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28: Fluoride and the Microbiome of the Mouth

Transcript of Episode 28: Flouride and the Microbiome of the Mouth

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Alright, welcome everybody to Cellular Healing TV, I believe, Episode 28. We’ve been at this, guys. Heal the cell, get well, transforming lives. We’re broadcasting live from the Zermatt Hotel. Just outside of Park City. I don’t know the actual city here, but we’re at a conference with Systemic Formulas, a bunch of world-changing physicians and doctors from around the world. Dr. Pompa is a speaker here, and we’re having a blast. We actually received an award last night for our efforts in bringing this mission to the world, Dr. Pompa and I. We do. We lay it down, and so do many of you watching this show. We want to educate you again more today. We were just talking before the call started. We had a little bit of a delay today, but we just had a wonderful eye-opening talk from Dr. Gerry – how do you say his last name, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: Curatola.

Warren: Curatola, a brilliant guy, been all over the media and news with some of his findings and research, and what he’s doing for people, and exposing a lot of the lies in the—when it comes to the health and the health of your mouth. So this was a really intriguing topic, and we’re actually going to bring him on live either within the next two weeks—but we want to introduce that topic to you, and just—it’s mind blowing. I think it’s some new information that many of you haven’t heard before and need to hear. Even on all of the other shows and blogs you may look at, this is one of those topics that you’re not going to see very often. So Dr. Pompa, why don’t we just jump into that topic, and I know that, David, you don’t even know much about this. So you’re going to be the perfect audience to ask some questions.

David: Yeah. I’m here—I happen to be here in Atlanta, so.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. No, it was great. I had told a few people coming, “Hey, look. If you just came just to hear Dr. Gerry, I think it’s worth it.” He is a dentist. He’s a professor at NYU. He’s someone who loves research and standing for the truth. As a matter of fact, he has taken a lot heat for the truth that he has stood for. He was on the Dr. Oz show and talking about amalgam fillings, and he said, “You know, I had to calculate every word I said.” Because they were looking at every word he said, and he took a lot of heat from that show. I remember the responses right after his show—and I didn’t know Gerry then, but the responses were, basically, this is—they sent out to everyone in the ADA, basically, the dentists’ response. One of the first responses was, “Hey, make sure you tell your patients when they ask if this appropriate. If you have silver fillings, then I have them too.” They basically laid out the response for the dentists in how to handle telling people that amalgams are, in fact, safe, and that Dr. Gerry and the others that he spoke about are full of crap. Yeah. So Dr. Gerry being a member of the ADA still got the responses. So he stands for truth. He stands for truth with amalgam fillings, and the fact that they are poisoning people, and they shouldn’t be put in humans. He stands for truth on fluoride, which was one of his topics, and he talked a little bit about yesterday, which I thought was fantastic, on how fluoride, it’s not anyone’s opinion. It poisons people. I mean, it is legal poisoning. I mean, it is literally something that—it’s a toxic waste from mining phosphate for the aluminum industry and other industries today, even certain medications. But the fluoride comes off as a nasty toxic byproduct that is very expensive to get rid of, and before, in the old days, it used to be released into the air, which would fall into the streams, and livestock, and crops. Everything around these power plants would die. So they came up with new scrubbers. Warren, I’m sure you used some of those scrubbers in the day when you used to be involved in cleanups, but they scrubbed it out. But then they had the byproduct to get rid of, which became very expensive. Well, they came up with an idea because of some really junk science that showed that it can harden teeth and bones. Well, it makes a very hard surface, but it becomes very brittle. So it’s a big, big problem there. So does it even really harden teeth? The answer is, no. It actually makes things worse long-term so when you look at the studies, and he has, fluoride don’t only works, but it’s extremely poisonous. That’s why, according to every government body, that fluoride is in fact a poison so, anyways, great topic there. But really, his main topic was a topic that was near and dear to my heart, and that’s the microbiome that you’ve heard us talk so much about how important bacteria is. But his specialty is the oral microbiome. Meaning this is where it starts, right here. When this is not right, meaning that you have a lot of bad guys. Not enough of good guys. You have a dysbiosis. We don’t have the right numbers and the right colonies of good bacteria. That affects your digestion. That affects everything. He talked a lot about how it really leads to multiple different diseases. Just leaving you with this note, and you can open up some questions here, is I think that he really made it clear that most dentists, even biological dentists or holistic dentists, they don’t understand that it’s not about chilling bacteria in the mouth. If you look at every, even natural product and whole foods, natural mouthwash, natural toothpaste, it all has things like tea tree oil, which are just natural killers. His argument is is that even those are not good because they’re killing good bacteria, and used long-term, they create a dysbiosis in the microbiome, which leads to a dysbiosis in the gut, which leads to health problems, from immune problems, and everything that we’ve talked about.

-Technical issues- Warren: Okay. So maybe the live viewers, but the recording probably won’t be. But it just took me back to my days, and I was listening to that. It just made so much sense. I never put it together, but using Act, and Listerine, and gargling with peroxide, we were taught as children not only to use fluoride—and they would come in and put fluoride things in our teeth at school. Sealants and sterilize your mouth, and—it was this big fear. It was like the germ theory. That your mouth is dirty and nasty and it needs to be killed every day. The more you kill the bacteria, the better. The neat thing that Dr. Gerry was talking about is, just like the skin on your hands, or—well, yeah, like the skin on your hands, your body is designed to protect you. So the bacteria in your mouth protect you. When you breathe stuff in, it counteracts in a healthy—gut bacteria in your mouth stop you from getting disease and exposed to things. Just in your world. It makes so much sense. The people that have a mouth that’s overpopulated with tooth decay and, obviously, plaque, it’s a microbiome issue, and it could be because of how clean they tried to make their mouth. It’s the whole—the same concept with your gut. When you take antibiotics, it destroys all the good, healthy, bacteria and puts you at risk for things. That’s the same way with your mouth, and it just—you really never think about it, and then, obviously, the connection between your mouth, the bacteria in your mouth and your gut and the health between the two, is so important as well. It’s just something simple, but he explained it so simply it really just drove it home. I kind of knew about it. But after looking at it, I was able to rewind back into my brain all the things that I personally had done, and notice other people who have challenges in their mouth health and in their teeth and how much bacteria related—and one thing, Dan, I wanted you to talk about is when there—a lot of these peoples teeth problems, and you can address this later, is because of this overgrowth of bad bacteria. Just like in your gut. When you have too much bad bacteria, like candida, because it’s out of balance, then you have health issues. The same thing with your teeth and how that interacts with bone loss, and toxicity, and inflammation, and so many other things. It’s quite nuts, and he went into heart disease and those connections.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, Weston Price proved it that unhealthy mouth, unhealthy body. You can look at somebody’s mouth and know if they’re healthy. I mean, honestly, just look at their gums. Look at their teeth. How many fillings have they had? How much metal do they have in their mouth? It’s estimated that 70% of all degenerative disease starts in the mouth. I don’t know how accurate that exact percentage is, but seeing the clients that I see from around the world, I can tell you that it is very close, and I can tell you this for certain. I would say 90% of unexplainable illnesses start in the mouth. So we know that the mouth plays a major role in all degenerative disease, driving inflammation. Of course, we’ve talked in-depth about amalgam fillings, but I think when Gerry gets on, we will talk more about cavitations and root canals. These are infections that I see in many people who lower their immune system, and now allow other pathogens to really just go crazy in the body. Of course, then you put some other toxins, like mercury, into that mix, and these pathogens are able to hide from the immune system in and around those toxins, and it becomes very problematic. So it’s this nasty mix of pathogens, bad guys. The bad guys are the pathogens and heavy metals that all can really stem from the mouth. Many people have crowns in their mouth that have nickel and other toxic metals. Many dentists, including myself, not being a dentist but a health provider, really believe that no metal should be in the mouth. It causes galvanism. It’s in an acid environment which creates electricity that the brain does not like, so when you see people that are challenged and they have metal in their mouth, whether it’s from a retainer, whether it’s from a bridge, whether it’s from a crown, I believe, for them to recover, those things have to be removed. It’s because I’ve seen it again, and again, and again. But really, back to this microbiome thing and I loved his analogy. He said, “Removing plaque from the teeth”—because his point was is there’s healthy plaque. Plaque has—it’s almost like a biofilm of the mouth where it holds good bacteria. I think that’s another big thing. In the natural arena, everyone’s trying to kill biofilm, and kill, kill, kill. Kill parasites. Kill this. Really, you’re disrupting this normal microbiome. With plaque, it can be and is a normal microbiome. It’s when plaque goes bad and the microbiome has too many bad guys and not enough good guys. So his point is removing that plaque is like removing the coral reef around an island. It’s there for what, to protect it and its life. In the coral reef is what, trillions of bacteria in all these different organisms and microorganisms that really give life to the whole ocean. Kill the coral reef and you kill the ocean. So his point is is just that. We don’t want to just get rid of—we want to get rid of bad plaque, absolutely, but we want to not keep putting these anti-infectives, even whether they’re natural. Things like tea tree oil. Tryclosan is in a lot of different products today, and he calls it the glyphosate of the oral—what I would say, glyphosate—there’s triclosans in antibacterial things. So I would call it glyphosate of the product world because he says how it leaches, and it kills bacteria, and it kills good guys. Just like glyphosate. So I thought that was a great analogy as well. So watch out. His point is is watch out. Even for these natural products that you’re buying at health food. Absolutely, you want a toothpaste, you want something—anything you can put into your mouth, you don’t want things that kill. He talked about even how peroxide use causes cancer, and he cited studies there showing that, in fact, if you just kill off the good guys and you create a dysbiosis, that’s a problem.

David: So what do you do? I mean, I ‘m sitting here listening and saying, “Okay. What should you use to brush your teeth? What should you rinse out with?” If I was listening to someone, it’s like, “Okay. I want to hear what he has to say, and until then, what do I do?”

Dr. Pompa: I mean, Dr. Gerry created a toothpaste for that very reason because he wasn’t happy, and I’ll wait ‘til he gets on to present that in total. I don’t want to spill his beans, but—or let the cat out of the bag, but, yeah, no, he created an amazing product around this whole concept. But, again, in the toothpaste that I use, actually, I read the ingredients years ago for that same reason because it didn’t have any of the killer stuff in it. It just basically has herbs, antioxidants, and it’s a pomegranate toothpaste. I can’t remember the name of it. I’d have to run in my bathroom and get it. So there are alternatives out there, and of course, I think I will switch to Dr. Gerry’s product. But you just don’t want something—anything that says it kills bacteria and we’re the best killer. Remember, there was a big—I mean, in the mouthwash world and in the toothpaste world, there’s, really, who can market that they kill more bacteria, right? I mean, isn’t that—that’s the thing. I mean, if your product says, “Hey, we kill ten times more bacteria than every product on the market,” you’re going to sell more product because it’s still that mindset of kill, kill, kill. I mean, look. It is a mindset that came from post-WWII when we started developing antibiotics, and we figured, man, we’re going to beat all disease, right? All disease comes from pathogens. We’re going to beat it down. We have won the war. Man, thank God we live in this generation. Look what we’ve caused. With antibiotics, we’ve caused all these unique bacteria, antibiotic resistant bacteria, viruses, funguses, dysbiosis, caused more leaky gut, caused more autoimmune. I mean, the list goes on and on. I mean, is there a time and a place? Yeah. The immune system is completely beat down, you can go in with a killer. I would argue, and I think Gerry would too, that there’s a time to utilize a peroxide in an infected tooth, right? But it’s the continued use of these things that creates the dysbiosis that alters the microbiome, and therefore, alters the immune system. Remember, once we disrupt that microbiome, now we start not regulating hormones in our body. We start causing immune problems because we can’t even make the right cells. So that’s the point here.

Warren: So it’s like we say heal the gut, heal the body. Heal the mouth, heal the body. So it’s these different major areas that we really need to address, and so many people who are out there watching this are maybe like, well, man, maybe it’s the fact that my gut bacteria and my mouth is so bad. I do have receding gums. I do have bleeding gums and inflammation in my gums. Therefore, there’s a major sign that—well, that is. It’s telling you that your mouth microbiome is off, and therefore, that is massively affecting your health. So you’ve got to get your mouth health, your mouth gut, if you will, well. It needs to be healthy.

Dr. Pompa: Look. This is the bottom line. If you have any bleeding from flossing, brushing, you have a problem, and it’s severe. Bleeding is more definite a severe problem. Now, if you’re waking up with bad breath, or you have bad breath, and you’re always having to put gum in your mouth or brush your teeth throughout the day, that’s a problem. Bad breath is a definite indication that you have a dysbiosis. Warren, when I was sick, I always had bad breath. Even before I was sick, as a kid, I had bad breath, right? But it’s an indication of a problem. Warren, when you were sick, you had four foot dragons.

Warren: I was going to say. Are we going to be real on this show? I mean…

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Absolutely.

Warren: At least let me throw myself under the bus. Yeah. I was really sick, so, I mean…

Dr. Pompa: I started with me, pal. I started that I had bad breath too.

Warren: Yeah. So you did. You walked into this nicely, but it was hilarious. Warren, you’re a two foot dragon today. Warren, you’re a four foot dragon today. Warren, man, you’re stinking up the room with your breath. But I was going through the healing process. No doubt about it. Now today, I don’t. Very rarely do I have bad breath, and when I do, it’s when I’m not feeling well. It’s neat to see the correlation between my health and how I feel and my bad breath. So I think many people watching this will be like, “Yeah. It’s on the days that my breath really stinks, it’s I’m having a bad day,” potentially, and those of you that have health challenges understand that correlation. Now you’re getting an answer that your mouth microbiome is off and needs to be addressed, and why I can’t wait to get Dr. Gerry on because he understands this so well, which bacteria to put in there. I think even his toothpaste may have some in it that you need in your mouth.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Again, it’s a 180° opposite, right, 180° opposite. We think that killing all the bacteria and continue to kill it, even in the natural world, is the answer when we know it’s not. Bad breath comes from your gut as well as your oral microbiome, and it’s a sign of a dysbiosis and, obviously, a sign of unhealth. It’s a sign of leaky gut. It’s a sign of gut problems which are going to lead to other problems no matter what. You combine that with the fluoride. I would say that 98% of dentists out there still think that fluoride is something healthy, and meanwhile, fluoride is one of the most toxic things. I mean, it’s proven to cause bone cancer. They’re saying that 41% percent of kids in the United States are being affected by fluoride. It causes a massive drop in IQ. I mean, do you—look. Folks, if you’re listening to this and you still believe that fluoride can’t be that bad because why would our city put this stuff in the water supply, please do the homework. Don’t just listen to government bodies and protective agencies. There’s so much money involved in this, you have no idea. When you look and sniff out the truth, you owe it to your family. You owe it to yourself to do it. You’re not going to listen to my words, Dr. Gerry’s, Warren’s, David’s. You have to do the homework for yourself. But when you realize that this is a poison and it is affecting your IQ, your kids IQ, your immune system, you will wake up and you will make—I don’t care if it cost $3,000.00 for a filtration system in your home. Actually, I think, Warren—I think we have one on our site that we have in our home that’s about $1,500.00. So what? Because you will pay that back ten, a hundred, a thousand-fold, even to death, if you do not understand the dangers of fluoridation in your water. I’m not even talking about chlorine. I’m not even talking about medications that make their way into the water. I’m talking about fluorine. Oh, and if you’re using little carbon filtration unit on your sink top or underneath, good luck with that because it doesn’t work. Fluoride is very difficult to remove. Honestly, I think the more people that find out about this, the more enraged people will get. Oh, there’s a lot of states that are outlawing it now in the water source. Just look, Google it yourself. You’ll see. Why aren’t you hearing about it? Because it is massive money, folks, and there is a massive cover-up. But it is causing massive health problems.

Warren: I was in the environmental field, and when I worked with a company, one of our—and this is how this happened. The phosphate mining industry found a way to—I mean, essentially, what happened is they had this really expensive hazardous waste that needs to be exposed of. You’ve got to wear full head mask, covered, gloves. This stuff is massively toxic, and what they did is, well, we’ll just dilute it. We found a study and somehow it got through legislation. Who knows? But it essentially makes us the hazardous waste disposal system as this fluoride gets trapped in our fats and tissues, so we are literally becoming the garbage dump for fluoride instead of them trying to dump it. It’s so hazardous they can’t even get rid of it. They don’t even know what to do. It’s so expensive to clean it up and put it through some sort of filtration, and then you have to take that and put it on some landfill that never gets rain with a bunch of really thick rubber leach—like a swimming pool beneath it, and then layers and layers of special dirt, and stuff to bind it. I mean, it’s massively expensive, so let’s put just—dump this stuff straight into the water supply. Dilute it because of some junk study that’s not even true if you do the research, and now we’ve become the landfill, Dr. Pompa. That’s really what it comes down to, and it’s a big lie. The other thing that he brought up that was really eye-opening and I believe, to a lot of the viewers, if your kid would eat a tube of fluoride toothpaste, one of the toothpastes that has high fluoride, there’s massive—I don’t know how many documented deaths there are, but there’s a good chance that not only what destroys his or her IQ, but it would kill them from fluoride poisoning. I mean, the lethal dose of fluoride is high enough within the tube of toothpaste, based on the kid’s body weight, that they’re injecting, eating, the lethal dose of fluoride. So I think they did drop the fluoride amounts in toothpaste so there’s not instant death in a child that would eat a tube of toothpaste. I think they dropped it, but at one point, probably 8 years ago or 5 years ago, the levels of fluoride were so high in toothpaste, if a child would ingest it, maybe even a 30 pound kid or 20 pound kid, it would kill that child. There’s many documented deaths of fluoride poisoning, acute death from ingesting that. So if that’s not proof enough that you need to go out there and protect your family, then I don’t know what else you need to do, and then—and we’re not even getting into the cancer causing agents that are in toothpaste. So this is a big topic, guys, your health of your microbiome in your mouth and fluoride. We’re going to hammer this a couple more times.

David: So this is a 30-minute tease because I just wish I was there now in Utah with you and saw him yesterday.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Exactly. Well, let me tell you something. When you look at…

Warren: Go ahead Dan.

Dr. Pompa: When you look at the study on—first of all, ingesting fluoride doesn’t do anything anyway. That’s the funny part about it. So there’s really not one study to even show that it does anything to the teeth. Really, what the study was is it has to be on the surface, but—and it was—basically, it hardens the surface, okay, but it makes it more brittle. Okay. So that’s an issue. So it does work on the surface, but it doesn’t get down into the deep fissures, and that’s really where cavities are caused. It doesn’t get down into there, so the misconception is that we’re ingesting it and it’s actually making our teeth harder. No. it’s actually just making your bones more brittle, and it’s actually causing immune problems, cancer, and poisoning you, simple as that. So, again, putting this fluoride on your children’s teeth, using it in toothpaste, you’re actually making major problems, even not swallowing it. We’ll let Gerry get into the nitty-gritty and the details on that, but once again, it’s the 180° opposite. If you want the truth, listen to your government bodies, listen to the news, listen to all the articles, and do the opposite. So I’m not telling you not to listen. I’m telling you to listen, and in the listening, in the learning, you will find the truth. But, unfortunately, it’s 180° opposite. So we call it the 180° Solution™ because all you need to do for the solution is pay very good attention to everything that you hear from media and do the opposite, and sun of a gun, if you don’t hit it right every stinking time. The solution’s there folks.

Warren: Alright, guys. I know, Dr. Pompa, you’ve got to get on stage here in a half-hour so I’m going to let you go.

Dr. Pompa: Alright, thank you guys.

Warren: Have a great weekend.

David: Great show.

Warren: Take care. Thanks.

26: Adrenal Fatigue and the Endocrine System

Transcript of Episode 26: Adrenal Fatigue and the Endocrine System

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow, and special guest Dr. Jay Davidson.

Warren: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, Episode 26, I believe. That's 26 episodes straight that we've been bringing you real information and truth on real results, real solutions that make a difference in your life and health. I'm here with a special guest today, Dr. Jay Davidson, who's part of our inner core of trainers and coaches within our Health Centers of the Future Organization. We're blessed to have him on the show today. Obviously our main health expert, Dr. Dan Pompa, and my co-host, Dr. David Asarnow. I always call him doctor, I don't know why.

David: I'm not a doctor; I just play one on Cellular Healing TV.

Warren: You should, and my name is Warren Phillips, if you can't read the little banner there. I hope that you can see it. A really exciting topic today, Dr. Pompa's been—gives a lot of questions from the public on fatigue, and adrenal exhaustion, adrenal fatigue. This is a big, hot topic in the natural health field, and we want to tackle the truth behind adrenal fatigue, and what really causes it and how to effectively restore adrenal function, and obviously energy. If affects so many things in your body. Dr. Pompa, let's get this topic started this morning.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, and I always get calls. I think I would have to say that one of the top complaints is—at least for people who've been around a while in the natural health world, looking for why they don't feel well. They say, “I have adrenal exhaustion. Could it be my adrenals? My adrenals aren't right.” I have to say, they're right. I mean typically the adrenals are, in fact, fried. They're not responding normally anymore, which can affect their sleep, can affect anxiety, can affect their energy, can affect a lot of things. What I always tell them is, is that the adrenals are a downstream problem to something else, another stressor that's still there, it's exhausting the adrenals. My point is this, most of the time the work that we do on the adrenals typically doesn't make us well. It can help certain things, but I know that when I was sick, oftentimes this stuff that I would do with my adrenals, I would have more energy. Then I wouldn't sleep as well at night, and literally have more anxiety at times. It's this odd thing of balancing the adrenals. When I was sick, Warren, and you probably recall this, I knew there was something even further upstream. I had narrowed it down to my pituitary. My pituitary hypothalamus really was the big problem. Just for a little reminder for those, that sits in the center of your brain. It sends signals to our thyroid and our adrenals. We call that an axis. In other words, there's communication that goes back from these endocrine glands, our thyroid, and our adrenals, back to the hypothalamus pituitary. I knew that that control tower that sat in my brain wasn't responding normally. Maybe one of you all could draw a little picture, but the hypothalamus, it sits in there near the pituitary, and it receives the information. It's the receiving part of the control tower. It sends hormones or signalers to the pituitary, and then the pituitary sends out signals to our adrenals and our thyroid. I knew that something was wrong there, and I'll finish the rest of that story later on what I found out, and what we did about it. Oftentimes, that's the problem with many of the clients that we see is that in fact the problem is up higher in that axis of communication. The problem can also be at the cell, the cell receptor to those hormones, which we talk a lot about, and typically it's both. The adrenals are the downstream whipping boy. The adrenals get beat up with physical stress, chemical stress, emotional stress. It is absolutely a real thing, and we'll even give you some tips on what Dr. Jay and I do to help that. Dr. Jay you might want to add to that part of the conversation.

Dr. Jay Davidson: Yeah, I mean this is such a popular thing that we deal with as far as dealing with clients and things like that. Can you guys see me?

Warren: Yes. I can click on you, so you're not popping up. Dan, if you want to accept an invitation for the draw app, I'll do it to Jay, too, and it will just pop up as a little thing, and then I can start drawing for you guys.

Dr. Jay I'd like to I would say chime in on the adrenals, too because so many people are effected with adrenal stress, adrenal fatigue, adrenal issues. I think what we have to understand is that we have to identify with the person. Who actually has adrenal stress, and what are some signs and symptoms. For example, an easy test that you could do is you could take a flash light, got up to a mirror, shine a flashlight into your pupil. That's basically the dark, middle part of the eye ball. When you shine a light in there, and shine it indirectly, off to the side, when you shine that light indirectly into your pupil, the pupil should get smaller. When you have great, adrenal function, that pupil should stay the same size, assuming that the flashlight is at the same distance. If you're holding it there and you see the pupil start pulsating, that's a big sign that hey, there's an adrenal stress to the body. Another big sign and symptom that I always walk my clients through and health participants is, “Okay, when you get stressed, do you get really achy?” How many people out there, listening to us right now, have that type of symptom? Here's that correlating factor with that. Eighty percent of the vitamin C that's stored in our bodies are actually stored in the adrenals. Those people that can take just a little bit—and you know this Dr. Pompa, can take just a little bit of vitamin C and have a fast bowel movement, and then other people where they can literally just take tons and tons of vitamin C and they get no what we call saturation point in our diarrhea at all. Those are the people that are just taxed on the adrenals. Would you agree with that?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, Dr. Jay that's true. I've had people go to over 100,000 grams of Vitamin C and still not have diarrhea affect. Obviously if I do it now, I top out at probably around 5,000. Jay, you're right. I remember doing that in my—doing the light test when I was sick. It looks like I'm doing it right now, doesn't it? You see the light coming from my left here. We're going to look at my adrenal, or my eyes. When you put the light on, you're going to see a normal adrenal—you'll see a constriction or a dilation, but it holds. If you're doing a light, you're going to see a constriction, but it holds and it doesn't pulsate. Mine would go, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, so that's what shows the adrenal exhaustion. The other one, Jay, is the orthostatic, which I know that you do in your office. If you can just go ahead and explain that a little bit.

Dr. Jay Davidson: Yeah, so the orthostatic blood pressure, basically when you're looking at orthostatic blood pressure is where you take blood pressure when somebody's lying flat, when they're laying down flat. Then, you take the blood pressure. Then, when they're laying down flat, you tell them, “Okay, I'm going to have you stand up, but I'm going to have you stand up as fast possible up on your feet.” Then you take the blood pressure again. Usually, I like to use the automated ones because they're really quick, and so you can get a good reading. Basically, let's take somebody's blood pressure. You have a 120 over 80, just the typical norm, what everybody's goal always is. When you stand up, that top number should jump up about 10 points because of the different stress positions. When you're laying down, it's obviously a lot more relaxed. When you stand up, the body should adapt because of the gravity, and should raise that top number up ten points. Now, what—obviously as you know Dr. Pompa, the people I work with, so many of those people, the number actually goes the opposite direction. It actually goes down. What's the dynamics when we look at that, that you see?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, once again, me as my own guinea pig had this experience. What happens is when you stand up, your adrenals have to make that adaptation and tighten up your vessels literally, just to raise that blood pressure. Well, why? It has to keep the oxygen in the blood in your brain. Literally, when you stand up and you—people go oh, I feel dizzy. Okay, you don't even need the test. You're feeling dizzy because your blood pressure's dropping. Your adrenals aren't keeping those vessels tight enough. The oxygen is not getting to the brain for that little bit of moment. We see that temporary lack, or the temporary drop in the blood pressure. You could almost look at it and say, okay well how long does it take to come back? Then that gives you another idea of how burnt are the adrenals? I'll tell you Jay, I'll tell you all, I'm talking to everyone out there right now, not just Dr. Jay, but when I did this test too, it would be interesting. You could see sometimes your adrenals are in hyper mode. There were times that I would do that test, and instead of raising 10, maybe 20, is a top normal, mine would raise 50. Literally, I was getting this over-reaction from the adrenals, which is a bad sign too. What was happening there is my adrenals were trying to basically respond, or they were overreacting. Those are the nights that I would not sleep, have more anxiety, even panic attacks because we were getting this overcorrection of cortisol, adrenaline, and we would see these rises. That would last for a little time, then they would just get exhausted. From that exhausted position, then we would see, I would see these massive drops in the blood pressure. I said that oftentimes I would treat the adrenals, it would get stronger, and I would actually start to see these higher numbers coming. It was creating more anxiety. I was downstream too far trying to work the adrenals. It wasn't until I got upstream further that I was really able to fix the problem. There are some things you can do. One thing that I found out Dr. Jay is Seriphos, I'm sure you use it in your practice as well. Seriphos, really, it helps taper the adrenal and the cortisol response. It helps build the adrenals without over stimulating the adrenal. It really just controls that overreaction that I just spoke about because that overreaction will keep—basically will lead to more adrenal burnout eventually. When I learned to take this Seriphos, it actually improved my sleep probably better than anything, melatonin or all the different things I tried because it just controlled that adrenaline and cortisol reaction. Often when people get up in the middle of the night at two or three am, just boom, and they can't go back to sleep, it is that rise in cortisol or adrenaline. That Seriphos can help control that. Rest the adrenal, so that was one of the tricks that I had found, Jay. You might have some others.

Dr. Jay I think you make a great point, Dr. Pompa. When you wake up two to four am, that's not when you should be waking up. You should be falling asleep. Obviously there's different toxins, like mercury is the insomnia toxin. Lead is that one where you can sleep for at least nine, ten hours and still be tired when you wake up. When you wake up at two to four am, that means your adrenals essentially, I like to call them as firing too early. The adrenals should start firing, and they should start raising up those hormones in the morning when you're supposed to wake up, six, seven, eight am. If they're raising up too much, obviously yeah, there's a misfiring of that. Those are just some key points to look at. I like Vitamin C. What I found is that a lot of people that have adrenal fatigue, or adrenal exhaustion, is they're constipated. They tend to have harder stools, and they don't go to the bathroom as much. Just to define this, because I know this is everybody's favorite topic to talk about bowel movements and bowels, but it's important, you have to understand this. You should have at least one to two bowel movements every day. When you have one big one, that's not always the best sign. You really want it to push more to that two, sometimes even three obviously category. For people that go every other day, just a couple times a week, that is severe constipation. Obviously you have to define what that means. Vitamin C is an easy thing to increase because obviously as I said, 80% of the Vitamin C is stored in your adrenals. When your adrenals are taxed, that means your vitamin C is low. Vitamin C is a great thing to facilitate bowel movement. When people are having harder stools, or having a hard time really getting the bowels moving, you know adrenals have a link with it, you know Vitamin C deficiency is most likely prevalent. Vitamin C helps to facilitate and move the bowels. Obviously, there's other things like magnesium, probiotics really. Most of your bowel movement actually comes from a bacteria in your gut, not the fiber that we all consume as Americans obsessed with Metamucil which has cilium husk in it. You talk to experts like Jordan Reuben and he talks about, “Oh, they're finding that actually scratches the internal surface of the intestine.” It's like taking a wire brush through the intestine. Maybe that's not the best way to get the bowels moving. Would you agree with that, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, no doubt. There are a lot of methods that are definitely a question. I do love the Vitamin C because you're right, it does actually—well, as you mentioned, 80% of it's utilized in the adrenals. It's a huge help for the adrenals. So far, we gave Vitamin C and something called Seriphos, which is on our website so Warren can write that down because people are misspelling it right now as they write it.

-Cross talk- David: It's on Dr. Jay's screen right now. I've got a question for you, and I'm going to bring the fact—yeah, I've got a question. Let's bring it down to what is causing all of this adrenal fatigue? One of the things that I see prevalent is—and even in kids these days, and teenagers especially with—they're drinking Red Bulls, they're drinking Monsters, people are drinking Dr. Diet Pepper's thinking all these things are—it's how I keep my energy going. Isn't this a big, contributing factor to what's going on with the stressors and adrenal fatigue these days?

Dr. Pompa: There is no doubt about it. You want to cause stress on your adrenals, raise glucose up, all day long. Forget about the caffeine, and then we'll talk about that in a moment, but if you raise glucose up, your adrenals are part of that adaptation to control blood sugar. Every time you raise it up, you're straining the adrenals. Then you add a little caffeine to it, day in and day out. We always say a little caffeine's actually shown to be very healthy. That's a little. It's like after how many Red Bulls, or how many cups of coffee do you just keep driving the adrenals. Too much of anything is bad, no doubt. Too many stimulants, just to stay awake; too many stimulants, just to keep your brain on target, which most children today are doing. Obviously this is going to lead to adrenal burn-out, no doubt. Here's the point I want to leave, and I'll let Jay respond. It's always the accumulation of stressors that causes the burn-out. Whether it's chemical, physical, or emotional, you've heard me say this again and again, the body's physiological reaction is the same. The adrenals are part of that reaction. When you put these stressors together, when you have a lot of emotional stress, and you have a lot of bioaccumulated chemical stress in the body, you're headed for burn-out.

Dr. Jay Davidson: Yeah, and I think that's a pretty important thing that you just glanced on is oh, the artificial—basically, stimulants—basically, the prescription drugs. How many kids in America right now are diagnosed with ADD, which is Attention Deficit Disorder; ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I probably look like I'm ADHD right now. Then you have hyperkinetic disorder. You have, obviously the autism spectrum, Asperger’s. That's a whole, all those things are on that. What we reach for in America is what? We reach for a pill first? We reach for some kind of drug to calm it down. When you actually look in the news, interesting you bring this up. When you look in the news, CBS published an article, it was July 3rd, so it was earlier this month. Basically, they were look at what—they were talking about Denmark research. They were basically linking—they were building in Concerta to rare cardiac problems were twice as likely to happen when a kid was given that, than if they weren't given that drug at all. It's—of course as soon as you see that, you're like oh my gosh, I don't want to take this because it's going to double my risk of having a cardiac issue, even if I'm a kid or an adult. It links with that, but then when you start looking back in research, you'll see 2011, New England Journal of Medicine found that there was no link, then in JAMA they said that there was no link as well, 2012. Go back even farther, back in '06 and '09, they actually found that these stimulants that we give kids for ADHD could cause an increased risk of sudden death. Obviously, you'll see out in the literature, you'll see out in the media it going back and forth. I think that's—this is why we get so confused to some degree too, in our societies. We hear one thing, then we hear another. You always have to keep in mind, and as you know this Dr. Pompa, who's sponsoring it. When you look at studies in 2011, 2012 from the New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA, most likely these were sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. Would they want to find a link between ADHD meds and heart issues? What do you guys think?

David: Of course they wouldn't, but here's the interesting thing. I would venture a guess that if you asked many of the people who are on the team that developed some of these drugs, they would never put their kids on it themselves. I think you and I may have had this conversation. I don't remember, one of our doctors in the program we did. I mean this is—these are drugs that are literally changing someone's personality. It's that powerful. Dr. Pompa, you've talked about—and I know we're getting off topic here. These drugs cause a lot of other challenges as well, besides that.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, but it's more than that. There's the bottle of Seriphos. There we go. This one's a savior for adrenal burnout. There's another product that we use, called Ga-Adrenal. It's from Systemic Formulas. Capital G, small a, that one's a little easier, right? That actually helps build the adrenals, but again, oftentimes used without something that keeps the adrenals from over-responding, it can be a mistake. Yeah, you're right. I mean I was stunned when I think I spoke this on one of the shows when I was at the ski camp with my kids, and how many of the kids were on different medications. Obviously, so many of the athletes there, over-training, overtaxing their adrenals, of course, their bodies just trying to respond and react. What are they doing, they're masking a lot of the symptoms with medication. Warren, I have to bring this up because I know that so many people, it's the same philosophy, right? Your dad, who we love and adore, but I still can hear him saying these words, “Stress, stress is why everything's -” I mean he had—stress was the cause of everything that he had in his life. It's a nice thing because we can almost blame stress as it's not our fault. It's not like—your dad blamed it on stress, so he didn’t have to worry about what food he put in his mouth, or what he was doing because we can't control our stress, it's just there. Stress, providing for the family, stress is the cause. Warren, you can speak a little bit about that because we always love to use our great fathers as great examples of some stinking thinking, but there's one of them right there.

Warren: Yeah, I just had a conversation with my brother-in-law this morning, he's staying with us, to ask some questions. What should I take for this? What should I take for that? I'm like, “Well, don't take anything. The pink elephant in the room, is your diet, is toxicity, so why would you just take a pill, powder, and/or lotion, or a potion to get well?” That goes on the allopathic side, and on the stress side, that's how I was raised, so much so that when I got sick I thought, I was convinced by dad telling me that same story, “It's stress, stress, stress,” but when I added any stress to my life, I couldn't adapt to it. Stress like exercise. You hear that constantly. We even bring it up on shows. If you're not feeling well, or you're fatigued, those—all you need to do is go out and go for a run. I would—those nights because your—my adrenals couldn't adapt to that running stress, I would absolutely never sleep on those nights, or like Dr. Jay, and you said, Dr. Pompa, in the middle of the night my Cortisol would rise, my adrenals would try to recover, and I wouldn't sleep the rest of the night. I'd go to sleep for an hour if I couldn't get to sleep, and then I'd wake up, heart racing in the middle of the night as my adrenal and cortisol and hormones were completely disregulated. The stress is a toxin, absolutely. You brought it up Dr. Pompa, there's multiple, the chemical stress in my life was far greater than the—actually my life was amazing at the time. I had the lowest stress in my life, no debt, a roommate, extra money, top of my game, and I couldn't adapt to any type of stress. It wasn't the stress that was the problem, it was my inability to adapt to the stress, probably likely due to the chemical and physical subluxation if you will. The chemical stress, and the physical stress meaning maybe some structural things with my neck at the time, my body not working right, and that kind of moves how even chiropractic can make a difference as well in some of these cases.

Dr. Pompa: I'll let Jay speak to that, but Warren brings up a great point. I always say it's not the stress, it's the inability to adapt to the stress that becomes the problem. We're all under stress. How can—some people will be under far greater stress emotionally, and all these things going on, and they don't get sick. It's because they don't have the bioaccumulated chemical stress. We always call it the perfect storm. It's when you have these three fronts come together in a perfect storm. You have a catastrophe. You have a storm that happens once a hundred years and it wipes things out. That's what happens in our bodies. We have these chemical stresses that have bioaccumulated from silver fillings. All the chemicals we are introduced to, whatever—your mother had silver fillings. That means what's in your brain, in particular your hypothalamus pituitary, studies show that the number of silver fillings mom has in her mouth, is proportional to how much mercury is found in the baby's brain. Oh, and what about the accumulation in mom's body of lead. During pregnancy, she releases that lead from her bones, but out comes the lead into the baby. That's what we start life with, and then of course of we start vaccinating, we start living in moldy homes, and all of these other chemical stressors. Our bucket gets full, more and more full, and then you add one emotional stress to it, BAM, it overflows. Now you're not adapting, now everything becomes a problem, now every emotional stress creates this absolute cortisol rise, all the hormones disregulated. Again, it's easy to think that it's the stressor, but it's been this bioaccumulation of these stressors again, and again, and again. You talked about physical stress, how a car accident misaligning the spine can cause more stress to the central nervous system, and cause that overflow to happen even more.

Dr. Jay Davidson: I'll give you an example actually just this week. A patient that—basically we ran the proper test for Lyme. She came up positive, pretty—or actually really high. Lives just a super-strict diet, super-strict and healthy lifestyle. Every—little things, so many things line up. Ran, for instance, a test called The Micronutrient, and she had just one nutrient that she had a minor deficiency in. I mean, just very well laid out, but she has Lyme. That's where a lot of her achiness is. We were going through a few different steps, and I told her, “Hey, you might want to look into this technology, this can be a big benefit.” She just couldn't handle the whole idea that there's something else to learn. She's the sweetest person in the world, but I look at that and I say it's because the internal stress inside of her just doesn't allow anything that happens around her—she just can't process it. You see this when people are in a lot of pain, or they're really sick. Sometimes they can get really nasty. It's not that that's their personality, but what you find is that just because of—their body's not well, they can't handle any change which is really a form of stress. Then it just escalates. I think as practitioners, we have to understand that they're just projecting obviously, issues outward. We can't absorb them. We have to understand also, details that the reality is that when they’re sick, their body can't handle simple stressors that most people can handle, and then it seems to escalate. This is all about adrenals obviously handle stress. Other things that correlate, thyroid, which thyroid you're looking at lower metabolism, your hair, skin issues, brittle nails, basal metabolic temperatures off. What that means is when you're in a room that's 75 degrees, should be comfortable, or 72 degrees should be comfortable. You're there sweating because you're really hot, or you're shivering, you always have long sleeves on all the time. That's the body's inability to handle temperature dysregulation. Other things that actually correlate are hormonal issues. You're looking at estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and I say those correlate because if you have adrenal issues, and if it's upstream as you're talking about, Dr. Pompa, the pituitary, or hypothalamus, or something upstream, higher. You'll see typical signs and symptoms with thyroid issues. If it's female, you'll see signs and symptoms with estrogen, progesterone. If it's a guy, you'll see issues with testosterone. Obviously, progesterone as well, not as well understood. How much in the media are we now hearing about testosterone, where we heard the hormone replacement therapy maybe 10, 15 years ago when it came out, and then now we're understanding some of the dangers and risks of breast cancer and all these things. I feel like on the same front, now they're pushing the T, what they call the testosterone. You want to look at if you have these symptoms, it's not just focus just on thyroid, just on adrenal, just on these organs that produce these hormones. You have to understand, this is a collective thing that something up higher, upstream, is causing downstream. I think that can help most people understand that.

Dr. Pompa: Most people, they go to their doctor and they focus in on the thyroid. The doctor is only addressing thyroid. That doesn't even make sense because the thyroid is in constant communication with the adrenals. Oh, wait, they both get controlled by the pituitary which sits in the brain. Yet they have no, they act as if the thyroid works independently, and that's all they're treating. Really, we can bring in the fact that it works also with the pancreas. Oh, it worked also with other endocrine organs as you mentioned, with the ovaries for example. The prostate – this endocrine system is very complex, but one affects the other. The liver is effected in this issue. We know that to address thyroid issues, you have to always consider liver function. Come on, why? Well, that's where T4 gets converted to T3. Oh my gosh, this is getting so complicated. Yeah, you see that the body has to be treated as a whole. To go to your doctor just to treat that thyroid, it's a lunacy, it really is. I wish Warren we could really draw that hypothalamus up in the brain. This will bring this full circle. I knew that there was something in that pituitary hypothalamus that controls your thyroid and controls your adrenals. Both organs were malfunctioning. My bloodwork for thyroid was always normal, yet I couldn't adapt to any temperature regulation at all. Just like you said, Dr. Jay, I would go outside in the winter. I would just — my hands, my feet, I was gone. Warren can speak to the same problem, right? Yet it's—I would be hot at weird times, waking up in the middle of the night absolutely drenched, hair falling out, I was young. Hair falling out, all these crazy—oh, but my bloodwork for thyroid is normal. That whole system was effected. Really, what I found out, was it has been bioaccumulating for years, the silver fillings in my mouth were just like studies show—the study shows the number of fillings in your mouth is proportionate to how much mercury they find in your brain, but in particular your hypothalamus, pituitary which is the control tower for your thyroid, for your adrenals, how many people are downstream training their thyroid, taking more hormones, just like Jay, taking testosterone, another hormone from a different gland. Again, how many people are taking these hormones, treating downstream, when the problem is in your brain? Possibly metal poisoning, possibly Lyme disease, possibly bone exposures, all of these things can affect that control tower right in the center of the brain. Too far downstream, not enough upstream, the key is getting upstream.

David: You know what I like, what really attracted me several years ago now to you Dr. Pompa in the program, and what you teach the practitioners, and what Dr. Jay's talking about. It's 180° different than what people are hearing out there. If first and foremost you guys look at everyone and you ask the right questions to understand them wholly as an individual, and understanding what the cause of their challenges are. As you always say, if you don't identify what the cause is, and you don't remove it, you're just putting Band-Aids all over the place. That's what most practitioners unfortunately do. Not on purpose, they think that they do and all, but they just don't get to the cause.

Dr. Pompa: Dave, listen, I didn't get well until I got that inorganic mercury out of my pituitary, hypothalamus junction. Then, magically, my adrenals started to heal. Did I need crutches for the adrenals along the way? I mentioned the Seriphos. This stuff saved my life. I couldn't have functioned in society without it. The Ga was a builder, helped me build—the Systemic makes a pituitary product called Gb, capital G, small b; makes one for the thyroid, Gf, capital G, small f. Those things were absolutely part of my healing, but it would—they would do nothing unless I removed that mercury from the pituitary. That's something that Dr. Jay and I do with patients every day. It is imperative that you can get upstream David, and that is the point. If you remove the interference, the body has an amazing ability to heal itself. Yes, your thyroid then can start regulating, your adrenals can then start regulating once you remove that interference.

Dr. Jay Davidson: That's—it's all on getting the source. I was meeting with a patient yesterday, and she was talking about how her mom and her sister has thyroid issues along with her. They're on synthetic thyroid hormone. She didn't like that, so she's on Armour. I asked her if she had gluten sensitivity. She said, “Oh yeah, I do.” I'm like, “You might want to check your Armour because now they're making it with gluten.” That's a side-note obviously, but the big point is how long are you going to need to be on Armour or Levothyroxine or Synthroid if you never get to the source. How long are you actually going to need to take it? As soon as you stop the Armour, as soon as you stop the Levothyroxine or—they're all basically thyroid hormones. As soon as you stop that, you're going to feel crummy, everything's going to tank, your blood levels are going to tank because you never address really the underlying cause. I think as practitioners, we have to tell people the truth that you—if you don't look at the source you can't afford to be on these 500 supplements for the rest of your life. You find this in the realm. Basically, I see a transition. I see you have the typical American, they have the prescription cabinet, then something happens, something triggers, they want to move more into naturals, they start learning, “Oh, this supplement's good for this, that supplement's good for that.” They transition from their prescription cabinet to 500 supplements in their supplement cabinet, and then they forget the reason of why they started anything, what they're doing, they feel all lost. I mean, that's really such a big part of what you and I do, Dr. Pompa, is literally just coach and say, “I'm going to guide you, and this is what you need to do, and here's why.” Not to get lost and get chaos, but inevitably you get a whole cabinet full of supplements and you just shut the door and you're like, “I give up, I don't know what to do.” The reality is because we never got to the source. Many people don't feel changes when they take supplements because it might have some benefit to the body, but it might be just a little piece to the puzzle. You have to look at what's the big domino, what's the end domino, you hit that one, everything takes effect. That's really as practitioners that's our goal. We might have all these little symptoms, or we call little, secondary may be the better word. You might have these secondary symptoms, but what's the main thing that's causing them all. Once we hit that mother issue, then all the other secondaries take care of themsleves. Instead of just going after little secondary things, what's really the upstream, what's the main source?

Dr. Pompa: Jay, I hope everyone heard that because I think that's just so important. Jay, that's what we do, you and I do different, right? We go after that upstream source. Many alternative doctors today, they're not doing that, they're just putting people on more of the vitamins, and minerals, and herbs that they like. It's one to the next to the next.

Warren: IV injections.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, right, exactly, I mean all that stuff can be fine and good, but ultimately is never going to get you well. What gets you well is when you find that upstream thing and you remove it, and the body heals. Dr. Jay, you've heard me say this to multiple practitioners, if your patient's not progressing, if your patient's stuck, if they're still sick, it's simple, you just haven't found the upstream stressor yet. Typically, there's more than one, right? I mean typically these things run together. It's Lyme and heavy metals. It's mold, another biotoxin or infection, heavy metals. These things run in these groups, but the key is if you remove the interference, the body will heal, it will. If you're still out there, and you're still not happy with your health, you still—believe me, you still have an upstream stressor which by the way keeps certain genes turned on. If those genes are expressing this, that you don't like, then you're going to stay in that that you don't like. Those symptoms, because your genes are literally expressing it, well we have to change that gene expression. Step one, you remember from previous, is you have to remove the stressor. Then, we have been really trained and really good at changing that gene expression better than ever. A lot of doctors aren't even doing that. Remove the stressor, change the gene expression, fix the cell, you will get well every time. It absolutely starts with trying to find those upstream stressors.

Dr. Jay Davidson: Yeah, and then the other important piece of the whole puzzle is making sure once you identify the upstream source, get the body ready to get rid of the source. I remember when I started going after some upstream sources of heavy metals, and my gut wasn't well. I developed allergies to nuts, I blew up, I reacted. I didn't understand the process of okay, in order to detox metals, you have to have a healthy gut, but in order to have a healthy gut, you can't have these upstream source toxins. It's basically a dance that you have to do without—I mean there's this—we can literally go back and forth, but you just—you need somebody to help guide you that's been through it. Otherwise, you can spend years, you can do something, but it might be the right thing. If you didn't do that prior step ahead of time, you might have a bad reaction and think that oh, it wasn't the right step. Really, it's just understanding that everything matters in the body. For instance, that adjuster track is important, but the kidneys are important. I mean the kidneys are what give the colon hydration. If you're not hydrated, you’re bound up, the toxins stay in you. You can't excrete them. The liver, if they bowels aren't moving, the liver gets backed up. The livers are that central focus area that detoxifies—if somebody takes a prescription in aspirin, the reason they say take it every four hours is because it takes your liver about four hours to break that down and excrete half of it, the half-life they call it, and so many critical pieces of the body have to be addressed. It's not super hard, but it's understanding the basics of how the body works, what your need is. Obviously, it's always customized for everybody. We see more common things, which you would probably agree with Dr. Pompa, but it's all customized. Where are you at, what are the tests showing? I always like to say, don't guess, let's test. If somebody had diabetes, obviously they were running a blood test. If we wanted to follow-up and check in on them, let's follow up obviously with a blood test, but so many times in our realm in the world with toxins, there's never even testing done in the first place. That's really, I think, one of the best things to start with. Let's test, let's identify what the main things are, and then let's map it out and say, here's our end goal, but here's the first phases to get you into that piece. I think once people wrap their head around it, it's a lot easier to follow through, it's a lot easier to get results. You know, here's phase one, phase two, and then here's the big goal. I'm going to get here, and then after that you're not going to have to rely on doctors for the rest of your life because your body's going to be well. It's all about teaching you what you need to do so you can follow through and do it yourself.

Dr. Pompa: Well said.

Warren: Great job, fellas. This is some amazing content. It's going to save a lot of lives out there. Heal a cell, get well, remove the interference, the body will heal. We're bringing real results, real truth on Cellular Healing TV. Share it with your friends. Dr. Jay, thanks so much for your expertise and advice. It's going to transform lives all over the country. We have thousands of people watching this show, and on the repost. Your information will definitely make an impact on the world. Thanks again for your time, Dr. Pompa, as always. Thank you, David, the co-host, rock it out. Love and appreciate you as well. Have a great day guys.

Dr. Jay Davidson: Thank you guys, yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Thanks, have a great weekend.

Warren: All right, blessings, bye-bye.

25: Exercise, Weight Loss and the Cross Fit Myth

Transcript of Episode 25: Exercise, Weight Loss, and the Cross Fit Myth

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Hello, good morning, and welcome to Cellular Healing TV. I took off last week because I was teaching practitioners some of the same things we share here on Cellular Healing TV because our goal is to change the world and teach you what you need to do after the opposite, 180° of what you hear on the media and even on health and wellness websites because what we teach is real. Dr. Pompa's taking off today. He's with his family, so it's David and I hosting. I had a last-minute guest that wasn't able to get to a computer, so we have a couple new guests that we're bringing on in the next several weeks. We're in a conversation with them to make sure that we can clear up their schedule. It's hard to do it at 10AM for some of these guests. We're going to figure out some pre-recording or what we need to do because there's some great information experts out there. Today's topic is – and we've hit this topic in the past. We want to take it from a little different perspective, from David and my perspective, is the right way to exercise. I know we discussed burst training right, in the past. Also, you can call high intensity training, HIT Training. Then that moves into some of the things we want to talk about, is the CrossFit training and some of the high intensity workouts that are out there, even on-line, and some of the programs like Insanity, which your wife does, David. We can talk about why those programs are so addicting, and really where you need to start. You may be watching this today going, “Well, where do I start? Do I start at CrossFit? Am I an elite athlete like that?” No, so David, let's open up and start having a conversation about exercise and what is the right exercise. One thing that I'll tell you that's a hot button for me is when I – let me back up a little bit. I was teaching on marketing, I'm a marketer. Not only that, but I've been in the health and wellness industry and I consider myself at some level a health and wellness expert as well because I've been at this, and I've tried and done everything alongside Dr. Pompa and other practitioners for the last – well, since I had my personal health challenges starting back in 2004. I've been on the natural route for quite some time. One of the things I've learned in marketing, and we've watched – you can watch a lot of the Nike video. I don't know where you would type it in, but it's running to greatness. There's a culture code out there that running equals weight loss. Running equals you're going to do great, you're going to be healthy. That's in our culture. We think if we run we can do whatever we want to do. I'm going to eat this candy bar, and now I'm going to run around the stadium 10 times. Now the effects of that candy bar have now been removed.

David: That's justification though. That's justification, and that's where most people go.

Warren: No, they believe it David, they believe it because they – it's not justification, they actually believe it. They think that they can burn it off. I have run my engine hotter, and I can put whatever I want into the furnace. That's what they believe. I hear it from – at the gym, some of these guys believe that. I've been involved in triathlons. They believe the same – they said, “Let's exercise more, burn that – what should I eat?” I've heard them ask – some top athletes. Now this is again probably going five to eight years ago, I don't know if this same person would say that, but a top triathlete would say, “What do I eat to be as great as you?” He's like, “Just run your engine harder, hotter, and you'll burn off whatever because it doesn't matter.” We know, at Cellular Healing TV, what we eat and ingest affects us at the cellular level. It affects the integrity of our cell membrane, the good things coming in and the bad things going out. It does effect at the cellular level, it does cause oxidative stress and damage throughout your body and nutrient depletion obviously if you're not eating good, healthy foods that come along nutrients. This is a major culture, the culture believes this. This may not be shocking to you or I, David, but it's quite shocking to some of the people watching this video that running equals health. Honestly, there's no research. It says that it does beside the fact that it helped with cardiovascular, circulation, so it has its benefits. Exercise in general, how do you do it right? David, discuss how you do it, how you did it before you met us and how you do it now. Let's get into some of the questions that I know the audience has given us over the last several months. We'll try to address those today on Cellular Healing TV. Thanks for joining us.

David: Before I met you, if you recall, I was on about a year and a half kick of being a vegetarian. To me, being a vegetarian meant that I could eat pastas, I could eat grains, I could eat all of these things. When you met me, I was pretty set – I would say to put it kindly, inflamed at the cellular level. I was puffy, I had different health challenges that we've talked about. You guys opened my eyes to something different. I thought that if I ran, that's how I burned everything off. If I wanted to drop some weight, I'd cut out carbs for a couple weeks, or reduce the carbs for a couple weeks. Literally, if I had one piece of bread, I had to have 10 pieces of bread. It was like I was addicted to it. Now, all of a sudden you started talking about training, and working out, and high intensity. By the way, you're right. Jen may not – she eats pretty well. She's addicted to Insanity, or Insanity Asylum. She does these – she's not a performance athlete, but she does these performance athlete workouts, and she can keep up with them. Frankly, still to this day she can blow me away as far as these things go because she's addicted. It's summer time, so she can go to the gym. She's at the gym right now at a class. She'll probably do something else afterwards. I think Maddie and her friend went with her this morning. She's addicted to the Insanity, and I'd love your thoughts on that. As far as what I've morphed into, in December what happened was I was running, I'd go to the gym, I tried CrossFit, I threw out my back because of the squats with the heavy weights and I never really fit into that my whole life. Now I'm doing something that's high intensity training. It's called Orangetheory Fitness. Jen calls it Orange Therapy for me. I'd love your thoughts on why because it – what working out does to your brain in helping you clear out. What I found is if I do a mix of bursts of cardio, where you bring your heart rate up, let it come down, heart rate up, let it come down, heart rate up, let it get down, and then you do the same thing when it comes to strength. It doesn't need to be high weights. It could be the push-ups, it could be the TSX type bands. It could be all these different things, however my body's leaned out, it's firmed up, I look better. Hey, I'm in the – I could wear this – I told you for the first time I'm actually wearing the same size suit that I did when I was 26 years old, and I'm 45. I'm not trying now. In the past, I was always trying to do something. Now, because of my diet and how I conduct myself on a daily basis, things are just changing naturally.

Warren: Yeah, I mean if you look at the research of healthy centenarians and groups of people that really are untapped by a market. There's a study, I think it was of a Chinese culture. It wasn't Okinawa, it was another Chinese culture. Essentially, and they had all these centenarians, the highest rate of centenarians. We looked at their diet, how they lived, we looked at how they progressed over this time period. They studied them when they moved to Brazil, or if they moved to America, how their body types and everything changed. One of the things that they – one of the figures I can remember individually in that book is that the culture actually got leaner as they aged. They stayed the same, but right around 80 or so they actually got leaner, and more lean. They lived this long life period. In America, we do this, and this is wrong. You get fatter, and fatter, and fatter. It's accepted as a culture to get heavier, heavier, and heavier, and it is fat that's being stored most of the time, so it is fatter, and fatter, and fatter, and gaining more weight. Then it peaks, and then it drops. You want to answer why it drops later on in life?

David: Why does your weight drop later?

Warren: Why do you think everyone gets fatter, fatter, and fatter, and then it drops off right at the end?

David: That's a good question, I don't have the answer to that.

Warren: I have the answer for you, because they get sick, and they get into a hospital bed, and their body starts cannibalizing themselves because they can't get out of bed, they can't move. They're on a liquid diet, they get cancer, whatever it may be. As they get older, they drop off towards the end. It's the death drop, if you will, in weight. Really sad, where in other cultures it stays about the same, and then just little drop off at the end. That's because they're getting older, and probably not exercising – well, out in the field with these centenarians, these 100 year old plus in this group. In this China study, they actually still are out 90, 100 years old pulling a plow behind their back. They're not being marketed to, David. They don't know – they just know how to live off the land, and how to do what they're – and interact in synergy and harmony with their environment, where in America it's all about money and marketing. I'm a marketing guy, so that's a perspective that I'm always going to bring to this. I'm a business guy. Whoever markets the most, and so are you, marketing guy, the business in marketing the most wins. This isn't on accident that America is in a state of disease and dysfunction. You've been marketed to, you've been lied to, and they don't care about your health. The pharmaceutical companies don't, the businesses don't, Coca Cola doesn't, the Olympics don't, definitely not. They're cashing in on your hard earned money. Where are you going to invest that hard-earned money? Into someone and into something that's not going to add value to your life and actually is going to cause you to gain weight, gain weight, get fatter and then die, or do you want to live a lifestyle that's balanced and healthy throughout your life where at 100 years old you're pulling a plow? That means you're pulling your family, you're creating a legacy, you're speaking life and truth into those around you and not becoming a burden. You're becoming a blessing. By the time you're 100 years old, David, and I know as I age I understand I know less and less, but in that less and less that I know, or in my head, I have more and more value to add to the world through my life experience. That's the way – and then I can – you can add to that David, and we'll talk about Insanity and some of the addictions and things and why that happens.

David: You know the interesting thing, and Dr. Pompa spoke about this on one of the previous shows. I don't know if it was when you were on vacation or not. In most societies, if you look at these centenarians, and the people who are much healthier, the food source that we have in most cases, people eat locally. In the northern climates, they eat more heavy fat, fishes, high meat.

Warren: It's also loaded with a lot of vitamin D where they don't get much sunshine.

David: They don't get sunshine, so it's almost like God designed the earth perfectly for where we live. The problem we, as a society that we have, is we've got major companies like Monsanto that are genetically modifying. People have modified wheat, people have modified almost every food in the sense of – in the beginning, I think that they had good intentions. They were just trying to solve a problem that may have been out there. They didn't realize – I've got to think that people weren't trying to do things that were going to harm people. However, once we understand that things are going to harm people, then all of a sudden you've got to take a look and say, “Now, greed's involved.” The sheer fact of the matter that many of the products that are available for sale, the seeds that are for sale here in the United States are banned throughout the European Union, are banned through Third World and developing countries. Why, because of the unknown. The things that are the known that this – I mean we're eating pesticides. We're eating – you're changing gene expression. All of a sudden in this country, we're – even in great places that – the places like Whole Foods still have foods that may have modifications in there that – all natural. All natural doesn't mean anything. All natural – all of a sudden, people through marketing are thinking that they're eating healthy, and they're getting all natural where they're having products that are possibly causing the major challenge that they're having health wise.

Warren: Yeah, they're very deceptive on labels. You need to know how to read your labels because they say all natural. The standard American is like, “I want to eat healthier.” Even your cardiologist may have told you, hey you need to eat a little more natural food, and then you see a box of a granola bar and it says, “all natural,” but yet it's loaded with 40 grams of sugar and it's oxidizing you and really killing you at the cellular level. Your body cannot process that much sugar or grains for that matter. There's two addictions that you mentioned, one to exercise and one to grains. Grains, they're a super sugar, they're more highly addictive that regular sugar. That's the reason why, because of the type of sugar that's in it. Two, Insanity and running in general, because that's what you're doing. It's a massive, cardio workout. They – the reason you get addicted to that, that's just like anything else. It causes a major endorphin and dopamine spike. That's fine, and that's great for people, especially if you have depression issues and stuff. You just got to go for a run. That transforms your life. I'm not saying running's a bad thing, I'm not even saying Insanity's a bad thing. What I'm going to say is it's not right for everyone. Two, it's not preferable for weight loss if you're doing it every day. There is a – just like when you do an Insane workout, or you do a major run, a five mile run, whatever, that there's a hormone change in your body. There's a dopamine spike which gives you that runner's high, or that Insanity high. You just hit it. If you're a biker, you know what it is, you get in the zone. That's right when the endorphins and some of the pain stuff goes away because there's this endorphin spike. There's also a cortisol spike, which is stress to your body, but also which lends more muscle burning than fat burning. You have to be careful, if you're looking just to do weight loss, you have to do every other day, or maybe three days a week and just focus on that. The major pink elephant in the room is your diet, and getting rid of grains and sugars will burn fat better and do more for your hormone change than exercise will ever do. This is where my pet peeve comes in when I see someone who's really struggling, and I see them bouncing on pavement, beating the crud out of their joints, they're obese or extremely overweight, and they're really trying hard to get their life back. They know that they're done. They've come to that place in their life. Even their medical doctor may have told them. They've watched the TV shows. They've now been convinced. Then the culture code says, like The Greatest Loser, right, the culture is still pumping and puppeteer the people to believe that someone who's obese or overweight needs their calories restricted, needs to do these crazy workouts. What you don't know when you watch The Biggest Loser is how many times EMS, the emergency vehicle, needs to come in and pick up these people and take them to the hospital. They're doing the wrong types of exercise. Those people on the biggest loser, all they need to do is a little bit of functional training, which my personal trainer does, just maybe to even start them sitting up and down out of a chair 20 times will get them into a fat burning zone, get their hormones switched that would benefit them. They need to start there. They have them doing burpees, with 300 pounds of fat bouncing around. That's destroying their body and unhealthy. It's absolutely wrong. They're exposing it for ratings. They're hurting these people. There's massive waivers there. When I talk to some of the experts in the fitness industry, it's maddening because this culture code is out there. Then, the culture code of Insanity, and P90X, and now this waive of group training with – go on David.

David: Orangetheory.

Warren: This major movement in CrossFit is wiping out our healthcare industry because there's so many injuries. CrossFit is not for everyone. Now there are some great CrossFit centers out there that will really – that know more about functional training and it's just not something they picked up and started doing, but they have a lot of expertise in this. They may start you slow, and have a start-up group, and maybe say, “Hey, you need to personal train with me for six months to a year until your body's ready for this high intensity training,” but it's not for everybody. Again, it became this movement in the same culture code which tapped in through Rocky. Just push your body as hard as possible, and train as hard as possible like Igor, or whatever his name was, on Rocky, and push your body, push your body, Ivan or whatever his name was that they –

David: Ivan.

Warren: Yeah, so they push your body until you can't stop and push anymore. They say, “That's how you get your life back. That's how you get fit and in shape. It's just push, push, push, and that's what the culture believes. It's absolutely the opposite of the truth. It doesn't work that way. You're hurting your body. You have to build up to that, and become a Rocky who trains – has been consistently training for years so that their tendons, muscles, and actually their body can handle that. You have to eat the right diet alongside of it because it's a major stress. If you're watching this video, Warren, where can I start? If you're overweight, start with just moving. Do the most basic of workouts. If you just grab two 10 pound dumbbells and just – if you can't and your knees hurt and stuff like that, you may just want to do it in a chair and go like this 20 times until your breath goes and take a break and do that. Then build up over time. You need to ask, if you're getting personal training, you need to ask them their philosophy. I interviewed several personal trainers till I found one that I believed in their philosophy. He didn't believe in the CrossFit philosophy. When I first started out working, I was an all American athlete. I eat the perfect diet. I do exercise, but then I decided to get a personal trainer. How he started me out, is he did a bunch of movements to see whether there's imbalances in my body, and I just did a lot of movement and stretching. I still was sore, burned out, and got into heavy breathing and into that training zone just from doing basic movements where I would do steps and just come down and do steps down the track, and back again. Then just some yoga moves and things like that just to get stretching, more elastic, and build in some of the weaknesses – a lot of core work so that I can build up to some of the things I'm doing now six months later where I'm actually pushing a sled, or I'm flipping tires, or I’m able to grab on to and pull up on with your fingers for rock climbing things. It's just all this stuff now, but I couldn't have done that. It's neat that he progressed me safely, and specifically, and watched, “Warren's weak there, let's work on his weaknesses. Let's get this up because that's going to be injury. Oh, you're knees are hurting, let's back off on that.” You're not going to hear that in CrossFit. They're going to say, “Push through the pain, push through the pain.” You wind up destroying your body, your joints, and the healthcare industry loves it because it's making them a lot of money in injuries.

David: You and I talked with a lot of chiropractors. As far as people in their 20's – well, more 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, a lot of the new injured cases aren't from car accidents, it's from the CrossFit type exercising that people are getting involved with. Here's the interesting thing that I've noticed recently. The reason that I crave the run or the workout, is because I love the sweat. Getting totally drenched feels great. Here's one of the things that I realized. I don't think that it's the run necessarily, or the workout, it's that sweat and getting the toxins out. Since I have the portable sauna, I could go in the sauna for 30 minutes and come out, and feel that exact same way that I did afterwards. It's like the release of toxins from your body. I think that what you're talking about, there's something here. The workout doesn't need to be as long. It's getting that sweat, and getting the toxins out of our body can do such amazing things for us. What do you think?

Warren: Yeah, and just so you know, you have a lymphatic sense system. Again, I am not a biologist. I have a biology background, I have a master’s degree in Chemistry, but it wasn't in the human body of biology. I didn't take anatomy if you will. That's one course I didn't take in college. There's a lymphatic system, if you can look up lymphatic and then hit pics on Google and look for pictures. You'll see that you have lymph all over your body. In order to – those lymph don't have – it doesn't circulate. It circulates by your body moving. That pushes the toxins down into your liver and your colon and then you excrete them either via urine or feces. Let's be honest, that's where your toxins move through your body. If you're sedentary, not moving, which is what that means if I pronounced it correctly. You're sitting in this chair all day and you're not moving, this lymphatic system is not being circulated. You're just sitting. Movement is what – is the engine that drives the lymph, moves the toxins out of your muscles and tissues. It drains – essentially your lymph, it drains your body of extra fluid, of toxins, those are your lymph. A lot of people get lymphatic cancer, know why? Let's wonder. You have toxins sitting in there, changing gene expression, causing inflammation. Inflammation leads into cancer. When you're moving, that movement is very important. When you're saying, “Hey, I need to move and sweat,” the movement is heat. If you're sitting at a desk all day, you're setting yourself up to become a toxic bomb. You're not moving anything out, you're not sweating. Your skin is one of the major detox pathways in your body. This is an organ that breathes and interacts with the world. That's why whatever you put on your skin goes into your bloodstream, transdermal they call it. Also, if you – in my toxicology training, if you stuck your hand into a toxic environment, and didn't even – none of the rest of your body was exposed, but there were toxic gasses, it would still kill you. The gasses would soak in through your skin, go into your bloodstream and then attack and pleat it out. We don't breathe it, see it, whatever, so when you've seen those movies where you have the full suit, so any exposed skin area, it doesn't take much, you're going to die. Your skin interacts with the environment. It's really important, that's why you've got to have a healthy home. Even if you didn't breathe in your home and you have toxins, the formaldehyde would soak in through your skin. You need to be movement. Movement creates the engine for your lymphatic intoxication and then also the sweat. That's why the Infrared Saunas are so scientific – the scientific level's so powerful, not only because of the wavelength that activates the cell and creates cellular energy, but also those waves penetrate in, and heat up, and essentially off-gas if you will. Off-gas is a bad word, but evaporate the toxins if you will. They push them out of the cellular tissues, the fat mainly, and it evaporates them if you will. They come out, or they become included with the liquid in your body as sweat. Then they evaporate out. That's how they remove the toxins. It's a great system. People will tell you foot baths work, where you're just sweating your feet. Again, there's probably a minimum amount of toxins that come out there, but when you get into an infrared sauna, and you sit in there, and your whole body becomes, your skin becomes this detoxification, evaporation zone because it's penetrating down into your fat and your subcutaneous tissues. It's off-gas and some of the fats, the toxin-stored fats and off-gasses a lot of those toxins, or evaporates them out of your body. It's a really useful tool. What Dan now teaches, Dr. Pompa, I call him Dan because he's my best friend and brother. Brother from another mother, I have to say it, but it's true. What happens is you exercise, so your lymphatic is really moving and grooving, and you're really releasing a lot of toxins through exercise. Now many of you get sick after you exercise. It could be you're so stinking toxic that your body can't handle the circulation or what you stirred up, like a bees nest of toxins are now stinging your body all over on the inside causing inflammation. Some of you that exercise and get sick afterwards, your body's not adapting to that stress, and two, you're circulating toxins. That's not good. What we do is after a workout, we'll take some carbon, Bind. The Bind, systemic formulas more specifically, and then you go into the sauna and now the sauna's really moving out some of those toxins out of your body, evaporating them, and then you're – instead of those toxins circulating in your body, you're catching them in your colon and gut through the carbon and moving them out through your body. It's amazing. Exercise is critical and important when it's done correctly. If it's done incorrectly, it can be a stress to your body, it can cause you to become more toxic, some of the things we've talked about. We're debunking the myth that the harder you train the healthier you get, or the more you run, the healthier you get, or the more you run and the more you exercise, the more weight you lose. It's not true. You might lose muscle, more muscle and lose more weight that way, but that's not what we want to do. We want to have a good metabolic girdle, meaning we want to have muscle or a nice engine to continue to burn calories. Have oxygen flow into your brain to make you feel better, to make you perform better at work, and all those things especially for folks like me who sit in front of a computer for 12 hours a day].

David: You're working out.

Warren: There you go, so get up and move. Movement, movement's power. Even if you did nothing else but worked out twice a week doing some burst type exercise, type in burst training into Google. Find a simple burst workout, two dumbbells in your office, and just did that. That would start moving your forward. You still get the endorphin rush, David, of an Insanity workout. You still feel better. You still get oxygen flow to your brain. You still detox. You're moving your lymphatic, and you'll sweat as well.

David: Perfect, any final thoughts to leave our viewers with today?

Warren: No, I think we summed it up great. We're looking forward to the next several weeks. I'm going to try to bring on an exercise expert and Phil Kaplan 00:29:08.

David: Exercise experts, we've got cellular experts coming on. We've got some amazing guests that we're going to have out on over the next several weeks.

Warren: Everyone, prayer and thankful for Dr. Pompa who pours so much into this mission having some time with his family this weekend. He's actually speaking to a large group of clients for one of our platinum physicians that's part of our program, and to bring in, bring this message to a group of potentially people that are sick and dying in California right now. Really excited he's able to do that tomorrow morning, so everyone who's a praying type person, just pray for them and pray that the message is heard clearly because it's the opposite, guys, of what we're seeing in marketing. It's really sad. We need to speak truth and love to the world about the truth about exercise, eating, diet, detoxification. There's a lot of lies out there, inside and outside even the natural healthcare industry. Speak the life in truth and we can change the world together. Thank you for watching Cellular Healing TV, today.

David: Thanks Warren.

Warren: You bet. Blessings guys. Take care, bye-bye.

24: The Truth About Gluten and Casein

Transcript of Episode 24: The Truth About Gluten and Casein

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and David Asarnow.

David: We are live. Everyone, welcome to episode 24 of Cellular Healing TV. This is David Asarnow. Today, I am joined with Dr. Pompa. Welcome, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you. Yeah, you're at the seminar that I will be joining you in probably a couple hours.

David: Yes, we've got over 100 health practitioners joining us this weekend here in Salt Lake City, don't we?

Dr. Pompa: We do. I'm excited to teach them. I'm excited to be there.

-Cross Talk- David: This week we're going to talk about another 180° difference. Something that you live, something we talked about, something that – I guess maybe we'll even talk about your future book that you're going to be launching, that you're working on right now. Most of our listeners have heard about gluten. In fact, when I was growing up, we never heard about gluten issues. Dr. Pompa, is this a fad, or is this for real?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It's amazing, because I had a conversation recently with somebody. They basically were stating that “This gluten thing, there's many people that don't believe in it.” My gosh. When I heard that, I was like, “Really? That's still on the street?” He's in dental school, so he's hearing this from a lot of his professors, that the gluten thing is a bunch of bunk. I said, “First of all, to deny gluten allergy is like denying the sun in the sky.” I think the better question is all of a sudden, why do we have this problem, right? Where did this come from? David, I think that there is a lot of myths and bunk and hype around the gluten problem. I think what we're finding out is it's like some of these things like bad fats and artificial sweeteners and low fat. It becomes a very slick marketing tool, but oftentimes, the product that they're marketing is more unhealthy. There's a lot of myths around gluten, and hopefully, we can clarify that today. The fact is, is just answer the question is yes. Are gluten allergies real? You better believe that they are. Do they happen in everybody? No, there's a reason. There is a lot of false stuff around this topic, and we need to clarify it.

David: What's changed between growing up in the 70's and what we're experiencing today is so prevalent.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, because David, at your age, do you remember anybody having a gluten problem?

David: I don't. I don't when I was a kid.

Dr. Pompa: You remember everyone having a peanut allergy.

David: I don't, actually.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Today you can't – if you bring peanuts in a school, it's like having a bomb, right? Problems are going to happen. Gluten, what the heck is going on with gluten, right? It's gluten-free this and gluten-free that. This is in vogue, man. You're pretty cool today if you have gluten-free products, right? Five years ago, two years ago, you were definitely – you're gluten-free, what? You were a nerd in school if you had a gluten-free product. Now today you're cool, man. You're in the in-group.

David: Are these healthy, these gluten-free products? Are they healthy for you?

Dr. Pompa: Ah, yeah. The answer to that is probably 98% of them are not healthy for you. I know that we've got some of our listeners' attention at this point. Before we get there and answer the question why, so you can definitely ask me why is that, let's talk about why gluten all or a sudden is a problem. Look, we've talked about GMO, we've talked about genetically modified organisms, but even before that – that started happening in the 90's and the 2000's. In the 70's and even maybe as early as the late 60's, we started hybridizing grains. We started changing them by hitting them with gamma rays and different things, and altering the DNA that way. GMO is taking one gene, putting it in something, and giving it a specific function by putting it in one little gene. It gives it that new function. Hybridization is a little different than that. We're just crossbreeding different plants, and therefore changing things, right? We took something called – as a matter of fact, it was a brilliant guy who won a Nobel Prize called Norman Borlaug. He created a wheat, a different wheat, called dwarf wheat. Why would he do that? His goal was noble. His goal was very good. He said one of the problems with world hunger is wheat, if we could just make it more available and easier to harvest. It's so hard to harvest, it's very difficult, and it's very susceptible to drought and environmental conditions, even wind. The original wheat, which was called Einkorn and Emmer, they were 4-6 feet tall. These are wheats that have been around for a long time. They're hard to harvest, and they're definitely affected by the environment pretty easy. He created something called dwarf wheat, through this hybridization and crossbreeding process. Norman probably deserves his Nobel Prize. He's definitely made an impact in world hunger. However, Norman, good old Norman, created a new problem, and that would be world obesity. He definitely created a part of that problem as well – not all of it, can't blame it all on Norman. These new breeds of wheat – and now we have a problem with many different grains, right? They're higher in a sugar called amylopectin which is a super sugar. It raises blood glucose more than table sugar. Yes, eating your grains raises your glucose more than table sugar – direct, right into the mouth, white sugar. Yes, grains are super sugars. Wheat is a very, very super sugar which raises glucose. The other problem was, is Norman created at least 14 different strains of a protein, called gluten, that our bodies never saw before. Norman then created something very different to our immune systems. Why isn't everybody affected when they eat wheat or other grains? It's because people who have leaky gut, where things can go through the gut and leak directly into our bloodstream, these proteins are very small, and they leak across that gut. Not everybody has a leaky gut, and when they do, it starts to drive your immune system to create antibodies against this gluten. Then the next time you eat it, hours later, even a day later, you're driving inflammation in your body, and you wonder what's going on and why you have headaches and joint pain and autoimmune, where your body's attacking itself. Yes, it's even linked to thyroid. The conditions go on When you take gluten out of these people's diet, their condition gets 80% better. We have an epidemic of Celiac Disease, Crohn's Disease, inflammatory gut disease, a lot of it, which is being caused by gluten. In our past show, David, we talked about glyphosate. That's the chemical that so many people are ingesting from the foods that they're eating, right? We know glyphosate is one of the leading problems with causing leaky gut. Now they're ingesting this foreign protein, this new protein that we never grew up on. Our kids are growing up on it. If they have leaky gut because they eat conventional food, eating glyphosate, which most do have a leaky gut, then they developed antibodies to gluten. Are gluten-free products good? Potentially. Yeah, taking gluten out of your diet, for so many people today, especially younger people, this is a major, major help to them. They have massive allergy to this protein that we never grew up on, David. It's not the grains. It's what man has done to the grains that becomes really the bigger issue.

David: Even if it's gluten-free, and even if it's organic, it could potentially still spike sugar.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I guess that brings me right into that question that you had, “What about these gluten-free products? What about them?” They're using things like tapioca flowers, cornstarch – the list goes on, right? All these replacements are even more super sugars than the amylopectin that's in the grain. Yeah, these things become these worse-than-white-bread glucose risers. We know that that white bread raises glucose more than table sugar. Look, yeah, the sugar problem in America is more due to grains that it is table sugar, but the key is, is that these gluten-free products are loaded with things that drive up glucose. They're making us fat. Yes, they don't have gluten, but there's multiple other problems. It's driving inflammation. Most of these products are loaded with bad stuff. The gluten-free thing's in vogue. You want to sell a product, put gluten-free, still low fat or non-fat, that still sells produts, and no trans fats. All these things sell products, but that doesn't make the product healthy, David, natural, right? Remember the day when if you put on there “all natural,” you would sell a product. It still works. Just because a product says “all natural” doesn't make it healthy at all.

David: It doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Dr. Pompa: Corn syrup, they say that's all natural.

David: We wonder why kids these days are having attention challenges in school, and we look at what do most people start their day with. It's grains.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, they raise glucose, right out of the gate. They raise glucose, and then it comes down. They raise glucose, and then it comes down. they raise glucose and then it comes down. Inflammation, inflammation, inflammation, triggering genes. We all sit here as an expression of our DNA, whether it's good or bad. Every time you raise glucose and drive inflammation, you're affecting that DNA, you're turning on bad genes, turning off good genes, taking years off your life. These gluten-free products, yeah they're gluten-free. Again, it opens up a whole other Pandora's Box of problems. The key is, eating grain-free, for most people, is a must. If you're really healthy, can you have grain in your diet? Yeah, I believe you can. Your genetics will determine how much you can get away with, before you start getting fat and lack that energy. Very healthy people can get away with certain grains, which I call ancient grains, grains that haven't been through this hybridization process. The grains that haven't been genetically modified, grains that haven't been bred to be super sugars. Listen, folks, the whole grain that you're eating, you're whole grain bagel, these are not the grains that I'm talking about. Remember, Uncle David said it best. Two pieces of whole grain bread in the morning, toast, or your whole grain bagel that you ate this morning, raises glucose more than a 12 oz. soda. Whole grain – not the key. When we talk about ancient grains, we're talking about things like quinoa, amaranth – most grains that people haven't heard of. I would even say wild rice. Rice is even being genetically modified, so we have to be careful there. Again, a lot of these more ancient type of grains are definitely better options. Again, most people today, they can handle very little grain in the diet. Once we get above 20% of our caloric intake being grain – by the way, that's most people listening, right? We start to see conditions and diseases. Humans just aren't meant to eat the amount of grain, period, that we eat. We're ignoring fats and quality proteins and quality fibers and even quality carbohydrates like vegetables because of our grain addiction. In this country, where 50%, 60% of our calories from grain, which is driving obesity, even all the whole grains everybody's eating. It's driving conditions like arthritis, it's driving autoimmune, it's driving allergies. Then of course now we're in the GMO world. Where does it end, David? If you want to get healthy, start taking grain out of your diet. That's where it starts.

David: The challenge most people have is, it's almost like there's an addiction there.

Dr. Pompa: There is, because things that raise glucose create addictions. Matter of fact, gluten is an addictive thing. We talked the damages of gluten driving inflammation. We know gluten actually affects the same part of the brain called opiate receptors. They create every addiction that we know of. Gluten becomes addictive, especially when it's leaking across your gut, directly into your bloodstream. This is a massive addiction. Grains are addictive for multiple reasons. I know, when people are eating things like rice and oatmeal and non-gluten grains, alright. It's better. You definitely don't want someone who's sensitive to gluten even touching it. Once your immune system reacts to it, even something cooked in the same oven – so you get a gluten-free pizza that was cooked in the same oven as a product with gluten on it. Guess what? Most kids that are gluten-sensitive react to that. They're gluten-free, and all of a sudden they're having episodes of inflammation and ADD and they're wondering why. Their gluten-free pizza got gluten on it from the pizza that was cooked there before. That's how crazy these allergies are to this protein. That's how crazy the immune system can drive the inflammation and all the symptoms. This is a huge problem, David, listen. Eating a lot of grains today, and this is one of the problems why I hate grain, right, is we have other problems besides gluten. There's other proteins that we're identifying that are just as problematic, arguably more, and we'll talk about one in another product. There's things like lectins and phytates and all these anti-nutrients that become very inflammatory for people who have leaky gut. That's why taking grains out of someone's diet, period, is very important to someone who's already challenged. We can't have any exposure, because it could drive inflammation.

David: You just mentioned something else, and I've heard you say that casein and beta A1 casein – is it that one that can be more toxic than gluten?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yes, and you've heard of casein, gluten-free diets. Casein is a protein that's in dairy. I guess another great question would be, what happened to dairy, right?

David: Yeah, seriously. What happened from the time – what's the difference in why over in some developing countries, they don't have problems – let's look at India, and here in the United States. What's the difference between the cows? Isn't a cow a cow?

Dr. Pompa: No. When we say why is dairy, it causes all these mucus problems, “I can't eat dairy,” why all these people can't eat dairy all of a sudden. What happened? For thousands of years, people consumed dairy successfully, as a mainstay. Considered the strongest, healthiest group in the world, this group called the Masai Tribe in Africa, they live off of it, right? What's going on? Is it the dairy or what man has done to it? Is it the grain, or is it what man has done to it, right? It's what man has done to it that's made it so bad. We genetically alter a cow to get it to produce more milk. In that process, we were successful, just like Norman was in feeding more of the population. His dwarf wheat was very successful. In that process, we created a damaged or de-natured protein in milk. Ancient cow, the one that's in India and South Africa still, not in this country, produces something called A2 casein, or beta A2 casein. 99% of the dairy in the United States has a protein called A1 beta casein, which is an altered protein that comes from what we did to the cow to get it to produce more milk. In that process, we've de-natured another protein. It's a seven-chain amino acid called BCM7 that people that have leaky gut, once again, goes across the gut and drives immune reactions. It can be ten times worse than gluten. Yeah, it's what man has created these proteins. Again, it's not dairy. Dairy is really caught the bad rap. It's what man has done to it. When you get dairy that's – we've talked, in the past, about Beyond Organic. Jordan has 9,000 acres, and they've genetically bred back the cow not to have this protein. Now we can get something that – I believe cheese, for example, is one of the healthiest foods on the planet, period. Why? I would say it's even more of an important food today than ever, because cheese really has, and makes up a lot of the deficiencies, that most Americans have. We talked last week about the five vitamin deficiencies, right? Cheese literally has most of those things. Oh my gosh, my battery power's going. I have nine percent. I think we can make it. I might have to run downstairs and get my plug. Cheese, thin about this. Cheese takes in the sun – cheese takes in the sun. The grass the cows eat take in the sun, and it has all these nutrients in it because of the sun, and all the good bacteria's in the soil. The cows eat the grass, and then it comes out into the milk. Cheese is literally this little ecosystem of nutrients that occur at that time, with the sun and the weather, etcetera, loaded with fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin D, like Vitamin K2, which we said are the two greatest deficiencies. Loaded with fats like saturated fats and cholesterol, which we say are the number one fats people need today The perfect ratio, because the cows eat the grass, of Omega 6 and Omega 3. That's what we need to fix the cells well. It has all these amazing nutrients in it, but if you're eating a cow that has beta 1 casein, genetically altered, screws up the whole thing. If we have a cow that eats grain instead of grass, now we've made a product that causes disease. Instead of being the healthiest food you can consume, now it becomes one of the most poisonous. 180°, David. It's 180°! Once again, man takes the most precious food – oh, why is cheese oh, I forgot the number one thing, David. What else does cheese have? This is a massive holding tank for unique bacteria you could never get in a pill or powder, so that's the other epidemic, right, is humans are losing this bacteria that we need for our cells to work, our hormones to work, our immune systems to work. We talked about that on past shows. Cheese represents all these things, so we messed it up. It's 180° opposite. Isn't that the way the enemy works? One of the most healthiest foods that humans can it – and it travels well! You can take cheese with you anywhere! I take it everywhere I go. It's perfect protein.

David: Where do you get the perfect protein that has the beta A2 casein? Where do you get the good cheese? Where do you get this? Can you go to Whole Foods and just get it?

Dr. Pompa: Some. Here's the thing. Goat milk and sheep has not been changed. It's still A2 beta casein, which is the good one, right? It hasn't been changed to the A1, so you're always good there. Raw is always better. Raw has all the enzymes still there. They're not killed by the heat, all the good bacterias. Yes, you can get it in your grocery store. Cow is where the challenge is. I said 99% of dairy. Cow dairy, I should've been more clear, is A1 casein. That's where Beyond Organic comes in. You look at my freezer out there, I have all this Beyond Organic cheese and products, because all of Beyond Organic's cow products are A2 casein. They're from ancient cows that have been genetically bred back to not have A1 casein. That's the issue.

David: Here's a question for you. We've got a lot of these digestive issues going on. We talked about grains. We talked about casein. Are probiotics the answer?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, that's a great question. Probiotics have really become in vogue, like gluten, right? Again, ten years ago, no one knew what the word probiotic was, just like five years ago, no one knew what the word gluten was. It's been in vogue. Listen, we have thousands of bacteria in our gut. We're discovering more monthly, probably. Even more important discoveries is we're discovering how these bacteria in our gut are interacting with our hormones, our cells, our immune system. When we lack certain bacteria, we can't control our immune system, and we end up in autoimmune. When we lack certain bacteria, we can't even make certain immune cells. When we lack certain bacteria, we become very sensitive to different things in foods, and we can't even control our hormones, right? We know that the relationship between these bacteria is how we get so much function. They literally communicate with our cells and our DNA, and they give that cell function it would never have had. In the Human Microbiome Project, we started realizing this connection, so amazing stuff. The pill that people take – there's maybe 5-10 bacteria strains, the most common ones. What about the other 1,000? What about so many of those? It's not there. I'm a believer in fermented foods. I talk about my three F's of how to fix the gut, fermentation, fasting intermittently like we do fixes guts, and oftentimes, we need even fetal microbial transplant, where you take bacteria from another human and oftentimes, need to transplant it. That's become very popular, even in mainstream hospitals today. Getting unique bacteria back in the gut is critical today. It will not happen from a pill, a probiotic. Again, am I against probiotics? No, I'm not. It can benefit many people, but it's very limited on its scope. We need to get these unique bacteria. That's why ingesting these products like the cheese I was talking about, or a product like Amasai or some of these products that Beyond Organic‘s created, it's very important. Even fermented vegetables, David, carry different bacteria. Fermentation has gone out of vogue when refrigeration became popular. We used to have to ferment products to keep them from spoiling, right? We don't do that anymore. We're really missing a lot of bacteria. People are eating products that have been sprayed, killing bacteria that we used to eat on, get from fruits and vegetables, eating these things. We don't get that today. Even when we do, we wash it all off, typically, and so we become void in bacteria, not to mention the hygiene thing. Everyone's slathering themselves in antibacterial soaps, antibacterial everything. What we've done is we've altered what is called the microbiome. We have a microbiome on our skin. Healthy people have all these very unique variety of bacteria on our skin, which protects us. When we kill that by using these soaps constantly, now it allows the bad guys to accumulate there, you see. Antibacterial soaps, they're actually a culprit in causing more disease, ultimately. Oh, and the antibiotics we take have become very popular. We're wiping out our good bacteria, and now these bad guys are able to come in following the antibiotics and take over. We live in a world, right now, that is afraid of microbes. The media has caused it. Still causing it. Yet the microbes – healthy people are just slathered in microorganisms, bacteria. Matter of fact, what we know now is when we swab healthy people in here or out here, they have a host of varieties of bacteria. Unhealthy people have less variety and less microbes. Here's one, David. Obese people, or let's talk even just mice, for a fun thing. Their gut, if we analyze their bacteria in their gut, they have less of a variety of microbes in their gut. The skinny mice have a great variety. When we put these two mice together in the same cage, it's interesting, because mice, they eat their own poo, right? They eat their own waste. That's what they do. The fat ones are eating the skinny ones, the skinny ones are eating the fat ones. The question was, how will it affect the mice? What happened was the fat mice, when you put them in with skinny mice, they become skinny. Separated, they were eating the same diet, so you think well, it's the same diet. No, no, no, we're talking about the same diet. Genes are turned on in these mice and they're fat. We put them together. What happens is that fat ones are eating the poo of the skinny ones, they become skinny. Why didn't the skinny one become fat? Their variety of microbiome had the positive effect on the non-variety of organisms of the fat mice. The point is, is the greater variety of microbes you have, the healthier you are, the skinnier you are. Killing off microbes, whether it's antibiotics or antibacterial soaps, 180° philosophy is that they're causing disease. We need more bugs. We need to be playing in the dirt. Our kids need to be dirtier. Our kids need to play in the dirt like we did as a kid. Our kids need to eat dirty things with soil. Again, you can't eat soil sprayed with glyphosate. Organic soils, gardens, eating the bacteria and being exposed to the bacteria. We know that kids that live on farms around animals and exposed to different parasites and more bacteria, they're healthier, with less autoimmune and less challenges. We know this, yet it's not making it into the media.

David: Most people think it's just the low fat, low carb diets all by themselves are going to lose weight, and the true answer of how to get well, how to heal yourself, how to get your life back, how to lose weight, is 180 ° from what most people are talking about.

Dr. Pompa: Expose yourself to more microbes. What you put in here and what you are exposed to even outside.

David: Play in the dirt.

Dr. Pompa: Play in the dirt. Hug and play with animals. I don't know. We could go on with that. Don't shower! That's where I was going with that. I'm kidding.

David: I sure hope you are. We'll see you in a little bit.

Dr. Pompa: There's a truth to washing your hands. Washing your hands is a good thing, but with antibacterial products? Bad. Regular soap and water is a different animal. It doesn't kill those good bacteria, right? It's a completely different thing. It's the antibacterial products that wipe out all bacteria, good and bad, and that's bad.

David: Oh, we got you back. We lost you for a second. This was a fun-filled, informative episode. Is there anything that you would like to leave our viewers and listeners with today?

Dr. Pompa: I always say this, David. If everyone's making a left, you might consider making a right. If everyone's making a right, you might want to consider making a left, meaning that if everybody's starting to go buy all these gluten-free products, right, you might want to make a left. It seems like if the masses go this way, then uh-oh, something might be wrong. The masses seem like they're just buying all these gluten-free products, you might want to make a left. Typically, if the masses are going in that direction, there's probably suspicion and there's a problem. Yeah, so be cautious that gluten-free products can be oftentimes more dangerous, more inflammatory, and glucose-risers. Yes, is gluten potentially bad? Yeah, it is, but be cautious of the accepted media products.

David: Dr. Pompa, thank you, as always. Next week, we'll be back with our co-host Warren Philips. Dr. Pompa, thank you for everything. I'll see you in about an hour or so. Everyone, thank you for tuning in to another episode of Cellular Healing TV. If you want more information, go to www.DrPompa.com, www.DrPompa.com. Check out Dr. Pompa's brand new website. His new categorization, how he puts his articles out there, much easier to find and search. Dr. Pompa, thank you. Everyone, create yourself and have an awesome weekend. Thank you.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you, David.

23: Five Most Important Vitamins

Transcript of Episode 23: Five Most Important Vitamins

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

David: Hello, everyone. Welcome to episode 23 of Cellular Healing TV. This is David Asarnow. Along with my co-host – actually, he's on vacation right now, Warren Philips. We come here every single week to share with you the 180° lifestyle and the 180° information from Dr. Pompa that most people don't know, aren't willing to engage in and have the conversation. Today, we're going to talk about the five big vitamin deficiencies that most Americans are having. They don't know it, and it's causing diseases out there. Welcome, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you, appreciate it.

David: What are some of these vitamin deficiencies? Why don't we pick up with Vitamin D, since we spoke about Vitamin D last week.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, Vitamin D. We know that it's estimated about three quarters of the population have a Vitamin D deficiency. I think it's really come into vogue that, “Hey, take Vitamin D,” right? Take Vitamin D. We spoke of a little problem there. Yeah, a lot of people have a Vitamin D deficiency, but people are running to their local vitamin store or Costco and they're taking a certain amount of Vitamin D. Hey look, we used to hear doctors say, “Oh, don't take Vitamin D, it can cause cancer, hip fractures, or Vitamin D overdose,” right? It's fat soluble and it can build up in the body. It's not so simple as we talked about last week. Really, the reason it can cause problems is because it competes for the same receptors as other fat soluble vitamins, they're called cross-receptors. Therefore, it creates deficiencies in Vitamin A, which can affect the immune system, and it can cause further deficiencies in Vitamin K, too, which we'll talk about today, which it's estimated that almost 100% of Americans are deficient in. Therefore, that starts to cause hip fractures, because you can't get calcium in the cell, can't get calcium in the bone, despite having high Vitamin D levels. It actually makes it worse.

David: We spoke last week about Vitamin D and sunshine and how cholesterol sulfate is tied to that.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Vitamin D plays a significant role in many of the body's processes. Look, low Vitamin D has an increase in heart disease, I think it's 43%, diabetes, almost 50%. We know that low Vitamin D is linked to major diseases. When you know that Vitamin D, sunshine, the lack of it is linked to this cholesterol sulfate issue, that opens a whole other can of worms with neurodegenerative conditions. The list keeps going on. These fat-soluble vitamins – fat soluble, just to get our listeners to understand, that means they stick around in the body longer. They're fat soluble as opposed to water soluble that you can't really take too much of, they just flush out. The fat-soluble vitamins, they really stay in the body because we need them so much. If we're not getting enough sunlight, therefore we're not producing enough Vitamin D – unless you're eating a ton of fish and dairy products and – grass-fed, that is, – you're not going to get it from your diet, so you need it from the sunlight. That's why so many people are deficient, David. Obviously, they're slathering sunscreen and they're afraid of the sun because, once again, it's 180° lifestyle. You can't turn on the television or read an article about how the sun is going to cause skin cancer, so everyone's staying away from it. Everyone is slathering sunscreen. When we were at our camp, with the kids, everybody, I mean ten times a day, “Put your sunscreen on. Did you put your sunscreen on?” My son Simon was like, “Why do you need that stuff?” He just went out there and he got the sun. He doesn't burn, and of course, he got dark and never needed sunscreen. He was telling them how bad sunscreen is, and what the problems are. The ten-year-old knew. The Vitamin D issue is a big issue, it really is. I don't want to scare people away from taking Vitamin D, or more importantly, let's get in the sun, but if you're not able to, then you want to take a Vitamin D that is balanced with Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, other fat-soluble vitamins. Systemic Formulas is the one that we have in our house. Systemic Formulas has a balanced product in the right ratios. One is in liquid for those who have absorption issues. It's liquid Vitamin D3. Then the other one is called DV3. D as in dog, V as in Victor, 3. That is a pill form. Typically, the average person can take 5,000-6,000 units of Vitamin D. People who are severely deficient may need more. Sometimes, we dose high periodically, like once or twice a week we dose high, even 100,000 units. Again, that's more up to the practitioner, I would say. Again, sunlight, absolutely, we need it. Vitamin D deficiency, rampant, do doubt. Just do not, absolutely do not take it without the other fat solubles at the right ratio.

David: By the way, I was putting on my shea butter while I was in Florida last week, and the comments that I was getting – it's funny how people, like – “That's not sunscreen. You need sunscreen!” Meanwhile, I'm not burnt, I'm actually just tan.

Dr Pompa: Yeah, exactly. It's 180° opposite, do the opposite. Last week, we talked about how actually, with the initiation of all the sunscreen, we actually have cancer rates rising, almost proportionally. You'd almost think that the sunscreen was causing it. The fact is that I believe that sun actually prevents skin cancers and other cancers, obviously, and other disease. Vitamin D is a massive deficiency. We absolutely need it. It's linked to diabetes, it's linked to heart disease, it's linked to cancer, it's linked to immune problems, it's linked to autoimmune. People that have very low Vitamin D absolutely have a predisposition for autoimmune. It's very, very important in autoimmune as well, which is, again, massive epidemic. What are the right numbers when you look at a test? Oh man, there's so much debate over that. I know that the standard number is somewhere between – depends on the test. It could be 20, it could be 30, which is the low. I find that people do better at least over 50-80, somewhere in that zone. Some say 60-100. Again, I think the complication, David – I've spent some time looking at studies, and I think one of the issues is that genetics plays a role on where that level would be. I think that's where we run into a little trouble, but we definitely don't want just really low Vitamin D. Under 20 and you're in a massive – there's a problem there. I believe some people, genetically, can function in the mid 30's and still feel really good and have a normal life. Again, genetics do play a role. It's hard to just look at a number, but we need Vitamin D, we need sun, and again, let's stay half of America is deficient. David, I want to put up a point, because God knew what he was doing, right? The darker the skin, the more sun people need to raise their Vitamin D. Therefore, people walking around in equatorial areas, whether it's Jamaica or Africa, they have very dark skin. They can be out all day. The problem is, is take that person with dark skin and put them in an area that's cloudy, now all of a sudden, they're not getting hours of sunlight to raise their Vitamin D. That's a problem. The darker skin you have puts you at greater deficiency if you're not in the sun longer. Therefore, someone who is, perhaps, like I said, African-American, Mexican descent, Hispanic descent, the darker skin, you move them to warmer climates, and those folks are at massive risk of Vitamin D deficiency, and therefore, heart disease, diabetes – it puts them at risk of all those inflammatory types of condition. Vitamin D diminishes inflammation.

David: One other thing that you bring this up, if you think about it, we're working inside these days. We're not outside like we used to be. You think about the people who are in these southern climates. They need more, and yet now we're all inside all the time, not only avoiding the sun through sunscreen – we're avoiding it through hibernating indoors.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely.

-Cross talk- David: Let's go to Vitamin K2, because you brought that up already, so it's a natural transition. You said almost 100% of the population is deficient in Vitamin K2.

Dr. Pompa: Yep, it's hard to believe, almost 100%. Why is that, David? Why do you think that is, as a layperson?

David: You know what, this is one that I actually don't understand. You've actually stumped me. I'm probably like most people. I'm learning all about Vitamin D last week when we were talking about it. Vitamin K, to me – isn't K the one that clots? Helps with blood clotting?

Dr. Pompa: That's a good answer. Vitamin K1 is the clotting factor, and oftentimes people get it confused. Vitamin K1 you can get in green, leafy vegetables, things like that, but Vitamin K2 is really the issue. Vitamin K2 is not the clotting factor, Vitamin K2 is really responsible for moving calcium in your cells, in your bones. Therefore, you can have all the calcium you want, and typically most Americans, you'll notice that calcium is not on these five major deficiencies. Most Americans have plenty of calcium. As a matter of fact, I think the average American calcium intake is about 1700 mg. In areas like rural China and other places, it's 500 on average, and yet they have zero osteoporosis. You need Vitamin K2 to bring calcium into the bone. You need it to get into the cell, into the muscles. By the way, you can't live without calcium. You need it for every type of – your heart to contract. You need it for everything, every cellular process. Is calcium important? Yes, but we have plenty. It's the Vitamin K2 that we need to bring the calcium in. That's the issue. Here's why most Americans, if not all, they say, and that's a big word, but let's say it's 90%. Let's say it's 99%. I don't know the number, but most people are. Here's why. Americans eat grass-fed nothing. Where do you get it from? Cows can eat grass that has K1 and cows have the ability to actually take in the K1 and convert it to K2. Us humans do not, so we have to get it from our diet, just like we have to get the sunlight to make the Vitamin D, as you see the sunlight coming in here from my left. You need to eat grass-fed. Where is the K2? It's in the fat of grass-fed products like butter. Loaded with fat, therefore, loaded with Vitamin K2. Cheese, loaded with fat. Let me back up. Grass-fed butter, grass-fed cheese. If you buy grain-fed, there is virtually no K2. This is why so many people are deficient. They're eating nothing. They're eating grain-fed animal products, whether it's meat, the fat from the meat. Yes, if you eat a nice grass-fed steak – you're showing me a monkey. Why the monkey?

David: The grass-fed X-Factor Butter Oil that you told me about is in my coffee.

Dr. Pompa: Ah, yes, exactly.

David: By the way, I didn't know why I was doing it. You just started doing it and told me about it, so I just started doing it. Now I know why.

Dr. Pompa: Weston Price, who traveled the world looking at healthy people over non-healthy people, he realized that when grass was growing at its highest rate of growth in the spring – it's like literally the small window – and the cow's eat it at that time, the milk that they give off, and then they make the butter at that time, this X-Factor nutrient heals guts, it heals the immune system. It's very healing to the body. We're blessed that we can eat it year-round, because they harvest it during that small time, and then we're able to buy it. We carry that stuff on our website, X-Factor Butter Oil. He also noted that when you put it with things like cod liver oil and other fats, you can get an extra benefit. Yes, loaded, David, with K2. The Amasai products, the Beyond Organic products, the grass, are loaded with good bacteria and loaded with Vitamin K2. The fattier, the better. Grass-fed meat, the fat, K2, the dairy products, K2. Everybody is deficient because they're not eating grass-fed or enough grass-fed. Oh, and the by the way, they avoid what, David? They're avoiding fat, right? With the 180° lifestyle, we eat fat, they're avoiding fat and they're not getting grass-fed. K2 deficiency causing major, major disease, absolutely links to all types of – whether it's immune problems, cancer, bone problems, you name it, K2's the issue, not calcium. I would put K2 even above Vitamin D as far as massive deficiency causing massive problems.

David: How about the next one on the list? Let's talk about iodine.

Dr. Pompa: With iodine, it again made the list for sure. Again, it's estimated that a third of the whole planet has iodine deficiency. Then you start into midwestern states in the United States, where they're not touching the seashores, the oceans, you're talking probably more like 90% of the population being iodine deficient. Why is it important? Why is it causing disease? Look, the lack of iodine is absolutely a player in ADD, brain problems, IQ. We know that the kids with lower iodine, even moderate deficiencies, David, have a massive difference in their IQ scores. Why? Iodine plays a role in brain development. We know that. It plays a role in the imune stystem. It plays a role in the thyroid. This is why we're seeing massive outbreaks of thyroid issues. Look, I would estimate that at least 25%, I bet it's higher, and those are numbers that we can actually quote from studies, of thyroid issues are caused directly, simply because of an iodine deficiency. Brain problems, all these things, breast issues. Fibercystic breasts are caused by the lack of iodine, because there's iodine receptors in the breast tissues. It plays a role in hormones. We need iodine to – really, there's an estrogen called estriol, or E3. estriol is the most protective estrogen. I run a lot of tests, David, and I see estriol deficient in most women in the United States. Why? Most of it's linked to the lack of iodine. Estriol protects you from cancer. It protects you from the more toxic types of estrogen. When estriol goes low, you are at risk for major cancer, and hormone-driven types of cancer. Iodine deficiency, major problem. David, one of the reasons why we're seeing a massive, I believe, problem with iodine, is number one, it's not in the soil anymore. We are depleting soil. Biblically, we would turn soil over every seven years. We would rotate crops, we wouldn't grow the same crops. That's an issue. We've talked about this with cholesterol sulfate, we've talked about it with disease. There's a chemical called glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in Round Up, the number one herbicide used on this planet. Monsanto produces it. It works, David, by pulling minerals from the soil and from the weeds. That's how glyphosate works. It pulls minerals, and therefore depletes the weeds of certain minerals it needs to grow, and it kills them. What it's doing is it's designed to pull minerals. It's pulling minerals not just from the weeds, but it's pulling from the soils. We're depleting the soil, especially in the central part of the country, where we're using glyphosate like crazy. I go there David, I do lectures. The amount of thyroid issues is absolutely astronomical, and most of it is because of the lack of iodine. I know what most people are thinking right now. Yes, but my salt I'm eating has iodine. It's like you giving me a dollar, and I give you a penny back. How would you feel about that? That's not going to do it. Most people need to be absolutely supplementing with iodine. It's just simply not in the food chain anymore, and it's a massive, massive isssue.

David: Where do you get iodine? How do you supplement iodine?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. Where would you get it? Typically, you can get it from different things that come from the ocean, but again, that's a problem because some people don't have access to that, so much of what's coming out of the ocean is polluted, we have to be careful of other heavy metals, mercury. People that live on the eastern/western side or near oceans, typically, they don't suffer as much of the iodine deficiency. Where would you get it? There's a product that Systemic makes called TMI, like too much information. It's in the right ratio of iodine to iodide, that we know we like to use that ratio to target the thyroid. By the way, you can't make thyroid hormone without iodide. That's why it's so darn important. It's the combination of an amino acid, tyrosine, and iodide that come together and makes that hormone that most people are trying to take from their doctor. We need iodine to make it. Here's another problem, David. Heavy metals, and so many people are heavy metal toxic. It actually competes for the iodine receptor. It blocks the iodine. Heavy metals can get on those receptors, and then therefore, your body's not able to use the iodine. Then it flushes out, too. Many reasons why iodine is causing disease and in most people, needs to be supplemented. Even by taking just one of those TMI a day can be a massive difference. In one pill, there's about 12 mg of iodide. If you don't have a deficiency – I take a pill. There's about 12 mg of iodide. If you don't have a deficiency – I take iodine just hit and miss. I may take it once or twice a week, just to – I would get it in food, so I don't take it every day, but most people probably do need to take it every day for a couple years. Why? They are so deficient.

David: How about magnesium?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, magnesium made the list,. It's number four on the list. Magnesium deficiency is a massive problem. Again, I think a lot of it is due to the overuse of glyphosate, which pulls a lot of the magnesium out of the food supply, so it is less in the food supply than ever. I believe there's a greater demand in the body for magnesium. Magnesium plays a major role in hormones. You need magnesium to really have normal hormone function. As you know, hormone imbalance is a massive epidemic for multiple reasons in this country. Most of the clients that I see and deal with, they start taking magnesium, they go, “Oh my gosh, I feel better.” It's like their muscles, they have less joint problems, less muscle problems, their hormones feel better, or they feel better hormonally, I should say. Even they think more clear. It helps with the brain fog. It helps with the energy. Again, we can put magnesium in most pathways in the body. You need magnesium for normal methylation. I don't want to go down that road, but it's how your body removes toxins and how your body removes toxic hormones. It really is in so many different cellular function areas. Most people, being deficient, it's something that when people take, they go, “Oh, I feel better.” David, one of the problems is most people are taking – if you go into your health food store or Whole Foods and you look, those are cheap magnesium. It's typically magnesium oxide, hydroxide. Those forms of magnesium really aren't absorbed that well. We like to take magnesium malate or glycinate (Update: Now known as Buffered). I would say even a magnesium citrate. In a store, in Whole Foods, recently, I looked at what types of magnesium were there. The better ones, the higher-priced magnesiums, have a little bit of one of those, and then more of the magnesium oxide. It'd have magnesium glycinate and then magnesium oxide, and they were still charging a lot for it. Typically, you have to go with a physician-grade magnesium. Designs for Health is one that we use. Systemic Formulas has one. We sell both of those physician-grade magnesiums. Magnesium malate is one of my favorites. I love magnesium malate. When you look at a lot of the Systemic Formulas, they have those more expensive magnesiums in it. Is there a time to take a non-expensive magnesium? Yeah, if you want to help your bowels move. Yeah. If you take a magnesium hydroxide or a magnesium oxide, it will make you go to the bathroom. It'll move it out. Why? Your body just flushes it out. Then it will create diarrhea. Even Epsom salt, which is magnesium sulfate, your body will not absorb. Take two tablespoons of that if you want your bowels to move, and that magnesium will just flush right through you, but you won't absorb it, you won't get it into the cell. That's when we want a magnesium malate, a magnesium citrate, or a magnesium glycinate (Buffered).

David: It's so amazing. Higher quality products make a world of difference, don't they?

Dr. Pompa: When you look at the cellular formulas we've talked about, we've talked about a lot of the cellular formulas that I was a part of helping create and the importance of them, they all have these really expensive types of vitamins that really are absorbed into the cell. Yeah, when you're going to Costco or wherever you're buying your vitamins, most of that, David, it's synthetic. Most of it's not absorbed. As a matter of fact, some of it can even be more stressful for your body. It's worth spending extra money on good stuff, no doubt.

David: Which is why there's all the information out there today about, vitamins are a waste of money. It's mostly because of the quality of the vitamins.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. No doubt about it. Systemic Formulas makes a product – those out there just want to take a good multi, it's called Spectra. It's actually, it's truly the only whole food vitamin on the market. There's a Spectra 1 and Spectra 2. You have your water-solubles and you have your fat-solubles in Spectra 2. These nutrients are extracted from organic vegetables. It is truly an extract, so it is truly in a form that it was exactly the way it was in the vegetable, definitely a more absorbable product. You need far less, you need fractions of the amounts, when you take a product that is that natural, it really is. If you desire to take a multi-vitamin, Spectra from Systemic is a wonderful product. It's in my cabinet. I don't take a multi-vitamin, but that Spectra, I do. Again, I just take it hit and miss, because I do eat very well. I do get all of my nutrients from the food that I eat, for sure, but I buy all organic, David. We eat all organic. Those of you who don't, it's worth taking Spectra, for sure. Again, we're giving you these five deficiencies because these are the things that most people are lacking. If you're going to focus on vitamins, these are the five right here. These are the five that most Americans lack and don't know it, just like you started the show saying.

David: There's one other one out there that I'd like to discuss today. I see it advertised all over the place. B12 shots. Let's talk about B12 and what people are doing with it.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. B12 made the list, top five. It's funny too, David, beyond these five – I want to make this point, and I want to make it loud and clear. Most diseases today are not caused from the lack of vitamins. I would say in the past, that was probably a bigger issue. Now I know the soils are depleted. I made the argument myself. We just have access to so many more foods and variety of foods. I do believe the soils are a major issue because of glyphosate and the herbicides that we're using are pulling the minerals out and overfertilizing with just certain nutrients, missing another. I get it. However, diseases today are mostly driven by inflammation, which arguably, some of these vitamins play a role in anti-inflammatory roles. Most of it is due to what we have too much of, not what we lack. You've heard me speak about too many toxins driving inflammation. That's the problem with most people, especially people that have chronic disease. Too many bad fats, all the vegetable oils everyone's eating, and all the food – get rid of those things – in driving up glucose and insulin, which is driving inflammation of the cell. All the breads and the grains and everything. Listen, being away and staying with teenagers for a week David, you wouldn't believe it. I didn't believe it. Most of them have medications next to their bed. These are teenagers, young kids. I'm not kidding. They're all addicted to grains and sugar, that's what they're addicted to. They're athletes, so imagine if they weren't. Maybe it would be worse. I don't know. I was just in awe of what these kids were eating, and I could not believe it. They didn't hear me, I know, but unfortunately, they'll hear me once they get sick. That is the big cause of disease. Now we look at vitamin deficiencies. Absolutely a problem, absolutely a piece of that puzzle of why people are getting sick. My goodness, no. The answer isn't taking the magic pill, the answer's getting rid of those three things that are driving inflammation, inflammation of the cell. There's no reason why there's the disease, hormone problems, and the epidemics that we're seeing. Back to number five, B12. That was a very important point, so had to make it. Should have started at the top of the show with that point. Number five is B12. Why is B12 an issue? We need B12 for just about every cellular process. We need B12 – we talked a little bit about methylation. I want to do a show on it. Read R5 under “Articles.” Watch the video, read that. R5. You'll find an article about methylation, how it plays an important role in not just getting rid of toxins, but an important role of how we adapt or not adapt to stress, anxiety, sleep problems, and how you need methylation to get rid of toxic hormones. Most Americans are methyl-depleted. It causes cancers, hormone problems, and because we are lacking methyl groups because of stress, whether it's physical, chemical, or emotional, read the article, B12 plays a major role in this methylatoin, or what we call methyl donors, that our body needs. If you lack B12, you lack methylation, and therefore, you have hormone problems, cellular problems, energy problems, brain problems – the list goes on. Why, then, is there a B12 deficiency? It has to be absorbed in our gut. Most Americans have gut issues, absorption problems, and therefore, they're not able to get the Vitamin B12 that's made in our gut with bacteria. You need these bacteria that make the B12 intrinsic factor, and therefore people are deficient in this because of the gut issues that we're seeing in the United States. That's why this one's a big deficiency. It's not from the food thing, like we talked about before, as much as it is from inflammatory gut problems, leaky gut, lack of absorption, therefore no B12, therefore lack of methylation and all the problems that follow. Can we take B12? Yeah, you can, but a lot of people still don't absorb it.

David: How about all these people that are taking B12 shots?

Dr. Pompa: Most of it, David, it's not in an active form. They're taking a certain form called cyanocobalamin, which you have to transition into an active form, which is hydroxicobalamin. Most people can't make the conversion, so the shots seem to help a little bit, and then they don't help because there's this whole process of conversion that has to take place, and if you're not able to do that, it doesn't help. A lot of people do, David, the shots help them, especially in the beginning, because they're not able to absorb it. They're taking B12 and still not even getting the benefit of that. We utilize, typically, an active form. There's two forms that we like, a methylcobalamin or a hydroxicobalamin, and we like them for different reasons. Hydroxicobalamin is the active form. It goes right into the cell, so oftentimes we give that. Methylcobalamin we like because it has a methyl for a bonnet, so different forms for different reasons. Cyanocobalamin, which is in 99% of the B12 that you buy in your health food store, is not a good form. Most people will not benefit from that form. Some people, it actually becomes toxic to them, the cyanocobalamin. Definitely look at your bottles right now if you're at home, and see what form is in your product. See if it's sublingual, and that's very important, and we also give it with folate. We give it with an active form of folate called methyltetrahydrofolate. That active form of folate is what goes right into the cell. Some people have a genetic SNPs called the MTHFR gene, where they're not able to transition that folate into the active form. That's why we like to use the active form. Again, these are more expensive products. We go, “I can get this product at my thing for $10. Why is this one $40 or $50?” Active forms. A lot of people have these genetic SNPs, they're not able to make those transitions. Toxic people have trouble making their transition from this form to that form. Again, the active form that your cell likes is the more expensive form, unfortunately, but the one that works.

David: Is there a brand in particular that you guys recommend?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I mean the MoRS is a product, M-O-R-S, that a lot of brilliance went into that product from Shayne Morris, and I had some say in that product. It has those active forms that I was talking about. Someone that has that genetic SNP that they don't methylate very well – and by the way, that's about 15%, 20% of the population. Most people don't know they have it. They get a lot of anxiety issues, sleep problems, the list goes on. Don't adapt to stress well. That gene was turned on, and they don't convert their folate very well. As a matter of fact, regular folate they're taking in the vitamin from the store actually is very toxic to them, because they don't convert it. They need the active form. That product was built out around those folks that have that SNP on that gene and don't transition.

David: That's why it's a part of the Core Cellular package.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah,, exactly. It's one of the core cellular formulas. Again, I think in that article are five. I talk about that product, R5 article. Again, the 5R's for new watchers or listeners, those are my 5 R's of Cellular Healing, how to fix a cell to get well. We have some products built around that, but it's not just about products. The 5R's really is about getting a cell well from nutrition. Yes, we have some tools in the form of supplements that we use, but you have to get rid of toxic sources as well. Read those articles, there's one for each R. R1 through R5.

David: Dr. Pompa, thank you so much for the great information. Is there any final thoughts that you would like to leave everyone with today?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Again, stop taking most of the vitamins you're taking, focus on those five. I'm sure you don't have a lack of many other vitamins besides that. That really gives you focus. Take the quality vitamins. Don't discount shop when it comes to what you're putting in your body. Eat organic, get most of your vitamins from food, but those are the five main deficiencies that most people don't realize they have that in fact will cause disease. I hope that helps. I think that we're going to put out an article about it so we get the message out.

David: That's awesome, Dr. Pompa, thank you. Just like every week, I took over two pages of notes. You probably see me putting my head down as you're talking and sharing information. Just like everyone who's watching learns, I learn just as much. I'm honored to be here every week, participating with you and Warren and helping spread the message and this great information to everyone. For viewers, thank you for joining us today. As we are today, every Friday. Same time, same channel, CellularHealing.tv. Thank you, everyone.

Dr. Pompa: Thanks, David.

David: Thanks Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Yep, bye-bye.

David: Bye.

22: Could your Vitamin D be making you sick?

Transcript of Episode 22: Could Your Vitamin D Be Making You Sick>

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

David: Hello everyone. Welcome to another edition of Cellular Healing TV. This is David Asarnow, and as you can tell, I am not in my normal location. I happen to be, as you may not be able to tell, in sunny Palm Beach, FL, and I will be with the illustrious Dr. Dan Pompa. Welcome Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Hello. Go ahead.

David: You’re in a ski vest. I’m here in Florida, and you’re in a ski vest, and we’re in June. You happen to be up at Mount Hood in Oregon from what I understand.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, Mount Hood, at ski camp with my kids. As a matter of fact, the one that refused to get on—last week he was in his underwear on the show bringing me something, and this week he’s in a ski outfit. But he refuses to show himself. I’m going to show him anyway. There he goes, out the door. See him? There he goes. So anyways, that’s Simon, Dr. Pompa. Anyways, so they get us up at 5 o’clock here, and I’m staying in the dorm with—and that’s where I’m shooting from. It’s all I have. I’m staying in the dorm with the kids. Imagine that. They get us up at 5 a.m. I do everything they do. We start off with a morning run. Then they stretch us. Then they have breakfast, and then they go ski today. I have to actually work, but tomorrow I’ll be back out there. People are probably like, skiing? It’s June. No, no. Mount Hood is, in fact, a glacier, so they’re skiing here all the time. Then, after that, we do called dry land training where we train dry, and I’ll participate in that too. So I come back from these camps in better shape. That’s for sure.

David: You think about it. There’s nothing better than being away to your boys’ camp, and, actually, let’s look at the topic for today. It’s really good because skiing on a glacier, you’re exposed to a lot of sun rays. Being down on the beach in Palm Beach, FL, as you can see here—see the palm trees outside?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah.

David: So being down here in Palm Beach, FL, you’re exposed to a lot of sun, so let’s talk a little bit about myths about sunscreen.

Dr. Pompa: That’s out my window, just a bunch of pine trees. I wish I could show Mount Hood, but I’m not in a position to do that. Anyways, you can see.

David: I’ve been up there. I’ve been up to Timberline Lodge before. It’s gorgeous. Let’s talk about the truth about sunscreen and the myths and Vitamin D. Your Vitamin D could be making you sick.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Well, it’s another 180° lifestyle. I think we’re talking about two different subjects. I want to definitely get to Vitamin D because, obviously, if you’re talking about the sun, I think in most people’s mind then you’re going to talk about Vitamin D. Of course, to raise Vitamin D, you need sun, but I think, again, 180° thought is what you’re hearing from the media, always do the opposite, is the run from the sun. Run from the sun. Sun’s bad. Sun’s bad. I hear it all the time. Well, I mean, if we just took it from a Vitamin D standpoint, well, how can the sun be bad? We’re talking about 3/4 of the population being Vitamin D deficient, and slathering sunscreen on and running from the sun is part of that deficiency. There’s other things, toxins, cholesterol, lack of fat, and all these things that we talked about before, also play a major role in that deficiency as well. The fact is is you need sun. You need sun for more than just Vitamin D. As a matter of fact, if you all go back and watch a past show, we talked about cholesterol sulfate. Cholesterol sulfate is used in so many different cellular pathways. You need sun to actually create cholesterol sulfate, which you need for hormones, which you need to stabilize cell membrane, which you need, really, for detox pathways. I mean, you name it. A cholesterol sulfate deficiency, we know now—the senior scientist in MIT, Dr. Seneff, has shown in brand new papers and past papers that cholesterol sulfate deficiency is linked to major diseases from heart disease to Parkinson’s, MS, autism, in many other different conditions. We know that this is a major problem, and yes, the sun plays a very, very important role in that, and yet, we’re being told to run from the sun. I’m telling you to get in the sun. I’m not telling you to get burnt because that’s not good for anybody, but I’m telling you to get in the sun without burning and raise your Vitamin D, of course, but raise your cholesterol sulfate. You know what, David? This is just what we know now. I promise you this. Ten years from now, we’ll be talking about other benefits that we’ve just learned, other cellular benefits that we’ve just learned, because of getting sunshine. You need sun.

David: Let’s talk a little bit about, okay, before you go to the beach, kids there are told to slather up all the sunscreen. Put it all over them. If you get out of the pool, you put it on again. You reapply. What is this doing to people?

Dr. Pompa: Most of the sunscreen on the market, David, actually causes cancer. That’s the humorous part about it. Well, maybe it’s not so funny, but I guess it’s funny in the sense that it’s 180° opposite, right? I mean, sunscreen has so many different chemicals, but, of course, when you put something on your skin, it ends up right in your bloodstream. Really, it’s worse than eating it. You’re better off eating sunscreen because at least then it has a chance to be dealt with via some detox pathways before it turns right into your blood system, right into, basically, your cells as well. So, I mean, we need to—if you’re going to use sunscreen—for example, if you’re going to be out all darn day in the sun, and you have no way of sheltering yourself, I mean, sunscreen then can be a benefit to you. But, again, then you have to look for a more natural sunscreen. On our website, we obviously sell more natural sunscreens. Again, I don’t want to use those unless you’re going to be out extended periods of time. After you get into the sun for periods of time, your skin gets darker and darker giving you natural protection, of course. Again, if you’re going to be out for an extended period of time, then there’s no doubt that you want to do some type of protection, even just putting on dark clothing. Hats are even better than wearing sunscreen. So don’t use it unless you have to, but if you need it, do something natural. David, just some really—like coconut oil. That’s about a 10 or maybe an 8 in protection. It depends on the coconut oil. Maybe even a 6. So it gives some protection. Shea butter, a little more. Those are two natural things that you could do that actually are healthy. That’s probably the healthiest thing you could do. Then, of course, if you want more block than that, you’d have to find a natural sunscreen, a more natural sunscreen.

David: You were breaking up a little bit when you were talking about where they can go. Which website would they be able to go find a little bit more about natural sunscreens that give more protection than say a shea butter or a coconut oil?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean our sunscreen. Yeah, revelationhealth.com you can find that. Then there’s even a coconut oil there that’s unrefined, which is going to give you more protection than the average coconut oil too. It’s the coconut oil that I use, but shea butter gives you a little bit more protection than coconut oil too.

David: Okay. Is that something that they would just put on what—I’ve heard you talk about, “Hey, go out in the sun for ten minutes. Get some kind of a base before you put anything on anyway.”

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, you want to slowly get in the sun. I mean, even if it’s for 20 minutes, 15 minutes. When you’re really pale, you have to build up that, obviously, the resistance there. Yeah. Just a little bit at a time, and as your skin gets darker, you can stay out longer. The darker your skin, David, the more sun you need to actually make Vitamin D and cholesterol sulfate. That’s why the greatest deficiencies in Vitamin D and cholesterol sulfate are actually in the African-American community, Latino community, etc. Why? Because their skin’s darker so the whiter you are, the less you actually need to be in the sun to stimulate those receptors. Therefore, if you’re darker, stay out longer. It really makes sense. God knew what he was doing. If you live in a place like Africa, you’re outside all the time potentially. See, God gave you really dark skin. Therefore, you’re out all the time. You’re protected, and it takes more time to raise your Vitamin D.

David: That’s interesting. So let’s talk a little bit about Vitamin D, and how can Vitamin D be making you sick?

Dr. Pompa: One of the things that people are doing is they’re taking a lot of Vitamin D because of the—again, the media now is promoting the fact that Vitamin D is really important. People run out, just like fish oil and they just start taking fish oil, they start taking Vitamin D. They put themselves out of balance when they take too much fish oil, right? Most fish oil on the market, as we said in the past, is rancid. Again, 180° opposite, fish oil becomes bad for you. Well, so does Vitamin D. Vitamin D, there’s something called a cross receptor. I don’t want to confuse our audience too much here, but what it means is, on the cell, you have these receptors. We talk about them all the time. Well, these are called cross receptors for Vitamin D. Meaning that they can bind also to other fat–soluble vitamins. So not just Vitamin D, but they can also bind with Vitamin A or Vitamin K too. So if you go to your—most of you watching, if you went to your medical doctor, they’ll tell you, “Oh, taking too much Vitamin D, the dangers. It can cause hip fractures. It can even cause cancer.” They’re always telling people the dangers of too much Vitamin D. Well, it’s not so simple. See, it’s not the Vitamin D that’s the problem. It’s, when you’re taking a lot of Vitamin D, it’s competing with the same receptor as Vitamin K2, for example, which is fat-soluble vitamin. Now you end up with a greater Vitamin K2 deficiency. Now you can’t get calcium in your bone. Now you can’t get calcium in your cell. It can also push out Vitamin A. So when you’re taking all this Vitamin D, blocking the receptor, Vitamin A’s not getting through. Now that puts you at a predisposition for cancers, certain cancer. So we see the increase in hip fractures with taking too much Vitamin D because you’re creating a K2 deficiency, so you’re not able to get the calcium into the bone. So you’re literally creating the opposite problem than you’re trying to avoid. That’s really where this research goes that too high of Vitamin D can cause those problems. It’s not the Vitamin D. It’s the fact that it blocks Vitamin A or Vitamin K2. Let me turn my phone off here. Someone’s bombarding me about emails, or texts. So, David, you’re creating deficiencies by taking just Vitamin D. End with this note here. If you take Vitamin D, you have to take it where it has all the fat-soluble vitamins in the right ratio. For example, the Vitamin D that we sell on our website, there’s a liquid version and there’s a capsule version. Systemic Formulas makes it. One is called Dv3. D as in dog, V as in Victor, 3. That’s the capsule version. Then they have the liquid Vitamin D, and they’re in that correct ratio. Almost 100% of the clients that I speak with—and I would say 50% of them are taking Vitamin D. Almost 100% of that 50% are taking just Vitamin D without the other fat-soluble vitamins, so that’s a problem.

David: Making sure that it’s in the right ratios. Here’s an interesting thing. Josh, right now, my son, is in Iceland. He was video—he sent us a video last night. When they landed, the first thing they did is went to breakfast. They gave him a shot of fish oil. He didn’t get any of the—literally, it’s a shot instead of in pill form. They’re literally doing a shot of fish oil, which he said, “It did not taste good at all,” but then they give them an orange juice chaser, and they said that made it taste even worse. Every time he burped, he’s tasting the fish. So how does that compare to the pill form that most people here in this country are taking?

Dr. Pompa: The pill form is just encapsulated, so they’re taking the liquid and they’re putting it in a capsule. That’s not a problem. Obviously, if you just take the straight liquid, you’re going to get more for your money, right? I mean, you’re not paying for the encapsulation. That’s one factor. However, I would argue this. What he just took and what’s being sold here, he’s taking something that’s not rancid because it’s fresh from the source. Here, by the time it sits in your grocery store, the shipping, the processing itself, you have a rancid oil. Fish oil is very fragile. It’s a polyunsaturated fat. Just like we talk about the negatives of vegetable oil, well, why pick on vegetable oil? It’s safe in vegetables, but when you take out the oil and put it in products, it goes rancid. It’s like a trans-fat; it drives inflammation. I mean, the same with fish oil. It’s a polyunsaturated fat. You take it out of the fish where it’s very protected; you have to be very careful with that fat. Otherwise, you’re going to make it go rancid, and again, then it becomes something good bad. So what he ate was protected more because it was right there at the source. But again, by the time it makes it to your cabinet, and then it sits in your cabinet, and on the store shelves, you’re taking something that’s actually bad for you. Yeah. There’s a lot of 180° thoughts when it comes to fish oil. No doubt about it. Back to the sunlight, David, I just read a—there’s a great study on strokes. So the lack of sunlight, when we’re talking about people running from the sun, it says, “Strokes are caused by blood instability, clots, and hemorrhages.” We know that, right? So we get that. What the study showed, they looked at 16,500 people, approximately. They tracked the history of where they lived. They looked at the weather statistics in those places where the people lived. They found that 60% increased in the risk of stroke for those in the lowest sun exposed areas. If you live in an area that is low in sun, there’s a higher risk of stroke, 60%, and heart disease. We have to understand. I mean, we know this connection with disease. So, we have—actually, the places with more sunlight actually have better mortality statistics. Now, here’s another interesting thing. Skin melanoma, because isn’t that the fear that most doctors say, right? “You’re going to get melanoma, skin cancer,” and people, I think that’s why they’re slathering themselves with sunscreen and staying out of the sun. It’s the number one reason. Would you agree?

David: Yeah. I mean, it’s like when I was kid, it was baby oil, coconut oil, or whatever, that you put on.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Right, exactly. Yeah. We spent all that time in the sun. Well, here’s an interesting statistic, and this is fact. This is not my opinion. Skin melanoma has increased 2% a year, 2% every year since 1974. Well, let’s look at that. There’s a parallel graph here. This corresponds to a 30-fold increase in the use of sunscreen. So, in other words, when we started using sunscreen, which is around that time it became popular, we’ve actually had a 30-fold increase in the use of sunscreen in 2% increases of cancer every year. So cancer rates have gone up proportionately at the same as sunscreen use. So, I mean, go figure. That’s an odd thing to think about, but it’s true. So we’re telling people to use more sunscreen, but cancer rates have gone up with it. It’s almost like it’s causing the cancer. Well, many people argue that the lack of sunlight is causing more melanoma.

David: It also could be that the toxins that are in most of the sunscreens that people are slathering on or, now, that they’re spraying these things on, it’s all chemical based. There’s no zinc in there, there’s no natural reflective products. It’s purely chemical, basically, that people are spraying on themselves.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, David, and, again, I think we’re finding that out. I think it is a combination of the two. I think there is, obviously, a protection. There’s things that are happening in the skin that are very healthy for the skin to prevent cancer. I think we’ll find out even more of those things in the last ten years. When your skin becomes dark, that melanin that comes to the surface is a massive antioxidant, a massive protector. Without it, it puts you more at risk for cancer. But you’re right. Then we start putting things that oxidize the cells, like the chemicals that are in the sunscreen, right in. That is a double whammy. That’s a perfect storm. I know that when you’re using sunscreen, you’re actually causing cancer. Look. And, again, it’s not just my opinion. There’s studies that are showing that. Folks, let’s wakeup to the fact that, again, whatever you’re hearing from the media, do the opposite, and somehow you hit it right every time.

David: Here’s the interesting thing. You talked about that the lack of sun they have more of these health challenges. So, to me, based upon what you’re saying earlier, I mean, from the layperson, it sounds like the lack of cholesterol sulfate problem, which is causing it. So what does someone who lives in one of the northern areas, the very cloudy cities, what can they do to help get—the cities that have ten days of sun a year. You hear a lot of seasonal affective disorders in a lot of these northwest or northeast towns. What do these people do to get the sun or the Vitamin D? What can they do in a healthy way?

Dr. Pompa: I mean, it’s interesting because what do those people in those climates—they eat a lot of fish. You talked about your son, right? In Iceland, the first thing they give was the fish oil.

David: By the way, he had whale yesterday.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Okay. So guess what’s in those products? Vitamin D and all of the fat-soluble vitamins, all the cholesterol, all the saturated fats that you need to make cholesterol sulfate. Everything that you need and also natural Vitamin D, you get it from the food because it is in those foods, right? So God has it all figured out, David. Guess what else is—those people who have lighter skin in those areas, the last thing you want to do is take someone from an equatorial type of place, whether it’s Jamaica, or Africa, or something, and you move them into a northern climate like Norway or Iceland. Forget it. You’ve got massive problems. They’re going to have to eat a lot of fish, and definitely be outside when they can because they are going to be a disaster. They’re going to develop disease. No doubt about it.

David: It’s really interesting. You may remember this. There’s a friend of ours who came from India. He talked about when he moved to the United States. All of a sudden, he had skin problems, and obviously, there’s a food source issue with that. When you think about it, you have darker skin, you move to a Northern climate in the United States, you’re not getting the sun that you used to. I mean, there’s a lot of environmental facts but there’s a food factor, and then there’s the environmental change factor. You just brought up something I’ve never thought of before. You’re right. God’s plan of our skin color depending on where we live and the foods that we naturally or natively eat in those areas, it counterbalances.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. So if you move—if you’re dark skinned and you move north, you better make sure you get a balanced Vitamin D. You better make sure you get some—eat some of those extra really quality fish that come from cold water that aren’t loaded up with mercury. You can definitely get a better fish oil that’s not rancid and protected with antioxidants and things. So, absolutely, I mean, you have to pay attention to those things for sure. Just like the really white skinned person moves to Jamaica or Florida, right? Florida’s probably a better example here in the United States. That’s a problem with those people. They get skin burn and that’s not good either, right? You don’t want to damage your skin that way. So we all have things we have to think about when we move to different climates, for sure.

David: That brings up a really good point, and I’d be sitting here thinking, okay, so I am light skin. By the way, I’m not. However, if I was light skinned, and I go out in the sun for ten minutes, and I turn like a lobster, what can I do? Is there products? Is there something that I could do to heal it? What should I do?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, if you do burn yourself—but, again, if you go out in the sun for ten minutes and you become a lobster, I’d tell you to go out in the sun for two or three minutes and work your way up. Let’s say that does happen. I would, in fact, use the coconut oil or the shea butter as a really good natural thing. Of course, aloe vera, you can cut right from the plant. It’s funny because aren’t those the things that you find where? You find them in high sun areas, right? Once again, God has provided, right? It’s there. You find coconuts, and shea nut, and the—what was the other one—the aloe, of course, in all of those climates. The answer, it’s funny. The answer to the problem is often times—just like the fish, right? The fish, you go north and you get all these amazing fatty good foods. The answer is in the environment. That’s why where disease is—certain diseases are prevalent, where do we find the greatest herbs for parasites? In the areas that have a higher number of parasites. Don’t go to Norway and look for herbs to treat parasites. Go to the warmer climates. Go to Jamaica and whatever. South America is probably a great example. Go to those climates and you’ll find herbs that grow there that deal with the parasites the best. A pretty neat thought, right?

David: Oh, my God. I’m sitting here thinking, saying, how we have such a culturally diverse food sources in different areas of our country alone, yet, the world, and when you look at it, there was a plan there for it. It’s so cool when you bring awareness to something that hits you right in front of your face that you don’t even think about.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah. Adaptation, the human—basically, the inborn, innate intelligence is amazing, right? I mean, that’s why when people go to different climates they get sick, right? I mean, when we go to Mexico, we get sick if we drink the water they’re drinking. Why aren’t they sick? See, they’ve adapted, right? I mean, the stressors, your body figures out a way and it adapts to it. That’s why a lot of diseases are, in fact, cyclic. Things change over times. The body figures it out. Give it enough time, it’ll figure it out. That’s why when they were like, well, how did polio go away? Was it the vaccination? Well, according the CDC’s own statistics, it was already plummeted. As a matter of fact, with the vaccination, we actually had a surge in increase because of the live virus that was introduced back into the culture, but all diseases are cycle for multiple reasons. I mean, not just the body’s own ability to adapt, but the environmental changes that can occur. Obviously, things that were going on with sewage and different things in the cities, all of these plagues that have happened, there were multiple things that changed and adapt, even cleanly living. It’s not like—we use these things to scare people into taking vaccination. Well, we’re not really giving the body’s innate intelligence much credit. I mean, and again, there’s a consequence, obviously, to every time you inject something into your skin, right? I mean, you’re bypassing the normal way you would take in a virus or a bacteria. Therefore, you stimulate the immune system differently. When you put something directly into your blood, or whether you breathe it or eat it, it stimulates the immune system in a whole different way. It violates that innate intelligence. It violates the natural way, and if you’ve learned anything from this show, you can’t violate what God has put in place. You can violate these natural things that we’re talking about here. When you do, there’s a consequence. So when you start injecting things into your blood directly without going through these pathways—see, the things that—the cells that you have, we’ll just call them defense cells, right? In these areas, in these areas, they are the first line of defense. They stimulate first. When those get stimulated, they stimulate something else. So when you get exposed to pathogens, bad guys, there’s this normal way that the immune system goes about things, but when you inject something directly into your blood, now you’ve violated the normal pathway. Look. Immunologists, microbiologists, they know that this in itself is problematic with vaccines and other things. They try to emulate as best they can what is natural. But the biggest problem I always say with vaccinations, David, is they stimulate the wrong immune system. They stimulate a hyperactivity, a type II reaction, which is very dangerous when you do it again, and again, and again. You’re creating allergy. You’re creating autoimmune. You stimulate a Th1 reaction, which is lifetime immunity. Your body builds up things normally, and naturally, and gradually so, again, just a 180° opposite. I know what we’re taught, and that’s a whole other show. I don’t want to go down the vaccination road, David, but put it on your little topic…

David: I actually just did it when you brought it up. I was reading an article the other day in regard to that, and that hyper reaction, and what’s happening, but it did bring up a really good question. A lot of autoimmune—and people are like, “Well, I’m autoimmune. I’ve been told I’ve got autoimmune challenges.” I would say, that based upon what I’m hearing, in introducing some of these toxic chemicals from the sunscreen, it could be triggers for a lot of the autoimmune that’s going on with people.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, and any chemical can introduce or trigger, we know, different bad genes and, therefore, autoimmune. Remember the three-legged stool of autoimmunity. The second leg is, in fact, a stressor, and again, yes, these things are stressors that we’re rubbing all over our skin. I mean, major stressors. In the over—I mean, I just met a woman this morning, David. They bought an organic coffee shop, and I asked her how she got started. Why organic? I’m always looking at people’s stories. She got very sick herself, right? It took her ten years to get well. You know how she got well? She just took all chemicals out of—well, all. As best she could, she took all chemicals out of her life, started eating organic. That’s all she’s made her little organic coffee shop. She started using all natural things that she put on her body, and hair, and everything, and she got her life back and just really reduced the number of toxins that she was putting in her life. She says that, if she goes out to eat, she can only do it maybe once or twice a week. More than that, she starts getting symptoms again. So, again, it shows you. If you’re eating a standard American diet, using standard American products on your skin, it is a matter of time, folks. Wake up and smell the cat food.

David: Smell the cat food. I love it. Well, it just shows you. All natural and what it can do. I love the coffee analogy that you brought up because it talks about—you want to talk about toxins, and pesticides, and chemicals. Where is it grown? In Third World countries. What do they use to keep the bugs away? They use pesticides that are banned here even. We allow a lot of toxic pesticides here. They take it—coffee’s one of the most porous fruits out there. They roast it; you pour water through it, and guess what you get in a cup you’re drinking? You’re drinking a cup of, not coffee, but a cup of pesticides, and people wonder why they get stomachaches. They wonder why they get sick.

Dr. Pompa: Well, here I am away. I always say, I eat the way I eat no matter where I go. I’m in a place. I haven’t been here, and I just thought I knew that I’d find organic coffee here somewhere and I found it. I always do. I always do. I find healthy food. I drove 35 minutes down the road yesterday and found a little health food store. I bought my coconut oil. I bought little things. I can eat healthy anywhere. You just have to put—see it’s a value to me, David, so I seek it out. When I talk to clients and they’re like, “Well, I don’t know what to do.” It’s like, “No, because you’re not looking. You have to look harder.” It’s such a great value to me that I sniff it out. I find it. I make my environment safe. I had Marie wash the sheets here in just hot water because they smelled like fabric softener. That’s a massive chemical. The average fabric softener that people use, it contains, on average, six neurotoxins. I’m not sleeping in that and breathing that all night. Are you kidding me? How about Tide and all these conventional things? You’re breathing that from your clothes and your sheets all night, all day. You’re being exposed to neurotoxins. I mean, do you think about that stuff? I do, because you know what? I was chemically sensitive once, and I knew that when I got that stuff out of my life, my life started getting better. But guess what? You may not notice it right now, all those listening out there, but let me tell you something. That stuff is affecting your health, and it is filling up your bucket, and one day that bucket is going to spill over. And that’s when the symptoms start, and typically, most people, that’s when the medications start, and then they go down the medication route for a while. It does; it works, David. They can relieve symptoms for a while, and then, all of sudden, that’s not working, and then it’s the next medication, and then it’s chronic disease, and then I get a phone call. “How did I get here?” They think it’s this one thing. I’m like, “Oh, no. You got here, that’s right. It took you 30 years to get here. Now, look what we have to do.” That’s why I have to interview clients before I take them on because if someone who thinks that they’re going to get better like that after 34 years of exposures to chemicals and all these things we’re talking about, forget it.

David: Yeah. That’s one of the big challenges people don’t realize. It’s no matter what. They don’t look at the cause, and how long it took them to get to where they are, but they expect to be—because we live in a pill society, people expect that they’re going to get themselves better, many people anyway, just overnight. They don’t realize they have to make the habit changes, the lifestyle changes. It’s the commitment and the value that they place on their health, and being willing and committed to, you know what, if—some people say, “Well, it’s hard for me to do it.” Yes, but how much do you value your health? How committed are you to making the changes? And almost in saying, “Well, if you don’t make the changes, what’s your life going to be like five years from now, ten years from now?” The grandkid’s soccer games you get to miss because you’re not feeling well. How much value do you place on the things that you don’t even know yet? Making that commitment to being—or to live in health no matter where you are. Because you’re right, you can find a way to eat the right way, even when you’re on vacation.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. David, I wish everybody would just say, “Oh, okay. I’m just going to do the right things because I know one day I’ll get sick.” It doesn’t work that way. People have to unfortunately wait until they get sick before they make changes. People think that they’re going to get away with it. They’re not. Nobody gets away with it. There’s too many toxins today. Genetically, you may be more blessed than others. Your bucket may be bigger. But eventually, even your big bucket is going to overflow, and then you’re going to be battling a degenerative disease. Look. It took our parents in their 60’s before they started developing degenerative disease. David, it’s happening today in our kids. We’re seeing teenagers today—I promise you this. I’m here with all these teenagers. Look. I’ll still outrun them. I’ll still outlast them. I see them with health problems. I can see it in their eyes. I can see it in their symptoms. I’m healthier than them, really, at 50, halfway through my life, God willing, than they are beginning their life. Where are they going to be, David, when they hit 30? Where are they going to be? That’s the big—this is the epidemic, man. This is what gets me out of bed in the morning. This is why we’re doing this show. Where are these people going to be when they hit 30 years old? Man, if that doesn’t inspire you, what does?

David: Isn’t there movie out there Fat, Sick and something else? But it’s because of that most of the kids are eating—they’re eating the fast foods. They’re going to McDonald’s, and places like that, and, in my opinion, not necessarily the healthiest choice. You talk about that. When Josh used to go to wrestling training and they do their workouts and their sprints, then I would go, and I remember the coach yelling at these kids, “Your letting this 40-something year old guy beat you?” It’s funny because the food that you put in makes a big determination of your health. It’s everything.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. The generation shift. I live in a unique place in the world, Park City, UT. The adults move there because they love the lifestyle. They eat a certain way, most of them. They’re focused on health. In Park City, UT, 90% of the children out—put it this way. How do I want to say this? The parents are more fit than the kids. Meaning 90% of the kids there are more overweight than the parents. I mean, isn’t that opposite? Well, that’s happening all over the country now, but at Park City, we see that more. We see fit parents and fat kids. Come on. Just sit outside of one of the schools, and just sit there, and you’ll see all these really fit parents, and then you’ll see these chubby kids coming out. Because the chubby kids, they’re more toxic. They’re eating more toxic food, and their whole life has been toxic. The adults have shifted over into a more healthy lifestyle, and the kids, unfortunately, are eating school meals, and really haven’t made that shift like the parents. So we’re seeing fat kids and fit parents. It’s an odd thing to see, actually.

David: It’s funny that you bring that up. It’s so true. I hear even my kids are saying how fit their mom is, how fit Jen is, and she’s the best shape of everyone. It’s because it’s a value. It’s a commitment. It’s happening more and more to people who are in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s that are deciding to take their life—to take control.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Another great book, David, Fat Kids and Fit Parents, but anyways, it’s…

David: The answer to living.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I just thought of another thought. It was actually something you had said earlier that sprung the thought, and maybe we should end on this. But when we talk about moving into different areas, how important—something we’re not doing lately. When you move into a new area and you’re eating local vegetables, and local produce, and local things, you’re picking up the local bacteria from that area, right? Today, let’s see. What are we doing? We don’t eat local, so we’re not getting exposed to the things, and the bacteria, and the microbiome, in that area, which is a problem. Okay. We’re getting vegetables shipped that have been sprayed with glyphosate, which kills all the good stuff, and enzymes, and all the microorganisms that we need. Then we’re eating those things, and we’re living in an environment that we’re really not at one with. We’re living in an environment that we’re not at one with the bacteria and the viruses. Oh, and then what we do is try and run from it. So now we’re using antibacterial hand creams and doing all these things to run from the bacteria, and we’re not getting the good stuff in our foods. Ah, what if we did like the people, say in Mexico or something, we’re eating the bacteria, and now we become more resistant, more protected. We’re at one with our environment. In fact, even eating local, David, an argument to not wash your fruits and vegetables, eat some dirt. It’s good for you. You’re going to get some microorganisms that you need.

David: As long as it’s organic and it’s sourced locally.

Dr. Pompa: That’s right. Otherwise, you better wash the heck out of them, and you’re still getting exposed because the darn chemicals are absorbed into the plants. But you should still wash them. But, yeah, of course, if you’re eating organic out of your own garden, man, it’s like rinse them off lightly with some water, but get that dirt in you. Don’t take it all away. Eat those microorganisms. You need them. Don’t wash them with chlorinated water either because that kills too many of them too. We need these organisms. We need to be one with our environments. That’s why people got on the thing—I mean, eat local honey. Well, that’s fine, but what about local everything. We want to be at one with environment. So when I moved to a new environment, it was really important that I started getting exposed to the dirts in the outside environment and all the things around there, and my body adapted. I felt it. I felt my body adapting the first year when I moved to Utah versus Pennsylvania. Why? Because it’s a different microorganism that lives in dry climates than humid climate so you have to make that shift. You have to live in one with that environment. It’s just the theme that turned out for the show, but it’s a pretty neat thought I think.

David: Eat local, source local, go organic.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Eat organic. Play in the dirt and get sun.

David: Play in the dirt. Have fun. Go get some sun. I like that. Fit Parents, Fat Kids, or something like that, good book.

Dr. Pompa: Yep, absolutely.

David: Thank you, Dr. Pompa, for being here and sharing with everyone today. Thank you everyone for tuning in. Next week, same time, same channel. We’ll have another episode of Cellular Healing TV. Until then, create an awesome weekend and next week. Thank you, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: You’re welcome. See you then.