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09: Saturated Fat Myth

Transcript of Episode 09: Saturated Fat Myth

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Awesome. Welcome to Cellular Healing TV. My name is Warren Phillips, co-host along with doctor – well, I like to call him Dr. David Asarnow. As much as you know, you know more than a lot of natural health practitioners even, with your diligence in learning. This is Episode 9, Cellular Healing TV, where our goal is to bring real answers, the truth that’s going to make a difference in your life, so that we can share this message with the world. This is the next huge movement in healthcare, and we’re on the cutting edge, and we want to bring that information – our protocol and information guru leader, Dr. Dan Pompa, is who really brings this information to us. We’re excited to have him on the call again today, and we do bring other doctors onto this show, physicians and even lay health individuals like David. The topic of today is the saturated fat myth. Dr. Pompa, this is a huge myth and, you know, you’re seeing some amazing results by just loading people up with fats. This is something that helped you with, I know in past shows, with your autistic child, who is on the autism spectrum and people run from this. Why is it such a myth and why do people run from something that’s really so healthy?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, we talked last week about the cholesterol myth and that one of the leading scientists, well she is the leading scientist at MIT. She believes that heart disease and many other conditions are actually a cholesterol deficiency. Go figure. So, we’ve been running from these fats, and saturated fat’s another one – there’s many myths associated with saturated fat. You can’t turn on the television and they’re not talking about not only calories but low fat; not just low fat, but how bad saturated fats are. I always like to quote a study, and it’s a recent Harvard study – and there’s many others that are just showing that actually saturated fat, for example, in this particular study – the more saturated fat that they ate, the better their atherosclerosis became. Yes, the better their heart disease became. What about the other Harvard published study that talked about a three-fold improvement in diabetes with the highest saturated fat levels? How do we come to terms with this? We’ve been…

Warren: It’s against everything that everyone’s heard.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. How did we get here, right? I mean, I guess we could back up and just say it this way, breast milk for a baby. It’s 55% saturated fat. Look what saturated fat is in nature. Grass fed meat, saturated fat. Coconuts, saturated fat. Avocados, saturated fat. Many saturated fats in many nuts, seeds. Come on, everything we eat has saturated fat. How come all of a sudden it’s demonized? Well, there was a guy named Alan Keys years back, and this Dr. Keys did some studies and they were junk studies. That was part of how saturated fat got a bad rap. It’s even a little deeper than that, how people ended up on certain boards, certain committees, and now all of a sudden, everybody’s running from saturated fat. There’s something – once government gets something and it rolls with it, there’s just no pulling it back, is there? Well, that’s kind of what happened with this. Now, all of a sudden, for all of our protective bodies to say saturated is in fact good, well, we’ve got a new problem on our hands. Then we can even go back as early as the 1913’s, or the 1913 or the 19-teens, however you want to say that, and some research on cholesterol and that they thought saturated fat was the bad guy. Today, we know that’s not true. As a matter of fact, that scientist, that Russian scientist, he actually reversed what he said and we just never heard the rest of it. The fact that – one of my kids is here getting his phone – say hi Isaac.

Isaac: Hello.

Warren: Hi, Isaac.

Dr. Pompa: Anyways, they never really published what he had said about cholesterol. As a matter of fact, in his own theory, he said, “Well this is only a theory, and we’re still not certain about this.” Later, of course, it changed, but you know, these things have been in play for a long time, and it’s hard to reverse them. New studies are, in fact, showing that saturated fats are key for hormone conditions like diabetes. We’ll talk about brain conditions hopefully later in the show because we’re utilizing these fats, cholesterol, saturated fat – the demon fats, so to speak – for really making a massive difference in these conditions. Fat’s the key, folks. How is fat associated with hormone conditions? We could talk a little bit about that because when you read a study of three-fold improvement in diabetes, there’s a reason, right?

Warren: Sure.

David: Dr. Pompa, I want to get into this reasoning, but I can’t let Isaac walk into the room. I know people have watched previous shows, but he’s a walking miracle, and he’s alive. I just want to take a second and thank God for all of you who have prayed for Dr. Pompa’s son.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, thank you all.

David I know it’s off topic, but, man, it’s on my heart just to thank everybody out there that prayed for him. He’s a walking miracle and still with us. He was in a tragic ski accident and he came in with a cute smile on his face, I love that young man. He’s going to be a world changer. He just got inducted into the National Honor Society, he’s won scholarships, he’s brilliant off the charts. Kind of like his dad, so we’re just thankful that that little world changer is still here, brings tears to my eyes and, I just love him. I love Dr. Pompa’s family and the sacrifice they make for this mission. I know that I do, and multiply that times 10, you know for his family and the sacrifices they make. Thank you God, and thank you people for praying for him.

Warren: He is a walking miracle.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, we thought there’s a chance we were going to lose him, and it was scary. The sacrifices we make, well, I have to give a little promo to the autoimmune article that’s coming out next week. I know you’ve been waiting for it, I’ve already got the emails because I mentioned it. I mentioned it and it’s going to be very good, but my son Daniel, I had him help editing it last night for two hours. I wanted to get it done. That was already a second edit, because my wife went through it. If you all knew how painstaking these articles are, and then it goes to Warren, and then his team goes and works on it. Then all the stuff that Warren does to get it out to you all. Be so grateful because this article, just like the heavy metal – three heavy metal articles that we did – by the way, they’re under Articles (Part One, Part Two and Part Three). If you click on Articles on my website, the last three in are those three heavy metal articles. Part 3 is there, I know some of you didn’t get the email, but Part 3 is there. This autoimmune article is coming out and it’s going to be a life-changer. I know. It’s one of those articles that people – it’s going to shake things up a lot, because there’s really new studies there, and some real exciting things. Saturated fat is a big part and these fats are a big part of how, you know, we really get these solutions where a lot of other people are not getting solutions to some of these unexplainable illnesses, so let’s get back on this topic that I love so much.

Warren: Yeah, I know. We can get into some solutions. First of all, if we take a step back again and say, okay, why if this information were shared on Cellular Healing TV, it’s so true and it transforms lives – why isn’t it being promoted? Dr. Pompa alluded to that, once it got into the government bodies, and got promoted one way and got into all the government protocols and diets and procedures, what happens is it drives consumers to create a massive market for the low fat movement. You know, there’s a huge market for it. All the gyms still teach it. I look at gym membership, you know, health and eating programs, low fat, lean, high carb, eat your grains. I had a little saying about grains. Grain-a-holic I think.

Dr. Pompa: I actually have another theory. It just hit me, when you were saying this. It’s the companies can’t monetize the saturated fats the way they can the polyunsaturated fats because it’s not chemically created.

David: Well, it’s true, it’s easy to create those.

Warren: Well, in that, that’s the issue, but the research shows, and I’ve read these same papers Dr. Pompa has sent my way. I’m like, “Oh, my gosh.” It confirms what we’re doing is true. It continues to be confirmed that getting to the cell, heal the cell, get well, it works. Fats knock toxins off of the cell membrane, one of some of our protocols involve a bone broth fast. Bone broth fast, Dr. Pompa, the bone broth fast, there’s certain fats in there for cellular healing. Let’s move into some of the strategies that you use. What are some of the best fats for helping things like diabetes or seeing autoimmune conditions down regulated? Some of the things that we’re talking about – what can people do to grab onto the truth about saturated fats and healthy fats to heal their bodies from the inside out?

Dr. Pompa: You know, someone just recently ran a testimony of, I’ve seen a few of these, where their husband or wife starts to have two or three tablespoons of coconut oil a day. Loaded with saturated fat, right? It’s a medium chain triglyceride, shorter chain fat that your body immediately burns up for energy. It actually forces your body to produce something called ketones, which is something the brain loves to utilize for energy. We can talk a little bit about that, but when you do this coconut oil, you can see an immediate improvement within days or a week, of conditions like Alzheimer’s, memory loss, Parkinson’s, and the list goes on to these neurodegenerative conditions. It’s really neat to watch. Obviously, coconut oil plays a really important role for the brain. These medium chain triglycerides play a really important role in weight loss, because your body loves to burn them up as fuel. Again, most Americans are stuck in a sugar burning mode with the inability to utilize fat for energy. Some of these medium chain triglyceride fats help the body become a more efficient fuel burner. Here’s a surprising one, and something that we do for our autistic cases and any brain related case, memory loss, especially as well. We take butter, and we get raw, real butter, grass fed butter, and we do two tablespoons of that a day as well. Well, some of those saturated fats, and also medium chain triglycerides are immediately utilized by the brain and the cell. They help stabilize the cell membrane, which is needed for detox. They help stabilize how the brain works. Let me just give people your website of where you can get these really good butters because most of the butter you buy at the store is not so good.. There’s an X-factor butter that they have, many of them. Weston Price talked about this X-factor that’s in butter. How it changes the brain and the cells, etc. That’s a really good source of butter that I like to point my patients to. If you’re in a grocery store, they do sell grass-fed butters now at Whole Foods. Get those butters. These are the things that are going to have these saturated fats and cholesterols in medium chain triglyceride fats that we need, that really most people are lacking. I always say probably the most missing nutrient in the American diet is in fact fat. In the 60's and 70's, the low fat movement, which really took and is still going, right? Through the 70's, 80's, 90's, and here we are in the 2000's still going strong. Low fat, low fat. You want to lose weight, go low fat. I think we’ve talked about that on past shows, the fact that low fat doesn’t work for weight loss, right? We’ve been doing it how long? We eat more low fat than any country in the world, and yet, we’re the most obese and the fattest, so, how is that working out? When, in fact, I’m taking these patients and people that are obese and cannot lose weight, weight loss resistance. I’m actually forcing them to become a fat burner by utilizing fat, of all things, right? Some of these cases, we do it, we really load up on the fat, and we restrict the glucose and carbohydrate intake to force them to become fat burners. Just some of the tricks that we do. These fats heal. They heal at the cellular level. They stabilize that cell membrane, and that’s where the hormone receptors are. Which is another reason why saturated fat is so important in cholesterol. That is another can of worms.

Warren: Another trick that you taught me, Dr. Pompa, and I think there’s another – there’re other health professionals that do this. I know that Ronnie, he’s watching this right now. He’s big into this, and he’ll actually bring his own coffee, his own butter and his own frother with him wherever he goes because they put the butter in the coffee, because everyone likes a medium for what they drink, for these fats. How can you take the butter? My daughter eats it by the slab, no matter where she’s at, what restaurant. She asks the waitress or waiter, “Hey, can I have some butter, please?” She’s two years old, she was two years old when she started saying that, and it goes to show you that it does help with brain development, very little –

Dr. Pompa: The brain is mostly fat. That’s what it is mostly. By the way, we mentioned this on the last show, this is why when people get on statin drugs, right? It’s one of the reasons why it’s causing dementia, why it’s causing Alzheimer’s, why it’s leading to brain conditions, why? Because we’re starving the brain of a fat that makes the brain work, and that’s cholesterol. Again, if you didn’t watch last week’s show, go back and watch it. I talked about something brand new in the science and that’s a cholesterol sulfate deficiency because it’s the cholesterol that really stabilizes that cell membrane. Every cell in your body. You’re only as healthy as your cells. Your cell membranes are made of fat. That’s really what makes the cell healthy. Hey, another promo. I just came back from a fantastic seminar in California and I met some real movers and shakers in the industry. I had a great talk with Dr. McCullough, and I also had a great talk with Jeffrey Smith, who is leading – he is the pioneer, or a crusader I should say, the number one crusader in the non-GMO movement. I did a 15-minute interview with him that Warren’s going to be bringing to all of you. It’s fantastic. He just sat down with Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT and we really discussed how the chemical glyphosate in Roundup, which is the number one herbicide being used on every conventional crop that everyone is eating – big argument to go GMO – and how this chemical is causing a cholesterol deficiency problem. Another argument to eat organic, another argument to increase our healthy fats to raise up this cholesterol sulfate, fix our brains, fix ourselves, and you’re only as healthy as your cells. Fat is the missing nutrient. We need to eat more of it. That’s what we eat. How much fat do you eat in a day, Warren? I eat so much fat, it’s unbelievable. David, you, too, right?

David: I’m eating more and more these days, and I feel better. I mean, you talked about it last week that you feel better than you ever have. I do, too. You know what I had for dinner last night because I was at work late and didn’t get home until after 9 o’clock. I came home, and I don’t like to typically eat after 9, but I was hungry. I had all cheese. Just different types of organic raw, organic cheese and that was my dinner. That’s all I had for dinner, and I feel great today. I’m 7% body fat, and I eat more fat than, maybe not Dr. Pompa, because you’ll eat spoonfuls of things that maybe…

Dr. Pompa: Well, yeah, I agree with that. I said this last week on the show. I said since I’ve been reading these articles on cholesterol sulfate, it’s even inspired me to even eat more. Let me tell you, this will be fun. Let’s all tell what we ate yesterday. I think this will help our viewers. I intermittent fast, and David, that is one of our future shows, okay? I’ve been promising that for how long?

David: We should actually talk about it next week.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly. When you become an efficient fat burner, you really want to span that time without eating because my body’s fueling from fat, right? I don’t eat breakfast, and I eat later in the day. Let’s just call it lunch, even if it’s 1 or 2 o’clock. I took, and I don’t do this every day, I mix it up, but I took two raw eggs, and I took eggs and I put three extra egg yolks in. Obviously getting that extra fat. I put a little Amasai and a little cream. I ate a chunk of cheese, I mixed it up, I put cinnamon, I put nutmeg, and I put a little stevia. What else did I put in there? I make this stuff up, folks.

David: I think it’s a new gourmet cookbook coming out soon.

Dr. Pompa: I blended it up, it tasted like eggnog. It was so darn good. Oh, I know what I put in. All I had was, I ran out of almond extract, I’m sorry, vanilla extract. I had lemon extract, I put a little bit of lemon extract in. Oh, my God was it good. Anyways, I got all the perfect proteins, I got all these perfect fats, and then I actually had a tablespoon of coconut oil, too. So the coconut oil, two eggs, three extra yolks – so that’s five egg yolks – the cream and a little bit of Amasai in it. It was this massive shake of fat and protein. That was it, right? That was my lunch. Literally, I didn’t eat anything all day because I was very busy yesterday, right, Warren? I really didn’t have time. That’s why I did it, because I didn’t have time.

Warren: Fasting, it saves you so much time. We waste so much time, and time is everything. I’m a business guy. I was telling David, I mean, I should automate the promotion of cellular healing.tv. But getting back to the time saving aspect, man, it makes such a difference. I can just go all day, I usually don’t eat anything. I usually get up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, with butter or without butter. Then I come home for dinner, and that’s it. I drink water, you know, throughout the day, or a SueroGold maybe, because I should do it around 3 o’clock, but I don’t even have time for that at this point, and I crush it and I feel great every day. I sleep seven hours, it’s amazing. The amount of time you save. Thinking about what you’re going to eat, and then the fatigue afterwards.

Dr. Pompa: The thing is though, is that you’re able to do that.

Warren: Right.

Dr. Pompa. You’re a fat burner. In other words, you forget to eat. We’re not hungry because our bodies are efficiently using the fat that we store, right? That’s the problem with most of America, we are sugar burners. Your cells can only use two things for energy, sugar or fat. When you’re hormonally unable to utilize fat for energy, then you can’t use it in between meals. What happens? Your body gives you cravings all day long, and you’re hungry all day long, you need this fix, that fix. Most of America is hypoglycemic, their sugar levels start to drop, why do their sugar levels drop? Because they can’t use fat to keep their levels consistent. For the last three months, I’ve been testing blood glucose and ketones on myself and my family. My little 10-year old Simon, he pricks his finger every day. He’s reading his glucose levels and noticing what he eats, and this and that. I do these experiments but it’s been really fun. Because my glucose level is 70 and low 80's all day long whether I’m eating or not. It’s that consistent. Why?

Warren: Because of the food.

Dr. Pompa: Because of the fats my body’s burning. Even when I’m not eating, right? Most people, their glucose drops, my body’s utilizing fats all day, Warren, too. That’s why he can go all day without eating. Listen, what do I always say? The number one way to age slow, to look good longer, to feel good longer, to have absolute great performance in everything that you do, no matter what your age is, control your glucose and insulin. It is the 800 pound gorilla – and every practitioner, alternative practitioners alike – they ignore it. How many alternative practitioners – Warren, it’s been a pet peeve of ours for years – they promote these things, more vitamins, more minerals, more things, and the 800 pound gorilla is, “What about your glucose?” We see these doctors, they have the bellies and they’re up and down, they’re aging, and yet they’re worried about all the vitamins, minerals and meanwhile their glucose is up and down. It’s the 800 pound gorilla. It’s the biggest thing we can do to prevent aging. Control insulin. Mercola said it from the stage at the lecture he gave, I was very impressed. He talked about, let me just say, I have to give Mercola some promo, because I saw him years ago and he was not nearly the speaker he was this weekend. He talked about controlling insulin and lectin in glucose. He said it’s the number one thing you do to anti-age. He talked about intermittent fasting. He talked about fermentation. These are the things he said.

Warren: I think he’s listening to you.

Dr. Pompa: He said moderate protein, high fat, intermittent fast, fermentation.

Warren: Now you're on a filling diet.

Dr. Pompa: That’s right. He had a block of four things. Don’t go too high on your protein, as high as you can in fats, more fermentation and intermittent fast. That was his talk right there. I was so impressed, I was so happy to see him focused on the majors. He’s a major player, gets 50 million hits a week on his website; 50 million hits a week. He’s made a difference on the planet. Whether you agree with everything on his website or not, it’s not the point. He’s made a difference.

Warren: Yeah. Well, all I had every day this week is SueroGold and I actually take the fermented chia seeds and flax torrento mega. I actually put it in the SueroGold with a little stevia, and that’s my lunch, usually about 2 o’clock.

Dr. Pompa: I think that it’s funny because I think we’re really just all gravitating to a lot of the same studies, right? I mean, we’ve been talking about fermentation for a long time, now. Intermittent fasting, I’ve been doing it for almost two years now, myself personally. Amazing stuff, because this is things that work. I’m going to be talking about, we’ll do a future show on something that’s been around for a long time, and that’s utilizing ketones. I talked a little bit about it, and that’s increasing fat and getting the brain functioning on something called ketones which is a fuel source that your brain – your brain can only use ketones and we’ll talk more about that on a future show. They used to do this for severely seizure kids. Kids that were having massive seizures. You put them on a very high fat diet and move their brain into utilizing ketones for energy. It fixes the seizures. It fixes many brain conditions. We use it for autism and Parkinson’s and it’s really amazing to watch. This is the power of fat.

Warren: I get it, the ketogenic diet.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, it’s been around for years. There was a Johns Hopkins study. This stuff made a massive difference and it just got kind of moved to the wayside. Really bright scientist named Bolwick, I’ve quoted a lot of his studies, Warren, in our slides for years now. Jeff Volek has really done some modern day work and probably more studies than anybody on this subject, and really some interesting work that I’m going to bring to Cellular Healing TV here.

Warren: It really is amazing. I had a conversation with Meredith, a new team member, and she’s just eating your stuff up, Dr. Pompa. She’s rewriting a lot of your articles and learning and she wants to do the intermittent fast. She read it and she said, “I’m going to take all these supplements from the 5R’s,” she’s doing the 5R's, “I want to take every supplement that’s in there, I want to do the fast, which fast should I do?” She was talking about one of her hearts was to help people with eating disorders and emotional eating. I said emotional eating is one thing, and there are some folks that may have an emotional connection to food and that makes sense, but it is hormone driven. Those of you that are saying, “Well, I’m just an emotional eater,” no, you’re a hormone eater. Your body’s actually telling you that. Ghrelin, lectin, it’s telling your body. Your body’s doing what it needs to do to preserve itself, so therefore, it gives you the cravings, your hormones are out of bounds. It’s doing that to survive, honestly, because it can’t burn fat for energy, so it’s doing its survival technique. It really transformed. Folks get really focused on, “I’m going to psychologically walk someone through to how to break their addiction.” You’re not going to break someone’s addiction because it’s like having a drug inside of you telling you to eat sugar all the time because your body’s out of balance. That’s what’s great about fasting and intermittent fasting. We’re going to talk about it next week because we’re wrapping up this show, is that that can break that cycle. I talked to my trainer the other day, and he said, “Warren I need something, because I try to transform back. Exercise for weight loss is nothing. They come in here and they want to exercise to lose weight, but it’s the diet side and I can’t get them to break their nasty habit.” I said, “Man, you need to fast people for at least four days, to break that cycle, to make them more hormone sensitive meaning what Dr. Pompa trained me on is that they start to be able to burn fat for energy after, typically, a four day fast.” A lot of these things you may be struggling with out there, you’re thinking that I’m just a hormonal eater or emotional eater. No you’re not. You are being tricked by your body because someone has labeled you that. Well, you’re not. If you do a fast, you follow the cellular healing diet, cellularhealingdiet.com, you’re going to be able to break that hormonal addiction and get your body doing what it’s supposed to do and live a life free, like we do. We don’t do that to brag or say, “Look at me, we do this, we’re so lean.” I don’t say that.

Dr. Pompa: Why do you live?

Warren: We just live it. We want you to share that same vitality in life so you can make a difference.

Dr. Pompa: It works.

Warren: Our big why? What is it, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: Our big, why?

Warren:| Yeah, our big why. Why we do what we do.

Dr. Pompa: Well, we do what we do because we suffer for it from pain to purpose. Our big why is to change lives from what we suffered from and the solutions God has given us.

Warren: Amen.

Dr. Pompa: That is our why. We suffered from it. I have to sign off, really in just a couple minutes here, folks, because I’m actually going to the airport. If any of you are near Hudson, Wisconsin, near Minneapolis area, I’m lecturing out there tomorrow, so welcome. It’s a public lecture, so welcome. Warren, how can they find out exactly where that lecture is?

Warren: You know, I think Genna’s using one of my redirect websites and what was that? MyDetoxNow.com. Let me pull it up.

Dr. Pompa: While you’re saying that, let me get one final word. David, you always give me that final word, right?

David: You got it.

Dr. Pompa: You want to leave on that note. I do want to leave on this note. I have to do a shameless promotion of a product that’s really 12 years in the creation. Warren and I have been on this for a long time, and put a lot of products together, him and I. There’s a product, Vista, that we worked with in conjunction with a really bright biochemist, Shane Morris. Vista is a fat formula that we use to fix the cell membrane. Warren said it best, if you go onto my site under “Articles,” and you click on “Articles,” go down to R2. I talk about this product in particular, but it’s – this is what I want to say about it. It’s not just about getting more fish oil, right? Everyone’s very hip on omega-3, but it’s the ratio of omega-6 and 3 that is how you really target the brain. We utilize a 4:1 ratio of this to target the brain. We utilize a 4:1 ratio to target the cell membrane. That product was created around that. If you’re one of those people that have been taking fish oils for more than a year, you’re probably in what we call omega-3 dominance. You first start taking it, you benefited because you were in omega-6 dominance, and then it went through normal range, and now you’re over here. That’s why ratio is important. That’s why eating fats in nature is really important. Can fish oil benefit you? Yeah, in the beginning, but then you can become too dominant in this certain fat, so we want it in balance. That’s really, really important, to get things in balance. A lot of those omega-3 and omega-6 fats are very fragile. They oxidize very easily, so if you’re buying your fat from say Costco or somewhere else, you’re probably just throwing your money out the window. Even though you’re paying four times less, you’re wasting that amount of money, because that’s an oxidized oil. They’re very fragile and they have to be very carefully taken care of. Anyways, just thought I’d note, because I know a lot of you are taking fish oil supplements. There’s a really important balance there.

Warren: The 4:1 ratio, Yehuda, all those studies, that changes brain function. That heals the cell membrane. God is shining on you.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, right?

Warren: Mydetoxnow. If you are in the Minneapolis, Hudson, Wisconsin area, mydetoxnow. Dr. Pompa, thanks again for packing and rushing to make sure you could be on the show today. You do provide information that is just not being shared out there and we’re so thankful to be a part of this team. David, thanks again for your inputting. David doesn’t benefit from this show. No one benefits from this show. I mean, I guess our brand does, Cellular Healing TV, but David, does it because, he told me the other day, “Warren, I do FCO, I do mindset training, I’m a business coach, built a multiple million dollar practice, but he said, this is what I’m passionate about. This is what I want to make a difference in. This transforms lives more than anything else that I’m doing.” Indirectly FCO does, for sure. He wants to be part of this, and that’s why he’s here today, so David, we thank you part of Cellular Healing.

David: Thank you for having me as part of your mission.

Dr. Pompa: Thanks, folks.

Warren: Go crush it, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Why Sage? Alright, I’m out. Love you guys.

David: Love you, man.

08: Herbicides, Heart Disease & Hormones

Transcript of Episode 08: Herbicides, Heart Disease and Hormones

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: We are live. Welcome to episode eight, Cellular Healing TV. I'm one of your cohosts and cofounders of Cellular Healing TV, dot TV that is, cellularhealing.tv. We have David and Dr. Pompa on today. I was at a wedding last week, so it was David and Dr. Pompa going at it at GMOs last week. I didn't get to hear the – I didn't get to watch the show yet, so I have to go back and re-watch that. I'm going to hop in with you guys today, and I know that there's a big topic, you guys are going through GMOs, but there's a more – there's this extensive and massive use of herbicides, Dr. Pompa, that we've discussed in the past that has to happen with GMO products which doesn't make sense to me. Can you guys pick up on where you were last week, and launch into that topic.

David: Sure, and what we said we were going to do is we're going to continue on and wrap up a little bit about GMOs, herbicides, and how it pertains to fat. In this week, we also wanted to talk about cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, hormones, a lot of questions that we've been getting from our viewers.

Warren: By the way, if you want to ask questions and you're watching the show right now, there is a button. It says – let me actually pull the page up. It says, “Ask your questions,” and what that will do is it will take you through an API. You have to click OK to allow the 22 Social to re-forward you. That's okay to do that. It says it's capturing your information, but that's what Facebook has to say. Then it will take you to our Q&A page which will send me an email directly, so we can answer your question live even at the end of this show, or we'll answer it next week. Just make sure you go down and click that green button below this life show.

David: Welcome, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you. The irony is, I don't know if you two realize this, but these two topics that we are going to talk about actually are related. Meaning that the GMO question you had Warren is actually – the overuse of herbicides and pesticides because of GMO is actually related to our topic today of cholesterol. You'll see how, believe me. This is a show that you’re going to want to send your friends and family and those that you love to listen to. The information you're going to hear today, I promise you is the first time you've ever heard most of this information. When we – Warren last week we talked about the dangers of GMO and how certain genes can be transferred into our gut bacteria. We're sharing information with these plants, which is by the way not good. We can even become pesticide producers in our own gut, literally producing chemicals because we're sharing this information. That was a cellular research study. Look, there's another problem and Warren you asked the question. Right now there's a two-fold increase in the use of an herbicide called glyphosate in the last five years because of GMO. Here's what's up. They used to just spray glyphosate, which is a nasty herbicide that pulls minerals out of weeds. That's how – the way it works. It disrupts certain pathways. In the past they would say, “This chemical's not dangerous to humans because we don't have these same pathways that plants to get disrupted.” Our bacteria in our gut do. That's problem number one. We knew that if we used a lot – too much of these herbicides and we sprayed it on plants that we're trying to grow, what would happen is that the plants would die. We'd just spray it on the soil before the plants would actually come up. That's what we were doing in the past. Now with GMO, we're able to actually spray the plants because they're called Roundup ready. This toxin called glyphosate, aka Roundup, which is the number one herbicide used, developed by guess who?

David: Monsanto.

Dr. Pompa: That's right, Monsanto, the same company that is making the GMO seed. Of course they make the plant Roundup ready so you can actually spray the plants.

David: They don't die well.

Dr. Pompa: That's right. The problem is, is now we're using more glyphosate than ever and we're creating at least 130 different super weeds that farmers are having to spray even more glyphosate on. We're talking about a 527 million pounds over the last 16 years that we've actually put on our plants. These are massive amounts, again a two-fold increase of the amount of pesticides we're using. How this – how does is it effecting humans? It's affecting humans in a lot of different ways, one of which is disrupting something called cholesterol sulfate. There's a scientist, Stephanie Seneff who is actually out of MIT who she believes heart disease, and now even this surge of diabetes is being caused by the overuse of glyphosate. How, because it actually is causing a cholesterol deficiency. Yes, so heart disease could in fact according to these – all her new papers and others now, could actually be a cholesterol deficiency problem. One of the things you have to understand is total cholesterol for years has not ever been shown to really be linked to heart disease. Matter of fact, people that have 300-400 cholesterol, they have heart attacks at a less rate than someone who has a normal cholesterol. That's right, so normal cholesterol actually is associated with – normal to low cholesterol with more heart attacks than even high cholesterol. What's going on? I mean where's this disconnect of cholesterol and what's really happening? Look, it's not so simple to just say cholesterol causes heart attacks. It's the particles of cholesterol. I'm going to have to explain that further David, because particles are something – cholesterol just can't float around our blood. They have to be carried. It's carried in something called a particle. The more particles you have, yes that does increase your risk of heart disease. Here's the point that I want to make. I want to get back to the particle thing. This diminished glyphosate, this overuse of this chemical that everybody's being exposed to from the food that we're eating. Everything's getting sprayed with it, the grains we're eating, even conventional grains that aren't GMO, they actually spray them right before harvest to actually dry them. This glyphosate is being used in tremendous amounts. What's happening is this glyphosate we know now is depleting us of something called sulfate which actually attaches to cholesterol and is carried through our body. Every cell in your body needs cholesterol sulfate. The cell membrane functions because of cholesterol sulfate. You can't do anything in your cells without cholesterol sulfate. Your heart, your brain, all of these key organs need cholesterol sulfate. We are under a massive deficiency of cholesterol sulfate in this country. Driving heart disease, diabetes, obesity and I can even touch on that, how this research is linking glyphosate, the lack of cholesterol sulfate, and even autism, obesity, all these conditions I named, and of course even Parkinson’s. There are now papers about this. We are being exposed like never before to this herbicide. It is causing a deficiency of cholesterol sulfate. Oh, and if you put people on statin drugs, yes it makes it even worse. Your body, this nutrient is so important to every cell in your body that literally it will pull and figure out ways to actually find this cholesterol sulfate because it is needed that much. We'll get into specifics about these different conditions because how it's linked to heart disease and things is it's very specific. We can start this conversation there, and I know I've opened up a lot of –

David: You've opened up – you've opened something up because my natural question then is, so what do you do? I'm sitting here taking notes by the way because I'm learning just like everyone else. I want to know, so what do I do? What's the best thing that I could do?

Dr. Pompa: This is a real argument for why you need to eat all organic in your diet. All organic will not be sprayed with these herbicides. A conventional grain, whether it's rice, oatmeal, I mean I can go down the list. They're spraying the grain before harvest with glyphosate. This is a massive problem. Of course GMO is sprayed four times as much as even conventional grains. Stay the heck away from GMO. Last week we said, if you buy 100% organic, you're not going to get GMO. Also conventional grains, that means even meat that's not grass fed. You're pulling in this glyphosate which is causing a disruption of gut bacteria which we'll talk about. Write that down as a question. Ultimately, it's depleting us of something called cholesterol sulfate which is needed for your brain, your heart, and every cell in your body to work.

David: Wow, so let's take this a little bit further then. Let's talk about cholesterol and diabetes.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, well in the past I said diabetes, it's a receptor problem. These receptors ride on these things called lipid rafts. These are rafts made of fat. Of course this is the epidemic that the hormone can't communicate with the cell to actually get the glucose in the cell. When you're cholesterol deficiency, these lipid rafts, they are made mostly of cholesterol. We need cholesterol to stabilize these important hormone receptors, whether it's thyroid hormone receptors or insulin receptors for diabetes or estrogen receptors. Cholesterol is needed to stabilize these lipid rafts that stabilize these receptors. The thing that I would say David again is, it's not a need for more hormones, it's the fact that the cell can't hear the hormones which is a receptor problem, which is actually aka a cholesterol problem. We need cholesterol. We're actually cholesterol deficient because this cholesterol sulfate is so important in the cell membrane, stabilizing the cell membrane, making the cell membrane work. This is where the hormone receptors are. As far as diabetes David, there's an interesting thing. When you lack cholesterol sulfate, which again one of the big things that's causing it is this overuse of the chemical glyphosate. When you lack cholesterol sulfate, you don't have the ability to store glucose outside your cell. In other words, even if your hormone receptors are working well, you pull a glucose into the cell which you need for energy. When glucose is out here, glucose is very toxic and damaging. It causes oxidation and inflammation. It causes you to age prematurely, that's why diabetics age prematurely. Glucose needs to be dealt with, otherwise it causes nasty oxidation inflammation. Once the cell's full, what happens is you have an ability to store the glucose outside the cell to use it later, even three hours after a meal, and then you can pull it back into the cell. When you don't have cholesterol sulfate you can't do that. You can't store the sugar outside the cell, and now you have a rise in glucose. This is new research in diabetes. Again, going back to this is a cholesterol problem. Diabetes is, in fact, a cholesterol problem for the receptor and also the fact that you can't store glucose outside the cell with this cholesterol deficiency. Ultimately, we could say this is a GMO problem, this is an overuse of our herbicide problem in the last five years. This is really becoming an epidemic.

Warren: This whole herbicide, pesticide thing is – David wants to learn more, I know a lot of this but not the detail. I learned a lot right there.

David: The good thing is listeners don't know either.

Warren: They don't. On my side, I start getting mad. They're wondering why we're losing our bee population. All this crazy stuff that's going on in the world and the catastrophic ideas that people do have, but at some level this fear that's out there, we're fearing the wrong things. Then you have the people that – what do you call them, the doomsdayers. They're maybe – they probably are 50% right in the preparation that they're doing because some of the things that we're discussing are literally destroying who we are. What this – even the environmental people out there, I'm not – I don't overdo that, but at the same time man, these pesticides and herbicides, if you want to put your dollars into something that's already killing us and being an activist for it, get after that stuff. Global warming is one thing, and it's definitely a political agenda, but we need to be fighting and lobbying harder so if there's an environmental group out there with pesticides and herbicides and going up against this stuff because it's having scientifically proven action where some of these other things we don't know. This is maddening to me, Dr. Pompa and then when I hear the truth about it at the cellular level, my body's working great. I can grab glucose in and use it, it's storing it, it's doing what it's supposed to do, this amazing system. Yet we're destroying this amazing system that's our bodies, and it's maddening. The more you share, the madder I get. That's my job as a host, man.

David: He gets mad and I get very curious. Let's talk about – my next question then is okay, so what foods do I eat? What meats do I eat to get this cholesterol sulfate? Is it beef, is it bison, is it pork? I don't eat pork, but just for other people. What should you eat?

Dr. Pompa: Again, it's an argument for a high fat diet. We need cholesterol, we need cholesterol sulfate. A lot of people who are vegetarians and vegans, they can only last so long according to their genetics and they become very depleted, even more depleted. Then if they're eating non-organic and they're getting exposed to glyphosate, they're becoming more cholesterol sulfate deficient. Again, listen, when you read the science cholesterol sulfate deficiency is linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, leaky dots which I want to hit on – write that down. That leads to a lot of other problems, and it's also heart disease and diabetes. This is a massive problem. Again, the very thing that we've feared, cholesterol and fat, is the very thing that we actually need to keep these levels up for these – our cells, our brain, our heart to work right. This is – there's papers on this that people just aren't getting to and reading. I've spent the last three months digging into these papers. David you called me yesterday. I said, “Man, my neck hurts.” Three hours, you should see my notes. I have literally 40 pages of notes from one paper. I'm excited about this because this is really new information and it's opposite of what we're hearing from the media. If I hear one more show that talks about low fat and reduced calories I'm going to go nuts. It has nothing to do – we should be eating more fat. Yes, you need those grass-fed meats David that have the cholesterol and even add these sulfates that we need really. Look, we talk about leaky gut because I think that this is another massive epidemic. Cholesterol sulfate, we know now that when you're cholesterol sulfate deficient what happens is, is the cells in the gut are shrinking which is there's something called tight junctions that are lining in your guts. These tight junctions are bringing nutrients across, and when you need white blood cells to deal with pathogens in the gut it brings them into the gut. What's happening is when you're cholesterol sulfate deficient, these cells are shrinking and it's leaving these gaps. Now, all of these undigested proteins and foreign and bad bacteria are leaking across. What it's doing, it's driving the immune system, a.k.a. auto-immune. Remember I said last time or the time before I talked about auto-immune as an epidemic in the gut, and bacteria – good and bad bacteria is being a part of autoimmune. It's one of the legs of the stool. These pathogens are coming across, and they're driving the immunity. Cholesterol sulfate is a problem because it's causing this gut to open up. Again, new research, but it is absolutely fascinating that an herbicide could be at the core of why people are cholesterol sulfate deficient. Let me give one more reason why, because David you asked what else can we do. Yes, high fat diet. I mean eating high fat, really, really important. How about sunlight? What have they scared everybody into David of wearing – what do you go outside? What are we afraid of when we go outside?

David: We're – well they say if you don't put sunscreen on you can get skin cancer.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, everybody's slathering with sunscreen and hiding from the sun. We understand that they're lacking vitamin D when we run from the sun. Now, we're realizing a lot of the benefits from vitamin D are actually attributed to cholesterol sulfate because guess where you make the majority of cholesterol sulfate, is in your skin. As a matter of fact, there's something called ENOS, and we're going to link that to heart disease in a minute. This endothelial nitric oxide synthase, which we won't use that word again, we'll just call it ENOS. What happens is, is that sunlight activates ENOS to make sulfate. It combines with the cholesterol in the skin and now we have something called cholesterol sulfate. When you lack the good fats and when you lack sunlight because you're putting on a lot of sunscreen and avoiding the sun, now you lack cholesterol sulfate even more.

David: What do you do if you're one of those people that gets sunburned so easily?

Dr. Pompa: You don't need – if you're one of those people that are very light skinned, Warren's a much lighter skin than me. He can go out less time. Even 20 minutes in the sun with most of your skin exposed without burning. I'm not telling anyone to burn their skin, but just getting a little tint, a little red where you don't burn, hey you just produced some cholesterol sulfate provided obviously you didn't have something to block all of the sun rays.

Warren: There's another good point there too, I mean. People love this topic, Dr. Pompa. Man, you need to get in the sun, full sun for 15, 20 minutes to your tolerance. Another way to extend that is just use something natural like shea butter. Another thing, if you do burn easily, you might have a low-fat problem. If you don't have healthy cells, and great antioxidants that you're consuming through a healthy diet and supplements, you're also going to burn more quickly. It's not lack – just like lack of medications is the reason you're not healthy, it's not lack of sunscreen that you can't handle the sun. What's the reason? Yeah, more people – some people burn more easily because they're fair, but there's actually a cellular issue that causes you to burn prematurely which causes you to wrinkle. Sun has been around since the start of the universe when God said, “Let there be light.” It's not a bad thing. The question I have for you Dr. Pompa and the research – to me, it makes sense and I always, I purposely don't do this all the time, but what about sunglasses? Isn't there some – there's got to be something that's activated when the sun hits your eyes instead of putting that on there. I wear sunglasses when it's bright with snow and things like that that I'm not used to, but what about sun glasses? Have you ever read anything on that? I don't know if you have.

Dr. Pompa: No, I mean actually you're right. Where most of the vitamin D and again, cholesterol sulfate is produced is the eyes are so reactive. When you block the sun into the eyes, you actually again can become vitamin D deficient and cholesterol sulfate deficient because there's so many receptors there. You hit it. I mean don't be looking into the sun. Getting a ton of sun into the eyes can cause oxidation. We need sun, so I'm purposely always taking off, or taking out my contacts when I'm in the sun because the contacts can actually even block all of the sun's full rays. We want that full spectrum of sun to produce these things that we need. We know that people that are in sunny areas have far less heart disease and diabetes than people who are not in sunny areas. With that said –

Warren: People in Hawaii aren't running around with sunglasses on. The native Hawaiians, look at – they don't. People in native communities, they're not running around with – they don't have eye disease in Africa and it's sunny all the time. Come on, let's wake up to –

David: That may have something to do with diet. Something you just said hit me and I never even put two and two together. When you and I met a couple plus years ago, I was a vegetarian. I also, for much of my adult life, had very high sensitivity to light. If I went outside without sunglasses, my eyes hurt. Now, it just hit me. I don't wear my sunglasses a lot, and I'm okay. Is that part of the diet thing too?

Dr. Pompa: No doubt about it. David, you started introducing more fats, and much more fat into your diet, cholesterol fat and saturated fat, let's be specific and because of that, absolutely it gives you greater protection in your eyes and your skin just as Warren pointed out. This ENOS, it's – nitric oxide is something that we know is a part of preventing heart disease. There's a lot out there, and if you haven't heard that just Google it and you'll figure out that nitric oxide's really important. Here's the thing, and I want to throw in something about detox because glyphosate, again the herbicide being overused mostly because of GMO products, glyphosate destroys something called – and Warren you remember back in the day the P54 – P450 right, enzide.

Warren: Cytochrome P450, yeah.

Dr. Pompa: There you go, well it's called CYP because in the literature they end up calling it CYP. They call them CYPs, all right? That – these CYPs, they're needed for detox. They're part of phase one detox in the liver. They activate these outside of the liver, let's just call them little armies so to speak. They go around and they gather up toxins and they're needed to bring toxins to the liver and bring them through this. When that goes up, these CYPs or the cytochrome P450, when that raises up, then it activates those detox pathways. Glyphosate destroys that enzyme. It destroys these things called CYPs or cytochrome P450. It destroys it. Here's one of the problems. When it destroys these enzymes, now you're not able to detox normally, and you end up with very toxic liver and you end up with very toxic cells, which when I say true detoxification has to occur at the cell. You can't have true detoxification without cholesterol sulfate. Glyphosate destroys this whole detox pathway. Now let me bring it full circle for heart disease. The enzymes, these CYPs or these P54 enzymes, well ENOS that creates nitric oxide that we need to prevent heart disease. We also – I said ENOS produces what, cholesterol sulfate in the skin. Glyphosate destroys ENOS; therefore, it's destroying how we make cholesterol sulfate in our skin. Not only the lack of sun, but the overuse of glyphosate, Roundup, eating Roundup-ready crops destroys these enzymes and now it's causing the cholesterol deficiency. Here's what's happening, and let me give you an analogy. Why do we – this is an interesting thought and I think that everyone can understand this. Most of heart disease, or we say placquing and cholesterol and all these bad things that occur happen in the heart, in the main arteries going to the heart. Why would that be? If this is the area that is so needed for our body to pump blood, etcetera, why would most of the placquing be occurring, and most of the problems be occurring in the heart, in the arteries of the heart. It's like finding a skateboard. Why would you put a skateboard at the bottom of the steps? Wouldn't that be the worst place to put a skateboard, or tricycle outside of your front door? You know what I'm saying, that would be really bad. Why is that occurring? Isn't the body's intelligence smarter than that? Why is all this placquing happening right there? That would seem very odd. It's happening for a reason, because cholesterol sulfate is so needed in the heart that literally the placquing is part of a compensation to actually pull in cholesterol sulfate. Very interesting, right? Now we're learning the fact that it's this cholesterol sulfate deficiency that's driving most of the placquing in the heart. I'm not going to get into the science of what's happening there, but just know this that all of that placquing is happening there because of the heart's desire for cholesterol sulfate.

David: It's trying to attract more cholesterol sulfate, but what it's doing is it's creating a buildup.

Warren: Yeah, it's so logical. Are you guys getting this? Your body doesn't create disease because it wants to die. It creates – you become insulin intolerant, you become glucose – I mean you plaque in your arteries all because your body's adapting and doing the best job it can to stay alive because it has to go to the least common denominator to live. Either the heart stops working, or it builds up plaque. It's either that you store a bunch of fat, or you die because you have glucose running around killing you. Come on, your body is not broken. It's doing what it needs to survive. You need to figure out these tools, share Cellular Healing TV so that the truth can get out there so people can restore their health and live a life that makes a difference and impacts this world in a positive way instead of being hooked up to the government to an IV of medications that barely keeps you alive. That's part of the message. I'm getting fired up again.

Dr. Pompa: Let me bring this full circle for everybody. The way I started the show I talked about a little bit about cholesterol, and cholesterol just can't float freely through the blood. It just doesn't work that way. It’s like oil and water so to speak. It needs to be carried by something. Cholesterol sulfate, keep this in mind and those listening write this down at home. Cholesterol is attached to a sulfate, and therefore cholesterol sulfate can travel freely through the blood and get to all these vital places. Your brain can't work without it, your heart, your cells, I just explained all that. I talked about of course glyphosate depleting cholesterol sulfate and a lack of sunlight depleting cholesterol sulfate. It's causing all of these problems, Alzheimer’s which we won't have time to get into today, of how cholesterol sulfate deficiency is linked to that. Let me explain this particle thing, and I hope everyone can see this. I'm going to tip this down a little bit.

Warren: Make sure your microphone is good, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Am I all right?

David: We hear you.

Dr. Pompa: Okay, can you hear me?

Warren: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Okay, these are particles. They carry cholesterol because cholesterol can't float around the blood. This particle is very filled, do you see the difference? That's a fluid line. This particle is barely filled. This person would be considered high cholesterol. Let's talk bad cholesterol for a minute. Okay, let's just talk LDL, which is by the way not bad cholesterol at all, very important, you make hormones from it. This would be considered high LDL, so we have a lot of these particles carrying, they're filled right? We're looking at total cholesterol or total LDL is how filled are your particles. This person would have what?

Warren: Low cholesterol.

Dr. Pompa: Exactly, so this is low cholesterol. Your particles aren't filled very much, or your particles are. That's high and low cholesterol. Has everyone got that so far?

David: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: Again, because cholesterol can't float around the blood, it needs to be carried in particles or connected to sulfate. Got it so far? Let me give you an analogy, so if I draw a car here, which I'm going to have to do and then bring back up. This is something that I teach even at my doctor's seminars to explain this. Okay, so believe it or not, this is a car.

David: It's a good car, nice car.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you, all right so I'm going to give you the analogy.

Warren: My daughter would love it.

Dr. Pompa: These are actually – I'm drawing people in the car. Okay, those are little people in the car. The people are the cholesterol. The car is the particle. You get it? The particle is the car carrying the people which are the cholesterol. Okay, same thing happening above. The question I always ask my patients is, so what matters in a traffic jam, the number of people in the cars or the number of cars? What matters?

David: Number of cars.

Warren: Cars.

Dr. Pompa: The number of cars, right? Of course the number of people is irrelevant, well so is your total cholesterol. It's irrelevant. What we care about is the number of particles. You know why? The more particles you have, the more that the cholesterol oxidizes and causes inflammation. We also know that the size of the particle matters. Smaller particles oxidize more. When we look at cholesterol, we look at the number of particles and we look at the size of the particle which absolutely is a threat to heart disease. I don't care if you have a cholesterol total of 400, or an LDL total of 200, if your particles are normal, you have a normal amount of particles and the size is normal, you're okay. Now, let me take this full circle. For years, we know that increase in glucose in carbohydrates will increase particles. This new research is showing this. We talked about everybody being cholesterol sulfate deficient. If that's one way, and the main way that cholesterol moves through our blood to get into our brain and into our cells, what if you're cholesterol sulfate deficient, then what is it going to have to do to carry cholesterol around? Make more what – particles. You see? A cholesterol sulfate deficiency is driving an increase in the number of particles of cholesterol.

Warren: More cars.

Dr. Pompa: More cars, and therefore problems, more inflammation, more oxidative stress. Cholesterol deficiency, cholesterol sulfate deficiency is driving an increase in particles. It has nothing to do with your total cholesterol. It has everything to do with the fact that you have a cholesterol sulfate deficiency. It's starving your brain. It's starving your heart. It's starving every cell in your body. It's leading to Parkinson’s, memory loss, Alzheimer’s, Autism which we didn't even get into. It's leading to diabetes and heart disease. This is a massive problem. Yes, part of the problem is the overuse of glyphosate, a.k.a. GMOs, and the spraying of grains. If that is not an argument to eat grass-fed meat and all organic, I don't know what is. If that is not an argument to eat way more fat in your diet, to pick up this good fat that we need in our cells, I don't know what is.

David: Wow, all I have to say is –

Dr. Pompa: That's a lot.

David: It's a lot. If people want more information on this, where should they go?

Dr. Pompa: I'm going to be –

David: You're doing an article?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah exactly, I – and there's a – by the way, next week my article on auto-immune is coming out that we promised you because we talked so much about it. This is the following article. I'm really passionate about fat. I've been passionate about fat my whole life.

David: You changed my – by the way, you changed my thinking and look at my face now.

Dr. Pompa: Can I tell you a story?

Warren: You're not junk face anymore.

Dr. Pompa: I know we go over time because we get so excited. I have to tell you a story about a patient of mine that I had the other day. She's actually married to someone very famous so I can't use her names for multiple reasons obviously. She was addicted to a low fat diet. She absolutely had some anorexic things going on with low fat. She ran from fat. It took me months to try to convince her to do fat, and she wouldn't do it. She would get on – I would get these emails. It was back and forth, back and forth. I couldn't get her. She would literally gain a couple pounds, she would eat fat, she would flip out, she would – I mean this has been a battle. Something clicked and it was prayer because she is a believer. She starts eating tons of fat. I think she did something – anyways, long story. Point is, is she starts finally increasing fat because she got fed up, scared, it was through prayer she said. She said, “Dr. Pompa one week on eating – I'm eating probably ten times the amount of fat, and fats that I thought were so bad. I finally took your advice.” She says, “I can think. I feel like I'm young again. I'm thinking my way through everything.” She was just amazed. The first thing that turned back on was her brain. She got cholesterol sulfate elevated, her cells were working right. I mean abso – how many gut problems are cause because of the lack of fat, because everyone's running from the fat. We opened up so many subjects, David, for future conversations. I wish we could just do a show just on questions because I know that people are going –

Warren: They need to click the button and answer the – send us questions and we'll give them the topics that you won't. You hit a key thing, Dr. Pompa and we can probably wrap up and end here because this show is about the truth. What you're seeing on TV, as you know everything is driving the bottom line from sunscreen to Monsanto developing the crop and the Roundup glyphosate. It's all about money, and it's all about fear. When they – these studies that are debunked or what's on TV or what's driven on media, that's all to get your dollar. The low fat movement, remember low fat on all the cracker boxes, low fat here, even sugar free, those sorts of things with the sale of essentially a pesticide meaning NutraSweet or Sweet ‘N Low. This is all to drive fear. Fear drives your pocket book. It's a manipulative strategy to get at your dollars. Man, you need to vote with your dollars, meaning you need to be buying from grass fed local farmers. You need to be buying from companies like Beyond Organic who are supporting local industry who are doing it right. You need to not buy organic from necessarily from these big, massive Nabiscos. Find the companies that are doing it right, that are small, local businesses, create a niche. The power's in the people guys, and it comes from not living in fear, but living in faith and believing in doing what's right consistently day by day. We can change the world. That's why we're here. We are very successful, we're very busy, but this is the way that we give back by sharing the truth to you for free. We want to make a difference. We want nothing from you but to see your life transformed, to you see you tell your friends, to invite them to this show. There's very few shows out there that do this. I can only count maybe on one hand that really speak the truth without going over the top and trying to manipulate people. This is free information that's going to transform your life. Share CellularHealing.tv, share it on Facebook, make it go viral. Let's make a difference together. We really appreciate you – those that are watching this life. If you're not watching this live, share it, CellularHealing.tv on your Facebook. Get it out there. Go become fans of Dr. Dan Pompa on Facebook, Dr. Daniel Pompa on Facebook. Become friends with CellularHealing.tv on Facebook. That's why we're using this social media share because this is where we can share it. People ask us, “Dan, why do we do Cellular Healing TV on Facebook?” I'm going to tell you why on this show, it's because it can make it go viral. It's bigger, it's the biggest land mast in the world is Facebook internet. There's no way to reach the world like we can through Facebook. That's why we're using this platform.

Dr. Pompa: David, you always give me the last word, and Warren. Here's my last word. We have a message that the world needs to hear. We don't have enough money to get on the major networks, and frankly they wouldn't want our message so we have to do it this method. We need your help. Share it with everyone. Warren's right, and Warren gets it better than anybody. The last word is this, you're only as healthy as your cells, honestly. Something Warren, just reading all of these studies over the last three months has made me do something even more. I have started massively increasing the amount of fat that I take in. As a matter of fact, you should see my concoctions now just because I'm reading these studies, I'm being inspired. I'll tell you something that's happened. I just said to my wife Merily last night. I said, “Merily, I'm going through studies. I feel like I have never felt in my entire life. I can remember everything, where it is in these studies. I jot it down. My brain is working. It's such a massive higher level than even it ever has in its entire life. I feel like I'm literally young again to the point where your brain just can store everything and think in different levels. I'm telling you folks, you increase the fat, you're affecting this cholesterol sulfate, you’re affecting every organ system and cell in your body. You're only as healthy as your cells.

Warren: That's our diet, the Cellular Healing Diet.

David: If you want information, go to www.DrPompa.com. You can find information on everything we're talking about.

Dr. Pompa: Share it, love you guys, thank you.

David: Love you man, thanks for everything you do.

Warren: Go make disciples, take care.

07: GMO Labeling and Pesticides

Transcript of Episode 07: GMO Labeling and Pesticides

With Dr. Daniel Pompa and David Asarnow.

David: Welcome back, everyone, to another amazing episode of Cellular Healing TV, where we are blessed to have Dr. Daniel Pompa with us to share his cellular healing expertise. Welcome, Dr. Pompa.

Dr. Pompa: Thank you.

David: Last week on our episode, we started talking about GMOs. Let's continue that conversation today. Does that sound like a good plan?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, there's a lot to say about GMOs, obviously. This is something new, I think, that most people are now just hearing about. I was just in California teaching some doctors. Eating at most of the restaurants there, when I bring up GMO, people understand. They know what it is, right? “Oh, no, we're GMO free.” When you slide just a little bit more this way, to Park City or Salt Lake, people don't know what you're talking about quite yet. I'm sure that's reflective of the rest of the country.

David: You know what's an interesting thing. I don't want to get into political conspiracy theories, but in California, they had that proposition where they were going to make people label food, whether it was GMO or not. To me, it's beyond me that it didn't pass. When we think about genetically modified foods, they don't allow it in the EU. It's not allowed in Europe.

Dr. Pompa: Right.

David: It's banned in so many countries. Let's talk about it. For those who weren't with us last week, what is the potential effect of GMO foods, and some of the things we're not even realizing yet?

Dr. Pompa: Genetically Modified Organisms, that's what it stands for, where we take one DNA from something else and we insert it into another plant. Then we can literally direct that plant to do something else. GMO, really, was sold to us by a company called Monsanto. They made some great selling points that these plants were going to withstand draught better and they were going to withstand environmental pressures much better. They'll grow better. They'll harvest easier. It was a pretty easy sell, I think, in the beginning. Until farmers started realizing that in fact, instead of using less pesticide, because that was one of the selling points, too. You're going to need less pesticide, which, flags should've went up, because Monsanto's also the company that develops pesticides. They're not going to dig into that revenue stream. I don't know. Anyways, in fact, now, we need more. We're using four times, at least, I think more, of a chemical that Monsanto develops, called glyphosate, which is a nasty herbicide that now is responsible for tumor formation, infertility. It's absolutely a horrific chemical that's causing nasty autoimmune and different problems. They're using 4x that. Here's the point, though, is now we've created something called super-weeds. We're using so much more glyphosate that we're creating strands of weeds that, literally, we have never seen before. It's estimated 130 some different weeds now, that are just literally like bacteria in our body that are resistant to antibiotics. That's what's become of these weeds, because of the amounts of these herbicides that we need to use now. This is a big problem, David. GMO crops, in fact, have more glyphosate. They have more chemical. Exact opposite of what we've been sold. Of course, the DNA that's been put into that plant, we're now realizing, we're sharing information with our cells. This DNA now, we're finding it in our cells and our gut bacteria. Now we're seeing this, really, cross-kingdom contamination, from one species of plant into the animal species, which is us. That is holding a host of other problems as well.

David: There's a whole downstream host of problems that we don't even know about yet, five years, ten years down the road, of constantly having this. Think about it, it's showing up on our genes. It's scary.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Yeah, it is. There's experts that feel that this is the greatest threat, in human history, to humankind, because we're affecting the DNA, because it's affecting our DNA. Look, Monsanto does a fantastic job – if you just look who's other companies from DuPont, big boys. All the big guys are really with them in this. They're very good at putting up a lot of different studies to show that it's safe, but the independent studies are the ones that were really creating the red flags. Look, I can have my opinion. We can have ours. The fact that these other countries have banned it, David, there's solid evidence, now, that's showing that this stuff, there's major, major problems. It's a growing problem, the information's out there in droves. The problem is, is getting information out. A lot of people – like I said, I was in Chipotle the other day with my kids, who love Mexican stuff. Chipotle used to do a very good job, all organic. They took those signs down, because they got nailed with the GMO thing. They're supposedly going GMO free, so I was questioning them about that. They had no idea what I was talking about that. They kept saying, “No, we have corn.” I'm like, “I know you have corn. Is it GMO free corn?” “Oh yeah, it's GMO free.” They had no clue. It's a problem, right. People need to understand. In California. they seem to have a greater understanding about it than some of the other places.

David: Hopefully, they'll lead the charge.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah.

David: In the next year, they're going to require GMO labeling, saying “This food contains genetically modified organisms.” Then, what's going to happen is that we'll raise the awareness, and it will start people asking the question, “What's a genetically modified organism?”

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely.

David: Then it will raise the awareness, it'll raise the conversation. Heck, I remember when they started saying, “We're going to radiate food, and it's going to make our food safer.” Is this all part of the same thing?

Dr. Pompa: We talked a little bit on the last show, so those of you who haven't watched the last show, watch it, because I talked about hybridization – happened more in the 70's. A really brilliant guy named Norman Borlaug, we talked about him.

David: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: If you've ever asked the question, “Why gluten problems now? When we were kids, we didn't have gluten problems. We never even heard of such things.” The amount of food allergies and things. We crossbred. We irradiated foods, gamma radiation, different things, to grains, really, and we changed them. That's called hybridization, or even cross-breeding. We created different plants that are better – take environmental pressures much greater. Norman created something called dwarf wheat, which is these strains of gluten that are very inflammatory, especially to people who have leaky gut, where things cross their gut. These proteins, undigested proteins, cross their gut, end up in the bloodstream, create antibody reactions, inflammation, and a bunch of symptoms, even including autoimmune. People who have leaky gut are more sensitive to gluten and these other proteins that have been denatured. Gluten is just the sexy one. There's a lot of other anti-nutrients, like lectihins and phytates and other similar proteins like gluten that people react to and just have no idea. That's why we talked about, we take grain out of the diet. It is a super sugar. It raises sugar even more than table sugar. A lot of it has to do with what we've done to these grains, David. It's not the grains that they used to be.

David: Let's talk a little bit about grass-fed beef versus grain-fed and GMO-fed beef, or grass-finished. What is grass-finished versus grass-fed? What does that mean? What do people need to know?

Dr. Pompa: I think you bring up a good point, though. In the hindsight, what we just said with GMO, most cows, most meat that you're buying, people are thinking, “I don't eat a lot of that.” Yes you do, because you're eating meat that is fed grain. Matter of fact, that's every meat that you buy commercially in the store and in restaurants. It's grain-fed meat, right? It's fattier, in the sense of it's juicier. These cows get very big. Grass-fed is really what cows are meant to eat, right? Cows are not meant to eat grain. That's why when I go out to restaurants, I like to buy lamb or buffalo or wild game, because they still eat grass. I'll tell you what. A lot of restaurants have grass-fed meat. In California, I ate at this famous place in Hollywood called Mel's Diner. It's a diner. Right on their menu, “Grass-fed meat. We use only 100% grass-fed meat.” Grass finished, you asked the question, right?

David: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: They even knew about grass-finished. A lot of people you ask, “Oh, is this grass-fed?” “Oh yeah, it's grass-fed.” They're not lying, right? The cow eats grass. In between grain feedings, they eat grass. Or they feed them grass the whole time, then the last month or so, they feed them what? Grain, because –

David: To fatten them up.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely, to fatten them up before slaughter. Which, it completely ruins the meat. There's multiple problems with grain-fed meat. It does cause disease. It is bad. Every once in a while, if you had an exposure to grain-fed meat, it wouldn't be so bad, but it is what you're doing most of your days. Yes, when they say grass-finished, they mean it ate grass from the beginning of its life to the end of its life. It's more important how it finishes than what happens back here. Yet, we're feeding it grass so we can throw the grass-fed label on it, and then finishing it with grain. If you have a local farmer, you're going to have to put some pressure on. We're going to have to ask him, “Okay, so is this cow ever ate grain? How did you finish?” Ask these questions. Farmers always say, “Oh yeah, my cow ate grass. It's grass-fed,” and it's not. You have to ask a lot of questions.

David: Yeah, and if you're just going to the store and it says – here's the new one, all natural, all natural chicken.

Dr. Pompa: What does that mean?

David: All natural beef. Yeah, of course. It's a chicken, it's a cow, right?

Dr. Pompa: Anybody can put that on their label. It's natural, right. It's a chicken. They can get away with it. By the way, it was something we talked about last week; how do you know if it's GMO? It has to say 100% organic. If there's one ingredient, just organic will suffice, but if there's three ingredients, it can say organic, and it can have a GMO ingredient, this ingredient, oh, and it contains this organic ingredient. If there's more than one ingredient, make sure it says 100% organic. Thank God, a lot of fighting going on, but Thank God it still means it can't have GMO. GMO labeling, David? I don't know. Monsanto's putting up a pretty good fight to really keep that down, because they know what's going to happen if it's labeled. People go, “Oh, just like trans fats.” As soon as we start labeling, people go, “Oh.” It becomes a selling point that people are aware of.

David: Hopefully.

Dr. Pompa: Listen, here's the deal. Hey, David, if the company was so sure that GMO was a good thing, right, if they were to say, “This is a great thing,” why do they want to stop the labeling of it, right?

David: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: If I have something good, I'd want it labeled, right? Let's think of it. If you and I came up with Product X and we put it in foods, right? Product X makes you live longer. It's a super nutrient. Man, we would fight hard to get that on the labels. “This product contains Product X,” wouldn't we, right? It would be a selling point. They know that if it gets on the labels, that the truth's going to come out. That Product X, in this case, GMO, is not so good.

David: We can only hope that it's sooner than later, for the health of each and every one of us in our country.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, no doubt. It's creating a bad cell. Changing DNA in us as humans. It's changing your guy bacteria, which is called your micorbiome, which is responsible for how good you feel, depression. It's responsible for your hormone products. Yeah, this gut bacteria that's being affected by these GMOs and the chemicals in the GMOs, we know now, is affecting, literally, how we feel, how we function hormonally, and affecting our DNA. We could go on and on, but it's affecting every health thing that matters to us at the cellular level.

David: You brought up a few things that we haven't spoken about yet, and I'd like to talk about today. You talked about our gut bacteria and hormones. One of the things that, when we talk about our good bacteria in our gut and feeding the good bacteria, one of the things that you and I have spoken about, and sharing with doctors who are in your program, is sprouting nuts and seeds, fermented foods. What is that, and how does that do with bio-availability and healing the gut?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. First of all, when you sprout nuts and seeds, you do make them the nutrients more bio-available. People's digestion, I always find that sprouting it, where you just literally soak it overnight, in most cases, to where you see just a little bit of sprout come through, that really allows these nutrients to come out. The big thing, too, is that there's a lot of anti-nutrients, things called phytates and lecithins, that are reduced. These are things that can cause a lot of gut problems, especially in those who have compromised digestion, once again. Which is 90% of Americans. By sprouting them, you're getting rid of a lot of these anti-nutrients and denatured proteins. It's one way. You don't get rid of them completely, but it sure makes a big difference. It does make the nutrients more bio-available, easier to break down in your digestion. Nuts and seeds, soaking them overnight, very, very good idea. Then just fermentation, where you ferment them. There's nothing new here. This has been used for thousands and thousands of years, especially before we didn't have refrigerators, right? Fermenting something, where we allow bacteria to colonize, it protects it from the bad guys that are out here. When you actually ferment something, you're creating a lot of these good bacteria, which protect that food from the bad bacteria. Then we eat it, but we get all these bacteria into our gut, which now we know, David, are responsible for so much of our health. Not just our gut health, which, we used to think of bacteria for gut health. Really, we know now that these bacteria in our gut, okay, which we call our microbiome, that's the new word that's been really phrased, will communicate with our cells. Therefore, the cell is able to now get certain function that it would not have if it wasn't for this communication with the bacteria in your gut to the cell. For example, we know that when you lack certain bacteria, you're not able to produce enough of something called serotonin and dopamine. Those neurotransmitters help you feel good. Therefore, you could actually have depression. Another example is if you lack certain bacteria, you don't produce or you don't make enough of certain hormones that are responsible for weight loss or gain or even controlling hunger. Therefore, you can't control your appetite. It's the communication with this bacteria in our cells that enables some of these normal cellular functions and hormonal function and neurotransmitter function, and therefore, brain function. I think most people watching this have heard the yogurt commercials on television, that 70% to 80% of your immune system starts in your gut. It is this communication that I'm talking about. Bacteria to cell, this case, immune cell, that gives you that. Most people, we don't eat fermented foods anymore, David, so we're missing tons of these bacteria. Here's the bad news. If you're taking all of your probiotics at home, which I'm not against, you're only getting maybe 10 or 20 bacteria, when there's 2,000 some that we've identified. There's more in the human gut.

David: Sure.

Dr. Pompa: Fermentation, fermented foods, brings so many thousands that we don't know of yet, that we haven't identified, you can't put in a pill or a powder. Fermentation is a lost art. In our world, we teach doctors to utilize fermentation in healing, because if you can't fix the gut, most often you're not going to fix the hormone condition, you're not going to fix the weight loss, you're not going to fix the immune problem, the autoimmune. We utilize very unique bacteria, even from things like fermenting foods, as a tool to get people well.

David: That's one of the things that really changed things for me in my world, in hanging with you over the past few years, is learning about this. Especially, being able to transform so man people's lives around me. I didn't realize that most health challenges we have begin in, the autoimmune challenges, so to speak, begin in the gut. When I realized most of your programs, it begins with a gut healing before you can even do anything else. If you don't begin it at the root level, it's just like putting a Band-Aid on it.

Dr. Pompa: Right. I'm drawing something to help our audience just to – I think I did this in another show, David, you tell me if I did or I didn't.

David: Actually, we didn't. We talked about it, so we actually haven't done this.

Dr. Pompa: Okay, well I hope you can see this. It's to your point that this is one of the reasons why so many people are sick today. I hope you can see this. Tell me.

David: I can, yes.

Dr. Pompa: Okay, okay. Do I have it right?

David: No.

Dr. Pompa: Okay, Okay. I'm challenged, folks, I'm challenged. Okay. This is a stool, okay? It's a three-legged stool. What do we know about a three-legged stool, David?

David: If we take one, it's collapsing over.

Dr. Pompa: Okay, alright. At least we got that part. This is what's happening to America, honestly, is a good analogy. If you don't mind me peering over my little illustration., over here, in the first leg, we have – that says “DNA,” okay? We've been talking about GMO. We've been talking about these genes that are expressing themselves poorly because of things we eat. Anything can change this DNA. It's called epigenetics. Most of the the thyroid weight conditions, hormone conditions that we see, it's an expression of this DNA that's not so good. The symptoms that you're sitting at home with that you don't like, most of that's an expression of DNA that you're not happy with. Your DNA is literally from every cell in your body, from these DNA, it's creating it. It's literally coming from your DNA in your cell, right? It's expressing it in the symptom or the condition that you don't like. When we know that these conditions that get started, these genes get turned on. Here's the neat thing. In the last ten years, we've learned that we can turn on bad genes, but we also learned that we can turn them off. Part of the solution in the epidemic of problems today, has to be to turn off these bad genes. My five Rs of Cellular Healing, this is really what it does. Part of what it does, when we look at these Rs, is a road map to how you fix the cell. I always say, “If you don't fix the cell, you won't get well.” If you don't turn off this bad gene expression that you're expressing, you're not going to get well. We used to think that your DNA was your destiny. If your mom or dad had diabetes or this cancer or that, chances are you're going to get it too. It's not true. We know that these things have to be turned on. The best part is, we can turn them off, David. I had high blood pressure in ninth grade. Ninth grade. How did I end up getting rid of it? I had it even as my diet turned out better. I turned off that gene expression. Yes, people, my mother, it ran in my family. So does diabetes. You can turn it off. This has to be a part of the solution. Okay. The next leg that has to be part of the solution, but it's also part of the cause, are the stressors that are involved that create or turn on the gene. These, most likely, are environmental stressors, but they can be emotional, as well. We can create, we can turn on bad genes after emotional trauma, after physical trauma, car accidents. Most often, it's the chemicals that we harbor through our lives that start to turn on these bad genes. Removing these stressors is where most doctors go wrong. They don't go far enough upstream to remove the stressors to down regulate that gene expression, okay? Heavy metals, these things, we talked a little bit about. The last leg is what we've been talking about today. This is the microbio. This is the gut bacteria that really needs to be in all of us in this healthy way. When we're missing certain bacteria, we turn on the bad genes, you see? Putting these bacteria back in, in the right numbers, very unique bacteria, that's part of the legs of the stool that we need as a solution for this epidemic of these inflammatory conditions, autoimmune conditions, hormone conditions. When we talk – I don't care, we'll talk for years but always think back into these three legs. This is what I say. “What we're doing now applies here. What we're doing now applies to the stressors. What we're doing now applies to these gut bacteria.” Really, all of the solutions that we do apply to that. I hope that gives our watchers –

David: It does. One of the things that was a perfect illustration – I understood it. However, when you showed this study, and then we had discussions regarding identical twins – identical twins have the same DNA. If that's the case, why is it possible, then, for one identical twin to get sick with a disease, to no longer be around because of major health challenges? It's almost like when an identical twin, they're like, “We're identical, I'm just waiting for my time to come,” but then it doesn't happen for the other. That illustrates, I believe, to me, it illustrates perfectly, exactly what you're talking about.

Dr. Pompa: It does. David, there's been studies where they take identical twin mice and they can give one group – remember, these are brothers and sisters, identical DNA. They expose one to a chemical, a heavy metal, or something like BPA, right? That's a chemical from plastics. They expose this group, and they change the gene expression. This group gets extremely obese. This group remains the same, same DNA. Now, the great thing is in this study, they actually turned off that gene expression, by using things that we use in a lot of the products in our cellular healing that we do. They turn off this gene expression, and then the mice become thing again. Oh, and by the way, this group became obese eating the exact same diet as their brothers and sisters and exercising the same. The only difference was the toxin they exposed them to that turned the gene expression on. The bad part was this group over here, their offspring, their siblings, their little ones, were born with the gene turned on, so they were born doomed to become obese. As they became teenage mice, they became fat and obese, without ever changing their diet. They ate the same exact diet over here, very controlled. It didn't matter what they eat and how much they exercise, they became fat because they had the gene turned on from their mom and dad. The best part of the study is they turned off the gene, and they became thin again. It's really unique. I'll tell you another neat study that's been out there. We talked about the other leg of the stool, the bacteria. If they take some of these fat mice, and we know that certain bacteria in their gut can turn on these genes, just like the toxins, right?

David: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: They make them live with skinny mice. Because mice eat each other's poop, they do, and then the fat mice became skinny. Because they ate the feces of the skinny mice, they shared bacteria. These bacteria turned off the gene from the other one, and they became skinny. Don't start eating each other's poop, but it just shows you the interest of bacteria, and how it plays into turning off gene expression. Again, it's the other leg of the stool, but it applies to the other leg.

David: Since you brought this up, I'm going to go in a direction – and we've had many discussions. However, in hospitals today, when people have major health challenges, especially in the bowels, aren't some hospitals these days doing transplants of – they clean it up, but they're doing fecal transplants, and seeing amazing healing. Is that similar to what you were just talking about?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. Again, there's nothing new under the sun. They take the bacteria from one human – because we can't duplicate it, right? There's thousands we're not even discovered yet. We share it with the other, just like the mice did. [Laughter]. They do it much more slick than that, through enemas and thinks like that, but yes, they share that microbio. What happens is that these people get well. It's something that is getting more and more popular. If you don't believe me, go to ThePowerofthePoop.com. I'm not kidding, that's a real website. You can see videos of people whose lives have changed, from multiple different conditions, autoimmune conditions, etc.. You'll see these lives changed and transformed. Why? Because you're taking bacteria and transferring it over to this person. It's just what we've been saying. It's that leg of the stool. It changes gene expression. Yeah. Really novel stuff, David, but it works. It shows you the power of these bacteria.

David: One of the things that – let's talk a little bit more about, you brought up earlier today, we touched on sugar. Why eliminate sugar from your diet?

Dr. Pompa: As we're talking about the subject of grains, I think it's better to put it this way. Yes, eliminate sugar. Then people are starting to eat grains, and grains raises glucose in your blood more than sugar. Let's control glucose and insulin in our bodies. That's what raises in response to eating too much sugar, or the topic of today, eating too many grains. It raises glucose. I always say if you want to age faster than anybody in your neighborhood or your Bible study or whatever, just elevate glucose and insulin. What it does is it oxidizes your cell. What does that mean? It's like rust on your bumper, right? It causes cellular inflammation, and therefore, now, your hormones can't communicate with your cell. Your genes get triggered. Once the cell membrane becomes inflamed, now you start triggering all these bad genes that we've been talking about all day, right?

David: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Raising up glucose is a fast way to drive inflammation. Diabetics, they don't die from diabetes. They die from heart disease, cancer. 68% of the end up with heart disease. I think 70% of all amputations occur in diabetics, meaning, literally, you start losing your limbs, because the degeneration starts occurring. You literally start eroding, where you have open sores that won't heal. That's because of elevated glucose, folks. These people, by the way, most of them are on medication, David. Controlling their glucose to what they think they're doing. Meanwhile, their insulin and glucose are going up and down, and they're aging from the inside out. That's what glucose does in the average person. You might not lose the limbs, but it's still occurring. One of the first things we do with very, very sick people, is we control glucose and insulin. That's why you've got to take out sugar. That's why you've got to control your grains, because it controls glucose.

David: Since you spoke a little bit about that, there's a lot of myths out there in regards to fat, aren't there?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, because I think that people were taught turn on your television this morning, and I promise you you'll see a recipe that's low in calories and low in fat, right? I think there's more, even a sexy message, of low fat, low calories, and exercise your butt off. When really, the studies show – and I'm a big exercise proponent – that exercise really doesn't do much for weight loss. It can be, if you do the right exercise, can be the cherry on the top. We talked a little bit about that one of our first shows. They can look back at some of the shows, right, David?

David: Yeah, they can go back and – by the way, CellularHealing.tv, CellularHealing.tv, and, if you want to get any of the information that we're talking about, just go to DrPompa.com. There's articles that you've done, there's videos that you've created, that take the topics that we're talking about today and go very deep into it. Even showing where they can start where they can start learning about this cellular healing diet, the 5R's of Cellular Detox, and get a whole lot more information by going to your website.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, that's right. Yeah, so anyways, last topic. What was I saying right before that? I was making a point.

David: I think you and I are very similar. We start going in another direction.

Dr. Pompa: Anyways –

David: We were talking about fats. We were talking about the fat myth.

Dr. Pompa: Right, right, the fat myth. The point is that low fat, it's an old thing. We're not getting skinnier, we're getting more fat, and we're eating less fat than any country in the world. Really, fat is how you fix the inflamed membrane. Fat cures. Again, I want to talk more about fat, I think, on the next show. Let's regard it, maybe, perhaps, with weight loss. The high carb/low fat diet really is in vogue. When people were eating low fat, David, they're immediately replacing it with higher carbohydrates, which really is a problem. I think, if you write this down, David, I think we even need to talk about some of our exercise enthusiasts. There's still a message from trainers and the medical world, so two different worlds, that when you're exercising, you need these high carbs. Really, there's some really newer studies that show that that's not true. We'll talk about something called keto-adaptation, which means that your body's able to break down fat in something called ketone bodies that your brain can use instead of glucose. We'll talk a little bit about that, because I think there's a lot of myths there. People that are exercising, then they come home and they drink their big old sugar smoothie, and they're really shutting their body off, as far as the ability to burn fat. The low fat craze has really caused a lot of damage. We could talk or do a whole show on it.

David: I wrote the notes down for next week's talk. Since you brought that up, I was actually at a networking meeting yesterday, and there happened to be someone who was a health coach there. They were talking about this weight loss program where every three hours, they needed to eat. There was these, I call them candy bars, that their food bars that they would eat. It was giving them their good carbs, it was giving them their protein, everything all in one. I actually, I said, “I'm not a health coach, but I hang with a lot of them. Let me ask you some questions.”

Dr. Pompa: Oh, boy.

David: The answer was, “Obviously, you and I disagree on a lot of things.”

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, right? Because they come from a world that really is, it's some old science, I'll tell you. Messages don't change very quickly, do they? People are holding on to that. Yeah, I would love to have been in that conversation. Eating every three hours, is that normal? No, it's not normal at all.

David: Isn't that spiking it up and down, up and down, up and down?

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. What it's doing is that it works for some people in the beginning, because their body has no ability to utilize fat as energy, right, hormonally. We talked about this on a past show, so go back and look for it. Yeah, what happens is because they're eating every three hours, then they're not turning their muscle into sugar. Then it keeps their metabolism up. There's this slight – where they start losing weight, but then it tapers off, because humans are not meant to eat every two or three hours. It's just not feasible. Does it work in the beginning? It does? Is it normal? No. Again, revisit that show. We'll talk more about fat, and we can revisit some of that topic next week.

David: In fact, what they want to do in one of our future shows is talk about intermittent fasting, and how that works, and how that actually is natural, if we go back to how humans were designed, and how we used to eat originally.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, absolutely. Intermittent fasting in many forms, and there's many ways to do it, is something that our bodies are set up to do. It down regulates inflammation and up regulates the right hormones, like growth hormone. We become more hormone sensitive, which is really great, when we do have larger times without eating. Yes, and a whole on show on fasting, David, write that down, would be great. Intermittent fasting is something that we utilize as a healing tool for people who are very sick, and it works.

David: Perfect. We're bumping up against our committed time slot for people. Any final thoughts that you would like to leave our viewers with today?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Eat more fat, stay away from low fat foods. Stay away from GMO. Eat organic, 100% organic. It's becoming more important than ever, because of the more and more chemicals in our food.

David: If you would like to learn where you can get some of these foods, just go to DrPompa.com. You can learn all about these foods and diets and learn about our upcoming shows. Thank you Dr. Pompa, for giving your amazing knowledge, being here with us every single week and our viewers. Based upon the comments that we get and the calls that we receive, we know that people love it. If you have particular questions, things that you would like, make a comment here on the page below us, on Cellular Healing TV. You can also submit your questions, and we will integrate those questions that you have, or topics you'd like us to discuss, on future shows. Just same time. We're 10 a.m. Eastern Time every Friday, 7 a.m. Pacific. Next week, we'll be back with my co-host, Warren Philips, CEO of Health Centers of Future, as well as Dr. Pompa. Dr. Pompa, thank you for being here. Look forward to seeing you again next week. Thank you, everyone, for joining in. Hopefully, it was valuable for you.

Dr. Pompa: Yep, thank you. Thank you, David.

David: Thank you.

06: GMOs, grains, gluten & your Immune System

Transcript of Episode 06: GMO's Grains, Gluten and Your Immune System

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Hi! Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Welcome to Cellular Healing TV where you get real answers to your health challenges. The great news about today, not only is it Valentine’s Day and we’re spreading love to our families and those that we love; I woke up this morning and had a present from my wife and my little two-and-a-half year old daughter. It was just such a blessing. It brought tears to my eyes having such a wonderful life and family. A lot of times that’s hindered by health challenges. That’s what we’re here to do. People’s lives are being stolen from financial challenges. They’re being stolen from spiritual challenges. They’re definitely being ruined – marriages, life, and that expression of love – through health challenges. If you’re stressed out, and you’re on Cortisol and you have adrenal fatigue, you just don’t love and treat people the way that they deserve. It’s Cellular Healing TV who wants to give you real answers to those problems so that you can go out and make a difference and do what you’re called to do. Cellular Healing TV is all about that. What’s great today, if you have a health challenge and have a question that you want answered, today the topic is about gluten and grains. Dr. Pompa's still trying to get on. For whatever reason, every time we try to do this, it takes a little time for him to get the email invite. We’re going to keep working on it. If not, I’m just going to stick myself on my mic and have him answer some of the questions and help lead this call. If you’re on Cellular Healing TV right now, you’re watching this live at CellularHealing.tv, there’s a green button if you scroll down. I believe it says, get answers to questions or whatever that is. What that’s going to do – I can’t see it right now – but it'll have that green button “Get Questions Answered.” Click that and it’ll take you to a page. On that page you’ll have a little form that you can fill out. I will get emails from you about what your questions are. If we don’t get to them on the call, we’ll get to them afterwards, but we’re going to pick out some really good questions and try to move the questions around grains, gluten-free, things with the topic of the show today. We’re still waiting on Dan. This is a huge topic, gluten-free and grains. I’m, by no means, the expert Dr. Pompa is on this topic, but what I know and what we've discussed in the past while we’re waiting for him is that gluten-free is sometimes – in my opinion, if we’re going to get raw and real like I want to do here – gluten-free, the reason it’s so popular and accepted is because the big four that are out there, like Quaker, Nabisco, and these large companies that really vie for your dollar or fight for your dollar, have bought a lot of organic, gluten-free small businesses that have started along the way and had some success. They essentially sold out not with thinking everyone has the best intention that they were going to take it and have the integrity that they do when they started these small businesses and built this client base. They took it and obviously just turned it into billion dollars’ worth of money industry, and they’re not speaking the truth. Gluten-free doesn't mean healthy. They load gluten-free products up with things like tapioca sugar, corn starch, things that are gluten-free but necessarily are not healthy for you, even containing GMOs, which is another something we want to get into today. David, do you want to add to this?

David: Yeah, one of the things that’s a common misnomer that if they go and they eat gluten-free that it’s healthy. One of the things that I've learned from you guys is it’s still the grains that turn right into sugar in our bodies. Could you talk a little bit more about that?

Warren: Yeah, grains – another nasty thing about grains – we’re moving from gluten-free into grains. Grains, they contain a sugar called amylose, which raises inflammation in your body. Chemically, if you’d measure it in a blood work, it’s called PLA2, for physicians watching today. Grains from that alone, not the gluten side, but from raising amylose and having – containing a certain sugar that raises an inflammatory marker in your body, and remember what Dr. Pompa says. One of his key things is reducing inflammation, one of the R's, reducing subcellular inflammation on the cell membrane. You have to reduce inflammation. If you want to heal the cell – this is Cellular Healing TV – so that you can get well, you have to do everything you can do to decrease inflammation. When you decrease inflammation, your body’s able to rest and heal. Inflammation, just to explain what that is, when you get a cold and you feel all those aches and pains, you get a stiff neck and headache, that’s inflammation. That’s good inflammation, but that’s because your immune system is out there firing, raising inflammatory markers in your body trying to kill off the bad guys. That’s a natural inflammation that happens during a cold. It still kills the virus, and your immune system is doing what it’s supposed to do. Your body’s doing what it’s meant to do and in that process, you kill off the bad guys. Dan calls it friendly fire. Your immune system has little warriors going around in your body killing the bad guys but in that, you take some hits in your body and your cells kind of inflame. That’s inflammation. Your body does that naturally. If you sprain your knee or turn an ankle, your body inflames for a reason. That’s inflammation. What these grains do, they cause low-grade inflammation at the cell continuously. In that process, we discussed last week when Dr. Pompa drew the cell – I can draw it for us now, too, with a non-toxic marker if I can find one. I’ll show it to you.

David: One thing you may want to do, by the way, Warren, while you’re doing that, is there’s an app called UberConference that Dr. Pompa may be able to log in via telephone for our conference.

Warren: Okay. How do I get him that?

David: It’s on the left side. It says U, UberConference. You just want to download and activate that app. It'll give him a number that he can call in. If not, we just may want to put him on speakerphone right now and let him talk people through some of this, and then we can draw it out and you can show it.

Warren: Awesome. Yeah, I think that’s a great idea. Should I do the UberConference real quick?

David: Let’s put him on speakerphone for right now. Are you still on with him?

Warren: No. I took him off and he’s waiting. I have him for conference loaded, and I can give him the number right now. We can go that way. I’m going to give him the pin number. I love technology. What I love about it is that if you don’t give up, you always win. Isn't that the story of life? When things happen, we can slow down and not want to get this information out there but no matter what happens, if technology fails, you persevere and you turn it to good. Lives are going to be changed on this call today, whether it’s via this live cast or on the recording. I’m going to send this in to Dan right now. David, talk about your experience. When I first met you, you weren't losing weight the way that you wanted. I looked you in the eye and said, “You’re still eating grains, aren't you?” You didn't realize the importance of not eating grains. You thought you were eating the healthy diet. That’s kind of the confusion. I was asking you questions. “Are you still eating rice?” You were. You were a little chunky monkey still, inflamed. I’m not wanting to rip on you, but you weren't getting the results that you wanted. We asked a few questions, and we found out some things. You really didn't know. You wanted to do the right thing. Talk about that while I text Dr. Pompa.

David: It’s interesting. You could see it in my face; it was the puffy little cheeks. One of the things that we talk a lot about is weight loss resistance or people have – you go and you work out and despite diet and exercise, you’re not able to drop the pounds. I’m in my mid 40's right now. I don’t feel like it. I actually feel better than I did in my 20's, believe it or not. One of the things that I was noticing is as I got in my late 30's and 40's, I could work out all the time and yet nothing was dropping off. I thought that I was eating well. In fact, before I met you guys, I went vegetarian for a year. Do you remember that conversation?

Warren: I do.

David: I’m vegetarian, I’m not eating meat, and yet I can’t drop anything. I even pretty much went gluten-free, or at least I thought it was gluten-free. All of a sudden, nothing changed. I’d still have the puffiness in my cheeks. By the way, that’s when someone knows if I've gained ten pounds. It pretty much shows up in my face. You have that one video that you put out that you've got that nice full-face photo of me where I don’t look like Dave. I don’t look like who I am today.

Warren: There’s just so many people that do that, David. They just want to be who they originally were. It actually transforms your identity. You start identifying yourself as that full-faced person. Sometimes what happens psychologically is that when you find your face again, people will be like, “What happened? Are you sick?” Those things need to be talked about on this show, because man, you need to look the way God created you to look. No matter where you’re at, that’s who He’s created you to be. Whether you have a full face right now or not, or if it gets skinny or not, that’s who God’s created you to be. We're going to do our best. We have a responsibility to do our best and seek out truth and gain wisdom and apply the knowledge, but if either you're losing weight and getting skinnier and falling back into your natural self, if that's that, or if you have a fuller face, that's how you are and that's who God's created you to be. I don't want to just kind of take a step back and make fun of you but at the same time, maybe you had another challenge hormonally that could –

David: Well, there's a lot of different things that play in here and as I discovered, things that you didn't even talk about and weren't the questions. I was getting headaches. I was fatigued in the afternoon later in the day. At the end of the day I was drained, I didn't have anything left in the gas tank. I had a lot of stresses that were going on outside that played into everything, so there's a couple of different components in here that we – and I know this is a grain talk – so one is, you know what? I did start eating meat, and it was clean meat. That was a conversation that we had, and I learned about what kind of amino acids were in the meats. I said, “Well, my body wasn't processing them.” One of the things Dr. Pompa talked about is when you start the cellular healing, your gene expression will actually change, and your body got used to not having meat so it wasn't able to process it. Eventually you'll be able to again. The problem for me, and I'll just say it out here, is I'd eat meat, and it would go right through me. I didn't like the feeling that I had. What I learned is finally – you know what it was? It was at your house. I was eating chicken, and the first thing I went back on was chicken and organic free-range chicken. Yet, I still for over a year and a half wasn't willing to try meat because I didn't like that feeling of it going right through me. When we went up to Rochester with the family once, you're like, “Well, I wish you'd drive through Pittsburgh. It'd be great to see you.” We rerouted our trip. We came through Pittsburgh, and you guys had us over to your house. By the way, Maddy and Josh are still asking me for that recipe that Rebecca had made for that beet salad, just letting you know. They actually just – literally Maddy was asking about that the other day, and Josh goes, “Yeah, can you ask Warren to get that recipe?”

Warren: The nice thing is what we'll do on this show without confirmation is Cellular Healing TV will do – I have mobile cameras where we can go live in the kitchen.

David: I love that.

Warren: Those are some of the things to look forward to , but just rewinding a little bit. David you thought you were, you know, eating gluten free. You thought, “Wow, I heard stories that if I go gluten free I'll lose weight,” but yet another disappointment.

David: I didn't realize I was eating rice everything. Everyday I was eating rice this and rice that, and I thought I was doing my body good. Anyway, I'll finish the story. I went to your house, and you had short ribs if I recall. Oh my gosh now I love short ribs. What happened is I found out that, “Wow I can eat this,” and I didn't have a bad reaction. Through going through the cellular healing process my body has changed what it's able to eat and process, and I look better. I feel better. I have energy like crazy. Some people that I know they'll have their lunch and then they'll have their afternoon lull. Because of changing the diet and changing how – and by the way you do a lot of intermittent fasting.

Warren: That's something you were doing. You had low-grade autoimmune going on. I forget you were diagnosed with that.

David: I was when I was younger, yeah. That was 20 years ago.

Warren: Gluten is a low-grade autoimmune. It's an autoimmune condition. Your body reacts. Your immune system – I'm going to have Dr. Pompa on speaker now, and he's going to explain this further. Hopefully we can hear him, I bet we can. When you eat gluten, that crosses your gut, right Dr. Pompa? It causes your immune system, just like when you have the flu, to attack something but you can't fix it because the good guys in your body, your immune system, your white blood cells or whatever it is, Dr. Pompa, starts attacking, attacking, attacking. It doesn't go away, it continues to attack, and so it's – stopping, and that creates that low-grade autoimmune. That's why your gut was bad. That's why you didn't have any enzymes. You didn't have the gut flora and bacteria to digest meat, so your body reacted to it and just blew it out. When you got healthier and your gut began to heal by doing the SueroGold fasting, using train omega, doing some other strategies you were doing, green juicing, getting the fermented foods. You begin to heal your gut, and then your body is able to utilize the meat again, and it didn't react to it. Dr. Pompa, do you want to add to that?

Dr. Pompa: I don't know how well you can hear me here. I apologize. We're trying something different with my internet here in the mountains.

Warren: We can hear you.

Dr. Pompa: Remember the term, like it's stolen. I don't know if you discussed that or not.

Warren: No, I did not.

Dr. Pompa: Autoimmune and actually most diseases, I describe it as a 3-legged stool, really the cause and the solution. One leg of the stool is the gene to turn on and once those genes turn on you start dispensing things you necessarily don't like, symptoms, food intolerances, sensitivities, your autoimmune. Whatever is. So part of the solution has to be to turn off the gene. The second leg of the stool is the stressors, the upstream of chemical toxins, the upstream of chemical stressors, functional stressors that turn on the genes. It's generally a perfect storm. Usually two or three stressors come together and then they cause the genes to be turned one. Most doctors fail to go upstream far enough to remove the stressors, and that's a real pet peeve of mine because even alternative doctors pay no attention to really what's happening upstream. Kind of like the Wizard of Oz, what's really behind the curtain is what matters. Then the third leg is the gut. More specifically, the certain bacteria that are missing in the gut could be missing from childhood. Could be missing in a person with a C-section and never got the mom's bacteria that we need for life or because you took antibiotics as a child or later in life. It can destroy these bacteria that we need to actually control our immune systems. Everyone listening has watched the yogurt commercials that 70% to 80% of our immune system is in our gut as if the yogurt is going to make a difference. They're point is still quoting the literature of how important these bacteria are to our immune system, right? When certain bacteria are missing you can't make cells called T-regulatory cells. These cells job is to tell your immune system that it's okay. The little allergen that just blew into your nose, your immune system comes up, looks at it and T-regulatory cells say everything's fine. The foods with the gluten rushes up and tells everything it's fine. When you're missing this bacteria you're not making enough of these T-regulatory cells. Therefore, you're immune system is constantly in overdrive. Therefore, now you inflaming your own cells. Your body's immune system is causing chronic inflammation. Your gut becomes more inflamed. Now more foods are leaking across undigested proteins. Your body is making more antibodies, more attacks. Until we get rid of these allergens and things that are very complicated proteins like these glutens that man has created – one of the things I wanted to discuss – then we can back down the immune system slightly. However, you can do all the food avoidance you want, gluten avoidance, but the point if you don't address that three-legged stool you're never going to ultimately fix the problems. That's what people are doing today. They're not addressing the three-legged stool. They're not changing gene expression. They're not going upstream and dealing with the stressors that cause the whole thing, and they're not putting unique bacteria back in the gut. By the way, most of the bacteria I've been referring to you can't get in a pill or a powder. It's not like you can run to your local health food store and get on probiotic . It's not that simple. I mean, we talked a little bit about grains last week. I think that this needs to be talked more about. Right now, there's the gluten phase or what would you call it we're on the gluten –

Warren: Rage. We call it the big, food industry way to monetize by promoting gluten free because it's sexy and in vogue.

Dr. Pompa: Absolutely. Is David on the call?

Warren: He sure is, yeah.

Dr. Pompa: David, I have a question for you. As more of a lay person, right? What is your opinion about gluten? Why do you think all of a sudden it's a problem. What's your feeling about that?

David: I’ll say it as a layperson before I actually met you because I’m a little bit more educated now. However, what I thought was that, well – all I knew about gluten was, well, gluten is the breads and – I knew that if I ate bread, I got indigestion. So I knew that I had some kind of intolerance or something that was odd with it. So I said, well, then I can eat everything with rice. I can eat gluten-free. As long as it’s gluten-free it would be healthy for me, and I blew up. That’s when you met me. So I used to think that as long as it was gluten-free it was healthier, and I think that that’s what most people think. That if I eat gluten-free, it’s healthier for me.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, so that’s misconception number one is that just – you got to eat gluten-free. It’s healthier. Well, look, there’s some people who are out there really do react to gluten, but I think what’s happening is the majority of the population is gravitated to the gluten-free. Just like natural, right? We find out later that the word natural, well, what does that really mean, right? It means absolutely nothing. I mean, there could be major problems and major chemicals in a product and still be 100% natural. So it means nothing. Well, gluten really has become that problem too because in these gluten-free products, we have things like potato starch. We have things like corn starchitives, and tapioca flours, and different things that actually drive up glucose levels more than sugar. As a matter of fact, they are super, super sugars, so they literally – so most of these gluten-free products are actually really bad for you. Okay, so that doesn’t mean – it’s probably if you’re super gluten intolerant, right, a celiac person or even something that we call non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Eating the gluten would be worse. However, these people, you can’t eat these products that are loaded with, really, sugar or drive up glucose and expect to not have other consequences. So yes, eating gluten-free is a positive thing for many people. But ultimately, they’re gravitating to worse foods often times. The other thing is where did it all start? People listening, have you asked that question? I mean, why now, right? I mean, when we were kids, we could eat gluten. We didn’t have problem with gluten, right? I ate bread so why now? Well, there’s a few problems. In the 60's and 70's, we hybridized grain, mostly in the 70's, right, so that was after at least I was growing up, and we changed the grain. It took some years to get these changed grains into the food supplies. So really, it probably didn’t even hit until the 90's, even the 2000's, to where most of the grain we’re consuming, especially wheat and some others, they have been hybridized. They've been changed. Why? Well, a brilliant guy named Norman Borlaug tried to feed more of the population, and he changed the grain to be more environmentally strong or environmentally – well, put it this way. The wheat that he created, dwarf wheat, could take drought better. It could take wind better. It’s easier to harvest, all these positives as far as feeding more people. The negative was is he created a gluten, many gluten strains that our body doesn’t recognize, very foreign protein.

Warren: Let me just tell you from a farmer’s perspective what that meant, and why that was so well accepted. I mean, I've done a lot of work out West as you know, Dan. I’m not going to go down and talk about mining, but I did go to a lot of small towns, and farmer’s unions, and didn't – doing heavy – doing oil cleanups essentially, diesel fuel spills. When I talked to the farmers, again, they have to pray for rain. That was big for their crops. If a big windstorm would come around, it would destroy all their crops, and literally because they’re tied to the government to make a certain amount, to hit a certain pay level and paycheck, they were always looking for the best wheat, talking about the wheat that’s drought resistant. I remember them talking. I didn't know anything about GMO or genetically modified organisms – anything back then. I didn’t know about any of this, but it’s a science. Then the grain guy would come and say, “Hey, I have this new wheat. Will you test it? It will work great.” And somewhere like eastern Montana where it is really dry and it’s shorter, and they have these bigger bountiful crops, and everybody was happy, and at the farmer’s union they were cracking beers because they’re having a good year. So from their perspective, because government subsidies are tied to the amount of wheat they use – and a lot of it, honestly, goes bad. They can’t even use it all. We ship it over to other countries for free sometimes. But we have a huge bounty of it and some of it stays in the grain silo and goes bad. But anyway, long story short, this guy was brilliant. He did something great that he thought was transforming the world, and I've heard you say that.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, grain really took on a different look. So it’s the grain of today that’s the problem. If you go to Europe, a lot of places – people that have severe gluten allergies go there, and they get exposed to wheat and other things, and they’re wondering why they can eat the pasta? Well, most of it over there, I can speak at least Italy, it’s made of an Einkorn wheat. It’s an ancient wheat that hasn't been altered. It has not been hybridized.

Warren: Is that amber wheat, Dr. Pompa? Is it called amber?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, amber as well. Einkorn and amber, those are the two that really are the ancient grains that all these hybrids have really come from. However, remember the hybrids have this gluten. So that’s what’s happened. I mean, that’s what’s happened with gluten, but keep one thing in mind, too. When they hybridized, not only did they create gluten but they created higher levels of Amylopectin-A, which is a super amylose, which is a super sugar that really raises up glucose more than table sugar. That’s why, again, Bill Davis made it popular to say, “Hey, two pieces of whole grain toast, or that bagel you’re eating in the morning, or that bowl of oatmeal.”

Warren: That whole grain bagel.

Dr. Pompa: It raises glucose – yeah, that whole grain bagel, right. It raises glucose as much or more than a 12 ounce soda. So again, the key is controlling glucose. We said it last week. You have to control glucose. You have to control insulin. If you want to age prematurely, go ahead and raise up those things, glucose and insulin, and you will age prematurely. You will develop disease, inflammation, etc.

Warren: I was going to say. We have a pretty educated audience, Dr. Pompa, but people watching this on YouTube, I just want to say that you said that eating a whole grain bagel or whole grain toast is bad for me? I mean, some people are going to be watching this and asking that question. Did you just say that?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, I did. As a matter of fact, I said it for multiple reasons because that whole grain, number one, it’s probably hybridized grain which is now a super sugar, and also, proteins your body doesn't recognize to drive inflammation. Look. When we tell people to take sugar away, they always feel better. When we tell people to take all grains out of their diet, magic happens. They say, “Oh, my gosh. The grains take my pain away more so than taking sugar out of my diet.” Absolutely, oh, and by the way, it’s far more addictive. These super sugars, these hybridized grains, actually are far more addictive. It acts like opiates in the brain. It really creates the addiction more so than any sugar. So these things are addictive. They’re opiates. They affect the way you feel. They affect the way you think, and they absolutely make you fat, more so than sugar. So I hope I got the message across. Let me say this. Let’s back up. I mean, the American diet is massively loaded with grain. Look what our government’s promoting. They’re promoting a diet that – the thing that they’re saying you should eat the most of is whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Warren: There’s a reason for that.

Dr. Pompa: Well, that diet right there is going to fail because Americans take in 50% to 60% of their calories from grain. Well, is that acceptable? I mean, let’s hypothetically say we had all good grains. Is that acceptable? The answer is no. I mean, grains have been only in the food chain for about 500 generations. You have to understand. And there’s been little to no genetic change as far as our adaptation goes. As a matter of fact, we know this that when we look at celiac, the countries that have been exposed to grain the longest have the least amount of celiac. Countries that have spent the least of time in their generations being exposed to grain have the most celiac. So we know that adaptation occurs that we can start to have more of a change, but it takes a long time. So grain is not something that was really – it should’ve been a mainstay in the diet, and can we adapt? Yes. But hybridized grains? Oh man. It’s going to take hundreds of hundreds of thousands of more years before we would adapt. So in the meantime, we get more and more sick. But the problem is this. As soon as we start adapting to some of these hybridized grains or grains period, because we eat way too many of them – and by the way, I want to say this. When we start seeing grain consumption, even healthy grain, go above 20% of the caloric intake in humans, we start to see the presence of obesity and disease. When we see it go above 50%, now we see major inflammation. That’s where we are in the United States. So let’s talk about how we’re eating too many grains period. The big issue is we’re eating hybridized grains, and now perhaps it’s ready to launch into the next topic. Which is what? GMO, right?

David: Can I –

Dr. Pompa: So what happened in the 1990's, this started –

Warren: David has a question. Hold on Dan.

David: Yeah. I have question. It’s kind of interesting that you’re bringing this up because the common misnomer – I mean, I was at the gym, and I heard the trainer was telling people, “Make sure you go get your good carbs tonight. Go make a good bowl of pasta. Make sure you have your whole grains.” And I’m sitting and I actually said, “No. Don’t do it.” I actually did, and they looked at me, and I said – then I had a whole conversation, and I actually put him to your website. I said, “I appreciate you wanting to educate people. However, a lot of the things that you've learned and a lot things that I've learned are what’s causing the people to be here on this weight loss challenge that they've entered.

Dr. Pompa: David you bring up a good point because I was – I had a similar experience last week. I was in the gym, and I was – unlike you, David and Warren, you all just speak right up, which was a good fix. I usually just lay in the background, and just go, “Oh my god,” and don’t say anything. But this trainer was talking to the person she was training and basically saying the same thing –  “You need more whole grains in your diet. Da, da, da.” I mean, that’s the mindset that most trainers that are still coming from and low-fat, by the way, and low-calories. I heard all of those things in one conversation. I was uncomfortable in my own skin. I was battling being a Warren, in this case a Dave or a Merily, my wife, and going up and – I didn't do it. But I failed, David. You can do it so articulate, and do a great job. I would've came at it with a little too much emotion.

David: All I’m doing is pointing them to go to your website, so it makes it really easy.

Dr. Pompa: Well, anyways. Now we have a new problem don’t we? We have the introduction of genetically modified grains. And by the way, this is perhaps one of the greatest threats on humankind. It really is a massive problem. So this is – or how does it differ. Let’s start there. Hybridization, we’re taking things, and we’re x-rays, using gamma rays, different things, to change the DNA that’s there. Then, therefore, create a different species and altered species. Getting them to change to be stronger, better, whatever we want to do. But with GMO, we’re taking one gene, a specific gene, that’s a plan to do something different, right, or in placing it into the plant. Let me give an example. What we did with BT-Corn, which is probably 90% of the corn that we ingest, our family diet, definitely all the animals. So we’re getting exposed to it through the – if you eat grain fed animals, which you shouldn't. Most of it’s GMO comes from BT-Corn. Well, what they did was they took a gene that really makes the plant be more pesticide and drought resistance, different things like that. So therefore, they put this gene in there so they could actually use more glyphosate, which is, ironically, Monsanto, the company that is leading the GMO movement, creates and they make glyphosate, which is the pesticide that they spray on. Well, if we could just get these plants to resist this nasty chemical, we could then kill more weeds, kill more bugs, or whatever we have to do, and use more pesticides, use more herbicides. In the case of glyphosate, it’s herbicide. So what we did is genetically alter the plant. Well, what this plant does to become more pest resistant is it produces now, because this gene was put in there, it produces its own pesticide. A chemical that makes it more resistant to insects, and also, it can, in fact, tolerate even more of this glyphosate. Well, the problem is that a study in cellular research in 2012, Volume 22, showed that these proteins, this DNA from this micro RNA that they put into the plant, we’re finding it in our gut bacteria. So what does that mean? That our gut bacteria is now taking on the characteristic of that gene, and it’s producing its own chemicals. So literally, we are becoming pesticide factories. So we know that these micro RNA are getting into our DNA and affecting our genes, changing gene expression. I mean, that’s the thing. We’re changing our DNA because of GMO. That’s just one problem with GMO.

Warren: This is not a conspiracy theory guys. This isn't some black underground health show where they might drag up some stuff to create controversy and –

David: By the way, this stuff’s banned in Europe. Let’s just put that out there.

Warren: Yeah. I mean, this is the real deal guys. This is really what’s happening and this is the truth. Dr. Pompa speaks truth. He’s doing the research. That’s what Cellular Healing TV is all about – giving you real truth, real results, so that you can make a difference, and spread the word, and spread the message. That’s why you need to share this on Facebook because these things are not being heard. Dr. Pompa spends – that’s what he does full-time is sit down with people that are sick and getting them well. Helping them heal so that they get well. He researches day in, day out. That’s his calling. And man, we are loaded for bear when it comes to these topics. We usually do it one on one. Now we’re going to broadcast it through the world through Cellular Healing TV. A little show like this can make a massive difference. As soon as we hit that thousand viewers, we’re going to make a difference. Again, if you want to ask questions for the next show, I have one for this show, click the “Ask Questions” green button down below if you’re watching this on Cellular Healing TV live right now. Dr. Pompa, let’s wrap up the show and maybe figure out what’s on your heart to deliver next week if God’s placed it there.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I mean, it’s like we could go so much deeper into this topic and grains and –

Warren: Yeah. We could.

Dr. Pompa: We really could. There’s so much more here even about GMO and just what’s happening there. It’s causing infertility. It’s causing tumors, and really, the increase now in glycoside. The very chemical that they said if you buy our gene, or our seeds, and use our product, GMO – I apologize for my throat. That we’re going to use less pesticide. Well, the exact opposite is happening. We’re using so much more glyphosate. In countries like Argentina, we’re seeing massive amounts of tumors and cancers. If you go online and you look at these rats, they have mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage. GMO in tumors, if you just put that in, you’ll see pictures of these rats. And you know what Monsanto’s defense was? Well, the rats that they used, these rats develop tumors more easily. Well, in the study they actually used the rats that were used in 90% to 95% of all studies. They did that for the very reason of criticism, and yes, that’s what they’re saying, that these rats just form tumors. Well, look. We’re seeing the same thing in human population now. So you’re saying to yourself, “Well, all these people, Dr. Pompa, are eating GMO. Why aren’t we seeing more of this?” Well, look. It’s time. It’s time. In rats, we see a different lifespan. Rats only live for a few years. Scientists estimate that it’s going to take around 12 years of this type of exposure in humans to start to seeing what we’re seeing in rats and compare when we compare lifespans. So it’s coming folks. It’s scary. It’s coming and most countries, as David pointed out, are banning this stuff.

Warren: Burning fields.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. Except here in the United States, Montana has a greater foothold, and we’re just not seeing it, and there’s a battle. The labeling, if all we did is just say label it, this product contains GMO, people would start waking up, right, and go, “No. Well, why are they saying that?” But, of course, Montana has fought it well and products don’t have to be labeled GMO. Five hundred percent organic, it’s still safe. That’s one way to assure that you’re not getting exposed from GMO.

Warren: So organic products, by law, still cannot be GMO, that’s what you’re saying.

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. But a product could say organic and then it has only one organic ingredient, and then it has GMO and other ingredients in it. So I think the word 100% organic has to be there. Of course, even it’s just one product and one ingredient says organic, then you’re okay, but if there’s multiple ingredients and it doesn’t say 100% organic, then you’d just be, absolutely, keep being exposed. So if it has –

David: You’re falling into the natural track then.

Dr. Pompa: I mean, now even certain strands of rice. I mean, it’s – obviously, it could be GMO. As a matter of fact, most likely it is. If you have a processed food, there's a 90% chance you’re getting a GMO product in it.

Warren: Right. Well, one good thing. We do have some resources out there on our website, drpompa.com, d-r-pompa.com. We can learn more on this topic. We can move in, Dr. Pompa, next week and do a Frank and Dean Show. Just really focus on that if that’s on your heart. I think that’d be really great. And then also, the diet that you’ve created, The Cellular Healing Diet – go figure. Cellular Healing TV, but CellularHealingDiet.com, you can also – you have a bunch of recipes, and the basics, and the advanced Cellular Healing Diet, which the advanced is – which is called the Cellular Healing Diet, is grain-free. So it’s a diet program if you want to decrease inflammation in your body. If you want to do something that really works and really makes a difference. It’s the magic bullet in your room. It is your diet. If you cannot regulate glucose, and PLA2, and inflammation, you can’t heal the cell. You can’t well. You’re raising glucose. Dr. Pompa said on the last two shows, when you’re raising glucose and insulin, you’re causing inflammation. When you ingest PLA2, you’re driving up inflammation. Man, if you’re eating GMO grains, who knows the damage you’re doing at the cell membrane. You definitely are altering your genetics, and your gut bacteria, and so many other things. Guys, we need to make a difference. We need to heal the cell and get well. Dr. Pompa, any final comments?

Dr. Pompa: Yeah. I have one comment. I’m going to leave it with Dr. Arden Andersen, who’s one of the most respected in every scientific community and man on the planet. He said if GMO – this is his quote. “If GMOs are not removed from our food, the numbers of dead adults and children would be a greater percentage than the Black Plague in Europe in 1348.”

David: Oof. Warren: Wow.

Dr. Pompa: That’s his feeling. So this is a big topic. Other countries besides the United States are banning it, except here in the United States. So we better wake up.

Warren: Okay. And we do have one live question. I wanted to ask it, and we’ll finish it off with this. “They say I cannot get grass fed beef in my area. Is it better not to eat meat at all, or is there any other alternative? What do you do if you can’t access grass fed meat?”

Dr. Pompa: Again, I wouldn’t eat it. I would eat the – I would get some – it’s easy to get eggs that are cage free. You can pretty much get those anywhere.

David: But you can buy meat online.

Warren: There is a source of grass fed beef that’s international, and it drop ships to your door, and that company is Beyond Organic, and we have a website where you can access that. It’s Beyond Organic Milk. They have A2 beta-casein. Also, dairy that we consume in our families and children consume. David, that’s the SueroGold that we were talking about, so you can access those resources too if you’re watching this and need that answer, BeyondOrganicMilk.com (UPDATE: Now a part of Youngevity). You can order grass fed – it’s actually green fed because a lot of – you can label things grass fed viewers, and they can still finish it 25%, 30% grain, and still label it grass fed. So this stuff is 100% grass fed and grass finished. Guys, that’s your tip. Also, get rid of the whole grains. Let’s make a difference. Let’s do the real things that create real results. That’s the only way we can heal the cell and get well. Cellular Healing TV, share it with your friends. Take care. Thanks, David. Thanks, Dr. Pompa, for doing whatever it takes to get on these calls and share the truth.

Dr. Pompa: Alright, see ya, folks.

05: Cellular Weight Loss

Transcript of Episode 05: Cellular Weight Loss and High Intensity Weight Loss Myths

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips, David Asarnow and special guest Faith Hill.

Warren: I guess it just started right now. Again, technology problems today, but welcome to CellularHealing.tv. My name's Warren Philips, and we're going to be joined by Dr. Dan Pompa, David Asarnow, and Faith Hill this morning, on Friday. Make sure, again, always to invite your friends to CellularHealing.tv, not dot-com, dot-tv. For those of you who don't know that there's new domain names that have been released just this week. There's dot-guru, dot-photography. Some new domain names that are out there instead of dot-coms. We have dot-tv, CellularHealing.tv. Invite your friends. Send them to this amazing information that we're going to share. We are on the cutting edge of the next answer in health care. It's coming down to the cell. Heal the cell, get well. While I'm waiting for everyone to come on with us, David's here, Faith is joining us. Google has made some changes to their Hangout on Air so hopefully you're watching us live. What I'm going to do right now, just to make myself feel better, is go into our 22 social page and make sure that we're broadcasting live. I believe that we are, but I'm going to go and check it, just really quick. Yes we are. That's awesome. We're broadcasting live from – let me get back to the Google+ page. We're broadcasting live from Tampa with Dr. Pompa. We're broadcasting live from Tampa. It's a little more beautiful when you see it not through your camera, but we're here in Tampa at the Grand Hyatt in Tampa. Dr. Pompa's showing us, too. The great news is we're here training doctors on some of the same things that we train you. We have a group of physicians around the country. The numbers are growing. We have a waiting list, actually, to join this training. The core of our protocols, and the core of what we believe, is that if you heal the cell, you get well. If you get to the cause, your body can reverse almost anything. God didn't make a mistake. You're not lacking medications in your body to promote healing. You have an antagonist that is causing your disease our dysfunction. Our job as physicians can only be this, if you're a physician, is to remove the interference so the body can do the healing. Dr. Dan Pompa, we're going live back with our topic of last week, which is cellular weight loss. This is one of your favorite topics, cellular healing, cellular detox, cellular weight loss. You want to ramp it up this morning. We have a great team here. Our whole team is here. Our corporate team, David Asarnow, Faith Hill, Dr. Dan Pompa, and myself, we're here in Tampa, wanting to change the world. Dr. Pompa, how can we change the world with cellular weight loss today?

Dr. Pompa: Cellular weight loss, really, we should say even cellular weight loss resistance, really, is the epidemic of why people can't lose weight. We never really thought we would ever be teaching anybody about weight loss. Really, it evolved into that because of what's happening at the cell. Hormone problems, it's a problem at the cell, not a problem needing more hormones necessarily. We ended up backing into this weight loss resistance thing because this is why people can't lose weight. It's not the lack of exercise, it's not the too many calorie problem that most people think weight loss is. Really, it is a hormone problem. Therefore, people consume too much. Therefore, people can't be fat burners and burn fat. It is a hormone problem. It's a cellular problem, more specifically, because the receptors to the hormones are on the cell. We got into that conversation last week. One of the things that I spoke last week that it's probably worth revisiting, because I got so many emails about it, is I talked about one of the myths, and we were going over the myths, about weight loss, one which was eating more often. I made the comment that it works, right? For some people, by eating five meals a day, even six meals a day, it works. It works only because most people have the inability, hormonally, to be a fat burner. Therefore, they'll end up burning muscle. If you're eating more often, you spare the muscle, and therefore, spare your metabolism. However, that's not the way humans were meant to be. Humans should be able to, hormonally, to go longer gaps without food. Guess what your body utilizes for energy when you do? It utilizes its fat store. If you're eating all the time, every two hours, your body never really has a chance, does it, to burn its fat. You may spare your metabolism in certain ways, but ultimately, you're working against the innate intelligence, really, the way the body was designed to do. Back in the primitive days – or not even the primitive days. You go back even in Biblical times and realize that food was just not eaten all the time. Men were working out in the fields, women were doing their thing, and we just didn't have access to the amount of food that we have today. It's always in our refrigerator. People had to go longer stretches without food. Of course, we are meant, as humans, to store energy as fat, and therefore, utilize it when we don't have food. That's really the big problem, is most people aren't tapping in, so to speak, to their fat stores. Therefore, you're just relying on the next glucose meal. You're relying on the next carbohydrate meal, with the inability to burn fat. We have people who eat less carbohydrates, because humans really aren't supposed to be eating the amount of grains and sugars and glucose rising sweets that we eat. Low carb diets are really pop fad I would say. Most people still don't lost weight on them, or may lose a little bit of weight. It's because they still have no hormonal ability to tap into their fat stores. To go full circle on this subject, those people are better off, probably, eating more often. The problem is, is they really haven't solved the problem, have they? They're not going to lose the weight that they really want. They're still going to have that 10, 20 pounds around the waist or things or hips what is not making them happy. It's because they haven't solved the problem, they just did a crutch in the system. It's really not the way it's supposed to be. That's one of the myths. Warren, I know there's so many others we want to talk about, but I wanted to revisit that, just because we had so many questions about it.

Warren: Believe it or not, I just got Faith on live. She was having trouble. She walked in, because she's the next room. We got her live, we see her beautiful face up there. Faith Hill. Funny story. Before I go there, we're going to go with the weight loss myths of exercise, because we did a workout this morning. We're taking a doctors through a workout this morning, and I want to go into the weight loss/exercise myth. I know we've touched on it, but I'm going to get a little more detail on that. Funny story, though. Faith Hill has the name Faith Hill. You would think that Faith Hill could be Faith Hill. She's not Faith Hill, although I think she's more talented than Faith Hill. The real Faith Hill is a great businesswoman and world changer and leader. So is our Faith Hill. I'd put her up against her any day of the week.

Dr. Pompa: I'm smiling because I know the story that's coming.

Warren: Yeah. The funny part is, we just are who we are on these calls. If you bring laughter and entertainment into serious topics that people suffer with emotionally, like weight loss, and weight loss resistance, guys, you'll remember it more because of funny stories like this. We get into the elevator last night, and I don't – fragrances so I'm a little nervous. There's three women walking into an elevator and everyone's piling in. I'm like uh-oh, I don't want perfume, because that bothers me. I go in, and I follow Faith and Dan and David – actually, it was Renee, into the elevator. They walk in, and it was Cameron Diaz, was in the elevator. We're like, “Oh.” Dr. Pompa says, “You look just like Cameron Diaz. Has anyone ever told you that?” I actually believed him, because I'm looking at him like, “It's a look-alike.” It's someone who, from Florida, looks like Cameron Diaz. The whole time, I didn't say a word. Meanwhile, they're having conversations with her, and Faith comes up, “I'm Faith Hill. I get that all the time too,” because, Faith Hill, Faith Hill. I'm still in my own little world, looking at her. I'm like, I wonder, if it's really Cameron Diaz. She should dress a certain way. I'm looking up and down, and then I'm seeing her personality. She acts just like Cameron Diaz. At the end, said she wasn't Cameron Diaz.

Dr. Pompa: Her laugh was so infectious. I had her laughing until Faith Hill starts talking about —

Faith: Oh, you are so full of it. Totally not even how it happened, first of all. Second of all, Dr. Pompa says, “You look like – ” and I'm like, “Because it is her.” She just laughed. She was great. She basically said, “It happens.” She was super gracious. I did totally do the whole, “My name's Faith Hill, so – ” My point was I'm a disappointment when I walk in, because they're expecting Faith Hill to walk in, and then I show up. That was the point. Apparently, these guys graciously let me know that I did not make that point at all.

Dr. Pompa: No, I wanted to look at you and be like, “So, yeah, so what's the point?”

Faith: What's the point?

Dr. Pompa: Then Faith realized she was like, “Not sure if I'm making that point,” so then she starts talking about kickboxing.

Faith: Oh, my God.

Dr. Pompa: “It's because of you that I'm a kickboxer!” She laughed.

Faith: She was like, “Get me off of this elevator now.”

Warren: That being said, that leads us back into exercise, because Cameron Diaz is very fit. She does kickbox, which is a form of high intensity type training. Dr. Pompa, there is this huge weight loss myth out there, and I think we have something different. Probably 90% of the world is exercising incorrectly, even with the onset of things like, what's the big fad, CrossFit, right now, which can actually be damaging. I want you to go into those topics. The weight loss myths, and this extreme, intense exercise, and how that can be detrimental as well. I think there's two huge myths. The new myth is if you exercise at high intensity a lot, that you're going to get more ripped and lean. That's one myth. The other myth is, if I run on a treadmill and do those sorts of things, calorie counting, and how that's a myth. Those are two things I want to attack this morning, especially that CrossFit one as well, because that's something that I believe isn't for everyone.

Dr. Pompa: Faith can chime in, as a woman, on the subject. I think that's where a lot of the abuse happens, where women are just absolutely, “I'm going to exercise my fat away.” I think that's the big, broad myth that's out there, is that you can exercise your fat away. Let's back up even farther. Our government and government bodies have really made it a point to say that the reason why we have obesity in children is because they're not exercising enough. Look, we all exercise. Every one of us here are big proponents of exercise. By no means are we against it. However, it is a myth, no doubt, that you have to exercise to be thin, lean.

Faith: Yeah.

Dr. Pompa: Does exercise have a lot of benefits? I like to call it the cherry on the top, as far as weight loss goes. David is behind the camera now, flexing his new, fantastic physique, and I can assure you it's not from exercise. David changed his diet, didn't you, David?

David: I did.

Dr. Pompa: Yes. Did you exercise right away?

David: No, but I am now.

Dr. Pompa: He is now, for health reasons, not for, necessarily, weight loss. Here's the thing, we talk about a right exercise that you can do for weight loss. I'm a cyclist – at least I was, at one point, I don't put myself in that category anymore. I love endurance type of exercise, but if you're interesting in weight loss, high intensity exercise is absolutely – and it's not, we don't have to really get into it, Warren, because I think you're right, most people know it now. Getting on a treadmill for an hour is really working against you. By this time, you're typically burning muscle. It drives your hormones – well, at least your hormones involved in weight loss, in the wrong direction. However, high intensity exercise drives hormones like growth hormone and testosterone in the right direction. You really burn fat for a few days. Again, this is the cherry on the top. You don't need this. If your hormones are correct at the cellular level, you don't need to exercise for weight loss. However, there are a lot of other benefits. Warren, you brought up – I think, because of that research, now it's like, “Okay, the higher intensity the better.” Where it's leading to is more and more injuries. What it's leading to is over-training. Someone who's very highly trained, they can actually do this greater, higher intensity, and it actually can even work positively for them. That's not most of the people who are watching these TV shows. Faith, you want to chime in on this subject?

Faith: I do, because I did CrossFit for a while. The purpose of it is high intensity, right? You can go in, and your workout can be anywhere for 3 minutes for the day up to 45 minutes, which is rare, right, for a 45 minute workout there. They do a lot of Olympic-style lifting. That's anywhere from somebody with my stature, I'm 5 foot 2, and these big, huge weights. It really does set you up, if you're not highly trained – you just made a really great point of Olympic athletes, but these are free weights. It's not like machine weights, and form is a big deal. A lot of injuries. It is the biggest thing for chiropractic right now, is people coming from CrossFit, because a lot of injuries are happening. They're doing a lot of snap-and-cleans and things like that. You don't have any training for that. It really is a setup for injury but it also gets in your head that you need to go every day. You're doing this high intensity every single day and you're lifting these weights, so you're body's fatigued anyway, and then you're supposed to throw hundreds of pounds, with a free bar, over your head. It's very, very, in my opinion, not safe. Some boxes have great coaches that can really hold your hand a little bit more so, but you can't guarantee that. This movement is amazing for some people, it really has been, but if you don't have the proper training, it really has damaged a lot of people. My husband, actually, got very injured by doing this as well. It can be really dangerous.

Dr. Pompa: One of the problems is that people, when they start that higher intensity workout, it works. Higher intensity, you can lose five, ten extra pounds. However, there's always going to be, and this is a growing number of people in the United States that do it, they lose that ten pounds, five pounds, and some people, very little at all, and then they stop losing weight. Really, it is a hormone problem. Higher intensity forces your hormones in the right direction, but it's still limited on what's happening at the cells. What happens, Faith, is what you said. Then they start doing it ever day. They're remembering, “Hey, I started this, I lost weight.”

Faith: Right.

Dr. Pompa: There is a caloric equation here. You're burning calories, but we all know now, but when you do that high intensity – Warren, how much more do we eat on days that we exercise, right?

Warren: A ton more.

Dr. Pompa: I eat the difference in calories away, trust me. That's normal. When you exercise in high intensity, you're going to be more hungry. You offset the caloric thing more. Let's say you force yourself not to eat more. You'll drop your calories, you'll lose a little bit of weight. Now you start digging into your muscle, your metabolism starts to – caloric restriction never works long term. It always works for that initial weight, and then it just stops, slows down, because it's still a cellular problem. It's still a hormone problem. Then people start working out every day to try to emulate that first result, right? They do more and more and more and more and more, and it's a constant, shrinking amount of weight you're losing. Now you're over-training. Now you're not recovering. People aren't paying attention to their diets and the amount of antioxidants and things needed to recover, and then they end up with injuries. I really always ends bad. It starts off really good, but it always ends bad.

Faith: Yeah. I'll tell you, the family atmosphere that CrossFit breeds is because you just did this grueling workout together. There is this bonding effect that really does happen. I will tell you, in my experience, for about a year, being a part of it, I saw a lot of weight loss resistance. These people were busting their butts. Just unbelievable workouts, and the weight was not budging. I think it proves the point, you can look at the CrossFit athletes, but you have to understand that that's less than 1% of each box that's coming out for these competitions. That is not the norm for all this CrossFit boxes around the country. It's really not. The particular box that I was in, there was maybe one person there that was really, really fit that was going all the time. That's a problem. That's a problem. People aren't looking around going, “Why aren't the results here?” That's really interesting to me.

Warren: There's a lot of folks watching this that are CrossFit, and they're saying, “That's what I believe. We're not going to change your mind, but this is the truth.” If you go talk to someone who really understand physiology, they're going to say, “Look, if you want to do CrossFit, you need to train like an athlete to get there. That's an athletic, and doing it's like training for a marathon.” It's not for the normal folk. There's a lot of functional movement, there's flexibility, there's building your tendon strength up. It's a crazy thing. I go to a personal trainer, and he sees all the injuries. He's like, “If you can't do these certain movements yet, if you don't have the form or the flexibility to do these things, going to a high intensity CrossFit environment, you're not ready for it, is going to hurt you, It's not good for you. It's going to work you against it. Even he knows, for weight loss, again, the magic bullet in the room is inflammation, obviously – and toxicity. Let's go back, Dr. Pompa. Okay, so CrossFit's not the answer. Calorie counting, burning your calories, saying, “I'm going to eat a hamburger, then run around this hotel 20 times, and then it offset those calories,” both of those things are major myths. What can we do, say, in this hotel room, right now – the type of exercise that's actually going to be that cherry on top, that's going to help us accelerate our weight loss a little bit and optimize our hormones at the cellular level, which is cellular weight loss?

Dr. Pompa: The studies show it doesn't need much. The average person can just do three or four sets of a high intensity for thirty seconds to a minute, minute and a half, with basically two, three minutes at rest in between, until you get your breath back. We have videos on our website, walking people through. We've already gotten half a million hits, just because it's so simple. It takes 10 to 12 minutes, 3 times a day. For the average person, that's all you need. A day, right; 10 to 12 minutes a day, 3 times a week. I believe if you add resistive training to that, you even get a different higher intensity workout. That maintains your muscle, which is going to maintain your metabolism. Resistive training, what we call burst training, doing high-intensity, thirty seconds to a minute and a half, with a rest in between, three or four times – studies show you can get the maximum benefit from that, as far as weight loss goes. I get the question all the time, “Can I do more? Can I do six sets? Eight sets?” Yeah, you can, but again, you have to be careful, and know who you are. The better shape you're in, obviously, the more you can get away with. You're going to hit your highest, basically, return for your money, so to speak, with those first three or four sets. Most people, they complain they don't have enough time to exercise, continue with the program. Less is best, because chances are, you will continue with it. Again, the better shape you're in, the more you can do and get away with it. Most Americans aren't healthy enough to do more and recover. That's the point we're making, right? They're just simply not healthy enough to recover, and then they end up over-training, exhausting their adrenals and their hormonal system, and now you're working against yourself, wasting money. Wasting, really —

Faith: Sometimes.

Warren: Wasting their time, and they lead to injury.

Warren: That's an important point. I know that when I first had my health challenge, and it was a major one – if you go back, my story's out there. I think it's on the Mercury Amalgam Illness series that we did, everyone said to me, “Hey, Warren, you just need to work out more. You're not feeling well, you're not sleeping. You just need to work out.” It's stress, and workout, they were saying, will reduce your stress. I couldn't work out. I tried. It took me years before I could work out, my body could adapt to that stress. Here's the crazy thing. They're saying work out for stress. Dr. Pompa, is that true?

Dr. Pompa: Look, when you work out, you definitely help your stress level, until you start over train. Then when you start over train, now you're doing the opposite. You're adding stress to your body you can't adapt to. Remember, working out is a stress, isn't it. When we adapt to success, we become stronger. When you don't adapt to a stress, a physical stress of working out, you become what? Weaker. There's a fine line. If your adrenals are already exhausted, your thyroid's struggling, you're hormonally struggling, because your cell that connects with the hormones is inflamed, well guess what? Now you're not going to adapt as well, and you could actually easily work against yourself. People who have some challenges, more is not better. Less is actually much better.

Warren: I wanted to bring that point up, because a lot of people that are being – they feel bad about themselves. “I work out and I feel worse. What's wrong with me? ” Everyone says, “I can't lose weight, and I work out and I feel worse,” and they just keep pushing themselves and pushing themselves. What we're here to say, because of what Dr. Science, Dr. Pompa, has shared with us, is just stop. If it's making you sick and more fatigued, and you don't feel energized, and you don't feel better afterwards, just stop. Stop the madness. Do the diet. Do the cellular. Optimize your hormones.

Dr. Pompa: I couldn't work out for four or five years. Warren, you couldn't either, right? When I would work out, I would be more fatigued, and I would sleep worse that night. That was a great sign of not adapting to one more stress, and therefore, getting weaker. I'm always asked the question, with any of the people that we are helping, coaching through health issues, the first question, “Is should I continue to work out?” My next question is, “How do you feel after and the next day?” Actually, I don't know. I'm tired. Stop. Cut it in half. Start from there. Keep backing up until you feel better, not worse.

Faith: I think that's a really great point. I think it is about are you recovering, and are you able to recover. I think, though, for some folks that may not be as chronically sick as what you guys both discovered in your illnesses, I think for a lot of the population, or for a majority of the population, they're not getting the right nutrients to even sustain a good workout. It really starts with the cellular healing diet. If you're not getting good nutrients, how in the world is your body ever going to be able to sustain you pushing it that hard. Then when you go to repair mode, what are you putting in there? If you're putting toxic meat, or toxic preservatives, or toxins in your foods back in your body, how much more so is that going to tax your body? I think it really does continue to come back to diet, which is, it's almost so simple. We almost over-complicate it and forget it when we're trying to help people troubleshoot, because we're often going, “Maybe there's something else.” No, what if it really is, they're constantly putting that same toxin in their body. They're making their protein shakes with milk, loaded with hormones that are affecting their hormones. It really does go back to the purity of the products that they're putting in their body. Folks that are just really having that hard time either recovering or sustaining their workouts, I think you're totally dead on. The first place they need to look at is, what are they putting in their body?

Dr. Pompa: Let's talk a little bit about that, because we've talked a lot, but I don't know that we've told them what to do there. I started the opening of the show just talking about, “Look, low carbohydrate meals are in vogue right now.” That's good, because no matter what, Americans are eating too many carbohydrates, in the form of grains, which – by the way, when people think of carbohydrates, they think of the candy bar, the sugar, the dessert, but really, the biggest culprit, and really the one that's driving inflammation the most, is grains. As a matter of fact, Warren, write it down. Everyone write it down. I want to do a whole show on grains next week. What's going on with GMO, genetically modified grains, is criminal. What's going on with grains since the 60's and 70's is criminal, and that's really the big thing. One, I would say, of three big things that's really driving the weight loss resistance. It's the grains. We'll talk about gluten free next week. We'll talk about some of the myths. On the airplane – I wish I had my bag here. I would show you an article, but I'll show it next week. In Scientific American, they said basically, in this article, that they're finding out that gluten – surprise, surprise – is not the only protein that's bad for you, oxy protein in grains.

Faith: How long have you been saying that, Dr. Pompa?

Dr. Pompa: What's that?

Faith: I said, how long have you been saying that? How long?

Dr. Pompa: Forever, right? They're finding out there's all these other proteins. Some of the culprits that just run, sometimes, with gluten, without gluten, other grains. Where did it all come from? It all come from hybridizing grains. Now what we're doing with GMOs, we're creating Frankengrains. Really, the first thing you need to do, the cellular healing diet focuses on taking all grains out, until we get you healthy, until we down regulate inflammation. Why all grains? Because there's more than just gluten, folks. There's so many of these denatured proteins in all grains. We talk all grains away until we down regulate inflammation. Look, the number one things, and what we all do, is we control glucose and insulin. You want to keep it simple, you want to age slower, you want to feel better, you want to down regulate inflammation? Control your glucose and insulin. You know how many health fanatics I see just eat fruit and their glucose goes right up? Or eating two pieces of whole grain bread in the morning, which sends your glucose up, is equivalent to drinking a 12 ounce Pepsi? Grains are super sugars. We are a grain nation. Meat and vegetables. Not just meat. We'll talk a little bit about this next week. Grass-fed meat. Why? Because we're feeding cows grain. Most of it is genetically modified. Most of the modified is sprayed with an herbicide called glyphosate and it's going right into our bodies, triggering genes, causing massive health problems. We know this is happening. This is a massive epidemic. It needs to be really exposed. All these people that think their healthy eating their whole grains are still raising glucose, aging prematurely, causing more cellular inflammation, more weight loss resistance. The bowl of oatmeal in the morning may not be as healthy as you think, because it raises up your glucose the same as a 12 ounce Pepsi. It's all about controlling glucose. That controls inflammation in the cell. That allows your hormone receptors on your cell to take care of the hormones. We do far too much grain in our diet. We're raising up our glucose. We're causing inflammation. We can get into the discussion of, “Okay, great. Once we get healthy, can you have some grain in your diet?” The answer's yes, but your genetics will determine what level you can get away with. Again, when I say grains now, I'm not talking about these genetically modified grains. I'm not talking about hybridized grains. We're talking about more ancient type of grains, quinoa being one them, amaranth, millet. Go down a list. It's in the Cellular Healing Diet Book, “The Better Grains.” The point is, is you start adding them back in, but I'm telling you, your genetics will determine how much you can get away with before your glucose goes up too much, or insulin, and now you start getting fatter on your waist again, feeling more fatigued. Faith, I know you have a lot to say about that topic because you –

Faith: I do.

Warren: You'll have to wait until next week, guys. We're running out of time.

Faith: Okay, okay. We'll do it next week for sure.

Dr. Pompa: We'll give her the final word.

Faith: The final word is this. If you are hearing that, and you're hearing fear, fear, fear. Oh my gosh, no grains, that's a really good sign that you might have an addiction going on, which most people in this country do. Just like any addiction, you need balance in your life, and you need to be able to face that with reality, because that could be the very thing that's keeping you from breaking through to the health goals that you have for your entire life. This is not just about you being fit for the bathing suit. This is about you being a true, well-being, to be able to live a fulfilled life, full of vitality and relationship.

Warren: That's awesome, Faith. I'm going to give the final tip, because people are saying, “What do do you eat post-workout?” We're going to start next week. Again, invite your friends to CellularHealing.tv, not .com, but CellularHealing.tv. This is a live TV show, broadcasted across not just the United States, but this is being broadcast live globally. Anywhere in the world, someone who has a computer can go to CellularHealing.tv and watch this. It's amazing. Our website, of course, is DrPompa.com. We have articles underneath there, if you go to the resources, article archive, or even to our “articles ” button at the top of the browser, you'll see articles, and you'll also see resources in article archive. You can watch some of these topics on weight loss resistance, on intermittent fasting for weight loss. A lot of these things, we need you to have information. We'll share it here. We want to get you activated and tempted, if you will, to go and just if. We offer real answers and solutions. I know it's hard, because you're being broadcasted through newspaper and TV, constantly, people wanting, literally, your pocketbooks, your dollars, spent on big corporations. We believe your dollars need to be spent on things that make a difference in this world. One of those companies is Beyond Organic, who, you vote with your dollars. After my workout today, I wasn't feeling well. I'm fighting off a cold. Every post workout, what I do, is I drink what's called SueroGold with whey water in it. Dr. Pompa, explain, as we end this call, we're done after you say this, is why is it good for me to do SueroGold with whey, and how does that help my muscle and body recover, as a post-workout drink. I know that's one of the topics that people want to know about.

Dr. Pompa: Bodybuilders, for years, say, “Hey, we have a 30 minute window after you work out, get that protein in the cell.” Whey water actually has a really unique – and by the way, one of the things that bodybuilders always did, if you look at all their proteins, at GNC, they're loaded with sugar. It's because they know that sugar actually delivers, into the cell, the protein. They put all this sugar in there to bring the amino acids in. It's honestly a trick that's been used for a long time, but there's issues with that, obviously. There's so much sugar in them that you can't get it all in, and then you start storing it in the fat. Anyways, that product, whey water, actually has a sugar in it called galactose. Galactose actually goes into the cell very fast, and it pulls in the amino acids with it. It really becomes the perfect post-workout drink. Not to mention, the electrolyte balance in whey water, the potassium/sodium ratio, is exactly what matches the cell. That has a lot to do with your potassium/sodium pump, how you move things in and out of the cell. Again, a delivery system for the amino acids that you need to heal the cell, to repair after workout, and not over train. We talked a lot about that, so we'll leave on that note.

Warren: Awesome, guys. Thanks so much for joining us. Join us next week. Share it with your friends. We appreciate you sharing this time with us today. Take care, God bless.

Faith: Thanks for having me, guys.

Dr. Pompa: Thanks, Warren.

Warren: Thanks, David.

04: Weight Loss Myth Busters

Transcript of Episode 04: Weight Loss Myths Busted

With Dr. Daniel Pompa, Warren Phillips and David Asarnow.

Warren: Alright, we are live with Episode 4, CellularHealing.TV. My name's Warren Phillips, one of the co-hosts of Cellular Healing TV, and our main speaker and teacher is Dr. Dan Pompa. We're really excited about doing this. We're going to consistently do these hangouts over the next year or two, depending on how big of a following we get, and that’s up to you out there watching and listening to share it on Facebook, to share it with your friends; CellularHealing.TV. You have to like our page, so make sure you write it in the notes of your share or when you send emails to friends. We are going to transform the world and teach them about cellular healing. Heal the cell and get well. Dr. Pompa just came off of a tragic accident with his son, Isaac, and his body is healing because it's healing at the cellular level. Dan, I'd love for you to share a little bit about that today and then also, some of the topics we discussed last week, and what we're going to get into this week. Dr. Dan, thank you so much for being on this Google Hangout. I know that you're busy and traveling all over the country teaching and lecturing, and we're looking forward to learning more from you today.

Dr. Pompa: Now, well, thank you. Yeah, my son, Isaac, had a skiing accident this past Sunday, and well, we were sitting in church and we got a sign for us to come out of the service and when we did, my wife went out first, and her face was completely white. So I knew something wasn't right, and next thing I know, they're telling me my son was life-flighted off of the ski slope. You just kind of go into that kind of dad-mode, I guess, where you just say, “Okay, I got to get it done.” It's like okay, where is it? Where do I got to be? Tell me. And I ran for the car and just about business. I really didn't even have time to be nervous. I guess that's what mom's are for. I just kind of went into, “He needs me and I got to get there,” mode. But he had punctured his lungs, collapsed his lungs. He hit the tree about 40 miles an hour. He—someone ran into him, and he slid and just caught a tree chest first. And the worst part about it was he shattered his spleen, a Grade 5. So that was—that's touch-and-go because there was a lot of internal bleeding. And the internal bleeding, obviously that can go one way or the other. So it was about 48 hours where we didn't know if he was going to make it or not. So pretty scary stuff. The good news is, I mean, he did make it. We were at the hospital all week, so this is actually the first night I slept in my own bed last night. So if I look tired, it's because I am. But no, I got us through it, and he's now home. He's still in a lot of pain, and he's got a lot of healing to do. But yeah, it's—when you get a wake-up like that, you really do appreciate all the little things in life. And we started—he—they fasted him for three days, no water, or food, because they don't know if they’re going to have to do emergency surgery. So he's not even allowed to have water, so imagine that. I was just wetting his lips with water. But when he was allowed to have liquids, we started him on whey water. Of course, whey water is known as healing water and it helps heal the organs, the liver, the kidney, and it has an amazing effect on the cells themselves. And it's one of the things that we do when we get really sick patients is we put them on whey water fast, and it's been used for thousands of years. Hippocrates nicknamed it healing water, but it really sets up and fixes the cell at the most basic level; the way the cell moves good things in and bad things out and sets up that detox for what we're going to do later. So yeah, we use these intermittent fasts with whey water on our patients, and my wife has done them. Warren, your wife has done them. My children—I have two children who have done intermittent fasting, yeah. So anyways, that was the first thing that we started him back on. But yeah, we're through it and here I am. So I'm glad to be here. You didn't think I was going to make it, but here I am.

Warren: I knew it was—we were going to bring on Dr. Jay Davidson this morning. I was going to interview him and for some reason, I sent the invite. We were going to have him on as a special guest anyway because he was on backup and standby. We have a lot of doctors who we're connected with across the country. So Dr. Jay, we're going to bring you on next week. I know that you're watching right now on CellularHealing.TV through the 22 Social plug-in, and I'm so sorry, dude. I don't know why the technology—sometimes it's a blessing, and sometimes it just doesn't work the way we want it to. So—but thanks for being there for us during this hard time, and I know that a lot of you have been praying for Dr. Pompa. And there really is a miracle happening in his son's life, so many things, and we know at many levels—Dr. Pompa and I were speaking last night, that this is going to help us help you, just learning the process of what the hospital does and how excellent this particular hospital did, and just the service, and making a difference in people's lives, and how they treat each other. A lot of the times, we—and I'm not going to be here long, Dr. Pompa, so it's not going to be a rabbit trail, but I just think it's important to share. It's how we treat one another, how we interact with people during that healing process, and the patience we have with one another, and that kindheartedness, and that tenderness, and that love makes such a massive difference in the healing process of others. I know that when I was sick, Dr. Pompa and Merily were there for me. My parents were there for me. I had one particular friend, because I had an unexplainable illness, that believed in me because he'd been through suffering and pain before, and he spoke life into me. And between all those people, that was what was necessary to help me along the way. So if you know someone who's sick and suffering, don't necessarily brush them off because they could have had an unexplainable illness and they need the love and support through it. And I think, Dr. Pompa, that's one of the reasons you're such a great physician and healer, is because you truly care, and you get into their shoes. You get into their hearts. You make a difference, and your son Isaac was no exception. I know that I wept several mornings thinking about him, thinking about your family, and I'm so glad to see him at home and with a speedy recovery, a miraculous recovery from the trauma that happened to him. So again, you heal the cell, you get well. And there's no—and that's what we're praying for. Those of you listening and watching this, pray for his spleen because his artery is there and this is broadcast live. We continue to pray that his spleen'll be restored. So I don't want to make light of that. It's an incredible organ. You can't process viruses without it, and eventually you're immune-compromised if you don't have a spleen and you're on antibiotics the rest of your life. So that's important, so I'm just going to put that out there, Dan. I want the world to know that prayer matters, and being tender and kind matters, and loving people in their hardest times matters, and we support one another. The Bible says curses the man who doesn't have a brother that picks him up when he's down. And I know many times, Dan, you've picked me up, and I've picked you up. So we're so thankful for that. And so today, we're going to go through weight loss resistance a bit this week.

Dr. Pompa: Hey, Warren?

Warren: But we're going to discuss more on thyroid. What were you saying, Dr. Pompa? -CROSS TALK-

Dr. Pompa: Yeah, exactly, yeah. Well, and one of the things when we talk about cellular healing, and I know we have a lot of doctors that tune into our show. And they understand that last week, we talked a little bit about cellular healing and I just heard a doctor this morning driving one of my children to school talking about, “This show is on inflammation.” I'm sitting there from a consumer standpoint going—they think he's going to talk about joint pain, something pain-related. And I really believe this show's not going to be about that. I think it's going to be more about what we talk about, inflammation of the cause of the majority of diseases today, whether it's diabetes, thyroid, all these different neurodegenerative conditions, memory loss, fatigue. But I don't think he's going to tune in the right person because when we think of inflammation, or at least the general public, they think of a sore shoulder, but it's cellular inflammation. It's cellular inflammation, to be specific about really what's happening. And yeah, I mean, is there cellular inflammation in a hurt shoulder? Yes, of course, but we're talking about inflammation of cells in the body; often times, even specific cells. And therefore now, hormones and other cell-to-cell communication doesn't occur, so now it sets up a host of problems. And so when we look at conditions like diabetes—and thyroid, I believe, is our subject next week—we have an epidemic of people who have thyroid problems, Warren, and we're going to talk about why most people—I think women in particular, they have just this intuition that their hormones aren't right, their thyroid's not right. They go to their doctor, they get their blood work, and their blood work's normal. What we always tell people is, “The problem is it takes 20 years on average for your blood work to go off before you actually get a diagnosis.” They didn't get a diagnosis for a thyroid condition, so their blood work is normal for those times. Finally, when their blood work does go off they take their medication, and their blood work’s normal; however, they don’t feel well. We hear it over and over again. We’re going to talk about that next week. Just in general, we promised we were going to talk about weight loss resistance, and really tie in cellular inflammation in just specific topics. Weight lost resistance, right now it’s an epidemic. This is a different game. When we grew up and people couldn't lost weight it was typically strictly because of their diet, eating the wrong food, and doing the wrong things, right?

Warren: Right.

Dr. Pompa: It’s a different game. The clients that I have are people who eat better than most people in their family. They eat better than everyone in their family, and yet they don’t lose weight. Why is that? This is a cellular inflammation issue. Warren, tell me if you can see this. I probably should have been more prepared for this

Warren: I can see it, yeah.

Dr. Pompa: This is a cell. Can you see the cell?

Warren: Yes.

Dr. Pompa: When we talk about his membrane—this is R2, by the way. The cellular inflammation really starts occurring on this membrane. Last week, we talked about bad fats, and how these fats come in like vegetable oils in everything that we’re eating. And they stick to this membrane. And they drive inflammation. Well, there’s also toxins that come in. And they come in, and they make their way through this fatty membrane. And they drive inflammation of the membrane. Last week, we talked about elevate glucose in insulin, which is most of America. Yes, I said even the skinny folk should. I said have this problem. Most of America is rising up glucose. By the way, Warren, one of the pet peeves you and I have is even in alternative healthcare. We see healthy people chugging juices and eating all these—more and more grains; more and more carbohydrates which are driving up glucose and insulin. Which ultimately drive inflammation prematurely. So, when we look at the toxins, toxins come in, and they drive a lot of inflammation. And it’s different toxins today like no time ever in the history of man have we been introduced to more neurotoxins that drive inflammation of the cell. But here’s my point. So, this inflammation of the membrane occurs. Well, on this membrane are all these hormone receptors. These are the receptors that talk to insulin or thyroid hormone T3, or another hormone called leptin, or estrogen. So, I don’t care what hormone it is, it has to dock on these receptor and get it to message in the cell to where your DNA is. I’m not going to bore you with anymore biochemistry than that. Just know this, when the inflammation occurs it blunts these receptors, and now these hormones can’t get their message in the cell. So, hormone problems today—it’s not a problem with necessarily giving more hormones; although, there’s times where that’s needed as crutches. But, it never makes you—it’s never going to fix you. So, it’s not a matter of giving more hormones. It’s a matter of getting these receptors to hear the hormones. And the analogy I love to give is when we scream at our kids, Warren. It works at first, right? Well, you’re not to that age yet.

Warren: No, not yet. I don’t scream at them, yet.

Dr. Pompa: We start yelling at our children. It works at first. They’re startled. It works. It’s great. That’s kind of like giving more hormones. You get on the hormones, and you feel better at first. But, the problem is when you keep yelling at them giving them more hormones, now they hear you less, and less, and less, and less. And what we have to really do is the cell to be more sensitive. We have to get our kids to hear our soft voice not our loud voice. But the other analogy is that if your car’s out of gas it doesn't help by dumping more gasoline on the car. You have to get the gasoline in the car. And that’s the problem, is when you have cellular inflammation you’re not getting the gasoline in the car. So, weight loss resistance, why? Well, hormone is like insulin in another hormone. See, when you have elevated insulin your body’s storing fat, and it doesn't burn energy well. So, that’s the issue. The standard American diet is elevating insulin. Now, there’s another hormone called leptin that tells your brain to burn fat for energy. And, the problem with that is that if you can’t hear the hormone your brain will not utilize its fat stores. This is why people can’t lose weight. So, it’s not about what they’re eating, how much they exercise, although all that’s important, especially the eating part, which we could talk about more. But the bottom line is it’s a hormone problem. The reason people can’t lose weight is because they can’t hear the hormones involved in weight loss. So, it is a cellular inflammation problem. You have to fix the cell to get well. In this case, you have to fix the cell to lose weight. Cellular weight loss is really the reason why people can’t lose weight. It’s the answer for why people can’t lose weight. So, it’s a cellular problem whether it’s diabetes, thyroid, or in fact the inability to lose weight. Thyroid hormone can’t be heard by your cell. Leptin hormone can’t be heard by your cell. Insulin can’t be heard by your cell. That’s why most people with diabetes end up with thyroid problems because they’re resistant to most hormones. Again Warren, most people realize that there’s some type of hormone problem going on.

Warren: Right.

Dr. Pompa: They can’t figure it out. It’s a cellular problem.

Warren: Yeah, and I hear that all the time. If you just open your ears—it’s like what you focus on you see. I like to always use the car analogy. If you’re thinking about a certain car, and you start seeing them around. So, if you tune in—just start tuning in the next time you are at a coffee shop or in church you’ll hear women just like you would—mostly women. You’ll hear, just like if you’re focused on a car you’ll start noticing, “Yeah, my hormones are just off. I got this hormone test. I know it’s my hormones. I have a thyroid issue—my hormones.” You’ll hear it like a song, because women are so tuned into it. And they realize after 10-some, 20-some, 30 years of dieting, of calorie restriction, no matter what they do right—crazy exercise just like my mom, and they just can’t lose the weight. And, they’re just like, “Oh, oh, oh, I should be skin and bones for the amount of food that I eat, but I’m 50 to 60 pounds overweight. I exercise all the time, and I don’t lose weight,” meaning, “I don’t know what in the heck’s going on. I’m so frustrated—and I’m making an excuse, because I feel insecure about the fact that I’m still overweight and can’t lose it,” because, they've tried everything, yet their self-image, their heart is broken because of this major trial and tribulation. So, it is a travesty. And, it is a cellular issue. It’s a hormone receptor issue. And, no one’s talking about it. They go to their doctor, and they say, “Well, now you’re insulin resistant. Your diabetes medications, which cause weight gain.” It’s sad and it’s wrong. And, that’s what Cellular Healing TV is all about, is bringing out truth. What Dr. Pompa just shared with you is the cause. Our number one, remove the cause—and then remove the source, which is inflammation cause by toxins, sugar, and bad fats. Which is one of our other topics we've done in a former episode. We’ll keep coming back to that, right Dr. Pompa? Because it is that simple. If you remove the inflammation from the cell membrane, whether it’s toxins, sugar, or bad fats. It’ll begin to heal, and those receptors will come back to life. And the communication happens again between the endocrine organs and the cells—or the cells within the endocrine organs, and the hypothalamus, pituitary—and magic happens. It’s neat. My personal testimony—I was 210 pounds. And I ate the cellular healing diet, and although I lost a lot of weight then, but the detox side of what I've been doing has made my hormones optimize more and more. My muscle mass is changing. My hormones are changing daily. My sex drive is increasing as I age, not decreasing. My growth hormone’s going up. I’m anti-aging. I feel and look better now than I did before I got sick back in 2004. So, it is amazing. The body does heal. It’s meant to live a long, happy, healthy life. And you’re actually supposed to get leaner as you get older, not fatter. So Dr. Pompa this is life changing information.

Dr. Pompa: I mean, you are—it’s one of those things that in very healthy countries the older they get, actually the leaner they get. In this country the fatter we get, because we get less hormone sensitive. We get more hormone resistant, meaning your cells can’t hear the hormone. There’s so many things in there that you said that I almost wanted to jump in, because I got so excited about. Now, I can’t remember what they were. Next time I’m going to write them down, darn it. But when we’re dealing with weight loss and the inability to lose weight it’s not the weight loss that is really the bigger problem. People out there are saying, “Man, I’m having trouble losing weight.” You’re dying of something else. You’re dying of cellular inflammation. Honestly, you have a much deeper rooted problem most likely caused by toxins. One of the things test that we do is we do a visual contrast test, which is a simple way to just look at how toxic somebody is. We do something called a Meta-Oxy test, which is a urine test to look at somebody’s cellular inflammation. These are tests that all of our doctors do in their clinics. And it’s such simple things, but it really is showing the actual cause. Then we’re able to watch those tests change. But honestly, when we look at this—here’s the message when people walk into their doctor is that they think that it’s just a matter of eating the way the doctor eats, or exercising more. So really what they’re saying is they think you’re glutinous, and you’re just lazy, and not exercising enough. Well, it couldn't be further from the truth. It has really very little to do with exercise. You should be able to lose weight without exercise. So it breaks my heart always when I see these people pounding it in the gym, on the treadmills, in aerobics classes, or doing whatever they’re doing, or running along the road overweight. Really, they come back from that talk and there goes the bagel. The bagel’s in their mouth, offsetting everything that they did. It’s about controlling glucose and insulin. Really, it’s about controlling inflammation and so many of them have toxic issues that are really affecting their DNA. When we look at that cell, the first step is to down regulate that inflammation outside the cell, but that DNA is inside the cell. Right now there’s just some great, great stuff coming out of the scientific community on how we’re able to change gene expression. See, when you have cellular inflammation, what’s happening is that your DNA is starting to turn on a lot of bad things, meaning that things that you’re susceptible to, it may be diabetes; it may be thyroid; it may be obesity. Once that gene gets turned on, part of the trigger—yes, we have to take down the inflammation, which is R4, but R5 is methylation. And we use this strategy to actually turn off those genes because you have to stop somebody from expressing the gene of diabetes, or weight loss resistance, or obesity. So that gene can be turned on for obesity. But how many doctors are actually addressing the fact that we have to turn it off? And that’s new science. We know how to do this, yet very few people are doing it. I mean, definitely, your average endocrinologist is not concerned about turning a gene off, even though it’s very new science and we know how to do it. We know how that they get turned on. Toxins is the number one way that these genes actually get triggered. That small membrane that we talked about, this is really how this DNA is actually able to function normally. It gets its messages from this membrane. And this membrane, we know now, is what turns on and off that DNA. So again, down regulating the inflammation and then giving specific nutrients to turn off the gene expression. That’s all in the 5R's.

Warren: Yeah, and one of the things that this show is all about is giving people hope by giving them truth and true answers. That’s what this is all about. That’s why we’re taking the time every day to do it, or every Friday at 10 a.m. to do that, is to bring the message out there. This is not Dr. Pompa’s opinion. He’s not the scientist or the guy that went in to figure this out. These are PhDs that—massive universities figuring out how this works. And it’s not being told in the medical community and it may never get there unless there’s a drug or some way to bring it in. Your DNA is not your destiny. That gives you hope. When you speak that over your life, “Well it’s just my genetics.” That means you’re giving up and you have an excuse now maybe to continue in a path or an addiction to sugar or whatever it may be, but here’s to help you break that and give you hope. Your DNA is not your destiny. Your life can be transformed. There  answers out there to have your cell membrane—like what Dr. Pompa said, to go back in and release that genetic expression back to the way God designed it so that you can live a normal life. Your genes are just responding to what you’re doing to it, and it’s doing it as a protective mechanism. Maybe this is true Dr. Pompa. Maybe the innate intelligence is so high that when a toxin hits a cell membrane, your body knows if it stores fat that it can have a protective effect. So maybe your genes are doing what it’s supposed to do. I’m not sure why they’re doing it, but we know that they can be changed when you do the right things. When you continue the course and have some of these key causational removals, like R number one and R number 2 is healing the cell membrane, there’s a transformation that life can happen like it happened to me. And it’s not about—like I always say to Dr. Pompa, it didn’t happen to me by accident. Who am I to have a debilitating condition, literally didn’t want to live, and to have God have mercy on me to allow my life to be transformed? It has to be told. The story has to be told over and over and over again that your body can heal itself, and that these 5R’s that we simplified through Dr. Pompa’s just amazing ability to teach and communicate to the world, that there is a step by step process to help you regain your life back. And man, we’re not going to tell you that it’s easy all the time. That it takes hard work and discipline. There’s 3-percenters out there that are watching this right now that will do it. We want more 3-percenters, and we can create 3-percenters through education. So 3-percenters, get it done. Get some testimonies. We’ll bring you live on Cellular Healing .TV, and we will tell your story.

Dr. Pompa: First of all, there probably needs an explanation. What is a 3-percenter? A 3-percenter—people are like, what’s he mean?

Warren: Yeah. So you’re the teacher.

Dr. Pompa: A 3-percenter is, when we look at studies, people who change the world. Make a difference in anything. Whether it’s sports, whether it’s medicine, whether it healing, people that heal themselves from unhealable conditions, it’s 3 percet of the population. And it’s never their circumstance. As a matter of fact, 3-percenters are able to look through their circumstances and just take action, and do whatever it takes. And 3-percenters are the people who just—they get it done. They just do it despite all the reasons and excuses not to do it. 97% of the population, we just come up with excuses and reasons not to do something. Including the life-style changes needed to get their health back. When we speak about 3-percenters, these are world changers, history makers. And the best part about it, Warren, is? It’s a choice. It’s a choice. And I always love to tell my audience that or whoever I’m speaking to. To be a 3-percenter is in fact a choice. You know what? It almost becomes habit in everything that you do. That you just say, “Okay, I’m just going to do it. I’m just going to do it.” Especially when you intuitively know it’s right, 3-percenters move ahead. Anyways, yeah, when we—let’s look at some of the other myths that I know that people have in the time that we have remaining because I think that when we talk about weight loss, it’s more than just one show. We talked about the myth of the fact that it’s not a matter of so much overeating. Calories, can you lose weight by cutting calorie? Yeah, you can. Then your metabolism adjusts, and then you’re stuck where you are, right, again. And then you’d go back to eating the way you normally eat. You gain the weight again. No, it’s a hormone issue. It’s not a calorie issue. Is it a function of exercising more? No. And I’m a big proponent of exercise. But it is just the cherry on the top. It’s a hormone issue. It’s a cellular issue. So bringing that back. Another big misconception in weight loss, and I just heard this, well, what about—and I was discussing this with the nurses all the time because once they figured out I was in this stuff, they were coming in the room and just asking me question after question. Well, what about people that say eating six meals or five meals, small meals, a day? Does that work? And I always say, yes it does. Well, why does it work? And I’m not a proponent of this, by the way, so hold onto my thought here. The reason it works is because most Americans do not have the hormonal ability to burn fat for energy. The one thing I always teach is your cells can only use two things for energy, sugar or fat. Healthy people can use either one. Most Americans are stuck with the inability to utilize fat for energy, and they can only use sugar. That means your body’s either giving you cravings you can’t resist because it needs the sugar, or what is it doing? It’s taking its muscle and breaking it down into sugar, which lowers your metabolism so one of those two things happens. Meanwhile, this fat around here is just building up. No matter what you eat it just keeps building up because hormonally you can’t burn it. So here’s the point I want to make. People that eat smaller meals through the day they actually keep their muscle better. So they’re not constantly breaking down because they’re feeding they’re body because they have no hormonal ability to burn fat. But really, the way the body was designed to work is to build large gaps without food, and your body’s able to utilize its fat stores. For example, at night, when you don’t eat for 14 hours or 16 hours, your body’s burning fat that whole time. That is if you’re cellular healthy, if your cells aren’t inflamed. If you’re hormonally healthy, you’re able to burn fat, burn fat, burn fat, and you wake up literally leaner in the morning. But that’s not most people. Most people can’t do that.

Warren: Most people hearing that, you just tickled their ears with some amazing truth. I mean, I would love to be a fat burner. I would love to wake up leaner. And they’re just not. And that’s why you come here every week you’re going to figure out how to do that. We’re going to go through these systems and try to—we’ll give you good great takeaways every week. But to be a fat burner, to get leaner when you don’t eat, instead of individuals like my mother or like people that no matter what they do, they burn muscle. They get less lean. They gain more fat, and they feel worse about themselves. So our goal, again, is to show you how your body’s designed to work, and help you get there. Being getting leaner, I mean, I just can’t believe how my own body has responded, and it’s taken me years of doing the right things consistently. Absolutely, it takes years to get your life back, but you see massive progress. The Cellular Healing Diet, Dr. Pompa, which is why we have Cellular Healing TV, it’s part of our mantra, our story. Cellular Healing is where it’s at. The Cellular Healing Diet, cellularhealingdiet.com, not .tv, that’s Cellular Healing TV. This is where there’s some confusion happening, actually, Dr. Pompa because everyone’s thinking it’s “.com,” so I’m going to need to do some URL switching. But the Cellular Healing Diet, it is the magic bullet, if there is a magic bullet, with diet because it’s one of the major causes. You’re getting rid of bad fats and sugars. That’s two of the major causes of inflammation. And that hormone disruption that Dr. Pompa was talking about that allows you to come back moving from that sugar burner place back to becoming a fat burner.

Dr. Pompa: And that’s a hormonal thing.

Warren: It is a hormonal thing.

Dr. Pompa: Your body should be able to go gaps without eating five, six hours. Your body—you shouldn’t get—I need to eat. I can’t think. That’s a problem. You’re sick. You’re sick if that’s the case. If you get symptoms after five, six or eight hours without eating and you feel like the world’s falling apart, you have a problem at the cellular level. You have a hormonal problem. You have a cellular problem. So we’re going to keep—we’re going to keep that message going, and I know our time is up. But again, these are some of the myths that we need to break down. I mean, you don’t have to eat every three hours. You don’t have to. If you do, there’s a problem. There’s a cellular problem. This is the root of the problem. Most practitioners, whether it’s allopathic M.D.’s or alternative doctors, they’re not getting upstream to the real cause of why people are sick. Yes, inflammation of the cell, but what’s driving it? What’s driving it? Today, most often it’s toxins. We’re going to start—we want to uncover these things. Listen. Go right now to—because this is really—we have to get you educated through this process. We have an article written about every 5R. Warren can tell you how to access that on the website, but read those articles. Read the articles that we wrote about detox and when detox is dangerous. Read them. Watch the videos. That’s where you start right now through this process. But we have truth, and people need to get educated about it. So alright, well, appreciate it. And Warren, you can sign us off.

Warren: Yeah. Again, Dr. Pompa, thanks for your time. If they want to go read those articles Dr. Pompa just spoke about, you go to drpompa.com, d-r-pom, like the drink pom, pa, p-a, .com. And underneath articles you click on—underneath the resources you can go to article archive underneath the resources, or you can just click on the far right of the page. You’ll see an articles button. You click right there. And then there’s all of our articles, our latest articles. They’re there. We’re releasing a new one next week on Part 3 of Heavy Metal Detoxification Done Right. So Part 3’s going out next week so it will be up there. And then you can also join our email list by clicking the claiming our free ebook, which is the Cellular Healing Diet. I don’t know if there’s any recipes in there Dr. Pompa, but there’s definitely a foods to eat and not to eat. And then there’s the whole concept of the Cellular Healing Diet. It’s a free ebook. It’s like 20 some pages long. So if you put your email address in there, not only will you be on our email address to have these new latest researching articles that Dr. Pompa is putting out there for you guys to educate yourself on truth and things that produce real results in your life, claim your free ebook. But also, right above that, actually, where it says, claim the free ebook, put your email on there but click on articles, and then you’ll be able to scroll down and watch and read all the articles that are on our site. And all the R’s are there, one through R5. Dr. Pompa, we appreciate the time that you put into those articles. I know the people are sharing them like crazy all over the internet. It really is going viral because this is an epidemic and this message needs to be shared, and it’s just going viral out there. So we’re going to continue doing this, transforming lives. Thanks for your time. I’m signing off CellularHealing.TV. We’ll see you next week.