Anyways, so my wife definitely, at times when her adrenals were terrible on this test, had an inability to adapt to stress normally. Adrenal products didn't help her a lot. It helped some, I would say. Would you say?

Merily: Yeah. I did well working upstream with my adrenals, I think. More pituitary—

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, the pituitary product, Warren, called Gb from Systemic, when she would take it, she would just sleep way deeper.

Merily: I liked Seriphos.

Dr. Pompa: Seriphos was the other product that we showed on a past show, how to support the adrenals. don't recall what the name of that show was, but I think if—

Warren: I think it was on adrenal fatigue, I believe.

Dr. Pompa: The part Seriphos definitely helped her. So did Gb. Once again, a lot of people take a lot of adrenal products, but it really is downstream. She went into the pituitary and really addressed that. The Seriphos helps protect from producing too much cortisol. Those two things made a big difference. Ultimately, though, I'd have to stress again, you have to remove the stressors.

Merily: I've been working hard at all of that from much upstream. Even the emotional stress, even though we've gone through a lot of emotional stress, there's still wounds from it that I've been working on. I can honestly say I really attribute just my faith and trust in what God has been up to to really right my heart. In that process, I think there's a lot of things that spill over.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Actually, let's talk about that. I think that it is appropriate. I talk a lot about chemical stresses. We all know that emotional stresses can bring a certain effect on our hormones and how we adapt to stress and our health in general.

Warren: Too true.

Dr. Pompa: Warren, you've watched Merily go through counseling from her childhood. I'll let her speak to it, but as I've watched my wife change, getting the lead out of her, physically change, it was amazing. I watched her hormones change on tests and in a lot of other ways. Watching her heal from a lot of the wounds that she had as a child and realizing that that was affecting her health. I believe it was one of your mother's big sources. Yeah, your mother had lead, your mother had these things that you had that you inherited, but again, your mother had some anger things that she never, ever, ever got out of her life, and I believe, in my heart, that always leads to cancer. If you read the story and R5 article, her mom did end up dying of cancer, and my wife was heading down the same road. That's why I say this test saved my wife's life. Talk about that, because I think you feel comfortable to talk about some of the wounds that you had as a child and how that affected you later.

Warren: It's removing the cause, right?

Dr. Pompa: It is.

Merily: Yeah, I think for me—not that I'm one to wallow in self-pity, but we've been through a lot of things that we didn't sign up for. I didn't necessarily—I only interpreted it in my head as God is sovereign, and he wants to produce something through our lives that he knows what we're going to sign up for and what we're not. Oftentimes, he will bring those things. He has one goal in mind, and that's to enrich us and make us more useful and, simultaneously, heal us from the things that are within that we didn't have any control over, aka our childhood. As these things began happening in my life, and as I began embracing them and feeling chosen and special and privileged and honored and able to glorify God, I also started to have to cohabit my body with my heart that was not responding like my head. I was definitely not liking when stressors, because of those things, would impact how I had to interpret the challenges within my life. It was hard. I had to come face-to-face—I had to stop justifying why I was doing certain things in my behavior patterns or my resentment or bitterness or certain things. I had to say that you know what, I have a choice. If I believe what I know in my head is true, then I've got to surrender old patterns of behavior and the way I'm looking at things and say, “What does God want to do with me, and how is he going to bring that about?” As I have begun, obviously, I did have to seek the counsel of a professional. It wasn't easy for me to be ready for that. Honestly, my husband pushed me, and Warren, you pushed me there. I remember even Rebecca and Danny pushing me there. I was resistant.

Dr. Pompa: You were, yeah. You didn't—just to bring it to a total understanding, she had abandonment issues from the time she was a kid. She always would say to me, “I never met my father, really. He left when I was—” how old?

Merily: One.

Dr. Pompa: “—one.” I don't miss him at all. I was like, no, that's not normal, because you grew up knowing you didn't have a father. It creates abandonment issues, which then later create certain patterns of behavior as an adult. As a child, a teenager—

Merily: Protection.

Dr. Pompa: Protection. I always saw Merily as very, very protected. Put up a very good front, but very protected. It created certain behaviors that became hard in our marriage.

Merily: It's hard to be corrected when you're protecting yourself all the time. I would always think I'm better. I always had a reason for why I did certain things, and it didn't matter that you saw—again, honestly and fairly, this is still a fair reality, you as my husband have a vested interest in my behavior being a certain way. I did resist a lot. I know you have my back, but you also have a selfish motive, too. That's peace and all thing working well.

Dr. Pompa: That's ultimately what I wanted. The bottom line was—because I don't want to get too far off track here—the bottom line is that affected her health as part of it.

Warren: Massively, yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Ultimately, it was healing that and a lot of the—I'm going to lose battery here in a second, so if you could give me that cord under there—it was getting through—she's getting a cord because it came out of my—the dog knocks it out. It was getting through that, it was healing from that, that also had a massive impact on her hormones. It had a massive impact on the healing and who she is today. It's not just physical. Yeah, she got the lead out. She had to get through that and some of the behavior patterns that really had occurred from those wounds as a child. We see that. There's people that I see that are very, very wounded physically, and have a lot of physical manifestations. It can be a combination of physiology, emotional stuff, wounds as a child, and then it manifests into a hormonal test like this.

Warren: I know that in the past, Dr. Pompa, sitting down with consults with you, a lot of times you'd be very honest with the patient as you assessed them. You wouldn't even take them on as a client or coach them until they seek professional help for their obvious wounds that were spilling out in the consult and blaming. You knew that you wouldn't be able to help them, because it was too much of an interference. Again, we're not, as health coaches, equipped to deal with some of those bigger issues. It is critical and important—if you're getting angry at every turn, you're smashing your adrenals at every turn.

Dr. Pompa: We create identities that we get attached to.

Merily: Look what I came up with.

Dr. Pompa: She's under the desk.

Warren: Down with the cord, up with the puppy.

Dr. Pompa: We create identities, oftentimes, that we don't want to get rid of, honestly, because they're protections. Those identities are working against us in every way: physically, emotionally, in relationships. Honestly, we feel like if we lose that identity, then who are we. I see that in patients, Warren. I've been much better at screening people, because a lot of times, if they're not willing to let go of their identity of sickness, I've learned that you just can't simply help those people. Believe it or not, they would never understand that in that moment, but their sickness becomes something that gains them attention and just an identity of who they are. Many people struggle with that. Again, nobody watching this is going to raise their hands and say, “That's me,” but pray about it, those who are watching us. Has your sickness become an identity? I know in your conscious mind you're saying, “My gosh, this ruining my life, my relationships, and there's nothing more I want is to be well.” Yet, there's the unconscious mind, oftentimes, is hanging onto a certain sickness because the greater fear is not knowing who you are outside of your sickness. I know that's a really huge subject. Again, just understanding wounds and life, emotions, abandonment, abuse. Any of these things can affect a hormone test.

Merily: Unmet expectations.

Dr. Pompa: Unmet expectations. You name it, it can affect a hormone test.

Warren: This is science, guys, just so you know. You can quote some of the science behind that. This isn't—I think you mentioned on the last show, what's the name of that book that's very clear on how your emotions affect hormones and health? Robert—

Merily: Mellilo?

Warren: No.

Dr. Pompa: I don't know. Maybe it was Bruce Lipton's work?

Warren: Yeah, Bruce Lipton's work. Yeah.

Merily: “The Biology of Belief.”

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, “The Biology of Belief.” We have thoughts. If you're angry, every thought drives cellular inflammation, for better or for worse. Good thoughts can down regulate cellular inflammation, whereas bad thoughts, angry thoughts, can obviously up regulate cellular inflammation. Therefore, as you know, as the cell inflames, the hormone receptors get blunted. Then you see a negative test. Warren, tell them where to go to get this test under “Shopping Cart,” because that' what people are going to say. “I want that test.” Where can they go? We make it available through DirectLabs on our site.

Warren: Yeah, let me go to our website, and I'll just walk it through myself. You go to DrPompa.com—Dr, POM like the water, P-O-M-P-A, Pa, which is what I call my dad. That's just another inside—just to bring it full circle with how I name my parents. After you go there, you would go to DrPompa.com. Then I would go to “Shop”—

Dr. Pompa: It's the last one.

Warren: Underneath “Other Products” under “Shop.” If you would scroll straight down from “Shop,” it would be “Discount Lab Testing.” Then you would click there, and there is a great discount by going through there. Then that will bring you to the site. Then you would click the “Order Tests.”

Dr. Pompa: When you order a test, do not get the drop downs. Everyone gets caught up in the drop downs, so I make people take notes, “Do not click drop downs,” because it sucks you in, and then I get a load of emails, and so does the staff. Avoid the drop down. When you click “Order Tests,” that is the page. Scroll down.

Warren: Let me tell you what drop downs are. When you scroll over it, when you put your mouse over “Order Tests,” it's going to say, “Direct Access Imaging,” “Specialty Labs.” Don't click either of those. Just click right on the original big blue square, “Order Tests.” Then, when you do that, you'll be able to see the HCF Advanced Female Hormone Panel and then the discounted pricing there, to be able to do that. You can do that. Then there's also the male version of that. I think they can order the same test, right? The same test kit can do that. Then there's also the male version of that. I think they can order the same test, right? Is it the same test kit? No, it says HCF Male Hormone Panel, which is down a little further. The HCF Advanced Female Hormone Panel.

Dr. Pompa: It should be about $673.00 for the test. Is that what it says there?

Warren: The advanced—

Dr. Pompa: No, they don't want the advanced. They just want the regular. That's why I was asking.

Warren: Oh, see I'm not even doing this right. The HCF Male Hormone Panel is $693.00, which is a great rate, by the way. That's the practitioner cost, if you go in—because I just ran the test. Then they have the HCF Female Hormone Panel, which is $673.00.

Dr. Pompa: That's it, $673.00. That's what I always tell people, is, “You'll know by the price it's the right one.” Yeah, that's the one you want. Worth every stinking penny. If this test was $10,000.00, would it be worth it? It would.

Warren: My wife has just done two of them herself. That's one other question, I know, that we have on here. We have, actually, two minutes left and wrap up, but a lot of questions we do get—this, and especially with my wife— ‘Is this a great test to take before I get pregnant,” or “Can I learn a lot about my inability go get pregnant from a test like this?”

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. Obviously, we're looking at all the hormones in a very accurate way. Pregnancy has a massive draw on your hormones. It becomes very stressful. A lot of the people that I deal with, they were fine. They felt fine. Then they get pregnant, and now they're not. If hormones get to a certain level and stressed, it can trigger autoimmune. Then all of a sudden, it's like, “I was pregnant. Now I can't lose weight,” or “I was pregnant. After that was my fatigue started.” So much of these odd symptoms start after pregnancy, and it's because—

Merily: Mine did.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It's because of the stress. Again, when you look at a test like this, you can literally predict, “Uh-oh, this is not going to go well.” Each pregnancy, someone gets more and more sick, to where the bottom ends up falling out, and it wasn't by accident.

Merily: Then there's the one client that just got pregnant working with you.

Warren: I know, right? Yeah…

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly.

Merily: A little caught off guard?

Dr. Pompa: For years trying to get pregnant, years. As soon as we started starting the cellular work and some of the detox, she got pregnant just like that.

Merily: Not the first time.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, not the first time that's happened, but the first time she had been pregnant. Of course, we shifted gears. Yeah, that's exactly right. When you work upstream, you can alter the hormones that quickly. This test is a lifesaver. Again, leaving people on this note. It's not just about throwing more hormones at people. It's about fixing the cell to get well. You have to remove the source. Yeah, we've watched my wife's tests get better, but ultimately, it was removing the stressors, was removing the lead—but the test gives us the areas that we needed to support her in that, that she didn't develop cancer or another massive hormone problem. We protected her while removed the source, and that's the take-home message today.

Merily: It is consistent effort over time.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, it is.

Merily: There is no better feeling than knowing that you've worked hard and stayed the course, despite the challenges within it. It's given indicators toward other things, too. Just knowing that at the end of the day, God wants us to be loved. He wants us to be healthy. It doesn't come easy. We live in an environment that we honestly don't have control over. Not just our emotions sometimes, but even our physical experiences and exposures to things. It's encouraging to know that there are solutions, but they're not easy.

Warren: Yeah, it's a journey. I know that until I removed the interference, Merily, of my mercury and lead things, I couldn't even emotionally think about getting counseling. I was so sick on that end, yet I still have my wounds. You've been counseling me there. “You'll go to the next level. You'll be a better husband, a better business owner, a better friend, as you work through some of the emotional toxicity that you have.” I had to remove a lot of the—my biggest issue was the mercury from my previous work. It's neat that both work hand-in-hand. When we got sick, we didn't choose it. I didn't choose to be exposed to heavy metals, and it destroyed my life for five years. However, on the other side of that, great things can happen. That's the hope—like the great things in your life, Merily. You're a better mom, you're a better friend. Our conversations are wonderful. You've inspired me to be a better person. It's neat. You can start giving back.

Merily: The encouragement within that—honestly, it's there's something calm within you. When you're in turmoil and you're struggling with different things, no matter whether they're thrown at you or they're voluntarily contracted, whatever it is—when you know that your heart and your life is taking a different turn, and you're surrendering and trusting and working on all of these things, then you look back, and there's just something in your spirit that just is settled. There is no amount of money, there is no amount of work, that is not worth that feeling of knowing that within, you have less anxiousness about your circumstances or about your life or about where it's going. It is so satisfying. I continue to take that without the excitement of—I'm an excited person, but I definitely have an edge to me that's gone.

Warren: Yes, you're free!

Dr. Pompa: Remove the interference. I've got to go do another call.

Warren: See you next week, guys. Thanks for being on the call. Share the message. CellularHealing.tv. We love and appreciate all of our viewers. Bye-bye.

Merily: Bye.

36: Natural Immune Support Protocols for Ebola

Transcript of Episode 36: Natural Immune Support Protocols for Ebola

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: All right, we are live. Cellular Healing TV, I believe episode 36, there's a contention for episode 37. We'll find out before the end of the show. I'm sure someone on my team will let me know, or someone viewing today. We have a special guest with us today. I hope that I pronounce your last name correctly. It's A.J. Lanigan. He's an immune expert from the standpoint of natural health. He—let me read his little bio here. He has 20 years' experience in immunology, and various disciplines. He graduated from the University of South Carolina. You'll find out quickly that he does have a southern accent, God bless his heart, from the College of Pharmacy there. He formed his own company in 1980. I know there's a story to why he probably did that because he—just like he mentioned in our little call before the show, the southern area doesn't have much tolerance. They got to do things right. If they feel like they're being ripped off or cheated, they're going to come at you. I know that this guy in this field, the natural health related field had definitely done that, and has a quite a unique history and impact on the natural health and wellness industry, specifically with immunology—it's a tough word for me to say, and the research of Beta Glucan. There's some really, really great research out on that and its health support. I know that many of you are probably watching this show because it was advertised a little bit about the Ebola scare. We might not give you the complete answer you're looking for, but we want to discuss a little bit about that because he does have a lot of relevant experience in immunology, and so does Dr. Pompa because of the biochemists that we work with. I want to get that banter going right away, today here on Cellular Healing TV. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for joining us, A.J., Dr. Pompa, and our other co-host, David Asarnow. I'll turn it over to you Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, A.J. we had a good laugh before we got on because Warren was saying, “How's the sound?” You said, “Yeah, how's my sound?” I said, “Your sound's okay, but I'm detecting a little accent.” You went on to explain that just—even in South Carolina there's different—actually, I was saying it's actually called a dialect, different dialects within just a few miles of one another. You went and imitated them, so you're more than welcome to do that at any time during the show because you had me almost off my chair laughing. Hey, welcome. I'm going to start the show with this because years ago I did some research on Beta Glucan, and you and I had this conversation. My first questions were, yeah, I tried that. I saw this amazing research about Beta Glucan, and I couldn't have been more excited. I totally got it. Then, I tried the products and didn't—wasn't impressed. That's the first thing I came at you for—with. Okay, Beta Glucans, so I want to make sure we answer that, but we better back up just a bit for some of our listening audience. What the heck are we talking about, Beta Glucan, what are they for? Why was I so excited then, and why am I so excited now?

A.J.: Essentially, Beta Glucan is really a broad term. You can say, okay, glucans, what are glucans? Let's compare it to paint. If I asked you to go get a bucket of paint, what would you bring me? Quickly, what would be in the bucket?

Dr. Pompa: Something colorful and liquid.

A.J.: What color would it be?

Dr. Pompa: For me, yellow; I always love yellow.

A.J.: I love yellow, in fact, there's a certain spectrum of yellow. The golden arches is the most visible spectrum of light to the human eye. That's why when you look in the horizon, you can see the golden arches over and above anything, safety yellow, technically. Would you be bringing me an oil-based paint, or a water-based paint?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, probably these days—

David: Latex.

Dr. Pompa: No, that's—they're water-based now. They're as good as oil-based.

A.J.: They're easy to clean, but this particular paint, I want a little more durability.

Dr. Pompa: Then, oil-based is your base coat, the things that are going to take the abuse.

A.J.: There you go, so I need that. Would you run back and get me some oil base? By the way, my favorite color is red. I need some red, oil-based paint, okay? You with me?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah.

A.J.: All right, now, did you bring me something that had a really high sheen, or is it more flat, satiny, what's the—

Dr. Pompa: We'll go with a shell, semi-gloss, something like that.

A.J.: Semi-gloss is generally good, but hey, I like to stick out. I like that high sheen on that stuff. You're now seeing that the term paint is a very, very broad term, and so is glucan. Glucan could be something that we get from oats or barley. In fact, you're hearing the little girl on the Cheerios commercial now talking about glucans. We can get glucans from seaweed, we can get it from the cell wall of certain bacteria. Mushrooms, if you're in the far-east, or Southeast Asia, Japan, for thousands of years they've been using mushroom as part of their culture, and part of their medicine. Glucan is in that cell wall of those mushrooms. In fact, fungi, in general, are very, very rich sources of Beta Glucan.

Warren: Is that why they have the immune products that I see?

Dr. Pompa: Mushrooms.

Warren: Mushrooms, yeah, all the time.

A.J.: In fact, the second best immune compound in the world is actually a drug approved in Japan some probably 30 plus years ago, called PSK Krestin. The recommendation is for cancer. It comes in little, small sachets, like what Alka Seltzer comes in. You use anywhere from three to six grams a day. The cost is $10 a gram, so you're looking at a mere $900 to $1800 a month for that material, but not to worry about it because it's covered by insurance and it's only available by prescription. In our testing of different compounds, PSK Krestin, of course, was one of our first to establish exactly what we were looking for in immunological response. Now, what we use is the cell wall of baker's yeast. Baker's yeast, again, is a fungal form specifically, saccharomyces cerevisiae. You can say that in any dialect you like, it's still tough to say 10 times in a row. This particular baker's yeast, we've created a proprietary strain so that from process to process we get the same kind of result each and every time in regards to purity, potency, and hence biological activity. As you stated, you can go out there and try paints, and you can get good results, or you can try paints and get less than good results. We've covered some of the high spots, but you can even get paints that last you two or three years, five or 10 years and longer. The same thing with glucans—don't let the fact that glucan being used as a description convince you that a rose is a rose is a rose.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, so I mean let's tie in. We know that these Beta Glucans have an amazing effect on the immune system. With all the Ebola scare going on right now, I—look, we're not going to make claims that someone can take Beta Glucan and not get Ebola. We're not going to say that. However, in my eyes, these people—I say, okay, 50% of the people survive this horrific disease. We all know that it has to do with their immune system, the ability of their immune system to beat down these things, right? The person who survives cancer, and we can go down the list. Hypothetically, how would Beta Glucan impact a virus like Ebola?

A.J.: Of course the only way that you absolutely prove or disprove such a conjecture is you test it. I will tell you from experience, there's been a lot of testing on our specific product. It's been tested against Anthrax. It's been tested against small pox. It's been tested against the antibody resistant bugs. It's been tested against radiation, chemotherapy, a wide list of things. We always have a very, very short line in regards to volunteers when we go to test these kinds of things. When you talk in terms of lethal, or even sublethal dosing, we pretty much have to use rats. I used to say mice, but sometimes some people get a little attached to those little cuddly things, so we use the rats. I'll compare it to Anthrax. The studies on Anthrax are relatively simple. We did several groups. One was—we dosed seven days prior, every day. We dosed seven days prior, every other day. Then, a third group we dosed day-of only, and then administered a lethal dose of Anthrax. Now, the reason I use Anthrax is it is somewhat similar, and that both Anthrax and Ebola actually invade immune cells. They tend to send chemical messages that confuse or shut down what would otherwise be considered normal, immune response, specifically immune cells referred to a neutrophils. Neutrophils are our first line defenders in regards to the white blood cells. If they're not doing their job, particularly in something like Anthrax or Ebola, either one, then you're pretty much screwed because they're actually—I mean that's a highly technical term for our audience. It is—you're in deep doo doo.

Dr. Pompa: That's a southern term, that's a southern—

David: So's yeller, so's yeller.

Warren: Say that again, what happens there that –

Dr. Pompa: The neutrophils aren't up and running fast. You get overtaken quick. You have to have a good first line of defense, which is in fact the neutrophils.

A.J.: By the way, testing against Anthrax is not the same thing as testing against Ebola. It's an example of a horrifically lethal compound. Having tested against smallpox, the same thing, lethal dose. With the Anthrax, we actually had better luck believe it or not. There was anywhere from 90 to 100% survival against lethal dose of Anthrax. I think that's pretty good. With smallpox, and this was the same strain by the way, they killed hundreds of thousands back in the 1917, 1918 pandemic. There was over a 50% survival there. You hit the nail on the head earlier. If you are to survive, in fact, one of the doctors when those first two treatments were successful, came out of Emory. He was asked, “What's what?” He said, “There's two reasons for survival, good nutrition and a good immune response.” You are all over it when you save cancer, influenza, flesh-eating bacteria, whatever the challenge. Ladies and gentlemen, we only exist here on this planet over the decades, over the centuries, because of what's inside. Not because of some pill in a bottle, not some instrument, some protocol, it's because whoever made our immune systems made it sufficient to withstand anything this earth, this planet, and man to date could throw at it less a nuclear weapon or two. Those are the people left standing, is the people again who have that immune system that's up here when the challenge is down here. As that challenge jumps up, you need to raise that immune response or guess what, you succumb to the challenge, you get diagnosed with something, Lord, God forbid you have to go to the hospital because that's the beginning of the end.

David: The visual I get here, and I'm the non-technical person because I just play a doctor on Cellular Healing TV, I'm not really. When I hear you talking about that, I'm also envisioning a picture of a bucket right here in front of me. The bucket's filled with water or good things. These bad things come, it's like there's no room in the bucket so they spill over. You may get a little bit residual on top, which you get sick, but there's not a lot of space. If you don't have these neutrophils or these other things, there's a lot of space. All of a sudden, these bad things come in and it can start filling up. That's why people open themselves up because they don't have their bucket full with all these good things. I don't know if it's a good analogy or not, but it's at least—when you started talking, it's what I saw.

A.J.: Paint no bones about it now. It looks like you've got maybe just a little bit of gray in your hair. Believe it or not, when somebody was mailing Anthrax around, you remember those days?

David: Yes.

A.J.: People were dying. Did everybody die that handled those letters? No, the people that died are the people that had insufficient immune response, plain and simple. Does that mean that I can take a dose of my Beta Glucan and run out there to the mailbox and snort up real good on an envelope? Let me tell you something, if I'm opening bills or whatever, and Anthrax dust falls out, you know where I'm headed? I'm headed to the closest pharmacy for some Cipro. I mean that's where it is. The bottom line is, it really—a good dose of common cold can kill a person if their immune response is not where it needs to be, flu shots notwithstanding. I mean, all of these different things that are putting people in the ground every day—I mean you look at the Centers for Disease Control, their numbers are 30, 40, 50,000 people a year, here in the U.S., not in the middle of Africa. They're dying of the flu, not some nutty variant of the flu, just common flu bugs. Why don't 300 plus million people die of the flu? Again, proper nutrition and an immune system that can hold its own against those challenges on those days.

Dr. Pompa: It is all immunity. I mean, that's—we talk in depth on this show about the microbiome, it's our inner ecology of bugs, viruses, funguses, you name it working in a system to not only protect us from immunity but to run our hormones, determines more about who we are even than our own cells, a lot of the bacteria DNA that we share. It's an amazing concept. These viruses that are very strong, like Ebola, they do, they inject their DNA into our immune cells. That's how these things can spread. Back up, how would a product like Beta Glucan protect against this? Would it protect us from it? Would it protect us after—obviously again, we're talking about those who survive which hey, 50% do. Therefore, that is someone who has a better immune system. How does Beta Glucan play into that?

A.J.: Again, what I want to try to do is compare to the closest thing that I can that has already been researched. That would be the Anthrax. What happens in Anthrax, very similar to Ebola, is when it invades, it invades into our immune cells themselves. Let's go back to those neutrophils. When you get your bloodwork done, and you look at it, the NEU, those are your neutrophils; MONO, those are your monocytes; EOS, those are eosinophils. If you look at the percentage of neutrophils, on any given day, you're looking at 50, 60, 70% easy of all the total white blood cells in your body. We're not talking about millions of cells, we're not talking about billions, we're talking about trillions of white blood cells in your immune army. When you look at—whatever the—and there's some argument about whether the human body has 100 to 110, 120 trillion, 10% of those cells are your immune cells. Fifty to 70% of 10 to 12 trillion, that's more than just a little gang. If you can turn those cells on, we like to use the term activate them, and the mechanism of action with Anthrax is straightforward. We activate the neutrophil. When that Anthrax comes into the body, bodabing, bodaboom, it doesn't have to go up through a series of steps to become activated because our Beta Glucan molecule has already activated that unique receptor. It used to be called a glucan receptor before we had the technology to figure out that it was CR3. I know we're getting a little technical here, but just think about—it's a little switch that the higher molecule is the key to that switch and turns it on. It is operating at optimum level. When the bad guy shows up, it doesn't matter if the bad guy is Anthrax, or the flu bug, or whatever it is. It is ready to gobble it up and destroy it before it can start to vegetate. That was the key in determining how effective our material was in regards to Anthrax. Now, again, I can only use that as an example. I'm not going to tell you that it's exactly the same thing with Ebola, but I will tell you that the people in general, with the better immune systems, regardless of how we would figure it out precisely, are the ones that have got the better chance. I'm not telling you not to eat well. I'm telling you eat well, stay away from the sugars, don't drink to excess, get plenty of rest, all those sort of things. If you think you want to tackle Ebola head on, just let me know what flight you're going to be on, I don't want to be on that plane regardless of taking my beta.

Dr. Pompa: I don't blame you. Here's the thing, Beta Glucan, the people who are taking it with great success with cancer, all types of different immune challenges, right? They were paying a lot per pill, up to about $100 per pill. These companies came out, and all of a sudden you're buying a bottle for $60. I'm skeptical, I'm thinking well, how is that possible? The real deal Beta Glucan was about $100 a pill. Hey, if it's $100 a pill, if I have cancer, or Ebola, or whatever I'm trying to beat down, I'm willing to pay it. That was one of the first questions I asked you. I know the stuff that's real and works is $100 a pill, A.J. Talk to me about that.

A.J.: Actually, the initial product that was out there, that the scientists used, and we're talking about in University settings, teaching hospitals. The product was actually made available through Sigma. When you were doing your lab work, you had this big, thick, Sigma-Aldrich book where you ordered all your standards, you ordered all your equipment, all your—even certain water.

Warren: I remember that.

A.J.: That was—

Warren: In my chemistry days, yeah.

A.J.: They're still around today, and the part number was G as in George. G5011 was the Beta Glucan from saccharomyces cerevisiae when I got involved back in 1996. It was actually $198 per 100 milligram sample, which is about the size of a contact capsule, plus shipping and handling. It's still around today, but the price is much higher. I hadn't checked it in the last year or so, but it's many hundreds of dollars. My claim to fame, very simply, was coming up with processes where we could make this product affordable. I don't know about you, but at $12,000 a bottle, most of my friends would just have to go with whatever the immune system that was dealt them that day. We were able to come up with processes that basically come down to this. You can't just take the cell wall of baker’s yeast and throw it in a pill. You can't just take and grind up mushrooms and throw it in a pill. You can't just dry some seaweed, and grind it up, and throw it in a pill.

Dr. Pompa: By the way, that's what's happening on the free market, by the way.

A.J.: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: That is right, okay.

A.J.: That's why there's so many different brands and market prices, and you've got all this misinformation. The literature that you read, by the way, doctor, was legitimate research. The problem was the research you read was not on the product that was in the bottle –

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, that's why I came to you with great skepticism when we first spoke.

A.J.: I wish everybody in the marketplace had that kind of healthy skepticism. Show me the irrefutable proof. Down here, we call it baptized in fire. I think that every consumer, every healthcare professional, should have the gumption to challenge, “Hey, I'm looking at this bottle, it says such and such on the label, I'd like to see your certificate of analysis, please. I'd like to know your country of origin, and I'd like to see the specific tests that are used to standardize the product that I'm holding in my hand.” Of course, the average consumer doesn't know what I'm talking about, but a healthcare professional owes it to his patient population to be able to do that on their behalf because they're coming to you with trust with putting their health, their quality of health, and in many cases their lives. These are the things—and what I decided to do, rather than have A.J.'s lab down the corner, which by the way we've got a world-class lab up in Minnesota where we do all this work. We put this stuff in the hands of teaching hospitals and major universities, places like University of Louisville, the James Brown Cancer Center, Brown University, the University of Minnesota, not just here in the United States, but overseas. When you go to MEDLINE or PubMed, which is where all the healthcare professionals go to do their medical research, their reading, and you type in my product, Beta Glucan and say, Vaclav Vetvicka, who is one of the lead researchers at the University of Louisville, you're going to pull up dozens of articles specifically naming my brand. You're going to see, again, the Anthrax articles, the radioactivity articles, the chemotherapy articles. Another type of article that you seldom see is side-by-side comparisons with other glucans in the market. Other compounds like Transfer Factor, Wolfberry, cocktails of mushrooms and vitamins and probiotics, if it's up there on the radar and it's touting immune support or immune enhancing or immune stimulation, we've tested it. We started this attack back in 2006, and hundreds of different products and types of products have been tested and been published in the peer review medical journal. As a healthcare professional, and as a consumer, you can rest assured we've turned every leaf, we've flipped every stone, and if it jumps up next week, next month, that's going to be one more that will be tested and added to what I call the wall of shame.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I love that because that's what matters, knowing what you're getting. The product has to work. It's always a pet peeve of mine, A.J., that in the alternative world where we really hold the correct philosophy, there's so much junk that gets brought. Gosh, I can't tell you how many product you brought my way. I get tired because most of it would be put on the wall of shame, even with what is in the pills. It gives what we do a bad name, when really what we do is the answer, building natural immunity, removing interference. The body can in fact do the healing. That really gave me some encouragement. After we had spoke, I started to dig deeper in some of those things. I got absolutely more excited about something that I was excited about a while ago as being a real answer, something that really does work, especially for the immune system. Here we are in the flu season. I agree, I mean look, if you're going to eat the standard American diet and think that you have the proper immune system, good luck. If there was one product that I would say to add, it would be this product for sure. Again, I don't expect everyone to jump off this call and start reading all the literature. I encourage you to do so, but look, the research on this is real. This is—stimulates your first line of defense. It's not our opinion, we can actually back that by studies. Here we are in this season with flu, Ebola, let's just keep going down the list, right, I mean all these things that we don't want. Hey, this is what I'm doing.

A.J.: Sometimes the news media tends to add a little bit of fuel to the fire. I know a couple years ago, West Nile Virus was going to take us all down, right? A couple blue—well, it took down a lot of blue jays. I do a radio show here in Columbia each Tuesday, “Health, Wealth, and Happiness,” sponsored by some folks here locally. It's a fun show. We did the show on the West Nile Virus because again, that's what dominated debate. I said, “It's interesting,” I said, “It's a shame for those people who have lost their lives to this unique bug.” I said, “Before I came to the show I did a little work.” Actually, more people—and if you remember, I think it was SARS. Somebody flipped the switch and shut down Canada, or some province of Canada, remember that, all because they had one or two cases. When I went to the literature, I found that more people die in Canada that had been effected by SARS. We see these things, and certainly I don't mean to sound disrespectful towards people who lose their lives at any time for anything, but it's not just the complex or the sexy or exotic things that get us. Think about just school kids who started back within the last month or so, and all the sniffling, and they're rubbing the goo, and the kids are rubbing up against the teachers, and the toys they put in their mouth. They bring all that home with you. You think about the people, just from those types of childhood diseases, are going to end up causing somebody with a weakened immune system to assume room temperature. It doesn't have to come in here from central Africa, it can come in from the local kindergarten.

Dr. Pompa: Always the humor is that people think that they're going to avoid the cold or the flu. I seem to have—you've been exposed to that dozens of times. It will get you when your immune system's down. There's no avoiding it. The snots and the things, they come home no matter what. It's every—on every doorknob. It's unavoidable. The immune system's the key. I have two things that I want to accomplish before we get off this show. Before I get too far down that road, Warren, everyone's going, “Okay, how do I get the products.” Obviously, I know we have it on our site, but I'll let Warren do that. Then I have a question—two things that I want to accomplish, Warren?

Warren: Yeah, we—let me switch it over to me here. I wanted to ask A.J. on this, the product that you shipped us, the RYL Beta 500, the Beta 1-3D Glucan, that is on our site right now at revelationhealth.com. You can also call our office, 888-600-0642. Why is this Beta 500 version, is it more potent, more powerful? What makes this one even better than some of the other—you have different ones that you've manufactured. What's important about this one, the milligrams, the dose? Also, how do we take it? Then, I have one other question, how do we take it? Do we take it on a daily basis? Do we cycle it? Is it something we take every day? Give us some of those details. I know I need to know that as well because I've been having that same question.

A.J.: The simplest product that you've ever seen in your life, the only thing you need to know to dose this material is the person's body weight. It doesn't matter how old they are, doesn't matter how tall they are, doesn't matter if they're male, female, sex doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if they're having sex. All of these things are moot. It's body weight. Now, the 500 milligram is for those people who want or need additional immune support. You might want to jot that down because that way we are able to cleverly prevent the—I wasn't going to say FNDA because that would be rude on a public show like this, but the FDA doesn't like us to talk in terms of curing, or preventing, or mitigating, so we won't. Again, for those people who want or need additional immune support, that's what that 500's all about. One capsule per 55 pounds of body weight, best taken on an empty stomach, wait about 30 minutes before eating solid food. People say, “A.J., what if I forget? Can I have it with my coffee? Do I have to take it with water?” All of these things are good questions. The bottom line is the uptake of this stuff, Warren, is in the small intestine through what we call the Peyer's patches. Just don't stick the pill in the middle of a double beef whopper with cheese. Time of day, doesn't make any difference. Very simple directions on the bottle, one capsule per 55 pounds of body weight. This you would consider to be the dose for really putting the immune system higher. A lot of people don't know this, but even a 24 karat gold, five-star athlete eating the best foods, getting the best rest, breathing the best air, drinking the best water, only about 30 to 31% of that immune system is going to come to their aid in the face of a challenge. When you take this material, you raise that from 30% to 35% to 40% to 45—in other words, the more material you take on a per weight basis, the higher the immune response. Literally, you get to get up in the morning and choose where you want your immune system to be. If you want that 30 give or take percent, and again that's a healthy person, have at it. If you want more immune support, that's why you're taking the 500's.

Dr. Pompa: Here's the first question I have. You're the expert, not me in this area. What's the threat, right now, to Ebola? You said it, the media has a tendency to put everybody in fear. I'm trying to hold off my wife now. She's not wanting me to fly anywhere. What's the real fear, A.J. with your expertise looking at it? What do you think? Give us a projection.

A.J.: On Ebola specifically?

Dr. Pompa: Specifically, Ebola.

A.J.: First of all, I have little to no faith in what the media gives us. I can't judge anything based on that. I mean they get their little blippits from a little piece of paper. I've held those little pieces of paper in my hand, and just the typos tell me that idiots prepared them. The bottom line is that all the information we have to date clearly says that contact with either the person, or bodily fluids, or feces, or semen, it can live on other objects. The person can be dead. I mean, clearly contact is a sure way of contracting the disease. They've looked at what they refer to as reservoirs for disease. In other words, we look at fruit bats, we look at pigs, we look at other animals that they've tested. Yes, there are some animals that can actually be carriers for this disease whether or not they “see the symptoms or not.” There's a relatively short incubation time, just a couple of days before the fevers and the other “flu-like symptoms” occur.

Warren: How many days is that, roughly?

A.J.: Excuse me?

Warren: After exposure.

A.J.: Just a couple days.

Warren: If you fly home and you're not getting flu-like symptoms after a couple of days, Dr. Pompa, you should be in the clear.

A.J.: Yeah.

Warren: I'm just being very specific right now.

A.J.: I want to tell you that I've read some stuff where even high school kids will somehow get their hands on the air filters of commercial airlines and put them on culture plates and so forth. It would scare you to death to see what grows on those culture plates just on any given day on any commercial airline. Just know that every time you breathe in, you're breathing in what those other hundred or two hundred plus people just breathed out. Whether it's Ebola, whether it's the flu, whether it's whatever, again, that immune system needs to be strong. I have to be honest with you. I haven't lost anything in Africa. I definitely would not be taking any sight-seeing tours in Africa. If I had to do some sight-seeing right now, it might be out to areas where there's not a lot of population. If I don't come into contact with them, they're not going to hurt me. There's just so much unknown about this.

Dr. Pompa: What about accidental contact, right? I mean, someone who's on an airplane who's—well, I mean we just saw that. They let the woman board an airplane.

A.J.: I don't think that was accidental contact. I think that was again, just a poor result of the people that are supposed to be the smartest people in the world, chuckle, chuckle, our government, overseeing a really serious scenario. I don't think that anybody from Congress, I don't think from anybody from the Administration who would want to be sitting next to that lady. No offense to her, but at least she had—at least the news reports tell us she had sense enough to call before she got on the plane, and got I believe some of the worst advice in the world. Again, we don't know, we just don't know what it means to be in an airplane fuselage packed in. I know that I've got on my wide-angle lens here, and it doesn't look like I'm that large, but typically I blot out the sun when I walk through the door. I know that if I'm sitting next to you in a seat, there's going to be contact. I don't want you, and you don't want me to have the flu. You don't want you vice versa to have a cold, and you darn sure don't want Ebola or Anthrax in the mix.

Dr. Pompa: What do you think, I mean do you think we'll end up in the thousands here in the U.S.? What's your opinion?

A.J.: Again, I can't form an opinion with this few of facts, but if a person wants to be as safe as they can be, logically, they don't leave the house. That's not practical, is it? Me, you, and the other 40 or 50 people have got to get out there and stimulate this nation's economy to keep it viable. The practicality is, do the best you can do in regards to your nutrition, do the best you can do with stress, all the other things that affect your good health, and do what you can to help support and maintain a good immune response. After that, it's all in the good Lord's hands. I've seen all those movies. I love those movies like “Outbreak,” and “Ugh, I've got to find that damn monkey.” I mean that's one of my favorite things with Dustin Hoffman.

Dr. Pompa: When I was talking the other day, I said, who knows if this thing hits the hundredth monkey, then we can see something spread. Of course you thought surely, guys, I didn't realize it was affecting monkeys.

A.J.: It has been examined, and then like I say, it's the unknown that's the scariest thing about it. I'm not about panicking people. I'm about trying to come up with solutions. The best solution we have is right here inside of us, doc.

Dr. Pompa: I'm going to take my Beta Glucan and continue the life that I teach. That's for sure. There's one more thing that you have to do for everyone. You said there's different dialects in South Carolina just miles from one another. Let's hear how this is in South Carolina.

A.J.: I'm in central South Carolina, and for people that are born and raised and are the products of public education here, speak very much like I do. As you get down near the coast, in what we call the Low Country, there's a little bit of a dialect. They refer to them many times as the Geechees. The Geechees will live out in the country, and you'll come in and say, “Hey there boy, you better run out and feed that darn goat. That goat gonna completely starve to death if you don't get down there and feed that goat.” Then we travel a hundred miles in the other direction, Clemson University would probably be the closest thing to civilization up there. I've got a lot of friends, by the way, up there in the Lake Hartwell area, and Oconee County. Oconee's probably one of my favorite. It's, “A.J.,” again, a little more nasal. “You've got to hurry up and get up there in Oconee County now cuz we havin' some problems. This, this Ebola thing is, is, is, is comin' our way son. I done dug, I done dug my, my, my, my, my hole down up under my, my outhouse. I don't think nobody can find me there, but you know that Ebola, we don't know what it does, we don't know what it does, so get up here boy,” and everything in between. I'm never going to be able to go up there again.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, I made you do it, I made you do it, oh my gosh. Then, we have a colleague of ours, Faith Hill. We had her on there, on here. It's not Faith Hill the singer, by the way. She's got me saying, “Y'all,” A.J. Y'all this, y'all that, in fact after a few hours with her I start pulling right into the North Carolina accent.

A.J.: You have to, again, because we're probably going to have a wide group of listeners here. Do you know the difference between y'all and you all?

Dr. Pompa: No.

Warren: Nope.

A.J.: That is key to translation. Y'all is singular.

Dr. Pompa: Oh yeah, okay. Instead of you all, yeah, I'm glad you made it clear.

A.J.: If you're by yourself, but you all because there's more than—it's like I can see at least three guys there.

Dr. Pompa: I'm from Pittsburgh, A.J., and I'm going to say that none of those are grammatically correct. It's yinz. It's yinz all. Yinz is singular. Yinz all is plural. Yinz all, and yinz, so that's—I'm just saying up where we are from.

David: I'm from Jersey, so it's you's guys.

Warren: We have yinz guys too. We have a mix because the New York, New Jersey influence here so we have yinz, yinz guys.

David: It's you's guys.

A.J.: We've got to get somebody in the mix from Boston so they can park the car for us.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly.

Warren: I love it.

Dr. Pompa: A.J., thank you for all your amazing knowledge. I think that we'll get a lot of—really, a lot of interest in the show. I hope we do. Obviously I think we should considering what's going on around us.

A.J.: Quick plug for a book.

Dr. Pompa: Oh, I was going to hold that book up.

A.J.: Yeah, that's really an ancient tool. People often ask me, “A.J., you learn all—how do you learn all this stuff?” We keep these things cleverly hidden from the public inside these things called books. This book, “Beta Glucan, Nature's Secret” by Dr. Vaclav Vivecka, University of Louisville. It is an excellent primer, not only to teach you about the immune system, but to teach you about Beta Glucan, it's safety, it's benefits. There's a chapter on infectious disease like we've been talking about today, a chapter on cancer, a chapter on mechanism of action, many other chapters. It's extraordinarily informative. The beauty of it is, this is written by disinterested third parties, people not trying to sell you any pills or potions, but simply teaching you what science knows today. Just beautifully well written, and well documented.

Dr. Pompa: Your product's actually compared to other products. I mean they mention your product amongst some others, but yeah, that's great. Then, what you said, independent, not selling your product. A.J., thank you, thank you, I know, like you said, you brought a wealth of knowledge and we appreciate that. Thank you very much.

A.J.: You guys be safe and be healthy.

Warren: It's been a great show, guys. Share the message, share this message with your friends. Share it on Facebook, LinkedIn, and different social media. Let's get some truth out there, guys, CellularHealing.tv, Episode 36 confirmed. Have a great rest of your week. Don't live in fear, live in truth. Take care, God bless everyone.