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34: Thyroid and Adrenal Issues

Transcript of Episode 34: Thyroid and Adrenal Issues

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Hello, and welcome to Cellular Healing, episode 34. Warren Phillips here, host, along with Dr. Dan Pompa, our expert today. We've been flooded with a lot of questions. Dr. Pompa looks like Jesus this morning with the sun shining on him, per usual. It's a live show, and in live shows, we get the sunlight changing throughout the show. We get so many questions about thyroid fatigue, and I know from experience having adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, in my health journey and health past, it's an interesting dance. Many doctors are driving the idea that your adrenal fatigue—oh, I know what's wrong with you, adrenal fatigue. They've been to all the doctors. They come in to a health practitioner. Of course you have adrenal fatigue. They're true, and it's right. They go ahead and they address the adrenals and the person's still sick. This adrenal/thyroid dance is the same thing. They come in, “You have a thyroid issue.” Of course they go to their medical doctor, they take the medication, yet still have symptoms. Go to a natural doctor with a thyroid issue, take natural thyroid supplements, and still have a lot of the symptoms, only feeling a little bit better, whether it be from the thyroid meds or the natural supplements. There is the dance, the adrenal/thyroid dance and this hormone dysregulation. Dr. Pompa is in my opinion, and the opinion of many others and the doctors that we serve—the other day, doctors on our blog site, one of these patients just getting their life back after being so sick. Dr. Pompa, let's share with our audience today some of the success stories, some of the challenges with this adrenal/thyroid dance that we have with the world today.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, no, you're right in what you said in the opening that I talk to challenged, very, very sick people every day. I hear their stories. They call in and you know—everybody that calls in, I try to speak to them. I get every one of them really, I believe. At least an hour of my day is devoted to that. I hear their stories, and in their stories, I see a lot of the same things: “I've been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue,” or “I have a thyroid condition.” I always have to say the same thing: “That's all fine and good. However, that's downstream. Your adrenals are the whipping boy for you not adapting to stress.” Yes, does it make you more tired? Does it make you more irritable, potentially? Not sleep as well? Absolutely. The thyroid can cause sudden weight gain, not be able to lose weight, hair thinning, dry skin, low energy. Absolutely, but the thyroid is the canary in the coal mine. It's very sensitive to toxins. There's always an upstream cause to both of those conditions. Yet, I can't tell you. Look, on one side we have medical doctors throwing medications at it. There's a time and a place, perhaps, but in the long run, if you're not working upstream, you're never, ever going to get those conditions well. On the alternative side, same things going on. We're throwing more and more hormones at it, even bioidentical hormones. Again, time and a place, even have people recommend bioidentical hormones. However, those are crutches until you figure out what's upstream. If you're watching this, if your doctor is not going upstream and really looking for why your thyroid and your adrenals are not functioning normal, then change doctors. Warren said I'm one of the leading experts in this. Look, I believe that I am, just because I go upstream. How do you get someone permanently well without removing the cause of why their adrenals or thyroid aren't functioning correctly? To me it's so simple. It's so basic. Yet, I can't find doctors—that's why we're training doctors around the country to do this, to go upstream, Warren.

Warren: Yeah, I had a conversation with one of our peers, I think it was yesterday, outside that was walking around. I was on the phone with him yesterday. Just a great soul, great heart. I think I even shared that conversation. I said that, we do different as a company, as a movement, the health centers of the future and the doctors that we train, is that we aren't into putting a Band-Aid on the problem. Many physicians have the attitude—natural health physicians, I'm talking about, have this attitude, most people can't handle that much change in their life. Even if they do a little bit better, take a supplement, take the soy, even though it's toxic, whey protein—not whey protein, but protein powder with fructose in it, it's way better than what they're doing. They can't handle that much change, so that's what I'm going to give them. I told Robbie, I said, “Look, we just can't do that. We have to preach truth and love and give people everything that they deserve, which is the whole truth, and let them a decision. At the end of the day, people need to be told the truth and everything about it. Therefore, the true leading in the transformation the movement can have, and it would be like Martin Luther King preaching a pointy message about the injustices that are going on, “It's not that bad. If you do a little bit of change, it'll be okay.” You're not going to create a movement like that. You've got to call a spade a spade and allow people to respond to that emotionally and come around that movement. That's what we're here to do today. When we talk about thyroid and adrenal issues, a lot of doctors are saying, “They might not even know that it could be something more going on.” It's just easy enough to give them some adrenal products and say, “Hey, stop drinking coffee.” Then there's there adrenal protocol. Never addressing that usually the adrenal issue is seven stages of dysfunction lower, and it has a lot to do with toxicity and hormone dysregulation that eventually came down to this massive adrenal fatigue that showed up on a test. Usually, when things show up on a test, they've been going on for what, Dr. Pompa? 10, 15 years. That's what I love about the approach and the training we have with our physicians. As an outside, supporting health expert on the business side, that really makes me excited. I know that the truth is being preached through health centers of the future and through great doctors.

Dr. Pompa: I want to give them some pointers about thyroid and the adrenals. I always like to give some solid take-home advice. I guess in a nutshell, when you look at the three- legged stool—I talk about that within the autoimmune and how autoimmune started. If you haven't read the article “Autoimmune Answers,” please do, because I talk about this three-legged stool of cause and there's an answer. It really goes beyond autoimmune. One of the legs of the stool are always going upstream and removing the source, the stressors that turn on the gene.

Warren: I gave you an invite, Dr. Pompa, so I can draw for you, if you want.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, if you can draw the stool, I'll just quickly go through it and just show you. I do this just to set up context for everything that I want to talk about. When you look at the stool, obviously, what is the concept of a three-legged stool? If you don't have one leg, it's not going to stand up. Your treatment, your solution, won't stand up if you don't address all three legs. Today, Warren, just changing your diet is not going to get somebody well. If someone changed their diet when we were growing up, it's like every health condition went away, right? There's other factors going on. We have neurotoxins that we're being exposed to like no time in history. They have this ability to turn on certain genes. Once these genes get turned on, then they're expressing. Your body, your cells, are expressing certain symptoms, conditions, that you don't like. Part of the treatment, if you will, part of the solution, has to be to turn off those genes. We know how to do that today. There's so much new science with epigenetics, in terms of changing gene expressions. That's one leg of the stool. Then you have to go back and ask what turned them on. This is where you have to work with somebody who's looking upstream at these types of toxins and really knows how to remove them at the cellular level. By the way, that's a big issue. Most doctors are giving people these goofy little cleanses and doing these little simple cleanses. Really, it's surface scraping compared to true cellular detox. The last leg is that microbiome. The gut, today, is just a mess in most people. Without certain bacteria, when these bacteria in your gut are missing, we can't regulate our immune system, inflammation, how our bodies work. It is this three-legged stool why people are getting sick. It's this three-legged stool of how we get them well. You have to go to a doctor who understands this very, very well. It's all really exciting, new information. It's how you get people well in the 21st century. I would say the last ten years the game has changed. Alternative doctors just can't give supplements anymore and get people well and change the diet. You can't be a medical doctor just pushing medication, chasing symptoms. Not going to work. We've got to go deeper, folks. That's what this is about. Let's talk thyroid real fast. Look, people go to their doctor. They have a certain set of symptoms, right? It's the same thing. They don't feel well, their energy's not well, maybe they don't sleep well, their hair's getting thinner, their skin is dry, temperature dysregulation—hot, cold, cold all the time, cold extremities, hot at times. We hear the same stories. All of a sudden, they gain weight, and all of a sudden they can't lose weight. The same diets don't work anymore. Same stuff.

Warren: That was me, you'd look at me now and say, “How could you have a thyroid problem, Warren? You look healthy, you work out. I remember, Dr. Pompa, one of the symptoms I had, just when we were talking about that, was taking a hot shower would wipe me out. That's a thyroid issue, and who would think that. Your thyroid regulates your temperature, correct? It interacts with the adrenals there, too, I believe. Again, explain why that happens, why I couldn't even take a hot shower. Then I'd have to lay down in bed and be wiped out after a hot bath? Forget about it.

Dr. Pompa: You're not adapting to stress, even the stress of temperature. Your body has to adapt. You get into a hot shower, go out in the cold, your body has to make those adaptations. That system of your pituitary and your brain, your thyroid, and your adrenals, that access, as they call it, is off. We'll talk about some major causes. When that is off, you don't adapt to stress. That's, by the way, why people end up irritable. That's why they're emotional, crying all the time. The reason you can't adapt to the hot shower is the same reason you don't adapt to your husband or wife or children and the stress that they potentially can bring.

Warren: After a hot shower, I'd just want to rip heads, or I'd be massively fatigued. I'd either be irritable or fatigued, one of the two. I'm a Christian, so that even makes it worse. Not that I'm the poster child for acting well all the time, but even myself, I'm like, “Whoa, that's not good. I know that that's a huge contrast of what I claim I should do on a daily basis.” Of course, I had grace for myself, but I was definitely acting way out of character. I'm like, “I don't want to be this person.” It's almost like when you're—I won't get into that. I'm going off rabbit trail, but—stop me now, Dr. Pompa. You didn't know where I was going on that one. It was really a hard time for someone like me who knew that that behavior was wrong. I think that internal struggle even makes people get depressed. They just can't control their emotions.

Dr. Pompa: Depression is a part of it, as well. Again, they go to their doctor and what happens? They end up on psychotropic drugs. Does it help? Oh, yeah, most of the time it helps. It covers up symptoms, right? Then it stops working. Then you need more, or you need a different one. Now you're on the treadmill. You're ready to get thrown off the back, because that treadmill keeps speeding up. Now we're on the alternative doctor's treadmill. You're on this vitamin, you're on that vitamin. You're on the next new thing. Both sides have a treadmill. Ultimately, not getting on the treadmill is, in fact, getting upstream to the cause. When that system, that axis—the pituitary, the thyroid, the adrenals, goes off, we don't adapt to stress. You're right. I can't believe my wife didn't leave me when I was sick. I couldn't adapt to anything. I remember her having to take the kids and just go. I would tell her, “Just take the kids and go,” because I was that irritable. I was that on edge. Of course, it messes your sleep up. You wake up in the middle of the night, can't get back to sleep or you don't go to sleep. You're just revved up because your cortisol's flipped. Then you're wiped out in the morning, all day long. Can you take things for that? Have things? Yeah, absolutely. I could think of five things right now. Those things are sometimes needed, but ultimately, how did we both get our lives back? We went upstream and we got rid of the cause. We had different causes, really, how we ended up sick, you and I, but yet, very similar presentation. That's like most of the people watching. The people that have these symptoms, you go to your doctor and you say, “I think I have a thyroid issue,” and you get blood work done. One of these things happens. Either it's normal, which most of the time for the first 10, 20 years, it's normal. They're going, “Oh, it's not that.” Look, Warren, you said it. It takes 20, 30 years for the blood work to go off until finally it shows up. Let's say it does show up. Then, what does he do? He puts you on a medication, typically T4 in this case. Does it help? Sometimes it does, yeah. Sometimes it does. It helps you produce more hormone and get more hormone into the cell and you feel better. Most of the time, it actually makes your blood work look better, but unfortunately, you don't feel better. You're going to your doctor and he's going, “Yeah, your TSH is now within normal range. Your levels are all better. It's not your thyroid of why you don't feel—”but Doctor, I still have the same symptoms.” It's like, what's going on? It's like, “Your blood work's better, so it must be something else.” No. Look, any medication can make your blood work look better, but the fact is, you don't feel better. Here's the bottom line. Without getting into it—we don't have time. The bottom line is, you could take all the hormone in the world and your brain can think everything is good. Therefore, your blood looks normal. However, you're not getting the message in the cell. Again, when we go back to the cell, you have to fix the cell to get well. After all this is, in fact, Cellular Healing TV. Here's your cell. This hormone is outside of the cell. In this case, active thyroid hormone is called T3. You can' put all of the hormone back in the body you want, but if that hormone can't get its magic in here and alter the DNA in your mitochondria, you're not going to lose weight. You're not going to have more energy. You're not going to feel well. Because your brain thinks that the hormone out here, everything's okay, all your blood work looks normal. The problem is, you're not getting the hormone in the cell. It's like this: your cell has now become more and more deaf to the hormone. By the way, the more hormone you take the more deaf the cell becomes. The analogy I love to give, Warren, is—and you're not to this point yet, but you will be one day. The louder we shout at our kids, especially as they become teenagers, the less they hear us. Meaning that in the beginning, when you shout at your kids, they're scared. It works.

Warren: Yeah Tuula, it works. I raised my voice last night and she –

Dr. Pompa: It works. Eventually, the louder you go, the less Tuula will hear you. That's like giving hormones, whether it's bioidentical or whatever it is. Yeah, it works in the beginning. We feel a little bit better, but ultimately, then the cell becomes more and more deaf, and now we don't hear the hormones at all, just like our kids don't hear us at all. Another analogy is trying to take gasoline. Your car runs out of gas and you're dumping the gasoline on the car because you can't get it in—your darn gas tank is locked, so you just decide to dump the gasoline on the car. That's what people are doing with hormones. You've got to get the gas in the car. Therefore, the hormones really—because the epidemic is inflammation of the cell, hormone treatment only works so far. Really, ultimately, it doesn't get to the cause. We have to ask ourselves, why cannot this hormone get into the cell? Ultimately, the answer's inflammation. Then we have to ask ourselves, Warren, what is causing inflammation? Of course, we know that certain neurotoxins are the driving force. I want to say one more thing, because that's one reason. Another reason is autoimmune, which again, folks, read the article. Autoimmune is a massive, growing epidemic of people. Now we can have toxins that attach to certain receptors, thyroid receptors. Your autoimmune system's creating inflammation, driving the inflammation. Now the body is not getting the hormone in the cell, or it's not making enough hormone. It's not converting enough hormone. These are the real issues. Did your doctor even test you for autoimmune? Even if he did, what's he going to do? His treatments sank. That's probably why most doctors don't even test you for autoimmune. Most people watching this are autoimmune to some point. Even if you get the test, you run thyroid antibodies, they were negative—once again it takes years being autoimmune before you actually show up on a blood test autoimmune. The treatment for autoimmune versus a non-autoimmune case is completely different. I just want to really get people to realize, Warren, that you have to go upstream. What causes autoimmune? Read the article. It is a three-legged stool. The toxins are a big issue. The thyroid is a canary in a coal mine—very sensitive to heavy metals like mercury, very sensitive to halogens, chlorine, bromine, these things that we're exposed to today like never before. Our kids are drinking soda, Gatorade, all these things that are loaded with bromine that interferes with the thyroid. Silver fillings in our mouth leaching mercury right up into our pituitary that runs our thyroid. These are causative factors, Warren. This is where people need to look for the ultimate solution. Run the next test isn't the answer. Taking the next hormone's not the answer.

Warren: I just posted that article with Dr. Pompa on CellularHealing.tv so that people can access that quickly. I'm going to hit “Publish Comment.” Perfect, so that's there. It was interesting. When we first—even during our health journey, which for me was almost ten years ago, Dr. Pompa, is when I showed up sick at your doorstep, and you started taking care of me and speaking into my life. A broken man with no future, really. I tell that story all the time to people. I told it to the guy at the store the other day. I just can't help but continue to tell the story of how God gave me my life back when I didn't deserve it. Even then, I remember the patients. The autoimmune epidemic wasn't, I would say, half of what we're seeing it today. I don't know why that's the case. I have no idea, but I remember the Cellular Healing Guide alone transforming lives. Today, what seems to be happening is diet alone causes more autoimmune conditions, maybe because the mass inflammation in the gut. More leaky gut is happening. I don't know, but I just remember, the Cellular Healing Diet was the magic bullet back in the day. Now, as the sickness and disease has progressed, this down regulation of the autoimmune and a lot of the strategies we use with our doctors—and thank God for people like Jordan Rubin and some of these other experts that have paved the way for some of these—even Joseph Mercola for that matter, the Microbiome Project, when he partnered with that. Some of these experts really have looked into the autoimmune issue. What I love about what we do, we read the research and just don't go, “Wow, that's great research on thyroid. That's great research on autoimmune.” We start putting it into practice. I remember Jordan Rubin saying that you, “Dan, you're a pioneer, because when you hear truth, you just go out and you do it, even though it may be hard to do.” That's why we do what we do. If you're watching this and you want to do the right things, you need to get in touch with us. We can put you in touch with one of our doctors. I hate to get into this, Dr. Pompa, and you may not want to go here, but what are some of the—we're not Band-Aid fixers here at Cellular Healing TV. You heal the cell you get well. Remove the interference, the body does the healing. At times, we do need some support so that we can function on a day-to-day basis. I know for me, I've been traveling. I was in Paris, and I spent a lot of time—I was over there, and I lived it up while I was over there. I had a great time with my wife. We reconnected, which is definitely important for your health. I am now back on a lot of methylation. One of the products that I take is B12 and then it's hydroxycobalamin and Folirinse, both strong methyl groups. Also, MoRS, by Systemic Formulas. I don't have it here. I have it at home. Why would I take that after doing a lot of oxidative stress? How would that help my adrenals? Then go off into some of these other adrenal tips. Then maybe some thyroid tips, just so people know that they can get some support as they're trying to find a doctor that knows how to remove the cause and get them their life back.

Dr. Pompa: Methylation, you need methyl groups to adapt to any stress. The adrenals ultimately need it, because methyl groups, you need to activate cortisol and adrenaline and all the stress hormones. You also need them to deactivate it. When you're stressed, you're going to use more methylation. The need is greater. Supporting it when you're under stress is very, very important. That's why it's one of the 5R's, by the way, because methylation is R5, Reestablishing Methylation, because it's so depleted today. Toxic stress depletes it. Emotional stress, physical stress, all deplete methylation. Athletes need more. People who are more stressed with adrenal fatigue need more methylation. Otherwise, you will turn bad genes on, just like I was explaining. It is part of that turning good genes on and turning bad genes off. As far as the thyroid goes, one thing is, is run the right blood work. There's ratios that we do. We look at different functional ranges. Again, going to one of our doctors that really is trained, that I've trained around the country, that does this, is important, just for the testing reason alone, but obviously, for the treatment reason. A little tip on the thyroid—then I'll move to the adrenal, just to keep it in order. 25% of all thyroid conditions are severe iodine deficiency. Especially if you're living in the central United States, there's massive, massive iodine deficiency. People that live on the east coast or the west coast, there's a little better, but severe in the center of the country, because there's just no iodine in the soil, there's just no iodine in the environment. Today, it is one of the five—if you haven' t read that article—the five great deficiencies that I believe all of us need to be aware of. There's an article about that. Read it. Iodine is one of those five true deficiencies today. It can lead to major thyroid problems. Heavy metals, which we're exposed to today, it's obsequious really, bind to the same receptors as iodine and it blocks the receptor. You need iodine to make thyroid hormone, so if you're deficient and then heavy metals is blocking it, now we've got a big problem. Iodine, but you have to take it in the right ratio. There's a product that we sell on our website called TMI, like too much information, TMI. It has the iodide and the iodine. The iodide is used more for the thyroid. The iodine is used more in breast tissue and the brain. People don't understand that when you lack iodine, you start losing IQ. You start losing brain function. You become brain fogged. It plays a large role in breast health, hormone health—to make certain estrogens, you need iodide. Very, very important. Anyways, you want that—there it is. There's a perfect ratio that's been shown to work really well. Then there's other herbal, which we call herbal in that product that help the iodine, actually, beat the liver to the tissues, where we actually need it. That's an amazing product. I take that product every week. Probably, I would say, three times a week, I take two of those pills. I don't take it every day. I just pop them randomly as if I would eat. Again, my iodine levels are good, but I do it just to maintain my iodide levels that's important.

Warren: Here's another trick, Dr. Pompa. Another major oxidative stress in radiation, two things—so why am I so beat up, a healthy guy, after traveling eight hours to Paris and nine hours back on the plane. You're so high up in the atmosphere. Think about radiation from the sun just smashing your cells, causing cellular inflammation and rust essentially, oxidative stress. There's radiation, so before you travel, if you want to protect yourselves from cellular death or apoptosis cellular death—am I right on that? I always take this before I get on the plane. After I get off the plane, I take two. This trip, I forgot. Just so you know, guys, I'm a healthy fellow, but post that trip, man, I've had headaches and all kinds of—I got weird joint inflammation in this joint and this pointer finger. It's amazing that just that amount of travel—again, I'm not perfect. I have a great, perfect diet, but that amount of travel still jacked me up, and I have to supplement to get some of those symptoms removed.

Dr. Pompa: The amount of radiation when you fly is actually huge. Now, radiation coming over from Fukushema people eating fish and other things with that radiation in it, iodine becomes more important. By the way, that's what you give someone who has radiation poisoning. They were giving people iodine when they're exposed to these fallouts like Fukushema if you all remember Thurmont Island and all that stuff. That was back in my day. Anyways, they give them high levels of iodine. Iodine, because of the levels of radiation, are actually far important today. When you go to the Hawaiian Islands, the radiation levels are extreme. However, those people have a lot of iodine in their diet, fortunately. It protects them. When Americans go there, they're not as protected. They come back and they're not well. We have to be very careful. Iodine plays that role. That's one. You might want to have Krista go get a bottle of Gb and Ga. Gb is another one you take when you travel, because it's a pituitary product. This is the control tower, here. By the way, when we talk about toxins and toxins interfering with the thyroid and the adrenals, a lot of it comes from the control tower right in the center of our brains. Studies show that the amount of silver fillings that you have in your mouth is proportional to how much mercury you have in your brain. Not just your brain, your pituitary hypothalamus, which is the control tower for all of your hormones, your endocrine system. That's why I couldn't sleep. That's why I couldn't adapt to stress. That's why my thyroid wasn't working well. All the mercury was in my pituitary. Look, we have a special protocol that gets it out of the pituitary. Please, read the article, know I'm pushing articles today, read the article, “When Detox is Dangerous.” Please, it's on the site. “When Detox is Dangerous.” I talk about this, and there's three parts: Part one, Part two, Part three. Read them all, because it's important. If you don't get the inorganic mercury out of that pituitary—we just released an article. We just wrote the article that I did with the interview for Dr. Grieco In that, the very end, I talk about how important it is to get the inorganic mercury out of that brain, out of that pituitary which controls the thyroid and the adrenals. That Gb, if you have it, hold it up. When I travel, I take that with the iodine, as well as a little bit of melatonin, 3mg of melatonin. Those two, I always take, because the pituitary hypothalamus helps you adapt, even to the time change and the stress. Then Ga is an adrenal product that is also very important, right there. That helps support the adrenals in times of stress. Again, if you don't work upstream, it's all for nothing. Those products, Warren, we've used them for years and years and years.

Warren: You've been using them for 15 years.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly. We still use them in our health, even today. The adrenals, that's a product that I love. There's another one called Seriphos that actually helps taper down cortisol. Many people are in this hyper adrenal state, even at the wrong time. That's why you can't get to sleep often and wake up in the middle of the night. Seriphos tapers down the cortisol. By the way, it's another reason why you gain weight. Seriphos calms the system and rests the adrenals. I love putting it as a crutch with that Ga, and oftentimes, even with that Gb. Those are just some tips. Here's another great tip: sea salt. Two teaspoons of sea salt a day. Man, the adrenals need that sodium potassium. People that are strained in their adrenals, they take some sea salt and they feel, they adapt, so much better. Sea salt, very important. Just in review, we talked about methylation. There's a product called MoRS, M-O-R-S.

Warren: I have the liquid version here on my desk, because I take it.

Dr. Pompa: Spin it. There you go. Always spin, spin, spin. Anyways, then the methyl groups, that's methylation.

Warren: I took that right while I was on the show because if I forgot, not good. I need it right now.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.

Warren: One of these to one drop of these?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly.

Warren: One to one.

Dr. Pompa: Then anyways, typically you would just one or two MoRS a day. Then the iodine we actually, if someone has a thyroid issue, you have to wrap it even the high dose, orthomolecular amounts of 50 mg. You should work with a practitioner with that for sure. Again, just something you can do on your own, obviously, supporting. The extra sea salt, the Ga, that Seriphos if she wants to go get that, it's S-E-R-I-P-H-O-S.

Warren: I'm trying to see if it's on my supplement shelf. I pretty much have everything on my supplement shelf that you recommend, Dr. Pompa. I take them on and off. When I first got sick, obviously, I was taking almost everything for a season. Now as I got healthy, I take them on and off.

Dr. Pompa: I'm going to take our viewers on a little fun—come on, we're going to end this show good. This is going to be a good one. We're going to take a little field trip.

Warren: To Dr. Pompa's cabinet!

Dr. Pompa: I'm going to embarrass my daughter. This is my daughter's room. Isn't that horrific? What is going on here today? Someone's going to be in trouble. By the way, those books you saw on the floor, those were dropped at 11:00 at night. I was falling asleep and I jumped. Now we're walking down—hopefully we see some animals along the way on our journey. Looks like a little safari we have going on. Oh look, there's an animal up there. Do we see that animal? We'll run into more animals. Let me turn off the television here that my wife was watching. Oh, I'm listening to it. I've got to turn this off here. Ah, wait! Okay. Now here's the supplement cabinet. This is why we did the field trip. This is Dr. Pompa's supplement cabinet. You can see there's—let's see what we have. We have L-Liver. This is one of my favorite products, by the way. Spectra ONE. I love Spectra! This is the multivitamin. Watch the video I did. This is the only multivitamin I take. I never took a multivitamin ever in my life. This is a true whole food multivitamin. Here's CVO Oil. I love CVO Oil. This is a krill oil that has a lot of other fat components. Lowers particle number of cholesterol. Helps you become a fat burner. I take that every day. Let's see what else. Oh, here's my MoRS! There's the MoRS. You can see—oh, another one. This is Synulin. This helps regulate blood sugar. As an athlete, I'm a firm believer. Oh, and then here's my ASEA. This is the packets; it's not the bottle. I took it this morning. There it is. Look, Seriphos! Here is the Seriphos, right? Love that product. Anyways, there you see it. It's true. Let's see what Dr. Pompa has in his refrigerator this morning. We're going to—ah, let's see here. Someone actually requested this, by the way, in an email. This is actually raw milk right here, that we get locally, and it's A2. How about that? Oh look, X-factor Butter Oil. This is amazing, amazing stuff. We sell it on our website. These are cage-free eggs. Organic, large, cage-free, free range eggs. Awesome. These are green beans, last night's dinner, cauliflower, sprouts. Oh gosh, that's raw dog food. We don't want to pull that out. Anyways, you see, I do practice what I preach. That was obvious. Here's all the vegetables under here. Oh, and all my raw cheeses. Here's a local raw cheese. I have some Beyond Organic cheese in here. I don't know if you can see that. Anyways, alright, that's all.

Warren: What about all your supplements that need to be stored in the refrigerator?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here's an amazing probiotic. This one I'll talk about in a little bit. It's called Probiophage. It's actually phage, which we're going to do a whole show on this, because we're actually developing a new product here. Really exciting research there, as far as the microbiome goes. There you have it. Wasn't that fun, folks?

Warren: It was fun for me. I miss you, Dr. Pompa. I can't wait. I'm actually going to be there next Wednesday.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. Here, I promised you more animals on our field trip. Here's a cute one. Look how cute she is! Remy! Look, see how cute? Oh, there's another one. We saw some animals on our field trip, too. We'll head back upstairs. Okay, but that's fun. I do practice what I preach. If you went in Warren's home, he could take you on the same field trip. His supplement cabinet looks the same. His daughter's room is much cleaner, I assure you. My kids, I could go in their rooms and actually show you their little supplement areas.

Warren: This is the office, and you can see my supplements over on that shelf, right? All those, and then all the ones on desk and ones underneath my desk. You can't see them. There's some underneath my computer thing there. I'm surrounded by about 40 supplements, just in case. It's a security blanket at times, but I do take them throughout the day, sporadically.

Dr. Pompa: You know Warren, I'm healthier today than I ever have been ever in my life. I'm healthy. I'll be 50 next year. Oh, another great bacteria product, Prescript Assist.

Warren: Prescript Assist, yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Anyways, I'm healthier today than, like I said, I've ever been in my life, honestly.

Warren: I'm healthier now than before I got sick, if that makes sense.

Dr. Pompa: Me too. I am, too. We still take the stuff because we understand. We get it. I'm never going back, Warren. That's a fear of mine. I'll never go back. I know when I was getting well and I would have those good spells and it would end with me not feeling well, I would panic and I would tell my wife, “I can't go back. I just can't go back.” It was almost harder, because I will never go back to how sick I was. We can look at our food and our supplements and think, “Man, these guys go overboard.” I don't believe it. I eat the way humans were meant to eat. Take the greatest supplements in the world. It's what got me well, and it's what's going to keep me well. Anyways, with that said, this is a big topic of adrenals and thyroids. Share this one with your friends. Again, the upstream message is go upstream. Yeah, we gave you some crutches. We gave you some things that you need to do in the interim to adapt, but ultimately, go upstream, folks. Read those articles, please read them.

Warren: Alright, thanks again, Dr. Pompa, for your time. Signing off, Cellular TV Episode 34. What a great success. Thanks so much for sharing your cabinet. I'm wanting to do that when I get to my house. One of these days, you'll go see mine. It's massive. Thanks again, everyone. Have a great weekend. Signing off, Cellular Healing TV.

Dr. Pompa: Got it.

33: Healthy Pets

Transcript of Episode 33: Healthy Pets

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

David: Hey everyone. Welcome to another episode of Cellular Healing TV. This is David Asarnow, and I’m here with Dr. Dan Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: You almost said doctor.

David: I know, since you guys introduce me every week, though. And, our other co-host Warren Philips is over the pond, over in France right now. We’ll see him back next week. This week we have a very special guest. We have Valerie Candar and Doug White of loveyourpetbakery.com. That’s www.loveyourpetbakery.com. Valerie, tell us a little bit about Love Your Bakery and why you guys got started.

Valerie: We got started because I had a very sick golden retriever that was poisoned and he had a lot of neurological problems. I started researching dog foods and there were really none that I thought would help him, so we started making our own.

Dr. Pompa: You know, David, when we came up with this show, we’ve had more emails about this show because people are concerned about the health of their pet. Of course, to date, we’ve never talked about the health of animals, so this is the first show. Not the last, I can tell you, just because of the response that we got, questions coming in. I gathered up a lot of the different questions that people had, and some of the things and concerns people had. I can’t wait to ask some of those questions. You all were supposed on last week, and it was actually a blessing because people obviously had time to respond when they saw you weren’t on. This topic of pet health, this is a growing topic. One of the things, when I met you all, I was really impressed with both of your knowledge about the subject. There was something else that impressed me a lot. I had Great Danes in the past. I said I’m never going to buy another one because these big dogs, I love them, but yet they don’t live very long. Well, you all have, and I’ll let you tell the history of this Newfoundland family that you have there, but you have big dogs that have lived to 16, 17 and 18 years old. Tell us a little bit about that because that is unheard of.

Doug: I’ll speak to this, Dr. Pompa. One of the things Valerie failed to tell you in the history of why she is in this industry was the results that she saw after feeding raw food to this golden retriever that had been poisoned and had all this neurological damage when he was just a puppy and he had lost weight from 60-plus pounds down to 28 pounds. He was only two years old and subsequently lived for another 14 years, until he was 16. If that wasn’t testimonial enough, the dog shed less, their waste on a daily basis was much, much less condensed because they assimilate the food that they ingest, and they assimilate a large percentage of it, rather than just what goes in comes out the other end, and is just because it’s been affected by a different pH level, and it takes on a different shape. That just didn’t occur. As our family of four-leggers grew, we implemented this diet.

Dr. Pompa: I said Newfoundlands. I made a mistake; it’s Bernese Mountain Dogs you have now, correct?

Valerie: No. You’re correct, Newfoundlands.

Doug: Newfoundlands. The last one that left us was 17 years and 5 days. Unfortunately, we have not found anything that works particularly well with their cognition, and so he had dementia so bad, that we would find him in a corner standing there, not knowing where he was. The point was that he was able to stand there and still enjoyed eating a couple times a day, and other than his mind being completely gone, he was quite healthy. Seventeen years old for a giant breed dog is a remarkable story. We’ve had another two Newfoundlands that lived to be 14 years old. They have been on this diet that Valerie developed their entire lives. That’s all that they eat.

David: Let’s talk about it because there’s so much controversy and I got the emails of curiosity, I think, more than anything. We feed our dogs all raw. Many, well two of the people that emailed in, they changed to raw because of a health condition. Maybe one had cancer and the other some arthritis. In both cases, there was an immediate turn-around in the health. Valerie, I’m going to look to you. Why is that? We know that when we feed these dogs raw, we see all this healing occur. Isn’t that enough to break this debate that a raw diet is better? What are your thoughts?

Valerie: I think that people need to do their own research and that they shouldn’t just trust somebody. They should formulate their own opinions and I think the easiest way to do it is to try it. Look at it, look at kibble or whatever they might be feeding and look at something that’s live, full of nutrients and look at something that’s been processed and try it for a couple weeks and see what they think. Most people will see a shinier coat, cleaner teeth, less doggie odor, and less waste. A lot of people like the less waste part, particularly.

Dr. Pompa: Something that I have noticed, when we lived back east, there was definitely more ticks, more flea issues than where we live now here in wonderful Park City. However, when we switched over to raw, our dogs didn’t get fleas anymore. Is that something that’s true, or is that just to us? No ticks as well.

Doug: We haven’t been able to draw a correlation between the two, unfortunately. I would love to make that claim. That would be a claim that would—but we just haven’t found anything other than to suggest that the pet is probably healthier.

Valerie: Not as attractant.

Doug: There’s not as much—many attractants for a parasite to invade them. That’s the only thing that we’ve been able to find. We talked to some folks that also live out here, close to us. Not quite at the elevation that we do, and they’re in the bottoms of the valleys quite often and into the thicker areas around the rivers, and there are some ticks. I don’t hear any flea issues with any raw food dog, but I know that they occur back in the east and in the southeast. They’re much easier to manage for some reason.

Dr. Pompa: Right, and I don’t want to get off the subject we’re on right now, because we’ve got more to explore there, but, the flea treatments, and again I deal with neurotoxic elements. I know the toxins that are in those treatments, and they’re neurotoxins. That’s how they work. Those things are extremely dangerous whether it’s the collars, the powders, just about everything around flea treatment is extremely dangerous. You might have some – obviously I mentioned the raw diet. Our problem went away with that, what are some natural things? I do want to give people a valid and natural solution. Fleas and ticks, I gave a problem, and what is another solution besides feeding raw?

Valerie: Cedar oil.

Doug: Derivatives of the cedar tree. There’s a product called Cedar’s (Dime). I’ve only seen it available online. It comes in a powder and in a liquid suspension.

Dr. Pompa: Your store is filled with these natural products. It’s your whole shtig there. How can people order these things online and how do they do that?

Valerie: Go to loveyourpetbakery.com or give us a call. 435-655-8227.

David: You’re going to have to say that slower. Say the number slower.

Valerie: Okay. 435-655-8227.

Dr. Pompa: People might have some other questions, too, some follow-up on some of the topics.

David: I have a question. We’re talking about dogs. I grew up with dogs, and we’ve become cat people, so does the same thing work with cats as far as the raw food?

Valerie: Absolutely.

David: On some technical trouble last week, that’s why you weren’t able to be on, but I was just—this generation gap. I missed it by one, too folks. Warren’s ten years younger than me, and he figures it all out. Forget about it. I feel the computer pain. We feed our cats all raw as well. As well as the mice they eat.

Dr. Pompa: And they bring you daily.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly. We learned that lesson when we had a cat in the neighborhood that ate all raw, and I swear that cat lived well over 20 years old. There is something to this, and Valerie, I love your advice. I would take it further. Do your own research, period. You start reading and researching on line, which is so much easier today. I believe you will come to the conclusion that raw is better. I know, and I’ve heard this, I want to address it because, I hear, “animals have evolved today,” to where grain—they’re carnivores. Carnivores aren’t meant to be eating grain. “Well, they’ve evolved,” is the excuse. I can speak of human history because I’ve done the homework then, right? When we look at the history of grains in humans, on this scale of the history of man. It’s like we just started eating grains yesterday, literally. Where is the evolution of this, or adaptation is probably a better word, of eating grains for humans? It doesn’t exist. That’s why we have so many problems. Can we eat some? Yeah, absolutely, but I would argue that humans have more of an ability to eat a cross-over food and too much grain, when we get over a certain caloric intake, then it becomes very bad for humans. Dogs, where is this time to adapt? There isn’t any.

David: They’re not going to be going out baking bread.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly. Here’s the thing. Carnivores, their digestive tracts are very short, very acidic, so it doesn’t putrefy. Last I checked, it’s the same length. There is no adaptation. That’s me as a physician talking, and also my love for looking at history and this subject of adaptation with food.

-Inaudible- Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.

Doug: They would have grazed, you know, you would’ve seen wolves grazing in wheat fields if there was any way that genetically, they were able to process the grain. It would’ve been much easier to graze in a wheat field than it would be to chase down your prey and kill your prey. They haven’t adapted, you’re correct. That is probably a better word than evolution, because the time that they’ve been force fed this grain-based, baked product has only been in the last 75 years. There weren’t dog food manufacturers before that. It’s cheaper, and we believe that they still don’t have an enzyme that occurs in their body that can even deal with it. Which is why, on the waste end, we see such an enormous amount come out that has gone in.

Valerie: It’s an assimilation problem. They simply cannot process it and we’re of the belief that kibble are for the convenience of the owner, not the health of the pet.

Dr. Pompa: I agree. I could not agree more. Now, you all make your own, but we buy our raw food from you all. We tried many brands, and you know, I—my dogs love yours. Knowing what I know, I love your brand. Number one, it’s grass fed meat, which by the way, that’s a whole other subject because you don’t feed your dog grain-fed meat. We don’t—humans. The people on this show, folks, they get that we eat grass fed. We’re not meant, as humans, to eat grain-fed meat. Well, your dog’s not either. Arguably maybe more so. You not only have a grass food product, but you put some other things in there, too, that dogs will typically eat. Dogs eat a little bit of grass, just to keep things moving through, and they eat bone to get minerals and things when they eat a raw animal. We would tend to maybe not give enough of that, but you provided for that in your food.

Valerie We mix bone right in our food.

Doug Try to maintain a 2:1 calcium/phosphorus ratio in a product which some of the more progressive veterinarian colleges have suggested that that’s—that was the way their ancestors ate. When they killed the prey, they ate a certain amount of bone and a certain amount of fat, certain amount of meat. Eventually ate it all.

Valerie The parts that they would go to first. We also offer bones. Elk and buffalo bones, knuckle and marrow bones. It’s great recreational chewing and it helps strengthen the jaw and set the teeth straight as well as clean the tartar off. Our formulas do have bone, species specific bone mixed in, but we also do have bones.

Dr. Pompa: Sometimes you’ll hear crunching on the show next to me. Giving one of your bones, I’m serious. They love those darned elk bones, which again, it’s just one of those mineral sources. I could go on and on and on about the raw food thing, but there’s so many topics that people had questions on, and one of them was about the vaccinations. We don’t vaccinate our pet, but the way I answer the question in the email was, “You’re going to run into a problem with rabies.” There’re states that you’re going to have to do the rabies thing, but this listening audience, watching audience, they understand the dangers of vaccinations in humans. They get it. For some reason, when it comes to their pets, I don’t know, I think it’s almost sometimes even a harder battle. What’s your thoughts on that?

Doug: That’s a prickly subject.

Valerie: That’s a long topic.

Doug: We personally see, just in our little store and in our community, more issues with pets that have been vaccinated chronically or recently, then probably any other single issue. UC Davis released a study that had been done for ten years on issues that were presented at a veterinarian clinic and they said that arguably 65% and perhaps as high at 80% of everything that was seen in a veterinarian’s office, with the exception of course of trauma, was due to what is called vaccinosis.

Valerie: That’s being related to the…

Doug: Which is all vaccine related. We see paralysis and we see neurologic damages, we see site tumors, we see excessive shedding, we see difference in behavior of the animal. What’s happening in the industry today is that they’re doing what’s called multi-(thaline) vaccines. They will take as many as seven different antigens and put it into one vial and then inject it into your dog.

Valerie: Or cat.

Doug: Or cat. Without any idea of what antibodies may already exist in the animal’s body. We are of the opinion that if a dog or cat is kept with their mother for a long period of time, so that they fully get the colostrum and get some of the immune building nutrients from their mom through the milk, and then are subjected to normal environmental issues. There may be justification for an initial set of vaccines. I’m not in a position—I don’t think either of us are in a position to debate that. The dog’s immune system continues to build on whatever they’ve been exposed to that first time. The strength of the resistance of that anti-body will be such that it falls within a range that’s acceptable to say, yes, they’re prevented against that disease. We and many, many veterinarians across North America now suggest that you run titers on your animals once a year, once every couple years and look at the strengths of the anti-body against the antigen for the specific disease. Then, discuss it with your veterinarian. There’s also single pill viruses that you can order that are a couple dollars more that will target that specific disease and it’s a virus that—that virus alone and not mixed in with many different serums that some of these pharmaceutical companies.

Dr. Pompa: – all the autoimmune and all the arthritis and things that we’re seeing in pets. The skin problems, is vaccine related. By the way, the same in humans. Obviously, humans is what I know. It’s the same thing. How old is that cat there Valerie?

Valerie: 25 years old. That’s Sedgewick.

-Inaudible- Dr. Pompa: The Newfoundlands. I wish you could parade those danged Newfoundlands by there, but…

-Cross talk- Doug: They’re 200 pounds. The ones we have right now are just 9.

Dr. Pompa: They’re 9 years old. How long did their parents live? Tell me the ages of the parents.

Doug: You know, we had Ajax and Argus that were. Argus is the one that lived to be 17 years and 5 days.

Valerie: Five months.

Doug: Five months, sorry. 17 years. Ajax was 14, and Ajax got—he was sick overnight. We did everything, he started bleeding from pretty much everywhere. It had to be an autoimmune disease. He had DCI, which is disseminate cancer.

Valerie: We had Oliver, who we rescued when he was 10 years old. Oliver was a Lancier, which is a black and white Newfoundland. He had cardio-myopathy, he had cancer, he had arrhythmia and he was basically, I think we had pictures of him, 70% of his body was a hotspot. By the time he died, which was three years later, there was only one spot where he still had a hotspot, but he did die of cancer.

Doug: There’s some of these pictures of our family members are on the website.

Valerie: People can see them.

Dr. Pompa: It’s amazing though, that you get these big dogs to live that long. It is unheard of. It’s the raw diet, David. David, you might have some other questions.

David: I do. Your cat is 25 years old, correct?

Valerie: He is.

David: You should contact the Guinness Book of World Records, because that’s the oldest living cat. You actually have—I just did a Google search, the oldest living cat is 23 years that they have in the Guinness Book of World Records. What that will do, obviously, Dr. Pompa knows, I put my marketing mind on, all of a sudden you’ve got publicity about raw food. You’ve got reason.

Valerie: The only problem that have with this story is we rescued him in Chicago and I don’t remember the name of the vet. So, I’d have to…

Dr. Pompa: It is extraordinary. It’s extraordinary how long all of your pets have lived. You got them when they had all the problems, it is really extraordinary. That’s proof positive to what you all do and why your passion’s behind it.

David: Obviously you sell all over the country. I went on your website on my phone while we’re here, and while we’re talking, it looks like I could order 24 pounds, it comes in individual one pound packets, and then will we freeze everything and then start thawing it?

Valerie: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: That’s what I do. Our stuff we get from them frozen, David, and you don’t have to use it all. You can keep it in the refrigerator. Typically, our dogs eat one packet. If Marilee were here, if she comes, I’ll have her show you, what it comes in. You can order the dog food, the raw food, all around the country, right? You guys ship everywhere.

Doug: We do. We’re diligently working to have a distributor in your area in particular, David.

Valerie: Do you see that?

David: I can’t see, raise it up higher? Here, I’ll freeze it on your screen.

Dr. Pompa: Now, talk to it, because it’ll come up. Talk, Valerie and they’ll see it.

David: That looks like wild elk.

Valerie: A vegetable, can you see that?

Dr. Pompa: That’s the wild elk, which my pets love the wild elk.

Doug: We’re fortunate because it happens to be elk hunting season right now, so we have fresh product, as we speak.

Dr. Pompa: There’s the wild buffalo, there’s the venison. There’s more than one flavor here. The animals can be picky.

Valerie: They can, or maybe the humans are.

Dr. Pompa: They like their variety. That’s true, you give them kibble. Is that what we’re calling it, the dry food? You give them kibbles. Imagine if you had to eat kibbles every danged day. At least our pets get to choose between buffalo, elk, deer, beef, I mean, come on. Give ‘em some variety here, folks. David, you might have some other questions. I think I had a couple.

David: That brings up a great question. Do you offer variety packs so that way people can order a sampling of the different—I saw that you right now have bison, you have elk, you have venison. Do you offer a sampling pack for our viewers?

Doug: We also have chicken, David.

David: The chicken? Okay, I didn’t—I was doing a quick search on the phone.

Valerie: Lamb. We have a grass fed lamb as well.

David: I’m getting hungry.

Doug: Yes, you can mix and match pretty much however you’d like to. We don’t specify that you have to take this much of this or that much of that. We actually feed our dogs a variety. To Dr. Pompa’s point about eating cereal every day, i.e., the kibble or the dry food that dogs eat, we think that once they’ve been on the Love Your Pet raw food for a while, that perhaps they’d like to have variety there, too. That’s why we don’t do just one protein source.

Dr. Pompa: I have a question. I think it was in one of the emails or Facebook was about heartworm. Are there natural solutions for heartworm? Heartworm cannot be dangerous to your pet—what’s your feeling about that? The treatment I should say, not the heartworm but the treatment for it and/or the prevention of.

Doug: Well the prevention of, unfortunately, is a difficult question because right now, there’s not much treatment for it other than a pesticide that you put on your pet. The virus is borne by a mosquito and there’s these little micro-filaria that once the animal’s infected, that live in the bloodstream and really only live off of nutrients in the bloodstream. Ultimately they end up around the heart and they will strangle the blood supply in the animal and the treatment is just about as bad as the disease. It’s a strychnine. They still use strychnine is the only product that’s—I hesitate to say it’s approved, but it’s generally used in that profession. That’s the only thing they found that kills the actual micro-filaria, the worms that they end up just strangling and blocking the arteries of the major blood vessels. It’s a horrible problem.

David: It’s a poison.

Doug: We don’t know of a natural—

Valerie: Alternative.

Dr. Pompa: I wouldn’t think with once they get it, but what about prevention? What about prevention? I know they give ‘em the heartworm prevention pills. Maybe the question was is that dangerous? Is there consequences? Is it good? Bad?

Doug: Well, it’s certainly not good, let’s put it that way. But, if you truly have the risk, that’s one of the things, too. I don’t want to say gamble on it, but do you have mosquitos in your general region or state or tri-mountain region that are carriers of the disease? As a pet owner, you need to be responsible enough to know what is in our area. Are there any reported cases of heartworm that the animals weren’t imported into your area? Have a discussion with your veterinarian about it before it happens. Again, do your research. To your point specifically, I don’t think that there is a prevention other than the…

Valerie: The Ivermectin. Which is in—

-Cross talk- Doug: Again, it’s made by someone called HeartGuard and they’ve done a remarkable job with it. At the same time, it is a poison you’re giving the dog on a monthly basis.

Valerie: I think what Doug is saying is you need to check in your area of how prevalent the mosquitoes are and how much of a threat they are to then decide what you’re going to do. We don’t have to do that here, fortunately.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I’ve never done it with my pets because I remember this was some years ago. I remember doing research on it, thinking, should I do this? After I did that research, there’s no way I was going to do that. Again, there might be an argument for it Doug. You live in a mosquito infested place and a lot of mosquitos are carrying this, seems like you have no choice. Again, do your homework and find out where you live with the mosquito population. The vaccination thing, too. There are state laws around the rabies probably more than any, right? That’s where the big issue lies. I know that many natural vets will give such the minimal dose, just to raise the titer and just so your pet’s legal now. What are your thoughts on that?

Doug: Well, I think we’re seeing a change in the entire industry about the perception and about the facts have been blown out over years and years of pumping up your animal vaccines and there’s a couple of great books that you can download from Amazon very affordably. One of them is a $3 paperback, it’s called Stop the Shots.

David: Say that again.

Doug: Stop the Shots.

Valerie: Stop the Shots.

David: Stop the Shots?

Valerie: It’s an hour read at most.

Doug: It’s a very simple read. It has a lot of information in a few pages. There’s another book that is a case study book that is much more involved that is called What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines. It’s a woman who did a 10-year case study. Valerie’s going to get both books, I think, out of our library. It is remarkable, the case studies that she has presented in this book. It really gives you cause to think about.

Valerie: You see that?

David: Yep, What Vets Don’t Tell You About Vaccines.

Valerie: This is a great book. Very involved. It spends about 30 years of dogs in the U.K. which they are more progressive then we are.

David: Yeah.

Doug: Dr. Pompa, back to your point, and to Valerie’s point, it wasn’t that many years ago that you had to quarantine your dog if you were traveling to the U.K. They were given an enormous number of injections, vaccines. Today, it’s illegal—it’s illegal to give your dog a rabies vaccine in the United Kingdom. That’s a 180° change up from us.

Dr. Pompa: I believe that. We were so distraught that we had to give that vaccine to be legal here. It’s a big deal here. It’s different everywhere. Thank God we worked with such a great holistic vet that doesn’t believe in rabies vaccines either. She gave our dogs a homeopathic afterwards, again, just gave them absolute minimum amount, just to push the titer. Again, just like people, how many teenage girls do we need to see that end up with gastroparesis and all these other horrific neurological disease right after the vaccination? It’s the same with pets, and more so that we see all these conditions starting to occur in the pets and specifically autoimmune. I don’t want to just think that you just sell the amazing raw dog food or cat food, because our cats and dogs eat the same food, but you also sell the best looking collars and pet stuff on the planet. For you to be functioning here or in Park City, at that point, better carry some high end stuff, and boy you do. If my wife were here, she would’ve— she was ready last week. She was going to show them all the collars that we bought at the store. David, you might’ve seen them. They’re gorgeous collars, right? You guys have the most amazing stuff. Even the blankets you have.

-Cross talk- Dr. Pompa: They can buy all that stuff online, too.

Doug: That stuff, Valerie has done a remarkable job. Has dealt with the same couple that are from Europe. He travels to Milan and gets the leather products and then he travels into the Czech Republic and gets all the crystal stones from the Swarovski family and foundation and then they assemble them in Los Angeles. They’re friends and acquaintances and of course, vendors for us. Valerie’s bringing a handful of different ones here to show real quick.

Valerie: This gives you an idea the size of our dogs. You can’t see, this was Ferguson’s puppy collar. This is hand tooled. This is his current collar. He said he wanted the colors of the rainbow, so there we go.

Dr. Pompa: Gosh, I swear, I think we have a collar like that.

Valerie: It could be Marrily belt, for sure.

Dr. Pompa: Look at that, that’s gorgeous, yeah.

Valerie: Here’s just one more. It kind of gives you an idea of how big the dogs are. These are 34” neck size.

Dr. Pompa: Everywhere we go, when people see the collars that my dogs have, they stop and they go, “Where did you get that collar?” Give your website out again because that’s what people are saying right now. What’s the website where they can order the food and the collars?

Doug: It’s www.loveyourpetbakery.com. Our Facebook, you can send us a message there, that’s Love Your Pet. We weren’t able to get the love your pet domain on the website years ago, someone else had it and didn’t want to relinquish it. Valerie did start with the raw food 25 years ago having—baking a few cookies in our kitchen and we still do that. In the store, there’s always organic cookies available.

Valerie: Gluten free.

Doug: They’re gluten free and this week we happen to have organic peanut butter and oat with some ginger in a very small batch, and they’re available to anyone that would like.

Valerie: Our cookies are so good, you could eat ‘em, David.

David: Yum.

Valerie: Maybe we’ll send you some.

Doug: Send you a couple cookies, David.

David: Yeah, well, I can’t wait. We just lost our second cat, she was over 18 years old. When my wife allows me to get a couple more, hopefully for my birthday coming up soon, now I know how I can feed her and him.

Dr. Pompa: It’s remarkable. Listen, I hope we made an impact. I want to send this to you. We talked a little bit about healing pets and I have a bank of testimonies from pet people giving pets the cellular formulas. This one gal, Pam, sends me testimony after testimony of different pets that they have given the cellular formulas to and remarkable healing has taken place. This is cellular healing TV. The same applies for the pets that apply for the humans. We’re talking about eating what we were meant to eat on this show all the time, avoiding what humans are not meant to eat; same with the pets. We’re talking about the same thing. Give them what they’re meant to eat and get these cellular nutrients in them, especially if there’s a condition. Especially if there’s problems. Fix the cell, the pet gets well. No doubt there’s the same message for the pets. As we get for humans. Any final words? Anything you wanted to say?

Doug: We’re excited for the opportunity to get to try some of Dr. Pompa’s cellular healing product on a select group of pets. That’s all just in the discussion stage right now, but we’ll be moving that way very soon and so we’ll be able to add along with him because as you say, it all happens at the cellular level, that’s where we want to have some of our focus.

Dr. Pompa: I want to thank you both for coming on. I know this is going to be a very shared show. There’s a lot of people that care as much, more, about their pets as they do themselves. Probably more than themselves. I was going to say children, but that might not be fair, but at least themselves.

Valerie: Enjoyed it, thanks a lot.

David: Thank you, Valerie. Thank you, Doug. Thank you, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.

David: Bye-bye. Have a good weekend.

Valerie: You, as well.

32: The Ketogenic Diet

Transcript of Episode 32: The Ketogenic Diet

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Meredith Dykstra.

Warren: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV, episode 32. We have one of our front line—more than leader in our business at this point. Meredith is living and loving the mission along with us. She's done everything that we asked here to do, as far as protocols and serving and helping us write articles. Meredith is amazing. We're really excited to have her on Cellular Healing TV today, along with Dr. Pompa, our health expert for today. Welcome, Meredith and Dr. Pompa.

Meredith: Hi, thank you. Hello, everyone.

Dr. Pompa: I have to say –..

Warren: What's that?

Dr. Pompa: Meredith is not the pet expert. You might want to clarify that.

Warren: We apologize. We tried to record the pet expert a couple times. That's why Meredith is on the call today. I know a lot of you were expecting that, but we had some technology difficulties with a couple of their computers, so we are going with the rage, what we have right now, which is the ketosis diet, and these Ketogenic Diet questions that are coming both through our office and Dr. Pompa and the doctors that watch the show and are part of our program. Dr. Pompa actually did a live call last night, and it wasn't even on the Ketogenic Diet. Probably 75% of the call-ins weren't even on the topic they were speaking on. That's how adamant people want this information and how life transforming it is. I know I have a lot of questions about the Ketogenic Diet. I'm going to launch YouTube into some of the questions and this rage. Dr. Pompa and Meredith, thanks for being on the show.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, yeah, no doubt. Yeah, all these keto questions came in from people who read the article. We're excited about that, but we realized that we need to answer more of them. People are loving it. We're getting all these emails about how many people are doing it and their responses. It's been really fun and exciting, so hopefully, we'll bring that to you. The pet thing, I am excited about that. Pet health, we're going to talk about some massive 180° myths with pets and pet health. It will shock you. I think it's going to be one of our number one shows. If you have a pet, join in on the next show. It's going to be a good one. Sorry we couldn't bring it to you this day. With that said—you know, Meredith, you have been such a blessing. You've come a long way in your own stories, and you've learned so much. I think you know my material as well as anybody. You might know it better than me. Anyways, you are, you're one of those people who you just do it. You just do it, girl. You've been, I would say — how many years were you eating healthy before you came and started with us?

Meredith: Healthy is relative, for sure. I had started in about 2010. When I left New Orleans, I started eating a macrobiotic diet. I did that for about three and a half years. Dramatically different than the Cellular Healing Diet. I experimented with that. That was the genesis of it all, and just my interest in health. I've evolved, and I'm still learning and still experimenting. I love to self-experiment. I feel awesome. I've been following what you've said, and it's the real deal. It's really just so fun, and I feel so good.

Dr. Pompa: You came to him and you started with the Cellular Healing Diet and the Core Cellular is pretty much, right? Isn't that where you started?

Meredith: Yeah, yeah. Just keep it simple.

Dr. Pompa: What changes did you notice with that? Again, you were already eating pretty healthy. You went to the Cellular Healing Diet in the Core Cellular. What changes did you notice?

Meredith: Yeah, yeah. Just as far as diet goes, cutting out the grains, for me, was huge. I had eaten grains, brown rice and just other grains, almost three times a day for years. I just didn't realize that that was really promoting a lot of chronic inflammation in my body. Cutting that out has been huge. As far as the supplements go, too, the Core Cellular, the Bind and the GCEL, I just think they're amazing products. The Bind especially. At night, just getting those toxins out, I've found, has just been really helpful. I've been taking magnesium, too, the Magnesium Malate Chelate, which you talked about a lot, and how that's such a widespread deficiency. I've noticed just a really massive difference with the magnesium, in just keeping me more relaxed. They call it the relaxation mineral, and I've found that to be really true and helpful for me. The MoRS I think is amazing, as far as methylation. I think I was under methylated for sure, so working on that. Yeah, but I just am enjoying the experimenting for sure. The story continues.

Dr. Pompa: Most of the grains you were eating were considered whole, healthy grains, right?

Meredith: Sure.

Dr. Pompa: Whole grains, because grains have changed so much, are not the healthy thing. Again, 180° concept. It's not the health food that people think it is, especially when you're challenged. Getting rid of the grains is actually even more important, actually has a more dramatic effect, than getting rid of sugar, ironically enough. That's a big one too, so I don't want to minimize it. Anyway, so okay, then you started reading some of the stuff on ketosis and the Keto Diet. Of course, knowing you, you jumped right in. Did you get into ketosis quickly? How long? I don't even know. Tell me.

Meredith: Yeah. I'm not sure exactly how long it took, because I didn't even get the blood ketone meter and start measuring my blood ketones, which is proof positive, until more recently. I started cutting out the grains in about February, and I just noticed, really, a big change in my body fat. I just took another Tanita scale measurement last night, and I had had it documented from three times, in the spring, summer, and then fall just last night. It's just really cool to see your body fat drop, your muscles increase, and just that clarity that comes with it, too, when your body shifts from sugar burning mode to fat burning mode.

Warren: Yeah. I've watched this evolution, Dr. Pompa, because I am in the same office. I remember when she first came onboard, she read your diet way different than the Macrobiotic Diet. You know me, Dr. Pompa. I went right at it with her. Of course, she accepted it. She knew that coming in. She used to be glossy-eyed. I don't know how else today it. She admitted, “Yeah, I just can't think. I'm just brain fogged,” right? It takes one to know one. No one else would be able to notice that on someone, but because I've experienced it so much in my health journey as well, Meredith, Dr. Pompa, that I don't see that on her at all, anymore. You don't see that lost look, that frustration of not being able to think. She thinks and works. Her focus between starting with us and then what she does now, what she can accomplish in a day, the stress that she can handle, your fears — a lot of your fears have diminished. You're so much more confident, obviously. You look amazing. You were a beautiful girl before you came in.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I've seen that transform. You're ripped, you're muscular. You look amazing, and I have watched that transformation. Warren being able to watch the mental transition for sure, which we always see, Meredith, in everybody including ourselves. Anyways, yeah.

Meredith: That's good. Really, so much of it is diet related. I have been incorporating the exercise, the burst training, to a degree, but really, I've been moving, actually. My life has been really busy the last couple of weeks. I haven't exercised in weeks, and I don't gain any weight. So many people think that just exercise is the key to weight loss and to being ripped and to having those muscles, but really, the diet, to me, has made all the difference.

Dr. Pompa: It's everything. That's another 180° concept, right, is the reason people are fat is because they don't exercise enough. Baloney. We're big proponents of exercise. We love it, right, but —

Meredith: Of course. It's important.

Dr. Pompa: It is, for many reasons, but the key to weight loss or maintaining a healthy, lean stature is, in fact, all about the diet. You brought up a point, because I remember you saying the whole sugar burner/fat burner thing. Maybe you were confused on that in the beginning, and I think a lot of people are, today.

Meredith: Can you explain that? Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: What's your thought? What were you confused on? What are you here? You take a lot of the front calls, so you get a lot of the questions. People are calling in about ketosis, about everything. What's some of the questions there?

Meredith: Why don't we rewind, and just for people even just watching now, maybe they've never tuned in before, why don't we just explain what the Ketogenic Diet is and take it from there?

Dr. Pompa: Perfect, yeah. I'm going to let you do that in your words. Then maybe I can chime in and [9:18].

Meredith: You can correct me. Okay, alright. The Ketogenic Diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet. Those are the ratios. You said it's pretty much up to 60% to 70% fat, right?

Dr. Pompa: Up to 80%, at times. That works, right.

Meredith: Yeah, and the key is moderate protein, too, and not high protein. Therein lies the difference in a lot of these high protein diets, maybe Atkins, Paleo. Some of these other diets that might advocate a little more protein than you would suggest. When you eat too much protein, which this is actually something I learned more recently, too, is that a process called gluconeogenesis occurs. In that process, the excess protein that you're eating is turned into glucose. Either this glucose needs to be used as a fuel, a energy, or it's stored as fat. Basically, if you don't use that extra protein you're eating that's turned into glucose, then it's just going to be turned into fat. You've really got to be careful and just have that right protein intake, for sure. That can really derail your efforts.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I've only add one thing to that, she's right, is the protein is — too much protein, study after study shows it revs up the DNA. It's bad for the cell. It can drive inflammation. I believe there's times in people's lives, in even their journey back to health, that more protein is actually good for them. Just like anything, there are times, but in general, too much protein is not good, whereas fat is absolutely more protective, a nutrient that you can burn, and it's needed in the cells, the brain. Yeah, I think there's a big misconception about that with the Paleo thing being a big craze. I think people go crazy with the protein, and that can be problematic.

Warren: With the Paleo they go crazy, Dr. Pompa, and with the CrossFit as well. It's massive amount of protein, getting ripped. There's more injuries because of CrossFit than any other form of exercise out there right now. There's actually a lot of bad press. I know people love it. It's communal and all those things. For some people, when you're at that fitness level, you can do that, but they're really injuring themselves. Again, be ripped when the monkey in the room is really — the monkey or the elephant or the —

Meredith: 800-pound gorilla.

Warren: A zebra. The zebra in the room. The striped zebra that my daughter loves in the room is the diet. The key to it is ketogenic, is that fat-burning zone that you always are in. How about that? Here's the point. Here's a new article: “Stay in the Fat Burning Zone the Rest of Your Life: Eat the Ketogenic Diet.” Right? That's where it's at.

Meredith: In the zone, yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: No doubt about it. You know Meredith, I think this is one of the questions I get too, is who's it right for? How long do I do it? Ketosis can be used as a tool that you move in and out of. It can be used as a tool for a period of time. Some people, they are just always going to function better their whole life on a diet like that. Everyone listening, most people listening, have heard me say, “You can't pinpoint the same diet on everybody. Our genetics are different.” Across every culture, there's things that are bad for people, right? Too many of the wrong fats, that's bad for everybody. Vegetables oils are bad for everybody. Yet, how much protein, how much carbs, how much fat one can ingest with success is different, a little different for everybody. When somebody's in a state of inflammation, we know that taking grains away and really altering and lowering the carbohydrate intake, we can down regulate inflammation. Then, once someone gets well, we can find the diet that genetically suits them. Some of you can do more carbs than perhaps me, genetically, and get away with it. I can't, genetically. I will get fat quickly, and I lose my energy if I do that. We're not trying to pinpoint this diet on everyone. Ketosis, I do very well in it. I function there, as an athlete, very well. I have lasting energy, fat burning. Again, oftentimes we just come in and use it as a tool, and we can move in and out of ketosis. I guess that's my next question, and I have something I do want to share with everybody on that note. Explain them the 5-1-1, because I know you get a lot of questions on that confusion. I got one last night, on the live call that I was on. The 5-1-1 — what's it for, how do you use it, when do you use it? Explain that.

Meredith: Alright, on the spot here. I love it. Yeah, these rules that you've come up with and self-experimented with, I think, are really amazing. They do seem to work and they make ketosis — they break it down and make it a lot more doable, I think. Five days of the week, you follow a basic ketogenic diet. High fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate.

Dr. Pompa: How low carbohydrate, because everyone wants numbers. Again, this is average person. Some people need to go lower, but what is the low?

Meredith: Depending on when you start to — so within the first week, you keep it less than ten carbs. The second week, you keep it less than 20 carbs. The third week you're into ketosis, keep it less than 30 carbs. Fourth week, keep it under 40 carbs. Fifth week you're into it, keep it under 50 carbs. Then, that's the maintenance level, right?

Dr. Pompa: It does seem to work for most people. Some people find that when they get to 50, it's a little too much. They have to go lower to stay in ketosis.

Meredith: Athletes, too, can take it up a lot higher, too.

Dr. Pompa: Some people can go a lot higher than 50. Those are just averages, right? By the way, I want to say this before you explain more of the 5-1-1. There is the little meter — I don't know if yours is near the desk or anything. You probably have it at home, but anyways —

Meredith: Oh yeah. I can grab it. Do you want me to grab it?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, go grab it. You can show it. While she's doing that, I'll explain. In the old days, we used to be able to measure urine — well, we still can, but it's very inaccurate. You're basically looking at ketones that your body spills off, which doesn't mean you're in ketosis or not. It's really a very inaccurate way to measure ketosis. By the way, ketones, blood ketones, are from the fat metabolism. As you break down fat, you make ketones. Being in nutritional ketosis is defined by blood ketones. That's the device that we measure it with. It's very simple. It's a simple prick, and then it puts it in. In ten seconds, you have your measure, your amount. You want to be between —

Warren: Do you want to show people how to do it?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, if she wants to. You want to be between .5 and 5, okay? Again, Meredith's going to be on the low end, even though she's in ketosis, because she's not burning a lot. You're going to be on the low end because you're not burning fat. In other words, somebody who's big and — that's the strips.

Warren: Meredith, hold it up so they can see the strips. Wait a minute; I'll actually click on you. Here you go. Hold on. There we go. Now you can talk, Dan.

-Technical Issues- Dr. Pompa: Oh, okay. You're on my camera. Anyways, when we look at that blood value, it's .5 to 5. Again, Meredith should be on the lower end of .5, just because of ketosis, just because she's not burning a lot of fat. She doesn't have a lot and need to burn a lot of fat.

Warren: Show us your gun, Meredith.

Meredith: Oh, okay. Alright. I have the purple blood strip here. This is different than a blood glucose strip. We're not measuring our blood glucose, but we're measuring our blood ketones. What are ketones? Why don't you talk about that a little bit?

Dr. Pompa: Ketones are from the fat metabolism. When you break down fat, ketones are the byproduct. By the way, back in the 1920's, ketosis became very, very popular. Two movies that most of you are familiar with, actually. “First Do No Harm” and “Lorenzo's Oil,” made about how ketosis actually fixes the brain.

Warren: Show them what you're doing. You didn't do that. You've got to show us.

Meredith: Alright, so I took the ketone strip out of the package, inserted it into the ketone meter — so this is the Precision Xtra Ketone Meter, so it measures your blood ketones and blood glucose. It's cool that it does both. I'm going to be measuring my ketones today with a purple strip. Inserted that in. Next, I'm going to be drawing my blood, so that's next.

Warren: Show them that.

Meredith: Okay.

Dr. Pompa: The Lobotomist will be in in a minute, and I'll start — no, it's a simple prick. By the way, the old days, these pricks — that thing is so fast. You can adjust how deep it goes. You don't even feel it.

Meredith: Yeah.

Warren: You don't. Do it.

Dr. Pompa: Go ahead.

Meredith: Alright.

Dr. Pompa: There she goes.

Meredith: I haven't done this for a little while, so I'm just going to do it straight.

Dr. Pompa: Where's that little lid?

Meredith: Yeah, I just went right in for it so I get enough blood. Sometimes I don't get enough blood. Going to gush my blood out now.

Warren: Good job. She didn't wince. Did you see that, everyone? No pain.

Meredith: Alright, I've got to work out the blood a little bit, so maybe I should keep talking.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, go ahead. Then she's going to put the little — wouldn't it be hilarious if she passed out? Anyways, okay. She's going to put the little blood drop on the strip. Then it's going to give us a reading. That reading — obviously, morning values are 25% lower. From the day, your ketones go up. You might — we always say blow. You might blow a .5 in the morning and then later be a — and then she puts the blood drop right there—ou might be a 1.1, right? Someone who's losing a ton of weight can be a 3.3. I remember when I first went into ketosis, I was burning a lot of visceral fat. I remember blowing four points on things. For a lean guy, that was a lot, but my body was getting rid of some tons of visceral fat. By the way, you may, you will, lose a lot of toxins in the beginning, because you're going to lose fat that really was not able to lose before. Your body will go after those deeper stores. Basically, what's happening is — tell me when your reading's up.

Meredith: It is up. 1.2.

Dr. Pompa: 1.2, yeah. That's pretty dang good. She's a very efficient fat burner right there. In the morning, too, to blow 1.2, she's really, solidly in ketosis. Later, she'd actually be a little higher than that. What does that mean? What we do with ketosis—our cells can only use two things for energy. I know that you were going to go there, Meredith, but it's sugar or fat. Healthy people have the ability to use both. There's nothing wrong with sugar as energy, really. Our body has to be able to do it. When you eat vegetables, you take your vegetables and burn sugar. However, sugar does burn more dirty. It's like burning wood in your fireplace versus natural gas on your stove. It burns what, very clean. You don't even see smoke. When we push people into ketosis, we're getting their cells to really use the majority of the energy is fat. We're now burning a cleaner fuel source, and it down regulates inflammation. It's a strategy, actually, to fix the cell membrane. That's why ketosis works so well for hormone issues. It down regulates that subtle inflammation where the hormone receptors are. Her burning blood on a 1.2 there, it's showing that her cells are using fat for energy, and it's giving the ketones off as a byproduct. That's what we're measuring. Now the interesting thing is, when I go into ketosis, the first thing I notice is how amazing my memory gets. My brain works very clear. Everybody experiences that once they —

Meredith: It's like a switch has been turned on. You've been living in black and white, and then the world's color again. It's pretty dramatic, for me. It's just so cool.

Dr. Pompa: It is. It was dramatic for me, and it always is. If I go out of ketosis and go back in, it's like, “Oh my god.” The brain loves this clean fuel source. That's why it works for these brain conditions. All the way back in the 1920's, they realized the brain heals when it uses ketones. It was a strategy. Then we moved away from it with the advent of Neurontin and all these brain medications. How did that work? It didn't. Here we are, 80 plus years later, and we are back at it. All this new research is showing how ketosis heals the cells, heals the brain. It is amazing how it really is a tool to really heal the cell and the brain. It's exciting. Meredith, just seeing that number right there, knowing that you're burning fat so efficiently, is incredible. Recently, I think I talked a little bit about it in the article, at least in my part. As a matter of fact, we've got to tell them about the article. Many people may have seen the article, so you can talk —

Meredith: We didn't quite finish explaining the 5-1-1 rule, either.

Dr. Pompa: Oh, yeah. We'll go back to that, but I'll say this.

Warren: Dan, you have an appointment too.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. I get so excited about this topic. Myself, I love ketosis, because I can be in it — I can ride my bike, literally not eat breakfast, not eat lunch. I can go out at 3:00 or 4:00 and ride for four hours and never have to eat. I would never be able to do that, despite how good of shape I was in, if I wasn't in ketosis, because I'm burning fat. I have 100,000 calories on this thin body that I have as an energy source. If you're a sugar burner, you have about 2,000 stored calories. Who's going to last longer with energy? Me or that? In ketosis, the skinny guy, me, absolutely, or skinny guy over there. Okay, 5-1-1.

Meredith: Alright, so five days, you do the Ketogenic Diet. One day of the week, so this is seven days total, you fast. You can fast for 24 hours. You can do a water fast or you can practice intermittent fasting as well, which is when you eat within a specified window of the day. Maybe you would just skip breakfast and then wait and eat between 1:00 and 7:00 pm during the day. Just eat lunch and dinner, or just one meal throughout the day. That would be your fasting day. Then that last day, you either do a carb load day or a protein load day. Depending on your condition, a lot of different factors involved, some people do better when they carb load a little bit, and have a little bit more carbs that day. Other people do better on a protein load day, where they have a little bit more protein. What are some of the differences between protein loading, carb loading, as far as cases, Dr. Pompa, and who does better with which carb or protein —

Dr. Pompa: Exactly. Some people, one day a week — actually thyroid patients, and some people just do better with a protein day. Maybe they're protein deficient. I don't think we know clearly, but I know that if someone's not doing well with a carbohydrate load day where they bring their carbohydrates up about 100 in that day — oftentimes that's hard for people, by the way, after they get used to not doing it.

Meredith: You just get used to it. You don't even think about it anymore. I was telling someone the other day, too, just as a side note, they were talking and I was telling them about doing high carb, moderate protein, low fat. They're like, “Don't you just crave pizza or pasta?” It's funny, I don't. The cravings shut off number one, and number two, I don't even see that stuff as food anymore. It's really weird. It's so weird. I used to love it. I was so addicted for so many years.

Dr. Pompa: It's so true. My hardest day of the week, oftentimes, is my carb day. I actually lack energy those days. It's hard for me. I'm like, “Oh my god, I don't even know what to eat.” I drink warm Amasai, warm SueroGold. If I go out to dinner that night, I'll have the risotto. That's a thing that I always miss. It's not what you think, right?

Meredith: No, you just get in the zone.

Dr. Pompa: I think the question is, is why? Why would we do a day like that? We have five days we're in ketosis. We take maybe Wednesday, and that's a fasting day. That's what I do. Then on Saturday is my carb day. Why do we do it? Here's the point. The body always wants to get very efficient. It always wants to survive. It will start to get very, very efficient at fat burning, to the point where your body will want to hold onto those little bits of fat in those places where you don't like, okay, whether it's your belly, your thighs, whatever it is. It will do that because it thinks to itself, “What if times of not plenty occur?” meaning times of starvation happen. It's smart. It wants to survive, so it tries to hang onto fat. If once a week you have plenty, it reminds the body that, “Hey, we're not going to starve, and we're not starving.” Then it kicks fat burning in again after that. That's why we do it. The thinner you get — like myself. If I don't do that, I definitely lose my lower abs, but when I do that carb load day, man, I can stay really ripped, because I bypass the body's survival mechanism. It's a really neat strategy to do that. Again, some people do better with the protein day. You can flip it around, try one. Don't do them consecutively. Don't do the fasting day then follow it with the carb day, because that seems not to work out as well. Then the 2-2-2 rule, real fast. Explain that, and then tell them where to read the article, because many people haven't read the article.

Meredith: Yeah, so if you haven't read the article, go to DrPompa.com and it's right there. You can see it under the “Articles” tab, and it's called the Ketogenic Diet. You can just find it right there. The 2-2-2 rule's in addition to the 5-1-1 to get you into ketosis or to be keto-adaptive. Dr. Pompa self-experimented and found this worked. You add in 2-2-2 different amounts of different things. You add in two tablespoons of either coconut oil, MCT oil, or grass-fed butter, right? One of those days, you want to be incorporating that good fat. You also want to be incorporating two teaspoons of sea salt, because that helps to balance electrolytes, right? Especially when you're fat adapted and you're no longer burning sugar as your main fuel but you're burning fat, you really need that sea salt to balance your electrolytes. I have found, as a side note, I crave more salt. I feel like I need more salt since I've become fat adapted, that that's just been a really important thing to incorporate and have enough salt to just really feel balanced. Then the last two — what is that last two?

Dr. Pompa: The first two is the two tablespoons of coconut oil or MCT oil.

Meredith: Coconut oil, spoons of ghee or grass-fed butter, maybe.

Dr. Pompa: Then the second two is two tablespoons of grass-fed butter or ghee, which is grass-fed butter.

Meredith: Okay, so yeah, fat.

Dr. Pompa: Why those fats? They contain high levels of medium chain triglycerides, which help you become a fat burner. It helps fire up your engine to burn fat. It helps your body, your cells, learn to use fat. That's really where the 2-2-2 rule came in, as a way to get yourselves to become fat burners. It's also a way to really — we need these fats, and most people are fat deficient today, so it's a way to force your —Yeah, it's a way to remember to get the fats in. By the way, you can put those fats in your tea in the morning, some in your organic coffee in the morning, is how you — just taking them off the spoon. You can put them in your food if you'd like, but the point is between the 5-1-1 rule, the 2-2-2 rule, it's just a strategy to help. We didn't point out one important point. It was the question I got last night. “When do I start the 5-1-1?” When do I start that, Meredith? The 5-1-1 rule?

Meredith: Once you're into ketosis, right? Once you've become keto-adapted. It is a process. As you said, too, in the video that is connected with the article, it takes people longer. It took your wife Merily four months to get into ketosis. Four months, because she was in perimenopause. It can be a challenge for some, and it's a process. Like anything, it can take time. You said it took you two weeks to become keto-adapted and to get into ketosis, right?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah.

Meredith: You've got to be patient with your body and yourself, because all of our bodies are so different. Different constitutions, gender, age, time in life — there's so many factors. It is a process, but once you break into it, it's pretty cool, and it has some amazing benefits.

Dr. Pompa: No doubt. I wish I had more time to share with you just by staying in ketosis for a certain amount of months then coming out at certain times, how that works with that survival mechanism, the body's innate intelligence. I believe that there's people who struggle if they're just not adapting. For them to come out and then go back in, what I'm finding with many of the clients, is that when they do that, they're actually able to get in better the next time. We'll describe that at another time, because that's —

Meredith: Yeah, maybe.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly. It's a whole other conversation.

Meredith: It's an ongoing conversation.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, it is. It's a really neat strategy. I discovered it really haphazardly, and there's nothing written about this. It's just working with the hundreds of people that I do, I was able to share it on my doctor call the other week. Boy, you should've seen people come back with, “Oh my gosh, I didn't know that that was something that would work. Here's what I found, and it was really neat.” You know what, Meredith? We have the next article I want everyone to look out for is, “Leaky Gut.” Many of you out there watching this, you may be having trouble getting into ketosis because you have leaky gut and you have food intolerances. We're going to talk about that and some of the tricks that we have found along the way to fix leaky gut. It's a really important article, because autoimmune and all these things that really apply to leaky gut. Most people today have a leaky gut, by the way. You're food intolerant because you have leaky gut. You have autoimmune. You don't know you have autoimmune because you don't know you have leaky gut. Please read the article and share it, because it's a life changer. Meredith, thank you so much for coming on.

Meredith: Thank you.

Dr. Pompa: We appreciate it. Your wisdom is getting volumous. Thank you.

Meredith: Aw, thank you. Bye, everyone.

Dr. Pompa: Yep, bye-bye.

Warren: Bye everybody, see you on the next show.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you.

31: Structural Chiropractic and Cellular Healing

Transcript of Episode 31: Structural Chiropractic and Cellular Healing

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Dr. Fred DiDomenico

Dr. Pompa: Hey, welcome! I can tell you guys, as I bring you up to speed—welcome, Dr. Fred. Thank you.

Dr. Fred: Hey brother, how's it going?

Dr. Pompa: Dr. Fred DiDomenico, we are grateful that you made it. I've already had you introduced, and we've already talked about structural correction, chiropractic, why it's different, how it affects the central nervous system. We even talked about some stuff that I'm going to be talking about at your seminar, some really new research. We've probably had one of the craziest shows ever, because we had a pesticide guy. Warren's going to have to go back and watch the show, because it was hysterical.

David: We had dogs. We talked about spiders.

Dr. Pompa: A guy was running around behind David, Warren, spraying pesticides and getting rid of cobwebs. Pretty remarkably funny. Anyways, let's get right to the interview. Thank you for getting on.

Dr. Fred: Sorry I was late, man. We had some technical issues for someone who's not very technically advanced.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, that's me too. It's our generation, Fred. We missed it by one generation, you know?

Dr. Fred: Yeah, I know. Just a little behind the curve, but we're catching up.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for joining us now. We did set the stage. I'm just going to let you add to it a little bit. You are one of the top coaches, if not the top coach, in structural correction type of chiropractic. You train doctors all around the country with this type of correction. I really tried to make a good argument why it's different than regular chiropractic. I'll let you make that argument better. Also, how it can affect chronic pain. How it can affect chronic hormone problems, headaches, and other issues that maybe somebody doesn't realize they have. We have a lot of viewers, I know, that have these problems. My wife is always telling them that, “You need a structural correction type of chiropractor.” Fred, what's the difference? Why is this chiropractic different?

Dr. Fred: That's a long story. To put it in ten words or less, the principle of chiropractic is truth. It's a universal law. Our bodies are life force systems. We're energy in a physical body. I'm sure these listeners understand the principle that the nervous system controls and sends energy to all the organs of the body. We get that. Becoming a chiropractor, I believed in the principle. Traditional chiropractic is great, but the whole bone-on-nerve thing is really only part of the picture. It's curves. Now all the research supports, curves cause stress on the spinal cord. It's not a bone-on-nerve thing. It may have started there 118 years ago, but we should know a little bit more these days. Don't you think?

Dr. Pompa: Yup.

Dr. Fred: It's spinal cord, man, and that's it. I just think that our responsibility as chiropractors is correcting the spine. One thing I love about CBP and Don Harrison was basically, the guy applied math and physics to the spinal model. Everybody in physics and math know that you've got to have a certain degree curve. 30-degree curve radially loads. What's that mean? The force of compression is evenly distributed across the arc. Once a curve gets less than 40 degrees, flat out physical structure collapses. That's just it, man. The problem is, we've got a spinal cord in the middle. If your structure's weak and you cause stress to the spinal cord, you're just going to get sick. I just think if—maybe God knew a little bit about physics and math. A normal spinal structure creates a healthy body, and I just think as chiropractors, that we have a responsibility to help people live to their optimum. Can a person really fulfill their purpose in life, why their spirit came into a physical body, if their body's physically breaking down?

Dr. Pompa: That's right.

Dr. Fred: Go ahead.

Dr. Pompa: When we look at somebody who's healthy, we see this stature. We see this structure that we look at. When we see somebody who's sick, we see the opposite, right? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Meaning that when this starts to happen, we know, looking at the new studies, that that affects the very system of the body that runs and heals the body every day, day in, day out. This will always lead to greater health problems.

Dr. Fred: Yeah, and I think as you look at—we've been in the profession for 118 years, and we see 3.4% of the population. Somewhere, our message to the general public didn't work. Okay, so I get philosophy, man. I started as a philosophy guy. To me, technique was a way to bring the principle alive in people. The reality is the principle is true, so if you have a healthy spinal structure, you're going to be healthy. The principle is truth in a subluxated spine. If you're subluxated, you're going to get sick. The principle exists either way. The question is what's your application. To me, technique was a way to bring the principle alive in people. After 118 years and 3.4% of the population, I don't know, maybe we should do something different. I don't know, what do you think?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. We have a lot of chiropractors watching this show, and we have a lot of just laypeople who have some health issues that look to us for some guidance there. A word like subluxation will resonate with one group and not the other, meaning that you have a bone or bones out of alignment, causing stress into the nerve system. Now that system that is put there to heal the body, now it's not going to do the job that it was able to do if there wasn't interference in that. The subluxation is interference into that system.

Dr. Fred: Yeah, so I didn't realize you had a lot of general public on here. Pardon me for my ignorance. To speak in a common language, there's lots of studies that show an optimal spinal structure, normal curves in your spine, not only people are healthy, but they don't have musculoskeletal problems. The same that people with a distorted spinal structure now, you start losing the curves. Then basically, not only you're at a big biomechanical disadvantage. Those people are going to suffer with chronic pain. In one of the top, well the top, research spinal corrective system, chiropractic biophysics, if you are in the general public or a chiropractor, you can go to IdealSpine.com. They have all kinds of information and research how spinal structure affects organs and overall health. Part of their research shows that people with curves under 30 degrees have pain. Once it gets to 20 degrees, they have chronic pain. What it's saying is the weaker your structure is, the more chronic pain you're going to experience. There are some curves that are associated with a shortened lifespan, where medical research shows—like hyperkyphosis people with hunched backs. They flat out don't live as long. Medical research shows, when your disks start degenerating—in other words, when you have arthritis in your back, you're not going to live as long. The weaker your structure is, the more it degenerates, the more disease and the less probability that you're going to have the same life. Not only quality of life is definitely affected, but literally, the span of your life will be reduced.

Dr. Pompa: Let's give it a look at what this type of chiropractor looks like.

Warren: Do you want an x-ray of a bad neck?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, so Fred, try to explain that a little bit. Bring some light to what we're looking at. Then I want you to describe what this type of chiropractic actually—what an office looks like differently than perhaps what he chiropractic office looks like that some of the people watching this are going to. What is this difference? Explain that x-ray.

Dr. Fred: Yeah, if we look at that, obviously, there's a slight reversal in that neck. The neck should be bent forward, like a backwards C. That one not only is straight, but in the midsection, it's actually reversed.

Dr. Pompa: Warren, can you show —can you draw on there what he's talking about?

Warren: I haven't done that for you in a long time, but I can slap some lines on there. Hold on.

Dr. Fred: Yeah. What you're actually seeing now is when you have that C curve, it's like a backwards C, your spinal cord's very relaxed. The brain sends energy through there like a fire hose, bringing healing energy to all the organs of the body. When you lose that curve, not only structurally does it get weak and collapse, it degenerates at an accelerated rate, but the whole spinal cord is now under tension. There's actually a law, it's called LaPlace's Law. A law means what percentage of the time does this happen? If you see one thing, then a law means you see this result 100% of the time, right? Would you guys agree?

Dr. Pompa: There's a law called LaPlace's and this guy shows that tension —when you take a spinal cord, when you take any wire that conducts energy and you stretch it, it reduces that flow of energy. When you take any fluid-filled vessel and you stretch it, it reduces the flow of the fluid. Now, you have a spinal cord that's carrying energy to the organs. When you have a curve like that, the spinal cord now is being stretched like a rubber band. You definitely have shut down life force into your body. The spinal cord stays alive with blood flow, so you reduce the blood flow to the spinal cord. That's like putting a rubber band around your finger and leaving it there year after year after year. Now what's going to happen is the spinal cords begin to break down? That's really the lifeline to your body. When you see curves like that, not only biomechanically is the structure weak. When it's going the wrong way, that's actually associated with disability, meaning people with that structure have 18 times greater chance of having chronic headaches and back pain, upper back pain, cervical reversal like that. Those people tend to have chronic low back problems, not to mention that the spinal cord's under stress, weakened immune system, weakened metabolism. Really, you're going to continue to get progressively more sick and tired.

Dr. Pompa: Now, let's look at it. Put that up there, Warren, if you could talk to it.

Warren: Yeah, I'm trying to find a good one to print out for us, too.

Dr. Fred: You know, you are supposed to ask before you show my x-rays. I'm just kidding.

Warren: That's not yours.

Dr. Fred: I know, I'm just kidding.

Dr. Pompa: You see the line there. Go ahead, Warren, speak. That's the problem, is Fred can't speak to it.

Warren: Let me pull it back up. I was just trying to print out a normal curve, sorry.

Dr. Pompa: You're going to have to speak to it. Show them the normal curve.

Warren: Again, if there's a chiropractor watching, this is really horrible, this is really horrible marks. Just so you know, I didn't have a protractor and all the things I used to do for Dr. Pompa back in the day. The curve should be, obviously, run like this, right about a 45-degree angle. This should come around really nice. The difference between this line and this line should be—actually, that's pretty bad. I'm really messing this up. Fred's going to kill me, so I'm not even going to go any further on explaining this. This neck should look like this, and what we're seeing here is in the middle of the neck, it actually buckles and reverses. The curve is supposed to be this way. Her curve is going gently back the opposite direction, probably at about 10 to 15 degrees reversing the opposite direction, causing massive stress, tethering—the stretching that Dr. Fred and Dr. Pompa were mentioning. Now even research shows, like they said, your life expectancy has now been decreased by multiple years because of the lost life flow from your brain into your organs. You're dying a slow death, having a neck like this. The research proved that.

Dr. Pompa: If you look at this, that's the normal C curve that is meant to be in that spine. Here's Fred's point. In other words, if we put a rubber band from here to here and I took this curve and I straightened it, what would happen to that rubber band? It would stretch, wouldn't it? That's simple physics. If we put something back here in the posterior, even if it went around here, and we opened this up and straightened it, that rubber band would stretch. What if we went the other way with it? It would stretch even more and pinch. That's what's happening, and that spinal cord brings all that information, life force, down through the spine. Of course, there's disks that sit in the front. When we go forward with it, all of a sudden, they start degenerating very rapidly. It's like driving around with your car wheels out of alignment. It's inevitable; they're going to wear down very quickly, aka, osteoarthritis, wear and tear, aka, pain, chronic pain. Fred, tell us a little about—because most people are going to say, “I go to a chiropractor. He showed me my x-ray and it looked like that.” If they're going to a chiropractor that really fixes that stuff, what does that look like, so they can say, “Oh, okay, that's what I'm getting. This type of treatment.” Explain that.

Dr. Fred: There's a number of exercises, but it's not like going to a gym. There's traction, where you actually have to sit in very specific—traction based on that structure, that's actually going to pull those proper curves in there while the ligaments adapt. The thing is, what most people don't realize is ligaments deform according to your posture and structure. We're in such a reflection distortion oriented society. In other words, everything we do is bent forward, that in 20 minutes in a sustained posture, in a sustained position, your ligaments are adapting. As you're sitting in your car for 20 minutes, and when you're at your desk for 20 minutes, when you're laying in a messed up position on your couch for 20 minutes, your ligaments are adapting to that structure. That's part of what causes curve changes. There's many reasons—trauma and all these things. When you go to an office that actually wants to change, their goal is to change the curves and prove it to you on post x-ray, in other words, take a second x-ray and show those changes, you have to do certain exercises with many repetitions and sit in traction with your spine in a sustained position for 20 minutes, repetitively. Eventually, the ligaments and the curves will adapt. Now every time you put your spine in that position, you're relieving stress on the spinal cord. You're causing healing energy to move in your body again. You're literally healing and getting stronger. One of the things—and just to share, if you have just 30 seconds here, part of the reason that I'm so passionate about it is I was an athlete when I was young. Multiple car accidents. I wanted to be a stuntman. By the time I was in my early 30's, 33 years old, I had a lumbar disc problem. I had sciatic pain down my left leg for 15 years, and here I was a chiropractor. I had a C5 disc problem. Every time I sneezed, my arms burned. I lost 70% strength in my left arm twice. I almost experienced disability. Traditional chiropractic wasn't changing those curves. Although I may have kept my immune system strong and I didn't have allergies and I didn't have those things, my spine was breaking down, because the structure was weak. I really had to—as spinal correction advanced, by the time I was 40, I was able to do the things that they're teaching now. At 33, I'd lost have the disc height in two segments. I had a 55, 60-year-old spine at 33 years old. Now I'm 53. I have full disc height, I have no neurological problems, I have confidence in my body—so 20 years later, I have a stronger, healthier body at 53 than I did at 33. Part of the reason I'm passionate about this is I believe everybody deserves to live a long, healthy, strong life. The worst challenge, as you know, Dan, because you went through some health challenges and came out on the other side, that the worst possible living hell on earth is having a clear mind and a weak and disabled body. You know that's a choice. When you look at corrective chiropractic care and what you're doing with nutrition, you can take just about any body today, with the systems we have today, and literally reverse the aging process of your body.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, there's no doubt. Structural correction chiropractic has come a long way, even from when I was in it, Fred. That's the type of chiropractic work that I did. It changed my world, too. I had a fracture at C5 and just absolutely lost all the curve in my neck. I went through that same corrective process, myself. I always say I never want to tell anyone to do something I haven't done. I've done this, too. It really has come a long way, even from when I've done it. I think that people don't realize that. Chiropractic has come a long way. I believe structural correction is the future. Does everybody need structural correction? No. I think everybody needs chiropractic. Structural correction takes it to the next—and these chiropractors that do structural correction, they do regular chiropractic as well. It is a specialized form that people don't understand. When you're fixing the spine, looking at a pre and post x-ray is very, very important. It really —

Warren: Here you go, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Oh, there you go. There's the one on—well, I'm looking at it, my right. There you go, yeah. It's a reverse curve. Then the other one is more of a normal curve. That is two different spines, there. That's not the same person.

Warren: What you should look like.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly.

Warren: If you go to your chiropractor and he does an x-ray like this and doesn't do structural correction, I would type onto Google, structural correction chiropractic care, wherever, Minnesota, and find somebody, or get on Fred's website and find one of his doctors, because this is stealing your life away. Just think about it, guys. I'm a layman, I don't know. I'm not a chiropractor, but I'm a scientist. When I look at this, God designed this to physics like a bridge to span this ten pound ball and allow this thing to bounce up and down and all that pressure and stress from your head, so it's perfect. It's like a bridge. When you reverse this, look at all the destruction from that heaviness on a daily basis. Your body's responding to that destruction by calcification, arthritis. You can see the disc space is gone, and this opening is your disc space. It's black and white, what structural correction can do for you. If you wait too late, you're losing life, man. You can't live life to the fullest. No way. It's impossible.

Dr. Pompa: Fred, you gave The Ideal Spine as a way that they can do more research. You can re-give that, and then maybe a website they can go to. There's people looking for a chiropractor, and now, perhaps, a structural correction chiropractor. Lead them in the right direction.

Dr. Fred: The most advanced structural corrective system is called chiropractic biophysics, or the acronym, CBP. C, B as in boy, P as in Paul. Their website is IdealSpine.com. They have a patient website and a doctor website, so you can go find a doctor that has at least been to the seminars. You can be certified in this technique, so the people at the top of the list in your area tend to the be certified people. Then everybody else, they may be good doctors, they just may not have received the official certification. I would definitely go to that website. If you do go to—all chiropractic is great. We're not here to say that people that don't do structural correction aren't good, because all chiropractic helps your body heal. If you do have an abnormal curve or your chiropractor does show you that the curves aren't right, and he doesn't lay out a program that's going to correct those curves, then just know, your body is not going to function the same until you do that. I would seek out a structural corrective doctor. Now for those people who doctors are not doing structural correction, there's really easy steps with home care that you can receive predictable structural correction. If you want to know what those easy steps are, just contact me, and I can let you know what first—I help doctors do this all the time, what the first easy steps are to really getting better results with your patients.

Warren: That's awesome.

Dr. Pompa: How do they contact you, Fred?

Dr. Fred: You can go to EliteCoachLLC.com. You can call me personally, at 253-851-8353. You can email me at DrFred1@msn.com. Really, what we want to do is just help more doctors deliver a higher service and deliver better health to more people. One of the reasons that I do what I do is we want to transform the impression of chiropractic in the general public. Really, we're at a time now, just quick ten seconds, where healthcare and the security of healthcare in this country is really very unpredictable. It's really time that the general public takes their health in their own hands, follow what you're doing, Dan, with the nutrition, gets structural corrective chiropractic, and then it doesn't matter what the healthcare system's doing. You don't have to be a prisoner to what someone else can tell you what you can or can't do. Take your own responsibility, be healthy, live a great life, and fulfill your purpose while you're here in this lifetime.

Dr. Pompa: No doubt. Fred, I want you to finish just with an opportunity to talk about the Chicago seminar. We have a lot of chiropractors watching. Tell them a little bit about what's going to happen at that seminar and how they get there.

Dr. Fred: It's going to be a world-class seminar. We have some of the world-class leaders in the profession that are chiropractors and not chiropractors. Elite Coaching really is head and shoulders above in structural correction, but it's not about the technique. It's really about personal empowerment and systems that can help you create the most lifetime patients. Isn't that really our goal, to have a person truly live the spine optimal lifestyle? Dan, you're going to be speaking on nutrition, which I'm fired up about that. Garrett Gunderson is going to speak to you about really how to fulfill your sole purpose financially and how to use money to fulfill that purpose. We have John Davila that's going to go over how to do payment plans and how to set patients up on affordable care that can really help change your life and results. We also have Roberto Monaco, who was a number one salesperson for Tony Robbins for six years, is going to show you how to deliver your message to groups. Then I'm speaking on a few topics. We're going to go over CA training. It's really going to be a world-class seminar. One thing I guarantee and it's not for inspiration, it's for transformation. Inspiration comes and goes. When you receive a transformation, inspiration is the product. Inspiration automatically flows when you get a transformation. Every Elite Coaching experience will create a transformation.

Dr. Pompa: I want to encourage all of my docs that we train to go, for sure. I can't wait for the seminar, myself. It's going to be great. I think every chiropractor should be there. Like you said, it's not about technique, it's about becoming a better practitioner, no doubt about it. The names you mentioned there, I tell you, I'm excited. I think everyone listening should be excited, too. That's in Chicago. What are the dates, and how do they get there?

Dr. Fred: It's October 4th, 5th. It's downtown Chicago. Call my assistant, really, Dana. 253-851-5899. Sorry, 851-5899. You can go to the website, EliteCoachingLLC.com. It's going to be awesome. I'm excited to see you, Dan. We were associated years and years ago and we took our own paths or whatever, but it's great to come back with you again. I'm really fired up. I've heard so many great things about you and what you're doing and the transformations that you're making. I'm excited to be in the audience.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, well I'm excited to be there, Fred. You're a world changer. We're blessed to be there with you from stage and educating more and more chiros and doctors. Thanks for having me, and thanks for being on our show, man. Appreciate you.

Dr. Fred: Sounds great. Appreciate you guys. I'll see you soon, Dan.

Warren: Thanks for holding with us on this. Have a great weekend.

David: Thank you so much.

Dr. Fred: Thanks, David.

Warren: Bye

David: Take care. Bye.

30: Amalgam Fillings and Mercury Poisoning

Transcript of Episode 30: Amalgam Fillings and Mercury Poisoning

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Dr. Derek Grieco, DDS

Warren: Alright, we are on air. Cellular Healing TV, Episode 30. We have a special guest besides, of course, David and then Dr. Pompa. I didn’t say Dr. David this time, which was new, but welcome to Cellular Healing TV. It’s the first time you’re getting get real answers. Heal the cell, get well. We bring on world changers onto this show, and today we have one of Dr. Pompa’s closest friends. There’s an amazing story here and one of the best holistic dentists in the country, Dr. Derek Grieco. Welcome, Dr. Derek Grieco, David, and Dr. Pompa this morning.

Dr. Grieco: Thank you for having us.

Dr. Pompa: I’m sitting next to Warren today.

Warren: Oh, yeah, yeah. By the way, if you couldn’t tell, Dr. Pompa’s to my right, or yeah, to your—I don’t know, but welcome to the show. So Dr. Pompa, I’m just going to start the interview process here. Again, I gave a brief introduction, but there’s an amazing story here with Dr. Derek Grieco that I believe is going to transform many lives watching this today when it comes to the topic of mercury amalgam fillings, mercury poisoning, dental health. I mean, this guy has a story with you personally that I believe is going to reach deep into people’s hearts, and help set them free when it comes to this topic of mercury poisoning, amalgam fillings, and dental health.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, it’s estimated that 70% of all disease starts in the mouth, and that’s a big number. Maybe it’s 60, maybe it’s 80. I don’t know, but even if it were 50%, that’s a massive number. So that’s how important this show really is. I think most dentists acknowledge the fact that bacteria from gum disease, etc., can cause heart attacks and affect the heart, but it is so far beyond that as far as the disease that can start from not just amalgam fillings but root canals, cavitations, in the microbiome that starts in the mouth. And we’ve talked about how important that bacteria is, but we’ve got to tell the story Derek. So you’ve heard me, folks out there, you’ve read my story, and you’ve heard me talk about this dental appointment that changed my life forever. Literally, we would not be sitting here right now if this did not happen. So God does work all things for good. No doubt about it because here I am. But I remember the day, Derek, and I’ll let you tell your version of it too, but you looked at these two back amalgams, and one was cracked, perhaps, and there was some problems. You said, “Let’s get both of those out there, and let’s put a gold filling in.” It sounded like a good plan to me, and you did that. Derek, two days after that I remember calling your office, and saying, “Hey, I don’t feel very well. Something’s going on,” and we both thought that it was the anesthetic. I didn’t take medications, didn’t take drugs, so I, at least, blamed it on the anesthetic and, whatever, moved on. Later that week, I tried to ride my bike. I was left with fatigue. Derek, it went down the road I thought I was over training. Months later, two months later, the fatigue turned to insomnia, irritability. I mean—and then the list went on. I don’t have to repeat it. But it all started—but it wasn’t, unfortunately, ‘til three years, maybe four years, later that I remember the day I called you, and said, “Derek, when did I get that gold filling put in?” You said, “I don’t know. I’ll call you. I’ll call you with the date.” You gave me those dates. That’s when I had my cycle journal there, and looked at when my symptoms started. Really, it was a bright endocrinologist said, “Dan, I think you have mercury poisoning,” and I said, “I did a blood test. I’m okay.” Then he said, “No. Wrong test,” and I did that, the right test, which wasn’t a blood test, and realized that I was, in fact, had a mercury issue. I asked him, “What do you think it started from?” The first thing he said was, “Did you have any dental work done around the time all this started?” I said, “Ah, gosh, I don’t know. I had this gold put in. I don’t remember the date. I’m going to call my buddy, one of my best friends, who did it.” Of course, that’s when it all started. Derek said—do you remember that time? Do you remember that?

Dr. Grieco: Like it was yesterday, Dan, like it was yesterday.

Dr. Pompa:| Yeah. Derek, I brought you after that, of course—I remember bringing you a stack of literature, right, from the World Health Organization, all this stuff.

Dr. Grieco: Right.

Dr. Pompa: Of course, you said you were going to read it just like I would, right? Of course, life goes on. You’re busy. I’m sure you didn’t read it right away, but I don’t remember how many months or a year or so later you called me and invited Merily and I to dinner. You sat down, and you said, “First of all, I want to start. I owe you an apology. I read what you gave me and then some.” You found your own—did your own homework, and you said, “Man, I’m sorry.” I’m like, “Hey, man. It’s okay.” But that changed your practice. Well, tell that part of the story.

Dr. Grieco: Absolutely.

Warren: First, you’re a DMD. I don’t even think I said that. He’s a doctor…

Dr. Grieco: Yeah. DDS, DMD, everyone puts those initials after your name. I’m a general dentist. It depends on which school you went to whether you’re DDS or DMD. It really doesn’t matter. But, anyway, I just want to thank you Dan for loving me enough and for forgiving me through that whole situation because that was instrumental in changing the course of my life and my dental career. The other thing, the other aspect that you said, was you might look at the International of Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology because you had found out about that through the dentist that you had gone to to help you here in Pittsburgh. Who’s since now retired. That was a biologic dentist and had been educated in biologic dentistry. So I went to my first course in Florida, and I was actually paralyzed when I came back to my practice because I didn’t want to touch anybody because of the information that I was open to. So that began my journey. That was probably a year, a year and a half, after that you had given me those papers, that whole stack of papers, after we had met. So I remember when we had gone to dinner, I had been to my first meeting, and that’s when I wanted to get together with you. So you were very instrumental in helping along my pathway where I am still learning today and still working towards becoming a better biologic dentist.

Dr. Pompa: Well, I don’t know how many people—it’s scary to change your complete direction. It’s scary to admit you were wrong. It’s scary to have to go back to your patients and talk about how fillings and just drilling out these fillings can be so dangerous because you did it for how many long years? But I know that people respect that, and I know that so many dentists out there, they’re afraid to make that move because what would my patients think? How would I deal with my own psyche, right? That’s a hard decision, man. So I have so much respect for you, and you finally did the homework and the reading. Gosh, if we could just get more dentists to do what you did, it would definitely be a different world. That’s for sure.

Dr. Grieco: Right, the other issue is you spend a $120-$150,000.00. Well, nowadays, it’s $300,000.00 on your education from dental school. So they have to be telling us the right things. How could these be hurting people? How could there be mercury coming out? We were taught that the mercury was bound inside the silver, mercury, copper, and the tin filling material. So it’s really a travesty that this is still being taught in schools, most schools, throughout the country. It’s a shame. The American Dental Association sticks their head in the sand, and they really don’t have any credi…

Warren: Well, we lost him.

-Technical Issues- David: Oh, oh. You know the interesting thing that I’m sitting here listening to this is that it’s both of your destinies and where you are today have been shaped because of this. It’s pretty amazing how two friends—you got sick. He, all of a sudden, changed his path, and you’re on the path that you’re on because of the pain that you went through. It’s amazing how our destinies are shaped in the most—the times that we don’t even think about.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It’s true and I have so much respect for Derek because not many people do switch directions, and admit they’re wrong. When that gold filling went in, it—yeah, Warren’s going to get him back on. When that gold filling went in, it causes galvanism. You’ve heard me talk about this in the past. People that have two different metals, those watching this, in your mouth where it could be metal around the bottom of a crown, it could be a titanium post, or a brace, some type of retainer, and fillings, those silver fillings. What happens is is it creates an electrical current that’s called galvanism. That electrical current causes mercury to pour out of those remaining fillings ten times, at least, faster than it normally would. The galvanism of that current alone messes up how the brain works. I can’t tell you, David, how many people have this galvanism going on in their brain. So when I say that dentistry is the cause of many illnesses, that galvanism alone where they’re putting different metals in the mouth, it’s a battery. That’s all a battery is is two opposing metals in an acid, which is your saliva, and it creates current. We can measure the currents in my opinion. You can literally take something that measures current and put it in your mouth. Put it in my mouth right now, or David, yours, or put it in someone who has opposing metals in their mouth, and you’d be amazed. You’d be like, “Oh, my goodness. That cannot be normal.” It’s not. It causes disease. So that alone and then, of course, the mercury that just started pouring off of my remaining fillings, which—look. Amalgam illness is a 30 year or plus illness. Meaning that you have these fillings in for years and the mercury is just bioaccumulating and stockpiling the mercury vapor. Where? In the brain is where the studies show. So one of the other questions, I can’t wait to get Derek back on, is what’s the ADA’s rationale these days, right? Because they can no longer say that the mercury is bound up in that filling. He’s right. That used to—that’s what they said. I’ve watched them make the shift from that claim to the new claim of, “Well, yes, it does come off the fillings, but it’s in too small of amounts to matter.” That it flies in the face of—even the World Health Organization now says it flies in the face of all these other countries that are banning it, putting bans on it. Derek, are you back on? Can you hear me?

Warren: Yes, he is.

Dr. Grieco: Yeah. I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what happened.

Dr. Pompa: I guess the question I have for you is, what’s the ADA’s rationale now? I mean, this stuff, Derek, is considered hazardous waste before it goes into your mouth, Schedule II hazard. When it’s in your mouth, they say it’s safe still, right? They say that now that just leach is too small to matter, but when it comes out of the mouth, it’s handled as hazardous waste. Every year before Congress, almost every year, it comes up that let’s call this stuff what it is when it’s in your mouth, and then, according to OSHA, hazardous waste. But they know if they let that go through, it changes a lot. What’s your feeling on that?

Dr. Grieco: Yeah. That’s true, and they have to be very careful because the litigation factor in our country. So this could be a huge, huge loss settlement because—bigger than the tobacco settlement because they would sue every dentist, every dental manufacturer. The ADA would be gone. So it would be a widespread litigation issue, and not to mention, a huge panic from patients that have had silver mercury fillings in their mouth, that have never had silver mercury fillings in their mouth. You know Boyd Haley, Dr. Boyd Haley from Kentucky? He has testified before Congress, with the ADA. He had stacks and stacks of information and research on mercury, and what it does to the body, neural tissue, different systems of the body. The ADA didn’t have any credible evidence of the safety. They took a break. When they came back, the ADA representative was gone, wasn’t even there to continue testifying. So there’s really—they really don’t have any—have not come out and said anything about anything regarding the safety or the danger of mercury in the mouth for that specific reason, I believe. It’s because of the widespread litigation that would happen. It’s been banned in Europe, and California comes out and has you have to give it to your patient. That you can’t use it on kids or pregnant women, but why is it okay to use it on everybody else?

Warren: It’s just crazy.

Dr. Pompa: When we look at the environmental movement in the United States, there’s greater protection there. One adult size filling, I forget, maybe it’s 750 micrograms of mercury in that one filling, but it’s estimated that it pollutes a 20 acre lake. So wait a minute. It pollutes a 20 acre lake and it can kill the bacteria. Ultimately, the algae, the fish, and disrupt that microbiome or ecosystem. Imagine what four fillings is doing in our mouth, in our body, in our ecosystem. I mean, folks, there’s greater protection there than in our own body. Right on the amalgam—I wish you had a bottle of amalgam there just to show people, but the skull and crossbones are on it, right? I mean, with warnings not to let children play with it, but yet we’re still putting it in their mouths, Derek?

Dr. Grieco: Yeah. It’s crazy. Even if you look at the physical properties of mercury, I believe a melting point is between 60 and 70 degrees; your mouth is 98.6; you’re constantly thermocoupling between hot and cold foods that you eat. So there’s off-gassing happening all the time, when your teeth come together, off-gassing. So I don’t know how they can—they don’t have any evidence or any—can’t say that there is some concern with the mercury silver fillings that dentists are using today.

Dr. Pompa: Well, Derek, give the watching audience, the listening audience, just some ideas of why it’s so important to take this stuff out correctly for them. Of course, I have a pre-protocol where before you even get them out we put somebody on—for one month, we open up their detox pathways, and then, I want you to speak about some of the things that need to be done during a visit. Now and just for you as well, not just for the patient, because dentistry has the highest rates of neurodegenerative conditions, depression, I mean, the list goes on.

Warren: Suicide.

Dr. Grieco: Suicide.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, suicide.

Dr. Grieco: Highest divorce rate, highest drug addiction rate.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, divorce rate or drug addiction. So, I mean, the dentist is not immune to what’s happening, but that’s the importance for the dentist and for the patient of how to do the proper removal. So describe that a little bit. Dr.

Grieco: Well, that’s great. I give all the credit to Dr. Hal Huggins who I’ve been trained by, and his right hand person, Dr. Blanche Grube, who I just spent a week with in Scranton. I help her with her practice occasionally. So that’s been a blessing to learn hands-on with her. But when you’re looking at treating a patient, it’s very important, like Dan said, that you’re preoperatively treated with liver and kidney and making sure your digestive system is working properly because this is an insult to your system. No matter how safe we try to be.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely.

Dr. Grieco: So with our procedure, we use—first of all, we give activated charcoal beforehand, before the visit, as we’re giving the anesthetic. Secondly, we cover the patient, fully draped with sterile clothing, and then we use a rubber dam, which covers their whole mouth, oxygen mask that covers their face so they’re breathing 100% oxygen, and outer protection. We also cover their hair as well. So we basically cover their whole body. The only thing that’s exposed is their mouth, and it has a rubber, non-latex covering. We use a high-speed suction, a lot of water, and we have an IQAir filter that we put right by their face. We also have negative ion exchange airflow machine that captures any mercury particulate that’s coming off of the filling in the air. So that’s very important to be treated. The fillings, if you’re sedated, you can cross the midline. If you’re not sedated, you can only do one-half of the mouth at the time, and you have to worry about the charges of the fillings. So you want to take the highest negative charged fillings out first. But that’s basically the procedure. It’s not rocket science, but it’s easy to do, and it protects your patients and yourself greatly. We wear respiratory masks for safety. We have—my assistant and I are fully covered and clothed. Once we take out all the mercury silver filling, we completely disrobe. We completely clean the patient, change everything. Change the rubber dam, take everything out. Throw everything away in a biohazard. Get it out of the room. Then we proceed with restoring the patient with a bio compatible material that’s good for their body that we’ve tested them for afterwards. That’s another key issue. You can’t throw any material in somebody’s body, in somebody’s tooth, because their body can react to it.

Dr. Pompa: Just hearing that procedure, I hope our watchers here just really appreciate how dangerous it is. How many people do I see that they tell the story? They got their amalgams out, and either some get sick right away because they just breathed all the vapor—they’re sitting there drilling the filling, heating it up, mercury vapor going right up their nose, which you protected against, and they wonder why things are not normal, or some people get them out and they have what I call a honeymoon period where they actually feel somewhat better, or they fall off the planet six to nine months later. I think the honeymoon period, Derek, this galvanism that often is in people’s mouth with opposing metals, you take that current away people feel better. I remember sleeping through my nights after that occurred. But then it doesn’t last because once those fillings are gone, now the mercury just starts moving out of the body. It creates what I call “the crazies”, and folks, if you have—I wrote three articles on this. Go to my website and you’ll see under Resources, Articles. I guess there’s even a place now that says Articles. You will see—there’s three parts, When Detox Becomes Dangerous: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Watch the videos. More importantly, read the articles because a lot of these details are in there. Four days after the last filling comes out, it is so important to start the proper procedure because, otherwise, your body is going to start mobilizing these metals, and it really prevents you from that happening. So, Derek, I mean, you might want to speak to some other things. I definitely want you to speak to root canals, the dangers of root canals. Because so many people that I see they get very, very sick. Cancer, unexplained illnesses, because of root canals as well.

Warren: Before we just jump into that, something just hit me hard because I have a toxicology background. That’s my previous—I have a Master Degree in Toxicology Chemistry, and previously, this is what I did in the environment. So we would spend millions of dollars, literally, probably cleaning up the amount of a mercury amalgam filling that’s in maybe three or four fillings. We’d literally spend a million dollar cleanup cleaning up. We’d test the soil, and if it’s from an abandon mine or whether it’s mercury, we’d look for that element. Arsenic, lead, of course, those things as well, but if we found high levels of mercury, we had to clean it up, or if there was a small mercury spill at an industrial facility, I mean, all—we’d pull all punches. You wore the same garb and gear that you have to wear, and I had to go in and expose myself. There’s still a level of exposure that you still get. Even with your—it’s called PPE, personal protective equipment. MSA is probably the company I know. The filters, I’ve bought them myself. I’ve done mercury cleanup. It comes in different forms, but it’s extremely hazardous when you’re drilling on it. So I believe Derek needs to be thanked, and every dentist that goes in and does an environmental cleanup, essentially, in someone’s mouth, that are being poisoned and killed, putting his own health at risk to save lives. So you really are putting your own self at risk. I quit that job because it was making me sick.

Dr. Pompa: He got sick. Yeah. He got sick.

Warren: With PPE and protective equipment. Maybe God’s blessed you with the right genetics to help move some of this mercury out, but you are putting yourself at risk for the betterment of humanity and every dentist that does this needs to be thanked. So if you know your dentist that’s doing this, you need to go and shake his hand. Thank you for risking your life every day cleaning up toxic mouths across the country. So, Derek, thank you.

Dr. Grieco: Well, I just thank—I just pray God’s protection over me every day, and I rely on Him totally for that. But we’re not called to be stupid and naïve either. But on the other extent, dentists are one of the biggest polluters of the environment if they’re not capturing and filtering the amalgam that they’re taking out of someone’s mouth. So your dental supplier can setup your suction unit with an amalgam mercury trap that’s not very expensive, easy to do. You unscrew it after every day, you tighten it up, and then you put in the biohazards, and they come and pick it up for you. So it’s an easy thing to do to keep that from going into the water systems of your local communities.

Warren: We’ve tested those outflows, and they’re—the levels are a thousand times the water that flows into the sewer system. I worked at Federal Aviation onsite in Spokane. But I didn’t believe this, honestly, Derek, when I first found out about it with my background. It was like, there’s no way. Actually, when I did the test, the doctors, they had a heavy metal challenge, I actually sent out another sample of that, because I didn’t believe the company, to another laboratory to prove it, and I also called the laboratory to—and this is how I found out about dental offices polluting the environment. They’re like, “Oh, yeah.” If it’s safe, then why do I see such high amounts of mercury when we test the waters that are the outflow of dental offices? Because on aviation bases, government sites, that stuff is regulated, and it looks like it’s not on general dentistry. But let’s move on.

Dr. Grieco: Alright, good. To your question, to your point, Dan, about root canals, I’ve had a lot of my patients that have root canals. So I’m on a slippery slope here, and “Hey, Dr. Grieco, you recommended me two root canals ten years ago. Now you’re”—and I said, “Well, now that I’m learning more, I’m very cautious of”—I have to give my patients the option of a root canal, but I also have to educate them in the pros and cons of these procedures that we recommend. But the evidence of root canal toxicity is—started back with Dr. Weston Price back in the 1920's and 30's. His own son died after he did a root canal on his front tooth. He was suspicious of that procedure. So he implanted his son’s extracted front tooth into a rabbit, and the rabbit died of heart disease, heart attack, just like his son did. He did that to 60 other rabbits, and they all died of the same ailment. So that was the first—back in the 20's and 30's. Dr. George Meinig, the developer and the founder of the American Endodontics Society, before he died, he wrote a book denouncing and speaking against root canals. He was the founder of the root canal, the American Endodontics Society. Dr. George Meinig, if you wanted to look him up, but in my research—and Dr. Boyd Haley has been instrumental at the University of Kentucky of opening my eyes in the toxic bacteria surrounding root canal teeth. That toxic bacteria causes—well, always, the main teeth pulling is inflammation, body inflammation. So the disease process in the body is all based on inflammation. We’re finding that root canal teeth are one of the major contributors to different disease processes in the body. So a lot of times, when we’re doing a revision on a patient, we recommend they have their root canal teeth taken out, not only with the mercury silver fillings, and that brings up the other issue of cavitations in the jaw bone, which has similar bacteria, toxic bacteria, that the root canal teeth carry. So it’s a big issue, and there’s a lot controversy behind it because there’s over probably 70, 60-70 million root canals done in our country every year. So it’s huge. So it’s definitely a part of the disease processes that’s going on in our society today.

Dr. Pompa: I know Boyd Haley, from his own research, they were sending him and his staff what is called “safe” extracted root canals. Meaning that there was no pain, right? There was no pain, but they had a root canal. They were taking them, extracting them, and sending them to his staff. They found anaerobic bacteria in high levels on every one. So he came to the conclusion that there is no “safe” root canal. I mean, speak to that. Because I think you said it right. There’s so much controversy here, right? There’s many biological safe dentists who feel they can make one safe. There’s many who stand on the other side and say it’s impossible to make one safe because of these thousands of microtubules that hold these anaerobic bacteria. Well, what’s your opinion? I mean, there’s…

Dr. Grieco: I mean, the buzz words of using lasers for root canals now and oxygen ozone therapy for root canals. Dr. Phil Mollica, a fantastic dentist, one of the pioneers on the ozone therapy in our country, teaches many dentists every year about ozone therapy. He also says that it’s—he advocates root canals with ozone therapy. Well, that’s great. It’s sterile, but how long does it stay sterile? There’s a matter of time before those bacteria work back into those little microtubules, and they find a place to live. So I’d be interested to hear his thoughts on that long-term. But like Dr. Boyd Haley said, “There’s no safe root canal for the long-term.” You can sterilize it for a little bit. Maybe 34 hours, 24-36 hours maybe, but after that, who knows what happens with the bacteria getting back in?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. No doubt. I mean, I know that people are out there saying right now, “What are my options,” right? I always say that there’s three options, really. Take the root canal out and leave a gap, which most people don’t want that. Get a Maryland-type of bridge that spans the front tooth and the back tooth, non-metallic, of course, ceramic, or an implant. Then we run into titanium things versus ceramic. So speak to some of those options right there.

Dr. Grieco: Yeah. If it’s a single tooth, you’re losing a single tooth, the first thing that we recommend is we put a little valve clasp, little partial in, a little flexible partial. First and foremost, always, we want to make sure it’s biologically compatible with the patient. I want to make that a key point.

Warren: I mean, that’s just a blood test that you run on your patient.

Dr. Grieco: Blood test. Sometimes patients will do muscle testing through their practitioner and the more that I’m learning about that, I think that’s adequate. But if you really want to be scientific and really want to know, a blood test…

-Technical Issues-

29: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Transcript of Episode 29: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and Warren Phillips.

Warren: We're here. Good morning. Cellular Healing TV, episode, believe it or not, 29. This is our 29th week, with replays in there, too when emergencies come up. Sometimes we don't have an opportunity to go live with you guys. Really exiting topic today. Dr. Pompa and I have been discussing this, and we realize we haven't laid out one of our best topics, our most wanted topic, to the public, which is called multiple chemical sensitivity, MCS, chemical sensitivity. It's one of those things that, again, it's called incurable. People don't know they even have it. It's something that Dr. Pompa and I suffered with personally to the point—at one point in my life, I couldn't even leave my home for fear of just feeling that feeling, and getting that sick from chemical exposures that my body overreacted to. Dr. Pompa, you have tons of multiple chemical sensitivity patients. A lot of your patients have that as a complication, whether they're super toxic, amalgam sick from mercury biotoxins, even some of your thyroid and diabetes patients also have that complication of multiple chemical sensitivity. Let's go over some of the signs today with the viewers, to let them know whether they have it and the reality of it, and then some of the tricks and tips that have helped you help your patients, and what we have used, and some of the funny things we have done along the way, as we suffered and overcame multiple chemical sensitivity. Welcome to the show today.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, thank you. I would say most of my clients have it, and most of them don't even know it. Matter of fact, I would say that about—a lot of the population, most of the population has some degree of chemical sensitivity. On a scale from one to ten, ten being the worst, most people are a one, a two, or even a three and have no clue. Of course, we're seeing the people who are seven, eight, nines, and tens, where their life is literally getting hammered by something that they really don't understand. Meaning that I remember the day that I was driving behind a truck—and I was sick already, right? I already had symptoms of fatigue and insomnia, anxiety—all the things that I was going, “What's wrong?” Headaches, digestive issues I was full-blown sick. However, I didn't know I was chemically sensitive for years. I remember driving behind a truck feeling pretty good that day, right? It was probably one of my good days. All of a sudden, I breathe some diesel. At that moment, I became extremely irritable, brain fogged where I couldn't even remember where I was going or how to get there, and my body inflamed, and I had a bunch of symptoms. At that moment, I realized, “I'm chemically sensitive.” Then it started happening. I walk into a bathroom with air fresheners and realize I walked in there normal, I'm walking out not feeling normal 20 minutes later, completely jacked, as we say. As a matter of fact, we've even started our own little lingo around it. What is the call out? When someone has fabric softener on, right, you smell those people? We smell them a mile away. Fabric softener is loaded with about six neurotoxins, on average. I don't know the percentage of Americans that use fabric softener in their dryers, dryer sheets, etc., but that stuff is toxic, and boy, it does a number on us immediately. I remember patients coming in to my office, and I would have to tell them, “You can't wear this stuff.” I'd go into a real stupor. Warren, the sad reality—

Warren: One of the common things is, “Oh, that was—this clothes is six months old. What do you mean? It shouldn't smell like anything.” Those fragrance warehouses, those chemicals—literally, you could wash it in Tide, which has multiple chemicals in it as well, then you add six or seven more with a fabric softener, and then you throw in some Downy dryer sheets, that stuff, just like perfume, will last for years. You pull it out, and just like they show you on TV, “Oh, it smells as fresh as when I first washed it.” You know why? It's a chemical that tricks your brain that sticks around forever and a day, a neurotoxin that tricks your brain into thinking that it smells right, stimulating a similar response that a natural thing would, but yet it's a complete neurotoxin. You can re-wash it in just natural stuff, and it'll take two or three times just to get it out.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. Those chemicals are made to adhere to the fabric, and they're made to adhere to you. Here's the problem, too, is it's a double-whammy. You're breathing it right into your lungs, into your bloodstream, and these things adhere into your body, bioaccumulate. They do not come out. This is not your average chemical, folks, and you're absorbing it through your skin You're wearing your clothing from your—you said it best, right? It's from the Tide all the way through to the Bounce, to the fabric softeners to the dryer sheets, and you're wearing and smelling chemicals all day long. Oh no, but then you go to bed at night, and guess what? Your pillowcase, your sheets, are full of the same toxins. Right into your skin, right into your lungs. I'll tell you, it's probably one of the most toxic things that most Americans have no clue about. Spend the extra money, folks, on the 100% natural detergents, and please, do not use fabric softeners of any type. Warren, this would probably be a great intro to show your dryer balls at this point. I'm just saying, you'll love those things, and my pets love them.

Warren: Here's our dryer balls.

Dr. Pompa: That's what we use in our dryer! These dryer balls. They actually do work, and the pets do, in fact, love them. Anyways, yeah Warren, tell a little bit about your story. I actually thought I was doing you a favor at one point, and I saved you from your moldy basement to put you in my basement, which just so happened to have some new carpet in it. I didn't do you any favors, did I?

Warren: This is before we knew that we were—Dan and I traveled all over the country. Dan before even I showed up on the scene sick, as a cousin to his wife, very sick. We were big into mold and I cleaned up hazardous waste, and so I was reading articles on mercury poisoning and the symptoms of it. That was me, so I was completely sold out on this stuff. Dr. Pompa starts taking care of me, giving me supplements. At the time, he was a chiropractor, he was practicing chiropractic. You're not practicing chiropractic now, but then you were. You started adjusting me, resetting my autonomic nervous system and I started feeling better, so I'm full-blown. We got this thing, and multiple chemical sensitivity wasn't on the radar. Before I go there, I'll place a little seed. When you sleep with a fabric softener and Tide, or—I'm not going to blame Tide, but multiple fragrant-type laundry detergents, so there's many of them even Arm & Hammer, all along the line. I'm not just beating down Tide, I'm beating all of them down. That's why they have the fragrance-free options, right? You're sleeping in that and wonder why you're not sleeping, right? It's like, well maybe—you have had patients, Dan, that you said they stop the perfume and they start sleeping through the night. If you don't sleep through the night, maybe it's your Bounce Bounce pillow—Bounce Bounce baby pillow, we call it, that's keeping you up at night. I'll throw in a trick for you. If you do get into a hotel and you don't bring your own pillowcase, you can also take a t-shirt of yours, take their pillowcase off and put your t-shirt over. There's something—number one, if you're sitting there and getting irritated while you're sleeping in a hotel and not know why, and you smell that fragrance, your body's saying, “Hey, get this out of my body, because it's irritating my system and it's making me irritable.” Take the sheet off, put another one on. Moving into my story, I move into Dr. Pompa's basement. He's like, “Warren, I'm sick of seeing you sick. If you don't remove the source, R1, you are going to remain sick. I'm like, “Alright.” He spoke to his wife, and she graciously said—she already had five kids at the time—I'll take on a sixth kid—me, a sick one that was irritable, wasn't in the best shape, we'll just leave it at that. He moves me into this beautiful basement—essentially, apartment. It was a great place to stay. We weren't tuned into the chemical sensitivities things, and it had two-year-old carpet in it. We knew that VOCs and that stuff, you didn't want to put something in, but two years, surely, it would be okay. I started the first night, the second night, the third night, just to fast forward, walking upstairs going, “Did you sleep last night?”, “Nope, didn't sleep.” There would be times where Dan said, “I'm not sleeping here, either.” Long story short, start fast forwarding, we start realizing that the home we were in, because it was about, I think, three years old at the time—I don't know, Dr. Pompa, about three?—started making all of us sick. Especially me, because I was in a locked basement room with a closed door with a fan running, because any noise would wake me up, with a locked door closed up, off-gassing chemicals into my body all night long. Then, I'll pass the story on to you, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. It was true. On the back side of, Warren, actually certain things so much better, moving into a chemical newer home started creating new symptoms and symptoms that were oftentimes worse. I've watched that happen so many times, Warren, with so many of my clients, that they're better, and then they move into a new home, only to revisit similar symptoms and worse symptoms. Sleeplessness, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, all because of chemicals.

Warren: That's a mistake for your mold patients. They go, “I'll just get a new home.” It was the same thing that I did. After that, I had bought an older home, a little bit older apartment. It was four or five years old, but yet, I didn't realize the insulation that was in it wasn't formaldehyde-free, so I had to do everything that you needed to do with air exchangers. We have videos out there on that, air exchangers with water filtration, positive pressurizing our home to keep those chemicals out, which is really tough to do. That's what you did. You ripped out all the carpet and put all hardwood in, put in air exchangers, pressurized the home, full-house dehumidification, so you didn't create another problem. These mold-sick patients like I was, obviously complicated from my heavy metal exposure and the over-reactive immune response I was having to mold and mold VOCs—VOCs mean volatile organic compounds, like gasoline. When you smell it that's off-gasses that evaporates to a volatile organic compound. Gasoline's organic—not the good organic, but it's organic meaning it's from oil. We cleaned up our homes, positively pressured and brought the fresh air in, pushed the bad air out, and then we were able to sleep most nights, through the night, in your house, fast forward.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, we became, obviously, really good at making homes safe. We learned a lot, and we'll share some that here with you here before we get off today, but how so many people end up there. We described the theory in the past, where you start taking a lot of toxins from the time we're in mommy's belly, in utero, and we're taking in her toxins—the lead from her bones, the mercury from her amalgams. Then we're born, and we start exposing our children to all of these chemicals that we're talking about. Let's give them a nice, fluffy blanket, right from the dryer, dryer sheets. Everything we're saying. Not to mention everyone's perfumes. Our outside air today is cleaner. However, the big thing that nobody's talking about is indoor air. It is, on average, five to seven times more toxic than the worst day in LA. We're talking about your homes, folks. Your home is the most toxic place on the planet because of all the chemicals, the neurotoxins that are in carpets, all of the supplies. Furniture, all the fire-retardants, the bromine, we can just keep listing chemicals, chemicals that really weren't around when our parents were living. Things were very simple. They were exposed to very few of the thousands of chemicals that we are exposed to today. I don't remember the number, but how many thousands are introduced every year into, basically, our lives, into the marketplace, that haven't been tested for cancer neurotoxicity. Look, I quoted—ladies, you use, on average, 518 chemicals just to start your day. 219, on average, of that 500 some that you're using, are known cancer causers, not to mention most of that 500 some are obesogens, which means they're chemicals that drive obesity, trigger genes, turn on genes for weight loss. Look, my bottom line is this. We are exposed to so many chemicals that we're putting into our bodies from food, makeup, personal care products, our clothes, our environments, our homes. We build homes now, that trap—they're so efficient they trap in these chemicals, so literally, our indoor air is filling with the chemicals that we're putting on ourselves, the chemicals that are from all the new products that we bring into our home, computers—Warren, we have to off-gas our computers. You ever smell that new computer smell? That's bromine. Yeah, that screws up your thyroid, folks. The flame-retardants that they use for computers, it takes a year to off-gas. You're breathing that in every day.

Warren: That volatile smell that you think is sweet and that new car smell is literally killing you. You wonder why every time I'm on my computer, I get a headache. That's why. It's the bromine causing—what is the cellular brain inflammation, what is that called, Dr. Pompa? The scientific term? Brain inflammation?

Dr. Pompa: Encephalitis?

Warren: Something like that.

Dr. Pompa: You're right.

Warren: Yeah, yeah. Toxic encephalitis.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, toxic encephalitis.

-Cross talk- Warren: I can draw some of this for our viewers. It should be a little pop-up. There it is, perfect. Now I can draw—when you're talking about it, I can draw little figures and just show people.

Dr. Pompa: The bottom line is, let me finish making my point, is that we're exposed to neurotoxins. These are toxins that attack our brain and our nerve system, unlike any time in the history of man. It's not just the outside toxicity gets so much attention from the whole environmental green movement. What about what we're putting into our bodies? Really, that's the bigger issue. It's driving chemical sensitivity in so many people. The sad part is, Warren, is so many people don't feel well. The don't realize they're chemically sensitive. Took us a while to figure it out. Here we are now with people who are chemically sensitive, have sleep issues, have anxiety, have depression, have just these brain fog energy issues and weight loss resistance. They start gaining weight, triggering bad genes, and they have no idea that it's because their body is driving inflammation because of the smell of certain chemicals. Really, and I don't want to focus on this on this show, but really what's happening is you get hit by a major toxin—mercury, mold, any of these big guys, it shuts down your detox pathways. You start bioaccumulating a lot of chemicals. Now your brain, there's a place in your brain called the amygdala, which really is how your brain starts to create emotion to memory. What happens is your brain starts smelling these chemicals, and it creates the same inflammation process with just a sniff of one little chemical, because it's trying to survive. It wants to keep you away. With that sniff, one little sniff of one little chemical, it remembers the reaction, triggers inflammation, a chemical explosion in your body. Now with one sniff of a minor chemical, all of a sudden, you have inflammation and a bunch of bizarre symptoms. Why? A neuro pattern was set up in your brain. Part of the fixing has to be to change those patterns. There's even an inflammation process , and I'm not going to explain the biochemistry, but it's an inflammation pattern where just one sniff of a minor chemical triggers this inflammation pattern. Once that goes, it doesn't down regulate. We have to redirect that pattern, as well as the pattern that the brain is creating when it smells these chemicals to drive inflammation. Warren, we're both well. We're both well. I can sniff gasoline, I can drive, I don't even—as a matter of fact, I'm probably less chemically sensitive than most people that don't even know they're chemically sensitive. However, put me in a room with formaldehyde, new carpet, and I will become brain fogged within an hour or so. The difference is, is that I clear out. I leave there and in an hour I'm normal again. In the old days, it would be days before we were normal again. There is a fix to this. You have to down regulate inflammation. You have to empty the bucket. You have to clean the body out, which typically takes seven years, really, to re-pattern the body in these things. You have to do the right things long enough and the body does re-pattern, the body does go, “Okay, we're not in trouble here, I'm not going to create this massive inflammation.” Those of you who are trying to get well chemically sensitive, it takes time doing the right things. These are the things we've been talking about, the 5R's. If you're saying, “What things are you talking about, Dr. Pompa?” Go back and watch the shows. The 5R's really is how we both got out of chemical sensitivity Warren, right? The 5R's is the answer, but you have to do this long enough. Chemical sensitivity was our last thing to fix. We had our energy back, we had our lives back, we were sleeping through the night. However, the chemical reactions that we would get, that was the last thing to go, the last thing to heal. Have hope in that.

Warren: Yeah, and Dr. Pompa made a great point. By the way, there's a really good concise article that we just released, we're releasing. It still should be the main article on the website, if you go to DrPompa.com, we just did a really great summary of the 5R's. Our audience was—we're actually growing rapidly, Dr. Pompa. I looked at our Google Analytics. We're actually crashing our server, so I'm switching servers now. This information is getting out there. We have a lot of unique visitors coming to our site now, so I just upgraded that. For you that were having trouble on our website, even those with a dedicated server—little tech talk here, we have upgraded to the huge server, so send your friends. We can handle the influx that we're seeing right now. Go there, and there's a great summary on the 5R's. Dr. Pompa, you made a great point, is as you get well, just like if you smell something that was a negative reaction—say in college, Goldschlager, you got really sick once on that. You smell Goldshlager and you automatically get sick. You created a really negative pattern in your neurology. What happens is the same thing with a chemical smell like gasoline, and you start to realize, not only did you—because now we're telling you, it's like, yeah, I do get a headache. You start living in fear over the gasoline, and your body's starting to recognize the same thing. Gasoline, bad. When you get well and it really isn't affecting you as much, your body can handle the toxic load, if you will, because you've cleaned out. Now you've got to start realizing, “Hey, I don't have to react that way or overreact that way,” and that's—there's a mental game to this chemical sensitivity that has to play out, because there's a realistic fear that you have to avoid these chemicals so that you don't get sick. You have to get stuff out of your home, you have to do all that stuff, but then, as you get well and you get little exposures to something here or perfume there, you have to realize and fight through your old pattern that Goldschlager—even though it is bad, it's a chemical and it's a toxin, it's alcohol, it's poison, but if you have one shot, it's not going to make you puke again, for instance. I'm trying to develop some sort of analogy here. I'm not a teacher. I'm hankering back to college days. It's the best I could do, Dr. Pompa. That's the trick.

Dr. Pompa: There's a two-part thing. You have to empty the bucket, right? When I say the bucket, I'm talking about the bioaccumulation of metals—not metals, toxins throughout your life, right? It finally one day overflows. Genetically, some of us have bigger buckets than others, right? I always like to say we have 50 to 70 trillion cells in our body. Really, that's 50 to 70 trillion little buckets that end up getting toxic. Now genes start getting turned on, etcetera. We have to empty those buckets. That's a part of it, right? You'll never get over your chemical sensitivity until the buckets are empty. That's R1. Remove the sources from the cellular level, true cellular detox. Number two part of the treatment is you're right, Warren, you create these anchors, these patterns neurologically that—your body wants to do good by you, so it smells a chemical that's hurt you when your bucket was full and it creates the same pattern. All of a sudden, it tells your hypothalamus to release certain chemicals like adrenaline like cortisol, like any inflammatory type of chemical reaction. Your body then is there to save your life, but it releases it on just the minor little smell. That pattern is still going even though your bucket is more empty, so we have to break those patterns and change the memory and change the way your body patterns. When people say, “Oh, that's just psychological,” they're right, it is psychological, but it's driven by a real physiological problem, and it's physiological. Just no different than if a lion walked in the room where you are, Warren, you would have physiology that would go crazy. Let's say, hypothetically, it was the most friendly lion in the world, tame and trained, your brain doesn't know that. As soon as that lion walks in, your body releases adrenaline and all kinds of stuff and it drives inflammation that will occur after the lion's gone. That's because that's been patterned into your nervous system that lions kill. That's the same with the chemical. Yes, psychological, yes, physiological, yes, real reaction, real inflammation, driven by the fact that you've been hurt so badly by these toxins. It's like being bit by a dog. You've been bit by a dog, man, you're going to be fearful of dogs.

Warren: Every time you hear a dog start barking, you run away. Here's the thing. Dan, we did that. We found out that chemicals we didn't understand the psychology in this journey—we didn't know we were chemically sensitive, we knew we were, we knew the dog that bit us. Everyone's around us saying it's all in your head, but we're like, “No. I walk in, I'm normal. I walk out, I'm sick. You're not. We're not.” When we started to travel and do things together, we created a little community, Dr. Pompa and more, our little vocabulary, just like chuchees or if you're from a different culture, we created our own culture, a chemical sensitivity culture. There is one out there. We even have websites, MCS awareness. There's some good information there. I think that site was down for a while. More tech talk—got attacked by viruses and things. We've developed our own little culture, our own little world, and we start running with masks through airports. We had our shirts up over our face all the time. We would hold our breath. We would trick the bus driver to not pay attention—that's a good technique there, Dr. Pompa. Well done, using the t-shirt over the face. It's another good move, Dr. Pompa. Well done. We do it together. At first it was awkward, but eventually, we just didn't care because it did help. Psychologically, it gave us—we were protecting ourselves. You breathe our own air, it does work. Everyone watching this due to chemical sensitivity is going to pull the Warren's show and go under. I'm going under, is what these used to say. We'd walk in, “I'm going under.” We'd trick bus drivers who had air fresheners at times when we travel teaching doctors across the country, we tell these stories. Dan says, I'll distract him, you grab the air freshener. He would distract them, I'd go by, snap it off his mirror and then go throw it in the garbage can. We've done that. They would have them sitting behind the seats and we'd be sitting there—there's an air freshener, there's one in here. I can smell it. Then Dan or I would be like, “Oh, there it is. It's behind the seat. Hilarious stuff. Behind the seat and we'd break it off and throw it away. Just nuts. Or, we would literally ask the guy. It's like, “You probably think we're nuts, but that stuff bothers us. Could you please put that in the glove box?” He goes “Alright,” then we'd just tip him well afterwards to make up for it. We could go on and on.

Dr. Pompa: How about some of our code words? Bounce Bounce baby was fabric softener, right? We would warn each other, Bounce Bounce baby meant we'd start looking around for the person with fabric softener. How about this one? Fresh batch. That's, someone who had a fresh batch meant that they were doused with cologne or perfume. There was a fresh batch.

Warren: Morning dose.

Dr. Pompa: We literally developed a language so we could adapt to our environments and remain chemical free, which really is part of the solution, though. You do have to take your chemicals out of your life long enough that these treatments work, right? You can't keep inflammation and then in that process, we're emptying the bucket. R1, all of the R's are applied, getting the cellular function working and repatterning that nerve system and changing the DNA. Again, that's where the 5R's do come in. Changes the DNA, changes these reactions, but you do have to stay away from the chemicals long enough, in that process, to do it, which really talks about how we made our homes safe. One of the things, and we'll have Phil Kaplan on at one point. Phil always remembers this. He says, “Dan, you were the first one that said, “Phil, if you don't make your home safe, nothing that I do is going to work.” He put in air exchangers, which bring in fresh air. Warren said we'd have a video about this. He can direct it to where that is on our site. It brings these units—we have them in our homes, you have them in your business that you're sitting there now. They bring in fresh air and they pull out the stale air, because homes are built so airtight there's no fresh air, there's to air exchange. These things exchange fresh air all day long. That's one technique. Warren mentioned about how he positively pressurized a home. That's very important because a lot of homes, inside the walls is probably the most formaldehyde-rich material and that's insulation. What happens is from those walls, if it's negatively pressured or positively pressured from the outside, negative pressure on the inside, those toxins come in constantly. You can never, ever, ever make your air space right. If you positively pressurize the inside of your home, you're keeping that attic air, wall air, out. That's a big part of making your home safe. Of course, better carpets, of course using no chemicals, clean chemicals in your home. The list goes on. Making a home safe is a major part of getting well, and it's one of the first steps.

Warren: Yeah, if I was in a home that was newer, say two years old, and I was chemically sick—let's give them some numbers. Roughly most things off-gas in about four years, I would say, so the four-year-old home—and that's the same for hotels, if you're looking for hotels, to get an idea. You call the hotel, “When were you remodeled?” Four years ago, perfect. Three years ago, really good. Two years ago, not so good. If you're not really sensitive, you'd be okay if you open the windows. Another question you ask at a hotel, “Do your windows open?”, “Hold on, I'm going to call engineering.” It's a pain in the butt to live the way we live. When you want to perform at the high level that we perform at, we can't even take those risks even today. Even though we're not “chemically sensitive, we're not going to go into a new hotel and stay there. we're going to get a hotel that's between two and four and five years old. Then if it's too old, then it's “We haven't remodeled since 1910,” you can guarantee that there's mold spots they keep painting over on the ceiling that are making you sick as well. That four-year range is where you want to be when you buy your home, but the insulation now, Dr. Pompa—the good news is one of our friends Ron Esposito,who we should have on the show again soon, because he's lived this with us, he's getting a new home—which I don't highly recommend. He's not a chemically sensitive fellow, but he's getting an air exchanger, no VOC paint, so he's getting that air exchanger—they call them an HOV or a VRC. He's also going to do all hard wood. The insulation, I had him double-check with the builder. I had an hour long phone conversation the past few days, and the type of insulation they use now in all their homes is formaldehyde-free, because of some of the stuff that came out of the New Orleans—I forget what hurricane that was. Not Sandy, but probably the one before that, when—Thea, or was it Thea?

Dr. Pompa: FEMA?

Warren: FEMA was doing those trailers, and they were loaded with the particleboard with formaldehyde glue, and it was making people really sick and making children really sick, getting formaldehyde poisoning. Part of that was the push, I believe, that got formaldehyde out of most of the insulation. In this building, believe it or not, it's only a four-year-old building, but the type of insulation we used is older. This building that we're in right now has formaldehyde insulation in it, which isn't good. If you can see up here, I have an air exchanger—I don't know if you can see it, but see that little vent above that picture of a trout? Then there's Krista. Say hi, Krista.

Krista: Hello.

Warren: There's Krista, she's our assistant. There's a little vent up there, and that vent blows fresh air into this room. At least this room in our office is 100% safe, because it's like a balloon. This room is like a balloon being filled up with fresh air constantly, pushing, causing a major positive pressure—let me come back. Causing a major positive pressure, so if I pop the balloon, the air's going to go out, right? That's a positive pressure environment, so I live in a balloon full of fresh air coming from the outside, because there's a stream out there, probably getting some good positive ions for the energy folks out there, coming in, ballooning me up so the chemicals in the walls can't come in and get me. Dan knows that this office isn't the best.

Dr. Pompa: The nice thing is, is you can utilize those machines to create that positive pressure. You can bring in more air than you're bringing out. Let's say you do half and half, you bring in, say, this much air, and then on the way out, you're bringing in this much air. There are dampers in them. You're creating the pressure by how much air you're bringing in and letting out, so yeah. That's one of the techniques, and obviously, buying the things that without the chemicals you can make a safe home and it's very important. Again, we have to keep our cellular function, we have to fix our cellular function through the 5R's. You do the right thing long enough, make your environment safe, your body will learn new patterns. The DNA will change. You will become well. The people who just do not become well from chemical sensitivity, you have not gotten rid of your sources. There is still a source in your life, whether it's silver fillings, whether it's just bioaccumulated toxins that you just haven't detoxed correctly. No, folks, a colon cleanse is not going to get it out. An infrared sauna—we love it. We use them ourselves, but in itself, by itself, will not get all the toxins out. You need to do true cellular detox along with these things. That's truly the key. You have to fix the cell to get well. True detox happens at the cellular level. That's how you get well. You do those things long enough, your body will repattern. It won't overreact anymore. Thank God the body heals itself. That's how we got well. I wish we could say, “Hey, we got well in six months.” It just doesn't happen that way. The body takes a while to change those patterns, those neurological patterns that have been up regulated through the trauma of toxicity. Really, that's how these people end up there. The trauma of toxicity, whether it's the moldy home, whether it's the vaccination. We can go down the list. Any infection on the backside of any of these major toxic traumas is chemical sensitivity. By the way, Warren, all of those FEMA people and the people that went in for 9/11, they're all chemically sensitive. Severe MCS. They're all so sick, and most of them don't know what's wrong.

Warren: They call it the syndrome. It's almost like from Desert Storm Syndrome, and then they have the 9/11 Syndrome. What it is is chemical onslaught. They breathed in all the smoke and from all the flame retardants and from everything that was burning off the building, all the chemicals, and their just buckets overflowed.

Dr. Pompa: When I watched, and my kids would tell you, when I watched all the heroic events taking place at 9/11 and these people rushing in, they didn't have masks on. I said to my children, “Oh my god, every one of those people are going to be sick.” There's people that were running out of there just breathing that air. You see them in the videos. Every one of them are sick today. I knew that was going to happen. It would just take some years before the symptoms set in. That's exactly what we're seeing now. They breathe this chemical air, and now they're sick. The same way those people end up sick is really the same way that the average person ends up sick, too much too fast, the bucket fills, and now your nerve system has a pattern of creating its own inflammation. We're trying to bring the answer to the world. This problem is a growing problem. Again, just getting people to understand that this is, in fact, your problem is probably step one.

Warren: You even treated one of those heroes, Dr.Pompa, one of the main heroes I believe, correct?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, a couple of them.

Warren: How are they doing now?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, much better, much better. A lot of them have autoimmune conditions, which we've spoken in the past about, triggered by a lot of those stressful events. If you haven't read the autoimmune answer article, please do, because it really brings into light, really, this whole topic. They play together. Yeah, this is a topic, Warren, we could go on and on about, because it affected us so dramatic. It really was. We joke, we laugh about our lingo and what we went through, but our lives were very difficult.

Warren: Very difficult.

Dr. Pompa: Out of it came a greater purpose to educate people about what we learned. I believe in my heart that God allowed us to go through it. He gave us the answers, not to sit on, but he gave us the answers, because there's so many people suffering, unfortunately, at younger and younger ages. We have the answer. We can't boast about our intelligence of finding the answer. Honestly, it was God who brought us the answers, and we both believe that in our heart, no doubt.

Warren: Yeah, 40 minutes has gone by, Dr. Pompa, and it's like we just got started on this topic. There's a long history here. We do laugh about it now. I think that the reason we do, for those of you who are suffering—how can you laugh about it, Dr. Pompa and Warren? It's an adaptation, honestly. It's trying to create a positive anchor. We don't want to go back to those dark days. Even if we get a hint of it now, it really can anchor us back in. We know that part of our neurology's we cant do that. When we're laughing, it's like some people laugh when they get cut. That's their way of adapting. We just don't want to go back and create that negative anchor, so we do the things that we did that were funny, and that helps us laugh our way back to health, if you will. That's the strategy. We know that there's some people that actually faint when they smell a chemical, and we've had those really sick patients. Know from our heart of hearts, we know you're suffering and how tough it is to live that life. You can't go to church anymore. When you become aware of this, it becomes a really, one of the most difficult lives that are out there. We do sympathize with you, but we also are here to give you hope. Then God will give you a puppy like Dr. Pompa has, to bring joy to your life. He definitely is a great dog. We love you guys. We appreciate you listening. Share the word. We have a new article coming out this Wednesday. If you're not on our list, go to DrPompa.com, get on our list. We have a new article coming out on the ketosis diet. Dr. Pompa has been hard at work revamping this article. That's going to be released on Wednesday, not this Saturday like we normally do, because we want to release it during the week. There will be more people that can watch it and share it throughout the week, so be looking for that article. Also, some of our toxic top ten things you need to switch in your home, toxic top ten. The number ten is another great resource for you. Take care. Have a great week everyone, or weekend. Thanks, Dr. Pompa.